Journal of Sedimentary Research Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2005, v. 75, 665–678 DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2005.054 GENESIS AND DISPERSAL OF CARBONATE MUD RELATIVE TO LATE QUATERNARY SEA-LEVEL CHANGE ALONG A DISTALLY-STEEPENED CARBONATE RAMP (NORTHWESTERN SHELF, WESTERN AUSTRALIA) GEORGE R. DIX,1 NOEL P. JAMES, 2 T. KURTIS KYSER, 2 YVONNE BONE,3 AND LINDSAY B. COLLINS4 1 Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, and Ottawa Carleton Geoscience Centre, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada e-mail: 2 Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada 3 Geology and Geophysics (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences), University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia 4 Department of Applied Geology, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia 6102, Australia ABSTRACT: Accumulation of carbonate mud is minor on the Northwest Shelf (Western Australia), a broad (, 200–300 km wide), distally steepened, tropical carbonate ramp. It is negligible along most of the inner ramp (0 to 50 m water depth) owing to siliciclastic (riverine) input. It is also negligible along the mid (from 50 to 120 m) ramp, and where the entire ramp narrows to , 100 km, owing to constant reworking by storm waves and ocean swell. In these areas, carbonate mud is derived mostly from mechanical degradation of skeletal fragments, but this does not include calcified remains of calcareous green algae (e.g., Halimeda) although these plants grow locally. Only along the outer (120 to 200 m water depth) ramp and slope is there any relatively abundant accumulation of carbonate mud. Here the sediment consists of modern pelagic (foraminifer, pteropod, and nannoplantkon) ooze and aragonitic needle-rich (, 2 mm) micrite, the latter having an age (based on AMS 14C) of ; 19 ka. Distribution of aragonite micrite defines an extensive (5.0 3 104 km2), yet relatively narrow (, 40 km), tract running ; 600 km along the platform margin. Crystal morphology, mineralogy, and isotope (C, O) composition identify the micrite to be a seawater precipitate, its production and seaward export having occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum, when lowered sea level transformed the otherwise broad platform into a narrow epicontinental shelf margin, now the modern distal slope. Today, this sediment body lies stranded in deep water, about 200–300 km seaward of the shallow inner ramp. The volume of micrite produced appears equal to the present-day production potential of the Great Bahama Bank. Rapid postglacial rise in sea level, and change in platform geometry, climate, and oceanography, were very influential factors, in addition to water depth and area of submergence, in the production and distribution of aragonite micrite along the Northwest Shelf. In general: (1) epicontinental carbonate platforms can lack substantial micrite accumulation when oceanic current and wave energies sweep unimpeded across a platform, and coastal clastics and absence of shoal barriers prevent development of protective lagoons and carbonate tidal flats; (2) not all highstand carbonate systems are associated with significant amounts of micrite in shallow water environments, nor do they necessarily export large volumes of micrite to the periplatform realm; and (3) some lowstand systems can produce and export volumes of carbonate mud that rival highstand systems. INTRODUCTION Micrite or clay-size carbonate is an important depositional constituent of most modern and ancient tropical, shallow-water (0 to 20 m) carbonate platforms (Bathurst 1975; Wilson 1975). Dynamic facies models illustrate inner shelf or ramp mud as an important facies in each system (lowstand, transgressive, and highstand) tract associated with a sea-level cycle (Sarg 1988; Schlager 1991; Burchette and Wright 1992; Handford and Loucks 1993; Read 1995). The origins of this carbonate mud include skeletal production and precipitation from seawater (Bathurst 1975; Shinn et al. 1989; Macintyre and Reid 1992; Robbins and Blackwelder 1992; Milliman et al. 1993). These sources are usually highly sensitive to environmental controls (Bathurst 1975; Robbins et al. 1997). As such, temporal variation in abundance of shelf-derived mud along carbonate slopes is a critical proxy for platform submergence (Schlager et al. 1994). Late Quaternary sedimentation along the Northwest Shelf, Western Australia (Fig. 1), illustrates a more complicated potential for micrite production; that is, there is a less direct response between production/accumulation potential and sea-level change. Along this platform margin, abundant shallow-water carbonate mud is associated with recent glacial lowstand conditions, not the modern highstand setting. Influential factors prior to and during postglacial (, 18 ka) rise in sea level include rate of sea-level rise, oceanography, climate, and platform geometry and size. SETTING The area examined in this study is that part of the Northwest Shelf, Australia, seaward of a broad continental embayment between Dampier and Broome (Figs. 1, 2). This extensive carbonate platform (6.4 3 105 km 2) is a tropical, distally steepened, oceanic ramp (Read 1985; James et al. 2004). Bathymetry.—The ramp has a gentle (0.058) seaward gradient extending to a distal slope positioned ; 200 to 300 km offshore in water depths of about 200 m (Fig. 2). The continental embayment is expressed mostly by middle-ramp bathymetry: a drowned paleoshoreline lies along the base of an escarpment of ; 30 m relief in water depths of ; 125 m, immediately seaward of the 100 meter isobath (Fig. 2). The escarpment is the result of intertidal erosion during the sea-level lowstand (2125 m) at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum (; 19 ka; Yokoyama et al. 2001). The orientation of the 100 meter isobath suggests that the paleoshoreline bordered four shallow-water embayments (I–IV; Fig. 2) along the inner paleoplatform. Oceanography and Climate.—The Northwest Shelf is a very high-energy environment because of cyclones (Lourensz 1981), storm and strong fair-weather waves (Jones 1973; James et al. 2004), and strong tidal currents. There is a northward increase in tidal range from microtidal (, 2 Copyright q 2005, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) 1527-1404/05/075-665/$03.00 666 JSR G.R. DIX ET AL. FIG. 1.—Oblique view (satellite image, looking southwest) of the nearly 1000-km-long coastline bordering Northwest Shelf (Western Australia), southwest of Broome (B). The coastal promontory of the De Grey River delta (D) has visible plumes of terrigenous mud along its seaward margin (arrows), and lies northwest of the Dampier Archipelago (DA) and Exmouth Gulf (E). Photo courtesy of NASA: http:// m) southwest of Barrow Island to extreme macrotidal (101 m) at Broome (Holloway 1983). Data on seawater salinity and temperature collected during fieldwork in late winter (James et al. 2004) indicate that water temperatures in the upper 100 m were ; 268C across most of the ramp, and 27–288C in the near (, 20 km) coastal area. Salinity was ; 34–35‰ in surface waters to water depths of 150 m across most of the ramp, and slightly elevated (35–36‰) in coastal waters. The salinity at water depths between 150 and 250 m was similar to that of coastal waters. For summer months, satellite images (CSIRO, unpublished data) indicate sea surface temperatures of . 358C in some coastal areas, and ; 28–30oC across the ramp. Evaporation is intense, ; 3200 mm/y, and rainfall and river flow are mostly limited to summer months but are torrential when associated with cyclones (Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology 1972). Onshore Terrestrial Environment.—The adjacent continental landscape has low relief (Fig. 1). Late Quaternary shore sediments are predominantly siliciclastic, with a rocky, hilly terrain in the Dampier region. Eighty Mile Beach is an extensive beach–dune system with back-beach marshlands along the seaward margin of the Great Sandy Desert (Fig. 3A; Wyrwoll et al. 1986). The De Grey River delta is a subdued sandy promontory that marks the northern limit of major ephemeral rivers in the region (Fig. 3A). Ramp Surface Sand-Size Sediments.—The seaward boundaries of the inner and middle ramps are in water depths of about 50 m and 120 m (Fig. 2), which approximate fair-weather and storm wave bases, respectively (James et al. 2004). These boundaries divide the ramp according to regional patterns of sediment texture (Fig. 3A). Inner-ramp sands contain mixtures of modern and relict skeletal fragments, as well as lithoclasts (laterite, Pleistocene bedrock). Fragments of calcareous green algae (e.g., Halimeda) are not found in the sediments. Coral fragments are most abundant southwest of Dampier, where patch reefs and fringing reefs form a veneer on Pleistocene bedrock. South of Barrow Island, near the coast, subtidal shoals consist of skeletal and lithoclastic sands and gravels (Dix 1989). Middle-ramp sands define a regionally uniform high-energy environment, with strong reworking of seafloor sediment by waves and tidal cur- rents. Sediments contain a similar population of skeletal fragments as above, with an increase (30–80%) in relict grains (mainly foraminifers), intraclasts of Holocene age, and nonskeletal grains (microbored ooids and peloids). Fragments of stranded (early Holocene; James et al. 2004) Halimeda, coral, and gastropods occur at water depths between 40 and 70 m. Dredging along the outer ramp, in water depths from 120 to 200 m, reveals sand and mud fractions of Holocene pelagic (foraminifer, nannofossil, pteropod) carbonate. Dredge hauls also contained stranded carbonate sand and mud fractions, including skeletal fragments of shallow-water benthic (bivalve, gastropod, bryozoan) biota, planktic foraminifers, and large (, 4 cm 3 15 cm) calcareous tubes (James et al. 2004). A Holocene sediment ridge (Fig. 2) of fine carbonate muddy sand, consisting of pteropods and planktic foraminifers, runs parallel to the 200 m isobath, and rises up through water depths from ; 200 m to 140 m. The ridge likely reflects near-surface productivity with startup of the modern Leeuwin Current, ;10 ka (James et al. 2004). METHODOLOGY Mud samples were collected during cruise FR04/99 (June–July) of CSIRO R.V. Franklin (James et al. 2004). Seafloor sampling involved use of seafloor dredge and grab devices, such that the majority of samples are a mixture of surface and near (, 10 cm) subsurface material. A total of 113 sample sites are used in this study (Fig. 2). Mud-size material was collected by removing an aliquot (100 ml) of mud slurry during wet sieving of dredge and grab samples on board the ship. In the laboratory, wet sieving of this aliquot further removed any remaining sand fraction. An aliquot of bulk sediment was removed for archive. The remaining material was washed in distilled water, then, using a centrifuge, separated into silt and clay size fractions. These separates were subdivided for the following analyses. For secondary electron microscopy (SEM), a fraction of the archived bulk sediment as well as clay and silt fractions were mixed with distilled water, pipetted as a dilute slurry onto aluminum stubs, airdried, and Au–Pd coated. Secondary and back-scattered electron imaging JSR LATE QUATERNARY CARBONATE MUD, NORTHWEST SHELF 667 FIG. 2.—The study area along the Northwest Shelf, Australia (see box in inset map), illustrating bathymetry (meters), ramp divisions, transects of sample sites (numbered black dots), and general hinterland geology. The positions of a Holocene pelagic ridge (thick black line) and four paleoembayments at 19 ka are indicated (I–IV). Modified from James et al. (2004). Inset map shows location of Bonaparte Gulf (B) referred to in the text. used a JEOL 6400 SEM, set with a working distance of 15–17 mm, and accelerating voltages of 15 and 20 kV. Samples for stable (C, O) isotope analysis and X-ray diffractometry (XRD) were mixed with dilute hydrogen peroxide to remove organic material, then washed in distilled water and dried. For XRD analysis (Cu Ka), powdered samples were scanned from 4 to 64 degrees 2u to identify peak types, then stepwise analysis of individual carbonate peak areas (from 25 to 32 degrees 2u) for weight percent calculation (Milliman 1974). A standard error of 1 5% was determined for multiple repeats. The process for carbon and oxygen isotope analysis followed McCrea (1950). Samples were run on a MAT 252 at Queen’s University, and values are reported relative to V-PDB. Three bulk samples of the clay fraction, clean of organic detritus, were sent to Isotrace Laboratories (Toronto) for AMS 14C age-date determination. Results were calibrated to calendar years using Bard et al.’s (1998) curves, and subtracting 400 years for the ocean reservoir effect. RESULTS Distribution and Composition of Mud Regional Distribution.—Carbonate mud is a significant part of surficial sediments only along the outer ramp, seaward of the 120 m isobath. In this region, modern and late Pleistocene sediment fractions (see below) are present. Moving landward across the middle-ramp and inner-ramp areas, the abundance of siliciclastics increases (Fig. 3A). Carbonate or siliciclastic mud is negligible along the middle ramp and across the entire ramp southwest of Dampier, where the platform narrows to , 100 km (Fig. 2). In this latter region, mud-size sediment is preferentially trapped in the lee of reefs and rock platforms protected from strong tidal currents. Between Dampier and Broome, mud of mixed carbonate and terrigenous origin occurs along the shoreline (Fig. 4A). From about Dampier to east of the De Grey River delta (Fig. 2), the mud fraction is predominantly terrigenous with abundant clay-size sediment (Fig. 3B). This is qualitatively reflected by an increased reddening of bulk sediment samples moving toward the shoreline, especially about the De Grey delta (Fig. 3A). There are small plumes of reddish mud-laden water around this delta (Fig. 1); in coastal waters south of Barrow Island, similar plumes migrate up and down the coast daily because of strong tidal currents (Dix 1989). Silt-Size Sediment.—On the inner ramp, silt-size sediment consists of 30% carbonate and 70% siliciclastic sediment. Benthic skeletal fragments include mostly bivalves, gastropods, sponge spicules, foraminifers, and bryozoans. Diatoms are present locally, and coral sediment occurs southwest of Dampier. The ubiquity of planktic foraminifers illustrates the lack of an oceanic barrier along the ramp. The siliciclastic fraction of inner ramp mud consists of quartz, pyroxene, amphibole, feldspar, and rock fragments, 668 G.R. DIX ET AL. JSR JSR LATE QUATERNARY CARBONATE MUD, NORTHWEST SHELF recognized by XRD and SEM, all of which possess a variable Fe-oxide coating that gives these sediments a reddish color (Fig. 3A). On the outer ramp and upper slope, the silt-size fraction of Holocene mud contains fragmented and whole pelagic foraminifers and pteropods. Clay-Size Sediment.—Where the siliciclastic fraction is most abundant along the inner ramp from about Dampier to east of the De Grey River delta (Fig. 3B), the clay-size fraction consists mostly of illite, but kaolinite is also present. Clay-size carbonate consists of rare to locally common nannofossils, and trace amounts of carbonate needles. There is submicron (200–600 nm) detritus of indeterminate carbonate and siliciclastic origins present in the higher energy ramp facies southwest of Dampier and near Broome. At middle-ramp sites, sparse clay-size sediment consists of illite and kaolinite, highly abraded and broken coccoliths, and carbonate needles (Fig. 4B). The abundance of needles increases (, 40%) inboard of the outerramp boundary. This is of particular note in areas where the sand facies contains ooid and peloid facies (Fig. 3B), left stranded in deep water owing to sea level rise (James et al. 2004). Along the outer ramp, the clay-size fraction of Holocene mud consists mostly of nannofossil fragments. However, older sediment (see below) is dominated (. 60–80%) by carbonate needles (Fig. 4C), skeletal carbonate fragments of uncertain origin, and indeterminate carbonate particles (, 10%) submicrometer in size (Fig. 4C, right). The few sample sites located farther seaward along the distal slope, in water depths of 200 to 500 m, indicate that needle abundance decreases seaward to trace amounts. There, clay-size sediment contains diatoms, nannoplankton (which become dominant seaward of 500 m), carbonate fragments of uncertain origin, and locally abundant illite. Carbonate Needles.—The distribution of needle-rich (. 40%) mud along the outer ramp defines a large area, ; 5.0 3 104 km 2, but a narrow tract (; 40 km) running 6001 km along the ramp margin (Fig. 3B). Needle abundance is greatly reduced (, 10%) where the ramp narrows southwest of Dampier, and needles are admixed with other material (Fig. 3B). Two types of needles are recognized. The most abundant type consists of small (; 1 mm long) acicular crystals, several hundred nanometers in width (Fig. 4C, left). The crystals are doubly terminated; some have smooth, rounded surfaces whereas others are platy and more euhedral. This texture is similar to crystals in cortices of stranded aragonitic ooids and peloids (Fig. 4D) distributed along the middle ramp (Fig. 3B; James et al. 2004). Nuclei of some ooids are lithoclasts that define a crystalline texture similar to needle-rich mud and peloids (Fig. 4E). The second needle type is larger (. 2 mm long), also acicular, but with squarish cross section (Fig. 4C, middle). These crystals are rare, and are found locally along the middle ramp. Mineralogy The regional distribution of clay-size aragonite is patchily developed (Fig. 5A; site-specific values are presented in Table 1). In contrast, variation in abundance of high-magnesium calcite, which constitutes 20–40% of inner ramp mud, reveals a regional landward increase in abundance (Fig. 5B). Along the inner ramp and middle ramp, locally elevated abundances of aragonite appear to occur in areas where there is a greater abundance of sand-size molluscan and coral detritus. This suggests that clay-size aragonite may be derived locally from reworking of these skeletal particles. 669 Along the outer ramp, a narrow (, 50 km) area of elevated (. 40%) aragonite percentages (Fig. 5A) overlaps the region of needle-rich mud (Fig. 3B). Needle-rich muds along the outer ramp contain more aragonite and less magnesian calcite than skeletal-bearing sediment along the inner ramp (Fig. 5A, inset). Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Variation Carbon and oxygen isotope values from clay-size bulk samples decrease landward across the ramp (Fig. 6; site-specific values are presented in Table 1). Each dataset defines a narrow (20–40 km) region along the outer ramp in which values are most elevated (d13C 5 2–3‰; d18O 5 . 0‰). This outer-ramp region is also underlain by mud with the highest percentages of aragonite and needle-rich mud (Figs. 3B, 5A). Because the samples are mixtures of various carbonate sources, a regression line (r 2 5 0.75) through a plot of d13Ccarbonate versus aragonite (Fig. 7) provides an estimate of the d13C value for a sample of 100% aragonite. This value, ; 4‰ (Fig. 7), occurs in the range (3.5 to 4.5‰) for stranded aragonite ooids in the middle ramp (James et al. 2004). 14 C (AMS) Age Dates Two bulk samples (NW-79, NW-48; Table 2) of needle-rich (. 60%) mud were chosen from the outer ramp, at present-day water depths of ; 200 m (Fig. 8). The determined ages for both are similar, ; 18 ky 14C yr, equivalent to ; 19 ka (Table 2), and demonstrably older (by ; 5 ky) than ooids stranded in water depths of ; 120 m (Fig. 8; James et al. 2004). DISCUSSION Late Quaternary micrite production and its accumulation on the Northwest Shelf identifies substantial differences between the character of the lowstand (19 ka) and highstand (modern) carbonate factory. The differences are not those expected from a simple association with changing water depth and platform submergence. Instead, they reveal interactions among platform geometry, climate, and oceanography during postglacial rise in sea level. Micrite Production, 19 ka At the end of the Last Glacial Maximum, the position of sea level along the northwest Australian continental margin was about 125 m lower than that of today (Yokoyama et al. 2001). A prominent escarpment along the middle ramp seaward of the present 100-m isobath (Fig. 1) likely approximates the paleoshoreline. The paleogeography and platform geometry along this part of the Australian continent was much different than found today (Fig. 9A): most of what is now the modern ramp lay exposed; there was a relatively narrow (5–10 km) shallow-water shelf with associated broader paleoembayments (Fig. 9), and a relatively steep paleoslope was present, now occupied by the distal slope (; 200 to 500 m; Fig. 2). The age of needle-rich micrite identifies that significant carbonate production occurred toward the end of the glacial maximum. The texture (Fig. 4) and mineralogy (Fig. 5A) of the micrite suggests that the needles are most likely aragonite, as is also supported by the estimated d13C value for a sample of 100% aragonite (Fig. 7). The landward decrease in oxygen and carbon isotope signatures of this mud (Fig. 6) reflects a likely mixing trend with increased abundance of skeletal sources. The more abundant and smaller (1 mm) type of aragonite needle is tex- ← FIG. 3.—A) Distribution of general colors of mud across the platform, and location of prominent accumulation of carbonate mud along the outer ramp (light gray) and terrigenous mud along the inner ramp (dark gray). B) Distribution of prominent carbonate components of mud-size sediment shown relative to distribution of stranded ooids and peloids in the accompanying sand-size sediment. Bathymetric contours in meters. 670 G.R. DIX ET AL. JSR JSR LATE QUATERNARY CARBONATE MUD, NORTHWEST SHELF turally similar to those known or interpreted to have precipitated directly from shallow tropical seawater (Macintyre and Reid 1992; Robbins and Blackwelder 1992; Milliman et al. 1993). The needles are also texturally similar to aragonite crystals of ooids and peloids found today along the middle ramp of the Northwest Shelf (Fig. 4C, D, E). Likewise, the texture is also similar to modern but active ooids from other Holocene platforms (Tucker and Wright 1990). The estimated d13C value for micrite consisting entirely of needles (Fig. 7) not only is similar to the composition of the ooids from the middle-ramp and outer-ramp regions (Fig. 4) but also falls within the field for Bahaman ‘‘whitings’’ (Bathurst 1975; Shinn et al. 1989). The rare and larger acicular crystals with squarish cross sections (Fig. 4C, middle) are also likely aragonite. They have a texture similar to that of crystals contained within the skeletal structure of codiacean algae (Wray 1977; Macintyre and Reid 1992). On the Northwest Shelf, these crystals are abundant only in the middle ramp, where mechanical reworking of now stranded Halimeda fragments may have produced clay-size sediment. In summary, the present area of the platform margin underlain by needlerich micrite defines a narrow (5–10 km) shallow-water paleoshelf adjacent to a steep slope, the former once positioned within the optimum zone (, 20 m) of shallow-water carbonate production (James 1979). Glacioeustatic lowering of sea level to 2125 m by 19 ka had transformed a once distal slope into this shallow-water setting. Yet, despite lowstand conditions, the area available for shallow-water (, 20 m) production of micrite remained significant, ; 2.2 3 104 km 2, because of the vast size of the Northwest Shelf. The area (; 5.0 x 104 km 2) of the platform underlain by needlerich micrite extends for at least 600 km along this paleomargin (Fig. 9A). The depositional framework for micrite production appears to have been similar to that of many other flat-topped platforms or shelves (Schlager et al. 1994), but defines lowstand shedding of carbonate mud in contrast to negligible production of similar sediment in the inner ramp under modern highstand conditions. Sea-Level Rise and Oceanography The late Quaternary sedimentary record of nearby Bonaparte Gulf (inset Fig. 2), identifies a rapid (; 15 m) postglacial rise in sea level in the first 500 years (Yokoyama et al. 2001). The similar ages of the 19 ka micrite and termination of the glacial maximum suggests that the observed landward decrease in micrite abundance across the Northwest Shelf reflects either reworking of this source during early transgression or a continued but diminishing production level with rise in sea level. Textural similarity between the aragonite mud and intraclastic nuclei of some ooids or peloidcrystal textures (Fig. 4C, D, E) supports the role of sediment reworking. One might discount an association between diminishing sediment production and concurrent increase in area of platform submergence, given that it is at odds with evidence from other carbonate platforms for elevated seaward export of shelf-derived sediment during late Quaternary transgression (e.g., Droxler et al. 1983; Boardman et al. 1986; Schlager et al. 1994; Dunbar and Dickens 2003). Yet, this is what occurred on the Northwest Shelf. Over the first few thousand years of transgression (; 18 ka to ; 13 ka), the rate of sea-level rise remained high along this continental margin, about 5 m kyr21 (Yokoyama et al. 2001). Ooid shoals and minor Halimeda sediment along the middle ramp (Fig. 9; James et al. 2004) demonstrate 671 that late Pleistocene–early Holocene shallow-water carbonate production was active. Yet these deposits were left stranded in relatively deep water, with production clearly insufficient to keep pace with sea-level rise. Dominguez et al. (1988) considered a lesser rate (4 m kyr21) to be sufficient for what they called ‘‘incipient drowning,’’ or suppression of carbonate production, during the early Holocene along the small Cat Island platform margin in the Bahamas. A similar response appears possible for immense platforms. Factors other than just water depth were influential along the Northwest Shelf. There were changes in oceanographic and climatic conditions, both of which worked in tandem with sea-level rise to strongly influence carbonate production. First, under lowstand conditions, the absence of significant input of siliciclastics along the 19 ka paleoshelf, when compared to its abundance today, appears to support a cooler, drier climate (with less fluvial input) along the northwest Australian continent (COHMAP 1988). With greater aridity, there was likely an increased amount of evaporation of seawater along the paleomargin; this may have influenced salinity and seawater precipitation of micrite along the coast (Bathurst 1975; Shinn et al. 1989; Robbins and Blackwelder 1992; Milliman et al. 1993). Unlike today, the Leeuwin Current was not active at this time (James et al. 2004). With postglacial sea-level rise, initial rapid submergence quickly transformed the narrow paleoshelf into a distally steepened ramp. For the period 12 to 6 ka, climate simulations have proposed a strengthening of summer rains for this region, a trend somewhat reversed after 6 ka (COHMAP 1988). By about 12 ka, therefore, there may have been increased fluvial input (and siliciclastic input) coincident with sea-level rise. Furthermore, the Leeuwin Current became active soon after that time (James et al. 2004). The timing of these climatic and oceanographic factors coincide with suppression of shallow-water carbonate production that created the ooid, peloid, and calcareous algal sediments now stranded in deep water along the middle ramp. The apparent absence of any significant algal biomineralization along the inner ramp today (Dix 1989; James et al. 2004) is striking in comparison to calcification of early Holocene forms along the Northwest Shelf (James et al. 2004). Today, carbonate production is prominent only along the inner ramp southwest of Dampier, where coarse-grained sediments form a sedimentary veneer on coral reef platforms (Dix 1989). Oceanographic controls continue to influence the potential for micrite production and its accumulation. For example, without an oceanic barrier, strong tidal currents establish an effective cross-platform oceanic exchange of outer-ramp and inner-ramp waters. This greatly reduces residence time of waters on the platform. As illustrated from the Great Bahama Bank, inorganic precipitation of aragonite (needle) micrite from whitings requires a relatively protected water mass (e.g., leeward of Andros Island, Bahamas) allowing elevated salinities to develop (; 38–401 %) through evaporation arising from long residence times (Bathurst 1975; Shinn et al. 1989; Robbins and Blackwelder 1992; Milliman et al. 1993). Today, the Northwest Shelf offers little potential for this process. With intense evaporation during the summer months, the most saline surface water likely is restricted to the coastal zone, which is overwhelmed by siliciclastic input. Tidal movement of reddish turbid water laden with siliciclastic mud in this region (Dix 1989) must create a hostile environment, greatly reducing the potential for development of whitings. NASA satellite imagery (unpublished data) refer to ‘‘algal blooms’’ off the De Grey River delta. Other than mud plumes (Fig. 1), these probably rep- ← FIG. 4.—Secondary electron images (SEI) of mud and relict nonskeletal grains. All scale bars 5 1 micron. A) Typical composition of inner-ramp mud northeast of Dampier, showing clay particles, lithoclast (a), and skeletal detritus. B) Increased abundance of relict aragonite needles from middle-ramp sediment, and submicron platy detritus (a) of siliciclastic composition. C) Three images of aragonite needles from the outer ramp: (left) typical morphology showing smooth rounded to platy forms, both with pointed terminations; (middle) rare platy acicular needles with squarish cross sections, and well defined crystal faces; (right) rounded, sub-micron carbonate detritus. D) Cross section through ooid shows texture and fabric of aragonite crystals in laminae (a) and cortex (b), the dashed line defining the boundary. E) Cross section of peloid shows texture and fabric of aragonite crystals. 672 G.R. DIX ET AL. JSR JSR LATE QUATERNARY CARBONATE MUD, NORTHWEST SHELF TABLE 1.—Mineral (%, with ; 5% std. error) and stable carbon and oxygen (‰, 6 0.1‰) values for sites (Fig. 1) used in this study. NW02 NW03 NW04 NW05 NW06 NW07 NW08 NW08 (duplicate analysis) NW09 NW10 NW11 NW12 NW13 NW14 NW16 NW17 NW18 NW19 NW21 NW22 NW23 NW24 NW25 NW26 NW27 NW28 NW29 NW30 NW31 NW32 NW33 NW34 NW35 NW36 NW37 NW38 NW39 NW40 NW41 NW42 NW43 NW45 NW46 NW48 NW49 NW50 NW51 NW53 NW54 NW56 NW57 NW58 ARAG LMC HMC d13CPDB d18OPDB 4 80 33 29 21 4 31 92 16 46 25 40 69 45 4 4 21 46 40 27 24 1.4 3.6 21.4 0.0 3 2 29 20 21 37 40 34 19 0 31 30 41 35 30 16 37 31 29 35 33 37 34 29 32 33 20 37 3 20 32 22 32 37 41 42 35 35 42 34 35 30 40 37 66 60 50 49 62 43 51 59 76 100 54 51 53 48 53 68 46 48 41 55 47 51 47 57 58 50 43 36 65 61 41 50 38 41 47 51 49 51 56 50 41 47 33 38 31 38 21 31 17 20 9 7 5 0 15 19 6 17 17 16 17 21 30 10 20 12 19 14 10 17 37 27 32 19 27 28 30 22 12 7 16 14 2 16 24 23 27 25 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 21.4 21.0 21.0 21.2 1.0 21.1 1.2 21.3 2.2 1.9 1.4 1.4 2.0 2.5 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.6 20.2 20.1 20.6 20.8 20.7 0.5 20.8 20.8 21.1 20.8 1.8 2.0 1.8 20.1 20.5 20.6 1.7 20.2 1.2 20.7 2.0 20.5 1.8 1.9 2.2 1.7 20.1 20.1 0.4 20.8 1.3 20.8 resent diatom productivity, a biologic constituent present in inner-ramp sediments. Absence of obvious algal biomineralization along the inner ramp may indicate a strong influence of prominent seasonal oceanographic gradients—e.g., large temperature fluctuations create seasonal differences in the dominant non-calcareous benthic flora (Semeniuk 1993)—as well as the longer term influence of the Leeuwin Current. Significance for Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy Dynamic facies models for carbonate platforms require a distillation of known variation in sedimentation and stratigraphic patterns. The Northwest Shelf offers new breadth in understanding processes influential on carbonate production and mud distribution. First, epicontinental platforms (and 673 TABLE 1.—Continued. NW59 NW60 NW62 NW63 NW64 NW64 (duplicate analysis) NW65 NW66 NW67 NW70 NW71 NW72 NW73 NW74 NW75 NW76 NW77 NW78 NW79 NW81 NW82 NW83 NW83A NW84 NW85 NW86 NW87 NW88 NW91 NW92 NW93 NW94 NW95 NW96 NW97 NW98 NW99A NW99C NW99D NW101 NW101 NW103 NW104 NW105 NW106 NW107 NW108 NW109 NW110 NW112 NW113 ARAG LMC HMC d13CPDB d18OPDB 44 33 32 37 32 31 38 52 48 57 25 29 16 15 11 1.0 21.4 46 61 46 30 22 38 22 37 18 33 40 43 68 55 70 57 31 33 20 30 29 33 32 14 32 14 30 19 30 32 40 27 35 30 27 37 37 31 32 19 33 42 32 18 30 36 23 40 47 40 31 47 37 53 43 44 46 30 40 22 41 65 50 47 49 43 41 37 52 43 52 42 44 42 38 42 49 36 32 47 46 38 42 41 56 39 29 48 41 39 18 16 14 23 38 31 31 26 29 24 16 11 2 5 8 2 4 17 33 21 28 26 31 34 25 34 28 37 28 30 18 24 29 38 26 18 25 27 27 25 28 29 20 41 31 1.9 1.8 2.0 2.8 1.7 0.0 20.1 0.1 20.4 20.8 1.0 22.0 1.4 0.8 1.9 21.4 21.6 20.7 2.0 20.5 2.3 20.3 2.7 0.6 2.0 20.5 1.3 0.8 21.4 21.9 1.0 21.2 1.5 1.3 21.1 21.3 1.8 1.4 20.7 20.6 1.2 1.1 0.9 20.7 20.8 21.8 1.2 21.6 Abbreviations: ARAG, aragonite; LMC, low-magnesium calcite; , 4 mol% MgCO3; HMC, high Mgcalcite; . 4 mol% MgCO3. ramps especially) can lack substantial micrite accumulation when ocean current and wave energies sweep unimpeded across the platform, and when coastal clastics and absence of shoal barriers prevent lagoons and carbonate tidal flats from developing. Second, not all highstand carbonate systems need be associated with significant amounts of micrite in shallow-water environments, nor export large volumes of micrite to the adjacent periplatform (slope) realm. Third, according to platform geometry, some lowstand carbonate systems can produce large amounts of carbonate mud during lowered sea level, a volume seemingly on a par with that produced by some highstand systems. On the basis of a strong association between sea-level change, area of platform submergence, and carbonate production potential, published facies models generally predict an equal potential for production of mud along ← FIG. 5.—Regional abundance and distribution of A) aragonite and B) high-magnesium calcite (HMC) percentages in clay-size carbonate sediment. The inset ternary plot shows mineral distribution (A, aragonite; LMC, low-magnesian calcite; HMC, high-magnesian calcite) of inner ramp (dark pattern) versus outer ramp (lighter pattern), and distinguishes sediments containing . 40% needles (white circles) or less (open circles). Bathymetric contours in meters. 674 G.R. DIX ET AL. FIG. 6.—Regional distribution of A) d13CPDB and B) d18OPDB values in clay-size carbonate sediment. Bathymetric contours in meters. JSR JSR LATE QUATERNARY CARBONATE MUD, NORTHWEST SHELF 675 TABLE 2.—Radiocarbon dates* and stable isotopes** of mud, Northwest Shelf. Sample Location Depth (m) NW-48 NW-79 18807.79S, 118851.99W 19805.69S, 117803.99W 211 200 14 C age, Yr BP Cal Yr 18,500 6 120 17,970 6 110 19,379 18,768 d13CPDB, d18OPDB, ‰ ‰ 2.35 3.72 0.06 0.93 * Isotrace Laboratories; ** Queen’s University. FIG. 7.—Comparison of d13CPDB values and aragonite percentages in needle-rich (. 40%) mud and skeletal-rich mud. Extrapolation of the distribution of needlerich mud to 100% aragonite shows a d13CPDB end-member composition within the range of relict ooids from the middle ramp (from James et al. 2004). an inner shelf or ramp within successive systems tracts of a complete sealevel cycle. The Northwest Shelf reveals that other factors have profound influence on mud production and its accumulation. By at least 19 ka, sea-level variation typical of icehouse conditions (Read 1995) moved a distally steepened slope into the optimum zone of tropical carbonate production. Sampling suggests that the needle-rich mud likely thins seaward, thereby defining a thin lowstand sedimentary wedge along the paleomargin. The volume of this sediment body is similar to that forming Holocene highstand sedimentary wedges described from Bahamian platform margins (Wilbur et al. 1990; Glaser and Droxler 1991). Indeed, the timing for influx of large volumes of shelf-derived micrite along the Northwest Shelf is reverse with respect to sea-level change to that defined along Bahamian platforms (Droxler et al. 1983; Mullins 1983; Droxler and Schlager 1985; Haak and Schlager 1989; Droxler et al. 1990; Schlager et al. 1994). The reason is that even during lowstand conditions the available area for shallow water micrite production on the Australian paleoshelf remained large, ; 5.0 3 104 km 2, up to ten times greater than the area associated with the modern Great Bahama Bank (; 3.3 3 103 km 2; Robbins et al. 1997). If lowstand deposition at 19 ka was part of a longer (e.g., thirdorder) sea-level cycle, margin progradation associated with increased sedimentation along the slope could rival what is normally considered typical only of highstand shedding (Schlager et al. 1994). Sarg (1988) documented examples of lowstand ‘‘autochthonous wedges,’’ but these are generally associated with significant shale or sandstone shelves. Along the Northwest Shelf during the recent sea-level lowstand, a drier climate and a still vast area for shallow-water production conditions ensured that a significant volume of aragonite mud could be generated with little terrigenous input. For small sea-level falls along carbonate ramps, facies models (Burchette and Wright 1992; Handford and Loucks 1993) propose that shallow-water muddy facies keep pace with sea-level change such that these deposits become stratigraphically connected through time. Such a linkage is broken if factors other than sea-level change influence sedimentation production (see above) or with large sea level variation as occurs during icehouse periods (Burchette and Wright 1992; Read 1995). As shown by the late Quaternary history of the Northwest Shelf, the lowstand carbonate mud is now likely buried by a thin pelagic drape, and separated by some 200–300 km from modern (highstand) inner-ramp sediments. With oceanographic factors reducing the potential for highstand micrite production or its accumulation, the lowstand carbonate sediments form a stranded (now, in deep water) shallow-water deposit of regional stratigraphic extent. The diagenetic potential of such a regional (600 km long) stratigraphic body with elevated abundance of aragonite, now in deep water, is significant. Near-surface lithification and porosity development may occur in the presence of marine-derived pore waters when compared to the lesser potential of the overlying pelagic carbonate (Schlager and James 1978; Dix and Mullins 1988). This style of diagenesis, in combination with the scale of deposit along a platform margin, offers a reservoir potential similar to that of diagenetic traps of allochthonous deep-water deposits of ancient shelves (e.g., Hobson et al. 1985; Enos 1985). These attributes are distinct from those considered typical of ramps (Burchette and Wright 1992), yet they might occur along ancient ramp margins during icehouse climates. CONCLUSIONS The late Quaternary history of shallow-water production of aragoniterich micrite and its accumulation on the Northwest Shelf demonstrates the impact of changing oceanography, climate, and platform geometry and size in relation to variation in sea-level and platform submergence. These influences engineered a reversal in the predicted timing of such production, under lowstand (19 ka) rather than current highstand conditions. Today, an insignificant amount of carbonate mud is accumulating across most of this distally steepened ramp because of oceanographic factors: siliciclastic input in the coastal region, high-energy waves and currents that are unimpeded by coastal or shelfal barriers, and an absence of obvious biomineralization by green calcareous algae. Along the outer ramp (in water depths of 1201 m), pelagic ooze, representing current highstand sedimentation, appears to overlie needle-rich (. 40%) aragonite mud that accumulated toward the end of the Last Glacial Maximum, and forms a regional (; 600 km long) stratigraphic body along the paleomargin. The needles (texturally, compositionally) identify seawater precipitation with minor import of sediment from mechanical degradation of calcareous algae. A considerable volume of this sediment was produced under oceanographic 676 JSR G.R. DIX ET AL. FIG. 8.—Present bathymetric position, age (14C ky), and areas of needle-rich (. 40%) mud (dark gray area) and earliest age of ooids (light gray area) (from James et al. 2004). The profiles (from James et al. 2004) show the transposed position of ooid sites along each transect. For bathymetric profiles A–A9 and B–B9: P, pelagic ridge (shaded); E, escarpment. Bathymetric contours in meters. and climatic conditions different from those found today, and the vast size of the Northwest Shelf ensured a still significant shallow subtidal realm even with lowered sea level. The aragonite-rich mud now lies stranded in deep water, spatially divorced (; 200 km) from shallow-water inner ramp facies, and possesses a higher diagenetic potential than the modern pelagic ooze. The late Quaternary history of the Northwest Shelf broadens current understanding of the dynamics of carbonate mud production on ancient platforms. Namely: not all highstand carbonate systems are associated with significant amounts of micrite in shallow-water environments, nor do they export large volumes of micrite to the periplatform realm, and some low- stand systems can produce and export volumes of carbonate mud that rival highstand systems. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (GRD, NPJ, TKK) and the Australian Research Council (YB, LBC). We thank CSIRO (Division of Oceanography) and the captain and crew of the R.V. Franklin for their help and support during the research cruise. Shipboard assistance was provided by K. Glenn and C. Rancourt. We also thank journal reviewers R. Garber, A.E. Saller, and E. Shinn. JSR LATE QUATERNARY CARBONATE MUD, NORTHWEST SHELF 677 FIG. 9.—Summary of events. A) A narrow paleoshelf developed seaward of 2125 m during the Last Glacial Maximum, and broadened locally into four paleoembayments (I–IV). 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