INSTANT EFFECT CARD Spatial Contortion Warping Wail Dazzling Reflection Immolating Glare Make a Stand Mighty Leap Searing Light Abstruse Interference Comparative Analysis Dimensional Infiltrator Gift of Tusks Grip of the Roil Negate Overwhelming Denial Sweep Away Unity of Purpose Void Shatter Corpse Churn Grasp of Darkness Tar Snare Unnatural Endurance Brute Strength Consuming Sinkhole Expedite Fall of the Titans Kozilek's Return Reality Hemorrhage Tears of Valakut Elemental Uprising Lead By Example Natural State Pulse of Murasa Vile Redeemer Vines of the Recluse Void Grafter Color Devoid? CMC C N/A 2 C N/A 2 W 2 W 2 W 3 W 2 W 1 U Y 3 U 4 U Y 2 U 1 U 3 U 2 U 4 U 3 U 4 U Y 3 B 2 B 2 B 3 B Y 1 R 2 R Y 4 R 1 R 1 R Y 3 R Y 2 R 2 G 2 G 2 G 1 G 3 G Y 3 G 1 UG Y 3 Cost Surge Rarity Archetype 1C U Removal 1C U Modal 1W C Lifegain 1W U Remvoal 2W U Team Buff 1W C Buff W C Removal 2U C Counter 3U 2U C Draw 1U R Creature U U Tricky 2U 1U U Removal 1U C Counter 2UU UU R Counter 2U C Removal 3U U Buff 1UU U Counter 1B C Yard BB U Removal 2B C Debuff B C Buff 1R C Buff 3R C Burn R C Haste XXR XR R Removal 2R M Boardwipe 1R C Burn 1R U Removal 1G C Creature 1G C Buff G C Removal 2G C Lifegain 2G R Creature G C Buff 1UG U Creature Secondary Buff Notes +3/-3 'til EOT Exile if (P or T) <= 1 / Counter Sorcery / Make 1 Scion Protection Gain life = Target's power, prevent the next damage from it Combat Destroy target attacking creature +1/+0 and Indestructable for Team 'til EOT Jump +2/+2 and flying 'til EOT Combat Destroy target attacking or blocking creature P <= 2 Creature Counter target spell unless pay 1, Make a scion Draw 2 cards Exile Flash, 2/1, Flying, 1<>: Exile top of op's deck, if land may bounce Creature becomes 3/3 Elephant with no abilities 'til EOT Cantrip Freeze target, Draw a Card Noncreature only Counter target spell Bounce Creature to owners hand or top of library Counters Support 2. Untap all creatures w +1/+1 counters. Exile Counter target spell, and exile it Draw Self Mill 3, return a creature from yard to hand Creature gets -4/-4 'til EOT Removal -3/-2 'till EOT Protection +2/+0 'til EOT, and Regenerate +3/+1 and Trample 'til EOT Removal Choose: Exile a land creature OR 4 Damage to face Cantrip A creature gains haste, Draw a Card Burn X damage to up to two targets Damage 2 damage to each creature, exile from yard for 5 to all 2 Damage Damage Can't be countered. 5 Damage to a flier A land becomes a 4/4 Haste 'til EOT. It must be blocked. Support 2. Naturalize Destroy Artifact or Enchantment CMC <= 3 Draw Put a creature from the yard to hand, Gain 6 life Flash, 3/3, pay <> put X scions, wher X is creatures that died +1/+2 Reach 'til EOT, untap Protection Flash, 2/4, Target creature you control gains hexproof By @RekFeldman INSTANT EFFECT CARD Scour from Existence Titan's Presence Encircling Fissure Gideon's Reproach Inspired Charge Lithomancer's Focus Roil's Retribution Smite the Monstrous Stasis Snare Tandem Tactics Adverse Conditions Horribly Awry Spell Shrivel Anticipate Dispel Roilmage's Trick Scatter to the Winds Complete Disregard Grave Birthing Grip of Desolation Altar's Reap Turn Against Outnumber Stonefury Sure Strike Volcanic Upheaval Unnatural Aggression Infuse with the Elements Natural Connection Plummet Swell of Growth Brutal Expulsion Ulamog's Nullifier Color Devoid? CMC Cost Awaken? Rarity Archetype C N/A 7 7 C Removal C N/A 3 3 U Removal W 3 2W 2-4W U 1 Side Fog W 2 1W C Removal W 4 2WW C Combat W 1 W C Buff W 5 3WW U Removal W 4 3W C Removal W 3 1WW U Removal W 2 1W C Buff U Y 4 3U U Removal U Y 2 1U U Counter U Y 3 2U C Counter U 2 1U C Draw U 1 U C Counter U 4 3U C Debuff U 3 1UU 3-4UU R Counter B Y 3 2B C Removal B Y 3 2B C Exile B Y 6 4BB U Removal B 2 1B C Draw R Y 5 4R U Tricky R 1 R C Removal R 5 3RR C Removal R 2 1R C Combat R 4 3R C Removal G Y 3 2G C Removal G 4 3G U Buff G 3 2G C Ramp G 2 1G C Removal G 2 1G C Buff UR Y 4 2UR R Removal UB Y 4 2UB U Counter Secondary Exile Exile Creature Combat Buff Protection Combat Notes Exile target permanent Dependent on colourless creature in hand 4 Dmg to atacker or blocker +2/+1 to all creatures you control 'til EOT +2/+2 and prevent damage from colourless sources 'til EOT Divide 5 damage among any number of attackers or blockers Destroy creature P >= 4 Exile Flash, Enchantment. Exile creautre 'til this leaves battlefield Lifegain +1/+2 to up to two creatures, gain 2 life Ramp Freeze two creatures, get a scion Exile Counter creature spell CMC <= 4, exile spell Exile Counter unless controller pays 4, exile spell Look at top three cards, one to hand, two to bottom of deck Counter instant spell Cantrip Opponents creatures get -X/-0, X is colours, Draw a card Creature Counter target spell Exile Exile creature P <= 3 Cantrip Opponent exiles card from Yard, you get a scion, Draw a card Exile Exile a land and a creature Sacrifice Sac a creature, draw two cards Steal a creature, it has haste and untaps. Damage Damage to a creature equal to # of creatures Damage Damage to a creature equal to # of lands Buff +3/+0 and first strike 'til EOT Land Destroy target Land Fight/Exile Fight, if op's creature dies exile it. Counters put X +1/+1 counters where X is colours Fixing Basic Land from deck to Battlefield tapped Destroy Flying Creature Ramp +2/+2 'til EOT, put a land from hand to BF Exile Bounce spell or creature AND OR do 2 damage exile if killed Creature Flash, process 2: Counter a spell By @RekFeldman