DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Code: BEPP31 Name of the course: Electrical Machines I Type of teaching: Lectures, Laboratory work, Lessons per week L – 2 hours; LW – 2 hours Semester: 5 Number of credits: 5 LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph. D. Vladimir Lazarov (FEE) - tel. 965 2459, e-mail: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory course for all full-time and part-time undergraduate students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering for “Bachelor of Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment” degree in the Technical University of Sofia. АIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The main aim of the course is to provide indepth knowledge related to the problems of electromagnetic and electromechanical energy conversion in asynchronous machines and transformers. The principles of these transformations in asynchronous machines and transformers are studied. Basic topics in control of asynchronous machines are also covered. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Study of the design, structure of the magnetic field, parameters, theory and characteristics of asynchronous machines and transformers basically in steady – state and shortly in transient modes. The electromagnetic, electromechanical and thermal processes related to the energy conversion are studied. The typical mathematical models and characteristics for the utilization of these machines in the power electric networks are studied. PREREQUISITES: The knowledge acquired during the courses in Advanced mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Material Science, Theory of electrical engineering, Mechanical structures and mechanisms, Electrical measurements, Power Electronics and Electrical materials. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with application of demonstrative aids – overhead projector, multimedia projector, photos, slides and details of electrical machines. Laboratory exercises, in specially equipped laboratories with the aid of laboratory exercise manuals. Students should write laboratory exercise reports for each laboratory exercise. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written examination at the end of the semester. Continuous assessment is used during the laboratory exercises. The final mark is the aggregate of the laboratory work (15%) and the written exam (85%). INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Angelov A., D. Dimitrov, Electrical Machines /in Bulgarian/ Vol. 1, Tehnika, Sofia,1976; 2. Angelov A., D. Dimitrov, Electrical Machines /in Bulgarian/ Vol. 2, Tehnika, Sofia,1980; 3. Dinov V., Electrical Machines / in bulgarian/ ,Tehnika, Sofia,1991; 4. Ivanov – Smolensky, Electrical Machines, Vol. 1.2.3., MIR, Moscow,1980. Name of the course: Electrical Apparatus Type of teaching: Lectures, Laboratory Work. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Code: BEE32 Semester: 5 Lessons per week: L – 2 hours; LW – 1.5 hour Number of credits: 5 LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. DSc Iliana Marinova (FEE) tel.: 965 3873, email: Prof. DSc Ivan Yatchev (FEE) tel.: 965 3873, email: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for the all full-time and part-time undergraduate students of the specialty Electric Power Production and Electrical Equipment - BEng programme of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course is to give knowledge to the students for the main systems and phenomena of the low and high voltage electrical apparatus and their constructions with respect to their selection, support and maintenance in the area of electric power generation and electrical equipment. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: heating, cooling, electrodynamics forces, electrical contact, electric arc in switchgears, electric isolation, magnetic circuit etc. Low voltage electrical apparatus: control apparatus, for distribution and protection, actuators. High voltage electrical apparatus: high voltage switchgearing apparatus (circuit breakers, disconnectors, switch disconnectors), protective and limiting apparatus (fuses, surge arresters, reactors), instrument current and voltage transformers. PREREQUISITES: Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical electrical engineering, Electrical Measurements, Electrotechnical materials. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and laboratory works using the equipments for investigation of the electrical apparatus and manual. Protocols presenting the results from investigations and analysis, defense. Companies catalogs and video. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written examination by 2 problems chosen by students (from 4 problems proposed) with taken into account the individual result from the laboratory work. INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Александров А. Електрически апарати, Авангард Прима, София, 2004, 458, ISBN 954-438236-4. 2. Личев А. Електрически апарати, Техника, София, 1992, 224. 3. Писарев А. и др. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по електрически апарати. Техника, София, 1976, 113. DISCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Code: BEPP33 Semester: 5 Name of the course: Automation Fundamentals Type of teaching: Lections and laboratory works Lessons per week L-2 hours, LW-1 hour Number of credits: 4 LECTURER: Assos. Prof. Ph.D. Angel Colov (ЕF) – tel.:965 2101, email: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUTE IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory course for students, speciality “Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment”, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technical University-Sofia, educational-qualification degree “Bachelor”. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To teach the students basic principles and concepts of the control theory, to adopt practical skills for investigation of real automatic systems, to make familiar with different references. This will allow the students on theirs own to extend their knowledge and to learn more in the field of automation theory. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics included concern fundamentals of the control theory. Basic characteristics of elementary typical systems and plants. Basic control algorithms and controllers. Basic knowledge of automation systems analysis. Information Systems Assurance of automation systems. Modern digital control systems. The gained knowledge is a basis for subsequent specialized courses – automation of power plants, industrial plants and transport plants. PREREQUISITES: Mathematics, Theoretical Electrical Engineering. TEACHING METHODS: Classical lectures with slides as visual aids. Laboratory works using laboratory manuals. Special laboratory equipment for laboratory works. Computers for process modelling. Each student prepares a protocol for his laboratory work. Protocols are checked and estimated by the lecturer. METHOD OF EXAMINATION AND ASSESSMENT: Process of continuous assessment, formed by two test papers in the middle and at the end of the semester (80%) and laboratory works assessment (20%). LANGUAGE OF TEACHING: bulgarian BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Нанчев С. Н. Автоматизация на електро-енергийните системи. С. Техника, 1974. 2. Наплатанов Н. Д. Теория на автоматичното регулиране- част 1. С. Техника, 1971. 3. Опенхаим А., А. Уилски, Ян Йънг. Сигнали и системи. С. Техника, 1993. 4. Ищев К. Теория на автоматичното управление. С. ИК “КИНГ” 2000. 5. Никулин Е. А. Основы теории автоматического управления. Санкт Петербург, “БВХ-Петербург”, 2004. DISCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Code: BEPP34 networks and Name of the course: Electrical power systems Type of training: Lectures, tutorials and laboratory work Lessons per week L - 3 hour; Tut.-1 hour LW - 2 hours Semester: 5 Number of credits: 7 LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Dimo Stoilov (FEE) - tel.: 965 2103, e-mail: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM : Compulsory course for full-time and correspondent students, Bachelor of Engineering programme in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, specialty Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment, Technical University of Sofia. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: This course is fundamental for the degree program and its purpose is to build a solid theoretical and practical background in construction, design and operation principles of the power networks with different nominal voltages. The students acquire knowledge and skills to determine the operation mode parameters for simple and meshed networks, and to analyze the power system operation. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course considers the equivalent schemes of network elements, calculation of the schemes parameters and schemes equivalent transformations. Formulation and methods of solution for the Load Flow problem are given. Substantial attention is paid to network design: definition of designing electrical loads, schemes for distribution networks, methods for electrical and mechanical calculation. The topics of power quality, voltage and frequency regulation and optimal generation planning in the power system are presented as well. PREREQUISITES: It is necessary to have basic knowledge of calculus and theoretical electrical engineering. TEACHING METHODS: Classic lectures. Lecturing by PC presentations is possible as well. The tutorials illustrate solutions of real design and operation problems and contribute for the elaboration of the course project. The laboratory works are performed by means of power system simulation software packages. METHOD OF ЕХАМINATION AND ASSESMENT: The written exam at the end of the semester weights 60 % to the final mark for the discipline. 20% weight the laboratory works and the resting 20 % weight the tutorials. The course project is marked on the bases of elaboration quality and the oral defense, independently from the main course. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION: Bulgarian BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Nikolov D., Electric Power Grids and Systems, Tehnika, Sofia, 1994 (in Bulgarian). 2. Vlachkov P., Electric Power Grids and Systems, Tehnika, Sofia, vol. I & II, 1989, 1990 (in Bulgarian). 3. Gross Ch. A., Power System Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, NY 1986. 4. Zahariev V, Genkov N., Electric Power Networks, Ciela, Sofia, 1999 (in Bulgarian). 5. Genkov N., et al., Manual on Electric Power Networks Design, Tehnika, Sofia, 1993 (in Bulgarian). DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Name of the course High Voltage Technique Type of teaching Lectures and laboratory work Code: BEPP35 Term: 5 Lessons per week: L – 2 hours; LW - 2 hours Number of credits: 5 LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. P.Nakov (EF)- tel.:965 2047, email: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Mandatory for the student’s speciality “Electrical energy and electrical supply” for obtaining the bachelor’s degree. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course is to make students acquainted with the general problems of the High Voltage Technique. The study of these problems is necessary for the special courses concerning generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: In this course are studied: breakdown of gaseous insulation, breakdown of liquid and solid insulation, lightning phenomena, high voltage transient analysis, overvoltages, surge protection, measurement of high voltages, high voltage generators for testing, insulation co-ordination PREREQUISITES: A prior knowledge of basic electrical engineering theory and electric power system analysis has been considered as a pre-requisite. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, using media projector, laboratory, protocol preparation and defence. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam at the end of the 5-th term (70%), laboratories (20%), preparation of protocol (10%). INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Toshev P., High Voltage Technique, Sofia, 1980. 2. Lectures. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Name of the course: Code: BEPP36 Hydraulic machines and pneumatics Type of teaching: Lesssons per week: Lectures and laboratory work L – 2 hours; LW - 1 hour Semester: 5 Number of credits: 4 LECTURER: Assoc.Prof. Ph.D. Valentin Obretenov, Phone: +35929652333,e-mail: Technical University of Sofia. COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory subject students of the major “Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment” to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering with Sofia Technical University, for the qualification degree of “Bachelor”. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The main purpose of the training in the subject “Hydraulic Machines and Pneumatics” is to provide the students with knowledge related to the basic issues of the theory, structures and control of various hydraulic and pneumatic machines and their work in systems. The knowledge got in this subject will allow the students to successfully solve the problems related to the actuation, control and automation of the hydraulic and pneumatic machines and systems. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main dependencies of fluids mechanics directly related to the study of the operation process of the hydraulic and pneumatic machines and systems are studied. Special attention is paid to the particularities (operation process, structures) of the various types of water turbines, pumps, compressors and fans, regulation of their parameters and efficiencies in their use. The characteristics of these machines, as well as their operation in systems are studied. PREREQUISITES: The training is based on the knowledge got while studying the subjects Mathematics and Physics. TEACHING METHODS: For all lectures are designed with multimedia presentations. The laboratory exercise cover testing of the most common hydraulic and pneumatic machines and equipment in Bulgaria, as well as the methods and means for measuring of hydraulic and pneumatic parameters. Students should write laboratory exercise reports for each laboratory exercise. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: The rating of the students is made on the grounds of the current control (two control seminars on the matters as per the syllabus). INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Грозев Г., В.Обретенов. Хидро- и пневмомашини и съоръжения. Техника, С., 1991. 2. Грозев Г., С.Стоянов, Г.Гужгулов. Хидро- и пневмомашини и задвижвания. Техника, С., 1990. 3. Обретенов В. Водни турбини. Екопрогрес, С., 2008. 4. Name of the course: Electrical Machines II Type of teaching: Lectures, Laboratory work DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Code: BEPP37 Semester: 6 Lessons per week L – 2 hours; LW – 2 hours Number of credits: 5 LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph. D. Vladimir Lazarov (FEE) - tel. 965 2459, e-mail: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory course for all full-time and part-time undergraduate students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering for “Bachelor in Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment” degree in the Technical University of Sofia. АIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The main aim of the course is to provide indepth knowledge related to the problems of electromagnetic and electromechanical energy conversion in rotary electrical machines. The principles of these conversions in synchronous and AC and DC collector/brush machines are studied. Basic topics in control of electrical machines are also covered. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Study of the design, structure of the magnetic field, parameters, theory and characteristics of synchronous machines basically in steady - state and shortly in transient modes. During the course are covered also the following topics: design, magnetic field, characteristics and commutation of DC and AC collector/brush motors. Special interest is focused on some special electrical machines with wide practical implementation. The electromagnetic, electromechanical and thermal processes related to the energy conversion are studied. The typical mathematical models and characteristics for the utilization of these machines in the power electric networks are studied. PREREQUISITES: The knowledge acquired during the courses in Advanced mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Material Science, Theory of electrical engineering, Mechanical structures and mechanisms, Electrical measurements, Electronics and Electrical materials, Electrical Machines I. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with application of demonstrative aids – overhead projector, multimedia projector, photos, slides and details of electrical machines. Laboratory exercises, in specially equipped laboratories with the aid of laboratory exercise manuals. Students should write laboratory exercise reports for each laboratory exercise. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written examination at the end of the semester. Continuous assessment is used during the laboratory exercises. The final mark is the aggregate of the laboratory work (15%) and the written exam (85%). INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Angelov A., D. Dimitrov, Electrical Machines /in Bulgarian/ Vol. 1, Tehnika, Sofia,1976; 2. Angelov A., D. Dimitrov, Electrical Machines /in Bulgarian/ Vol. 2, Tehnika, Sofia,1980; 3. Dinov V., Electrical Machines / in bulgarian/ ,Tehnika, Sofia,1991; 4. Ivanov – Smolensky, Electrical Machines, Vol. 1.2.3., MIR, Moscow,1980. Name of the course: Short circuit Type of teaching: Lectures and Tutorials DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Code: BEPP38 Semester: 6 Lessons per week: L-2 hours, Tut.-2 hours Number of credits: 4 LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph. D. K.Malchev (EF), tel.:965 2099,email: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Тhe compulsory course for regular and extra-mural students in the subject “Electric-power system and eelectric equipment” in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in TU-Sofia about the educational-qualification level “bachelor”. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of studying the course “Short circuit” is to help the students assimilate the engineering methods for determining the currents to the short circuit, which can help them choose circuits of the Electric-power plants and substations, breakers, conductors, adjustments of the relay protection and anti-average automation, apparatus of earth and etc. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: In the course physics and molding of the electromagnetic processes in the generator and other elements of the electric power system are studied. Engineering methods for determining the currents to the short circuit on symmetrical, anti-symmetrical, longitudinal and transverse damages in the transporting and classifying nets. PREREQUISITES: Knowledge for Theoretical Electrical technique , Electric machines and Electric-power system. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures are performed with visual aids like lantern - slides. The seminar exercises are useful, because they solve problems for fixing the currents to the short circuit on symmetrical, antisymmetrical, longitudinal and transverse damages in the electrical nets. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Current marks. Writing exam about determining the level of the knowledge is made two times in the semester. Dates of the examinations are set in the beginning of the semester. INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Малчев, К., Токове на късо съединение в електрически системи, ТУ-София, 2010г. 2.Нотов, П., Къси съединения в електроенергийните системи, С., ТУ-София, 2000 г. 3.Ульянов, С., Электромагнитные переходные процесы в электрических системах, М., Энергия, 1978 г. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Name of the course: Code: BEPP39 Semester: 6 Electrical Part of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Stations Type of teaching: Lesson per week Number of credits: 7 Lectures, tutorials and laboratory work L –3 hours; Tut. -1 hour; LW- 2 hours LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Krasimir Boev (FEE) - tel.: 965 2117, email: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Mandatory course for full-time and part-time students, enrolled in the degree program “Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Fitting-up” at the Electrical Faculty of TU-Sofia, who are pursuing the academic degree of Bachelor. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: This course is fundamental for the degree program and its purpose is to build a solid theoretical and practical background for mastering of the subsequent advanced courses in electrical power engineering. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: This course looks into the theoretical and practical problems of electrical fitting-up in Electric Power Plants and Transformer Stations. These problems encompass technological features, choice of apparatus and current conducting parts, main electrical supply and auxiliary supply circuitry schemes, distribution installations, control systems, planning of Electric Power Plants and Transformer Stations. Knowledge of “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”, “Electric PREREQUISITES: Materials”, “Electric Measurements”, “Electric Apparatus”, “Electric Machines”, etc. is required. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, presented with the assistance of visual aids, details and parts of electric equipment and projection slides. Tutorials including directions and example solutions of the course project. Laboratory work, performed on functional physical models and taking advantage of digital and computer technology. Development and presentation of a course project. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written examination at the end of the sixth semester. INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Etarski St. I., “Electrical Part of Electric Plants” Sofia, Technica, 1994. 2. Hinkov D.I., “Design of Electrical Distribution Systems”, Sofia, TU, 1994. 3. Hinkov D.I., “ Remote Control of Electric Power Plants”, Sofia, TU, 1991. 4. Boev, Kr., Ovcharov A., Krumov A.and Dimitrova E., “Electrical Transformer Stations Course Project Manual”, Sofia, SIELA, 2001. Name of the course: Lighting and Installation Technology Type of teaching: Lectures, laboratory work DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Code: BEPP40 Semester: 6 Lessons per week: Number of credits: 5 L - 2 hours, LW – 2 hours LECTURER: Prof. Ph.D. Angel Pachamanov (FEE) – tel.: 965 2181, email: Assoc. Prof. Ph. D. Zahari Ivanov (FEE)-tel.: 965 2769, email: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Obligatory course for Bachelor’s Degree fulltime and part-time students with major “Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment” of Faculty of Electrical Engineering of TU – Sofia AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The objectives of the course “Lighting and Installation Technology” are extending students’ knowledge in the field of photometry and colorimetry, the component base of lighting and installation technique, the physiological optics, design and exploration of lighting systems, lighting and signaling electrical installations. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The subject of the course is directly connected with the profile of the major and covers theoretical bases in lighting technology; structure, parameters and applications of light sources and luminaries; requirements, calculations and methods for design of interior and exterior lighting systems, specific requirements, methods for sizing and design of lighting and signaling electrical installations. PREREQUISITES: Higher mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering documentation, Programming, Electronics, Theoretical electrical engineering, Electrical apparatus, Electrical power networks and systems. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures presented by means of illustrative materials, lanternslides, boards and slides. Laboratory work, performed through laboratory manual; running control during the semester; students’ made protocols examined by the lecturer; individual students’ project made through design manual and specialized PC programs for calculation and data processing; project defence. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam after the end of the eighth semester (60%), laboratories (20%), individual project work (20%). INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Andreichin R. and others, Handbook of lighting techniques – volume 1 and 2, Technika, Sofia, 1977; 2. Dikanarov G., Laboratory manual of lighting and installation techniques, ABC Technika, Sofia, 2002; 3. Dikanarov G., D. Deianov, Design of lighting and installation techniques, ABC Technika, Sofia, 2003; 4. Vichev S., A. Todorova, G. Diustabanov, G. Dikanarov, Handbook of power engineering – volume 4, ABC Technika, Sofia, 1998; 5. Pachamanov A., Electric power supply and lighting techniques, Technical University-Sofia, 2004 (all in Bulgarian). DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Name of the course: Code: BEPP41 Automatically electrical drive Type of teaching: Lessons per week: Lectures, Laboratory work L – 2 hours, LW – 2 hours Semester: 6 Number of credits: 5 LECTURER: Prof. Ph.D.Lubomir Bulgaranov (FEE) – tel.: 965 2167,email: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Obliged subject for students specialty Electrical energetic and electrical equipment, Electrical faculty, TU-Sofia, for educational – qualification degree Bachelor. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course is students to obtain the practical and theoretical knowledges for automatically control of electrical drives. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The subject treats questions connected with the control, start and braking process of the electrical motors for such as automatically control of electrical drives PREREQUISITES: Knowleges in Mechanics, Electrical engineering, Electronics, Electrical motors, Mathematic, Physics, Electrical transport. TEACHING METHODS: protocol and test. Lectures and laboratory exercises in which every student makes METOD OF ASSESSMENT: Test and writing Exam INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: English BIBLIOGRAFHY: 1. Jordanov D., Basic of electrical drive, Technique, Sofia, 1978; 2. Minchev D.,Automatical control of the electrical drive, Parts I and II, Technique, Sofia, 1987; 3. Kliuchev V. Theory of electrical drive, Technique, Sofia, 1989. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Name of the course Heating and Power Engine Type of teaching: Lectures and laboratory work Code: BEPP42 Semester: 6 Lessons per week: L – 2 hours;LW – 1 hours Number of credits: 4 LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph. D. Konstantin Shushulov(FPEPM) – tel.:965 2239, email: Technical University of Sofia COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for the BEng program students in Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Sofia. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course is organised so that to build theoretical background in Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer which find specific application in particular disciplines. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course is designed for the BEng program students in Faculty of Electrical Engineering. The course includes the necessary fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. Subject examines current and future energy conversion systems. Analysis of various energy conversion systems. Analysis, modeling, and design of heat and mass transfer processes to Electrical technologies and machinery. PREREQUISITES: Mathematics and Physics TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, using slides, laboratory work. Students solve problems that give examples from the theoretical background in Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Three hours long exam at the end of the term. INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Milchev, Yozunov, Yordanov, Palov. Heating, Technical, S. 1989; 2. Stamov & co. Handbook at heating and ventilation, Technical, S. 1998