J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 DOI 10.1007/s10846-013-9970-z Persistent UAV Service: An Improved Scheduling Formulation and Prototypes of System Components Byung Duk Song · Jonghoe Kim · Jeongwoon Kim · Hyorin Park · James R. Morrison · David Hyunchul Shim Received: 11 September 2013 / Accepted: 17 September 2013 / Published online: 12 October 2013 © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013 Abstract The flight duration of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is limited by their battery or fuel capacity. As a consequence, the duration of missions that can be pursued by UAVs without supporting logistics is restricted. However, a system of UAVs that is supported by automated logistics structures, such as fuel service stations and orchestration algorithms, may pursue missions of conceivably indefinite duration. This may be accomplished by handing off the mission tasks to fully fueled replacement UAVs when the current fleet grows weary. The drained UAVs then seek replenishment from nearby logistics support Parts of this paper are reprinted from the paper of the same title in the 2013 Proceedings of the International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS’13), May 2013. The work reported here has been supported in part by KAIST HRHRP grant N10120008 and by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Basic Science Research Program grant 2013012292. B. D. Song · J. Kim · H. Park · J. R. Morrison (B) · Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST, 373-1 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Korea e-mail: james.morrison@kaist.edu URL: http://xS3D.kaist.edu J. Kim · D. H. Shim Department of Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, 373-1 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Korea facilities. To support the vision of a persistent fleet of UAVs pursuing missions across a field of operations, we develop an improved mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model that can serve to support the system’s efforts to orchestrate the operations of numerous UAVs, missions and logistics facilities. Further, we look toward the future implementation of such a persistent fleet outdoors and develop prototype components required for such a system. In particular, we develop and demonstrate the concerted operation of a scheduling model, UAV onboard vision-based guidance system and replenishment stations. Keywords Persistent UAV service · Scheduling for persistence · Vision-based guidance systems · Replenishment stations 1 Introduction Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be employed as a perimeter patrol, security escort, communication relay, environmental monitor and fire monitor. All of these application missions would be significantly enhanced by UAVs that exhibit persistence—the capability to be available for long or indefinite durations of time. While highcost military UAVs such as the Predator can operate for as long as 24 hours, commercial and practical UAVs are not as capable. A system 222 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 of UAVs, a planning module, automated UAV guidance systems and replenishment stations can enable persistent operation. A vision-based (possibly coupled with GPS) guidance system may enable outdoor operation. We envision a system that operates as follows; refer to Fig. 1. Customers submit requests for UAV service to the central planning module and provide their intended space-time trajectory. We assume that at least one UAV must be present on the space-time trajectory at all times (thus, it may be several UAVs that execute the mission, each of which serves a portion of the path). During service, a weary UAV may hand-off the mission to another UAV and seek succor at a nearby service station. A planning algorithm such as a mixed integer linear program (MILP) determines the UAV schedules and service station activities. The automated service stations provide automatic recharge or replacement service to enable a persistent UAV workforce. The guidance system directs the UAVs on their paths based on the directives received from the planning module. For outdoor operation, vision-based UAV localization is used. Wireless communications are employed by the system to direct all activities. Toward such a persistent service system, we: • Develop an improved MILP formulation of the persistent UAV scheduling problem. It Customer information UAV schedules Central planning by MILP Web or smart phones Automatic control UAV guidance system Feedback Tracking Customers UAVs Automatic replenishment Replenishment stations Fig. 1 UAV service system • • • requires less computation than that of [1] and will serve as the planning algorithm. Develop a prototype vision-based guidance system that directs the UAVs to perform their tasks and guide the UAVs to the service stations according to the schedule generated by our MILP. Develop automated service stations to recharge a UAV upon landing. Integrate these components into a functioning system and develop a demonstration of the system in operation inside a building on the KAIST campus. Note that as our ultimate goal is to deploy such a system outdoors, the vision-based guidance is an essential component (the typical IR camera systems used for UAV localization methods in lab environments are difficult to deploy outside). While the systems we deploy are far from robust and require development in several directions, this represents the first effort to deploy a persistent system of UAVs using onboard vision-based control and guidance supported by service stations spread across a field of operations. It represents a step toward the use of low cost UAVs to provide persistent service outdoor. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review related UAV scheduling and implementation literature. Section 3 develops the new MILP formulation. The prototype automated UAV guidance system and service stations are introduced in Section 4. Experiments to demonstrate the efficiency of the improved MILP are given in Section 5. There, we also discuss the integration of the system components and demonstration of the concerted operation. Section 6 provides concluding remarks. 2 Literature Review Scheduling research on UAVs focuses on three classes of models: uncapacitated, capacitated and persistent. We discuss each of these next, followed by work related to implementation (such as service stations and computer vision methods for UAV and target localization). J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 Scheduling research on uncapacitated UAVs does not consider a maximum traveling time or maximum traveling distance. Such models have been used in the context of UAVs for the battlefield [2]. In [3], a nonlinear mathematical model was suggested to assign multiple UAVs to simultaneously perform cooperative tasks. There, a genetic algorithm was employed to obtain solutions. In [4], Alighanbari and How introduced a decentralized task assignment concept for the scheduling of UAVs. They argue that centralized task assignment for a fleet of UAVs is often not practical due to communication limits, robustness issues and scalability. Scheduling research on capacitated UAVs allows for limited flight duration or distance. In this case, the UAVs should finish their tasks before their fuel source (e.g., a battery) is depleted. Some of this research employs extended versions of the vehicle routing problem. In [5], the UAV scheduling problem was formulated as a vehicle routing problem with time windows. There is a single take-off and landing depot and the UAVs may have different travel time capabilities. Tasks are defined by their location, required service time and time window. The objective was to minimize the total time for all UAVs to cover all jobs. Multiple home bases with different locations have been studied in [6]. The authors developed a MILP scheduling model for a system of capacitated UAVs. Each UAV is forced to return to its home base. There are n tasks and m UAVs, each with a capacity limit q. A MILP to minimize the operation time and risk is developed. Alidaee et al. [7] improved on the model in [6] to reduce the number of variables and constraints and increase the efficiency of the MILP model. The scheduling of UAVs for persistent operations can be accomplished with the support of logistics service stations. In [8–10], the concept of using a multiport replenishment station at a single location was studied and mathematical formulations developed. Valenti et al. [11] extended the Recent Horizon Task Assignment (RHTA) algorithm to reflect the fuel state of vehicles for persistent operation with a single multiport service station. In addition, they demonstrated persistent operation of coordinated multiple UAVs in their lab. Recently, Kim et al. [1] considered schedul- 223 ing models for persistent operation of UAVs of diverse capabilities with multiple and shareable replenishment stations dispersed across the field of operations. A MILP model was developed to direct the UAVs to follow space-time trajectories using the concept of split job. To overcome the computational issues associated with the MILP formulation, a genetic algorithm was developed. For persistent operation, an automated guidance system is essential. In [12], the authors developed a real time monitoring and control system consisting of an embedded computer onboard the UAVs and a ground station served by a laptop. The onboard computer performs numerous tasks including data acquisition and measurement, servo control, automatic flight control and communications. The ground station laptops provide a flexible graphical interface monitoring the realtime status of the UAVs. In [13], an image-based visual servo scheme is suggested for the visionbased guidance of a UAV. They developed a feedback control strategy for the UAV using images from an airborne camera. Automated service stations also play a key role in achieving persistence. In [14, 15], the authors suggested various design concepts of service stations and studied the coverage capabilities of a persistent system of UAVs. In [16], a prototype battery replacement system was introduced and tested with UAVs (along with system control algorithms). In [17], Godzdanker et al. discussed the development of an intelligent self-leveling and nodal docking system (ISLANDS) for the mobile recharge/refueling of UAVs. They provide the design of the individual ISLANDS and study the placement of them via an optimization problem. In this paper, we develop a MILP formulation for the persistent UAV scheduling problem that improves upon the formulation proposed in Kim et al. [1]. An automated vision-based UAV guidance system is introduced to direct the movement of the UAVs according to the schedule generated by the MILP. A prototype battery recharge service station is also developed. Though these systems are not robust and of limited capability, these efforts represent a step toward the possibility of outdoor persistent operation of visionbased UAVs across a field of operations. We 224 demonstrate the operation of the system in the basement corridors of a facility at KAIST. 3 Mathematical Formulation Kim et al. [1] discussed the idea that service platforms and a collection of UAVs can be employed to follow given time-space trajectories for long durations across a large field of operations. To accomplish this, they divided the trajectories of the moving target into segments called split jobs that may each be served by a different UAV. Each split job must be served by one UAV in their formulation. Each split job i is defined by a start location (xis ,yis ), start time Ei, finish location (xie ,yie ) and end time Li. (We assume the speed during that split job is constant.) The travel distance Dij from split job i’s finish point or station i to split job j’s start point or station j is calculated using the Euclidean distance. Note that Dij is not equal to D ji (the start and end points change). They are not decision variables and must be determined in advance. This approach serves to discretize each mission. Using more split jobs may enable an improved objective function value but will increase computational complexity. Figure 2 depicts the split job concept. Kim et al. [1] developed a MILP to schedule a fleet of UAVs and service platforms seeking to provide uninterrupted long term missions. The missions and split jobs are described above. Service stations located about the field provide restorative services for the UAVs. J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 redundant decision variables, Yikr . Here we eliminate them. In [1], a dummy job was assigned to a UAV that does not process any split jobs (a segment of a customer’s space-time trajectory). This dummy job concept causes an increase in the number of decision variables and constraints. By allowing a UAV to standby at a station (see Eqs. 3 and 4 below), we eliminate the need for the dummy job; the number of decision variables and constraints are reduced. The decision variable Yikr in [1] is used to indicate that split job i is assigned to UAV k during that UAV’s r th trip from a station. However, this information is already embedded in their decision variable Cikr . Cikr gives the start time of the work if UAV k is assigned to split job i on its r th trip from a service station. It is set to zero if there is no assignment relationship between split job i and UAV k on trip r. We can remove decision variables Yikr and reduce the number of decision variables and constraints. Our MILP formulation follows. It is less computationally complex than that of [1]. 3.2 Notation i, j s k r NJ NU AV N ST A NR 3.1 A More Efficient Mathematical Formulation The MILP formulation in [1] suffers from two inefficiencies: 1) unnecessary dummy jobs and 2) M Dij Ei Li Pi qk Sok TSk J SS Fig. 2 A time-space trajectory is divided into split jobs Indices for jobs Index for stations Index for UAVs Index of a UAV’s r th flight Number of split jobs Number of UAVs in the system Number of recharge stations Maximum number of flights per UAV during the time horizon Large positive number Distance from the finish point of split job i to the start point of split job j Start time of split job i End time of split job i Processing time of split job i(Li – Ei) or replenishment time in station i Maximum traveling time of UAV k Initial location (station) of UAV k Maximum travel speed of UAV k = {1, . . . , N J }, Set of split jobs = {N J + 1, N J + 3, . . . , N J + 2 · N ST A − 1}, set of UAV flight start stations J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 SE 225 = {N J + 2, N J + 4, . . . , N J + 2 · N ST A }, set of UAV flight end stations = ( J U SS U SE ) = {1,. . . , N J +2·N ST A }, set of all jobs and recharge stations Binary decision variable, 1 if UAV k processes split job j or recharges at station j after processing split job i or recharging at station i during the r th flight; 0, otherwise. Binary decision variable, split job i’s start time by UAV k during its r th flight or UAV k’s recharge start time at station i; otherwise its value is 0. A Xijkr Cikr Note that each station has two indices which are used to distinguish when a UAV starts a trip (flight) from that station or ends a trip (flight) at that station. This is helpful when we allow a UAV to remain at a station for some duration and enables the removal of the dummy jobs used in [1]. Also note that the replenishment time at a service station (Pi ) is constant. We are thus assuming that the refresh process for a UAV is independent of its fuel level when it arrives to the station. 3.3 Mixed integer linear program Minimize Dij Xijkr (1) i∈ A j∈ A k∈K r∈R Subject to X Sok , jk1 = 1 (k ∈ K) (2) i∈ J ∪SE s∈SS i∈ J ∪SE s∈SE i∈ J ∪SS Xsjkr = 1 (k ∈ K, r ∈ R) (3) Xiskr = 1 (k ∈ K, r ∈ R) (4) Xiskr = i∈ J ∪SS Xs−1,ikr+1 i∈ J ∪SE (k ∈ K, r = 1, . . . , N R − 1, s ∈ SE ) (5) Cskr = Cs−1,kr+1 (k ∈ K, r = 1, . . . , N R − 1, s ∈ SE ) k∈K r∈R i∈ A Xijkr = 1 ( j ∈ J ) (6) (7) Xijkr − j∈ A X jikr = 0 j∈ A (i ∈ J , k ∈ K, r ∈ R) (8) Xiskr = 0 (k ∈ K, r ∈ R, s ∈ SS ) (9) i∈ J ∪SS Cikr + Pi + Dij T Sk − C jkr ≤ M 1 − Xijkr (10) (i ∈ J ∪ SS , j ∈ J ∪ SE , k ∈ K, r ∈ R) M· Xijkr ≥ Cikr j∈ J ∪SE (i ∈ J ∪ SS , k ∈ K, r ∈ R) Cikr = Ei (i ∈ J ) (12) k∈K r∈R i∈ A j∈ A Dij T Sk · Xijkr + ≤ qk (11) Pi · Xijkr i∈ J j∈ A (k ∈ K, r ∈ R) (13) Cikr ≥ 0(k ∈ K, r ∈ R, i ∈ A ) (14) Xijkr ∈ {0, 1} (i ∈ A , j ∈ A , k ∈ K, r ∈ R) (15) The objective function (1) is to minimize the total travel distance of the UAVs. Constraint (2) ensures that every UAV should start its first flight from its initial service station. Constraint (3) guarantees that UAV k starts its flight from the starting service station and proceeds to a split job or ending service station. Constraint (4) indicates that UAV k must finish each flight at an ending service station. This helps to remove the dummy jobs of [1]. Constraint (5) requires that if UAV k finishes its r th flight at service station s, then its r+1th flight starts at service station s. Constraint (6) states that the finish time of a UAV’s r th flight is equal to the start time of UAV’s r+1th flight. Split job assignment constraint (7) forces every split job in J to be processed by a UAV. Constraint (8) is a flow balance constraint that ensures a UAV does not finish its flight at a job. Constraint (9) ensures that a UAV cannot finish its flight at the starting station which comes from the notational issue related to each station having two indices. 226 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 Constraints (10) and (11) are used to link the Cikr and Xijkr decision variables. The start time constraint (10) gives the relationship between the split job start time or service station visit start time (which is the time that the fuel replacement process begins) and that of its successor for the same UAV during its r th flight. Constraint (11) implies that the value of Cikr is set to zero if split job i is not assigned to UAV k’s r th flight. Constraint (12) ensures that every split job in J starts its process at the pre-determined start time of the split job. The fuel/battery constraint (13) states that the total flight time, including travel time between split jobs and process time for split jobs, cannot exceed UAV k’s fuel/battery capacity. Constraints (14) and (15) define the ranges of the decision variables. The proposed mathematical formulation requires N R > 1 due to constraints (5) and (6). N R is just the maximum number of flights allowed for each UAV; this is not in any way a restriction on the modeling capability. Table 1 provides the number of decision variables and constraints of Kim et al. [1] and the proposed MILP; there are fewer in the later. Also note that there are trade-off relationships among the number of split jobs, computational complexity and feasibility. Too few split jobs can result in an infeasible problem due to the fuel limitation of the UAVs. On the other hand, too many split jobs can increase the computational complexity because of the increase in the number of decision variables and constraints. 4 Implementation Environment We next discuss the development of prototype system components that we have integrated into a functioning proof-of-concept system. The MILP scheduling model is used to determine UAV actions in response to given customer space-time trajectories. A UAV guidance system serves to implement the schedule provided by the MILP model, track the customer and land on the stations. Computer vision-based feedback control, employing video from the UAV nose or belly cameras, is used by the UAV to pursue the customer, arrive at the designated customer pick-up locations and return to the service stations. 4.1 UAV Guidance System Kim and Shim [18] proposed a vision-based target tracking control system for a quadrotor via tablet computer. We employ their system to control our UAVs and track the customer. The UAV guidance system performs these tasks: 1. Receive and implement the schedule from the MILP. This includes directing the UAVs to depart from a service station to intercept the customer (and prosecute a particular split job) and directing the UAV to return to a service station. It must ensure that a UAV is available for the customer at the start of a split job. 2. Convert video from the UAV cameras into usable information for directing UAV motion. Table 1 Number of variables and constraints in the mathematical formulations Kim et al. [1] Total # of binary decision variable Total # of continuous decision variable Total # of decision variable Total # of constraints NU AV · N R · {(N J + 2 · N ST A Proposed MILP + 1)2 + (N J + 2 · N ST A + 1)} NU AV · N R · (N J + 2 · N ST A )2 NU AV · N R · (N J + 2 · N ST A + 1) NU AV · N R · (N J + 2 · N ST A ) NU AV · N R · {(N J + 2 · N ST A + 1)2 + 2(N J + 2 · N ST A + 1)} NU AV · N R · {(N j + 2 · N ST A )2 +N J + 2 · N ST A } NU AV {2(Nr − 1) · N ST A +N R · N ST A + 1} +N J (NU AV · N R + 2) +NU AV · N R {(N J + N ST A )2 +2N J + 3N ST A + 3} NU AV {2(N R − 1) · N ST A + 1} + N J (3NU AV · N R + 2) +NU AV · N R {(N J + N ST A + 1)2 + 2N J + 4N ST A + 5} J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 This information is used to track customers, locate a hand-off or land on a station. 3. Enable a human overseer to monitor the UAV progress via video and adjust feedback control gain values for various situations. It also allows for a human overseer to initiate emergency actions such as immediate landing. These functions are used in the testing and setup phases. The UAV guidance system is responsible for directing the UAV to find the customer at the location and time of the split job. This is done with computer vision using the UAV’s onboard cameras. The system must also ensure that the UAV follows the customer during its time of service. Feedback control based on vision processing of the UAV’s cameras is employed to accomplish these tasks. These same methods are employed to ensure that the UAV can locate and land on the service stations. 4.1.1 Target Specif ication The guidance algorithm uses a color based tracking strategy. The customer wears a large red circle on his jacket. The station and handoff locations are also flagged with large colored polygons. To identify our customer, we identified the largest polygon in the UAV field of vision (nose camera) filled with the color red. Algorithm 1 shows the pseudo algorithm of target specification logic. 227 Algorithm 1 Pseudo-algorithm of extracting binary decision matrix whether each image pixel is seen as red or not Input:, (I R , I G , I B ) where each I R , I G and I B are 8-bit image matrices or red, blue and green channels, respectively. Output: A filtered binary image frame matrix, I Rb Get RedBinary Image (I R , I G , I B ) For every pixel value I R,if of i-th row and j-th column in the matrix I R If (I R,if ≥ K R (I G,if + I B,i f ) + C R then I Rb ,if ← 1 Else I Rb ,if ← 0 endIf endFor return I Rb our target to be the largest red polygon in the frame. This is done by extracting contours and comparing their areas with each other in the binary image. The center of the largest contour is regarded as the target position. Figure 3 shows 4.1.2 Color Filter Within the target identification algorithm, one must detect image pixels with significant red color. Color filtering to detect red pixels compares the intensity of the red channel I R to a linear combination of the other channels’ intensity I G +I B . The detailed algorithm is described in Algorithm 1. The gain K R and constant C R are set and tuned manually considering camera properties and light conditions. Typical values used were K R = 0.5 and C R = 40. After filtering out other colors from the image frame, the red pixels are the only remaining ones in the binary image I Rb . This frame includes not only our target, but other red objects. We declared Fig. 3 The original image (top) and the filtered image (bottom) 228 Fig. 4 Target in the image frame. Control commands are indicated the result of the color filter algorithm. The red contour outline depicts the boundary of the red polygon. The target and its center is visualized as a green square and a yellow circle, respectively. J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 a given distance from the target. Figure 4 shows the commands issues to the UAV based on the distance from the target and orientation of the target to the center of the frame. First, we calculate the difference between the target position and the image center in the image coordinates. The differences in horizontal and vertical direction are the controller inputs that generate control commands to the quadrotor. The horizontal error generates the yaw rate of our UAV, to rotate its heading toward the target. The vertical difference is used to calculate the vertical velocity of the quadrotor to maintain the same altitude as the target. Second, the radius of the target in the image frame is computed via Eq. 16: r= S π (16) 4.1.3 Visual Servoing We employ a visual servoing control scheme using the target point in the image frame. The quadrotor UAV platform used in our efforts has a camera facing forward and the control algorithm is established based on this setting. The UAV has a responsibility to pursue the customer and observe the surroundings. Thus the main objective of the visual servoing is to maintain the detected target at the center of the image frame while maintaining Fig. 5 Controller block diagram where S indicates the area of the target in square pixels and r is the radius of the target. We set a desired reference value of r and calculate the difference between the observed radius and the reference value. This difference is directly is used as the error signal for our controller so that the UAV maintains the distance from the customer. We use a PD (Proportional—Differential) controller for the visual servoing; the controller block diagram is provided in Fig. 5. J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 229 4.2 Replenishment Station Descriptions : Front (Bottom) Camera Video : Start Procedure Interface : Color Filtered Video : Control Gain Adjustment Sliders : Emergency Landing Button Fig. 6 Tablet PC application layout with descriptions 4.1.4 Hardware and Software System Description Our UAV platform is the AR.Drone 2.0 of Parrot Inc. The AR.Drone can communicate with a PC or other devices via Wi-Fi. It simultaneously sends its video and receives control commands via this WiFi. We developed the control application to run on our tablet PC (iPad 3 of Apple Inc.). The application window provided to the user on the iPad is depicted in Fig. 6. The application uses multiple threads that receive the video data from the drone, process each image frame to generate control inputs and sends the commands to the drone. Visualization of the original video feed from the drone and the processed video are provided. There are several buttons enabling the user to manually control the UAV in the event of an emergency situation. To support such a persistent system, service stations must be incorporated. Various battery recharge and battery swapping service stations have been developed and studied in the literature, c.f., [7, 8, 12–14]. To serve our system needs we also developed a service station; it is a battery recharging station (not a battery replacement station). Refer to Fig. 7. Each AR Drone 2.0 uses a three cell lithium polymer battery. Four copper leads (three for the terminals and one for ground) were threaded from the battery inside the UAV to the four feet of the drone. The service station consists of four pads; one for each foot of the drone. Each such pad connects to the UAV battery via the leads on the drone feet and will provide a different voltage relative to the ground pad. The AR Drone 2.0 should not be recharged while it is on. Thus, a large circular button switch is located in the center of the station. When the UAV touches down, its weight activates the switch and a circuit controlling the drone on/off is activated. After a 5 s delay, the drone power is turned off and recharging is initiated. Once the battery is fully charged by the on-station OEM charger, an LED signal is sent by the charger. The station detects this condition, disconnects the charger and activates the drone. It is ready to return to service. 5 Demonstration We conduct numerical experiments to assess the performance of the MILP. We demonstrate the operation of the integrated system for a simple case in the basement of a facility at KAIST. 5.1 Comparison of MILP Formulations Fig. 7 Recharge of UAV on the service station We test our MILP formulation against that of [1] using CPLEX 12.4 on an Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8400, 2.66 GHz and 4.00 GB RAM personal computer. We compare computation time, number of decision variables and number of constraints. Table 2 provides the results. While both formulations give the same optimal value, there are significant improvements associated 230 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 Table 2 Comparison of the efficiency of the mathematical formulations NJ N ST A 8 14 15 20 2 3 3 4 NU AV 2 6 6 8 Kim et al. [1] Proposed MILP CPU time # of dec. vars. # of constraints CPU time Obj. value # of dec. vars. # of constraints CPU time Obj. value change (%) 780 5796 6336 14384 722 5002 5508 12048 3.00 15.84 220.3 N/A 2048 1846 724 N/A 624 5040 5544 12992 566 4222 4680 10592 1.84 4.36 35.78 348.97 2048 1846 724 2894 38.67 72.47 83.75 – with the new MILP. In particular, for (N J , N ST A , NU AV ) = (20, 4, 8), the MILP of [1] could not be solved by CPLEX. The new formulation can solve this case. By reducing the complexity, the new formulation increases the size of problems that can be addressed. 5.2 System Demonstration We integrated these components to provide a demonstration UAV security escort service. The service was provided in the basement of a facility at KAIST, but we use vision-based tracking and control of the UAVs so that the system may be extendable to the outdoors. The objective is to follow a customer without interruption of service. The situation follows. A single customer requests the UAV security escort service. Two UAVs and 3 replenishment stations serve the customer. The mission is divided into eight split jobs. Due to our vision-based tracking algorithm, the customer attaches a red marker on his back. Station 3 UAV 2 Neither GPS nor fixed IR cameras are used. Color markers are used to identify the stations, customer pick up point and UAV handoff sites. Refer to Fig. 8. The relevant locations are detailed next. The three battery recharge service stations 1, 2 and 3 are located at positions (4, −1), (0, −1) and (1, 4), respectively. Each unit on the grid in Fig. 8 represents 5 m. UAVs 1 and 2 initially reside at stations 1 and 2, respectively. The customer path follows the x-axis from (4, 0) to (0, 0), then travels along the y-axis from (0, 0) to (0, 4). The travel speed is constant. The path is split into eight split jobs (of one unit of distance each) for the MILP. UAV 1 hands off the customer to UAV 2 at the point (0, 0). Table 3 provides the assignment provided by the MILP. The detailed action proceeded as follows. 1. UAV 1 takes off from station 1 in advance to meet the customer at the planned arrival time. It meets the customer at the start point of split job 1 and searches for the marker on the customer’s back. Once identified, the UAV follows the customer as he proceeds along his path. 2. For uninterrupted service, UAV 2 moves to the start point of split job 4 in advance of the customer’s arrival. 3. UAV 1 disengages from the customer at the end of split job 4, searches for service station Hand-off Table 3 UAV assignment schedule UAV Start Assigned station job End Service station start time Service end time 1 2 1 2 2 3 10 18 UAV 1 Station 2 Station 1 Fig. 8 Top down layout of the security escort demonstration 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8 2 10 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 231 6 Concluding Remarks vice stations and system orchestration algorithms, a fleet of UAVs and service stations may be able to provide persistent service across a field of operations. Looking toward an outdoor persistent UAV service system, we developed several components: an improved MILP scheduling formulation, a UAV guidance system and battery recharge service stations. The MILP model is used to develop a schedule that the system should follow to meet customer space-time trajectory demands. It significantly improves upon the computational complexity available in the literature for such a problem [1]. The UAV guidance system—based on the iOS—uses a given schedule (e.g., as provided by the MILP) and directs the UAVs about their tasks. Onboard cameras are used for vision-based feedback control of the UAV actions. The system of multiple UAVs and service stations distributed across the field is controlled via wireless communication from iPads. The battery recharge service stations are used to provide the logistics support necessary for persistence. We demonstrated the integration of these components. UAVs provided a security escort to a moving customer without interruption via the wireless automated guidance system. While the system deployed is not particularly robust, it demonstrates that outdoor operation may be possible for a persistent system of low cost UAVs. There are many directions for future work. Despite the MILP’s improved computational performance, there is a need for real-time capable models. The guidance system should be fully integrated with the higher level customer order and planning layer. A key challenge for deployment of such a system outdoors is the creation of reliable tracking algorithms and UAV control. Indoors, there is no wind and the environment is well controlled. Outdoors, UAV and customer localization with precision in the centimeter range (as is required for landing and handoffs) will be a challenge. The flight duration of commercially available UAV’s is significantly constrained by their reliance on a battery or fuel supply. As such, the duration of missions that can be prosecuted without support is limited. However, by including ser- Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge the technical support of Jungho Park, Kyukwang Kim and Khurshidjon Khudoyberdiyev. We also thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments. The paper has significantly improved based on their suggestions. (a) (b) Fig. 9 UAV tracking service a and handoff operation b 2, proceeds to service station 2 and lands to receive replenishment. 4. UAV 2 searches for the customer at the start of split job 5 and follows the customer to the end point of split job 8. 5. Once reaching the location of split job 8, UAV2 searches for and then proceeds to service station 3. UAV 2 lands on the replenishment station and receives replenishment. Figure 9a and b depict UAV 1 tracking the customer and the UAV handoff at the end of split job 4, respectively. Throughout, based on the schedule dictated by the MILP, the UAVs were controlled by the automated guidance system using wireless communication. 232 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:221–232 References 1. Kim, J., Song, B.D., Morrison, J.R.: On the scheduling of systems of UAVs and fuel service stations for longterm mission fulfillment. J. Intell. Robot. Syst. 70(1), 347–359 (2013) 2. 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