CUN. CHEM. 21/2, 190-194(1975) Comparison of Methods for Calculating Serum Osmolality from Chemical Concentrations, and the Prognostic Value of Such Calculations William V. Dorwart and Leslie Chalmers Sodium, potassium, glucose, blood urea nitrogen, and osmolality were determined for 715 hospital-patient sera. The chemical concentrations were used to calculate osmolalities according to 13 different methods taken from the literature. The goodness of the comparison between calculated and measured osmolality was quite similar for several of the better methods. The agreement was unimproved when molal chemical concentrations were used instead of molar values. The difference between measured and calculated bsmolality was unrelated to whether a patient was discharged from the hospital after a short or long period or ultimately died. The equation we found to yield the most accurately calculated osmolalities is Osmolality 1.86 Na + (Glu/18) + (BUN/2.8) For some ing measured + 9 years there has been interest in comparserum osmolality with osmolality calcu- lated from chemical data on serum. The interest originated partly from a desire to “explain” serum osmolality or to account for the factors producing it and partly from the hope that such comparisons might provide some information of clinical use. Thirteen methods reported in the past for calculating serum osmolalities are given in Table 1. Osmolalities are commonly expressed in terms of total solute activity, although all routine methods of determining osmolality actually measure some property related to solvent activity. Solvent and solute activity may be calculated from each other by using the Gibbs-Duhen equation (14), although this calcula- tion is complex when nonideal solutes are involved. The contributions of various solutes to osmolality are additive and depend on the molal activity of each solute. Nonionic solutes such as glucose and urea have William Pepper Laboratory, Division of Chemistry, Hospital the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Received Aug. 23, 1974; accepted Nov. 5, 1974. 190 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY,Vol. 21, No. 2, 1975 of activity coefficients close to one; hence their contribution to osmolality is equal to their concentration. The coefficients 1/18 and 1/2.8for the glucose and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) terms in the equations of Table 1 simply convert the usual milligrams per deciliter values to millimolar concentrations. The contribution of ionic solutes to osmolality is more complicated because the activities of ions are less than their concentrations and because cations and anions contribute separately. Ionic contributions are not equal to ionic activity because of the complex relationship between solute and solvent activity. Thus, for a univalent ion in a typical serum of ionic strength -‘0.15, the thermodynamic activity is approximately 0.6 times its#{149} concentration, while its contribution to osmolality is of the order of 0.9 times its concentration. The de- pendence of serum osmolality on electrolyte concentration may be considered to be a function of sodium alone, because total anion and cation concentration must be equal and the cation component is mostly sodium. When a coefficient for sodium in the equations of Table 1 is determined by linear regression analysis of experimental data, it generally is found to be somewhat less than 2. This is often rounded off to 2-as in equations 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13-for easy calculation. The constants in some of the equations allow for materials such as P043, S042, Ca2+, Mg2+, creatinine, uric acid, and all the other substances that are present in the serum in low concentration. Lipid and protein are included in these constants because they are present as high-molecularweight species, in low molar concentration. The possible range of physiological variation of these materials is less (in molar concentration) than the error of measuring more concentrated materials such as sodium and urea. The inclusion in the calculating equation of a term for any of the minor constituents (as in equations 10 and 12) is unlikely to produce a noticeable improvement in the agreement of calculated and measured osmolality unless the sodium, glucose, and urea concentrations can be measured with better pre- Table 1. Methods Taken from the Literature Calculating Serum Osmolality Method Reference 1. Osm = 2.1 Na 2. Osm=2Na 1 3. 3 Osm=2Na+7 4. Osm = 2.63 Na - for 65.4 5. Osm=1.86Na+(BUN/2.8)+Glu/18 6. Osm = 1.86 Na + (BUN/2.8) + (GlU/18)+5 7. Osm=2Na+GIu/18 8. Osm = 2 Na + (Glu/18)+ (BUN/2.8) 9. Osm=2Na+(BUN/3)+(Glu/20) 10. Osm = 1.85 Na + 1.84 K + (GIu/18) +(BUN/2.8)+ Ca + 1.17Mg+ 1.15 11. Osm = 1.75Na + (Glu/18) + (BUN/2.8) + 10.1 12. Osm = 2 (Na + K) + (Glu/18) + (BUN/2.8) 13. Osm = 2 Na + (BUN/2.8) died within two weeks. Assessment of this finding is made difficult by the omission from the report of the method used to calculate osmolality. If no term for urea was included, the calculation may simply have been picking out patients in terminal uremia, as a blood urea nitrogen of 140 mg/ dl will elevate measured osmolality by 50 mosmol/kg. 4 If no term could have 5 6, patients dramatic 7 8 9 10 11 4 1f, 13 10 Abbreviations: Osm, milliosmoles/kg (in SI units,moles); BUN, bloodurea nitrogen; glu, glucose. for glucose was included been identifying patients high glucose concentrations. Such patients can be discovered by measuring BUN or glucose, so that an osmolality measurement would add no new prognostic information. Edelman et al. (4) investigated this question and found that the osmolal discriminate could not be used to predict the fate of patients. The matter was reopened by Boyd et al. (20), who used equation 5 for his calculations. Osmolality was measured and calculated for samples taken from 28 patients in hemorrhagic shock from severe trauma. For 16 who survived, the osmolal discriminate averaged 19 ± 2 mosmol/kg. In the 12 patients who died, the osmolal discriminate was 97 ± 20. In an earlier study Boyd and Mansberger cision than is obtainable in a routine clinical laboratory. The only known abnormal serum constituents that can influence those calculations to any extent are foreign materials such as ethanol and methanol. Ethanol at a concentration of 4.6 nil/liter (approximately a lethal concentration) would be expected to and does elevate measured osmolality by 100 mosmol/kg. It has, in fact, been shown that osmometry may be used as a rough measure of concentration for ethanol (15-18). Although osmolality is related to molal rather than molar concentrations, the ready availability of molar values from laboratory data has led to their use by most persons seeking to relate calculated and measured osmolality. In the study of Edelman et al. (4) that produced equation 2, hybrid units were used with sodium in molal concentrations and glucose and urea in molar units, with no explanation of this unusual procedure. In the present study both kinds of units were used, to see whether anything is to be gained from converting all concentrations to molal units. Summarizing thus far: there are several methods of calculating osmolality, and it has not been demonstrated which of these is most effective for serum from a variety of patients, nor has it been shown what concentration units are the most appropriate to use in the calculations. In 1956 Rubin et al. (19) published a very brief report on a study of 250 patients with various diseases. In 172 patients, all of whom recovered, calculated and measured osmolality agreed well. For 78 patients measured minus calculated osmolality [hereafter measured minus calculated osmolality will be called the “osmolal discriminate,” the term used by Boyd et al. (20)] was 40-125 mosmol/kg. All but two of these the calculation with extremely (7) had found no differ- ences in osmolal discriminates when he compared patients who died of hemorrhagic shock with those who survived it. In this same paper Boyd reported a study of dogs that were bled until they went into shock. During shock the osmolal discriminates were increased for all dogs, about 20 mosmol/kg more for those that died than those that recovered. This difference was much smaller than that reported in the Rubin study and the later Boyd study. Previous literature is thus in conflict with regard to the predictive value data of the present this matter further. of the osmolal discriminate. The study were used to investigate Methods Seven conscious hundred fifteen sera were bias during a three-month selected without period from sera submitted to the laboratory for testing by a SMA-6 AutoAnalyzer (Technicon Instruments Corp., Tarrytown, N. Y. 10591). In this system Na and K were determined with a flame photometer, blood urea nitrogen by the diacetyl monoxime technique, and glucose by a copper-neocuproine reducing test. Osmolalities were determined cryoscopically by use of a Model A “Osmette” osmometer (freezing point type; Precision Systems, Inc., Newton, Mass. 02166). For 649 of the samples, water content was determined via weight loss after overnight baking at 100 #{176}C. [Edelman et al. (4) used a three-day drying period, but it was determined in this study that no further weight loss occurred after the first half day.] Of the samples, 554 came from 463 different in-patients whose fate subsequent to taking the samples use of the laboratory computer sus records. The patients were could be followed by and the hospital cengrouped according to whether they (a) were discharged from the hospital alive within two weeks of sample taking (hereafter reCLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1975 191 ferred to as “short-term ill”), (b) were discharged more than two weeks after the sample was taken (hereafter referred to as “long-term in the hospital (hereafter referred Twenty-seven patients, accounting appeared in both the long-term ill”), or (c) died to as “dead”). for 89 samples, and short-term ill groups because they had samples drawn both before and after two weeks before their discharge. No patients in the “dead” group were included in either of the others. By the time the final calculations were done no patients had their fates undecided; either died or been discharged. Molal units were calculated to the following equation from molar Molal = The density 1.02. density of serum X X molar all had according 100 (% H20 by weight) was assumed to be constant at Results and Discussion Osmolalities were calculated according to the 13 methods given in Table 1 and compared with measured osmolality. The calculations were done with use of both molar and molal units and the data of Edelman et al. (4). When we did the calculations by use of equation 10, the calcium and magnesium terms were set equal to a constant 4.0, as calcium and magnesium were not measured in this study. Results of the calculations are set out in Table 2. The calculation methods yielding the best results in terms of the highest correlation and lowest standard deviation of difference are those that include glucose, blood urea nitrogen, and sodium (number 5, 6, 10, 11). Where the coefficients for one or more of these terms were rounded off, the comparisons were degraded equation only marginally such or not at all, so that as 9 is acceptable if one wishes an ease of mental calculation. Inclusion of a term for potassium, as in equations 10 and 12, failed to improve the comparision of calculated and measured osmolality. The correlations between measured and calculated osmolality obtained with Edelman’s data are higher than in the present study. This is mainly because the range of osmolalities in Edelman’s patients, who were specially selected, was greater than in the present study. Edelman’s measured osmolalities averaged 274.3 (SD, 22.75); those in the present study averaged 285.1 (SD, 15.06). When the range of measured osmolality is greater, the correlations of measured and calculated osmolality improve greatly without affecting the standard deviation of differences, which is probably a fairer measure of the validity of the comparisons. It is somewhat surprising that the standard deviation of differences for Edelman’s data is only slightly smaller than for the present data, even though all of Edelman’s values were the average of five separate determinations while in the present study analytical measurements were done only once. This may reflect the increased precision available from modern automated equipment that has come into use since the Edelman study was published in 1958. The standard deviation of differences of -.‘6 achieved with the best calculation methods is approximately the minimum possible, given the present state of routine analytical art. The precision of a single random sodium determination is about ±2 mmol/ liter and that of a single osmolality determination about ±2 mosmol/kg. If the sodium is multiplied by 2 in the calculation the standard deviation of difference of ‘-.‘6 is accounted for even without considering errors of measuring glucose and blood urea nitrogen. Therefore the fact that a calculation can reproduce to ±6 mosmol/kg a measured osmolality indicates that that calculation is accounting for all osmotically active solutes. Table 2. Comparison of Measured Osmolalities with Those Calculated from Equations in Table 1, by Using Data from Edelman et al. (4) and Molar and Molal Data from the Present Study et al. data (n Edelman Meas. Eqn. - - Corr. 1 .732 2 .732 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .732 .732 .969 .969 .763 .967 .965 .970 .969 .969 .954 - mean calcd. diff. -17.9 -4.0 -11.0 -26.2 -6.0 -11.0 -10.5 -25.5 -23.8 -22.3 -0.8 -34.3 -19.0 = 95) Molar units (ii = Corr. Molal units (n X diff. SD diff. Corr. X duff. 16.88 .445 -5.7 13.60 .454 -24.4 16.47 .447 16.47 20.0 6.156.15 15.42 6.88 6.83 6.01 5.85--6.72 7.80 .439 .447 .902 .901 .506 .899 .894 .905 .902 .903 .875 8.0 1.0 13.8 10.3 5.3 0.9 -9.0 -7.6 -1.4 15.5 17.7 -1.8 13.52 13.52 14.28 6.34 6.34 12.85 6.44 6.51 6.24 6.30 6.34 7.14 .454 .453 .454 .898 .898 .510 .895 .890 .900 -9.6 -16.6 -37.1 -7.2 -12.2 -17.2 -27.8 -26.3 -23.9 1.1 -37.1 -20.2 - - “Difference statedas measured osmolality minus calculated osmolality. 192 715) = 649) . SD diff. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1975 .900 .896 .875 SD duff. 13.81 13.67 13.67 14.79 6.68 6.68 13.01 6.91 6.80 6.55 6.55 6.91 7.51 Linear regression analysis was used to find the best coefficients A and B (by least squares) in an equation of the following values type, using from the present study. Osm both A Na + (Glu/18) = The resulting equations molar and + (BUN/2.8) + B were: Correlation For molar Osm values (n 1.86 Na = molal Osm = values + (n 1.50 Na (BUN/2.8) + SD diff. 715) = (Glu/18) + (BUN/2.8) For molal = + + 9 .901 6 36 deviation This study of differences. has failed 6.43 Rubin and Boyd and their coworkers that comparison of measured and calculated osmolalities is a useful indicator of the likelihood of patients to survive. These authors found that in patients who ultimately 647) (Glu/18) 45 + .900 The above equations yielded average osmolal discriminates of zero. Although the equations look rather different, they yield about the same correlations and standard deviation of differences. The equation for molar values is identical to that of Boyd, except for a constant of 9 instead of 5. Edelman’s equation (No. 11 in Table 1), which was derived by linear regression from a mixture of molar and molal concentrations, has a coefficient for sodium (1.75) that is intermediate between those in the two equations above. It seems surprising that molal units do not yield better correlations than molar units. This anomaly is probably explained by the fact that water concentration for most of the samples was restricted to the narrow range of 91-93%, so that molal and molar concentrations were related by a nearly constant factor. Had the study included a number of extremely value in comparing measured with calculated osmolalities. The data are set out in Table 3. The calculations shown were from the equations derived in this study. (When the equations of Table 1 were used, the conclusions were the same.) The three groups of patients had about the same mean osmolal discriminates and standard deviations of differences between measured and calculated osmolalities. The correlations were lower for the short-term ill patients, but this is because the range of measured osmolalities was smaller for this group, illustrating the point made previously that compressing the range of data lowers correl’ttions without affecting the standard lipemic samples with total lipid content of (e.g.) 10%, or myeloma samples with very high paraprotein concentrations, the value of molal units could have been better tested. It is apparent that for the vast majority of patients either system of units may be used with equal practical effect. Examination of the data in terms of eventual fate of the patients showed that there was no prognostic to confirm the findings of died, the osmolal discriminate was as much as 125 mosmol/kg. In the present study it was not outside the range of ± 16 mosmol/kg for any patient. It is difficult to explain or even examine the discrepancies with the Rubin study because the report of that study was so sketchy. The two Boyd studies concerned patients in hemorrhagic shock. In the second (20) the osmolal discriminate seemed to have great predictive value and in the first (7) it did not. Reasons for this discrepancy are not clear, but ingestion of alcohol by some of the patients could have been a factor if a large proportion of the trauma patients appearing at an inner-city hospital (as in the second Boyd study) were inebriated at the time of their injury. It has already been pointed out that ethanol can produce very large osmolal discriminates. In the present study it is likely that few or none of the patients involved were in shock. The same was true of the Edelman study (4) in which the osmolal discriminate was found to have no predictive value. We conclude that it is rare for noninebriated patients who are not in shock to have measured osmolalities that differ by more than 15 mosmol/kg from calculated osmolalities. The predictive value of the osmolal discriminate, if any, is restricted to patients in shock. It has not been determined what might be the extra osmotically active material in the serum of Table 3. Comparison of Osmotal Discriminates for Short-Term Ill, Long-Term Ill, and Dead Patients No. samples .lIolar No. patients Mean meas. osmol. SD meas. osmol. Mean osmolal discriminate SD diff. Con. values Died Short-term iii Long-term iii 76 230 287 44 222 255 285.2 283.7 287.7 18.72 11.34 17.68 1.1 1.0 1.3 6.32 6.39 6.40 .941 .827 .926 76 230 287 44 222 255 285.2 283.7 287.7 18.72 11.34 17.68 1.1 1.0 1.3 7.18 6.08 6.23 .928 .843 .930 .11 olal values Died Short-term ill Long-term ill CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No. 2. 1975 193 shock nates. patients that causes large osmolal discrimiBoyd has suggested that at least some of this material is lactic acid (6). Although does increase greatly in some shock serum lactic acid patients, it seems unlikely that this would be reflected in either calculated or measured osmolality. At physiological pH lactate and other organic acids associated with it are almost entirely ionized. Lactate replaces some of the chloride and bicarbonate in serum so that the total measurable osmotic concentration is not affected so long as sodium concentration is constant. The anions such as chloride, bicarbonate, and lactate are all included in the calculation by way of the sodium term. Although the ratio of small anions to small cations changes in acidosis because of the changing charge of serum proteins, this effect is far too small to account for the observations reported by Boyd. It would seem then that any extra osmotically active substances in the serum of dying shock patients would have to be nonionic or they would have to include large amounts of non-sodium cations. A systematic study (21) of 300 shock patients of all types has shown that potassium and ammonium ions are not likely candidates for the extra cations. Magnesium, calcium, and organic cations have apparently not been studied extensively in shock patients. At any rate, the “extra” osmotically active substance(s) in shock patients must approach a total concentration of 0.1 mol/liter if Boyd’s figures are accurate. Such concentrations are well within the limit of detection of modern means of analysis. A systematic search for these substances could shed some light on the question of whether they actually exist and could possibly provide new insight into the mechanism of death from shock. References 1. Hoffman, W. S., The Biochemistry of Clinical Medicine, ed., Year Book Publishers, Chicago, III., 1970, p 228. 2. Winters, R. W., Disorders of Electrolyte olism. Pediatrics, 14th ed., H. L. Barnett, Crofts, New York, N.Y., 1968, pp 336-368. 3. Jetter, 194 W. 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