252 Basics Quick Sheet August 252 Basics Quick Sheet

252 Basics Quick Sheet August
3-6th grade
Week 4
Do You Really Love Me?
August 23
Virtue: Love—choosing to give someone your time and friendship no matter what.
Memory Verse: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all
your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your
neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39, NIV
Bible Story: Do You Really Love Me? (Jesus reinstates Peter) • John 21:15-19
Bottom Line: When you love Jesus, you’ll treat others the way He does.
FILL OUT YOUR KIDS POINTS – Do you know every kid’s name so you can pray for them this week? Start
with your name then ask the kids to share their name and something about the bible story they
particularly liked.
* 1. Grid Toss (application activity / review the Bible lesson)
SUPPLIES: a beanbag, “Grid Toss Questions” (Activity Pages), a prepared tear sheet, tape
Tape the prepared tear sheet on the floor. Divide kids into two teams and direct the teams to stand at
least five feet away from the tear sheet. Let the first player from one team toss a beanbag onto the
paper. The player then answers a question from that category and either gets the points or throws again.
Then the first player from the other team takes a turn. Repeat the process until everyone has gone or
you have exhausted your questions. Score one point for a correct answer and two points for saying the
memory verse from memory. High score wins!
SMALL GROUP LEADER: “Wow! You guys did a great job answering questions from all our lessons this
month. In reviewing today’s story, we learned that [Impress] when you love Jesus, you’ll treat others
the way He does. Those were the instructions Jesus gave to Peter, and those are the instructions for us
as well! [Apply] Let’s talk about some specific examples. How do you think Jesus would treat the
person at school who sits by herself at lunch? (Pause for responses.) What about the guy that
people make fun of on the bus? (Pause for responses.) How should we treat the new kid at
church or school?” (Pause for responses.)
Optional 5th Grade Discussion Questions
If you lead fifth graders, consider asking these discussion questions:
• Why do you think it is so important to Jesus that we treat others the way He would treat them?
• Imagine that Jesus told you to take care of His children at your school. What are some things you
would do for the younger kids at your school to do this?
• Why do you think Jesus asked Peter three different times if he loved Him?
2. Prop Box (application activity / great for boys)
SUPPLIES: a prop box filled with props
Let each kid select a prop out of the box. [Apply] Pair the kids together and ask each pair to create a
skit showing how they would use their two items to show God’s love to someone.
SMALL GROUP LEADER: “Great job with your skits! Remember, [Impress] when you love Jesus,
you’ll treat others the way He does.”
* If short on time make sure to do this activity.
Lisa Ryder
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252 Basics Quick Sheet August
3. Slideshow Memory (memory verse activity)
SUPPLIES: memory verse flashcards
Show flash cards to review this month’s memory verse. Ask kids to read the verse aloud. Show the flash
cards again, letting kids fill in the missing words of the verse.
SMALL GROUP LEADER: “You know, kids, if we do what this verse says and love our neighbor as
ourselves, then we will be treating others the way Jesus wants us to. [Impress] When you love Jesus,
you’ll treat others the way He does. [Apply] Think of someone who lives in your neighborhood.
How can you let them know that Jesus loves them by the way you treat them?”
4. Responding to the Bottom Line (pray)
SUPPLIES: “Bottom Lines” (Activity Pages), tape, sticky notes, pencils
Post the Activity Pages around the room. Give each kid four sticky notes and a pencil. Have kids get a
partner. Let the kids go to each Activity Page, answer the question, and pray silently. Direct the kids to
start at different pages.Instruct the kids to change stations after a few minutes until they have Explain
posted an answer as well as pray at each station.
SMALL GROUP LEADER: “I hope this prayer time reminded you of what we’ve been learning this
month and how important it is to show love to others. Today we learned we can do that by how we treat
others. [Impress] When you love Jesus, you’ll treat others the way He does.”
Say goodbye to each kid by name and give them their GodTime cards and Fridge Door cards.
* If short on time make sure to do this activity.
Lisa Ryder
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