BOORTUNNEL GROENE HART Contract No. DGP2092 Koop Tjuchem bv Koop Ho1ding Europe B.V 00 19/08/02 Reil. Datum Status: FA Auteur Checked Dèscription I Omschrijving Gecontroleerd Status FI: For InformationI Ter informatie FC: For Consultation I Voor Commentaar FA: For Acceptance I Ter Acceptatie IFCTW:.lssued for construction (Temporary Works) 1Uitgegeven Voor Constructie (Tijdelijk Werk) IFC: Issued for construction I Uit even Voor Constructie Naam ISOP: Check by ISOP: Hoofdstuk TUNNELINTERNALSTRUCTURES Gecontroleerd Ja: door !SOP : Nee: r8J Paraaf: Titiel Titel APPROVAL OF MATERlAL PLASTIC SPACERS FOR VERTiCAl REINFORCEMENT OF THE TUNNEllNTERNAL STRUCTURES Archiving Code Archief code: Format Formaat: CO 24.10 A4 HSL Code : Number INummer: 13461 PRoe Issuer I Uitgever PROD AOM 88129 oe.doc Rev. 13181 AOM Package 88133 00 Document Consortium Bouygues I Koop, Postbus 76, 2350 AB Leiderdorp, Tel. +31 (71) 5817000, Fax +31 (71) 5817070 Page 1 of2 GROENE HART TllNNEL Koop Tjuchem Koop Holding TITLEBLOCK Revision Grid I Revisie Lijst: Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 _. 8 Rev.O X X Rev.l , I ! Rev.2 I i I ! 48 49 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 1 i I i 16 17 18 19 20 -21 22 23 _.24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 _. Page 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Rev.O Rev.l Rev.2 I I I ! I I i , -- 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 I I 69 I 70 71 72 73 1 I .- 74 I I I I i i i 75 76 77 78 79 80 I I I i I Eu.ropé bv B. V Bouygues Koop [ ~s: :;= HSL Zuid 8oortunoel Groene Hart Approval of Materials f~r vertical reinforcemenls a plied in !he tunnel intemal structures Document number: PROD·AOM·88133 All these spacers have been checked by Consortium Bouygues I Koop on behalf Certificates and conformity statement provided by the suppllers. Full description of these certificalions are attachee herein appendix 1. Suppliers Technical specifications At the light of these test results and certification it appears that all the related requlrements and specifications are fulfilled. ë Durability demonstration compliance to NEN 6722. Full description of the requirements, the associated test method and the results obtained are fully described in. appendix 2. Appendix 2: TNO's report 2001-BT-MKThe selected spacers fulfil with all related requirements and specifications. AU tests made on this concrete during onsäe production throughout the works is controlled in accordance with: R104401 Consortium HSL Zuid Boortunl1el Groene Hart I Koop Koop Tjuchem Approval of Materals Document number: Plastic specers tor verticel reinforcements applied in Ihe tunnel intemal structures PRO[l·AOM-88133 APPENDIX TABi..E OFCONTENTS 1. Spacers' Technical speelfloatons x 2. Durability assessment x Farm 20.8,01.01 rellÜ5 -compliance to NEN 6722 Consortium Bouygues I Koop, Postbus 76, 2250 AB Leiderdorp, Tel,: 21 (O) 71 5817000, Fax 31 (O) 71 5817070 Page of Consortium Bouygues I Koop HSL Zuid Boortunnel Groene Hart APPROVAL OF MATERlALS (AOM) APPENDIX - 01 , ~-~,. , SPE'CIF!Ci~nONS .a t VI '-VI< H 11\1:-', Consortium Bouygues / Koop HSL Zuid Boortunnel Groene Hart APPROVAL OF MATERlALS (AüM) This appendix presente the material speeiûcatons and certfficate provloed by the suppäers of the spaeer. The alm of this analysis is to check whetherthe spacers satlsfy all requirements in the relevant specläcaüons and standerds. At the light of these test results and certfieaton itappears that aHthe related requirements and specifications are fulfilled. Attention of Teehuik im Ban Mr. Yan Taibi Ree6 GmbH & Co.KG Breslauer Straäe 59 Fax No.: from D 42277 WuppertaJ Haraid Kotzur --------- Page(s) 1 Phone ne, ++49 (0) 202 9644-140 Date: 2002-08-16 Ust.Id.Nr.DE 121023244 Tel.: ++49 2029644-0 Fax: ++49 282 9644-187 Cemposltien of tbe material for uur plastic spacers "Dux-offen and Dinki" Dear Mr. Taibi, for economical as wen as for environment reasons we produce all plastic spacers - which are manufactured in an injection mcalding process - form recycling material. The a. m. products are made of recycled PE (Polyethelene), which means that about 95% of the material is recycled PE-material and about 5% are different plastics. Recycled PE-material means that the material was already used for ether products (first products) made ofPE and is now crushed to the basic material for our spacers. As we as well as our supplier for the basic material for OUT spacers don't know who had produced the "first product" we are not in a position to give a material composition and to acknowledge the type of stabilizer which was used. This is a general problem whenever recycled material is used. On the other hand improoved separation of plastic materials which are used for recycling purposes have resulted in a higher quality of regenerated base material. As a wellknown supplier of plastic spacers in the European market we get our raw material only from reliable sourees in big quantities, to ensure the quality of our products. We have sold our plastic spacers for more than fourty years now and have never got any problems with them particularly in respect to durability even under problèrnatie requirements. hope I could give you some informative help and remain with best regards i.V. Dipt-Lig Haraid Kotzur Technical Manager I.....- ---l Spezialartikel für die Banindustrie !OO~ [Z6IS MN :ni/U] 6S:flO NlG to . SO/i.O IfrfpLAKAB ~ ET fC©f'fM1I1ë BestemmslinglD8stinataire : 0031 71/581.70.10 F$.\(: Ter attentie van I A "attention de: '0031' i1ï581".iö.oo .. Tel. : Mr. Van Talbi ,çl!.~~~~~J"jmm~~~f.l~, PI..AtQBETON • COfFAAïeC Datum 0710812001 Date 0, ReUN.Réf.: Betreft: - 2, lr\~aan Aant. blz. Nbrpg : 1740 Tl!RNAT· FAX: 021582.19.62 rei, :021582.21).45 7 ,VN/2001NCI926 BoortunneA Groen Hart - tieh. teennique DiNKI, DUX OFFEN et DRA.NPoc. ConOOryll!) : MOlisle'Jr, ei-joint nous vous envoyon$ notre fiche tecnnlque des écarteurs DINK', DUX OFFEN et DRANF1X, SalutatÎons distinguées. " ~~I'~ .'1 /~IW,~'i~~ 1& " ~"'-'1 DlIhill'I : .An:h. COä; ; RefJll'. \ ; 01/~t 0 t CO, Z. t. Ol <:Yti ~ IJ Véronique Nouis. lngél"lieur. U kan mij T6chtSfeek5 bete/kIM op het nummer: 021683.02.54 of Vfl(PQN.flOU!s@pJakabliltDn.oo Rac~ LOO/'\OO'd UVL# f$x nummer: 021258.40,00 \ , Z961ZeS Z Z~+ gg=eo rooZ,~nV'LO 600fG raers HN ni/U} 6S:l/0 NHI 10, l/O/LU W051902 Ecarteur ___ ._--l:t0urarmature verticale DINKl et DtlX OFFEN ;.fiche teelmiql.le L Delgl1onduproduit annature '1ertjcal~(DINKI et OUX OFFEN) en plastique som utihaés pour réaliser I'enrobage dans les stnrcturea en héton armé. Leséc~~p<)~ deslU::iers~caux 2. Domair.ted'ap:pU,ca:ûtm Armatures vtrticales Certificats Matériau Couleur Crnl.1'lÎque dans Ie béton armé, : selon DIN et ISO 900 t : polyéthylène PE ; gris ; résiste aux plus fréquerns acides et basiques présents dans ie béton Gräce à leurperlte surface de contact sur Ie coffrage, ces écartems soot très.peu visibles dans Ie béton, DINKI etm1X OFFEN: se clipsent SUT l'lU::ier et sant d'un dispositif sp6cial qui les tmp&he de tombe r, poUlVUS DL"X OF'F'SN est uae cale plus rigide et pr!isente des conta<lts réduits avec te E (mm), (()(mm) plbox 5 14 500 H)-20 14-18 1000 A DUXOFFEN 35 40 Coasommaäon : &elanJ'a~ 500 1.à6plnr C.V.A. PLAKABETON • COF'F'lU. TEC S.CA rp.32 1. 582 2945 Fax 32 2 582 19 Q2 Blz. 111 \ NO.L;'HIVX'i'1d Indus1ritlaan. 2 - B 1740 TERNAT E-mail; plakabetoo.bè Website: www.plabberon.oom Verticale ____ .~ape~ingsafstandhouders DiNKl en DUX eFFEN: Technische fiche 1. Pl"Odbetbescluiiviltlg De verticalewapeningsafsumdhouders (DINK! en DUX OFFEN) in ktl.l1StStOfworden gebruikt als afstandhouder in gewapend betA)llfussen' de verticale wapening en de bekisting. "',;. 2. ToepaMinmebied Afstandhouder voor de verticale wapening in gewapend beton. 4. EigemcllaAAcn Certificaat Materiaal Kleur Chemisch : volgens DIN en ISO 9001 : polyethyleen PE : grijs : bestendig tegen de meest voorkomende zuren en basen, aanwezig in beton. I DlNKI on OUX OFFEN. : worden vastgeklemd op de wapening en zijn voorzlen van een speciaal systeem dat het loskomen van de afstandshouder tegengaat. DUX OFFEN : heefr'ee» grotere stijfheid en kleine contactpunten met de bekisting. I E(mm} o (mm) Si/box 5 -14 500 st/box DUXOFFEN 10-20 14-18 35 40 I LOO ISOO'ö 1000 500 :t Verbruik: 2à6Stlm~ C.V.A. PLAKABETON - COFFRATEC S.C.A. 9' 32 2 582 29 45 Fax 32 :2 5'821962 Industrielaan)-B 1740 TERNAT E-mail; Website; tUL;? Blz. I/I 90{l~ !Z6U ~N XH/n] 6S:80 NlG 10. RO/LO ZERTIFIKAT DIN E IS DEKRA Certification 90 1 Services GmbH besc.l-aeinÎgt hiarmit, da~ die Flrrnengruppe Technik: irn Bav Recu~GmbH Breuer & Dausend <'I'.Co. KG et~ $traBe 59, 0«42717 WuppetUu GWQAmBO/'Ill:Iemm. 0-141i.lti9Tf'(lbbln GWrJ Stöbnitz. Q.OO249 Müchêln UnternehmensQruppe Dausend GmbH Breslaoor Str3ne 59, D-4:!277 WUP!'é1t!ll GmOH 8. Co, KG M~~2S, D42Z75Wupj:lel\al Srullauar StraBtl 59, D-4Z277 WuppMal wo Bautechnlk GmbH & Co. Ka WU~l1liIler $1(.79, 0·45549 Sprockhövel Bextru GmbH & Co. KG H/5llw FeJd 30. 0-42279 WUPpêl'tilll Bereich: Entwic!dung, Spezialartikeln Prol1ukUon und Vertrieb ven für die Bauindustrilll ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem entsprechend der ob en genannten Norm (SI94) eingeführt hat und dleses wlrksam anwencet. Der Nachweis wurde im Rahmen de$ Zertifizierungs-Audits, Sericht-Nr. W-2971633 erbracht, Datum der Erstzertitizierung: DI4!lsesZertifikat ist bis: ~~~ /i~'~ 09.03.1995 güttig 3UJ3;:001 Oá\tum der letzaen Re;,:erlifizierullg: 23.03.1998 Zertifik:at~Registl'Ïer· Nr.: 4039504711 Akl(r~djtlert (/yreh I'.lie TGA im Deutschen Akkreditierungs LOc/soc"a 1I.fJL# Rat LOO~ ~.hJ Y8/XJ.J [Z618 6S:90 NHI Hl, 90lLO 0 .. Artikel im Detail e •• III Kurze Ue1ertermine Die D.Artik@f werd~ ftlcht nor im Zencralia9E!r in Wuppert$lgefunrc. sondern auch in KunClennliht in unsaren Nieoerlassl,lOQen uno fnv/alèf'I atlf Inren WUl1sd1 DurCt'l den eigenen wet1aeuI;lbau kónrlE!rl wir èlllCh 50ndértYpen und sonaerkonstruktioneo nach den Ani'orderUnl;ll!f'1 des Kunden .ehnell verwirkilch@n. D { erwelst Sien auch als oestänaig Qegen und SUlfate Olë Materialfestlg\:eit mindestef1, 25 Vereretet1ilgern. 11sonaertypen eherrllscher Elelastuog empfehlen wir die Drufa·S@rie aus F,aserbeton OÎeslil Serie Fron beträSt l\ilmm1 tavcl1 bei Beton·Abstat"ldhilll;efll), Cegen liCht schäci en, I es· " ZertJflzlerteQualität halt> var $onlWneillstrahh.Jng b2.W. hl»tem T~~liche ~hûtzt wltroan !2,S.mi' sthwarzer Folili lloàecl<&f\), . AlTJk@!.!Jnt.!I1l ••.e9•....•. e.nstand/genQUalil:äts. kO(lcrolfen Avcn PrQduktion, lager und Ver. a Fissaden-Plattel'l waltunQ sind in eln QuaJiräts.Managemem5vstern elngebtlnoen. Das l'Iîl·!)èf'I wir ur.s na en OIN EN lSO 900'l .w-rll'izleren IasslIn. Il uasere Matenan~n K\Jl1$tstl:lff-Abstandhalter Cl' loi mi Reg!!! h n Proft:e wie z5, l)fut1terleistliln, Durchla8rohre ooer Drtilifcl'tnnei!>:enorQduZÎe1'en \Allr sus PVC F3Sèrb$1:On·A\.?$Ul1dbalter Die :;lrufa-5ene f\~~ig\"lnwir rrosc- une si.llfatoeständill1t!f1 Faserberon-Mischul'lgen BeWehrungS·.ll,l'I$(;hIÜ$S$ Hi!'rrür verw~nclen wir ausschliel5ljch den r..,~l(biegefàr.i9~nai!rofl;tahl SSt SOOS (IV Si, Weit~re ~at~1"Î31k\n Auf !}~onlfe(eM~teriaUe.n (zB EClelSl:ähJel v\ie.~n wir in dieser P'eisliste jewei1s neben dan Produkten hin. . 11Die Unbeclenklic:hkeit PriJl'ZelJgflÏsse welsen fûr liine Relhe 'IOn D... Arcikeln rael1, doe der KorrOsionsscr.l;u der Bewel'\l'ung bel sachgö!miiaer AI\Wèf'lClunQ nl~ht beeint:<lcl"ltigt wird. Weit.ere Prüffl;lch- wêise beStatigen emsprli\Cnenàen Spernaian;iJ<>lln rH:me SelaSCbl'lrkeit. WasserundurCh· fllss,gk"it u.v.a.rn Ii pie SesüinCilgkElIt TtlermisCl1 und(:hemiSCh Ij, ..Arökel-ADS1:ilndhlOlter siM I b:IW best<\'mclig ge9eo am Bau Ob ynd l.allge~.Bei naher thermlSeer o er uren Ruçk>eIDS 91ldämmce Fassaden-Elemente erhitzen .icn trn somrner U.u. auf bis zu 800 C. besonders bei dtlflk~ Ot,:ernêChe. im Bereich der Abstiln(j·halterIGM es dano ZIJ f=arba~· plil'Cl:ungen kommen, a~ zwar ClanKorrosions· scnut2 eltr eeWElhrung nicht 9mhrosn, aber optiSCh stören TreHefl Sle daMr die der Abstand- naJr~ mit o.sonderer Sorgflilt uM Stellen Sie VI!lf$J.lChsotactel'l r,er Um ROSt;1lecken ZIJ lIarmei<;!en, Zemenc!ilebur.der.e Atl5tMdllaiter nicht wàssem, wfmfl Stahlschalung verwefldet wiro Vêl'al"beltung;l+limiYl\!ise CI~ Trennmictei· her>tdenl ll,lm $parsa~n Eins.1lt2 das Trennmletelsbaaenren. 11 NOrmen und empfe.hlungen Eletondeckung. und i<CIm:lsion.ssc:hutz (CIN 1045 Au"gabe 7/1988, AbS. 13,11 .Die 5C3hleil1lagen sifl::! ZIJ eH1&m sceifeo Gen."pe Zl.i ver~Odef\ Ul'ld dureh Absrana· halter. del'efi DiCke dim Nentll"rnlS der Betondeckung nacn AbSchniet 13.2.1. (3) 4int\1prlcht. . 'und, dle den Korr1:lsi(;)n~hutz nient Meir.' trá:;htigen. In iM~rv0!'geseJ1enen ~age so fesCWlégen, daB sie sien beim Einbringen uno VI1!f(licl1ten oes Becons nl::;he verschleberl", DBV'llllerkblatt Setonded<ungund Bewehrung Ausgabe 1/97,AIJS.. 6 (3) .lIJm Einhalten der erForderlichen VerleQè' rnase Sind die ÄtlStanClnalter eOODrechM1d dó!n ;::orOiOfUngen des DBV-Merkbiau1!i AbstananaiCer2/97 ziJ bero!llen un(l elnzubauen". lmsert AbsrandhaJter fJJf waaSeteehte und seni(rE!(l'lte Elewehrung werden bQ~i.iQlich ,,,rel' einorCl:'lun!:l in die leisrunQSJ(!&ssen gemiill D8\1"\M!rl<blatt AJ)standhalter 21S'i geprlif!:. Die Priiful1gen war!'n bei DAAl:· iéglJng c!ieser PreislÎ$te Men fllCl'lt aoge, sctllO$Sert Einzelheiten k6nnen .i$doch in uns.erer Atlteillllig TeChnl1: erf'r.l1Jt wer6ef1. ÁI1Zihl uno AnordniJllg dér Ab&andl'llli~r Ist TabelIe 4 DSV·Merk!>Jatt Saforn:lec!O.Jl'l;l und 8e1Nthrvng 1197 lU entnehmen. Die OSV-Merkblältterkönnen belOQOO werdénbl!im Del.ltSChE'n Bètol'l-llerl!fl1 aIJen K •.•OSCieofflîtJscandhalter eV .. ;:'OStr3ch 2126. 65011 Wiesbi!den Srandvemalte1'\ (OIN 4102. 'feil 41 Beten. StahlOecon voo SPàflfll)etO.11 werden in aie Kt;i$$e A 1 (rueht brennbiilP@inglilSCufc. AlsAbst:3ndhalterrür diE: eewenn ••ng curfen Oblieh!! der 9aunoi'fl<lassa 8 lIerwendet dal! die Klassifjzlerung werctef'., onne - Ab$chrJitt Teil 4, 9 $.1,$,4 - verlorengeht Werlm:offe ISeto:1+lal'lobuCt'l1984, Dav! .AbstanC!halCer müssen <lVS ~ Werksroi'f bestenen oer den Beton oid'lt SChädigr der SeJbi, wOOer dureh den Beron noen unc duren FalJchtll/Kelt uOd WiCtlill'UM a:lge· griffen wird, ~.B,Beton, ...., Od>it"Kt;nmtof'-, D.. .Artikel·AbSUlndNilJter sind uMchädllch für Bl?[cn uf1Cl a~hrung .aêllotreChtefi 5tliben siOOam Slcnersten AtlStaOOhalrtr In Form von "gèfochtan . SchtlOen, aie é1uf die cetrêff'en~enStàJ:)e aurgeKremmt bzw. auf~~~lt Wl!rder/ IzB. Drum und DuxoCffenl.' ' . Abteennungfl1(VOB, Teil Cl •.. GerntlB VOB, Tel! C, Ztf'fer $·3.1 1,\'iet'lören (1Ie· Kosten fûr AbSCanclllairerzur Be\I;êl1rung unQ werd er: rrit dieser abgereCI'IQee. '., GelÎnges Gewicht, leict\re Hanahabung und stabile Au;1iû halter llU5 StlafElr" ~,r 0" ,Areike/cAbStilnd., KunststoF!' J'lell'en,KoSten .' tU' . 11 Weltere Utlterlagen Auf Wunsch schicken Ivir ll"rnefi garoe aus· fuhriicl1e prosr;ekte, taehniSChelnfonm;j, tionen unê f'riifzeugnisse zû 'einzelnèn . Artikel n. .' , Hil'll.lleiSe z\,Ir veraftleituns 4nd Lagliln,mg entnehmeo Si.: hitte der VerPillcki,If1Qs, Aufschrifl: oder .aallage. MehrwertstelJêr wird extra berecnoet, Ij Nachd~ucl( C1iaserPreisliste. auch auszui;lsweise, n..,r mit unserll'f SCI'lI'iftliChoo Cenehmigung ilIi AIIl! Aobifd..lngen in uoseren Werbe· una verkaul'suntel1agen dienen ledig I/eh der Dernonstration llnClen.lngen siM iEiderzelt vOrtlehall:en D..• Ariikel. Teehnik im Bau. Lüü1LOO'o tLllL# AbwelchUl'l>!e1'l und Konstruktions. HSL Zuid Boortunnel Groene Hart Consortium Bouygues I Koop APPROVAl OF MATERlALS (AOM) APPENDiX - 02 DURABILITYASSE:3Sfl~E~ITOF THE PLft,STIC SPACERS - COMPUANCE TO NEN 6722 Consortium Bouygues I Koop HSL Zuid Boortunnel Groene Hart APPROVAL OF MATERlALS (AOM) lied in the tunnel intemal structures Document number: PROD - AOM - 88133 Content ARTICLE 1 - SCOPE 3 ARTICLE 2 - REQUIREMENTS 3 ARTICLE 3 - PLASTIC SPACER COMPUANCE 3 ARTICLE 4 - CONCLUSION 3 ARTICLE 5 - ANNEXE 4 HSL Zuid Boortunnel Groene Hart Consortium Bouygues I Koop APPROVAL OF MATERiALS (AOM) ARTlCLE 1 • Scope In the design and construct contract for the Groene Hart tunnel a requirement of a design life of at least 100 year has been stated, To prove that this design life is valid, performance and reliability based calculations, according to the design method 'DuraCrete', have been be provided. For the spacers, that wil! be used to guarantee the thiekness of the concrete cover, ths question occurred whether these have a sufficient service life. ARTiCLE 2 • Reql.l.irements • I» NeN 5950:1995 "Voorchriften Beton-Technologie (VeT 1986). Eisen, Vervvaardigind en Keuring" - Regulations for concrete - Technologie - Requirements, production and inspection; NEN 6722:1989 "Voorchriften Beton Uitvoering (VBU 1988)" - Regulations for concrete Construction; ARTICLE 3 • Plasticspaeer compnance The durability of the separaten wall between the two tracks in the bore tunnel was analysed on the basis of the service life design. In the service life design for this project the corrosion of reinforcement through the carbonation and the chloride diffusion were regarded as the most important threatof degradations (refer to documents PROO-AOM-88022 and PROO-AOM-88004) The exposure conditions identified for separaäon waUare considered with regards of the carbonation degradation mechanism to be an outdoor sheltered type, and with regards to the chloride ingress degradation mechanism to be an atmospheric type. The structure part is only expoeed to air. At this moment it is not yet possible to make a proper service life design for spacers. This is primarily due to the fact that we do not understand the initiation and propagation mechanisms related to corrosion of the part of the reinforcement bar directly behind the spaeer. An expert opinion byTNO concludes that for the durability of cementitious or plastic spacers we must rely, tor the time being, on experience, Experience shows that both type of spacers do not cause serious durabiHty problems. Therefore, plastic and cementitious spaeers have in principle similar effects on service !ife and should be considered equivalent in that respect. There is alittle preference to apply cementitious spacers, as the experience with cementitious spacers is longer than with plastic spacers. (refer 10 TNO report number 001-8T -MK-R1 04401). If we look in NEN 6722 with respect to plastic spacers we found there, that they may be used under lhe conditons. lil For theproper adhesion of plastic cover blocks to the concrete, they must have a surface of recesses of at least 25% of the gross surface co Cover bloeks applied in watertight work must be of a cement-bound material lil If plastic cover bleeks are applied in situations in which the fresh concrete temperature may exceed 50°C, it must be shown by means of tests that they do not undergo any unpermissible deformation at the occurring laad. With respect to the separaten wall, the last two conditions may appiy to the GHT and nood to ba analysed. lil Water tightness is not applicable in the case of the separaüon wall, the durability investigation demonstrared that this structure. is only exposed to air. GAsSeparation wall is relatively thin (45 cm), a rise of.concrete temperature over 50°C due to hydration process is not expected. Whatever the weaking point of the PE that is used for the plastic spaeers is aoout 120°C. This means fhat no problems with respect to the temperature must be expected. ARTIClE 4 • Concluslon The plastics spacers comply to the requirements of NEN 6722. TNO analysed that as far ths durability of plastic spacers and also cementitious ones is concerned, we can rely, for the time being, only on experience. Experience shows that both type of spacers do not cause serleus durabiIity problems. Therefore, plastic and cementitious spacers have in principle similar effects on service life and shouid be considered equivalent in that respect. Consortium Bouygues I Koop HSL Zuid Boortunne! Groene Hart APPROVAl OF MATERIALS (AOM) Beside the applicatiol'l of the plastic spaoer. wheel shaped, permits to lower tlle risk of bad concrete cover on vertical relnforcement, slnce they can net twist when the formworks are applied. It can be considered that plastic spacers do not impair the quality and the durability of the concrete structure. Therefore these plastic spacers can be used tor construction . ARTICLE 5 • Annexe ., TNO 's report 2001-BT-MK-R104401,Service life design segments ofthe bored tunnel expert opinlon on the effect of plastic spacers ( me Building anti CODstruction Research CivillnfraslrUeture Schoemak:erstraat 97 P.O. Box 49 2600 AA Delft TNO report 2601·B1 -MK·Rl044l01 Groene Hart Tunnel T +311.52763000 F +31 152763018 Service Life Design Segments of the Bored Tunnel Expert Opinion on the Effect of Plastic Spacers CI.I __ '''~'KA:Iop I<fl:Ih.Codilt1. ~. Date 30 November 2001 Amhor(s) Ir. AJ.M. Siernes Copy no No. of copies Numberof pages 20 Number of appendices Sponsor Bouygues Travaux Publies alm. Mr. Y. Taibi Project name OHT SLO plastic spaers Project number All tights reserved, No part of this publiestien may be reprodeeed and/or publisbed by print. photoprint, microfilm or any ether means without the previous written consent of TNO. In case thls report was drafted on instructions, the rights aad obligations of coatracting partjes are subject te either the Standard Conditions for Research Instructiens given to TNO. or the relevant agreement concluded between tbe contracting parties. Subrnitting tbc report for inspection to parties who have a direct interest is perrnitted. @2001 TNO $Il'I:i i.OOI$t1C t ftke./Ol C.C. U.Oz. : lo5!>b TNO report 11044 \~~:' Jp het ontwerp~:~ en bouwcontract voor de Groene Hart Tunnel in de hoge snelheids1ijn iûssen Amsterdam and Brussel is een levensduur van tenminste 100 jaar geëist voor belangrijkste onderdelen van de tunnel. De tunnel bestaat uit een boortunnel. gemaakt van geprefabriceerde betonnen segmenten, toeritten en diafragmawanden. Om aan te tonen dat deze ontwerplevensduur daadwerkelijk aanwezig is moeten berekeningen worden gemaakt die zijn gebaseerd op prestaties en betrouwbaarheid, volgens de methode 'DuraCrete' . Dit bewijs moet ook worden gegeven voor de kunststof afstandhouders die zullen worden toegepast in de segmenten van de boortunnel. In het rapport is een analyse gegeven van de duurzaamheid van kunststof afstandhouders, die geleverd worden door Plakabeton - Coffratec uit Ternat in België. Het daarbij om de typen DINKI, DUX OFFEN en DRANFIX. De analyse was gericht op het aantonen van de minimum levensduur van 100 jaar. In de analyse is gekeken .naar drie aspecten: - de duurzaamheidseisen uit de VEU (NEN (722) voor wat betreft afstandhouders in beton - de mogelijke bijdrage van de afstandhouders aan de aantasting van het beton en de wapening ~ de mogelijke aantasting van de afstandhouders zelf. Uit. de analyse bleek dat de kunststof afstandhouders aan alle gestelde eisen kunnen voldoen, met uitzondering van de eis uit de VBU dat in waterdicht beton geen kunstsof afstandhouders mogen worden gebruikt. Er is echter aangetoond dat wel kan worden voldaan aan de prestatie-eis ten aanzien van de waterdichtheid, die is gegeven in het 'Programma van Eisen Groene Hart Tunnel' . Vanuit een praktisch oogpunt bezien kan ook worden opgemerkt dat in de praktijk nauwelijks duuraaarrëietdscbaëe voorkomt bij het gebruik van kunststof afstandhouders in constructies die geplaatst zijn in een zeewatermilieu. Er kan dus worden geconcludeerd dat de betreffende kunststof afstandhouders zodanige, met de duurzaamheid samenhangende, eigenschappen hebben dat een ontwerplevensduur van tenminste 100 jaar aanwezig is. 3/1.!l TNO report II {l404 " Snmmary ~,,' \.; ~. the design and construct contract for tbe Groene Hart Tunnel in the high speed niilway tink between Amsterdam and Brussels a requirement of a design Iife of at least 100 year has been stated, The tunnel consists of a bored tunnel. made of prefabricated concrete segments. ramps and ëiaphragm wall, To prove that this design life is vaUd. performance and reUabiHty based ealculations, according to the design metsod 'OuraCrete', should he provided; The proof of this service life must also he given for the plastic spacers to he used in the segments of the bored tunnel, Tbe durability of the plastic (polypropylene) spacecs that are delivered by Piakabeton Coffratee in Pemat Belgium, the types DlNKI, DUX OFPEN, and DRANFIX was analysed witb respect to the minimum service life. The analysis was directed to three different aspeets: - tbe durabHity requirements given in N'EN 6722 (VBU) with respect to spacers in concrete - the possible contdbution of the spacers to tbe degrndation meehanisms of the concrete or the reinforcement - the possible degrsëetiona of the spacers, It was found that the polypropylene spacers can satisfy all rrentioned requirements. exeept the requirements from NEN 6722 that plastic spacers are not allowed in waternght coaesese.-ït.was-however shownthat-the related performance requirement given in the 'Programme of Reqairements.Green Heart Tunnel' will be satisfied, From a practical point of'.view.i; earl be stared that concrete spacers used in sea water snucterea show no special durability problerns. The concrete spacers{havein Principle durabitity characteristics design service life of at least lOOyear. that will guarantee a TNO report! l044 Contents :Appendices A Appendix: brochures of the spacers 16 'i: 1 Introduction 5 :2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Thc twmellining anti lts poosible degradations Deseripëon of the Iining and the spacers? Exposure conditions for the lining 8 Exposure eonditions for the plastic spacers 10 :3 3.1 Expert opinion on tbc service lire of tbe lining in reiation to tbc spacers usedl1 Requirements from N'EN 6722 'Regulations for concrete Construction (VBU 1988)' 3.2 3.3 3.4 ldentifying the possible degradations ] 1 Degradatien of tne polyetbylene12 Contribution of the plastic spacers 10 the degradation of the concrete 12 4 Conclusions- 14 7 11 TNO report 11044 5 115 1 Introduetion .... , , Jhe Green Hemt Tunnel is probably one of the most important structures in the northem part of the high-speed railway link between Amsterdam and Brussels. The tunnel consists of: One bored tunnel with El separation wall between the two tracks in the tunnel. The lining of the tunnel wil! Oe made of prefabricated reinforeed concrete. In the lining plastic spacers will Oe used, These wil! he supplied by C.V.A. Plakabeton - Coffratec S.CA in Ternat Belgium, Between me elements rubber gaskets will he provided, Ramps as entrences for the tunnel from me north and the south side, The ramps (walls and bottom) will be made in situ of reinforeed concrete. The ramp will he - supported by a system of under-water concrete bleeks that are conneered by rension piles to the bottom of the ramp. Diaphragm walls hetween the ramps and the bored tunnel. In the design and construct contract for this tunnel lil requirement of a design life of at least 100year has been stated, To prove that this design life is valid, performance and reliabiHty based caleulations, aceording to the design method 'DuraCrete', should he provided, Toe proof of this service lire must also De given for the concrete spacers. The designmethod 'DuraCrete' fellows in principle the same line as the structaral design concept. The design is based on: - Perfermances, where me border between wen performing and bad performing is given by limit states. Limit states should, In principle, model the behaviour of the structure on basis of fundamental correct formulas; in case of lack of these formatas empirica! relationships are aceeptable if consensus is present to use these roedels. A distinction will he made between ultimate limit states (ULS) and serviceability limit states (SLS). Reliability, Prove should he given that the relevant performances wil! be reliable through tie whole design service life (reference period), The required reliabiJity for the ULS should he at least i:> :: 3.6 and for the SLS ~ :: 1.8. Fusther aspeets of the design metbod 'DuraCrete' are: The environmental eoedinons are modelled within the limit states. The degradation proeesses are modelled within tbc limit states, There is in principle a possibility to formalate new, to durability or maintenance related, limit states. An example is a limit state to prevent to enter into the peopagation phase of eerrosion. Such a limit state redaces the probability that repair has to Oe done on the strueture, The 'DuraCrete' design method is described in a manaal nl. For the calculations of the concrete structure this method will he followed, in the sense that the calculations will he made on a probabilistic level. The manual gives also a possibility for a simplified semi-probabilistic design with safety margins between tbe losding or environmeatal condiäoas and tae material resistanee, Thts simphfied approach wilt not be fellewed as it is expected to he too crude for a design for 100 year in case of the preseace of chloride. To simplify the TNO report 11044 calculations this approach may be fellewed for performances that presumably calculation is than used to prove this, 6/15 are not çritica1. TOe semi-probabilistic Tbe design metbod DuraCrete is fully foeussed on reinforeed concrete structures, It can not yet he used for special parts in the tunnel like the plastic spacers, the rubber lining, tbe stainless steel anchors. as no degrsdation rnodels and data for the parameters are specified, In this report an expert opinion will be given on the service life of tlle plastic spacers, it strived to give this opinion on basis of tbe performance and reliabiltty of the spacers for a service Iife of 100 year, In other words the expert opinion win be based on the same principles as in DuraCrete. 7 1tf5 TNO report IHl44 2 The tunnel lining and its possible degradations 2.1 Descripti.on of the lining and the spaeers The lining of the Green Hart Tunnel consists of prefabricated reinforeed concrete segments, Each tunnel ring with a width of 2 mand an internat diameter of 13.3 m consists of nine segments and a keystone (Figure 2.1). The lining has a wall thickness of 0.6 m. Around each segment and key stone a rubber joint profile is applied to secure the water tightness of the tunnel lining. The surfaces of the joints between the segments are provided with the plastic guiding bar to accurately position the segments during the construction of the lining, To provide the proper concrete cover plastic spacers of will he used, that wH1he delivered by C.V.A. Plakabeton - Coffratec S.C.A. in Ternat Belgium. The spaeer are produced by Reuf3 Teehuik irn Bau in Wuppertal Germany. . 1 I I ! i I i , ~ I : ,I Figure 2.1 Cross sections of tne tunnel ring in longitudinal and transverse direction FOT the horizontal reinforcement bars DRANFIX spaeer wiU be used and for the vertical reinforcement bars DINK! anti DUX OFPEN (Figure 2.2). Figure 2.2 Respectively DINKl. DRANFIX and DUX OFFEN (scale about 1 : 2) TNO report 11044 8115 The standard DRANFIX sparers are avaUable for concrete covers of 35 mm and 40 mm .. itP combination with reinforcement diameters of 6 to 16 mmo This product is described :~nhe Outen brochure VOS 2102, dated 02108/00, and in the Freeeh brochure W 05 21 .. ~2, dated 06107199. The standard spacers are of tbe type DINKI are for a cover of 40 mm and reinforcement diameters of 5 to 14 mrn and DUK OFf'EN for a cover of 35 mm in combination with reinforcemem diameters of 10 to 20 mm and for a cover of 40 mm in combination with reinforcement diameters hetween 14 and 18 mmo These products are described in the Dureh brochure V 05 1902, dsted 02108/00, and in the Freneh brochure W 05 1902, dated 06107199. Plakabeton wiU however prodaee similar spaeers with ecversend reinforcemem diameters tbat are specific for tbo application in the Green Heart Tunnel. No brochures are avallable for tbis. Scans of the brochures are given in Appendix A. As far as the exposure environment is concemed, the tunnel lining is generally in contact with tbe salt contaminated groundwater on tbc outside. On tbe inside mere is also a possibility for salt contaminated ground water, due to leakage though tbe joints. Further the concrete segments are exposed to tbe armesphese on the inner sine and in a part of tbe joints. The tbreat of degradations sucb as trost in combination witb de-icing agents.cbemieal and biologica! attaek are less or not relevant for the tunnel lining. ASR will he considered by selecting proper cement and by avoiding the appäeetion of tbc poteatial reaetive aggregates (research coaceraing tbis aspect hasbeen carriedout by Bouygues). Carbon dioxide from the atmospbere can have negative effect on the inner side of the tunnel lining conceming tbe carboeation since the coacentratioa of carbon dioxide inside the tunnel will be raised in cornparison with tbe outdoor environment due to the low ventdarion in tbc tunnel, In addition, tbere will he no preeipitation. Therefore blockage of !he pores in the concrete cover due to predpitation wil] not take place, altbough condeasaäon may partly compensate tbat. The eerrosion of reinforcement tbrough carbooation has to he coasidered in tbe service life design of tbe tunnel lining, On the basis of the Program of Requirements - Green Hart (5.1.4) tbc content of chloride in tbe groand water must he consiöered as thai. in !he sea water. The saline ground water will penetrate in the outside of the tunnel Iining (i.e. concrete outside the rubber joints). Due to possible ieakage of the joints (immediately aftel' construction or during tbe service life), the saline ground water wil! also penetrate in tbe joints at the inner side of !he tunnel lining. Therefore, the corresion of reinforcement through chloride ingress bas to be considered in tbc service life design of the tunnet tining. The cntical points eoaeeming the thrests of earbonstien and chloride ingress on me segment are illustrated in Figure 2.3. These two types of threats eau he identified in the segment aceording to the exposure conditions: TNO report 11044 l "'~'~r_'· -- e e e c c ::::.;:..;:.: L OutskIa (Chl~ pe:::a:) . __ .._.... - '.- Posslble ieakage at (chloride penetration) alffte joint betwe9tl!he ~--,,;•. _._"'---...~ , t~e rings (chIorldepeoelnitiol1) Figure 2.3 Critica! points concerning the treats of carbonaston and chloride ingress on the segment Outside: The outside surface of me concrete segment is constantly exposed to thechloride contaminated ground water. The enviroamental condition is similar to the submerged condition in the sea water. Inside: The inside surface of tbc concrete segment is coastantly expoeed to the air with a relatively high CO2 concentratien due to the low ventäation in the tunnel. The mainly threat is the carbenation. Due ro the possible leakage the inside of the segment at the bottorn of the tunnel could be also threatened by the chloride penetratien. This part can be considered as the splash zone as far as the exposure condition is coneerned, The joint between tbe rings: The smal! part outside the rubber profile is constantly exposed to tbe chloride contaminated ground water. This part can be considered as the submerged exposure condition. The surface behind the rubber joint could be possibly in contact with toe saline water due to the leakage. The exposure condition of this part of the surface can be regarded as the tidal zone (Figlli"'e 2.2a). TNO report I 1044 lOf 15 The joint between the segments: The smal! part outside the robber profile is constantly exposed to me chloride coetaminated ground water. This part can be consinered as the submerged exposure eonditioa. The surface bebind the robber joint and/or bebind the plastic guide bar could he possibly in contact with the saline water due to the leakage. The exposure condition of this part of the surface cao he regarded as the tidal zone (Figure 2.2b). 2.3 Exposure oonditioos for tbc plastic spacers Spacers: In all these critica] points tbc plastic spacers, delivored by Plakabeton, for the concrete cover will be present. These durability parameters of the spacers differ oom tbe parameters of the concrete of the segments, Therefore it is necessary to look to the service life of the spacers. Poly-ethene (LDPE and HOPE) have in principle a goed resistance against: weak and streng acids weak and streng alkalies oils and fats The westher resistance is moderate, but by adding special additives this cao be improved, Tbc resistance against oxidizing acids is poor. n n5 TNO report 11044 3 Expert opnnon on the service life of the lining in relation to the spacers used 3.1 R.equirements trom NEN 6722 'Regula&ns for concrete Construction (VBU 1985)' In NEN 6722 some requirements related to durability are specified: 1 spacers may not contribete to air enclosures 2spacers may not induce tbe ingress of moisture af ter hardening of the concrete 3 spacers may nor contribate to cracking 4 in case of watertigbt concrete the spacers must he made from a cement bound material , with a water/cement ratio that is at least equal to the water/cement ratio of the concrete 5 the area of the recesses in the plastic spaeers should he at least 25 % of tbc gross area of the spacers 6 in case the spaeers are used in situatioes where the température can rise above 50 is should he proved that no unacceptable deformations occur, oe With respect to these requirements the following remarks can Oe made: 1 tbc open structure of tbc spaeers to be used wil! prevent that air enclosures can oceur 2 as no realoonding will occur between the plastic spaeer and the surrounding concrete, it is unavoidable thet á small opening win he present near the interface; the 'crack width' wilt he substantially lower than the allowable crack width in the concrete 3 giving the low modulus of elasticity of the polyethylene the spaeer will not contribute to the cracking of the concrete 4 all civil engineering parts of the stracture should he watertight: for tbc bored tunnel, the access ramps, and the shafts this is translated in the 'Programme of Requirements Green Heart Tunnel, in a performance requirement that in the operational stage the leak water discharge is less then 0.05 lIm2/day as an average over 50 m length; the local maximum is 0.10 lIm2/day; the spaeer reduces the thickness of the concrete parts locally with about 10 %, as the amount of perrneated water is inversely proporëonal witb the thickness of the concrete element it is deal' that a plastic spaeer will nor inerease the discharge with a factor 2 5 it is obvious trom Fig. 2.1 that thc DINK! and DUX OFPEN spacers fulfil this requirernent; after meesurement of the reeesses in the DRANFIX spaeer it was found that these spacers also fulfil the requirement 6 the weakening point of polyethylene is about 110 10 130 Oe, depending on the density of the material; the highest temperature due to sun radietion will he about 60 oe and due to hydratien of the cement 70 oe. As given in Chapter 2 the polyethyleae, service life the following main degradations: - alkali attack - weathering - oxidizing acids. should he able to resist during the design TNO report I 1044 Parther conditlens for the plastic sparers are, that they may not contribute to the mam degradation mechanisms for the concrete: chloride ingress in the splssh zone carbonation as both degradations can initiate eerrosion in the concrete. reinforcement steel • •• 1 I I I I 1 spaeer concrete ; I. lmgres a. b. Figure 3. J Concrete without a spaeer (a) and with oplastie spaeer (b) 3.3 Degmdatioo of tbe polyethyiene As mentioned in Chapter 2 the main.degrading agents for polyethylene are: - weathering ~ oxidizing acids. Apart from calamities it is not expeeted that oxidizing acids wil! he present in the Green Heart Tunnel. If these types of aeids would be present, the attacking effect on tbe concrete would deminare the effect on the spacers. The weathering effect on the polyethylene is mainly due to ultraviolet light, and for a small part to oxidizing and physiea! aging. As the spacers are emoedded in the concrete (Fig. 3.1) !he effect win be negligible. Further we must realise that most of the plastic spacers are situated in pl aces where no tigbt is present: outside surf ace, joints, elements under the railway body etc. For srnall products, like these concrete spacers, that are also produeed in a specific way, it is difficult to perferm the usual compliance test with respect to earbonation and chloride ingress. A possibility for testing would he to cast some spacers in standerd concrete cubes or prisms, made of the same concrete mix as win he used for the segments. The cubes cao he tested in the ReM-test (Rapid Chloride Migration) and the prisms in a rapid carbonation test. The testing procedure need however to he developed and consensus should he found on the interpretanen of the test results. This goes beyend the scope of the present service life design of the spacers, In the situation of Figure 3.1,a the chlorides or the carbon dioxide cao reach the reinforcement steel through the original concrete mix. For this situation a probabilistic TNO report I 1044 13/15 service life calculation has shown that with the concrete mix M4So-AM, mat Bouygnes will use for the production of the segments, the requirements with respect to the service life of tbe segments can he fulfilled, From practical experience it is known that plastic spacers that are applied in a sea water elimate (ander water, tidal zone, or splash zone) seldom are involved in damages due to corrosion, This may he due to me fact that no oorrosion of the reinforcing bar, that is in contact witb the spaeer, wil! occur. It mayalso he do to the fact that eerrosion occurs, but being a local eerrosion spot the amount of corrosion product will he limited, and me spaces available in the concrete matrix (air voids, pores and small cracks) can he enough to prevent cracking of me concrete due swelling of the original iron. The situation in most concrete structures in a sea water elimate is in tbis last respect in genera! more favourable than the concrete in the segments, The minimum cover in the segments will he probably 35 mrn, In prsctice this win he about 50 mmo This means that the force, due to theswelling eerrosion products needed to break out (pop-out) a concrete cone is quadratic with the heighr of the concrete cover (Figure 3.2). Figure 3.2 Pop-outforce is quadratic with the concrete cover This possible unfavourable effect is in praenee not to important. The mass of concrete that will pop-out in case of a 35 mm spaeer is limited, and estimated at about 100 gram. The darrage or injuries that a mass of 100 gram can cause is Iimited, Besides it ma)' he expeeted dun sueh type of pop-outs have a high degree of deteetability during inspeedons. TNO repol111044 14 HS 4 Conclusions jbe durability of the plastic spaeers provided by Plskabeton Coffratee in Ternat Belgium, the types DINK!, DUX OFFEN, and DRANFIX has been assessed with respect 00: - the durability requirements in NEN 6722 VBU - tbe degradation of the spacers - the contribution of the spacers to the degradation of the concrete. The plastic spacers fulfil tbc durability requirements that are given in NEN 6722. exeept that it is notaäowed 10 use plastic spacers in watertight concrete structures, In the 'Programme of Requirements Green Hemt Bored Tunnel' the requirement with respect to watertightness is specified as a performance: a limitation to an average of 0.05 lIm2/day and a local maximum of 0.10 lIm"Jday. It has been shown that tbc présence of a plastic spaeer will not double tbe local leak water discharge. This means that the influeace of tbe plastic spacers on the watertightness is negligible, From the service life design of tbc segments it followed that the main threats for the concrete are: Corrosion of the reinforcement due to carbonation of the concrete, for thc concrete that is expoeed to the atmosphere. - Cosrosion of tbc reinforcement due to the ingress of chlorides It was found that these degradations are not negatively influenced by plastic spacers. Polypropylene is in general good resistant to acids and alkalies. The last property means that the spacers will he good resistent to the alkaline environment in concrete. The resistance of polypropylene against oxidizing acids is low, but these types. of aeids are not present in the tunnel. Further is cao he stated that the spacers are embedded in the concrete. The moderate westher resistance is therefore no real problem, From a practical point of view itcan he stated that plastic spacers, used in sea water structures, show no special durability problems. The plastic spacers have in principle durability characteristies that will guerantee a design service life of at least 100 year, Tbe plastic spacers to he used for the Green Hemt Tunnel have dimension that are not available within the delivery programme of the producer. Therefore special spaeers will he produeed re he used for the Green Heart Tunnel. Giving tbc considerations in this report. there is no reasen why spacers with other dimensioas win have another service !ife. Ir A.J.M. Siernes 15/15 '::r;.:.; TNO report 11044 A 16/15 Appendix:brochures of the spacers Ecarteur pour armamre horizontale DMl>Il'lX ; ficbe ~ 1. he. dï W!!II la~y:>'P'_~.l)lI»mX""~",,,_g~pourml~I'''~'' uien ~dant.Ics""-ll!l W- om>&. 3. f4é d'!!!!Ullm 4.~ Cerli!i""1S l>~ Cl>ulwr Chinliquo : s<Ilon DIN et tso 9001 ; polyéthy\Qne 1"•• : gril ; réslsIe """ 1"1"" fréquonU &Cldd lil! bIil;iq_ i V<Ace l~pIIl!lte SII:r!iocedo CODlllOtI_1e ""~_ lis _I utililólpMci~ en pr6f&!lliAllOfL !r 5. bfodè!ti Iwditimsmet ~ l4jmmieM ~1l: C.V.A. !"!..AKJ>Jllrl'ON • COF:l':II.A'l1lC S.cJ.. ~322Se:l~4S """;:l2Sgz1~Q ~ Bb;.11l dan$1<; b610ll sonlltÖo P'" visiblcsdan< Ie b<iI<m. 17115 TNO report 11044 wa DlNKhllil 1. PrAA""tbotsltl'lM"l! o..V<lIlicalc~(DlNKl4lllI)UXOFl'1!N)iII.~wordon~ iA~ boIoI> __ 40 V<lIlicaIc~ ••••40 bokisliJ>g. %. lIIGIlf~ I'!f_P"""!l!ml JJ'!AIIdl>ou4or,,_ do vom<:&le ~ CenirÏC&at MaklriW K.leur : vol$oM 0l'N ~ ISO 9001 CIllll1lÎ>Gi\ : bestond!:. ~JO'l4o _ ÎIllll'~·boton. : pol)'llthyl_ l'E : !!rijs "ootl;omcndc _ ." PINK! "'l nu>: OFI'EN : •••• I>fdonYUI/>_Illd "" 40 _ins ~ v•••d.~tOfl\llllpal. OFFEN: beeft """ .gtO""" SlijM'; ""ldeine ~""'" _ IE(-1 ~tnIlt 3S 40 ·e.VA ~·COFl'1lATlCS.C-A \1l'~2 sll:!:zttS F",,'22$1l219<12 ÎJI beten. on zijD voorzien \'&11_Iil""'iul S)m= ome 'EN buen, ",,",••••• ::till 40 bekilI1iIlg. 0<=m> Ril>ol< Sd4 see 13_ 10-20 14-18 ftibcx 1000 500 lDdlwrlolooll,2-11 17<4Q1'ElU<lAT ~:~"'ls~be Slz.l/! Wob>m.:_.p-'_ , dul het i TNO report 11044 181 is 1:~=~2: I ;r -','" ;~l Horizontale wapeningsa:fstandhouders DllA.~ ~_.è4~~._~ I. • 1 ~ _ 1 ~l:d'" Dellotizcololllle~ORANJIIXm~w«dt~als ••~b\~ I~==-·&-~ ! I VOO< ItoxilIonw.~l!m~l>eu:m-. 4. ~AIlI!f:P ~1 . volgens I:>IN en ISO 9001 ; polyclllyletn PlO ~ '~~ ~ ••• KIe.... 0."" ~ .~ at 'griJ' dr: meest V<lQl'lc.D1l\!llldllztll'lm ••• buerl. WlW&'JlÎll in beton wordr:n vOOl'llli~ ju ~lo met<!ll'lIIBU'Mllib~ c.V-A.~(lN'COP'nA'iiêg.C.A. il' 32 1 m 1'45 32 2 SBlIH':I p.,. n, mlldal doa!aij de kleine ~UIll<!7l"'" r.ijn in betbeton. ~l-B !lb.lil ~"~~'"' 17<40'l1mNAT w_: .••••..••.. ~Ql\.ccm d_ 19115 TNO report 11044 ZE TIFIKAT DIN EN ISO 9001 DEKRA C$fIiflQiüonS"",lces GmbH OOsc:he,nigt hiermlt, cl&f.l. die FÎl'1I1Gl'lQrupp& cmIJ teennik im~u ROilUB """".." (:Q. Sl'lIUer & OIlusencl _&<;O.M KQ a,~11""""'" _ .•.. _.0-.••••• _ "'''',._._ .•••••• _ __ .,...,..,7_ __.ll-42:/7l!\_ Untern&hmem<llruppe e-_~51 . WD Bauted1nlk DaIlS3nd<lmbH _a_S$.D.42277"'_ ""'0Ij& Co.KGl _",,7t,D-<$W_ S'-'Xt1'lJ ....., IIvlOiCll: ~lI.l'r"" 1l,.....Iartll<etn FMd _ & 1:0. KG 36,. ~~ ••"'ldV ••••••• l> VOlI flIr GWllSOuilldOllllrie m QuSliWtsmenagemenl$y$!em $I1IsprocI1enà (Ier ober! genanntlllO Norm (llI94} elng&führ! he! lJn<! dieses wjT!<l;l!Im ~t, Oe. Nlöchwei& Wl,lrde im Ra/lmlltl de$ Zertifizlarungs-Audils, B8richl-Nr, W-2971e33 ertlraoht O4ltum ~~llll; .II , 4orl<otztM 2).03.11\1\15 Z&rIi_~. 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