RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry Institute of Textile Materials Technology and Design Approved in Senate meeting of RTU 2010 “ “ …………., prot. No. ….. Vice rector for studies U. Sukovskis SELFEVALUATION REPORT Professional Master Study Program “CLOTHING AND TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY” Riga 2010 Contents 1. The aims and the objectives of the study program ................................................... 4 1.1. The aims ........................................................................................................................ 4 1.2. The objectives ............................................................................................................... 4 2. Organization of the study program and its conformity to the aims and objectives of Riga Technical University ........................................................................................ 4 3. Summary of the study program and included study activities ................................. 5 4. System of Evaluation ................................................................................................ 9 5. The practical implementation of the higher education program ............................ 9 5.1. Applied study methods and programs ....................................................................... 9 5.2. The involvement of students in the scientific work ................................................. 10 6. The perspective evaluation of the program ............................................................ 10 6.1. The compliance of the program to the standard of professional higher education ............................................................................................................................................. 10 6.2. The correspondence of the study program to analogical programs ...................... 11 6.3. Results of the employers’ questionnaires ................................................................. 12 7. Students ................................................................................................................... 13 8. Academic staff ......................................................................................................... 14 8.1. The structure of academic staff, its division in age groups, qualification ............. 14 8.2. Administration of projects ........................................................................................ 14 8.2.1. International projects........................................................................................................... 15 8.2.2. European social foundation projects ................................................................................... 15 8.2.3. Improvement of the professional skills ............................................................................... 15 8.3. The amount of doctors of science and professors .................................................... 16 8.4. The renewal of academic staff ................................................................................... 16 8.5. The qualification and competence of the academic staff ........................................ 16 8.5.1. Scientific publications in academic year 2008/2009: .......................................................... 16 8.5.2. Scientific publications in academic year 2009/2010: .......................................................... 17 8.5.3. Presentations in conferences ............................................................................................... 18 9. Funding sources and infrastructure ensurance .................................................... 19 10. Public relations ..................................................................................................... 20 10.1. Collaboration with employers ................................................................................. 20 10.2. Cooperation with the Latvian and foreign universities ........................................ 21 11. Closing of the program ......................................................................................... 22 12. Development plan of the study program .............................................................. 22 12.1. The improvement of marketing .............................................................................. 22 12.1.1. The research of demands of the study program for the national economy: ....................... 22 12.1.2. The popularization of the study program: ......................................................................... 22 12.2. Finance attraction to fulfill the program ............................................................... 23 12.3. The improvement of the study program ................................................................ 23 12.4. The development of technical base ......................................................................... 23 12.5. The improvement of professional skills and renewal of the academic staff........ 23 12.6. The improvement of the research work ................................................................. 23 12.7. Accomplishment of the performed activities in the previous year....................... 24 ANNEX ........................................................................................................................ 25 CV Academical staff.................................................................................................... 25 The maintenance of subjects ...................................................................................... 61 Accreditation paper ..................................................................................................... 93 1. The aims and the objectives of the study program Professional master study program “Clothing and textile technology” gives opportunity to train professional Masters – high level specialists for clothing and textile enterprises, who are able to work as technologists, designers, constructors, managers of production and sale, heads of enterprises etc. Taking into account the significance of the industry in the country’s economy and the diversity of production, study programs of this field have to be improved on an ongoing basis, in the period of serious competition among new textile products and development of technologies. It is the reason why the Master studies of this branch are developed as professional studies, based on professional Bachelor studies, but professional skills of the academic Bachelor developing to professional qualification of production engineer. Alongside with the mentioned study programs of the professional Master, attention is paid on acquirement of diverse new technologies and research methods of textile and clothing branch. 1.1. The aims • To train highly qualified clothing and textile production specialists with the knowledge of modern technologies and specialized designing methods of the branch required for the development of a country. • Provide an integrated Master program that gives qualitative engineering education and prepares students for the further Doctoral studies in the field of material science field, textile and apparel technology sub-sector. 1.2. The objectives 1. 2. 3. To educate competitive specialists, demanded in the textile and clothing labor market, which are able to work with different level of technologies and understand main processes of the development of textile industry branches and related spheres (globalization, trade, cooperation, etc.). To offer sufficiently wide Master study program, which contains different spheres of textile and clothing technologies, gives the students opportunity to acquire knowledge in the engineering of textile and clothing technology, subsector of materials sciences branch needed for further Doctoral studies. To train specialists with extensive scope, able to work independently and creatively and lead the sphere of textiles, to solve problems of production management and sales, following the novelties of the new technologies. 2. Organization of the study program and its conformity to the aims and objectives of Riga Technical University In the resolution of RTU senate, adopted in 25.02.08. „About the development strategy of Riga Technical University 2008 – 2015” the mission of RTU is defined in the following way: To provide high quality scientific research, important for the future of Latvian national economy and to train highly qualified specialists demanded in international labour market. One of the strategic aims is the excellence of studies: High quality, prestige, internationally certified studies, the aim of which are to train perceiving the 4 information critically and creatively, to think analytically, to develop skills of creation, training competitive specialists for international labour market. In accordance with the strategic aims of RTU, the professional Master program of clothing and textile technology provides education in order to train highly qualified specialists, who are competitive in the labour market. Following things have been done to fulfill the above mentioned: Program with powerful block of general and fundamental study courses and wide choice of profiling subjects with the designing and practical activity parts have been created. Academic capacity has been developed, involving young scientists and specialists of the industry in the study process, promoting the international staff exchange, balancing the workload of studies, research and administrative work, supporting the professional and pedagogical development system of the academic staff. Incentive study surroundings are being formed, offering modern study materials to the students, promoting e-learning, providing modern equipment in the laboratories. Involving the students into scientific projects, encouraging their interest and skills in the research work, developing their skills in the inter-branch research. Creating long lasting cooperation with foreign universities, to realize joint study programs and the exchange of students. Improvement of the student attraction and growth, informing society about the study possibilities in RTU, planning regular study load, taking in account the previous qualification of the students, considering the academic ethics and promoting the cooperation with graduates. The mechanism of the internal study quality system provides: • The questionnaire of the students at the end of every semester; • Lecturer mutual visits of classes; • Presentation and reviewing of Master thesis, drawing enterprise representatives in the commission; • The questionnaire of the students and branch enterprise managers. All the results of these activities are discussed and analyzed at the meetings of the Clothing and Textile Department board and the Textile Material and Design Institute board. The development and improvement process of the program is described in the annual self-evaluation reports, which are also discussed in the faculty board, reviewed by an external expert and confirmed by the senate of RTU. 3. Summary of the study program and included study activities After obtaining the academic Bachelor’s degree and starting professional Master studies, catch-up study year is provided to study the subjects of technologies in scope of 14CP, and practice in the branch enterprise, in scope of 26CP. The compulsory core and specialization/ limited choice study subjects which reflect the multiform spheres of textile and clothing branch, including the development tendencies of technologies and the branch, CAD system, the research of advanced textile materials, work methods and the management of technologies are included in the program. The program also provides the practice in a branch enterprise (6CP), working out of the final Master thesis (20CP) and its presentation. The subject block 5 of pedagogy and psychology provides the Teaching Methods of Engineering Subject, Pedagogy and Communication Psychology. The special attention in the study process of a professional Master is paid to the development of research skills, which are necessary in working out the Master thesis and for further Doctoral studies. Besides the study courses to acquire research methods, accomplished parts of Master thesis, including the argumentation of the theme, determination of the aims and tasks and analyzing the results is presented in the special research workshops. The knowledge in the common and specialized study courses of clothing and textile branch, including the specialization subjects is obtained during the lectures, practical and individual lessons, as well as studying the scientific literature. The professional skills in developing scientific technological problems, developing and introducing new technologies are acquired during the steps of analytic and experimental research, as well as in consulting with a scientific supervisor and the university staff. Following skills are obtained during the studies of the professional Master: - ability to use latest scientific achievements in developing particular tasks of textile and clothing branch; - scientific and technological management skills; - Ability to use specialized computer programs for designing of technologies and design samples, as well as analyzing the research results. The highest level of the professional education provides also the communication skills that allow starting professional and social activities, cooperating with entrepreneurs and representatives of social, political and academic circle. 6 Table 1 THE CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM Study program confirmed in meeting of the Senate of RTU, 23.04.2007, Protocol No. 513 Name of the program: Level of the studies: Education classification code: Previous education: Clothing and Textile Technology Professional Master's studies (highest level) 46542 1) second level professional studies – Bachelor’s degree in textile and clothing and engineer qualification in textile and clothing; or professional Bachelor’s degree in material technology and design and engineer qualification in clothing or material technology Or equal education level. 2) Academic Bachelor’s degree in material sciences. The scope of the studies: 1) 60 credits (CP) 2) 100 credits (CP) Nominal duration of the studies: 1) 1,5 years for full time studies and 2 years for part time (extramural) studies; 2) 2,5 years for full time studies and 3 years for part time (extramural) studies; Obtainable degree: Professional Master degree in Apparel and Textile Technologies; 2) Professional Master degree in Apparel and Textile Technologies and qualification of Apparel and Textile Manufacturing engineer. Head of the program: Prof. Ausma ViĜumsone The code of the study program: WGV0. Enrollment of the students since 2008/2009 academic year 1) 2) Extra year 1. 2. 3. Content of the studies 60 CP 100 CP CP CP A COMPULSORY CORE 14 CP 20 CP 1 Applied Mathematics 4 CP 4 CP The Methods of Computer Aided 2 2 CP 2 CP Designing of the Product 3 Methodology of the Research 2 CP 2 CP The Development Strategy of the Textile 4 2 CP 2 CP Industry 5 Progressive Textile Materials 2 CP 2 CP 6 Specialization Research workshops 2 CP 2 CP 7 Textile Chemistry 2 CP The Motivation of Clothing and Textile 4 CP 8 Technologies 1. 2. sem sem sem sem sem 6 12 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 4 7 B LIMITED ELECTIVES 20 CP 28 CP 1. Specialization courses 18 CP 26 CP The Computer Aided Designing of the 1.1 4 CP 4 CP Textiles Development Trends of the Knitting 1.2 4 CP 4 CP Technology Development Trends of the Weaving 1.3 4 CP 4 CP Technology 1.4 Theories of Textile Technology 4 CP 4 CP 1.5 Jacquard Weaving Technology 4 CP 4 CP 1.6 Logistics of Apparel Branch 4 CP 4 CP The development tendencies of clothing 1.7 4 CP 4 CP assortment 1.8 Management of Clothing Technology 4 CP 4 CP Teaching Methodology of Clothing 1.9 4 CP 4 CP Technology 1.10 Wise Clothing 2 CP 2 CP The Method of Photo Measurements for 2 CP 2 CP 1.11 Designing of Garments 1.12 Research of Apparel Quality 2 CP 2 CP 1.13 Innovations in Textiles 2 CP 2 CP 1.14 Artistic Technical Creative Work 2 CP 2 CP 1.15 Fashion Marketing 4 CP 4 CP 1.16 Research of Work Methods 4 CP 4 CP Design of Sewing Factories and Fashion 6 CP 1.17 Workshops 1.18 Techniques for Bespoke Garments 2 CP 1.19 Designing of Branch Enterprises 4 CP 1.20 Production of Technical Textiles 4 CP 2. Courses of Pedagogy and Psychology 2 CP 2 CP 2.1 Teaching Methodology of Engineering 2 CP 2 CP 2.2 Pedagogy 2 CP 2 CP 2.3 Psychology 2 CP 2 CP 2.4 Psychology of Communication 2 CP 2 CP D. PRACTICE 6 CP 32 CP 1. Practice* 26 CP 2. Practice 6 CP 6 CP E. STATE EXAMINATION: 20 CP 20 CP Total: 60 CP 100 CP * - practice for students with academic Bachelor’s degree 0 8 8 8 10 8 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 0 6 0 0 0 2 4 4 2 20 20 20 6 6 20 6 20 10 20 The program is accepted at the meeting of the Materials sciences and applied chemistry Faculty board in 12.04.07., protocol N4. Chairman: prof. V.Kampars. The program was evaluated in 29.03.2007 at the meeting of the study program commission in the branch of Textile Material technologies and design. Chairman: assoc. prof. G. Vinovskis. 8 6 10 20 4. System of Evaluation The quality of the study process is controlled by discussing the results at the meetings of the department of Clothing and Textile Technologies, and at the meetings of Institute and Faculty boards. Academic progress of the students is evaluated according to the 10-grade system (Resolution of RTU Senate No. 402, 24.04.1995) in the exams and course papers, and 2-grade system in tests. Examination is conducted in written form according to RTU Senate Resolution of Taking examinations in RTU, adopted in 1998.01.26 and 1998.03.30. As of 1st of September, 2010 new regulation “On evaluation of study results” comes into force (Resolution of senate No. 539, 29.03.2010), which envisages written or oral, composite or electronic taking of examinations. Exam questions are set up and delivered to students in time by the lecturer of the subject, coordinating with the leading lecturer. Tests are provided and realized in many study courses in order to motivate the students in acquiring knowledge regularly. The practice is organized according to the practice directions of the study prorector of RTU. At the end of the practice students’ reports are presented and the commission, set by the head of the department, evaluates them. At the end of every examination period, the questionnaire of students about the quality of study process is organized. The questionnaire is voluntary and anonymous. The filled out questionnaire forms are left in a special box. The included questions concerns the evaluation of the lecture quality, practical and laboratory works in the study subjects, as well as quality of the exam questions, teaching and test efficiency and conformity of lecturers (competence, personal qualities). The questionnaire results are discussed in the meetings of the department and described in the annual self-evaluation reports. Employers are being involved in the quality control of the study program. Representatives of employers take part in the reviewing of Master thesis and in the commission of awarding the professional qualification. The actuality and novelty of the project topics and the quality level of theoretical and practical part of the projects are discussed with the representatives of employers. The discussion results are used in further development of the study program. 5. The practical implementation of the higher education program 5.1. Applied study methods and programs The work forms of studies are lectures, practical and laboratory works, workshops, study projects and practice. By developing the recourses of Textile Materials Technologies and design institute, different technical means are used in the process of studies: projectors, OHP, video players, sample collections, posters and diagrams. Students are able to obtain study materials and lecture summaries prepared for copying in most of the study courses. By developing the web portal ORTUS, students and lecturers are able to use its e-learning section more actively, thus study materials can be put and used digitally. It significantly raises the efficiency of study process, as students already have acquainted themselves with the contents before the lecture and are capable of wholesome work. Electronic mail is used in communication with lecturers, during the development of the Master thesis. Thereby part of consultations are realized extramurally. 9 Students inform about the aims and results of their research during the scientific workshops and express their opinion about the work of their group mates. Discussions are very significant part of the study process. The developed study projects are presented and discussed. Thus students learn not only describing the results of their research, but also evaluating their group mate works and distinguishing the development potential of the projects. 5.2. The involvement of students in the scientific work The scientific work is important part of the study process. Students acquire skills of scientific work already during the Bachelor studies. Research methods in designing and optimization of apparel and textile technology are included in Master studies. Students choose the theme of the Master thesis according to the fields of scientific research of our lectures: “The improvement of clothing construction methods”, “Designing of Smart clothing” – prof. A ViĜumsone; “The research of technological properties of glass fiber filaments” – assist. prof. N. OzoliĦa; “Research of apparel merchandising, terminology and anthropometric parameterizing” ; “Evaluation methodology of special assignment apparel” – as. prof. I. KrieviĦš; “The improvement of clothing technological processes”; “Integration methods of electronic systems in garments” – assist. prof. I. Ziemele, lecturer A. Kalnāja; “The research of sewing technological equipment work processes”- assist. prof. U. Briedis; “Clothing designing in CAD”- lecturer I. DāboliĦa; “The technologies of smart textiles and clothing”- assist. prof. I. Baltina. 6. The perspective evaluation of the program 6.1. The compliance of the program to the standard of professional higher education The study program corresponds to the regulation No. 481 of Cabinet of Ministers of LR “Regulations about the state standard of the second level higher education”. The total of the program: -for students with a Bachelor’s degree, acquired in four year studies, is 60 CP, total time of studies - 5.5 years; study time in full time Master studies – 1.5 years, or 2 years extramurally; -for students with a Bachelor’s degree, acquired in three year studies, 100CP with the study time of 2.5 years (full time studies) or 3 years extramurally. The basic part of the program - 34 CP. Of those: - study courses insuring the acquirement of the latest achievements in the branch 12 CP; - research, creation, designing and management courses 10 20 CP; - the courses of pedagogy and psychology – 2 CP; The compulsory core is divided in compulsory core (part A) – 14CP; and limited electives (part B) – 20 CP; Practice – 6 CP; and Master thesis ________________________________________________20 CP. The enlarged (100 CP) program is supplemented with main profiling courses of the professional Bachelor program Clothing and Textile technology (14CP) and practice (26 CP) to achieve the professional qualification of manufacturing engineer. 6.2. The correspondence of the study program to analogical programs The study program was compared with: professional Master (Master of science) program Textile technologies and textile management (Textiltehnologie – Textilmanagement) in Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences (FH Reutlingen); the Master programs Textile Engineering and Engineering of Clothing and Polymer Products in Kaunas Technological University. The groups of study courses Compulsory Limited electives Pedagogy and Psychology Projects Practice Master Thesis Total RTU CP/ ECTS 14 / 21 20/ 30 2/ 3 6/ 9 20/ 30 60 / 90 Compulsory + Limited electives Mathematics and Methodology of Research 12 + 0 The Methods of Computer Aided Designing 2 + 6 Progressive Textile Materials 2+8 The Development Tendencies of Textile 2 +12 Branch and Assortment Progressive Technologies 0+8 Research of Quality 0+2 FH Reutlingen ECTS 18 42 30 30 120 6 4 4 20 8 KTU ECTS 51 12 27 30 120 4 4 4 4 10 4 The two year master program Textile Technology in Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences provides two semester studies at university, one semester in the interconnection university or alternatively - development of the project and Master thesis during the final - 4th semester. The total scope of the program is 120 ECTS. Study courses provide 60 ECTS that is equal to local 40 CP. All students have to acquire following study subjects in the compulsory core: 11 Quality in Textile Industry Ecology management in Textile Production The Designing of Functional Textile Automation and Control of Processes Applied hydrodynamics and aerodynamics 2 CP 2 CP 10 CP 2 CP 2 CP Five textile technologies courses (4 CP) from 7 available have to be chosen obligatory: The technology of Yarns Weaving technology Knitting technology Non-woven materials and recycling of raw materials Composite materials Textile chemistry Clothing technology The master program Textile Technologies and Textile Management in Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences after three year Bachelor studies provides two year Master studies. That is one semester less compared to studies in RTU, where Professional Bachelor studies last four years, but Professional Master Studies last 1.5 years. The Master Programs Textile Engineering and Engineering of Clothing and Polymer Products in Kaunas Technological University provide 2 years studies after 4 year Bachelor studies. During the first three semesters students acquire study courses on average 14 CP every semester, as well as the research project (6CP). In the last semester students develop the final Master thesis (20CP). Total study time at Kaunas Technological University is longer for a semester. That is equal to 3 research projects developed, single every semester. Research skills are supplemented in following subjects: Methodology of Research and Specialized seminars of research work. The greatest part of study courses in the study program of Kaunas Technological University is included in the compulsory core. The distribution of courses in compulsory and limited electives in the Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences is similar to the course division in RTU, but at the same time, our program offers much wider selection: total amount of study courses with 54CP are offered, from which students have to choose total 18 CP courses. The nomenclature of study courses essentially is not different. Mostly those are subjects related with acquirement of new materials and progressive technologies. The Master program in Kaunas Technological University does not provide practice, which is included in the program of RTU according to regulation No. 481 of Cabinet of Ministers “Regulations about the state standard of the second level higher education”. 6.3. Results of the employers’ questionnaires Textile Technologies and Design Institute of RTU carried out the questionnaire in the branch enterprises to clarify what kind of specialists are necessary for Latvian producers to work successfully in the existing conditions of labour market. 12 From more then 700 textile enterprises in Latvia, questionnaires were sent to the 80 largest companies. The missing specialists are designers, constructors, technologists, production managers, marketing specialists, high level managers, but the extended knowledge in design and management of production processes, logistics and marketing. Taking into account the development project of the textile branch and the results of the employers’ questionnaire, following textile industry strong points and development options were set out: - the processing of fine cotton fibres and production of cotton fabrics; - the production of fire-resistant woolen and wool mixture fabrics, the production of woolen and wool mixture yarn for knitted fabrics; - the production of flax fiber and fabrics, etc; - the production of large size clothing and clothing for disabled persons. In order to develop of the use of local textiles organization knowledge of individual sewing workshops should be given in the sphere of design and management of production processes. In the sphere of clothing design the improvement of industrial design should be achieved in protective clothing and coveralls, underwear, swim-wear, sunbathingwear. The results of the questionnaire will be used to define future themes of the Master thesis. New research courses have been started with suggestion from light industry enterprises, which are also included in the themes of Master Thesis. Those are: • Production possibilities of flax and hemp fiber; • Individualized production of apparel; Improvement of special apparel designing. The average demand of new specialists during next 6 years could be 15-20 people per year. 7. Students Matriculation in study program Clothing and textile technology was started in academic year 2008/2009. In the first year six students were matriculated and financed by state budget, total amount of students were 11, but in the year 2009/2010 - 11 students. It is planned to matriculate 15 students in the academic year 2010/2011. Seven Master students graduated in 2010. The Themes of Master Thesis and evaluation of the State examination commission is given in the Appendix 7. Four Master students of Apparel and textile technology study program received ESF purpose scholarship, which is provided for the best students. Taking part in students’ government work and in meetings of the institute and councils of the faculty and the university, students can also influence the study process. Students constitute 20% of the members of these institutions. When making decisions, student opinion is always discussed and taken into account. 13 8. Academic staff 8.1. The structure of academic staff, its division in age groups, qualification The study program of the professional Bachelor is realized by Clothing and textile department, leaded by professor, Dr.sc.ing. A. ViĜumsone. Following academic staff is involved in study and scientific work: 2 asoc.prof., Dr.sc.ing. (I. KrieviĦš, I. BaltiĦa) and 1 leading researcher Dr.sc.ing (G.Vinovskis); 3 assist. prof. Dr.sc.ing. (N. OzoliĦa, U. Briedis, I. Ziemele); 1 lecturer, Dr.sc.ing. (I. DāboliĦa); 1 lecturer, Mg.sc.ing. (A. Kalnāja). Distribution in age groups: Under 30 – 1; Under 40 – 1; Under 50 – 3; Under 60 – 3; Over 70 – 1; Eight from nine members of the staff are doctors of engineering sciences, 5 of them have not reached age of 50, but 3 are a little more than 50 years old. Dr.habil.sc.ing. G. Strazds, profesor, Dr.habil.sc.ing. V. Kancēviča, RTU emerit. prof., Dr.habil.sc.ing. B. Okss, Dr.sc.ing. I. SedliĦš, Dr.sc.ing. D. BeĜakova, as well as Mag.art. S. Deksne and Mag.art. D. ŠėiĦėe, Doctoral students I. Šitvjenkins, M. ManiĦšare are involved in study and scientific work too. 8.2. Administration of projects • • • • • “Project orientated training and teaching experience in Germany”, February 1 – March 31, 2009; Germany – Latvia, head I. Ziemele. “Innovation Transfer in Textiles” Leonardo da Vinci „Lifelong Learning: Programme/Education and Culture DG” October 2008 – September 2010; Performers: UK, Greece, Romania, Portugal, Slovenia, Latvia; head A.ViĜumsone. The research project of Ministry of Education and Science and Riga Technical University “The use of 3D positioning method for anthropometrical modelling” 01.03.2008.-31.12.2008. (head: A. ViĜumsone). The research project of Ministry of Education and Science and Riga Technical University “The development of integrated microclimate control system of clothing” 01.03.2008.-31.12.2008 (head: J. Blūms, I. BaltiĦa). “Contract with Latvia National Armed Forces (NBS) Command of Provision (NP) about expertise services” (head: I. Ziemele). Asoc. Prof. I. KrieviĦš is actively involved in Science Academy commission of terminology of Republic of Latvia , as chairman of subcomission of textile industry terminology. Following things accomplished in the period of report: • Reference No. 2008-12-05 in TK contract „About Latvianization of standardization terms” (see LZA TK 16.12.2008. meeting record No. 9/1090 annex; LZA TK 21.04.2009. record No. 2/1092 and LZA TK 05.05.2009. protocol No. 3/1093) • Proposals on Latvian translation amendments in 96/74/EK directive (~60 amendments) and later reorganization into new directive were submitted to 14 • LR EM Inner market department EU inland market coordination department (leader: A. Upena) in November 2008. Explanations on EN 14682 terms and later on EN 9073 terms were sent to NSI LVS (leader: A. Lauzis) in autumn 2008. The consultations have been given to the sector of custom tariffs and payments of Riga Regional Customs Department during all the period. DTCT is associated partner in the 7th frame program’s project "F2F Fashion to Future". Within framework of ESF funded project “Qualification rising of manufacturing personnel in the stock company Neja&Ko”, (project No. AKA/ given help into realization of the project. 8.2.1. International projects The project Nordplus Neighbour „Nordic Centre for Innovative Studies and Advanced Training in Textiles” (prof. S.Kukle, prof A.ViĜumsone), cooperating with Kaunas Technological University, Swedish Boras University and Finnish Tampere Technological University. Leonardo da Vinci program project „Innovation Transfer in Textiles” „Lifelong Learning Programme (October 2008 – September 2010). DTCT cooperates with universities from five countries: University Leed (UK), TEI of Piraeus (Greece), Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (Romania), University of Minho (Portugal), University of Maribor (Slovenia). 8.2.2. European social foundation projects Three ESF projects were realized in the department of clothing and textile: The practice of textile and clothing engineering studies at clothing production enterprises (2006); The technological practice of the academic staff of RTU at textile and clothing production enterprises (2007); The modernization of textile and clothing technologies study process (2007). The project “Development of intersectional scientific group for evolving new functional properties for smart textiles and integration into new products” has been started in the scope of EU program’s “Human resources attraction to science” (December 2009—November 2012). In the realization of the project at least seven Doctoral students are involved at the moment. 8.2.3. Improvement of the professional skills The improvement of professional skills of the academic staff is realized by the way of scientific researches to develop new technologies, publishing the results of scientific works, taking part at international scientific conferences, attending branch fairs, courses and cooperating with production enterprises. Assoc. Prof. I. KrieviĦš as an expert represents LR at the textile marking commission of European Union. 15 Prof. A. ViĜumsone is the external specialist in questions of textile at the international company of quality system certification “Bureau Veritas Quality International”. Assist. prof. I. BaltiĦa cooperates with „ACG Nystron” dealer in Latvia in questions of sewing equipment and quality control of textile materials, as well as in questions of quality evaluation of textile materials for purchase of bed clothes for hospitals. Significantly improvement of professional skills of the academic staff is affected by cooperation and exchange of experience with other universities. In Nordplus Neighbour project „Nordic Centre for Innovative Studies and Advanced Training in Textiles” (prof. A.ViĜumsone) our university cooperates with Kaunas technological University, Swedish Boras University and Finnish Tampere Technological University. Our lectures have had possibility to get acquainted with the experience of the colleagues to train the branch specialists, to see study and scientific laboratories, to get acquainted with the content of several study courses and their teaching methodologies at Kaunas and Tampere universities. Six lectures of the clothing and textile department did fieldwork in the manufacturing enterprises. This experience allows improving the qualification of new specialists and approximating their theoretical knowledge to the competences needed in real production circumstances. Asist.prof. N. OzoliĦa, asist. Prof. I. BaltiĦa and I. Ziemele attended the courses of professional development in pedagogy and got a certificate in “Competence development of academic personnel in pedagogy and IT sphere”. 8.3. The amount of doctors of science and professors There are 8 doctors of engineering sciences among 9 staff teachers. Study program is realized by one professor and two associate professors. 8.4. The renewal of academic staff The ageing of academic staff during next six years is not expected as only one person will reach the age of pension. Lecturers I. DāboliĦa and D. BeĜakova have finished their Doctoral studies, presented their doctorate thesis and will be elected for assist. professor. Other Master and Doctoral students, who mostly work for their scientific projects now are going to be involved in the study work at the clothing and textile department. 8.5. The qualification and competence of the academic staff The qualification and competence of the academic staff can be evaluated by its participation in the above mentioned projects and activities and also by scientific publications and presentations at scientific conferences during the previous academic year. 8.5.1. Scientific publications in academic year 2008/2009: • • ViĜumsone A., DāboliĦa I. The Estimation and Approbation of 3D Garment Designing and Photo Measurement Method // Book of proceedings of the 4rd International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference – Magic World of Textiles, 4th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference - Magic World of Textiles, Croatia, Dubrovnik, October 5.-8., 2008. – p.676-681 Ziemele I., BeĜakova D., Briedis U., Possibilities to introduce lean 16 • • • • • • • • • • manufacturing into Latvia’s sewing companies // Proceedings of the 4th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference, Dragcevic (Ed.), p. 698 703, ISBN 978-953-7105-26-6, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2008, Faculty of Textile Technology, Zagreb, (2008) BeĜakova D., Kukle S., Verbludova N., The impact of work planning decisions on the productivity of sewing production line // Proceedings of the 4th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference, Dragcevic (Ed.), p.524 529, ISBN 978-953-7105-26-6, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2008, Faculty of Textile Technology, Zagreb, (2008) BeĜakova D., Ziemele I., Briede D., Briedis U., Komandas darba principu īstenošana Latvijas šūšanas uzĦēmumos // RTU zinātniskie raksti 9. sērija: Materiālzinātne; Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija: 3. sējums.- Rīga: RTU, 2008.Lpp. 82 – 87. I.Šitvjenkins „Karavīra individuālā aizsardzības sistēma” – Lietošanas rokasgrāmata 1.izdevums. SIA „MaxMor”.2008. 160 lpp. I. BaltiĦa, I. Šahta, J. Blūms. Elektroniskā viedā apăērba sastāvdaĜas un tām piemērotie materiāli. // RTU zinātniskie raksti 9. sērija: Materiālzinātne; Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija: 3. sējums.- Rīga: RTU, 2008.- Lpp.71. - 81. I.BaltiĦa, A.Siksnāne. GultasveĜas sortiments un ārējās tirdzniecības plūsma // RTU zinātniskie raksti 9. sērija: Materiālzinātne; Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija: 3. sējums.- Rīga: RTU, 2008.- Lpp. 45-61. S.Reihmane, I.BaltiĦa. Hidrofobizējošas apretes celulozes šėiedrmateriāliem // RTU zinātnisko rakstu 1. sērija, Materiālzinātne un lietišėā ėīmija, 2008, 18-24. lpp. Dakša N., KrieviĦš I. Krūšturu sortiments Rīgas TC veikalā // RTUzinātniskie raksti 9. sērija: Materiālzinātne; Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija: 3. sējums.- Rīga: RTU, 2008.- Lpp. 123.-129. ViĜumsone I., SpuĜăīte M., PuriĦa B. Lielrakstainu drānu rūpnieciskā piegriešana // RTU zinātniskie raksti 9. sērija: Materiālzinātne; Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija: 3. sējums.- Rīga: RTU, 2008.- Lpp. 6.-13. Bendorius I., Ziemele I. Grupu darba analīze SIA NewRosme// RTUzinātniskie raksti 9. sērija: Materiālzinātne; Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija: 3. sējums.- Rīga: RTU, 2008.- Lpp. 88.-93. DāboliĦa I., Blūms J., ViĜumsone A. Lāzera stara plūsmas atstarošanas izpēte veĜas materiālos // RTUzinātniskie raksti 9. sērija: Materiālzinātne; Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija: 3. sējums.- Rīga: RTU, 2008.- Lpp. 62.-70. 8.5.2. Scientific publications in academic year 2009/2010: 1. I. BaltiĦa, Z. Zamuška, G. Strazds. Latvijā audzēto kaĦepāju šėiedru kvalitātes vērtējums / RTU zinātnskie raksti, Materiālzinātne, Sērija 9, Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija, Sējums 4, 9.-15.lpp 2. I. Šahta, I. BaltiĦa, J. Blūms. Termoelektriskā moduĜa integrēšanas iespējas cilvēka mikroklimatu regulējošos izstrādājumos. Patentu apskats / RTU zinātnskie raksti, Materiālzinātne, Sērija 9, Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija, Sējums 4, 16.-24.lpp 3. I. Šahta, I. BaltiĦa, J. Blūms. Viedapăērba dzesējošās sistēmas optimizēšana / RTU zinātnskie raksti, Materiālzinātne, Sērija 9, Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija, Sējums 4, 25.-31.lpp 17 4. D.BeĜakova, N.VerbĜudova, S.Kukle. Sporta un atpūtas apăērbu sortimenta izgatavošanas darba laika izlietojuma salīdzinoša analīze / RTU zinātnskie raksti, Materiālzinātne, Sērija 9, Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija, Sējums 4, 50.-56.lpp 5. I.Ziemele, T.Krilova. Materiālu normēšanas problēmrisinājumi SIA „Pionieris-2” / RTU zinātnskie raksti, Materiālzinātne, Sērija 9, Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija, Sējums 4, 57.-62.lpp 6. I.Šitvjenkins, A.ViĜumsone. Latvijas Republikas Nacionālo bruĦoto spēku karavīra individuālās aizsardzības sistēma / RTU zinātnskie raksti, Materiālzinātne, Sērija 9, Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija, Sējums 4, 68.-76.lpp 7. M.ManiĦš, S.Kukle. Austo karkasa tekstiliju struktūru izstrāde / RTU zinātnskie raksti, Materiālzinātne, Sērija 9, Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija, Sējums 4, 101.111.lpp 8. I. KrieviĦš. Bērnu apăērbu antropometriskās parametrizācijas īpatnības / RTU zinātnskie raksti, Materiālzinātne, Sērija 9, Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija, Sējums 4, 126.-137.lpp 9. I. DāboliĦa, A. ViĜumsone, A. Fjodorovs. Bezkontakta 3D pozicionēšanas metodes izmantošana antropometriskajā modelēšanā / RTU zinātnskie raksti, Materiālzinātne, Sērija 9, Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija, Sējums 4, 138.145.lpp 10. I. DāboliĦa, I. Šahta, G. TerĜecka. Elektroniskās mērlentes lietošana apăērbu ražošanā / RTU zinātnskie raksti, Materiālzinātne, Sērija 9, Tekstila un apăērbu tehnoloăija, Sējums 4, 146.-151.lpp 8.5.3. Presentations in conferences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ViĜumsone A., DāboliĦa I. The Estimation and Approbation of 3D Garment Designing and Photo Measurement Method // 4th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference - Magic World of Textiles, Horvātija, Dubrovnik, 5.-8. oktobris, 2008. Ziemele I., BeĜakova D., Briedis U., Possibilities to introduce lean manufacturing into Latvia’s sewing companies, 4th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference - Magic World of Textiles, Horvātija, Dubrovnik, 5.-8. oktobris, 2008. BeĜakova D., Kukle S., Verbludova N., The impact of work planning decisions on the productivity of sewing production line, 4th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference- Magic World of Textiles, Horvātija, Dubrovnik, 5.-8.okt. 2008. I.Šitvjenkins Presentation subject is Soldier Individual Protection System – Design Philisophy, Military Technological exhibition. Seminar. Tartu J. Blūms. I. Šahta. The Garment with integrated microclimate control system, Starptautiskais seminārs „Baltic Defence Technology Exhibition”. Tartu, Igaunija. Septembris 2008. DāboliĦa I., ViĜumsone A. Application of Non-Contact Anthropometrical Measurements for Garment Construction // Autex 2008, Biella, 2008. - 1-7. lpp Beikule I., ViĜumsone A., ViĜumsone I. Design of Clothing Using Visual Correction // Book of Proceedings of the 4th International Textile, Clothing& Design Conference, Dubrovnik, 2008. - 932-936. Lpp BeĜakova D., Strazds G., Ziemele I.Ttextile and Clothing Production Specialists Demanded on the Latvian Market // Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar 18 on the Quality Management in Higher Education, Quality Management in Higher Education, Tulcea, 2008. - 505-510. lpp 9. BeĜakova D., Kukle S., Ziemele I. Proper Work Measurement Methods as an Instrument for Sewing Work Productivity Increase // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Management of Technological Changes, The 6th International Conference on Management of Technological Changes, Aleksandropolis, 2009. - 577-580. Lpp 10. DāboliĦa I., ViĜumsone A. Automatically Gained Anthropometrical Data for Garment CAD // International Scientific Conference UNITECH’09; VOLUME II, International Scientific Conference UNITECH’09, Gabrova, 2009. - 327-333. Lpp 11. DāboliĦa I., ViĜumsone A. The Limitations of Automatically Gained Anthropometrical Data // The Annual Symposium of Knitting and Clothing Specialists Textiles of the Future, Proceedings, Simpozionul anual al specialistilor din industria de tricotaje-confectii, Jaši, 2009. - 1-8. lpp 12. I.DāboliĦa, A.ViĜumsone, The Application Possibilities of 3D Systems for Garment Development 41th International Symposium on Novelties in Textiles,27–29 May 2010 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 9. Funding sources and infrastructure ensurance The realization of the study program is financed from national budget. Additional financial resources are attracted from ESF projects, contracts and scientific projects. Laboratory and practical work is organized in accordance with study program, study plans and takes place in the premises of the Faculty of Materials Sciences and Applied Chemistry, 14/24 Āzenes Str., 18 Āzenes Str. and in the laboratory building of Textile and Clothing institute, 19c Ganību dambis. Classes take place in specialized laboratories: the lab of textile and materials sciences, the lab of knitting technology, the lab of sewing technology, the lab of sewing equipment, the lab of weaving equipment, the lab of spinning and fiber material pre-treatment, CAD computerized classroom. The previous refectory building in Kipsala, Āzenes 18 will be reconstructed to join, now in different places situated, laboratories and wherewith to ease the mutual communication of lecturers, as well as, to plan optimal study process, in the near future. It agrees with the development strategy of the Kipsala complex of RTU. All textile technologies and design departments and laboratories are planed to place in this building. The reconstruction is financed by financial recourse of ERAF projects. Renovation project of this block was started in academic year 2009/2010. The equipment of textile materials science laboratory is significantly renovated during the last few years, using financial recourses of the budget and ESF projects. Following equipment has been purchased: Martindale Abrasion and Pilling Tester; Air Permeability Tester; Shirley Stiffness Tester; AATCC Crockmeter; Spray Rating Tester; Fryma Fabric Extensiometer; Shirley Crease recovery Tester; 19 Ironing table; Steam generator (for detection of linear size alterations when ironing and In the impact of steam); Household sewing machine; Overlock (for preparation of samples for seam resistance tests); Projector and screen; Scanner; Computer and monitor for operation of universal tester Instron. The technical bases of the textile and clothing technologies department is improved – new 3 and 5 overlocking stitch industrial sewing machines EMERY EM600, universal sewing machines PFAFF-9063, multi-thread covering stitch sewing machine – PEGASUS W 1560, professional ironing equipment with steam-boiler BATISTELLA, buttonhole machine „Taking” TK-888 and the embroidery machine „Brother” have been purchased. The clothing CAD laboratory is equipped in good level. Clothing construction is trained using German computer program GRAFIS, clothing designing system LECTRA (France) and 3D program STAPRIM (Russia). System TexDesign (Germany) is used to design textiles and clothing. They are modern automatized designing systems widely used in the branch enterprises in the world. Specialized computer engineering is also used in the lab: large size digitizer and a plotter for printing patterns. Versions of software TexDesign (Germany), LECTRA (France), GRAFIS (Germany) were updated and new “3D Fit" module for software LECTRA was purchased during the period of report, which carries out in plane designed apparel "trying on" on the virtual 3D dummy. This program is available only in RTU inbetween all Northern and Eastern region universities. Using the funds of European Social Funding, DTCT special literature library has been significantly extended, including standards of research methods. Important investment has been made into IT development and provision improvement. Every lecturer in DTCT has his own work place, connected to internet. Interactive study portal www.ortus.rtu.lv has been developed and students and lecturers of the institute actively utilize it. Students may obtain all necessary information in this portal during the study process. Current learning materials (annotations, requirements for successful passing the course, lecture plans, materials, necessary literature, etc.), information on student’s progress and passed subjects, urgent notifications, library information, access to scientific literature and data bases, e-mail, etc. is available in the portal. It is possible to communicate with every lecturer and course mates in this portal. Discussion forums have been created in the portal and regular polls take place. Portal was introduced in 2007 and since then non-stop improvements are made. 10. Public relations 10.1. Collaboration with employers The department has good cooperation with many employers. The chairman of the enterprises of light industry Dr.sc.ing. G. Strazds informs the students and the lectures about novelties in the branch, at least twice a year. 20 SIA “Pionieris2” provides the place of practice for students, possibility to work with their computer systems and equipment. The enterprise has provided department with sewing threads and fabrics free of charge. SIA “Anastasija” also has provided study process with their left over fabrics free of charge. DTCT has received a present from “SIA Solutions” – digital photo camera, which comply with technical requirements of 3D photo measurement system and is used in learning and research work. Important collaboration partners are state institutions as well. The Ministry of Defense of LR and the Provision command of National Armed Forces have ordered research about the improvement of uniform quality and the development of the specification of Tactical Modular Webbing. Uniform specifications are being developed for the Youth Guard Centre, involving students in the project. Consultations are given to the Regional Department of Riga Customs. Professional evaluation of textile materials or apparel specification quality has been carried out on request of companies, state administration or law enforcement bodies. 10.2. Cooperation with the Latvian and foreign universities The cooperation among universities is realized in several ways. The cooperation with the Fashion Department of Art Academy of Latvia is realized in following ways: training of students of Art Academy in clothing construction and designing with CAD is organized. The Department of textile and clothing, Art Academy of Latvia, University of Latvia and the professional associations of manufacturers cooperate at the council of Latvian Design Foundation to develop the branch, where the most important activity direction is bringing together universities and employers, in order to encourage capacity of Latvian companies in production of competitive goods with high added value. Cooperation with Kaunas Technological University, Swedish Boras University and Finnish Tampere Technological University in the project “Nordplus Neighbour” is carried out “Nordic Centre for Innovative Studies and Advanced Training in Textiles”, which is led by professor E. Strazdiene of Kaunas Technological University. RTU participation in the project is coordinated by professor S. Kukle, with collaboration of prof. A. ViĜumsone. Distance learning course "Apparel designing" testing was made within framework of this project, with participation of Tampere University students and project leader prof. E.Strazdiene. At the same time meeting of all project coordinators took place in Riga, where technical and legal conditions of the course were discussed. Prof. A. ViĜumsone gave 8 hour lecture course on problems of 3D apparel designing in the Economic and Technical applied science university of Berlin, in the framework of EU cooperation agreement SOCRATES/ERASMUS, but in June 2008 prof. Mirella Blaga from Asahi University, Romania gave lectures on Fault analysis of knitted garments. Professor N. Razdomahins from St. Petersburg Technological and design university (SUTD) visited RTU and gave a talk on his 3D garment design method, which has no analogue in the world at the moment. 21 In February and March, 2008, the teachers and students of the Department of Textile and Clothing Technologies took part in activities about wise textiles and clothing and their problems, organized by company “e-t+t”, RTU, LIAA and Boras University. Both in workshop and studio results were presented by DTCT Doctoral students. Workshops were organized in RTU “Project orientated training and teaching experience in Germany” (February 1 – March 31, 2009) in collaboration with Emden University (Germany). DTCT lecturers got acquainted with project orientated training methods when visiting Emden University and Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven Applied Sciences University. Leonardo da Vinci program project „Innovation Transfer in Textiles” „Lifelong Learning Programme (October 2008 – September 2010). DTCT cooperates with universities from five countries: University Leed (UK), TEI of Piraeus (Greece), Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (Romania), University of Minho (Portugal), University of Maribor (Slovenia). As a result of collaboration, we have got acquainted with learning courses developed by foreign country professors, discussed contents and searched for the most effective e-learning means and methods. Collaboration with other faculty's departments has significantly improved in the recent years (also thanks to IZM and RTU research projects), especially with Technical physics institute and Polymer material institute. In realization of the projects also DITF researchers are involved. Thanks to this collaboration, project “Development of intersectional scientific group for evolving new functional properties for smart textiles and integration into new products” was submitted to EU program „Human resource attraction to science" in January 2009, which was approvingly evaluated by experts and implemented in December 2009. 11. Closing of the program In case of closing the professional master program of Clothing and Textile Technology, students will be able to continue their studies in the academic Master study program Design and technology of materials, which is accredited till 2012. The accreditation certificate included in annex. 12. Development plan of the study program 12.1. The improvement of marketing 12.1.1. The research of demands of the study program for the national economy: • • • • Cooperation with the Association of Light Industry Enterprises of Latvia to make polls at the leading textile enterprises about specialist demands and nomenclature; To clarify the necessary branch specialists in the education system (in professional education establishments); To research the development potentialities of the study program in accordance with development of the branch technologies; Executives: assist. prof. I. Ābele, the head of DTCT A. ViĜumsone 12.1.2. The popularization of the study program: • • • Regular renewal of DTCT home page; Regular renewal of the informative brochure; Direct contacts with vocational and secondary schools; 22 Participation at the fair “School” and in the behind-the-scene tours of RTU; Information in mass media; Executives: lecturer I. DāboliĦa. 12.2. Finance attraction to fulfill the program 2.1. To develop projects, in order to attract finances from EU funds. Executives: as. prof. I. BaltiĦa, the head of DTCT A. ViĜumsone. 2.2. To develop and participate in research projects and contracts to attract finances from the EU, state and enterprises. Executives: I. Ziemele, the head of DTCT A. ViĜumsone. • • 12.3. The improvement of the study program 3.1. The improvement of the study program according to the development tendencies of the textile industry. 3.2. Regular student and graduate opinion questionnaire for adjusting the content of the studies. 3.3. Free choice course supplementation with branch technology subjects. 3.4. Development of extramural and night- school courses in cooperation with employers (“Valmieras Stikla Skiedra”, “Vaide” etc.). Executives: DTCT deputy director N. OzoliĦa, the head of DTCT A. ViĜumsone. 3.5. Involvement of the academic staff and students in the development of teaching aids and text books in Latvian language. Executives: the head of DTCT A. ViĜumsone. 12.4. The development of technical base 4.1. Preparation of the project for financial support of EU funds to improve the training and research base of DTCT. 4.2. The reconstruction of 18 Āzenes Str. building for study process of textile technologies. Executives: assit. head of DTCT R. Hermane, head of DTCT A. ViĜumsone. 12.5. The improvement of professional skills and renewal of the academic staff 5.1. To involve new academic staff members in full time work at DTCT and give them opportunity to study in the Doctoral program. 5.2. Cooperating with European universities to provide in-service training for the young academic staff (with or without Doctor Degree). 5.3. To form reserve of leading specialists and teachers. 5.4. Constantly take care of formation the creative psychological mood in the collective of DTCT. Executives: assit. head of DTCT R. Hermane, head of DTCT A. ViĜumsone. 12.6. The improvement of the research work 6.1. To involve more students in development of particular scientific themes. 6.2. To develop new, market oriented scientific research. 6.3. To involve students in the international research projects, cooperating with foreign universities. Executives: all academic staff of the department. 6.4. To organize branch leading scientist seminars and lectures. 23 Executives: the head of DTCT A. ViĜumsone. 6.5. To raise the participation of students in the scientific conferences and publishing of finished studies. Executives: all academic staff of the department. 12.7. Accomplishment of the performed activities in the previous year No . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Plan Bonding of Master thesis themes with current scientific directions of the field. More active involvement of Master students into DTCT contracts and research projects Stimulating of timely Master thesis development and presentation, in order to minimize potential number of academic debtors Laboratory equipment improvement and renewal in the DTCT department Progression of 18 Āzenes Str. Building reconstruction within possible limits, ensuring the necessary information Forming of stimulating study environment, offering modern study materials, e-learning possibilities and modern laboratory equipment for the students. Supporting collaboration with foreign universities, carrying out student exchange. Director of “Clothing and textile technology” study program, professor Accomplishm ent Done Done Partially done Done Done Done Done Ausma ViĜumsone 24 ANNEX CV Academical staff 25 CURRICULUM VITAE Name, Surname: Academic degree Nationality Telephone: Fax: Education 1993 1981 - 1985 Ausma Vilumsone Dr.sc.ing. Latvian 67089565; 26565463 67089349 Riga Technical University. Doctor of Engineering Sciences. Dissertation theme: “The development of the structure and algorithm of an adaptable automatized clothing construction system.” Diploma: B-D 000771 December 14th, 1993. Art Academy of Latvia, drawing and technical drawing teacher 1973 – 1978 Textile and Light industry Institute of Leningrad, an engineer – constructor – technologist of clothing Professional activities: 1978 - 1979 Constructor at company “Rigas Modelu Nams” Pedagogical activities: June, 2007 Professor at the Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design (ITMTD) of RTU June, 2001 Associate professor of RTU 1994 – June 2001 Assistant professor of ITMTD of RTU January 1994 Lecturer 1987 – 1989 Assistant September 1979 – July 1981 Assistant at the Department of Light Industry Machinery and Technology of Riga Polytechnic Institute Administration: May 2005 Head of the Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design 2005 Member of the grant commission of the Faculty of Materials Sciences and Applied Chemistry (FMSAC) 2005 Member of the purchasing commission of FMSAC 2005 Member of the council of FMSAC 2005 Member senate of RTU June 2003 Head of the Clothing and Textile Department Scientific work: Computerized designing of clothing, the systematization of ornaments and constructions of Latvian folk textiles. 26 Participation in the research work: • 2007. The use of no-contact 3D positioning method in anthropometric modelling. Research project of the Ministry of Education and Science and RTU. Project leader. • 2006. The specification of Tactical Modular Gear and Equipment. Research for National Armed Forces of Republic of Latvia. Executive. • 2004. The quality improvement of uniforms. Research project N6842 for National Armed Forces of Republic of Latvia. Executive. • 1996 – 1997. The creation of clothing CAD laboratory. Theme N69/96. Executive. • 1994 – 1996. The complex automatization of textile designing. Theme N93.475. The grant of the Science Council of Latvia. Executive. Management of ESF projects: • • • 2006 - 2007. Textile and clothing engineering study practice at clothing production enterprises. 2006 - 2007. Technological practice of the academic staff of RTU at textile and clothing production enterprises. 2006 – 2007. The modernization of textile and clothing technologies study process. The total amount of scientific publications: 34 Improvement of Professional skills: • • • • • • • • • January 2007. The training of clothing designing program COMTENSE. February 2007. The training of clothing designing program STAPRIM. 2001. German language courses of Virtual University of Hagen Wirtschaftsdeutsch fuer Letten. August 2002. Training of clothing designing program LECTRA (France) in Tallinn. July 2001. Training of textiles and clothing designing program TexDesign (company Koppermann, Germany) in Riga. May. 2000. Visit of the International Fair of Clothing Technologies and Equipment IMB`2000 in Cologne. December 1999, December 1997, June 1995. Probation at University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (FHTW). October 1995. Probation at Niderrhein University of Applied Sciences (FH Niederrhein). March - April 1995. Probation at Technical University of Berlin. Professional and social work: • • Since 2005 - The plenipotentiary of RTU at the council of Latvian Design Foundation. 2008, 2004 - The juror of the International Competition of Fashion Artists and Designers “Habitus Baltija”. 27 • • • • • • Since 1999 - The external specialist in questions of textile at the international company of quality system certification “Bureau Veritas Quality International” . 2003. The expert in questions of the purchase of textiles and clothing at The Ministry of Defenses of Republic of Latvia. The cooperation coordinator of the Textile and Clothing Technology Department with the Department of Clothing Techniques of University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (FHTW-Berlin). July 28th, 2003. The lecture about the development of clothing CAD systems at international students’ summer courses “Best Riga”. July 2006. 10 lessons for the teachers of Purvciema Trade school in the cope of ESF project. April 2007. Lesson for the teachers of Technical school of Light Industry. Participation in EU programs: • • • 2000; July 2007 - “The comparative evaluation of clothing construction methods” (9 lessons), “Potentialities of clothing 3D designing” at Technical University of Berlin. July 2004 - “The comparative evaluation of clothing construction methods”, “Potentialities of clothing 3D designing” at Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences for EU education program SOCRATES. 2004 – 2007. Participation in the project Nordplus Neighbour „Nordic Centre for Innovative Studies and Advanced Training in Textiles” . Language skills: Latvian (native) English (colloquial speech) Russian (fluent) German (very well) 28 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name, Surname 2. Working place 3. Qualification 4. Practical work 5. Pedagogical work 6. Field of scientific work 7. Scientific works 8. Main publication in last 5 years 9. Total number of scientific works 10. Languages 11. Improvement of qualification Nadežda OzoliĦa RTU, Faculty of Materials Sciences and Applied Chemistry, Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design. 1971 Production engineer, Riga Polytechnic Institute; 1977 Candidate of Tech. Sciences, Institute of Textile and Light Industry in Leningrad (January 13th, 1993, Dr.Sc.Ing., N 000511). Theme: “Structure and Technology of filter fabric for aluminium oxide industry” 1971 – 1973 Latvian Scientific research institute of light industry, research associate 1973-1976 post graduate, Institute of Textile and Light Industry in Leningrad; 1976-1978 junior lecturer, Riga Polytechnic Institute; 1978-1986 lecturer, Riga Polytechnic Institute; 1986 until present, Assistant professor, Riga Technical University Research of weaving process intensity on shuttles weaving looms. Increasing possibilities of silk fabric assortment. Textured glass fibre thread production. Development analysis of Latvian textile industry. Head of engineer and master works; Theme – research of different new production technologies 2004, Quality of texturized glass fibres. Conference „Modern technologies and equipment in textile industry” (Текстиль-2004), Moscow. Problems of Glass Continuous Filament Yarn Texturing. International Conference Fibrous Materials XXI Exhibition, St. Petersburg, Russia. May 23-28, 2005. Development possibilities of small textile factories in Latvia (Scientific articles, No. 9. RTU, 2007) The influence of sizing process to physical properties of glass yarns. (Scientific articles, No. 9. RTU, 2007) 41 Latvian, Russian, partly German. Acquainted with new weaving technology equipment in factories “Juglas manufaktura”, „Klippan Saule” and „Valmieras stikla skiedra”. Participation in international exhibitions and conferences. Acquaintance with new technical literature in RTU 29 12. Professional and social work library and Technical library. Member of Academic meeting of RTU Member of MĖ Faculty board Member of State qualification commission Member of Commission for awarding of scientific degree and professional qualification 30 CURRICULUM VITAE Genrihs Vinovskis Doctor of Engineering Sciences Working place: Riga Technical University, Faculty of Material Sciences and Applied Chemistry; Institute of Textile Materials and Design. Position: Part time Associated professor of Apparel and textile technology department. Place of residence: Flat 6, 39 Hipokrāta Str., Riga, Tel.: 7515804 Qualification: - nostrificated Latvian doctor of Engineering Sciences (Dr.sc.ing., B-D 1993 Nr.000499) 1974 - Leningrad Institute of Light and Textile industry, post-graduate studies, Candidate of technical sciences Theme of theses „Analyze of driving dynamic of air-jet weaving looms P105” 1968 - Institute of Light and Textile Production, engineer-mechanics, specialty: textile machines and equipment 1955 - Riga Technical School of Light industry, production technician of spinning technology Professional activity - Associated professor of Apparel and textile technology department. - RTU Textile and Clothing technology Institute, Head of the professor group of textile technology, assoc. prof. - RTU, assoc. prof. and head of the department of MTFM - Member-expert of Academic Board RTU P-11 - Head of Scientific research laboratory of textile technology of RTU and head of the MTFM department - Docent in RPI, MTLI and MTFM departments Since 2001 1998 - 2001 - 1974 - 1982 1970 - 1971 - RPI MTLI, senior lecturer RPI Department of Machines and Technology of light industry, Assistant RPI Department of Mechanical Technology of fiber materials (MTFM), head of laboratorieslaboratoriju vadītājs Head of maintenance department, chief mechanic In “Riga Tekstils” and it’s branches 1996 - 1998 Since 1993 1987 - 1992 1982 - 1996 1966 - 1970 1958 - 1966 Main themes of scientific work - Dynamical analyse of weaving loom mechanisms; - Research of textile machine technology; - Analyse methods of textile material and machine instrument relationships. 31 Publications: Scientific works - 45 patents -1 Methodology works - 26 07.02.2010. G.Vinovskis 32 1. Name, Surname 2. Work place 3. LR scientific degree, diploma No., Speciality 4. Practical work Ilze BaltiĦa, asoc. prof. RTU, Institute of textile Material Technologies and Design, Department of Clothing and Textile Technologies Doctor of Engineer Sciences, B-D 000827, Light and Textile Industry 5. Teaching practice 6. Themes of the Scientific Work 7. Last Publications 8. Conferences 1989 – 1992 Engineer RTU Scientific Research Laboratory of Textile Technologies 2001 – 2003 Trade manager SIA “ACG NYSTROM” (Distributor company of textile facilities) 2002 until present Docent, Department of Clothing and Textile Technologies 1998-2002 Docent, Professor group of Textile Technologies 1996-1998 Docent, Department of Mechanical Technology of Fibre Materials 1992-1996 Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Technology of Fibre Materials 1989-1992 Assistant, Department of Mechanical Technology of Fibre Materials Electronical Textiles Smart Textiles Glass Fibre Texturing Physical Properties of Fibre Materials Translation of all-purpose decimal classification Carbonization of woolen fibers in high frequency electromagnetic field I.BaltiĦa, N.OzoliĦa. The Influence of Sizing Process to Physical Properties of Glass Yarn. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, 2007, p. 91-96. I.Baltina, N.Ozolina. Quality of bed clothing fabrics. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, 2006, p. 62-66. Problems of Glass Continuous Filament Yarn Texturing. International Conference Fibrous Materials XXI Exhibition, St. Petersburg, Russia. May 23-28, 2005. Quality of texturized glass fibers. Conference „Modern technologies and equipment in textile industry” (Текстиль2004), Moscow, 2004. Industrial development of weaving technology in Latvia. 42nd Scientific conference of RTU, Riga, 2001. Science and technological dictionary, Publisher Norden AB, 2001, pp. 754. 2007. RTU 48th International scientific conference, papers: o I.BaltiĦa, E.Cigle, N.OzoliĦa “Sizing of Glass Fibre Yarn” o I.BaltiĦa, I.Šahta “Progressive Technologies in Clothing” 2005. International Conference Fibrous Materials XXI Exhibition, St. Petersburg, Russia 33 9. Teaching Aids 10. Scientific Publications 11. Languages 12. Improvement of professional skills 13. Professional and social work 14. Projects 2004. Conference „Modern technologies and equipment in textile industry”, (Текстиль-2004), Moscow Methodical Materials for Laboratory works in Textile Material Science, Riga, 2007. Methodical materials for e-studies “Introduction in Textiles”, Riga, 2007. Methodical materials for laboratory works in textile material sciences, Riga, 2001. 21 Latvian, Russian, English 2008. RTU professional program „30P 141 06 Development of the professional competence in the fields of pedagogy and IT” 2008. Seminar “The Challenge of Smart Textiles” 2008. ILMAKUNNAS TEXTILE SYMPOSIUM 2007. Exhibition of Technical Textiles ”HIGHTEX2007”, Istanbul 2007. Congress of Technical Textile Materials, Istanbul 2007. ESF PIAA project “Competitive usage of e-study materials for academic staff" 2007. E-TEXT+TEXTILES seminars: o LENA BERGLINA (Sweden), INTERACTIVE TEXTILE STRUCTURES: HOW WILL SMART MATERIALS AFFECT OUR LIFE IN THE FUTURE?, November 1, 2007. o Ilze Bebris (Canada), Unwind. Febrill Spaces: heterotopias and beyond”, September 13, 2007 o Tania Fox & Ben Maron (UK) Fabric Logic, August 20, 2007 2007. Mess of Technical Textiles - Frankfurt „Techtextile 2007” 2007. Symposium „Avantex-Symposium 2007”, Frankfurt 2007. Symposium „Techtextile 2007”, Frankfurt 2006. Seminar “Ilmakunnas Textile Symposium 2006” Future possibilities for Dryers in Europe – New Economical and Ecological Technologies in Dyeing and Finishing 2006. Course “Management of Innovations ” 2006/2007 academic year - practical work A/S “Valmieras stikla šėiedra” 2005. Seminar “Climatic testing of textile materials” 1997. Course “Materials for Distance Education” 1995. De Monfort University, England Member of Academic meeting of RTU Translation of all-purpose decimal classification (part 677) Member of Bachelor and Master thesis presentation commission, Member of Engineer professional qualification commission; Chairman of TTD Institute vocation bureau 2008. Ministry of Science and Education and RTU research project „Design and development of the garment with integrated 34 microclimate control system” 2007. ESF project „Modernization of Study Process of Clothing and Textile Technologies”. Identification No. of the project: 2006/0249/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ 2007. ESF project: „Training of university personnel for proficient usage of e-learning methods for beginners”. I.BaltiĦa 35 CURRICULUM VITAE Associate Professor, Dr. sc ing. IVARS KRIEVIĥŠ Present Appointment: Position: Academic Qualifications: Post-doctoral training Previous Academic Appointments: Professional Appointments: Major Research Interests: Teaching Experience: (just current subjects) Other academic and professional positions Department of Clothing and Textile Technologies (DCTT) of Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design (ITMTD) of Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry (FMSAC) of Riga Technical University (RTU) Associated professor of Apparel and textile technology department. • After higher education professional studies at the Leningrad Technological Institute for Textile and “Light” Industry (1969 - 1974) Designer and Technologist for Sewn Products Engineering (1112 code of the higher education professional programme); • After doctoral studies at the Moscow Technological Institute of “Light” Industry (1980 - 1984) „Candidate of Technical Sciences” in the field of „Technology of Sewn Products (05.19.04)”, later equated to the scientific degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Dr.sc.ing.) by the Resolution 1993-06-16 of the RTU Promotion Council P-11 in the field of „Technology of “Light” and Textile Industry Products” soon renamed as „Textile and Clothing Engineering”. • Joint certificate of the RTU Business Institute and USA Pacific Lutheran University MBA for introduction course of „Business Administration” (1992); • Fellowship at the Department of the Clothing Design and Technology at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (FHTW) (1993, 1995, 1997, 1999); • Fellowship at the Department of Clothing Design and Technology at the Manchester Metropolitan University (1993/94, 1995); Department of “Light” Industry Machinery and Technology at the Riga Polytechnic Institute: (later Institute of Textile and Clothing Technology at the RTU) engineer (1974), assistant (1975), senior lecturer (since 1978); docent (assistant professor since 1990), associate professor (since 1996) Senior Researcher at the Moscow Technological Institute of “Light” Industry (1981 - 1983); Textile Consultant at the Centre of Latvian Trade and Service Inspections (1997 - 1998) Commodity science, Qualimetry and Latvian terminology standardization in the field of clothing and textile technology. Assortment studies for clothing market. Didactics of professional education in the field of clothing technology. Clothing Quality Control, Research in Clothing Assortment and Quality, Anthropology for Clothing Studies, Methodology for Clothing Didactics, Fundamentals of Fashion Marketing and Apparel Commodity Science, Scientific Seminars (for clothing technology studies) etc. Member of the RTU MZF Council (Until 2002), Member of TTDI Board Member of the RTU TMTDI Council; Member of the RTU Promotion Council RTU-P-11 (1998-2005); Chairman of the Textile Terminology Commission at the Latvian Academy of Sciences; (1992 until present); Chairman of the Technical Committee for National Standardization Body LVS/STK/41 “Textiles and Leather” (1997 - 2002); Textile Expert for Ministry of Economics; LR expert for the EU Textile Labelling Committee (2000 to present); Membership at The International Textile Institute (1993 - 2002); 36 CURRICULUM VITAE Personal information: Name, surname: SKAIDRĪTE REIHMANE Position: Professor of Polymer Materials Institute of Riga Technical University (RTU), Head of Department of Polymer Materials Technology Nationality: Latvian Address: Polymer Material Institute of RTU, 14/24 Āzenes Str., Riga LV 1048, Latvia Telephone: +371 708 92 19 Fax: +371 761 57 65 E-mail: reihmane@hotmail.com reihmane@ktf.rtu.lv Education: Post-graduate student of Riga Polytechnic Institute (1971-1974) Dipl. Eng. Riga Polytechnic Institute (Faculty of Chemistry), 1968 Qualification: Since October 10th, 2003 Professor Asoc. prof. 1998- 2003 Docent 1992-1998 Dr. sc.ing., 1981 (1992) Work experience: Since October 9th, 2003 Professor in Material science and applied chemistry faculty of RTU Asoc. prof. 1998 - 2003 Docent 1992-1998 Senior scientific associate 1983-1992 Scientific associate 1974 - 1983 Postgraduate student 1971 - 1974 Laboratory assistant of Riga Polytechnic institute (Faculty of Chemistry 1969 - 1971 Pedagogic work: Lecture courses: Textile chemistry Textile Materials Finishing Theory and Technology of Printing Fiber Materials Chemistry and Technology of Fiber Materials Textiles material science Conservation of Textiles Selected sections of textile science Basics of material science (practical work) Superior of qualification and scientific works, study practice of RTU students, Member of State examination commission. 37 Scientific work: Directions: Publications: Polymer composite materials comprising fibers Finishing of textile materials 115 publications and certificates of authorship, 1 patent Works outside Latvia have been published in USA, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Estonia. Participation in the cross-sector project No. 06.0029 of the government of Latvia ″Innovative structural integrated composite materials: design, Technologies of acquisition and processing, longevity″ (2006-2009). Subproject section No. 06.0029.2.04 „Multifunctional polymer eco-composites”. the Informative symposium of BEZEMA Company in Dornbirn, Switzerland, October 19-22, 2006. University of Kassel, Germany, 2000 and 2002, delivered a lecture Mercerization – Method of Natural Vegetable Fibers Modification University of Southampton, Centre of Textile conservation in Winchester, UK, 1999 - TEMPUS IMG-98-LV-2006, delivered a lecture The Conservation Programs at Riga Technical University Participation with lectures in international conferences and symposiums in Germany, Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Estonia. Participation in EU Project VPD1/ESF/PIAA/04/APK/ „Development of general nature science multimedia learning materials for engineering students of technical universities.” Section “Basics of Material science”. Participation in international program WTZ LVA 00/003 „Innovative materials on the basis of modified wood fiber and polyolefin’s” (2001-2004) Expert of Textile Industry sub-commission of Textile Terminology Commission Member of Textile material standardization commission work group Member of RTU Promotion Councils P-02 and P-18 Member of Material science branch professor’s board of RTU Requested Expert of Latvian Scientific Council: "Theoretical Principles of Chemical Technology” Member of Council and Science Committee of Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry Member of Latvian Materials Research Association Membership in State funded projects: Improvement of professional skills abroad: Professional activities: Language skills: Latvian (mother tongue), Russian, English 38 Name, last name: Education: Basic education 1971 to 1979 Secondary education 1979 to 1982 Higher education 1982 to 1987 From February 8, 1995 to January 15, 1998 Work place, position: Latvia’s Republic scientific degree, Diploma No., speciality: Direction of the scientific work: The pedagogical work: INESE ZIEMELE 1st Secondary School, Balvi, LATVIA 16. Professional and Technical Secondary School, Riga LATVIA, School leaving certificate, Diploma of Tailor (highest category) Department of Machines and Technology of the Light Industry, Riga Technical University, LATVIA Diploma of an engineer in the field of Sewing Technology Institute of Textile and Clothing Technology, Riga Technical University, LATVIA Post Graduate course, Doctoral student Riga Technical university, Textile technology and design institute, researcher Dr.sc.ing, diploma B-D, Nr.000963 Selective method of sewing machines usage obtaining a high quality thread joints in sewing production RTU assistant from 1987 to 1998 Participation in scientific research works 1988 – 1989 Total amount of publications: scientific research work in company “Rīgas Apăērbs” scientific research work in JSC “Latvija”„Drēbnieks” 18 Total amount of scientific works: 1 Languages: English– well; Russian – very well; Latvian – native February 2008 – “Improvement of jurisdictions of the academic personnel in the pedagogic and IT area” – ESF, licensed program by RTU, certificate PA No. 047313 - 1998 – 2007 January SIA “Solutions” senior technologist; - October 2002 – member of experts commission realizing the accreditation of Riga Light industry technical school; - since 2000 – member of Textile terminology subcommittee of Terminology Commission 1996 -1998 Improvement of Professional skills: Professional and public work: 39 Other: of Latvian Science academy; - since May 2007 - experience in ESF project administrative conduction B category driver licence, since July 2000 Inese Ziemele 40 CURRICULUM VITAE Personal information Name: Family name: Telephone: Education Briedis 67617355, 29408119 1989-1994 Doctor course of Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile and Clothing technology Master course of Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile and Clothing technology Faculty of Machine Construction and Automatisation of RTU, Engineering Studies 1978-1989 Riga 47th secondary school 1996-2000 1994-1996 Qualification Ugis 2003 Doctor of Engineering Sciences Promotion Work: “The Research of Feed Dog Movement Mechanism and Development of Automatic Designing Calculation Method in Conventional Sewing Machines” 1996 Master of Engineering Sciences Master thesis: “Analysis of Feed Dog Movement Mechanism in Conventional Sewing Machines” 1994 Electro-mechanical engineer 1993 Bachelor in mechanics Since 2006 1997-2004 1995-1997 Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile material technologies and Design, Docent Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile material technologies and Design, Lector Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile and Clothing technology, Assistant SIA ”Sonika”, product manager Riga municipality enterprise "Zemgale", electro engineer 1999 International Trendsetters – “Aggressive marketing” certificate, lector John Von Eicken Work experience 2003-2006 2001-2003 Professional development Driving license (B, C) 1988 Languages: Latvian – native tongue Russian – good English – good German – good Word, Excel, Internet 41 PC: Badminton, music, theatre Hobbies: Uăis Briedis 42 Curriculum Vitae 1. General information Name, surname: Gaida Petere Personal code: 250349-10709 Place of birth: Riga, Latvia Place of residence: Flat 80, 24 Purvciema Str., Riga, LV 1035, Latvia Education: 10.1979 – 10.1981 Academy (LZA) 09.1966 -- 05.1971 Mathematics Doctoral studies in Physics Institute of Latvian Science Dissertation „Homogenous differential equation solution type numbers", presented in March 1982. Doctoral Diploma C-D No. 000090. Latvian University, Faculty of Physics and No. 349227. Academic titles and scientific degrees: Since September 1, 2007 Professor, RTU 04.2004 – 08.2007 Professor, BA School of Business and Finance 09.1999 – 04.2004 Asoc. professor, BA School of Business and Finance Since November 10, 1992 Dr. math. C-D No 000090. Since June 1, 1983 Candidate of Physics Mathematics Science, No. 003176. Occupation: 09.2007 04.2004 – 08.2007 02.2004 01.2004 -11.1999 -09.1986 – 08.2007 09.1999 – 04.2004 01.1999 – 09.1999 05.1998 – 12.1998 01.1994 – 04.1995 06.1996 – 05.1998 Professor, RTU Professor, BA School of Business and Finance Actuary, BTA insurance company. Actuary, AAS “Rīgas Slimokase”. Actuary AAS „Seesam Life Latvia”. Docent RTU. Asoc. professor, BA School of Business and Finance Docent, BA School of Business and Finance Finance director, SIA "Mēdiju Aăentūra Alfa Centrs". Actuary, SIA „Investīciju un pensiju konsultatnts”. PNC Head accountant, Post of Latvia. Language skills: Latvian, Russian, English – fluent in written and spoken language. 2. Scientific activities and Publications. Participant or leader of Latvian Science Council (LSC) programs: 43 Participation in grant: LSC project No. 05 1884 “Current topics of conventional differential equation and difference equitation qualitative theory”. Member or leader of EU and other commissions: 1. Member of the European Actuary Academy Board. 2. Member of European Consultative group (European Actuary Association Union) educational commission. 3. Member of IAA (International Actuary Association) science commission, Member of accreditation commission, consul delegate. Member or leader of branch councils and associations: Chairman of Latvian Actuary Association board. Chief of Latvian Actuary Association educational commission. Member of the board of Latvian Statistic association. Representative of London Actuary Institute in Latvia. LAPA member. Member and accountant of Latvian Mathematics Association. Major publications in appropriate science field: Publications in international issues: 1. Petere G. Mortality Research in Latvia. Transactions of the 27th International Congress of Actuaries, March 2002, Cancun, Mexico. Cancun, 2002. Vol. 7, p. 109-128. 2. Petere G. Survival Analysis of Latvian Population Using Tchebyshev's Polynomials, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, An International Survey Journal on Applying Mathematics and Mathematical Applications, Vol. 79, Nos. 1-2, October/November 2003, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands 2003, p. 69-81. (references No: Zbl 1030.62083, MR 2021878 (62P05 62P12), CSA ILLUMINA: UD: 200609, SF: Human Population, AN: 7035496, ZETOC, SWETSWISE ) 3. Kollo, T., Petere, G. Copula Models for Estimating Outstanding Claim Provisions. In: Festschrift for Tarmo Pukkila on his 60th Birthday. Eds. E.P. Liski, J. Isotalo, J. Niemelä, S. Puntanen, G.P.H. Styan. Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Philosophy, University of Tampere, Vammala, 2006, p. 115-125. (Review Journal "Current Index to Statistics"). 4. Petere G. Modelling Incured but not Reported Claim Reserve Using Copulas. International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Modeling in Honour of Enrique Castillo (ICMSM 2006). Editors: Roberto Minguez, Carmen Castillo, Cristina Solares & Rosa Eva Pruneda. R. p. 1-10, Number: 06/33297. ISBN: 84-689-8577-5. 5. Petere G. Stochastic Risk Capital Model for Insurance Company, Proceedings of XII International Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2007), May 29-June 1, 2007, p. 1-8 (accepted for publication). 44 6. Petere G., Jansons V. Stochastic modelling of insurance liabilities, submitted for publication in magazine: Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, p. 1-111. Textbooks: 1. Petere G., Voronova I. Riski uzĦēmējdarbībā un to vadība. (Risks in entrepreneurship and their management). Teaching aid. Publishing house “Rasa ABS”, Riga: BA School of Business and Finance, 2003. pp.176. 2. Petere G, Voronova I. Riski uzĦēmējdarbībā un to vadība. (Risks in entrepreneurship and their management). Teaching aid. Publishing house “Rasa ABS”, Riga: BA School of Business and Finance, 2004. pp.176. Participation in international scientific conferences and congresses with lectures: 1. Petere G., Brīvers I, Ruskule I. Teaching of “Application of Mathematical Methods in Economics” Organization in Banking Institution of Higher Education in Latvia, Abstracts of Papers, 28th Workshop in Vilnius, May 3-5, 2001, p 36-37. 2. Petere G., Lomanovska K. Tendencies and Trends in Latvian Population Mortality, Abstracts, European Population Conference 2001, Helsinki, Finland June 7-9, 2001, EPC 2001, EAPS, p. 241. 3. Petere G. Mortality Research in Latvia. Transactions of the 27th International Congress of Actuaries, March 2002, Cancun, Mexico. Cancun, 2002. Vol. 7, pp. 109-128. 4. Petere G. Survival Analysis of Latvian Inhabitants Using Chebychev’s Polynomials, 8th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, June 23-29, 2002, p. 250. 5. Petere G., Bokans J. Role of Actuary in National Economy and Perspectives of Actuarial Education in Latvia, “Qualitative Growth of Institutions of Higher Education and its Impact on the Development of Science and Economy”, International Scientific Conference, Proceedings, Riga, 2002, p. 183-188. 6. Petere G. Forecasting Possibilities of Mortality Based on Smoothed Mortality Rates by Tchebyshev’s Polynomials: Case Latvia, Book of Abstracts, European Population Conference EPC 2003, Warsaw, Poland, August 26-30, 2003, p. 223 (CSA ILLUMINA) 7. Petere G. Mortality research in Latvia, conference of actuaries “Profitable life tables” in Warsaw, August 28, 2003. 8. Petere G., Kriėis D., Vingre-Ruskule I. Teaching Statistics in Higher Professional Educational Establishment, International conference Research in Statistics-Basis of social sciences and Education, Latvijas Universitāte, Riga 2004, pp. 60-65. 9. Petere G., Jansons V. The best method for modeling a two-risk negative correlation portfolio, Economics and Business, Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Part 3, Vol. 10, RTU, Rīga, 2005, pp. 90-100. 10. Petere G., Kollo T. Modeling claim size in time via copulas, Transactions of 28th International Congress of Actuaries, N 206, 2006. 1 Petere G., Jansons V. Stochastic analysis of insurance liabilities. Abstracts of Communications 9th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, June 25-30, 2006. p. 260. 45 11. Petere G., Voronova I. Development of professionalism of Latvian Actuaries, Transactions of 28th International Congress of Actuaries, N 3005, 2006. 12. Petere G., Jansons V. Stochastic analysis of insurance liabilities. Abstracts of Communications 9th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, June 25-30, 2006. p. 260. 13. Petere G. Modelling Incurred but not Reported Claim Reserve Using Copulas. International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Modelling in Honour of Enrique Castillo (ICMSM 2006). Program and Abstracts. University of Castilla-La Mancha Ciudal Real (Spain) June 28-30, 2006. p. 60. 14. Petere G., Bokāns J. Need for new actuarial approaches to risk management. The Banking Institution of Higher Education 8th International Conference 2006 „Riga as an International Financial Centre: Exploring Opportunities and Challenges”, October 12-13, 2006, Riga, Latvia, p. 5. 15. Petere G. Optimal Equity Portfolio Modeling via Copulas, CERAM Sophia Antipolis, European School of Business „39th Meeting Euro Working Group on Financial Modelling”, November 16-17, 2006, p. 1-13. Plenary talk. 16. Voronova I., Petere G. Foundation of actuarial Education in Latvia. 22nd Baltic Conference on the History of Science, Vilnius, October 56, 2006; Vilnius, 2006, p. 73-74. 3. Pedagogic work Administration of the study program: Member of the Finance program council in BA School of Business and Finance. Number of supervised Master thesis: 21 Master thesis of LU Mathematics student Agnese ĀboltiĦa „Life insurance product attached to the market” gained II place in competition of Latvian Economic development forum in 2006. Number of supervised Bachelor thesis and qualification works: 12 Student’s Aurika Doroganiča of BA School of Business and Finance Bachelor thesis „Modelling of securities portfolio with method of copula” gained I place in competition of Latvian Economic development forum in 2006. Study subjects: Mathematics - 9 KP, Mathematics - 9 KP, Statistics and Probability theory - 2 KP, Business Statistics – 2 KP, Mathematics for Economists – 4 KP, Statistics – 4 KP, Statistics - 2 KP, Mathematical statistics – 1,5 KP, Statistiscs and analysis of investments – 1,5 KP, Finance mathematics – 1 KP, Modelling and forecasting of finances – 2 KP, Company finances – 1,5 KP, Risks of entrepreneurship – 1,5 KP, Finances – 1 KP, Finances II – 1,5 KP, Finance management – 3 KP. Lecturer of Socrates/Erasmus international education programmes: 46 Since 2004 Lecturer of Socrates/Erasmus international education programme, Since 1994 lecturer of RTU Foreign student department. Further education, Professional development in Latvian or foreign universities and research institutions: Since May 5, 2006 leading researcher, Mathematic technology laboratory of LU Mathematics and informatics institute. 22.09.2006 Participation in seminary 19th Colloquium organised by the Faculty of Actuaries on behalf of the Group Consultative „Risk and Capital Management in Insurance” September22, 2006, Edinburgh, UK 29.10-2.11.2001 Participation in course „Health Seminar” and successfully passed examination. 1996 --- 2001 Passed I round examination of London Actuary Institute. 22.03-26.03.1999 Participation in courses „Training the Trainers” with the Faculty and Institute of Actuaries. 09.1998 – 10.1999 highest level actuary diploma courses in Vilnius, Lithuania. 4. Organisational work. Member of Scientific magazine editorial board: 1. Member of editorial board „Ilgtspējīgas attīstības priekšnoteikumi: jauni izaicinājumi un perspektīvas.” (Preconditions of sustainable development: new challenges and perspectives). Report set of international scientific conference, September 11-12, 2003. Riga, BA School of Business and Finance, 2004. pp. 348. 2. Member of editorial board: „Statistikas pētījumi – sociālo zinātĦu un izglītības bāze”. (Statistical research – base for social sciences and education). Scientific news of the conference (Riga, October 2-4, 2003), Riga: University of Latvia, 2004. VI+pp. 208. Member and leader of international conference organization and program comities: Member or international mathematician conference „ECMI 12” local organizational committee. Chairman of international seminar „Risk management” local organizational committee, organised by European Actuary Academy in Riga, April 7-9, 2005. Other responsibilities in the university: 18.05.2001 – 26.05. 2004 Member of BA School of Business and Finance Constitutional assembly. Since 2004 Member of the European Actuary Academy Board. Gaida Petere Dr. math., prof 47 Curriculum Vitae Personal information Surname, name: ANITA LANKA E-mail: Anita.Lanka@rtu.lv Office telephone: 67089259 Language skills: Native language: Latvian Other languages: English, Russian Education Philology faculty of LVU 09/1968 06/1983 Philologist, lecturer Scientific degrees 1990. Acquired degree of Candidate of Science in pedagogy in Riga, Latvia University, by presenting dissertation „Curriculum of mother language in primary school (linguistic didactic aspect)". Nostrified a Science Doctor in Pedagogy in 1993. Improvement of professional skills Educational institution Name of the course Vocational Teacher Education College, Jyvaskyla Polytechnic institute “Organizational Development in VET Schools” "Development of distance learning study materials in Blackboard environment” „Managing Interpersonal Relationships in Organisations” “Enhancing Discourse between Teachers and Work life” Distance learning centre of RTU Stockholm school of economics in Riga European Peer Learning Activity Helsinki Finland Riga Business School of RTU “ Teaching with Electronic Resources” seminar facilitated by Michael R. Date: From (mm/yyyy) until (mm/yyyy) 27.03.2000. – 31.12.2001. 07/2004 Total 38 hours of courses 29/03/2004 01/04/2004 09/10/2006 13/10/2006 03/12/2006. 05/12/2006 48 Riga Pedagogy and education management University Centre of Pedagogy Research Lavin, University at Buffalo “Development of Latvian pedagogic school lecturer professional competencies in the field of scientific research”. 02/03/2007. 30/03/2007. Work experience Date: From (mm/yyyy) until (mm/yyyy) Name of the place of work Name of the post Main duties Date: From (mm/yyyy) until (mm/yyyy) Name of the place of work Name of the post Main duties Date: From (mm/yyyy) until (mm/yyyy) Name of the place of work Name of the post Main duties 06/2002 08/2008 (term of election) RTU, Humanitarian Institute. Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Associated professor 1. Delivers lectures and prepares study materials in following subjects: • Pedagogy; • Didactics for higher educational establishments; • Teaching methodology of technical disciplines • Learning methodology • Education theory of adults 2. Leads study programme “Vocational pedagogy”. 3. Supervises organization of vocational teacher practice. 4. Supervises development of qualification projects and papers. 01/2002 08/2008 RTU, Humanitarian Institute. Director 1. Manage, coordinate and control work of HI structural units. 2. Coordinate solving of scientific and methodical questions. 3. Representation of Institute in administrative institutions of RTU. 1998 06/2002 RTU, Humanitarian Institute, Department of Sociology and pedagogy Docent 1. Delivers lectures and prepares study materials in following subjects: 49 • Pedagogic process • Teaching methodology of technical disciplines 2. Supervises pedagogic practice Date: From (mm/yyyy) until (mm/yyyy) Name of the place of work Name of the post Main duties 1995. 06/1998 University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Docent 1. Delivers lectures and prepares study materials in following subjects: • Theory of education • A. Adler’s psychological verities in pedagogy 2. Supervises Bachelor and Master thesis in pedagogy Date: From (mm/yyyy) until (mm/yyyy) Name of the place of work Name of the post Main duties 09/1994. 07/1995 RPIVA Department of Primary Schools Docent, Head of the department 1. Leads, coordinates and supervises development of study course contents and implementation in the appropriate study programmes. 2. Delivers lectures and prepares study materials in following subjects: • Teaching methodology • Theory of education 3. Supervises qualification works in pedagogy Date: From (mm/yyyy) until (mm/yyyy) Name of the place of work Name of the post Main duties 01/1992 07/1994 Riga 1st Christian School Deputy director in educational and scientific research work 1. Leads, coordinates and supervises educational and scientific research work of pedagogues in the school 2. Introduces pedagogic innovations Date: From (mm/yyyy) until (mm/yyyy) Name of the place of work 09/1983 01/1992 Institute of Pedagogy scientific research (later – Institute of educational development) Scientific associate, docent 1. Performs scientific research in linguistic didactic. 2. Develops curricula and learning methodology for Latvian language in primary schools. 3. Introduces pedagogic innovations, delivers lectures in qualification courses of teachers Name of the post Main duties Date: From (mm/yyyy) until (mm/yyyy) 09/1977 09/ 1983 50 Name of the place of work Name of the post Main duties Riga 28th Secondary School, Riga 49th Secondary School Teacher 1. Teaches and conducts educational work 2. Teaches following subjects: • Latvian language and literature • Physical education Scientific work and participation in main academic projects 1. 2007–2009. Manager and leading researcher of Leonardo da Vinci Project „Development of innovative methodology for assessment of Professional education teacher competencies”. 2. 2008–2009. Researcher in Project of RTU „Realisation of adaptive reflexive bonds in intellectual knowledge evaluation system based on concept nets”. 3. 2006-2007. Researcher in the Project „Defining of the profession in vocational education” of European Educational and culture commission program, part I: „Teachers and lecturers working in initial vocational education system and environment”. 4. 2006-2007. Researcher in the Project „Defining of the profession in vocational education” of European Educational and culture commission program, part II: „Teachers and lecturers working in further vocational education system and environment”. 5. 2006-2007. Leader and expert of contents in didactics in the project “Development of pedagogical and IT competencies of the academic personnel” of the European Structure Fund. 6. 2006-2007. Researcher in the inter-faculty Project of RTU „Concept web and ontology based intellectual system for self-evaluation of students’ knowledge and evaluation of knowledge orientated on processes”. 7. 2005-2006. Researcher in the inter-faculty project „Intellectual system for improvement of study efficiency”. 8. 2001-2002. Researcher in European Educational Council research project „Comparative Analyses of Vocational Education and Training Reform and the Role of Teacher Training”. Publications Publications in scientific issues 1. Lanka A., Anohina A. “Individualizēta zināšanu vērtēšana datorizētā vērtēšanas sistēmā”. (Individualized evaluation of knowledge in computerized evaluation system.) Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. 8th Series.” Humanitarian and social science”, Vol. 12. Riga, RTU, 2007, pp. 23.31. 2. Lanka A. co-author. Intelligent System for Student Knowledge Assessment// Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, 5th series, Computer Science, Applied Computer Systems, Riga, RTU, 2006. 51 3. Lanka A. Procesorientēta vērtēšana kā priekšnosacījums profesijas standartā definēto pamatprasību sasniegšanai. (Process oriented evaluation as precondition for achieving basic requirements, defined in the profession standard). Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University... 8th Series. ”Humanitarian and social sciences”, Vol.10, Riga, RTU, 2006, pp. 65.-70. 4. Lanka A., LapiĦa I. Vērtēšanas metodoloăijas pilnveide. (Development of evaluation methodology). Scientific Journal of RTK. Higher professional education in theory and practice. Vol. 4, Riga, RTU publishing house, 2006, pp. 36.-42. 5. Lanka A., E.Murnieks. Vocational Education and Training in Latvia: The Problems and Solutions. / The Transformation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the Baltic States – Survey of Reforms and Developments. Series: Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 4. Springer, 2006. 6. Lanka A. and other authors, Evaluation and self-evaluation of knowledge in process oriented studies, using intellectual system that is based on concept nets. University intermediary scientifically practical and study methodology conference “Contemporary educational problems”. Riga, February 23-24, 2006. Thesis. pp. 65.-66. 7. Lanka A. Mūsdienu didaktika postmodernisma kontekstā. (Contemporary didactics in context of post-modernism). Scientific Journal of RTU. 8th Series.” Humanitarian and social sciences”, Vol. 8, Riga, RTU, 2005 (p. 6) 8. Lanka A. Arodpedagogu izglītības satura pilnveides dialektika. (Development dialectics of educational content for vocational teachers). RTU Scientific Journal. 8th Series ”Humanitarian and social sciences”, Vol. 4, Riga, RTU, 2003, pp. 41-46. 9. Lanka A. Strategy for Dialectic Development of the VET Teacher Training Program. // Vocational Education and Training: Research and Reality. Kaunas, 2002/4 (p. 6) Learning and methodological aids 1. Lanka A. Mācīšanās metodika. (Learning methodology). Lecture course. Rīga, RTU, 2004. (pp. 55) 2. Lanka A. Metodiskie ieteikumi./ Pirmā līmeĦa augstākās profesionālās izglītības studiju programma „Arodpedagoăija”. (Methodological suggestions for first level higher professional education program "Vocational pedagogy".) Rīga, RTU, 2004. (pp. 21). 3. Lanka A., Mūrnieks E. Metodiskie ieteikumi./ Viengadīgās arodskolotāju pamata pedagoăiskās izglītības programmas dalībniekiem. (Methodological suggestions for the members of one year vocational teacher basic education program.) Rīga, RTU, 2004. (pp. 15). 4. Lanka A. Pedagoăiskais process. (Pedagogic process) RTU HI, 2003. (pp. 99) Participation in scientific conferences 52 International Conference „ Assessment of Non-formal and Informal Learning: experience and methodological guidelines” with speech „ Needs and experience of assessment of non-formal and informal learning in Latvia”. Kaunas, April 1-2, 2008. International Conference “Quality approaches to vocational education and training" Dublin, February 27-29, 2008. 48th International scientific conference of RTU. Riga, October 12, 2007. Report „Profession of vocational education teacher in European context”. „Mentor of new and nascent teacher conference”. Jurmala, April 2829, 2006. Conference „Collaboration in preparation and further education of vocational education teachers.” Riga, June 16, 2006. Report „Specific Latvian TTnet goals in context of general EU TTnet goals”. 4th International scientific practical conference of Riga Technical College. Riga, April 11, 2006. Report “Contradictions of 21st century education”. Conference „The Aims of Maastricht in Practice”, Vienna, June 29-30, 2005. 8th TTnet Annual Conference “Taking stock of TTnet`s achievements and future developments” Thessaloniki, December 8-9, 2005. 2nd International scientific practical conference of Riga Technical College “Realisation of first level higher professional education in theory and practice. Report “Aspects of competency improvement for vocational teachers”. Riga, June 11, 2004. ETF/CEDEFOP Conference „Teachers and trainers in vocational education and training in the future Member States”, Aalborg, November 21-22, 2002. Report „The VET Teacher Qualifying Process”. Pedagogic work Length of pedagogic service in higher education establishment – 14 years. Lecture courses In University of Latvia: „General pedagogy”, „Theory of education”; „A. Adler’s psychological verities in pedagogy”. In Riga Technical University: „Pedagogic process”, „Learning methodology”; „Theory of education”, „History of pedagogic idea”, „Didactics for higher educational establishments”. Development and management of study program 1st level professional study program „Vocational pedagogy” has been developed. Organisational work • • Work in Study quality and program commissions of RTU Senate Work in editorial board of RTU scientific paper series „Humanitarian and social sciences”. 53 • • • • • • Work in editorial board of RTK scientific papers. Participation in development of profession standards for vocational education teachers. Lector, consultant and co-author of books for LVAVP (State program for acquisition of Latvian language). Collaboration with Further education department of Ministry of Education and Science, by delivering lectures in courses for teachers, head-masters and methodologists. Coordinator of TTnet in Latvia. Expert of intermediate evaluation of National program project “Development of unified methodology for raising the quality of professional education and involvement of social partners". Anita Lanka. 54 Curriculum Vitae Personal information Surname, name: Airisa Šteinberga E-mail: airisasteinberga@inbox.lv Office telephone: 67089152 Language skills: Native language: Latvian Other languages: Russian, German Education 1994. Graduated Master studies in University of Latvia and gained Master degree in Pedagogy. 1990. Graduated Biology faculty in University of Latvia and gained qualification of biologist, biology and chemistry teacher. Scientific degrees 1997. Gained Psychology Doctor Degree (Dr. psych.). Improvement of professional skills International seminar and practice “Psychological accompaniment for development. Basics of Prenatal Psychology.” International professional proficiency centre “VaiĦode”, reader of the seminar Dr.med. I. Dobrjakovs. Riga, February 18-20, 2005. Gained certificate. International seminar and practice “Family consulting”. International professional proficiency centre “VaiĦode”, reader of the seminar Dr.med. I. Dobrjakovs. Riga, May 22-25, 2005. Gained certificate. International seminar and practice “Disturbance of psycho-sexual development and its correction". International professional proficiency centre “VaiĦode”, reader of the seminar Dr.med. I. Dobrjakovs. Riga, February 28-March 2, 2006. Gained certificate. International seminar and practice “Personality development training: self-discovery”. International professional proficiency centre “VaiĦode”, reader of the seminar senior lecturer of St. Petersburg State Psychology and Social Work Institute, V. Kokarenko. Riga, May 1921, 2006. Gained certificate. 55 International seminar and practice “Eithim therapy”. International professional proficiency centre “VaiĦode”, reader of the seminar senior lecturer of St. Petersburg State Psychology and Social Work Institute, V. Kokarenko. Riga, July 2-4, 2006. Gained certificate. International seminar and practice “Systematic psychodrama in family psychotherapy”. International professional proficiency centre “VaiĦode”, reader of the seminar Dr.med., prof. E.G. Eidemillers. Riga, August 20-25, 2006. Gained certificate. International seminar and practice “Psychodrama in consulting organisations”. International professional proficiency centre “VaiĦode”, reader of the seminar candidate of Psychology Science V.Semjonovs. Riga, May 14-16, 2007. Gained certificate. International seminar and practice “Psychodrama in consulting groups and individuals”. International professional proficiency centre “VaiĦode”, reader of the seminar candidate of Psychology Science V.Semjonovs. Riga, January 25-27, 2008. Gained certificate. Work experience Humanitarian Institute of RTU, Department of Sociology and Pedagogy. Since 1998 – Docent. Since 2006 - Docent of Pedagogy and Psychology department. 1994 – 1998 RTU, Lector 1990-1999 Riga Commercial School, Teacher Scientific work and participation in main academic projects 1990 – 2005 Participant in the international project “Internationales lernen” 01.07.2006.- 30.06.2007. Participation in the development and realisation of ESF project “Development of pedagogical and IT competencies of the academic personnel”. Publications Publications in scientific issues Paper „Die das Wohlbefinden der Halbgewachsene bestimmenden Faktoren an den Schulen Lettlands“ submitted for publishing in Tübingen University. Šteinberga A. Bērna optimālas attīstības priekšnoteikumi perinatālās psiholoăijas kontekstā. (Optimal development preconditions of children in context of prenatal psychology.) Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. 8th Series.” Humanitarian and social sciences”, Vol. 10, Riga, RTU, pp. 71-77. Штейнберга А А Использовании психологического тренинга с подростками в воспитании в Латвии Сборник материалов научно-практической конференции В.М.Бехтерев и современная психология. 28сентября – 1октября 2005года. 56 Šteinberga A. Development of scientific research in the cope of international project “International learning” (1990-2001). Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University... 8th Series.” Humanitarian and social sciences”, Vol. 8, Riga, RTU, 2005, pp. 111-115. Špona A., Šteinberga A. „Aktuelle pảdagogische und politische Problematik der Integration der Schuljugend in Lettland” // „Jugend in Europa – Integrationsprobleme und Partizipationschancen”, Bericht Nr.48, Universitảt Tủbingen, 2004. Šteinberga A. Development of emotional intelligence in vocational education. Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. 8th Series. ”Humanitarian and social sciences”, Vol.4, Riga, RTU, 2003, pp. 36.-40. Learning and methodological aids: A.Šteinberga. Ievads attīstības psychology). Riga, RTU, 2001. psiholoăijā. (Introduction in developmental A.Šteinberga. Vispārīgā un personības psiholoăija. (General and personality psychology). Riga, RTU, 2006. Participation in scientific conferences 48th International scientific conference of RTU, October 12, 2007. Report: „Pupils' attitude towards school as quality criteria of education". International scientific symposium “Theory for praxis” Tübingen University, July 3-7, 2007. Report: "Subjective and objective criteria of education quality". 48th International scientific conference of RTU. October 15, 2005. Report: “Children development from birth to the age of three in context of prenatal psychology". Conference „Perspektiven der multikulturellen Gesellschaft”, Riga, March 3-7, 2005. Report: „Das individuelle Wissenschafliche Wachstum im Rahmen des internationalen Projektes „Internationales Lernen”. 45th International scientific conference of RTU. October 14, 2004. Report: “Development of scientific research in the cope of international project “International learning” (1990-2001)”. 43th International scientific conference of RTU. October 14, 2002, Report: “Emotional background and activity efficiency in classes”. Pedagogic work Length of pedagogic service in higher education establishment – 14 years. Lecture courses Vispārīgā un personības psiholoăija. (General and personality psychology). 57 Attīstības psiholoăija (Developmental psychology) Pedagoăiskā psiholoăija (Pedagogic psychology) Ăimenes psiholoăija (Family psychology) Lectures in foreign universities Lecture in Adult education department of University of Frankfurt “Schprachpolitick und Schulwesen in Lettland – ein historischer Ueberblick”, April 28, 2006. Organisational work Member of scientific paper editorial board of RTU. 58 Curriculum Vitae Personal information Surname, name: Sandra Gudzuka E-mail: sandra@bf.rtu.lv Office telephone: 67089128 Language skills: Native language: Latvian Other languages: English, Russian Education 1996 1984 Pedagogy and psychology faculty of LU Master degree in Psychology Psychology faculty of Leningrad State University Psychology teacher Diploma Scientific degrees Improvement of professional skills 2007 Doctoral student of Pedagogy and psychology faculty of LU Work experience Trainee Docent in Pedagogy and psychology department of RTU Humanitarian Institute. Scientific work and participation in main academic projects Development of pedagogical and IT competencies of the academic personnel. ESF, 2006/2007. Lecturer. Student attitude towards highest military career. Empiric research of RTU sociologist group. 2004/2005 Doctoral studies, academic year 2007/2008. Pedagogy and psychology faculty, University of Latvia. Specialization: Psychological pedagogy. Theme of doctorate thesis: Work motivation of University teachers. The emphasis change of vocational education. IZM, ESF International project. Participant in 2000- 2002. Publications Publications in scientific issues Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University: Humanitarian and social sciences: Psychological aspects of personal selection and assessment. 2002 Employee motivation and satisfaction with work in Latvian enterprise. 2003 Student attitude towards highest military career. 2004 59 Learning and methodological aids Acceptance of group decisions. Methodological paper collection: Industrial relationships. RTU, 2004 Communicative competence and communication problems of pedagogues. Collection of scientific papers. Personality. Time. Communication. Rēzekne, 2001. Participation in scientific conferences Annual scientific conferences of RTU. 2007. Theme of the report: “Satisfaction with study environment of RTU students”. Pedagogic work Length of pedagogic service in higher education establishment – since 1994 in RTU. RPIVA in academic year 2007/ 2008. Lecture courses Saskarsmes pamati (Communication fundamentals) – 2 CP Sociālā psiholoăija (Social psychology) – 2 KP Saskarsmes psiholoăija (Communication psychology) – 2 KP Organizāciju psiholoăija (Psychology of organizations) Organisational work Other information Member of Latvia's Professional Psychology Association. 60 The maintenance of subjects 61 Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology Chair of Engineering Mathematics Responsible instructor Prof. Gaida Petere Course title Lietišėā matemātika Applied Mathematics Status Level Compulsory Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 2 - Exam Annotation: Data analysis. Probabilities. Random variables. Decision trees. Expected money criterions. Mean value distribution. Confidence intervals. Hypothesys verification. Dispersion analysis. Regression analysis. Time series. Recommended literature: 1. KrastiĦš O. Statistika un ekonometrija, Rīga, 1998, 435 lpp. 2. Vītols J. Statistikas vispārīgā teorija. Rīga, 1988, 288 lpp. 3. Kronbergs E., Rivža P., Bože Dz. Augstākā matemātika. 2. daĜa, Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1988, 527 lpp. 4. Dz. Bože, L. Biezā, B. SiliĦa, A. Strence. Uzdevumu krājums augstākajā matemātikā. Zvaigzne, 1996, 328 lpp. 5. Van Matre J. G., Gilbreath G. H. Statistics for Business and Economics, 1980, p. 589. 6. Hamburg M. Statistical analysis for Decision Making. 1987, p. 701. Facilities: Lecture room 62 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Prof. Ausma ViĜumsone Course title Izstrādājumu datorizētās projektēšanas metodes The Methods of Computer Aided Designing of Product Status Level Compulsory Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 - 1 Test Annotation: The comparison of CAD methods. Formalization of design tasks. The facilities of data organization. The methods of graphic designing. The import and export of graphical files. Recommended literature: 1. CAD/CAM theory and practice / Ibrahim Zeid New York ; London : McGraw-Hill, 1991 2. CAD/CAM, features, applications and management / Peter F. Jones Basingstoke : Macmillan Education, 1992. 3. Alison Beazley, Terry Bond. Computer aided Pattern Design & Product Development. Bleckwell Science, 2003- 224p. Facilities: TTDI study laboratories 63 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Docent Nadežda OzoliĦa Course title Zinātniski pētniecisko darbu metodoloăija Methodology of Research Status Level Compulsory Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 1 - Exam Annotation: The basic principles and research methods used in textile and sewing processes in investigation, linear regression analysis and non-linear estimation. Factor analysis, experimental design, discriminate and cluster analysis and other statistical methods, used in textile science Recommended literature: 1. Improvement of the apparel collection design process / I.K. et al.// Textile Technology Digest.- 05406/88; 2. Šūto izstrādājumu ilgtermiĦa sortimentālās koncepcijas: ZPD / A.DeniĦš, I.KrieviĦš, J.Zvanītājs.- R., 1989 (kr.val); 3. Latvijas apăērbu tirgus izpēte.- R.,RTU,1996; 4. Fashion marketing / Ed. by M.Easey.- Oxford etc., 1995 (kopējams); 5. Diamond E. Fashion retailing.- NY, 1993 (kopējams); 6. Handbuch Mode-Marketing.- Fr./M., 1991 (LNB); Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 64 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Asoc.prof. Genrihs Vinovskis Course title Tekstilnozaru attīstības stratēăija The Strategy of Development of Textile Industry Status Level Compulsory Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 1 - Test Annotation: The affiliation of textile branch in Latvia's national economy, the request of work places, qualification of employees and investments in branches. Analyses of textile fabrics competitiveness, added value and export demand by product categories according with EU accepted goods classification. Existing and perspective article technological environment with advanced technologies. Recommended literature: 1. Wilson J. Handbook of textile design. UK: Woodhead Publishing, 2001, 160p. 2. Modelirovahije i optimizācija tehnologiceskih processov. Šveinoje proizvodstvo: učebnik dĜa Vuzov: v 2t./V.E.Murigin, N.V.Murašova i dr. - 2003-2004, M.:Kompanija Sputnik. 3. Fashion Technics. Das Internationale Magazin fuer die Modeidustrie; 4. TekstiĜnaja promišĜennostj; 5. Izvestija Vuzov Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 65 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor As.prof. Ilze BaltiĦa Course title Progresīvie tekstilmateriāli Progressive Textile Materials Status Level Compulsory Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 1 - Test Annotation: Tendencies of fiber development. Microfibers. Nanofibers. Biodegradable fibres. Development of polyester, poliamide and polyolefin fibres. Progressive knitted and woven fabrics. Development of non - woven fabrics. Interaction between human body and textile materials. Technical textile materials. Recommended literature: 1. T. Hongu, M. Takigami, G. O. Phillips. New millennium fibres. Woodhead Publishing, 2005, 312p 2. S. Russell. Handbook of nonwovens. - Woodhead Publishing, 2006, 544p 3. R. S. Blackburn. Biodegradable and sustainable fibres. - Woodhead Publishing, 2005, 464p 4. Y .Li, D X-Q Dai, Biomechanical engineering of textiles and clothing.Woodhead Publishing, 2006, 428p 5. Y. Li, A. S. W. Wong. Clothing biosensory engineering. - Woodhead Publishing, 2006, 408p Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 66 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor As. prof. Ivars KrieviĦš Course title Specializētie pētnieciskā darba semināri Specialization Research Seminars Status Level Compulsory Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 - 2 - Test Annotation: Review of scientific articles, student papers, research problems in the field of clothing technology, discussions thereby. Students' or visiting lecturers' paper presentations to stimulate discussions. Methods of information search, retrieval, analysis; methods of particular theoretical and empirical investigations; methods of validity / reliability estimation, that of research outcomes presentation. Recommended literature: 1. K.Slater. Physical Testing and Quality Control (Textile Progress). The Textile Institute, 2006.; 2. Morton W.E., Hearl J.W.S. Physical Properties of Textile Fibres. Textile Institute, 2003.-725 p.; 3. Osnovi naučnih issledovaĦij.-M., 1989.; 4. I.Pommers. Studentu zinātniskā darba pamati. - Rīga, Zvaigzne,1989. 295 lpp. 5. I.Abrams. Mērījumu rezultātu matemātiskā apstrāde. - Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1983. - 137 lpp 6. A.Zviedris. Lietišėā statistika (mehāniėiem). - Rīga, 1994. 7. A.Sevastjanovs. Metodi i sredstva issĜedovaĦija mehaĦikotehnologičeskih processov. - M.: 1980. - 392 lpp. Facilities: 67 TTDI lecture rooms Institute of Polymer Materials Chair of Polymer Materials Technology Responsible instructor Prof. Skaidrīte Reihmane Course title Tekstilėīmija Textile Chemistry Status Level Compulsory Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 - 1 Exam Annotation: Textile materials as high molecular compounds. Structure, properties and application of natural and man-made fibres. Introductory level of textile finishing (preparation, dyeing, printing, finishing). Recommended literature: 1. S. Reihmane Lekciju konspekts Šėiedrmateriāli , Rīga , RTU, 105 lpp.(2005) 2. S. Reihmane Lekciju konspekts Tekstilėīmija , Rīga , RTU, 103 lpp.(1998) 3. Wells K. Fabric Dyeing Printing. London, Conran Octopus Ltd., (2000) Facilities: Institute’s Lecture rooms 68 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor As.prof. Genrihs Vinovskis Course title Apăērbu un tekstiliju tehnoloăiju pamatojums The Substantiation of Technologies of Clothing and Textile Status Level Compulsory Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 3 1 - Exam Annotation: Bases of production organization and influence to production technology. Planning of organization and technology as the function of management. Structure of clothing and textile factories. Organization types of production, its technical and economical characterization. Planning methods and classification of clothing and textile production. Biseness plans of textile good production. Textile factory managment structure. Recommended literature: 1. A.Ormerod, W.S.Sondhelm. Weaving Technology and Operations. UK., Manchester, The Tekstile Institute, 1998. - 370 p. 2. M.Rurāne. Ražošana.- Rīga, Turība, 1995. - 125 lpp. 3. A.Zvirbule-BērziĦa, L.Mihejeva, A.AuziĦa. Plānošanas un ražošanas procesa organizēšanas pamatprincipi. - Rīga, Turība, 2004. - 144 lpp. 4. D.J.McCreight, J.B.Bradshaw, E.E.Backe, M.S.Hill. Weavers handbook of textile calculations. - Institute of Textile Technology, Woodhead Publisching, 2000. 5. Billie J. Collier, Phillis G. Tortora. Understanding Textiles. 2001.p.576. 6. A.G.Sevostjanovs, N.A.Osmins un citi. Mehaničeskaja tehnologija tekstiĜnih materialov. 1989. 509 lpp. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 69 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Prof. Ausma ViĜumsone Course title Tekstiliju datorizētā projektēšana The Computer Aided Designing of Textile Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 - 2 Work Annotation: The review and facilities of application of special Textile CAD-Systems. Textile CAD-Systems. The structure and system tools of software package TexDesign. Drawing and editing, the systems of colors - editing and playdown, designing and application of actual color scheme, designing of fabrics and knitting. The principles of ornament designing. The definition of technical data and data acquisition for product elaboration. Recommended literature: 1. Koppermann. TexDesign. Benutzerhandbuch Version 5.03. /Koppermann Computersysteme GmbH, 2000. 2. Stephen Gray. CAD/CAM in clothing and textiles / Abingdon : Gower, 1998. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 70 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Prof. Ausma ViĜumsone Course title Adīšanas tehnoloăijas attīstības tendences Trends in Knitting Technologies Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Indivisible 4 Lectures Practica l Lab. 2 - 2 Tests Exam Annotation: In technology of knitting applied mechanisms of figure, selection of needles, submissions of a string and tap of a cloth by one and two-system round knitting and flat knitting machines. Expansion of their design and technological opportunities. Automation of management. Opportunities of reception of new kinds of single-layered and two-layer interlacings, their properties and feature of designing. Recommended literature: 1. D.I.Spencer. Knitting Technology. 2002. - 357p 2. I.Šalovs, L.Kudrjavins. Osnovi projektirovanija trikotažnogo proizvodstva s elementami SAPR. - M., Legkaja i piščevaja prom-sė, 1989. - 288 s. 3. The Journal of The Textile Institute, Volume 92, 2001, Part 1: Fibre Science and Textile Technology The Textile Institute 4. Fashion Technics. Das Internationale Magazin fuer die Modeidustrie; 5. TekstiĜnaja promišĜennostj; 6. Izvestija Vuzov Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 71 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor As. prof. Genrihs Vinovskis Course title Aušanas tehnoloăijas attīstības tendences Development Tendencies of Weaving Technology Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 - 2 Exam Annotation: Progressive technologies of yarn winding, warping and sizing, individualities and new equipment. Individualities of plane and pile fabric weaving technologies on gripper and micro-shuttle looms, on looms with weaved shedding mechanism for hose hold and technical fabric production. Progressive pattern devices. Combined usage of jacquard and dobby mechanisms. Weaving of piece goods. Recommended literature: 1. A.Ormerod, W.S.Sondhelm. Weaving Technology and Operations. UK., Manshester the Textile Institute, 1998. - 370 p. 2. Kanceviča V. Audumu struktūra un projektēšana. Rīga: RTU, 2003, 153 lpp. 3. Wilson J. Handbook of textile design. UK: Woodhead Publishing, 2001, 160 4. TekstiĜnaja promišĜennostj; 5. Izvestija Vuzov Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 72 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Docent Nadežda OzoliĦa Course title Tekstiltehnoloăijas teorija Theories of Textile Technology Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 2 - Exam Annotation: Designing yarns, fabrics and hosiery in accordance with definite parameters. Stages of fabric construction. Yarn hardness. Hardness coefficient. The influence of yard hardness on stages of fabric construction. Formation process of wover and knitted fabrics. Stretch analysis. The influence of stretch on the properties of fabrics and hosiery. Yarn statics and dynamics in fabrics and hosiery. Calculation of fabric formation and structure. Recommended literature: 1. Textile Science Hatch, K.L. ISBN:0314904719; Management of Textile Research (TP Vol.17., N.4) 2. Wisema, L.A. ISBN:1870812026. The Textile Institute 1988.; Clothing and Textiles Research Journal . International Textile and Apparie Assorciation Volume, 2001; 2002; 3. The Journal of The Textile Institute, Volume 92, 2001, Part 1: Fibre Science and Textile Technology The Textile Institute 4. Fashion Technics. Das Internationale Magazin fuer die Modeidustrie; 5. TekstiĜnaja promišĜennostj; 6. Izvestija Vuzov 7. Textile World; 8. Machen Industrie BRD; 9. Wedving: Technology and Operations. Ormerod A. and Sondhelm W.S. The Textile Institute, 1995; 10. B.P.Saville "Physical testing of textiles", The Textile Institute, 73 Cambrige England, 1999; 11. OĦĦikov E.A. Tehnologija oborudovaĦija i rentabeĜnostj tkackovo proizvodstva. TekstiĜnaja promišĜennostj, 2003. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor As.prof. Ilze BaltiĦa Course title Žakardaušanas tehnoloăija Jacquard Weaving Technology Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 2 - Exam Annotation: Assortment of Jacquard woven fabrics. Classification of Jacquard machines, operation and main parts. Jacquard harness. Comber boards. Main principles of Jacquard pattern making. Computerized jacquard designing. Calculation of jacquard fabrics. Design of multi ply jacquard woven fabrics. Recommended literature: 1. Kanceviča V. Audumu struktūra un projektēšana. Rīga: RTU, 2003, 153 lpp. 2. Wilson J. Handbook of textile design. UK: Woodhead Publishing, 2001, 160p. 3. Kutepov O. S. Strojenije i projektirovanije tkanei. M: Legprombitizdat, 1988.-219 lpp. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 74 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Docent, Dr.sc.ing. Inese Ziemele Course title Apăērbu loăistika Clothing Logistic Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 2 - Test Annotation: Logistic strategy in clothing factory. Internal and external transportation systems, methods, resources, selection. General principles in warehousing. Finished garments storage, warehousing equipments, computerized storage systems. Clothing package: tasks, methods, equipments, types of packing materials, design, labeling. Supply an delivery logistic. Recommended literature: 1. Praude V., BeĜčikovs I., Loăistika. -R.: "Vaidelote", 2003. 2. Sprancmanis N. Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācijas. - R.; RTU, 2001. 3. Jacob Solinger : Apparel manufactering Handbook, Second edition, 1986.-872p. 4. Gadžinskij A. Logistika. - M. Marketing, 2002. 5. Mirotin L., Tašbajev I. Logistika dĜa predprinimateĜa. - M., Infra-M 2002. 6. Osnovi funkcionirovanija tehnologičeskih processov šveinogo proizvodstva: učeb. posobie dĜa Vuzov i Suzov/V.E. Murigin, E.F.Čalenko. - M.:Kompania Sputnik. - 2001. 7. Modelirovahije i optimizācija tehnologiceskih processov. Šveinoje proizvodstvo: učebnik dĜa Vuzov: v 2t./V.E.Murigin, N.V.Murašova i dr. - 2003-2004, M.:Kompanija Sputnik. 75 Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Docent, Dr.sc.ing. Inese Ziemele Course title Apăērbu tehnoloăiju pārvaldība Management of Clothing Technologies Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 2 - Exam Annotation: Information technology and computerized systems in clothing manufacturing. Design and estimating methods for technological processes of the clothing production. Principles of selecting proper type for the joints in garment, the joints quality. Cutting, pressing and fusing productions analysis and improving methods. Recommended literature: 1. D.G. Stochlman: Sewing performance and Methods analysis. tc2, 1995. 2. Modelirovahije i optimizācija tehnologiceskih processov. Šveinoje proizvodstvo: učebnik dĜa Vuzov: v 2t./V.E.Murigin, N.V.Murašova i dr. - 2003-2004, M.:Kompanija Sputnik. 3. Kuzmičev V.E. i dr. Teorija i praktika progessov skleivanija detalei odeždi: učeb. posobije, M.: IC "Akademija". - 2005 4. Sovremennije formi i metodi projektirovanija šveinogo proizvodstva: Učebnoe posobije dĜa Vuzov i Suzov/T.M.Serova, A.I.Afanasjeva, T.I.Illarionova, R.A.DeĜ. - M.:MGUDT, 2004 - 288lpp. 5. Golubkova V.T. i dr. Podgotovotelnoe-raskroinoe proizvodstvo šveinih predpriatij: učeb. posobie, Mn..: Višeišaja škola - 2002 6. www.gerbertechnology.com, www.eton, www.just-style.com ; www.tc2.com ; www.cniishp.ru ; www.texi.org Facilities: 76 TTDI lecture rooms Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor As.prof. Ivars KrieviĦš Course title Apăērbzinību mācīšanas metodika Methodology for Clothing Technology Teaching Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 2 - Exam Annotation: Curricula and methodology of teaching or instruction (didactics) for various occupational levels, sectors, subjects or modules in textiles and clothing. ISCED-97 jobs within textile business, ISCO-88 (LR PK) definitions. Educational researches for textile and clothing didactics and curriculum development. Recommended literature: 1. Lanka A. Pedagoăiskais process//Mācību līdzeklis.R., RTU, 2003. 2. Palīgs pedagogam. R., RaKa, 1997. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 77 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Prof. Ausma ViĜumsone Course title Fotomērījumu metode apăērbu projektēšanā The Method of Photo Measurements for Garment Designing Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 - 1 Test Annotation: The challenges of garment designing. Non-contact methods for human body measurements. The description of CAD System STAPRIM. The technology of photo measurements. Individual mannequin making on the photo background. Designing of garment shape and obtaining of style block automatically. Recommended literature: 1. Osobennosti trehmernogo proektirovania ženskoi odeždi v sisteme STAPRIM dĜa serijnogo i individuaĜnogo proizvodstva: Učebno metodičeskoe posobie dĜa Vuzov/ N.N. Razdomahin, A.G. Basuev, J.J. Surženko, J.J. Bahtina - SPb, 2003.-133str. 2. Instruction for body shape photo-measurements program/ SaintPetersburg, 2006- 12 pp. 3. Razdomakhin N. Three dimensional automatized system for pattern creating. / Saint-Petersburg, 2005- 33 pp. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 78 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor As.prof. Ivars KrieviĦš Course title Apăērbu kvalitātes izpēte Research in Fashion Quality Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 - 1 Test Annotation: Fashion consumer behaviour: contextual, economic, commodity science perspective. Systematisation and design management of garment range. Segmentation of fashion markets. Means of fashion marketing. Marketing research: acquiring data, sampling, measurement, scaling, questionnaires, data analysis. Qualimetry. Researching quality management methods. Recommended literature: 1. K.Slater. Physical Testing and Quality Control (Textile Progress). The Textile Institute, 2006.; 2. Morton W.E., Hearl J.W.S. Physical Properties of Textile Fibres. Textile Institute, 2003.-725 p.; 3. Osnovi naučnih issledovaĦij.-M., 1989.; 4. I.Pommers. Studentu zinātniskā darba pamati. - Rīga, Zvaigzne,1989. 295 lpp. 5. I.Abrams. Mērījumu rezultātu matemātiskā apstrāde. - Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1983. - 137 lpp 6. A.Zviedris. Lietišėā statistika (mehāniėiem). - Rīga, 1994. 7. A.Sevastjanovs. Metodi i sredstva issĜedovaĦija mehaĦikotehnologičeskih processov. - M.: 1980. - 392 lpp. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 79 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Prof. Ausma ViĜumsone Course title Inovācijas tekstilnozarē Innovations in Textiles Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 - 1 Test Annotation: The description of textile production and perspective of evolution in Latvia and world. The fields of application of technical textiles. The Ensuring of specific qualities of textiles. Application of forms in nature to the modelling textiles with special properties. Designing of clothing with properties to ensure special needs in extreme conditions. Integration of electronics in textiles. Achievements of Latvian scientists in textile branch. Recommended literature: 1. Carolyn Yeates "Are Smart Materials Intelligent?" INSPEC Matters issue no.77 - March 1994 2. Dimza Vilnis. Inovācijas pasaulē, Eiropā, Latvijā - Rīga: LZA EI, 2003. - 206 lpp 3. Mailis Mäkinen "Smart Textile Materials" SmartWearlab Tampere University of Technology 4. Axel Ritter "Smart materiāls",Birkhauser; 2007; pp.187 5. Chris Lefteri "Materials for Inspirational Design"; Published and distributed by RotoVision SA; 2006; pp.256 6. AiF-Nr. 12541 http://www.hohenstein.de/ximages/21642_fbbtsmartc.pdf 7. BBE-Studie. http://www.bbeberatung.com/de/studien/index.html 8. S.Brückner. Neue Bekleidungsfunktionen. http://www.baumannonline.de/ho_alois-kiessling/facharbeiten/Funktionen/FutureFunktionen.htm 80 9. M. Doepp. Die energetisch - gesundheitliche Wirkung von Textilstoffen. http://www.life-testinstitut.de 10. Textile network. Journal every month. / Meisenbach Verlag GmbH. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Docent Inese Ziemele Course title Mākslinieciski tehniskā jaunrade Design Creativity Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 - 1 Test Annotation: Creativity in engineering sciences and in art. Methods to develop a technical creativity - inventions and patents. Patents in fashion design. Recommended literature: 1. J.Fan, W.Yu and L.Hunter "Clothing appearance and fit: Science and technology", Woodhead Publishing Limited; The Textile Institute, Cambridge England 2004; 240 pp. 2. Textile network. Journal every month. // Meisenbach Verlag GmbH. 3. AteĜje Rundschau (Mēnešraksts) / Krievija, SAS Rundschau Verlag Otto G.Koeniger GmbH&Co 4. Carr and Latham's Technology of Clothing Manufacture. Third edition/ revised by Tyles, D.J., UK, 2000 5. The Technology of Clothing Manufacture/ Carr, H., Latham, B., UK., Blackwell Science, 1994 6. PromišĜennaja tehnologija odeždi: SpravočĦik/ P. P. Koketkin, T. N. Kočegura I dr. M. 1988. 7. Tehnologija šveinogo proizvodstva/ Peršina L.F., Petrova, S.V. M, 19991 8. Tehnologija izgotovĜeĦija šveinih izdelij po individuaĜnim zakazam/ Reut T.N.i dr. Moskva, 1989 Facilities: 81 TTDI lecture rooms Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor As.prof. Ivars KrieviĦš Course title Modes tirgzinības Fashion Marketing Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 - 2 Work, Exam Annotation: Fundamentals of physical and social anthropology for clothing studies. Fashion consumer / buyer behaviour: contextual, economic, commodity science perspective. Systematization and design management of garment range. Segmentation of fashion markets. Means of fashion marketing in industry, handicraft, retailing. Marketing research: acquiring data, sampling, measurement, scaling, questionnaires, data analysis. Recommended literature: 1. Improvement of the apparel collection design process / I.K. et al.// Textile Technology Digest.- 05406/88; 2. Šūto izstrādājumu ilgtermiĦa sortimentālās koncepcijas: ZPD / A.DeniĦš, I.KrieviĦš, J.Zvanītājs.- R., 1989 (kr.val); Latvijas apăērbu tirgus izpēte.- R.,RTU,1996; 3. Fashion marketing / Ed. by M.Easey.- Oxford etc., 1995 (kopējams); 4. Diamond E. Fashion retailing.- NY, 1993 (kopējams); 5. Handbuch Mode-Marketing.- Fr./M., 1991 (LNB); Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 82 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Docent, Dr.sc.ing. Inese Ziemele Course title Darba metožu pētniecība Work Method Research Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 - 2 Exam Annotation: Work organization analysis and working time measurement methods for textile article production process. Usage, possibilities and limitations. Choice of methods according to the objective. Specialized and general use control systems of textile article production - General Sewing Data, Standard Sewing Data, Standard Work Data, Standard Production Data, Eleandr ASPP tehnolog, Julivi ASUP, Proplanner. System essentials, objectives and limitations. Recommended literature: 1. J. Vārna. Ražošanas organizēšana. - Rīga, apgāds "Valters un Rapa", 2004. 2. Ministerstvo promišlennosti, nauki i tehnologii Rosijskoi federacii, "Instrukcija po rasčotu proizvodstvennih moščnostei predprijatij šveinoi promišlennosti (krupnih, srednih i malogo biznesa) v uslovijah rinočnoi ekonomiki", Moskva, 2003 3. S.G. Babadžanov, J.A. Domožirov. Ekonomika predprijatij šveinoi promišlennosti. - ISBN-5-7695-1234-2, Masterstvo, 2003 4. Naučnaja organizācija truda v šveinoi promišlennosti. - Moskva, Legkaja industrija, 1980. - 214 lpp 5. Sovremennije formi i metodi projektirovanija šveinogo proizvodstva: Učebnoe posobije dĜa Vuzov i Suzov/T.M.Serova, A.I.Afanasjeva, T.I.Illarionova, R.A.DeĜ . - M.:MGUDT, 2004 - 288 lpp. 83 6. OAO "CNIIŠP". Rekomendacii po restrukturizacii sistemi upravĜenija šveinim predpriatiem v sovremennih usloviah. - Moskva, 2000 Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Docents Uăis Briedis Course title Šūšanas fabriku un modes darbnīcu projektēšana Design of Sewing Factories and Fashion Workshops Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part Two Parts 1. Part 2. Part CP 6 2 4 Lectures 4 2 2 Practical - Lab. 2 2 Tests E, W Exam Work Annotation: The design steps, principles and methods of the departments of sewing factories and fashion workshops. Production logistics. The infrastructure and the calculations of power supply for sewing factories and fashion workshops. The project development of the departments for sewing factories and fashion workshops. The design of garments shops. The technical and economical calculations and efficiency of the project. Recommended literature: 1. Instrukcija po rasčotu proizvodstvennih moščnostei predprijaėij šveinoi promišĜennosti v uslovijah rinočnoi ekonomiki. Moskva, 2003. 2. T. M. Serova, A. I. Afanasjeva. Sovremennije formi i metodi projektirovanija šveinogo proizvodstva. Moskva, MGUDT, 2004. 3. M. Harms. Betriebestattenplanung in der Bekleidungsindustrie. Berlin. Schiele&Schon GmgH, 1997. 4. Nazarov A.A., KuĜikova I.A. Projektirovanije šveinih predprijatij bitovogo obsluživanija. Moskva, 1988. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 84 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Docent Inese Ziemele Course title Apăērbu individuālo pasūtījumu tehnoloăija Techniques for Bespoke Garment Fabrication Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 - 1 Test Annotation: Apparel style and choice of materials. Calculation of material amount, cutting. Fitting and making of apparel, individualities of processing. The time rating of tailor- made production. Recommended literature: 1. J.Fan, W.Yu and L.Hunter "Clothing appearance and fit: Science and technology", Woodhead Publishing Limited; The Textile Institute, Cambridge England 2004; 240 pp. 2. Textile network. Journal every month. // Meisenbach Verlag GmbH. 3. AteĜje Rundschau (Mēnešraksts) / Krievija, SAS Rundschau Verlag Otto G.Koeniger GmbH&Co 4. Carr and Latham's Technology of Clothing Manufacture. Third edition/ revised by Tyles, D.J., UK, 2000 5. The Technology of Clothing Manufacture/ Carr, H., Latham, B., UK., Blackwell Science, 1994 6. PromišĜennaja tehnologija odeždi: SpravočĦik/ P. P. Koketkin, T. N. Kočegura I dr. M. 1988. 7. Tehnologija šveinogo proizvodstva/ Peršina L.F., Petrova, S.V. M, 19991 8. Tehnologija izgotovĜeĦija šveinih izdelij po individuaĜnim zakazam/ Reut T.N.i dr. Moskva, 1989 85 Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor As.prof. Genrihs Vinovskis Course title Nozares uzĦēmumu projektēšana Branch Enterprises Design Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 2 - Work Annotation: The technical and economical justification of textile enterprise. Assortment and its technical calculations. The technological plan of production. The choice of technological parameters and equipment. The calculation of efficiency equipment and its placement in a production department. Recommended literature: 1. A.Ormerod, W.S.Sondhelm. Weaving Technology and Operations. UK., Manshester the Textile Institute, 1998. - 370 p. 2. Instrukcija po rasčotu proizvodstvennih moščnostei predprijatij legkoi promišlennosti v uslovijah rinočnoi ekonomiki. - M., 2003. 3. Projektirovanije tkackih fabrik: Učebnoe posobije dĜa vuzov / P.V.Vlasov, A.A.Martinova, S.D.Nikolajev u.c. - M., Legkaja i piščevaja prom-sė,1993.- 304s. 4. Weaver's handbook of textile calculations. UK: Woodhead Publishing, 2000, 104p. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 86 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor Doc. Nadežda OzoliĦa Course title Tehnisko tekstīliju ražošana Production of Technical Textiles Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 3 - 1 Exam Annotation: Classification of technical textiles. Production characteristics. Use of different fibres in technical textiles. Methods of technical textile production. Quality of technical textiles. Production of technical glass fiber fabrics. Recommended literature: 1. Allan Ormerod, Walter S. Sondhelm Weaving Tehnogy and Operations. The Textile Institute 1998 (376) 2. Burkhard Wulfhorst. Textile Fertigungsverfahren, 1998. 3. Handbuch der Spultechnik, 1995. 4. Textile World. 5. Adanur S. Handbook of Weaving,Technomic Publishing Company, Inc, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, 2001. 6. Edited by A.R.Horeck and S.C. Anand "Handbook of Technical Textiles" Woodhead Publiching Ltd and CRC Press LLC, 2004.g., 559 lpp, 7. Walter Fung and Mike Hardcastle, "Testiles in automotive engineering", Woodhead Publiching Limited, 2001.g., 363 lpp. 8. Gupta,V.B. and V.K.Kothari. "Manufactured Fibre Technology". Chapman and Hall. London. 1997. 9. Volf, Milos B. Technical Approach to Glass. Elsevier. New York. 1990. Izm.200.,338., 87 International trade statistics yearbook, Wolume 2 - trade by commodity, Unitec Nationss New York 2004 - 15.lpp. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms Institute of Humanities Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology Responsible instructor As.prof. Anita Lanka Course title InženierzinātĦu priekšmeta mācīšanas metodika Teaching methodology of Engineering subject Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 1 - Test Annotation: Drafting of the curriculum. Individual assignments. Making out individual assignments. Drawing up the syllabus. Specific teaching methodology. Forms of teaching procedure. Didactic models of classes. Specific teaching aids. Laboratory work, practical work. Recommended literature: 1. Lanka A. Pedagoăiskais process//Mācību līdzeklis.R., RTU, 2003. 2. Palīgs pedagogam.R., RaKa, 1997. Facilities/technical aids: Audiovisual materials 88 Institute of Humanities Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology Responsible instructor As.prof. Anita Lanka Course title Pedagoăija Pedagogy Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 1 - Test Annotation: Pedagogics as a science. Its framework. Basic concepts of pedagogics. Education, pedagogical process. Studies, free, responsible and creative personality. Cognitive process in learning. Assessment, its forms. Lifelong learning aspects in education. Recommended literature: 1. Zelmenis V. Pedagoăijas pamati. R,m RaKa, 2000 2. Jurgena I. Vispārīgā pedagoăija. R., Izglītības soĜi, 2001 Facilities/technical aids: Audiovisual materials 89 Institute of Humanities Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology Responsible instructor Docent Airisa Šteinberga Course title Psiholoăija Psychology Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 1 - Test Annotation: Basic principles of psychology. Psychology as a science.Main scientific directions. Methods of research. Psychological processes. A person's behavior. Pedagogical communication. Recommended literature: 1. A.Vorobjovs.Psiholoăijas pamati.R,1996. 2. Psiholoăijas vārdnīca//Mācību grāmata.R.,1999. 3. A.Šteinberga. Vispārīgā un personības psiholoăija/Lekciju kurss. R., RTU Izdevniecība, 2006. Facilities/technical aids: Audiovisual materials 90 Institute of Humanities Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology Responsible instructor Docent Sandra Gudzuka Course title Saskarsmes psiholoăija Communication Psychology Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 2 1 1 - Test Annotation: Principal functions of communication. Process. Elements. Kinds of contacts.Communicative situation. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Pedagogical communication. Recommended literature: 1. S.Omarova.Saskarsmes psiholoăija.R.,1995. 2. A.Pizs.ĖermeĦa valoda. R.,1994. Facilities/technical aids: Audiovisual materials 91 Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Chair of Clothing and Textile Technology Responsible instructor As. prof. Ivars KrieviĦš Course title Apăērbu sortimenta attīstības tendences Trends Towards Clothing Range Development Status Level Elective Subject Professional Master Degree Part CP Lectures Practical Lab. Tests Indivisible 4 2 - 2 Exam Annotation: Methods for clothing consumer behaviour research. Segmentation of clothing market. Diversification of garment range. Merchandising research: acquiring data, sampling, measurement, scaling, questionnaires and data analysis. Recommended literature: 1. Brannon E.L. Fashion Forecasting: Research, Analysis, and Presentation / 2nd edition.- Oxford: Berg, 2005.- 512 p.; 2. Kunz G.I. Merchandising: Theory, Principles, and Practice, 2nd edition.- Oxford: Berg, 2005.- 538 p.; 3. Swanson K.K., Everett J.C. Writing for the Fashion Business.- Oxford: Berg, 2008, 325 p. Facilities: TTDI lecture rooms 92 Accreditation paper 93 94