The ·Lessons of MacDonaldislll

pow.r when It penetntes the . , . _•
-Karl Marx.
n le mieutne aup,l•
tftent will appeu enry
S...turdaJ I• Tta. DaiiJ
DECEMBER I, 1t_2_··---------------------------------------------
The ·L essons of MacDonaldislll
:~~~uruk•~ ~~1:t 1'::.r:se ~h~~~!;~lr!0t~:t~ ~~:~:::. to:::u~t~0 ::e :::~. ~~:~~~d~ :!'ld:~"b~m~:~e~s:::d :~'! ~k!:~~
Speech of Comrade Zlnovlev at the J
Opening of the Coune of:, lnatu~lon C'ODAtltule a force.
for Party Funetlona.rlej •
o\nd the workers Ia the me:u~Um e tho E:nclleh "·orkn11 bour,;eolsle r ear the wor k r1. If the
!~:~":!~~e~:n!:" ,~?bueo.!!fo~t!!!~:~~ ~~~~~d ltn~:.~r:al!n ":~~k::;' ::!~~:. ~:~"!~.:;~~b':, o!!;'~~ •:,~:·;. e~e:; .
our country, In tbe So-rl t Untoa . Tbe !lfacDona.ld co•tirnmeu.t was com· • e oture to on.nbrow thelr a:ourDTber :ne ~a:tnataa: N!rloualy tO th lr'lk pell~ to ban blrn rtleu e d, aad wltb· nieot aad would be compelled to ~~I
bow It would be It tbe J had a ceaulne tlraw the cb;arn brou1h a.cahtat blm. ~t.cDoDald to oo.Wer. Wbat Ia more
worker.' J;onrame lit.
Tbla wu the tbl9« onr whtc.b likely. bowenr, ·ls lbat Uberal
This proee•• haa d•nlopecl Ia the XacDoaald uipped. The llberah 1Jl4 pa.ftJ' w1U be~oad bet·weea the
couru ol"--alu moaUut. The ComiD· cOose"atJYH accoaad .him of wtul. lbiUatoaea of
~ ClODHTY&tlft ud
ten bad predicted tt. Uawenr the dra1rta& the pro. .cutloa •• a re.ult of 1a.bor puty. W must erpect. aa Ia ·
bead• mlcbt be Inclined, wbaruer preuart.
It aow appean that cnaae of Totee 7 tbe tooYenat:IYee
parllameatarr combtnalloae taer plar· MacDoaald Co. proTO to the .ud by the Ia
puty. ·A portJoa of
ed. tbera went on the objectlYe pro- workla.& elaaa that It wu lmponlble tlle Ubei-ale wfH io to tlle COaMJ'Io
ce11 or lho r oTolutlonlllnl of the to hold Campbell uDder arre-t and YaUne, a porUoD to tbe labor pa.rtr,
worklna: clus of Enahaad, or count! brlor him before tbe court.
A MCtloll of Ute Uberala !laTe alreadr
only 11lowly up to now. And now
MacDoaaJd baa boea -commanded ftObe to ~. lalKrr put7 becaa.o they
when l.loyd Ccorso and Curzoo per- h1' the bout~eolale to per~ecutct tbe He that tile labor P&rt.7 U CArT}'Inc
ce~Yo that the manu a re b~slc.nlnc Commuatats. 1-fo per~ecutt them. Tho on their poUey. .. ll U poeelble that
to ~ak of A real power of llle worit· day before bit defeat be carTied there will be . .t ap a CODICI"aUYe
e ra. the y decide that It 11 limo 10 put tbrourb a ·r eaolutloa for t he eapu1ltoa gonrameat with tbe tupport of •a
:an e nd to thll ~~~:arne. MacDonald bu o r CommuDIIUI from tho labor «rtala wlDr .ot tbe liberals, or A labor
~n aq ueezed ou t br them like a partr. Jt ta true It
only carr!~ party I'OYerameat. llll:ewlto with tho
1~1non and tho c:oollauatloo of this tbroucb by an taa l~o t nc\nt major ltr, aopport of lbe llberab. Ia either c:a.a.e
ume h u be<"Ome d~a~;eroua o a no- wttb 1,!00,000 uato 1 t 1,600,000 Tot~e- the r uolutloalzlnc oC lbe workloc
t'Qunt of the Je tl ter:~deacl~ of the ~lacDould at t he b•t rnorn~nl per· clus will p.roceed elo...wJy bat ateadllr
ma.u ea.
for.ncd thb ae r Tice for tbe bour £o- forwarda.
The bour coollle uld : eaoua:b of this .,f:~te. nut It
alreadr too late.
U Mac:Doa.atd la defe:tted Ia tha
leme r:~ta.
fooll na:. Ther ue not lacllned to jcs! The EnKliab bourcrotsle 1ald: It Is clec-Uoaa a.od Cunoa La r e tu.raed to
ltecartled from tbiJ s tsndpolat w~ o"er the qu,.• lloo of who 11: to ru: .. no t e nou; b tbat you .., prepar ed to power. lbere la ao doubt that a moTewere place-d l.a a nrr unfaYonbly a nti who Ia to be rult!d . The y baTe 3 J>erse~uto the Communlat.a If tbe meat wlU eet 4ft~ Ia tbo ra.nU of the
poattlon. A furtoua camp:a.tca wo.s con· n ry keen c:la .. lol tlnct are pre. ~orke ra are not pre pared to do eo. Earlllb worklac clu1, for t.beJ wiiJ
duc:ted a5allut u• Ia whlcb uae wu ~ued to make CTe rr aacr lftce ro r IL Thull the Tlmea In Ita lane or OcL aot put ap wlt.b tbe conu"atlna 10 of e .-e ry pou lble ..tact" In o rd er '-bcOonald-ln the Uno~ccustomed Role s declared:
eullr u they ban before. )..or the
to ela ader us . Uut a fe w month• pa~•ed of •n lmp.artlal W ltncu on the Pod"Tbe dUt:ereaeo In the • llo or lbe de alre for power bu alra:t.dr beta.
anti wbnt hae beaa tbe r es ult! , In tlon of Afb lr• In the Soviet Union. lul from the prcceedln~t ma,JorlUe l awakened .the aell-cooGdooce. ot '
aplto or eYerrthtn~ there hnlf bet'n an
Wh11.t will )}., tbo r esult of th e 1" at rl•lnl'. Tb<! uplanAtlon h~ 00 tbe workera bs beea locreued. For
approachnu!Dt or tbe workla,; clau of ll lru,;l{le nr thn Jlarllc • Ia the e lcctJon doubt 10 be found In tho fAct that Lbe ftrat time Ia their blalOf1', the
our conn try with th e • •orktnr; clan camp:~la:n! Wluat _. 111 bo the attitude the Communhtl.s buYO· elr~n,;th In tho En;lfsb worklnc elu• bavo bellond
of Enslend.
It Is truo that thta wu of th o la.hnr party ! A• wo hue n ld tnde untoall, • •he re the y a.r a c.tcOIIID J:· that. thetr people are In power, Acoa::!~ •, •u!•.tl~:'; f:~ :~:~:ul:c hBYO ~tuJ>onald hu no pa rticular a) m· ly actho and ••bore t.huy oro eotitled, aenaUYe COYOI'1lmoa.t meaaa t.J;Ie daotwo PAthy ro r u11. lhJ had hi• h:and IQ th~ by tho pnynu:m t of the ir trntlo union KOr of a Dew war, lacreue or uaem·
real conrameo ta. Duf the worke u Ceorsta n atra lr : u n. leade r of the s ubser1pllona, to all the rl,;hla rtnd plormeat. a poUcy of Wood and ad·
of bolb couotrlea under et.And one 11n· Second lntr rnitlo nal he coa•lde red It 1,riY1Iecea or me mbership. Ther are Ye attsre aad a capltaUet otrea.aiYO
othe r . HoweTer ;tc:r rate the trade hla c hit:: t ..:t.lll k to preJudice the Ideas of mor e prominent Ia aome naloa• tbaa • acA.Iost the workera. Hat thl• will be
union• rnay hiiVC! - a. ho wever much Comnu~nlam In the fl)' O'J or the work· ' tn other• lind h ue aeau o n the e x· a dancerooa came. wblcb wUI t Ur up
I he r mar hue bH:a boua d by trat.ll· era. In spit., o r thllt, l.n tb~
8 t I dcut!Te com mlttet'l o r len•rat T ho lhe muns. TeYolutJoalM worlf.
tlon, tllil app~c:hmc·~t bu uadoub- clec:Uo n cam p!tl~a tbo leat.l<' o f tt: 1m iners recenllr e lected one who lud er.. aad pro•• the corTeetoeu of Com·
tMJr taken p.:a.ce. \\be n the polit· ltOlclJoaald labor party wtu M om~l· 1
n ltJeatiOed • ·ltb Cornmuntaru to muat..m.
c lan• a tte mpted at the Jut mome nt led to te ll the truth r • r:::ard ,: the , J tbl'!l omfe , , ~~ne ral .ec:relary of
If, bowe• er. )lluDonald comes &«aiD
lo wrec k the truty ~t ...cen Gr('.:at So.-le t Union Ia o ther words
make ' t lr f~ t-r&t loo. It It O Yid~nt. fro m Jato powet. there will DO Jonc e r be
Drlt:aln aad t be SoTiet Union the ED.:· I prop~a;malla ; o r the Finl'IC. t'nlOn.l lh n.,u r'"'" t!lat the re wu on tbn put ! ume "'labor COYertl:me at"' u beolls b workJo,, a s enrron"' T he y bllTC no othf'r courw. open 10 1 o! a. Jarce section of the confereace fo re. MacDoa.ald blmselt wUI re mala
kno••· exerted pre~•:r~t.a.nd com vel· Uiem. The re lation of fore s ,_.., ;;udl t a n uawi111D&:n•·•"' to proacr lhO the tho urne and wtu .tow LOW tYea more
led MacDuaald to s C
j that the worat l,.adrra of ,be Sf'CCino.J Comruu aiKU a lto,;f't her.
Du"t lhc ~Core tho boiU&eolale. Dat the work·
It I• well kno wn tbat tbc adher e n-.. lnt,.rnalloMI wilt 1 ~11 :st lt-:nt litHne majorltr Is laue eaou,;h lo 1attle the c.•r. wUI aot be the earne. Thor will
of. MacDonald bate our trl\dC untoaa. truths rr~~::..rdlna: the SoTiet Union. the pa rty'• poltc y o n tho m!lttcr . a.ntl It b-t= etroa,;:er, more reaoluto. beeauM
When, howe ve r. the r e prcaent:a.tiTc• llomu of th
lntcrnt\tiOm•L yf'Me rdfl7'S r e, o lu tlona nro o bserYt'<l thor will baTe aeea !hat by AD eleco r tha rtun l•n trade unto~• :tppear~~ ..; .-e n the F:nlltltllh bour.:tolA Ph'JII!l t bc ro CAD be no Communi" '" In nos:t tloa. Ylc:tory tber wUl bne ODC. more
tho repreaootatlna or t e Ea~:lla nu,kca fln!UT ctenr nllufllon 11 to year's c:oafc re nCc. nn Communhatt 110• place d a l:sbor CO'I'Orarnent Ia omce.
trade unloa moYemen,, eTCD the luad· MacDonahl'a 1unbltltuoua t>O~tll lnn.
lnr; CUI omct.ol lnlio r C:\nflltlatct, 11nd In eithe r cue tbe rtiYoluUOa laiDI ·Of
era. welcomed our d elc ,;a.tu wilb un·
Somothln~t almllur h u oc~ur r~•l to tiO Comm unlat~t who.tuvt-r In thl! l tho worke rs will proceeded •lo wlr, but
:;·~~~~~ncn~~::~:.mho':e 0~;·:.0~:~:: our nuu!u n monahc,•lkt. . Ahr.unn· labor p:a.rtlu . But tho rl'flolulluall 1aurcly forwarda.
d 1
vltch 11nll Ze rutc ll r ccentl)' ~ave a n.-. . make no d la cr cncu to thu Mf.a tua of
It mu.t not be aupposed that Ia
~Ta nccbmpanled our e e r::Btf!fl 10 port Ill a ~tltl l nr; of the n~tllonal ad· Co mmuniAta In tbu tr:ulu uolnn11." 1EDJIIlnd th~re fa a ae rloua political
n~l;::u.~:, ~:c1 r;~~~:en a:n~e~o ~~~~ mlulatratlvu counc il of the ln•l<'fW"~· How the Efectlona W UI T urn Out. c:rlall', :at:.d tb.:t.t tbe t;rouad I• ,;IYIDIII:
The ro we rep r;enufae and :lncert~ den~ labor pmrtr upon the "cruelties
ta of cuur..•· .uml'll lt 10 be a ! •ar beat-:atb the bour~;~olale. Thta It
t f
In Gt'Or~tla. At t ho end lhe que!'ltoo proplwt f>&J)N:b ll v WJ,it! h llt•:&lln~ with , DOt the Cll.!H!. Tbe Eacltab boDrJt.'OI&IO
sce nes 0 ratern 113 oa.
wu ptlt to lh~m : Shall lhe t~:tty a forcl~n ("((llntr):. "" far "• r an bo I• spo.rfcn~~d. Js r1cb, Ia l Ull ftrm lr
The Engll1h Work ing Cbu Hn
be tween t he So•let Un ion Crnt Jud,;pl a t Ptt· nt. 1 belleYc that rooted in U:e borne country: and In
Grown Pofltlully.
Drt~ln bet connrmed o r not '! Anti the 1 ~lac:Oonal d will h-..rd lr be r,.turnt'd to :t•ldltfoa poasessn a r:reat numher of
So moderate, 10 atacb IDclla t d to honorable ~lrsart
ramOYitch ' power, but thf d• " Dnt r s du•l•' the rol on ~s. Ia l!hlcb lbo a.atlon:al re •o• opportual•m as the t:nclish worken 7-e;ete ll rtl(llled ·
course It must bf.o t poulbtlltr that hl 1 ~ rl y •Ill 1)(' Ia a luficm ary ~:::.anc:f rat lon taOT~m,.n t ta
mar ~. tber ha• e ne •ertheleu. :r.tter con firmed. ~ ,. lluuiAn men•heYI1d' pos itio n to fu rn ish mlnlstcu 3 n 1 tor not r~ t fHro a r:tr drvelopl'd, In .,,ue
their manae r. uadentood tbe tact that are In e•~rr '!&()eet de~nd~nt UllOa : a looK llmtt w bo· :a rat"tror Ia • ovn • or thll!l tbe ft:rst blows :.:e f:lll nr.. end
lbe labor pa.rt7 hu bee-om~ a t;ofe rD· the le:adera
the E naiiL'Ih l:abor pa rtr. · meat
conablr.:ul1•n-. The
..:n,lbh in t bl.a resr<-ct t he f:n ~~:lt.b mca•heIDI p:~.rtr. They uade ntaod t hat if s T hey know Lhat the IaUer c:tnnot t!o 1boun;rol~le llu nnt llriTrn
out Yild are "·o:-ktnr for u ... :u \'hullm lr
labor IOVe rttme nt Into powe r. ntht'rwlae than conftrm tbe trtoa tr be. I ;\lac:l)anald In or~h·r lmmc•l l:t.trl,y to llyltch predicted a t a time • ht~h•"'
t'-ey would be able to e :zc rt prenure cause I he m usu 10 w ill ft. Thu ~ It le t htn1 r~ tu m to (1()"' '-·r . \\' 1•, niU!It "'"" no t+r(u>Pt'Ct of ::&. " lahor
• ern·
upon the rlc:h. to ~ompel them to d iJo Ia that we wltne•• an tntere~ tlnJ; h is.- no t e s:P<'Ct 1h:tt. In om• form o r un· m••nr:; Our t.:nr.lbh lmHher pa 1 t.
a:o r1o some ··or th~lr -.·~~tb In oNcr tor lcal r-.u ados. a• tho chie f s~cUon othe r there -·at btt u hloc t t ho con- :a•l'l'lln,.l.,;::: "'llh I ii~ ftlo~:tn · .\ rt' .I •
to help tho ua cmployme nt. lbat they c f the ~ccoad In te r national Is com· at:natho with the IIOOml!l. '-lacllon·l bc.Jr J:o,·f'rnm +·nt \\ lth n ft~:ht ln.; c l
wtU bo nble to proce ed to naUonAIIro pcllod by th e whole couue or hletory a iel will not obtnlu a n ntlwlutn w:.Jnr· Jlt~"~o:ram .
the rnlacs nod nllwa)"s, etc:. Th e~y to conduct tho c ltctlon ca.mpnls n to r It)' In parllunum t. llu m ny p~·rh:.(la H latory Is World no on Our De-hill~
ban reta ined lhc lr cl:use huUac:t. tho c reatcr PBrt In fa Tor of al,;oln,; vbtll ln thn n ·lnf h'(• rn nJor~t.r
Ollf' or the: C'hlt·f ,.; lrt;~:an~ or th11 t:' l~r
The Enr;:lla~,..'fi'OTken lH!r:to to COD· t he treA~. ' rhe Ment11 "'hlcb nre workers o r F:n~lnml nru rHIII hcliln•l . l•:l rty will ohTinu "IY hi" u ;e tollowln~:
alder thllt they r eally moat bectn to now dcYe lo plnJC: conftrm th ha.
him. Jlc hu& uut n• &'OI\I Jir~ ·utl • e•l l 'fh u whole lr~ l )' he twt 1 n t:ll ~m·t ~ t
take po•·er toto lr owu haad•- C~mpbell Hae A lao to be Defe nded. blmself with th., wurk1 r 11 tu• Ill' hP" en · u :. ntl Gro.•;H n r ltaln 111u11t ho C'O R·
'ilowuc r roucb 1JacDonald tried to
I "' Ill now de a l with tbc Campbell wllb th e colonlt.~l 1 OJ·I~"' ,\nor•lln~: n rrn<:d uhhou: nllora tlon .. anU dl'lo·
t a nd tUrD DJld to aer'Te tht ntralr, whtcb wu the occa.lon fo r t ho to Ent;llsb parll:un••nta:-y l'fMt••lur.. Hun". O \·c r 3 )(•,,r l•r.O Curznn acnt
bourr;"'islc, tb o work!~ cl&u be&a.n dl11aoJutJoa of parllameat. Tbl.o~ com· lhe part)' ..:hlch l"'"'fll'r. ··- t 111• r•·l:.llorc tu; an nltJr:nu:m 1~ ~._lrh ht" 1h:-t..•:'ltl'n·
lO undentsnd our worke.f'l.. Tb:t pre- rade, •• t'd.Jtor of the Wf'e kly par t~· maJorlt)' forn1a tl•" c:.h!n••t lh 1 If t!• ·· 1"11 tn, rurh • • If we dll ncH F:IV(' b;ac:k
ac n t " l11bor" r;oTernme.nt l.a tbt l OY· p.:r.per , some tlme pu.blbhed an workln,; cl~:s.~~ 111 r:. laln; lh h ..:a,l. H :. fl .. hfn&: 00- : whkh w:u. ronn .:.t od
ernmcn t ot bl.a maJe st:r. but the & to tbe En1H•h aold callln~ l the cl&u dau,;,.r :. r h""'· tht·n or M il (~I
,, ·•• r.llnu• .. t u:1 p:u:(• ~)
(Coacluded trom Jut Saturday)
Tht Coming Togct.h er 0 ~ the Englllh
ar\d Ruulan ProletarlaL
Jt would han a'H:med u lt t..b.e all·
uaUoa for oa wu moet nfaTof"abbe.
At the biad of the £Dcll.ab &OYera·
ment I be bourr;eotate bad placed. oDe
o r the moat cui1Diac leaden or the
Secoad JnteraaUoaal aad a hater o(
the Bo•let Uatoa. Before be eame to
be the bnd of the £Onrameat.
. MaeDoo Aid had written ID oae of bls
article • on the lnte nua.Uonal policy
of tbo · labor Party that wbe a he sue4 cec~dod to power h e would aot
penn It
a.ay monke y t~cks oa the Part of So.-lot diplomate) Jn tbe s ame article
he wrote thlll oalr thro~h the nrm well·~rouadell poaiUo r. of the
S t.- cond lntc r n:t.tJoa:a.l. 'll'b lc;h Lt:ad t:a k ~n
up the whole · ·e i.J;ht of tbe fltruJ:cl~
acalnl t bulshCTI~m In the ~rlod of
lf.a .:rcateat 6lroJ>o£th. would
pou lble to a;et rid of these lajurtou5
'I l
Position and Prospects of Soviet Industry
(A apeech bJ' P. llogdanov, chairman
• U . S.. 8 . R . Sup,. me Economi c
Two Poems
Council, ddlvend •ftd of August.)
T bue
HE IDdUalrlu
o f tbo U. 9 . 8 . Jl.
Come out. workera of th• world, to tight,
But not to fig ht naUona l
Com• out In a heavy. atamplng, prolthrlan army:
Cat 01.11 your laet bayon~U...
Th• phraate abowt peace are an empty Utopia
Aa long a.s th• upiblld.s are not dull w ith.
If not today. then tomorrow.
Duth to th1 gullt,_.nd doubly to the lnnoeent.
Knock down thCI fat--dozens and acorca of thcm1
P eace to peaee. but
W.r to wul
-Vlad imir Malalcovalc l.
alace pYted tbru the
pertod when the f eoar eoal4 be enter·
taJoed that some ecoaomlc dbtarb:LDcet:, aome abortcomlnc
Ill oae dlnd.loa or IU:Iotber could brtac
about their colla~. partially or u a
whole. So ftn:a ladH<I Ia the foot·
bold wbJcb bu bfta ~t&laed, lbal. It
b:as become lmooaalblo lo IPUt of
t6e po.. lbllJtr of any aort of eat.u·
Tbe 1alea cr lab of a yur
ogo proYed a cnaclal tnt, wblch abow·
et1 that. lD a c.rlal.. SOYiet laduatry
could uert a dedah e lnftueoco by •1>-
~ •
l)ropflat.e ue or the r eaotlteu which
wero aequ~ duriDK tho pr.Yioua
period of accumulaUou of worklal
o • Thirty .,llllona were shot.
Hundred• of mllllona groan and wup;
Out all thla owtll aeem a trlfte
N ext to th1 future war .
All tft• . . . . . . ff09Qed In prleon camps..
All tM llmba h:ft upon operating tablu,
• •
Our IIcht laduatrr bu obtained an
laereulncly tenac.loa1 command or
the market In proportJob t.o tho oxte nt
t hat It bu adopted a correct pollcr'
for tbe redocUon of prlcu. Depru·
slob e-:alau· now ontr In the r ealm or
ht"a'r)' lbduatry, but n c n hero the day
Is lob& since put when we were obll£ed tO tremble at tbe threat of ruin
In tbe DoDcll coat Aetda, or the otl
fteWa. Now all tb"at W t1 h:n·e to con·
1lder I• aiOlplr the ado pt.lon o r proper plana and methocb whert hy the results •ecOred caD be •t~~tth C"ned •t~ d
consolldatt"d. The mo• ent o f the
market In r " nenl conn • the r.acl
that our an•. .. ~ ~y 11 be- o mln,;; t'!atabll.lhed In a \"C"ry "norable posillon.
Ruu lt.s Dur ing 192.1-1924.
tlu rlo.r; the !:sat h :alf·rcu. apart from
alight market fluctuations, contlnu,.d
p:-ocre u baa been a.chlned In CYt r y
brnnc b or 11. This moumeat hAa not
bet1n ch ecked e •t~ n by the proapt>c t or
unf.norable hart"ut In •orne ~»orl • or
tb~ union.
E•ldenUr thla hutuatrh•l
p ro&N!IS II d eeply rooted In t he PQf'·
aible de Tttopme nt of our marlle t. J ane
aod July are months when factorle•
atop wortlnc, when repalra art!! dont•.
wkea worken are on lea•c. but e • cn
tbese month• rep;l•ter an lncrcue(l
pl"Odactloo to e • ery, naiUra lty
not a larxe lncreue. but amountl n ~
lo S.5 per cent to 10 per c::e nt. In
some easetll there ll enu a fa ll by 5
per cenL, bat on the whole. tbe o ut· 1
P••t fnr Juno uceeda to aome utent..
that of Mar. tn wblcb the latter moaU.
the poaiUoa wu better lbat~ that or
April Lbe forep;oln~~: moolhs.
Eff.ct ol UM Harvut on hwhutrlal
If we turn to the probte ra of aellln~t
our lndu• trial producta we bu., 11n t
ot a ll to note tbesc b.C1ors which o~
\" aene to mlt l,;ato I he e ft' t•cl
of the partla.l c:.rop f:tll urtl. The quan·
Utr of «nln • ·blch • ·Ill be t h ro wn on
the m.arket In t he count' of t be pr~>~
ent year will DOt he :abo• c t h:t.l uf
Wt r e.u . bu t price'!!~ of c:.orn at th"
p~tnt limo li re twice u h h:h u
::: :::
th• fal l.
All the acreame of the aaued,
L et them ·an unite to-day In a ahout :
Down with the warl
It •h•ll not be t We don't want! We shall not pcrmltl
N:o l ' on• are not encmlu of nations.
Nation• a,. ln"Vented by U!e enemy of a ll.
-Vladimir Nalakovekl. •
o f t he l r:l ln .till t".nable our•
tu lnct"t'aA" t hei r purchue or ma n u·
factored ~tooda. On tbc other band.
lbo batt bane at lbla 1e:ll Ia CODCC::l·
t n tcd ID d eftnlte toc::alttlee. ilDd In t b e
remalala« p.:.rhl o r tbe u nion t he rise
of prlc:,.• fl u a ot be-o-n a.s great u
me.nUoaed Abon :.
F\JrthCit, It ahould be noted thilt coo pcra t ha acthltr hu de t!nlle lr lo·
crt•ued , tbruout the preaent year, and
t hat many ayndleatea :u u l ttllll3 bave
~t~t':~~~"oj :~: 1 ~a~:~~~s 1~e:0:~
tha t n ow l ftlo area" haYo bee n cre::ll·
ed, etapcdally In Rlberla a.rut a hol!l
o r other piMtl!l which hithe r to hiLTe
not boen raoch ed by our trading ma·
Is cons ld,.rably lance r. Tbe locu.u ·
t•·d d f!me.c tl fo r" t e:r:llles d e~~erv ea epPel•l a t'te o tlon . S:tle. tn tbl.s branc h
ot industry haYe t b eo br JC pt•t
c DL Some dep.:._rtmeota or thl O:!:a:
t ile
a)·ntl lcate h &Ye ln creued lbclr
cJalel' on~ a od a b a U Umea, olbe n
ba•c doobled tbelr a.a.Jn.
A cool!lderable l.ocr cu 9 Ia ulea b
abowa a.1so b J LhCI food llrdaetry. Tbe
s tucar lnduatrr, for c sa.mplc , bu In ·
creuetl Ita · J a ne aalea one &fld • half
tlmea. aa com p.:.retl with lilly, and
t bo Yegeta ble on lnduttrr br 30 per
Cf!nl. A p:ar tlcul:uly mtlJ'ked r b o In 1111 nollcf':ab lo In the tob:.cco In·
rluatry- th.- loere nu a.mou ntiDI to
105 per ccnL Thoae who control lhll
h:r.dUilrJ 11:17 that. saJu would hne
been e • e n Krcatcr It a ~~~: re s te r q uan·
tUr or ,;:00\ls h• d been a.t tbelr dh•·
nlu lon baa t.alten to loc::reue lbe
~.alca of &eo..U tae l hue led to c:e.r•-'ln lmpn,..emeota. Deflialte p~u
•u been made to the dlrec:Uoa of ruD.·
:iiD& rallw&J't and lodoat.ry on the
.ue ot mloera1 foel, aod alrudy tho
•tocb of eoaJ in the Doatts f'e&iOD
bu e bee-n redat:ed • • Stoc:ltl o( oU an
• till •err tarce. aod Ia so tar u oU
com pete• with coal, the way oat
s bould be fouad In the torei&D market
The Metal Industry.
A~ n•r;•rda the m eulla r~la l lcduat ry, the q uestion o f lncreulnc nles
I• a. mh ttcr of coniJIIIer:Lblo Import·
Wblle our 11Gbt Indus try b.u
n•l v:i.r.cod to 40 p(!:r cent o r the prttwnr !eYrl, while tha (~J.tlle lndttstry,
In nccc r.JD.Dee with the plan o f development adopted by tho supremo
~'cnnnmlc:al council, 1111 reocbla.& a. ftc·
uro of 50 to CO per coDt o f pro-war
.production o f cotton rabriea, the metal
lnd:JilrJ' bu remaln~tl bn.ckward, a.od
1tlll ahowt leaa thA.D %0 per eeot of
th.-, pro-wa.r ·outptu.
Tbo dl•proportlon ln. IDdaatry ft
due to Lbo bl&b eo't or our metal
The ealara:ement ot tbe metalta.rclcal
market Ia boaad up with tbe_..proble~
or price nduc:Uoo. The c.alculalloa
wor ked out by lbe special Dzhen.blb·
aky commll too aaoou6ces that a prleo
o r SO lo 90 kopeb per pood of metal
s hould be ado pted. Tbla Ia a hie reJuctlo n ID comparison with prt.Yalllot:
pr ice.. wltb Ill ado ption WC!' can
es pe.c:t t h at there will be a c reat moTe
t.~r ward In tbe nle or m e tal.
':t- geoeral 'ma.rke t d ~ not consume
.•tor e tba.n %0 per « nt of the metal
• <~t ~c t , luTina: aU t he rut to tra.nsport aod balldlac Jodust,.-ret H·
pcrienco ahowa th:U the dc au.ncfs of ·
t ht' peau.ntty for articles or acrlcnl·
rural and domeltlc aUlltT are nry
lM'1te. E•e ry Wtaoce of ebeapenl~
~;t~~~~~=~nmt: ·.~·o'!~ :~,m:;
alarlla~t o r e stra. bluf. furn.aoee wbJc.h
In tu.rn •bould lead to a turi.her reduollo n or tho prtc:e tor motaJ.
Tha Organlutlon of lndultry.
Apart f rom tbe ccaoraJ e1Umate o (
the lnduatrtal 11tuaUon bere &Inn.
ll I• neceutu')' to ru.Jse a tew que.
u.m• wblcb pl•y an l.ltaaeoUaJ part in
our lnduatry. With a.n lnduatry. drm1)·\1 oo a c:orr~t acoDomle poUer.
It Ia n ccouaq &Uo to l.mpnno U.a or-EanluUon• .a Lbat bJ the output ot a
cbeap aad a:ood qu.allty &rttcle It m.&7
•uiYe lbe fuoda.meDt.aJ problem ol eapturlnc the martet. T. E. .DI.bef'1hi.D·
ak y, prutdent ot the supreme eeooc>
wlc: council of tbe U. S. S. R.. bu
ata ted tho problem to U.s wldeat scope,
Yll:.: " t he reduction ot the coat or pre>
Increased Sales In 1923-24.
I am n ot now d c!\IJDJ: with tho f:.ct
thnl ou r run•l" mcntM.I pollcr ot un o.ll· und reduction of prieta llDd the o.p·
It Ia onlr lo ruard lo bullt11n~t ma·
proslma tlon ot the coat or co mraodl· ter la la that tb~>f'O Ia a deftnlte bold up
tlu to tho puN:h:uio.: powe r ot tbe or price s. Lad of CAPital vre YCintl
pt!asanta Ia an cuetHI:'!.I f3 ctor wll!c h hi,; rel)alr work from beiDJ!: uader tak·
wtll cn!nte n e w m a rkeu" for
and ..n. Th! are qale t u ret:"rd• build·
wHI make It poulble tor our lnd t!stry ~I
n~ tlrube r. corruc ate<l Iron, colol'tl,
to dndop 1t1 m:t.n ub.ctn ; lnc :irtl7lh· c~ f! n e tc.
In aplt,. or the partl::a..l fallare of t h e
b u5. znruaridn~ the poaltlon with
crnpJ . The ft,; un:• ot lacn-a,f'd p~ r t!lrd 10 aJu , • • nay aar that a s
ducl lon fo r June a nd July rtuc:ruatP h:r ~ t :tos I h e
kn tlal branches o r Iicht
aom .. 5 lo 10 poor c.-nL. hut ~~"" lo
Justt; · ~ n:: ltlllcl"rncd. • ·o b:a• e a per· ~ - t.- - .. .,,. .. •hnw ahnn-~ :an <.-<:tly ah·ady al:.te of l hlo ~:• b~d o n ch:tfEI'II. ood br locre.uio& the pro-.
abtolu le lncrca~. It 1~ true t h:al t.he the d el'\n h ·· de mand• nt I h e m:arkat. In d uct1Yll7 or labor ."
Tbe r.t.Uo aaJJz:atloa of muur~ctar·
.. -w.·... ol t h,. chief 1nolu:~: rla l, hf:3\7 b d u•Hry. un t h e oth~ r band, we
•Jt•e<1a.t1on ~:h e 3 n 1 e .3PDf'O'C im31,.1.J ; p.ud a J: lhru a nthl"r c:rltl<:2 l ahu· I n~ methods Ia proc:.eoed lnK aloo.r; two
" ' not mnre tb:ln 10 Pt'l' ce n t. at Ill ! :il ion In;: ·: ~3;::: ~::::,:·,~r;tuctlun llnu . On t be ooe ba nd, we are lnl toduc:tn, a number o r ot~;aaltaUona l
r.a •·~o• ures , we IU O lmpro•la« account·
The •tepa which t ho
I C ( , we are lmpro•io~ U:aternaJ o f .eparate worksbo~N and
u f coocern• ~ a whole. On the otber
llii.Dd, more com plete work.lbop equ ipme nt anti piA.DL Ia belnc 1et up. It ta
ohYioua lmaaedlate reaulta C&.I:I.DOt bo
Th•J co•· ~rd desf! n es doublo con· rro m ~our:u:e, ond the t wo •lrtuea c s pccted. The l btroduc:tJoo ot Lbo
o•rn lJI . l lllrulcd by rt':~ r, the co wa rd I s tOJ!:•Jth er a ro Lhe d lallnc iiY& ~hunc· acle nUnc ors-&Dlz.aUoo o f labor lD a
tn a hh• lo l:t k o .,Will•' lll CI\JiU t e:t or pre- tcrbUcs or the CODIIC:ientloua aoldlar. works ho p ~m ployinc 1,000 worllera rocautio n 11tarl n~~~: batllo a mi perh:hes no not lJl¥e nt II Ofl CA , do n ot eJ:a«IJC• qulrt!a :a period of not leaa th:lb t wo
rt~ otu, r thr.n l h(• ljrft"t c ~!tile r : ltt I h e rllt C'. do D l'l l lie.
Tell osaetly wbat yeats ror t ully putting It Into opera·
11n 111(' tlrn~ lit' hrln t.:,. • dlst-.rganlu tlo n h ;a ppcn('d. The hh;h commantler jud~t· u on.
'nt u lt11• r :•nkM ant! wct1kuras the m. ctt the m lllt.l.rJ' altuatloa from lhe ~
T il•· C"nw ~uol c:m """ ·lm rrn to the com· onr lll from below ~t.nd «l• c• bla mnt·
W e c nn conclude, the refore, that o1ll'
rno n r 1uuuJ, QA 'A' ••Il as to him . r. Ji b 1ar y orde rs accordingly. It tbo · re- lodu1try I• on tho Ul)-l rade Ia •Pite
,ourt .. r1,ri6:Ma n • valu t:leA~
ll.s d eaUa IKII'"IA aro falae , tbe ordc nt are !"rotiiJ, of 1orae ad•eno fe 01t urc11. fa nsard
Ia ho norlru.
atld " wro nr; o rder will brlaa: deroat, ltl the supply o( Lbe marll~t we can
:I I, ln•llvldu n l oour u:;o mu11t aJ· You are ao couro.£~ aod e • •a ur~~:e<l tee9 rd a number o1 ac.bleYemeou, tbo
'4 1\ f ll
C"Otnblnc wllh he fceiiDit of to d eciiT& only Lbe uemr. But who- m11c:h. of c:oRrM. rematna to ~ doDO.
t"pu n your l~rAOnil l conduct eYt:r dM ahe• bla otn::t. eomra.dee, Oat tu.odamt'Dtal probl~m DOW, I' DOt
•m)· cl •'lll' flll l h,.. t:lto o f you r eom· the re by b eJpa tho m.emr. Traitor~~ tbat of how to prodactloa.
•oon)·. ami upon tht" lu ti£1 o r your cu m· mW.t be wooded out! Tbe trulbtul· ba.t. bow to st..r'etl&tl:leo the bula of
prtn )" 1113 )' tlf' t.,_n,l t bo fAte of your ne.• ot the aoldJ•r wW haure auc::::•rn" n t
1.--•t ~our eou ra~;e be In cess to tho army.
h:trmonr .-lt h t he cour a~: e of r oar
li. Ao lnYaluablo meiU3t ot eda· dec:reutac prodoctJoo coeta and o•et·
·•rnr.•o1•·11 T il" rnm rnon aucceu abo ald ee.Uo& lbo aotdle n Is a atud,J' ot Lbe he&d cb&r&• by I.Dc:.rcutcc pro.,. ,:,, . hh:;h,..~t motl " l !
put a.truJtp;lu ot t ho Red ArmJ and ducU•Jtr .
l~ A llbYe worka ont of fear, bot Red NaT·r . of tbelr dltft~IU.. aDd
t,.. ,,..•••. rn ll ;:h t~nt'd l'Oldler actA fro~ da.ace ra. ol ~lr bllf'Ofl:m, Jtf~, ud
' fo•c llnc of d u ty. / The honest Ren.. ~~torfM.. 'rne comma:>~e
n d
u.e ~~:':~~onat
uldlcor 'W il l CATTY out the ordU'II of at!aaa.n Dlftl how
b.•· ... ..... ............... el.-iRCI eutJIM af
._ .. ...,.._.......,..luauperJOt'lty ...r
h .. rnmm :u•d ~ ~ and commluan wl lh· tory of the:tr rechDeatll: -.:1
n •
~:~~ r:c:t~e~~t;n::la:e~~~:e:!
~cet~:r•::; l~t ~~~~~~.T~~:~~:~~~; ~~~~ ~~~~:':t~y ':~~~n c:;;:~:t,'!~ n:! I
Coun.oc. Out )'. Trut tlrulne...
31. War 111 a lwa y • •- ,f:ua ~ternu ll •·n·.
tc rpr:IJ''· The attlltlutu o r run r 111 cour
w h! c h m Pan!l n r.-rutlnuu to Ol(lOI
In :t. m ;,n ty w:, y nny tlunc t!r whc nevor
neccu:t.I'"Y. Only h t- 111 1t lru,. •~rr l or
whn po!t:.'lt·$a{lll f~:M h.•u u cll!l. cuurrut tL
nudtLcily. who docs not hel'lllRh• I n
C ~h t e ,·en a ournerlclllly I UJWr lor rn•·
m)· :s.nd wbo Is rn rly to d l•• fo r l ho•
eommon c.aus•·3!. P co ph• <e.r~: bra Yc not only l; r
b i!'"UI.
Th ..>" can u iiW lt•a:-n II• I••
Cuu r:~ ~(· C"nn lot'
,, ,. , o> luf)O'•
thru M.luC":f:~:l. th ru o· \ .H":If!l•·, ••t ••1.1
f!r, t :-lo.; d -· ~ rr lunl nd thr•1 ,, •l··:•r 1m
d erl!: t ~ n dln~ nf th" .r;rt•3t •~ ·k• or II••
~<· .
R t'd Arm y
33. Th" '" l'hOu l•t bf" ,,,. .,,.JnP""d lr
~aC'h tnll lt:t r~· u nit 3 "' :nr'l t h••tlc :.t
Utu,lt" t ~w arri! th ... ~ ·>,mt:. "" , .. , •w
d e Ye forw••l III'Jili :_.r . ""' "" tn c- · \., hh ·
lt:',.n r;l~e ~
him an+l
edu~~~~!~~:n~u:t' t~~·· /:~·,·~ 111 0 ~; ~~~
e!ih\· <'I) Wa.Nt.
•·hlllbt an•l r:."
,'.',~~!;:trnn7,"!~~ft~t!t';' o!n~:
n f fhf'tn.
Tru lh ru lnemt
J 6.
c:;~ ~e ~!DCotb~~
('P"'fQ ~ .-:& ~
.....,.. ..te.. ......
The Worken ldo Federation
,.,... IL. H . &..
......... I. -
The Discussion on -Party Tasks
W hat Ia tbe united front! Stnnr;:e
and weird Ideas are ftndtar uprualon
on thls aubJf'C:t, llnd ther do not a ll
eome from the f,oonat and uoln forrn·
ecS. For eu.rnpl~. coa.tlder t bla a:·~ m
from the tbesb offered to tbe pa.rtr by mlnorllJ or the C. E. C. :
.. If we aba..lldon the u111ted fr ont
pollcJ pollUeallr br abandonloa: the
sJo~:o.n . 'f"or a. t"l:t.llt •·o.rme r·LAbor
V~~t ·d~a.' ;~Is
meanT It mean.
·that oar mhwrlly Ia ru•laln1 tho con·
ceptfon ot the Communlst Jntcmatlon·
nl on tbe uolt('d frunL \Vo alway•
tboucbt, a.od th o Corulotom IID!tl, th :.l'
tho " farm e r-labor pouty " •lo&an WM
1 ..
hue no •lot::=:~ n• of .. f"or :~. Farme r·l..:l·
bor Par1 y .. th ey haf"o therefore ... ~n ·
tlone-d the united fr ont''!
Our Own Un ited Front Experience.
Out It 11 not 0 .,.c~ IH'T to , 0 acroa;.s
the occ:m to ~-e ur1ons rorm.s of th~
united fron t wllhout a. tnco of rarm er-"
lnbo r pa.rty. In uur own uperl e.nce
wo bue thew . our ~rc:at d e fense
eampaiKn nrtt-r t11 ~ ~llchh:an rahll W:l.S
n nry 1 uct·(!u tul application o r the
but aurel r tbere t. no daacer In dane·
Inc with that harmleu •mau farm~
labor party' allU oc there Jook:lq
at you 10 ln•IU na:IJ. Jtat walk oYer;
abe's quite lonesome • • ...
TaJk aboat TOUt' lmproper poliUc:al
d!!aclq ! Wbr, w• woalcl be runaLnc
a pollllc&l brothel!
TheM comrade• are. tr oaty objee.
UniT. dl.uppolnted Communtau. Tber
~~~:~ ;;~::. ~~~: ~~~ ~a..~~"ot o:C:;.il~: tb~0:;;e hr:;~:~~·a.:!: :.~~ ~0 :!.; 1 ~:: ~:m~~~~t~~T~b:C, cb:::~:! ~=
ccalltul In lltt lnHnCtllotc nlm:s but It
DI MO lJroulth t .;ru t DOIIllc.:t.l athantuttea
to o ur l,Nlf l)'. Our campal~n to r relie f
or tho Huu l11.n trun tnv w:u1 3.D ot hc r
unltctJ rrn nt tlutt mohlll ntl gr\!..:t.t
lllf'tul lltf'd ()OHIIcul ,:uln .-. 'o\'lth n ~ u c·
ct·U that wu nlmost I JK!C':I.'\cu lar. Our
camp:•lr.n tor the prtJh.'t" llou u( the
foroh:;n·horn wu rkcu wa~ anothe r
v..ry •uccc:u ful united front c trtJ rt,
1t hlh1,; tcren th• 10 I he prel'l tl;;e o r ou r
;-t.atl)' ,
whl e nlu,; ou r t:ontaclJ5, Md
. lr l ntc l n~~t nt-w circle• or •· o rk ~rt u nde r
011r l nfh1 ••nc~ In a ll of th~ae the
nu•t 1ucceu f;G of ~ur crfort~ I~ t.hc
;?~~~n~:~~::,l:' .,~~~tyu In~~~ .. ~~op~~- ~~~~11:'~ : ~~~ a u~~~~c r·~=~· ~~~;. ~~~
~the Ia tar more mUd &Dd IDDOCUOUI
than rou tblak we are. We k.Dow that
)'OU lblnk we cannot da.nee, that we
waat to lead roa In ~:u!lw-ticcted itepe,
oee n ' t~ wl\llow ~d up by the IAVolfotte
wtHt.le. nnd tho Worknn Party uo
hardly afford. to be a wallowed up In
tho proceg of bcco nlln lt an emetic.
Thf' e:rl11tent farm er-labor parlloa, oil
analoKr . They think we ue too u.o·
coutb to tb~ mutes: tb!ll.J"e.
rut a Com munt.1t PArt)", nro unable to
a.. umo tho l c r:~.der;thlp ot the worla:IDK
maa~toa without the medfum or a half·
~:: ';!;::rl~; t::Y~nl~c;'!, ~~~~~ ':~:!:;1 ~~:~!~ ~~~:~;~co:~ru~~~~:;~~~;~~ou~: ~~c~~:;; ~o~e~; ~:~ ~~~:n:!~~~~o'; :~:~:~~=~•D
(t:,:~x o~hepo~:~bo~)~m~ ~
rroot alo«an Ia but t'L phue of thu
tann e r-labor party. It would 1.., uaa)'
to ulldentaDd tir e atntentuDt IC It uhl .
" It we abandon tb ~ united fr on t pollc7
the n we must ab:aollon th e f:srm er ·
la bo r sloCllD.'' Thllt Ia 3 tru l11 m. IJu:
10 &a)' th3t by dro ppiniC on o p:a u ln,; of J-be unht!tl fr ont ram1l0 l1t r
we t.hcrcby a~don the ~lletl froni
lde3. ita:clr. b to betray a jodamen lal
ou r rarm e r-la. bor P!ltty tull e s how'
u~ that ,..,. lnlllatN. It only .a the
~•1!1 of th e ta c-:1 tha t th .. rr e:datcd a
m ..... . monme.nt arnonc the wor kon
"nd poor farm er., D moYemut In
wb lcb It wu ou r duty to partlt:lpate,
to drhe coa•taoUr toward • a clearer
clau po•llloa , to ae~k to establlab
lea.den hlp oYer IL \\ ~ did not duel·
op lhla tactic In tb& form of a prlndple It Is tbe tuadaments.l tuk ?' a
"Cornmunlat ["arty to cre:ate non_..COm·
munlat PaMie.- llnd this must be
clea rly rem~mbe retl.
hec:oml'! part an rl p:1recl ot tho W la·
conal n lll!a"ht.h"• bllJ;,;:u;n. Thor huu
tollowf'd the siren C:llll or tho bour·
cet:~l" leadeNihlp which • ct"ma to be
h<'ad rd In th~ dln•ctlon or a tbJrd
"p r o~rre»llhe" 11:- rty.
There 1ft 00 mau llrr.und llt' th lw
tJme tor 3 -cJua ta rm cr·l:abor ~rty"!
~:;:bc~==~~::·~~! ~:~:::::r~;::::
morT. Tho1 aro dlaappo!Dted ..,with
the fnllurc o r th e Worke rs Partr to
mlllntalo Ita leadf!fa hlp oYer ... those
beautiful - altho. · un(ortunatelr. DOD·
ul • tent~OO,OOO worken who
au ppcuod lo baYe bte.n ao clenrly
mA.nrUt'f'red Into the lood ol~erated . They bemoan the IOM-:'b~e
workrra who wtre • uppo!Jed tO noct
In ~1. Paul, but lnatud ran to Cln&-
rarrn~r L't:d~d
the tactic or tbe
th er . wbo are so &DI.:IoWI to becat ion o r the unltrd fron t : It I• no t. ttl • ·e ra pollllr:tl In n:.t ure.
·~7~~~r~~e~:,.:n~~~emt'::!:t ~~ ~~~~~: little th e Yote polled br our OW"D can·
rnotR. c~rta l nlr , co nfined in th e
T ht:' r-~ mp:~ k n "' :.hon • m.-DIIo ned ·hi! unite-d r nt m;utltnta ttselt In dldate. and perhaPII aetteUr e.o.-y the
~~~s,:t~~~~e~ it:~ ';;:;.~r~;t;r~:":i.,,~ . w • r,. au4"c;."" ful T h<'T :u·h h.••ed so rn~ Am,.rfc:a on lr In the rorm of th e fum · Juicy 4.040.000 po11ed bT LaFollette.
;•!•;,:";:~~" 0tfh:~;~:~~: 1o~~~~;:~·('~~~<'ar~ ~~·l:::~h~::t~~ ~~~n~:~nd~~a:n;~~~h:t~ :.:::~eat~!7 a:~~:e:w'! ;:m~n·in~;!dt::;
wh~re l
Per h:aPI we h:.Ye aomethiDK to l ~.:t._rn r: aln"' for th e wllrkl nJ: cia "'• and ror we. th ~ Wo rlie rs (fAlmmunl"'\1 l':trtT l abelll n~ caplta llat poUUet "pro~
~!lDnot ~~.~:bo!F••~~~•11 ~·7 - .·--l~·~~f: .7::t~:.:~:m_
~?~~etd :;:n:h!ro:caJ::h~ ~::~·n ~~~~;~<'~l)~;:~~·
3~~~ f=·~m~:r;~:':;r•
Crunmunlst.a In othe r cou nlrl u ~ Uo •
CommunbU · e•erywhe re
tamu~r-labor pQrtlel~
J5ta nd
for ., ,J
,.·aot o M . • ·e ncf'•l nne, we
do wlthnut on~anfl by Hod. we r e l()o
.: r••ttl f•rfn rt in •l r:. winr tk•lltlcal In~~; to fo ro.! Ont• f'Y e n U the r tt Ia no
~~~~~tk~~~~~:;~8:." 11 ;:~ ~~~~. :; ~::~~~tu!,~.1 !~~;:e!":~~rnt!:~•l ~e~~ ofT~~ ~l~e~uhn~:t ~~~;notth!:!~!~
Onl y to uk th ~ qu es tion I• to f! X· ":trl !•·• Uu1t ,..e wo•re lnltrumentlll In bet' ot lh~ mlnnrlty pl~.lnly atl\ted In the Workers rarty, to lead the mu..
::;e ~:~ld::tb~:"!~~~~ru:ltjM I:~·I\~:"'1 ~~
unUM! front mt.>nn "b,bor l'art )'" An•l
nothln~~: e lte. And o nl y wh eN ltw
Commu ni•L" <~re fac:td with ettabll s h·
ed Iabar parties hns th e unlfatl fr on l
any c:onnecthm at nil wHh th ~ t ~> rrn
ot " labor party .'' Dut I he unit ed rron c
t:tctlc Jn German )·. In J-'ran('e , •n rl 11
f.u rope ~enerallr. aeema to be qultto
drccli•e without thi s " ma~~:lc" • lo,a n
T hf' y 11o not u-em to ml a~ the " I:IIK'I r
P3.rty" In Ge rmAny.
H o w Ia th e unit ed front tttciiOJtaP
plied~ How I ~ It cryl t!llllt.ed Into or
r;anlted 11tf¥,;1t-~ An e:I Ample Ia ,.,... n
3t the Fr<lnktort co nference called to
r esist tbe Ruhr lnva.aloa . :1 eon f,.r ·
tnc~ c.sfled br th~ German • hop coun ·
ells under t.h e ln• plr:sHon le ad e r ·
a.bfp of the Co mmunl.tU. aad unHin,;
the workers from below ro r • tru~~~:l e
h ul hlln~~t. ftO we lOO n ronnd In J ulr.
l"' :!t , ,.,., lutd bt>en lmlhlln~~: for I ~ ·
·'•• !lo·tt" nud not for the clau atrUK"·
\\'llr aho ultl that parll eulr.t.r npplf·
·nllnll uf til l' unlt#J tl fruu 1. the labo r
''lrl)' (lh M " o r lt. whlc:h wu the least
,,,.,.,.,"' '' '' In II• Ptllc:llc:at and or~an·
1 :tllnn~tl rl.l" flf'Cta. he taken liT tho ml ·
1nrllr na th e only form ot. th e unlt~d
' ront ' '" thr I'IOIIIIca l nc ld ~ Wh:r
'" !hf" )' l~nntf' an•l l>ct!Hie ou r other
1 r " r t.. nr•·• In npph'ln;:; th(' polltle3l
•n lt •·tt f rnn t ~ Il ls bf'lcau!lq th e ir ca.!!ie
,. "" WPRk, th,.lt e ff ort to breathe Uf~
Into 11. d ~ n d alo,;a n Ill 110 h o pet~u. tber
a r~ "o rompl.etcly without coacrcte
.. .,..,d ,..ncf' of ll tlu !Ll condltfo:2a tbat
Ju sll fy ',he ir ~loc:an of " Fo r 3 F:.rmer·
I...,Mr I at tY., th:tt th e r torcf'd to
mu~t e r """ lhf' lt only weapon!li the I!:CD·
nal llt,;um,.ola •nd 3ut ho rlty tor the
nat'ure. one wbkh f:all~ In It a or~:an·
lt.atloaal phue but brout~ht creat
&ala.. of a.a educ,:~.tlonal aature. wa•
the ualted rroat of tbo tr:saa port work·
trs :ar;:alntt w:ar, a.~:aln.t J.•uclsm. aDd the while te nor, a.t the OerUn
con tuence ot l!Ul, bctw~n tho Rua·
11 tan Ln.nsporl ualona and tho Amster·
dam traoapgrt work e rs fede rati on
beaded by Flmmen. Anoth e r applfc:a·
Uon of the united rront wu th e cou n·
cit. or ocllon In Eo&:land. to Dte'f'en t
tho threatened war attalnat Ruula.
sun a·ooth er application of the united
troat Is now lMllna: ozteaaholy AJ!D11e4
thruoot Europa and A.Ata, In the
"H.!lD~ Olf China" monm ent.
our m ioor lty t eU. Commu ol•t•
urou tbe ae :a11 that, beca.u.te they
ed front 11 an atJ;um ~ nt tor the tabo r
the natlnn a l oornm lltM of th o l'ouna:
Work,.n' l.t'atcue. that h•• w:a• In fa·
"Tor nt forrn ln ~~; a farrn~r- l nbo r party
e•en u It eo nt:t lnod only· wnrkc n .
An•t Ao th l• 111 ,..hat tho~tu comrade •
prnpotlP In do. W e, lho r o mmunllt
P~rty. :1rr to 111 ~p out of ou r ow a
t:nrh.. _ ttrr!IJI o•• r " '"'"'''~'" wllb a r('d (nr
wil l ti. boa pi nk ! t c:LII our·
ul Yes a m:. l'l a·dau·ta rmc r·labor pnrty
uolle yrllh .:3c h ot her ~nd 111 out t.~
t~,. worhl lha l we ha;e ach le • ed the
\\' u ,..Ill lh<' n be able
to !lnJ: 11 1 nur "hln r. lf-, an d ln,.lt e
t h m :ut ~f' . of ,.·nr lh•rM ln lo ou r nf'w
b3 !room ! O h!\t t h~T c 3 n ~,. 1 a·
p:~.rtn,.r. ~cn~ e on Ia." • e will
r "and )'O will not hu e tn dance
i,;ub ull . Yo t r a n ft::tnce wltb that
mus fannr r·lahor p:utr' OYf't th ere.
She b no t so r ou.: h !\a we ; her
s t,.p 1.!1 J: .. nt.l r . tu•r dancln~~: pr o~ ram
e0 ol•uo•t 1 w10o0 r~c:_r,•10.,
01 d•~e: ••'"""lt·'l!rtrs ..~~~
u• ...
o n tbe buttl of real, coucn~te, bana•
Ina. l•au ea that confront lhom. onry
da)". 1 ha Yo contldence to lh• cor·
r ectn~aa of ou r prosnlm, tn lUI abUily
lo rally t.he mU!W!I to the baaller ot
•HrUJ;tcle :at th o call or th e ualt.ed troat
on tho buls of datly de manda.. I 'boli en th at lh~ c.omradet ot the Ceot.ral
t:a-eeutl•e Coraoiltt N maJority-aDd
In tum, th e o•erwhelmln~~: ma,Jortty
of the part7 - do not prooose to Ue
nod ha~an:u around ou r ale-eYes a.nd
call nUtsf!' l\'ra :another p:a.rt.y tbat will
a p~a. r prettl~r to the workers. that
wfll 11 er..,,. as a •-..bttltate for tbe
Wo# k ~n P•rtr. or u
3 medium tor
a~dncln~t them Into our monmenL
An d t do not lh lnk tb:at the rank
and ftl oa df oa r f'K\rtT ts u ret com·
po.t ('(f to tf~ radleala-or db:appofllt·
~~h;r 11:C~:Iellbo~ :m~~!~;~u~.t t~~ ::~~h::o..~t~;:~~~<'~~:ti!~r~~l!y~n~~ _bo_I_d•_•_o_d_I_m_eu_l_••_••_••_•b_•_•_•~T·_•_•_d_•d_r_•_m_m_u_o_la_to_._ _ _ _ _ __
pa rty,
The minority I• wmnc. Th e lf' atte mpt• to r~•l a e the tbto17 of the
united front are doomed to failure.
Th ~ labor p:uty mo•e mcn t u dlstln c"
rrom hoth th e W . P . on the on e ba.od
and lh ~ l..aFolletto mo•e ment on the
othu. fa dead, but fhe united front
tAc llc lfns Ia all Ita multitude and
urla ty or rorma, all or th em rlch In
political oppor tunity tor the Commu·
nl11la o r Am ~r lea oneo we hue weld ed
our party Into A ftrm , hnm()f!l:eneoua.
monolithic part)", reall•llcally a.·
In,; the actual condltlon l'l o
o (!luJIJ
• t ruttclo. nnd ,; In OYer)·
b:allle of th o worke rs o th e b3.tb of
lholr lmm C~tlato burnln li{t_'_'"' "-·- -
"l\"'he n tbe wide weat wu atlll
t.oW"Zl.S u.od. to apri.II.IJ ap oYernl~:ht. due
to some sudde n "atrth .. Ia «old or
Tbeee towns were called .. betown s" o r th• abae nc• of
womrn. Now, the men wrre rather a
hard lot, ud liked wblalr:er. aons.
a nd women. The l!rst tYO wo re tbeM
·Pl entT ; last. DOt at all Dat
were a.ot to be balled bT web a
At Ule dao~ hall. c erta in men
c bot~en , ror OM re..oo M
otb . f.ed bandana budla:erehlet•
nod arotU'ld the ir alee.,.~ . and they
were thWI lrt.nAitonned Into .. lady part-
nen.'' or course. tho mrn aU U remalc<"d tnt'n, but t.he no t.qu lte-c.:alia·
t :u :tOf'J' Ill us ion wu c reatf'd br tbe
n ohandk &'f'd~l e r ed mea tha t \~leT were
d ll.Dclnc with w om~ n .
..Tod ay.. faa Co mrade Eu~d~l
would u.y), WI!! --~ 'co nfronted wltb :a
•ome wbat sim ilar t~ltu<~lfo a In oo r own
party. In lhf'lt #n a le1y to e!'l tablt. b 3
united front with lb e Worken and
poor tarm,.rs or thlll coun try. the com·
r.dee or the mlnorltr a~m to h3\'P
tnrwoUen that the tactic o r the fann er·
labor part1 I• me re l7 a u.cttc. llnd not
a Pf'IMiple tor t.he Communlat Party.
A Clatlce ba ck ward at tb e orts-tn ot
• Julr !nd : Tb f" ta.rme r·l3 bor part y cam·
~:liJII:ft I• on! Tbf'l I'Jnt b l~ ~~::un after
·.ho Jun e 17 oon• eollon In S t. Paul
oomln3tcd Mc:Oonalll ~~ond Houck b beI n~ fire-d at the ftnt mll~a m M tJDit In
Chlu,;o. Ttl fl hn ll Ia pac:ll:,.d, maoy
atandlnk. Th ere 111 c h ~ rln,; Anti
1 bout1o~~:: :
hnrna hlnwln" ; whl•tlet~
3Crf'amln-=:. Fol" whAt ~ rrtoA tnnably In
tu pport <If the ra r nwr·l11bt1r cnrnp:\hrn .
\'e rr ~nod, "o fnr liM I hAt ,KIW I! ,
Workt ,... y M~mbtrt Compo.Je
F'armer · L~bor Aud i ~nc:e.
Dut - t.he h:.IJ b p:.dNI • ·lth wh om ~
B7 Wo r kuw P ~t rty rnemhe u llnd 1\
rew (!l o•e eym pn l h\l~r. . T ho me«! tln.:
11 held undu the llll!lplf'ell or lhc
rarm ~ r . J:abor camp~l~c: o
commi tte
but e•ery ntil':tnhlor o r th e comm lttf't'
Ia abo a member of the Work e n P~r·
ty ~a uae no ono c lae woultl ae ,..., a
A.lld this bu.:e d••monatratlo n, •~ ee l
..,err e tf,.c:th'elr Ilk~" a ~ood thntrleal
pe.rform ::t.oee o r a drc:u•. by t hf'l Wo rk ·
era P:utr and aupportM on ly br th e
WorkC'rs 1;. rt7 and lt.t cto11e 111ym·
patb lt'lrs- h:ut th e retult or promot·
In ,;-. DOl Communlat pri nciples. but
tum u ·labo r . Speechf!11! Speec:hell
by f.:lttnf"r-l a boT candidate. and by
member3 of •he Wnr lle ra rarty.
Specc.bu. most of thorn wo:alr:. ftabby.
lnano. ftfl cd with refo rmls t-c:a pltaltll l
Ideas ; 11lcke nlnc •tu rr tor omm unl • t•
lo IIAten to In the n:ame or a mo•~
rnent ror lnd eP4' nd~nt polltlcAI action
hy the work .. ra. S~ cb es bT Worten f'arty memlH:r.-hsrdlr dlatln·
~u l s habl e from th e farm cr-laborltes .
Th a real Communbt kula and aplrll ·
weto not th e re. All tbru tbe eYealnl
the thouun•f" o r Commuolau. u a
tnntler of dl•cl pllne, made «reat n ~
IIIRuae-hut the re wu no r cill e nthu•laanl tor the mocker y or cfa.aa
flDIIllul ncllon by the wor ke n.
Coverl ~g the Lion w ith a Lamb'a
( am tlmre that eYt"fY comrade In
thai mt-f'tln,; muat h:n·e bee n n ppaHNI
a t the Idea of contlnuln~ lhl ~t &tu ft'
thru th e period ot a. pull r.u:1ent:u·y
<'n mpAI~n .
It • ·as no t atru,::~ l e an d
r'Jtl"t:rflu th at w:aa r ~p r ~en ted :at tbl1
mf'~tln~ ; It wa.a w e a k n ~ u. 'And t.hl"
Y<e ry Ont m~tlnc W3J n conc r~ t e- and
fll lm:ul:s rl y o"I A I:t.nrt ln ~ c"h.rnpte. tn~
IC': :\1 of the natio nal • ltua tlo n. of wh:\l
th ~ mo"T~m e nt ror a. rarm ~ f'· bhor po t·
tr had , In b et. bf'ocome--the Work f' MI
!'arty In dhn:: u l."~· ld d•lln;; tu~l f tb nt It
wu oallld e qz Its akin. Wo n e t ra.: n
tha t, It wu lt11eit fa.lll n;;. Into lhe
~ l o u~h of con t u ~ l <1 n
of th e ra:-rneT·
l11.bnr mo\' ~ m f" nt. " We :l ll~mpt~ to
11\Yf.t ll f3rmer-labo r !!cu i wh ic h d idn't
ul1t and In the pr oc e s~ we nur1T
lo•t o ur own Communlat soul.''
And mea nwhllt.. wh t' re were the
(Continued o n nut Pa«O.)
Discussion· oil Party Tasks
(Con t.l ned f_rom pace 3)
wide mua~ . awln~lnc towa rd lodependent poUllcal action! Th ey were
attend Inc m H:IIDI:II wblcb . to tbem .
Wf' ro realh1n.c the ir deslru.
were a t the LaFollette meetia po: It
la no w u plaSh a s da)'li&:ht. Fann erbborl1m and the mau a.entl meot.
IUCh u It wu. tor Independent poilU·
cat action bad dlaappearecl u aoow·
lalce a Ia. tho aun , bad beea. absorbed
8Ytll at that hour by tbo·boyr'
~eol1, middle ctaia mo.-e.meoc. lecLby
LaFollette. _.
Ti\f tbot Ja alclcoola& tha.t we mJcht
1he ntt llud e of l hft ce nlro.l uccu the to tbe e trcct "Tb nt th e
before tho puty, furth er deYelop('t)
the new polltka l altuatlon a nd lo,;lcotlly :tod correctl y, :aeeo rdln~: to Com·
munlat pr lncl plea, charted the cour¥
ror our Wo rkers Party. Both tb e e:t.m ·
pa.Jp for OI"'K a nl:tallon a nd propaganda
for a farm er-labor party mull M left
behind. Othe r torm1 of the united
tront. bau d upon tho dlllly 1 t ru«cles
- . trlkea, unemploym ent, lhop com·
mlttee a1ltatlon, .cene ral labor counella-m ull be tound and omplored.
For tbe labor p&rt.J I• not a l <!Usb;
It_ W!L$ not for us a principia or orp.a.luUoo. ar oc: the daaa atrucrle; It
tlon tirst a rose In eon necllon w ltb the
tarmer·l bor confe rence he ld In SL
Paul. SoY. I S, lt!l. It wu this eon·
rueac:e wblch w ou to lu ue the ea ll
lor "' h:t t IIlle r bKa me th e J u ne 11
conYt btlon. On S oT. t l, 1923. th e re
w:u a mee tlnc of ex~utl"e cound l ot
the ce ntnl eucutl"e committ ee to
outline the poll c:)' which Wlllt to ~ Ide
our de lecatea to the NoT. 15 cooter e nce.
1 quote the fol,lowlnc from the minuto• of that m~etlna:
St. Paul P'•rme,..Labor Conference.
f~lomr1ade Fo:ter aubmltted lb e
wu m.erelr a form. of Ibe onltN fronl
U.e wb.Seb tor the preeeat la dead.. We
dehad.l~ out'H'h·~ u~d
aocl otben to that apoctle or ..lad&
peade-at da.. political acUoa,'" Cal
Alrea.d)' the f"U were tor
a cban~t• Ia policy by the Wortefl
P&rJr : thfl Chlcqo mf!'t tlnc ladleated
Dot life for the younc farm t r·l&bor
raonm ent but only a fe w 1tray aparlla
and, ftar eu p1 of a dyl nc ftre.. lt reqa.lred on iJ th e ac).tlona. l u perleoce
of th e ChtYe huul C. . P . A. confe renceon July f . Aft e r t at It waA plain lo
aU who woulft fiCe. th a t the se nllm ent
brca:ka dowa the mon1e and discipline
or our o,. party; DO uolted troar
wltb oune lna; DO aubltltut e~ fo r tb(
Worke ra Part:r. Instead , untty from
below; unltr w ltb the wor kers t hrv
pattlc:lp:ltlon In th ei r enryday s tnu:clu. wit h the Workers Party u th f
eeoter a nd le:u! e r of th e•e •truntu .
The Chl eaJto ra rme r-labor meett nc
1bowet! ,- • quit o uar ly In 11 ato.rtllng
11.nd conc re to fo r rn . tw~ politica l tact
or tnwr e mo ' hn po rtnnco : 1-'l rat , tha i
t.b o LaFoii N te IJiall l h:ul awe pt wh :u
ered or abso r bed Into tb e r.«F'o ll e tt t
mo•e meat.
Wb :l t rf'tnmln~ or th :t•
monmf'n t wu a lready o~an fu~d In
e "e r .e ntlm e nt the re wu (a !l ldu rrom
the . \\'o rkf'rJC Pa rly) for u fa rmcr·labol
p:arty Into l hu hopclou mltldl ro d :u:
ma.nh . Se~ond . th:ll t he rual::arb"
;:e r ma o r tha t s wamp we re Alread)
" Motion by Fo• la r : Tbftt a n e ffort be made to •ee tbal De«otla·
tiona wtth l..a. F'cil1fl tte In r e~ard to
:~ 7 ~:;e:::' at:;~ , ~nt~:~m1 ,•.' m
" •obt~r-
~~b \~~~rken
Psrty o r cloaely a l1 1ed
Un ited Front In Dally Strvgglu Led
br the Worker-s Party.
T hfi Ce ol ra l F.sec ut iW'e Committee
ot th e Workera Pa r ty, ac:tlns- In acairduce wllh t he cho.n~~;cd poHUc:t. l
c:oadltl o nll. on J uly S conc:c tly d e-
;~;~ u~hdafltr
; 0 wo rk In si de our ow :
~:1::· w~~~P~~~~":,..Ja;:,~l~tun~~~~~~-
th~ :::~:u~:~o!~~':; ~~~o~.~~~l:e•
m~de a
c:am p:dac n th:•t ut abtl .. h rd our
Com mun l•t lntem allonal a.Dd. ID·
strueu C4'>mr:ad o Lore to WTile au
cd llor la l correcllna: them... I aloocl
o n my o r lclna l proposal that the c eotra l encu tiTe co mmlltee lnuo a
st:atemen t.. aulnat Comrade Lore'•
edltorta l. My motion An d that of
Comrade Pepper were defeated by the
central e ucutiYe c:ommlllee mllJorlty
aud th e Fo•tef'>Ritt e lma n propoaal
adopted, the mlnorllt Yolln ~t a1atnat
-Thu• the cea.t.ral u ecu tlYe com mit·
tee aand Comrade Lore from ce a 1ure
ucl fr;om 4 erumclaUoo by lbe ce ntral
preue4 Ill bla edltorl&l before the
wlw>la party, The ato1'7 ot other
by the mlaortty t,0 COlD•
pel lbe central ezec•UTt eomlislttee
t.o ft&bt acaJuat Lore\.lm •mAke mOre
empll&Ue the aboYe ertde.aee that tbe
ceatral ueca~tJTe eomm li.tee maJority,
w-blch tor e.lectJoa purpoeu tbuoden
.,;:ahut Lorelam, hu beeD t.he ' prolector o( Loret.t:a Ia our partr.
The Conti"0'9'e,..y In the R. c. P.
The a ttitude or tb.e FCMiter-Ca.nnoa
STOUP towud. lbe co atro• e ny In tbe
nuulao Commanllt party lut. J't'! Gr
Ia fact numbe r fou r throwln~t aomo
IIcht 00 Jho qu eatlon In whlcb ITOUP
dorla ma4t
of l.o ou r pa rty thla te nd e oc r called
" Farmer -Labor Communlam"' b llJJ Ita
bteedln£ place.
Tbe luue In th e n uuha n, COmmtlalst
Party wu whe the r the partJ aboul d
~~:a~·::~;c::ro~p c,~"~~C:~rb~~~= ~~~~~~.bO~~;:o~ :,••,he~~~~~~~~~
le ft ~o the committ ee o r iS CTOUP-"
tsm. T he h~a lthy lnatlnct of ou r p:arty
Com ra de .~oa ter e:spt:al.ned. l.n rel~·
Ita sound Cornmun ls t ch11.ract ~>r 3t bot tloa to hi• motion. th a t In 1920, when
t om, •howe-d lt•t' lf. w,. thre w otT lh l!' he Wa.A a hlembe r of the F1U patrlck
dlsea.u d dl• r::ulftr, enu-r~~::rtl ~rec t . and !:a rmer-labor partt. Flt zp:l trlck bad
7:o~:~~e~D~~r~~:o\\~:r~: ~:::01~~ ~,:~ ~~~:~~~~~ ;h~:t ;,~~~~~~t\~·n~~;
e xecu·
·u, =~~e 1 ::.m,:~,',~:.·1 °:ea~~C7~=
:::' :n:ference takM
tilt qunUon of. ca.ndldate• we •b.all
npport the DDmla.aUOa or t,a..
eoii'Pide R•theebef'C •a.bmltt.ed.
the toUowlac propo. ..u:
follow 1u ea propoaala to &Uide oar
repreHDtathu. amonc wblch 11
point 4): '"That we propose that
aomlaatloa • bo leU- to tb e eonnnUoa (w e are not fo r L&Pq_llttte,
but lt th e .,nTea llo n • nominates
him we will not IPiit on th At a.ecou nt) ."
Th e Fol!l lt r mo llon wu de feated b7
a •oto two In ' ""or and nin o ncaln1l
omd the Ruthe n bc rc m oti on a dopted.
ha'Ye coat on.
polaoaJac our monme at.
maue~ of workers aad pear fa,r.en wut DO £&Jet labor partjea: no delo1bad &OM, HIM MCtiOn.t.Jo LaFollette 01'7 Wlitect '!Mpta ; DOlhiD.I wblcb
cat~ tra l
co mmt u ~ of our par ty towa rd th e the commiHee objflela t o tho er ron·
cn nd ld:ac:r of IA•'olle ll l•. Th l1 Que•· f'OUs at.llt ('m~ nt s In r csa rtl to tbe
s ti'U&IIt " maJn!fln ed the Ttc:t.ory
or tbe prole tarla n r eTolutloa qaJa1t
a ll Ita e ne mlea. Ia Fe bruai'J', U%f,
Comr2de Pepper proposed that he
write a n a rtlc:le for the March Llb-
:o:!~~~!~ee ~:·::kt~ :frl:;r;:~~~~ ~ ~':~ ~~:~~~:,~..~~ ~~~or~o: ~:0~~:
f'olle lt o u
a cand hl a te. In place or obJected.
In tbo central ezecutlTe
~~~dl':! ::: ;:~u~~~:·~~~~~ tt~~~lf!tb:~~ ~~:~~•e Pc~:::'n!o:: : ';~~~~
ere Part y In order to cA rry o n A t r uly I b:lnn e r or th " WnrkN " l':uty. And
::~~~~:::~••8101= 1 ~1 ~:n~:~P:\~
~~""' h;~ ll:<l·~,~:r~~~~t
IJe revenl t'rl.
endorse tbe Old Ou o.rd In th o Jtuaalao
t nrlmi l, thut wit h Cmnr udr •·oatrr. Communlat pa rl y," Comrade Foste r
:::t~~:: l ~n~- 1.~~ ::~iu':nlt~:e:!:c~~; : ;~ t =o:; ~~~ ~~~:~ ~:.:peril• ru·e:~~ , tnur;hc I rn~td e th o 11rror . co rrcc l t~l by the 1u bmiUed the t ollowlntp; ameodm eat :
1::. .
------ - -- - - ---------------1;:~.~;·~: 1:all!0:~:nth\1;dn~l~ rt;'atl~::~ :~r:..;'f:t:! :"~~~=t ::.~aell~0=
~:~~t~~!t !:~::~~;~~/::!~~d:~ ~~ ~ c:~a~~aid:=:~T:'co~m7:!~n:~
IA~ol!l~~=~e:~~ ~::::~t ~~~atac:t!e:~ ~e~~~::'e t!a~.'~.~~ a;:,,~!~~ 0°';:
of JUc:b a e.aodkl acy &Iter a
ulaat It had beea la.t in on!u
not t •e parate ouraehn from the
tarme -labor muau aad th e propoap.l
of Com ad e Fotte r that •· we 1baU support the no mina tion or Ld"ollette" 1n
lhf! fo rme r-la bor con fe re nce.
It ta c ertaln lt un nKeuarr to u k_
th o qu e• tlon wh ich att itud e r e preIICnt ed " Fa rm fl Commu nism!"
Loreltm .
Fact num be r threo h" ll to do wiU1
Lorcl~m . Th o th .,.~" of t ho m njorlt y
nf the cent ra l eaocutlvo coru mlttee IE
'·e ry a.:creuh e In Ht a lt :t('k o r t...ort'Is m nnd tht• Two ~tnd a ll:IIC l nt~>r·
natio na l tende ncy. On{' ml,;ht wu1i1
tha t the ume c~ nt roa l Cll e<:utlt'c con1 mltt ll!'f' mnJor ltr haa ~en u a,;r; r~•·
fll .-e In lu actio n a .: :.l n ~t l..oreb m In
o ur pa rt y. l'nto rtun ll t••lr rnr ou r p.u t:r
It<! :a'~"n ;"ul h:u l d'" " f'lopcd me rely !l pr.-....puty conven tio n • on bf'fore the mPmbt•rwhlp. In practice
It h:u bP<'n th e protuctor of Lo r e
ll J:~ In 8 t th•J f' n-or 111 nf the mino rit y to
hrln.: th(' l.or e lettdunc y lpto Uw lh:ht
11 1 1 1
Canann ~~:roup. It has not C" DI )' re. e r ·lahnr
fl ll rt y
l'"nt~ l •• r- C.:n nn n n c-l'lttrnl c s cc utlvc l'ommlltco at tt 11
malnett In thu mla tlll of t his ~;rou p, drcanu•. lh nt "''" mu s t un ht:J~iln t i n~l y m•·•·tln,; on Ma rcrt 18, 192-i . Com rad e
but It b llJI man lfc st('d 11 81'! 11 u.:Ain :an•l M•nlnc:~ tl~·· rnrm,•r ·labo r pa rtr . It h1 Lo re hnd -.·rh l<'n h b .-..t llorhtl on th e
aca tn In conc re to prut'IOU !I!I and In not hnrd tu tl•·cld l• wh ich uf thefllr t•·o t-~ lf t h Ann iYNrtt&r)' or th a Cotnmuol at Inret."ul to a d opt o th,.r pro oosa ll .
vl,. wpol nl t up reut'tl wha l '" lnrlud - tern a tlon:• l. In whl l' h the pollc:les "0 t
Th,. mino r ity of th,. c:t'ntnll es ecu- ec1 In lhc ne w rplltl<"t. •· ..·a rm•· r-l..!lbo r the Co mrnunl at In ternationa l were
tJ y com m l tt~ In th is discu ~sion d oes I Communl !lm."
ll was cerul:::t ly ne-t m b r rpr..-.c ntt!d.
I mO W' f"d at that
a.ot hDYa t o r"IOrt to r plth ct.s :~.nd th :a t of t he 11r'"""" t mino r ity of th~ mcctln~: : ..Th~ t 1he Cf' executhe
n am~calll n c•
T h" rf' Is ao much m:~ - rrntr:l l ,.,;,•rutl.-r Nlm611tt~e. •·hlch In ("om rnlttce lat uft a atatemcnt corrl"tt·
t c rl ~ l lil t hand to thnw the lack of f' tff'c t d cod:u~l : H ,...., ca n tl1ru :his an.:: Com ra de Lo rll!·a f'd lt orl a l on the
__ : y Commu ni!l t lnte rnatlnnal and h is
Commu nlat 1!1~ 1tr . th ~>l r t:<".ilta tion.!l s itu a tion built.! t he Wo rkN
and Yactllatl on• In relation to the Int o :\ m utl t 'nrnmun •$1 p.trty _:
st:ttrment• rc.> s:;a rdlntc Zlool'IC.\':• Compu u ult of t ru ly Hnl•he,.lt policy, th :lt hund red th nu•an1l •o r krr!l, we 'Ill' ill radc P~:ppe r omt'ntlcd: '"Th a t ,.,•.,
n a me-c:a llln ~~ts • n•l •·pltlt c.>ts wnu ld o nly fo llo w t ho P'l lky ... hlch will br ing C~'n surr c·omr:uJe Loro a.nd ls! ue a
w ~n k e n the d amnln~ e wldc ncc In a th at rctu ll nnd tmy •• to twll '1\· lth )"OUr s ta tem\·nt."
reclla tlnn of tlw r:1 hi.
I' ati-Prnhrad rJJ:: furmt•r-labor fl ~t t lr . "
A IUib-<'omm lll ('l' cont~l s tln " of FosAtti t ude To w;~rd t l'le Farm~ r- L abo r
T h ~ Ca nd idacy of LaFolle tte.
lt•r. llltt••lm :111 a nd ll uth••nher,; •- a~
Campa lgn.
f"ac t munbt- r l"'- fl, whldt 1h1• t'••n lr a l •·h•c lt •tl In hrln ,.;: In n ll t at~J ntt •n t nn
T aeeau that we ha'f'e come qu lc~J
to that
at.aa: e Ia ....t'he
dlacu lllon In whic h e pithet• and
name-u.UIDI It to bf! 1u batltat.ed for
a,.um e nta on tb e basi• of Jrlncl~l r>ll
and facta. In two ar tlcl~s. one by
Comrade Poater And o ne br Comrade
CaDaoa, tbe Muxla n ~rrouo In our
part)', wblc h wl fl hes to co ntinue to
base the JM)IIc le 11 nnd tActlca o r our
party upon a n avpll ea tl o n or Ma n:l am
to Ut e «onom lc: And lK>IItiCD.I lif e o r
tbla countrJ - ID whlcb wo m :~.d e ou r
betlnnln.: unde r the lo ftu e nce o r
Co mnade P~ppcr - Ia branded a.s
- Fa.rmu-Labor Co mmunlstJi."
Tb ru wl a~~; 1 tones. wh ~o one Is IIYln,; to a ~:tau houa~. h:u ~a l ways ~n
r t'r::arded u a d a n.:c ro us business. and
In thl• lnt ta n c~> It Ia th e r;t.-u hou!W
or tbe 1-" •Ca nnon l(l;rou p wh ich
the ir 1tone thro wn Al the n1 lnn rlty ot
the ce ntra l e s ec: utl vu cvmmlttee l.s
brln1lnll about th eir r.a r11. If the re (~
any "1-'a rm c r·l..obor Cnmmunl~m" In
o"er the que<lllon nf nu r 3 trttud ~" 1nward farm e r-la bor party,
ft r.t Q.l)pemre1l In t ht! crn trnl c c utiY e com mitt ee ln 1\ us:; l' t, t!l:!l .t .Tbe
1-" ot te r-CQ.nnon ttroup w a11 0 ppn
the OrJ;Ilnlz.atlon of t he fl'fl rate-d
farmer-labor p:•riY- It wq AAaln s t
the Wor ken Pn~t y fnllowl n ~ up lho
Tlc: tory w hlt h It hnd won r~t the Ju h·
3, 19:!:1, fn rml' r-lllhor convontlon. It
w11s for a n :a ll-t: mhrncl ns:; . all-lnclullllve
Ca r mP r-tabor pa r ty n.nd ag:aln!l t tb e
or~:tLnllAtlnn of U1c l••rt • ·lnJ: -.·bleb
had come und f' r th l! lnnu enc" of ou r
party. Th la a tthurl~>. which ,.,... " tmk'd
on the concep tion th a t th" 0 n::,.o l·
za t lon of lln :.11 ar:: ra rm e r tabor put y. wu " ,; oa t In u se H and
re pudllll t..-d l ht~ Yl,.wpol nt th :H the
f;,.rmu-labnr cam p;th:;:n w"., a rnan~u·
<t t- r
fo r bulldln.: . at r~>n.: t h,.nl n ,; Ant!
e-A t:abii Mhl n« t ht• l ,.adc r:~~hlp of th ~
\\'a rlc e u l'M\Y - In conc r aJC l t n this
the p.,p()(•r ·Uuth ,.n t.... r.: ~~; rnuo tl .. cJa red In th e ,\u J;ust , t:." _ tll••!d:t th a t
when th e lnlt•r*'" n th~> \\"ork r rl'
~~~l~rl::a~~Y u:~~ ~~.,"m:,'.~r~~'~~lt~~~ ;~~~:~: ~; r~;,.,~~~~;;,: tt~ 11 ::_~ ~~~~!~'~~~~~(' f 1~~~~ ;'h;~~~~·,,.:~t !nr~7~~~ ~~~ ;~,.~:ro~:rtt:;
mertta ot the coatro•en:r. The cea,.
tnJ utc:otln committee wW print
Ia Uae p&rtJ papers all""d0C11.1DenU
bouiD..& oa th d ebate aad will eo·
courace the memben to 1tad7 the m
and. to dl.acua t.he QuesUon la
party pape:n. The cenCral executtYe
commltteo will conde mn any attempt
to ma lr:o a ractloa a l luu e or the
matter Ia t.b e Am ar1c.o.n PArty."
Some woolu la tor. In r opiJ to aa
3 ppcal from tbe repreaentuth e or our
partJ In M o•~o w, thal wo 1ead a
cable~m to th e cooYcnll on of tbe
nus•la.n Communl•t p:artr e nd orslap;
~ h~ poaltfon of th e Old Guard Boll:bod ka, I ten t 1ucb a cable o n m.r ow-n
:-espons lbllhJ, th e re bela,; no oppor ·
unltJ to con t ul t the ce ntral e.ncu.h e oommlttee. It woa not oatil
Comrade FM ter'a r e turn from ~foscow
tha t the majo r ity of th e ce at nl e x·
ecuUYe commi ttee co n a~ nted to tho
adoption or a reaoluU on omc:lall:r
puttln~: the varty on r ecord to r the
Old Gu a rd DolahoYik a.
f.:vlden tl:r
~~c~:~~lltot~:r -C~~m!l~al:~~ at::~~~
tlona l did not look with favor on
pa rt ies which r c tun'fl to tnko a pos t·
tlon o n a uc.h • Yltnl quc• tl on :LIS tho
co nt rove rsy In th o Ru ulao Commuo·
li t p.:u ty.
Who Are th e Farmer-L~bor
Commu nlet1?
On th e baa la of th lll record we hurl
b:le.k Into t he Iee th of t he Foat~ r­
C:lnnon !I;TOU P tho e pllbot. ••f"armerLabor ComtnuaiJ t." Let the l"OiterCannon .croup stand up ~ tore the
p;uty :lad tr.r to e :.:pblo thla eon"Is te nt rctuaa l to follow n Dolabe 'Yik
policy Ba abown by t his r eco rd of
f3ct . Epltheta di rected ugo.lost t he
,Krou p In tho prartJ w hlc:b haa con·
!" ls tently fou,; ht n~:tln ~t t th e ir Y:tcUl:lllnns a nti ro mprlmiiiCII wh e n fncod
by~·riN~~~~\,r fuj.~ ·~·.',',~~::l'l"h.?;nltr~:r~ ~:e~~~~~:-~rcu;:n\\'.',~tJt•1t1t1/~~:·.~~~~· ;.::~;::~t;~ ~~,;~~ u1r~11:·;~:.h::: ltRr:~:~~(~ ."~:~~·~~·~;n~~!~~~ ;;;~1;lk;\ ~~~."t!~~l ~:lt fo:!~::n~p" th~~~
l..:l bor Comnwui Mn" ht the d t,·islon l..abor Commu nla ln ," h :~..~ to tl o with a n• l Jl ltte lu wn hr lu,.;: ln,; In a JtrOt)O!ittl (:acht from l hu record.
.The Discussion on
ll.0:\1 numerou A nrtl cl e:~ . and al:lto.
me nta, pubtt 1 hc 11 tn the DAILY
"'OitKER du.rln&: the Ju t fe w wecb.
tt Ia CYid e nt tha t our Jead tnblp,
that directed th e rece nt p:lrt y ca m·
pal1 na 10 s pl endidly, Is b4>ctnnioc to
break down. The ftnt alcoa or weak·
lac we re diJ:plared br Comrade Dlt·
t.elman Ia. bU artJcle : .. Prtpa.ria.c fer
lbo Com lac Stracclu" (Oet. !5) .
Rtcardla& or tbe pnrmJalDc h~
Uae, the art.Jde btt:raTJ. a marked tea·
dtDtY to PAJI'&I'O u Cor Dolhl- elM
but for aba.a.doameat of oa:r Ualtl!fd
hoat policy oa. the poUUcal field.
Here are a few uaea to lllutrat. flow
rldiCQioulT 1lmple the lt.niRfe
appean t• be to oar Comrade Bittel·
''The m.uaes will be dri'feo to ftabt
• • • • TbeJ 11111 create, u noc:c&.. r 7 , their own orcau of struu·le and
will oro«ect to deCead tbemtelTee . .
• . Whit wUJ be the tasks or the
Work era Partyt- To usume leade r·
ahlp pf tbeto 1trucslew . . • ...
In olfl e r words : le)tbe mllnt'S 1tart
to tt1ht and create th lr own ors:us ot
lltruccl e. Thea we
of coune . or
rourae, wUI a.ts ame the Jea denblp,
Th o troubl e wllh tbb rormula 111
tha t t he one who walla for aomebod r
e lae to t ta.rt aomethlag hu a poor
cha neo to becom~ the Judtr oC t he
affai r . . . . '\\"'b at put we will
be shle to pbr In tbe s tran lea of the
muse• tomorrow depen d• a ~rr eat
du l on what we are dolnc today.
Glvlnt up the Lu.dtrthlp
On Now. 7 the C. E. C. pa bl ll bed a
atate ment oa electJon r eaulll. •·rom
thiS It wu not qtrlte d eu whethe r
d hl:conUnuatloo oC our (ann c r·lllbor
pnrty poU ey • ·u m t:rt ly su~~u t e1J or
dennltelr ord ~:~ red. A few da. y1 la ter
" l tAt cment luucd by the Nntionn.l
Committee or tho Trade Union Hdue&·
ti Onlll IA'acao comple tC!IY dlapencd
th e unce rt a inty a nd went ~Yen tn
tho mot t extrem e li mit. A complete
elltnct wu maJota.Ja ed on one of th o
blu eat proble m• th a t tacea All labor
unl oa t a ad all la bor c.ooYeatloa a :
tht question of po lit ical utlon.
Thla que1 tlon baa been ~Uit'd at
£1 Puo ucordlnc to Gom ~ra·a
wl•h et , but tbla d~a .ot mea.a that
It will oot eome ap before U.. )OcaJ
UDIOD..I :t«aiD &Jid &.calD. What &hall
tbe ""LeU Wi ns'" dot
Tbe N. c. of
T . 0 . E. L. ftads It connnleot to lc·
aore lbl1 quea t.Joo. Tbls mnaa but
one tbln~t : They u e chloe ap the
Jeadt nhlp.
The a e w T. U. E. L. pro(tTam hu
ple nty of de mands all the w&r dow.a
C. ..::. C. m,.mha ra mu11t ftbld e by the
fo ll o w l n~t llolall c vlk rules :
J. When l l d l"cuaslon lfl not open
In lh o p:uty prt'u, It Ia nu t ope n fo r
all me mberw.
': . DIJicuu lona t h11 precede dcclalooa.
3. A co ntro nH-.1 ~ 1 Qu eaUon or pol·
lcr, dlrectlr or Indirectl y se uled by
the conTontlon. shall remain In tft'tct
~ntll the nut convtntJon
othe rwise ruled tty lhe C. l or a apec:lal permlu loa to make a cha.D.ce Ia
obtalaed from the 0. L)
4. Jull becaaM a 4iecuuloD peJ1od
t1 opea (or Uo•t to M ope:ae4) t.hat
dou not 11Te the C. &. C. or uy mem·
bf! r 11. ricbt to ~ or &Jill'&). aDT
1ecUon or our itorran1 or c:outJtutloa . OWinr a dlteuntoa pertod . new
pollclea ontJ mar be p.ropoMd. but
not alreadr fo~•4 Into
Dluc urd or tbue rule. can oa1y
dlmiDiab the pretllco of lhoto who do
It, cause unduo frteUon tmtrywhere.
break down leadenblp &Dd dllclplla e.
and briD« the party a IT'Ut Jaann.
BJIIhtvlt.atlon Needed
1 hue 'bcroro me th e mlaatoa of a
D. C. meeUnr. Th ~ ndle&t e In wh AI
ooafa slon th e pa.r tr hu been thro wn
thru the Jot e.l l lll cont lde red dedan.·
Lion a. The memben aee tba t oor
procDm 11 bel ac bu Uiy discarded M·
rare tbe Con ve ntion m ~e u . T hey
proteat. At the u me tlme It 11 e TI·
de nt th a t tber arc not 1are whlc.b pol·
Icy I• r e<1.1ly In e rr~c l no w : the ou e
prdc:rlbed by the t.. t conYe ntlon and
ncorpora te1l In ou r prO£rolm, or t bc
one Initia ted by Ul e c. E. c . tbru t t.
··• tate me nt• ...
T ho C. F:. c . 111 our aaprcme bod y
bc tweo n th o pnrt y co nnatloa1. Bu1
It c:tnnot tlllne.;~ nl or o\'e rrnle a.n y
ded lllon& or th e con Tc nllous . All at·
tempt• to tho contrn.ry a ro bound to
break down th f) dl aclpllno of lbe J:l3rt)'.
A Atrlet ~1 11c lpltn o can lMl main·
ta tned onl y If our l eo dla~ bodies
altlu to eatablbh uncondltion•l conftdence of th e mombcrthlp. And no
lu dlnr body can e•l.bllsh aucb con·
ftd tnce by sb ut lnr; tb etr authority.
Yea, le t ua Dolt he TI &e tb e party. Aad
let ua oot oT erloolr. tho anfortuna
fact tha t Bo1aboTi&.atlon U ~:~eedt'd t
tbe top aa we ll u on tlae bottom.
A Clun-Cut OederatiOft, Vcnu
a M l~trabll Muddll
Th e party procram &tTea the ro o.-.
lnr reuou wby we aboctld rlu tt. e
n e rr e trort to buteo the tormf. tfoa
oC a labor party :
-rh e m l ~:.htr ce atra llutlon oC power
oC th e Jo-rercm e nt ot th e Un it ed
Statea. which wu brou ~ht :.bout b)'
a tt ~ m p lin &
to furm n mua fann er· c h~~on&ed, must prou thAt tbe)' ha"
la bor party of ,.."' lch th o Worken Par· been delrtment.lll to tbe Comma.alal
ty would bo n pnrt, Ia not nd~t. ptnblt mo.-emeat or at leut hue had no
:o tbe pruac nt pe r iod."
nluo at all. Ena tboao tbat . W&Dl
Now, le t U!'l compuro nnd a nalno tb o to discard our farmer-labor policy
l\\'O dechltntl on•:
have 'continually claJmed that the poiT he C. E . C. d oe~ not snr that th ey Icy Is moll aqcce11fal. Just before lho
oppose n forma tion of a fnrtne r·h•bor c leclloa ea.m palp the C. E. C. 1...
p!lTlf. T he r onlr dccl:u o that s uch at· sued. a procram on .. Our Immediate
temp Ls a ro ·•not " adapta ble to lbe" Work." The followtna U quoted Corm
present pe riod." It follows that lber tbla excellent pa.mpb]et:
are for It In pNnc l pl~, but &IJ iaat ll
.. We ban duri.a.c tbU eampa.l&:a ad·
In pra ctice. And thla 11 a •len oC o~ 'faDCed c:aaue of IAdepeDdeot work·
portaa iJ:m.
lac c:la.a acUoD and JD&de the farmer·
Oar procnm declare• tor- labor putr aa t.ue Ia \be Amet1c:aa
marion of a labor partr IS belal made labor moncea.L We can alJo NT.
pouible beeaaM o( a complete ct~ wtlhout .daa.a:er of the ltateaeat beta&
tralluUon of poMr of ccnenuaut t• challenpd; tkat oa.r p&rtf ba4 ID&de
to th e h&ncll of c:apltaU1t da.u. and lH llfH,lHt p1u for 1LMlt throqb.
the rtlenU... .... - or that powar U.ta eamD&J.n· tor tho labor" party. Jt
a&alalt the wor11:tac "dau, OD ODe llde. lt thru Ut.b i'atmer-labor party c&m.
a.Dd beeaaM or the ' ' " ' " ' unlfM"ft''lty that Our party b.u MtaWid.ect
oC tbe wor"nr clau (ltwllr waan, ltMif u a political force~ lD Use UD.It.e4
condition• of lhl:pc, mlaerlu, oppor- Stat.,. It ta tbru t.b.ta ea.aipt.JcD U..t
tullltlea aad lnter.. t.a)., oa the other It bu •t&b1112ted 11.1 or•Uce aad tt.
aid~ .
leaderablp a.moac the muaee of work·
Tho C. E. c.. ~n tho contrary, doet ei. ed f&n:Detl.
Notblac bu COD·
not toucb the rundam eatal eondltlont lrtbuted 10 much to donlop our partJ
(which by tho Wily , e lee\fDnt ~ CAD· from a sect.arlan &TOGP to a ntcocaldd.
not destroy) . They tell u• th•t tho polltleal force ID the Ute ot the l&bor
de mons trated weakne u ·or tbo lA· movement of tbl1 COOAtry the our
F'olle tto monm eat ma ltu a r ea e ral au.n eann lo relation to the' fanncr! «'ltatlon ampalrn tor a fa rmer-labor labor p&rtJ."
j"'::l.r t y uaprotH.abl e.
Th e r talk u IC
Th ere can be DO doubt Olat ~o
tbe pa.rtr bad or wu r endr \O buo abon Ia abaoluteJy true. But In Tlew
its polici es on c.h anctar 1entlm tm ll oC ot tbl1 1tate ment It Ia lmpou lble to
::a lddle cla.u, la a t~d of oa 1o1id ~COD· upWa the aeuet twlat of mlod that
om lc a.nd politi cal rou ndatlona. D&o bu caased the maJorflT oL.ttre C. · E.
"ldt'a, t bey com ple tely n e rloot the C. now to insinuate to the cont.rvy.
f:~c t that our ~ s.c~tc n tor a farm er · Are they auJrertnc
ff'Om clt'Ctton
b bor pa rty. and ou r e l ~~tlo n cam pa la: n aback!
It be pllea oC leafte ts, I be tbooM.»d t of
A Promise of a _}leaf Uader
mee Uas~l drs troy d the LaFoll ette
ln ~e same pamphlet tbe C. E. C.
Ill us ion Ia the mlnd11 or ma.ues oC un~nlmoualy · dec.iaret u follows :
YO tcnJ a nd the y atayed " way rrom the
"Tbe eampa.l rn ror a Canner-labor
polla. T his 11 IDdl utett br th o elec.- party li'U a eorrec:t eltlmatloa or tho
tlon n ~:urcs . In s plto of th o fact tbllt altuatlon to the United States. It 4•
a. l1 c.aplt:tii!Jt preu mado tho ~reatoat clare• r·u rtbe r that tho Comp:LI&n for
pou lhlu drive ror A bllt TOto, only tho Conne r-la bor p;arty muat ~ COD·
30 m ill ion or GO mi lli on vota rt (C ~:~ n- Uaued aod 111'111 bo a major camp&
BUI Uureau el tlm a lo ) look ll part In or the party. Ia the Cotare."
tbc e lection" , wbll o In 191G moro tha.n
This d~lar.~.Uoa ln direct coaror·
70 J)(! r ce nt Toted .
miLT wlt!J our procram, lntplred eom•
Tbe e lec tion t tat ~ m e nl 11)'1 that rad e• e•erywb ere Cor uadl'f'tded eup.
tb e de mon stra ted weakne u or tho port of the p:1.r ty work. Now It• beD·
LA~oll cue moYe me nt comple teiJ e11m· e~clal etree:t 11 belac marred by the
laa tes the lmmed l•t• poulbllty of the Te ry comrade• wbo 'fol uoteere4 to
rowth of a mau farme:,..labor puty. ma.Ir.e thli worthr 4eclaratloo ODI7 two
S post~ L&Folle u e moYe me nt wu up mootba &&O.
J do not wa.a t to be
1 .. p,..e l«:tloo ea thn.a tet..._ mean , but tbe que&t.Joa preuea ltNlf :
Wou l that be · a aure barom eter for Do tbe1 reallr hue thdr declaratloa
~nd ~ a
tha t Lbere IJI enou &b preuure aad promise oo the llhu!oo that aU
behi nd
e .. im me-diate poaalbiUty of -.,p~leetJOD '\stimatet."
thfl c ro
.. of the kind or a Carme r· 1treact.b of LaFollette wlll ttlnl " '
la bor part7 that our pros ram st.aod t.o be COIT'Ktf
fOr !
The P~rty Progr1m Ml•rtpreunttd
The chance o! our tanJer-Jabor pol·
O~!tld~• a baurdl :tu. th e pan«raph ley h1A been bu been 1oltl.at6d. es·
1uoted from tho elett lo n •tate me nt tremely untactCuJir. and aueb motboda
llhlo t onta lns a co ntlern nn blo mls· l hDli ne Ter scaJo ba repeated br &AT
::~~~~ :~·:~t~~o;u o~~;'~'~:~lll~::. ~•~h~~ or~::~::; ~~~c ~~~~~~~~ ~o::e:~=~~~l!n e~~e~~ln~:u~~ ~~~«~~~~ raric~~l1!t:,}•~~ ~y<i~r ~t!::!':~bt
It c ntl oTe rlookt tho arutttt need omle crl11 e11, IIH'IIu' tt neconary for th (' ,t bout "" "' lmme,ll:tl o poulbllltr" or cannot do away wltll any partf pol·
ot th o "'·orltln« cla1us of U1ta couatrr : work_.. t.o dorenrt lh e m11clns poltt· t ho ,;.rowth or a mtt"" rttrrnc r·labo r Icy, e:rprculy de nned and Mdopted br
the necu111ty of a poiJUc.aJ Nt-rtr.
Tho C. E. C. olectlon s tatem ent ot
leut I'I AYIIJ lbl\t the Worlte ra Pa. rty it·
telf n1 ul'l t bo built up. Th e T . U. F; .
L. deda ratloa K:he& np even this
poi nt. and doel'l bot ~• e n me ntion th ,.
Commu nis t mo ,.~ m e nt. aa It th i• wa•
or a o cO ncern At a ll to t he ""Left W1 c~
of the La bor Moveme nt !""..
ll ce rta inly m u1t b!lTe bl~ n som ,..
aHoce the r lmms,;l n::ary arndlcalhulc
le tt winK th a t tho&e who are re-1pon-
IeaHy. Th o c fllt.n~; o In the w ar;~• or
th e •kill ed a.nd u n~~ kUi cd wor k(l r & bne
bro u~; ht th ~ m n e:t r~ r to th o Mnte con.
dltlon11 or lifo. t h,. tnkln~ :. w:. y of th e
prlvll f"Cf"ll of tho ··art atocrn cy "" of lnbor
by the cap ll olh' t powu. tb ~ us lrnllatlon nt t he rort'l~ n born, t he orr;!l :J I·
uHo n of th tt .1 lh: a workc n u mill·
tan t tr::arle uaio nl•t•. ha v ~ ror the fi r s t
Um l! In th,. hl• tory of
e Amertcan
Ju.bor mo\'t!men t pr uced a uniformll y of t11e ••o r lr. tn~; clau which m.t. t es
pa rt y. Wh11t tho J•roJ; raru Anys I•
o. baolu !i•ly hf'YtUHI nny po 111 lhll ity or
sne h a n oppor 1unl 11tlc ln tcr pH•t:a llon.
T he pr n~o:Mlm l":t)"l l hnr w ,.,.,, not
lfi:"D Ore th e nlrt•tuly t•\"hft•nl DPll on·
c:omin ~; trentl for n forrn a tlf'lD or a
fnrnlc r·lo.bor P!lrtr . and t hat It 1.1 ou r
duty to ~~ee tha t a c lu1 fa.rm e r-labor
p:~r t y, of wh ic h we aTf! a p:t r t. retult a
fro::n t he f:um r r·IAbor movrm c nL ,T be
pro,;ram declar t• t hat :
'" A rea l l ~bo r pa r ty csanol be
:o~ conYe ntton. Any a tte mpt to the COD·
tra ry Is bound to throw th o party tu
a coafu!ton . 'Ve &ha ll 11rtn to avoid
:t rl"'reUUon or ony t uch ~mpt In tho
T he chance" 11.0 fa r tu~kuted are
biUit'd on a complete iknoraneo or a
wild m ls un dentandl nr; or the party
pro,n m. Com rade Bl tte lman n.nd tb o
majorlt:y members Dr th e C. E. c. mar
do a Y<1.1a;a.b1c aenlce to the party a oqu2la tlag th em~e!Yu more carefultj
A Dol•hevlk 'Method-Only Up-Side
• Down
On NoT. l&tb the C. E. C. a.anou a ced
th • t preeooTe atloa d l~cuu l oa s on
pa rty problem.l'l In the pa rty pre u will
be pc rmttt ~d afte r NoY. %!': nrt. Yet .
C6mrnde Ultte tm a n w.lll a llowed to
dfarccnr d t ho p:utr pro!;TUm on Oct.
Zf'.i th , nnd DK"aln m l•.re pre&t'nt nnd
knock It on Nov. 15\b. Tb o dftcu"·
aton e on changu 11'1 the par-ty program
nro open onl y el aco Nov. !! %n d. ye t,
an Important section of the prog r~m
h.u a lrudy been dl1eardcd s ince NoT·
7th. T bl1 co n s tlt u t ~s a direc t vlol11·
tlon of oar eonatl tutJon and t he met·
hod• or procedure prescribed by tb
theses of lbo Tbl td Congress ot th t>
Communl• t lnt e r n.atlonaJ . E n n our
the orurlutloa of tL l2bor
And the C. P.. C. In th e ele<:tlon
•tate me nt ''"'"S t ho followfax r~a son!l
why •·e •hou lol IJC ft orc t he fa r mer-lAbor
pa rt y ntO Vf!me nt :
"T ho tl c monatr:tted Wt':lkne u of th e'olll'! tt o movement. a" com pa red to
t he prf'•«)lec lln!l t11lln~:•~" or tLII Bide!,
no t onl y •c rl ouMiy rc tnrtJa th e de velopntnnt of lh•J so ea ll ctl ' tttl n l pnrty.' but
"1 110 compl otc r.t ~ llrnin:llca hnm ed·
l:t t•.1 pou lhllll )' of th o p-owtb or a
rn~uca f3rrnf' r·lnbor pa rt y of t nd u ~ t rla l
• ·or ke ra anft poor fnrm t'u. dla tlnc t
fr ont the Work crB f'll r tr. A ~ ~ o c tal
:ll:tlatlon c.:unpa l,; n br the \\"ork t'rs
J>.:a r tr umiN t hr 1lo,;·a n of 'Por o. l fus
F·:~rme r· LAbor P:l r tr.' • ·ould not
proll tsbl t' or IIIUC't:euful.
Th t- pollcr
or applying tbt' unlt od front ts ~tlc b,·
ten::an t farmcn IU:I i.l f:tr m l.1borers
mus t be Included . T he Worlt\! r• P a rty wil l dl rtct Ita prop:1~nd a Dnd Cff ·
ue::u loa.s. l •·ork to th e eatl o f n ro u! ln ~
a mau sentlmf'nt of t he ltL bor p:1rty In
tho labor un io n" 10 securo Lbo form a·
lion or su1·h n. po rty.''
Thl11 parn~rn11 h ou~ ht to convince
enn -tho mn" t II U ~t pccllve OP IH>M nt a
tha t no hnmodlnto for m:t tl on ot n
ma11a f:trmc r-lu. bor pa rty ta nell hcr e x·
pett ed nor r ecomruea dcd. Uow And
bt whom thl' nl f'U 1\bout n. n lrnm ('tl·
i:1te poulb ll lty or o rn11s1 rur mc r-l:abor
P3rlY b tu~ tw••n Inve nt ed , ou r progr:uu
fs no t rf'!ponal lllc.
F j~c h Abc ut Our F..,m er- l • bor P.arly
WboeT r wa.uta our pollclea- to bo
tc r n:u loa a.l .
Th !!r e can be a o ulk of butldl nc ;
of th e Workers Put y If we will reru
to be with t he m:1 ues ~a the po1lUea
M well u on the econom ic ft e hl. Our
p ro~ra m m ~ets the r equire me nt• and
&hall. In ceae r nl. r emo.l o In e trcc t for
tho next yea r.
"It 11 easy, but not fruitful , to kee p
on vreDehlng on th o ,_e nl' rnl princ ipl e•
of t.'o mmun ls m, a nd the n full Int o t ho
n t' ,;:~ t lve• ott ltutlc or common. plato
s yndicali s m •·ben tncCd • ·tth concre to
quf'stlonA. Such prnc tl ccs on ly play
Into the h:1odt or the Yt:llow Ams t er·
dn m J ol e rn~:ttl o n:tl .''
Th b from the Th uca or
the Tblrd Con:: rc:u of t ho Communis t
(Continu ed on P'q o S.)
:!:~:~:~t t~:,.:~~!v~ 0 TOt~~· n~~d; :;:;~.~"
~~"::1u7l~::u~fth:. ~~~:dunl~:;:~~~ :~~h tboeurT::.~:r:~ lb~D~0=~~t~~~~~::
Lore and the Cornintern
or tho proletariat and u a
comrad e of long s ta nd lnlt In tbo 1:~.bor
mo,.cment. H ad tbe E . c. doubtc'l
hi• Gornmuolam. ho would not h4 \'c
been totern.tetl In the folc ro:.tlonal.
Uut lhe B:recutiYo Committee aald .
there Is a c:crtnln brand or Commu·
nlsm, a ce rtain t onde ncr Ia. the Com·
munl1t mowemc n t wbleb Ia kDoWD 3.S
opportunist or centrist. a tendcDCY
whleh. wbllo acccpUn,:; U.e proV"&lD
aDd the l4ctlca l tine of tM Commoftll t
latemaUonal, hu not r et rdi.Dqalthed
rrom Ita r:nlod the tmace of another
orcutulloa where dhtclptlne 1.1 less
x:actlnc. the re •olutlooa ry Uaee a.rl'!
len tl1~t11 drawa &Dd the ft,hl
~p la•t the aoc.lallwt reformen la lett
auere. Tbl1 te nde.Dcy Ia I• a COD·
atant eo•ert or o•e.rt oppotltleR to the
Commaalat Jnterna.Uoaal: It Is au ..
pldovt of the declaloa.. &Dd pollcfe•
of the Commturt.c._. lntenuUoaaJ : It
chafe• aader tho rule ot lnte.rnal.Jona.l
d isciplin e, a.nd It e:rpecllt evil r_rom
what It te rms the " lne k or reapon• l·
bUHr" on tho p;Jrt of "Mot en.-." To
out It In hrli?t~Thls te ntlc ner Ia n~ a lnat
tbo Dolahevlk ch.araeter or the C. I .
" uch to ad eney, tho IO:xocutlYe Commit·
!<..'(I auld, 111 ULJrcnctl :
•· In Comrade lore's support of
Moacow DeclstO~Accuaatlona
Against Comrade Lore-The
Serrati Cue-Serrati arwt
Paul t..evl.
lD tho lboacs of the Comlatom on
the American situation and tho l&akl
of the Commuatat Party la Ame rl
the re la C'ODt&Jned the follow1aa: para·
eraph :
·· the Executive Committee of the
Comm\lnlst lnternaUonal calfs the
att•ntlon of the C. E. C. alao to the
da,..roua tartdenciu eltn.allu4 by
the arflcln of Comrade Lore and
•~~~"~• of Mt foil~,.. wtlo, In their
eatlft'l atlon of the proble:Me of the
Comm~mlat fnternatiOftal. l.n tttelr
eltl"'atlon of the labor gonrrtment
Of England a.nd of the eventa In
G«rmany, are manlfeatJ"9 remnan\8:
ef vi--. of the Two-a.ncf.+.Halt lnt..r.
:t~.:'\.Jti!~:i ~mc~~~~~g~~'?t
tYCh a t..ndency."
AI one or tboeo prNeot a t the dla·
CUHIODI Of the ..ExCcUti1'0 Comml ltee
ol 0., C. I. ()D Am er~ca.n que stion.
lbe wrltor deems It blt duty to a:l•o
AD account or
the ctrcumlt!Uicea
whorc(o tbe declJlloo ~aec.rnln' tom·
r ade Loro wu ado ell and of Lbe
mcaa lns of that d n.
At the meetln~; ~t of J.~. C. C. 1.,
wher e the AmeriC<~.n p roble m wu d is·
.~=uued . th,.r e we re
tbree de lr ga t
frnm the U. S . t"t'PTesent iag three t1!f
ferf"Dt ~ t.a or rle w o n the Amrrlc:•r
J ltuatlnn. Tbe m r mben of the t~("CU·
ll•e Com mittee alao beld n .:ryhu:
ahade1 of opin ion cooc~r-ola~ the
Amer ican p:utr. Dp! wbf1e the d l&
cuaalon wu etle ndr d and Ye ry a.n l·
mated, ll!h lle the club of tentle ncl •
wu a t lime• q u ite lh&r"Jt, eapeclally
amoaa: tbo American de:lrples. lbe re
wu unoanlmltr In the ~Uitudo t.o warda tho tendency whkh maku It·
self manifest In the wrlllnu of Corn·
rade Lore. After more than throe
woek•' dl...:uuloa, the American com·
mt... lon appolnlod by the Executln
'Cotnmlltce of t.'le Commu.nlat Intern•·
tlooaJ adoptod h a general bula for
Ita dc clslona lbo memorandum on the
Am.erlc.n altuatloa and the oaULDe o r
tbe puty'a acU•Itlea to the future,
whleb were prurnled by Comrade
l'orater. (Tbere ,.,.u on1r Ofle aectlon
ta Comrade Fos t t r"a m e mOfUldDm
w1tb whleh the commlnlon d t..
Para.cnPh 1S of Comrade PosteTs
a.tUae read :
..,.he r ight wi"tt and o..,ortvnl.t
teftdeftClal of the Lor-e-Volkueltuno
group ahall be censured aftd co~
reeled by the Comlntern...
ODo ot tbe other two deleptea l"'& withdre w b it o•ra memorandum Ia fa•or of Com~e"111
( with the a bo•e ezcept:tna) , ADd u to
the tblrd delt-«ato who wu ·
tally oppoaed to Comrade Poster '•
memorandum ind outllee of acllTitle•
be wu plcued br the puqrapb
which propo.c<J the ol Cotn·
nde Lore.
Afte r
tnature deJiberutlon, tht·
American eomtnJuloa framed. and lhtP:I.ecutl•e Comm:lttee of tho ComruuDiat lntematloaal adopted, a policy
ud a plan of work for our partr. Thf'
theses on the Amerlca.u. s ltualloD we re
adopted by tbe Jt:tecatl\'e Cfrnmlttu
Uftanl'"ovaly. The eeDsurtoc of Com·
,...e Lore and the d ec.b.n.tloa of t he
lleeeulty to C&rT"J oa Ol1 ldl'!olo,leal
eamPt.lca anln5t the te nde ncy r~p
r.eated br Comrade Lore Is. thu.-. a
1UL&Dimou decl:tlon of tbe El:eeutln
Committee of the Commuabt lotema
Uooal. The d fX:Ialo a wu ado pted be-·
fore lhe Plflb CoD«Tt!U of tbe Co m·
muablt lnte maUonal. but ha•loc bl'!en
present at the aeulotu. or the ~o n
CTCtll :l.nd bcll ~ •leg t uadef'3tood 111,spirit of the o,.enrbe lmlnJ;" m 3 JM II '
o f the con,;re8.!1 d Pte,;::~ tc 3• t be wrlla r
11 quite ccrtnln that. aa. f:\r a.!J Com
rade Loro 18 co n cerned, the conJ:: ~'u
the hl«bef't ~0 \'ern ing body o r th!
Communla t ln tcrn"tlooal. wo uld tuav•
t ullr asreCJl' l"ltb tho E.s:ocuth·e Com·
Wha t. t he n, wr ro Lh e polo ll of ftC
t.allo n rt.~aln!lt Comrade LoN!!? J...r:
be un dentood from the very alAr'
that the F.. f". C. I. d id not ander e a
Umate Cnmr.adc Lore u a Commo n iA1
worke r. u a ma.n d e• oted to tbe cl::t;u
Se~~· 1:n•2';::~:cL~;;'~"~~~~~rt
p.,ul Levi aga inst the Comlntern:
e. In Comro~de Lore' s siding w ith
what he undentood to ~ the Tro ~·
aky policy •o•lnat the m.tjority of
t""• R'"u•s l,. .., r.: ~ ... -- ·• • 1 " ~ r'ar1y In the
diKuul on o f lut ~ar:
d . In Co m ro~ .: L. re'a
.;~t !l tude
w~rdt th~ Cerman rcv olut•on in the
fall er 1923:
e. In Comrade Lor~·• utlm atlon
of what the Col""'. munlat l nt e rn :~Hcn·
al wu aftd w•ut, 11'1 hla opin ion. It
should n ot have been In the ni"St
ftve years of Ita exh:1ence.
The f::u :cu thf" f"l"lm m lltec of th~
Communl1t l nt,.r nallnn:ll took tho poaltlo n that If tho 1'!\rne r;t n cnl te nd ·
eocr manlre11ta ltz..,lf In the • ·rllln'"
of the s ame eo mm1to In t h~ cnaree d
roar o r more yr•:1ra under Taryln" e l!'·
camstancC!t, If tho eo mr2de only
seems to be wnltlng for an o ppo rhm·
lty to espreu hi• opinion In OPfVII i
tloD t.o tho aUDd af J,he Commu n i&!
Inte rnational a.nd If h e Pf!_nlall Ia h11
oplaton•. De1'0-r repu C:Ia ll.tu; wba t h e
bad e rroneous ly d urf't:d etl before, then
tbla comrade m u•t ce rt.alnly bft lert:l·
f'd a centrist. The t-:x_,C:uun Com mit·
tee. fnrthe r maiDWns tbat lhe wrll·
Inca o f a c::omr&do for m a toot! bul
for jud ~,:ln ,; bll baalc poaltlnn. -wn
s hould we a ot jud~::o o n t!)e b.ula{,:
artlclu. quotAllona :antJ r es.olutlon ~..
Comr:ade Z1oov!l•y 111:1!d In his c C ·
d ud ln,; a~cb :at t.ho l-'1fU1 Cr\r.r: r 4u.
- The•el, quol:\tlona and a r t!rh'l'l t' Xllil
Ju1t fo r the pur po~c t hnt on t! ~· I t bui:t
o f co urse, n ot o n t h l" alooc--Wt.•
m ar jud ~~:e." As nc ~ rlr evt"ryone of
' he comrrulcs In the Ex,.eull•o Com·
·n lttco read• Ge n na a nucnUy, It w;afl
~ ~• lblt~ for the t~ x centl•o Committee
n il': " t nut·lumd Informa tion o:-. t h r
'1atura of ComrlldC J.ore 'tt wrlllc~~ nnd
.n the JI:C'lner:ll c: harnct~r or the Vollc8·
.: elton~~;, so that the deel~ ton <:'nnno ·
be attrlhu"tt'd to "lack or lnrormntlonOD the part of Moaco w. u 11 orten
ctalmed by C. I. o pponent.~! .
In nr'1.1nr that t hoae Am t r!n.ft com·
rad ea who do not rc> m em ~r t he r aJII"!'"
.•f & •rn.ll , Paul l ..e•l. e tc.,
r clearly
u cd ~ntood th,. l .or o I
. It will tJ...
W'!•ll 10 rN"Iltl tho~ • rt lloc mo mentA
In t h .. hlslorr of o
Thtt kr r no t e to omratle l...or"'e's at ·
lltudo """llM 11rurk aa e:~ rl r a... S·· p.
:emlx•r 29, 1!!0. I~ ft \"ol h.E.. It u n~ Ml·
~orb l rn llll,.d : " Le t at not a.llow nou-" uentb la to mak e us fnrJ:e t t he b u!c
n r olilnm " In th l111 a r tie I., whleh Is di·
r••r t N\ nJ;:lln•t Jllllqtllt, Comr:tdc Lore
" We Alto th ink ( Ilk!!! Hlllqult) t h.:at e Z lncv le v ahould h( re nnd
t here be mo~ careful (l'lronc re
Dlt lcretlon liU!IUben) ,.s pt:cioa fly 1.,
hb lnttructlona to fore ign •i•ter
J).H11u. And we a lao agree w ith
Hlllqult th at It d ou not belong to
t he prime n eet ultlea to detlgna tc
everyone w t,o d iffer from ua In opln·
lon• a• a tra itor ."
In th*'S" r:t, •1:t1 rer=1nrk!l I" cont:~ln ·
..d the n u cleus, or. rather. t••o nude!.
of what the C. I, consl<tf'ra ceatrU::::t :
a . dl.uattsfllttlon with
d l!i<
c. 1., and
Tblnp eame to a brea .. at tho Lh·or-
• tenlcDt at· no
which opeaed On Dec.
tltutlo t.owuda aoc:lnl·roformlala. Tbla t9, 19%0. Two d3.,. crreTIOUJI, a Jette r
n~ICIC IIII d OYO)Opcd Into 1\ COniiiiOnt WAS aont by the E . C. C. I. to the ltal
\ 'ollr:azclt.un.l" policy Ia rolallon to St1 r· Inn aoclallst pa.rtr. Tho Iotte r read In
rat I.
part: "Once moro wo deem It necca·
SerraU wu a leader ot tho Italian anry tO remlad you, dear comradet,
soc.lall 1 t party wblc:b bad Jolaed the that the C. I. will bne notbln1 to do
Communis t lnternattooal at lla nry with men Mlon~:;lnc to tho reforml•t
lnceptlou. Tho llallsn aoc.lallat partr croup. We eates-orleal!y deduo to you
COIUI&t~ o r
threb wlnsa: (1 ) the th&t yoa ban to choose betweeu !kl.r~
Turati·Modlgllanl group or a puretr ao, ratl, D'A.ra&ona and the Tblrd Intern... .
ebl-demoenUc: aature ( "Mu· Uonal... At the U•omo c:oncr-e11, Ser·
lmallsm... asalntt "dutruc:U•e po11· ratl 1pllt the Italian put.r. L
d u,- for work to parliament.. local e. he aptlt. a war from the Commanllta
commanal bodlu and economic orcan· who w(!'f'e lor&l to the C. t.
l.z.atlon Ia order to ors:&nlte
The Commanlat Interna tional ,.....
aocletr); (!) the 8ordlga-Bombucl· Ia an open C011ftkt wttb o•er
Turaclni-Cr.azlldel group of Comma· the eleme"ntary problem of Commaobt
olsta wh~ aoequl• oea.llr accepted tht§ dl.eclplloe. Tbe CommtiDtala wen
~' pol.n~ (I. e. coodltlonl o a which a agitated the WOI'ld oTer. At that lime
~rtr m a r Join tho C. 1. u
adopt~ Comrade Lore came out Ill defe.uo of
at the Second Coo~n••l. who tt.oo<' Serntl u;alnt the Commaalat lalerror stral..:ht 'rt~,.olutlonary work, t• ao.Uoaat. An edltortal ID tbe Volkaelnced bet Dl~n.llr. alto amonc the army tung January !!5, 1'11, aamt<l " Afte1
and na•r. and wbo demnnded A cle u Lo•arno," quotes the abon tette.r
split with the Turulll·lfod"'llanl men· o f tho Esccut.he~Committee: lhen prollhc•lkl;
C31 t he Serrati·Daratono ceoda :
uroup whlcb, while ostcn11lblr ac:copl
"In thle latt letter to the Italian
lo~t lbe pro~:r:t.m or the C. t . and H•
party, the Executive Committee of
policie s. rofoaod to spill wll,b Tu'"rat • the Third lntern'ational demanda. at
antl hill fo11owe ra.
we 1 u, the expulsion also of Serrati
S errati ha.d bun a. deleiate to tho who' p layed a lead ing role at the
Set-Dod Coa, reu o f the Communl1t Second Congrn.s of the Third lnterlnte.rnatlonal ud a memb<!r of It t If the E.a'ecutlve Commit•
pr.:&.e~ ld l ur:n. The Second Con..:rc>u had
tee wu r ight In that coli•
p:l..Ued a rMDiutlon rcquutlnc the bcratlon w ith membert affiliated to
Italia n aoclallat p:a.rty to C'OOYt ne :t..D the Amsterdam Tradu Union lnte,-.
E'Xtr.I.OnJiaary concret~ l to spill witt- ta lona~hich rc.5olutcly condemnthe r ctormlstt, In order lhU t.he haT e:d the Bola.heviki at iU Londo" c.on:
l!UI partr m la:ht be-com o a re:ll COlT'
g rua In Septembe,....._.,.as lmpoa·
···m n lst r &rty, that Is to ur. eapabl
s lble : If It was pcrlectly justlned In
or ludlas: the wo rkera to a re 1'olu demanding the expulsion of Turati
tlotl ~ry s.troule.
and D' AragOna. It put)t.. lf Into t he
Serr~t l refuted to comply with the
wrong by dem.a.n:llng Ole e•pulalon
uprus w ish of the Communist In· of Serr.atl. Scrr.itl may be a hot·
tern;;ttlon Congreu. Suratl rommlt· head and a, but nobody
t,..d :l Uo,c:n\nt b re:tch nf Co mmuni•t
can dispute the fact that he Is an
d l~ci pll n e. Lhe rnnro com~ plcous hy
honest revolutionary. Juat •• little
1'lttuc- or th, proml n,.nt po!'ltlon ho oc
can be d ltputed that he did eno~
cupled I n the p~rtr u le ~ad c r and ed i· mout thing• for the 1~bor movement.
to r o r the Av:~n11.
By throwing Serntl Into one heap
The lnterntatlonal n..nd the ItAlian • It· with Turatl and Co. . • , , one h..
onUon mullt bo rr mc mbc!r .,d llA the ln jurtd the. revolutionary movement
bark tfOIIDtl of the SrrnU cr"'l•. The
n~:~;:~~ ~:~· ;';~=~~~~~~:t:,;:t the
~~d ~~:o~::~;~~::a~;'\~~!1 :r.:zp:::~"1:•J: c. 1. wu wrong, that Serrati wu rl..:ht
h !~:;b n il oYer P.uropo. The Commu·
n lst lntrrn:~tlonn.l had Juat come lato
ulstencr 31 a lf'~dn of tbe world r eo
tlooary rnonn1 r nL The SN ood
:. waa practlcallr the ftnt r eal
!n t .. rna on a l t Oli}:TMS o f Co:nm unlat
P ::tottft"l . Thl'! SflC'On d Cona:re u bad to
d rn w no o nlr ldeo1qclcal but abo OT'·
,:::1niull.,n 1 line!' betwl'!~n Comma·
n iat• aad f'fo rmln•. Only with the
~llo~tlon or the !I polnU CO\IId th,.
n!!TOiutlonarT wln ll{ o r the workln~
cl::~.l'l" be o n;n.n iEccl u
P." l iu.
T he u-r~:;l'!nt hl!tlo r1c: necessity nf
f"o m m uola t le1de nhlp bl•a me ~~;Iarin~
ly e Tide nt with the trr.uon nf the lt:al·
'a n re formll'l ttt In the Sep te mber . U ! O.
rlc.o.tlt para l)"1ed the c:apltalbt state
!'rln1 o )ltai•Uer OloUtU atte rwardlll
t:onfeuod that thf'l country had ~ 0
at lhe mercy of tbe ttrlklaE workln~
t:l:LUee wllo bad occupied bun·
d rod• o f factorial. mtae a, Jatrodod rs·
!:atrs. Tbe mon me ot ,... . fnutrated
; nd a r~l~tt of f uclsm mad~ poulble
~r the tre:uon of tbo ra fo rmlat lead·
. u of the General Coafed eratlon or
Wbor, who did e nrythlnc tn the ir
.. ,..,.r to preYen.~ the from
~r!:::ln .: powe r ( T ho Ge a t".ral c;oated·
c-r.3.tlon o f J..abor In which l had fall
c-onnd<'Dt:~." uld taler tbe caplt.allat
pr .. mler. "ahow~ th a t It d c:a<:"rTed lt."')
The m!lese!l we re betnyed to upiU.)..
1 ~t l h:tns;men hy th,. re formlst.JI of the
Tu r:ati· M nt:ll&ll:~ n l ractlon.
Even after this betrayal, Serrati f'e•
fuu:d to part ways with Turatl and his
The E:recutln Committe& of tho
Communist lole!rnatlona l repe:atctllr
:m :ed Serrati to pur« ~ the pa.rtt or
ScrrMI w:u adamant.
\\'h iJo. 11e sa id at tho Flore n ce confer ·
cnco o f hla faction, "we a ro for lba
Thlnt tatcrna.tfonal and :accept the !!1
pointe of put y cf'ntr:t.lfam , we cannot
ncrlft ce P:..rtr uolty,.. Ia otb~ r word•
chlle nomtaallr a cccptlnc tbe C. t.
dfadpllae. be opntlr broke It lD prac·
a nd that bla mertte ID the re•olatloa·
ary rno•emeot wrre hla jastt.ftcatloD.
It mar not be oat of place to recall
what LeDin bad to say about
In an article, -F"alse Speec_hee oa f"rce..
dom," published In 'the ..Comman lat
latcmaUoDa l," December, 1,!0, h e
Wl'Ote : ~n-att. ~Jl.a.ntoDo, Zao:nonl.
1\accl. Jaccomo. ti&'f't.' already pto'f'ltD
with absolute c!e..u"Deu and beyond
anr d lApute t hat the r are fundame"tiY
wronc. that lhl'!lr polltlc:aJ Ua e creflUID' to part ways wllb the reformbta. :"11. J . O.l Ia b u lcally w,''
" Ia such circumstances aad at aach
a mome nt tho (Italian) party will become a huadrOO tlmea 1tronger. not
~e._nk er, Jt the mraabevlldJ wiU lean
"Such a
. . Ia now boo
In« conducted br tbo lSUano odlllon of
tho Anatl under S11rrati'a edltol'*
ship, doea not educate t he workers ror
the rnotuUoo, on contrary, It
hr ln&s d emorallu.tlon
lato their
..Do oot 1Jpe_31r: of frMdom and
~~:~t~r't ,:~~~~ ~::':~~ ~~b~nfr~
lch "'\'olksrrc:ht... M. Q. J .l a.nd Com·
rade SerraU! Spealt "ot freedom not to
UN'Y out tbe decision• of the Comh:a·
ten concernl!t' the Dfteondltlonal
rtatr to bre.alr: with the opportanltlll
and ·c~at.rbu• (who do aot tall to uade rmlae. do DOt tatl to 'aabotace the
prol~ t:1rl•o cUc tatonbl~). S peak 0
equal.ltr of oPOOrtQnlata and ceatrialll
with Commuoltt:s. Sueb IJ"eedom and
sac.b eqnatltr we ca.D oot recornhe fo r
tbe Communis t tntf'rnalloo al."
At tbe Third CoD~reu of the Com·
mutrolst lnt~ roatlon al , In his IIPCf'C:h n n
tho lta iiM proble m. July !!S, U%1,
Lenin wa.s eYCD more out.apoke n. Turn·
t~g to Lau::lri, Leala said : " Or euch
apecchts :fe: )' OU and S errati h e ld he ra,
tho re•o1utloa ls nol bcias prep:ued, It
111 being 1Hsorg:tnh:ed.'' Late r : "Ser·
raU'a poliCJ WM a mlafortnn e for"
All olber leade n of ~e Comlntena
co tu!em ned the a ction ot SernU u
cleelnlcU'f'e. The onl.r laten.&Uoaa.l·
(ConUanM Oil pace 8)
twfee Ia a 7tllf'-lprlac- aDd. tall The
aboY6 15 7UI'a Of qe aTe boaDd
HER.Ii: t.N beauUfttl ML FuJI da7 the ablp arriYcMvwu lb.ed. u a to work I.D MUI.,.. Jtm.a. it 1.1 cerYama dip. ber dear aaow-dad. hoUda;r, a.JMS Ue old cutom "ltlll pre.. tala ou who dlallllea CommWit.m
ouUiae Ia btUo or the Pa.clllc· TaJJL
wUl eJ)r'Oia diNpprout or thll ca..
oCea.a, there rtan f-D talaDd conred When people bear that boya &Dd tom. But 10 euy wllh IL The bo7a
irltb l&YIIb p-eeD follqe aarroa..D.ded
br uctfrinc, oceaa ••.,...
The blAnder. call rt Millan. Jlma.. or
the Treuare lalaad, aad the Lll&Ad 1.1
worthr or Ita
from one ~ad or Lbe lala.lid to tbo other
Ia Je. . tbaa oae boor; &boat four
mllea Ia dlamete~ r, tt Ia aJtaated at tb.&
fartbeat south of the ln.• the aena taWd JTOGP, whkb beloaca to the Juria·
d lt:tJon ot the proYIDee of Tollro. •
?.?ben modem laduttry Jnn.dcd
T h•
repOrt m8de by Comrade
ucr.t.ary of the AU·
Tr.adc Un l~ .at the 6hrth Trade
Union Cong,.,. on No..,ember 12.
g l - . tho following plctu,.. of tlw!i
preMnt atatua and wor k of the
trade unlone of the U. 8. a. R~
T.he ft r1t notable thing 11 the Increase of the t rad• union mcmbe,..
TrecJ:ure 111acd, th6 llll&ndeh were
able to rupoad to Ita can wltbout
det~trorlnt;" prlmltiYo Communism a.nd
thereby c aJorlnr; Ita bctautr and happlana ftolll~ the YqliO put to lhle en.
or eapltAIIstlc wbk:h pre.a..lla
thnwat lbo ctYUI&od D&t.IOD.L Aboat
100 years aao. lhe7 wvo toLd that
lhey ba."e one more trt!•ure J.D. &ddl·
Uoa to tl!ib, trult.t, and rvou of plant&.
Tbe lllkura bozwood w1tb ple.D.l,J' mol•
tare and rood atbletJe: oudu
ap.lMt troplul tempe.~t. b.u aoe
cr:aJa tOr- comb matula.l, tTom whJch
J&p.'\!lue clrla • coDtr iYO balr orua·
T be JK"'PI~o not ba.fe to P."\Y t£s.
c. to tbo 1"111A t1 eommualtr. Jaatt'a.d,
lbey rcccl.-o hill thor Deed anll to
day e:tch f:tmlly of tilt! lalllDd pol.lul:t·
lion woultl own \lo' u ll our %0,000 ye n
1t the vropcrtlea o f lho bozwOOtt In·
duatry were tllvlded QJ.DODIC tho rllbg·
:~':.;.~;'.. ~:,;r::~ ~t.·:~,~~~=
a Ce ntral Council of Trade Untona had an .mu ated memki"Shlp
of 4.547.000;' now at the Slxt.h
Congf'Ha. the membcnhlp has
ruched 1.010.000. This membc,...
ehlp eompM~n l2 per eeftt of m.a~
ual woli(erw and Sl per cent of
bnln and otlk:• wortccra. The per _
cent of women mcmbera ha1 dc--
r,:~IC~ ~~n~
:, ~~f~~ ~hOOn~r;:
ber of young worke,.. has been
lowered from 3.7 per cent to 3.1
per cent. However, t his not
due to an actual decrease of women and young membe,.., but to
the eruter• of lnc~ue of
male membera. There .ar~ only
Somellmo qo Oaroa lwu.:t.kl, ooe
of th o r lcheal men In J :apr&D. pro~
ed lo IUY 5-00.000 ua tor box·
wood, aod Ia nply, be wu rldkttlad
1D tho aa the way by a f~t deniel
,Buy otr our t..reuoro1 Nner: Y011
may propoae that aoa.-enae staJ! lhe
day betoro r esterda.y (the d:ay whJcb
wiU nutr rome).
Darla~~~: tho Toka«awa ctaa conm·
meat. U1o ·~ rlslted oal7
120,000 elected membet'l, Or whom
about SO,t)OO ar-e fl"'e to devotAe
the ir entire time to trade union
The nninclal situation of the
t r-.ado unions hai greatly lmpro..,cd
alnce the Ffth Congren. Beginn ing with October 1, 1t24,1.he A•JRu..lan Central Council of Trade
Unions has been maneglng Its aff.llt"S without dtf'lclt. W hile du,...
lng the F lnh Congrna only 11~out
of thoe 23 Ce'ntral Committees ad
a S'tabl• ftnanclal basla. now
ae>tlull:r all of them, wiU. the ex•
ceptlon of two Of' th"e balanc•
their bYd . .t without a dcfk:lt.
w ... le .a n11mbcr of them ha..,a
Clult• substantial uvrn.-.
As regards
w.g.., t'WO
Yoalh lLu aU tt•• f'Yreedoe ot ~
maace In tbe Treuve Jalaacl. Wbea
tropical nlcbt at-.ll ha aDd ~
teadv eh.Mowe 01'01' tbe leld. JOW. wm
IIDd llle triompll oC J'OGtll Ia tlMo - .
where lood· u t.,...S p&relll.l ..U. at
llle pa~ ocreo11 10bldl knpo al.o pri.
racy be7oa4.
W)(':D tbe ..,_p of J"'Qtbtl -.d
lbolr llahlnc boot t<>wanl U.. lalaad lD the eetUD& an. tbe t.nn
oct'aa rtden with tmmeoae Jo7. atq:
have been noted since the Firth
Congr-eu. The ftr et luting up to
the beginning o f 1923, was a per.
lod of an Intensive growth of wag·
u . The second period whic h Ia
1tlll continui ng, wu '• period of.
retarded growth of waeea. On the
w hole,
thruout lndualry
h;ave mcrened since the F ifth
Congre. . b,. an .average of 13 per
cent. T.a kl"f Individual lndu.
"Ono cl&Dee troa:a routaa waYU,
You look llke d.,.a abaped:
>h. tho Mlk'Urat The Trouure talaad,
\'our real trouure Ia 1oYe."'
Alao ~e 11rl•. aplnlDI coltoD t.a.
lbo warm raJDy day wllh tbe pr1mJU,·e
toola, whleb &CHanda
~ at.a.p :
" Who I• taodttcsT ' eoaDcla Ub bla ...,.;
Ta·ta.ta·taa (ecnmd.a)
trfu. we now have the following
wage level : !5&1 per cent of prewar.,'t t.h• rneUI Industry, 11.7
per tent In the textiles. 52.2 per
c.ent In m ining, M.2 prtr cen1 In
Ule c hem ical lnd11S'try: U.e ave,...
thr'"'ut the U. 1. S. R.
are equal to 7S pe,. cent of t.h e
pre-war wages.
There Ia DO proaUtaUoa., DO robber7.
uo eapltalJita &ad Lbere la ao poor
me a tbnaoat U.o lllaDd.
An Interview With Saklatvala
hi• attitude towattl the Pf'Oble m• COD:· wo rkllllt tlau appeal tor lnteraaUoa
: rontfac the Drltlah wor ker• • laolld::~~rtl,J'. Naturally tbl• ..... bound
lew tory C"'" c:rame.aL
o c~a te a peycbolo«r a.moa~ m:a..oy
1r !Uab workera wblcb allowed tbe.m
o.tUtode Ia pvU.ament
n be stampeded by the flllao ZLDo,.fey
thf: labor party... be
~tt.e.r. )facl>onald buaalod hla u.d o t
de~bd .,e rr l&rct!ly upon Ute
he m:t.lter and It coet tho bbo,. party
of lbe l:abor l*rtT ITOUP to w
the bl~
orkln& ela.u rotes. Wbllo Ubor
domeatl(' an,l lmperlaJlat Pf'O _D\A no•
led a million moro Totes thf• time
fadnF: ,,.,. t'ounu·y. tr su
men a.a
a t thr prc .. tona e lection, It mas I
Geo,;c l.:~nJibury, Ma.ston nd othe r~
mbered th:H the re were 85
:~:~n~0ab~~·11:!_:0,~!:,~1e:;!u~>~mbcr-- Uke: tbt•m a ro to be ke pl I the bad 'llor erc mr
parllnm,.ntarr candida tes iD the
~Ddu·• lnfllf!Rd o r huln.:i plu~ to
S a member of the Cle rk&' :md the rront u hmde rM, 1 'lhall certainly "l1•1d. wh!foh J;n1'e many nn opoortun'tt~
Admlnll'l lrallvo \Vodtf! rs' UniQn, rahuJ rny volco aa the Oflpoaltlon. Thl· to YOif) lnhnr who llaf) no•er h•d II
ond the ir tlelo,;atc to the 1:-. bor fiHlY ; can o nly 1bo.t tho lllbor parh· ht'ro~. I llm cnnvlnc ed thai h:ad Mac
bronch or St. P n n('r:JII (London ). S:tk· . ll!!ll CUtiiPlott•ly rPC:lnted 1111 forme-r Don:.l•l tlnd th ~ l••nde rs aeted with d ela.t1'aJ:. h:aa tor rnanr :rear.s u.krn :a.a po:dtJon u to ropa~ttnos, t-:.:ypt, In· cision :.nrt eouu~e on tho •ltat lr 1ues
&c;the p:t.rt In the lo.hor mo1'0m,.nt !la , d l:a, mlll tar:r a nd naul e;w:pend ltu r~.!t ot thf! t:unp:t..htn, c•en with lhclr b:t.''
a.n ~UC"Alloaal prnp.:a~tan rUsl. lleto re 1 1lbd lmperi:..JIIIrn «eneralb'. If t ho Ia rccMd In orhc;P, w o wooltl oot hay,
lost the llt':ttl' wo did &ad probably
"' 'lUid h:!.'I'C Calned,'"
HE recent ele:cUoa of S. S:aklat·
'l', member of the DrltJab Com
mualat Pa.rtr and abo or tbe Dritbh
bbor p.:a.rtr to p.ull&r&eot br lbe 1'0t·
en or the 1\&tten.ea. (Loodoa) dl.alrlct
J.t; a amaablns aJuwer to Ole cha.rsc of
labor- put)' omclal• Utat
canool tuncUo n eonatrueth'ely In lhe
labor P&Tl.Y and tradn union move-
~~~:;.::: ;,o7h~u~~~~;~~~n~e1.:; =::~y1 ::c~::,':,!~~lo=0~nt~~e1 JO:~
-p3rty. In the r»trllsme at prec;edlo,; t!ce w-llb mea llko llac Doo:llrt In lh•
that of the ~ta r. llonald II:O'fernmenl. he l~ad. a. "J~;orous e tfo rt muat be tn:ade
wu the loue Cnmmn mt'mber. Af· to arouao t he rank IUid n lc :\~talrun
t er oDa te rm's abf.<ooec he nOw eomu thb . It ur~not c;o ntlnue Lbta r e.3c
b&ek u the loDe Communist mem· i UonJlr}' couna ::&ad Jlyc e s ll atro n
lnalr'umeot of worklnac clsas ezpre..
E comu back to p:ullftm,.nt now 1~ion."
boca us~ 15,000 'fOrkl n~ me a nnd . , had hear d S:~.k latnla on ·. enral o~·
women In Duttoncn. IJI'IIflY•• In h l:t In· ~
ca.alanR durtn
.1o elcctJooa a.n•'
tt-trlty, In b h• n.blllly &A a ftl(hlN, llntl ' knl'w him
a. couvln elo,; dynamh.·
lo tho prlodplt'R of workiDt::c:l:..n ~OY· a~:akc r l:tkl I' bla stand oa t ba baa!~
crnmc nt fo r whlcb h e at.:an d1. Th<'n ot tbc clua tru11t110 and meo ll~:~r e.udJ
15,000 workcra- not more t.ha.o 30 of quuUou
tha RnuJ:ut treaty, un
who m &J"t!!! mcmbon of tho Cowmunblt emploJmc n t. ud Drtll&b
Part)' (hla o•n a,urea) hue eonG· u a re"oluUoa.,.,. lntema11on.1UaL ~
deDca In S&.klatTal.s In spite of the d&- he ouUined bla posit ion Ia aur the
lucc o f prejudlu and abuae which aamo nhe~nee o f &e•ture a.nd tad~
is luellt'd :s~~:alaat CommuDbta b7 n .. upr"euloa eame forth lo c:l•e ~m
Ucaa.l tabor party ot! and lbe tory pbula to h i.& toteD e teoUnc on th<pre_u. JJe wu lbo onnrb Lmtn& s ubjec:L lie eoaUauod :
c.b olce or tbe nattene:a labor pa.rty u
atnc.e "'e Dolabulk reYolu·
br.a.ach aa tbt'lr parUa.meal!lr')' eatldltlaa tho DrtUah •orken ban
d ok, a nd tho naUonal l•bor P2 rt1 COD· round I!)IPir:t.Uon la the procre.s of
Cer-eDec bad to ac;eept b.lm. J-Jt. con· their nuul.a.a comrade. Ia the build·
atnact fTe ability Ia tbe labor moT'& Inc o( a new aoclol}'. Tho labor p.uty
1nent h~ turtho r atWied by t bo larl- omdala ban DO'f'ftT r-ofiftcted tho ru l
l•Uont which como to blm OYery week depth or MDthaea l lD tholr atU·
to &ddroe• brnneb tabor p&I'LJ' PLh~ tode toward n.o..t&. TtHty P1'0P0.3Cd
ertucs ID dUferCDl p&I'U ol ~"'n&'l&ad. tM Rtaalu tnatr u a commercb.l
N an lnterTiew wU.b ll&kbtnla. a matter all tbe Ume doc.lartq tbelr a~
abort Umo alter tbo e&ecuoa. J bad ot Cbe Bol.tAoYB:
&c opportwaltr to IN.ra 80CDeCld:D&: ot Oomlo- , _ DO ru.l
IIAT l.'OOr'•
""Toa' 'lre m~le't'OUI wuterl7 w1a4.
But B+e4- Row Soael.7 I am That 80Q.Dcl " torm&UB.c DlJ' ,.,.th.
Th ~ are J!5,POO shop commit·
t ees thrvout the U. S.. I . R. The
s hop and local committees h.avc
oal:r lllaYe to work 40 4&71 Ia a rear.
.Jo yoo tbJDk Sf you we re told to pla7.
stuc:ty or do wbateYer yoo PNfer lhru.
out tbe 7'8U', uccpt tor 40.. daya, that"
tht. would be Met r Tbe boJ'I ID u..
Trea.nre tal&Dd encace ~ •tllt'i& tzt.
dut17 oaty. nr. t. a cuat6'm adopt..
eel b'am· U.. naaote put. aad 40 cle:p
ot l&blD&' MUOD ID the ta.mmer u.e,
ll IDOI'8 tJI.u UOUib to aapplJ' tl'ae
wbole popa.laUcna ot Ute lu4. That t.
ao be'eaa..e thtr do not b.a•e ur .PeOple ealled eapU.all..ate wbo awalkrw
mora t.ha.a t.M7 eaD p.rodace.
Tbe bonrood: lDdualrJ' bela,; ~
paraU.,el7 • • • to lbe lala.Jul. ctrll are .
entrusted to take care of the fOI'ftt
bealtll een1co-ptekJ.q: oa a.Ddealrable,
pl&Dta wblc.b may heppea to IJI'OW b7 boxwood. The wood 1a mt oa.ce t.a.
a rear.
391,000 worke,.. who are not mem·
..,.,.. of the trade unlona. thu.a
fft.aklng up I per cent of UftOf'931,...
lz:td w.rket'l In Soviet Ruula.
The unoi"Qanlzed belong chiefly to
tradH In whlc:t. the work la"Q•
By Nis/Wmaa Yoshio
By Carl Bran:nin
tJOA&17 omcl&Jdom for 1a.ek of pracrea aa• appl&Qda a ndSc&l JC"'C'''lD
bat • bell tbo lune r. draWll ud U..
choke Uu 'betweea. tbe old crowd aad
1 new mlllt&Dt le.adenblp too otta It
h:lllp beek ud retusn to m.Ue tile
bN>ak. Tbere fa DO haU·•a:r croa4.
You &:re'eltbe r rl1bt or JelL IAIIor
mu1t be bOfte:lt and ehooso tbe JetL."'
HINDU by blrt1>, S.klatnla 1e
m::t~rTicd to aa F.nttJiabwomaa and
baa a family of ftt"O cbUdren. Ho le
:tbout 4!1 roare ot a1o.
········ ........ ......
The Walden
Book Shop
307 Plymouth C"'lffl
p~tld p.uloD
111 par-l b. m ,. nt:~._rr :~.clio:~ muat lead to th e
1.<;c of t he Comruunlal poaiUo:~ (Between St3to :>nd Dearborn
Just South of Jackson)
..,.::u :a POint •hkh S:t.klatnl& uJd
lh.,uld ~ "hlf'h:u.bed r (W!atedly. Tb
;JOI!c;y ot tho lalJ.or ll:t.tty In nabiDJ; to r
mhh.l clul' arul llhc r:ll 1"ntea-retuos
! n~ to tiiSC'tuu• til ~> r :q 1l t."\l levy In oa
lll~lr lct
th.-, Huulun tn~:lty In Q set:'
o nd- prohlbltlon In ~ tlt lrJ, c l c .. coul1 '
only m:ako for contu" lon :md d cf~.:nt o
the re:1l purpoi'O o f work In~ c ltUII' pol
t letll actloa . . Airendr th,. luro or pl:tt'.
:t.nd pre re rmen\ In I OYe rnmenL an
A ny Dcott In P'lnt at Onu.
public life waa m:ak ln,; lt.aelt fe lt :tn
Jim~io Higeins Book hop
ht" politica l •Ins of lAbor wu beln1
127 Un l w•r•lty Pl.1ce
" " er-cmphultil"tJ t n tb J weakealn& o
the LadustrlaJ wine. T he
A W or k•., P.1rty Oook '"oo
T~te boln& to ld the y mast 1 t Ilion
uuic3bly with tholr r
wero DO r eal dltfereoee.s whleb co01.ld • .:'4 l CJ: S . irumbuU Au.
·•ot bo aettltd betwe.~D the m 'tll"lthou t
·, une R oekw~ ll r.o~o
atrlka and d l.,.upn on. The re w~r
·•ea In lho l2bor p:. rtr- h h:h up In II
-oun11nl.s- pre :.chlnJ: t his tloctrlno o r
elult-C'OII•boratlon In thulr d eslro to
,701 Auocl.atlon Building
~'l c:o~ nlllon by
hualn••u po:OJJlo n
T9 S. La &all J S treet
"eoa atnJetl"i.t lAbor lundc:rs" worthy o r U\'..,r born Mi!"o7
ecru r:at 1!H > ·U 47
. .... ....... •.••......••
.' .
h lt~:b
AKLA rVAf_.A'S p:t.rlln,; wor•l waa
" Labor mal t le:trn to be :lbsolu tc b
hoaeat Y1th tt.sclf. It bla mes lt• rme
The.'Lessons c)f .MacDonaldi~ln
moat popctlar tlopa. Jlllt nmal.a.. worl:e ra. enn It they are ,.. of u Lhat we .,.. .......,. COmDnm.wt
lma.ctne bow a men t.rUie •ach •• au
It DOW th•
(CoeUaaed trom Puce 1.)
l.D oa r water-. If we would aot pay lncreue of taLvlee to 1.100 trancs
lndem.olly tor two tplu whom we bad
put Into prlaoa. Onu· a year hu
pa.. oct and Eo&l&nd. lhat powerrut
country, bu paued thn a poUUe:LJ
cri&ls. Tho etec:Uoas' will toUow and
lbe labor part y, 1rbldJ" It the IO'feZ''D·
los pa.rty, I'Gel Into lbo d&bt. wtlb the a: Th e whole treaty with the
Soviet Uoloa withou t delc tlonw. You
aeo boW blatory Is worklnc for ua.
Our com rade• aometlmu u r that
t he world r c Tolutloa Is proceedlnc too
tlowlr aad quetUon wht! the r the
Comla tero Ia aot f'Ul)01lllble tbr' tb. e
slow rata of adTaoce. 1 am r~.t to
admit t.bat the r oYoluUoalJJ.Da ot
Welt could proceed more rapidly. 1D
tact tho Comlatera could and oucb_t
can 1hako the wholrt lett. bloc. wltb
J:Jorrlot. aad the wboJo de moC111.ll&pa·
cUlat erL
Tht. 11 a.o latereauac h torleal epl·
.lOde. Tbe u.6dertrtns cJ
a.ataconJatt11 .,... rrowln& more aca o. The
bourceoltlo aad the proletaria t are
fae l n~~e one Anolhor In sharply d iYided
We Htve No Cauu to Be Dupondent.
Tbe cOllne ot nenta 11 not ao lard)'
u It Me mt. It rou coatlde r th e
e Yeata: before the wu: there did aot
occur In lbo eourM o f 10 yura ao
maar lmport.ant eTeDta •• · now r
la. tho coar•e or 10 days. Ja. Ecd~nd
Ia. the mu atroochold of ea.pltAIItrn
the mo1t Important party of tb o Sec:
to work more ODell:• Ueally. But com· ood
In rupoo10 to tbr
· n.det:, ODe C8D aay wllboat 1lult&Uoa.
that ft TOll tde the period or DJae
moa.llla wbleb hu Jut ·ebPHd, ••
ca.a hardly coapla.J.n of alowu..._ 1D
theM at.e IDODtha we haYO WltJieued
how the Seeoad. latematJonal 1ueeocded tp tbe. con:rnmeat Ia a aum·
· ber or couatriea and, uador symptom•
or the .n•olaUoalalD& or tho workert,
• haTe bee.D turned out ~I.D.
The Oemocra~Paelftst Era It On ly
a Hoe leal Episode.
It bu been
d ot late that an
epbcb or era of democratic paclft l m
ba.d arriYcd: 1n En(!Ci a.od. a men•h oTi:lt a:over omonl; Ia Fraacc A «OYt rD·
mem t ot tho " left bloc,.. acUTelY 1upported by .oc talltt.a; Ia Denmark a
&OclAJ dc mocn.Uc coYen:uaeat ; In Del·
r;lwn a l:Lbor ~;oTerutn e at Ia e s pected
ADY dlly; In Juco-SL:nt.a lhe D:uldoYic
cabi ne t, etc. In 0 00 .-ord, AD l! poeh of
dc moerallc paelf!.tm. ~ Somo com rad ~s
Jumped to tbo oouclualon Uuu th iK
• ·UJ r etard t he proletAri.&D worl d ra YolaUOa for r ent; tbat a prolon&ed
pc&ee!ul per iod Of eapltaJlJm hU &et
lo aod tba t thretoro a ch&a&o of tac:-tlca t. oeceua.t)'. It we Ca.llbfully dea·
preanre ...c.,., tb elr OWD worera, will
"'abe4 bloM.. tor u Ute Dqlabntkl.
How h.u ~la uaeQ~eC:led ctrcumsta•eo
arftea. t Ja the lut Teaort lbt eoane
of enau le not determined by our
ctenr "dlplo
," but by ·aacb. 11m·
pte taell
0 coarse or tho ciR1~
atrucll e,
wblcb Ia buod Mars·
Ism:, Lenlnl
aDd th e Comlnteru
Tbe eoune
bl.slol'}' dtterml aes that
the wor1d nc clau of Ea~l&ad , wllh a
u p~ r 1trata. with a atronlt labor
a rtltoc.,racy. rera. rdleu or th l!l prtJa
dlceiYR.kal ns t Dobhcv lam, p e rc e he~
::md t ools thft corr cc:ln eJ!I or ou r stnnd·
Poi nt a nd a. nnot ba dece iYetl by
Ccar-ltlftn fnl ry t:tles.
A dltfc rcn ll:allon b:ua 11 a t tn In the
En~:Hah world:'! !; c.tau. and thl a ts "
worl d·hl •tor-lal ~ no t . )I a rs on~~ nlfl
that a r c• ol utlon -.·lthout Enc la nt.l
would on ly ~ 3 atorm In ., 1,.:., cup
For th o wor l'l powe r of En ~~: land re~tP
upon India. F.~:ypt, etc.
W'b:at ahn ll we wish u n rel!u ll of
the approach In:: elcctlnn• l Wo t.le11;l r('
from tbe bottOm . O( ouf hesrta A TIC"
tory for MacDonald.
)lac l>ooa ld r~
ce ntly a.nnounc:ed befor e the whole
bourcC<JI" o II
LIDC by tnca.n•
of tbe me
to ln.t roduoe a a ew
IOrt ot COTe ra. t nt tber can
ao Joa&er IOYern wllb lhe old method&
oc terror and bra t.aHtr. They we re
compelled to doa tbe muir: of·
ft am nntl or democracy, and tor tb o
eeeond Unu~ a tta r thd war to IDYi te
repreacota t!Yel' of tb'o Sccend lat e rnatloD.&I to tak e tho retpa of sonm·
meat. T he •·11th Coap-u1 of tb e
Comlol ern bad, u a reaolt or an
ualyat. of tba tltu:LtJoo wblch had
art.aea, come to tbe co ac lu•to o that
tbl.a epoc:b will not last IODI, that It
I• 'a muqueu~c of th o bouraoolsle
aDII 11 aot a t l(a of tu t lreo1 th bu t
ot tU wea kne11.
Enry cbanco ot epoch-from raadam to pacHlam. fr'om d em~raq to
wblte dlcta tonhlp and Tlce • e ra~
•balr:es lhe touodatJon of the boar·
c colt world . Tbe democ ratic pac lftal
e ra will . JNLal bT and tbe ravolutlon
will come, And It ta oa r tnak to c s poae those who dl•cube themut,e1 ;
to t eu otf the mMkl and to re main
uoeomproml.lln& DolsbeY ikl to the e nd .
Heocc IIOI.a.a.: BoltheTiz lnl our
Wha.t do we e:ee nowT It Mac l>on ·
:aid h:. s to 10 and J.aloyd nod ((unon
tnko bill ~lace. whe re th en will th e
notori ous de raoua Uc-pat:IO•t e ra be!
Th cre ' wlll be nolbla~ l•fl or lt.
The Po1 ltlo" or HerT iot 11 No Detter.
In the •'r-a.p ce of Uerrlot. pac! Oa m 1,
Ul: ewUo fad lnt away be foro It bu
~ac hOfl full bloom. We hue ju l t had
a Ylatt fr om Marty. He hu told UA
ot the t efl ll n,; pr anJIInc In Jt·rancc.
"J:bera la no lo o~; e r uy ma1 le In t~ c
fdca of tbc left bloc, whlcb a few
month• At:o qa lte turn ed the boada
of the population. Du ri n~ the electlon c:unp.'l llltn lf e rrfot. In ord t>r tO£aln
the Tote• of the cl•ll ee" aots, prom·
bed th t m an lncrcue of 11:1lnry of
1 ~0 fr:tr.t'A n monlh. Now hu !J' at th e
be nd ot lh(' ,:ovj• rn ment nnd t11 u po ~ l ·
Uoo of t he d vtt ~e n· anta has not lm·
proYcd . Th(O electors r cmrmbe r thl•
prom llo .:.nd Pr : Xow you :are In tht>
1 o• e rnm~nt .
tht>retore t).:l)' up tbl!l
1,800 fr anc •. T hl• figure or 1,800 fnn cs
moo with Commun!Am! We kaow th l~
quito well, an11 Ia ~~: plte ot It we wholl!"burted ly wish Ma cDona ld II. • lctd'tr In
t he el«tlon• and desire th.3.t he wll!
e nJoy hi• Tlctory not oa ly for nine
moath1, but for t! ~ht ftf' n or morP
month• . nut wo confen th nt w
not WM P If li n entft'; tll " df' f t.
eithe r cuo t ho EnJ;II sh lnbo mOTC
ment will ,:::o fof1\·ard.
Tl\e Popular ity of the Sov le Un io n
Among the Worke,.. of th.lwcat ·
11 Growin g.
· :\e Ter before w~ re ou r o Yi el!l s'>
t£buta r ta. tho crea of t~h worklc r,
:nllll\et- a , cn of tho r e>rormlllt "'ork en - u a.t pro 1 ~nL In the yea n n:m:2. t be yeara of hunge r and dlnate r .
tho Ide• of the SoYie t powu wu not
so attrae UYe among th la ae< tl on of
the workera. But now :..11 worlten
lloow. e Ye n tho refor mis t work crA,
t hat our cnuae Is a.duncl n ~ . T h ~y
•ar : f:ven H wa,;:u with Y"" nr6 lnw·
c r we e«t t11nt thin ~;• with you are
oa tho up-t:nde. but wllb ti l la F: u.
rope they ar e oo th e dow n·JU'2d e. II
Ia now perfec tly du r tha t In one or
two Jf'&fl the question oC workers'
e mel,.n cr. n. r for ln s: :t.nee, In the Kolomna fac tory, will be of lnt t'm3tf('l nal
Import An ce. The • ·o ricf" n of lh a whole
wo rld will PRII8 J cmc nt upon ua.
Com rad e Vim
wha n ha w::.fl In
lfo1cow .~' ed tha follo• •ln« In te r·
Cl tlnlt' t'f' .•.,. r : l-I e hAd l"f'<"•''"", " l'"t·
t e r fro~ th chstrm1n of the re form is t
~:••: ,.:!:.o':,e~a~":an~::.~~ ::!s~~':r u~:e:;Pe ~~:Cb~~
pranJI•, ·and that tho workera aro
II TI DI to 1luory, ate., tho1o reforml•t
workeu dld not uadontaod tbo no&sia.a. ro•ol utlon. DDt tlow wben they
~ tbe renrse aldo ot tho m~lbat tbo worke rs free, that tho
e mclenc:y or la.bor Is lncrculo i:"' lhat
the • ltuo.Uoo Ia l mproTin~ - lh rn the
Sovlot powe r nod Its ldus become th e
gro atA!I l propagAmlla( forc:q In the
whole world . and becln to •ou ntl Uke
a tCW!alo u they oeTc r 1ounded bt'fore.
We han ePerr f'e'UOD to be utl.stied with lbe e~rleoee oC the Jut
nloe mootb1. We will, of coune. totlow the e lection campoal&n Ia EnR:Iaod
wJth tho cre.• tc•t lntereat. ll Ia aald
By Alfr-.J
V. frank•n•l"l'n
~ o:~ ~
.. Mad&me Dutierflt ... a m.uquerade
party Ia tbi"M acta. to music b:r
G!n«::mo Paccl nl, waa c heb by tbe
... .. ~ ... lfO r 1"1c ol)(lra companr lut
Moadar alcbL It wu a bit moro than.
J._. .. . . . .. ur .urnuuacu of the opera. It
~·u• a •ort of memorial ce remoay, Cor
tlut com~er bad bee'n aca rcelr fortyel&ht boun dud whea Lbe curtalo
went ap on tbls opera, which It, next
to " LI. Boheme," bll mo.t popa la..r
A crlt lclam of •· nutt erfl y" Ia a c r ltid un of Puccini, for Ob\'toua rcnaon s.
Allho " Totca" Is prob:a bly a crea ter
f.l e r11. " OuttuOr" rcprr1enta a norm
of l'accl :~l't Rc.hle\'emen L Fully :a
lhl rtl or It p:o.dd log. ob, loua, trite, shu·
thrown ln. T he .. ~at Ia wome or
the 11101t lna plr etl a n1l IOYCl l7 lyrkal
r;,e lody In mualeul lh uraturc. The ro
Is tLiway• a wi pinG' ·or eye:s In the audl·
c ncc a t tha coos lu alon of t he a r ia..
"On e Day H e'll Come," nt tho begin·
f.I DJ; of Lbe I«O:td ac-t, the r e 11 ~teD·
~~~~e~n~l:t~':~ 0~~ c:r':!~~::3°%
rormlat Anlt "' b:ate r of MOtlcow. And
tbl! tra" e union leade r hM rec:ehed a
111mpbl et PLabl!tJhed by our aumen 's
union. whh'h c:ootalDod particul ar. D.l
to the t.oncl ltlona of work and t.c rms
of ena: •~: e m ,. nt o1 R amea In tbe 541'Y·
le t On ion. He ~ad thla b'rochurl'l and
now writes to Ylmmen : I b:u e read
the p:ar(l eula ra r~r;ardtn« the coadl·
tton• of •·or k of tho III!Dmlln In the
g0,·Jnt Union; If th cAu aro truo. It
men na lhat -A'O bnvo bee n s hamefully
d eet h~ .
\ 'ou •eo what enormoua·
di1 t Importan ce Is posseaaed by
3. mi nor thi ng a.s the worklo.& d.ay hi.
th e eod:all•t re pubUe. ?~orlcN'I alwara
ue ctrt
Cba.rlea Uactett. d Plal:e rtoa, had
ooe ot l1•• ci ueerefi ro1 ~ Ia · opera.
l1Jikertoo It a dl~ao1uto aad reprebea·
elble aort or ca11. but hta part Ia the
opera mal: ea blm a hl&hty ldeallz.e4
YUia.ta. Hac kett sane the party ad&QCL&tely, but Plnkerton 11 a ot a Tery
'"at tenor role.
Tbe amallr r parts, suc h u tbe aen ·
a.nt Suzu-1. played by Flora Perfaf,
tbo Ame rfu n coo1ul Sbarpleu,}l
01AC011Jo Rlmla l SDDir, ftnd tho mar•
rl u,; o broke r, u
LudoYico 011Tiero
po rtrayed him. we re a ll excellent.
3nd conl r lbUtt!d to tho p• kll!~ oC tho
rramo and b:lckg rotnfd for Mlaa· 3ola.
aon·a lead .
Coatumu and scene ry 1101.-;ested a
wou ld·bo J 11pane6e tea houae on She r i·
dan road rath e$'th:tn' r ual J 3pan. Th a
ma lo rauou for that Ia l hat u ·e.n tho
>'OU Jtlvo a rn~tn a Willia m Z. Fos te r
h:llrcu t (l',·e got to ret lltlate a.ome·
bow for bta re te rrln' to the r~Olle tte
moYemea t u a " Jo"'raalten.1 tela.. ) and
t-~~l~u.: :~~~n~~=~ c~~ta\:~ra M':~ rlreu him ap In S klm ooo. be won' t
of th e m hue h ~ 3.rd the opo_ora Lime look ve ry J ap3..bea.e If hll features
build nrc thO!e or, Rome .
~o;~::~·"~~:;.:r:,~~·:r:;~:~: =;.p:t:::·::~~::~:T:7~E~~i:~: ~~~:.~:~~~::~~~~~·~~.i~::;~:::;~:~1
that J huo a bnadred acltaton ap
my aloe•o wbom J cln dltpatch to any
desired country. 1 am 10rri to aay I
am not endowed wltb tacb a cap~eltJ.
We hope that e n .a tbe leaden of lbe
labor prty, wb.Ue JCitaUDJ tor th e m~ ...
aclTu, will bo compelled t.o tc:U tbe
tru th r c~t ardlo,; the So•lc t Union. And
th o workln« c la!!l or Enc land will apo
that our SoYICt Union wil l point out
tll o way to tbo whole world , tor tho
truth 11 on our aide. For t hruout tho
whole world It Is not t ho ldeu oC pet..
tY bquraeols. mer~;, "ooo•truetiTO.. psc udo-sodalllm whlcb are procoed.loa: to Ylctory. but th o ldru of
Ul ola l1 m.
~l::l :mcl all)'. li e ue,· er at nrtlea u•. lie
D<'Yt•r md:et -.·onder 81 hi• noYelty of
1DY .,u1tnn. bu t b e an make u 1 wee p.
A I to, th e perforauaaco of )C onday
niG'ht . the ~a t work wu done br a
tloy little ladr whose nam o wa• not
nn th e pro,;rnm. At 11 ny rate she
pl nyetl th u pa r t of •)f a,lame nutte'r·
li'·~ b:•t,y, and Ab e was t hu nn t chltt.l
havo cT'er s« n take t he part with ·
• t looklo~: sometblnc lllr: o a kewp le
Lore and the Comintem
(Co ntlnu~
from pa«o
1:r kco •D Com mUDiat who supported
Paul Le•l of shameful
memory, tho m&D who late r found a
r t' atln~ place Ia th e Um3 of the Cer·
man aoclal ·de moc.ra t s. Comrad e Lore
c Alled Paul l...cYI to wttn en the cor·
r ectneaa o f hit CLore's ) attitu de toSe rnll .,.....,
~~rd;.o~~::~a~r~~~:::~ryf:!:n1 ;~~~
" Rote •,ahr.e- a.n article by Paul Lui,
I. ll h ~a 10 n was nr r ftn e In the
pa rt . She did not look he r
r'llc. nl leaAt not 3.a aptly aa ot.her
:. ln gljrw IOQk the pa.rt, whl eb Ia not
hu f.t.ult, but Ia her nell a-: and IIDK"·
ing abo w:u1 tbo deluded little Jap:l.D·
••:l U:.l
The Ch lo•go Society for Tec:h"l·
ca l Aid to Soviet Ru ula will celebrate 1t1 ftfth annlvcrury on Satu,..
da y, Dec. I, d a p. m. In the a ..
1t"'bly hall of the Soviet School.
1902 w. Dlvlalon St.. Chlc.ago. Ru.
alan labor organlntlon1 are Invited
to .. nd their rep~~entatlyu to the
ctlebrttlo". An l"t•,..•tlng pro1ra.m
11 be ing prepared.
co~":::r ..\r:~p Ro:;h:r ·:~~t.u~~~
go 8oc ltly for Techn ical Aid to
Soviet Rua1la will lean fOf' Q4cl&l
th ll Saturday at midnight, A t.rowcll will bo given to them at thla ·
All 1upportet't or ti.e work of the
aoclety ara ur,ed to be pruc:nt t•
g in thete "'ploM.Of"e• a eoocf aendofr.
The afftlr promlau to be a lively
one 11 the orche.tra ef the v. W.
L. will pity • prominent role II\ the
program and the danolna that will
follow. The three Sholly dandng
chillll"n f R..,• co1tumee will
partlclptte In U.e ,.....,...-. Nany
other lnte,...tlng numben. CorMI
AdmiMion oaly S5 centa.
pral•ln~~~: t he Serrat i ~: roup bc!yoad
word• and espreuln.: ho pe that tho
Communlfl t lnteru ntlona l wo.utcl kee p
thorn . A footaoto of t ho editor lo tho
article read•:
"'It giYu u1 vivid 1atl1fac:tlon that
Comrade Dr. P.tu l Lev i. author of
th la tr1.1cle, t.tku 1 po1 ltlon towuda
the lt.a ll an congr eu tnd partlcula,..
ly, towttdl the Serrati group wh ich
l1 perftctly Identical with the poat.
tlon of the Volkue ltu"g n e•Pre. .
~d In our ed itorial three weeki ago.•
Com rade Lore thus ltnka hlrn1elt
with r a !l Ln 1. We ehatl aee tbo.t lhlJ.
relatloathlp • a.a dutl"cd to become
more proaouaeed lc ter.
(Serontl a rt icle !'Ill bo pubUahrd Ia.
ae~: t la10e oC t bl.s •uppll'! meaL )
(CooUaued from paa:e· 5)
lotora.at1oDal au our caae to Lb e poln L
Thle TefT MgatJYe a tt ltutle can be
clearly Hen tn lllle late•t s ta~menu
of tho c. E. c .. T. u . F.. L. ao Y. W.
L.., Comrad.a ~llta lman't a lcl ea.
By f'efuaiD& to r ecopl .. lb c c l'}'tor
a eed tor a poH UeaJ unity of prole tarlu•. who aTe aJowJ:r. but turelr fore~
to toot tor poUtJeal wearooe, and u
yet are tar from bela& able to under~
atand a aeceaaJtr for a Commu nlat
P•ty, we will onlr play Into tbe
b anda ot our yellowa. Aod . It tho T.
U. 11. L. at ateme.nt r aaect.a the new
C. !1. C. policy correctly, 1heo they
are al~.T on "comm on ayn.
dlcaHat'" ll'OUDda. Dot tb er aball not
rema1o tbero t