On-chip negative bias temperature instability sensor using slew rate

On-chip Negative Bias Temperature Instability Sensor using Slew Rate
Monitoring Circuitry
Amlan Ghosh, *Rahul M. Rao, Richard B. Brown and *Ching-Te Chuang
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
*IBM Technical Contact - IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
{aghosh, brown@eng.utah.edu}, *{raorahul@us.ibm.com, ChingTe.Chuang@gmail.com}
Negative Bias temperature Instability (NBTI) has become
one of the major sources of degradation in scaled PMOS
devices, affecting the yield and reliability of circuits as well
as the power and performance. As the oxide thickness
decreases with each technology generation, increased oxide
electric field and higher current densities degrade the
performance and lifetimes of devices (especially PMOS) due
to stress. Hence, it has become necessary to understand and
accurately measure the effect of NBTI in PMOS devices.
This paper proposes detection of PMOS threshold voltage
degradation using on-chip slew-rate monitor circuitry. The
increase in the PMOS threshold voltage is sensed with high
resolution using the change of rise time in a stressed ring
oscillator. Simulation results are shown for the detection
circuitry in a 65nm IBM CMOS process.
1. Introduction
With technology scaling, reliability has become a
serious challenge; the effects of process parameter variation
and degradation due to phenomena such as bias
temperature instability and hot carrier injection must be
mitigated. These sources of variation have caused the delay
and leakage of high-performance microprocessors to vary
significantly from their nominal values. Because supply
voltages have not been scaled as fast as device dimensions,
transistors see higher current densities and higher
temperatures, which aggravate the device degradation and
shorten lifetimes. At the same time, scaling of oxide
thickness has increased electric fields. The higher
temperatures and electric fields cause PMOS VT to
gradually shift to more negative values through negative
bias temperature instability (NBTI); this has become a
major issue in circuit lifetime for modern processes [1] –
NBTI is normally caused by the dissociation of Si-H
bonds along the silicon-oxide interface, and is more
problematic for PMOS than NMOS devices. In a PMOS
device, the holes from the inversion layers can enter into
the oxide through a tunneling process and interact with SiH bonds. This interaction may weaken the bonds, which
can break due to thermal excitation or otherwise. The
released Hydrogen (H) atoms move away from the
interface and generate Si dangling-bond interface traps [4].
The number of interface traps (NIT) is identical to the
displaced neutral H and is a strong function of gate voltage
(VG) and oxide electric field (EOX) [5].
The shift in
threshold voltage (∆VT) is proportional to the number of
interface traps (NIT). The impact of NBTI on PMOS also
depends on the duration of time the device is stressed vs.
relaxed [6].
There is a great need for accurate sensors to better
characterize the effects of NBTI on devices. With reliable
models of NBTI, circuits could be designed to minimize its
lifetime-limiting degradation. An efficient sensor might
even make it practical to correct for NBTI-induced
threshold shifts in certain sensitive circuits.
A few NBTI measurement techniques have been
proposed in recent years. Most of them require highly
specialized equipment and very precise control during
measurement. An on-the-fly measurement technique has
been described, which holds the gate voltage constant
during both stress and measurement to avoid recovery
before and during the characterization steps [7]-[8]. This
method uses drain current, threshold voltage and
transconductance as the extracted parameters. It requires
very careful measurement of every transistor current.
Another proposed on-chip NBTI degradation sensor uses
the beat frequency of two ring oscillators [9]. This
technique is useful because of its high resolution. A phase
comparator measures the difference between a stressed and
a reference ring oscillator. A limitation of this technique is
that the degradation information from the stressed ring
oscillator delay may be adulterated by some parameter shift
in the NMOS devices. Another technique has been
proposed that uses multiple delay-lock loops (DLLs) [10].
It requires significant area, and the output cannot be used
directly to drive any compensation scheme.
The scheme proposed in this paper is based upon
measuring the slew of certain signals in a circuit. This
approach is particularly area-efficient, and provides an
output voltage that is an indication of the extent of NBTI
degradation and can be used to directly drive a
compensation circuit. In Section 2, the basic NBTI
detection scheme is presented. Section 3 discusses the
design and implementation of the proposed circuits.
Simulation results are presented in Section 4, and
concluding remarks are made in Section 5.
2. NBTI Detection
The frequency of a signal in a CMOS circuit depends
upon the combined effects of rise and fall delay, which are
governed by the drive strengths of the PMOS and NMOS
networks. Hence, using frequency degradation of a stressed
circuit as an indicator of NBTI may not be a true
representation of the PMOS threshold voltage shift, since
the frequency information also includes the effects of
Positive Bias Temperature Instability (PBTI) in the NMOS
devices. The rise slew of a pulse is a strong function of the
drive strength of the PMOS circuit. Hence, the VTH shift of
a stressed PMOS transistor will be reflected in a change in
rise slew of the output signal, which is measured in the
proposed scheme. This approach decouples any effects due
to the NMOS network.
A basic block diagram of the proposed NBTI monitor
is shown in Fig.1. It consists of two ring oscillators, two
slew rate monitors, and a charge pump (CP). One ring
oscillator (Str ROSC in Fig.1) is stressed by applying a
higher supply voltage during the NBTI stress period.
Another ring oscillator is driven with the nominal 1V
supply. The en signal allows both of the oscillators to freerun during measurement periods. The rise slew of the Ref
ROSC and Str ROSC are measured by slew rate monitors
A and B [11]. Both of the slew monitors generate two
trains of pulses which are fed to charging and discharging
input lines of the charge pump. The output of the charge
pump indicates the difference in PMOS threshold voltage
between the two ring oscillators due to the stress voltage.
This output pulse train B1 charges the capacitor C
from voltage level ‘a’ to level ‘b,’ and output pulse train B2
discharges it back to final level ‘c’. Thus, the final output
level (c in Fig. 2) is proportional to the difference of rise
slews of the Pulses Under Test (PUT) from Str ROSC and
A reset circuit sets the voltage level ‘a’ to VDD/2 before
the arrival of the en signal for the next measurement. By
setting the initial capacitor voltage to 500mV, the circuit
can determine the sign as well as the absolute magnitude of
the difference between the slews of the two ring oscillators.
A calibration of the two oscillators must be done before the
Str ROSC is stressed. Because the pre-stress slew of the
Str ROSC can be faster than that of the Ref ROSC, and will
certainly be slower post-stress, it is important for the circuit
to be able to detect differences of both polarities.
Fig. 2. Principle of NBTI detection circuit using slew
rate monitors.
3. Implementation of Proposed Scheme
Fig. 1. Block diagram of NBTI monitor.
The basic operation of the NBTI monitoring circuit is
shown in Fig 2. A1 and A2 are trains of pulses from the
stressed and reference ring oscillators. They consist of N
pulses, P1, P2 to PN. The number of pulses, N, can be
adjusted depending upon the required output sensitivity.
The en signal starts the ring oscillators in such a way that
they run 180o out of phase. Each slew rate monitor
generates pulses corresponding to each rise slew of P1, P2,
through PN. PR1, PR2, PR3, to PRN are the pulses
corresponding to the rise slew of Str. ROSC and Ref.
ROSC output signal (represented as B1 and B2 signal).
Pulse widths of PRi are dependent on the rise slew of P1, P2
to PN. As can be seen, PR1, PR2, PR3, PRN in B1 never
overlap with PR1, PR2, PR3, PRN in B2 during the
measurement period.
The design of slew rate monitor and charge pump are
described in this section.
3.1 Slew Rate Monitor
Measuring the slew-rate of a gigahertz signal from a
free-running oscillator requires high-speed and precise
dynamic apparatus with sensitivity in the pico-second
range. The slew rate monitor block has been designed to
measure rise or fall slew of signals in IBM’s 65nm PD/SOI
CMOS process.
A simplified block diagram of the slew-rate monitor is
shown in Fig. 3. The pulse under Test (PUT) is connected
to two comparators, A and B. Comparator-A, composed
primarily of thick-oxide, long-channel NMOS devices,
compares the PUT level to a reference voltage equal to
80% of the supply voltage (VDD) [12]-[13]. Similarly,
Comparator-B, composed primarily of thick-oxide longchannel PMOS devices, compares the PUT level to a
reference voltage equal to 20% of the supply voltage. The
reference voltages of 20% and 80% were chosen to provide
sufficient noise margin against supply noise on the input
signal. This slew-rate monitor topology is applicable for
any set of two reference voltages. In a low-noise system,
10% to 90% reference voltages could be used in order to
improve the output sensitivity.
The output of one comparator switches before the
output of the other comparator, depending on the slew of
the signal and the direction of transition. Hence, the two
comparators generate two pulses of different width. These
two comparator output signals (U and V in Fig. 3) are fed
to an exclusive-or (XOR) gate that generates two pulses at
its output. The width of the first pulse (R in Fig. 3) is a
direct representation of the rise slew of the input, whereas
the width of second pulse (F in Fig.3) represents the fall
slew. The control logic multiplexes the R and F pulses to
generate two separate pulses PR and PF. The control logic
output is also generated from the input PUT pulse only. PR
and PF are the separated versions of the R and F pulses,
respectively. In this work, we are using PR pulses only as
the output of slew-rate monitor.
reasonably large W/L ratio was chosen for devices P2 and
N2 to obtain a small time-constant, while ensuring that the
integrator output will not saturate to the supply rail. The
final output voltage thus depends upon the difference in
pulse widths of PR from the B1 and B2 signals.
The reset circuit is implemented with a pair of series
connected NMOS devices that charge the output node to
half of the supply rail (500mV), as described earlier. The
Reset is de-asserted just prior to the application of the
enable signal, en of Fig. 2, which starts the next NBTI test.
Fig. 4. Schematic representation of charge pump.
4. Simulation Results
Sensor circuits have been designed and
implemented. Thick oxide devices were used throughout.
The input slew is varied from 25ps to 250ps. The simulated
output of the integrator is plotted in Fig. 5. As can be seen,
the slew-rate monitor exhibits an output sensitivity of
Fig. 3. Slew rate monitor.
3.2 Charge Pump
A simple charge pump circuit has been designed as
shown in Fig. 4 to change the voltage on a thick-oxide
capacitor. A doubly-balanced current mirror consisting of
appropriately sized P4, N1 and N4 provides identical
current flow through N2 and P2. P3 and N3 act as switches
[14]. The pulse, PR, from the B1 signal of Fig. 2 controls
the UP signal that drives the PMOS switch P3. Thus, for a
time equivalent to the pulse width of PR (see Fig.2), P3 is
on, and current flows from supply to the output node to
charge the capacitance C1. Similarly, pulse PR from the B2
signal of Fig.2 controls the DN signal that drives the
NMOS switch N3. When N3 is on, current flows from
output capacitance C1 to ground through the N3-N2 stack,
thereby discharging the output node in proportion to the
pulse width of PR from B2. The integrating time constant is
dependent upon the capacitance, C1, and the integrating
current, and can be tuned as required, depending on the
difference of input signal pulse widths. In this design, a
Normalized Output Voltage
Input slew(ps)
Fig. 5. Normalized output voltage of slew rate monitor
with input signal slew.
Output sensitivity is a strong function of the number
of pulses, N, and the integrating constant of the charge
pump (ratio of charging/discharging current to the value of
the output capacitor). Hence, we have investigated the use
of multiple pulses to enhance the sensitivity of the system .
Fig.6 shows the percent change in the output voltage with
percent change in the rise slew of the Str ROSC output
compared to the Ref ROSC output. Different curves
correspond to differnet number of input pulses. N_1
through N_5 in the plot represent the use of 1 to 5 input
pulses in the measurement. Sensitivity of the slew rate
monitor with number of pulses has been shown in Fig.7. As
can be seen, the sensitivity increases almost linearly with
the number of pulses. From this data, one can begin to
optimize the circuit performance and sensitivity.
%change in output voltage
The authors are grateful to IBM for offering
CMOS technology information. Thanks are due to Dr. Fadi
Gebara, Dr. Jae-Jung Kim and Dr. Aditya Bansal for advice
and helpful discussions. This work was supported by IBM
Research, and by the Engineering Research Centers
Program of the National Science Foundation under Award
Number EEC-9986866.
%change in input pulse rise time
Fig. 6. Normalized output of slew rate monitor with
number of input pulses.
Sensitivity (mV/ps)
6. Acknowledgement
Number of Input Pulses
Fig.7. Sensitivity of slew rate monitor with number of
input pulses.
5. Conclusion and Future Work
In this work, a precise and area-efficient threshold
voltage degradation monitoring technique has been
proposed and simulated. This on-chip sensing technique
will help researchers to model the negative bias
temperature instability (NBTI) degradation of a PMOS
device more accurately, and hopefully, help the electronics
community avoid the requirement of using larger-width
transistors to mitigate the impact of NBTI.
The NBTI sensor was designed in a 65 nm CMOS
process with two ring oscillators and two slew rate
monitors. The simulation results are presented. As a part of
our continuing work, we will determine the sensitivity of
the NBTI monitor, and fabricate and test the sensing
The circuit could potentially be used to extend the
lifetime of circuitry that is particularly sensitive to NBTI,
by using the sensor output signal to drive a compensation
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