APPLICATION MANAGEMENT PLATFORM (AMP) CLOCKS MODULE USER GUIDE Doc Part No.: SNSDOC-007 02.12.14 Legal Notice Copyright ©2014 Primex Wireless, Inc. All rights reserved. SNS is a trademark of Primex Wireless, Inc. U.S. Patents 6,873,573; 7,352,657. Other Patents Pending. Printed in the USA. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of those agreements. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for any purpose, without the prior written permission of Primex Wireless. Contact Primex Wireless Address United States Canada United Kingdom 965 Wells Street 1310 Kerrisdale Blvd. Unit G420 Dean Clough Lake Geneva WI 53147 Unit #4 Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 5AX Newmarket, ON L3Y 8V6 Telephone (800) 537-0464 (800) 330-1459 0800-3896996 Fax (262) 248-0061 (905) 952-0134 01422-349462 Email Web Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide I CONTENTS About this Guide 1 Introducing SNS™ Time Synchronization 2 Features of SNS Time Synchronization 2 How SNS Time Synchronization Works 2 Getting Started 3 Log in/Log Out of AMP Software 3 Access the Clocks Module 4 Overview of Clocks Module Features 4 Clock User Roles 5 Your User Profile 6 Update Your User Profile 6 Manage Clocks 8 View Clocks 8 Clock Device Icons 10 Edit Clock Settings 10 Edit Multiple Clocks 11 Set Clock Synchronization Schedules 15 Edit a Clock Time Zone 17 Assign Clock to a Floor Plan 18 Record Battery Installation Date 19 Enable Find Mode 19 Manage Clock Groups 21 View Clock Groups 21 Add a Clock Group 21 Manage Alert Definitions 24 About Alert Definitions 24 Customize an Alert Definition 24 Add a Custom Alert Definition 25 Monitor Clocks from the AMP 28 Monitor Clocks from the Dashboard 28 View the Status of Clocks 30 View the Status of Clock Groups 34 View Clock Connection History 35 View Digital Clock/Timer Events 38 View and Acknowledge Current Alerts 40 View Current Alerts 40 Acknowledge a Current Alert 41 Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide II View Alert History 41 Upgrade Clock Firmware 43 Upgrade Clock Firmware from the AMP Software 43 Upgrade Clock Firmware Using the Browser-based Configuration Tool 44 Upgrade Clock Firmware with the SNS Configuration Tool 47 Battery Maintenance Primex Wireless 50 Battery Use Specifications 50 Low Battery Indication 50 Insert Batteries 50 Troubleshoot 51 Support 52 Clocks Module User Guide III ABOUT THIS GUIDE Product Models This guide supports the use of the Application Management Platform (AMP) and Clocks Module. Typographical Conventions This guide uses typographical conventions to highlight specific types of information. Typeface Indicates Example Bold Menu sequence or command Click Support Command line input > cd /var/sns/sns-install This guide includes notes, cautions, and warnings content that highlights important messages. Typeface Indicates Note Indicates something important or useful. Caution Indicates a command or procedure may have an unwanted or undesirable result. Warning Indicates a command or procedure that could be dangerous to system or device. Example Provides an example of how the topic can be configured or used. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 1 INTRODUCING SNS™ TIME SYNCHRONIZATION The Primex Synchronous Network System (SNS) uses your facility's current wired or wireless network infrastructure to provide synchronized time throughout your facilities. The SNS Time Synchronization system consists of the Application Management Platform (AMP), Primex clocks and timers that communicate with the AMP over your facility's wireless or wired Ethernet network. The figure below illustrates the architecture of the SNS Time Synchronization system. Primex clocks can also be deployed as Network Time Protocol (NTP) only clocks, offering the flexibility to configure clocks for NTP only synchronization. In NTP only mode, clocks are synchronized with an NTP time source and are not managed or monitored by the Application Management Platform. Clocks can be added to the AMP at a later time. For NTP only use information, refer to the SNS™ Analog and Digital Clocks/Timers NTP Only Installation Guide. Figure 1: SNS Time Synchronization Features of SNS Time Synchronization l Compatible with a wired Ethernet and wireless networks. l Centralized management, monitoring and upgrade of devices. l Intuitive management and grouping to effectively manage hundreds of clocks. l System self-checks and reports. How SNS Time Synchronization Works Once clocks and timers are configured for the network, they check-in regularly to the AMP to report their status and synchronize their time. The AMP displays details of the clock connections and analyzes and monitors the data transmitted to the AMP. The AMP has features to determine the wireless signal strength or wired Ethernet connection status of a clock’s connection to your AMP system. If the AMP detects that a clock has failed to check-in or other errors occurred, the system automatically generates an alert. Facilities and IT departments use the AMP to manage clock settings and monitor the status of clocks. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 2 GETTING STARTED In order to use the AMP to manage and monitor your SNS Time Synchronization system, the AMP Clocks license must be installed by your AMP system administrator. This guide assumes that this has been done. For information on installing the license, see the SNS™ AMP Installation and Administration Guide (SNSDOC-005). Log in/Log Out of AMP Software The AMP software is web-based and is accessed by your organization's unique AMP IP address or Domain Name assigned by your network. Commonly your AMP system administrator creates and manages your AMP user account. NOTE: After logging in the first time, it is recommended to change the factory default password. If you are logged in with the default username and password, you can change the password from the User Profile page. Log In The AMP software requires a username and password to log in. 1. Open a web browser and type the AMP IP address or Domain Name into the address bar (URL). NOTE: Primex Wireless recommends that you display the AMP using Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS). To use HTTPS, simply enter https://AMP_IP_address or the Domain Name into the address bar when accessing the AMP software. 2. From the login window, enter your username and password and select Login. NOTE: The password is case sensitive. Figure 2: AMP Login Page 3. Choose Log In. By default, the Dashboard is displayed. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 3 Access the Clocks Module Getting Started Log Out Select the Log out link located in the right header area to log out of the AMP software. Using the Log out link assures your AMP session is properly terminated, even if you still have other web browser windows or tabs open on your computer. NOTE: You can also log out by simply closing the web browser window. Access the Clocks Module When the Clocks software license is installed, the AMP displays the Clocks tab. To access the Clocks module, from the AMP top menu, select Clocks . The left menu lists the Clocks module features. For additional information, see "Overview of Clocks Module Features" located on page 4. NOTE: The left menu features displayed are dependent upon your AMP user account assigned roles. Figure 3: Clocks Menu for a User with the Clock Admin Role Overview of Clocks Module Features Table 1: Clocks Module Features Left-Menu Feature Description Clock Group Status Quickly check the test and reporting status of clock groups. Clock Status Quickly check reporting status of individual clocks. Current Alerts View and acknowledge active clock alerts. Connection History View the record of when a given clock connected with the network in the selected month and year. Alert History View the chronology of enabled alerts. Digital Events View the chronology of events reported by your digital clock timers. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 4 Clock User Roles Getting Started Left-Menu Feature Description List Clocks View and edit time and network configuration information for the clocks in your SNS Time Synchronization network. Clock Groups Manage collections of clocks based on facilities management plans to streamline notification and reporting. Clock Default Profile Network and time settings that you want all clocks to receive during configuration. Alert Definitions Configure who and when the AMP notifies users about clock events, such as Not Reporting. Clock User Roles Each AMP module has specific User Roles. User Roles are added to the system when a module license key is installed. A role is a designated set of features and data that you can view and modify. Depending upon your roles and responsibilities, your user account may be assigned to a role for each licensed module. Each higher level module role provides access to all functions below it, so you only need one role for each licensed module. Table 2: Clocks User Roles Role Access Granted Clock Admin All clock module functions Clock Manager All clock functions except upgrading firmware and editing the default profile Clock Monitor View clock information, status, and historical data and enter comments. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 5 YOUR USER PROFILE Within the User Profile page, you can edit the information stored for your user account profile. You cannot change the username you use to access the system, but you can modify your password, your actual name stored in the system, your email address, phone numbers and a password reminder phrase displayed to assist you during log in should you forget your password. Update Your User Profile 1. Located in the upper right of the screen, select the My Profile link. The User Profile page is displayed. 2. Edit your profile settings as required. For additional information, see "User Profile Setting Specifications" located on page 7. Figure 4: User Profile Page 3. Choose Save. The updated settings are displayed on the User Profile Updated page. NOTE: Primex Wireless If you navigate away from this page without choosing Save, any changes you have made will be discarded. Clocks Module User Guide 6 Update Your User Profile Your User Profile User Profile Setting Specifications Table 3: User Profile Setting Specifications Setting Description Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. *Username 3 to 30 characters *Password 5 to 20 characters; displays asterisk (*) for each character entered For security reasons the password fields will not display the characters you type, but instead display a single asterisk (*) for each character entered. Because you cannot see what you have typed in the New Password field, you must enter the new password a second time in the Confirm Password field so it can be verified against the first entry and prevent the risk of setting your password to a value you did not intend. *Confirm Password Value must match value in Password field; displays asterisk (*) for each character entered. Whenever a new password is being entered for your profile, you must also enter your current password in the Current Password field. This is done to prevent a user from changing your password if your computer is left momentarily unattended and logged into the AMP. First Name 0 to 40 characters Last Name 0 to 40 characters Email Address 0 to 500 characters Phone Number 0 to 20 characters Cell Phone Number 0 to 20 characters Password Reminder 0 to 200 characters Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 7 MANAGE CLOCKS The Application Management Platform (AMP) manages clock settings and alerts and monitors the status of clocks that are part of your SNS Time Synchronization network. View Clocks To view the clocks within your SNS Time Synchronization network, from the AMP top menu, select Clocks and from the left menu, select List Clocks. The List Clocks page, available to all users, displays a list of all clocks. Each clock's data displayed includes its assigned clock group, unique name, type of clock, time zone, indication of an update pending and firmware versions. For additional information, see "List Clocks Page Specifications" located on page 8. You can use the Clock Groups and Clock Types drop-down boxes above the clocks list to filter the clocks displayed. l Show Group: filters the clocks displayed to all clocks, clocks not assigned to a clock group, or clocks in a specific clock group. l Show Type: filters the clocks displayed to the selected type. Figure 5: List Clocks Page List Clocks Page Specifications Table 4: List Clocks Page Specifications Column Description To display all fields described below, select “Show All Columns” located in the lower right of the page. Group This field is blank if the clock is not assigned to a clock group, otherwise it contains the name of the clock group the clock belongs to. Clock Name The name the clock that was entered when it was added to your system. This uniquely identifies the clock. Typically the clock name represents the clock's installation location. For example, Reception, Conf. Rm. 102, etc. Double clicking on the clock name allows you to edit the clock record. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 8 View Clocks Manage Clocks Column Description To display all fields described below, select “Show All Columns” located in the lower right of the page. Type Icons in this column identify the type of clock in three sub-columns: Clock Type | Connectivity | Power Source For additional information, see "Clock Device Icons" located on page 10. Time Zone Shows the selected time zone. Offset Shows the offset in hours from GMT. MAC Address Hardware address of the clock micro-controller board. Site This field is blank unless a value has been entered into this optional field for the clock. This field is only used for reporting purposes. Building This field is blank unless a value has been entered into this optional field for the clock. This field is only used for reporting purposes. Room The user-entered room location of the clock installation location. This is for informational and reporting purposes only. Floor Plan Floor plan to which the clock is assigned. Update Pending This column displays a check mark if there are configuration changes which have been made for a clock that have not yet been downloaded to the clock. Configuration changes are downloaded to a clock when it checks-in with the AMP to report its condition at its scheduled time. Any configuration or setting changes made cause the clock to be marked with Updates Pending until the clock checks-in and the changes are downloaded to the clock. Find This column indicates if a clock is in find mode. Find mode is used when a clock has been moved and the site and/or building fields haven’t been updated to reflect its new location. In find mode, the second hands of analog clock move in five-second increments rather than one second at a time; the colon on a digital clock flashes to indicate that it is in find mode. NOTE: Find Mode is not available for Personal Series clocks. Upgrade Shows the clock and radio firmware version. Radio Version Version level of the firmware currently running in the 802.11 wireless radio board of the clock. Blank when the clock has not yet checked in with the AMP for the first time. Clock Version Version level of the firmware currently running in the clock micro-controller. Blank when the clock has not yet checked in with the AMP for the first time. Upgrade Radio Version level of the firmware that has been selected for upgrading the 802.11 wireless radio board of the clock. Dashes show when no upgrade is pending. Upgrade Clock Version level of the firmware that has been selected for upgrading the clock micro-controller. Dashes show when no upgrade is pending. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 9 Clock Device Icons Manage Clocks Clock Device Icons Each clock has a distinct icon to allow you to tell at a glance the clock model, how it's powered, and how it's connecting to the network. Table 5: Clock Device Icon Specifications Icon Specification Analog Clock Digital Clock Personal Series Clock PoE (Power over Ethernet) Battery-Powered AC-Powered Wireless Network Connection Edit Clock Settings From the List Clocks page, you can edit the settings of a single clock or multiple clocks. You must be a user with the Clock Admin or Clock Manager roles to edit clock information. Complete the steps below to edit a clock's settings and information. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select List Clocks. The List Clocks page is displayed. 3. Select the clock to be edited and from the bottom menu, choose Edit or double-click on the clock. The Editing Clock page with the Network Settings tab selected is displayed. The tabs displayed are dependent upon the clock model. 4. Edit the clock settings. Click the next tab to edit additional clock settings. For additional information, see "Clock Setting Specifications" located on page 12. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 10 Edit Multiple Clocks Manage Clocks Figure 6: Editing Clock Page for an AC-powered Digital Clock 5. When finished, choose Save to accept the changes. Edit Multiple Clocks Most edits that can be performed for a single clock can be performed for multiple clocks. NOTE: When multiple clocks are selected for edit, all selected clocks must allow the desired change. The AMP displays a warning pop-up if you are trying to edit settings not supported by all selected clocks. Complete the steps below to edit multiple clocks. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select List Clocks. 3. From the list of clocks displayed, select the clocks to edit. l To select multiple clocks that are adjacent in the list, select the first clock. Then hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and select the last clock. l To select multiple clocks that are not adjacent in the list, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and select each clock. 4. When you select multiple clocks, the Edit button is replaced with the Multi-Edit button. From the bottom menu, choose MultiEdit and select the parameter that you wish to edit for the selected clocks. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 11 Edit Multiple Clocks Manage Clocks Figure 7: Multi-Edit Menu NOTE: The AMP displays an error message if you select a parameter that is not compatible with the type of clocks you have selected to edit. 5. After selecting the parameter to edit, a dialog appears with the fields to edit. Edit the settings and choose Ok to apply the change to all of the selected clocks. Clock Setting Specifications The settings displayed are dependent on the clock type. Table 6: Clock Setting Specifications Setting Description Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. *Clock Name Uniquely identifies the clock. Typically the clock name is set to the clock's installation location (for example: Conf. Rm. 102); 1 to 40 characters allowed. Site An optional value from 0 to 40 characters which can be used to indicate the physical site of the clock. This field is used for reporting purposes only. Building An optional value from 0 to 40 characters which can be used to indicate the building the clock is located in. This field is used for reporting purposes only. Room An optional setting which can be used to indicate the room the clock is located in. This field is used for informational and reporting purposes only. Allows up to 40 characters. Clock Group A selection from the list of configured Clock Groups, or ‘None’ if the clock should not be assigned to a group. Clock Groups must be set up in order to assign the clock to a group. For additional information, see "Manage Clock Groups" located on page 21. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 12 Edit Multiple Clocks Manage Clocks Setting Description Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Email Enter one or more email addresses (maximum 500 characters) separated by semi-colons for the AMP to send notifications if any clock alert occurs. The Not Reporting alert must be defined in order for the AMP to send the Not Reporting notification. This user receives email in addition to anyone whose email address is defined for the specific alerts. Not Reporting notification is generally sent to the IT person who can repair, replace or reprogram the clock. Floor Plan If the clock has been placed on the floor plan, the name of the floor plan appears in the text field. Click the Select button to place the clock on a floor plan. For additional information, see "Assign Clock to a Floor Plan" located on page 18. Batteries Installed An optional date which can be used to record when fresh batteries where installed in a clock so that clocks can be sorted by battery age. This field is used for reporting purposes only and is only enabled if the power type is not AC Wired or PoE. When entering the optional battery install date, you can click the small calendar to the right of the field to display a date picker that allows you to pick a date using the mouse, as well as quickly enter today’s date using the Today button at the bottom of the date picker. Display Settings Tab (Digital Clocks/Timers and Personal Series clocks only) Available settings vary by clock model. Brightness Level Set the brightness of the LED display as a percentage. Available only for AC-powered Digital Clocks/Timers (LED). Display Mode Select standard (12 hour) or military (24 hour) time. PM Indicator Select whether clock will show the PM indicator. Available when Display Mode is set to 12 hr. Display Select whether the clock will show time only or time and date. Available only for ACpowered Digital Clocks/Timers (LED). Date Format Select whether clock should display time and date as Month/Date or Date/Month. Available for Personal Series (LCD) and Digital Clocks/Timers (LED) when Display is set to Time & Date. Time Display If Display is set to Time & Date, Digital Clocks/Timers (LED) alternately display time and date during a 10 sec. cycle. Set the number of seconds for the time display. The Time Display then simulates the clock’s alternating time and date display. Network Settings Tab A clock can be configured to use up to three different AMP gateways, allowing for backups and fail-over scenarios. You must select an AMP gateway with at least one of the three drop-down list boxes. The available settings depend upon the clock model. NOTE: If at least one of the three wireless network settings is not set to a selected network setting, the clock will not be able to connect to your network to synchronize time or report its condition. Wired Network Settings - Required for PoE clocks. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 13 Edit Multiple Clocks Manage Clocks Setting Description Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. *Static IP Address Enter the static IP address. Use DHCP Check the Use DHCP box if appropriate. *Network Configuration If using a static IP, select the wired network. Device Settings *MAC Address A twelve (12) character hexadecimal Media Access Control (MAC) address which is a globally unique identifier of the physical hardware in the SNS clock. The address can be entered without any separator characters, or each pair of digits can be separated by a dash (-), colon (:), or period (.) character. *Access AMP Using Select Internal IP Address or External IP Address. AMP Alternate 1 A selection from the list of configured AMP gateways, or ‘None’. AMP Alternate 2 A selection from the list of configured AMP gateways, or ‘None’. Wireless Network Settings Static IP Address 1 The static IP Address for the clock to use when connecting to the network, or blank if DHCP is used to acquire a dynamic IP Address. Use DHCP Check the Use DHCP box if you are using DHCP to acquire the IP address. *Network Setting 1 A selection from the list of configured Wireless Network Settings, or ‘None’. Static IP Address 2 The static IP Address for the clock to use when connecting to the network, or blank if DHCP is used to acquire a dynamic IP Address. Use DHCP Check the Use DHCP box if you are using DHCP to acquire the IP address. Network Setting 2 A selection from the list of configured Wireless Network Settings, or ‘None’. Static IP Address 3 The static IP Address for the clock to use when connecting to the network, or blank if DHCP is used to acquire a dynamic IP Address. Use DHCP Check the Use DHCP box if you are using DHCP to acquire the IP address. Network Setting 3 A selection from the list of configured Wireless Network Settings, or ‘None’. Time Settings Tab An SNS clock can be configured to use up to three different NTP servers, allowing for backups and fail-over scenarios. You must select an NTP server with at least one of the three drop-down list boxes. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 14 Set Clock Synchronization Schedules Manage Clocks Setting Description Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. *Time Zone Select from the list of available time zones. If a selection is made, the GMT Offset field will be set based on the time zone selected. This selection also determines the DST Transition Dates downloaded to the clock if the clock is configured to use DST. NTP Server 1 A selection from the list of configured NTP servers, or ‘None’. NTP Server 2 A selection from the list of configured NTP servers, or ‘None’. NTP Server 3 A selection from the list of configured NTP servers, or ‘None’. Sync. Schedule Tab Synchronization settings determine the schedule and frequency that an SNS clock synchronizes its internal clock with the NTP time source. It is recommended the clock sync schedule be configured for random sync either once per day or every third day. Primex recommends use of the Daily Random Sync setting, however to maximize clock battery life the random 3 day sync may be used. Selecting the setting Random Sync Every 3rd day will increase battery life and maintain time accuracy within 1.5 seconds. Daily Random Sync The clock sync schedule is set to synchronize once daily at a random time. The time of day the clock synchronizes is managed by the AMP. Random Sync Every 3rd day The clock sync schedule is set to synchronize once every third day at a random time. The time of day the clock synchronizes is managed by the AMP. Use of this setting requires that a clock's microcontroller (clock version) firmware to be at 3.x or greater and radio firmware to be at 2.1.4xx or greater. NOTE: For the SNS Personal Series LCD Clock and Power Over Ethernet (POE) clock models, the 3 day check-in does not apply. If this setting is applied to these clock models, the clock synchronizes daily and alerting is based on the every 3rd day synchronization schedule. Scheduled Daily Sync (hh:mm) The clock sync schedule is set to synchronize at a schedule time(s). The clock can be set to synchronize up to six (6) times per day. Time of day is required to be entered in 24 hour format. The hours and minutes can be separated with either a colon (:) or decimal (.). The valid range is from 00:00 to 23:59. NOTE: setting is not available for the SNS Personal Series LCD Clock. Offset Sync Times Multi-Edit setting only This setting is only available when setting Sync Times with the Multi-Edit feature and the schedule is set to Scheduled Daily Sync (hh:mm). This feature is used to avoid multiple clocks accessing the network at the same time to synchronize their time, allowing the clock quantity and sync time to be staggered. Check to stagger sync times and specify the quantity of clocks that can sync simultaneously and the number of minutes between sync requests. NOTE: setting is not available for the SNS Personal Series LCD Clock. Set Clock Synchronization Schedules A clock synchronization schedule defines the frequency a clock checks-in and synchronizes with the AMP. During synchronization, the clock synchronizes its time with the configured AMP Time (NTP) Server. Listed below are general recommendations to be considered when setting the clock synchronization schedule for your SNS Time Synchronization network. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 15 Set Clock Synchronization Schedules Manage Clocks l Frequency: a clock can be set to synchronize one time per day, once every 3rd day, or up to six times per day. It is recommended the clock sync schedule is based on its application use. For normal use, one time per day or once every 3rd day is sufficient. l Scheduled Daily Sync time: set a time when network traffic is low; between closing and the start of business the next day and limit clock synchronization to no more than 25 clocks at one scheduled time. NOTE: It is recommended the clock sync schedule be configured for random sync either once per day or every third day. Primex recommends use of the Daily Random Sync setting, however to maximize clock battery life the random 3 day sync may be used. Selecting the setting Random Sync Every 3rd day will increase battery life and maintain time accuracy within 1.5 seconds. Complete the steps below to set the clock synchronization time for a selected number of clocks. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select List Clocks. The List Clocks page is displayed. 3. Select the clock or multiple clocks whose sync times you are setting. For additional information, see "Edit Multiple Clocks" located on page 11. 4. From the bottom menu, choose Edit or Multi-Edit. 5. For single edit, select the Sync Schedule tab. For Multi-Edit, select Set Sync Time. 6. Select the clock synchronization settings.For additional information, see "Clock Setting Specifications" located on page 12. Figure 8: Editing Multiple Clocks - Synchronization Schedule NOTE: Primex Wireless If you’re setting synchronization times for multiple clocks and you have not selected to use a random time, the system allows you to stagger when the clocks access the network to synchronize their time. This is useful to avoid a large number of clock accessing the network simultaneously. Select the Offset Sync Time settings to stagger sync times and specify the number of clocks that can sync simultaneously and the number of minutes between sync requests. Clocks Module User Guide 16 Edit a Clock Time Zone Manage Clocks 7. Click Save. Edit a Clock Time Zone By default, clocks are set to the time zone of the AMP. You can edit a time zone for a single clock or multiple clocks at one time using the multi-edit feature. EXAMPLE: You need to change the time zone for a clock that is physically installed in a different time zone than the AMP. NOTE: The AMP uses the time zoning setting for a clock to determine if and when to change the clock for daylight saving time or standard time. There is no need to set DST transition dates for clocks. The AMP system administrator can use the AMP Admin menu to view the time zones and DST transition dates that the AMP will use. Complete the steps below to edit the time zone of a clock(s). 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select List Clocks. The List Clocks page is displayed. 3. Select the clock or clocks whose time zones you are editing. 4. From the bottom menu, choose Edit. You can also edit a time zone for multiple clocks. For additional information, see Edit Multiple Clocks. 5. Select the Time Settings tab. 6. Use the Time Zones drop-down to select the time zone. 7. Choose Save to apply the change. The next time the clock checks-in to the AMP, it will receive the time zone change. Figure 9: Editing Clock Time Zone Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 17 Assign Clock to a Floor Plan Manage Clocks 8. Click Save. The next time the clock checks-in with the AMP, the clock receives the updated time zone setting and adjusts its time. Assign Clock to a Floor Plan You assign clocks to floor plans to map the clock locations within your facility. When a clock is assigned and mapped to a floor plan, you can view the clocks status and location from the floor plan view. NOTE: In order to assign clocks to floor plans, one or more floor plans must be loaded, the clocks must be managed by the AMP, and you must be logged in as a user with the Clock Admin or Clock Manager role. Contact the AMP System Administrator to upload floor plans. Complete the steps below to assign a clock to a floor plan and locate its location on the floor plan. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select List Clocks. The List Clocks page is displayed. 3. Select the clock that you will assign and locate on a floor plan. 4. From the bottom menu, choose Edit. The Editing Clock page is displayed. 5. Beside the Floor Plan text box, choose Select. The Floor Plans page is displayed. Figure 10: Adding Clock to Floor Plan 6. Select the floor plan from the list. Adjust the floor plan view by dragging the size or visibility slide bar. 7. Select and drag the clock icon NOTE: to its location on the floor plan. If the clock had never been located on a floor plan, the clock icon is located in the far upper left corner of the floor plan. 8. Choose OK to save. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 18 Record Battery Installation Date Manage Clocks Record Battery Installation Date For battery-powered clocks, it's recommended to record the battery installation date in the AMP. l Entering the date is for record-keeping purposes only. l When the Batteries Installed date is updated, the system automatically acknowledges the clock’s current low battery alert. EXAMPLE: When the battery installation date is maintained, in the event that you receive a low battery alert, you can check when batteries were last replaced within the AMP. Complete the steps below to enter a clock's battery installation date. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select List Clocks. 3. Select the clock or clocks whose battery installation date you are entering. 4. From the bottom menu, choose Edit or Multi-Edit to record the date for multiple clocks selected. The Editing Clock page is displayed. 5. From the Batteries Installed field, select the calendar icon to select the date or type the date into the field using the form mm/dd/yyyy. 6. Choose Save. NOTE: To delete the battery installation date, leave the Batteries Installed field empty. Enable Find Mode If a clock has been moved from its installed location or cannot be located, you can search for it by setting the clock to Find Mode. Find mode is a state that makes the clock identifiable by looking at it. Dependent upon the model, when in find mode, the clock is identifiable by the below indication. l Analog clocks: the second hand stays stationary for four seconds then advances five seconds. l Digital clocks: the colon (:) between the hours and minutes flashes. NOTE: Find Mode is not available for Personal Series clocks. Complete the steps below to enable a clock's find mode. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select List Clocks. 3. Select the clock you want to find. 4. From the bottom menu, choose Edit. 5. From the lower right of the page, check Find Mode. 6. Choose Save. When Find mode is enabled, the List Clocks page shows “Yes” in the Find column. The next time the clock checks-in to the AMP, the clock's find mode setting is enabled and will be identifiable by looking at it as described above. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 19 Enable Find Mode Manage Clocks NOTE: Primex Wireless When the clock has been located, it's recommended to disable Find Mode. Clocks Module User Guide 20 MANAGE CLOCK GROUPS A Clock Group is an optional grouping of clocks that can be created to assign responsibility for a set of clocks to specific AMP users (the notification user). The notification user is be notified whenever there is an alert for any of the clocks assigned to the clock group the user is responsible for. Clock groups are also used to filter clock status displays. When planning your system's clock groups, take into consideration a clock can only be assigned to one clock group. View Clock Groups To view the Clock Groups, from the AMP top menu, select Clocks and from the left menu, select Clock Groups. The Clock Groups page displays a list of all the clock groups defined for your system. The Clock Groups page is only available to the Clock Admin, although all Clock roles permit the user to view clock information for groups of clocks. NOTE: To restrict AMP user access to specific clock groups, you set up Access Groups. Access Groups are combinations of specific users and the device groups that they require access to. Only users with the role of AMP System Admin can create Access Groups. See the SNS™ AMP Installation and Administration Guide (SNSDOC-005) for information on Access Groups. Figure 11: Clock Groups Page Add a Clock Group Complete the steps below to add a Clock Group and assign a clock(s) to the group. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select Clock Groups. 3. From the bottom menu, choose Add New. The Add New Clock Group page is displayed. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 21 Add a Clock Group Manage Clock Groups Figure 12: Add New Clock Group Page 4. Enter the settings for the Clock Group. For additional information, see "Clock Group Setting Specifications" located on page 22. 5. To display clocks not assigned to a clock group, check Show Only Unassigned NOTE: A clock can only be assigned to one clock group. 6. To assign a clock to the Clock Group, from the Clocks Available list, select the clock and click the large arrow pointing to the Clocks Assigned to Group. The clock name now appears in this column, indicating it's assigned to the group. To unassign a clock from the clock group, from the Clocks Assigned to Group / Name column and select the large arrow pointing away from the “Clocks Assigned to Group” column. 7. Repeat for each clock being assigned to the clock group. 8. When finished, choose Save. The clock group is added to the system. Clock Group Setting Specifications Table 7: Clock Group Setting Specifications Setting Description Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. *Clock Group Name 1 to 40 characters. A name to uniquely identify this clock group. Notification Email Addresses The email address of the user who will receive email notification of alerts for any clock in the clock group. A user may be responsible for more than one clock group, but each clock group can only be assigned to a single user. More than one user can receive notifications. Separate multiple users with a semi-colon. Note that alerts must be enabled for the clock group or clocks in the clock group. The notification email address receives email in addition to anyone whose email address is defined for specific alerts. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 22 Add a Clock Group Manage Clock Groups Setting Description Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Show Only Unassigned Check to display only the clocks in the system that are not already part of a clock group. Leaving this unchecked displays all clocks that are configured for the system. When unchecked, you will see the Current Group column with the name of the group to which the clock is assigned. Clocks Available Name Name of the clocks that are available to be assigned. This is the name of the clock that appears in the List Clocks page. Added to System Date on which the clock was added to the system. Current Group Group that the clock is currently assigned to. Clocks Assigned to Group Name Primex Wireless Name of the clocks assigned to the clock group. This is the name of the clock that appears in the List Clocks page. Clocks Module User Guide 23 MANAGE ALERT DEFINITIONS Clocks send their power and hands (analog clocks) status to the AMP at the intervals configured within the clock's Sync Schedule settings that is monitored by the AMP. The AMP logs, analyzes, and displays the information and sends alert notifications, which is dependent upon the alerts defined with your system. About Alert Definitions Alert Definitions determine what information about clocks is simply logged and displayed in the AMP and when the AMP sends email to notify users of alerts. To view the Alert Definitions, from the AMP top menu, select Clocks and from the left menu, select Alert Definitions.The Alert Definitions page contains a set of default alert definitions, which you can customize or create custom alert definitions. From the Alert Definitions page, you can do any of the following: l Customize an alert notification to include all or specific clocks. l Tailor the schedule for when the alert notification is in effect. l Specify if and when reminder email notifications are sent for alerts that have not been acknowledged. l Escalate notification to other recipients for alerts that have not been acknowledged. l Customize the subject line and body of the email notification message. l Create custom alert definitions. The Default Alert Definitions are enabled 24 x 7 for all clocks, including reminders after an interval appropriate for the alert, so all you have to do to begin receiving email notifications is to enter the notification email addresses. NOTE: You can also create custom alert definitions by selecting an existing alert and select Copy. Figure 13: Alert Definitions Page Customize an Alert Definition Complete the steps below to customize an alert definition. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select Alert Definitions. The Alert Definitions page is displayed. 3. Double-click on an alert or select the alert and choose Edit. The Edit Alert Definitions page is displayed. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 24 Add a Custom Alert Definition Manage Alert Definitions Figure 14: Edit Alert Definitions Page 4. Edit settings for the alert. For additional information, see "Alert Definition Setting Specifications" located on page 26. 5. Choose Save to update the alert definition. Add a Custom Alert Definition Custom alerts are variations on the default alerts. You add custom alert definitions to tailor alerts and notifications to meet the requirements of your operations. EXAMPLE: If you want a specific user to receive an alert notification on weekdays but a different user to receive the alert on weekends, you edit the default alert definition for the weekday user and add a custom alert definition for the same alert type for the weekend user. Complete the steps below to add a custom alert definition. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select Alert Definitions. The Alert Definitions page is displayed. 3. From the bottom menu, choose Add New. The Add Alert Definition page is displayed. NOTE: You can also copy an existing alert definition and modify the settings to meet the custom alert definition requirements. 4. Select the Alert Type. For additional information, see "Clock Alert Type Specifications" located on page 27. 5. Edit the settings for the alert. For additional information, see "Alert Definition Setting Specifications" located on page 26. 6. Choose Save. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 25 Add a Custom Alert Definition Manage Alert Definitions Alert Definition Setting Specifications Table 8: Alert Definition Setting Specifications Setting Description Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. *Alert Type Description of the event that generates the alert. For additional information, see "Clock Alert Type Specifications" located on page 27. The type is pre-selected when editing an existing alert definition. When creating a custom alert definition, select the type of alert from the drop-down menu. Enabled Check to indicate that the AMP will log (display) information when the event occurs for all or selected devices. Unchecking indicates that you do not want to monitor that type of event for any devices. Apply to All Check to indicate that the alert is active for all devices. When Apply to All is unchecked, the Groups and Devices tabs are active where you can select device groups or individual devices to make the alert active for. *Name Name of the alert definition. The name appears in the Dashboard Alerts subpage and in the Current Alerts screen. By default, the name of the alert is the same as the Alert Type, but you can change it to something meaningful to you. Definition Tab Notify Enter the email address of the user who will receive email notification when the alert occurs for all clocks (if Apply to All is checked) or selected clock groups or clocks (if Apply to All is unchecked and clock groups or clocks are selected in the Clock Group or Clocks tabs). More than one user can receive notifications. Separate multiple users with a semicolon. The user receives email in addition to anyone whose email address is defined at the device group or device level. Remind After Select the interval after which the AMP will send a reminder to the Notify user if the alert remains unacknowledged. Escalate After Select the interval after which the AMP will send the notification if the alert remains unacknowledged. If you choose to escalate the alert, enter the email address of the user or users who will receive the email notification. More than one user can receive notifications. Separate multiple users with a semi-colon. In Effect Set up the schedule for when the AMP will perform the actions defined for the alert. By default, all alerts are in effect all day every day. However, you can customize this schedule. For example, if you want an alert only at night, uncheck All Day and enter the times during which the alert is in effect. Message Tab Subject Text that will appear in the subject line of the notification email. Edit the text and use predefined tokens to populate the subject with specific information from the alert. Body Text that will appear in the body of the notification email. Edit the text and use predefined tokens to populate the body with specific information from the alert. Pre-defined Tokens Placeholders for the actual values that will be substituted in the notification email when an alert occurs. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 26 Add a Custom Alert Definition Manage Alert Definitions Setting Description Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Groups Tab - Apply to All must be unchecked for this to be active Device Groups Check any device group to assign the alert definition to. If any device in the group has an event that generates the alert, the alert definition will be used for that device. Clocks Tab - Apply to All must be unchecked for this to be active Clocks Check any clocks to assign the alert definition to. Clock Alert Type Specifications Table 9: Clock Alert Type Specifications Alert Description Low Battery Occurs if a clock reports a Low Battery level (<4.0V) for the number of days and times specified in the Low Battery Limit (days) and Low Battery Occurrence (times) setting of the Daily Clock Data Analysis background job. See the SNS™ AMP Installation and Administration Guide (SNSDOC-005), Manage AMP Background Jobs, for details. Not Reporting Occurs if a clock has not checked-in with the AMP for the number of days specified in the Not Reporting Limit setting of the Daily Clock Data Analysis background job. See the SNS™ AMP Installation and Administration Guide (SNSDOC-005), Manage AMP Background Jobs, for details. Set Hands Failure Occurs if an analog clock reports that it could not read the position of its hands for three (3) consecutive days. l Alert is only displayed within Alert History. l Alert is not required to be acknowledged. l Alert email notification is sent daily until the clock status is returned to normal operating condition. Time Sync Failure Occurs if a clock has not synchronized its time for the number of days specified in the Not Time Synchronization Limit setting of the Daily Clock Data Analysis background job. See the SNS™ AMP Installation and Administration Guide (SNSDOC-005), Manage AMP Background Jobs, for details. Resumed Reporting Primex Wireless Occurs when a clock resumes reporting into the system after a period of Not Reporting. Clocks Module User Guide 27 MONITOR CLOCKS FROM THE AMP You use the SNS AMP to monitor your SNS Time Synchronization system and devices. Monitor Clocks from the Dashboard The SNS AMP Dashboard provides a snapshot of system performance. The Dashboard page is the first page displayed when logging into the AMP. Before clocks are configured, you will see only the System Status subpage. After you configure the clocks for the network, the Dashboard shows more information about your system. NOTE: The information displayed in the Dashboard is dependent upon the role(s) assigned to your AMP user account. You can customize the dashboard page view with the following control icons: l Click the expand icon to launch the regular page associated with this subpage. You may also click the title bar of a subpage and drag it to a different location on the dashboard page. The AMP retains the latest configuration of the Dashboard page when you log out and displays the Dashboard page that way the next time you log in. Figure 15: Dashboard Page System Status Subpage The System Status subpage is available to all roles and shows the current time on the server, the date and time the server was last started, and the version of the system software. If the time on the server differs from the time on the local machine by more than three minutes, the AMP displays a warning on this subpage. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 28 Monitor Clocks from the Dashboard Monitor Clocks from the AMP Figure 16: System Status Subpage Clock Status Subpage The Clock Status subpage is displayed if clock module licenses are installed. The Clock Status subpage is available to all users with any Clock user role and shows a graphic representation of the status of all available clocks. You may change the display of the Clock Status subpage in several ways: l Click below the horizontal line near the bottom of the page to show/hide the chart legend. l Click one of the colors of the chart to view a table of all clocks represented by that color. Click the Back to Chart button to return to the chart. l Click the icon to open the Clocks module to the Clock Status page. Figure 17: Clock Status Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 29 View the Status of Clocks Monitor Clocks from the AMP Current Alerts Subpage The Current Alerts subpage displays system alerts and alerts for all devices the user has access to that are active. Current Alerts contains folders for each type of device. Click the Clocks folder to display current clock alerts. Once the alerting condition is resolved, the alert disappears from the Current Alerts subpage. The Current Alerts subpage shows when the alert started and whether it has been acknowledged. All users can view the Current Alerts subpage. Figure 18: Current Alerts Subpage Digital Clock Events Subpage The Digital Clock Events subpage shows digital clock events which have occurred during the last week (7 days including today). The Digital Clock Events subpage is available to users with a Clock Administrator, Clock Manager or Clock Monitor role. Click the icon in the Digital Clock Events subpage to open the Clocks module to the Digital Clock Events page Figure 19: Digital Clock Events Subpage View the Status of Clocks The Clock Status page displays a high level overview of the status of all the clocks for your system. To view the Clock Status page, from the AMP top menu, select Clocks and from the left menu, select Clock Status. l Tile data: Each clock tile includes the name of the clock, it's assigned Clock Group, and the date and time of its last check-in with the AMP. l Filter clocks displayed: The Clock Groups drop-down list box at the top of the report to display only the clocks in a specific clock group. The Sort By drop-down at the bottom right of the page allows you to arrange the clocks in the Clock Status page according to various criteria. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 30 View the Status of Clocks Monitor Clocks from the AMP l View clock connection history: Double-clicking on a clock displays the Clock Connection History page for that specific clock. Figure 20: Clock Status Status Tab The Status tab is a quick way to assess visually the status of individual clocks. Clock tiles contain a wealth of information as described below. Figure 21: Clock Tile Specification Table 10: Clock Status Tile Specifications Item Description Tile Background Color Green Clock in OK status Yellow Clock in warning status (time sync failure) Red Clock in failure status (battery low, time sync failure, or set hands failure) Gray Clock in unknown status Orange Clock not reporting Reporting Status Not Reporting Clock has not checked in with the AMP within the last 3 days OK Clock is in OK status Unable to Connect Clock is not able to connect Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 31 View the Status of Clocks Monitor Clocks from the AMP Item Description Low Battery Battery is low or very low Time Sync Failure Clock is not able to synchronize time Set Hands Failure Analog clock set hand verification has failed for 3 consecutive days Status List Tab From the Clock Status page, select the Status List tab to see additional clock status information. Select on any column heading to sort the list by that column. By default, the clocks are sorted by their status. The clocks in failure status are at the top, followed by clocks in warning status, then clocks in OK status, so that clocks requiring the most attention are displayed at the top of the report. The clocks in each different status are then sorted in alphabetic order. Figure 22: Clock Status - Status List Clock Status List View Specifications Figure 23: Clock Status List View Specifications Column Description Name The name the clock was given when it was added to your system. This uniquely identifies the clock. Typically a clock is named to reflect the location where the clock is set up, for example, Reception, Conf. Rm. 102, etc. Room The user-entered room location of the clock installation location. This is for informational and reporting purposes only. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 32 View the Status of Clocks Monitor Clocks from the AMP Column Description Status Current status of the clock. Status may be: l ??? (Unknown status, the clock may not have reported yet)(Gray) l OK (Green) l Low Signal (Yellow) l Clock Not Reporting Status (Yellow) l Low Battery (Red) l Time Sync Failure (Red) l Set Hands Failure (Red) Date & Time Reported The last time the clock connected to the server and reported its status. Battery Condition An assessment of the current condition of the clock batteries: Signal Quality Data Rate (Mbps) l OK l Low An assessment of signal to noise ratio, an indicator of how well the radio is performing: l Excellent l Good l Fair l Poor Reports the average rate of communication between the clock and the server. NOTE: Data rates of 12 Mbps or below (802.11g), 5.5 Mbps or below (802.11b), or 100 Mbps or below (wired network) may indicate attention needed. Drift (mSec) Amount of clock drift as reported at last check-in NOTE: If clock synchronization is done once per day, drift >350 ms indicates need for attention. Last NTP Sync Battery Age (months) Last value sent to the clock by the NTP server; this is a combined value that includes: l NTP l ± DST l ± offsets The age of the battery calculated from the battery installation date (entered by user). Location Tab The Clock Status Location tab provides a floor plan view of the status of individual clocks. Select a floor plan or clock from the list on the left. When you select a clock, the icon for the clock on the floor plan pulses so that you can easily spot it. You can also adjust the view by zooming or fading to make it easier to see the clocks on the floor plan. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 33 View the Status of Clock Groups Monitor Clocks from the AMP Figure 24: Clock Status - Location View the Status of Clock Groups The main page for Time Synchronization Clocks module is the Clock Group Status page. To view the Clock Group Status page, from the AMP top menu, select Clocks or click the icon in the upper left of the Dashboard Clock Status subpage. Each tile represents a clock group. l Clock group tiles contain a wealth of information. Double-clicking on a tile opens the Clock Status page to show the individual clocks in the group. For additional information, see "Clock Group Status Tile Specifications" located on page 34. l You can also double-click on a Clock Group tile from the Clock Group Status page to open the Clock Status page. When the Clock Status is opened by double-clicking on a clock group in the Clock Group Status page, the Clock Status only displays the clocks in the selected group. NOTE: The AMP reports the status of clocks not assigned to a group in the first icon labeled “Unassigned’. Clock Group Status Tile Specifications Table 11: Clock Group Status Tiles Specifications Item Description Tile Background Color Green Primex Wireless All clocks in the group are in an OK status. Clocks Module User Guide 34 View Clock Connection History Monitor Clocks from the AMP Item Description Yellow At least 1 clock in the group is in a problem status but other clocks in the group are OK. Red At least 1 clock in the group has a battery problem. Reporting Status OK All clocks in the group have checked in with the AMP within the last 3 days and have not reported any problems. Problems Number of clocks that have not checked in with the AMP within the last 3 days or are reporting problems. Percent Status Bar The bar beneath the clock group name shows the percent of clocks in the group in OK or Problem status. View Clock Connection History The Clock Connection History page displays an historical view of the clock conditions reported by your clocks in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent activity is displayed at the top of the report. This audit trail illustrates exactly which clocks reported in, when they reported in, and what their condition was at the time. To view the Clock Connection History page, from the AMP top menu, select Clocks and from the left menu, select Connection History. You can also open the Clock Connection History page by double-clicking on a clock icon in the Clock Status page. l You can filter the clocks displayed by clock group and by clock. l You can sort the order in which information is displayed by highlighting and clicking a column heading. Holding down the Ctrl key while highlighting and clicking a column heading allows you to further sort the information. l Double-clicking on a clock icon in the Clock Status page, opens the Clock Connection History for the selected clock. When displaying information for a specific clock, Clock Connection History also displays graphs of the signal strength, Connections Times, and NTP Accuracy for the selected clock. For additional information, see "Clock Connection History Specifications" located on page 36. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 35 View Clock Connection History Monitor Clocks from the AMP Figure 25: Clock Connection History Clock Connection History Specifications Table 12: Clock Connection History Specifications Column Description To display all fields described below, select “Show All Columns” located in the lower right of the page. Reported The last time the clock connected to the server and reported its status. Group The clock group name. This is blank if the clock is not assigned to a group. Clock The unique name of the clock. Signal Quality An assessment of signal to noise ratio, an indicator of how well the radio is performing: S/N (dB) Primex Wireless l Excellent l Good l Fair l Poor The measured signal to noise ratio of the last transmission. Click Show All Columns to display. l S/N should not be less than 15. l Signal strength should not be lower than -70dBm Clocks Module User Guide 36 View Clock Connection History Monitor Clocks from the AMP Column Description To display all fields described below, select “Show All Columns” located in the lower right of the page. Data Rate (Mbps) Reports the average rate of communication between the clock and the server. NOTE: Data rates of 12 Mbps or below (802.11g), 5.5 Mbps or below (802.11b), or 100 Mbps or below (wired network) may indicate attention needed. Last NTP Sync Last value sent to the clock by the NTP server; this is a combined value that includes: l NTP l ± DST l ± offsets Drift (mSec) Amount of clock drift of the clock board as reported at last check-in. If synchronization is done once per day, drift >350 ms indicates need for attention. NTP Accuracy (mSec) Composite value indicating NTP server self-reporting of accuracy +/- network response time. Transmit Time (Sec) Total amount of time the radio was turned on to do the update. Boot Time (Sec) How long it took the radio to boot up. Click Show All Columns to display. Sync Time (Sec) How long it took to receive and process NTP time. Click Show All Columns to display. Network Setting The network setting number (1, 2, or 3) the clock connected to for its last synchronization. NTP Server The NTP server number (1, 2, or 3) the clock connected to for its last synchronization. If the value is 0, the clock failed to communicate with an NTP server. Click Show All Columns to display. AP Channel The channel being used by the wireless access point being used by the clock. Click Show All Columns to display. AP Signal Level The signal quality of the wireless access point being used by the clock. Click Show All Columns to display. AP MAC Address Hardware identifier of the access point used during the connection. Click Show All Columns to display. Clock Firmware Version level of the firmware in the clock micro-controller board. Click Show All Columns to display. Radio Firmware Version level of the firmware in the 802.11 wireless radio. Click Show All Columns to display. Hardware Version Hardware version of the clock. Click Show All Columns to display. Last Fault Last Fault Code and Text, if the clock reports that it encountered a problem the last time it tried to check in. Click Show All Columns to display. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 37 View Digital Clock/Timer Events Monitor Clocks from the AMP View Digital Clock/Timer Events The system logs the events reported by Digital Clocks/Timers. To view the Digital Clock Events page, from the AMP top menu, select Clocks and from the left menu, select Digital Clock Events. The Digital Clock Event page displays a historical view of the events in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent activity is displayed at the top of the report. This data provide an audit trail of exactly which clock/timers reported what events. l You can filter the events displayed by clock group and by clock as well as by date range. l You can also sort the order in which information is displayed by highlighting and clicking a column heading. Holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while selecting and clicking a column heading allows you to further sort the information. Figure 26: Digital Clock Events Page Digital Clock Events Specifications Table 13: Digital Clock Events Specifications Item Description Time of Event The time displayed on the digital clock/timer when the event took place. Clock Name The name of the digital clock/timer entered when it was added to your system. This uniquely identifies the clock/timer. Typically a clock/timer is named to reflect the location where the clock is installed. For example, Reception, Conf. Rm. 102. Event Information: Type The type of event that took place; may be: Primex Wireless l Count Up l Count Down l Code Blue Clocks Module User Guide 38 View Digital Clock/Timer Events Monitor Clocks from the AMP Item Description Event Information: Action The action that took place; may be: l Display l Start l Stop l Reset Timer Value What the digital clock/timer is currently displaying. Comments/Notes Comment added to the event. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 39 VIEW AND ACKNOWLEDGE CURRENT ALERTS The Current Alerts page shows all active alerts. You use the Current Alerts page to view and acknowledge alerts as described in this section. View Current Alerts The Current Clock Alerts page displays all active alerts. To view current alerts, from the AMP top menu, select Clocks and from the left menu, select Current Alerts. l To filter the current alerts displayed, you can choose to view alerts by clock group or to exclude Not Reporting or Low Battery alerts. l Acknowledging an alert halts subsequent alert notifications for the alert, including reminder or escalation notifications. The Alert remains active until its alerting condition is resolved. l When an alert is resolved before it has been acknowledged by a user, the system automatically acknowledges the alert, moves it to Alert History and the Acknowledged column displays “System”. Reminders or alert escalations are not sent for system acknowledged alerts. l Once the alerting condition is resolved, the alert is located in the Alert History. Figure 27: Current Clock Alerts Page Table 14: Current Clock Alerts Fields and Values Column Description To display all fields described below, select “Show All Columns” located in the lower right of the page. Group/Device List of devices organized by the group to which they belong. Devices not assigned to a group appear in the first, unnamed group. Use the right and down arrows to expand and collapse the groups. Clock Name of the device. Alert Name of the alert. Started Date and time the AMP received the alert. Duration Length of time the alert has been active. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 40 Acknowledge a Current Alert View and Acknowledge Current Alerts Column Description To display all fields described below, select “Show All Columns” located in the lower right of the page. User Notified Email address of the last user notified of the alert. Last Notified Date and time the AMP last sent the notification. This could have been a reminder or escalation email. Acknowledged Indication of whether the alert has been acknowledged. The red ‘X’ indicates alerts that have not been acknowledged. When Acknowledged Date and time the alert was acknowledged. Comments User-entered comments. Acknowledge a Current Alert Acknowledging an alert halts subsequent alert notifications for the alert, including reminder or escalation notifications. The alert will remain active until the alerting condition is resolved. Complete the steps below to acknowledge an alert. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select Current Alerts. The Current Clock Alerts page is displayed. 3. Select an alert that has not been acknowledged. 4. From the bottom menu, choose Acknowledge. 5. From the Acknowledge Alert confirmation, choose Yes. NOTE: Alternatively, double click on the alert to open a comment page from which you can also acknowledge the alert. After acknowledging the alert, the icon in the Acknowledged column indicates that the alert has been acknowledged. The Alert remains active until its alerting condition is resolved. View Alert History To view the history of clock alerts, from the AMP top menu, select Clocks and from the left menu, select Alert History. Clock Alert History shows the chronology of alerts in your system with the most recent alerts displayed first. l To reduce the number of alerts displayed, you can choose the clock or clock group and time frame of the alerts to display. l You can also choose to exclude Not Reporting or Low Battery alerts. l The columns display the details of the alert. For additional information, see "Alert History Column Specifications" located on page 42. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 41 View Alert History View and Acknowledge Current Alerts Figure 28: Clock Alert History Page Alert History Column Specifications Table 15: Alert History Column Specifications Column Description To display all fields described below, select “Show All Columns” located in the lower right of the page. Group Name of the group to which the clock belongs. Clock Name of the clock. Alert Name of the alert. Started Time the alert was received. Ended Time the alerting condition was no longer detected. Duration Length of time the alert has been active. User Notified Email address of the last user notified of the alert. Last Notified Date and time the AMP last sent the notification. This could have been a reminder or escalation email. Acknowledged Indication of whether the alert has been acknowledged. The red ‘X’ indicates alerts that have not been acknowledged. When Acknowledged Date and time the alert was acknowledged. Comments Comment added to the alert. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 42 UPGRADE CLOCK FIRMWARE Each Primex Wireless clock has internal programming, referred to device micro firmware, that controls how it operates. In addition, the radio installed in each clock has firmware as well. It may occasionally be necessary to upgrade the firmware for your clocks and/or their radios. It's recommended to consult with Primex Wireless Technical Support before performing firmware upgrades to validate the compatibility of devices and firmware versions. NOTE: Radio firmware versions 4.0.x and greater support the HTTPS or SSL protocol for secure communications over the network. For additional information, contact Primex Wireless Technical Support. Upgrade Clock Firmware from the AMP Software You can upgrade firmware for all analog and digital clocks/timers over the network from the AMP software. Upgrade Requirements l Clocks must be communicating with the AMP. l You must be a logged into the AMP software as a user with the role of Clock Admin. l The firmware must be uploaded to the AMP software before you can upgrade clocks. See the SNS™ AMP Installation and Administration Guide (SNSDOC-005) for instructions. Complete the steps below to upgrade clock firmware. 1. From the AMP top menu, select Clocks. 2. From the left menu, select List Clocks. The List Clocks page is displayed. Figure 29: List Clocks 3. Select each clock that you want to upgrade the firmware for. NOTE: Primex Wireless If multiple clocks are selected, they must all be the same model. Clocks Module User Guide 43 Upgrade Clock Firmware Using the Browser-based Configuration Tool Upgrade Clock Firmware 4. From the bottom menu, choose Upgrade. The Upgrade Firmware dialog window is displayed. Figure 30: Firmware Upgrade Dialog Window 5. From the Target Device Firmware drop-down list, select an available firmware upgrade. 6. From the Target Radio Firmware drop-down list, select an available firmware upgrade. 7. Choose OK. The Update Pending column in the List Clocks page will contain a check mark and the selected firmware versions will appear in the Update Radio and Update Clock fields. The next time the clock checks-in to AMP, the firmware is downloaded to the clock and the firmware is installed. NOTE: As an analog clock installs radio firmware, it 2-steps. As it installs device firmware, it stops the hands completely. When the firmware upgrade installation is complete, the clock automatically checks-in to the AMP. At this time, the Radio Version and Clock Version columns in the List Clocks page displays the latest installed versions. Upgrade Clock Firmware Using the Browser-based Configuration Tool You can upgrade the firmware of all analog and digital clocks with recent firmware versions, except analog PoE clocks, by using the Browser-based Configuration Tool. In this firmware upgrade method: l Primex Wireless notifies you of the availability of a new firmware version. l You save the provided firmware file(s) locally to your computer. l Establish a connection between the clock and your computer to perform the upgrade using the clock Browser-based Configuration Tool. CAUTION: You should only attempt to upgrade a clock with an authorized Primex Wireless firmware file or you risk rendering your clock completely inoperable. Log into the Clock’s Web Server To begin updating clock firmware using the Browser-based Configuration Tool, you first put the clock into configuration mode and log into the clock’s internal web server. 1. Connect an Ethernet cable between the clock Ethernet port and your computer's Ethernet port. 2. Remove the batteries if installed. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 44 Upgrade Clock Firmware Using the Browser-based Configuration Tool Upgrade Clock Firmware 3. Hold down the button on the back of the clock while inserting the batteries. Release the button when the clock beeps once, indicating that it is in Configuration Mode. 4. Open a web browser on your computer and from URL field enter: NOTE: It may take 30-60 sec. before the browser displays the clock screen. 5. When prompted for a login, enter the username and password. For username and password information, contact Primex Wireless Technical Support. Radio Firmware Upload Upgrade radio firmware before upgrading the micro-controller firmware. Complete the steps below to upload radio firmware to a clock. 1. From the Configuration page, select Radio Firmware Upload. The Radio Firmware Upload page is displayed. Figure 31: Radio Firmware Upload Page 2. Select the Browse button. Windows displays an Open dialog box. 3. Use the controls on the dialog box to browse to and select the firmware file stored on your computer. The firmware file name format and version identification (X identifies the version number) is SNS_RADIO-X_X_X.ROM. CAUTION: Do NOT change the firmware file name. 4. Select the OK button to close the dialog box and return to the Radio Firmware Upload page. 5. Select the Upload button. WARNING: Do not disconnect or power down the clock during the upgrade process, which may take up to ten (10) minutes. Removing power during a firmware upgrade will PERMANENTLY damage the clock. When the radio firmware upgrade begins, an analog clock beeps 4 times and a digital clock display begins to flash “UP”. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 45 Upgrade Clock Firmware Using the Browser-based Configuration Tool Upgrade Clock Firmware When the radio firmware upgrade is complete, analog clocks again beep 4 times, and digital clock display stops flashing “UP”. After a few more seconds, an analog clock beeps 1 time to indicate that you can re-initiate a connection from the computer and again enter configuration mode to upload the micro firmware. Upload Micro Firmware Once you have upgraded any necessary radio firmware, you can upgrade the micro-controller firmware. Complete the steps below to upgrade a clock's micro firmware. 1. Select the Micro Firmware Upload button. The Micro Firmware Upload page is displayed. Figure 32: Micro Firmware Upload Page 2. Select the Browse button. Windows displays an Open dialog box. 3. Use the controls on the dialog box to browse to and select the firmware file stored on your computer . The firmware file name format and version identification (X identifies the version number) is SNS_ANALOG_CLOCK-X_X.A43. CAUTION: Do NOT change the firmware file name. 4. Select the OK button to close the dialog box and return to the Micro Firmware Upload page. 5. Select the Upload button. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 46 Upgrade Clock Firmware with the SNS Configuration Tool Upgrade Clock Firmware WARNING: Do not disconnect or power down the clock during the upgrade process, which may take up to ten (10) minutes. Removing power during a firmware upgrade will PERMANENTLY damage the clock. During the microcontroller firmware upgrade, the clock temporarily ceases operation. The hands on an analog clock stop moving and the display of a digital clock goes blank. When the upgrade is complete, the clock automatically restarts. Upgrade Clock Firmware with the SNS Configuration Tool You can upgrade firmware for analog and digital clocks, except Personal Series clocks, with the SNS Configuration Tool software. In this firmware upgrade method: l Primex Wireless notifies you of the availability of a new firmware version. l You save the provided firmware file(s) to your computer. CAUTION: NOTE: You should only attempt to upgrade an SNS clock with an authorized Primex Wireless firmware file or you risk rendering your clock completely inoperable. In general, the SNS Configuration Tool is used for the initial configuration of clocks for the network prior to their installation. In most cases, these clocks should be new clocks with current firmware. Once clocks are installed, you may use the AMP to upgrade their firmware. For additional information on the Clock Configuration Software Tool, see the SNS™ Analog and Digital Clocks/Timers Installation Guide (SNSDOC-019). Establish Connection To begin updating the clock firmware using the SNS Configuration Tool, you must first establish a local network connection between the clock and your computer. Your computer is required to have the SNS Configuration Tool installed. The SNS Configuration Tool software is located on the SNS Resources CD. See the SNS Analog and Digital Clocks/Timers Installation Guide for installation instructions. 1. From your computer's Windows Start menu, select Programs > Primex Wireless SNS > SNS Configuration Tool or double-click the SNS Configuration Tool icon on your computer’s desktop. The Primex Wireless SNS Configuration Tool is displayed. NOTE: The clock displays its Media Access Control (MAC) Address and hardware/clock/radio version numbers in the upper left corner of the Configuration tab. The status bar at the bottom of the window displays either a “Connected!” or “Connection Failed!” message depending on whether the connection to the clock succeeded or failed. 2. From the top menu, select Actions > Connect to establish a connection to the clock. After a connection with the clock has been established, the other Action menu commands and toolbar buttons are enabled. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 47 Upgrade Clock Firmware with the SNS Configuration Tool Upgrade Clock Firmware Figure 33: Primex Wireless SNS Configuration Tool Upgrade Radio Firmware Complete the steps below to upgrade the radio firmware. The radio firmware must be upgraded before upgrading the microcontroller firmware. 1. Either select the Upgrade Radio Firmware toolbar button or choose the Actions> Upgrade Radio Firmware menu item, both of which should be enabled once a connection to the clock has been established. 2. The software displays an Open dialog box. By default, the dialog box is set to look for radio firmware files with a .rom file extension. Use the Open dialog box to browse to the firmware file. The firmware file name format and version identification (X identifies the version number) is SNS_RADIO-X_X_X.ROM. 3. Select the firmware file and select the Open button. The status bar displays the message Waiting for device to download Firmware Upgrade file! message while the firmware upgrade file is downloaded to the clock. WARNING: Do not disconnect or power down the clock during the download process, which may take up to ten (10) minutes. Removing power during a firmware upgrade will PERMANENTLY damage the clock. When the radio firmware upgrade begins, analog clocks beeps 4 times and digital clocks begin to flash “UP”. When the radio firmware upgrade is complete, analog clocks again beep 4 times and digital clocks stop flashing “UP”. After a few more seconds, analog clocks beep 1 time to indicate that you can re-initiate a connection from the computer and again enter configuration mode. Once the firmware upgrade file has been downloaded to the clock, the status bar displays a Firmware download complete! message and the clock should go through a restart cycle. Disconnect the clock from the computer. At this time, it is safe to remove power from the clock. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 48 Upgrade Clock Firmware with the SNS Configuration Tool Upgrade Clock Firmware Upgrade Microcontroller Firmware Once you have upgraded any necessary radio firmware, you can upgrade the micro-controller firmware. 1. Either select the Upgrade Clock Firmware toolbar button or from the top menu, select Actions > Upgrade Clock Firmware, both of which should be enabled once a connection to the clock has been established. 2. The Configuration Tool software displays an Open dialog box. By default, the dialog box is set to look for radio firmware files with a .a43 file extension. Select the firmware file and select the Open button. 3. The status bar displays the message Waiting for device to download Firmware Upgrade file! message while the firmware upgrade file is downloaded to the clock. WARNING: Do not disconnect or power down the clock during the download process, which may take up to ten (10) minutes. Removing power during a firmware upgrade will PERMANENTLY damage the clock. During the microcontroller firmware upgrade, the clock temporarily ceases operation. The hands on an analog clock stop moving and the display of a digital clock goes blank. When the upgrade is complete, the clock automatically restarts. Once the firmware upgrade file has been downloaded to the clock, the status bar displays a Firmware download complete! message and the clock should go through a restart cycle. Disconnect the clock from the computer. At this time, it is safe to remove power from the clock. Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 49 BATTERY MAINTENANCE To manage and maintain SNS battery-powered analog clocks, refer to information in this section. Battery Use Specifications The battery life of SNS analog clocks is up to four years with the use of high-quality alkaline D-cell batteries. The battery life expectancy is based on common operating conditions and may vary due to installed site conditions and settings. To get the most out of your batteries: l Use only new high-quality name brand alkaline batteries. l Use batteries with expiration date five or more years beyond the installation date. l Use batteries with the same type and date code. l Do not use heavy duty and zinc carbon batteries as they will not last as long as high-quality name brand alkaline batteries. l Do not use rechargeable NiCad batteries, as their output voltage is too low to assure proper operation. l Do not use standard lithium batteries. Low Battery Indication Battery condition is reported via the AMP to indicate low battery condition. Batteries should be replaced promptly upon reaching low battery condition to maintain clock performance and reduce risk of battery leakage due to excess discharge. Insert Batteries Complete the steps below to insert batteries into an SNS analog clock. 1. If mounted, dismount the clock from the wall so that you can access the back of the clock. NOTE: If replacing old batteries, wait 10 seconds. 2. Insert four new alkaline D-cell batteries into the battery holder as specified; verify correct polarity. 3. When the batteries are in place, initiate the clock connection and check-in to the AMP and synchronization with its NTP time source, by pressing and releasing the button located on the back of the clock. The clock emits a double-beep when the check-in sequence has started. The clock emits another series of “beeps” indicating the clock is connecting to the AMP over the network. l One beep: initialized the radio l Two beeps: connected to the network l Three beeps: connected to the AMP l Four beeps: received NTP time NOTE: Primex Wireless The clock's configuration settings are retained during battery replacement. Clocks Module User Guide 50 TROUBLESHOOT The table below contains troubleshooting symptoms and their associated corrective actions. Table 16: Troubleshooting Clocks Symptom Explanation Corrective Action On-premise or Virtual AMP deployment: Clock cannot connect/check-in to the AMP on the network. You are entering an incorrect IP address or your firewall is preventing access. Check the IP address and reenter. On-premise or Virtual AMP deployment and use of Discovery & AutoConfiguration method: the clocks do not check-in to the AMP. Port 1600 is not open. Ensure that port 1600 is open between the clock and the AMP. On-premise or Virtual AMP deployment: Cannot browse HTTP. You have no network connection, port 80 is not open, the AMP is not available, or your router does not support WP2/AES. Ensure that port 80 is open. Ensure that port 80 is open. Ensure that the computer you are using is connected to the Internet. Contact Primex Wireless Technical Support. Use a security setting that is supported on the router. Clock does not set to the correct time. Primex Wireless Port 123 is not open or network settings are incorrect. Ensure port 123 is open. Verify network settings. Clocks Module User Guide 51 SUPPORT Supporting Documentation Additional information is available in the AMP software Support tab. To obtain additional technical documentation for Primex Wireless products, visit the Support area on our Web site ( Technical Support Prime Wireless Technical Support responds to specific questions about product features, system configuration, and troubleshooting. All support services will be delivered in accordance with your organization's support agreement, end user licenses agreements, and warranties. Contact Technical Support Before contacting Primex Wireless Technical Support, make sure you have satisfied the system requirements that are listed in your product documentation. Also, you should be at the computer on which the problem occurred, in case it is necessary to replicate the problem. When you contact Technical Support, please have the following information available: l Customer ID l Problem description l Device hardware information l Error messages l Troubleshooting performed before contacting Primex Wireless l Recent network changes (SNS products only) Technical Support Telephone Email (800) 404-8112 Fax (262) 248-0061 Hours 7:00 am to 7:00 pm CST | Monday through Friday Web Primex Wireless Clocks Module User Guide 52