Significant Concepts in the MYP

Significant Concepts in MYP Maths.
What are they?
What is a Significant Concept?
• A concept is
A phase
Can be used in many subjects (Will another subject specialist
recognise the concept?)
Math is different from other subjects as the concepts we teach are
usually the topic as well.
Stage 1 Planning
• The Significant concept is part of the first
stage of planning. Not the LAST!
The second stage of
planning is the content.
From Principles into practice
Page 72
Grade 7 – Unit 2
• The importance of increasing precision and accuracy,
in our healthcare services, robotics and surgery.
• We want to teach fractions and decimals.
• What broad concept (not subject specific) could
we use?
• Idea of not being whole, being part of a whole
• Significant concept – “Not everything exists as
part of a complete or a whole unit.”
The following could be questions for
determining the significant concept.
• Is it grounded in the subject? Does it reflect
essential disciplinary understanding?
• Does it respond to the questions “why” or “so
• Can it be formulated in terms of: “It is important
for students to understand that …”?
• Do teachers from other disciplines recognize it as
a significant concept?
Taken from Coordinator support material
Taken from Coordinator support material