Version 1.0 General Certificate of Secondary Education June 2013 History B 40451 (Specification 4045) Unit 1: International Relations: Conflict and Peace in the 20th Century Final Mark Scheme Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiner and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the standardisation events which all examiners participate in and is the scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation process ensures that the mark scheme covers the students’ responses to questions and that every examiner understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for standardisation each examiner analyses a number of students’ scripts: alternative answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed and legislated for. If, after the standardisation process, examiners encounter unusual answers which have not been raised they are required to refer these to the Principal Examiner. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and expanded on the basis of students’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination paper. Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available from: Copyright © 2013 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. Copyright AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered schools/colleges for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to schools/colleges to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within the centre. Set and published by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance. The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) and a registered charity (registered charity number 1073334). Registered address: AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION HISTORY SPECIFICATION B A Introduction Consistency of Marking Consistency of marking is of the essence in all public examinations. This factor is particularly important in a subject like History which offers a choice of specifications and a choice of options within them. It is therefore of vital importance that assistant examiners apply this marking scheme as directed by the Principal Examiner in order to facilitate comparability with the marking of all the other History specifications and options offered by the AQA. Subject Content The revised specification addresses subject content through the identification of ‘key questions’ which focus on important historical issues. These ‘key questions’ give emphasis to the view that History is concerned with the analysis of historical problems and issues, the study of which encourages all candidates, but particularly the more able, to make judgements grounded in evidence and information. The Assessment Objectives (AOs) AO1 Assessment Objectives % weighting Recall, select and communicate their knowledge and understanding of history 32 Demonstrate their understanding of the past through explanation and analysis of: AO2 key concepts: causation, consequence, continuity, change and significance within an historical context key features and characteristics of the periods studied and the relationship between them 32 Understand, analyse and evaluate: AO3 a range of source material as part of an historical enquiry how aspects of the past have been interpreted and represented in different ways as part of an historical enquiry 36 Levels of Response Marking Schemes The mark scheme which follows is of the ‘levels of response’ type showing that candidates are expected to demonstrate their mastery of historical skills in the context of their knowledge and understanding of History. All candidates take a common examination paper – there is no tiering. Consequently, it is reasonable to expect to encounter the full range of attainment and this marking scheme has been designed to differentiate candidates’ attainment by outcome and to reward positively what the candidates know, understand and can do. Before scrutinising and applying the detail of the specific mark scheme which follows, assistant examiners are required to familiarise themselves with the instructions and guidance on the general principles to apply in determining into which level of response an answer should fall and in deciding on a mark within that particular level. Good examining is, ultimately, about the consistent application of judgement. This mark scheme provides the necessary framework for exercising that judgement but it cannot cover all eventualities. This is especially so in a subject like History, which in part relies upon different interpretations and different emphases given to the same content. 3 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 B Question targets and Levels of response Question targets The mark scheme for each question is prefaced by an assessment objective ‘target’. This is an indication of the skill which it is expected candidates will use in answering the question and is directly based on the relevant assessment objectives. However, it does not mean that other answers which have merit will not be rewarded. Identification of Levels of response There are several ways in which any question can be answered – in a simple way by less able candidates and in more sophisticated ways by candidates of greater ability. In the marking scheme different types of answers will be identified and will be arranged in a series of levels of response. Levels of response have been identified on the basis that the full range of candidates entered for the GCSE examination will be able to respond positively. Each ‘level’ therefore represents a stage in the development of the candidate’s quality of thinking, and, as such, recognition by the assistant examiner of the relative differences between each level descriptor is of paramount importance. Placing an answer within a Level When marking each part of each question, examiners must first place the answer in a particular level and then, and only then, decide on the actual mark within the level, which should be recorded in the margin. The level of response attained should also be indicated at the end of each answer. In most cases, it will be helpful to annotate the answer by noting in the margin where a particular level has been reached, eg Level 1 may have been reached on line 1, L3 on line 5 and L1 again on line 7. When the whole answer has been read and annotated in this way, the highest of the Levels clearly attained and sustained should be awarded. Remember that it is often possible to reach the highest level without going through the lower levels. Marks are not cumulative for any question. There should be no ‘totting up’ of points made which are then converted into marks. Examiners should feel free to comment on part of any answer if it explains why a particular level has been awarded rather than one lower or higher. Such comments can be of assistance when the script is looked at later in the awarding process. If an answer seems to fit into two or more levels, award the higher or highest level. What is a sustained response? By a sustained response, we mean that the candidate has applied the appropriate level of thought to the particular issues in the sub-question. A response does not necessarily have to be sustained throughout the whole answer, but an answer in which merely a few words seem to show a fleeting recognition of historical complexity is not sufficient to attain a higher level. In some cases, as you read an answer to a sub-question, it will be clear that particular levels have been reached at certain points in the answer. If so, remember to identify them in the margin as you proceed. At the end of the sub-question, award the highest level that has been sustained. In other cases you may reach the end of the sub-question without having been able to pinpoint a level. In such cases, simply record the level awarded at the end of the sub-question. 4 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 C Deciding on marks within a level A particular level of response may cover a range of marks. Therefore, in making a decision about a specific mark to award, it is vitally important to think first of the lower/lowest mark within the level. In giving more credit with the level, examiners should ask themselves several questions relating to candidate attainment. The more positive the answers, the higher should be the mark awarded. We want to avoid ‘bunching’ of marks. Levels mark schemes can produce regression to the mean, which should be avoided. At all times, therefore, examiners should be prepared to use the full range of marks available for a particular level and for a particular question. Remember – mark positively at all times. Consider whether the answer is: precise in its use of supporting factual information appropriately detailed factually accurate appropriately balanced, or markedly better in some areas than in others set in the historical context as appropriate to the question displaying appropriate quality of written communication skills Note about indicative content The mark scheme provides examples of historical content (indicative content) which candidates may deploy in support of an answer within a particular level. Do bear in mind that these are only examples; exhaustive lists of content are not provided so examiners might expect some candidates to deploy alternative information to support their answers. This indicative content must not however determine the level into which an answer is placed; the candidate’s level of critical thinking determines this. Remember that the number of points made by a candidate may be taken into account only after a decision has been taken about the quality (level) of the response. Some things to remember Mark positively at all times. Do not be afraid to award maximum marks within a level where it is possible to do so. Do not fail to give a maximum mark to an appropriate answer because you can think of something (or the marking scheme indicates something) that might be included but which is missing from the particular response. Do not think in terms of a model answer to the question. Every question should be marked on its merits. As a general rule, give credit for what is accurate, correct or valid. Obviously, errors can be given no credit but, at the same time, the existence of an error should not prejudice you against the rest of what could be a perfectly valid answer. It is important, therefore, to use the full range of marks where appropriate. Do not use half marks. 5 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 D Some practical points Answers in note form Answers in note form to any question should be credited in so far as the candidate’s meaning is communicated. You must not try to read things into what has been written. Diagrams, etc Credit should be given for information provided by the candidates in diagrams, tables, maps etc, provided that it has not already been credited in another form. Answers which run on to another sub-section If a candidate starts to answer the next sub-section in an earlier one, by simply running the answer on, give credit for that material in the appropriate sub-section. Answers which do not fit the marking scheme Inevitably, some answers will not fit the marking scheme but may legitimately be seen as worthy of credit. Assess such answers in terms of the difficulty/sophistication of the thought involved. If it is believed that the ‘thought level’ equates with one of the levels in the marking scheme, award it a corresponding mark. Make sure you identify such cases with an A (for alternative) in your sub-total, eg as B2A/3. Also write a brief comment to explain why this alternative has been awarded. If in doubt, always telephone your Team Leader for advice. 6 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 0 1 Target Level 1 In 1900 Britain’s foreign policy was called ‘Splendid Isolation’. Describe the changes in Britain’s foreign policy in the years 1900–1907. 4 Description of key features and characteristics (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. 0 Basic description Any general relevant comment 1 eg GB made alliances. Level 2 Either Detailed description of limited aspects Eg develops one of the following: the meaning of ‘Splendid Isolation’ – emphasis on by choice based on strength of navy; Japanese alliance 1902; Entente Cordiale 1904; Algeciras 1906 Military conversations with France 1907; Agreement with Russia (Triple Entente?) 1907. If any terms of the alliances are given, count as development eg Entente settled matters in Morocco and Egypt etc. Naming of alliance counts as one idea (Level 2) 2-3 One accurate idea which goes beyond simple/general (2 marks) two for 3 marks. Or Limited description of a wider range of aspects eg outline GB’s foreign policy Level 3 Detailed description of several aspects eg at least two of the points mentioned in the first part of Level 2. Or could give three accurate ideas on any relevant point. 7 4 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 0 2 Do you agree that the reasons given by the German Chancellor were the main reasons for Germany backing down in the Moroccan (Agadir) Crisis, 1911? 6 Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using its content and your knowledge. Target Use of knowledge and evaluation of source to reach a conclusion (AO1/AO2/AO3) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 0 General response relying on source or learned response eg German Chancellor was involved in the crisis so he had first-hand experience so it should be true; war did not break out; Germany did get the Congo; Britain had a strong fleet etc. 1 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Uses general knowledge to agree/disagree with the interpretation/gives simple explanation of how the interpretation came about eg shows some general understanding of the nature of the Agadir Crisis, the challenge to France, use of gunboat etc. Or makes simple comments on the provenance of the source: private letter therefore not meant to be published; sent to someone who wanted war etc. 2-3 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. Level 3 Agrees/disagrees using either source or own knowledge Either Evaluation of the provenance of the source: eg identifying the motive/purpose/audience such as; private views not public views though the Chancellor is writing to an opponent and explaining why he had avoided war over Morocco defending his stance so could be exaggerating his fears. Reference to tone/language to illustrate this (in context). 4-5 Or Shows specific knowledge indicating understanding of the events of the crisis, why GB saw it as a threat to them, Lloyd George’s Mansion House Speech, gives other reasons for the withdrawal of Germany etc. The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Uses source and knowledge to reach conclusion Both parts of Level 3. 6 The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 8 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 0 3 Which of the following was the greater cause of the outbreak of the First World War: • Austria-Hungary’s ultimatum to Serbia • the Schlieffen Plan 10 You must refer to both reasons when explaining your answer. Target Analysis and explanation of events leading to causation (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 0 Simple descriptive comment and/or gives one reason eg Serbia did not accept the ultimatum. Germany supported A/H; declared war on Russia/France etc. A/H and Germany were allies. Schlieffen Plan was the German plan for war in 1914. Must cover both bullet points for top of level. 1-2 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Either Develops one cause This starts with description at the bottom of the level, then explanation and obtains top of level for assessment and focus on the question eg describes the assassination and/or the ultimatum; explanations could cover why Serbia rejected the ultimatum; why A/H responded by declaring war etc. Assesses how it led to the outbreak of war; Serbia supported by Russia; Germany supported A/H therefore war broke out in the East etc. Describes how the Schlieffen Plan meant attacking France before Russia etc. Explanations could cover why Germany used the Schlieffen Plan – war on two fronts etc – why Germany supported A/H in 1914, how the Schlieffen Plan brought GB into war, the importance of Belgium as a neutral country etc. Assesses the effect of the Schlieffen Plan, why it brought GB into war – sanctity of treaties, proximity of Belgian coast to Britain etc. Or Covers both with some development or explanation This will involve description or explanation of both with no analysis or assessment and little focus on the question Description of both for 4 marks; standard explanation of both for 5 marks; good explanation of one and standard explanation of other for 6. The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. 9 3-6 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 Level 3 A selective and structured account covering both bullet points, though one may be in greater depth, focused on the question or establishing some argument eg assesses the part played by the ultimatum and explains the part played by Germany’s actions in the outbreak of war. NB An answer which explains both and supports the explanations with good depth and command of knowledge can be placed at the bottom of Level 3. Assesses the part played by the Schlieffen Plan relating it to GB’s entry and explains the ultimatum – 7-8 marks; assesses both and relates them to focus of question – 8-9 marks. NB answer which has two good explanations can be placed at the bottom of this level. 7-9 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Balanced, well-argued answer linking both parts, focused on the question Assesses both parts in depth with a reasoned judgement. 10 The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 10 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 0 4 Target Level 1 In 1935 Emperor Haile Selassie of Abyssinia appealed to the League of Nations for help after Italy invaded his country. Describe how the League of Nations tried to solve the Abyssinian Crisis. 4 Description of key features and characteristics (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. 0 Basic description Any general relevant comment 1 eg they did nothing; they let Italy take control of Abyssinia. Level 2 Either Detailed description of limited aspects eg develops one of the following: attitude of Britain and France to Mussolini – Stresa Front; ally against Hitler; condemnation of Italy’s aggression; sanctions imposed + limitations of oil, coal, etc; Suez Canal – implications of keeping open; Hoare-Laval Pact – reward but max of 2 marks for naming or explaining this point. 2-3 One accurate idea which goes beyond simple/general (2 marks) two for 3 marks. Or Limited description of a wider range of aspects eg outline description of league’s actions. Level 3 Detailed description of several aspects eg at least two of the points mentioned in the first part of Level 2. Or three accurate ideas on any relevant point(s). 11 4 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 0 5 Target Do you agree with the cartoonist’s interpretation of the Manchurian Crisis 19311933? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using its content and your knowledge. Use of knowledge and evaluation of source to reach a conclusion (AO1/AO2/AO3) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 6 0 General response relying on source or learned response It is a cartoon so it is meant to amuse not be accurate; it was drawn at the time; all the League did was talk to Japan about the crisis. 1 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Uses general knowledge to agree/disagree with the interpretation/gives simple explanation of how the interpretation came about eg shows some general understanding of the Manchurian Crisis: set up a Commission etc or makes some inference from the cartoon, eg Japan did defy the League and refused to withdraw from Manchuria. 2-3 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. Level 3 Agrees/disagrees using either source or own knowledge Either Evaluation of the provenance of the source– eg identifying motive/purpose–why did Low publish the cartoon, was it to ridicule the League for its lack of action or to try to shame Britain into giving the League more backing? – Any response similar to these would suffice for this level. Reference to tone/language in context to illustrate this. Or 4-5 Shows specific knowledge relating to the events of the crisis and indicating understanding of the action taken by both the League and Japan in the crisis; why the League took no action against Japan; why the Japanese were able to resist the orders of the League etc. The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Uses source and knowledge to reach conclusion Both parts of Level 3. 6 The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 12 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 0 6 Which part of the Treaty of Versailles made the German people more angry: • the land they lost • the reduction in their armed forces? 10 You must refer to both parts of the treaty when explaining your answer. Target Analysis and explanation of events leading to causation (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 0 Simple descriptive comment and/or gives one reason Germany had to give up land to France; Germany’s army was reduced in numbers etc. 1-2 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Either Develops one cause This starts with description at the bottom of the level, then explanation and obtains top of level for assessment and focus on the question Description would be a list or just one example of the land Germany lost at Versailles. Explanations could cover e.g. why land such as Alsace Lorraine, the Polish Corridor, colonies etc was taken from Germany; Assesses the anger caused by the loss of various parts of land eg could concentrate on areas such as the loss of Polish Corridor which appeared to be unfair as it was inhabited mostly by German speaking people and split up Germany from East Prussia etc. Describes the military terms of the Treaty of Versailles – one example is enough. Explanations could cover why their forces were reduced in this way, to protect France, to preserve the supremacy of the British Navy etc. Assesses the anger this caused by examining the German pride in the armed forces, their submarine fleet or even commenting on the fact that 100,000 soldiers was considered insufficient to keep internal order etc. Or Covers both with some development or explanation This will involve description or explanation of both with no analysis or assessment and little focus on the question Description of both for 4 marks; standard explanation of both for 5 marks; good explanation of one and standard explanation of the other for 6. The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. 13 3-6 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 Level 3 A selective and structured account covering both bullet points, though one may be in greater depth, focused on the question or establishing some argument eg assesses the anger caused by loss of land and explains the anger caused by the military terms – 7-8 marks. Assesses both and relates them to focus of question – 8-9 marks. NB answer which has two good explanations can be placed at the bottom of this 7-9 level. The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Balanced, well-argued answer linking both parts, focused on the question Assesses both parts in depth with a reasoned judgement. 10 The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 14 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 0 7 Target Level 1 The Treaty of Versailles did not allow Germany to militarise the Rhineland. Describe how Hitler was able to remilitarise the Rhineland in 1936. 4 Description of key features and characteristics (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. 0 Basic description Any general relevant comment 1 eg outline description of remilitarisation, not opposed Level 2 Detailed description of limited aspects eg develops one of the following: number of troops used – accept any reasonable number between 18 & 40,000, or 3 battalions distraction of Abyssinia for GB and France; Versailles too harsh; Hitler only sending troops into his own back garden; French divided by election; Maginot Line; Hitler’s bluff etc. 2-3 One accurate idea which goes beyond simple/general (2 marks) two for 3 marks. Level 3 Detailed description of several aspects eg at least two of the points mentioned in first part of Level 2. Or could give 3 accurate ideas on any relevant point(s). 15 4 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 0 8 Target Do you agree that Chamberlain’s view in this speech is the main reason why he used a policy of appeasement towards Hitler? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using its content and your knowledge. Use of knowledge and evaluation of source to reach a conclusion (AO1/AO2/AO3) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 6 0 General response relying on source or learned response eg Chamberlain said it so it must be his main reason; the League of Nations had failed by 1938 etc. 1 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Uses general knowledge to agree/disagree with the interpretation/gives simple explanation of how the interpretation came about eg shows some general understanding of Chamberlain’s reasons for appeasement – thought he could trust Hitler; did not want another war after WW1; League of Nations had failed over Mancharia Abyssinia etc. Or makes simple comments on the provenance of the source: said in Parliament so it should be true etc. 2-3 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. Level 3 Agrees/disagrees using either source or own knowledge Either Evaluation of the provenance of the source, eg identifies purpose/ motive– defending his policy of appeasement against opponents in parliament; winning support for appeasement in the anti-war context; explaining his failure to support the League of Nations over Anschluss etc. Reference to tone/language to illustrate this (in context). Or Uses specific knowledge to explain other reasons why Chamberlain used appeasement eg lack of appetite for war at home after WW1 and the depression; GB needed time to re-arm; fear of aerial warfare after Guernica; the legitimate nature of Hitler’s grievances; fear of Bolshevism in the East etc. Could also agree with source and explain the failure of the League to act against large powers in Manchuria and Abyssinia. 4-5 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Uses source and knowledge to reach conclusion Both parts of Level 3. The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 16 6 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 0 9 Which of Hitler’s policies was more likely to lead to war in Europe: • his policy towards Austria • his policy towards the USSR? 10 You must refer to both policies when explaining your answer. Target Analysis and explanation of events leading to causation (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 0 Simple descriptive comment and/or gives one reason Hitler took over Austria. Hitler hated communism; he made an alliance with USSR. 1-2 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Either Develops one cause This starts with description at the bottom of the level, then explanation and obtains top of level for assessment and focus on the question Describes the process of Anschluss. Explanations could cover eg why Hitler wanted to take over Austria; how Hitler prepared for Anschluss by reaching an agreement with Mussolini; his methods of control using the threat of the army and plebiscites to influence other countries; how it strengthened Hitler in terms of increased population, minerals, wealth etc. Assesses the danger of his policy by linking it to the outbreak of war relating it to the surrounding of Czechoslovakia; the greater confidence this success gave Hitler which led to the Sudeten Crisis, the collapse of Czechoslovakia in 1939 and the attack on Poland. Describes Hitler’s views/aims re communism or the terms of the non-aggression treaty of 1939. Explanations could cover eg why Hitler hated communism; why he made the non-aggression treaty; why he later invaded USSR etc. Assesses the danger of this policy in terms of its results by linking it to the cause of war eg why the Nazi-Soviet Pact led to war; guarantees of GB etc. Or Covers both with some development or explanation This will involve description or explanation of both with no analysis or assessment and little focus on the question Description of both for 4 marks; standard explanation of both for 5 marks; good explanation of one and standard explanation of the other for 6. The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. 17 3-6 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 Level 3 A selective and structured account covering both bullet points, though one may be in greater depth, focused on the question or establishing some argument eg assesses the success of Anschluss and explains his policies towards the USSR – 7-8 marks. eg assesses both and relates them to focus of question – 8-9 marks. NB answer which has two good explanations can be placed at the bottom of this level. 7-9 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Balanced, well-argued answer linking both parts, focused on the question Assesses both parts in depth with a reasoned judgement. 10 The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 18 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 1 0 Target After the death of Stalin in 1953, the new Soviet leader, Khrushchev, introduced a policy called ‘peaceful co-existence’. Describe the main features of Khrushchev’s policy of peaceful co-existence. Description of key features and characteristics (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 4 0 Basic description Any general relevant comment 1 eg he wanted peace with the world. Level 2 Either Detailed description of limited aspects eg develops one of the following: de-Stalinisation; abandonment of ‘world revolution’; unification of Austria 1955; Summit Conference – Geneva 1955 – first since 1945; ended feud with China and Yugoslavia; abandoned Cominform; set up Warsaw Pact; allow Hungary U2, Berlin Wall etc. 2-3 One accurate idea which goes beyond simple/general (2 marks) two for 3 marks. Or Limited description of a wider range of aspects eg outline description of peaceful coexistence. Level 3 Detailed description of several aspects eg at least two of the points mentioned in the first part of Level 2. Or could give 3 accurate ideas on any relevant point(s). 19 4 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 1 1 Target Source D gives one reason for the Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe between 1945 and 1947. Do you agree that this was the main reason for this expansion? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source, as well as using its content and your knowledge. Use of knowledge and evaluation of source to reach a conclusion (AO1/AO2/AO3) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 6 0 General response relying on source or learned response eg Stalin did want to expand Soviet influence. Source American therefore biased. 1 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Uses general knowledge to agree/disagree with the interpretation/gives simple explanation of how the interpretation came about Either Shows awareness of Stalin’s aims – reparations, suspicions arising out of Yalta, etc, US Atom Bomb, security/buffer states, but little explanation. Or Simple comments on the provenance: a letter written in 1946 – relevance of date etc; American going beyond bias etc. 2-3 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. Level 3 Agrees/disagrees using either source or own knowledge Either Evaluation of provenance of source: eg identifies motive/purpose, expresses US fears in light of events in Europe, to rally support for Truman’s policies at the beginning of the Cold War, etc, with explained reasons. Reference to tone/ language to illustrate this (in context). Or Develops ideas of why Stalin established Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe and US fears: eg – explains Soviet fears, events in Greece and Turkey, US atom bomb, search for security; US suspicions of Stalin, breach of promises after Yalta/Potsdam, nature of Soviet expansion, etc. 4-5 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Uses source and knowledge to reach conclusion Both parts of Level 3. 6 The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 20 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 1 2 Which was more important to the development of the Cold War: • the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, 1947 • the Berlin Blockade, 1948-1949 10 You must refer to both bullet points when explaining your answer. Target Analysis and explanation of events leading to causation (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 0 Simple descriptive comment and/or gives one reason Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan were USA helping Europe against communism. Berlin Blockade was when Stalin cut off West Berlin. 1-2 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Either Develops one cause This starts with description at the bottom of the level, then explanation and obtains top of level for assessment and focus on the question Describes either the Truman Doctrine or the Marshall Plan. Explanations could cover the nature and purpose of the Truman doctrine and Marshall Plan – Truman’s fears re communism – state of Europe after war – Greece, Turkey, Czechoslovakia. Assess the effect of this on Stalin – his fear of ‘dollar imperialism’ developed – his response, Cominform, Berlin Blockade, start of the Cold War, development after Potsdam. Describes the events of the Blockade/airlift. Explanations could cover eg why Stalin blockaded; why West responded with the airlift etc. Assess how near the Blockade came to open war between the superpowers eg by considering other options open to the West which could involve force; by explaining the possible results of Stalin shooting down an airlift plane; by consideration of why Stalin did not risk this – atom bomb; by explaining the end of the Blockade and its effect on East and West. Or Covers both with some development or explanation This will involve description or explanation of both with no analysis or assessment and little focus on the question Description of both for 4 marks; standard explanation of both for 5 marks; good explanation of one and standard explanation of the other for 6. The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. 21 3-6 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 Level 3 A selective and structured account covering both bullet points, though one may be in greater depth, focused on the question or establishing some argument eg assess the importance of the Blockade and explains the effect of the Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan – 7-8 marks. Assesses both and relates them to focus of question – 8-9 marks. NB answer which has two good explanations can be placed at the bottom of this level. 7-9 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Balanced, well-argued answer linking both parts, focused on the question Assesses both parts in depth with a reasoned judgement. 10 The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 22 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 1 3 Target Level 1 Up to 1957 the USA was always ahead in the development of nuclear weapons. Describe the main features of the arms and space race between the USA and the USSR in the years 1957 to 1969. 10 Description of key features and characteristics (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. 0 Basic description Any general relevant comment 1 eg the USA and USSR tried to build as many weapons as they could etc. Level 2 Either Detailed description of limited aspects eg develops one of the following: the launch of Sputnik and its importance in arms race; ICBMs; Polaris; nuclear deterrent; MAD; Explorer; Gagarin; Shepherd; Armstrong etc. 2-3 One accurate idea which goes beyond simple/general (2 marks) two for 3 marks. Or Limited description of a wider range of aspects eg outline description of arms/space race Level 3 Detailed description of several aspects Three accurate ideas as above or one developed description and an accurate idea. 23 4 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 1 4 Target Do you agree with the cartoonist’s interpretation of the results of the Cuban Missile Crisis? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using its content and your knowledge. Use of knowledge and evaluation of source to reach a conclusion (AO1/AO2/AO3) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 6 0 General response relying on source or learned response It is a cartoon so it is meant to amuse not be accurate; cartoon is from the time so it will be true; USA and USSR did avoid war over Cuba. 1 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Uses general knowledge to agree/disagree with the interpretation/gives simple explanation of how the interpretation came about Shows some general understanding of the nature of the Cuban Missile Crisis or makes some inferences from the cartoon eg recognises the figures as Kennedy and Khrushchev; both helped to prevent war over Cuba by working together; chest opening shows the closeness the world came to war etc. Or makes simple comments on the provenance of the source eg cartoonist is American therefore biased. 2-3 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. Level 3 Agrees/disagrees using either source or own knowledge Either Evaluation of the provenance of the source by identifying the motive/purpose: American view but not typical as USA press mostly regarded Cuba as a victory for Kennedy, cartoonist is reinforcing the need to work together and expressing relief that war has been avoided and the hope that it will be avoided in future, or sees it as a US view showing Kennedy as the initiator of the peace process as he is speaking. Or Shows specific knowledge of the Cuban Crisis to indicate agreement or disagreement eg could explain how Khrushchev backed down and ships turned round and he withdrew the missiles, or explain how Kennedy chose the least warlike option suggested to him, the blockade, in order to solve the crisis peacefully; alternatively could concentrate on the measures taken by the two countries after the crisis to avoid future crises – the hotline, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty – an end to brinkmanship explained. 4-5 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Uses source and knowledge to reach conclusion Both parts of Level 3. 6 The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 24 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 1 5 Which of the following was the greater threat to world peace • the building of the Berlin Wall, 1961 • the ‘Prague Spring’ in Czechoslovakia, 1968? 10 You must refer to both threats when explaining your answer. Target Analysis and explanation of events leading to causation (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 0 Simple descriptive comment and/or gives one reason eg the wall divided Berlin, USSR sent tanks to Prague. Must cover both bullet points for top of level. 1 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Either Develops one cause This starts with description at the bottom of the level, then explanation and obtains top of level for assessment and focus on the question eg describes the overnight building and extent of the Wall. Explanations could cover build-up of Cold War tension, Kennedy’s need to be seen to be strong, the continuing arms race, why the Wall was built etc. Assesses the effect of this on the Cold War – stand-off in Berlin, tanks at Checkpoint Charlie, etc – longer-term stability, Detente, etc. Describes the events of the Prague Spring and reforms of Dubcek. Explains Brezhnev’s response – fear of ‘domino effect’ in Eastern Europe, breach in Iron Curtain, the Brezhnev Doctrine, propaganda victory for West. Assesses effects of Soviet actions in Czechoslovakia – attitudes of Warsaw Pact countries, temporary worsening of East-West relations – some weakening of Soviet position – Chinese criticism of Brezhnev and its consequences – reasons for attitude of USA: condemned but no escalation. Or Covers both with some development or explanation This will involve description or explanation of both with no analysis or assessment and little focus on the question NB an answer which explains both and supports the explanation with good depth and command of knowledge can be placed at the bottom of Level 3. The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. 25 3 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 Level 3 A selective and structured account covering both bullet points, though one may be in greater depth, focused on the question or establishing some argument eg assesses the part played by the building of the Berlin Wall in the development of the Cold War and explains why the West did not react to the Prague Spring. 7-9 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Balanced, well-argued answer linking both parts, focused on the question eg assesses both parts in depth. Must reach a reasoned judgement. 10 The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 26 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 1 6 Target Level 1 In 1981 Ronald Reagan, who stated that he hated communism, became President of the USA. Describe how President Reagan renewed the Cold War in the early 1980s. 4 Description of key features and characteristics (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. 0 Basic description Any general relevant comment 1 eg he opposed the USSR. Level 2 Either Detailed description of limited aspects eg develops one of the following: increased spending – reasons; SDI – importance; Evil Empire speech; neutron bomb; stealth bomber; cruise missiles in Europe; help to Mujaheddin etc. 2-3 Or Limited description of a wider range of aspects eg outline description of Reagan’s views/policies. Level 3 Detailed description of several aspects Three accurate ideas as above or one developed description and an accurate idea. 27 4 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 1 7 Target Study Source F Do you agree that these were the main reasons for the success of Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement in Poland, 1979-1989? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using its content and your knowledge. Use of knowledge and evaluation of source to reach a conclusion (AO1/AO2/AO3) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 6 0 General response relying on source or learned response eg Lech Walesa was the leader of Solidarity so he will know the truth; Solidarity was successful in overthrowing communism in Poland. 1 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Uses general knowledge to agree/disagree with the interpretation/gives simple explanation of how the interpretation came about eg shows some general understanding of the aims and success of Solidarity or Walesa – early failure and driven underground, later success in elections, or even its origin in the shipyards. Or makes simple comments on the provenance of the source: it is written by Walesa so he will be biased in favour of Solidarity as he was its leader. 2-3 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. Level 3 Agrees/disagrees using either source or own knowledge Either Evaluation of the provenance of the source by identifying motive/purpose: from his statement therefore he could be exaggerating the achievements of Solidarity and himself; perhaps oversimplifying what happened as a result of the final success. Reference to tone/language in context. 4-5 Or Shows specific knowledge indicating understanding of the work of Solidarity such as: the 21 Demands; conditions in Poland that prompted them; their methods of resistance, strikes and propaganda, not violence; influencing world opinion because of the just nature of their cause; Jaruzelski and the eventual formation of a non-communist government in 1989. Level 4 Uses source and knowledge to reach conclusion Both parts of Level 3. The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 28 6 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 1 8 Which was the most important reason for the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe: • the war in Afghanistan, 1979-1989 • 10 Gorbachev’s policies of Glasnost and Perestroika? You must refer to both reasons when explaining your answer. Target Analysis and explanation of events leading to causation (AO1/AO2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question. Level 1 0 Simple descriptive comment and/or gives one reason The USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Gorbachev’s policies were meant to improve the USSR. 1-2 The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development. Level 2 Either Develops one cause This starts with description at the bottom of the level, then explanation and obtains top of level for assessment and focus on the question Describes the war in Afghanistan possibly up to the Soviet withdrawal. Explanations could cover why the Soviets were involved in Afghanistan; why it was such a difficult war to fight; why it affected the Soviet economy etc. Assesses its importance in the failure of communism – how the weakness of the economy contributed; the position of the Red Army and how this affected the communist states. Describes the policies. Explanations could cover conditions in USSR which prompted their introduction; their impact in Soviet Russia and the satellite states. Assesses their importance in bringing about the collapse of communism – effect of greater openness and more independence and less censorship on the Soviet people; how this encouraged the other communist states; failure of some to implement reforms eg Honecker in East Germany and how this led to demonstrations etc. Or Covers both with some development or explanation This will involve description or explanation of both with no analysis or assessment and little focus on the question Description of both for 4 marks; standard explanation of both for 5 marks; good explanation of one and standard explanation of other for 6. The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner. 29 3-6 Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education History B – 40451 – June 2013 Level 3 A selective and structured account covering both bullet points, though one may be in greater depth, focused on the question or establishing some argument eg assesses the part played by the Afghan war and explains Gorbachev’s policies – 7-8 marks. 7-9 The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. Level 4 Balanced, well-argued answer linking both parts, focused on the question Assesses both parts in depth with a reasoned judgement. 10 The answer demonstrates highly developed/complex understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well structured, with an appropriate form and style of writing. Specialist vocabulary is used effectively. 30