Quick Start PSpice 17.2 Lite Product

Quick Start PSpice 17.2 Lite
PSpice 17.2 Lite
PSpice 17.2 Lite installation and
references to documentation
Autor/Datum: Roberto Gandía / 29.07.2016
Table of Contents
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 2
System Requirements .................................................................................................... 3
PSpice 17.2 Lite Limitations ........................................................................................... 4
Download ....................................................................................................................... 6
Installation ...................................................................................................................... 9
Create your first Project for simulation ...........................................................................13
References ....................................................................................................................22
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Quick Start PSpice 17.2 Lite
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1 Overview
This Application Note covers the information to download and install the new OrCAD PSpice
17.2 Lite, the first steps you have to follow in order to create and simulate a design and the
references to Application Notes, Documents, Videos, Circuit Examples and tutorials, where
you can find additional information on how to use OrCAD PSpice 17.2 for your own purposes
and goals.
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2 System Requirements
Operating System
Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate or Home Premium (64-bit)
Windows 8 (64-bit) All Service Packs
Windows 10 (64-bit)
Windows 2008 Server R2
Windows 2012 Server (All Service Packs)
Recommended Software
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0 or later
Minimum Hardware
4 GB physical memory
10 GB disc space
Virtual memory should be at least double the available physical memory
1024 x 768 display resolution for true color (16-bit color)
Recommended Hardware:
Intel 4th Generation Core or AMD Kaveri
4 GB physical memory
10 GB free disk space
Virtual memory should be at least double the available physical memory
1280 x 1024 display resolution with true color (at least 32-bit color)
A dedicated graphics card is recommended
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3 PSpice 17.2 Lite Limitations
PSpice 17.2 Lite has the following limits with design site and complexity:
PSpice Lite:
Circuit simulation limited to circuits with up to 75 nodes, 20 transistors, no subcircuit limits but 65 digital primitive devices, and 10 transmission lines (ideal or
non-ideal) with not more than four pairwise coupled lines.
Device characterization and parameterized part creation using the PSpice®
Model Editor limited to diodes.
Includes all libraries, including parameterized libraries.
No limit to stimulus generation using Stimulus Editor.
Sample model library named eval.lib (containing analog and digital parts) and
evalp.lib (containing parameterized parts) are provided.
You cannot use Level 3 of Core model (Tabrizi), MOSFET BSIM 3.2, or
MOSFET BSIM 4 models.
The maximum nodes in a digital circuit can be equal to or less than 250.
The non-ideal Tline is limited to 4.
The PSpice DMI models are not supported in the Lite Version of the simulator.
IBIS import is not supported.
Device model interface (DMI) is not supported.
PSpice SLPS flow is not supported.
PSpice Advanced Analysis Lite:
Smoke Analysis:
Can run only on diodes, resistors, transistors, and capacitors.
Only Random and MLSQ engines can be used.
Values of up to two component parameters can be optimized.
A maximum of one measurement specification and one curvefit
specification are supported.
Only one error calculation method supported for optimizing the curvefit specification.
Parametric Plotter
Can sweep the values of only two design and/or model parameters.
Only Linear sweep in supported.
A maximum of 10 sweeps allowed.
Can evaluate the influence of changing parameter values only on one
measurement expression or a trace
Display Plot is not available.
Monte Carlo
Only one measurement specification is allowed.
A maximum of three devices with tolerance are supported.
Maximum of 20 Monte Carlo runs are supported.
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Only one measurement specification is allowed.
A maximum of three devices with tolerance are supported.
Maximum of 20 runs are supported.
Encrypted parameterized models cannot be simulated
The Optimizer Random Engine can make a maximum of 5 runs.
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4 Download
There are two ways to download PSpice 17.2 Lite:
1. From www.orcad.com:
a. Click Products
Free OrCAD Lite
b. Click Download:
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c. Complete and send this request:
NOTE: Please fill out all the fields with your true data so that your channel partner
can contact with you to give you information about how you can get help and
technical support from us.
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2. From www.pspice.com:
a. Scroll down the window and select Download Now:
b. Complete the request in the same way as shown before.
NOTE: After sending the request, you will receive an E-Mail to download the software:
If you do not know, to which Cadence Channel Partner you belong to, browse the next
website to find such information:
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5 Installation
Once you have downloaded the software, unzip it and click on 17.2-2016-OrCAD-PSpiceDesigner-Lite.exe. After that, follow the next steps to do the installation successfully:
1. Click Yes
2. Click Next:
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3. Accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next:
4. Select to install this application to all users:
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5. Browse a directory, where you want to install the program or use the default one.
Click Next:
6. Click Install:
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7. The installation will take a while. Then click Finish:
8. After the installation you will find the structure of the just installed software if you click
Cadence Release17.2-2016
Capture CIS Lite: Software where you can design your circuit.
PSpice AD Lite: Simulator and are to plot the results.
PSpice Advanced Analysis Lite: Set of analysis capabilities to optimize
parameters, predict reliability and improve quality and yield.
PSpice Utilities: Set of tools to be used in combination with Capture and
PSpice (Magnetic Parts Editor, Model Editor, Simulation Manager, Stimulus
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6 Create your first Project for simulation
In this module you will learn:
How to create a new Project to be used for PSpice Simulation.
How to define a simulation profile and how to setup the default Cadence libraries for
the components you can use for simulation.
How to save, archive and send a complete project.
Follow the next steps to complete successfully the goals:
1. Click Start
All Programs
Cadence Release 17.2-2016
Products and click Capture CIS Lite:
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OrCAD Lite
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2. The first time you open the software, it will look like this:
3. Click File
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4. Write a Name for the project, Select PSpice Analog or Mixed A/D and Browse a
NOTE: In the right side at the bottom you find an Option called “Learn with PSpice”. If
you click on it, you will open the Learning PSpice documentation. In the module 6 you
can read extra information.
5. Click OK and immediately a new window appears allowing you to start a Project from
a template or to Create a blank project. Select Create a blank project and click OK.
6. The project is created. Make double click on PAGE1 (if it is not opened
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7. Click on Place Part (Short key P):
8. Click Add Library to add all the available default Cadence libraries for PSpice:
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9. Select all the libraries and click Open:
NOTE: These libraries contain the symbols that represent the different models in
PSpice. Each component in each of these libraries has a PSpice model associated.
The most important libraries at the beginning are:
Analog Behavioral Models.
Ideal Analog Parts (R, L, C, etc).
Breakout Parts (Model Editor).
Voltage and Current sources.
Supported sources by Stimulus Editor
SOURCE.olb (accessible through Place
Analog-Gorund, HI and
Various models for special purpose like printing, watching,
variables, parameter settings, etc.
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10. (Additional): If it is the first time and you do not know what you can find in each
library, in Capture click on Place
PSpice Component
Search. A window pops
us and you will find all the Cadence components classify in Libraries and in
Categories. You can also find a description that helps you to know the most important
features of each component. You can place them making double click:
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11. Define a new simulation profile clicking on PSpice
New Simulation Profile:
12. Click on Create and a window pops up:
NOTE: Right now the most important is not to define a particular kind of simulation,
but to include all the PSpice libraries to the simulation profile. In the Module 6 you can
find information where to look for documentation, where all the steps you have to
follow to define each kind of simulation are described.
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13. Click on Configuration Files and click on library:
14. Click on browse and Navigate to
<directory>\Cadence\SPB_17.2\tools\pspice\library and look for nom.lib. This
library is an index library, which gather the whole Cadence PSpice libraries.
15. Click Open.
16. Click Add as Global:
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17. Click OK.
18. Now your PSpice Project is ready to design your circuit and configure the simulation
Profile according to the type of simulation you want to run.
19. Click File
Archive Project to decide what you want to save and how you want to
save it. It allows that all the data can be rapidly saved and sent:
20. Select all the options, browse a directory to save the project and click OK.
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7 References
This module includes all the references where you can find information about how to use
PSpice, how to use PSpice Models downloaded from a manufacturer, Application Notes,
Videos, Tutorials, Learning PSpice, the new PSpice website, and so on.
From OrCAD Capture:
1. Learning PSpice: Click Help
Learning PSpice. You find information about
electronic issues, how to define Transient Analysis, AC Analysis, etc.
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2. Demo Designs: Click File
Demo Designs. You will find Analog, Digital,
Analog/Digital examples that can be used in the Lite Version (Lite = Y). Use them to
understand how to use PSpice for your own purposes.
NOTE: Click on the Question Mark to get a description of the project, mathematical
explanations and other references.
3. Documentation: In Capture click Help
Show Documentation Browser:
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Documentation. A window pops up. Click
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Then select the folder PSpice:
The most important documents for PSpice are:
o PSpice Reference Guide
o PSpice User Guide
o PSpice Quick Reference
The most important documents for Capture:
o Capture User Guide
You can open them making double click on the folder and then clicking on the
PDF icon.
NOTE: Click Edit
Applications and add the directory to your Adobe
executable to open the documentation using PDF:
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From FlowCAD Website (www.flowcad.de, www.flocad.ch, www.flowcad.pl):
1. Click Download
Application Notes to find documents which can help you with
issues you want to do in PSpice or to know the new features in PSpice 17.2.
2. Click on Services/Support
FlowCAD Universität to find over 100 videos related
to basic electronics, how to design a circuit, how to define each kind of simulation
profile and show the results in the probe Window adding traces and using Markers,
examples of different electronic configurations, Monte Carlo Analysis, Worstcase
analysis, etc.
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NOTE: Click on FlowCAD on Youtube and subscribe in order to be informed when
new videos are available.
From PSpice Website (www.pspice.com):
It is the official PSpice community to connect and grow your network, get questions
answered by technical experts, discuss topics and exchange ideas to help you grow in the
electronic design world.
1. Create new account and have access to the PSpice forum, model libraries,
applications, PSpice news, and much more.
TO NOT FORGET. If you need technical support, help, extra information, 30-Day Full Test
License to test a particular issue, a Web session to present the tool or particular features, do
not hesitate to send an E-Mail or call to your Local Channel Partner:
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