Business Continuity v2-2 Revised for 2016

Business Continuity Plan
Gavin Webb
Plan Owner:
Gavin Webb
Plan Review
Purpose of this Business Continuity Plan:
The purpose of this Business Continuity Plan is to document our plans to ensure the
continuity of our business operation should a substantial disruption occur.
This document focusses on different levels of disaster and solutions for continuing business
operations in each.
List of document recipients.
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Date of
Required Services
Business Critical Information
Contacting external companies relating to Business
Personnel or groups that can and will invoke the
Business Continuity plan and actions
Being notified of a disaster situation
Procedure if arriving on-site after a disaster has
Procedure for above contact group once alerted to a
Building ok but office not accessible for 48 hours – 1
Building ok but office not accessible for between 1 – 6
Building not ok or building ok but not accessible for
longer than 6 weeks – New premises required
Internal Network ok but no connection to outside world
for longer than 1 day
Exchange, Data and / or Apps Server(s) down in critical
Disaster in Server room, but building ok
Mobile Unit
Outreach Clinics
Remote offices
Key Contact Sheet
Contents of Battle Box
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Firstly, under Section 1 this document will provide information on any areas that remain
constant regardless of the disaster that has occurred. These areas are
• Required services
• Business critical information
• Contacting external companies relating to Business Continuity
• Personnel or groups that can and will invoke the Business Continuity plan and actions
Secondly, under Section 2 we list all levels of disaster scenarios within two categories –
Building and IT. There is a Business Continuity plan for every scenario. The headings of
each plan is
• Who is affected
• Action Plan
• Communications
• What to do if event occurs out of hours
Section 3 has a Business Continuity plan for services provided out of head office where a
disaster should occur.
Finally, Section 4 consists of the Key Contact sheet for all communication, and a list of Battle
Box contents (see below for further details on Battle Box).
This document constantly references the Battle Box, which is a lap top that is stored offsite.
The Battle Box contains all documents, information and software referenced within this
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Section 1
1.1 Required Services
All IT services
Free phone Cancer Support Line
Any one of the disaster scenarios will not affect Tenovus Cancer Care staff being paid, or us
paying other companies. All IT services will be operational within 48 hours, regardless of
disaster scenario. Tenovus Cancer Care has a disaster recovery contract with ICM. Contract
with ICM stored on Battle Box.
Headline details of ICM contract and Tenovus Cancer Care IT systems backups
• Tenovus Cancer Care backup all required data to ICM offline through the night (list
of data decided as part of IT Management). Tenovus Cancer Care did a full backup
of everything at the beginning of the ICM contract (600GB).
• The daily backups are incremental.
• ICM provided Tenovus Cancer Care with a server as part of the contract. This is used
as the backup server – everything is backed up to on the server and then transferred
offline to two ICM data centres
o The server is managed by ICM, but Tenovus Cancer Care has full access also.
Files can be recovered from Backup jobs.
• Tenovus Cancer Care store images of several types of machines1 on an external hard
• As part of the Tenovus Cancer Care IT processes, annual testing is conducted on
servers and computers.
o For PC’s and Lap tops - Load images on some test machines.
o For Server’s - Restore from backups to dummy servers.
• As part of the contract with ICM, any server work being done by Tenovus Cancer
Care (any server), Tenovus Cancer Care can request an ICM engineer to be on
standby to assist if anything goes wrong. There is no notice period, but generally 24
hours is acceptable
• All Tenovus Cancer Care client machines and servers are Dell. Service contracts on
all machines are direct with Dell.
o There is a next day repair on all client machines.
o Servers are 4 hours back to service. If for whatever reason the servers are
unable to be repaired for over 48 hours, ICM as part of their contract will
build and provide servers for us onsite. This would take a maximum of 48
o If Dell are able to repair our servers, ICM can be onsite to supervise the data
transfer back to the Tenovus Cancer Care severs
• If Tenovus Cancer Care building (where server room is housed) is destroyed or staff
cant access the building, ICM will provide Tenovus Cancer Care with office space in
one of their recovery buildings (the closest one is in Bristol).
o There is office space for 20 staff with phone and internet access.
o ICM have shared meeting rooms that Tenovus Cancer Care will have access
o ICM would build replacement servers at the recovery location.
o ICM will ensure all data is loaded to replacement servers.
o ICM with Tenovus Cancer Care assistance would build 20 client PC’s, using
the stored images on the Tenovus Cancer Care external hard disk.
o It would be 48 hours for everything to be accessible at their site
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- Wikipedia - A disk image is a single file or storage device containing
the complete contents and structure representing a data storage medium or device, such as a hard drive, tape
drive, floppy disk, optical disc, or USB flash drive.
1.2 Business Critical Information
All paper based business critical documentation is listed here by department. All electronic
business critical information is backed up and will be available within 48 hours in the event
of a disaster.
IT, Fundraising, People and Development and Comms have no business critical paper
Finance – List of important paper based documentation, but not business critical if
destroyed. The information is business critical and will need to be recovered in event
of disaster – see Section 2.
o Stock takes
o Credit card receipts
o Cash receipts journal
o British gas
o Choir member registration forms
o Research evaluation forms.
o Grant T&Cs (soon to be uploaded to Benefactor, but Research believe
Tenovus Cancer Care is obliged to keep paper copies too).
o Commercial database – leases break clauses, landlords details etc –
Electronic, however hard copies are also held in the office.
o Xmas card order
1.3 Contacting external companies relating to Business Continuity
Relating to business continuity, this segment lists what department or individual role
contacts any specific companies or company types.
It is the responsibility of IT to contact any IT companies. This does not include any
phone numbers, but does include the telephone system.
Building – Director of Finance and Operations Liz Wilson
Telephone numbers – Director of Finance and Operations / Assistant Accountant (Liz
Wilson / Hannah Davies)
1.4 Personnel or groups that can and will invoke the Business Continuity plan
and actions
Below is a list of roles that can contact ICM and invoke the business continuity plan
Director of Finance and Operations
IT Manager
All IT Support Assistants
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Section 2
Below are the disaster plans for each of the disaster scenarios. The Committee agreed there
is no need for a plan where the disaster affects the building and any disruption caused can
be resolved is under 48 hours. Each disaster plan consist of
• Who is affected
• Action Plan
• Communications
• What to do if disaster occurs out of hours
2.1 - 2.3 describe what to do when initially discovering a disaster situation
The disaster scenarios are
• 2.4 Building ok but office not accessible for 48 hours – 1 week
• 2.5 Building ok but office not accessible for between 1 – 6 weeks
• 2.6 Building not ok or building ok but not accessible for longer than 6 weeks – New
premises required
• 2.7 Internal Network ok but no connection to outside world for longer than 1 day
• 2.8 Exchange, Data and / or Apps Server(s) down in critical condition
• 2.9 Disaster in Server room, but building ok
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2.1 Being notified of a disaster situation
Mapeley are responsible for all Health and Safety for the building. It is managed by the
Managing Agents (Salisbury). Salisbury / Mapeley will contact us in the event of a disaster
situation, where we are unable to access the site, the building or the office.
They will contact SMT, Project Manager or the Executive Assistant
If a member of Tenovus Cancer Care staff is the first to be notified of a disaster situation,
they are to follow section 2.2
2.2 Procedure if arriving on-site after a disaster has occurred
If the disaster prohibits you from coming on site,
• Go to the closest safe place,
• Log onto the ‘Disaster situation’ website if access to the internet is available
(smartphone etc) and
• Contact one of the below.
If the disaster is such that you come on-site, but somebody or something stops you from
entering the building –
• Try and establish what has happened,
• Go to M & S car park opposite,
• Log onto the ‘Disaster situation’ website if access to the internet is available
(smartphone etc) and
• Contact one of the below
To log on to ‘Disaster situation’ website
• Please go to the Tenovus Cancer Care home page (
and click on the staff link located at the bottom of the page. Username is
‘’ and the password is ‘disaster’
Please contact one of the below (contact details in section 4.2)
Michaela Yates
Gavin Webb
Surj Philora
Claudia McVie
Liz Wilson
Rachel Iredale
Ian Lewis
Clare Gallie
James Powell
Julie Rees
2.3 Procedure for a member of the above contact group once alerted to a disaster
Contact the I.T. Manager who will prepare the Battle Box
Contact the Executive Assistant / Project Manager who will inform Mapeley, Salisbury
and HMRC
Contact the remaining parties of the above contact group to arrange a convenient
meeting location
Once at the meeting location, initiate the applicable action plan (2.4 – 2.9)
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Action Plan – 2.4 Building ok but office not
accessible for 48 hours – 1 week
Who is affected?
Staff in head office
Action Plan
Action Point
Retrieve Battle Box from offsite location
Reconfigure Pinnacle to point Freephone
number to available substitute numbers.
Pinnacle is internet based, so any impact to
IT service as part of the disaster will not
affect this task
Divert main office number to temporary
Divert fax numbers to temporary location
Email Access - Advise anyone that is a PC
user to access their emails via the Tenovus
Cancer Care webmail
Update the disaster situation website as
Start a log of actions taken
Liaise with Emergency Services (if required)
Identify any damage (if applicable)
Convene the Response / Recovery Team
Arrange a Debrief
Provide shops with new fax numbers to dial
Retrieve pre written letter from Battle box
for picking up mail
Arrange for collection of Mail
Source a temporary meeting location
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Task Owner
Cancer Support Services Manager / Support
Line Nurse
Director of Finance & Operations / Finance
Controller (preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T.
Support Assistant
Director of Finance & Operations / Finance
Controller (preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T.
Support Assistant
Department Heads available on day
Comms (PR & Communications Manager /
Marketing Manager)
Project Manager in first instance / Executive
Project Manager in first instance / Member of
Project Manager in first instance / Member of
Business Continuity Group (Project Manager
if possible)
Business Continuity Group (Project Manager
if possible)
Regional Area Managers / Director of
Finance & Operations / Finance Controller
(preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T. Support
Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Communication with HMRC
Communication with Landlord / Salisbury
Communication with Insurance – details in
section 4.2
Anyone that is responsible for Volunteers to
contact them directly
Task Owner
Project Manager in first instance / Executive
Assistant / Member of SMT
Project Manager in first instance / Executive
Assistant / Member of SMT
Finance Controller
Details on Battle Box
Announcement on Tenovus Cancer Care
Key staff to contact staff members using all
phone numbers stored with Tenovus Cancer
Care – contact details stored on Battle Box,
and on server through remote access
Department Head co-ordinated by People
and Development (Head of People and
If disaster occurs out of working hours
Action Point
Contact Surj Philora (Craig James in his
Prepare the Battle Box
Call the Business Continuity Group and
Update on situation and disseminate tasks
for applicable Action Plan (over the phone if
meeting is not possible)
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Task Owner
Any person that is alerted to the disaster
I.T. Manager
I.T. Manager
Action Plan – 2.5 Building ok but office not
accessible for between 1 – 6 weeks
Who is affected?
Staff in head office
Action Plan
Action Point
Retrieve Battle Box from offsite location
Reconfigure Pinnacle to point Freephone
number to available substitute numbers.
Pinnacle is internet based, so any impact to
IT service as part of the disaster will not
affect this task
Divert main office number to temporary
Divert fax numbers to temporary location
ICM: Create a rota of staff to be at Bristol for
each day the disaster situation is likely to
Create a car sharing rota for transportation
arrangements to ICM
ICM: Build PC images on 20 PC’s – images to
relate to rota of staff
ICM: Point all PC’s to ICM printers
ICM: Retrieve latest data set from backups.
Email Access - Advise anyone not going to
ICM that is a PC user to access their emails
via the Tenovus Cancer Care webmail
Update the disaster situation website as
Start a log of actions taken
Liaise with Emergency Services (if required)
Identify any damage (if applicable)
Convene the Response / Recovery Team
Arrange a Debrief
Provide shops with new fax numbers to dial
Instruct Certus IT to redirect services
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Task Owner
Cancer Support Services Manager / Support
Line Nurse
Director of Finance & Operations / Finance
Controller (preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T.
Support Assistant
Director of Finance & Operations / Finance
Controller (preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T.
Support Assistant
Department Heads available on day
Department Heads available on day
ICM (IT Oversee)
Department Heads available on day
Comms (PR & Communications Manager /
Marketing Manager)
Project Manager in first instance / Executive
Project Manager in first instance / Member of
Project Manager in first instance / Member of
Business Continuity Group (Project Manager
if possible)
Business Continuity Group (Project Manager
if possible)
Regional Area Managers / Director of
Finance & Operations / Finance Controller
(preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T. Support
I.T. Manager / I.T. Support Assistant /
Director of Finance & Communications
Reconfigure routers at remote locations
Ensure all Electronic business critical data is
Arrange for redirection of Mail to temporary
Retrieve pre written letter from Battle Box
and pick up mail until redirection is in place
Arrange a temporary meeting location in
Cardiff (ICM meeting room in Bristol can be
Determine if a temporary location in addition
to ICM is required while awaiting access to
Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant
Michaela Yates / Finance Controller
Business Continuity Group
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Communication with HMRC
Communication with Landlord / Salisbury
Communication with Insurance (including
temporary meeting room) – details in section
Anyone that is responsible for Volunteers to
contact them directly
Task Owner
Project Manager in first instance / Executive
Assistant / Member of SMT
Project Manager in first instance / Executive
Assistant / Member of SMT
Finance Controller
Details on Battle Box
Announcement on Tenovus Cancer Care
Key staff to contact staff members using all
phone numbers stored with Tenovus Cancer
Care – contact details stored on Battle Box,
and on server through remote access
Department Head co-ordinated by People
and Development (Head of People and
If disaster occurs out of working hours
Action Point
Contact Surj Philora (Craig James in his
Prepare the Battle Box
Call the Business Continuity Group and
Update on situation and disseminate tasks
for applicable Action Plan (over the phone if
meeting is not possible)
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Task Owner
Any person that is alerted to the disaster
I.T. Manager
I.T. Manager
Action Plan – 2.6 Building not ok or building ok but
not accessible for longer than 6 weeks – New
premises required
Who is affected?
Staff in head office
Staff in Remote Locations
Action Plan
Action Point
Retrieve Battle Box from offsite location
Reconfigure Pinnacle to point Freephone
number to available substitute numbers.
Pinnacle is internet based, so any impact to
IT service as part of the disaster will not
affect this task
Divert main office number to temporary
Divert fax numbers to temporary location
ICM: Create a rota of staff to be at Bristol for
each day the disaster situation is likely to
Create a car sharing rota for transportation
arrangements to ICM
ICM: Build PC images on 20 PC’s – images to
relate to rota of staff
ICM: Point all PC’s to ICM printers
ICM: Retrieve latest data set from backups.
Email Access - Advise anyone not going to
ICM that is a PC user to access their emails
via the Tenovus Cancer Care webmail
Update the disaster situation website as
Start a log of actions taken
Liaise with Emergency Services (if required)
Identify any damage (if applicable)
Convene the Response / Recovery Team
Arrange a Debrief
Provide shops with new fax numbers to dial
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Task Owner
Cancer Support Services Manager / Support
Line Nurse
Director of Finance & Operations / Finance
Controller (preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T.
Support Assistant
Director of Finance & Operations / Finance
Controller (preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T.
Support Assistant
Department Heads available on day
Department Heads available on day
ICM (IT Oversee)
Department Heads available on day
Comms (PR & Communications Manager /
Marketing Manager)
Project Manager in first instance / Executive
Project Manager in first instance / Member of
Project Manager in first instance / Member of
Business Continuity Group (Project Manager
if possible)
Business Continuity Group (Project Manager
if possible)
Regional Area Managers / Director of
Finance & Operations / Finance Controller
(preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T. Support
Initiate the Crisis Communication
Management Plan
Instruct Certus IT to redirect services
Reconfigure routers at remote locations
Ensure all Electronic business critical data is
Arrange for redirection of Mail to temporary
Retrieve pre written letter from Battle Box
and pick up mail until redirection is in place
Arrange a temporary meeting location in
Cardiff (ICM meeting room in Bristol can be
Determine if a temporary location in addition
to ICM is required while a new building is
being sourced
Source new building
Amend website with new temporary /
permanent address and contact information
PR & Communications Manager / Marketing
I.T. Manager / I.T. Support Assistant /
Director of Finance & Communications
Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant / Finance Controller
Business Continuity Group
Project Manager in first instance / Member of
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Communication with HMRC
Communication with Landlord / Salisbury
Communication with Insurance (including
temporary meeting room) – details in section
Anyone that is responsible for Volunteers to
contact them directly
Task Owner
Project Manager in first instance / Executive
Assistant / Member of SMT
Project Manager in first instance / Executive
Assistant / Member of SMT
Finance Controller
Details on Battle Box
Announcement on Tenovus Cancer Care
Key staff to contact staff members using all
phone numbers stored with Tenovus Cancer
Care – contact details stored on Battle Box,
and on server through remote access
Department Head co-ordinated by People
and Development (Head of People and
Communication with Managing agents RE
sourcing new building
Communication with Managing agents RE
sourcing temporary location in addition to
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If disaster occurs out of working hours
Action Point
Contact Surj Philora (Craig James in his
Prepare the Battle Box
Call the Business Continuity Group and
Update on situation and disseminate tasks
for applicable Action Plan (over the phone if
meeting is not possible)
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Task Owner
Any person that is alerted to the disaster
I.T. Manager
I.T. Manager
Action Plan – 2.7 Internal Network ok but no
connection to outside world for longer than 1 day
Who is affected?
Staff in head office
Staff in remote locations
Action Plan
Action Point
Purchase 4G system for temporary internet
access (from preferred IT equipment
supplier). Internet access will be provided to
a small number of machines.
Communicate with internet suppliers to get
internet back online
Task Owner
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Anyone that is responsible for Volunteers to
contact them directly
Task Owner
Details on Battle Box
Mass email to
be sent to all staff detailing
Disaster situation
How staff should proceed
Contact by telephone
anyone internal or
external where the
disaster would cause an
Key staff to contact staff members using all
phone numbers stored with Tenovus Cancer
Care – contact details stored on server
Department Head co-ordinated by People
and Development (Head of People and
Contact appropriate Health Board
Innovation and Service Development
If disaster occurs out of working hours
No action to be taken. IT to investigate in normal business hours
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Action Plan – 2.8 Exchange, Data and / or Apps
Server(s) down in critical condition
Who is affected?
Staff in head office
Staff in remote locations
Action Plan
Action Point
Contact Dell to repair / replace server
ICM: Prepare ICM to make their spare
servers live with our data if Dell are going to
be longer than 1 day (purchase of new
server required for example)
ICM: Contact ICM to oversee data recovery
ICM: Retrieve latest data set from backups.
Ensure all Electronic business critical data is
Task Owner
ICM (IT to oversee)
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Anyone that is responsible for Volunteers to
contact them directly
Task Owner
Details on Battle Box
Mass email to
be sent to all staff detailing
Disaster situation
How staff should proceed
Contact by telephone
anyone internal or
external where the
disaster would cause an
Key staff to contact staff members using all
phone numbers stored with Tenovus Cancer
Care – contact details stored on Battle Box, and
on server
Department Head co-ordinated by People
and Development (Head of People and
If disaster occurs out of working hours
No action to be taken. IT to investigate in normal business hours
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Action Plan – 2.9 Disaster in Server room, but
building ok
Who is affected?
Staff in head office
Staff in remote locations
Action Plan
Action Point
Retrieve Battle Box from offsite location
ICM: Contact ICM to come to site to set up
temporary server room
ICM: Retrieve latest data set from backups.
Reconfigure PC’s and LT’s to be in line with
replacement ICM equipment
Start a log of actions taken
Liaise with Emergency Services (if required)
Identify any damage (if applicable)
Convene the Response / Recovery Team
Arrange a Debrief
Instruct Certus IT to redirect services (if
Reconfigure routers at remote locations
Ensure all Electronic business critical data is
Task Owner
ICM (IT to oversee)
Project Manager in first instance / Executive
Project Manager in first instance / Member of
Project Manager in first instance / Member of
Business Continuity Group (Project Manager
if possible)
Business Continuity Group (Project Manager
if possible)
I.T. Manager / I.T. Support Assistant /
Director of Finance & Communications
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Communication with HMRC
Communication with Landlord / Salisbury
Communication with Insurance (including
temporary meeting room) – details in section
Anyone that is responsible for Volunteers to
contact them directly
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Task Owner
Project Manager in first instance /
Executive Assistant / Member of SMT
Project Manager in first instance /
Executive Assistant / Member of SMT
Finance Controller
Details on Battle Box
(once servers are back online) Mass email to be
sent to all staff detailing
o Disaster situation
o Timescales
o How staff should proceed
Contact by telephone
anyone internal or
external where the
disaster would cause an
Key staff to contact staff members physically or
remotely using all phone numbers stored with
Tenovus Cancer Care – contact details stored
on Battle Box, and on server
Department Head co-ordinated by People
and Development (Head of People and
If disaster occurs out of working hours
Action Point
Contact Surj Philora (Craig James in his
Prepare the Battle Box
Call the Business Continuity Group and
Update on situation and arrange to meet on
site as soon as possible
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Task Owner
Any person that is alerted to the disaster
I.T. Manager
I.T. Manager
Section 3
A disaster in this section is defined as an event that occurs where services cannot continue
in the current property or vehicle.
Mobile Unit (s) – Action Plan – 3.1
There is a Mobile Unit manual that includes all contact information and a set of procedures
for what do if something happens to one of the Units. A copy of the manual is kept in the
Battle Box. The ManVan is not part of the manual as there are no operational instructions or
procedures to follow.
Either of the Mobile Units can be stored at any time in one of the following locations. Each
location is secured and they are names on the operators license of the unit. If we can no
longer use one of the facilities (disaster occurred there), we can use a temporary location
for 3 months before we need to change the operators license.
Mobile Unit 1, 2, and ManVan will be stored at Rhys Davies Freight Logistics in Cardiff
As a backup location, all vehicles can be stored at the MCL Logistics
If neither site is available we also have permission to park at Ron Skinners and Sons Cars
Who is affected?
Staff operating Mobile Unit
Staff in Head Office
Action Plan
Action Point
Start a log of actions taken
Provide copy of Mobile Unit manual from
Battle Box
Liaise with Emergency Services
Identify any damage
Determine if scheduled work can be done
using alternative vehicle or delivering service
in alternative methods (health check day for
Follow instructions in Mobile Unit manual
and keep a log of actions taken
Initiate the Crisis Communication
Management Plan
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Task Owner
Innovation and Service Development
I.T. Manager
Innovation and Service Development
Innovation and Service Development
Innovation and Service Development
Manager / Logistics officer
All involved
PR and Communications Manager /
Marketing Manager
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Communication with Insurance – details in
section 4.2
ManVan partners – PCUK and Movember to
inform of situation
Clients where events are booked
Mass email to be sent to all staff detailing
o Disaster situation
o Timescales
Task Owner
Finance Controller
Innovation and Service Development
Innovation and Service Development
If disaster occurs out of working hours
Contact the Innovation and Service Development Manager (Richard Pugh) who will
initiate the action plan. Contact details in section 4.2
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Warehouse – Action Plan – 3.2
The Warehouse is within a security checked area and is currently partially watched by the
neighbouring warehouse (Weeks) which operates through the night.
Who is affected?
Staff operating in the Warehouse
Staff in Head Office
Warehouse Landlord
Action Plan
Action Point
Activate Crisis Management Process
Start a log of actions taken
Liaise with Emergency Services
Identify any damage
Find alternative premises with flat floor
Order regular used items with overnight
delivery (details on Battle Box)
Set up a hot desk in Head office
Task Owner
Warehouse Manager
Retail Operations Manager
Retail Operations Manager
Retail Operations Manager
Warehouse Manager
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Activate Crisis Management Process
Communication with Insurance – details in
section 4.2
Anyone that is responsible for Volunteers to
contact them directly
Task Owner
Warehouse Manager
Finance Controller
Mass email to
be sent to all staff detailing
Disaster situation
How staff should proceed
Inform the distribution Network of situation
Details on Battle Box
Warehouse Manager
If disaster occurs out of working hours
• The security company and the neighbouring warehouse (Weeks) have the contact
details for the Warehouse Manager and head office. The Warehouse Manager will
inform a member of SMT who will initiate the Business Continuity plan.
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Outreach Clinics – Action Plan – 3.3
Who is affected?
Staff operating in the Outreach clinic
Staff in Head Office
Action Plan
Action Point
Start a log of actions taken
Liaise with Emergency Services
Identify any damage
Arrange for use of an alternative clinics
Task Owner
Community Support Manager /
Services Manager
Community Support Manager /
Services Manager
Community Support Manager /
Services Manager
Community Support Manager /
Services Manager
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Communication with Insurance – details in
section 4.2
Contact clients and explain the situation, and
re-arrange any appointments at the
alternative location
Anyone that is responsible for Volunteers to
contact them directly
Task Owner
Finance Controller
Mass email to be sent to all staff detailing
o Disaster situation
o Timescales
Community Support Manager / Counselling
Services Manager
Details on Battle Box
If disaster occurs out of working hours
No action to be taken. Community Support Manager and Counselling Services
Manager to investigate in normal business hours
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Shops – Action Plan – 3.4
Who is affected?
Staff operating in the Shop
Staff in Head Office
Shop Managers have provided contact details for them and the Assistant Managers to the
Police. If a disaster situation was to occur where the police were called, the Shop Manager
(or Assistant Manager) would be contact in the first instance.
As part of induction, all shop managers are informed of evacuation procedures.
Action Plan
Action Point
Activate Crisis Management Process
Start a log of actions taken
Liaise with Emergency Services
Identify any damage
Cancel delivery of new goods (if applicable)
Cancel or divert fax numbers
Cancel or divert phone number
Divert post to head office temporarily
Liaise with People and Development
regarding shop staff
Decide of temporary (Pop-Up) shop is
Source temporary (Pop-Up shop)
Task Owner
Shop Manager / Assistant Shop Manager
Retail Area Manager
Retail Area Manager
Retail Area Manager
Retail Area Manager
Director of Finance & Operations / Finance
Controller (preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T.
Support Assistant
Director of Finance & Operations / Finance
Controller (preferred), I.T. Manager / I.T.
Support Assistant
Executive Assistant
People and Development / Retail Area
Retail Area Manager / Retail Operations
Retail Area Manager / Retail Operations
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Activate Crisis Management Process
Communicate with shop landlord
Communication with Insurance – details in
section 4.2
Contact shop volunteers
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Task Owner
Shop Manager / Assistant Shop Manager
SMT (Director of Finance and Operations in
first instance)
Finance Controller
Shop Manager
Mass email to be sent to all staff detailing
o Disaster situation
o Timescales
Inform Suppliers and amend or cancel
deliveries as required
Inform public through PR
Inform warehouse of situation and amend
any planned work
Retail Area Manager
Retail Area Manager
If disaster occurs out of working hours, the Shop Manager / Assistant Shop Manager should
activate the Crisis Management Plan, where a senior member of the retail team or SMT will
assess when to initiate the Business Continuity Action Plan.
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Remote offices – Action Plan – 3.5
Who is affected?
Staff operating in the remote office
Staff in Head Office
Action Plan
Action Point
Start a log of actions taken
Liaise with Emergency Services
Identify any damage
Cancel all IT (Phones etc)
Task Owner
Community Support Manager / Counselling
Services Manager
Community Support Manager / Counselling
Services Manager
Community Support Manager / Counselling
Services Manager
Information on each of the contacts (contact number etc) is detailed in the ‘Key Contact’
Who to contact
Communication with Insurance – details in
section 4.2
Mass email to be sent to all staff detailing
o Disaster situation
o Timescales
Task Owner
Finance Controller
Advise staff based at the remote office to
work at home if they have internet access, or
come to head office
Clients That are scheduled to be at the
remote office
Community Support Manager / Counselling
Services Manager
Community Support Manager/ Counselling
Services Manager
If disaster occurs out of working hours
• There is a key contact sheet with the landlords for each office. The landlord should
contact the relevant staff member who will arrange for the action plan to initiate at
the earliest opportunity.
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Section 4
4.1 Key Contact Sheet
Job Title
Director of Cancer
Support Team
Director of Finance &
Director of Research and
Director Income
Head of People and
Director of
Cancer Support Services
Community Support
Counselling Services
Executive Assistant
Finance Controller
I.T. Manager
I.T. Support Assistant
I.T. Support Assistant
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Claudia McVie (SMT)
Rachel Iredale (SMT)
Office Number
02920 768 852
029 20768797
07968 985 681
07968 376016
Liz Wilson (SMT)
029 2076 8789
07969 120 437
Ian Lewis (SMT)
029 2076 8853
07989 300203
Clare Gallie (SMT)
029 20 768854
0796 837 6010
Julie Rees (SMT)
029 2076 8879
07976 884841
Rhiannon Skilton
029 2076 8791
Sharon Topazio
012 6722 0368
07794 231 319
Helen French
029 2076 8425
07794 225 254
Michaela Yates
029 2076 8852
07766 301 320
Jo Tait
Surj Philora
Craig James
Jonathan Davies
James Powell (SMT)
07814 928846
Useful information
Marketing Manager
PC & Communications
People Officer
Project Manager
Anna Garton
Luke Merlini
029 2076 8328
029 2076 8789
Nadine Lock
Gavin Webb
029 2076 8799
029 2076 8327
Regional Area Manager
Sue Hayes (Regional Area
Manager – Region O2)
Natalie Kell (Regional Area
Manager – Region O4)
Ruth Stopforth (Regional
Area Manager – Region 03)
Sophie Porfirio (Regional
Area Manager –South Coast)
Susan Newcombe
Regional Area Manager
Regional Area Manager
Regional Area Manager
Retail Operations
Support Line Nurse
Warehouse Manager
Jane Bridgeman
Paul Bradbury
ICM/Poenix :
Telephone Head Office
Pinnacle :
BT :
Dell :
Account Manager :
Warranty Support :
Current preferred IT
equipment supplier (MISCO)
Account Manager :
Sales :
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07969 120 437
07813 945 965
07817 376675
07889 682 388
07974 834 238
07870 564 178
029 2076 8892
07870 560142
029 2074 7938
Invocations : 0800 622
Office : 0844 863 0000
07791 284 339
029 2036 5200
029 2023 2425
0844 444 1077
0844 338 1200
0808 181 7409
0800 038 8880
Building Responsible
Manager (BRM)
Certus TG :
Support :
Office :
Paul Malkin
Julia Davies
Note that Certus also supply the Leased
Line for Gleider House.
0844 848 4605
0844 848 4606
Both are based on-site
03000 580 486
03000 582 191
Contacts for Thomas Carroll
insurance brokers are:
Claire Humphries – Account
02920 853747
Robin Turner- Account Broker
02920 853749
07969 888285
Estate Manager
Paul Miller
Landlord Help desk (Mapeley)
0845 1133 444
Landlord Representative – Jerry
Salisbury (Managing Agents)
02077 881 760
They will ask for the following
• Property Code: S0970
• Phase: Phase 1
• Building: Gleider House, 9th Floor
• Details of issue
07909 593 981
07824 101 646
Salisbury are responsible for all site
Heather at PCUK will contact Movember.
Heather Blake
Warehouse and Shop Landlords
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Landlords.xls on BattleBox
If contact is unavailable, please contact the relevant department head in their absence (unless otherwise stated in this document). If the department
head is unavailable, please contact another member of SMT.
All staff contact information and their relevant department are stored on the Battle Box.
Members of Business Continuity Group
Michaela Yates
Gavin Webb
Claudia McVie
Liz Wilson
Ian Lewis
Clare Gallie
Rachel Iredale
James Powell
Julie Rees
Luke Merlini (other member of Comms team in Luke’s absence)
Nadine Lock (other member of People and Development in Nadines’s absence)
Jo Tait
Surj Philora (other member of IT department in Surj’s absence)
Rhiannon Skilton (Jane Bridgeman in Rhiannon’s absence)
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4.2 Contents of Battle Box
There is a small portable printer with the Battle Box to print out all required documents in the event of a disaster.
Contents include:
• Letter for Post Office to collect mail temporarily (still to be added)
• Business Continuity document
• Mobile Unit Manual
• Contact information of staff
• Computer images (to re-build)
• Instructions for re-configuring Pinnacle – these are not on the Battle Box. They are only available online (main website •
• instruction video -
Action Log Template
Risk Report template
Crisis Communication Management Plan
Insurance (Business Interruption Insurance Cover)
Warehouse Stock consumables
Staff Relocation document
Crisis Management Plan
Employee Safety Handbook
Health and Safety Management System
First Aider List
ICM Contract
Fire Safety Information
List of Shop Landlords and contact details
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