ECE606: Solid State Devices Lecture 14 Electrostatics of p-n junctions Gerhard Klimeck Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam Outline 1) Introduction to p-n junctions 2) Drawing band-diagrams 3) Accurate solution in equilibrium 4) Band-diagram with applied bias Ref. Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, Chapter 5 Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 2 What is a Diode good for …. GaAs lasers solar cells Organic LED Avalanche Photodiode GaN lasers Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 3 p-n Junction Devices … Schematic of a p-n Diode Symbol Contact P-doped pocket NA N P ND N-doped substrate Point-contact diode Contact Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 4 Topic Map Topic Map (Today : Diode in Equilibrium) Equilibrium DC Small signal Large Signal Circuits Diode Schottky Diode in Equilibrium. (No external voltage applied) BJT/HBT MOS Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 5 Drawing Band Diagram in Equilibrium… Previously constant in homogeneous semiconductors. But for pn diode: f(x) !! ∇ • D = q ( p − n + N D+ − N A− ) ∂n 1 = ∇ • J N − rN + g N ∂t q J N = qnµ N E + qDN ∇n ∂p −1 = ∇ • J P − rP + g P ∂t q J P = qp µ P E − qDP ∇p Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam Equilibrium (Start here) In equilibrium J=0 (no current flow). But, Electric fields or diffusion might still be present. Detailed balance Non-Equilibrium (refine later) DC dn/dt=0 Small signal dn/dt ~ jωt x n Transient --- full solution 6 P and N doped Material Side by Side … N-doped E P-doped Vacuum level (determined by material) Conduction Band Ec EF EF EV Valence Band Valence Band For P-doped EF close to EV k -k Conduction Band Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 7 Forming a Junction Space charge (fixed) Mobile carriers NA ND Donor-side (N-side) Squares are fixed donor atoms. Every donor atom has given away one electron (blue circle) Acceptor-side (P-side) Squares are fixed acceptor atoms. Every acceptor atom has captured one electron (from the valence band). Every acceptor atom leaves behind one hole in the valence band. (red circle) Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam Forming a Junction Space charge (fixed) Mobile carriers NA ND p = NA n = ND n0 = ni 2 NA Before joining the p and the n side x Junction Valid only in equilibrium Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam Forming a Junction Diffusion E-field Space charge (fixed) Mobile carriers NA ND p = NA n = ND n0 = ni 2 Depletion approximation ln(n), ln(p) Actual Carrier Concentrations n-side Before joining the p and the n side x Junction n NA After joining the p and the n side p p-side n p Depletion approximation Bulk Region Depleted Region Bulk Region Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam x 10 Formation of a Junction + NA ND ln(ND) ln(n) ln(p) ln(NA) Net charge on N-side: qND (subtract green from blue line) Space charge region: fixed donor atoms Neglect electrons in p-side Xn: depletion region in N-side Net charge on P-side: -qNA (subtract brown from red line) Space charge region: fixed acceptor atoms Xp: depletion region in P-side Q=p-n+ND-NA Depleted Region qND red and blue are of equal size charge balance Depletion Region means depleted of “mobile” charges Bulk Region Bulk Region xn xp -qNA Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 11 Sketch of Electrostatics Vbi Potential position Integrate Emax = E-field q q xp N A = xn N D K sε o K sε o position Integrate qND p-n+ND-NA Depleted Region position Bulk Region xn xp Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam Bulk Region -qNA 12 Sketch of Electrostatics Potential xn xp Invert to go from potential to energy scale position Band Diagram position In equilibrium Fermi-level must be flat Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 13 Outline 1) Introduction to p-n junctions 2) Drawing band-diagrams 3) Analytical solution in equilibrium 4) Band-diagram with applied bias Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 14 Short-cut to Band-diagram Neutral Space Charge Drawing Recipe Neutral ND N A Vacuum level χ2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Start with EF Ec/Ev in bulk n-side Ec/Ev in bulk p-side Vacuum level in N Vacuum level in P Join vacuum levels “Transfer” vacuum slopes to join Ec/Ev EC χ1 EV EF … is equivalent to solving the Poisson equation Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 15 Built-in Potential: boundary conditions @infinity Always true in equilibrium qVbi ∆1 + χ1 + qVbi = χ 2 + E g ,2 − ∆ 2 χ2 χ1 Eg,2 ∆1 ∆2 delta1,2 determined via doping concentrations X1,2 material parameters Built-in potential Vbi unknown! qVbi = Eg ,2 − ∆ 2 − ∆1 + χ 2 − χ1 N N = Eg ,2 + k BT ln A + k BT ln D + ( χ 2 − χ1 ) NV ,2 N C ,1 N A ND = k BT ln + ( χ 2 − χ1 ) −E / k T NV ,2 NC ,1e g ,2 B Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 16 Interface Boundary Conditions Homo - Junction D xp Hetero - Junction xn E = (D/kεo) xn xp Field not continuous across junction position position D1 = K1ε 0 E (0− ) = K 2ε 0 E (0− ) = D2 E (0− ) = K2 E (0+ ) K1 Displacement is continuous across the interface, field need not be .. Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 17 Built-in voltage for Homo-junctions Space Charge Neutral Neutral ND NA qVbi Drawing Recipe 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Start with EF Ec/Ev in bulk n-side Ec/Ev in bulk p-side Vacuum level in N Vacuum level in P Join vacuum levels “Transfer” vacuum slopes to join Ec/Ev Vacuum level χ1 χ1 EC EF EV Zero for homo-junctions qVbi = k BT ln N AND NV ,2 N C ,1e − Eg ,2 / k BT + ( χ 2 − χ1 ) = k BT ln Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam N AND N N = k BT ln A 2 D − E g / k BT ni NV N C e 18 Analytical Solution of Poisson Equation Depleted Region qND Q= p-n+ND-NA -qNA position xp xn KSε 0 d 2V = − q ( p − n + N D+ − N A− ) 2 dx Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 19 Analytical Solution for Homojunctions (Charge) p-n+ND-NA qND -qNA E-field position Integrate xn xp qN D xn E ( 0− ) = k sε 0 E ( 0+ ) = E-field qN A x p k sε 0 ⇒ N D xn = N A x p Integrate position Potential Integrate Vbi position Small ! Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam qVbi = E (0 − )x n Potential + E ( 0+ ) x p 2 2 qN D xn 2 qN A x p = + 2ks ε 0 2ks ε 0 2 20 Depletion Regions in Homojunctions Space Charge Neutral Neutral ND N A xp xn Solve for xn, xp N D xn = N A x p qVbi = 2 qN D xn 2 qN A x p + 2k s ε 0 2k s ε 0 xn = 2k s ε 0 NA Vbi q ND ( N A + ND ) xp = 2k sε 0 ND Vbi q N A ( N A + ND ) Small Project: Solve the same problem for a hetero-junction Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 21 Complete Analytical Solution ρ =0 ρ = q ( ND − NA) N ρ =0 P x -xp 0 xn ρ V E Integrate Integrate qND -xp -xp 0 x xn x x xn -qNA If you need to calculate electric field at specific points… ∫ E ( x) 0 qN A dε ′ = −∫ dx′ − xp K ε S 0 x E ( x) = − -xp −KqNε oA .......... − xp ≤ x ≤ 0 s d E qND = ................0 ≤ x ≤ xn dx K sε o 0............. x ≤ − xp , x ≥ xn qN A ( x p + x).......... − xp ≤ x ≤ 0 KSε0 Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam E ( x) = − xn 0 ∫ε ( x) dε ′ = ∫ xn x qN D dx′ KSε 0 qN D ( xn − x)..........0 ≤ x ≤ xn KSε0 22 Outline 1) Introduction to p-n junction transistors 2) Drawing band-diagrams 3) Analytical solution in equilibrium 4) Band-diagram with applied bias Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 23 Topic Map Equilibriu DC m Small signal Large Signal Circuit s Diode Schottk y BJT/HB T MOS Diode in Non-Equilibrium (External DC voltage applied) Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 24 Applying Bias to p-n Junction IV characteristics of a Diode To be discussed in detail ln(I) 3 2 1 6,7 Reverse Bias Forward Bias VA 4 1. Diffusion limited 2. Ambipolar transport 3. High injection 4. R-G in depletion 5. Breakdown 6. Trap-assisted R-G 7. Esaki Tunneling 5 Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 25 Forward and Reverse Bias ND NA Current flows easily Forward Bias ND NA Current does not flow easily Reverse Bias Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 26 Band Diagram with Applied Bias… ∇ • D = q ( p − n + N D+ − N A− ) Band diagram (this segment) ∂n 1 = ∇ • J N − rN + g N ∂t q J N = qnµ N E + qDN ∇n Next segment / lecture … ∂p 1 = − ∇ • J P − rP + g P ∂t q J P = qp µ P E − qDP ∇p Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 27 Applying a Bias: Poisson Equation qVbi No bias Question: Max value of Vbi? EC-EF EF-EV Applied bias -qV Answer: for degenerate s.c., if EC-EF=0, EF-EV=0 Eg n( x ) = ni e ( Fn −Ei ) β q(Vbi-V) p( x ) = ni e EC-Fn Fp-EV − ( Fp − Ei ) β n × p = ni 2 e ( Fn −Fp ) β P-side grounded Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 28 Depletion Widths ND -V xn NA GND xp From previous lecture (homo-junction) ND xn = NA x p 2 qND xn 2 qNA x p q (Vbi − V ) = + 2k s ε 0 2k s ε 0 Applied bias xn = 2ks ε 0 NA (Vbi − V ) q ND ( NA + ND ) xp = 2ks ε 0 ND (Vbi − V ) q NA ( NA + ND ) What about heterojunctions? Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 29 Fields and Depletion at Forward/Reverse Biases VA<0 VA=0 VA>0 Charge P N VA<0 VA=0 VA>0 Position Barrier height is reduced at forward biases Electric Field Significant increase of peak field at reverse bias VA<0 VA=0 VA>0 Position Potential VA<0 VA=0 VA>0 Position Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam Summary PN-Junction Electrostatics 1) Learning to draw band-diagrams is one of the most important topics you learn in this course. Band-diagrams are a graphical way of quickly solving the Poisson equation. 2) If you consistently follow the rules of drawing band-diagrams, you will always get correct results. Try to follow the rules, not guess the final result. Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam ECE606: Solid State Devices p-n diode I-V characteristics Gerhard Klimeck Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 31 Outline 1) Derivation of the forward bias formula 2) Solution in the nonlinear regime 3) I-V in the ambipolar regime 4) Conclusion Ref. SDF, Chapter 6 Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 33 Topic Map Equilibrium DC Small signal Large Signal Circuits Diode Schottky Diode in Non-Equilibrium (External DC voltage applied) BJT/HBT MOSFET Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 34 Continuity Equations for p-n junction Diode ∇ • E = q ( p − n + N D+ − N A− ) ∂n 1 = ∇ • J N − rN + g N ∂t q J N = qnµ N E + qDN ∇n This section ∂p 1 = ∇ • J P − rP + g P ∂t q J P = qp µ P E − qDP ∇p Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 35 Applying a Bias: Poisson Equation Review qVbi No bias EC-EF EF-EV q(Vbi-V) Applied bias -qV EC-Fn Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam Fp-EV 36 Depletion Widths Review ND -V xn ND xn = NA x p 2 qND xn 2 qNA x p q (Vbi − V ) = + 2k s ε 0 2k s ε 0 NA GND xp xn = 2ks ε 0 NA (Vbi − V ) q ND ( NA + ND ) xp = 2ks ε 0 ND (Vbi − V ) q NA ( NA + ND ) Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 37 Flat Quasi-Fermi Level up to Junction Equilibrium: Many electrons Nside. Few electrons P-side. EC EV Detailed balance of drift and diffusion forces. No net current Jn Forward Bias: Electron Jn and hole Jp currents across junction. EC EV Jp Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam Diffusion force unchanged. (because doping did not change) But, drift force increased due to applied bias Net current 38 Various Regions of I-V Characteristics q ln( I ) ~ VA k BT ln(I) 3 1. Diffusion limited 2 2. Ambipolar transport 1 6,7 3. High injection VA 1 4. R-G in depletion 5. Breakdown 6. Trap-assisted R-G 4 7. Esaki Tunneling 5 Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 39 Recall: One Sided Minority Diffusion Steady state Acceptor doped If current is continuous, one can calculate for the current anywhere. Position doesn’t matter! Calculate at “easiest” position. Minority carrier current on P-side. We know the solution from earlier Assume steady state, no rn, gn q(Vbi-V) -V Fp-EV ∂n 1 dJn = − rn + gn ∂t q dx Jn = qnµn E + qDn dn dx d 2n 0 = Dn 2 dx Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 40 Boundary Conditions ∆n(0+ ) = n(0+ )VG − n(0+ )VG = 0 Boundary Conditions n( x = 0+ ) = ni e (Fn −Ei ) β p( x = 0+ ) = ni e = − ( Fp −E i ) β ni2 qVA β ( e − 1) NA Solution profile Difference of Quasi-Fermi-levels equals applied voltage np = ni2 e ( Fn − Fp ) β p(0+ ) = NA n(0+ ) = q(Vbi-VA) = ni2 e qVA β -VA Fp ni2 qVA β e NA Fn X=0+ NA Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 41 Right Boundary Condition n( x = W p ) ≈ ni2 NA ∆n( x = W p ) = 0 EC metal V Infinite surface recombination velocity at metal excess carrier concentration = 0 EV Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 42 Example: One Sided Minority Diffusion DN d 2n =0 dx 2 Ansatz V ∆n( x, t ) = C + Dx Plug in B.C. x = W p , ∆n( x = W p ) = 0 ⇒ C = − DW p x = 0 ', ∆n( x = 0) = ni2 qVA β ( e − 1) = C NA n2 x ∆n( x, t ) = i ( e qVA β − 1) 1 − W NA p Final result: Excess electron carrier concentration (P-side) as function of position Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 43 Electron & Hole Fluxes ∆n ( x ) = ni2 qVA β x e − 1) 1 − ( NA Wp J N = qnµ N E + qDN ∇n Current (electrons) J n = qDn dn dx ∆n =− x=0 2 i qDn n e qVA β − 1) ( Wp N A Fn Fp ∆p Current (holes) J p = − qD p dp dx =− x = 0' qD p ni2 qVA β ( e − 1) Wn N D Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 44 Total Current Forward Bias ln J T ≈ qVA k BT + ln(const.) To get total current, add electron and hole current values at identical x-points. (assume no recombination) Reverse Bias J T ≈ const . D n2 D n2 J T = − q n i + p i ( e qVA β − 1) W p N A Wn N D ∆n Diffusion current Fn ln(I) (4) (3) (2) (1) VA Fp ∆p (5) Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 45 Outline 1) Derivation of the forward bias formula 2) Solution in the nonlinear regime 3) I-V in the ambipolar regime 4) Conclusion Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 48 Nonlinear Regime (3) … ) ( ( ) D n 2 D n 2 ( qV −∆F −∆F ) β q V − aJ −bJ β JT = −q n i + p i e A n p − 1 = I 0 e ( A n p ) − 1 W N W N p A n D Today’s lecture: Nonlinear Regime (2,3) ln(I) 3 Assumption of flat QuasiFermi levels invalid here 2 1 6,7 VA Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 49 Flat Quasi-Fermi Level up to Junction ? J N = qnµ N E + qDN dn dx J n = nµ n dFn dx ⇒ ∆Fn = Drop of Quasi-Fermi level across the junction proportional to current! Rewrite n into non-equilibrium form, re-arrange Jn equation n = ni e β ( Fn − Ei ) qDN J nWn µn N D dn dF = qDN β n − E ni e β ( Fn − Ei ) dx dx New diffusion component: Plug this into original Jn equation dn dF = qDN nβ n − E dx dx dF D kT = qµN n n − E ∵ N = B µn q dx Fn qDN Fp Wn Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 50 Forward Bias: Nonlinear Regime … n(0+ ) = ni2 ( Fn −Fp )β e NA = junction ) ( ni2 ( qVA − ∆Fn − ∆Fp ) β n 2 ( qV − ∆F − ∆F ) β e ⇒ ∆n(0 + ) = i e A n p − 1 NA NA ) ( D n 2 D p ni2 ( qVA −∆Fn − ∆Fp ) β −1 JT = −q n i + e W p N A Wn N D ∆n ∆Fn = J nWn µn N D ∆Fp = J pWn µn N D VA ∆Fn ∆Fp Still diffusion dominated transport? Since Quasi-Fermi levels are not flat in nonlinear regime (drift), this approximation becomes worse. Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 51 Outline 1) Derivation of the forward bias formula 2) Solution in the nonlinear regime 3) I-V in the ambipolar regime 4) Tunneling and I-V characteristics 5) Conclusion Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 52 Region (2): Ambipolar Transport D D p ( qVA −∆Fn −∆Fp ) β / 2 JT ≈ −q n + ni e Wp Wn ln( J T ) ≈ Today’s lecture: Ambipolar Transport regime (2) qVA 2 k BT Question: Where does the 2 come from? ln(I) 3 2 1 6,7 Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam VA 53 Nonlinear Regime: Ambipolar Transport np = ni2 e ( Here not negligibly small. Ambipolar transport ! ( Fn − Fp ) β ) ( ni2 q (V −∆F −∆F ) β + ∆n)( N A + ∆p ) = ni2 e A n p − 1 NA Excess carrier concentrations >> NA Thus… ∆n ≈ ∆p = ni ≈ ni e ( (e ( ) q VA −∆Fn −∆Fp β ) −1 ) q VA −∆Fn −∆Fp β / 2 Currents J n = − qDn ∆n qDn ni ( qVA −∆Fn −∆Fp ) β / 2 = e Wp Wp J p = −qD p ∆n qDp ni ( qVA −∆Fn −∆Fp ) β / 2 = e Wn Wn Note: junction never disappears, even for large forward bias! Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 54 Outline 1) Derivation of the forward bias formula 2) Solution in the nonlinear regime 3) I-V in the ambipolar regime 4) Tunneling and I-V characteristics 5) Conclusion Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 55 Forward Bias Nonlinearity (7): Esaki Diode Esaki-Diode: Heavily doped diode ln(I) Fn 3 2 Fp 1 6,7 empty Fn VA Fp Heavy doping I X Fn No states! Fp Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 1 VA Tunneling in diodes. Nobel Prize (Esaki) Reverse Bias (5): Zener Tunneling +VA Tunneling (triangular barrier) empty Zener tunneling occurs in every diode. (reverse bias) Fp 4 Fn 5 empty Remember: Tunneling through a triangular barrier I = qpT υ 4 α k 4 cosh αd + − sinh 2 αd k α (p.49 ADF) T= 2 Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 57 Conclusion 1) I-V characteristics of a p-n junction is defined by many interesting phenomena including diffusion, ambipolar transport, tunneling etc. 2) The separate regions are identified by specific features. Once we learn to identify them, we can see if one or the other mechanism is dominated for a given technology. 3) In the next class, we will discuss a few more non-ideal effects. Klimeck – ECE606 Fall 2012 – notes adopted from Alam 58