LOW-COST HOUSES FROM 'SMALL-DIAMETER TREES, PLANTATION THINNINGS, AND TREE TOPS AND BRANCHES Published by tIN FOIEST PRODUCTS IESEAl.CH AND DEVELOPMENT INS1'ITU1E DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ~ft nmaNAn01lAL TltOPlCAL TIMIU OItGAIIIZA-'::: LOW-COST HOUSES FROM SMALL-DIAMETER TREES, PLANTATION THINNINGS, AND TREE TOPS AND BRANCHES l'uhUshed hy the FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHN OLOGY College, Laglma 4031 Philippines alld the INTERNATIONAL TROPICAL TIMBER ORGANIZATION International Organizations Center 5th Floor Pacifico-Yokohama, I-I, Minato-Mirai, Nishi-Ku Yokohama 220, Japan THE FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE The Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) is the research and development arm on forest products utilization of the Department of Science and Technologv (DOST), the body that coordinates and manages the Philippines' national science and technologv system. Its functions include: 1. the conduct of basic and applied research and development on forest products based on the needs of the wood-using arid related industries and the general public; 2. the transfer of completed Rand D results to end-users via linkages, and 3. the provision of technical services and trainings to various clientele. THE INTERNATIONAL TROPICAL TIMBER ORGANIZATION The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) is a consortium of timber-producing and timber-using countries worldwide. It encourages and supports the efficient and improved management of tropical forests and wood utilization including the utilization of lesserknown and plantation-grown timber species; sustainable utilization and conservation of tropical forests and their genetic resources, and maintenance of an ecological balance in the areas concerned. CONTENTS Introduction 1 Technology Generation 3 I. Lumber Processing Technologies 5 • Sawmilling Systems for SDLs (Saw-Dry-Rip Process) • Lumber Dryer Heated by NonConventional Sources • Treatability of Lumber from SDLs • Stress-Grading Machine for Structural Lumber • Housing Components from SDLs, Plantation Thinnings and Tree Tops and Branches 5 S 10 12 14 11. Veneer and Plywood from SDLs, Thinnings and Tree Tops and Branches 17 Ill. Woodwool Cement Boards from SDLs, Thinnings and Tree Tops and Branches 19 IV. Design and Construction of Low-cost Houses from SDLs, Thinnings and Tree Tops and Branches 21 INTRODUCTION Providing adequate shelter to are rapidly vanishing. Most of which ·, once the millions of underprivileged these forests and homeless continues to be a catered to foreign needs are major goal of the Philippine now exploited for domestic national government today. consumption. The country's burgeoning population estimated to reach Cognizant of this scenario's 70 million by the year 2000 repercussion on the wood and industries puts pressure on this task. "' wood-based Add to that the natural especially the housing and industry, the calamities that cause untold construction damage to lives and property, . Forest Products Research and Institute and the escalating prices of Development non-wood construction Department of Science and materials like cement, hollow Technology (FPRDI-DOST) in blocks, steel and related College, Laguna, Philippines products. Over the next five and the International Tropical Organization (lTTO) years, at least 1.2 million Timber housing units are being based in Yokohama, Japan targetted to be built as partial collaborated in the search for alternative yet cheaper woodanswer to this need. based · sources of building Because of its properties, materials. wood remains the most popular material in the construction The FPRDI proposed business. It is suitable for project on "Low-cost Houses structures like walls, external from Small Diameter Trees, claddings, floors, joinery and Plantation Thinnings, Tree Tops interior furnishings. Wood also and Branches", which lends itself to modular and subsequently approved for prefabrication systems, thus implementation with funds hastening construction time. from the ITTO. Traditional sources of wood for construction are the premium Among the non-traditional wood species or those with wood-based materials identified diameters of above 60 cm. as substitutes for conventional But the country's forests, once wood and wood-based a treasure trove of resources, construction materials logging wastes, milling wastes and plantation thinnings. All these materials can be converted into building components provided appropriate technologies are developed to process these resources into cheap but of acceptable quality products. Despite the impending log ban in the country, some forms of logging still continue. The operations generate wastes and residues in the form of tops and branches, culled and abandoned ~ogs, stumps and damaged res.iduals. The FPRDI found that for every ' cubic meter of log extracted from the forest, about 0.8 cubic meter of logging wastes is left behind. other hand; the the processing efficiency of local sawmill and veneer and plywood plants is estimated to be 50%. This means that for every cubic meter of log into lumber or processed veneer and plywood, one half becomes mill waste in the form of slabs, sawdust, trimmings, edgings, rounding-up waste and As of 1992, the country's residual or sec'ondary forests stand at about 3.13 million hectares. An ongoing program on Timber Stand Improvement (TSI) by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) involves thinning of second growth forests to remove defective trees, reduce the number of secondary species and free the primary species from competition to ensure better growth conditions for the selected trees that will form the final crop. This operation can yield at least 300,000 to 400,000 m 3 of raw materials per year with diameters ranging from 10 to 40 cm. The DENR is actively pursuing the development of plantations both thru the private sector in terms of industrial tree plantation (ITP) scheme and its own reforestation program. As of 1992, the Philippines has about 0.48 million hectares of ITPs. A number of these plantations are more than 30 years old and promising as potential sources of raw materials for the housing . industry. Plantations are subjected to thinning operations similar to the thinning of residual stands. Thinning is a periodic activity during the rotation of the plantation. The materials removed during the thinning oper"ation yield raw materials. Plantation-grown timbers and thinnings share the same characteristics of being small in diameter, of lower specific gravity, younger and therefore a higher proportion of juvenile wood. TECHNOLOGIES GENERATED The 12 studies comprising the FPRDI-ITTO project on cheap housing from non-traditional wood materials were grouped into four categories: 1. raw material preparation; 2. of housing development components, house designs and construction; 3. socioeconomics of producing raw materials from non-traditional sources including construction, and 4. promotion and dissemination of the developed technologies. The project generated a package of environment friendly technologies to extract the potential of the small-diameter logs, plantation thinnings and tree tops and branches (see schematic diagram). Logs from small-diameter trees and thinnings are processed into lumber which are dried and treated with preservatives to prolong service life. Lumber intended as structural members for trusses, columns and beams are subjected to stress grading. Low-stress grade non-structural members include panelling materials, doors, jalousies, door and window jambs and battens. Veneer and plywood wood wool cement boards can also be harnessed from SOLs, thinnings and tops and branches. These panel products are ideal as partition; ceiling and kitchen cabinet materials. The collaboration between the FPRDI and the ITTO resulted in the design and development of a low-cost house which even an ordinary wage earner can afford. It is hoped that the majority of the Filipinos will benefit from this undertaking. ~ SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF THE PROJECT 'LOV-COST HOUSES FROM SMALL DIAMETER TREE~ PLANTATION THINNING~ TREE TOPS & BRANCHES' I VD£ER PRDllUCTlIl'l --_._, I GUJING &. CtlNSTRUCTIDN Of" RA.. MAT£RIA!..CSIV LD'w'-COST HIlDEL HOLIS£S 1. ITPS 2. PlNITATlIIN TH!h!rum 3. l1JPS AND BRANCI£S CHIP PRODUCTlIIN BOI\RD PRIlDUCTIDN - ~ StftJlllING -MIXINti.IIAT F1lRKING. CILlJ PRESSING AND F1.AIC!NG - SrwaHG. DRYING RA 'vi MATERIAL AND CUWING -ct.R!Ni AND CONDITIONING - TJUIIoIINGS PROCESSES NOTE, ECIlNCKlC CDHPIlNENTS CUTS ACROSS THE. VHCL£ PROJECT. - EXTERIllR \{AU. PART~ I I PRODUCTS LO'vl-COST HOUSES 5 I. Lumber Processing Technologies Sawmilling Systems for SOLs (Saw-Ory-Rip Process) Technology Description The technology provides an economical and efficient method in converting small-diameter logs into lumber. This involves appropriate machinery and log breakdown pattern to optimize lumber recovery and at the same time minimize or prevent a major problem associated with the conversion of small hardwood logs into lumber - the tendency to warp excessively during the drying process. Technical and Economic Advantages . Lumber yield. The average lumber recovery in big band mills is about 60% for large-diameter logs. Lumber recovery for the small band mills used in the st.udy for milling logs as small as 1 2 cm in diameter averaged 57%, 60%, 64% and 56% for the table-type bandmill, wood mizer (horizontal mobile bandmill), ARAKAWA and PTPI band mill, respectively. Efficiency. The adaptability of small band mills for milling small logs leads to a more efficient and economical processing operation compared with bandmills designed for large-diameter logs. This may '· be attributed to less problems in handling the logs, lesser power requirements and smaller saw k~re (blade is thinner, i.e., gauge 19 or 20). Depending on the species and size.s of logs, small band mills can process up to 3 m 3 of logs per hour. · Labor and Materials. Small bandmills require less steps in operations than big band mills. Small band mills particularly the wood mizer (mobile horizontal band mill) can be operated by at least three persons. 6 Logs smaller than 30 cm in diameter are difficult to handle in big band mills. In small bandmills, specifically the wood mizer, logs at least 1 m long and 20 cm in diameter can be efficiently processed into lumber. Lumber Quality. With the application of the SDR process, warp The development in lumber may be minimized or prevented. traditional practice of sawing the lumber to required dimensions prior to the drying operation results in excessive warping particularly in speci~s with high growth stresses (e.g., fastgrowing trees). Based on the study on bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta) , warped lumber was reduced to nil in the SDR versus 28% in the traditional sawing system. Sawmilling System. -Any of the four types of mills studied offers an efficient and profitable method of processing small logs into lumber in the countryside. Depending on the log supply, these are suitable for small to medium-scale saw milling operations. However, in terms of processing cost per board foot, the wood mizer (mobile horizontal band mill) is the most economical system. It is also adaptable to a wide range of conditions. Sawmilling is possible in any accessible site near or within the forest. Processing cost per board foot may be as low as P 0.42 depending on the lumber production per hour. Financial Feasibilities [For mobile horizontal sawmill operation (wood-mizer)] Initial Investment Cost I. Fixed Investment • Land • Buildings • Auxilliary and service facilities • Plant machinery and equipment Total Fixed Investment Amount (P) 180,000 750,000 1,035,000 2,200,000 P 4.165.000 7 11. Pre-operating Capital Ill. Working Capital Requirement 44,000 TOTAL INITIAL INVESTMENT 1,281,185 P 5.490,185 Financial Indicators Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Return on Investment Payback Period = = = = P 889,184 22.84% 25.96% 4 years 8 .Lumber Dryer Heated by Non-conventional Sources Technology Description This is a 2.35-m 3 (1,000 bd ft)-capacity solar lumber dryer with a back-up heater. It can accomm,odate a load m~asuring 10 x 4 x 5 ft on 3/4~inch stickers. The roof, two sides and the rear end are covered with plastic sheets (double-wall mylar) for trapping the UV rays of the sun. Two propeller-type fans (61 cm diameter), run by 1 hp electric motor, provide air circulation. The back-up heater, made of empty drums welded "end to end and attached to a wood waste-fired furnace, provides energy at nighttime. To increase humidification, a spray line is installed above the empty drums to produce mist. A butterfly damper attached to the base of the chimney controls the combustion rate. The dry bulb and the wet bulb thermometers control the drying conditions based on a predetermined drying schedule. The kiln operator controls the feed rate of fuel and the drying condition based on the set point of the drying condition. The south side is made of marine plywood (double-walled) where the main door and the four vents are installed. The vents likewise control the drying condition inside the kiln. Technical and Economic Advantages Heat source. Source of heat during daytime is the sun. This saves at least 30 to 35 % of the cost for generating heat energy. In kiln drying, 60% of the total production cost goes to energy generation. Additional heat source. A back-up heater can be used at nighttime. The back-up heater is a furnace fueled by biomass or agricultural wastes. The design is simplified and the materials used for construction are locally available. The quantity of materials that can be dried in the solar dryer is comparable with that in the conventional type lumber dryer although drying time takes 2 to 3 days longer. 9 Availa bility of Materi als. The kiln design is suited to rural areas, and the kiln compo nents are locally available excep t for the glazing mater ials which are of plastic film. Drying condit ions. The required workin g tempe rature of 150°F is attaina ble in the system . Based on the workin g tempe rature , an 8 to 1.0% MC is attaina ble in a period of 10 - 14 days for 25-mm thick lumbe r mater ials which are accep table in the expor t marke t. Note: Althou gh the results of initial .tests are promis ing, the lumbe r dryer needs furthe r testing for verific ation purposes. 10 Treatability of Lumber from SDLs Technology Description By following established preservative treatment schedules, wood considered to be inferior, perishable or of low durability can be protected against attacks of wood-destroying organisms. Building components like trusses, outer walls, framings and other portions of the house must be properly treated to prolong their service life. Preservative treatment of wood is done by applying either pressure or non-pressure methods. Pressure-treated wood, however, is not easily available. Moreover, pressure treatment is not always economical, desirable or feasible. Thus, non-pressure treatment becomes an alternative. Two of the commonly used non-pressure treatments are soaking for air-dried In and kiln-dried lumber and dip-diffusion for green wood. soaking, wood is submerged in a tank of water-borne or oil-borne preservative and allowed to soak for several days or even weeks. Dip-diffusion, on the other hand, is done by momentarily dipping the green wood in highly concentrated solution, and allowing the preservatives to diffuse for several days or weeks in tightly sealed polyethylene bags. Technical and Economic Advantages Soaking Method. The optimum treatment schedule established for small-diameter logs is 5-day soaking in 6% or 8% concentration of borax-boric acid or chromated-copper-arsenate (CCA). This schedule yields retention and penetration values required in wood for indoor use and for exposure to weather. Preservative absorption is most rapid in the first 2 or 3 days but continues indefinitely at a decreasing rate. This method does not require preDip-diffusion Method. conditioning of sawn timber. It can be applied to every timber 11 considered difficult to treat can be penetrated by preservative. The best treatment combination for this method is 30% concentration of borax-boric acid and 1 5-day diffusion period. Other Advantages. Non-pressure preservative treatment, either the soaking or dip-diffusion method, can be done even outside the wood treatment plant. It is also more practical in rural areas and in housing construction where it is applied on some housing components and mill work, in the control of sapstain in freshly cut lumber and remedial treatment of partially decayed utility poles. Although the degree of protection using non-pressure method is less compqred with pressure treatment, it can be improved by observing proper treating schedules . .. 12 Stress-grading Machine for Structural Lumber Technology Description Stress-grading of lumber is the sorting of sawn lumber into specified stress grades to ensure quality control and confident use of graded timber for structural purposes. The FPRDI-developed stress grading machine employs a timber frame to which are attached a cable, pulleys and a lever for easy loading and unloading of a specified weight for flexing the timber to be graded. A dial gauge with a sensitivity of 1/10 mm (1/1000 inch). placed underneath the center span of the timber measures deflection upon loading. The stress grading machine is so simple that it can be fabricated locally. It can predict the basic stresses of wood with acceptable precision by using the deflection criteria established for each grade (Tables 1 and 2). Technical and Economic Advantages Accuracy. It can stress-grade lumber with reasonable degree of accuracy regardless of specific gravity, moisture content and presence of defects which can affect strength. Lumber Quality. The lumber quality is assured because the design stresses can be predicted through stress grading ~ Marketing. Newly discovered lumber is easier to sell since stress grading is done in terms of strength instead of specifying the species, thus simplifying the design and specification procedures. Cost of Stress Grading Machine P 10,000 Table 1. Maximu m deflecti on limits (mm) for gra~ing timber .at EMC or 16.±. 2% MC SECTION TxW (mm) 45 45 45 45 45 x 45 X. 70 x 95 x 120 x 145 SPAN m APPLIED WEIGHT (kg) 1-F36 2-F29 3-F23 4-F18 5-F15 6-F12 F9 F7 1.354 1.569 1.737 1.878 2 96.3 96.3 96.3 96.3 96.3 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 8.9 8.9 B.9 8.9 8.9 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 13 13 13 13 13 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 27 .4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 STRENGTH GROUP OR STRESS GRADE DESIGNATION Table 2. Basic stress for the differen t properties at EMC or 1 6 .±. 2 % MC STRENGTH GROUP OR STRESS GRADE DESIGNATION PROPERTY 1-F36 2-F29 3-F23 4-F18 5-F15 6-F12 MOR (MPa) · 36.50 14.40 26.00 10.50 4.'00 695 0.484 · 29 .40 . 12.10 20.40 7.25 3.15 . 525 0.355 23.40 10.20 15.50 5.04 2.55 395 0 .269 18.80 8.50 12.40 3.50 2 .05 300 0.188 15.00 7.20 9.60 2.42 1.65 . 225 o 155 12.00 6. 10 7.50 1.'56 1.30 170 0.096 MO~(GPa) MCS (MPa) GP (MPa) SH (MPa) JS (NI S slip ,(mm) F9 9.60 5.10 5.80 1.17 1.05 170 0.096 F7 7.70 4.30 5.80 1..17 1.05 170 0.096 14 Housing Components from SDLs, Thinnings, and Tree Tops and Branches Technology Description This technology involves the utilization of small-diameter trees, plantation thinnings and tree tops and branches to augment the supply of commercial timber for housing components such as trusses, columns, beams, doors, windows, door and window jambs. A set of working stresses for each strength group was established and related to this, a systematic way of sorting the timber was developed through the use of a simple stress grading machine. The use of stress-graded timber is very effective when designing structural members like trussed rafters, columns and beams. The FPRDI-developed truss system, for instance, shows a balanced design of the structural members aimed at efficient timber utilization. The trusses are engineered to use minimum section of timber, just sufficient to withstand imposed dead load, live load and wind forces prevailing in the three typhoon zones of the Philippines. Technical and Economic Advantages Strength Grouping. Classifying a timber species to a particular strength group based on its specific gravity is convenient for design information purposes. This facilitates marketing of especially the non-commercial 1umber products since grouping is done in terms of strength rather than specifying the species. Each member species within a group can substitute for another so that newly discovered timber, when grouped with the more common species, can easily enter the market. Grading System. This employs a simple stress grading machine that is easily constructed yet can predict with acceptable 15 precIsion . the wood's basic design stresses using the deflection criteria derived for each grade. Investment. Minimal investment is needed since the processing of raw materials into housing components requires no sophisticated processes, rollers and other expensive equipment for assembly. An ordinary hammer, hand or table saw and flat surface or flatform jig will suffice. Greater return of investment can be expected with the use of alternative materials from SDLs, plantation thinnings, tops and branches. Fabrication. The components can be fabricated either in the construction site or in the factory for mass production. It is economical when undertaking construction in remote areas or where factory-made commponents using imported technoJogy are either not available or the transport cost is prohibitive. Installation. Since the components are prefabricated, construction time is faster. Financial Feasibility (Based on 14 trusses, 1 set door/jamb, 2 sets window/jamb,15 beams and 1 5 columns fabricated) Initial Investment Cost I. Fixed Investment o Land o Buildings o Auxilliary and service facilities o Plant machinery and equipment Total Fixed Investment 11. Pre-operating Capital Ill. Working Capital Requirement TOTAL INITIAL INVESTMENT Amount (Pl 240,000 750,000 1,020,000 1,492,550 P 3.502.550 29,851 1,652,253 -P 5,184,654 16 Financial Indicators Net Present Value Internal .Rate of Return Return on Investment Payback Period = = = = P 1,261,134 25.51 % 18.41 % 3 years and 6 months Finger-jointed and Nail Laminated Columns and Beams from Plantation Thinnings, Tree Tops and Branches Technology Description Wooden structures like columns and beams from small-diameter trees, plantation thinnings and branches do. not meet the length and cross-section r-equirements, hence they are finger-jointed and glue-nail laminated 'respectively. The low-grade spedes is used in portions not subjected to high stress, while the high strength species is put in portions of greater stress. In beams, for instance, the low-grade species is placed at the center, sandwiched by the higher-grade species. This eliminates strengthreducing defects such as knots, checks/splits and wane, thereby upgrading otherwise poor quality materials. . Finger-jointed and glue-nail laminated structural members and solid wood possess comparable strength. 17 11. VENEER AND PLYWOOD FROM SDLs, THINNINGS AND TREE TOPS AND BRANCHES Technology Description The technology is a very low-investment business addressed to community forest-based enterprise. It involves the I use of nonconventional 60 cm rotary veneer lathe, a furnace-type veneer dryer and a cold press system in the production of small-size plywood from small-diameter logs. It further applies glue/glue mix suitable for veneers with 1 8 % moisture content. Economic and Technical Advantages Veneer Yield. Green veneer recovery is found to be high (48% to 73%) compared with that of the traditional system of cutting veneer (55 %). A 60-cm rotary veneer lathe is used to process the SDLs into veneers. Drvino. Energy consumption is reduced since the furnace-type veneer dryer uses very low temperatures of 60 - 70°C versus the more than 100°C temperature required in conventional dryer. Moreover, the dryer is fueled by woodwastes. The system of gluing accepts veneers with 1 8 % moisture content in contrast to the 8 - 12% MC in conventional gluing, thus making for savings in drying of veneers. Of the various glue mixes Gluing and Pressing System. formulated for veneers, the one with 100 pbw urea-formaldehyde powder, 75 pbw water, 20 pbw filler and 3.25 pbw catalyst is the best for indoor plywood. It is applied using the cold press system which, unlike the hot press system, does not need a boiler for steam generation. Only 4 hours is needed for the glue mix to set compared with the 8 hours for commercial glue. The bond 18 strength passed the requirement in accordance with the PNS standard. Plywood Size. Smaller-sized plywood (2 ft x 2 ft, 2 ft x 4 ft) can be produced which are deemed more versatile than commercial plywood (4 ft x 8 ft) as partition, ceiling and kitchen cabinet materials. Financial Feasibilities (Based on 396 and 198 pieces of 2 ft x 2 ft and 2 ft x 4 ft plywood, respectively, per 8-hour operation) Initial Investment Cost I. Amount (P) Fixed Investment o Land o Buildings o Auxilliary and service facilities o Plant machinery and equipment 240,000 750,000 1,035,000 1,317,019 Total Fixed Investment P 3,342,019 11. Pre-operating Capital Ill. Working Capital Requirement 26,340 TOTAL INITIAL INVESTMENT 524,590 -P 3,892,949 Financial Indicators Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Return on Investment Payback Period = = = = P 955,582 24.77% 16.17% 3 years and 1 0 months 19 Ill. WOO DWO OL CEMENT BOARDS FROM SDLs, THIN NING S AND TREE TOPS AND BRANCHES Technology Description Wood wool cemen t board (WWCB) is a panel produ ct made of shredd ed wood, bonded with ordina ry portlan d cemen t, with some additiv es and cold-p ressed under low pressu re and ambie nt tempe rature . It is an energy -savin g materi al that is suitab le for the Philipp ines' climat e and socio- econo mic condit ions. Like plywo od, it finds applic ation as wall panels, kitche n cabine ts and ceiling s. Model house s to demon strate the WWC B's versat ility and variou s applic ations were constr ucted at the Nation al Housing Autho rity Comp ound, the Forest Produ cts Research and Devel opmen t Institu te (FPRDI), the Depar tment of Scienc e and Techn ology (DOST) in Bicuta n, Taguig , Metro Manila and in Florida blanca , Pampa nga Reset tlemen t Site for the Mt. Pinatubo victim s. Severa l housin g contra ctors are explor ing the possib ility of puttin g up big comm ercial plants to produc e this type of building materi al. Technical and Economic Advantages Waste Utiliza tion. WWC B manuf acture is an enviro nment -friend ly proces s since agrofo rest waste s are the main ingred ients of the boards . Manuf acturi ng is enhan ced by the availa bility of indige nous raw materi als. Worka bility. Light in weigh t by nature , WWC B is easy to glue, nail, paint and plaste r. Only simple equipm ent, the minim um of energy , and not too highly skilled manpo wer are neede d in its manuf acture . 20 Size. The board's dimension (2 ft x a ft x 3 /B -inch) makes it easy to handle and transport, thus facilitating its use in modular or prefabricated structures to hasten construction time. Other Characteristics. WWCB can withstand the adverse effects of earthquakes, typhoons and high humidity. It is water-, fire-, termite-, vermin-, fungus- and rot-resistant. It also possesses excellent insulation and acoustical properties. Financial Feasibilities (Based on 200 boards per a-hour operation) Initial Investment Cost I. Amount (P) Fixed Investment o Land o Buildings o Auxilliary and service facilities o Plant machinery and equipment 240,000 1,420,000 535,000 1,096,000 Total Fixed Investment P 3.291.000 11. Pre-operating Capital Ill. Working Capital Requirement 21,920 TOTAL INITIAL INVESTMENT 666,401 -P 3.979.321 Financial Indicators Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Return on Investment Payback Period = = = = P 2,842,861 34.55% 30.0% 4 years and 4 months 21 IV. DESIGN AND CON STR UCT ION OF LOW COS T HOUSES FROM SDLs, THIN NING S AND TREE TOPS AND BRANCHES Technology Description The FPRDI-DOST-ITTO house is designed for and built from nonconve ntiona l wood-based source s of building materials, i.e., smalldiame ter logs, planta tion thinnin gs and tree tops and branch es. These previo usly untapp ed materi als are processed into sawn timber , housing compo nents, and panel produ cts like plywo od and wood wool cemen t boards. Design. It can be a one- or a two-be droom unit (see Figure s 1 and 2). It is designed for simpli city, utility and durab ility to satisfy the basic requir ement s of a family of five. The open "all-in -one" space can be flexibl y used as a living room, dining room, kitche n and even as an extra bedroom. This space can also be conve rted into the family 's social functio n room which is not possib le in partiti oned quarte rs. Install ation. Faster erectio n of the unit to save on labor cost is possible since some of the housing compo nents such as doors, windo ws, their jambs , exterio r and interio r wall framin gs and the truss system s are prefab ricated . Truss Syste m. The FPRDI developed a truss system using graded timbe r mater ials to attain a balanced design of the struct ure as well as efficie nt utiliza tion of timber . The trusse s are engine erea to use minim um sectio n of timber just enough to withst and the impos ed dead load, live load and win forces prevailing in the install ation site. The conne ctors used for the truss joints are splice plates made of 13-mm thick, 5-ply pieces of plywo od fasten ed by flat-he ad 32 mm long nails with 3.5 mm shank diame ter. / 22 A one-bedroom model house with a floor area of 26.5 m 2 was erected within the DOST Bicutan Compound in Taguig, Metro Manil a. The two-bedroom unit with a floor area of 32 m 2 can be found at the Floridablanca Resettlement Site in Floridablanca, Pampanga. A replica of the Floridablanca model house can be seen at the University of the Philippines-College of Forestry (UPLBCF) Compound in · College, Laguna. These houses are equipped with plumbing and electrical fixtures and a septic vault. Construction Cost {For a 2-bedroom house as of Sept. r993f • • • • • • Concreting work Masonry Carpentry Tinsmithry Plumbing Electrical TOTAL DIRECT COST (excluding labor) P 4,080 5,708 49,723 7,700 2,345 2,149 P71,705 23 t -_ _ ___4.05 M '~ @ BEbROOM. ~I @ F L 0 0 R P ~I SALA @ L A N SCALE'I:~ M r;l r~r ·l--:-:--. :- ----------I 1 ' ~- I o ~\ 1 : 1 1 L _ ___ _ ; i--~ -' --, I1 II g _, I fr--- - - -- 1 : : I 1 : 11 "',,; 1 I 1 1 \ 1 I I J I L N II 1 1 I I 1 A o I I N D T I t l I1 1 11 1 t<i I1I !I i' 1.1 1 11 1 1 _---J~- -J l ___________ J i ~ o II 1 on on uS o U i l l 1 l'JL F I 1 1 11 1 1 1 ii ___-~ ___ _=_~_JU- Fig. 1. One-bedroom house 0 ,,;on P L A N SCALE' I: 50M 24 5.35 M 2.70 1.25 ® I -. . - @l ~±l:.... ~U _ -.-. 0 I-N !~ ~: • . ~ @ ~ .. \! o . . .. 0 . ...: <t - . . w o CD - KIT. BEDROOM @~ (@ 0: ....!!!.. ~ 0 I-- °1 . 0 ' CD t) DINING @ 0 o· t<'I LIVING ROOM BEDROOM t<'I n 1.40 L ,,; @ @ I r; ENTRY FLOOR PLAN se Fig. 2. ALE = I : 50 M Two-bedroom house '10---. I