New Ways of Interfacing Wind Turbines into Isolated Grids using Variable Speed Turbines Juergen Zimmermann Powercorp Pty Ltd 3406 Export Drive Trade Development Zone Northern Territory 0822 AUSTRALIA Telephone: +61 (0) 8 8947 0933 Facsimile: +61 (0) 8 8947 0925 E-mail: Abstract Effective integration of large Wind Turbine Generators into isolated diesel powered grids has still a long way to go. The key issue is how can a high wind penetration be achieved without compromising power supply reliability and quality of the diesel grid. This article describes the integration of large WTG into Wind/Diesel grids using the concept of variable speed Wind Turbines in combination with a power station automatic control system and a battery energy buffer. 1 INTRODUCTION Wind/Diesel Systems have been installed in various remote sites throughout the world for the last 10 years. Many of these installations in the 100 kW to MW range are pilot projects only and have not progressed to the stage of commercial serial production. The best known site of a Wind/Diesel System in Australia is the Esperance Wind Farm where nine 225 kW pitch regulated Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) supply power to the local diesel grid. Other sites in Australia for Wind/Diesel Systems are on Thursday Island (Queensland), King Island (Tasmania) and Denham (Western Australia). The inter-connection of WTG to large grids in Europe and United States has proven to be technically simple and economical, whereas the connection to isolated “small” diesel grids has led to a number of problems. • • • Ineffective use of WTG caused by incorrect system design and control strategy (dump loads, unnecessary shut-down of WTG, etc.) Increased stress on, and decreased performance of, interconnected diesel generator sets (under/overloading, reverse power, high number of start/stop cycles) Decreased power supply quality in terms of frequency/voltage stability (harmonics generated by thyristor inverters that are not compensated, flicker and frequency instability due to variation in wind speeds) The new type of variable speed WTG and the latest power electronics technologies in IGBT for battery/converter systems make it possible to achieve a high wind penetration and economical usage of WTG in isolated diesel grids. This article reflects on experiences of POWERCORP in the past with wind/diesel systems and shows how the new generation of variable speed WTG makes it possible to fully integrate these turbines into diesel powered stations. This article has also been submitted to the Wind Energy Workshop in Melbourne 1997. Minor changes have been done to this revision. 1 New Ways of Interfacing Wind Turbines into Isolated Grids Using Variable Speed Turbines 2 J. Zimmermann ISOLATED GRIDS-IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM Most wind turbines or wind farms are connected to the main grid. Usually the contribution of wind turbines compared to the generation capacity of the total grid is minor. However, experience with large wind parks has shown that the grid interference of the wind park at the connection point (substation) due to uncontrolled power output fluctuations can be substantial and therefore requires upgrading of the substation or limitation to the number of wind turbines that can be installed. In Wind/Diesel Systems the problem of connecting wind parks with high penetration is even bigger, because the impact of power output fluctuations of the wind park has a much higher impact on other generating sets due to the smaller grid. A number of additional factors have to be considered in isolated grids, as follows: • Ratio of installed Wind Capacity to installed Diesel Capacity How many turbines can be installed on the grid without compromising their utilisation during low load periods? • Grid Stability How can WTG be integrated without compromising the stability and quality of the grid? Can the WTG limit its power output in cases of wind gusts to prevent voltage/frequency fluctuations? • Spinning Reserve Who provides the spinning reserve on the grid to compensate for wind speed/WTG power output fluctuations? • Reactive Power Who is going to provide the additional consumer reactive power demand on the grid when generators are shut down because of high wind penetration? • Impact on Diesel Generator Lifetime What is going to be the long term effect on the life of the diesel generators due to mechanical stress caused by periodic short term wind power fluctuations (eg tower wind shadow effect) Figure 1 Typical Layout of Wind/Diesel/Battery System 2 Proceedings of Solar’97 - Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Paper 155 New Ways of Interfacing Wind Turbines into Isolated Grids Using Variable Speed Turbines 3 J. Zimmermann EXPERIENCE WITH WIND/DIESEL SYSTEMS POWERCORP has had experience with Wind/Diesel systems for more than 8 years. From the first installations to those of today, a number of modifications and innovations have been implemented to achieve higher penetration of renewable energy and better quality of power supply. The POWERCORP Wind/Diesel System called IPS (Intelligent Power System) was developed in cooperation with SMA/Germany. In all installations, pitch regulated WTG with conventional drive train systems were used. POWERCORP never considered the installation of stall regulated WTG in Wind/Diesel Systems because of their inability to control the power output of the WTG. Stall regulated machines can also not achieve a very high wind energy yield in part load operation because they can not change the angle of the rotor blades. The following description of three Wind/Diesel System designs reflects on the way the wind turbines were controlled and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each configuration. 3.1 System I: Wind/Diesel System Controlled by Frequency (droop mode) The first generation of Wind/Diesel Systems consist of two diesel generators with one pitch regulated wind turbine (30 kW). In order to be able to control the power output of the wind turbine (specifically at low load high wind periods) a power output control based on the grid frequency has been implemented. If the load on the grid increases the speed of the diesel generators drops due to their droop characteristic and therefore the grid frequency decreases (see Figure 2 Droop Curve of Wind/Diesel System) Pdiesel P_WTG Wind Turbine Droop Curve 0.5 Pdiesel Diesel Generator Set Droop Curve 49 Hz 50 Hz 51 Hz Figure 2 Droop Curve of Wind/Diesel System Proceedings of Solar’97 - Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Paper 155 3 New Ways of Interfacing Wind Turbines into Isolated Grids Using Variable Speed Turbines J. Zimmermann The droop characteristic shows that the power output of the wind turbine is not decreased until the diesel generator power output is less than its minimum loading (eg 50%) threshold. In this case the WTG controller would sense any rise in frequency and start to decrease the power output of the turbine by pitching the rotor blades, hence increasing the load on the diesel generator. The grid frequency is used as a measure for the loadsharing between the WTG and the diesel generator. Advantages: • WTG can be installed without communication link at any point of the grid. • Minimum load on the diesel generators is ensured. Disadvantages: • Wind speed fluctuations affect the grid frequency (f grid = k * v3). • The need to provide spinning reserve to balance wind speed fluctuations. • Control dynamic problems occur during low load periods when the WTG power output must be decreased to maintain the minimum loading on the diesel generator set. 3.2 System II: Wind/Diesel/Battery System Controlled by Frequency (droop mode) The next Wind/Diesel System introduces an energy buffer in the form of a battery/converter system. The reason for introduction of this energy buffer is to balance the wind power output and achieve higher penetration in the long term. Figure 1 shows the three generation sources; Wind, Diesel and Battery storage contributing to supply of the consumer demand. The Battery/Converter system in Figure 1 provides additional backup power in case of wind speed fluctuations. On the other hand, oversupply by the WTG is used to recharge the battery during high wind speeds periods. Advantage: • Higher penetration of wind energy. • Increased reduction in fuel and maintenance cost of diesel sets. • Increased stability of the grid. • No communication link to WTG required. Disadvantage: • Higher investment cost for battery/converter system. • Wind speed fluctuations are still injected into the grid and cause mechanical stress on the generator sets (Pwind = k x v 3). • Problem of “Tower Shadow Effect” - resonant frequency with governor system (reduction in power output when blades go through tower). • Additional battery maintenance cost. • Dynamic control problems during low load periods. 3.3 System III: Wind/Diesel/Battery System with WTG Setpoint Control (isochronous mode) The next system generation of IPS Wind/Diesel Systems is based around isochronous operation (eg constant grid frequency of 50 Hz). The diesel generators are equipped with load share and speed control. The engine speed controllers together with the engine governor control the speed of the engine to a setpoint of 50 Hz. The load share units ensure that the load between the diesel generators is shared proportional to the size of the generator sets. 4 Proceedings of Solar’97 - Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Paper 155 New Ways of Interfacing Wind Turbines into Isolated Grids Using Variable Speed Turbines J. Zimmermann To be able to control the power output of the WTG the power station controller is equipped with the capability to give setpoints to the Wind Farm. Advantage: • Increased power quality (50 Hz isochronous). Disadvantages: • Higher cost to install communication link to WTG. • Fluctuations due to wind gusts are still noticeable in frequency and voltage (specifically when only a small generator is on line at night and high wind energy output). • Depending on the ratio of wind capacity to diesel capacity, wind fluctuations still cause some mechanical stress on the diesel engines. 3.4 System IV Wind/Diesel/(Battery) System with Variable Speed WTG With the appearance of variable speed WTG on the market the level of possible wind penetration into diesel grids has been increased. Variable speed WTG offer many features that suit ideally the integration of such WTG into isolated diesel grids. As a result the combination of ; • • • Variable Speed Wind Turbine Generators (see section 4 for further explanations), Central automatic power station control ( see section 5 for further information) and Battery/Converter system as short-term energy buffer is today’s best technical solution to achieve high penetration of wind energy in diesel grids. The variable speed WTG offers precise power output control by buffering wind speed fluctuations in the rotor speed. As a result the rotor speed adapts to the change in wind speed and not to the grid frequency (as required for conventional drive train type systems). Variable speed WTGs are even able to support the grid by changing the power factor of the WTG hence stabilising the grid voltage. In summary this leads to the following advantages: Advantages: • Higher wind penetration due to more stable power output. • Better grid quality due to support of grid voltage by WTG power management system. • Less mechanical stress of the WTG and diesel generators due to constant precise power output of the WTG. • Lower fuel and maintenance cost of diesel generators, because diesel sets can be switched of (Battery/Converter System provides spinning reserve) Disadvantages: • Communication link to WTG is required. • Additional maintenance cost of batteries. 3.5 Summary Many years of experience in the area of Wind/Diesel Systems made it clear that the key to high penetration of WTG into diesel grids is • • • The capability to precisely control the power output of the WTG ( eg variable speed WTG). Central automatic control of the power station and WTG. Introduction of an energy buffer (battery/converter system) If these requirements are implemented in a wind diesel system a high quality of electricity supply to the consumers (frequency and voltage fluctuations are within the utility standard) and high wind penetration can be achieved without compromising one another. Proceedings of Solar’97 - Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Paper 155 5 New Ways of Interfacing Wind Turbines into Isolated Grids Using Variable Speed Turbines J. Zimmermann The following two sections explain in more detail which technical solutions are available to achieve the above requirements. 4 VARIABLE SPEED WTG (eg ENERCON E40) The ENERCON E40 wind energy converter has a three-bladed rotor, active pitch control and variable speed operation, with a rated power output of 500/600 kW. With its rotor diameter of 40 m and tower heights of 42 to 63 m, it efficiently makes use of the prevailing wind conditions at its respective sites of operation for the generation of electrical energy. Power control with variable speed allows for operation of the E-40 at optimum efficiency whilst minimising operating loads, even in the partial load range. Moreover it prevents the occurrence of undesirable power spikes. A good energy yield and a high quality of the power that is fed to the grid are therefore guaranteed. The E40 variable speed WTG offers the following features in the application of Wind/Diesel Systems • • • • • • • 5 Decoupling of rotor speed and grid frequency through AC/DC/AC system Precise power output control (1%) Control of dP/dt (ramping up and down the power output) Precise reactive power control (very important for high penetration to supply reactive power to consumers) Minimal harmonics content (THD <1%) Optional mode of power control through voltage sensing Full communication to control and remote access the WTG from the Station Management System (SMS) POWERCORP IPS STATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The POWERCORP Intelligent Power System (IPS) control systems have been designed to control and automate the following system configurations • • • 5.1 Multiple Diesel System Wind/Diesel System Wind/Diesel/Battery System Interface WTG <-> Station Management System Figure 3 on the following page shows how the WTGs are connected to the Station Management System (SMS). A common communication bus is used to transmit setpoints to the WTG and to monitor the actual status of the WTG from the SMS. This setup allows the following control features: • Setpoint power output control of the WTG (active power control, reactive power output control) • Monitoring of WTG status (contactor, active power output, reactive power output etc.) • Start/Stop Commands to individual WTG • Alarm information If sufficient wind speed is available the variable speed WTG essentially can be controlled like a diesel generator set by the SMS. 6 Proceedings of Solar’97 - Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Paper 155 New Ways of Interfacing Wind Turbines into Isolated Grids Using Variable Speed Turbines 5.2 J. Zimmermann Control Philosophy of Station Management System The Station Management System (SMS) controls the WTG, diesel generator sets and optional the battery/converter system. It makes decisions based on the following parameters: • • • • • • • Number, size and availability of diesel generators Consumer load Setpoint for spinning reserve Actual power output of wind turbines Generator priorities set by operator Additional capacity call up of external loads (large pumping station) Wind speed Power Station and Wind Turbine Control System Schematic Diagram Maintenance Management System Distribution Maintenance and Control System Power Management - Power output control - Reactive power control - Feeder control - Reserve power management - Power station start/stop Multiple Power Station Control System Monitor Visualisation System Monitor Fault and Data Analysis System Process Visualisation Printer Monitor Data trending & analysis Fault and event mgmt Wind Turbine Control System Wind Turbine Control System Power Station Control System 1 Grid Management System Power Station Control Computer Generator Control Units Monitor RTU Turbine Control Unit Feeder Circuit Breaker Control and Monitoring Units Grid Management System RTU Turbine Control Unit Generators Precise power output control C/B control and monitoring - kW, voltage, power factor - Auto operation - Trip information H.V. Feeders Turbine Control - Automatic start/stop - Power output control by active pitch, rotor speed and yaw control Turbine Protection, safety and Monitoring - Mech and elect sensors - Lightening protection sys. - Independent blade pitch braking Powercorp Pty Ltd Figure 3 Typical Control Wind/Diesel Control System The main control functions of the SMS Station Management System are • Maintain minimum loading of generator sets • Maximise wind penetration at day and night time • Minimise fuel consumption of diesel generators • Minimise operating hours of diesel generators (turn generators off) • Battery charging and discharging control Proceedings of Solar’97 - Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Paper 155 7 New Ways of Interfacing Wind Turbines into Isolated Grids Using Variable Speed Turbines 6 J. Zimmermann CONCLUSION The focus of the design of Wind/Diesel Systems is on the selection of the correct WTG and its capability to interface with the soft diesel grid. Clearly variable speed WTG like the ENERCON E40 offer the best features for this application. In order to achieve high penetration of wind and generate the savings in fuel and maintenance of diesel generators, a central automatic control system (Station Management System) must be installed. Depending on consistency of wind speed and the level of wind penetration the installation of a battery/converter system as an energy buffer to provide spinning reserve should be considered. Diesel generator maintenance savings can only be achieved if diesel sets are shut down and this is an important factor in economic justification of the WTG as savings in this area may be equivalent to savings from reduced fuel consumption. 8 Proceedings of Solar’97 - Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Paper 155