CS 21353 S: PC Maintenance – Hardware (Hybrid) Business and Technical Division Arkansas Northeastern College First Day Handout Instructor: Office: Phone: E-Mail: Website: Office Hours: Ron Hutto A116 (870) 780-1288 rhutto@smail.anc.edu www.anc.edu By appointment only Term: Class Meeting Days: Class Meeting Hours: Class Location: Lab Location: Fall 2013 TBA TBA INET B204 I. Welcome! Welcome to PC Maintenance - Hardware. I look forward to having you in the class this semester. I hope you learn a lot about computer hardware and solving computer hardware problems and I hope you have fun in the process. The Student Handbook recommends 6 study hours a week for a 3-credit hour course for the average student. The more time and effort that a student is willing to put into this class, the more the student will get out of it. II. Course Catalog Description Students will gain hands-on experience working inside a personal computer performing routine maintenance, installing internal and external hardware, installing software, and running diagnostic programs. The course objectives help students prepare for the CompTIA A+ Essentials exam. III. Course Overview A variety of instructional methods will be utilized in this course, including reading assignments, lectures, PowerPoint presentations, discussions, online simulation activities and hands-on lab activities. Assignments have been carefully selected to enhance student learning. IV. Course Rationale Computers and their associated technologies are a vital part of today's business and personal environments. Increasingly, individuals and organizations look to computers to optimize workflow, establish a presence in global markets, improve communication, and just generally maximize return on investment. Because of this pervasive integration of computers and their associated technologies into today’s society, individuals who have the knowledge and skills to support and maintain them are an asset in the workplace. This course provides students with knowledge about computer hardware and the skills necessary to support and maintain it. Page 1 of 10 V. Course Objectives After successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Categorize storage devices and backup media Explain motherboard components, types, and features Classify power supply types and characteristics Explain the purpose and characteristics of CPUs and their features Explain cooling methods and devices Compare and contrast memory types, characteristics, and purposes Distinguish between the different display devices and their characteristics Summarize the function and types of adapter cards Install, configure, optimize, and maintain personal computer components Install and configure printers Determine the troubleshooting methods and tools for printers Detect and resolve common printer issues Explain the troubleshooting theory Explain and interpret common hardware symptoms and their causes Detect problems, troubleshoot, and repair/replace personal computer components Perform common preventative maintenance techniques Outline the purpose of appropriate safety and environmental procedures Select and use diagnostic tools and system utilities VI. Course Prerequisites Prerequisite: Grade “C” or better in CS 11533 Introduction to Computer Information Systems. VII. Course Credits Three VIII. Required Texts and Materials th A+ Guide to Hardware: Managing, Maintaining, and Troubleshooting. 6 Edition. Andrews. 2014. Course Technology. LabConnection Online for A+ Guide to Hardware: Managing, Maintaining, and Troubleshooting. (Access Code) Page 2 of 10 IX. Basis for Final Grade Assessment Points* First Day Handout Quiz Lab Connection Simulated Lab Assignments (22 @ 5 points ea.) Chapter Tests (11 @ 10 points ea.) Chapter Homework and Discussion Posts Exams Exam 1 = 50 points Exam 2 = 100 points Exam 3 = 150 points Exam 4 = 200 points 5 110 110 275 500 Total Points 1000 Grades are determined by dividing each student’s accumulated points by the total points possible. Grading Scale (%) 90-100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 0 - 59 A B C D F *Total points are subject to change. X. XI. Grade Dissemination The score on graded assignments may be accessed in the Gradebook for this course on myANC. Please note that the overall grade shown in the portal prior to the final grade at the end of the semester, including the midterm grade, is an unofficial grade. If you need help accessing the Gradebook, see the online tutorial. Course Policies: Grades Late Work and Make-up Policy: The grade for a late LabConnection assignment is reduced by 1/2 (.5) point for each day it is late, up to five days (including weekend days). The grade for a late Chapter Quiz is reduced by one (1) point for each day it is late, up to five days (including weekend days). LabConnection assignments or Chapter Quizzes that are more than five days late are not accepted. Weekly discussion participation activities may not be made up. If you are forced to miss an exam, you must notify me in advance. You may call me at the number listed above and leave a voice mail message, if necessary, or you may email me. My preferred method of communication is by email. Failure to notify me in advance forfeits your opportunity to take advantage of this make-up policy. Third party documentation of the reason for missing the exam may be required. I reserve the right to reject the source of the documentation. A make-up exam, which may be different than the original exam, must be taken within one week of the missed exam. The final examination must be taken during the scheduled time period. Page 3 of 10 Extra Credit Policy: Assignments for extra credit are given at the instructor’s discretion. Grades of "Incomplete": The current College policy concerning incomplete grades will be followed in this course. Incomplete grades are given only in situations where unexpected emergencies prevent a stu dent from completing the course and the remaining work can be completed the next semester. Your instructor is the final authority on whether you qualify for an incomplete. Incomplete work must be finished by mid term of the subsequent semester or the “I” will automatically be recorded as an “F” on your transcript. Group Work Policy: Everyone must take part in a group project, if one is assigned. All members of a group will receive the same score; that is, the project is assessed and everyone receives this score. However, that number is only 90% of your grade for this project. The final 10% is individual, and refers to your teamwork. Every person in the group will provide the instructor with a suggested grade for every other member of the group, and the instructor will assign a grade that is informed by those suggestions. Once formed, groups cannot be altered or switched, except by the instructor. XII. Course Policies: Technology and Media Email: Arkansas Northeastern College has partnered with Google to host email addresses for ANC students. myANCmail accounts are created for each student enrolled in the current semester and is the email address your instructor will use to communicate with you. Access your email account by going to http://mail.googl e.com/a/smail.anc.edu and using your first and last names, separated by a period for your username. Your default password is your Student ID, no hyphens. If you cannot access your student email, contact the MITS department at 762-1020 ext 1150 or ext 1207 or send an email to ANChelp@smail.anc.edu. Since your ANC student email account will be the email account that will be used in this class, please remember to check your student email often. Please contact your instructor using the email address listed above. Emails should receive a response within 24 hours. Responses to emails received on the weekends may be delayed up to 48 hours. Internet: This course has an Internet component on myANC. myANC is Arkansas Northeastern College’s web portal and Learning Management System (LMS). Content materials, study aids, and grades can be found on myANC and major exams will be given on myANC. A personal UserID and password is required to access most of the portal. Your UserID is your StudentID and your password is the last four digits of your social security number. If the last four digits of your social security number begin with zero, drop the zero and use the last three digits. myANC can be found at http://myanc.anc.edu or it may be accessed using the link on our homepage, www.anc.edu. Help for new users is available through the myANC Tutor tab found on myANC or by emailing ANCHelp@smail.anc.edu. The LabConnection website will also be utilized in this course for completing simulated lab assignments. The web address is www.login.cengagebrain.com. Instructions for registering and enrolling in LabConnection Online can be found with the activation code that you purchased. You will also need a class code for this course in addition to the activation code. The class code is CS21353SF13. Personal Computers: You will need access to a reliable computer in order to complete this course. If you do not own a personal computer with Internet access, you may use the Computer Lab provided by ANC as described below. Computer problems will not be accepted as an excuse for missed or late assignments. We are not responsible for making your computer work, but if you have questions regarding technical Page 4 of 10 issues related to myANC, you may email anchelp@smail.anc.edu with your specific question and someone will try to help you. Laptop Usage (in class): Classroom computers are provided, so student use of personal laptops is not necessary. Classroom Devices: If students want to use tape recorders in class to record lectures, discussions, and comments, the use of tape recorders is permitted. Other classroom devices, such as calculators are not needed. Computer Labs: In addition to general-purpose classrooms, a number of computer laboratories are provided for instructional and student use. These networked laboratories are state-of-the-art and fully equipped with computers, printers, Internet connections and the latest software. The labs are open to students enrolled in one or more credit hours at the College. Technology Support: A lab assistant is generally present in the computer lab in B202 for assistance in using the College computers. These assistants cannot help you with course assignments; specific questions regarding the technology requirements for each course should be directed to the instructor of the course. Problems with myANC or College email accounts should be addressed by email to ANCHelp@smail.anc.edu. XIII. Course Policies: Student Expectations Disability Access: Arkansas Northeastern College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. This First Day Handout is available in alternate formats upon request. Students with disabilities who need accommodations in this course must contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will be provided until the student has met with the instructor to request accommodations. Students who need accommodations must be registered with Johnny Moore in Statehouse Hall, 762-3180. Attendance Policy: It is to your advantage to be in attendance, and on time, for every class and to allocate appropriate study time each day to insure success in this course. If you must be absent because of illness or an emergency, please refer to the schedule below or contact me or a classmate to find out what you missed. Please remember, I prefer to be contacted by email. Absences will adversely affect your grade and regular attendance is a proven benefit to learning. Professionalism Policy: Be in class on time with materials ready. Complete homework assignments and readings before class. Plan your time wisely. A traditional rule of thumb is that the average student needs to spend two to three hours on outside study per week for each credit hour in a course. Self-discipline and planning are necessary for success in any course. It is important that you create your own systems and structures that will aid you in completing all course requirements. Ask questions about any class material that you do not understand. Be attentive during class. Only visit websites that are being discussed in class. Class time is not the time to visit social networking sites such as Facebook. Be respectful of others. Turn off your cell phone and put it away before entering the classroom. If it must be on in case of an emergency, please set it to vibrate and step outside the classroom to receive your call, so other students will not be disturbed. In emails and all other writings, use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. Texting Page 5 of 10 abbreviations and styles are inappropriate for college work. Academic Integrity Policy: Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Students are expected to do their own work. Plagiarism, using the words of others without express permission or proper citation, will not be tolerated. Any cheating (giving or receiving) or other dishonest activity will, at a minimum, result in a zero on that test or assignment and may be referred, at the discretion of the instructor, to the Department Chair and/or Vice President of Instruction for further action. If you are uncertain as to what constitutes academic dishonesty, please consult the Academic Integrity Policy for further details. (http://www.anc.edu/docs/Academic_Integrity_Policy.pdf) Academic & Career Enrichment Advising Center: The Academic & Career Enrichment (ACE) Advising Center is located in Statehouse Hall in Room S145. The ACE Advising Center advises all new ANC students. Once a student is progressing through his/her program of study the student will be assigned an advisor in the field of study. Prospective students are provided test prep assistance through the computerized Skills Tutor system for Compass test placement. The ACE Advising Center also houses a Virtual Career Center including career placement services, as well as academic tutoring services for enrolled students. The tutoring services offered are one-on-one tutoring, group tutoring, and group labs for specific classes. Other Student Support Services: Many departments are ready to assist you reach your educational goals. Be sure to check with your advisor; the ACE Advising Center, Room S145 and Student Support Services, Room W207; to find the right type of support for you. XIV. Important Dates to Remember th August 19 Classes Begin rd August 23 No Show Rosters Due th August 30 Last day to drop nd September 2 College Closed th October 11 Mid-Term grades due th November 4 Spring Registration nd November 22 Last day to Withdraw from classes th th November 27 -29 Thanksgiving Break nd December 2 Graduation Application Submission rd th December 3 & 4 Last Day of Fall Classes th th th December 5 , 9 -11 Final exams th December 12 Grades are due Page 6 of 10 XV. Topical/Unit Outline & Objectives with Schedule (below): Date Aug 19, 25 Aug 26, Sep 1 Topic/ Content Chapter 1: First Look at Computer Parts and Tools Chapter 2: Working Inside a Computer Rationale (Why is this important?) In order to repair a computer, it is important to understand the relationship between hardware and software and to be able to identify the hardware components within the system. The form factor of a computer determines the type of case, motherboard and power supply that a computer can use. A technician must be able to identify form factors in order to replace or add components properly. When working inside a computer, a technician must be aware of and avoid dangers that can be caused by electricity. This chapter will help show how to avoid these dangers as well as identify the appropriate tools for computer troubleshooting and repair. Chapter Objectives After studying this chapter, the student should be able to: Define hardware and software Explain the relationship between hardware and software Explain how binary is used to store and read data Identify the four basic functions of hardware Describe the three elements required by all input, output, and storage devices Identify common hardware devices and categorize them as to their functions Differentiate between primary and secondary storage devices Identify major motherboard components and their purposes Identify common motherboard ports Describe form factors used for computer cases, motherboards and power supplies Describe basic electrical components and how electricity is measured Classify power supply types and characteristics Explain how to protect people and equipment against the dangers of electricity Identify PC support technician tools and their purposes Page 7 of 10 LabConnection Assignments and Chapter Tests Chapter 1: Lab Connection Labs 1, & 2, Due Date (by 10:00 p.m.) Aug 25 Chapter Homework Quiz Chapter 2: Lab Connection Labs 1, &2 Chapter Homework Quiz Sep 1 Date Sep 3, 15 Sep 15 Sep 16, 22 Sep 23, 29 Topic/ Content Chapter 3: All About Motherboards Rationale (Why is this important?) The features of the motherboard must be properly matched with other components in order for the computer to work properly. Therefore, it is important for a technician to be able to identify and understand these features in order to install and configure the motherboard and other computer components correctly. Chapter Objectives After studying this chapter, the student should be able to: Identify motherboard components and explain their features Explain how Startup BIOS controls the boot process Install and configure a motherboard Maintain a motherboard LabConnection Assignments and Chapter Tests Due Date (by 10:00 p.m.) Chapter 3: Lab Connection Lab 1 Sep 15 Chapter Homework Quiz Exam 1 (Chapters 1-3) Chapter 4: Supporting Processors and Upgrading Memory Chapter 5: Supporting Hard Drives The CPU is the most important component on the motherboard and is the primary component that determines the computing power of the system. For this reason, it is important that the technician know about the characteristics of CPUs and how to keep them cool so that s/he can properly select and install a CPU and troubleshoot a faulty one. The hard drive is the most important secondary storage device in a computer. There are many different hard drive technologies with which a technician must be familiar in order to select, install, configure, and troubleshoot a hard drive properly. Describe the purpose and characteristics of CPUs Describe CPU cooling methods and devices Select and install a processor Troubleshoot the motherboard and processor Compare and contrast memory technologies and features Upgrade memory Troubleshoot memory Compare and contrast hard drive technologies Describe how data is stored on a hard drive Select, install and configure a hard drive Troubleshoot hard drives Chapter 4: Lab Connection Labs 1, 2, & 3 Chapter Homework Quiz Chapter 5: Lab Connection Labs 1 &2 Chapter Homework Quiz Page 8 of 10 Sep 22 Sep 29 Date Sep 30, Oct 10 Oct 9 Oct 11, 20 Oct 21, Nov 3 Topic/ Content Chapter 6: Supporting I/O and Storage Devices Rationale (Why is this important?) Chapter Objectives After studying this chapter, the student should be able to: There are many input/output devices with which a technician must be familiar in order to install and support them. This chapter familiarizes the student with the many types and features of I/O devices, the ports that are needed to connect them to the computer and the proper way to install configure and troubleshoot them. Describe the types and features of ports Compare and contrast the characteristics and features of display devices Explain the function and characteristics of I/O adapter cards Install and configures I/O devices Install and configure I/O adapter cards Troubleshoot I/O and storage devices As a professional PC Support technician, you can manage your career by staying abreast of new technologies, using available resources to do your job well, and maintaining professional certifications. It is essential for a PC technician to work effectively with people in a technical world. Job roles and responsibilities What customers want and expect beyond your technical abilities. How to interact with customers when selling, servicing, and supporting personal computers How to customize a computer system to meet customer needs. LabConnection Assignments and Chapter Tests Chapter 6 Lab Connection Labs 1, 2, 3, & 4 Due Date (by 10:00 p.m.) Oct 10 Chapter Homework Quiz Midterm Exam: Chapters 1-6 Chapter 7: Satisfying Customer Needs Chapter 8: Troubleshooting Hardware Problems Chapter 9: Connecting to and Setting Up Nov 4, 12 a Network It is important for a technician to have a strategy in mind for supporting personal computers and their users. A strategy gives the technician direction, purpose, and a plan. This chapter helps the student develop strategies to stay safe, protect equipment, prevent and solve problems. Outline the purpose of appropriate safety and environmental procedures Perform common preventative maintenance Explain the troubleshooting theory Chapter 7: Lab Connection Labs 1, 2, & 3 Oct 20 Chapter Homework Quiz Chapter 8: Lab Connection Lab 1 Chapter Homework Nov 3 Quiz It is important for a technician to know how Windows uses TCP/IP protocols and Connect a computer to a network standards to create and manage network Understand the TCP/IP connections. This chapter helps the protocols and standards student understand how to connect a Support SOHO networks. computer to a network and how to setup a small wired or wireless network. Page 9 of 10 Chapter 9: Lab Connection Lab 1 Chapter Homework Quiz Nov 12 Date Nov 12 Topic/ Content Rationale (Why is this important?) Nov 22 Dec 4 TBA XVI. LabConnection Assignments and Chapter Tests Due Date (by 10:00 p.m.) Exam 3 (Chapters 1-9) Chapter 10: Networking Types, Devices, and Nov 13, 22 Chapter Objectives After studying this chapter, the student should be able to: Chapter 10 will be a review at the end of the semester if time permits. Chapter 11: Supporting Notebooks More and more computers purchased today are notebook computers. As they become more popular, technicians need to know how to support them. This chapter explains how to support, upgrade, and troubleshoot notebooks. Describe special considerations when supporting notebooks Install and configure peripheral devices used with notebooks Install and configure internal notebook components Troubleshoot notebooks Chapter 12: Supporting Printers The printer is one of the most popular output devices. A technician needs to be familiar with the different printer types and their features in order to support, install, configure, and troubleshoot them. Compare and contrast printer types and features Install and share a printer Maintain a printer Troubleshoot a printer Chapter 11: Lab Connection Labs 1 &2 Nov 22 Test Chapter 12: Lab Connection Labs 1, 2, & 3 Nov 28 Test Comprehensive Final Exam Disclaimer: This First Day Handout was prepared under certain limited assumptions. Therefore, if the students in the class seem to "fit" the design for the course and if events occur as planned, the schedule, assignments, and assessments will be followed. The instructor has the option, however, to eliminate and/or add assignments and/or assessments if he/she feels it is in the best interest of the students. Page 10 of 10