EUROPEAN FORUM FOR SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY 3 June 2015 Implementation of the Eurocodes in the Baltic countries: benefits and needs for further development CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Līga Gaile Head of LVS/TC 30 Eurocode sub-committee Outline 2 Time line of design standards in Latvia Implementation process Specific challenges L. Gaile. Rīga. 2015. Design standards in LV 1981-1989 1994→ 3 Significant changes SNiP system 1997-1999 Not updated 2015 2008 Not updated 2008 LBN system (not completed!) Coexistence period in Latvia Eurocodes were fully incorporated into the Latvian and higher education programs development Bridge designs of NA according to EC 2000 L. Gaile. Rīga. 2015. 4 Progress of development of National Annexes L. Gaile. Rīga. 2015. 5 Commission NDPs database: acceptance of recommended values (analysis based on 56.3 % of data available, by 4 September 2014) Source: Artur Pinto,“Eurocodes Implementation: Training – ‘JRC report’” L. Gaile. Rīga. 2015. 6 LVS/TC 30 «Construction» Picture source: Engineering consultancy „K Forma” LVS/TC 15 «Roads» Reconstructed bridge over Gauja River on Road A1 (2000) Head of LVS/TC 30: prof. Dr. sc. ing.Leonīds Pakrastiņš (Riga Technical University) Head of LVS/TC 15: Imants Kaupe (the Ministry of Transport) e-mail: e-mail: Head of Eurocode sub-committee: Dr. sc. ing. Līga Gaile (Latvian Association of Structural Engineers (LASE)) Secretary of LVS/TC 15: Guntis Grāveris (Latvian State Roads) e-mail: e-mail: L. Gaile. Rīga. 2015. 7 Harmonized, complete and updated set of construction standards Concert Hall GREAT AMBER in Liepāja Structural design Ltd «BKB» Reconstruction of Riga Motor Museum Structural design Ltd «SM&G Projects Latvia» L. Gaile. Rīga. 2015. 8 Elimination of technical obstacles to trade FINNABONDA DOCKLAND, Stocholm, Sweden Structural design „K Forma” Ltd, Latvia RECONSTRUCTION OF SHOPPING MALL TERMINALBYGGET, Oslo, Norway Engineering, production, delivery, assembly «UPB Holding», Latvia Milan Expo 2015' , Milan, Italy Structural design „IG Kurbads” Ltd, Latvia Vertical wind tunnel , Dolenji Logatec, Slovenia Structural design „TrendFor” Ltd, Latvia L. Gaile. Rīga. 2015. 9 Specific challenges Psychological and emotional challenges Directive without possible interpretation or alternative procedures Open for interpretation and gives alternatives Ease of use even for technicians Requirement for more qualified personnel 10 Specific challenges The need for expanding and adjusting the Latvian technical terminology Cavity wall (no term in Latvian) • Unbonded tendon Latvian translation: Spriegojamā stiegrojuma elementi bez saistes • Shell bedded wall (no term in Latvian) 11 Specific challenges The need for standardization (EC5) 𝜆𝑦,𝑧 = ℓ𝑒𝑓 𝜇 ∙ ℓ = 𝑖𝑦,𝑧 𝑖𝑦,𝑧 Effective length factor LBN (SNiP) 1 0,8 0,65 2,2 DIN 1 0,71 0,5 2 BS 1 0,85 0,7 2 NDS (Canada) 1,2 0,8 0,65 2,1 12 Specific challenges The need for standardization (EC5) Design rules for cross laminated timber and joined solid construction timber 13 Specific challenges The • need for standardization (EC6) Rubble natural stone masonry (only ENV 1996-1-1) • Horizontally reinforced masonry 14 Specific challenges The need for standardization (EC7) Developed at national level: Shallow foundation embedment depth calculation methodology Shallow foundation settlement calculation method Simplified design method for piles 15 Conclusions Latvia has no other alternative than to participate in the Eurocode normative base of the European Economic Area Prolongation of the coexistence period negatively affected the education process and construction industry The introduction of Eurocodes serves as an impetus for expanding and developing the Latvian technical terminology There are need for the list of technical literature recommended by officials or EC developers Specific challenge is to standardize design rules in userfriendly way for common structures and must not be blocked the progress of developing the new ones 16 EUROCODES Building the future! Contacts: Līga Gaile Head of LVS/TC 30 Eurocode sub-committee e-mail: