Appendix 3 IB Diploma Programme Course Outlines

Appendix 3 IB Diploma Programme Course Outlines
The following points should be addressed when preparing course outlines for each IB Diploma
Programme subject to be taught. Please be sure to use IBO nomenclature throughout.
Name of the course:
For example, English A1, HL.
Physics, SL
Course description:
In two to three paragraphs, describe the course in terms of focus, purpose, aims and objectives, the
inclusion of internationalism, the proposed process, and expected assessment. This should be a
The standard level (SL) physics class will feature a broad treatment of major physics concepts from
an experimental, theoretical and practical application viewpoint. Students will conduct experiments
on a regular basis and use the results of these experiments to develop underlying principle ideas.
Students will be expected to design, conduct and analyze some of these experiments with little or
no specific instruction; other experiments will have directions but still require students to make
conscious decisions at critical points rather than simply follow a prescribed path. By collecting and
analyzing data, making and testing predictions and rethinking their understanding, students will
develop strong science process skills and an ability to think critically and logically.
Once students form a theory based on experimental evidence, they will be asked to extend the idea
to new situations. This will include solving both theoretical and practical problems based on the
underlying principle. When possible, students will test their predictions. Throughout this process,
students will be asked to justify their conclusions in front of their peers.
The course fully supports the International Baccalaureate Organization’s (IBO) idea of creating
global learners. Students will be asked to solve problems faced by people living in different regions
of the world by applying physics principles developed in the lab. Since the course will explore a
wide spectrum of topics, students completing this two-year course should be well-prepared for
university level work after graduation
In narrative or outline form, list what you will cover in your course to meet the IB syllabus
requirements. In addition, if IB courses are going to be combined with AP or other curriculums, outlines
should address additional non-IB topics to be covered.
This course will address the SL core topics plus two options for extension as required by the IBO.
The options will be Option E (Astrophysics) and Option G (Electromagnetic waves). The course
outline, taken from the IBO Diploma Programme guide, for the core topics plus options E & G
appear below.
Topic 1: Physics and physical measurement (2 weeks)
1.1 The realm of physics
1.2 Measurement and uncertainties
1.3 Vectors and scalars
Topic 2: Mechanics (10 Weeks)
2.1 Kinematics
2.2 Forces and dynamics
2.3 Work, energy and power
2.4 Uniform circular motion
Topic 3: Thermal physics (5 weeks)
3.1 Thermal concepts
3.2 Thermal properties of matter
Topic 4: Oscillations and waves (6 weeks)
4.1 Kinematics of simple harmonic motion (SHM)
4.2 Energy changes during simple harmonic motion (SHM)
4.3 Forced oscillations and resonance
4.4 Wave characteristics
4.5 Wave properties
Topic 5: Electric currents (5 Weeks)
5.1 Electric potential difference, current and resistance
5.2 Electric circuits
Topic 6: Fields and forces (5 Weeks)
6.1 Gravitational force and field
6.2 Electric force and field
6.3 Magnetic force and field
Topic 7: Atomic and nuclear physics (6 Weeks)
7.1 The atom
7.2 Radioactive decay
7.3 Nuclear reactions, fission and fusion
Topic 8: Energy, power and climate change (8 Weeks)
8.1 Energy degradation and power generation
8.2 World energy sources
8.3 Fossil fuel power production
8.4 Non-fossil fuel power production
8.5 Greenhouse effect
8.6 Global warming
Option E: Astrophysics (8 Weeks)
E.1 Indroduction to the universe
E.2 Stellar radiation and stellar types
E.3 Stellar distances
E.4 Cosmology
Option G: Electromagnetic waves (8 Weeks)
G.1 Nature of EM waves and light sources
G.2 Optical instruments
G.3 Two-source interference of waves
G.4 Diffraction grating
Although the sequence of topics may be rearranged slightly, the course will provide treatment of all
the topics in the above list. The time listed for each topic above is considered a minumum. Since 2
weeks equals 7.5 hours of class time, this exceeds the minimum suggested times listed in the IBO
Diplomma Programme guide.
All the topics in the above list have been taught at Tates Creek High School in the past. The
methods used to treat these topics will be adjusted to better meet the IBO goal of developing global
Knowledge of IBO-required assessments and descriptors should be evident. All parts of IB
assessment should be addressed, both internal and external. In addition, examples of non-IB
monitoring should be given, if they are part of the course.
This course will use a wide variety of assessments. Students will submit some homework
electronically via the internet. For these assignments, the computer will provide instant feedback
and allow students the opportunity to retry the problem for a reduction in points.
Students will also be asked to present their work to the class. This may include lab work and the
resulting conclusions as well as homework problems. In each case, students will be asked to explain
their reasoning. The students will be expected to respond to questions.
Traditional exams will include both multiple-choice and open response questions. The multiple
choice questions will be used to assess conceptual understanding while the open response questions
will require students to demonstrate an ability to apply concepts to new situations. Questions on
these formal assessments will be similar to the types of questions students will encounter on the
three IB papers.
Students will also be asked to perform a lab practicum within each topic. The lab practicum will
include an experimental apparatus. The student must collect data and apply concepts from the
current topic to make a prediction regarding the outcome of the experiment. Once a prediction has
been made, the experiment will proceed and the student will be scored based on how well their
prediction agrees with the actual results.
Laboratory experiences will be assessed using the standard IBO mark scheme. While students will
be given multiple opportunities to submit lab reports for internal assessment, not every lab will be
scored for every component. Per IBO guidelines, the top two scores in each category will be used to
determine the student’s internal assessment score. Copies of student work will be kept on file for
external moderation. Students will see their marks as the course progresses and will have the option
to submit multiple formal reports.
Per IBO guidelines, lab reports submitted for internal assessment will be scored using the following
criteria: Planning (a), Planning (b), Data Collection, Data Processing and Presentation, and
Conclusion and Evaluation. Each of these broad criteria include multiple aspects. Each aspect will
be scored and the IBO achievement level matrixes used to determine the overall score for each
criterion. The specific aspects to be addressed within each criterion appear below.
z Design
{ Aspect 1: Defining the problem and selecting variables
{ Aspect 2: Controlling variables
{ Aspect 3: Developing a method for collection of data
z Data collection and processing
{ Aspect 1: Recording raw data
{ Aspect 2: Processing raw data
{ Aspect 3: Presenting processed data
z Conclusion and Evaluation
{ Aspect 1: Concluding
{ Aspect 2: Evaluating procedure(s)
{ Aspect 3: Improving the investigation
z Manipulative skills (assessed summatively)
{ Aspect 1: Following instructions
{ Aspect 2: Carrying out techniques
{ Aspect 3: Working safely
As an example, consider two possible labs that may be conducted using a simple bouncing ball.
Students could be shown a ball that is dropped and bounces on the floor. Student could then be
asked to work alone to generate a hypothesis and then design an experiment to investigate their
research question. This freedom to define the research question, form a hypothesis and select the
relevant variables would provide an excellent opportunity for students to engage in all three aspects
of the Design assessment criteria. If, however, the students were asked to design an experiment to
find the relationship between drop height and bounce height of the ball, the students would only be
able to exhibit aspects 2 and 3 of the Design criterion in their formal report. In both cases, students
could include all aspects of Data Collection and Processing and Conclusion and Evaluation criteria
in their reports for internal assessment.
While many experiments may be conducted in small groups, these labs may not be submitted for
full internal assessment. Small groups preclude each student from performing the Design criterion
on their own, thus this may not be internally assessed. Individual students could, however, draw
their own conclusion, evaluate procedures and suggest improvements to an experiment performed
in a small group, thus the Conclusion and Evaluation criterion could be internally assessed.
Students will conduct experiments as a regular part of their classroom experience. The labs will
range from complete experiments designed by students to mini investigations that follow a set
procedure. Most labs will provide the variables to be related, but require the students to design the
procedures, collect and analyze the data, and draw conclusions. Labs will be included for every
topic listed in the Topics section of this course outline. Examples include:
Topic 1: Physics and physical measurement
{ Measurement lab
{ Estimation lab
{ Circle lab
Topic 2: Mechanics
{ Constant velocity experiment
{ Constant acceleration experiment
{ Fan cart activity
{ Gravitational field strength lab
{ Free-fall experiment
{ Force table investigation
{ Running up a hill investigation
{ Washers on a string experiment
Topic 3: Thermal physics
{ Kinetic theory investigation & simulation
{ Heat capacity lab
{ Latent heat experiment
{ Pressure and volume of a gas lab
Topic 4: Oscillations and waves
{ Simple harmonic oscillations investigation
{ Resonance experiment
{ Waves and energy transfer investigation
{ Wave interference investigation
{ Wave simulations
{ Wave speed experiment
{ Snell’s law lab
{ Standing waves lab
Topic 5: Electric currents
{ Electric field simulation
{ Ohm’s Law lab
{ Voltage across and current through a wire experiment
Circuit labs
„ Series circuits
„ Parallel circuits
„ Complex circuits
{ Battery investigation
{ Ammeter/voltmeter construction
Topic 6: Fields and forces
{ Gravitational field strength lab
{ Magnetic field investigations
„ Magnetic poles
„ Mapping magnetic fields
„ Magnetic fields due to electric currents
„ Electric currents produced by changing magnetic fields
„ Magnetic field strength
{ Magnetic field around solenoid lab
Topic 7: Atomic and nuclear physics
{ Atomic models activity
{ Spectroscopy lab
{ Radioactive decay experiment
{ Nuclear reactions activity
Topic 8: Energy, power and climate change
{ Energy degradation lab
{ Power generation research
{ Photovoltaic and solar heating comparison activity
{ Constructing mini power plant activity
{ Greenhouse gasses experiment
Option E: Astrophysics
{ Scaling activity
{ Black body radiation investigation
{ Stellar life cycle activity
{ Parallax lab
Option G: Electromagnetic waves
{ Refraction experiments
{ Thin lens experiment
„ Converging lenses
„ Diverging lenses
{ Multiple-lens systems lab
{ Interference simulations
{ Diffraction grating lab
The group 4 project, which will be a collaborative effort between Biology (HL) and Physics (SL)
students may be used for the state writing portfolio. This project will be different each year and will
require the students to work together to push beyond the scope of either class. Results will be
placed on display for the entire school. What follows are the specific details that appear in both the
Biology (HL) and Physics (SL) course outlines.
Group 4 Project
Group Design
Groups will consist of at least one Physics (SL) and one Biology (HL) student with a
maximum size of four students.
Lab Equipment/Facilities
Labs will be open before (7:20-8:20 AM) and after (3:20-4:20 PM) school on specified
dates that will be posted. Students may use the facilities and equipment during this time to
conduct their research, perform experiments, analyze results and/or prepare final report.
Instructors will be present in a supervisory capacity ONLY. Student groups are expected to
generate their own procedures, conduct their own analysis and draw their own
Several topics will be presented to student groups for consideration. Alternatively, students
may propose their own topic for investigation pending approval from instructors. Some
sample topics made available to students for consideration include: Amusement Park Ride
Physiology, School Health and Safety, and Green School Initiatives.
Several options will be available to students for final reporting. Examples include:
Formal lab report that can also be used for state-required writing portfolio
Science fair style display board to be displayed in a public venue
Presentation to school Site-Based Decision-Making Council or district School
Regardless of which format students select, the experimental question, design, data
collection, analysis, conclusion, and suggestions for “next steps” must all be present.
Time Frame
In the spring semester of the first year, students will select lab groups, topic, and specific
experimental question (2-4 hours).
In the fall semester of the second year, groups may schedule lab time as necessary in order
to conduct their research. Research should be completed by the end of October (6-8
Final report/presentation is to be completed by the end of the fall semester (December) of
the second year (4-6 hours). A record log of hours spent working on the project
(experimental design, lab work, analysis, and conclusion) and group/peer self evaluations
will also be due at this time.
At the end of the two-year course, students must take the IB exam for Physics (SL). This external
assessment consists of three papers (exams) that cover both the core and optional topics specified in
the IBO Diploma Programme. Students should select the two optional topics covered in this course,
Mechanics Extension and Optics. These exams will be scored on a scale from 1 to 7. The instructor
will enter a predicted score for each student; the final official score from the IBO will not be
available until mid summer.
Final IB marks will be determined by external assessment of the three papers (exams) administered
near the end of the second year and internal assessment of laboratory work. The internally assessed
lab work will be adjusted following moderation by the IBO before being used to compute the final
IB score; scores received in class may be adjusted up or down during moderation. These final
marks from the IBO will not be available until mid summer. The official scores from the IBO will
be used to determine if an International Baccalaureate Diploma has been earned. Grades for state
and local purposes will be determined from homework, class participation, in-class exams,
practicum predictions and lab reports.
List the books and other resource materials and software that will be used in the course. Information
should include what is currently available as well as what is being ordered.
Students will use a wide variety of resources rather than proceeding linearly through a particular
text. This variety of resources should provide a more complete and flexible framework for learning
physics and will better approximate the resources available following graduation. All the resources
are currently available unless otherwise specified. These resources include:
Newtonian Physics, Benjamin Crowell
Conservation Laws, Benjamin Crowell
Vibrations and Waves, Benjamin Crowell
Electricity and Magnetism, Benjamin Crowell
Optics, Benjamin Crowell
The Modern Revolution in Physics, Benjamin Crowell
Physics: Algebra/Trig, Eugene Hecht
Conceptual Physics, Paul Hewitt
z One computer per lab station that includes:
{ internet access
{ LabPro interface
{ Office Suite, Microsoft
„ Word
„ Excel
„ PowerPoint
{ Graphical Analysis, Vernier
{ Logger Pro, Vernier
{ Principles of Physics, Kinetic Books
„ Need to order
{ Virtual Physics Labs, Kinetic Books
„ Need to order
z Internet-based resources
{ IMMEX physics problems, University of California Los Angeles
{ Web homework, University of Texas
{ Physics Education Technology (PhET), University of Colorado
{ Modeling Instruction Program materials, University of Arizona
z VideoPoint and VideoPoint Capture, Lenox Softworks
z Graphs & Tracks, Physics Academic Software
z Freebody, Physics Academic Software
z Constructing Physics Understanding (CPU)
z Graphing calculators with overhead model
z LCD projector
z Laser printer
z Color inkjet printer
z Scanner
z Digital still camera
z Digital video camera
Lab Equipment
z Electronic probes that connect to LabPro interface (one per lab station unless otherwise
{ Ultrasonic motion detector
{ Dual-range force probe
{ Photogate (2 per lab station)
{ Smart pulley
{ Light sensor
{ Magnetic field sensor
{ Microphone
{ Voltage probe, low voltage only
{ Pressure sensor
{ Temperature probe
{ Accelerometer (2 total)
{ Barometer (1 only)
{ Force plate (1 only)
{ Rotary motion sensor (1 only)
{ Current and wide-range voltage probe (1 only)
z Basic lab equipment
{ Electronic balances
{ Meter sticks
{ Ring stands
{ Pendulum clamps
{ C clamps
{ Table clamps
{ 90-degree clamps
{ Poles
{ Angle indicators
{ String
{ Slotted masses
{ Hooked masses
{ Spring scales
{ Springs
{ Pulleys
{ Balls
{ Safety glasses
{ Strobe light
{ Electronic timers
z Mechanics equipment
{ Dynamics tracks
{ Dynamics carts (collision and plunger both)
{ Fan carts
{ Air tracks
{ Projectile launchers
{ Curved ramps
{ Air rockets
{ Hover disks
{ Bounce/no bounce balls
{ Energy tracks
Force table
Kinesthetic carts
{ Turn table
{ Rotating platform
{ Gyroscopes (large and small)
Thermal physics equipment
{ Thermometers
{ Thermal engine
{ Calorimeters
{ Hot plates
{ Ice pail
{ Vacuum pump and bell jar
{ Bernoulli bags
Waves equipment
{ Elastic cord
{ Mechanical oscillators
{ Standing wave apparatuses
{ Electronic frequency monitors
{ Function generator
{ Long springs
{ Sound tubes
{ Speakers
{ Tuning forks
{ Resonance boxes
Electricity and magnetism equipment
{ Assorted cloths (wool, silk)
{ Assorted rods (plastic, rubber, glass)
{ Electrophoruses
{ Charge dippers
{ Van de Graaff generator
{ Faraday cage
{ Leyden jars
{ Electroscopes
{ Hook up (low resistance) wire
{ Nichrome (high resistance) wire
{ Magnet wire
{ Multi-meters
{ Battery holders
{ Light holders with light bulbs
{ Capacitors
{ Hand-crank generators
{ Adjustable power supplies
{ Bread boards
{ Assorted resistors
{ Cathode ray tube
{ Tesla coil
{ Magnets
{ Re-magnetizer
{ Compasses
Magnetic field viewer
{ Electromagnetic launcher
Atomic and nuclear equipment
{ Atomic models
„ Show neutrons and protons in nucleus
„ Show energy levels and orbitals for electrons
{ Spectrum tubes and power supplies
{ Spectroscopes
{ Spectrometer
{ Student radiation detectors
{ Radioactive sources
Optics equipment
{ Glass plates
{ Plane mirrors
{ Cork board and push pins
{ Semi-circular plastic dishes
{ Curved mirrors
{ Diverging lenses
{ Converging lenses
{ Optics benches
{ Light sources
{ Screens
{ Large red laser
{ Red laser pointers
{ Green laser pointer
{ Fish tank
{ Prisms
{ Diffraction grating
{ Large parabolic reflector
The available lab equipment may be configured for multiple labs within each topic. In order to give
students ample opportunity for planning scientific investigations, students will have to completely
design one lab for each topic. Additional experiments will also be conducted within each topic with
varying degrees of instruction provided. The idea will be to give students quality lab experiences
and practice developing their process and analytical skills; students must then demonstrate these
skills in an experiment of their own design.
Lab Books
z Minds on Physics (Volumes 1-3)
z Physics with Computers
z Real-Time Physics
z Physics Practicums
z Conceptual Physics Lab Manual
While ideas for experiments may come from the above lab books, most experiments will be
redesigned. Lab books tend to give step-by-step instructions that lead students through
investigations; students are not required to think about the process or why it is being done a
particular way when following such instructions.
Printed lab instructions will be greatly reduced or eliminated. A pre-lab discussion will introduce
students to the experiment and cover any safety concerns. After this introduction, students will
conduct the experiment and make conscious choices regarding what data to collect, the best way to
collect the data, the number of data points needed and how to interpret the data. Students will be
asked to explain their choices, as well as the reasons for these choices, to the rest of the class.
The lab facilities contained within the classroom are ideally suited for student experiments. There
are ten lab stations, each equipped with a computer, AC/DC power outlets and a sizable work area.
This lab area consumes about 60% of the classroom area, leaving about 30% for a more traditional
classroom space and the remaining 10% for demonstrations. Having all the equipment and lab
space in the classroom makes integrating experiments into the curriculum easy and natural.
Teaching time:
List all classroom teaching hours for each HL and SL course.
HL/SL course
Teaching hours
Physics, SL
270 hours over two years
(add rows as necessary)