The property is entered in the current valuation roll as follows: Net & Rateable Value – £237,000 The Uniform Business Rate for the year 2016/2017 is 51p in the £. LEASE TERMS RENTAL PRICE On application. VAT All figures quoted are exclusive of Value Added Tax. ENTRY Immediate. EPC This property has an Energy Performance Rating of C. Further details on request. LEASE TERMS Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs in connection with the transaction with the ingoing tenant liable for LBTT and registration dues in the normal manner. Another development by OFFERS AND VIEWINGS All offers should be submitted in writing only to the Sole Agent who will also make arrangements to view. t: 01224 611800 f: 01224 644100 e: Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of these particulars and they are believed to be correct, they are not warranted and should not be taken to form part of any contract. Any purchaser or lessee should satisfy himself as to the correctness of the statements contained in these particulars. The owner of this property does not make or give and neither the agents nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty whatever in relation to the property described in these particulars. 10b Queens Gardens Aberdeen AB15 4YD 20 EENSGLROAD QABU ERDEEN, AB21 0 On application. 20 UEEN21S0GL ROAD Q ABERDEEN, AB The property is offered on a new Full Repairing and Insuring lease for a period to be negotiated incorporating upwards only rent reviews at appropriate intervals. Mearns & Gill Aberdeen RATING ASSESSMENT MAY SUB-DIVIDE Classical & Modern. West End Office Building To Let / May Sell 831.39 sq m (8,949 sq ft) 28 Parking Spaces DESCRIPTION GROUND FLOOR The property comprises a substantial and imposing granite building arranged over ground and first floors below a pitched and slate covered roof. The building has been completely refurbished and extended to provide the following accommodation. GROUND FLOOR NET INTERNAL AREAS Reception; 3 meeting rooms; open plan office; male and female toilets; tea prep; storage; lift. 20 20 QUEENS ROAD Existing building 95.59 m2 (1,029 sq ft) Extension 233.18 m2 (2,510 sq ft) FIRST FLOOR Seven offices; open plan office; male and female toilets; tea prep; storage; lift. FIRST FLOOR Existing building 94.41 m2 (1,016 sq ft) Extension 237.92 m2 (2,561 sq ft) SECOND FLOOR Open plan office; tea prep; storage; lift. SUB TOTAL TOTAL Extension 170.29 m2 (1,833 sq ft) Existing building 190.0 m2 (2,045 sq ft) Extension 641.39 m2 (6,904 sq ft) Building 831.39 m2 (8,949 sq ft) LOCATION The property is located on the north side of Queens Road in one of Aberdeen’s most sought after and prestigious west end office locations only a short distance from Union Street, the city’s principal shopping thoroughfare. Surrounding occupiers are predominantly office related including major banks and professional firms. Aberdeen is Scotland’s third city with a population in the region of 210,000 and a total catchment of 500,000. The city is one of the most prosperous in the UK and known as the Oil Capital of Europe. A further 25.08 m2 (270 sq ft) of storage is provided within the loft space of existing building with access via a fixed timer stair. The building benefits from raised access flooring, LG3 lighting, full comfort cooling/ heating and a passenger lift to all floors. CAR PARKING 25 car parking spaces are located to the rear of the premises with a further 2/3 spaces to the front providing a total of 27/28 spaces. SECOND FLOOR