110kV TRANSMISSION LINE HANGATIKI – TE AWAMUTU ASSESSMENT OF NOISE EFFECTS Report No 9886 Prepared for: Waipa Networks Ltd Te Awamutu June 2014 Prepared by: ……………………. Nevil Hegley MSc MICE CPEng IntPE, MIPENZ 2 CONTENTS 1 Introduction.................................................................... 4 2 Design Criteria ................................................................ 6 2.1 Waipa District Council ........................................................... 6 2.2 Otorohanga District Council .................................................... 8 2.3 Waitomo District Council........................................................ 9 2.4 Construction Standard ......................................................... 11 3 Existing Noise Environment ............................................ 13 4 Construction Work ........................................................ 22 5 Predicted Construction Noise .......................................... 26 6 7 5.1 Prediction Methodology ....................................................... 26 5.2 Predicted Noise Levels at Occupied Sites ............................... 26 5.3 Helicopter Noise .................................................................. 36 5.4 Summary of Results ............................................................ 38 Operation Noise ............................................................ 39 6.1 Corona Discharge ................................................................ 39 6.2 Surface Discharge ............................................................... 40 6.3 Wind Noise ......................................................................... 40 Conclusions.................................................................. 43 Appendix A .................................................................. 44 3 4 1 INTRODUCTION Waipa Networks Limited is proposing to construct an 110kV single circuit transmission line, entailing the construction of 177 pole support structures, between the substations at Te Awamutu and Hangatiki, which will provide an alternative electricity supply to Te Awamutu. The transmission line connection between the two Transpower substations will be achieved by constructing a new 32.29 km long transmission line as shown on Figure 1. Transmission line route Figure 1. Route of Proposed Transmission Line 5 The proposed line passes through the Waipa, Otorohanga and Waitomo District Council areas and while the noise requirements in each District are similar there are variations that need to be considered in the assessment. This report considers the noise1 during the construction of the transmission line and any subsequent operations noise, such as aeolian and corona discharge noise, and how this noise will be controlled to within a reasonable level for any neighbours as the line passes through the different districts. 1 See Appendix A for a Glossary of Noise Terms used in this report. 6 2 DESIGN CRITERIA To determine what a reasonable noise level would be for the project guidance has been taken from each of the three territorial authorities that the transmission line passes through. 2.1 Waipa District Council Although both the Operative and Proposed District Plans are available the requirements of the Proposed District Plan have been adopted for the analysis, as the controls are similar to the Operative Plan but reflect the use of the latest acoustic Standards and approach to noise control. The relevant noise rules from the Waipa Proposed District Plan are set out below. In the Residential Zone Rule, Noise states: Activities shall be conducted and buildings located, designed and used to ensure they do not exceed the following noise limits at the boundary of the site: (a) Monday to Saturday ‐ 7.00am to 10.00pm 50dBA (Leq) (b) 50dBA (Leq) (c) Sundays & Public Holidays ‐ 8.00am to 6.00pm, 50dBA (Leq) except in Character Area 4 in the Cambridge Park Residential Zone where all activities shall be conducted and buildings, located, designed and used to ensure that noise levels on any site zoned residential external to Character Area 4 in the Cambridge Park Residential Zone do not exceed this limits between the hours of 8.00am and 8.00pm Sundays ‐ 8.00am to 8.00pm (d) At all other times 40dBA (Leq) (e) Night time 10.00pm to 7.00am single noise 70dBA (Lmax) event 50dBA (Leq) 7 All noise levels shall be measured and assessed in accordance with the requirements of NZS 6801:2008 – Acoustics – Environmental Sound and assessed in accordance with NZS 6802:2008 – Acoustics – Environmental Noise. Rule, Construction noise sets the following criteria: Construction noise emanating from a site shall meet the limits recommended in and be measured and assessed in accordance with New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics – Construction Noise. In the Rural Zone Rule, Noise states: Noise generating activity other than that from farm animals including farm dogs, agricultural vehicles (when not being used for recreational purposes), agricultural machinery or equipment (including produce packing facilities where the only produce packed is grown on site) operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and in accordance with accepted management practices (e.g. for milking, spraying, harvesting, packing and the like, but not including frost fans) and provided that the best practicable option is adopted to ensure that the emission of noise does not exceed a reasonable level; shall be conducted and buildings located, designed and used to ensure that they do not exceed the following limits within the notional boundary of any dwelling (excluding dwellings within mineral extraction sites): (a) (b) (c) Day time ‐ 7.00am to 10.00pm Night time ‐ 10.00pm to 7.00am Night time single noise event 50dBA (Leq) 40dBA (Leq) 70dBA (Lmax) The noise levels shall be measured and assessed in accordance with the requirements of NZS 6801:2008 – Acoustics – Environmental Sound and assessed in accordance with NZS 6802:2008 – Acoustics – Environmental Noise. 8 Rule, Helicopter noise states: Helicopter landings and take offs shall be in accordance with NZS6807:1994 Noise Management and Landing Use Planning for Helicopter Landing Areas where there are more than 10 landings per annum. Rule sets the construction noise limits at the same limits as Rule given above. 2.2 Otorohanga District Council Rule 14, Noise in the Otorohanga District Plan sets the relevant noise requirements within the district at: Methods of Assessment 1. All measurements shall be taken at the boundary of the site receiving the noise except that in the Rural Effects Area the measurement shall be taken at the notional boundary of any rural site receiving the noise 2. NA 3. NA 4. Day shall be defined as: 5. Monday to Friday 7am to 10pm. Saturday 7am to 7pm. Sunday and public holidays 8am to 5pm. Night shall be defined as: At all other times 6. NA 7. Sound levels will be measured in accordance with the provisions of New Zealand Standard NZS 6801:2008 “Acoustics Measurement of Environmental Sound” and will be assessed in accordance with the provisions of New Zealand Standard NZS 6802:2008 “Acoustics Environmental Noise”. 9 Standards 14A Noise Measurements shall not exceed: Effects Area Rural Effects Area (excluding Waipapa Noise Control Boundary) Urban Services Effects Area Urban Limited Services Effects Area Renewable Electricity Generation Policy Area Waipapa Noise Control Boundary – Well Drilling and Testing within the Renewable Energy Generation Policy Area Road Order 1, 2 & 3 LAeq (Day) 50dB LAeq (Night) 40dB LAmax (Night) 70dB 1&2 2A 3 55dB 70dB 50dB 55dB 45dB 60dB 40dB 45dB 75dB 75dB 70dB 75dB 1 2&3 1 50dB 40dB 70dB 55dB 40dB 75dB 1 70dB 60dB 75dB 14B Within the Rural Effects Area, the noise being generated originates from farm animals and/or agricultural vehicles (where not used for recreational purposes), associated with the day to day operation of an agricultural activity. 14.3 Any construction, maintenance or demolition activity which complies with New Zealand Standard NZS: 6803:1999 “Acoustics Construction Noise” is a permitted Activity. 2.3 Waitomo District Council Rule 20.5 of the Waitomo District Plan sets the relevant noise levels to be complied with in the district at: 20.5.1 Conditions for Permitted Activities (excluding Temporary Military Training Activities covered by Rule 20.5.3) 10 All permitted activities shall be carried out such that the noise level at the boundary of the site that the noise generating activity is located on (or notional boundary in the rural zone – see definition in section 28) in the relevant zone as set out in the following table is not exceeded Zone Residential Business Rural Special Industrial Activities Industrial Conservation Maximum Noise (dBA) Day time L10 Night time L10 55 40 55 45 50 40 60 50 60 50 50 40 (a) Daytime means 7.00 am to 10.00 pm Monday to Saturday and 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Sundays and Public Holidays. (b) Night-time means all other times. (c) In any zone no single event noise shall exceed 70dBA Lmax at night time. All noise levels shall be measured and assessed in accordance with the requirements of NZS 6801:1991 The Measurement of Sound and NZS 6802:1991 Assessment of Environmental Sound. The noise shall be measured with a sound level meter complying with the International Standard IEC65I (1979): Sound Level Meters, Type 1. All construction shall be carried out so as to comply with New Zealand Standard NZS 6803P:1984. For this project the areas potentially influenced by the ongoing operation must comply with a level of 40dBA as either a L10 or Leq value (the exact value being dependent on the district) at night time plus a single event sound of 70dBA Lmax. As the noise will be similar during both the daytime and night time compliance with the noise criteria during the night time will give compliance during the daytime. 11 2.4 Construction Standard The Waipa and Otorohanga District Plans both adopt NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics - Construction Noise and the Waitomo District Plan NZS 6803P:1984 The Measurement and Assessment of Noise from Construction, Maintenance and Demolition Work Since this Waitomo District Plan was prepared NZS6803P:1984 has been updated to NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics — Construction Noise. The main difference between the two Standards is that Leq is used in preference to L10 and the ambiguities in the 1984 Provisional Standard have been removed. As a general rule, if the later Standard is complied with then the earlier Standard will also be complied with. For this project it is recommended the 1999 version of NZS6803 be adopted for construction work in the Waitomo District, which will result in the same construction noise criteria being applicable along the total route. Tables 2 and 3 of NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics — Construction Noise adopts the following noise limits for any construction activity: Table 2 - Recommended upper limits for construction noise received in residential zones and dwellings in rural areas Time of week Time period Weekdays 0630-0730 0730-1800 1800-2000 2000-0630 0630-0730 0730-1800 1800-2000 2000-0630 0630-0730 0730-1800 1800-2000 2000-0630 Saturdays Sundays and public holidays Typical duration (dBA) Lmax Leq 60 75 75 90 70 85 45 75 45 75 75 90 45 75 45 75 45 75 55 80 45 75 45 75 Short term duration Lmax Leq 65 80 80 95 75 90 45 75 45 75 80 95 45 75 45 75 45 75 55 85 45 75 45 75 Long term duration Lmax Leq 55 75 70 85 65 80 45 75 45 75 70 85 45 75 45 75 45 75 55 85 45 75 45 75 12 Table 3 - Recommended upper limits for construction noise received in industrial or commercial areas for all days of the year Time period Duration of work Typical duration 0730-1800 1800-0730 Leq(dBA) 75 80 Short-term duration Leq(dBA) 80 85 Long-term duration Leq(dBA) 70 75 Where: "Short-term" means construction work at any one location for up to 14 calendar days; "Typical duration" means construction work at any one location for more than 14 calendar days but less than 20 weeks; and "Long-term" means construction work at any one location with a duration exceeding 20 weeks. For this project there is unlikely to be any site where the construction work exceeds 14 calendar days so the short term duration noise levels in the above tables are applicable for the construction work. 13 3 EXISTING NOISE ENVIRONMENT To determine the noise effects of the proposed transmission line the existing noise environment has been measured on two occasions at representative houses along the route. Two sites were monitored over a full night and all other sites were monitored over typically 15 minutes and excluded the effects of passing traffic or any other transient noise in the area. From these measurements the existing noise environment can be compared with the proposed construction noise and the noise levels as predicted for the operation of the transmission line. As a guide, if the predicted noise is below the existing noise environment it is unlikely there will be any adverse noise effects for the receiver. However, it needs to be kept in mind that a noise with a distinctive audible characteristic is able to be heard at levels below the background sound (L95 or L90) so being below the existing noise environment does not necessarily make a sound inaudible. For a sound 10dB above the existing noise environment it will appear to be approximately doubled the loudness of the original sound and an increase of 20dB four times as loud. An increase of noise will not necessarily result in an unreasonable noise and an example of this is if the existing noise environment is 25dB at night time and the level is increased to 35dB there will be a clearly noticeable increase to the noise. However, based on NZS 6802 a level of up to 45dB will allow undisturbed sleep so any increase in level up 45dB at night time should be acceptable there will be undisturbed sleep. In the case of the District Plans this project is subject to a level of 40dB is adopted at night time to provide a factor of safety. The meaning of the noise terms used in this report are set out in Appendix A. All short term measurements were undertaken with a Brüel & Kjær 2250 Handheld Analyser Platform with Sound Level Meter Software BZ 7222, Frequency Analysis Software BZ 7223, Logging Software BZ 7224. The equipment has been calibrated by the equipment manufacturer and the re-calibration is next due 14 in September 2015. The long term measurements were undertaken using ARL35 data loggers, which also have current calibration certificates from the manufacturer. All equipment was field calibrated before and after measurements using a Brüel & Kjær 4230 calibrator. All measurements were undertaken in accordance with the requirements of NZS 6801:2008 Acoustics - Measurement of Environmental Sound. As shown on Figure 2 the monitoring was undertaken at Colgan Street and Station East Road in a Residential Zone in the Waipa District Plan where distant traffic controlled the noise environment. The existing noise levels at Colgan Street between poles 11 and 13 are 47/35dBA L10/L95 during the daytime, 48/34dBA L10/L95 in the evening and 39/31dBA L10/L95 at night time. In Station East Road, between poles 13 and 14A, the noise levels were measured at 50/36dBA L10/L95 during the daytime, 43dBA/35BA L10/L95 in the evening and 43/30dBA L10/L95 at night time. Colgen Street Station East Road Figure 2. Colgan Street and Station East Road, Te Awamutu 15 In Pokuru Road (Figure 3) near poles 25 and 26, the noise levels were measured at 62/43dBA L10/L95 during the daytime, 57/35BA L10/L95 in the evening with a background sound of 28dBA L95 at night time and the L10 varying between a low of 35dBA and the typical high of 55dBA, the exact level being dependent on the traffic flow. Pokuru Road Figure 3. Pokuru Road Te Mawhai Road (Figure 4) is in a rural zone in the Waipa District Plan. Birds controlled the noise level at this site at 45/34dBA L10/L95 during the daytime and traffic controlled in the evening with a level of 39/32dBA L10/L95. At night time the level was typically 36/27dBA L10/L95 Te Mawhai Figure 4. Te Mawhai Road 16 Figure 5 shows the Te Kawa Road, Hinewai Road and Te Oro Road measurement positions located in a rural zone near poles 71, 72, 72A and 75. At the Te Kawa Road site near poles 72 and 72A the daytime level was controlled by bird noise at 61/31dB LAeq /LA90, dropping to 33/24dB LAeq /LA90 during the evening and 31/23dB LAeq /LA90 at night time. In Hinewai Road opposite pole 71 the daytime level was 41/37dB LAeq/LA90 and 37/24dB LAeq/LA90 in the evening. During the night time period the background sound was measured as low as 23dB LA90. The LAeq level varied from a low of 24dB, 1dB above the background sound, to a typical upper level of 60dB from passing traffic. At the Te Oro Road position opposite pole 75 the daytime measurements were 41/37dB LAeq/LA90, 40/25dB LAeq/LA90 for the evening measurements dropping to 27/21dB LAeq/LA90 at night time. Hinewai Road Te Kawa Road Te Oro Road Figure 5. Hinewai, Te Kawa and Te Oro Roads 17 At Ormsby Road (which is in the Otorohanga District) the measurement position is located in the Urban Services Effects area opposite pole 141 and as shown on Figure 6 the site overlooks State Highway 3 (SH3). Daytime levels at this site are 54/48dB LAeq/LA90 and evening levels were 54/43dB LAeq/LA90. The night time levels were measured at 48/38dB LAeq/LA90. Ormbsy Road Figure 6. Ormsby Road, Otorohanga The site on Fare Vue Lane opposite pole 151 is shown on Figure 7. Although there is some screening from a bank between Fare Vue Lane and SH3, the noise from traffic on SH3 controls the level at this location. The daytime measurements were 52/43dB LAeq/LA90, the evening levels 52/41dB LAeq/LA90 and night time levels 48/40dB LAeq/LA90. 18 Fare Vue Lane Figure 7. Fare Vue Lane, Otorohanga As shown on Figure 8 the two monitoring sites were selected on Waitomo Caves Road, which is in a Rural Zone in the Waitomo District Plan. At site 1 the daytime levels were 63/47dBA L10/L95. During the evening the levels dropped slightly to 61/42dBA L10/L95 and at night time to 39/35dBA L10/L95. These levels do not include any immediate traffic noise effects but are controlled by traffic on SH3. Waitomo Caves Rd Site 1 Waitomo Caves Rd Site 2 Figure 8. Waitomo Caves Road 19 At site 2 on Waitomo Caves Road the daytime levels were 66/48dBA L10/L95. During the evening the levels dropped slightly to 58/43dBA L10/L95 and at night time to 40/36dBA L10/L95. These levels are also controlled by traffic on SH3. In addition to the above, unattended measurements were undertaken throughout the night time at 15 minute intervals at Pokuru Road (Figure 3) and Hinewai Road (Figure 5) to establish how the noise environment changes at night time. As shown on Figure 9 the noise at Pokuru Road on a calm night had a background sound (L95) of typically 28dBA with the L10 at a low of typically 35dBA. This level increased to typically 55dBA with the influence of passing traffic. The single event sound (Lmax) was 86dBA from passing traffic and as low as 43dBA without the influence from traffic. Figure 9. Night Time Noise - Pokuru Road At the Hinewai Road site the background sound (L95) is typically 23dBA with the L10 being as low as 24dBA without any traffic in the area and up to 60dBA with passing traffic. The single event sound (Lmax) was 80dBA from passing traffic and as low as 38dBA without the influence from traffic as shown on Figure 10. 20 Figure 10. Night Time Noise - Hinewai Road The existing noise at night time along the proposed transmission line route is typical of that expected in any urban and rural environment. When near a busy road the levels are controlled by traffic noise although as the traffic flow drop of significantly in the early hours of the morning the background sound drops to 23 – 30dBA increasing to typically 38dBA near the busier roads. During the daytime the background increases to typically 40dBA and up to 44dBA where there is a busy road nearby. The L10/Leq level is typically 10dBA above the background sound when clear of the busier roads. For the dwellings near a busy road the L10/Leq levels increase to typically 60dBA during the daytime. The only other significant noise in the environment is from trains passing through a number of the sites. passenger trains. There are typically five daily freight trains and two Figure 11 shows a freight train passing at 12m from the measurement position. 21 %%Projec t 302 - F as t Logged in C alc ulat ions Ev ent Sound dB 120 110 100 Locomotive Wagons 90 80 70 60 50 40 09: 36: 00 PM 09: 36: 30 PM LAeq C urs or: 27-J ul-11 09: 35: 39 PM. 600 - 09: 35: 39 PM. 700 09: 37: 00 PM 09: 37: 30 PM 09: 38: 00 PM LAeq=47. 8 dB Figure 11. Freight Train at 12m As shown on Figure 11 the duration of the train noise above 50dBA was just under 2.5 minutes when at 12m from the train. It is noted that while the train noise will be clearly heard by any neighbours near to the rail line Clause 1.2.1 NZS6802:2008 Acoustics - Environmental Noise states: This Standard does not apply to the assessment of sound where the source is within the scope of, and subject to, the application of other New Zealand acoustical Standards, except as provided for in 1.2.3 and 1.2.4. In particular, assessment of specific sources of sound including road or rail transport ... requires special techniques that generally are outside the scope of this Standard. However, in the same way traffic noise influences the existing noise environment train noise also impacts on the existing noise environment. 22 4 CONSTRUCTION WORK During the construction period the maximum hours expected to be worked are between 7:00am – 6:00pm Monday to Saturday although all noisier work when near a noise sensitive location will be restricted to 7:30am – 6:00pm when the higher construction noise limits as set out in Section 2 of this report are applicable. That is 75dBA Leq and 90dBA Lmax. The following sets out the typical work to prepare the site, to install the poles and to string the lines. Some sites will need a farm type access track to be formed and this will be undertaken where necessary using a 14 - 20t excavator and truck such as that shown on Figure 12. The sound power (LWA) of this machine operating was measured at 104dB. Figure 12. Komatsu PC150 15t Excavator 23 The other relatively noisy plant to be used would be a standard road truck arriving and departing the construction sites. It has been assumed in the noise predictions that a typical truck has a sound power (LWA) of 105dB. Once the site has been leveled it is expected that for most of the sites reinforced concrete piles will be used to support the poles. The holes will be drilled with a hydraulically driven auger off a 4 x 4 drilling rig or tracked excavator such as shown on Figure 13. The noise from the auger will be partly dependent on the material being drilled and how the material will be cleared from the auger, but this machine has the potential to generate a sound power level of 106dB LWA. Figure 13. Example of an Auger to Drill Holes for the Foundations During the construction of the foundations a concrete truck with a sound power level of 112dB (such as shown on Figure 14) will used to place the concrete. 24 Figure 14. Concrete Truck The poles need to be fitted together using hydraulic rams to squeeze the sections together. The power pack will be driven off a small generator, which will have a sound power of approximately 94dB LWA. Most of the poles will be able to be erected with a Hiab but some of the larger ones will require a crane, possibly a rough terrain crane of about 100 – 200kW such as shown on Figure 15. This crane has a sound power level of typically 105dB LWA. Figure 15. Typical Crane to place Poles 25 Stringing the lines will require running blocks to be installed on each pole using bucket trucks and then ropes pulled out, then the wires pulled out under tension. There will be a pulling winch (such as shown on Figure 16) at one end with a tension machine approximately 2km away at the opposite end of the line. The process for each major pull will take about a week. The noise from these winches is typically 104dB LWA. Figure 16. Pulling Winch To assist with construction work in difficult locations a helicopter is likely to be used for some tasks. In the analysis an AS350 has been assumed. 26 5 PREDICTED CONSTRUCTION NOISE 5.1 Prediction Methodology Based on the above the noise from construction has been predicted at the closer houses and business activities along the route for the various stages of the construction process. These predictions have been based on the noise levels as set out above and taking into account the noise reduction due to the distance between the plant operating and received and any localised screening effects there is from the topography. As the distance from the source (such as an excavator) increases so the level received decreases. The reduction in the noise is calculated based on the equation 20 x log(R1/R2) where R1 is the distance to the source and R2 the distance to the receiver position. The reduction of noise from any screening effects is been based on the change in path length the sound must travel over a barrier to arrive at the receiver position, the greater the change in path length the greater the reduction due to the barrier. As a guide, when just losing line of sight to the noise source there will be a 5dBA sound reduction and as the screening effects of the barrier increases the reduction will quickly increase to 10dBA. However, to achieve more than 12 – 14dBA reduction due to a barrier is generally impractical. 5.2 Predicted Noise Levels at Occupied Sites The sites close to poles 1 – 10 (Figure 17) include commercial buildings with the closest house being on the corner of Factory Road and Alexandra Street. Assuming the building opposite pole 7 has an office at the front of the building the noise levels at 1m from the façade of the office and the closest house, which is at a similar distance, will be: Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 74dBA Leq 79dBA Leq 72dBA Leq 27 The other poles are all further from the buildings so the noise at those buildings will be lower than given for pole 7. Figure 17. Location of Poles 1 – 10 Figure 18 shows the location of poles 11 – 14A with the closest house to pole 13 being 78m and 19m to pole 14A. The construction noise that will be experienced at these houses is: Pole 13 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 61dBA Leq 66dBA Leq 59dBA Leq Pole 14A Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 73dBA Leq 78dBA Leq 71dBA Leq 72dBA 71dBA 67dBA 84dBA 83dBA 79dBA Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax 28 Figure 18. Location of Poles 11 – 14A Figure 19 shows the location of poles 24 and 25 with the closest house to pole 24 being 195m and 100m to pole 25. The construction noise that will be experienced at these houses is: Pole 24 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 53dBA Leq 58dBA Leq 51dBA Leq Pole 25 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 59dBA Leq 64dBA Leq 57dBA Leq 64dBA 63dBA 59dBA 70dBA 69dBA 65dBA Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax 29 Figure 19. Location of Poles 24 – 25 Figure 20 shows the location of poles 34, 35 and 36 with the closest house to pole 34 being 130m, 140m to pole 35 and 55m to pole 36. The construction noise that will be experienced at these houses is: Pole 34 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 57dBA Leq 62dBA Leq 55dBA Leq Pole 35 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 56dBA Leq 61dBA Leq 54dBA Leq Pole 36 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 64dBA Leq 69dBA Leq 62dBA Leq 68dBA 67dBA 63dBA 67dBA 66dBA 62dBA 75dBA 74dBA 70dBA Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax 30 Figure 20. Location of Poles 34, 35 and 36 Figure 21 shows the location of poles 70, 71 and 72 with the closest house to pole 70 being 153m, 44m to pole 71 and 45m to pole 72. The construction noise that will be experienced at these houses is: Pole 70 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 55dBA Leq 60dBA Leq 53dBA Leq Pole 71 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 66dBA Leq 71dBA Leq 64dBA Leq Pole 72 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 66dBA Leq 71dBA Leq 64dBA Leq 66dBA 65dBA 61dBA 77dBA 76dBA 72dBA 77dBA 76dBA 72dBA Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax 31 Figure 21. Location of Poles 70 – 72 Figure 22 shows the location of poles 72A, 73 and 75 with the closest house to pole 72A being 35m, 130m to pole 73 and 18m to pole 75. The construction noise that will be experienced at these houses is: Pole 72A Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 68dBA Leq 73dBA Leq 66dBA Leq Pole 73 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 57dBA Leq 62dBA Leq 55dBA Leq Pole 75 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 74dBA Leq 79dBA Leq 72dBA Leq 79dBA 78dBA 74dBA 68dBA 67dBA 63dBA 85dBA 84dBA 80dBA Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax 32 Figure 22. Location of Poles 72A, 73 and 75 Figure 23 shows the location of poles 140A, 140B and 141 with the closest house to pole 140A being 120m, 135m to pole 140B and 55m to pole 141. The construction noise that will be experienced at these houses is: Pole 140A Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 57dBA Leq 62dBA Leq 55dBA Leq Pole 140B Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 56dBA Leq 61dBA Leq 54dBA Leq Pole 141 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 64dBA Leq 69dBA Leq 62dBA Leq 68dBA 67dBA 63dBA 67dBA 66dBA 62dBA 75dBA 74dBA 70dBA Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax 33 Figure 23. Location of Poles 140A, 140B and 141 Figure 24 shows the location of poles 142, 144, 145 and 146 with the closest business buildings to pole 142 being 30m, 55m to pole 144, 60m to pole 145 and 78m to pole 146. The construction noise that will be experienced at these businesses is: Pole 142 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 69dBA Leq 74dBA Leq 67dBA Leq Pole 144 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 64dBA Leq 69dBA Leq 62dBA Leq Pole 145 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 63dBA Leq 68dBA Leq 61dBA Leq 34 Pole 146 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 61dBA Leq 66dBA Leq 59dBA Leq Figure 24. Location of Poles 142 - 146 Figure 25 shows the location of poles 151 and 152 with the closest house to pole 151 being 34m and 63m to pole 152. The construction noise that will be experienced at these houses is: Pole 151 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 68dBA Leq 73dBA Leq 66dBA Leq Pole 152 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 63dBA Leq 68dBA Leq 61dBA Leq 79dBA 78dBA 74dBA 74dBA 73dBA 69dBA Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax 35 Figure 25. Location of Poles 151 and 152 Figure 25 shows the location of poles 201, 202, 203 and 204 with the closest house to pole 201 being 103m, 205m to pole 202, 170m to pole 203 and 95m to pole 204. The construction noise that will be experienced at these houses is: Pole 201 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 59dBA Leq 64dBA Leq 57dBA Leq Pole 202 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 53dBA Leq 58dBA Leq 51dBA Leq Pole 203 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 54dBA Leq 59dBA Leq 52dBA Leq Pole 204 Prepare site Prepare foundations Place pole 59dBA Leq 64dBA Leq 62dBA Leq 70dBA 69dBA 65dBA 64dBA 63dBA 59dBA Lmax Lmax Lmax 65dBA 64dBA 60dBA 70dBA 69dBA 65dBA Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax 36 Figure 26. Location of Poles 201 – 204 5.3 Helicopter Noise It is expected that a helicopter may be used in areas where access is difficult and these areas are all well clear of residential developments. However, the effects of helicopter use have been assessed in case the helicopters are used for stringing the lines. One of the noisier types of helicopter that are likely to be used is an AS350 helicopter such as shown on Figure 27. Figure 27. AS350 Helicopter 37 Helicopter noise is assessed in accordance with the requirements of NZS6807:1994 Noise Management and Land Use Planning for Helicopter Landing Areas and this Standard is adopted in the Waipa District Plan. Neither the Otorohanga nor Waitomo District Plans reference NZS6807 so there is no helicopter noise control in either of these Plans. It is noted that NZS 6802:1991 Assessment of Environmental Sound excludes its use to assess helicopter noise as in clause 1.2 NZS6802 states: Assessment of specific sources of transportation, construction, and impulsive sound (such as gunfire, and blasting), requires special measurement and assessment techniques that are generally outside the scope of this Standard, but within the scope of others. Clause 1.1 of NZS6807 states: This Standard is intended to apply to helicopter landing areas used for ten or more flight movements in any month, or where flight movements are likely to result in a maximum sound level (Lmax) exceeding 70dBA at night-time or 90dBA during day-time in any residential zone or within the notional boundary of any rural dwelling. The assessment of helicopter noise is based on the total noise energy from helicopter movements over the 24 hour period with a 10dBA penalty included for any night time flights (10:00pm – 7:00am). No night time flights are proposed for any helicopter use at this site. In order to understand the noise from helicopters Figure 28 shows the noise from an AS350 helicopter measured at typically 50m from the helicopter taking off then returning to land, idle for approximately 40 seconds before taking off again. %Proj ec t 110 - Fas t Logged i n Cal c ul ati ons Event dB 100 idle Sound Return, land, idle & take‐off Take‐off 90 80 70 60 50 1 minute 40 30 10:21:00 a.m. 10:22:00 a.m. 10:23:00 a.m. LAeq Curs or: 14/02/2012 10:20:52 a.m..200 - 10:20:52 a.m..300 10:24:00 a.m. 10:25:00 a.m. 10:26:00 a.m. LAeq=71.5 dB Figure 28. AS350 Helicopter Noise at 50m 10:27:00 a.m. 38 From this information the noise of a helicopter operating at a given location can be predicted. As a guide, and taking the above as an example, a helicopter operating at 100m from a house could be there for approximately 5 minutes of hovering or 4 take-offs and 4 landings to give 50dBA Ldn. Inspection of the route indicates there is unlikely to be any use of a helicopter within 100m of a dwelling and more likely the minimum distance would be more than 500m. Similarly, it is not proposed to locate a helipad near a dwelling. 5.4 Summary of Results Based the equipment expected to be used to undertake the construction work the predicted noise at all of the noise sensitive locations along the proposed transmission line route will be within the requirements of NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics - Construction Noise. This assumes all construction work near a dwelling, or other occupied building, is undertaken within the time period when the higher noise levels are permitted in NZS6803. That is, between 7:30 am – 6:00pm Monday to Saturday. 39 6 OPERATION NOISE The electrical operation of the proposed line has the potential to create audible noise from corona and surface discharging along the line insulation. In addition, there is the potential of wind generated noise (Aeolian noise). Each of these phenomena is addressed below. Under normal conditions the conductors themselves will be silent when in use. However, there is the potential of wind generated noise and noise from corona and surface discharging along the conductors insulation. In order to address these aspects of noise, field tests have been undertaken to determine the potential noise effects. However, as checking could only be undertaken in a limited number of environmental conditions a search of technical literature available on the effects of corona and surface electrical discharging has been used to assist with the assessment of these phenomena. 6.1 Corona Discharge Corona is generated when the electrical voltage stress in the air close to energised components is so high that the air breaks down and becomes conductive. It causes electrical energy losses, and an audible 'hissing' or 'buzzing’ noise. Because of the energy loss associated with both these effects it is in the interests of the line designer and owner of the line to minimise them. Corona noise is generally only audible under wet conditions such as rain or fog. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) publication AC Transmission Line Reference Book: 200 kV and Above, Third Edition, sets out formula to predict noise from power lines, which give a level of approximately 25dBA at 20m from the lines. However, these prediction techniques are for line voltages of at least double that proposed for this line so calculations using this method need to be treated with caution. 40 In order to check the noise from corona measurements were undertaken during calm conditions and light rain at the base of a recently installed 110kV line in the central Auckland area. When at the base of a pole at a quiet site there was no audible noise from the insulators. A second check of a 110kV line at Te Papapa, also in Auckland, gave similar results. It is noted that in both cases the background sound was between 28 – 30dBA, which would have masked any noise below approximately 20dBA. 6.2 Surface Discharge Surface discharging results when conducive pollutants deposited on the surface of the insulators cause electricity to leak along the external surface. The accompanying noise is usually described as a ‘crackling’ or ‘frying’ sound. The level of surface discharge is affected by the type of insulator used, the insulator design, and contamination from the surrounding environment. The insulation to be used on the overhead line is state-of-the-art composite insulation consisting of a high strength fibreglass core rod, jacketed with weather sheds of silicon rubber. The silicone rubber material acts to suppress surface discharging and results in an insulator that is very quiet. The pollution level is critical to the operational noise level of the insulation. In particular, any location near the sea coast and where the prevailing winds carry sea salt inland can be expected to be noisier in operation, due to the increased leakage current down the conductive layer of damp surface salt. The overhead link is in a location in which little or no surface pollution is expected. 6.3 Wind Noise Wind generated noise in the conductors is the other potential noise that may be experienced. Potential problem areas of wind noise can come from the insulators, conductors and components with hollow sections. 41 In the past, there have been problems with tones generated by porcelain insulation. These problems have now been completely eliminated by new designs which are wind tunnel tested prior to purchase to ensure they are quiet at all wind speeds including severe storms. The insulators to be used on this line are to be manufactured from modern composite materials. These materials have the advantage that they are inherently resistant to wind noise generation because of the soft flexible nature of the silicon rubber outer covering. Wind noise from the conductors, or moaning, is mainly associated with large conductors of 30mm or more in diameter. proposed for this line is 18.8mm in diameter. The conductor that is This same conductor has been in use for many years in other locations and has proven to be particularly quiet in the wind. In addition to the above, site visits have been undertaken to a number of areas in various wind conditions. Based on these visits it is apparent that wind generated noise does not generally commence until the wind speed exceeds approximately 15m/s. Monitoring of wind noise in the conductors of a 110kV transmission line was undertaken at a site in Christchurch with the wind blowing at an estimated 20m/s and gusts as high as approximately 30m/s. As a guide, the wind was sufficient to give the conductors a distinctive outward sway. Noise is difficult to record in these conditions due to the wind effects on both the measuring equipment and the noise in trees etc. When the noise was measured in these conditions, well clear of any large trees (there was a hedge nearby) and on open flat terrain, the noise in the conductors was audible when located directly beneath the line. The main noise on this occasion was considered to be from the general environment rather than the conductors. 42 By moving some distance along the line a measuring location was found adjacent to a 4 - 5m high earth berm located 3 - 4m upwind of the transmission lines. This enabled measurements to be carried out beneath the conductors at a location sheltered from the wind although the lines themselves were in the same relatively strong wind as set out above. From this measurement and after taking into account the wind generated noise, the actual noise from the wind in the conductors has been calculated at 43dBA directly under the conductors. The noise from the line could not be measured as the background sound (L95) was 42dBA in the sheltered location with the measured L10 value being 48dBA. In the more exposed location the background sound measured 47dBA and the L10 measured 57dBA. Assuming a similar wind speed, the noise around any adjacent house is expected to be at least equal to the noise level in open conditions, and more likely to be noisier due to the noise the wind would generate around the house itself. When the effects of the background sound resulting from the wind are strong enough to generate any noise in the conductors, the noise generated around other features, such as trees and houses, is expected to control the overall noise level. In stronger winds the noise in the transmission lines will increase. However, the background noise will also increase and as a result it is predicted that the relative noise between the background sound and line generated noise will remain about the same. As set out above, noise from the conductors would be relatively low at any residential / notional boundary of the houses along the route and below the background sound as measured along the route when excluding any effects of wind noise around the houses. 43 7 CONCLUSIONS The existing noise environment has been measured in calm weather conditions at a position representative of all of the closer houses to the proposed poles for a 15 minute period on two different days and one night plus throughout the night at two sites. The noise level during the construction of the proposed 110kV transmission line has been predicted based on the noise from typical construction equipment plus the effects of using a helicopter to assist with difficult construction sites and possible stringing of the lines. Based on the predicted construction noise level the requirements of NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics - Construction Noise will be complied with at all sites along the route. For the majority of the time there will not be any noise from the new transmission line. However, in wet and/or windy conditions the operation noise can include the effects of corona, surface discharging along the line and wind generated noise. An analysis of this noise plus field measurements of existing lines shows that while there may be some noise from these sources the effects for the neighbours will be minimal and well within the requirements of the relevant District Plan. When taking into account the existing noise environment, the predicted noise levels and the requirements of the District Plan, the noise effects of a proposal to construct and operate an 110kV transmission line between the substations at Te Awamutu and Hangatiki will be less than minor for the residents along the route. * * * 44 APPENDIX A Guide to Noise Terms The following sets out an explanation of the acoustic terms that will be referred to throughout this report. The aim is not to necessarily provide technical definitions, but to enable a basic understanding of what is meant. The setting of specific noise levels to control any adverse effects does not necessarily mean that noise will not be heard. Audibility depends on the level of a sound, the loudness of the background sound and any special frequency composition or characteristics that a sound may have. Research suggests that a small number of people (approximately 10%) will find any noise not of their own making unacceptable. Conversely, there are approximately 25% of the population that are essentially immune to any noise. Neither of these two extremes is normally designed for. In establishing the appropriate noise levels the aim is to try and represent the typical expected community reaction, this will generally be approximately 90% of the people. In order to reflect community response to noise it is necessary to establish a measure that reflects our attitude to the sounds that we hear. Due to the variability of many sounds (level, tone, duration, intrusiveness above the existing sound, etc) no single descriptor will totally describe the potential community reaction to a sound. For this reason there are a number of terms that need to be understood. dBA The basic unit to quantify a sound is the decibel. The A-weighted sound level, or dBA, is a good environmental noise descriptor because of the similarity between A-weighting and the frequency response of the human ear at moderate sound levels. It can also be measured easily. However, it provides no indication of tonal frequency components or unusual frequency distributions of sound that 45 may be the cause of annoyance. Where appropriate, this must be assessed separately. We can hear a change in sound pressure that varies from 1 (taken as the threshold of hearing) through to 1,000,000,000,000 (taken as the threshold of pain). In order to bring these numbers to a more manageable size a logarithmic scale is normally adopted. This reduces the above values to 0 and 12 respectively. The decibel is then described as 10 times the logarithm of the ratio of the pressure level of interest, to a reference pressure level. Thus the scale becomes 0 to 120dBA. Some typical subjective changes in noise levels are: A change of 3dBA is just perceptible A change of 5dBA is clearly perceptible A change of 10dBA is twice (or half) as loud Because we use a logarithmic scale care must be taken when adding sound levels. Two equal noise sources raise the level of one source by 3dBA. It takes 10 equal noise sources to raise the level of one source by 10dBA. ie 60dBA + 60dBA = 63dBA and 60dBA x 10 = 70dBA. Maximum Sound Level (Lmax , LAmax) This unit equates to the highest (maximum) sound level for a defined measurement period. It is adopted in NZS6802:1991 Assessment of Environmental Sound, mainly as a method of protecting sleep. L10 The sound level which is equalled or exceeded for 10% of the measurement time. This level is adopted in NZS6802:1991 Assessment of Environmental Sound to measure intrusive sound. This level may be considered as the average maximum sound level. 46 Background Sound L95 or L90 The sound level which is equalled or exceeded for 95% (or 90%) of the measurement period. This level may be considered as the average minimum sound level and is the component of sound that subjectively is perceived as continuously present. Equivalent Sound Level (Leq, LAeq) The Leq may be considered as the continuous steady noise level that would have the same total A-weighted acoustic energy as a fluctuating noise over the same time period. Day Night Level, Ldn The day/night level (Ldn) is defined as the time-average sound level in decibels (re 20µPa) over a 24 hour period from midnight to midnight) with the addition of 10dB to night time levels during the period from midnight to 07.00 hours and from 22.00 hours to midnight, to take account of the increased annoyance caused by noise at night. Ambient Sound The ambient sound is normally used to describe the total noise environment. The ambient sound is often measured as the 24 hour Leq, which is an average value over the 24 hour period. Shorter times are often used, such as the daytime period Notional Boundary The notional boundary is defined as a line 20 metres from the facade of any rural dwelling or the legal boundary where this is closer to the dwelling. Figure A1 shows a noise trace with the relationship of Lmax, L10, L95 and Leq values when including all events over the 15 minute measurement period and Figure A2 some typical noise levels. Figure A1 Figure A2