Transfer Courses and their ISU Equivalent(s) Report Run Date/Time: 9/25/2016 8:08:39 AM Transfer Institution Subject Course Number Credits Course Title ARB ARBC ARB ARBC BEH ELEC CMT ELEC COM ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC 101 1XXX 4101 1XXX 4101 01XX 101 01XX 4101 01XX 140 01XX 141 01XX 142 01XX 144 01XX 145 01XX 146 2 Arabic Language Arabic Language Arabic Language Arabic Language Job Behavior & Comm Skills Job Behavior & Comm Skills Intro to Computer Apps Intro to Computer Aps Intro to Computer Apps Intro to Computer Apps Electrical Eng I Electrical Eng I Electrical Engr 2 Electrical Engr 2 Industrial Safety Industrial Safety Preparatory Workshop Preparatory Workshop Basic Electronics Wrkshp Basic Electronics Wrkshp Electronics Devices Coll of Tech Taif Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 · These are unofficial course evaluations provided as a convenience for prospective students. Courses which transfer to ISU but have no direct course equivalency are recorded with a course number of XXX. · Current Idaho State University students should contact their college/department for information on transfer credit restrictions prior to enrolling in courses at other institutions. Please notify the Registrar's Office if the above information is incorrect Information Source: Production ODS Page: 1 of 8 Idaho State University Transfer Courses and Their ISU Equivalent(s) Report Run Date/Time: 9/25/2016 8:08:39 AM Transfer Institution Subject Course Number Credits Course Title ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC 146 01XX 147 01XX 240 02XX 241 02XX 242 02XX 243 02XX 244 02XX 245 02XX 246 02XX 247 02XX 248 02XX 251 3 Electronics Devices Electronics Devices Logic Circuits Logic Circuits Electronics Circuits Electronics Circuits Power Electronics Power Electronics Intro to Control Systems Intro to Control Systems Cntl Systems Analysis Cntl Systems Analysis Computer Edit Design Computer Edit Design Electronic Workshop Electronic Workshop Troubleshooting Workshop Troubleshooting Workshop Measure & Instrumentation Measure & Instrumentation Programmable Logic Cntlrs Programmable Logic Cntlrs Computers & Microprocessors Coll of Tech Taif Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 2 · These are unofficial course evaluations provided as a convenience for prospective students. Courses which transfer to ISU but have no direct course equivalency are recorded with a course number of XXX. · Current Idaho State University students should contact their college/department for information on transfer credit restrictions prior to enrolling in courses at other institutions. Please notify the Registrar's Office if the above information is incorrect Information Source: Production ODS Page: 2 of 8 Idaho State University Transfer Courses and Their ISU Equivalent(s) Report Run Date/Time: 9/25/2016 8:08:39 AM Transfer Institution Subject Course Number Credits Course Title ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELC ELEC ELCT ELEC ELCT ELEC ELCT 251 02XX 252 02XX 299 02XX 4243 02XX 4246 02XX 4247 02XX 4248 02XX 4251 02XX 4252 02XX 4141 01XX 4142 01XX 4143 2 Computers & Microprocessors Computers & Microprocessors Graduation Project Graduation Project Cooperative Training Cooperative Training Control Systems Analysis Control Systems Analysis Electronic Maint Workshop Electronic Maint Workshop Measurement & Equipment Measurement & Equipment Programmable Controllers Programmable Controllers Computers & Microprocessors Computers & Microprocessors Project Project Electric Engineering 2 Electric Engineering 2 Industrial Safety Industrial Safety Electric Engineering 1 Coll of Tech Taif Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: 2 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 · These are unofficial course evaluations provided as a convenience for prospective students. Courses which transfer to ISU but have no direct course equivalency are recorded with a course number of XXX. · Current Idaho State University students should contact their college/department for information on transfer credit restrictions prior to enrolling in courses at other institutions. Please notify the Registrar's Office if the above information is incorrect Information Source: Production ODS Page: 3 of 8 Idaho State University Transfer Courses and Their ISU Equivalent(s) Report Run Date/Time: 9/25/2016 8:08:39 AM Transfer Institution Subject Course Number Credits Course Title ELCT ELEC ELCT ELEC ELCT ELEC ELCT ELEC ELCT ELEC ELCT ELEC ELCT ELEC ELCT ELEC ELCT ELEC ELCT ELEC ELEC ELEC ELT 4143 01XX 4144 01XX 4145 01XX 4146 01XX 4147 01XX 4240 02XX 4241 01XX 4242 02XX 4244 01XX 4299 02XX 4252 02XX 101 3 Electric Engineering 1 Electric Engineering 1 Training Workshop Training Workshop Basic Electronic Workshop Basic Electronic Workshop Electronic Elements Electronic Elements Logical Circuits Logical Circuits Electronic Circuits Electronic Circuits Power Electronics Power Electronics Intro to Control Systems Intro to Control Systems Computer Design Computer Design CO-Operative Training CO-Operative Training Project Project Electrical Circuits I Coll of Tech Taif Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 4 2 2 2 · These are unofficial course evaluations provided as a convenience for prospective students. Courses which transfer to ISU but have no direct course equivalency are recorded with a course number of XXX. · Current Idaho State University students should contact their college/department for information on transfer credit restrictions prior to enrolling in courses at other institutions. Please notify the Registrar's Office if the above information is incorrect Information Source: Production ODS Page: 4 of 8 Idaho State University Transfer Courses and Their ISU Equivalent(s) Report Run Date/Time: 9/25/2016 8:08:39 AM Transfer Institution Subject Course Number Credits Course Title ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT 101 01XX 102 01XX 103 01XX 104 01XX 105 01XX 135 01XX 180 01XX 182 01XX 184 01XX 202 02XX 205 02XX 207 2 Electrical Circuits I Electrical Circuits I Electrical Circuits II Electrical Circuits II Eltr Instrumnts & Measurements Eltr Instrumnts & Measurements Technical Electrical Drawing Technical Electrical Drawing Industrial Safety Industrial Safety DC Machines & Transformer DC Machines & Transformer Basic Electrical W/S Basic Electrical W/S Residential Install W/S Residential Install W/S Industrial Install W/S Industrial Install W/S Power Electronics Power Electronics Prog Control Technology Prog Control Technology Auto Control Technology Coll of Tech Taif Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 · These are unofficial course evaluations provided as a convenience for prospective students. Courses which transfer to ISU but have no direct course equivalency are recorded with a course number of XXX. · Current Idaho State University students should contact their college/department for information on transfer credit restrictions prior to enrolling in courses at other institutions. Please notify the Registrar's Office if the above information is incorrect Information Source: Production ODS Page: 5 of 8 Idaho State University Transfer Courses and Their ISU Equivalent(s) Report Run Date/Time: 9/25/2016 8:08:39 AM Transfer Institution Subject Course Number Credits Course Title ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT ELEC ELT 207 02XX 235 02XX 236 02XX 261 02XX 262 02XX 263 02XX 264 02XX 265 02XX 266 02XX 284 02XX 289 02XX 299 3 Auto Control Technology Auto Control Technology AC Machines AC Machines Electric Machines - Lab Electric Machines - Lab Eltr Distribution Tech Eltr Distribution Tech Eltr Transmission Networks Eltr Transmission Networks Maint of Power Systems Maint of Power Systems Generation & Main Substations Generation & Main Substations Power Systems Protection Power Systems Protection Power Systems Lab Power Systems Lab Elect Program Control W/S Elect Program Control W/S Special Install & Protect W/S Special Install & Protect W/S Co-operative Training Coll of Tech Taif Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: 2 1 3 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 4 · These are unofficial course evaluations provided as a convenience for prospective students. Courses which transfer to ISU but have no direct course equivalency are recorded with a course number of XXX. · Current Idaho State University students should contact their college/department for information on transfer credit restrictions prior to enrolling in courses at other institutions. Please notify the Registrar's Office if the above information is incorrect Information Source: Production ODS Page: 6 of 8 Idaho State University Transfer Courses and Their ISU Equivalent(s) Report Run Date/Time: 9/25/2016 8:08:39 AM Transfer Institution Subject Course Number Credits Course Title ELT ELEC ENG TGE ENG TGE ENG TGE ENG TGE ENG TGE ENG TGE ENG TGE ENG TGE ETH ELEC ISL ELEC ISL 299 02XX 101 01XX 142 01XX 243 02XX 244 02XX 4101 01XX 4142 01XX 4243 01XX 4343 02XX 101 01XX 101 1XXX 102 4 Co-operative Training Co-operative Training General English General English Specialized English Lang I Specialized English Lang I Spec English Lang 2 Spec English Lang 2 Spec English Language II Spec English Language II General English Language General English Language Specialized English Lang 1 Specialized English Lang 1 Specialized English Lang 1 Specialized English Lang 1 Spec English Lang 2 Spec English Lang 2 Prof Ethics & Comm Skills Prof Ethics & Comm Skills Islamic Culture I Islamic Culture I Islamic Culture II Coll of Tech Taif Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 · These are unofficial course evaluations provided as a convenience for prospective students. Courses which transfer to ISU but have no direct course equivalency are recorded with a course number of XXX. · Current Idaho State University students should contact their college/department for information on transfer credit restrictions prior to enrolling in courses at other institutions. Please notify the Registrar's Office if the above information is incorrect Information Source: Production ODS Page: 7 of 8 Idaho State University Transfer Courses and Their ISU Equivalent(s) Report Run Date/Time: 9/25/2016 8:08:39 AM Transfer Institution Subject Course Number Credits Course Title ISL ELEC MAT TGE MATH TGE MTH TGE MTH TGE MTH ELEC PHY TGE PHY TGE PHYS TGE SLM ELEC SLM ELEC 102 1XXX 4222 01XX 4121 01XX 121 01XX 181 01XX 222 02XX 104 01XX 105 01XX 4105 01XX 4101 1XXX 4102 1XXX 2 Islamic Culture II Islamic Culture II Specialized Mathematics 2 Specialized Mathematics 2 Specialized Math 1 Specialized Math 1 Specialized Math 1 Specialized Math 1 Specialized Mathematics Specialized Mathematics Specialized Math 2 Specialized Math 2 Physics Physics Specialized Physics Specialized Physics Physics Physics Islamic Culture I Islamic Culture I Islamic Culture 2 Islamic Culture 2 Coll of Tech Taif Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Transfer Course: ISU Equivalent Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: Course: 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 · These are unofficial course evaluations provided as a convenience for prospective students. Courses which transfer to ISU but have no direct course equivalency are recorded with a course number of XXX. · Current Idaho State University students should contact their college/department for information on transfer credit restrictions prior to enrolling in courses at other institutions. Please notify the Registrar's Office if the above information is incorrect Information Source: Production ODS Page: 8 of 8