STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCA■ ON PO BOX 500 TREMON9 NJ 08625¨ 0500 MONル10UTE COUNTY VOCATIONAL SCⅡ 00L DISTRICT 4000 KOZLOSKI ROAD FREEHOLD,NJ 07728 PHONE:(732)431-7942 New」 ersey K‐ ′ 2 fdtrca亡 ′ On CONSOLIDATED MONITORING REPORT APRIL 2015 District: County: Dates On-Site: Case #: Monmouth COunty Vocatbnal ScIЮ ol DistHct Monlnouth Apri1 2,3 and 4,2014 CM‐ 041-13 FUNDING SOURCES PЮ gram Fundhg Award T■ le I,Part A S Tile Ⅱ,Part A IDEA Basic Race To The TOp Carl D Perkhs Tota Funds $ 93,956 38,413 269,897 8,166 493,575 904,007 MOTIMOUTH COI,JNTY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL . CONSOLIDATEDMONITORINGREPORTDISTRICT APRIL 2015 BACKGROIINI) The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and other federal laws require ro""r Ju*tion'ugencies (LEAs) services to their districis based on rh" r"q;r;;;;;r.p""in"a,'"""r, to provide programs and rruru,.. (ESEA, IDEA, Race to the Top and iarr o. perriinsr. The laws "iir,iu"r*hl#,ng further require that stare education agencies such as the N"* l".r"y b"p**"n, or Education (NJD.E) monitor the implementation of federar r"b ;.ipi-;"rc ;d determine whether,rr" -t na. are being district for their iniended iu.por" tr,. ;::l"lLT. ",ia ""rri*i"e """r"ri"l;"",iri. iiio" rrnaing INTRODUCTION The NJDoE visited the Monmouth County Vocational school District to monitor the district,s of federal funds and the. related. program prans, where appricable, to determine whether the district's programs are meeting. the intendea p'u.po.o and objlctives,'*.p;"iti;; ,he current year applications and authorizing statutes, and io determine whether th"' spent in accordance with the program-requirements, federar and state raws, and appricable regulations. The on-site visit included staff intirviews and documentation reviews *ht;,i ;;;h;;;;uiremenrs of the fouowing prosrams: pJ (ritre A r); Title ll, e rilir" Titr:J, farr to the Top; and carl D. perkins (perkins) for the period July 1, 2012 ihro;gh 'ip1it'i,"luq "r^., use fu;, *;* iii i#o """. The scope ofwork performed included the review ofdocumentation including grant applications, progam plans and needs assessments, grant awards, annual audits, bo#d" minu#s, palrott records, accounting records, purchase ordirs, and current district p"riti", p**J"i,'rr".. rrr" monitoring team members reviewed the supporting documentation'fo. ,^.pi";f-*itrr' ;;;enditures and conducted intemal control reviews,- ^as " conducted interviews progru_ administrators and other district personnel as requied. Additionalry, trr tora'grunt ."ur".'' included a review of student records, classroom visitations and interviews with instructional staff to verify implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEp), a review of student class and related service schedules, and interviews ofchild study team members and speech-language specialists. -a *itt * EXPENDITURES REVIEWED The grants that were reviewed included ritre I, Title II, IDEA Basig Race to the Top, and carr D' Perkins for the period Jdy. r, 2012 through April 4 2014. Aru-pii'g , orpo."t urJ'*a"., ,^ taken &om the entire population and rater identified as to the grant that ias -- "ir*g"J. Ⅳ【 ONⅣ 10UTI COUNTY VOCAT10NAL SCⅡ 00L DISTRICT CONSOLIDATED II10NITORING REPORT APRIL 2015 GENERAL DISTRICT OVERVIEW OF USES OF TITLE IoTITLE II.IDEA.RACE T0 TOP AND CARL D.PERKINS FUNDS TⅡ E Title I The district operates a targeted assistance program at lts Title l inded scllool MOnmcluth County Vocational Technical Center The district ldentifled Mathematlcs fOr yOuth at risk Of drOnン ng out as a pttЮ nty problem. Titlc II The district used is T■ le H allocation tO parthlly hnd twO teachers for Class Size Reductbn IDEA rSpecial Education) Fiscal year 2014 1DEA■ nds were used for salarles of staff who work Ⅵほth students wih dlsabillties The renlalnder ofthc IDEA inds were used to enhance technology educat10n wih equlpment and supplies for progran suppo■ lllg students wih disabilties Race to the Top Thc district used Race to the Top inds fOr Onlhe teacher evaluatbn systems and professIOnal development to accompany this. Carl D.Perms The district used Perkhs inds tO suppott Carecr and Technical Educational(cTE)progratns throughout the distHct's six career acadcmies and three specialty schools located in Neptune, Frechold,Wall,Lhcron,sandy Hoot and Long Branch The distrlct has a tOtal of31 NJDOE approved secondary programs,classifled under 13 of 16 career clusters There are six progranls of study aligllcd tO atticulation agrcements wlth postsecondary lnstltutbns The CTE programs support Career and Student Organセ atiOns and align wih Standard 9 4 ofNew Jersey Career and Technical Educatlon Standards. DETAILED FINDINGS AND RECOル IMENDAT10NS Title I Finding l: The dist薇 )td通 not illy comply wih requlrcd t価 dcephg standards for federally tnded grallts. EInployees wih 100 percent ofthei salary pald wlth Tlle l hnds must complete a semi― alanual ccrtiflcatbn attesthg to ther perf。 ....ance of Tltlc l relatcd dutics Emp10yees wlth icss than 100 percent OftheL salary paid with Tltle l mnds must complete monthly persOnal act市 lty rcports ル10NMOUTⅡ CouNTY VOCAT10NAL SCH00L DISTRICT CONSOLIDATED DIIONITORING REPORT APRIL 2015 9itatiOn:2 CFR 225,Appendix B,sect10n 8(り :Gο 4Paぉ αあ ″ル ′′ιβο″″グ シ″た0 /rげ sα ″ルsα ″ グИ ″gの β″ ο mi ddttd p∝ md減 市 iy 『 場Rttc翼兆 端∬∬ 1:踏 プ 群稀職塾11ま聰 rlttЧ 1憂 概:辮鳳躍 ヽ 理 営 CitatiOn: ESEA§ H15(B):コ 物ζgθ たグ Иぉぉ″″ιιPrOg′α Eligibル ′ ″″ο〃 s″ ′をあた “ Cカ メ ldre″ /あ "″ Required Action: The district must students in lts Title l prOgram Thc “ cducatlonally related and ottect市 e Criel selcctbn giteria for Tltle l services tO th ¨ um m pЮ 宙 Sa朋 S柵 t瑠 :翼 糧織 魔 ∫ 臨 」 “ 椒 早 鶴 :酬 ∬ 吼β 漱 1鮮 ぜlttsT棚 血よ L樫 1珊 糖 s椒 私器 i 器 出織∬ 群 認 総 F姥 nndhg■ Ttt d面 馳 鶴タリζ 秘脇惚 EA協 品 ガ 協 4惚 鍼 朗″ Reqd“ d Ac● o‐ The d飢 五∝ m■ pЮ prograln for lts Tltle I乱 嗅ded schO。 ls tO t `;│ミ ri鯛 詈 l踏 ∬ bng逮 試市Cd“ 蹴 LI “ ‖ e枷 剛な 鳥 鳳胤 『揮∬ 榊 墓』 撒 儲難 1 7ebpment of the、 vrlttcn parental inv。 lvement policL as well as be mfolllled of ways they can arther engagc themselves in the academic Perforlnance and achievcment Ofthci children Cita● on:ESEA§ H18(b):λ ′ ι″″′I″ ッοルο″ι″ `Sσ 力οο′乃 ″ ι″ね′f″ ッοル′ ι″ ′ プ のリ “ `Pο Required Action: Thc dist五 ct must ensure that lts Tile l schO。 l distHbutes lts wntten parent mvolvement policy to parcnts/guardialls ofthe Tlle l students alld send a copy tO the NJDOE forre宙 cw. Π nd理 ,‐ du五 d∞ ud耐 cttml絲 that met the legislttive requircments "vtte“ T■ le l scI ::鷺 :ぶ 認乳 酬 霊 MONMOUTH COUNTY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT CONSOLIDATED MONITORING R3,PORT APRIL 2015 the parents/guardians o f participating students are informed ofthe roles and responsibility of the school, parents/guardians, and students in achieving academic success. Citation: ESEA $11l8(d): Parental Involvement (Shared Responsibilities S tude n t A c ademic A c hievement). for High Required Action: The district must devise and distribute its Title school-parent compacts to the participating students and parents/guardians in all of its Title I funded schools. The compacts must reflect the legislative requirements by including how each of the following: the school, parent, and students will share in the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The district must provide a copy of the distributed school-parent compacts to the NJDOE for review. I Findine 6: The district could not provide documented evidence that its Title I school convented the annual Title I pment meeting. The parents/guardians ofidentified Title I students are entitled to be informed about the school's participation in Title I program, legislative requirements, and ways in which they can be involved in helping their child/children succeed academically. Citation: ESEA $1i l8(c)(1): Parental Involvement (policy Involvement). Required Action: The district's Title I school must convene the annual Title I parent meeting for the parents/guardians of participating Titie I students. The district must submit documentation of the meeting (e.g., invitational letter/flyer, agenda, meeting minutes, and sign in sheets) to the NJDOE for review. Title II A review ofthe expenditures charged to the Title II grant lelded no findings. IDEA (Snecial Education) Findine 7: According to N.J.A.C. 6A:14-4,7(h), in a full time vocational education progranr, all responsibility for programs and services for special education students rests with the r:eceiving district board of education. It_ w-as determined during monitoring that Monmouth county . Vocational Technical School's (MCVTS) full time special education students are case managed by their sending school districts and treated as shared time students. However, MCVTS has developed a plan to assume full responsibility for the full time special education students for the 2014-2015 school year. Citation.' N.J.A.C. 6 A:1 4-a.7 (h). Required Action: The district must enswe that policies and procedures are implemented to ensure that when a special education student attends their district full time, the district assumes all responsibilities for that student. In order to demonstrate correction of noncompliance, the district must implement newly developed procedures for fuil time MONIIOUTⅡ couNTY VOCATIONAL SCⅡ 00L DISTRIC CONSOLIDATED Ⅳ10NITORING REPORT APRIL 2015 棚鷺Ъ股鳳 lTt腑 棚 請 盤η協 認 認 朧 酬 襲ξ rcview the prOcedures l conduct an On― site visi tO interview staffand tO Race to the Too A review Ofthe expendltures charged tO the Race tO thё TOp grant yielded no飾 dhgs Carl D.Perkins S胤 u品 懲 等1憮 棚 ぶ:鳳 警 胤 ∫ 鳳 忠∬ 』 t器鳳」 CitatiOn: P L 109_270§ 3H(o:風sca′ Rο 9ク ノ ″ ′れ鶴 Sηフ々″ι″′″οrsηηル″′ “ Required Action: The district must devebp a prOcess to ensure that Perkins inds will only be used tO suppolt approvcd cTE progralns. On March 31,2014,the dlstrict reappropriated Perkins inds earrnarkcd fOr this expendlture and paid fOr the cxercisc equlpmcnt wih state/1ocal inds Administradve Therc were no administraJve fmdmgs. The NJDOE thanks you for your time and∞ Operation durlng the mclniOrmg visi and bOks hbn of副 価 dh[sand Ⅲ ぉme■ 江bn Of tt recomlnedttbns ll胤 :∵ fli席 :Tr"。 lfyou havc any quest10ns,pleasc cOntact LoH Ramella via phone at(609)984-0937 or via cmail at lori.rallncllaの dOe.state ni us. State of New Jersey Department of Education Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance PROCEDURES FOR LEAIAGENCY RESPONSE CORRECTTVE ACTION PI-A,N AND APPEAL PROCESS Board of Education Response: Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A.'23A-5.6, the following actions shall occur: (a) Any school district or county vocational school district that has been subject to an audit or investigation by the Department of Education, Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance (OFAC) shall discuss the findings of the audit or investigatibn at a public meeting of the district board of education no later than 30 days after receipt of the findings. (b) Within 30 days of the public meeting required in (a) above, the district board of education shall adopt a resolution certifying that the findings were discussed in a public board meeting and approving a conective action plan to address the issues raised in the findings. The resolution shall be submined to the OFAC within l0 days of adoption by the board of education. (c) The findings of the OFAC audit or investigation and the board of education's corrective action plan shail be posted on the district's web site, if one exists. If the board of education disputes any of the findings of the audit or investigation, it may file a written appeal with the OFAC of any disputed finding(s) within 10 days of adoption of the resolution. seeking an appeal of the findings does not preclude adherence to the provisions of (a), (b), and (c) listed above. @: The corrective action plan is to be used when the LEA/Agency is in agreement with any of the findings. To contest a finding, the appeal process must be used. After the appeal is settled, a corrective action plan must be filed for any finding upheld during the appeal process. The corrective action plan must be prepared by completing the attached LEA/Agency must submit the following information: r o . . o Recomrnendationnumber Corrective action (approved by the board) Method of implementation Person responsible for implementation Completion date of implementation form. The ‐ 2‐ If thq.corrective action olan is acceptable, a letter indicating that it has been accepted. will be sent to the LEA./Agency lfjhejorreqtivg aclioq plan i$-.not acceotable, a letter will be sent to the LEA/Agency indicating whether frrther ilarification is required or further action is necessary. Appeal Process: The appeal process is used to contest disputed findings. within r0 days of the board's adoption of the resolution approving an appeal of findings of'the audit or invesrigatio. n, a written request by the iiA/Ri"."v ,i'.*i"* 9tgquFa findingG)' recommendation(s), or questioned costs must be submitted to -OFAC Director. The Request for Appeal musi indicat" the finding(s) in quotio".- the ,ir" the -- The Request for Appeal must be in writing and the LEA,/Agency must present any supporting documentation for the_appeal. subsequent to the suimissio, 'trr" n"q,*-t for Appeal, the OFAC Director will iisue a written decision. "r If the final determination made by the Director, is still unsatisfactory to the LEA./Asencv -' -Ev'rvJ" the LEA"/Agency may file a petition of Appeal punuant to N.J.A.C. Oa,li.f \tconaway\CAP Procedures\capforrnlea.docx Attachment I: