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2013 WaterJAM Registration & Conference Planner
Racing to
September 8th through 12th, 2013
Greater Richmond Convention Center
Welcome to the 11 Annual WaterJAM
The Virginia Section of the American Water Works Association and the Virginia Water
Environment Association thank you in advance for your consideration to attend this year’s
Joint Annual Meeting in Richmond, Virginia.
Your JAM 2013 Committee has been hard at work over the last year putting together
exceptional technical sessions and creating many opportunities for networking and socializing.
We hope you will join us once again for what promises to be an informative, successful and
memorable WaterJAM 2013.
We are excited about this year’s JAM and hope you will be too!
What’s Inside
Erica Carter
VAAWWA Conference Co-Chair
Eddie Abisaab
VWEA Conference Co-Chair
Important Information............................................................... 3
Conference at a Glance.............................................................. 4
National Reps................................................................................. 6
Highlighted Conference Events.............................................. 7
Young Professional & Student Events; and
VWEA Official Notice of Nominations.. .............. 11
Workshops and Grants............................................. 13
Technical Sessions.................................................... 14
Registration Information......................................... 27
Hotel Information..................................................... 31
The Greater Richmond Convention Center (GRCC) will be hosting our WaterJAM from
September 8th through the 12th. Richmond is Virginia’s capital, and offers a wealth of
amenities not easily found among other East Coast municipalities.
The City of Richmond has a vast cultural and educational heritage with noted historic sites
dating back to the early English settlers. Home to more than 200,000 citizens, Richmond is
among only a handful of mid-size cities able to boast both a neighborly, community friendliness
and a flourishing cultural community enhanced by several first-class museums and prominent
universities; its own symphony, ballet, and opera; and numerous local theater companies and
art galleries.
From exploring the beautiful neighborhoods with striking architecture to visiting the trendy
boutiques and restaurants in the heart of town, participating in the long list of available
outdoor pursuits along one of the nation’s largest river park systems to choosing from numerous
entertainment events and sporting events, whatever your interests, Richmond promises to be
fun times galore!
The Greater Richmond Convention Center is one of the most desirable meeting destinations
in the Mid-Atlantic region. The enormous 700,000-square-foot facility sits on 5 and 1/2 city
blocks. Interior accommodations include 178,159 square feet of exhibit space, 32 meeting
rooms and the 30,550-square foot Grand Ballroom.
Parking is made easy thanks to adjoining decks that can handle 1,540 vehicles. Nearly 4,600
additional spaces are located within a six-block radius of the site. The Richmond Marriott
rests adjacent to the Center and additional 3- to 5-star accommodation options are within
easy reach.
Cornhole is back at WaterJAM. Get your partners
lined up, we are going to throw some corn bags. This
is for a chance to win a corn hole game for yourself.
Note: The registration planner
will also be available on both the VAAWWA
and VWEA websites. Please check or for the most up-todate WaterJAM 2013 information.
At WaterJAM 2013, technology is everywhere! WaterJAM has completely moved into the 21st
Century. Not only will there be have a new and improved version of the WaterJAM App …
that’s right, APP, available at this year’s conference, we are also now on Twitter!
Start following #WaterJAM now to see how we are preparing to make this the best year yet.
Also, as you register, feel free to use #WaterJAM to let us and your colleagues know how
excited you are for Richmond this year!
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WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
Important Information
500 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
VAAWWA and VWEA are providing continuing professional education credits (CPE) for
waterworks and wastewater operators for attendance at technical presentations during the
JAM conference. Each technical presentation will be 25 minutes in duration and represent 0.5
CPEs. All papers listed in the technical program that are eligible for credit have a symbol (as
shown below).
From South or Richmond I-95 North Bound:
Take Exit #74C, Medical College of Virginia Exit, stay to the left and take Broad Street, State
Capitol, Coliseum Exit. Take a Right (West) on Broad Street to North 3rd Street. Turn right
onto 3rd Street travel ¼ of a block turn right into the Greater Richmond Convention Center’s
Parking Deck.
From North of Richmond I-95 South/64 East Bound:
Exit I-95 to the I-64 East/Third Street Exit #75. Bear right for 3rd Street (Do not go straight on
the junction, it will take you to I-64 East). Travel ahead to 3rd and Marshall Streets. The Greater
Richmond Convention Center’s Parking Deck will be on the left on 3rd Street.
From West of Richmond I-64 East Bound to I-95 South to 64 East Bound:
Interstate 64 East to junction Interstate 95 South to I-64 East/Third Street Exit#75. Bear right
for 3rd Street (Do not go straight on the junction, it will take you to I-64 East). Travel ahead to
3rd and Marshall Streets. The Greater Richmond Convention Center’s Parking Deck will be on
the left on 3rd Street.
From South West of Richmond Via VA-288 N toward VA-76-Toll North Powhite Parkway:
From VA-288 N toward VA-76-Toll North Powhite Parkway, take the exit toward VA-76Powhite Parkway/Lucks Lane/Hunter Road. Take the VA-76-Toll North Powhite exit towards
Richmond. Merge onto the Downtown Expressway / I-195 South / VA-195 E (Portions toll).
Take the Byrd Street exit toward 2nd Street. Turn left onto 2nd Street. Turn Right onto Marshall
Street. Turn Right onto 3rd Street. The Greater Richmond Convention Center’s Parking Deck
will be on your immediate Left.
From East of Richmond I-64 West Bound (from Airport):
Exit #190 Fifth Street exit. Proceed to Fifth and Jackson Streets. Turn right onto Jackson Street
and proceed to Third Street. Turn left onto Third Street travel 3 blocks (to 3rd & Marshall Streets)
and turn left into the Greater Richmond Convention Center’s Parking Deck on 3rd Street.
The Exhibit Hall of the WaterJAM 2013 will feature over 100 Exhibit Booths displaying the latest
in water and wastewater technology, equipment, and services. Representatives will be on hand to
show you the newest products and services available and to provide the latest information to keep
you up to date on new advancements in technology. Some breaks and meals will be served in the
Exhibit Area of the Convention Center. Additionally, there will be a Technical Session dedicated
to presenting information about equipment and services featured in the Exhibit Hall. This will be
the largest water and wastewater-focused technical exhibit in the Mid-Atlantic region, so do not
miss this opportunity to attend. If you are interested in exhibiting at WaterJAM 2013, registration
may be done online at or
Page 3
VAAWWA and VWEA are providing continuing education credit hours (CECs) as defined in
Virginia regulation 18 VAC 10-20-683 for professional engineers for attendance at technical
presentations during the JAM conference. Each technical presentation will be 25 minutes in
duration and represent 0.5 CECs. It will be the responsibility
CPE for Water & Wastewater
of the individual seeking the CECs to determine the
applicability of the respective technical presentation(s) in
meeting their individual licensure continuing education
needs and requirements. VAAWWA and VWEA CECs are
transferable to professional development hours (PDHs)
where 1.0 CEC equals 1.0 PDH.
Name tags will be bar coded and scanners will be used to allow
for easier tracking of attendance at the technical presentations
and credits.
Early registrants may pick up their name badges and program materials at the registration
desk located in the Greater Richmond Convention Center at times listed in the conference
schedule. All speakers and persons attending technical sessions, exhibits, and social functions
are required to be registered. Admission to all events, including receptions, luncheons,
and banquet will require a registration badge. Registration forms can be found in the back
of the planner, on either or, or at the following link:
You are strongly encouraged
to register online regardless of
payment option.
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
Conference at a Glance
Sunday, September 8, 2013*
Tuesday, September 10, 2013*
1 PM - 4 PM
Water Taste Test/Education Booth
6:30 AM- 8 AM
5-K Water for People Fun Run/Walk
YP “Rain or Shine” Community Service Project
7 AM - 5 PM
Registration - GRCC
1:30 PM - 5 PM
VWEA Board Meeting - GRCC
7 AM - 5 PM
3 PM - 4:30 PM
VAAWWA Board Meeting - GRCC
7:30 AM - 9 AM
1 PM - 5 PM
Monday, September 9, 2013*
Speaker Ready Room - GRCC E20
Continental Breakfast - GRCC
9 AM - 11:30 AM
Keynote Session - GRCC E21BC
11:30 AM - 6 PM
YP Cornhole Challenge - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
11:30 AM - 12 PM Grand Opening of Exhibits & AM Break
GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
11:30 AM - 12 PM VAAWWA 1st Business Meeting - GRCC E21BC
11:30 AM – 6PM
Committee Meetings E24A & E24B
12 PM - 1:30 PM
VWEA Membership Appreciation Luncheon &
Awards - GRCC Ballroom B21A
Lunch for Attendees not Attending VWEA Lunch
GRCC Exhibit Hall
7 AM - 5 PM
Registration - GRCC
8 AM - 12 PM
Biosolids Workshop - GRCC E23A
8 AM - 3 PM
Golf Tournament - The Country Club at the Highlands
8 AM - 5 PM
Laboratory Practice Workshop - GRCC E22A
12 PM - 1:30 PM
Clay Shoot - Old Forge Sporting Clays, Providence Forge
12 PM - 5 PM
Meet & Greet Reception - Richmond Marriott
1:30 PM - 5 PM
Concurrent Technical Sessions (Sessions 1 - 10) - GRCC
1:30 PM - 5 PM
YP Workshop - GRCC E21B
2 PM - 6 PM
Water Reach Silent Auction - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
9 AM - 2 PM
7 PM - 10 PM
YP Poster Session - GRCC Reg. Lobby
3 PM - 4 PM
5 PM - 6:30 PM
Page 4
Break – GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
Water Reach Silent Auction Reception
GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
7 PM - until
9:30 PM - 11:30 PM
President/Chair Reception (*invitation only) Richmond Marriott
Please check VAAWWA/VWEA Website for updates
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
Conference at a Glance
WEDNESDAY, September 11, 2013*
THURSDAY, September 12, 2013*
7 AM - 8:30 AM
Utility Managers Breakfast - GRCC E24A
7 AM - 10 AM
Registration - GRCC Office A
7 AM - 8 AM
VWEA Golden Rodent Breakfast - GRCC E24B
(*invitation only)
7 AM - 12 PM
Speaker Ready Room - GRCC E20
7 AM - 5 PM
Registration - GRCC
7:15 AM - 8:45 AM
5-S Breakfast - GRCC (*invitation only) E24A
7 AM - 5 PM
Speaker Ready Room - GRCC E20
7:30 AM - 9 AM
Continental Breakfast - GRCC
7:30 AM - 4 PM
Exhibition Area Open - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
8:30 AM - 12 PM
Concurrent Technical Sessions (Sessions 30 -38) - GRCC
7:30 AM - 9 AM
Continental Breakfast - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
9 AM - 12 PM
Committee Meetings - GRCC
10 AM - 10:30 AM
AM Break - GRCC
12 PM - 2 PM
VAAWWA Post JAM Board Meeting/Lunch - GRCC E24B
12 PM - 2 PM
JAM Committee Post JAM Meeting/Lunch - GRCC E24A
12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Philip Morris USA Park 500 Tour
12:30 PM - 4 PM
Plant Tours (Henrico County WRF & WTP
8 AM - 3 PM
VAAWWA Student Water Challenge Workrooms GRCC E22 & E23
8 AM - 12 PM
YP Poster Session - Registration Lobby
8:30 AM - 12 PM
Concurrent Technical Sessions (Sessions 11 - 20) -GRCC
8:30 AM - 12 PM
YP Technical Session - GRCC E21B
9 AM - 5 PM
Committee Meetings - GRCC E24A & E24B
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
VAAWWA 2nd Business Meeting & Section Forum E10A
10 AM - 11 AM
AM Break, Ops Challenge Event - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
10 AM - 4 PM
Cornhole and Raffle - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
12 PM - 1:30 PM
VAAWWA Membership Appreciation Luncheon &
Awards - GRCC Ballroom B21A
12 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch for Attendees not Attending the
VAAWWA Lunch - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
1:30 PM - 5 PM
Concurrent Technical Sessions (Sessions 21 - 29) - GRCC
1:30 PM - 5 PM
Student Competition Presentations - GRCC E21B
3 PM - 4 PM
PM Break, Meter Madness, Rapid Tappin
GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
3 PM - 4 PM
VWEA Business Meeting - GRCC E10B
4 PM - 7 PM
Exhibitors Break Down - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
5 PM - 12 AM
Exhibit Inc. - Break Down - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
5 PM - 6:30 PM
Game Night Opens (Reception) - Richmond Marriott
5 PM - 6:30 PM
YP & Student Reception - Richmond Marriott
6:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Awards Banquet and Game Night - Richmond Marriott
Page 5
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
National Reps
Jeffrey W. Nash
Vice-President (2013-2014)
American Water Works Association
Charles Bott
2012-2013 Board of Trustees
Water Environment Federation
Jeff Nash, P.E., is a Vice President with CDM Smith in Maitland,
FL, with more than 20 years of experience in water treatment process
studies and design, and water supply planning.
Charles B. Bott, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE is a member of the 2012-2013 Board
of Trustees for the Water Environment Federation (WEF), an international
organization of water quality professionals headquartered in Alexandria, Va.
Jeff has been an active AWWA member since 1988. He has served in
many officer positions of the Florida Section AWWA such as: Section
Chair, General Policy Chair and currently serves as Association Director. Jeff is also the
Florida Section’s recipient of the George Warren Fuller Award in 2005. In addition to
these activities, Jeff is passionate about the Florida Section’s Roy Likins Scholarship, which
awards scholarships to Florida undergraduate and graduate students. He is also very active
in Water For People and in fact, was awarded the Kenneth J. Miller Founder’s Award in
Charles is the Research and Development Manager at the Hampton Roads
Sanitation District (HRSD) in southeast Virginia, where he currently is
managing research and development efforts for HRSD’s thirteen wastewater treatment plants
(249 MGD combined capacity) and collection system. He was formerly an Associate Professor
in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Virginia Military Institute in
Lexington, Virginia and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering at Virginia Tech. Prior to joining the faculty at VMI, Charles worked as a consulting
engineer with Parsons Engineering Science.
A graduate of Virginia Tech (B.S. Chemical Engineering) and (M.S. Environmental
Engineering). Jeff is a licensed professional engineer in Florida. Jeff lives in Orlando, FL
with his wife Heidi. He has a son, William, and a daughter, Elayne.
A WEF member since 1997, Charles has multiple leadership and committee roles within WEF.
He has served as chair and vice chair of the WEFTEC Program Committee, Research Symposium
Subcommittee, member of the WEF Academic Committee and Municipal Wastewater Design
Committee, and was chair and past-chair of the WEF Nutrient Removal Specialty Conference.
Charles has also served on numerous project oversight subcommittees for the Water Environment
Research Foundation and as principal investigator for several recent nutrient removal efforts.
Also an active member of the Virginia Water Environment Association (VWEA), Charles has
served on the Education Committee for the past seven years and previously worked with the
Student Activities Committee. He was the winner of the VWEA Outstanding Young Professional
award. His other professional affiliations include the International Water Association, where he
is the Secretary of the Nutrient Removal and Recovery Specialty Group. Charles is also currently
serving on the Science and Technical Advisory Committee to the Chesapeake Bay Program
Executive Council. He is an associate editor for the IWA journal Water Science and Technology.
Charles has received the WEF Outstanding Young Professional Award and WEF Harrison
Prescott Eddy Medal as well as the American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern
Section Outstanding New Professor Award, the Virginia Tech Outstanding Young Alumni
Award, the Virginia Military Institute Thomas Jefferson Teaching Award, and the Virginia
Military Institute Wilbur S. Hinman, Jr. ’26 Research Award.
Charles is a registered professional engineer in the state of Virginia, a Board Certified
Environmental Engineer, and Licensed Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator – Virginia
Class I. He received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the Virginia Military Institute, a M.S.
in Environmental Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University, and a Ph.D. in Civil and
Environmental Engineering from Virginia Tech.
Page 6
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
Highlighted Conference Events
Water Taste Test/Education Booth
Opening Night Meet and Greet Reception
Sunday, September 8, 1 to 4 PM
Location TBD
Monday, September 9, 7 to 10 PM
Richmond Marriott Hotel
As a follow up to the highly successful event last year (which received a national AWWA Section
Education Award), the 2nd Annual Water Taste Test/Education Booth will be held. The exact
location is still to be determined, but likely to occur on the campus of VCU. The purpose
of this event will be to allow the public an opportunity to compare Richmond tap water with
bottled water in a side-by-side taste test. In addition to the taste test, we will show the public
the difference in cost between bottled water and tap water. Finally, brochures presenting fun
facts for water and sewer systems will be provided for public education purposes. If you have
any questions or want to volunteer to help, please contact Paul Delphos at 757-456-5380, or
by e-mail at Come join the fun and the water will be refreshing and free!
WaterJAM 2013 Golf Outing & Cookout
Monday, September 9, 2013, 8 AM to 4:30 PM
The Country Club at the Highlands, | 804-796-4800
8136 Highland Glen Drive, Chesterfield, VA 23838
Cost: $85/person – On-site Registration starts at 8 AM Registration includes: Continental
breakfast, Green Fee, Cart, Range Balls, Lunch and Prizes! Shotgun start is at 9 AM The format
will be Four-Person Captain’s Choice. Individuals may also sign up for the tournament. Register
early as registration will be limited to 120 golfers. Lunch will be served after the tournament
along with raffle and prizes. The proceeds from the raffle will be donated to the Water for People
Committee. If interested in donating a raffle prize (merchandise, gift certificates, etc.), please
indicate on the registration form. Register for this event on the main conference registration form.
For questions contact Charlie Quaiff at 804-748-1311, by e-mail at
WaterJAM 2013 Clay Shoot
Monday, September 9, 9 AM to 2 PM
Old Forge Sporting Clays, | 804-966-2955
7945 Long Reach Road, Providence Forge, VA 23140
Mandatory safety instruction at 8:45 AM with a shotgun (pun intended) start at 9 AM Entry
fee is $75/person and includes targets, lunch, and prizes. You will need to bring hearing
protection, safety glasses, and a minimum of 5 boxes of #8 light field load shotgun shells of the
appropriate gauge for your shotgun. Register for this event on the main conference registration
form. Please contact Taylor Tuner at 804-665-1075, e-mail at;
or Greg Everhart at 804-559-4259, e-mail at with any
questions. This will surely be a time for everyone!
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Come connect with your fellow water professionals for a turbo-charged good time! With this
year’s theme representing “racing”, the JAM committee is asking that you wear your favorite
NASCAR gear, and if you don’t have any, then get creative! Please join us to kick-off this year’s
WaterJAM with great hors d’oeuvres, beverages and the best of company.
Scavenger Hunt
Monday, September 9 through Wednesday, September 11
Make sure to pick up a scavenger hunt list and beach bag at the registration desk Tuesday and
spend time Tuesday and Wednesday in the exhibit hall and various other areas of the conference
center finding what you need for a day at the beach based on clues provided. Bring your filled
beach bags to the Wednesday Game Night to see if you gathered the most items on the list and
are one of the winners.
Grand Prize: $250 gift certificate
Runner-Up: $50 gift certificate
Water for People 5k Fun Run/Walk
Tuesday, September 10, 6:45 to 8 AM
Location TBD
Start your conference day off on the right foot with a run or
walk along the river to benefit a great cause. The Water for
People Committee is hosting a 5k Fun Run/Walk (an event for
all levels of fitness). The registration fee for this event is $35
and includes refreshments and a t-shirt. All proceeds from this
event will be donated to Water for People. The committee encourages you to read about the
sustainable systems that are implemented through this program at
For an additional sponsorship of $100, your company logo will appear on the t-shirt (limited
availability). Questions may be directed to Kammie Cox at 804.353.6333 or kcox@ecslimited.
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
Highlighted Conference Events
Keynote Speaker
Tuesday, September 10, 9 AM - 11:30 AM
Keynote Speaker: Bob Holsworth, DecideSmart
“Virginia’s Gubernatorial Election – More Than Meets The Eye”
Virginia is one of only two states holding gubernatorial elections this year and our race between
Ken Cuccinelli and Terry McAuliffe is likely to be the most closely watched contest in the
nation. Virginia’s was a critical state in the most recent Presidential elections, and, as such, the
upcoming gubernatorial election will likely set the tone for many subsequent national elections,
most notably the 2016 Presidential Election. Bob Holsworth’s talk will offer an engaging and
candid look at the candidates, the issues, and the implications of the election for the future of
Virginia. He promises to give us an inside look at the candidates’ strategies and the strengths and
weaknesses of their campaigns.
We are extremely excited to have Bob as our keynote speaker as he is one of the leading political
analysts in Virginia. His comments on Virginia and national politics have appeared in the Wall
Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post and in newspapers throughout the
nation. He has appeared on almost all the major American television networks and on the BBC.
Bob is also the regular political analyst for WTVR in Richmond. He was recently named one of
the 100 Influentials in Virginia Politics by Campaigns and Elections magazine.
The author of five books and numerous articles on public policy and American politics, he
was the Founding Director of both the Center for Public Policy and the Wilder School of
Government and Public Affairs at VCU. Bob is currently a Managing Principal in DecideSmart,
a firm that provides analysis and planning assistance to agencies, local governments, nonprofits
and private sector companies with governmental interests.
He has also served on a number of boards and commissions. Bob chaired Governor McDonnell’s
Independent, Bipartisan Advisory Commission on Redistricting and served as Executive
Director of Governor’s Warner’s Commission on Efficiency and Effectiveness in Virginia State
Government. He currently serves on the Board of Visitors of Virginia Commonwealth University
and is Chair of the Board of the Great Aspirations Scholarship Program (GRASP).
Bob received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Featured Speaker: Dennis Bickmeier, President, Richmond International Raceway, “Succeeding in the New
Normal – NASCAR Perspective”
Building on our theme of “Racing to Richmond”, our featured speaker is the President of
Richmond International Raceway. Fresh off of the fall Richmond NASCAR race, Dennis will
provide his perspective of the success of NASCAR, the RIR and how they are adjusting to the
new economy. It will provide attendees an interesting perspective how an industry, that most
are familiar with, but significantly different than the water and wastewater industry, is managing
success and balancing competing interests in these challenging economic times.
Page 8
A 21-year veteran in the public relations and communications field, Dennis spent time with the
former Anaheim Angels, now the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, and the Mighty Ducks of
Anaheim, both Walt Disney Company-owned franchises at the time. He has also held positions
with the Big West Conference, Orange County Sports Association, Los Angeles Rams and the
Los Angeles Dodgers.
His career with International Speedway Corporation initially began in 1999 as the Public
Relations Director at Auto Club Speedway. During his time at the Southern California-based
speedway, Bickmeier became an adjunct faculty member in the University of San Francisco’s Sports
Management class teaching the Strategic Communications and Sports Public Relations elective.
Dennis lives in Richmond with his wife and three young children and is a graduate of Ohio
University Scripps School of Journalism graduate with a Master’s Degree in Sports Administration.
Cornhole Challenge
Tuesday, September 10, 11:30 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday, September 11, 10 AM - 4 PM
GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
Have you been sitting for too long in technical sessions?
Team up with coworkers, colleagues, supervisors, and stop by the JAM
Cornhole Challenge!
Check out this year’s Exhibit Hall and the Cornhole Challenge, where you can show off your
skills or try playing for the first time. It’s EASY TO LEARN!!! The more times you participate,
the more times your name will be entered into the raffle where you can win your very own
custom Cornhole set!
You can play as many times as you like with as many different teammates as you wish!
Water Reach Silent Auction Reception
Tuesday, September 10
(Auction begins at 2 PM, with final bids at 6 PM)
GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
Come join us for the eighth annual silent auction held by the Water Reach Committee. This
event boasts artwork from some of the finest landscape painters and artists in Virginia. In
addition to art, items donated by Virginia businesses will be auctioned. Also, if you are an artist
or craftperson, please consider donating some of your work to the Water Research Silent Auction.
Don’t miss this opportunity to take home some unique items and support one of WEF’s and
AWWA’s key initiatives to bring safe water and sanitation to people who are without. Please join
us for hors d’oeuvres and drinks to support this great initiative. Proceeds from this event will be
donated to Water Reach Committee. (*cash and checks will be accepted, no credit cards please)
Please contact Noelle Slater at if you have any questions or are
interested in making a donation.
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
Highlighted Conference Events
Free Night
Tuesday, September 11, 7 PM – UNTIL
No activities are planned for this night. Brochures and informational literature on local activities,
restaurants and attractions will be available at the GRCC and hotel lobbies to help you decide
on how to spend your evening. There are many great places in Downtown Richmond that are
a very short walk or drive away.
VWEA Golden Rodent Breakfast
Wednesday, September 12, 7 AM to 8 AM - GRCC (*Invitation Only Event) E24B
A breakfast for VWEA Past Presidents. Please indicate on the registration form if you plan to
Utility Managers Breakfast
Wednesday, September 12, 7 AM to 8:30 AM - GRCC E24A
The Utility Managers Breakfast is an excellent opportunity for managers, directors, and senior
staff from wastewater and drinking water utilities to share ideas, discuss trends, and address
critical issues. A brief overview on current topics will be presented. Please indicate on the
registration form if you plan to attend this event.
2nd VAAWWA Business Mtg & Section Forum
Wednesday, September 12, 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM - GRCC E10A
Jeff Nash, AWWA Vice President, will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting for all AWWA members.
The session will start with a very brief presentation and then shift to a discussion forum.
VWEA Operations Challenge Events
Wednesday, September 12, 10 AM to 11 AM - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
The Operations Challenge recognizes excellence and professionalism in wastewater treatment,
operations and maintenance, laboratory, safety and collection systems aspects of wastewater
treatment. Operations challenge teams will be demonstrating the following events:
Pump Maintenance: The purpose of this event is to test the knowledge and skill of each
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) team to respond to separate and simultaneous “Moisture
Reset” failure conditions for a submersible pump and a submersible mixer. The pump and mixer
will be in adjacent simulated slide rail and mounted installations; the O&M teams must safely
remove them from service, perform and document the required service to repair the units,
and then place them back into service. The teams will be tested on their knowledge of safety
regulations, mechanical ability to service and repair the units, planning ability and teamwork.
Page 9
Collection System: This event simulates connecting a 4-inch PVC sewer lateral to an existing
8-inch PVC sewer pipe while in service (the ‘wet’ pipe) and requires the identification of known
pipe defects. Participants must identify images of known pipe defects and observations with the
correct terminology from the National Association of Sewer Service Companies’ (NASSCO)
Pipeline Assessment Certification Programs (PACP).
Stop by the Operations Challenge table in the exhibit hall to watch the DVD and see pictures
of past VWEA and WEF competitions featuring Division I&II National Winners and other
participating VA teams, as well as a display chart of invitational competitions. Printed brochures
and event coordinator information will be available for anyone interested in participating with
operations challenge.
VAAWWA Distribution Rodeo Demonstrations
Wednesday, September 12, 3 PM to 4 PM - GRCC Exhibit Hall A-B
Rapid Tappin’: This demonstration is wet and wild as teams race against the clock to install a
3/4-inch water service. A 3/4-inch corporation is installed in the pipe. Copper tubing is attached
to the corporation and to a meter yoke with a curb stop. This is a timed event with penalties
assessed for leaks, safety violations, and quality of the service installation. Come and see the
state’s finest teams demonstrate this exciting event.
Meter Madness: Contestants compete side-to-side to assemble a 5/8-inch meter from a bucket
of parts, which will also contain unrelated items. While competitive times vary according to the
meter model selected each year, re-assembling a meter in less than 45 seconds will usually get you
into the top three finalists. The state record is 20 seconds!
Reception/Awards Banquet – Fun Night
Wednesday, September 12, 5:30 PM
Reception Starts at 5:30 PM – Marriot Grand Ballroom;
Dinner at 6:30 PM
Fun Night Games Immediately Following Dinner
The Fun Night and Awards Banquet will have an entirely new theme this year, namely RACING!
The fun begins at 5:30 for light hors d’oveures and cocktails outside the Marriot Grand Ballroom.
The Awards Banquet will begin at 6:30 when dinner will be served and awards presented to
distinguished recipients. The Fun Night Reception starts immediately after dinner. We’ll have
a real race track that will provide NASCAR like excitement, Daytona 500 simulators to race
against colleagues, and for the truly tough attendees, a head-to-head NASCAR tire changing
challenge, complete with NASCAR protective gear. There will be plenty of opportunity for fun,
excitement, laughs and raffle tickets for prizes to be handed to many of the lucky participants.
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
Highlighted Conference Events
5-S Breakfast
Thursday, September 13, 7:15 AM to 8:45 AM - GRCC E24A (*Invitation Only Event)
Please indicate on the registration form if you plan to attend.
Philip Morris USA Park 500 Tour
Sponsored by the VWEA Sustainable Utility Committee
Thursday, September 12th 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
(12:30PM- 3:30PM)
Tour Philip Morris USA’s Park 500 facility, located in Chesterfield County, VA. In 2008, PM
USA completed construction of a natural treatment system- a 48 acre engineered wetland
project aimed at further reducing nutrient levels in wastewater discharged into the James River
from Park 500. This innovative wastewater treatment approach was recognized by Global Water
Intelligence as a finalist for the 2010 Industrial Water Project of the Year. The natural treatment
system includes a series of ponds interspersed with native shrubs and trees. After more than
three years of operations, the natural treatment system has reduced nitrogen output by more
than 51% and phosphorus by 67%.
For more information, please contact William Schafer (
Lunch and Transportation is provided from the GRCC.
Plant Tours
Thursday, September 13, 12:30 PM - 4 PM
The WaterJAM Committee has setup two plant tours: the Henrico Water Treatment Facility
(WTF) and the Henrico County Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), both conveniently located
near Interstate 64 in Richmond. Attendees who desire a plant tour must indicate which plant
they desire to tour on the registration form, as both tours are scheduled at the same time.
Reservations for each tour will be on a first-come, first-serve basis with requirements for a
minimum of 5 attendees and a maximum of 15 attendees for each. The cost will be $10 and
includes lunch served at the facilities. Transportation between the Convention Center and the
plants will be provided if needed and maps / directions will be provided to attendees who wish
to drive to these facilities.
Page 10
Henrico County Water Treatment Facility (WTF)
10111 Three Chopt Road, Henrico, VA 23233
The Henrico WTF is a 55-MGD (currently being upgraded to 80-MGD) conventional water
treatment plant with ozone for primary disinfection. The treatment plant gets its water from
the James River and pumps it approximately 5 miles to the plant. The plants treatment process
consists of rapid mix, coagulation, flocculation followed by tiered sedimentation basin. The water
is disinfected using Ozone and then goes on the filtration. The water then enters out clearwell
for final treatment before being pumped into the distribution system. The County currently has
93,750 connections to the water system; this facility does not serve all of these connections. The
County has a long term contract to purchase water from the City of Richmond and also wholesale
water to Goochland County and Hanover County.
The facility has numerous Bronze and Silver awards from VDH for meeting the optimization
goal for filtration. The facility went into service April 2004, and is currently undergoing its first
Henrico County Water Reclamation Facility (WRF)
9101 WRVA Road, Henrico, VA 23231
The Henrico County WRF is a 75-MGD advanced wastewater treatment facility that routinely
exceeds performance expectations and is considered a leader in the industry for our forward
thinking and performance. The facility has received numerous national awards and recognition
for our performance and accomplishments. The facility uses conventional treatment processes
and “enhanced nutrient removal technology” to comply with the final effluent nutrient
limitations prescribed by the Chesapeake Bay Act and Chesapeake Bay TMDL process.
The County currently provides wastewater service to approximately 91,600 residential,
commercial, and industrial customers. Original construction of the facility began in 1988 which
was followed by several expansions and upgrades. The WRF currently has an industrial foot
print of approximately 120 acres, an annual operating budget of $10 million and 67 Full Time
Employees. The WRF is also home to the Henrico County Central Environmental Laboratory
as well as the County’s Industrial Waste Pretreatment Program.
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
Young Professional & Student Events
Young Professional (YP) JAM “Rain or Shine” Service Event
YP/Student Reception
Sunday, September 8, 1 PM - 5 PM
Wednesday, September 11, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Marriott Hotel
The YP Community Service Event for 2013 will be a great opportunity to meet other young
professionals in a laid back atmosphere, all while helping to improve the environment. The YP
Community Service Event for 2013 is being coordinated with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
The group will be planting native grasses and plants along the James River to help restore the
For more information or to help sponsor the project, please contact Michelle Siminari at
YP Poster Contest- Fresh Ideas Poster Contest
Tuesday, September 10, 12 PM - 5 PM; AND
Wednesday, September 11, 8 AM - 12 PM – GRCC Registration Lobby
The Fresh Idea Poster Contest is available to both students and YPs, and is a great opportunity
to display and present your work at the 2013 WaterJAM.
• Posters displaying your work will be available for all WaterJAM attendees to view outside of
the exhibit hall.
• A panel of industry experts will judge the posters and the top water and wastewater related
posters will receive $1000 cash prize/voucher from VAAWWA (for water related poster) and
VWEA (for wastewater related poster).
• Please note the winner will only be able to use these cash prizes/vouchers towards VAAWWA
and VWEA activities/events.
For more information on the Poster Contest, or to submit an abstract, please contact Ryan Clark
at, or Katy Barager at
YP Workshop
Tuesday, September 10, 1:30 PM - 5 PM – GRCC E21B
Part 1: “Rehabilitating Current Infrastructure” – 1:30 PM to 3 PM
Part 2: “Career Paths for YPs in the Water and Wastewater Industry” – 3:30 PM - 5 PM
This year, there will be two parts available during the YP workshop. There will be CPE’s available
for the first part of the workshop pertaining to rehabilitating current infrastructure. Many
localities are having to rehab and repair aging and outdated infrastructure. This workshop will
be great for anyone involved with projects related to rehabilitation.
Part 2 of the workshop will be valuable to anyone who is interested in hearing about the many
available career paths for a new professional in the water and wastewater sector. This portion of
the workshop will be directed towards not only engineers, but scientists as well. There will be an
open panel discussion at the end of the workshop, so come ready to ask questions!
For additional information, please e-mail Jason Kerns at, or JP Semper
Page 11
The YP/Student Reception is a great time to network with young colleagues in a laid back
setting. Come out and meet new young professionals and students who represent the future of
the industry. The reception will be held directly prior to the banquet, and light appetizers will be
available. Drink tickets will be provided at one per person as well as a cash bar.
If you have any questions, please contact Christel Dyer at
VAAWWA 10th Annual Student Water Challenge and Exhibition of
VWEA Student Design Competition Winners
Wednesday, September 11, 1:30 to 5 pm
The Tenth Annual VAAWWA Student Water Challenge is for engineering, environmental, and
science majors from Virginia Colleges and Universities. It will focus on using a combination
of engineering and science to address a real world water quality issue. Student teams from
competing schools will be given a water quality/water treatment problem on the competition
day and will be allowed approximately five hours to develop a proposed solution. The winning
team will receive a traveling trophy, plaque, and a $1,200 first place prize. The second place
team will receive a plaque and $500 cash prize. Come cheer on your alma mater! The winners
will be announced on Wednesday evening at the Awards Banquet. Prior to the presentations
for the Student Water Challenge, the first place team from the 2013 VWEA Student Design
Competition (which will be held on May 2nd in conjunction with the Education Conference)
will give their winning presentation. This presentation will be their final practice run before
competing in the National Student Design Competition at WEFTEC 2013. Please attend and
give them your best critique and support, so they represent Virginia well at WEFTEC!
Other YP represented events include the Cornhole Challenge and the YP Technical Session –
Please come on out to support your fellow Young Professionals and make new connections!
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
Workshops and Grants
Lab Practices Workshop – Quality System Best Practices, Be the Best You Can Be
Monday, September 9, 8 AM to 5 PM
The VAAWWA-VWEA Joint Laboratory Practices Committee 2013 JAM workshop titled
Quality System Best Practices, Be the Best You Can Be will be a discussion covering topics that
are successful to maintain a quality system and accreditation in the laboratory. The workshop
will be a tool for laboratory managers and supervisors that will cover topics such as NELAC
accreditation, quality improvement of laboratory practices, SOPs and document control and
changing and updating effective communication with your employees.
The workshop agenda consists of the following:
1. Is NELAP Accreditation Just an Alternative Certification Program for Drinking Water
Laboratories? Presenter: Nilda Cox with Eurofins Eaton Analytical
2. Proactive Quality Improvement of Laboratory Processes. Presenter: Cathy Westerman
with DCLS.
Utility Award and Student Travel Grants
Each year, VAAWWA’s Membership Committee awards grants to utility employees to offset
the cost of attending the conference. The grant monies are to be used for travel, lodging
and conference-related expenses only. The purpose of the grant is to increase the diversity of
conference attendees and encourage participation by individuals who may not otherwise have
been able to attend. Applications are available from the Membership Committee.
VAAWWA’s Membership Committee is offering annual conference travel grants for students
from universities located outside of the Hampton Roads area. The travel grant monies are to be
used for travel, lodging and conference-related expenses only. Applications are available from
the Membership Committee.
Application forms or for more information for both the Utility Award Grant and Student
Travel Award Grant, please contact Rachael Lumpkin, Chesterfield County Dept. of Utilities,
at 804-751-4778 (phone), 804-751-4437 (fax), or
3. SOP’s and Document Control. Presenter: Kim Turner with DCLS.
4. Utility Demographics and Culture: “But we have always done it this way…”
Presenters: Kathy Mestayer with KMA Consulting.
Virginia Biosolids Workshop
Monday, September, 8 AM to 12 PM
Municipalities manage a significant quantity of valuable organic resources – materials that can
be recycled or processed into beneficial uses, or potentially converted into renewable energy.
To explore innovative processing technologies for biosolids, the Virginia Biosolids Council, in
cooperation with the Mid-Atlantic Biosolids Association, will sponsor a half-day session on
biosolids technology on Monday, September 9, 2013, during the annual WaterJAM.
This session is designed to provide wastewater treatment professionals and other state and local
officials, or representatives of non-profit environmental organizations, with information on
innovative and environmentally sound technologies that might provide further options for
municipalities managing these organic resources. The Virginia Biosolids Council provides
information and education on the beneficial use of biosolids. Its membership includes municipal
wastewater treatment plants throughout Virginia and companies that provide services to the
biosolids management community.
Page 12
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
Page 13
Performance of a Full-Scale Sidestream DEMON®
Deammonification Installation
Andrea Nifong, Old Dominion University; Andy Nelson, Hampton Roads Sanitation
District; Chandler Johnson, World Water Works; Charles Bott, Hampton Roads
Sanitation District
1:30 PM 2 PM
Sidestream Treatment Is Going Big - Designing A Large
Anammox Treatment Facility
Gerardo Castaneda, CH2MHILL (Primary); Tom Johnson, CH2MHILL; Leonard Gipson,
Philadelphia Water Department; Nilesh Amin, Philadelphia Water Department
2 PM 2:30 PM
Exploring Enhanced BPR and Increased Yield with Glycerin at
Five Full-Scale BNR Facilities
Laurissa Cubbage, Hazen and Sawyer; Katya Bilyk, Hazen and Sawyer; Charles Bott,
Hampton Roads Sanitation District
2:30 PM 3 PM
Pre-Denitrification Pilot Study for Upgrade of an Oxidation
Ditch to State of the Art Nutrient Removal using IFAS
Michael Larson, Draper Aden Associates; Ignatius Mutoti, Retaw Engineering
4 PM 4:30 PM
Nutrient Removal and Energy Reduction in WWTPs Using Real
Time Process Control
Tilo Stahl, BioChem Technology, Inc.
4:30 PM 5 PM
Regional Cooperation Solves Capacity Problems and Results in Gary R. McCollum, Draper Aden Associates
Shared Water Resources
1:30 PM 2 PM
Forecast-Based Water Supply Planning and Management to
Improve Drought Reliability
W. Joshua Weiss, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.; Benjamen Wright, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
2 PM 2:30 PM
Boils and Seeps – Management and When to Call for Help
Susan Bruns, Gannett Fleming, Inc.
2:30 PM 3 PM
Sustainable Yield: Metrics for Assessing Water System
Reliability During Drought
Pamela P. Kenel, Black & Veatch; Scott Kudlas, Dept of Environmental Quality
4 PM 4:30 PM
A Penny saved is a Penny Earned? A Protection Strategy for
Drinking Water Sources is like Money in the Bank
Sandra Warner, CHA Consulting Inc
4:30 PM 5 PM
The State of Numeric Nutrient Criteria in the State of Florida –
Regulatory Update and Impacts on Wastewater and Reclaimed Mary Sadler, Hazen and Sawyer, PC ; Rosalyn Matthews, Hazen and Sawyer, PC
Water Utility Operations
1:30 PM 2 PM
Is That Light the End of the Tunnel or an Oncoming Train? A
Look at What's New with Drinking Water Regulations.
Daniel B. Horne, Virginia Department of Health
2 PM 2:30 PM
State of the States - Emerging Water Loss Regulations in the
Steve Cavanaugh, Cavanaugh & Associates, P.A.
2:30 PM 3 PM
Meeting Final Effluent Metal Limits Through The Use Of SiteSpecific Procedures.
Elizabeth Thompson, Shealy Consulting LLC
4 PM 4:30 PM
Environmental Permitting the Forgotten Aspect of Sewer
Ed May, Brown and Caldwell; Michael Klevenz, Brown and Caldwell; Wayne Morris,
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
4:30 PM 5 PM
September 10
(Sessions 1, 2, 3)
1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
At WaterJAM 2013, technology is
everywhere! WaterJAM has completely
moved into the 21st Century. Not
only will there be have a new and
improved version of the WaterJAM
App at this year’s conference, you can
start following the conference now on
Twitter! #WaterJAM
2013 WaterJAM’s Technical Program
also reflects how much each technology
advance influences so much of what
we do in this industry. From realtime process control and software
applications for asset management to
modeling for distribution system and
water quality, information technology
(IT) is a key part of every aspect of
the water, wastewater and utility
management fields. Recognizing
how integrated IT is in every aspect
of what we do, we have decided that
it is no longer appropriate to have a
separate “Information Technology”
session, but rather designate an IT
icon to highlight those presentations
where technology’s in the project work
is an main theme. where IT plays an
overarching role. So for those who are
especially focused on IT, it will be easy
to follow the evolving trends in how
technology impacts our industry – just
look for the
= wastewater
= water
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Page 14
Co-fermentation of Primary Sludge and Grease Trap Waste for VFA
Production: A Pilot-scale Investigation
Jeffrey Nicholson, Virginia Tech/HRSD; Ronald Latimer, Hazen & Sawyer; Hunter
Long, Hazen & Sawyer; Holly Anne Hillard, Old Dominion University/ HRSD
1:30 PM 2 PM
Enhancing the value of Fats, Oils and Grease: Managing the Hidden
Potential of an Unlikely Resource
Muriel Dumit, Greeley and Hansen
2 PM 2:30 PM
Extractive Nutrient Recovery as a Sustainable Nutrient
Management Tool
Ron Latimer, Hazen and Sawyer; Samuel Jeyanayagam, CH2M HILL; Wendell
Khunjar, Hazen and Sawyer
2:30 PM 3 PM
Reconsidering the Converging Desires and Technologies of
Wastewater: Is Recovery a Realistic New Goal
Bill Randall, O’Brien & Gere ; Matt Wimmer, O’Brien & Gere
4 PM 4:30 PM
The Influence of Iron and Process Configuration on the CannibalTM
Process Performance and Biosolids Reduction Mechanism
Passkorn Khanthongthip, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang; John
T. Novak, Virginia Tech
4:30 PM 5 PM
Emerging Challenges in Source Water Protection
Gregory Prelewicz, Fairfax Water; Niffy Saji, Fairfax Water
1:30 PM 2 PM
Innovative Design for Iron Removal in a Small, Remote Water System
David Maxwell, Dewberry; David Van Gelder, Hanover County Department of Public
2 PM 2:30 PM
Assessing Biological Filtration for Iron and Manganese Removal
Alan G. LeBlanc, CDM Smith; Thora K Burkhardt, City of Annapolis; Cheryl R
Robitzsch, The Haskell Company
2:30 PM 3 PM
Filtration Media Optimization- Cleaning vs. Replacement
Robert Cashion, Blue Earth Labs
4 PM 4:30 PM
Uranium Mining and Drinking Water Supplies
Ben Wright, Hazen and Sawyer
4:30 PM 5 PM
Is Bigger Always Better? Studying the Impacts of Wastewater
System Regionalization
Christopher Wilson, Brown and Caldwell; Phil Hubbard, HRSD
1:30 PM 2 PM
Integrated Planning and Permitting: A Water Quality-Based CostBenefit Approach for Utilities
Patrick Bradley, LimnoTech
2 PM 2:30 PM
Weathering the Storm: Balancing the Cost of Reducing Sanitary
Sewer Overflows
Doug Hudgins, CHA Consulting, Inc.
2:30 PM 3 PM
Evaluating The Impact of Cold Weather Events On Biological
Nutrient Removal in Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Phil Yi, Hazen and Sawyer; Wendell Khunjar, Hazen and Sawyer
4 PM 4:30 PM
One Size Storm Does Not Fit All: Development of a Wet Weather SSO
Elimination Plan for the City using Continuous Model Simulation
Jeffrey S. Pelletier, MWH; Wazir Qadri, City of Baltimore, Department of Public
Works, Bureau of W/WW
4:30 PM 5 PM
Energy Savings Performance Contracting - A Tool for Controlling
Costs and Mapping a New Future for One Virginia Community
Dennis Clough, Energy Systems Group; Mike Hanna, Black & Veatch; Jesse Moffett,
Frederick Winchester Service Authority
1:30 PM 2 PM
The “Necessary, Real Benefits” of APD: Successfully Employing
Alternative Project Delivery
William O. Hixon, ARCADIS
2 PM 2:30 PM
Implementing North Carolina’s First Significant Municipal
Wastewater Design-Build Project
Mary Knosby, HDR; B.J. Christman, Crowder Construction Company; Kit Eller,
Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities
2:30 PM 3 PM
To Build or Not to Build: Moving Forward with Design/Build of the
City of Annapolis Water Treatment Plant
Brian Balchunas, Atkins; Thora Burkhardt, City of Annapolis
4 PM 4:30 PM
Mike Hanna, Black & Veatch
4:30 PM 5 PM
Progressive Design Build: The Best of Both Worlds
September 10
(Sessions 4, 5, 6, 7)
1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Career Studies Program for Water and Wastewater Operators
Robert Canova, Virginia Western Community College
1:30 PM 2 PM
Behind the Faucet: Building a Pipeline of Future Employees
and Customers
Sarah R. Baumgardner, Western Virginia Water Authority
2 PM 2:30 PM
Water Treatment Specialists and What Veterans Bring to the
Work Place
Mark Anderson, Virginia Dept. of Health
2:30 PM 3 PM
Collaborations to Build the Water Sector Workforce
Matthew Reed, USEPA
4 PM 4:30 PM
A Successful Operator Career Path Fostered Staff Development Maureen O’Shaughnessy, Prince William County Service Authority; Robert Litzinger,
and Knowledge Retention - Lessons Learned
PWCSA; Stephen Bennett, PWCSA; Mike Failor, PWCSA
Design Guidance for Rehabilitating Pump Stations
Part 1: Lessons Learned
Jason Kerns, HDR
1:30 PM 2 PM
Design Guidance for Rehabilitating Pump Stations
Part 2: Evaluating Mechanical Seal Failures
Jeff Sparks, HRSD
2 PM 2:30 PM
Design Guidance for Rehabilitating Pipelines
Part 1: Analyzing Rehabilitation Needs
Benjamin Custalow, Greeley and Hansen
2:30 PM 3 PM
Design Guidance for Rehabilitating Pipelines
Part 2: Rehabilitation Methods
Kelvin Coles, Greeley and Hansen
3:30 PM 4 PM
Career Paths for YPs in the Water or Wastewater Industry
JP Semper, Greeley and Hansen
4 PM 4:30 PM
Career Paths for YPs Q&A
Panel Board
4:30 PM 5 PM
Continuous-loop Filter Technology Provides Integrated
Filtration, Sludge Thickening and Dewatering
Carl McDonald, TrojanUV / Salsnes Filter
1:30 PM 2 PM
Turbo Blowers – The Future Is Now
Brian Sibiga, Wendel; Frank Nerone, PE, Wendel
2 PM 2:30 PM
September 10
(Sessions 8, 9,10)
1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Continuously Sequencing Reactor (CSR) with Advanced Control Ayman Shawwa, Schreiber LLC
System for Biological Nutrient Removal
2:30 PM 3 PM
The New Wastewater: Collection System Challenges Caused by
Today’s Modern Trash
4 PM 4:30 PM
Robert Domkowski, Xylem, Inc - Flygt Products
4:30 PM 5 PM
Concrete Coating, Lining and Flooring Solutions for the Water/ Reed Goodwin, Stonhard, Inc.
Wastewater Industry
Page 15
4:30 PM 5 PM
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Metal Wars: Welded Steel vs. Ductile Iron for New Large
Diameter Raw and Finished Water Transmission Mains, A
Comparative Evaluation and Field Case Studies.
Darren Branch, Fairfax Water; Eric LaRocque, Dewberry
8:30 AM 9 AM
Case Study: Tips for Cost-Effectively Improving Your Water
Gary Fern, Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP; Paula Moore, Whitman, Requardt
& Associates, LLP
9 AM 9:30 AM
An Innovative Design for Residuals Collection Improves
Settled Water Quality
Michael Wang, Hazen and Sawyer; Brent O’Neill, Illinois American Water Company ;
David M. Laliberte, Hazen and Sawyer
9:30 AM 10 AM
Low Cost Capacity Increase for the City of Manassas WTP
Jamie Shambaugh, Gannett Fleming, Inc.; Tony Dawood, City of Manassas
11 AM 11:30 AM
An Aged, Small-Town Water Treatment Plant Goes State of the
Richard Kincheloe, Dewberry; Tom Delbridge, City of Emporia
11:30 AM
- 12 PM
The Power of Proactive Communications in Achieving the Holy
Grail of the Industry - Communicating (and Convincing) The
Value of Water
Samantha Villegas, SaVi PR, LLC
8:30 AM 9 AM
Effective Planning, Management, and Tracking of CIP Funding
– A People, Systems, & Process Approach
Rebecca Mitchell, City of Virginia Beach/Public Utilities; Aditya Ramamurthy,
Malcolm Pirnie/ARCADIS
9 AM 9:30 AM
How to Minimize the Political Maneuvering in a Joinder
Richard DiSalvo, Jr., Draper Aden Associates; Gerard W. Higgins, BlacksburgChristiansburg-VPI Water Authority
9:30 AM 10 AM
A Different Kind of Pressure – How One Organization
Responded to an Imposed Billing and Customer Service
Karen Pallansch, Alexandria Renew Enterprises; Ryan Nagel, Red Oak Consulting/
ARCADIS; Biff Corning, Red Oak Consulting/ARCADIS
11 AM 11:30 AM
Step Up Utility Effectiveness With Integrated Business Systems William A. Lloyd, Westin Engineering, Inc.
Page 16
September 11
(Sessions 11,12,13)
8:30 AM to 12 PM
11:30 AM
- 12 PM
A Framework for Real-time Process Control
Katya Bilyk, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
8:30 AM 9 AM
Startup of the Nation’s First Combined BioMag/CoMag
Treatment Facility: Challenges and Successes
Robert Backman, Siemens Industry; Ian Catlow, Tighe & Bond
9 AM 9:30 AM
Operational Protocol Development for Nutrient Sensors Used
For Process Control and Monitoring in Wastewater Treatment
Claire Welling, HRSD; Kshitiz Uprety, HRSD, Virginia Tech ; Mark Miller, HRSD, Virginia
Tech; Charles Bott, HRSD
9:30 AM 10 AM
Tractive Force Design for Self-Cleansing Sanitary Sewers Evaluating Design Guidance Based on the Performance of
Existing Sewers
L. Burton Curry, Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson; Kevin L. Enfinger, ADS
Environmental Services
11 AM 11:30 AM
Modification of an A/B Process Pilot to Take Advantage of
Nitrite Shunt and Simultaneous Nitrification-Denitrification
Ryder Bunce, HRSD, ODU; Mark Miller, Virginia Tech ; Pusker Regmi, Old Dominion
University; Charles Bott, Hampton Roads Sanitation District
11:30 AM
- 12 PM
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Page 17
Overcoming Challenging Booster Pump Station Hydraulic
Conditions with a Unique Control Strategy
Martin A. Kazmierczak, Gannett Fleming, Inc.; Thomas J. Lipinski, Loudoun Water;
Jack N. Jadryev, Loudoun Water; William E. Lloyd, Lloyd Engineering, PLC
8:30 AM 9 AM
An Integrated Approach for Extending the Functional Useful Life
and Reducing the Failure Rate of Buried Infrastructure
Scott Smith, Brown and Caldwell; Nigel Grace, Brown and Caldwell; Kelly
Comstock, Brown and Caldwell
9 AM 9:30 AM
Understanding Risk and Resilience to Better Manage Water
Transmission Systems
David Kerr, GHD; Amanvir Singh, GHD, Inc.; Roop Lutchman, GHD, Inc.
9:30 AM 10 AM
Addressing Transient Flow Issues in Small Water Systems
Larado Robinson, Draper Aden Associates
11 AM 11:30 AM
Maximizing Public Health Benefits from Tank Aeration/Mixing
Megan Roberts, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.; Kelvin Creech, Town of Cary; Stanley
States, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority ; Erik Rosenfeldt, Hazen and Sawyer
11:30 AM 12 PM
Challenges To Replacing a Plant Wide Aging Electrical System
Scott Weikert, CH2MHILL; Gerardo Castaneda, CH2MHILL; Keith Chase, Fairfax
County; Keith Moran, Fairfax County
8:30 AM 9 AM
The Weakest Link? Successful Risk Management to Prevent
Trunk Sewer Failure
Ralph Claytor, Henrico County; Denise Nelson, Greeley and Hansen
9 AM 9:30 AM
No Taxation without Rehabilitation - Minimizing Costs while
Avoiding SSOs
Dan Ruby, Brown and Caldwell
9:30 AM 10 AM
Providing Affordable, Critical Infrastructure to a Rural
Jeff McInnis, AECOM Water
11 AM 11:30 AM
Wet Weather Filtration Facility for Maintaining
Water Pollution Control Plant Treatment Quality
Patrick Haney, ARCADIS
11:30 AM 12 PM
Challenges of Upgrading a WWTP for State of the Art Nutrient
Removal and for Level 1 Reuse
Dan Villhauer, Dewberry Engineers Inc.
September 11
(Sessions 14, 15, 16, 17)
8:30 AM to 12 PM
8:30 AM 9 AM
Design of a Zero-Discharge Wastewater Treatment Facility on the Brent Waters, Golder Associates; Peter Demicco, Demicco & Associates LLC
Eastern Shore of Virginia
9 AM 9:30 AM
Store Rain Away for a Sunny Day: Improving Irrigation
Sustainability through On-site Stormwater Reuse
Roger B. Arnold Jr., ARCADIS
9:30 AM 10 AM
Evaluating the Cost of Trace Organic Contaminant Removal in
Water Reclamation
Development Of A Three Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model To
Assess Water Quality For A Water Reuse Project In San Diego,
Strategic Planning for Energy Management – from Concept to
Benjamin Stanford, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.; Jean Debroux, Kennedy/Jenks
Consultants; Shane Snyder, University of Arizona, Chemical and Environmental
Li Ding, Flow Science Incorporated; Jeff Pasek, San Diego Public Utilities
Department; Imad Hannoun, Flow Science Incorporated; John List, Flow Science
Peter Thomson, Black & Veatch; Teresa DiGenova, Black & Veatch ; Paul Kohl,
Philadelphia Water Department
Utility Value Engineering
Anthony Dunams, ARCADIS
11 AM 11:30 AM
11:30 AM 12 PM
8:30 AM 9 AM
9 AM 9:30 AM
When the Plan Changes, Do You need to Change Plans? Assessing
Thomas Lipinski, Loudoun Water; Karen Arnold, Loudoun Water
the Impacts of Future Growth on Infrastructure of the Past
9:30 AM 10 AM
Utility Easement Management Process: A Simple Approach
Chris Guvernator, O’Brien & Gere Engineers
11 AM 11:30 AM
A Comprehensive Collection System Rehabilitation Program for
Infrastructure Sustainability
Marchelle Sossong, Henrico County; Ralph Claytor, Henrico County; Denise Nelson,
Greeley and Hansen
11:30 AM 12 PM
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Page 18
Measuring Performance of a Regional Stormwater Program
Dane D. Jablonsky, Brown & Caldwell; Lisa Jeffrey, Brown
& Caldwell
8:30 AM 9 AM
The Localities’ Challenge: First Steps Towards Meeting Chesapeake Bay TMDL
Michael Morgan, CDM Smith
9 AM 9:30 AM
TMDL Survival Guide – Developing Implementation Plans for Meeting Pollutant
Reduction Goals
Donald O. Seward, Jr., AECOM
9:30 AM 10 AM
Incorporating the Virginia Model Stormwater Management Ordinance into Your Local
Code of Ordinances
Cabell Vest, AquaLaw PLC; Chris Pomeroy, AquaLaw PLC
11 AM 11:30 AM
Integrating TMDL Implementation Strategies into MS4 Compliance
Heather Bourne, LimnoTech; Patrick Bradley, LimnoTech
11:30 AM 12 PM
“Keep the Plant Running” - Planning for a WRF 65% Hydraulic Capacity Increase
Jennifer Anne Moore, Atkins; George Heiner, Anne
Arundel County Department of Public Works
8:30 AM 9 AM
A Standardized Protocol for Assessing the Biodegradability of Trace Organic
Contaminants during Wastewater Treatment
Wendell Khunjar, Hazen and Sawyer; Kartik Chandran,
Columbia University; Kimberly Jones, Howard University;
Charles Bott, Hampton Roads Sanitation District
9 AM 9:30 AM
EnvisionTM for Sustainable Infrastructure is Effecting Virginia’s Water Industry
Denise Nelson, Greeley and Hansen; JP Semper, Greeley
and Hansen; Ken Eyre, Greeley and Hansen
9:30 AM 10 AM
Comparative Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tools Applied to the City of Norfolk,
Joseph McCloud, ODU; John Whitelaw, ODU; Mujde
Erten-Unal, ODU; Denise Thompson, City of Norfolk
11 AM 11:30 AM
Small Changes = Big Savings: Energy and Lighting Evaluations Prioritize Steps towards
Christina Arnaout, HDR; Stephanie Spalding, HDR; James
Bates, HDR; Dave Reardon, HDR
11:30 AM 12 PM
New Water Service Line Pipe Material Offers Strength, Corrosion Resistance and Cost
Effective Alternative to Copper
Gary Shepherd, UGSI
8:30 AM 9 AM
Enhanced Circulation in Potable Water Storage Tanks
Michelle McCadden, SolarBee/GridBee owned by
Medora Corporation
9 AM 9:30 AM
Flow Metering on a Shoestring: How One County with Limited Resources Addressed its
Wet Weather Concerns
Greg Anderson, McKim & Creed
9:30 AM 10 AM
September 11
(Sessions 18, 19, 20)
8:30 AM to 12 PM
Types of Water Tank Evaluations: Drained…Dive..ROV. What’s the Right Choice for YOU? Nicole Clarke, Tank Industry Consultants
11 AM 11:30 AM
Fundamentals of Backflow Prevention Assemblies and Devices
11:30 AM 12 PM
Barry Walter, Hydro Designs, Inc.
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Page 19
The National Capital Planning Commission; Partnering with Federal, State and Local
L. Preston Bryant, Jr., Chairman, National Capital
Planning Commission, McGuireWoods Consulting LLC
1:30 PM 2 PM
Current Priorities at DEQ
David K. Paylor, Director, Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
2 PM 2:30 PM
Water Regulatory Update
Melanie D. Davenport, Director, DEQ Water Division
2:30 PM 3 PM
Update of the Commonwealth’s Non-Point Regulatory Programs
Virginia S. Snead, Office of Regulatory Programs
Manager, DCR Division of Stormwater Management
4 PM 4:30 PM
Air Regulatory Update
Patty Buonviri, Air Toxics Coordinator, Virginia
Department of Environmental Quality
4:30 PM 5 PM
Taking Denitrification to the Next Level: An Upgrade of Proven Technology with 21st
Century I&C
Jaime A. Alba, CDM Smith; Peter Loomis, CDM Smith;
Robert Litzinger, PWCSA; Bruce Stevens, ASA Analitics
1:30 PM 2 PM
Factors for Successfully Reducing Effluent Total Nitrogen below 2.5 mg/L Using
Conventional Nutrient Removal Strategies
Joe Rohrbacher, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
2 PM 2:30 PM
Operation-Focused Design of Counter-Current Activated Sludge Process for Enhanced
Nutrient Removal
Ayman Shawwa, Schreiber LLC; Patrick Brooks, Parsons;
Natalie Richards, Parsons
2:30 PM 3 PM
The Fate of Glycerin in BNR, A Closer Look at Nitrite Accumulation and Glycerin
Samuel Ledwell, Environmental Operating Solutions,
Inc.; Paul Togna, EOSi
4 PM 4:30 PM
A Phased Approach for Optimal Mixing of an Attached Growth Process: A Case Study
from a Large MBBR Plant
Guiying (Laurel) Xiao, AECOM; John McGettigan,
Greeley-Hansen; Sarah Motsch, Fairfax County; Dilli
Neupane, Fairfax County
4:30 PM 5 PM
LT2 Compliance: Using a Demonstration of Performance Evaluation to Establish Crypto
Removal Credits
Victoria W. Hoyland, CHA
1:30 PM 2 PM
SMART Flushing Technology Advances Water Quality Management and Conserves
Natural And Financial Resources
Harold Mosley, Mueller Co.
2 PM 2:30 PM
Investing in Operations, Not Infrastructure – A Case Study of Optimizing a Distribution
System to Improve Water Quality
Wayne Zhang, Hazen and Sawyer; Jeff Cruickshank,
Hazen and Sawyer; Ken Best, City of Raleigh, Public
Utilities; Chris Phelps, City of Raleigh, Public Utilities
2:30 PM 3 PM
UCMR 3 Monitoring – What You Need to Know
Joseph Mattheis, UL LLC
4 PM 4:30 PM
The Science of Mixing Water Storage Tanks and Best Practices to Improve Water Quality
Michael Duer, Tideflex Technologies
4:30 PM 5 PM
September 11
(Sessions 21, 22, 23)
1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Page 20
Turning Data Into Action to Drive System Optimization and Performance
Jeff Neeman, Black & Veatch; Paul Delphos, Black &
1:30 PM 2 PM
Evaluation of Alternate Variable Frequency Drive Control Techniques in Sewage
Pumping Stations
Ryan Delo, RK&K, LLP; Randy Allen, City of Virginia
Beach, Department of Public Utilities
2 PM 2:30 PM
Did You Say Arc Flash? A Municipal Approach to Compliance
Mark A. Jones, City of Virginia Beach Department of
Public Utilities
2:30 PM 3 PM
Minimum Support Needed for a Reliable SCADA System
Jeff M. Miller, Dewberry
4 PM 4:30 PM
Chemical Purchasing Techniques to Reduce Costs
Alan Cassel, PEER Consultants; Aklile Tesfaye, DC Water;
Robert Eisemann, DC Water
4:30 PM 5 PM
Design of an Off-Line Storage Facility to Reduce Force Main Pressures During High Flow
Events and Improve Wet Weather Flow Management
Mike Gaffney, RK&K; Bill Salley, Hampton Roads
Sanitation District
1:30 PM 2 PM
Piloting Uncharted Territory: Exploring Methods for Detecting Inflow and Infiltration
from Private Sewer Laterals
Danny Maas, Brown and Caldwell; Phil Hubbard,
Hampton Roads Sanitation District; Jeff Scarano, Brown
and Caldwell; Mike Hess, Brown and Caldwell
2 PM 2:30 PM
The Changing Characteristics Of Wastewater: Impacts To Wastewater Pumping
Equipment Design, Selection, and Operation
Kraig Schenkelberg, CDM Smith; Marcy Garnett, City of
Virginia Beach - Department of Public Utilities
2:30 PM 3 PM
A Reliability Engineering Perspective To Sewage Pump Stations
Kevin Alvarado, Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
4 PM 4:30 PM
Understanding the Benefits of Multi-Sensor Inspection
Jeffrey Griffiths, Hydromax USA
4:30 PM 5 PM
The WEF Energy Roadmap: Driving Water and Wastewater Utilities to More Sustainable
Energy Management
Barry Liner, WEF; Steve Tarallo, Black & Veatch
1:30 PM 2 PM
Sustainable Construction in the Real World
Lisa Racey, Alexandria Renew Enterprises; Johnnie
M. Overton, Jacobs Engineering; Adrienne Fancher,
Alexandria Renew Enterprises
2 PM 2:30 PM
Will LEED, lead you in the direction of sustainability? We can ENVISION other options!
Craig Benson, O’Brien & Gere
2:30 PM 3 PM
Demand Management Strategies Resulting In “Zero And Low Cost” Energy Saving
Opportunities For Water Treatment Facilities.
Bryan Lisk, Hazen and Sawyer
4 PM 4:30 PM
Energy Independence can Simply Be a Paradigm Shift: The Ejby Mølle WWTP Story
Thomas Johnson, CH2MHILL; Julian Sandino, CH2MHILL;
Per Henrik Nelsen, VandCenter Syd; Michael Nielsen,
4:30 PM 5 PM
September 11
(Sessions 24, 25, 26)
1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Surge Modeling Improves Water Service and Eliminates Pressure Fluctuations
Crystal Broadbent, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C
1:30 PM 2 PM
“Surge”Ing Ahead with Hydraulic Transients
Narayan Venkatesan, O’Brien & Gere
2 PM 2:30 PM
Maximizing Capital Dollars through Water Modeling and Data Validation
Uday Khambhammettu, AECOM; Craig Ziesemer, City of
2:30 PM 3 PM
Modeling Halfway Around the World: Advanced Hydraulic Model Calibration for a Large
Laura Siemers, GHD
4 PM 4:30 PM
All-Pipes Model Improves Water System Operational Studies and Planning
Laura Khouvilay, ARCADIS; Lisa Gresehover, WSSC;
Patrick F Parault, ARCADIS; Vanessa Speight , Latis
4:30 PM 5 PM
Are Your People and Systems Protected
Grant Van Hemert, Schneider Electric
1:30 PM 2 PM
Safeguarding Your Operations Personnel – Developing an Electrical Safety Program
Stephen Bowman, Wiley Wilson
2 PM 2:30 PM
An Update on Security and Emergency Preparedness Standards for Utilities
Linda Warren, Launch! Consulting
2:30 PM 3 PM
Environmental Health and Safety Management Systems
Richard A. Renzi, AECOM; Phil Burguiere, AECOM
4 PM 4:30 PM
Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Cyber Assets in Municipal Water Systems
Doug Wylie, Rockwell Automation
4:30 PM 5 PM
Virginia Initiative Plant Capacity Upgrade - Wet Weather Auxiliary Influent System
Old Dominion University
3 PM 3:30 PM
Student Water Challenge Team #2
3:30 PM 4 PM
Student Water Challenge Team #3
4 PM 4:30 PM
Closed Session
4:30 PM 5 PM
The winning team of the 2013 VWEA Student Design Competition will give their presentation in preparation for representing Virginia at WEFTEC.2013. Immediately following,
the teams for the 2013 VAAWWA Student Water challenge will present their findings from their day's work on a water quality, treatment, or distribution problem. Winners will be
announced at the Awards Banquet.
Page 21
September 11
(Sessions 27, 28, 29)
1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
2:30 PM 3 PM
Student Water Challenge Team #1
Student Water Challenge Judging/Debriefing
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Peter Schuler, Brown and Caldwell; Eric Schrader,
Department of Water Resources; Leslie Jones, Brown and
Caldwell; Jose Jimenez, Brown and Caldwell
8:30 AM 9 AM
Achieving Ultralow Effluent Limits to Meet Mid-Atlantic TMDS and Reuse
Leita S. Bennett, ATKINS
9 AM 9:30 AM
Evaluation of Three Full-scale Grit Removal Processes using CFD Modeling
Brian F. McNamara, HRSD
9:30 AM 10 AM
Controlling Effluent COD while Maximizing Yield in an Adsorption-Style High Rate
Activated Sludge Process
Mark Miller, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University; Pusker Regmi, Old Dominion University;
Charles Bott, HRSD
10:30 AM 11 AM
Maximizing Clarifier Capacity and Performance through CFD Modeling
Page 22
Kinetics of Glycerol Acclimated Biomass: Implications on Using Glycerol as Supplemental Robert Sharp, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
Carbon Source for BNR
11 AM 11:30 AM
Copper and Zinc Reduction Methods in Municipal Water & Wastewater Systems
Jeff Coyne, Timmons Group
11:30 AM 12 PM
Evaluation of Counter-Current Sorption As A Pre-Treatment Step for DOC removal
Katherine Graf, EE&T, Inc; David Cornwell, EE&T,Inc;
Treavor Boyer, University of Florida
8:30 AM 9 AM
Fundamentals of Iron and Manganese Treatment in Drinking Water
Andrew Jones, Timmons Group
9 AM 9:30 AM
Low Pressure Membrane Treatment Re-visited: An Honest Overview on New Products
and Design Considerations
Korkud Egrican, CH2M Hill
9:30 AM 10 AM
Filter Optimization Challenges and Opportunities
Matt Goodman, CHA Consulting
10:30 AM 11 AM
Pilot Study Removal of Odorous Compounds with Advanced Oxidation Combining Ultra
Violet and Hydrogen Peroxide.
Christian Volk, Virginia-American Water
11 AM 11:30 AM
Bromide – An Unsuspected Culprit: Assessing Impacts on Stage 2 DBPR Compliance
Daniel Cory, Hopkins, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
11:30 AM 12 PM
Employing GIS, Cloud, and Mobile Technologies to Support Asset Management and
System Operations
Jayson Brennen, CDM Smith
8:30 AM 9 AM
Enterprise Asset Management Planning for Richmond DPU’s Five Utility Divisions: Asset
Management Across Water, Wastewater, Storm Water, Gas and Street Light Utilities
Eddie Childers, City of Richmond Department of
Public Utilities; Rosemary Green, City of Richmond
Department of Public Utilities; Seth Yoskowitz, MWH;
Chris DeHanas, MWH
9 AM 9:30 AM
Asset Management - Don’t Forget Your Real Estate
Donald Rice, Newport News Waterworks; Adam Balsley,
Newport News Waterworks
9:30 AM 10 AM
Enterprise Asset Management using SAP Including Predictive and Preventive
Maintenance Practices
Joel Thompson, Fairfax Water
10:30 AM 11 AM
Sanitary Sewer Operations and Maintenance – Best Practices for CMMS/EAM Selection
And Implementation
Ed Singer, Woolpert, Inc.
11 AM 11:30 AM
Condition Assessment Beyond the Pipes: Tools for Facility Condition Assessment and
O&M and CIP Prioritization
Peter D’Adamo, HDR
11:30 AM 12 PM
September 12
(Sessions 30, 31, 32)
8:30 AM to 12 PM
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Page 23
Smeby, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.; Dave Ehrhardt, Hazen and Sawyer,
A Multi-Faceted Approach to Odor Control for a 28.5-Mile Long Force Main Kristen
P.C.; Brian Duane, Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
8:30 AM 9 AM
Methods for Non-destructive Evaluation of Force Main Condition
Assessment and the Associated Cost Benefits
Mike Funk, Pure Technologies
9 AM 9:30 AM
Improving Capacity Through Sewer Replacement
Daniel Gilroy, CDM Smith
9:30 AM 10 AM
Models for Capacity Assessment: Dig Into Results, Not Pavement!
David N. Powell, Woolpert; Jason Mitchell, City of Hampton Public Works
10:30 AM 11 AM
A Third-Party Hit is No Party: Fixing a 42-inch Pipe in less than 42 Days
Paul C. Wilson, Brown and Caldwell, Inc.; Mark Harber, Brown and Caldwell;
Phil Hubbard, Hampton Roads Sanitation District
11 AM 11:30 AM
Structural Sewer and Lateral Renewal Utilizing the Injection of
Specialized Resins
Peter Kurz, Pipeline Renewal Technologies
11:30 AM 12 PM
Breaking Loop Of Phosphorus Recycle – Side Stream Phosphorus
Yuan Fang, Greeley and Hansen; Christopher Wilson, Greeley and Hansen;
Dimitrios Katehis, Greeley and Hansen
8:30 AM 9 AM
Harnessing Solar Energy For Biosolids Management: A Green Approach
To Drying Biosolids
Alexander Kraemer, Parkson Corporation
9 AM 9:30 AM
Sometimes Average isn’t Good Enough: Understanding the Impact of
Variability on Energy Recovery from Digester Gas
Hunter Long, Hazen and Sawyer, PC; Michael Bullard, Hazen and Sawyer,
PC; Chris Shamel, City / County Utilities Commission, Winston Salem, NC;
Frank Crump, City / County Utilities Commission, Winston Salem, NC
9:30 AM 10 AM
Major Improvements Are Coming Soon for DC Water’s Biosolids Product
Chris Peot, DC Water and Sewer Authority; Perry Schafer, Brown and
10:30 AM 11 AM
Density Meter Evaluation for Underflow Solids at the Gravity Sludge
Ersin Kasirga, Atkins; George Mpoyo, DC Water; Anna Kazasi, Atkins
11 AM 11:30 AM
An Update to the Comparison Of Thermal Hydrolysis Processes (Cambi™
and Exelys™) For Solids Pretreatment Prior to Anaerobic Digestion
Terry Goss, AECOM
11:30 AM 12 PM
Design of an Off-Line Storage Tank for the Control of Flows and Pressures
in a Sanitary Sewer Force Main During Peak Wet Weather Events
Matthew Donnelly, CH2M HILL; William Salley, Hampton Roads Sanitation
8:30 AM 9 AM
Versatile Bioreactor Design Reduces Cost of Nutrient Reduction
Improvements and Wet Weather Treatment
Thomas Kochaba, HDR; David Kinnear, HDR; Charles Bott, Hampton Roads
Sanitation District, John Dano, Hampton Roads Sanitation District
9 AM 9:30 AM
Construction Planning Vs. Reality…What Went Right, What Went Wrong,
And What Was Completely Unexpected During The Bypass Pumping of
Rick Zaepfel, Upper Occoquan Service Authority; Will Schafer, CDM Smith
Three “Similar” Wastewater Pumping Stations
9:30 AM 10 AM
Transient Analysis Considerations for Transmission Mains Rehabilitated
by Sliplining
Owais E. Farooqi, Black & Veatch; Ahmad Habibian, Black & Veatch
10:30 AM 11 AM
Program Review: A Multi-Tooled Approach for Nutrient Reduction
John McGettigan, Greeley and Hansen; Matthew Doyle, Fairfax County
DPWES; Sarah Motsch, Fairfax County DPWES; Michael McGrath, Fairfax
County DPWES
11 AM 11:30 AM
What’s Taking So long? How to Plan, Design and Construct a 30 MGD
Water Booster Station in only 14 Months
Thomas Lipinski, Loudoun Water; Aaron Duke, Hazen and Sawyer; William
Haase, Loudoun Water
11:30 AM 12 PM
September 12
(Sessions 33, 34, 35)
8:30 AM to 12 PM
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Beth Blair, Black & Veatch; Salil Kharkar, DC Water; Nick Passarelli, DC
Water; Rouben Der Minassian, DC Water
8:30 AM 9 AM
Using Bench Scale Tests to Determine the Feasibility of AOP for Taste and
Erik Rosenfeldt, Hazen and Sawyer; Aaron Duke, Hazen and Sawyer
9 AM 9:30 AM
Anammox Polishing in Mainstream to Meet Stringent Nitrogen Limits
Becky Holgate, Old Dominion University; Pusker Regmi, Old Dominion
University; Mark W Miller, Virginia Tech ; Charles B Bott, Hampton Roads
Sanitation District
9:30 AM 10 AM
Development of an Accessible Inclined Orientation UV Disinfection System
Permits Smaller Footprints for Larger Treatment Systems
Kevin Flis, Wedeco, A Xylem Brand
10:30 AM 11 AM
NOB Repression in Mainstream BNR for Nitrite-shunt and
Pusker Regmi, Old Dominion University; Becky Holgate, Old Dominion
University; Mark Miller, Virginia Tech ; Charles Bott, HRSD
11 AM 11:30 AM
ENR Upgrade of a 6 MGD WWTP to a 4 Stage Bardenpho with BioMag
Eric LaRocque, Dewberry
11:30 AM 12 PM
Lessons Learned: Stormwater Utility Fee Implementation
Carolyn A. Howard, Draper Aden Associates; Erin B Hawkins, City of
Lynchburg; Robert C. Steidel, City of Richmond Virginia
8:30 AM 9 AM
Stormwater Management Planning for Compliance with Chesapeake Bay
Lisa Jeffrey, Brown and Caldwell
9 AM 9:30 AM
Kelly Lindow, RK&K; Dorianne Shivers, RK&K
9:30 AM 10 AM
Lisa Bass, Parsons Brinckerhoff
10:30 AM 11 AM
High Performance Green Infrastructure: Real-time Control of Rainwater
Harvesting Systems
Charlene Harper, Geosyntec Consultants
11 AM 11:30 AM
Evaluation of an Alternative BMP Design Tool for Meeting Virginia
Stormwater Quality Standards
Don Alexander, Woolpert, Inc.
11:30 AM 12 PM
“Greening the Tracks” - The Benefits and Offsetting Challenges
of Incorporating Green Infrastructure on Public Transportation
Redevelopment Projects
Development and Verification of a Continuous Time Model for Nutrients
and Predictive Loading Model for Bacteria in Stormwater Runoff from a
Suburban Watershed in Southeast Virginia.
Page 24
Deammonification Treatment of Filtrate Sidestream- Project Challenges
and Updates
September 12
(Sessions 36, 37, 38)
8:30 AM to 12 PM
System-Wide and Localized Strategies for Stage 2 Disinfection Byproduct
Rule Compliance
Thomas E. Dumm, O’Brien & Gere; Richard E. Gell, O’Brien & Gere
8:30 AM 9 AM
Case Study of Mobile Booster Chloramination Unit– Another Tool for Better
Water Quality
Sonali Ambre, CDM Smith; Steven P. Clark, Prince William County Service
9 AM 9:30 AM
How UV Disinfection Can Reduce Disinfection Byproducts while Enhancing
Microbial Inactivation
Glenn M. Palen, CH2M HILL
9:30 AM 10 AM
Challenges of Retrofitting Existing WTPs with UV Disinfection for Microbial
and DBP Rules Compliance
David Briley, Hazen and Sawyer; Scott Alpert, Hazen and Sawyer; Jay
Jackson, Hazen and Sawyer
10:30 AM 11 AM
What’s Your Water Age: Evaluating DBP Formation and Distribution System
Eric Anderson, CHA Consulting
11 AM 11:30 AM
The Last Mile: Using In-tank Aeration for Reducing THM Concentrations to
Achieve Compliance with the Stage-2 DBPR
Kelly Comstock, Brown and Caldwell; Nigel Grace, Brown and Caldwell;
Scott Smith, Brown and Caldwell
11:30 AM 12 PM
= water
= wastewater
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
WaterJAM 2013 Registration Information
On-line Registration
You are encouraged to register at and; or refer to the following
Full Conference Registration
Includes technical & general sessions, exhibits, all lunches, Opening Night Reception, Water
Reach Reception, Awards Banquet & Reception, AM & PM Breaks
If computer access is not available, mail in registration form below with payment to:
Kathy Rabalais, P.O. Box 2324, Glen Allen, VA 23058-2324
Circle to Indicate your Registration selection:
Member Member Non-Member Non-Member
by 8/8 after 8/8
by 8/8
after 8/8
Registration Payment Options
(If you are paying by check, on-line registration is still the preferred form):
a. Credit card payment only accepted through on-line registration.
b. Check made payable to “WATERJAM”. Mail checks to Kathy Rabalais, P.O. Box 2324, Glen
Allen, VA 23058-2324.
*A 25% service fee will be retained on all cancellations.
No refunds will be given after August 27, 2013, substitutions acceptable.
Title: Company: Fax: Mailing Address: $450
Indicate if you will be attending the following events:
- Mon. 9/9 Opening Night Meet and Greet Reception:
- Tues. 9/12 Water Reach Reception:
- Wed. 9/11 Game Night and Awards Banquet: ____ Y
____ Y
____ Y
____ N
____ N
____ N
________ Tuesday; or ________ Wednesday; or _________half day Thursday
Includes technical session, exhibits, continental breakfast, lunch, AM & PM breaks
City: State: $455
Single Day Registration
Please select which full day you will be attending, and circle the correct fee. If you are attending
half day Thursday, please select the appropriate fee:
Name: Phone: $385
(E-mail address is required)
AWWA Member No.:
WEF Member No.
VA Operator License #
Half Day Thurs. $105
Half Day Thurs. $130
Half Day Thurs.
- $45
Half Day Thurs.
- $45
Subtotal: $________________________
(Single Day Registration)
(Required for operator registration)
Do you desire vegetarian meals: ___Y ___N Would you like a FREE copy of the CD proceedings: ___Y ___N
Do you desire to obtain CPE credits:___Y ___N Would like to participate in the Scavenger Hunt: ___Y
Do you desire to obtain CEC credits:___Y ___N
Name on Badge:
Page 25
This Page Subtotal: $________________
Additional Events Registration - Next Page 
Photographs will be taken at WaterJAM 2013. By registering for this event, you agree to allow VAAWWA and
VWEA to use your photo in any VAAWWA or VWEA related publication, video, or website.
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
WaterJAM 2013 Registration Information
Additional Events Tickets for Social and Breakfast Events for Purchase
Social Events (not included in Exhibitors or Single Day Registrations)
Mon. 9/9 - Workshops
- Mon. 9/9 - Opening Night Meet and Greet Reception
_____ $40
- Tues. 9/10 - Water Reach Silent Auction Reception
(included in exhibitor registration)
_____ $25
- Wed. 9/11 - Game Night & Awards Banquet
_____ $50
Full day workshops include continental breakfast, lunch, and PM break. Half day workshop
include break only.
_____#1 Lab Practices
$100 (full day: 8 AM - 5 PM)
_____#2 Virginia Biosolids Council Workshop $50 (half day: 8 AM - 12 PM)
Subtotal: $________________________
Breakfast Events
- Wed. 9/11 - Golden Rodents Breakfast - Past VWEA President
_____ $20
Tues. 9/10 - Water for People 5-K Fun Run/Walk
- Wed. 9/11 - Utility Managers Breakfast
_____ $20
(includes T-shirt/refreshments)
- Thurs. 9/12 - 5-S Breakfast (5-S Members)
_____ $20
T-Shirt Size:S
Mon. 9/9 - Golf Tournament at the Country Club at the Highlands
2. 3. Subtotal: $________________________
(golf )
Mon. 9/9 - Clay Shoot at Old Forge Sporting Clays
Team Members:_____ $85/person
1. Tour #1 - Henrico County WTP (12:30 PM - 4PM)
Tour #2 - Henrico County WRF (12:30 PM - 4PM)
_____ $10
_____ $10
Tour #3 Philip Morris USA Park 500 Tour (12:30 PM - 3:30 PM)
_____ $10
Subtotal: $________________________
(plant tour)
Subtotal from this page: $_______________
3. Subtotal from previous page: $_______________
4. Page 26
(Water for People)
Thurs. 9/12 - Tours (circle one)
2. Subtotal: $________________________
(includes box lunch and transportation if needed) 4. _____ $100
(includes logo on t-shirt)
(social/breakfast )
Team Members:_____ $85/person
1. _____ $35
Water for People 5-K Sponsorship:
Subtotal: $________________________
Subtotal: $________________________
(clay shoot)
GRAND TOTAL: $_______________
*If paying by credit card,
please register online
Check #_______________
WaterJAM 2013 - Racing to Richmond
9th Annual Meeting
Golf Tournament and Cookout
Sponsorship Form
September 9, 2013
The Country Club at the Highlands | 804-796-4800 |
Sponsorship opportunities are available in the form of hole sponsorships and cash donations, as well as corporate Identifying
items, gift certificates, golfing items, etc. to be used in the raffle. All sponsor names will be posted the day of the tournament.
In order to recognize the Sponsors properly, we are asking that you turn in your donations by Tuesday, September 3rd. We
will still accept raffle prizes the day of the golf tournament.
Those interested in sponsorship should note when registering for JAM on the “regonline” or return this form to:
Kathy Rabalais
P.O. Box 2324
Glen Allen, VA 23058-2324
Sponsor Information:
Company Name Or Individual
Name And Phone Number Of Contact Person
Please check one or more of the following:
Breakfast or Lunch Sponsor ($500, only 2 available)
Beverage Sponsor ($250, 2 available)
Hole Sponsor ($100)
Closest to the pin sponsor ($50, 4 available: 1-woman/3-men)
Long Drive sponsor ($50, 2 available: 1-woman/1-men)
Raffle prize sponsor (merchandise, gift certificate, etc.) - Proceeds go to Water for People
Total amount enclosed: $
Raffle prize description: Please make checks payable to: WATERJAM
For Additional information, contact Charlie Quaiff at or at 804-748-1311
Page 27
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond
Richmond Marriott Hotel
500 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Standard Guest Room (government block): Proof of government employment required at check-in
$112* Single Occupancy
$122* Double Occupancy
$132* Triple Occupancy
$143* Quad Occupancy
Standard King (non-gov):
$139* Single/Double Occupancy
$149* Triple Occupancy
$159* Quad Occupancy
*Rates do not include 13% tax & $2.60/room/night community development authority assessment fee
Toll free number: 1-800-228-9290
Cut-off for room block:
Friday, August 18, 2013
Page 28
WaterJAM 2012 - Racing to Richmond