No.620 DIRECT CONNECT CORD “SOCMo.RJJlX JACK TYPICAL EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS also see instructions accompanying ecTuipment used. ADEMCO No. 620 OIRECT CONNECT CORD (PL.ffib k%BLE) TO EWIPMENT for TI B I se 8i INCOMING T T$$%% R. I / -s”C&tTlNG MSTALL JUMPER TO TAMPER PL -J&K CONNECTION “? OPTIDNAL) flNCL”DED IN RJ 38X) 8 Connections Line Seizure via No. 663 w . iHaz;D tfPRS: AUTOMATICALLY and 5 lo 0 WHEN PLUG *hOTE : DIAGRAM 1: Wiring and Typical Connections GENERAL INFORMATION: The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) rect connection of FCC registered equipment line by standard plugs and jacks. Telephone lers are no longer required. now permits dito the telephone company coup- The No. 620 Direct Connect Cord includes the plug to be used. It plugs into a telephone company supplied and installed USOC (Universal Service Order Code) No. RJ31X or RJ38X Jack. The No. 620 must be used to ‘Id i rect connect” equipment that has line seizure capability (i.e. automatic disconnection of handsets from the telephone.tine during equipment activation) such as: No. No. No. No. 663 669 670 674 Line Seizure/Switching Oigital Communicator Digital Communicator Select-A-Line RIGINAL LLJSCREW tOGRAMMED Module If no line seizure is required, (e.g. Nos. 612, 660, 6711 connect GRAY with RED and BROWN with GREEN to device’s telephone line input points. OR, WHERE LOCAL REGULATIONS PERMIT Connect equipment to telephone line with standard 4 pin telephone plug and jack. Equipment that does not utilize line seizure may be direct connected via the No. 620 and “RJ” Jack as described in Oiagram 1. Alternatively, where local regulations permit, a standard 4 pin telephone plug and jack may be used. Such equipment includes: No. No, No. No. 612 660 671 679 Automatic Telephone Dialer Digital Receiver Digital Call Director Oigital Communicator OPERATION: No. 620, plugged ‘to the incoming attached to the No, 620 unpluqged in “RJ” Jack: Connection of the handsets line can be controlled by the equipment No. 620. from “RJ” Jack: Handsets are connected directly to the incoming line via ment i.s disconnected from line. “shorting bars” within the jack. Protection equip- GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: Plug: Conductors: Jacket: Length : Termi nation: Mates with: Miniature, 8 Position, 8 Chrome Vinyl 7’ (2.1 meters) U-Lugs Keyed USOC (Universal Service (Miniature 8 Position) telephone company. Order Code) to be ordered No. RJ31X or RJ38X Jack from and installed by TAMPER-PROOFING THE NO. 620 CORD To be made aware can be used: of an unplugged No. 620 cord from I. In the RJ31X jack, find the connectors from the cord. These connectors are 2. Attach a jumper wire between these connections do not touch any other 3. Attach circuit the blue (or the 4. If the causing panels. plug is removed from the jack,‘the an alarm when the system is armed and orange wires 24 hour circuit the RJ31X jack, the following procedure which mate with the blue and orange wires pins 2 and 7 in the accompanying diagram. two pins on the jack. pins in the jack. at the end of if so equipped). the cord Be careful in series that with the the jumper protective protect ive c ircuit wil I be broken, thus (or day zone annunciat ion in 24 hour Notify the telephone company of the FCC Registration Number and the Ringer Equivalence of the equipment that will be connected. Do this when the appropriate jack is requested This information appears on the individual items which may from the telephone company. be connected to the telephone line. Connection mav not be made to a bartv If the telephone company expects equipment incompatible or might notice. line or coin line. any change in operation affect its performance, If service is to be temporarily discontinued consider possible harm to the telephone they a right to determine if your equipment is at or service they must which may render give you adequate this by the telephone company, because of what You have network, they must notify you. fault and to correct the situation. To check if telephone line trouble is being caused by your equipment, unplug the If the trouble ceases, have your equipment checked by an approved d i rect connect cord. factory service station. If the telephone line trouble persists after the equipment has been unp I ugged, notify the telephone company. After trouble has been cleared, plug the equipment back into its telephone line jack. above, you have the right to If the telephone company does not inform y ou as described br;ng complaint against them to the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) under Part 68, Sub-part E of FCC Rules. 36 ,fi\ ’