Scholars' Mine Masters Theses Student Research & Creative Works 1965 Comparison of measured and calculated stiffnesses for lightweight normal concrete beams Raman Patel Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Civil Engineering Commons Department: Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Recommended Citation Patel, Raman, "Comparison of measured and calculated stiffnesses for lightweight normal concrete beams" (1965). Masters Theses. Paper 5710. This Thesis - Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact COMPARISON OF MEASURED AND CALCULATED STIFFNESSES FOR LIGHTWEIGHT AND NORMAL CONCRETE BEAMS BY RAMAN A. PATEL A THESIS submitted to the faculty of the UNIVERS ITY OF MISSOURI AT ROLLA in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Rolla, Missouri 1965 Approved by ii ABSTRACT This stutiy is a presentation of the finCings involving experimental measurements of stiffness (EI) for different percentages of reinforcement steel in normal and lightweight concrete beams. The experimental values of stiffness are compared with calculated values obtained by applying the standard reinforced concrete theory. The measured values of stiffness ob·tainecl by ·the rotation method are compared with ·those obtained by the deflection me·thod. Of the ~chirty beams that were tested, fifteen were tested for normal concrete and the remaining fifteen for lightweight concrete. Each of these beams were tested at different ages, ranging from seven to twenty--eight days. The test results indicate that the measured values of stiffness decrease wi·th an increase in the bending moment. For noncracked sections the measured values are higher than the calculated values. Best agreement between the theoreti- cal and measured values of EI occurred shortly after the cracked section was formed. The best correlation between the rotation and deflection method for determining stiffness also occurred in this same region. iii ACKNOVV'LEDG.MENT The author is especially grateful to Dr. Joseph H. Senne, Jr., Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department, for his valuable advice and encouragement throughout the course of this investigation. The author is also thankful to Professor James E. Spooner, and the staff of the Civil Engineering Department for their advice and assistance in preparing this research. The author would also like to thank Mr. John D. Smith, the mechanic of the Civil Engineering Department, for his valuable help in this work. The author also wishes to express his thanks to Professor Robert F. Davidson, Chairman of the Engineering Mechanics Departmen·t, and Professor Rodney A. Schaefer for their assistance in the use of laboratory equipment. The author is highly indebted to the St. Louis Slag Products Company, Inc. for providing the Expanded Blast Furnace Slag. In addition, the author wishes to express sincere thanks to the Computer Science Center for use of their facilities in making computations. Finally, the author wishes to express his kind appreciation to graduate students Mr. and Mr. v. v. R. Shah, Mr. Arvind Desai T. Patel for helping in this research work. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT . . . ii ... ... .. ... .. ILLUSTRATIONS ... ... . . ACKNOWLEDGMENT LIST OF iii v LIST OF TABLES . • viii NOMENCLATURE . . ix I. II. III. INTRODUCTION . 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE . 3 EQUIPMENT AND HATERIALS 9 Laboratory Equipment • • • • Materials . . • . . . . Preparation of Specimens . A. B. c. IV. TEST PROCEDURE . c. D. v. VI. VII. TEST RESULTS M~D 13 . 16 Rotation Measurements • . • • Deflection Measurements . Compression Test for Concrete Tension Test for Reinforcement A. B. 9 11 . • . . . • • . . • • . . DISCUSSION 33 CONCLUSIONS RECOMHENDATION . 16 24 26 30 60 ... ..... . . 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY . 63 APPENDIX . 65 VITA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Sieve analysis of fine aggregates . . 12 2 Sieve analysis of coarse aggregates . 12 3 Test specimen loading configuration • 4 Rotation indicator 5 Beam under actual test 6 Crack distribution in normal concrete beams at 28 days . 7 . . • .. 17 . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . 19 . . . . • • • . . • . • 20 Load values for crack distribution in normal concrete beams at 28 days . . . . . . . 21 Crack distribution in lightweight concrete beams at 28 days . . . . . . . . . 22 Load values for crack distribution in lightweight concrete beams a·t 28 days . . . . . . . . . • 23 Load, Shear, and Bending moment diagrams for EI computations . . . . . . • . . • . . • . . 25 11 Stress-strain diagrams for lightweight concrete . 27 12 Stress-strain diagrams for normal concrete. 28 13 Ultimate compressive strength versus age 14 Stress-strain curve for steel reinforcement • 15 Measured and calculated values of EI (E by secant modulus) versus M for normal concrete beams at 8 9 10 17 31 34 Measured and calculated values of EI (E by formula) versus M for normal concrete beams at 7 days. 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured and calculated values of EI (E by lOOOf') versus M for normal concrete beams at c 7 days 18 29 . 7 days 16 .. . . • • . . • . • . • • . • . • . . • . • Measured and calculated values of EI (E by secant modulus) versus M for lightweight concrete beams at 7 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • • . 36 37 vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure 19 Page Measured and calculated values of EI (E by formula) versus M for lightweight concrete beams at 7 days . 20 21 22 . . . . . . • . . • . • . . . • . • 38 Measured and calculated values of EI (E by secant modulus) versus M for normal concrete beams at 21 days • . . • . • . . • • . . • . 39 Measured and calculated values of EI (E by formula) versus M for normal concrete beams at 21 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Measured and calculated values of EI (E by lOOOf~) versus M for normal concrete beams at 21 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . 23 Measured and calculated values of EI (E by secant modulus) versus M for normal concrete beams 42 at 28 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Measured and calculated values of EI (E by formula) versus M for normal concrete beams at 28 days 25 Measured and calculated values of EI (E by lOOOf~) versus M for normal concrete beams at 28 days 26 27 28 29 30 43 ................... . 44 Measured and calculated values of EI (E by secant modulus) versus M for lightweight concrete beams at 28 days . . . . • . • . • • . . • • . • 45 Measured and calculated values of EI (E by formula) versus M for lightweight concrete beams at 2 8 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 comparison between the measured values of EI and the calculated values of EI by gross section method for lightweight concrete at 28 days . 48 Comparison between the measured values of EI anu. the calculated values of EI by gross section method for normal concrete at 28 days . . . 49 comparison of measured values of EI by the rotation and the deflection method versus M for lightweight concrete beam, at 28 days with 3-#3 bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure 31 32 33 34 Page Comparison of measured values of EI by the rotation and the deflection method versus M for normal concrete beam, at 28 days with 2-#3 bars. 53 Comparison between the lower measured values and the theoretical values of EI, considering E by Secant modulus, Formula method and lOOOf' for normal concrete beams, at 28 days with 2~#3 and 4-#3 bars . . • • • . . . . • • . • • • 54 Comparison between the lower measured values and the theoretical values of EI, considering E by Secant modulus, Formula method and lOOOf' for lightweight concrete beams, at 28 days with 2-#3 and 4-#3 bars.. . . • . . . . . • • . . 55 Typical cross-section of beam 65 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Page Various recommended methods of determining moment of inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Concrete mix content 3 Values of modulus of elasticity by different methods for both normal and lightweight concrete 4 13 0 32 Calculated values of EI by different methods for normal concrete beams o 5 6 o o o o o o o o o o 0 58 Calculated values of EI by different methods for lightweight concrete beams 59 6 Properties of normal concrete beams 67 7 Properties of lightweight concrete beams 68 o o o o o o o o ix NOMENCLATURE The symbols used are defined where they first occur in the text and are listed here in alphabetical order for convenience. A s = effective cross section area of reinforcing steel, 2 (in. ) . b = width of test specimen, d = distance from extreme compressive fiber to centroid (in.). of tensile reinforcement, (in.). c = modulus of elasticity of concrete, s = modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel, EI = stiffness of beam, f' = 28-day compressive strength of concrete, I = moment of inertia of a section about the neutral E E c axis, k = (psi). (psi). 2 (lb-in. ). (psi) . 4 (in. ) • ratio of distance from extreme compressive fiber to neutral axis to depth d. L M = = N.A.= n = span of beam, (in.). bending moment due to load P, (lb-in.). or (kips-in.). Neutral axis of beam. ratio of modulus of elasticity (E ) to that of cons crete (Ec) . p = concentrated load on test specimen, t = depth of test specimen, w = weight of the concrete at time of test, cp = average unit angle change, curvature, liB = deflection under load (at point B), (lb). (in.). (pcf). (radians/in.). (in.). 1 I. INTRODUCTION The solutions of statically indeterminate structures, both of normal and lightweight concrete, require the formulation of one or more equations in addition to those of statics. These additional equations are based on the be- havior of the structure under the given loading and support conditions, and contain the elastic properties of the frame, or more specifically, the flexural rigidity EI where E is the modulus of elasticity and I the moment of inertia. The term EI, therefore, is a measure of the stiffness, and always appears in equations for determining the elastic deflection of members. Since E is usually a constant for a given frame, changes in stiffness are due primarily to variations in I which are influenced by changes in the cross section of the member (1). The use of E assumes that analyses obeying Hook's Law are used. Reinforced concrete subject to bending action or compression, in a properly designed member, should possess adequate stiffness to prevent such deflection or deformation as might impair the strength and efficiency of the structure or produce cracks in finishes and in superimposed partitions. In analyzing for moments in a frame, the relative stiffness of members plays a very important role, therefore it is advisable to be sure that appropriate stiffness values are used in frame analysis. Lightweight concrete has been successfully employed in 2 both precast and cast-in-place concrete for many years. In recent years more designers are taking advantage of the reduced weight which permits savings in materials for foundations and load carrying members, the superior characteristics in fire resistance, thermal insulation, and accoustical properties (2). This growing interest in lightweight aggre- gate concrete for structural purposes has created a demand for reliable design data beyond a knowledge of its weight and compressive strength (3). With this in mind, the pres- ent investigation was undertaken to compare the performance of measured and calculated stiffnesses for Reinforced Concrete Beams, both lightweight and normal, so that engineers familiar with standardized structural design procedures woulc have representative values for use with lightweight concrete. 3 II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Reinforced concrete subject to bending action or to compression in a building should possess adequate stiffness to prevent excessive deflections. For a given material the stiffness {EI) is primarily a function of the moment of inertia {I). Methods of computing the moment of inertia suggested in most of the published materials on reinforced concrete are rather varied. Reinforced concrete is usually treated as a homogeneous material by designers when computing moments of inertia. The ASCE-ACI Joint Committee Report (10) suggests that the moment of inertia of flexural members, for purposes of computing the relative stiffness, may be that of the gross cross sectional area of the member. For columns or other compression members the transformed area of the steel reinforcement should be included. The CRSI Handbook (9) recommends that the moments of inertia can be obtained in one of the following two ways: (a) For preliminary computations, use the moment of inertia of the gross outline of the concrete section, omitting the reinforcing steel (MethOQ A, Table 1) • If the same method is applied to all the members, this is fairly accurate. However, in an ordinary continuous tee-beam, there 1s a tee-section near midspan and a rectangular section at either end, and a point of inflection which moves under different loading conditions, so that a high degree of 4 precision is not obtainable. (b) Some designers, feeling that a heavily reinforced beam should have more stiffness than one lightly reinforced, take the moment of inertia of the transformed area (Method B) . There is a question as to whether this method is more precise than A and C. It can be used only after considerable preliminary design to establish all data needed. The British Standard Code of Practice for Reinforced Concrete (11), in Article 506, mentions that for the purpose of estimating the stiffness of reinforced concrete members, the moment of inertia may be calculated using the appropriate modular ratio. In the case of a beam, the breadth of a com- pression slab shall be chosen in accordance with Clause 601 (g) , which refers to the allowable flange width. The method employed in estimating moments of inertia shall be the same for all members considered in any one calculation. The Explanatory Handbook on the B. s. Code of Practice for Reinforced Concrete (11), in Clause 306, recommends that the moment of inertia, for the purpose of calculating bending moments in monolithic structures, can be estimated by considering one of the following: (a) The entire concrete section, ignoring the reinforcement. (b) The entire section including the reinforcement. (c) The compression area of the concrete section, combined with the reinforcement on the basis of the modular ratio. 5 Regardless of the method adopted for the beams, the same method must be used for the columns. Both the ACI Code and the Joint Committee Report recommend that in computing the value of I for relative stiffness of beams, the reinforcement may be neglected; but allowance shall be made for the effect of the flange in T-shaped sections (14). From the above discussion there seems to be a general lack of agreement concerning the best method for determining the moment of inertia and, further, that one may well take his choice as to how he calculates the stiffness of various members of a frame, depending on whose recommendations he follows (see Table 1). Thus it becomes necessary for the designer to know the limitations of the various methods for the handling of moments of inertia and how the calculated values compare to the actual values. There are several methods for calculating Young's modulus of homogeneous elastic bodies which have been applied, rightly or wrongly, to concrete. Among them are the static, flexural resonance and pulse velocity methods. For predicting the deflection of structural members, no particular value of Young's modulus is adequate since the deflection is a function of the duration as well as the magnitude of the load (15). The modulus of elasticity of the concrete must be determined from the average stress-strain ratio of a relatively large concrete mass since concrete is a macroscopic 6 heterogeneous mass composed of rather large aggregate particles embedded in a cement paste matrix (16). Table 1 - Various recommended methods of determining moment of inertia Method A Gross section Source Beam Method B Method C Gross sec·tion with transformed area of steel included. Beam Col. Cracked section with transformed area of steel included. Beam Col. British Standard Code X X or X X CRSI Design Handbook X X or X X Taylor, Thompson and Smulski X X Joint Co:rmnittee Report X ACI Code X or X Col. X X The static modulus of elasticity of both normal and lightweight structural concrete may be approximately determined by the empirical formula: E c = 2 33(W) 3 / If'c Where: Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete, (psi). w = weight of the concrete at time of test, (pcf). f' = 28-day compressive strength of concrete,(psi). c 7 The formula is in excellent agreement with other recognized empirical formulas for normal weight concrete. The value of the elastic modulus is more depencent on the weight of the concrete and the method of test used to determine it than on the compressive strength of the concrete. The reliability of the proposed formula appears to be as good as recognized and acceptable empirical formulas for normal weight concretes (12). Data pertaining to the elastic properties of the lightweight aggregate concretes are much less extensive than those covering compressive strengths. The latter property seems to have been given much greater attention than the modulus of elasticity; and yet from the standpoint of deflection, the elastic modulus is most important. Although this modulus of lightweight concrete is somewhat lower than for conventional concrete, the mechanics of designing most structural members is affected little if any by the higher value of the modular ratio. Deflection, however, is a problem which must be considered (13). In 1964 R. H. Patel (7) performed a series of tests to determine the stiffness o~ lightweight concrete beams. In these tests he found that the stiffness obtained from static flexure tests was less than that obtained using methods A, B or c. His tests were conducted using short beams and load deflections measurements only, thus limiting the range of measurements due to the early formation of shear cracks. 8 By using longer beams and measuring rotation in addition to deflection the author has been able to considerably extend the range of stiffness measurements. 9 III. A. EQUIP~·1ENT AND MATERIALS Laboratory Equipment Two types of electrical sieve shakers were used for screening the coarse and fine aggregate. The larger shaker, a product of Gibson Screen Company, Merser, Pennsylvania, has a set of four woven wire screens, conforming to the ASTM specifications for sieves. The wire mesh screens of 1/2", 3/8", #4 and #8, were used for grading the normal and lightweight coarse aggregates prior to mixing of the concrete. The small Rotap shaker, a product of W. Cleveland, Ohio, which holds six U. s. s. Tyler Company, standard laboratory sieves at one time, was used to determine the fine aggregate gradation. Different sieve sizes were used, depending on the type of aggregate. The concrete mixer used was a stationary, nontilting, electrically-operated mixer, having a capacity of three cubic feet. It is manufactured by Lancaster Iron Works Inc., Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The interior surface was kept very clean, dry and free from any foreign materials before use. Two types of testing machines were used. The first, a Riehle machine, used for compression test of cylinders, had two ranges of 60,000 and 300,000 pounds, and was hydraulically operated. A standard compressometer dial appa- ratus was used to record the deformation of the concrete cylinders. The second, used to determine the tensile 10 strength of reinforcing steel, was a Southwark Compression and Tensile machine having an attached stress-strain recorder. This machine had a range of 0 to 20,000 pounds, and was hydraulically operated. Both of the above testing machines are located in the Material Testing Laboratory in the Engineering Mechanics Department. A Tinius Olsen Hachine was used for testing beams for flexural strength. It is mechanically operated and has a load capacity ranging from 0 to 10,000 pounds, graduated in 10 pound increments. It is located in the Structural Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department. It is manu- factured by Tinius Testing Machine Company, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. Two types of forms were used, one for casting beams and ·the other for cylinders. The forms were made from 3/4 inch plywood and had inside dimensions of 3.5 x 4.5 x 36.0 inches. In all cases the depth of the beams were 4.5 inches. They were kept throughly clean and well oiled be- fore pouring of the concrete. The cylinders were stanaard 6 x 12 inches, made of waxed cardboard with a smooth thin metal bottom. The air entrainment me-ter consisted of a portable device made from alkali-resistant lightweight alloy. It is known as the Acme Entrained Air Meter and is manufactured by E. parts: w. Ziwnennan, Chicago, Illinois. It has three main upper assembly, bowl and calibration cylinder. 11 B. Materials Red Ring 0 Portland Cement, manufactured by the Missouri Portland Cement Company, was used throughout the experiment. The fine a9gregate used for the normal concrete was a river-run sand from the bank of the Meramec River near Pacific, Missouri, containing mostly chert and quartz. A sieve analysis was made using the Rotap machine in accordance with the "Standard method of test for sieve analysis for fine and coarse aggregate," ASTM Designation: C 136-61 (8C). Its specific gravity was approximate 2.46, the absorption 1.6 per cent, and fineness modulus 2.83. The other type of fine aggregate was an expanded slag, produced and supplied by the St. Louis Slag Product Co., St. Louis, Missouri. All parti- cles were angular and had a porous surface texture. The sieve analysis was made in accordance with the standard test for sieve analysis, ASTM Designation: C 136-61 (8C). Both of the above results are shown in Figure 1. The coarse aggregates used for normal concrete were creek grade aggregates from the Big Piney Sand Company, Waynesville, Missouri, and expanded slag of 3/8 inch maximum size for lightweight concrete which was obtained from St. Louis, Missouri. The standard method of test for "Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate," ASTM Designation: C 136-61 (8C), was followed for both and results shown in Figure 2. The results indicate the coarse aggregate meets the grada- tion requirements of ASTM Designation: C 33-61 (8B), for 100- / 80 80 I I tTl I I ·r-f I 60 +J ..c: Il I j I Q) i I i '! I f ;· ~ ~ .Q I I I . I _, 60 I J tTl ______ II I I I ~ I ·r-1 Ul Ul m I 0... I 40 Q) ro +J r--- ,I i I !;' v : /// I 0 ~ Q) . I 20 :I I 1 :--Fine Expanded I I 0 0 .___ ---- - -------- ~ ------- #100 #50 ~ Q) 0... i- / . 40 tTl Natural Sand 20 #30 #16 #8 #4 I _!_ ___ ---- I I I 3/8" / /)/\ Normal : .k~ --s~ag L~ #8 I _____ ..._ ____ . [_______ j __ #4 J 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" Standard square mesh sieves Standard square mesh sieves Figure 1 - Sieve analysis of fine aggregates Figure 2 - Sieve analysis of coarse aggregates 13 gravel aggregate, and ASTM Designation: C 330-60 (8G), for lightweight aggregate. The water used in the experiments was unsoftened tap water from the City of Rolla water distribution system. The reinforcing steel used was a 3/8 inch intermediate grade steel, with a yield strength of approximately 56,810 psi, and with a cross sectional area of 0.11 square inches. C. Preparation of Specimens The program included two type of mixes, one for light- weight concrete and the other for normal concrete, both having a slump of approximately 3 inches. The compressive strength of the lightweight and normal concrete was 6,000 psi and 5,000 psi at 28 days, respectively. The normal con- crete was designed using the Portland Cement Association's pamphlet "Design and control of concrete mixtures" (4), and the lightweight concrete mix was directly taken from u. M. R. Research on "Stiffness of Lightweight reinforced concrete beams" (7). The amount of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water used for each batch of concrete mix is shown in Table 2. Table 2 - Concrete mix content Weight in pounds Ingredient Normal concrete Cement Lightweight concrete 63.0 120.0 Fine aggregate 153.1 145.4 coarse aggregate 173.9 36.0 37.4 60.6 Water 14 Two sets of beams, size 3.5 x 4.5 x 36 inches, were cast in accordance with the nstandard method of making and curing concrete compression and flexure test specimens in the laboratory", ASTM Designation: C 192-59 (SA). One set was for lightweight concrete and the other for normal concrete. Each batch produced about three cubic feet of concrete which was sufficient to make five beams and six standard cylinders. All of the materials, cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water, were weighed on Toledo Scales, accurate to one-fourth of a pound. For preparing the normal concrete, air-dry fine aggregate, cement and two-thirds of the water were first placed in the mixer, after which the coarse aggregate was added. This procedure was used for minimizing the initial bulking of the mixture. The remain- ing one-third of the water was added and the concrete mixed for about two and one-half minutes. For the lightweight concrete mix (3), the aggregate and about two-thirds of the mixing water were mixed for about two minutes; the cement and remaining water were then added and the mixing continued for three minutes. s~x Five beams anG standard cylinders were cast from each mix. Slump tests were made on each batch immediately after mixing and before placing the concrete in the forms. The slumps test, conducted in accordance with ASTM Designation: c 143-58 (8D), gave approximately a three-inch slump in all cases. 15 Air content tests were made on each batch of concrete. Air content tests were conducted in accordance with "Standard method of test for air content of freshly mixed concrete by the pressure method," ASTM Designation: c 231-60 (8F). The unit weight of the fresh concrete was determined for each batch of concrete. The test was conducted in ac- cordance with "Standard method of test for weight per cubic foot of concrete," ASTM Designation: C 138-44 (8H). The beam forms were throughly oiled and the reinforcing bars were properly positioned with steel rebar chairs. The reinforcing bar was clean and free from rust and grease. The concrete was placed in the forms in two layers, rodded fifty times per square foot per layer and the top surface trowelled smooth. The cylinders were filled in three layers, each layer being rodded twenty-five times, struck off and then placed in the curing room at 100 per cent relative humidity and an average temperature of 72 degrees F. The cylinder forms were removed after curing had progressed for twenty-four hours. The beams were kept for twenty-four hours outside the curing room to prevent swelling of the wooden forms due to moisture. A period of twenty-four hours was considered to be the earliest time that the forms could be removed without damaging the beams. curing room. They were marked and placed in the 16 IV. A. TEST PROCEDURE Rotation Measurement The beams were tested in flexure in accordance with ASTM Designation: C 78-59 (8J). A 10,000 pound Tinius Olsen testing machine was used to apply a two-point loading to the beams as shown in Figure 3. a moderate rate. The load was applied at Aluminum plates of 1.5 x 3.5 x 5/16 inch dimensions, were grouted at the points of load and support using plaster of paris. The average unit angle change, ~, or curvature, near the center of the beam was measured by a rotation indicator device (6). This device consisted of four parallel steel lever arms of 1.5 x 1.5 x 3/16 inch angles, placed in the vertical plane symmetrically on either side of the center line of the beam. The relative rotation of these arms was measured by a total of four dial gages, with .0001 inch divisions, mounted on both faces of the beam. The two dial gages mounted above and below the neutral axis, are shown 1n Figures 4 and 5. An initial load of about 500 pounds was placed on the specimen and then released in order to set the zero reading on the dial gages. The load was applied gradu- ally and the corresponding rotation at center noted. The crack-propagations were observed with the aid of a magnifying glass and marked with a pencil as shown in Figures 6 through 9. The curvature, (~), of the beam between the arms was 17 2P (Load Applied By Movable Head of Testing Machine) ~---1-11" ' 7"--1 1.5" 15.~ r- L~o_a_d s_p_r_e_a_d_e_r_s----~------~------~----------------Loading Beam __ u Test slpecimen .~'r-----1-1~ 5.5~ l I 1.5" ~-------16.5'-'------~)~1 Gage I ~---------18.0-"------~>~, II--'"'~------ 3 6 • 0 II ---'--------------.~to--1 I I (syro.) Figure 3 - Test specimen loading configuration 18 Test Specimen Test Specimen Rotation Indicator Angles ~-------- Dial Gages Section B-B Test Specimen i-------4)- I~--+-· X A Bolts ---l 1- ·1----( I ..----tch l I -· L ! I --·-·1-·-. __I L B""----t y I q ~ f==;=::f p- l I I ·-·--"'- ··"""{-- i I ., A Bolts Front View Section A-A Figure 4 - Rotation indicator 19 Figure 5 - Beam under actual test . 20 N04 - No reinforcement. Nl4 - 0.919 % reinforcement , (1-#3 bar} . N24 - 1.876 % reinforcement, (2 - #3 bars} . N34 - 3.052 % reinforcement, (3-#3 bars} . N44 - 3.897 % reinforcement , (4-#3 bars} . Figure 6 - Crack distribution in normal concrete beams at 28 days. 21 ,------ --- ------i \ 0 I ! .---. \ fl. L _ ____________ _____ } - - - • N14 - 0.919 % reinforcement, (1-#3 bar). N24 - 1.876 % reinforcement, • .... o t 2500 3000 3500 4000 pounds pounds pounds pounds o + x " 4500 5000 6000 7000 pounds pounds pounds pounds N34 - 3.052 % reinforcement, (3-#3 bars). N44 - 3.897 % reinforcement, (4-#3 bars). o + x Scale: (2-#3 bars). 4500 pounds 5000 pounds 6000 pounds 7000 pounds • 7500 pounds ~ 8000 pounds o 1" = 8" Figure 7 - Load values for crack distribution in normal concrete beams at 28 days. 22 I r I I 3 LOS - No reinforcement. LlS - 0 . 892 % reinforcement, (1- #3 bar) . L25 - 1 . 872 % r einfo r cement , L35 - 2 . 869 % reinforcement, (3-#3 bars ) . L45 (2-#3 bar s) . 3.840 % reinforcement, (4-#3 bars) . Figure 8 - Crack distribution in lightweight concrete beams at 28 days . 23 ,.--I I I! L- - Ll5 f g ~ -+ Cl 0.892 % reinforcement, ' (1-#3 bar). \ L25 - 1.872 % reinforcement, (2-#3 bars). o + a 2500 pounds 3500 pounds 4000 pounds A • 5000 pounds 6000 pounds L35 - 2.869 % reinforcement, (3-#3 bars). ~I L45 - 3.840 % reinforcement, (4-#3 bars). • o o • Scale: 2500 3500 4500 5000 pounds pounds pounds pounds o A + x 6000 7000 8000 9000 pounds pounds pounds pounds 1" = 8" Figure 9 - Load values for crack distribution in lightweight concrete beams at 28 days. 24 computed by: Where: R1 = the change in the bottom dial reading, R2 = the change in the top dial reading, X = horizontal distance between vertical lever arms, Y = vertical distance between dial gages. Knowing the load and the corresponding curvature and bending moment, the flexure stiffness (EI) was computed by the following formula: EI = M-4> Where: M =bending moment due to load P, (lb-in.), 4> = curvature, (radians/in.), EI =stiffness of the beams, B. 2 (lb-in. ). Deflection Two deflecting dial gages, graduated in 0.001 inch divisions, were installed symmetrically on both sides under the load applied on the beam as shown in Figures 3 and 5. In order to give a smooth contact for the dial gages, plaster of paris was applied to the concrete surface at the points of contact. A load of 500 pounds was placed on the specimen and then released in order to set the zero reading of the dial gages. The load was applied gradually and corresponding deflections under the load were noted. tinued until failure occurred. The test was con- 25 ~ 2P (Load) 0 f- (a) Load diagram. (b) Shear diagram. (c) Moment diagram. c B X l .. L/3 _J_L/3 --........;...--L/3 IP 1 p p,_l_ _ _ _ __J Formula: Where: Figure 10 t:J.x (3LX - 3X 2 = PL/3 6EI 2 L /9) t:J.B 2 PL = 18EI (L2 - L /3 L !:J.B = 162 EI 6. = deflection at distance X from support, X 5PL3 2 /~) I I . p = concentrated load on test specimen, (lb) L = span of beam, (in.) , t:J.B = deflection at point B, (in.) , EI 2 = stiffness of beam, (lb-in. >. - 1 Load, Shear, and Bending moment diagrams for EI computations. 26 Knowing the load, the corresponding deflection and the bending moment the flexural stiffness (EI) was computed by a standard deflection formula, EI = 5 P (L) 3 162 Where: P ~B = concentrated load on test specimen, L = span of the beam, ~B C. = (lb), (in.), deflection at point B, (in.). Compression test for concrete The cylinders of both the lightweight and the normal concrete were capped with a sulphur compound and tested at ages of 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, in accordance with the Standard method of tests for compression strength of molded concrete cylinders, ASTM Designation: C 39-61 (8E). They were tested in a hydraulically operated Reihle Universal Testing Machine. A standard compressometer was used to ob- tain the stress-strain diagrams as shown in Figure 11 for lightweight concrete and in Figure 12 for normal concrete. The static Young's Modulus of Elasticity for each cylinder and an average static E for each batch, at the ages tested, was computed. The static E determined was the secant modulus at 45 percent of the ultimate compressive strength. The ul- timate compressive strength with respect to age is plotted in Figure 13. The static modulus of elasticity of both normal and 27 ---t----+-----!---1-~·----i : : : t--l: . I /I / I~ !I ----~~ -~-___..--+--LI-tL---~~-------;1 4.0 ! . U) U) ClJ H +J 3.0 U) ClJ ::> ·rl U) U) ClJ H 0. 8 0 u 2.0 v 7 days e 14 days a 28 days 1.0 0 0 1.2 .8 Unit strain, thousandths of •4 . 1. 6 in./~n. Figure 11 - Stress-strain diagram for lightweight concrete 2.0 28 5.3r:--------r--------r--------r-------~--------1 1. 1 1 ! 5.0~---------~------~~------~--------~--------~ . ·.-1 (f) ~ . (f) (f) Q) H 3.0 -!-) (f) Q) :> ·r-1 (f) (f) Q) H ~ ~ 0 u 2.0 () lt. 0 • 7 days 14 days 21 days 28 d.ays I I .I I! 1.0 0~------~--------~--------~--------~--------~ 1.2 2.0 .8 .4 0 Unit strain, thousandths of in/in.Figure 12 - stress-strain diagrams for norma.l concrete. 29 7.0 ·r-i Ul I I . -L--- I 5.0 ~~-~6 I ----t~---l ~ I , .. 4.0 i ..1' ',: I ~----~------~--~~--~~------4-------~----~ l / I ", .' I ~----j----J..---- 3.0 '1 l/ I,' I' 2. 0 _/f 1 t 1 I l I I l I I 1 r-- 1.0 t I I I I 1-----+--.JH--~-' \ I I : I / l I . , I r·-----+----· \ I Normal concrete Lightweight concrete 'i ! I OL-----~------~----~------~-----L------J 0 5 10 20 15 Age in days 25 30 Figure 13 - Ultimate compressive. strength age 30 lightweight concrete was determined by the empirical formula ( 17) E c = 33 X w3 / 2 If'. c X Also the static modulus of elasticity for normal concrete was calculated by the formula (1) E c = lOOOf I c • The results are shown in Table 3. D. Tension test for reinforcement Tension tests on six test specimens of reinforcing deformed bars were made. The stress-strain diagram was drawn to compute Young's Modulus of Elasticity for the reinforcing steel as shown in Figure 13. stress was found to be 56,810 psi. An average yield An average value of static modulus of elasticity for the reinforcement was found to be 28.7 x 10 6 psi. 31 80 ~---- . ·-. --· -·-···· ·----:---------r-------r . I . . I I I II l, ' 70 ;-------+-··------"- 60 -d----....----->------:1-----t----~-----+----------,----< . i 50 Ul Ul I i : ____ -!I___ :______ • -- ----- ____;,,_. _______--.,..-.. ~ 40 t---~--- j 1 I ___ i _1__1 ' ' : : : I ; -----+----~----4-- ' ..jJ Ul Q) ....-i ·r-1 I I Ul I !=: ~ 30 1_ _ _.......__ __.__ _- - i - - - "'---1 ---~-- I I I l 20 . i ~--4------r---~-----~-----~------~---------------~---~ ! I I i 1 i t-l 10 I. 6 = 28.7 X 10 psi s f = 56,810 psi y E T I I !I 1 0 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 . . 07 .08 .09 .1 Unit strain, in./in. Figure 14 - Stress-strain curve for steel reinforcement. Table 3 - Values of modulus of elasticity by different methods for both normal and lightweight concrete. Type of concrete Ages in days Weight in pcf Air content per cent/volume Secant modulus @ .45f' -6 c (10 psi) By empirical formula ( 10-6 psi) By lOOOf' c (lo-6 psi) Normal 7 144 1.375 4.594 3.134 3.022 Normal 14 144 1.425 5.687 3.548 4.100 Normal 21 144 1.125 5.843 3.927 4.740 Normal 28 144 1.500 5.960 3.992 4.900 Lightweight 7 118 6.125 3.617 2.991 Lightweight 14 118 6.000 4.091 3.137 Lightweight 28 118 6.500 4.107 3.355 w N 33 V. TEST RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 13, illustrates graphically, the gain in ultimate compressive strength with respect to time in days, for both the normal as well as lightweight concrete. The increase in the ultimate compressive strength for the first few days was found to be greater than that for the later days; the slope of the lightweight concrete being steeper than that of the normal concrete for the first few days. Figures 15 through 27, illustrate graphs of the EI in lb-in. 2 versus moment in kips-in. for the twenty five beams tested; the curves represent the measured values of EI. The upper values of EI are compared with the values of EI obtained using the gross section with transformed area of steel (Method B) • The calculated values of E were obtained in three different ways, (a) Secant modulus (considering experimental stress-strain curves of concrete) at 0.45f', c (b) Formula method and (c) lOOOf~. The lower values of EI have been compared with calculated values of EI for a cracked section with transformed area of steel (Method C). In this case, the different values of E were obtained by using methods (a), (b) and (c) for the normal, and (a) and (b) only for the lightweight concrete. The four curves in each of the graphs, obtained by plotting EI versus M, represent the varying percentages of steel for same age of concrete. Figures 30 and 31, show typical examples of a comparison between the measured values of EI by the rotation and the 34 240 200 j=--&- l--·-1 t---A-180 - - - - - - - - N.A. ~ -0- ~ Method B. 160 ~ 0 e' N . c e • "" 1-#3 bar. 2-#3 bars. 3- #3 bars. 0 4-#3 bars. Value of EI from rotation measurement. ----Calculated value·of EI. - - The first visible crack. ·r-i I ..a ,...; H IJ;:I i 100 +-1 II I \ 80 .-1 I 60 ~fl . -6--- 40 --e---- ----- --- ~---- ~ ' --A - - - - - -- - - ---------- ~ L-o---- 20 -- D . Method --o----------N.A. c. 0 ~------~----~~----~------~-----~------~---~ 60 50 0 20 30 40 10 Moment, kips-in. Figure 15 - Measured and calculated values of EI {E by secant modulus) versus M for normal concrete beams at 7 days. 35 180 160 ---· 140 . N l:: - - -f--- Method fi. 120 ·r-1 I ..0 e • 1-#3 bar. 2-#3 bars. A 3-#3 bars. · o 4-#3 bars. Value of EI from rotation measurement. ---calculated value of EI • ~ The first visible crack. r-1 1.0 lo r-1 100 X .. 80 60 -·--- -€)?--- ---- 40 ------.----- .__O __ 20 N.A. Method c. 0 ----- 0 10 20 40 30 Moment, kips-in. . -·50 -------· 60 Figure 16 - Measured and calculated values of EI (E by formula) versus M for normal concrete beams .at 7 day~. ( 36 • 1-#3 bar. 11 2-#3 bars. A 3-#3 bars. 0 4-#3 bars. -Value of EI from rotation measurement. ---Calculated value of EI. ---The first visible crack • 180 160 . 1::: ·r-1 I ,.Q rl ---A-I I H 100~ I r.Ll . -. -·-.-."""" ·- N. A. II I 80 I 1 r Method B. I ! I I I ; r~~~~~ 60' 40 ------0---------A---- F---- ----------- __0.-N.A. 20~--- Method C. I I ol0 -------G---- u:z:z:z: J----~--~--~----~--~~ 50 60 20 30 40 10 Moment, kips-in. Figure 17 - Measured and calculated values of EI (E by lOOOf') versus M for normal concrete beams at 7 days. c 37 200:-----r-----r----~-----.-----.----~~~ :--a----i 180 ·-: ---- l I --N.A. ! I Method B. r 160' I 140 (_ . s:: N -e---- t --A---i ·r-l I bar. bars. bars. o bars. Value of EI from rotation measurement. --- Calculated value of EI. ~ The first visible crack. • • • I .0 r-1 12oL ~ lo r-1 1- -G----- X 100~\~ 1-#3 2-#3 3-#3 4-#3 J soL I I I' 60 l - _______ _..,.... ____ -----_ 1 _....(;).._ !:.I :2: : :::. 40f- L-o---- ----------- -- I i 2 0 i=----11- - - - --0---N.A~-~- • I I l 0 Method --------- c. -----L----_J-----~----~----~----~--~ Ll 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Moment, kips-in. Figure 18 - Measured and calculated values of EI {E by secant modulus) versus M for lightweight concrete beams at 7 days. ( 38 200 180 160 -------140 . N • 1-#3 bar. • 2-#3 bars. • 3-#3 bars. 0 4-#3 bars. --Value of EI from rotation measurement. ---Calculated value of EI. -- The first visible crack. ~ ·r-i I ..0 r-l 120 1..0 lo r-l H •' 100 N.A. rx:l .. Method B. 80 60 :::2-------:.. ::_-_- 40 20 __O __ Method 7-o---'----- N.A:----:...- --:--- c. 0 ~------~----~~----~~----~------~------~--~ 30 40 20 50 10 0 60 Moment, kips-in Figure 19 - Measured and calculated values of EI (E by formula) versus M for lightweight concrete 7 days. ( 39 r-·--·- 320 f-0- --- 265 t-;;: --·- 250 r~...l..' ... ~ ~ . I J- ~ I I __,,.... ,--. -~·--- .... T ---1 _y .:... f-- I 1 iI • I I I I ! ,\ 160 I : e • 1-#3 bar. 2-#3 bars. A. 3-#3 bars. 0 4-#3 bars. Value of EI from rotation measurement . ---Calculated value of EI. -+-The first visible crack. : f\ . ~ ·r-1 . I . I I 140 I \ ~~ ~ .--l \ l\ \0 lo .--l I -!- · ...0 120 II I l : G> N .L I -- LA,- - - 230 ; 180 T I -i \ ~ \ \ 100 i ____,I \ ' I __ 0 __ \\ I so \ \ rL--\ "-, I ...... zzzzza a '. / • ----.' ! ~A-A i ~ -, irc---- ~~ I -·- --€)--.-- - - - - - - : --ii -.-,-- -.-- - : ' - - -·---·--- --··-:~ I -·--------- --- --,.;. --l 20 r-l. ..!... T I 0 0 : I . L--- \ )·~ 40 ; , I N.A. Method C. \" kr-·-~ 60 t-- tr;=:; I 10 20 40 30 Moment, kips-in. 50 60 Figure 20 - Measured and calculated values of EI {E by secant modulus) versus M for normal concrete beams at 21 days. ( 40 200r------.-------.------,-------.------,------~--~ - -{)-- 1aa I r~ I I 160 --f----1--- N.A. Method B. F\--- .1 . r~ -A- I 140 . N ..0 r-1 ~\~ -G1.. \\ 120 • 1-#3 bar. 2-#3 bars • .._ 3-#3 bars. 0 4-#3 bars . Value of EI from rotation measurement. --- Calculated value of EI. ~ The first visible crack. 0 \ a \\ \\ \\ ~ ·r-i I ;' 4 ')•. \\ I : \\ i \\\ . H 100 ril L~ \\ ! \\\ 80 '--- \\ \ I . 60) \ 1-G- --. 40 r"--- \'A~ .... ~ 1-·-~• __ 0 __ N.A. - wztzzzzzzztztnllzp• Method c. --e---------- -...a.-- ----------- r- ~----- -------------- l-..--- -·------------ 20-11, l o~----~--~----~~----~~----~--~---1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Moment, kips-in. Figure 21 - Measured and calculated values of EI (E by formula) versus M for normal concrete beams at 21 days. ( 41 i 245 .J..t== -o200 - - - - - - - N.A. l80 Method B . . • 1-#3 bar. • 2-#3 bars. A 3-#3 bars. 0 4-#3 bars. -- Value of EI from rotation measurement. ---calculated value of EI. --The first visible crack. c ·r-1 I ..0 r-i 'Po r-i 120 H J:il .. I I 100 __o __ 80 CIZ?222?2??222 Method 60 40 N.A. 0 c. -0---------llr----------- ~=~- ------:- __. ....._..._ 20_~---. -··- -e----------lT oTL-----L-----L----~----~----~----~~0 10 20 30 40 Moment, kips-in. 50 60 Figure 22 -Measured and calculated values of EI (E by lOOOf') versus M for normal concrete beams at 21 days. c 42 340 If=-Y--!X ~--- 2701 230 200 k--- -- f--- --N .A. I-A--- 180 "· Method B. 160 • • N 1-#3 bar. 2-#3 bars. A 3-#3 bars. G 4-#3 bars. Value of EI from rotation measurement. --- Calculated value of EI. -- The first visible crack. 140 120 100 __ 0 __ 80 l' 1 2 2 2 Z I 2 Method N.A. ?) c. ---0---------- 60 ----1!.----·------ -b.--- ---·------ --- 40 --·-- 20_r -------- 0~----~~----~------~~----~------~------~--~ 0 10 20 40 30 Moment, kips-in. 50 60 Figure 23 - Measured and calculated values of EI (E by secant modulus) versus M for normal concrete beams at 28 days. 43 210 L t---~- I __ j__ 18010\ I r .\ Method B. r---·\--a-- 1 160 ' 0---~ \ ; ~ .I 140 ::.::.---' I I . N ~ I I • 1-#3 bar. 2-#3 bars. 1t. 3-#3 bars. o 4-#3 bars. -Value of EI from rotation measurement. ---Calculated value of EI. -- The first visible crack. ---..t.·- r-l 1 •. I 120 I. r-l ·. • ~. \ \\ 'Jil\ I ! I I • • I l-->~\ \ .a b \----e- ' 1 •..-I I \0 ---N .A. \ \ I I 100~ j I I J I ! aoL I I I i I 60~ ! H3---- ' I I 40 -~--A'-ll---1-e--- 20 Method c. OL-------~------~------~------+-------~--------~~ ·a 10 20 30 40 Moment, kips-in. 50 60 , Figure 24 - Measured and calculated values of EI (E by formula) versus M for normal concrete beams at 28 days. 44 270 [ ___ .., t_--;5- 210 l 180 -+---- -- N .A. T-----0i \ 160 Method B. L_L4ro--~. 0 $\ \ \ . N J::::: ·r-i I 140 ., ...0 ..-1 1.0 I I >_ I ' II '', \ o 1-#3 bar. • 2-#3 bars. 4 3-#3 bars. O 4- #3 bars . -- Value of EI from rotation measurement. ---Calculated value of EI • -- The first visible crack. ' 0 ..-1 120 H ~ I I 100 80 I I L __ 0·-N.A. q; zpzz;zz z zauJtl Method c. 60 ! -0--- l ---0--------- A--- - - --- - - - - - - - - I :--G---- ---o---------- --A---------- 40 ..___ '--Q--- 20 t! o.T~----~-----~----~--~----~----~~T 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Moment, .kips-in. Figure 25 - Measured and calculated values of EI (E by lOOOf~) versus M for normal concrete beams at 28 days. 45 N . ~ ·r-i I • • 120 ..0 r-i .A. 0 'Po r-i 100 X '! H """'+-- ~ .. U) U) 1-#3 bar . 2-#3 bars . 3-#3 bars. 4-#3 bars. Value of EI from rotation measurement. Calculated value of EI. The first visible crack I I I I I .I l I 80 (j) ~ I !,..._ I ' 4-l 4-l ·r-i i I +l til I 60 1f--0---- I --o------ i --A------- f---Lk--- 4o ___J --G------- F--I I __ Q __ N~;------- r----20 ! Method c. O.L-------L---------------'--------~--------L------~---~ 0 10 20 30 40 Moment, kips-in. so 60 Figure 26 - Measured and calculated values of ,EI (E by secant modulus) versus M for l~ghtweight concrete beams at 28 days. ( 46 2001 1 180~--~ ------- - - -- -- -- - -- N. A. I Method B. 160L 140 . N ----o---- ------ c ·r-1 I ..a ,..., 120 H 100 ~ _'_:_ - - - - ----0-....... - - - - - - - - -- 11 1- #3 bar. e · 2-#3 bars. J A. . 3-#3 bars. 0 ."4-#3 bars. -- Value of EI from rotation measurement. ---Calculated value of EI. --The fiirst visible crack. -~-----~ 40 ' 20 ~· ·----1:1--- --A------- --e-------- . .:__0__ :~:~--------I .l "" lllli!ill Method c. I 0~------~-------~---------~---------~--------~--------~~ 50 60 30 40 0 20 10 Moment; kips-in. Figure 27 - Measured and calculated values of E~ (E by formula) versus M for lightweight concrete beams at 28 days. ( . 47 deflection method. Figures 28 and 29 show typical examples of a comparison between the upper measured values of EI and the theoretical values of EI by. gross section (Method A) . Figures 32 and 33 show typical examples of a comparison between the lower measured values of EI and the theoretical values of EI, considering values of E by (a) Secant modulus, (b) Formula method and (c) ~ges and lower percent~ges lOOOf~ under the higher percent- of steel. The stiffness of the normal as well as the concrete beams increase as t he age increases. lightwe~ght At early ages initial cracking appeared at low values of moment, whereas at the twenty-e~ghth higher moment values . normal as well as the day initial cracking occurred at This applies equally well to the lightwe~ght concrete beams. In general, it was noted that in all cases the diffe rence between the "high " and "low" values of EI increased as the percentage of steel decreased. This differ ence narrows down in the case of higher percentages of steel . Thus it can be said, that the stiffness of a beam for a low percentage of steel woul d vary more with respect to moment than for a beam with a higher percentage of steel . In all cases , the stiffness of the beam decreased as cracking increased. F~gures 6 thro~gh 9 show t hat , when a flexure c rack in a beam occurs, it is rapid. trates relatively deep into the beams. decrease in the stiffness. It also pene- This causes a sudden 48 180 r------,-------,-------.------~------~------~--, 111 G • o I I 140 L_ 0 . N c .,..., 1- #3 bar. 2-#3 bars. 3-#3 bars. 4- #3 bars. ~ The first visible crack --- Value of EI from rotation measurement. ---Calculated value of EI by (E by secant modulus) -·-·-Calculated values of EI (E by formula) 160 '· 120 I ..0 r-i --o------- 1.0 lo r-i - -c------- 100 0 - _ , - --- - - - · - - - - - - -- --·-8-·-·-·-·:. -· -e--· - · -· -· H ~ -·-A·-·-·-·- -·--·-·-·-·- 0 40 I i I f J 1 _ : 20 I 0 ~----_i_ _ _ _ _ __ L_ _ _ _ _ _J-------~------~----~--~ 0 10 20 30 40 Moment, kips-in. 50 60 Figure 28 - Comparison between the measured values of EI and the calculated values.of EI by gross section method for lightweight concrete at 28 days. 49 200 180 o 1-#3 bar 11 2-i*3 bars. A. 3-#3 bars. o 4-#4 bars. ~ The first visible crack. - - Value of EI from rotation ~easurement. Calculated value of EI by (E by secant modulus)· Calculated values of EI (E by formula) -·-· Calculated value of EI (E by lOOOf~) 160 140 . N c ·r-l I ..Q ~"""-! 120 0 Ia ....-l H 100 lil 60 40 20 ~ I I I' I 0 I 0 10 20 30 40 Moment, kips-in. 50 60 Figure 29 - Comparison between the .measured values of EI and calculated values of EI by gross section method for normal concrete at 28 days. 50 A comparison between the lower values of EI obtained by using net section with transformed area of steel (Method C) and the measured values of EI seems to indicate a pattern, such that the differences between the two fall in approximately the same range for different age of beams with the same percentage of steel. A comparison between the calculated values of EI (E calculated by different methods) for gross section with transformed area of steel, and the measured values of EI in the uncracked section, indicates a rather erratic pattern. However, this could be due to experimental error; since it is difficult to take accurate readings at the lower values of moments. Table 4 shows the calculated values of EI obtained by the gross section (Method A), the gross section with transformed area of steel (Method B) , and the cracked section with transformed area of steel (Method C) , where the modulus of elasticity is based on (a) 0.45f', (b) by formula, and c (c) lOOOf~ for the normal concrete. Table 5 shows the calculated values of EI by the same methods as above, where the modulus of elasticity is based on (a) 0.45f~, and (b) by formula for the lightweight con- crete. The values of EI by the gross section with transformed area of steel using E as calculated by the formula method, are more in agreement with the experimental results than 51 using measured values of E taken from experimental stressstrain curves at 0.45f~. The values of EI by the gross section (Method A) is less than the values of EI obtained by the gross section with transformed area of steel (Method B). With respect to the uncracked values of EI, the method B is conservative. The cracked section values of EI obtained by using net section with transformed area of steel (Method C), compare favorably with those obtained from experimental results. The results of the tests for the normal concrete show that, of the three theoretical methods available for determining EI, E computed by lOOOf~ seems to be the most satisfactory for higher percentages and by the secant modulus for the lower percentages of steel. The values of EI considering E computed by the secant modulus is higher, and E by the formula method is lower than E by for any percentages of steel. lOOOf~ For the lightweight concrete E computed by the formula method seems to be the most satisfactory for higher percentages, and the secant modulus for lower percentages of steel. In all cases the values of EI consid- ering E computed by the secant modulus method are higher than those by the formula method for any percentages of steel. Figure 25 shows that the maximum values of EI for the uncracked section apply over a small range of moments especially in beams with small percentages of steel. Figures 30 and 31 show that, the upper values of EI by the deflection method are somewhat higher than those obtained 52 180r------r----~r-----~----~------------- 160 (\)._0 \ \ \ \ \ 140 ® \ \ . s:: N 120 ·r-1 I ..Q ~ 100 \D I 0 ~ >< H ~ .. 80 • Rotation Method • Deflection method -+-The first flexure crack ~-The first shear crack --Computed EI using Gross section with E taken as the tangent modulus from the actual stressstrain curve. (/] (/] Q) s:: 4-1 4-1 ·r-1 60 ~ til 40 20 0 ~------~------~------~------~------~------~ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Moment, kips-in. ~igure 30 - Comparison of measured values of EI by the rotation and the deflection method versus M for lightweight concrete beam, at 28 days with l-i3 bars. 53 200 ~ '~ 180 '' \ G. \ \ \ 160 0 \ ,o \ . N c ·.-i \ \o 140 I -• r-1 \0 120 I 0 r-1 X H ~ .. Rotation method Deflection method The first flexure crack --<--The first shear crack ---computed EI using Gross section with E taken as the tangent modulus from the actual stress-strain curve • A ..a 100 A Ill Ill Q) c 4-l 4-l ·.-i 80 +J Cll 60 I ~ l I I __J I .)..., 0 T 0 10 30 20 40 Moment, kips-in. 9) 60 Figure 31 - Comparison of measured values of EI by the rotation and the deflection method versus M for normal concrete beam, at 28 days with 2-#3 bars. 54 8 Q ~-----··· ---- A \\ I 60 N ~0 .\ --0---- -- .. --a---- f-0·-- ~ ·r-i I ..0 ·<> -- -- -<>· - - __ --0---- r-1 ~ I 0 r-1 -o-_.,.,_ 40 - - u-.- - - - --+---- ~-- H J:il -o-Values of EI from 4-#3 bars I -A-Values of EI from 20 2-13 bars o , o Calculated values o,• Calculated values c / • Calculated values ~The first visible rotation measurement for . r II I rotation measurement for of EI, E by :~:2cant modulus of EI, E by Fo~mula method of EI, E oy lOOOf~ method crack I I I 0 ~i__________L----------4-----------L----------~--------~ 0 10 20 30 Moment, kips-in. 40 50 Figure 32 - Comparison between the lower me&sured values and the theoretical values of EI, considering E by Secant modulus, Formula method and lOOOf' for normal concrete beams,·at 28 days with 2~#3 and 4-#3 bars. 55 ~ I . N 1:: •r-i I --o --0----- - -<>- -- --<>------ .0 r-1 1.0 I 0 r-1 X I 40 - --c--- _] --~---j -e-Values of EI from 4-#3 bars 20. -.t.- Values of EI from 2-#3 bars o , a Calculated values 0 1 + Calcula·ted values --+---The first visible rotation measurement for rotation measurement for of EI, E by Secant modulus of EI, E by Formula method crack QL---------~--------~----------~--------~----------~ 0 10 20 30 40 50 Moment, kips-in. Figure 33 - Comparison betwee n the lower mea sured values and the t~ eoretical values of EI, considering E by Secant modulus, Formula method and lOOOf' for lightweight concreta beams, at 28 days with 2-#3 and 4-#3 bars. L 56 by the rotation method but are in reasonable agreement. It is believed that any difference is due to variations in fial gage readings, since at the early stages of loading very small readings were recorded. Calculations in6icated that for a moment of 2.75 kips-inches an error of 0.001 inch in deflection produced an error in stiffness of 20 x 10 6 poundssq. inches. In addition an error of 0.0001 inch in rotation under the same moment produced an error in stiffness of 7 x 10 6 pounds-sq. inches. In both methods, at the working moment of 27.5 kips-inches under the above mentioneu conCitions an error in stiffness was produced equal to 0.5 x 10 6 and 0.05 x 10 6 pounds-sq. inches,respectively. The values of EI from point A on the graph to the point of the first flexure crack by both methods are very nearly identical. Further, it shoulC be noted that the measured values of EI by the rotation and deflection methoC after the working load is reached tend to diverge. This is due in part to excessive centerline deflections caused by shear cracks occurring near the supports. From the above discussion it can be seen that the measured values of EI by the rotation and the deflection method are equivalent except at high values of moment. In addition Figures 30 and 31 show the calculated values of EI based on gross section using E calculated as the tangent modulus from the experimental stress-strain curve. It can be seen that these curves, while higher, follow the 57 same general shape as the experimental curves for stiffness. From Figures 15 through 29, it can be concluded that in all cases EI increases with an increase in the percentages of steel. Table 4 - Calculated values of EI by different methods for normal concrete beams Age in days Numbers of #3 bars EI b~ formula (10- lb-in.2) Method EI by secant modulus (lo-6 lb-in.2) Method A B c A B 81.19 324.9 c EI b* 1000 f' (lo- lb-in.2) Method A B 79.29 313.2 c 7 0 119.1 476.2 7 1 116.2 241.0 23.0 79.30 150.0 21.0 76.47 143.0 21.0 7 2 120.5 208.9 40.0 82.21 130.2 35.3 79.27 125.0 35.0 7 3 120.5 188.2 53.0 82.21 120.0 46.0 79.27 115.0 45.6 7 4 122.1 180.0 59.0 83.30 116.0 50.4 80.32 111.0 49.7 21 0 143.0 572.0 96.14 384.4 21 1 145.2 318.1 23.9 97.61 194.0 21 2 145.2 266.0 40.9 97.61 21 3 150.7 248.0 56.9 21 4 150.3 232.0 62.8 28 0 153.7 707.3 28 1 166.3 343.0 25.0 28 2 148.1 272.0 41.0 28 3 138.8 202.0 45.9 28 4 153.1 229.0 60.9 116.1 464.0 22.0 117.9 246.3 22.9 161.5 36.0 117.9 204.5 38.6 101.3 153.0 49.0 122.3 192.0 53.1 101.0 144.0 53.9 122.0 181.0 58.5 102.9 473.7 126.4 581.4 111.4 208.1 23.0 136.7 270.0 24.2 99.22 165.8 36.7 121.8 214.0 39.0 92.96 124.0 40.0 114.1 159.0 42.9 142.0 52.0 126.0 181.0 56.2 U1 102.7 co Table 5 - Calculated values of EI by different methods for Age in days Numbers of #3 bars lightwe~ght concrete beams. EI by Secant Modulus ( lo-6 lb-in. 2) Method (A) Method (B) 7 0 90.69 364.0 7 1 96.12 188.2 7 2 85.25 7 3 7 EI bt formula (10- lb-in.2) Method (C) Method (A) Method (B) Method (C) 75.01 303.0 23.0 79.49 150.1 22.0 138.8 33.9 70.50 111.4 31.9 89.15 132.3 46.4 73.75 107.2 43.0 4 93.01 110.0 48.3 76.91 90.4 44.8 21 0 103.35 414.0 84.53 338.0 21 1 90.99 232.7 24.8 74.32 180.8 23.7 21 2 172.7 37.2 83.83 135.0 34.9 21 3 149.6 46.8 76.74 118.0 43.4 21 4 152.0 54.8 86.32 120.1 50.3 102.7 98.37 105.7 60 VI. 1. CONCLUSIONS The lower experimental values of EI, compare favor- ably with those obtained by the cracked section analysis including the transformed area of steel (Method C) • The results of the tests for normal concrete indicate that, of the three theoretical methods available for determining EI, E computed by lOOOf~ seems to be the most satisfactory for higher percentages and the secant modulus for lower percentages of steel. For lightweight concrete, E computed by formula seems to be the most satisfactory method for higher percentages, and secant modulus for the lower percentages of steel. 2. The measured stiffness of EI for lightweight con- crete is less than that of normal concrete for equal percentage of steel and approximately the same strength. 3. The values of EI obtained using gross section analysis with transformed area of steel using E as calculated by the formula method, are in closer agreement with the experimental results than those obtained by considering the other values of E, as calculated by the secant modulus and the lOOOf'c method. 4. The measured values of EI decrease as the bending moment increases, and the rate of change of EI decreases noticeably after first cracking occurs. s. The values of EI increase as the age increases. 61 6. The measured values of E increase as the ultimate compressive strength for the normal as well as the lightweight concrete increase. 7. The precision of experimental values of EI based on equal dial_ gage readings up to the working load as obtained by deflection measurements is better than those obtained by the rotation method. Near maximum loading EI as computed by deflection measurements tend to degenerate due to the formation of shear cracks, therefore the rotation method is superior in this range. 62 VII. RECOMMENDATION The author would like to recommend that an additional investigation be conducted in determini~g experimental values of EI for beams, having different percentages of tension and compressive steel. The study should be made for both normal and lightweight concrete having the same compressive stre~gth havior of each. in order to compare more accurately the be- 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bill G. Eppes, Comparison of measured and calculated stiffnesses for beams reinforced in tension only. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, 56: 313-325. 1959-60. 2. D. W. Lewis, L~ghtweight concrete made with expanded blast furnace slag. Journal of the American concrete Institute, 55: 619-633. 1958-59. 3. J. J. Shideler, Lightweight-aggregate concrete for structural use. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, 54: 299-328. 1957-58. 4. Design and control of concrete mixtures, Tenth edition, · Portland Cement Association, Chic~go, Illinois . 5. Phil M. Fergus9n, Reinforced concrete fundamentals with emphasis on ultimate stre~gth. ' John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1963. 6. Paul George Hayes, The plastic behavior of beams with butt welded connections, Thesis, University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallu!gy, Rolla, Missouri, 1964. 1. R. H. Patel, Stiffness of lightweight reinforced concrete beams, Thesis, University of Missouri at Rolla, Rolla, Missouri, 1964. 8. ASTM Standards, Part-4, 1961. A. Standard method of making and curing concrete compression and flexure test specimens in the laboratory. 728-733 . B. Specification for concrete aggregate (Tentative) . 504-509. .. . c. Test for sieve or screen analysis of fine and coarse aggregates (Tentative) . 585-587 . D. Test for · slUmp of Portland Cement Concrete. 790-791. E. Compressive strength of moulded concrete cylinders. 721-723 . F. Air content of freshly mixed concrete by the pressure method. 695-701. G. Specifications for lightweight-aggregates for structural concrete ~Tentative). 5~2-529. H. Standard method of test for weight per cubic foot of concrete. 689-691. · J . Standard method of test for flexural strength of concrete (using simple beam with thirdpoint loading). · 734-736 . 64 9. R. c. Reese, CRSI Design Handbook, second edition, Concrete Reinforci~g Steel Institute, Chicago. 1957. 10. Report of the joint committee on standard specifications concrete and reinforced concrete. Journal of the American Concrete Institute. 36: 249-251. 1940. 11. Scott, w. L . , Glanville w. H., and Thomas E. G., Explanatory handbook on the code of practice for reinforced concrete. Second edition. Concrete Publications Ltd., London. 1950. 12. Adrian Pauw, Static modulus of elasticity of concrete as affected by density. Journal of the American concrete Institute, 57: 679-687. 1960. 13. Ralph 14. Continuity in concrete building frames, fourth edition, Portland Cement Association, Chicago, Illinois. 1959. 15. R. E . Philieo , Comparison of results of three methods for determining Young's modulus of elasticity of concrete. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, 51: 461-469. 1954-55. 16. Teddy J. Hirch, Modulus of elasticity of concrete affected by elastic moduli of cement paste matrix and aggregate. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, 59: 430-434. 1962. w. Kluge, Structural lightweight-aggregate concrete. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, 53: 383-390. 1956-57. 65 APPENDIX Sample calculations: r b -Compression area of concrete t • Transformed area of steel, nA8 • Figure 34 - Typical cross-section of beam. EI based on method (A) : I 1 = 12 I = E = 3 bt ; = b 3. 5", 1 I2 ( 3. 5) ( 4 • 4) 3 = 3.992 x 10 6 t = 4. 4" (from Table 6) • 4 2 4 • 8 5 in. psi, (from Table 3). / EI = (24.85) (3.992) (10) 6 = 99.22 X 10 6 lb-in~ EI based on method (B) : 3 I=~ kd) 2 + (n-1) (As) (d-kd) 2 12 bt + bt(t2 d = (4.40 - 1.05) = 3.35 in. As = pdb = ( • 0 18 7 6 ) x 10 E = 3.992 = Es/Ec = ( 6 ( 3 • 3 5) (3 • 5) 11!11 . psi, as above. 28.7 X 106 3.992 X 106 = .7 .19. 0 • 22 • 66 Taking the moment of the compression area and that of the transformed area of axis (5), (See reinforci~g F~gure steel, about the neutral 32) yields, (bkd) (kd) = (n • A ) • (d-kd) , 2 s and k = Substituti~g 2 [2np + (np) ] 1/ 2 - np . the values of n and p in the above equation yields, k = 0.4016. Substituting the known numerical values in the equation I= 2 2 3 ~bt + (bt) (~- kd) + (n-1) (As) (d-kd) 1 yields, I= 41.56 in . 4 2 and EI = (3.992) (41.56) (10) 6 = (165.85) (10) 6 lb-in. EI based on method (C) : substituting the numerical values in the above equation, 4 I= 9.19 in. and EI = (3.992) (9.19) (10) 6 = (36. 71) (10) 6 lb-in. 2 67 Table 6 - Properties of normal concrete beams. ?\ge in days Numbers of #3 bars b (in.) t (in.) d (in.) 7 p 3.50 4.462 4.462 7 1 3.50 4 . 427 3.377 7 2 3.50 4.480 3.430 7 3 3.50 4 . 480 3.430 7 4 3 . 50 4.500 3 . 325 21 0 3 . 50 4 . 378 4.378 21 1 3.50 4 . 400 3.350 21 2 3.50 4.400 3 . 350 21 3 3.49 4.460 3.410 21 4 3 . 50 4.452 3.277 28 0 3.50 4.668 4.668 28 1 3 . 50 4.470 3.420 28 2 3 . 50 4.400 3.350 28 3 3.48 4.150 3.100 28 4 3.50 4.400 3.225 Note: b = width of the specimen, t = depth of the specimen, d = distance from extreme compressive fiber to centroid of the tensile reinforcement. 68 Table 7 - Properties of Age in days Numbers of #3 bars l~ghtwe~ght concrete beams. b (in . ) t (in.) d (in.) 7 0 3.50 4.414 4 . 414 7 1 3.50 4.500 3.450 7 2 3.46 4.340 3.290 7 3 3.44 4.415 3.365 7 4 3.50 4.450 3.275 14 0 3 . 50 4.460 4 . 460 14 1 3.50 4.500 3.450 14 2 3.48 4.434 3.384 14 3 3.50 4.415 3.365 14 4 3.50 4.400 3.225 28 0 3.50 4.421 4.421 28 1 3.50 4.573 3.523 28 2 3.50 4.408 3.358 28 3 3.48 4.354 3.304 28 4 3.50 4.450 3.275 Note: b = width of the specimen, t = depth of the specimen, d = distance from extreme compressive fiber to centroid of the tensile reinforcement. 69 VITA Raman A. Patel was born on May 16, 1940 in Saijpur, Gujarat State, India, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ambalal B. Patel. He re.c eived his primary and secondary education in the Local Board School, Saijpur and D. N. H~ghschool, Anand, India and. graduated in June 1957. In June 1957, he entered Siddharth College of Arts and Science, Bombay, India and passed Inter Science in June 1959. In June 1959, he entered Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya (Engineeri~g Coll~ge), Vallabh Vidyanagar, India. ceived his Bachelor of Engineeri~g D~gree i~g He re- in Civil Engineer- from Sardar Vallabhbhai Vidyapeeth (University), Vallabh Vidyan~gar, India in June 1963. After his. graduation from coll~ge he joined The PASK Corporation Private Limited, Engineers and Constructors, Calcutta, India and worked for one year as a Junior Engineer in the design office. He enrolled at the University of Missouri at Rolla, Rolla in September 1964 to work towards his Master of Science Degree in Civil E~gineering. He is a member of the American Concrete Institute and ASCE.