issue 01 - Schreder

issue 01
At Urbis, we work in partnership with our customers to help them select the most appropriate lighting
solution for achieving their specific objectives. These might include lowering energy consumption, reducing
life time costs or reaching a required minimum lighting level.
Along with our new range of LED products, we are continuing to add to our range of lighting design services such
as our new ‘energy saving calculator’. With public sector cuts about to really bite into
our industry, the Urbis offering gives our customers the opportunity to identify how they
can provide the best possible service to their end users at the lowest life-time cost.
Please do feel free to contact Ashley Armstrong at if you
have any feedback or ideas for articles you would like us to include.
Robert Bennett
Sales & Marketing Director
Welcome to Issue 01 | 11 – we hope you enjoy it.
[ news in brief ]
Nano receives additional LED photometry›
03 Urbis scoops lighting award
03 How changes to energy tariffs might impact on the cost
Our popular Nano LED luminaire
effectiveness of energy saving measures
04 Urbis delivers a gold medal winning lighting solution in
photometry range continues to
Waltham Forest
expand with new cool white light
05 Urbis delivers unique lighting solution for Liverpool
options, giving the user a wider
regeneration scheme
range of lighting solutions.
06 Senso provides high quality lighting in Middlesbrough
08 Beka illuminates world cup stadia in South Africa
Urbis expands luminaire range with CDM-T
Elite lamps›
09 Urbis - giving our customers the power to reduce their
energy consumption
10 Urbis - helping customers tackle their lighting issues
For high wattage white light, a choice of 215W and 310W Philips
11 Blaenau Gwent Council’s night time switch off
CDM-T Elite lamps are now an option. Photometry is available for our
Evolo 3, Sapphire 2, Aledo and Large Frogner luminaires using this
light source.
Senso 1’s new photometry range›
The range of photometry for our Senso 1 now includes cool white light
options, which are particularly suitable for S4 and S5 lighting classes.
New Northern office›
...we decided to
switch to a high
quality white light
solution to make the
streets more inviting
at night...
Our Northern Regional Office has relocated
from Bradford to Leeds. Joe Brook heads
up the team, which provides a wide range
of design services to our customers in
this region.
Geoff Cubbins,
Senior Lighting Engineer | 2020 Liverpool
issue 01
For more on these develo
contact Urbis on: 0125 pments,
6 354446
1 | The Schréder Group’s functional Hestia luminaire at the approach
route for the Moses Mabhida stadium in Durban, South Africa.
2 | Furyo luminaire used by 2020 Liverpool.
[ company news ]
[ technical update ]
Urbis scoops lighting
How changes to energy
tariffs might impact on
the cost effectiveness of
energy saving measures›
We are delighted to announce that we are the
joint winners of the 2010 ASLEC-HEMSA
luminaire manufacturer of the year award. This
follows our success in winning this title in 2008.
Our Sales and Marketing Director, Robert Bennett,
collected the award on 2nd December 2010 at the
ASLEC - HEMSA AGM, in front of an audience
of some 360 attendees from across the
With Local Authorities (LAs) seeking ways to
reduce their energy costs, what are the energy
suppliers’ views? We spoke with James Everley,
account manager for Power Data Associates,
about the likely implications if suppliers do
choose to alter their tariffs.
James explained, “currently most LAs pay one
fixed rate for their supply. By switching off for
part of the night they save this amount, but this
is also the cheapest time for suppliers to buy
the energy.”
“As more LAs switch off and dim lights, suppliers are more likely to
introduce part night, or dual rate tariffs. Typically that would be one
rate for midnight to 7am and one rate for 7am to midnight, and
...this award is a real recognition of all the
hard work that Urbis’ employees have given
to putting their customers first...
Gareth Pritchard
Chief Executive of ASLEC and HEMSA
Gareth Pritchard is the Chief Executive of ASLEC and HEMSA and
would result in the same overall average p/kWh rate. So, if an
authority started switching off or dimming between midnight and
7am, then their savings would be much lower than with a fixed rate.
Currently there are only a handful of LAs on part night or dual rate
tariffs and it is not yet widespread.”
Unfortunately, there is no way of predicting when tariff changes will
he commented, “this award is given on the basis of feedback
James commented, “although tariffs may change in the future, it is
provided by our members against a set of defined criteria. As
still worth LAs reducing energy consumption as they will still save
Urbis are a member of HEMSA, they already meet the high
money and carbon. However, they may need to factor into their
standards required of our organisations and their quality products
financial plans that it may not be the full fixed p/kWh rate that they
have a well established track record.”
currently pay.”
“To be one of the nominated organisations from a list of 40 is an
Power Data Associates are the largest Meter Administrator in Great
achievement in itself. To actually win this award is a real
recognition of all the hard work that Urbis’ employees have given
To find out more visit:
to putting their customers first.”
We shared this award with Simmonsigns.
A full version of this article is available to download from our website.
1 | Manufacturer of the Year award.
issue 01
[ case study ]
Urbis delivers a gold
medal winning lighting
solution in Waltham
...During the Games we
will need to provide a very
high level of light, which
Urbis’ twin optic solution
allows us to achieve...
The London Borough of Waltham Forest is carrying
out significant improvements to its street lighting
stock on important highway routes leading into
the main Olympic site in Stratford. We have played
a key role in helping them to achieve this objective.
Chris Warner,
Public Lighting Manager | Waltham Forest
Chris Warner, Public Lighting Manager for
Waltham Forest explained, “as a host Borough
for the Games, we have received funding for a
programme of public realm improvements in the
region of £8 million to make the area’s streets
safer, more vibrant and attractive.”
“Three manufacturers put their proposals forward and the Borough’s
project board decided that Urbis’ bid most effectively met the design
criteria for the schemes. They also liked the style of their Evolo and
Paseo luminaires.”
Along Ruckholt Road, leading directly to the main Olympic site, you can
find our sleek Paseo luminaire, fitted with twin optic 140W Cosmo
lamps. For other main routes, we supplied our highly rated Evolo
luminaires, equipped with single 140W Cosmos.
The high quality photometric performance of the units ensures the clean
white light is spread evenly along the roads, which helps make the
movement of large numbers of people safer.
Chris said, “the new luminaires are fitted with the Harvard LeafNut
system, which allows us to tightly control the lighting levels. During the
Games we will need to provide a very high level of light, which Urbis’
twin optic solution allows us to achieve. However, after the games, the
LeafNut system allows us to lower the lighting levels and make
significant long-term energy savings. It’s the ideal solution.”
A full version of this article is available to download from our website.
1 & 2 | The new scheme in action.
issue 01
Note: This scheme is also featured on the front cover.
[ case study ]
Urbis delivers unique
lighting solution for
Liverpool regeneration
...we decided to
switch to a high
quality white light
solution to make the
streets more inviting
at night...
Our Furyo luminaire has played an important role
in improving the environment and image of the
Baltic Triangle area, located in the vibrant
‘creative quarter’ of Liverpool’s city centre.
Geoff Cubbins is a Senior Lighting Engineer for
2020 Liverpool, which is Liverpool City Council's
partner for the delivery of highways and public
realm services. He told us, “as part of a coordinated city wide approach to street furniture
design, we developed some bespoke items for
the area. These are influenced by the city's
‘Mercantile’ bollard and we worked closely with
the Council and Urbis to develop a prototype
and final solution. These ‘Mercantile’ kits are
located near the base of each column and stand
out as a unique feature of this scheme.”
Geoff Cubbins,
Senior Lighting Engineer | 2020 Liverpool
"The existing luminaires with their SOX and SON lamps were not
providing adequate lighting levels, so we decided to switch to a high
quality white light solution to make the streets more inviting at night.
It was also important to select a luminaire that looked aesthetically
pleasing and which will help improve the overall feel of the area.
Urbis’ stylish Furyo luminaire ticked all the boxes.”
We supplied 2020 Liverpool with 41 Furyos, which are equipped
with 140W Cosmo white light lamps, mounted at 10m using the
stylish Flo bracket.
Geoff commented, “we are delighted with the Furyo’s aesthetically
pleasing lines, which help enhance the day time appearance of the
public spaces. From our experience of Urbis products, we also knew
the Furyo would deliver high levels of photometric performance. It
has not let us down.”
1 | Furyo luminaire with Flo bracket.
2 | Baltic Triangle regeneration scheme.
Note: This project was funded by HWDA and ERDF in partnership with LCC, 2020, D Morgan Plc and
Liverpool Vision.
issue 01
[ case study ]
Senso provides high
quality lighting in
Rob Warner, a Lighting Engineer with
Middlesbrough Council, has undertaken a lighting
comparison scheme using our new Senso LED
luminaire along one of the main routes leading to
the Sandy Flatts residential estate.
...Urbis’ Senso is one of the more
powerful LED options available
in road lighting and offers
excellent photometry...
“This scheme was installed to provide a direct
comparison between existing lighting types
such as SON and SOX lamps and a LED
solution, on a S3 lighting class road. We
wanted to demonstrate that LEDs can reduce
our carbon footprint, whilst maintaining high
quality lighting levels.”
Rob Warner,
Lighting Engineer | Middlesbrough Council
We supplied seven Sensos, each fitted with 62 warm white LEDs,
mounted on 6m columns. These were put up alongside the existing
70W SON and 55W SOX lamps to allow a fair comparison of the
lighting levels.
Rob said, “Urbis’ Senso is one of the more powerful LED options
available in road lighting and offers excellent photometry. If we were
to light this stretch of road from new using the Sensos, it would
reduce the number of luminaires by around 15%, in addition to a
25% saving in power consumption, whilst still maintaining the lighting
class level. The fitting also looks like a traditional street lighting
luminaire, which made it ideal for blending into this residential area.”
Uniquely, our Senso is equipped with the new OrientoFlex® system,
allowing us to optimise the number and configuration of LEDs to suit
the users’ requirements and generate energy savings.
Rob commented, “over fifty people have now seen the switch over
demonstration live and all the reaction is very positive. We have made
some initial energy savings by switching over to LED luminaires, but
the whole life carbon footprint of the scheme should be drastically
issue 01
1 | Senso luminaire.
2 | Sandy Flatts approach route BEFORE new scheme.
3 | Sandy Flatts approach route AFTER new scheme.
...the whole life carbon
footprint of the scheme should
be drastically reduced...
Rob Warner,
Lighting Engineer | Middlesbrough Council
issue 01
[ case study ]
Beka illuminates World
Cup Stadia in South
Our sister company, BEKA (PTY) Ltd, played a
vital role in delivering the lighting for two new
showpiece stadia used during the 2010 FIFA
World Cup. In order to highlight the main
architectural feature of both structures, BEKA
supplied their newly developed LEDbeam. The
impact it creates is truly spectacular.
The main feature of the Moses Mabhida stadium in
Durban is the magnificent arch that spans the
entire stadium, measuring 106m at its highest
point. The arch needed to be dynamically lit with
controlled white light and produce various eye
catching lighting effects.
To achieve this effect, BEKA supplied their LEDbeam, mounted
along the top edge of the arch. The solution incorporates over
14,000 LEDs, making it the largest LED project in the southern
The focal point of the Green Point stadium in Cape Town is the
smooth, waveform design of the balustrade for the public seating’s
uppermost rows. The key lighting challenge was to achieve a uniform
level of luminance around the underside of the stadium’s compression
ring, which sits above the balustrade.
BEKA supplied 432 of their 1.8m long LEDbeams, whose special
lenses allow the light to be precisely controlled. By fitting a special
LEDtube between these units BEKA delivered the optimal lighting
solution, which highlights the stadium’s unique structure magnificently.
The use of LEDs also provides a low maintenance solution as the units
have an estimated 50,000 hour lifetime.
The Schréder Group’s functional Hestia luminaire was also chosen as
the best option to provide high quality lighting levels for the
surrounding public spaces and approach routes for both stadia.
issue 01
1 | The Schréder Group’s functional Hestia luminaire at the approach route for the Moses Mabhida
stadium in Durban, South Africa.
2 | Evening shots of the stunning Moses Mabhida stadium and its approach route.
Note: BEKA (Pty) Ltd is a Schréder Group company.
[ company news ]
Urbis - giving our customers
the power to reduce their
energy consumption›
Our new energy saving calculator helps customers
assess the impact of balancing their costs against
lighting levels.
lifetime costs against appropriate illumination levels.”
With an increasing focus on lowering energy
consumption and carbon emissions, lighting levels
are coming under greater scrutiny. Our Engineering
Director, Nigel Townsend, explained, “with street
lighting budgets under increasing pressure, Local
Authorities have to focus on the specific requirements
of each site and quickly assess their options when
considering the lighting level they want to achieve.”
calculator, it quickly indicates which technology options should be
“The industry is increasingly choosing to reduce lighting levels and on a safe,
LED solution offers the greatest energy saving benefit. However, in
quiet residential road this may be a good pragmatic view as long as the
some situations the calculator has shown that LEDs are not always
minimum lighting level is maintained. But in certain areas, such as at busy
the most appropriate choice for a particular scheme.
road junctions or areas with high crime rates, the need to maintain current
Scheme calculations are carried out by our sales and technical
standards makes it difficult to see quickly which options are most practical.”
teams, so call us on 01256 354446 if you want to find out more
“The challenge for designers and specifiers is to provide the specific
about this new service.
To help lighting engineers further, we have developed an energy saving
Nigel commented, “once the details of a scheme are entered into the
investigated more fully in order to achieve specific objectives, such as
lowering energy levels. You can see from the table below that this is a
step forward in the process of driving costs down.”
The table shows the results from our energy calculator. We have
chosen a simple residential lighting scenario, currently lit using a mix of
LPS and HPS lamps, to show the differences when switching over to
a more modern HPS lamp or LED alternative.
This example is based on a real life scenario and highlights that the
lighting levels they actually need and not take a blanket-approach using
the highest levels. The aim is to achieve a balance of energy spend and
A full version of this article is available to download from our website.
Luminaire specification & lamp types
4 x 55W LPS
4 x 70W HPS
Urbis Evolo
7 x 70 W HPS
Urbis Senso
7 x 48 LED
Typical column spacings
LPS – 30m
HPS – 35m
HPS – 40m
LED – 40m
Indicative lighting level
Scheme energy consumption - kWh pa
Scheme CO2 emissions - kg pa
Scheme running costs - £ pa*
Scheme energy cost - % savings against current
Scheme CO2 emissions - % savings against
current scheme
* Assumes electricity costs of 8.1p per kWh
issue 01
[ technical update ]
Urbis - helping
customers tackle their
lighting issues›
With budget cuts looming, many local authorities
are already moving towards part night dimming or
switching street lights off between midnight and
dawn. But will these decisions potentially lead to
an increase in crime levels?
Over the last 15 years, a number of studies have
been published concerning this topic, including
the 2008 Campbell review. To date, the research
concludes that improved street lighting levels
often lead to a decrease in crime and can be very
effective in some circumstances, particularly when
used in conjunction with other initiatives.
For example, a recent scheme using our Sapphire luminaires has
reduced light spillage and made an estate in the London Borough of
...98% of residents now feel safe
after dark following the
installation of the new lighting...
Denise Hill,
Electrical Services Manager | Hackney Homes
Hackney feel much safer at night. The original 100W SON lamps on
the Datchler Estate in Hackney were leaving much of the ground in
relative darkness, due to high spillage levels.
Denise Hill, Electrical Services Manager for Hackney Homes,
commented, “we decided to use Urbis’ Sapphire, fitted with 70W
CDO-TT lamps, as it would provide the lighting levels we wanted to
achieve for the estate.”
“A survey also revealed that 98% of residents now feel safe after dark
following the installation of the new lighting. Given all the positives, we
will definitely be using this approach on other estates.”
Our approach is to work with customers to make case by case
decisions when looking at budget saving measures and the impact
these have on end users. We see high quality white light as an effective
and low cost method for tackling crime hotspots, although that
doesn’t mean that high lighting levels are required on every scheme.
issue 01
1 | Views of the Datchler Estate BEFORE new scheme.
2 | Views of the Datchler Estate AFTER new scheme.
[ case study ]
Blaenau Gwent
Council’s night time
switch off›
...having full control over every
lamp allows us to deliver the
best possible service and reduce
energy costs...
Ken Weeks, Blaenau Gwent Council’s Street
Lighting Manager, explained how their new
street lighting strategy resulted in big savings in
electricity costs over the last year.
Ken Weeks,
Street Lighting Manager | Blaenau Gwent Council
“In early 2009, we developed options for
reducing our street lighting energy bill. As half
of our street lighting stock is fitted with a
remote monitoring system, we calculated
approximate savings of £180k per year if we
turned these lamps off between 1am and
In June 2009, after consulting with numerous organisations, the
Council’s Executive Committee gave permission to turn off the
remote managed street lights between 12am and 5.30am. Only
those luminaires illuminating high priority areas were left on, such as
main traffic junctions.
Ken said, “after little public reaction during the summer, we had
substantial feedback later in the year from residents requesting the
street lights to be turned back on. The decision was made in
October to immediately switch back on all the street lights in
residential areas to run on their original timings.”
“We then decided that the best approach was to switch off every
other light and residents were consulted on their views. To maximise
long term energy savings, the remainder of our street lighting stock
was fitted with remote monitoring equipment.”
The Council is now operating three separate systems, the Harvard
Leafnut, Mayflower and Telensa. As our luminaires can
accommodate all these systems, it gives the Council more flexibility
where our products are installed.
Ken concluded, “having full control over every lamp allows us to
deliver the best possible service and reduce energy costs. Since
adopting this new approach, we have had very few complaints.”
A full version of this article is available to download from our website.
1 | Furyo, Blaenau Gwent.
issue 01
Copyright Urbis Lighting Ltd 2011 | Editor Ashley Armstrong: