DIGITAL CONTROL OF VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR FAST TRANSIENT RESPONSE IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS by WENNAN GUO A thesis submitted to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering In conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada (April, 2010) Copyright © Wennan Guo, 2010 ABSTRACT In this thesis, three techniques are proposed to enhance the transient performance of voltage regulators (VR) for computer applications. Voltage mode control with load line positioning and phase current balancing technique is first introduced to maximize the transient response of the VR and to balance the phase current for multiphase VR under high frequency dynamic load conditions. The VR and its control method is modeled and analyzed in depth for its targeting applications. Secondly, a predictive non-linear voltage mode control method is digitally implemented to further enhance the transient response of the VR. The proposed control method enables the VR to operate at a lower switching frequency in the 250KHz range for higher efficiency during steady state operation but to respond quickly accordingly to transient events when necessary. This control technique allows the use of simple VR topologies and can reduce the number of bulk capacitors. Thirdly, a VR with Transient Circuit and digitally implemented non-linear control is introduced to greatly enhance the transient response of the VR. The proposed control method allows the VR to operate at a lower switching frequency in the 250KHz range for higher efficiency under static load condition, but to respond even quickly with the aid of the Transient Circuit upon large load steps. This method allows the use of simple VR topologies and can potentially remove all the bulk capacitors. In the thesis, theoretical analysis, simulations, and experiments are given to describe and verify the proposed techniques. i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Praveen K. Jain for his invaluable guidance, advice and financial support throughout the course of this work. I would like to thank all my colleagues of ePOWER (Centre for Energy and Power Electronics Research Laboratory) at Queen’s University for their support and friendship. I would also like to express my thanks to CHiL Semiconductor Inc. to support experimental work presented in this thesis during my employment between September, 2005 and August, 2007. I would also greatly appreciate Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS D) program by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) program, and Queen’s University Queen’s Graduate Award (QGA) program for their financial support, which greatly inspired and encouraged me to challenge the difficulties in engineering world. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to my wife Xin Zhang and our parents for their love, support and sacrifices during these years. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................................................................................................ii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................ vi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................ xv LIST OF ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................... xvi LIST OF PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS ...................................................................................................... xix CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1 1.1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 Brief Introduction to Voltage Regulator ........................................................................... 1 1.1.2 Challenges in Powering the Future Microprocessors....................................................... 3 1.2 TECHNICAL REVIEW OF EXISTING SOLUTIONS ......................................................................... 6 1.2.1 Output Capacitors of Voltage Regulator........................................................................... 6 1.2.2 Output Inductors of Voltage Regulator ............................................................................. 7 1.2.3 Multiphase Interleaved Topology ...................................................................................... 8 1.2.4 Switching at Higher Frequency ......................................................................................... 9 1.2.5 Intermediate Stage Linear Regulation............................................................................. 12 1.2.6 Current Mode Control and Voltage Mode Control ......................................................... 14 1.2.7 Load Current Feed-Forward Control ............................................................................. 16 1.2.8 V2 Control and Its Enhanced Version ............................................................................. 17 1.2.9 Non-Linear Hysteresis Control ....................................................................................... 18 1.2.10 Coupled Inductor Approach .......................................................................................... 18 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE THESIS .................................................................................................... 20 1.4 OUTLINE OF THE THESIS ......................................................................................................... 21 CHAPTER 2 MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF MULTIPHASE VOLTAGE REGULATOR FOR HIGH FREQUENCY DYNAMIC LOAD .................................. 23 2.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 23 2.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENT ON VR’S TRANSIENT RESPONSE .................................................... 25 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE MULTIPHASE VOLTAGE MODE CONTROLLED VR............................... 28 2.4 MODELING OF THE MULTIPHASE VR...................................................................................... 31 2.4.1 State Space Description of the Multiphase VR ................................................................ 31 2.4.2 Small Signal Model of the VR.......................................................................................... 32 iii 2.4.3 Average Modeling of VR ................................................................................................. 34 2.5 CLOSED LOOP TRANSFER FUNCTIONS .................................................................................... 35 2.5.1 Closed Loop Transfer Function of Output Voltage ......................................................... 35 2.5.2 Closed Loop Transfer Function of Phase Current .......................................................... 35 2.5.3 Closed Loop Transfer Function of Output Impedance .................................................... 36 2.5.4 Closed Loop Transfer Function of Line Rejection .......................................................... 36 2.5.5 Closed Loop Transfer Function of Noise Rejection ........................................................ 36 2.6 DESIGN FOR HIGH FREQUENCY DYNAMIC LOADS ................................................................. 37 2.6.1 Output Voltage Regulation .............................................................................................. 37 2.6.2 Phase Current Balancing ................................................................................................ 37 2.6.3 Minimizing Beat Frequency Effect .................................................................................. 39 2.6.4 Load Line Positioning ..................................................................................................... 43 2.7 LOOP DESIGN APPROACHES AND ITS VALIDATION ................................................................ 45 2.7.1 Voltage Control Loop ...................................................................................................... 46 2.7.2 Phase Current Balancing Loop ....................................................................................... 49 2.7.3 Output Impedance and Load Line ................................................................................... 50 2.7.4 Line Rejection .................................................................................................................. 52 2.7.5 Noise Rejection ................................................................................................................ 52 2.8 EFFECT OF LOAD MODEL........................................................................................................ 53 2.9 SIMULATION RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 55 2.10 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 61 CHAPTER 3 VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH DIGITALLY IMPLEMENTED NON-LINEAR VOLTAGE MODE CONTROL ........................................................... 62 3.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 62 3.2 PREDICTIVE NON-LINEAR VOLTAGE MODE CONTROL .......................................................... 63 3.2.1 Operation of the Non-Linear Voltage Mode Control ...................................................... 63 Normal Steady State Mode ............................................................................................. 68 Transient-Up Mode ......................................................................................................... 69 Transient-Down Mode .................................................................................................... 71 3.2.2 Prediction for Non-Linear Operation ............................................................................. 72 Frequency Domain Model of the VR for Prediction ....................................................... 74 Theoretical Calculation for Prediction ............................................................................ 75 3.2.3 Non-Linear Control and Switching Frequency ............................................................... 78 3.3 DIGITAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTROL ....................................................................... 81 3.3.1 Architecture of the Digital Controller ............................................................................. 81 iv 3.3.2 Digital Compensation for Normal Steady State Mode .................................................... 83 3.3.3 Control Algorithm for Transient Modes .......................................................................... 88 3.3.4 Control Algorithm for Light Load Mode ......................................................................... 90 3.4 OUTPUT OVERSHOOT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 91 3.5 POWER LOSS ANALYSIS OF LINEAR AND NON-LINEAR OPERATION ...................................... 98 3.5.1 Power Loss Analysis under Static Load Condition ......................................................... 98 3.5.2 Power Loss Analysis under High Frequency Dynamic Load Condition ....................... 102 3.6 SIMULATION RESULTS .......................................................................................................... 104 3.6.1 Single Load Step Simulation Results ............................................................................. 104 3.6.2 Load Oscillation Simulation Results ............................................................................. 110 3.7 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 116 3.8 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 119 CHAPTER 4 VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH TRANSIENT CIRCUIT AND DIGITAL CONTROLLER ............................................................................................ 120 4.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 120 4.2 TOPOLOGY OF THE VR AND TRANSIENT CIRCUIT ................................................................ 122 4.3 OPERATION MODES OF THE VR WITH TRANSIENT CIRCUIT ................................................. 123 4.3.1 Normal Steady State Mode ............................................................................................ 123 4.3.2 Transient-Up Mode ....................................................................................................... 123 4.3.3 Transient-Down Mode................................................................................................... 129 4.4 DIGITAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTROLLER ............................................................... 132 4.4.1 Architecture of the Digital Controller ........................................................................... 132 4.4.2 Control Algorithm for Transient Modes ........................................................................ 134 4.5 OUTPUT OVERSHOOT ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 135 4.6 POWER LOSS ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 141 4.7 SIMULATION RESULTS .......................................................................................................... 145 4.7.1 Single Load Step Simulation Results ............................................................................. 145 4.7.2 Load Oscillation Simulation Results ............................................................................. 151 4.8 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 156 4.9 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 160 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY ...................................................... 161 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 164 v LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1-1 Synchronous Buck Converter for Voltage Regulation (VR) ................................................. 2 Fig. 1-2 Multiphase Interleaved buck converter ................................................................................. 2 Fig. 1-3 Physical image of an actual Voltage Regulator (VR) down on an Intel motherboard .......... 3 Fig. 1-4 Estimated required output capacitance as a function of load current .................................... 7 Fig. 1-5 Current ripple canceling effect .............................................................................................. 8 Fig. 1-6 Step responses of a VR switching at different frequency (1.5Vdc/25A output)................... 10 Fig. 1-7 Estimated efficiency versus switching frequency for CCM and DCM operation modes (Based on 1.5Vdc/25A output condition) .............................................................................. 11 Fig. 1-8 Intermediate Linear Regulator solution ............................................................................... 13 Fig. 1-9 Block diagram of current mode control .............................................................................. 14 Fig. 1-10 100% load step responses of current mode and voltage mode control (1.5Vdc/25A) ........ 15 Fig. 1-11 Small signal block diagram of load current feed-forward control method........................ 16 Fig. 1-12 Small signal block diagram of enhanced V2 control method ............................................ 17 Fig. 1-13 Multiphase coupled inductor VR ...................................................................................... 19 Fig. 2-1 Time domain ideal waveform of voltage response under Intel’s load line operation ......... 25 Fig. 2-2 Intel’s frequency domain AC load line impedance ZLL ....................................................... 26 Fig. 2-3 Voltage mode controlled 4-phase VR with load line positioning and phase current balancing............................................................................................................................... 29 Fig. 2-4 Intel’s LGA775 socket load line window for design consideration (775_VR_CONFIG_04B) .................................................................................................... 30 Fig. 2-5 Complete small signal model with load line positioning and phase current balancing ....... 32 Fig. 2-6 Average model of the VR .................................................................................................... 34 Fig. 2-7 Waveforms of current without balancing ............................................................................ 37 Fig. 2-8 Waveforms of phase current balanced ................................................................................ 37 Fig. 2-9 Current balanced at static load of 20A and 120A respectively under low bandwidth design at 1kHz.................................................................................................................................. 38 Fig. 2-10 Phase current balanced at static load of 20A but unbalanced at 20A-120A/100kHz load oscillation due to low bandwidth design at 1kHz ................................................................. 38 vi Fig. 2-11 High amplitude phase current oscillation due to beat frequency effect under low bandwidth design at 1kHz (fsw=250kHz, fload=240kHz)........................................................ 39 Fig. 2-12 Frequency spectrum of phase current waveforms in Fig. 2-11 with high amplitude beat frequency oscillation at 10kHz ............................................................................................. 40 Fig. 2-13 Schematic of a notch filter................................................................................................. 41 Fig. 2-14 Beat frequency effect of 1kHz bandwidth design reduced by adding notch filtering ....... 41 Fig. 2-15 Phase current balanced waveforms (fsw=250kHz, fload=240kHz, BW=50kHz) ................. 42 Fig. 2-16 Frequency spectrum of phase currents in Fig. 2-15 with beat frequency effect minimized at 10kHz................................................................................................................................ 42 Fig. 2-17 Beat frequency effect further reduced with high bandwidth design and notch filtering (fsw=250kHz, fload=240kHz, BW=50kHz) ............................................................................. 43 Fig. 2-18 Load line positioning waveforms: (a) ideal waveforms of VREF and VCC; (b) ideal waveform of VREF and actual response of VCC; (c) waveforms of reshaped VREF and improved response of VCC ..................................................................................................... 44 Fig. 2-19 Gain and phase plots of voltage loop ................................................................................ 47 Fig. 2-20 Gain and phase plots of closed loop transfer function of voltage loop ( v~CC / v~vid ) .......... 48 Fig. 2-21 Gain and phase plots of closed loop transfer function v~CC / v~ref when v~vid 0 .............. 48 Fig. 2-22 Gain and phase plots of current balancing loop ................................................................ 49 Fig. 2-23 Gain and phase plots of closed loop transfer functions of current balancing loop ............ 50 Fig. 2-24 Open loop and closed loop output impedance ................................................................... 51 Fig. 2-25 Comparison of closed loop output impedance for different load line resistance .............. 51 Fig. 2-26 Closed loop line rejection of the VR for RLL=0 and RLL=1mΩ ......................................... 52 Fig. 2-27 Closed loop noise rejection of the VR............................................................................... 52 Fig. 2-28 Equivalent circuits of CPU load and parasitic of the motherboard and Socket [42] ......... 53 Fig. 2-29 Output voltage ripple when phase 1-2 and phase 3-4 are grouped together...................... 54 Fig. 2-30 Output voltage ripple when phase 1-3 and phase 2-4 are grouped together...................... 54 Fig. 2-31 Small signal output impedance Zo_closed based on resistive load model ............................. 55 Fig. 2-32 Output voltage response upon load transients at 5A-120A/10kHz (VID=1.2Vdc) ............ 55 Fig. 2-33 Waveforms of balanced phase current upon 20A-120A/10kHz load steps ....................... 56 Fig. 2-34 Waveforms of balanced phase current upon 20A-120A/100kHz load steps ..................... 56 vii Fig. 2-35 Zoomed-in waveforms of balanced phase current upon 20A-120A/100kHz load steps in Fig. 2-34 ............................................................................................................................... 57 Fig. 2-36 Frequency spectrum of phase current given in Fig. 3-35 .................................................. 57 Fig. 2-37 Zoomed-in frequency spectrum in Fig. 3-36 ..................................................................... 58 Fig. 2-38 Waveforms of phase current under 120A static load current ............................................ 58 Fig. 2-39 Waveforms of balanced phase current upon 20A-120A/10kHz load steps [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 50µs/div] ....................................................................................................... 59 Fig. 2-40 Waveforms of phase current under 120A load condition (Lo1=220nH, Lo3-Lo4=320nH) [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 2µs/div] ...................................................................................... 59 Fig. 2-41 Bode plots of control to output of voltage control loop .................................................... 60 Fig. 2-42 Bode plots of control to output of phase current balancing loop....................................... 60 Fig. 3-1 Transient response of conventional voltage mode control .................................................. 63 Fig. 3-2 Transient response of non-linear voltage mode control during load step up....................... 65 Fig. 3-3 Four-phase interleaved buck converter ............................................................................... 66 Fig. 3-4 Waveforms of the 4-phase VR during Normal Steady State Mode and Transient Modes .. 67 Fig. 3-5 Paths of current flow during Normal Steady State Mode: (a) high side MOSFET is conducting; (b) low side MOSFET is conducting ................................................................ 69 Fig. 3-6 Paths of current flow during Transient-Up Mode ............................................................... 70 Fig. 3-7 Paths of current flow during Transient-Down Mode: (a) low side MOSFETs are turned on; (b) low side MOSFETs are turned off .................................................................................. 72 Fig. 3-8 Measured total inductor current and load current................................................................ 73 Fig. 3-9 Brief block diagram of the VR system ................................................................................ 75 Fig. 3-10 Output voltage slope versus load current steps ................................................................. 77 Fig. 3-11 Simulated output voltage step responses of conventional and proposed control method (fsw=250kHz) ......................................................................................................................... 79 Fig. 3-12 Simulated output voltage step responses of conventional and proposed non-linear control method (fsw=250kHz and 5MHz) .......................................................................................... 80 Fig. 3-13 Brief block diagram of the proposed digital controller for voltage regulation .................. 81 Fig. 3-14 Architecture of the proposed digital controller IC ............................................................ 83 Fig. 3-15 Digital Compensator of the VR ........................................................................................ 84 viii Fig. 3-16 Implementation of the Digital Compensator ..................................................................... 85 Fig. 3-17 Bode plots of control to output in continuous and discrete time domain .......................... 86 Fig. 3-18 Bode plots of closed loop of the VR ................................................................................. 86 Fig. 3-19 Root locus plot of control to output................................................................................... 87 Fig. 3-20 Nyquist plot of control to output ....................................................................................... 87 Fig. 3-21 Step response of the VR system ........................................................................................ 88 Fig. 3-22 Flow chart of the control algorithm during Normal Steady State Mode and Transient-Up Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 89 Fig. 3-23 Flow chart of the control algorithm during Normal Steady State Mode and TransientDown Mode........................................................................................................................... 90 Fig. 3-24 Equivalent circuit of the VR during load release (low side MOSFETs are turned off) .... 91 Fig. 3-25 Output voltage overshoot as a function of time for various phase inductors when low side MOSFETs are tuned off upon a load release (Co=6×560µF+18×22µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) .......................................................................................................................... 94 Fig. 3-26 Current through the body diode of the low side MOSFET as a function of time for various phase inductance Lo upon load release (Co=6×560µF+18×22µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) .......................................................................................................................... 95 Fig. 3-27 Equivalent circuit of the VR during load release (low side MOSFETs are turned on) ..... 95 Fig. 3-28 Output voltage overshoot as a function of time for various phase inductors when low side MOSFETs are turned on upon a load release (Co=6×560µF+18×22µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) .......................................................................................................................... 96 Fig. 3-29 Output voltage upon 100A-5A load current step-down, low side FETs are turned off (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ............................................................................................................................... 97 Fig. 3-30 Output voltage upon 100A-5A load current step-down, low side FETs are turned on (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ............................................................................................................................... 97 Fig. 3-31 Power loss composition in high side and low side MOSFETs (ICC=125A) .................... 100 Fig. 3-32 Total power loss distribution among power components (ICC=125A) ............................ 100 Fig. 3-33 Power loss as a function of load frequency ..................................................................... 103 ix Fig. 3-34 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ................................... 105 Fig. 3-35 Output voltage waveform upon 125A-30A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ............................ 105 Fig. 3-36 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-100A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ................................... 106 Fig. 3-37 Output voltage waveform upon 100A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ............................ 106 Fig. 3-38 Output voltage waveform upon 25A-75A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ................................... 107 Fig. 3-39 Output voltage waveform upon 75A-25A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 10A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ............................ 107 Fig. 3-40 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-55A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ................................... 108 Fig. 3-41 Output voltage waveform upon 55A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 10A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] ................................ 108 Fig. 3-42 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-10A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ..................................... 109 Fig. 3-43 Output voltage waveform upon 10A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 5A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] .............................. 109 Fig. 3-44 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-100A/10kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 50µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 50µs/div] ............................ 110 Fig. 3-45 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-55A/10kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 100µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 100µs/div] ............................... 111 Fig. 3-46 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-10A/10kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 50µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 50µs/div] ..................................... 111 Fig. 3-47 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/10kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 100µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 100µs/div] ........................ 112 Fig. 3-48 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/50kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 50µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 50µs/div] ............................ 112 Fig. 3-49 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/100kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 50µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 50µs/div] ............................ 113 x Fig. 3-50 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/250kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] ................................ 113 Fig. 3-51 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/500kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] ................................ 114 Fig. 3-52 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/800kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 2µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 2µs/div] ................................ 114 Fig. 3-53 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/1MHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] ................................ 115 Fig. 3-54 Prototype board of the VR............................................................................................... 116 Fig. 3-55 Measured step response under 95A/1kHz load condition [VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 400µs/div] ........................................................................................................................... 117 Fig. 3-56 Measured output voltage ripple (8mVpp) at 5A load current [VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 400µs/div] ........................................................................................................................... 117 Fig. 3-57 Measured output voltage ripple (9mVpp) at 100A load current [VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, xaxis 20µs/div] ..................................................................................................................... 118 Fig. 3-58 Measured efficiency of the prototype .............................................................................. 118 Fig. 4-1 Four-phase VR and transient circuit .................................................................................. 122 Fig. 4-2 Gate patterns of the VR during load step up ..................................................................... 124 Fig. 4-3 Equivalent circuit of the VR with Transient Circuit ......................................................... 125 Fig. 4-4 Current path during Interval I in Transient-Up Mode ....................................................... 126 Fig. 4-5 Current path during Interval II in Transient-Up Mode ...................................................... 126 Fig. 4-6 Current path during Interval III in Transient-Up Mode .................................................... 126 Fig. 4-7 Waveforms of transient circuit and main power circuit in Transient-Up Mode (CCM) ... 127 Fig. 4-8 Waveforms of transient circuit and main power circuit in Transient-Up Mode (DCM) ... 127 Fig. 4-9 Improvement of transient response of a single phase VR at load step-up ......................... 128 Fig. 4-10 Simulated output voltage at 95A load step up ................................................................. 128 Fig. 4-11 Current waveform of transient inductor Lt during Transient-Down Mode ...................... 129 Fig. 4-12 Current path during of Interval I in Transient-Down Mode ............................................ 130 Fig. 4-13 Current path during Interval II in Transient-Down Mode ............................................... 130 Fig. 4-14 Current path during Interval III in Transient-Down Mode .............................................. 130 xi Fig. 4-15 Simulated output voltage at 95A load step-down............................................................ 131 Fig. 4-16 Brief block diagram of the digital controller with Transient Circuit control .................. 132 Fig. 4-17 Architecture of the digital controller with Transient Circuit control .............................. 133 Fig. 4-18 Flow chart of the control algorithm ................................................................................. 134 Fig. 4-19 Equivalent circuit of the VR during load release ............................................................ 135 Fig. 4-20 Output voltage minus its initial value as a function of Transient Circuit inductance Lt at load release (Lo=320nH, Co=528µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) .......................................... 138 Fig. 4-21 Current through transient inductor Lt at load release for various inductance values (Lo=320nH, Co=528µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) .............................................................. 138 Fig. 4-22 Current through output capacitor Co at load release for various Lt values (Lo=320nH, Co=528µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc).................................................................................. 139 Fig. 4-23 Current through the body diode of low side MOSFET in each phase of the main power circuit at load release for various Lt values (Lo=320nH, Co=528µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) ........................................................................................................................ 140 Fig. 4-24 Output voltage maximum overshoot at load step-down (ICC=100A) ............................ 140 Fig. 4-25 Power loss composition in each high side and low side MOSFETs of Transient Circuit during load oscillation at 5A-100A/40kHz......................................................................... 143 Fig. 4-26 Power loss distribution among power components during load oscillation at 5A100A/40kHz........................................................................................................................ 143 Fig. 4-27 Measured power loss as a function of load frequency (ICC=95A)................................. 144 Fig. 4-28 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] ....................................... 146 Fig. 4-29 Output voltage waveform upon 125A-30A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] ................................ 146 Fig. 4-30 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-100A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] ....................................... 147 Fig. 4-31 Output voltage waveform upon 100A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ............................ 147 Fig. 4-32 Output voltage waveform upon 25A-75A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] ....................................... 148 xii Fig. 4-33 Output voltage waveform upon 75A-25A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 10A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ............................ 148 Fig. 4-34 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-55A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ................................... 149 Fig. 4-35 Output voltage waveform upon 55A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 10A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] ................................ 149 Fig. 4-36 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-10A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ..................................... 150 Fig. 4-37 Output voltage waveform upon 10A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 5A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] .............................. 150 Fig. 4-38 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/10kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 20µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 20µs/div] ............................ 152 Fig. 4-39 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/50kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] ............................ 152 Fig. 4-40 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/100kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 20µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 20µs/div] ............................ 153 Fig. 4-41 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/250kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] ................................ 153 Fig. 4-42 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/500kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 2µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 2µs/div] ................................ 154 Fig. 4-43 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/800kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 2µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 2µs/div] ................................ 154 Fig. 4-44 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/1MHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: yaxis 20A/div, x-axis 20µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 20µs/div] ............................ 155 Fig. 4-45 Prototype of the VR with Transient Circuit .................................................................... 156 Fig. 4-46 Waveforms of measured output voltage at 95A load step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 4µs/div] .................................................................................................. 157 Fig. 4-47 Waveforms of measured output voltage at 95A load steps (VID=1.0Vdc) [VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 4µs/div] .................................................................................................. 157 Fig. 4-48 Measured output voltage at 95A/1kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 400µs/div] .............................................................................................. 158 xiii Fig. 4-49 Measured output voltage at 95A/250kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 4µs/div] .................................................................................................. 158 Fig. 4-50 Calculated and measured VR efficiency ......................................................................... 159 xiv LIST OF TABLES TABLE 2-1 VR design specifications and parameters ..................................................................... 45 TABLE 3-1 Summary of calculated power loss under steady state load condition ........................ 101 TABLE 3-2 VR design specifications and parameters ................................................................... 104 TABLE 4-1 Design specifications and parameters of proposed VR with Transient Circuit .......... 145 TABLE 4-2 Summary of single step load line compliance simulation results ............................... 151 TABLE 4-3 Summary of AC load line compliance simulation results........................................... 155 xv LIST OF ACRONYMS ADC Analog to Digital Converter AVP Active Voltage Positioning CAD Computer Aided Design CCM Continuous Conduction Mode CMOS Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor COMP Comparator CPU Central Processing Unit DA Differential Amplifier DAC Digital to Analog Converter DCM Discontinuous Conduction Mode DCR Direct Current Resistor DSP Digital Signal Processing Dynamic VID Dynamic Voltage Identification Code ESL Equivalent Serial Inductance ESR Equivalent Serial Resistance I2 C Inter-Integrated Circuit IC Integrated Circuit xvi LL Load Line MATLAB Matrix Laboratory (Numeric CAD tool by MathWorks Inc.) MLCC Multi-Layer Ceramic Capacitor MOSFET Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor NVM Non-Volatile Memory OPAMP Operation Amplifier OSCON Aluminum solid capacitor with Organic Semi-Conductive electrolyte (OSCON) developed by Sanyo PCB Printed Circuit Board PI Proportional-Integral PID Proportional-Integral-Derivative PSI Power State Indicator PSIM Power Simulation (Power Electronics CAD tool by Powersim Inc.) PSPICE Personal Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis SIMULINK Simulation Link (Simulation CAD tool by MathWorks Inc.) TOB Tolerance of Band VID Voltage Identification Code VR Voltage Regulator VRD Voltage Regulator Down xvii VRM Voltage Regulator Module VTT Voltage Transient Test ZCS Zero Current Switching ZVS Zero Voltage Switching xviii LIST OF PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS Efficiency (%) ICC Load current change (A) Cbulk Capacitance of output bulk capacitors (F) Ccer Capacitance of output MLCC capacitors (F) Co Output Capacitance (F) D Steady State Duty cycle d Duty cycle including Steady State and Small Perturbation e(n) Error voltage at nth sampling interval en Error voltage at nth sampling interval fc_load Critical load oscillation frequency (Hz) fload Load oscillation frequency (Hz) fSAMP_ADC Sampling frequency of the output voltage ADC Converter (Hz) fSAMP_COMP Sampling frequency of the Digital Compensator (Hz) fsw Switching frequency of Voltage Regulator (Hz) Iavg_main_LS Average current through Transient Circuit low die body diode (A) Iavg_tran_HS_diode Average current through Transient Circuit high side body diode (A) iC Output capacitor current (A) xix iC_max Maximum current through output capacitor current (A) ICC DC load current (A) ICC_max Maximum DC load current (A) ICC_min Minimum DC load current (A) iD Current through low side MOSFET body diode during load release iL Phase inductor current (A) iLe Equivalent phase inductor current (A) Imax_down_tran_HS_n nth maximum current of Transient Circuit high side MOSFET at load step-down (A) Imax_down_tran_LS_n nth maximum current of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET at load step-down (A) Imax_up_tran_LS_n nth maximum current of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET at load step-up (A) Imin_up_tran_LS_n nth minimum current of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET at load step-up (A) Iph_max Maximum point of phase current (A) Iph_min Minimum point of phase current (A) Ireg_avg_tran_HS Average current regenerated via Transient Circuit high side MOSFET (A) Irms_HS RMS current of high side MOSFET (A) xx Irms_LS RMS current of low side MOSFET (A) Irms_tran_HS RMS current of Transient Circuit high side MOSFET (A) Irms_tran_LS RMS current of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET (A) Le Equivalent Output Inductance of the multiphase VR (H) Lo Inductor value in each phase of the VR (H) N Number of phases of the VR nHS Number of high side power MOSFETs per phase of the VR nLS Number of low side power MOSFETs per phase of the VR Ntran_down_pulse Number of transient pulses at load step-down Ntran_up_pulse Number of transient pulses at load step-up Pc_HS Conduction loss of main power circuit high side MOSFET (W) Pc_L Copper loss of main power circuit phase inductor (W) Pc_LS Conduction loss of main power circuit low side MOSFET (W) Pc_main_LS Loss of main power circuit low side MOSFET at load release (W) Pc_tran_HS Conduction loss of Transient Circuit high side MOSFET (W) Pc_tran_LS Conduction loss of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET (W) Pc_tran_Lt Conduction loss of Transient Circuit inductor (W) Pdiode Power loss of the body diode (W) Pg_HS Gate loss of main power circuit high side MOSFET (W) xxi Pg_tran_HS Gate loss of Transient Circuit high side MOSFET (W) Preg_tran_HS Regenerated power by Transient Circuit during load release (W) Ps_HS Switching loss of main power circuit high side MOSFET (W) Ps_L Core loss of main power circuit phase inductor (W) Ps_LS Switching loss of main power circuit low side MOSFET (W) Ps_tran_HS Switching loss of Transient Circuit high side MOSFET (W) Ps_tran_LS Switching loss of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET (W) PTOT_tran_HS Total power loss of Transient Circuit high side MOSFET (W) PTOT_tran_LS Total power loss of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET (W) Qg_TOT_tran_HS Total gate charge of Transient Circuit high side MOSFET (C) Qg_TOT_tran_LS Total gate charge of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET (C) rbulk ESR of output bulk capacitors (Ω) rC ESR of output capacitor (Ω) rcer ESR of output MLCC capacitors (Ω) Rd Equivalent load resistance (Ω) rL ESR of the phase inductor (Ω) RLL DC load line resistance (Ω) Ron On resistance of MOSFET (Ω) Ron_tran_HS Transient Circuit high side MOSFET on resistance (Ω) xxii Ron_tran_LS Transient Circuit low side MOSFET on resistance (Ω) tdead_tran Deadtime between transient high side and low side gate signals tf_HS Fall time of high side MOSFET (Second) tf_LS Fall time of low side MOSFET (Second) tf_tran_HS Fall time of Transient Circuit high side MOSFET (Second) tf_tran_LS Fall time of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET (Second) tr_HS Rise time of the high side MOSFET (Second) tr_LS Rise time of the low side MOSFET (Second) vc Output capacitor voltage (V) VCC DC output voltage of Voltage Regulator (V) vCC Output voltage of Voltage Regulator (V), including DC and AC VD MOSFET body diode forward voltage (V) VDR Output voltage of gate drive (V) Vin DC input voltage of Voltage Regulator (V) Vref(n) Digitized reference voltage at nth sampling interval Vsense(n) Digitized sensed output voltage at nth sampling interval y(n) Output of Digital Compensator at nth sampling interval Zo Open Loop Output Impedance Zo_closed Closed Loop Output Impedance xxiii CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND 1.1.1 Brief Introduction to Voltage Regulator A Voltage Regulator (VR) is a dc-dc power converter installed on a motherboard to regulate the voltage fed to the microprocessor [1-3]. Nearly all motherboards have either a built-in Voltage Regulator Down (VRD) [2] or a replaceable Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) [4]. Typically the input to the VR is 12Vdc. The output voltage can be 5Vdc, 3.3Vdc, 1.5Vdc, or even lower. Targeting for different end applications, VRs can be classified as VR for server computers, workstations, desktop computers, and notebook computers [5]. For different applications, the output voltage and load current will be different. For desktop and server computers, the maximum current that a VR should deliver is about 135A, and for notebook computers the current should be in the range of 20A-50A. The efficiency, cost, and reliability requirements of a VR are different for different applications. Thus the design criteria and complexity of the VR vary. Various topologies and their possible combinations are investigated for VR applications [6-10]. Among them is the conventional synchronous buck converter shown in Fig. 1-1, which is a voltage step-down converter. It is simple with minimum component usage, and therefore is currently widely adopted topology for VR applications. This single phase configuration can deliver current up to 30A with low cost, and thus it is a frequent candidate for notebook VR applications. 1 For larger current applications, two or more phases of synchronous buck converters in Fig. 1-1 can be paralleled to deliver more current. Fig. 1-2 gives the topology of such a multiphase interleaved buck converter. Typically, a two-phase VR can deliver about 60A economically for notebook applications and a four-phase VR can deliver about 130A for desktop or server computers. S1 Vd Lo S2 Co Controller RL Fig. 1-1 Synchronous Buck Converter for Voltage Regulation (VR) Fig. 1-2 Multiphase Interleaved buck converter Fig. 1-3 gives the physical image of such a multiphase VRD on an Intel motherboard. This VR has four phases to deliver 125A for a desktop computer. The four phases are located to the north and east of the LGA775 Socket for the CPU on the 2 motherboard. They are identified as North Phase 1, North Phase 2, East Phase 1, and East Phase 2 respectively. Corresponding to the schematic in Fig. 1-2, the output filter inductor in each phase is marked out in Fig. 1-3. The output filter capacitors are made up of bulk OSCON capacitors marked as C1 and C3, and MLCC capacitors in the center cavity of the CPU socket marked as C2 in Fig. 1-3. L_East_2 C3 C2 L_East_1 C1 C1 L_North_1 L_North_2 Fig. 1-3 Physical image of an actual Voltage Regulator (VR) down on an Intel motherboard 1.1.2 Challenges in Powering the Future Microprocessors As Moore’s law is still counting [11], microprocessors are requiring lower and lower supplying voltages, targeting 0.5Vdc in the near future, and demanding larger and larger current up to 150A or more. The CPU of a personal computer currently operates at about 3GHz and will target 10GHz in the future. The slew rate of the load current at power up can be as high as 2000A/s currently and 5000A/s in the future. The voltage supplied to the microprocessor is required to have regulation of about 8% currently and 2% in the future microprocessors. The absolute value of the voltage regulation is currently 100mVdc 3 and 30mVdc in the future. Such a tight voltage regulation specification is mandatory to keep the normal logic operation of the CMOS transistors in the microprocessor under all conditions. If the microprocessor wakes up from its sleep mode to its full operating mode, then the step of the output current can be as high as 100A to 200A, with a slew rate (di/dt) of 1000A/s or higher. At the mean time, the output voltage should not drop too much, 50mV for instance. Otherwise the logic operation of the CMOS in the CPU may function abnormally. However, the voltage droop of VRs based on conventional solutions can be so large that the output voltage limitation can be exceeded tremendously very easily if the number of output capacitors is limited. The major challenge in developing a VR for the next generation microprocessor therefore lies in designing a very tight and stable output voltage that is immune from the influence of the increased power consumption, aggressively decreased output voltage, and dramatically increased load current slew rate. This requires the VR have very fast transient response particularly to large load steps. However, the challenges for VR are not limited to the requirement of tight output voltage regulation. For commercial products, cost is an important factor. Reducing the number of output capacitors can greatly reduce the cost of VR. On the other hand, reducing the total amount of output capacitance will make voltage regulation more challenging. In addition to cost, reliability is also an important factor for VR design. For example, the output bulk capacitors are known for their frequent failures as the root cause putting VRs out of order. To increase VR reliability, the number of bulk capacitors should be minimized or removed completely. However, it is not an easy task considering the challenge of tight voltage regulation. 4 Efficiency of power converters has become more important recently due to global awareness of the importance of efficient use. Higher efficiency of VR is not only desired in server applications, but also in desktop and laptop applications. Increasing VR efficiency can also help increase its reliability. However, obtaining higher efficiency implies more challenges in cost reduction and tight voltage regulation. There are also practical engineering problems currently encountered in industry that need to be addressed and solved. One problem is that given a multiphase VR, it is difficult to balance the current in each phase of the VR under high frequency dynamic load conditions. This current imbalance will lower the efficiency of the VR and may damage the components if the current unbalance exceeds certain limits. Another problem is related to multiphase operation and caused by high frequency dynamic load oscillation. It is called the beat frequency effect, which will lead to high amplitude current oscillation in each phase of the VR. This high amplitude current can easily exceed the maximum allowed by the power semiconductors in each phase and create damages. All these major challenges in powering microprocessors must be addressed and solved while designing a VR. We will therefore review how existing solutions addressing these major challenges in Section 1.2. 5 1.2 TECHNICAL REVIEW OF EXISTING SOLUTIONS Various voltage regulator (VR) topologies, analog or digital control methods to improve power converters transient response have been proposed [6-8, 10, 12-34], trying to satisfy the requirements of transient response of microprocessors. However, their working mechanism determines that it will be even more difficult for them to satisfy the harsher transient requirements of the next generation of microprocessors. The performance and limitations of those existing solutions will be reviewed and discussed in detail in the following sections. 1.2.1 Output Capacitors of Voltage Regulator It is obvious that increasing the output capacitance can not only reduce the output voltage ripple, but also help maintain the output voltage during a sudden load change. However, for a single phase 1.5Vdc/25A VR for instance, a conventional design that can meet the dynamic response specification typically requires at least 3000µF output capacitance. The filtering capacitors are bulky and expensive. Thus it would be very impractical to keep paralleling capacitors at the output, because we can estimate that for a future VR of 0.5Vdc/100A, the required capacitance could be more than 10000µF. Fig. 1-4 demonstrates such a relationship between the required output capacitance and the load current for conventional VRs. Although multiphase topology will help reduce the output capacitance and is used for the estimation where the load current exceeds 50A in Fig. 1-4, the required capacitance is still tremendous for a large load current. In addition, bulk capacitors are known for their low reliability as has been mentioned in Section 1.1.2. Adding more bulk capacitors to increase the output 6 capacitance to meet the voltage regulation requirement will not only increase the cost of the VR but also reduce its reliability. 15000 13500 Capacitance (uF) 12000 10500 9000 7500 6000 4500 3000 1500 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Load Current (Amper) Fig. 1-4 Estimated required output capacitance as a function of load current 1.2.2 Output Inductors of Voltage Regulator Rather than keeping increasing the output capacitance, the output filter inductance of the buck converter can also be reduced to improve the dynamic responses. Unfortunately, the inductance cannot be reduced unbounded, otherwise the output voltage ripple can be easily increased to exceed the ripple requirements, 10mV for instance by Intel’s VR11.0 specification [2]. The increased voltage ripple will in turn reduce the room for the output voltage droop or overshoot during transients. In addition, a larger ripple current through the filter inductor also implies larger current swings through the power switches, which will degrade the overall efficiency of the VR under steady state operation. Moreover, even though the inductance can be reduced for faster transient response, it is 7 still not enough to provide adequate response speed for the future microprocessors if the output capacitance is required to be small for cost and size considerations. 1.2.3 Multiphase Interleaved Topology Multiphase interleaved VR topology puts two or more buck converters in parallel and shares the same output capacitors, as has been illustrated in Fig. 1-2. As mentioned earlier, paralleling more phases is done to increase the current delivery capability to the load. In addition to that, the output filter inductor in each phase is allowed to be smaller than that of a single phase VR. With the reduced inductance in each phase, the VR can achieve faster transient response. The large output current ripple in each phase due to the reduced inductance per phase can be flattened out by the current ripple of other phases, as illustrated in Fig. 1-5. The more phases are in parallel, the smaller the ripple will be. iL1 Io/2 2I o Ts iL2 Ts/2 t Io/2 2I o t io Io I o t Fig. 1-5 Current ripple canceling effect International Rectifier’s XPHASE [17, 35] solution is an example of such an approach, which adopts six phases to achieve the required load current and transient 8 response, to reduce the output voltage ripple due to the small 100nH inductor in each phase, and to minimize the output capacitance. Obviously multiphase topology can enhance the current carrying capability. However, if the load current can be handled by a single phase VR or a VR with fewer phases, then adopting multiphase or paralleling more phases solely for the purpose of reducing the output voltage ripple is not very economical in terms of component cost and PCB board space. More importantly, it is still very difficult for conventionally controlled multiphase VR to achieve the required transient response without a large amount of capacitance at the output or aggressively increasing the switching frequency. The information from XPHASE [17, 35] verified the above opinion and analysis. The implementation requires six phases in parallel. Although it does not use bulk capacitors, it uses 44 more ceramic capacitors at the output and 2 more phases than the basic needed number of phases. It must switch at a high frequency of 800kHz to reduce the voltage ripple due to the very small 100nH inductor. The increased switching frequency will reduce the efficiency of the VR as will be analyzed in Section 1.2.4. 1.2.4 Switching at Higher Frequency Increasing the switching frequency of the switch mode power converter has many advantages. Firstly, it can reduce the components’ values, such as the output capacitance and inductance, thus reducing the number and volume of the components. The increased frequency will also result in a faster system response speed. Given a higher switching frequency, the value of the output inductor for the same amount of ripple voltage can be reduced. This will also enhance the response of a VR to sudden load changes. Fig. 1-6 shows the step load response of a VR switching at 250kHz, 500kHz, 1MHz, 5MHz, and 9 10MHz respectively. It illustrates that higher switching frequency will result in smaller voltage droop and faster response. 1.60V 1.55V 1.50V 10MHz 1.45V 5MHz 1.40V 1MHz 1.35V 500kHz 1.30V 1.25V 1.20V 50us 250kHz 75us V(Vo) 100us 125us 150us 175us 200us 225us 250us Time Fig. 1-6 Step responses of a VR switching at different frequency (1.5Vdc/25A output) A synchronous buck converter for VR can either operate under Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) or Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM). DCM operation will result in a larger peak current through the power switches, and hence larger conduction loss. CCM operation has lower peak current and hence lowers conducting loss. However, CCM has a higher switching loss because the current through the switches does not start from zero at turn-on. DCM operation on the other hand can achieve Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) at turn on and turn off for both switches of a synchronous buck converter. The power loss of a VR is made up of conducting loss and switching loss. At a lower switching frequency, below 1MHz for instance, the power loss is mainly determined by the conducting loss. In this frequency range CCM has a higher efficiency. However at a higher frequency, 3MHz for instance, the switching loss proportional to the switching frequency will dominant. Therefore DCM operation turns out to have a higher efficiency over CCM operation although its conducting loss is still higher. Fig. 1-7 gives the plot of the 10 estimated efficiency of a VR operating under CCM and DCM versus different switching frequency, which illustrates the above points. 100 90 Efficiency (%) 80 70 60 50 40 DCM 30 CCM 20 10 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Switching Frequency (MHz) 8.0 9.0 10.0 Fig. 1-7 Estimated efficiency versus switching frequency for CCM and DCM operation modes (Based on 1.5Vdc/25A output condition) Operating the main power circuit at a very high frequency will improve the dynamic response of the VR given the requirement of very small output capacitance. However, the overall design of such a VR operating at such a high frequency, above 3MHz for instance, will be very difficult. First of all, a power MOSFET capable of handling a larger current will have larger input capacitance, which will increase the turn on and turn off time of the device, hence limiting the maximum switching frequency. It will also make the gate loss of power MOSFETs significant, further reducing the efficiency of the VR. If a higher switching frequency is achieved, then the current carrying capability of the MOSFET will be decreased. It is a dilemma to design a power MOSFET capable of both operating at very high frequency and carrying a very large current. Right now 11 commercially available MOSFETs for VR applications can handle about 30A RMS current and operate at a frequency below 1MHz. Designing a VR beyond the capability of commercially available MOSFETs would be very challenging. As the switching frequency increases, the design of the printed circuit board also becomes difficult. Most importantly, the efficiency of the VR would fall to an unacceptable or unsatisfactory level as the frequency increases. In general, increasing the switching frequency of the VR solely for the purpose of improving the transient response is limited by its feasibility and other performance specifications. It is not an optimum solution for VRs for future microprocessors. New control methods and topologies thus need to be explored. Based on the proposed solution in this thesis, the VR is required to operate at frequency between 200kHz to 600kHz for higher efficiency and simpler overall system design. 1.2.5 Intermediate Stage Linear Regulation An intermediate linear regulator array between the VR as the first stage and the IC load as the last stage was proposed in [13], as shown in Fig. 1-8. It requires the input voltage of the linear regulator to be higher than the output voltage, 400mVdc for instance. This voltage difference is preferred to be the maximum as long as the linear regulator can be regulated, so that when a sudden load step happens, the output voltage droop of the VR will have much larger room, 400mVdc for instance, which is greater than the 100mVdc room for instance for conventional single stage VR solution. This extra room greatly lessens the requirement of the output voltage regulation of the VR in the first stage, thus making design of the VR easier. 12 Fig. 1-8 Intermediate Linear Regulator solution However, during normal steady state operation at full load for example, the large voltage droop across the linear regulator together with the dc current through it will create power loss. The power loss may not be a problem when the IC consumes only a small amount of current and this solution can possibly provide the required dynamic response. However, integrated circuit such as microprocessors demand a large amount of load current, and thus the linear regulator will dissipate power excessively during normal steady state operation. Even though the voltage droop on the linear regulator could be designed to be smaller after certain compromises, the power loss will still be excessive, hence resulting in rather low efficiency, which would then create thermal problems that are difficult to solve. In addition, this solution requires partitioning the CPU into different power zones to make the linear regulation feasible, because a single transistor is not capable of delivering current as high as 100A and at the same time as dissipating the heat effectively resulting from the large power loss. It would also be impossible for the microprocessor manufacturers to partition the CPU into different power zones and provide the interface accordingly only for the sake of easier VR design, especially when other potential 13 solutions exist. Therefore, this linear regulator solution is impractical for the application of powering microprocessors. 1.2.6 Current Mode Control and Voltage Mode Control Currently the most widely used power conversion topology for VR is a buck converter, either single phase or multiphase interleaved. Their control methods can be categorized into two categories: current mode control [36] and voltage mode control. When a small perturbation is introduced, current mode control has a faster dynamic response than that of conventional voltage mode control. However, its dynamic performance is not superior to that of voltage mode control when a large perturbation happens. This is because the response to a large signal is primarily determined by the slowest control loop of the system. In current mode control the crossover frequency of its slower outer voltage loop is limited by the crossover frequency of its faster inner current loop. Fig. 1-9 gives the block diagram of the current mode control and shows the current loop and voltage loop. However, in voltage mode control, the crossover frequency of the voltage loop, which is also the only control loop, can be the same as that of the current loop of current mode control. ~ iL ,ref ( s ) v~o ,ref ( s ) + - Gv (s ) ~ d ( s) + Gi (s ) - ~ iL ( s ) G pi (s ) v~o ( s ) G pv (s ) Current Loop Voltage Loop Fig. 1-9 Block diagram of current mode control Fig. 1-10 gives the simulation results of these two control methods, which shows that if the voltage loop of the current mode control and that of the voltage mode control 14 have the same crossover frequency, then these two control modes will have similar output voltage droop given the same step load, although the current mode control demonstrates a shorter settling time. Given the same switching frequency, if the crossover frequency of the inner current loop of current mode control is the same as the crossover frequency of the voltage mode control, then the outer voltage loop of the current mode control is normally designed to have a crossover frequency of about 5-10 times lower than that of the inner current loop, which is the same as the crossover frequency of the voltage mode control. In this case, the current mode control will demonstrate larger undershoot or overshoot, and longer settling time compared to voltage mode control. 2.0V 1.9V 1.8V 1.7V 1.6V 1.5V 1.4V 1.3V 1.2V 1.1V 1.0V 0.9V 0.8V 0.7V 0.6V 0.5V 0s Voltage Mode Control Current Mode Control V(Vo) 100us 200us 300us 400us Time Fig. 1-10 100% load step responses of current mode and voltage mode control (1.5Vdc/25A) More importantly, voltage mode control can potentially eliminate current sense circuit since its use for current loop regulation is no longer needed. For certain single phase VR applications, for instance, the elimination of the current sense circuit can further reduce the complexity and cost of the VR. 15 1.2.7 Load Current Feed-Forward Control The load current feed-forward control approach reported in [19, 37] intend to enhance the transient response of the voltage mode controlled converter. Its small signal block diagram is shown in Fig. 1-11. ~ iCC Power Stage Zopen v~CC Gpv Controller v~c Zref Feedforward Wff v~cv Cff Feedback Wfb Cfb v~ref Fig. 1-11 Small signal block diagram of load current feed-forward control method The load current feed-forward control method includes the sensed load current information into the voltage control loop, so as to accelerate the speed of the compensator. This control method provides a good solution to enhance the transient response of dc-dc converters that only supply slow slew rate loads. For microprocessors, the slew rate of load current can be as high as 2000A/µs, so the real time sensed current lags the actual load current significantly. It will be too late when the controller starts to react to the sensed load current. Therefore, the load current feed-forward control method is a limited improvement over the load transient response for VR that is powering microprocessor loads. 16 1.2.8 V2 Control and Its Enhanced Version V2 control method [29, 38] or its enhanced version with peak current feedback [14, 31] utilizes two voltage feedbacks or add peak current feedback to enhance VR’s transient response. Fig. 1-12 gives the small signal block diagram of the enhanced V2 control. ~ iL ( s ) v~CC v~in Fig. 1-12 Small signal block diagram of enhanced V2 control method V2 control uses the information of the output voltage at two different stages in the control loop. It is substantially based on voltage mode control, but with enhanced speed brought by the two voltage information. The limitation of this method is that if the load current changes quickly, then it is impossible for the compensator to react quickly enough since the change of the output voltage lags the load current significantly. An enhanced V2 control method is therefore proposed, which adds the sensed peak current information to the control loop to improve the response speed of the compensator. However, similar to load current feed-forward control, the sensed current lags the high slew rate load current 17 significantly, and thus the peak current information has limited effect on the transient response. 1.2.9 Non-Linear Hysteresis Control A non-linear control method can overcome the transient response limit due to the fixed gate pulse intervals determined by the fixed switching frequency. Non-linear control based on hysteresis thresholds comparison [16, 39] is straightforward and relatively easy to implement. However, this method cannot accurately determine the duration of non-linear operation at transients and the output voltage is subject to being bounced back and forth between the thresholds, and thus will result in long settling time especially at load step up. This approach did not show satisfactory VR performance that complies with the design specifications. 1.2.10 Coupled Inductor Approach The coupled inductor method [23, 40, 41] with small output inductance greatly reduces the output capacitance, but it also requires higher switching frequency so as to balance the voltage regulation and voltage ripple requirements. Moreover, the custom designed coupled inductors are more complicated and expensive compared to standard offthe-shelf inductors widely available in the market. The major merit of the coupled inductor solution is that it can further reduce the size of the phase inductors by integrating them in one magnetic enclosure. The ESR of the inductor can be potentially reduced and thus it can reduce the power loss. However, the reduced copper losses by a coupled inductor are not very significant when compared to other power losses such as those in MOSFETs. On the other hand, the slop of the ripple current through the phase inductor is high due to its very small inductance. The required 18 switching frequency therefore must be high to keep the peak to peak current at the level to satisfy the ripple voltage requirement. As a result of the increased switching frequency, the core loss of the coupled inductor is also increased. Fig. 1-13 Multiphase coupled inductor VR The slope of the current through the inductor in each phase is constant in conventional multiphase VR. For the multiphase VR using coupled inductors, the slope of the current is different in different time segments during one switching cycle. The overall peak to peak amplitude of the phase current is smaller than that of a standard inductor of the same value. Thus, the coupled inductor approach shows a lower steady state output voltage ripple. However, given the same inductance value, the coupled inductor approach does not show a gain in transient response compared to the standard inductor approach. This is because in one segment of time, the slope of the current through the coupled inductor is larger, but it is smaller in the next time segment. Considering the inductors in all phase as one equivalent inductor, the transient response of the coupled inductor is indeed unchanged. 19 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE THESIS As has been explained in Section 1.1.2, powering future microprocessors is a challenging task and several practical problems in industry remain to be solved. Existing approaches and solutions for VRs to power microprocessors have been reviewed in Section 1.2. However, they are still not satisfactory to meet all the requirements. The work of this thesis thus intends to provide solutions for VR to power microprocessors to meet the requirements. The major objectives of the thesis are to: (1) Provide techniques to enhance VR’s transient response; (2) Provide control techniques to minimize the number of output bulk capacitors without modifying the existing simple VR topology so as to reduce the cost; (3) Provide a new control technique for conventional VR topology with a proposed active Transient Circuit, so as to potentially remove all the passive output bulk capacitors and to only use MLCC capacitors to increase VR’s reliability; (4) Solve the phase current imbalance problem of multiphase VRs under high frequency dynamic load conditions; (5) Solve the phase current high amplitude oscillation problem due to beat frequency effect under high frequency dynamic load conditions; (6) Provide a cost effective and energy efficient solution for VR, which includes a solution for high efficiency under steady state and a solution for high efficiency under light load conditions; and (7) Propose digital controllers to implement the proposed control strategy and other key power management functionalities desired by the VR and CPU manufacturers. 20 1.4 OUTLINE OF THE THESIS The thesis consists of five chapters. Their contents are outlined below. Chapter 1 introduces the thesis work. Background on the Voltage Regulator (VR) and its applications is briefly introduced. Challenges in providing VR solutions to power future microprocessors are also described in this chapter. Existing solutions to address the challenges are reviewed. Their merits and limitations are analyzed in detail, to provide the backdrop for introducing the high performance VR solutions proposed in later chapters of this thesis. Chapter 2 further analyzes the high frequency dynamic load operation requirements for VR and the practical problems encountered in industry, such as phase current balancing and beat frequency oscillation problems. A voltage mode with phase current balancing control method is therefore introduced in this chapter for multiphase VR. It provides a solution for fast output voltage regulation, phase current sharing under steady state, and phase current balancing under high frequency dynamic load conditions. In order to understand the proposed solution and give the design approach, small signal analysis of the VR is given in detail in Chapter 2. A small signal model of the VR is proposed. Various transfer functions are derived for the VR model. The relationship between DC output resistance, small signal output impedance, and large signal output impedance are clarified to aid the design of the VR. The effect of parasitic inductance and resistance on the motherboard is also clarified for design. Simulation results are given in Chapter 2 to verify the analysis and model of the proposed multiphase VR control method. A summary is given at the end of this chapter. 21 Chapter 3 proposes a predictive non-linear voltage mode control method to enhance the transient performance of a VR and to reduce the number of bulk capacitors at the output. The method allows the VR to operate at a moderate switching frequency around 250kHz to achieve high efficiency easily. Operation of the VR is described in detail in this chapter. Theoretical analysis is given to predict the load current change. The output voltage and its slope are detected to determine the non-linear operation of the VR during load transients. The proposed control method is implemented digitally. The architecture of the digital controller is given. The control algorithm is described. Simulation and experimental results are given in this chapter to verify the performance of the proposed non-linear control method. A summary is presented at the end of this chapter. Chapter 4 proposes a VR with transient circuit to further enhance the transient response of the VR. The proposed topology and control method can potentially remove all the bulk capacitors of the VR. The VR operates at a frequency around 250kHz so as to achieve high efficiency with less expensive power components. The operation of the VR is described in this chapter. Theoretical analysis is given. The control is implemented digitally. The architecture and control algorithm are described. The power loss analysis of the VR is also presented. Simulation and experimental results are given in detail to verify the performance of the proposed VR topology and the control method. Finally a summary is given in the end of this chapter. Chapter 5 presents the conclusions of this thesis work and pointing out areas for future work. 22 CHAPTER 2 MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF MULTIPHASE VOLTAGE REGULATOR FOR HIGH FREQUENCY DYNAMIC LOAD 2.1 INTRODUCTION Voltage mode and current mode control are the two major control methods applied to VR regulation. Compared to current mode control, voltage mode control has less limitation on the loop bandwidth as has been analyzed in Chapter 1. Thus there is a motivation to adopt voltage mode control for new control techniques that can greatly improve the converter’s transient performance. Secondly, to satisfy Intel’s VR requirements, the VR should be able to operate with load line positioning (or voltage droop) to reduce the processor’s power loss and to give more headroom for the output voltage of the VR [5, 42]. Thirdly, for microprocessors demanding load current of about 25A or more, a multiphase interleaved buck converter is currently necessary and is a widely adopted topology, which however requires that each phase of the VR share the load current for thermal and thus efficiency considerations under static load conditions. Finally, Intel and AMD’s VR specifications require the VR to be designed and tested for high frequency dynamic loads up to 1MHz [42]. Under such conditions the VR is required to maintain its voltage regulation and to keep its phase current balanced without high amplitude oscillation. All these above mentioned issues require thorough small signal analysis and modeling of the system to help understand the nature of the VR and to improve its transient performance. This is especially important when the design is at the stage where precise optimization is the key or at the last step to enable the VR’s performance to satisfy 23 specifications for a given circuit configuration and cost budget. Such effective and quantified analysis becomes important and sometimes is the last step solution to noncomplied transient responses. Many publications have addressed small signal analysis and modeling of current mode control [43-45], or current sharing control with load line positioning based on current mode control [40, 46, 47]. However, none has given thorough analysis of VR with phase current balancing and load line positioning based on voltage mode control. Other phase current sharing techniques for paralleled dc-dc converters such as the ones presented in [48-50] are however based on low bandwidth design. A low bandwidth design for current sharing loop is sufficient to stabilize the phase current at static load or at very low frequency load changes such as at 100Hz. It however will not be able to balance the phase current for high frequency dynamic loads specified by Intel and AMD [3, 42]. The analysis and results of current balancing under high frequency dynamic loads are not reported in the above literatures, and nor are the associated solutions. There is therefore strong motivation to give a thorough analysis and in depth validation of the model of the VR to guide the design to address the above mentioned challenges and unsolved problems. The analysis and modeling of voltage mode controlled multiphase VR presented in this chapter helps improve voltage regulation and current balancing under high frequency dynamic load conditions. The model and design approach will change the impression that it is difficult or complicated to implement current balancing in voltage mode control. The relationship between the DC output impedance, small signal output impedance, and the large signal output impedance of the VR are also clarified in this chapter. 24 2.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENT ON VR’S TRANSIENT RESPONSE AMD’s microprocessor requires the VR operate with flat load line, or zero DC load line resistance [3]. The design goal for VR’s transient performance is to minimize undershoot, overshoot and settling time of the output voltage as much as possible upon load steps. Ideally, the output voltage should be a flat line during load transients. Intel’s microprocessor however requires the VR operate with voltage positioning at given load line resistance [42]. In time domain, the VR’s output voltage should not demonstrate excessive undershoot or overshoot. Moreover, it is ideal if the output voltage follows the load line precisely to avoid possible out of specification undershoot or overshoot upon load oscillations at certain unknown frequencies. The waveforms of such a repetitive load current and corresponding ideal output voltage are plotted in Fig. 2-1. The DC load line resistance or slope RLL is defined in (2-1), in which VCC and ICC are the output voltage and load current of the VR respectively. I CC VCC Fig. 2-1 Time domain ideal waveform of voltage response under Intel’s load line operation 25 R LL VCC / I CC (2-1) This time domain transient performance requirement is also described and defined in the frequency domain by Intel as AC load line impedance ZLL [51, 52], which is given in (2-2). The AC load line impedance is obtained when the VR is operating under large repetitive load steps. The measured time domain output voltage is then transferred to the frequency domain to calculate the impedance as a function of load frequency. Such an impedance curve is plotted in Fig. 2-2. Ideally the value of ZLL is desired to be the same as the DC load line resistance RLL at all load oscillation frequencies. Z LL f FFT VCC t FFT I CC t (2-2) 4 Load Line Impedance (mOhm) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 2-2 Intel’s frequency domain AC load line impedance ZLL 26 100000 The frequency domain AC load line impedance ZLL defined in (2-2) and illustrated in Fig. 2-2 intends to help predict the VR’s output voltage transient response in time domain. Although it is in frequency domain, it could be a good indication of the undershoot and overshoot of the output voltage. A non compliance of the impedance in frequency domain will lead to non compliance in time domain if the VR is linearly regulated. This AC load line impedance is substantially the VR’s large signal output impedance, which can be approximated by the VR’s small signal output impedance to predict how the VR’s voltage response will be in time domain upon load oscillations. The small signal output impedance Zo_closed is defined in (2-3). It could be used to predict the voltage response of a linear system, but such application may not be valid if the system is a non-linear system. v~ Z o _ closed ( s ) ~CC iCC (2-3) For multiphase VRs, it is preferable for the current in each phase to be identical for the purpose of even thermal distribution among phases. However, if the component values in each phase are not identical, for instance, then the phase current will not be identical as a result. Such asymmetrical distribution of component values under static load current conditions requires the VR have the ability to share load current evenly among phases. In addition to phase current sharing under static load conditions, the current in each phase should also be balanced quickly upon dynamic load transitions. This phase current balancing requirement indeed echoes the load current oscillation requirement. That is to say the VR should have the phase current balanced as quickly as possible to avoid asymmetrical thermal distribution among phases so as to have optimized efficiency under dynamic load conditions up to 1MHz. 27 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE MULTIPHASE VOLTAGE MODE CONTROLLED VR Fig. 2-3 gives the brief schematic of a voltage mode controlled VR with load line positioning and phase current balancing, in which the power circuit is a four-phase interleaved buck converter. The load of the VR is Intel’s load model given in [42]. The control circuit shown in Fig. 2-3 is analog implemented serving as an example for the control method and the corresponding system modeling. The controller can be digitally implemented as well. In Fig. 2-3, the output voltage VCC is differentially sensed and compared with the reference voltage given in (2-4). The reference voltage is determined by the voltage identification code (VID), the static load line slope (or DC load line resistance) RLL, the load current ICC, and the Tolerance of Band (TOB) voltage VTOB which is 19mV specified by Intel. The VID is specified by AMD or Intel’s VR design guide and the signal is sent to the controller from the microprocessor. The DC load line resistance RLL is defined in (2-1). VREF VVID VTOB I CC RLL (2-4) Such a load line slope and Tolerance of Band (TOB) windows are plotted in Fig. 2-4. Detailed specifications of Intel’s DC load line operation can be found in Intel’s document in [42]. For AMD’s flat load operation, RLL can be set by the control circuit to be zero. Both AMD’s flat load line operation and Intel’s load line operation will be discussed and compared in small signal analysis given in Section 2.7. 28 Fig. 2-3 Voltage mode controlled 4-phase VR with load line positioning and phase current balancing 29 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 Vmax Load Line -0.02 Vtyp_Load Line -0.04 Vmin Load Line -0.06 -0.08 -0.1 -0.12 -0.14 -0.16 -0.18 Fig. 2-4 Intel’s LGA775 socket load line window for design consideration (775_VR_CONFIG_04B) The output error voltage is compensated by a compensator, whose output will be finally sent to generate the control voltage to the comparators to generate the gate pulses. The phase current can be sensed using Ron of MOSFET [53] or using Direct Current Resistor (DCR) method given in [20]. The sensed current is summed and filtered, and then sent for DC load line resistance scaling to generate the reference voltage defined in (2-4). The unfiltered total current ICC_TOT is scaled down by a number of phases to obtain the average current ICC_AVG, which is then compared with the sensed current of each phase for phase current balancing loop regulation. The compensated error voltage and error current of each phase is summed to form the final control voltage of each phase Vci1-Vci4. These control voltages are then compared with the triangular carrier to generate the gate pulses, so as to regulate the output voltage and to keep the phase currents equal to one another. The differentially sensed output voltage will also be sent to a non-linear control block, which will generate the gate pulse to accelerate the VR’s voltage response during load transients. The non-linear control will not be addressed in this chapter but in later chapters. 30 2.4 MODELING OF THE MULTIPHASE VR 2.4.1 State Space Description of the Multiphase VR The state space equations [54-58] of a multiphase VR are given from (2-5) to (2-10), in which iL is the phase inductor current, vc is the output capacitor voltage, Vin is the input voltage, Co is the output capacitance, Le is the equivalent inductance of the phase inductors, Rd is the load resistance, rL is the ESR of the phase inductor, and rc is the ESR of the output capacitor. Vin Rd rc Rd rL rc rL Le ( Rd rc ) Rd C o ( Rd rc ) Rd Le ( Rd rc ) 1 C o ( Rd rc ) (2-5) (2-6) 1 Le 0 (2-7) i L v c (2-8) The transfer function of the power converter is given in (2-9), in which E is given in (2-10). T p ( s ) s I 1 Vin R r d c Rd rc Rd Rd rc 31 (2-9) (2-10) 2.4.2 Small Signal Model of the VR Fig. 2-5 gives the complete small signal model of the multiphase VR described in Section 2.2. The proposed small signal model reflects the control method implemented in the schematic given in Fig. 2-3. The control loops and blocks of the model are described below. ~ iavg ~ ierr 1 v~ci1 ~ d i1 ~ iLo 1 ~ iavg ~ ierr2 v~ci 2 ~ d i2 ~ iLo 2 ~ itotal ~ iavg ~ ierr 3 v~ci 3 ~ di3 ~ iLo 3 ~ iavg ~ ierr4 v~ci4 ~ di4 ~ iLo 4 ~ iCC v~in v~vid v~ref v~err ~ dv v~cv v~CC v~noise Fig. 2-5 Complete small signal model with load line positioning and phase current balancing 32 In Fig. 2-5, Gpv is the small signal transfer function of the power stage of the VR in voltage mode control and is expressed in (2-11). G pv ( s) VCC rc / D Le s VCC / D Le Co s 2 1 / Rd Co rc / Le s 1 / Le Co (2-11) Gm is the gain of the modulator. Hsv is the transfer function of the output voltage sensor. RLL is the DC load line slope. Gfi is the transfer function of the filter for load line positioning. Gpi is the transfer function of the power stage of the current loop. Gcv is the transfer function of the voltage loop compensator, whose format is determined by the system loop characteristics. A double-zero double-pole compensator is an example of such implementation. Its transfer function is given in (2-12). Other applicable implementations include single-zero single-pole compensator and PID compensator. Gcv ( s ) k cv 1 s / zv 2 s 1 s / pv 2 (2-12) Zo_open is the open loop small signal output impedance of the VR. Its transfer function is given in (2-13). Z o _ open ( s ) Le C o rc s 2 Rd rc C o Le s Rd Le C o s 2 Rd C o rc Co Le / Rd s 1 (2-13) Ggv is the transfer function of open loop line rejection of the VR. Its transfer function is given in (2-14). G gv ( s ) Le s Le Co Le Co rc / Rd s 2 Le / Rd rc Co s 1 33 (2-14) Gci is the transfer function of the phase current balancing loop compensator, whose format is determined by the current loop characteristics. A single-zero single-pole transfer function is an example of such a compensator and its transfer function is given in (2-15). Other applicable formats of current loop compensation include a PI compensator. Gci ( s ) k ci 1 s / zi s 1 s / pi (2-15) Hsi is the transfer function of the current sense circuit, which depends on how the phase current is sensed. Gavg is the gain to scale the measured total phase current to average phase current and to serve as the reference for phase current balancing. Hsi and Gavg can be deemed as constant up to a certain high frequency, beyond which the exact transfer function shall be used. Gavg ( s ) 1 N (2-16) 2.4.3 Average Modeling of VR The VR can also be modeled using an average approach shown in Fig. 2-6, in which Vin is input voltage, VCC is output voltage, Co is output capacitor, Le is equivalent inductor, and Rd is load resistance. However, this average approach is effective only when the VR is linearly regulated. If non-linear control is applied, this model is no longer valid. vs iLe ip Fig. 2-6 Average model of the VR 34 2.5 CLOSED LOOP TRANSFER FUNCTIONS 2.5.1 Closed Loop Transfer Function of Output Voltage Prior deriving the closed loop transfer function of the output voltage, the assumption ~ needs to be made, that is the phase current is balanced, so that the sensed currents of iLo _ 1 ~ ~ to iLo _ 4 are equal to the sensed average current iavg . Based on this assumption above, the output voltage closed loop small signal transfer function can be written in (2-17), in which Tvz(s), Tv(s), and Tz(s) are given in (2-18), (2-19), and (2-20) respectively. Gcv ( s) Gm ( s ) G pv ( s ) ~ G gv ( s) 1 Tz ( s ) ~ v~CC vvid vin 1 Tvz ( s) 1 Tvz ( s ) (2-17) Z o _ open 1 Tz ( s ) ~ T ( s ) Tv ( s ) Tz ( s) H sv ( s ) Tz ( s) ~ iCC v vnoise 1 Tvz ( s) 1 Tvz ( s ) Tvz ( s) 1 Tv ( s) Tz ( s) Tv ( s) Tz ( s) H sv ( s) Tz ( s) (2-18) Tv ( s ) Gcv ( s) Gm ( s ) G pv ( s ) H sv ( s ) (2-19) Tz ( s ) Gcv ( s ) Gm ( s ) G pi ( s ) G fi ( s ) R LL N (2-20) 2.5.2 Closed Loop Transfer Function of Phase Current The closed loop transfer function of the phase current balancing loop is expressed in (2-21), in which Gpi is the transfer function of the power stage, Gci is the transfer function of the compensator, and Gm is the gain of the modulator same as that of voltage regulation loop. Ti is the transfer function of control to output of current loop and is given in (2-22). ~ iavg is given in (2-23). v~CC is given in (2-17). 35 Gci ( s ) Gm ( s ) G pi ( s ) G fi RLL N ~ Gm ( s ) G pi ( s ) ~ ~ vCC iavg iLo _ n 1 Ti ( s ) 1 Ti ( s ) (2-21) Gm ( s ) G pi ( s ) ~ Gm ( s ) G pi ( s ) ~ vvid v noise 1 Ti ( s ) 1 Ti ( s ) Ti ( s ) Gci ( s ) Gm ( s ) G pi ( s ) H si ( s ) (2-22) 1 N ~ ~ iavg iLo _ n N n 1 (2-23) 2.5.3 Closed Loop Transfer Function of Output Impedance The closed loop small signal output impedance Zo_closed is given in (2-24), in which Tz(s) and Tvz(s) are given in (2-20) and (2-18) respectively. Z o _ closed ( s ) 1 Tz ( s ) Z o _ open ( s ) 1 Tvz ( s ) (2-24) 2.5.4 Closed Loop Transfer Function of Line Rejection The closed loop line rejection (Audio Susceptibility) of the VR is given in (2-25). Ao _ closed ( s ) 1 Tz ( s ) G gv ( s ) 1 Tvz ( s ) (2-25) 2.5.5 Closed Loop Transfer Function of Noise Rejection The closed loop noise rejection of the VR is given in (2-25). T ( s ) Tv ( s) Tz ( s ) H sv ( s ) Tz ( s) ~ v~CC v vnoise 1 Tvz ( s ) 36 (2-26) 2.6 DESIGN FOR HIGH FREQUENCY DYNAMIC LOADS 2.6.1 Output Voltage Regulation In order to have fast output voltage transient response and to minimize undershoot and overshoot voltage at output, the bandwidth of the voltage control loop should be maximized without driving the VR into an unstable state. 2.6.2 Phase Current Balancing If no phase current balancing control is included in voltage mode control, the VR’s phase current cannot be kept the same upon system changes. Fig. 2-7 gives the simulated current waveforms in PSIM®, from which we can see that the current in each is the same at 20A static load condition, but is no longer the same after a 100A load step-up when current balancing control is absent. If the current balancing loop is properly designed, the phase current can still be identical after an abrupt load step as shown in Fig. 2-8. Fig. 2-8 Waveforms of phase current balanced Fig. 2-7 Waveforms of current without balancing If the bandwidth of the current balancing loop is low, then the phase current can be balanced before and after a load step, as demonstrated in Fig. 2-9, in which a 1kHz bandwidth can balance the phase current at 20A and 120A static load. However, it will not be able to keep the phase current balanced when the load starts to oscillate at high 37 frequency. Fig. 2-10 shows that when the load oscillates at 100kHz, the phase current is no longer balanced due to low bandwidth design. In order to balance the phase current under high frequency dynamic load conditions, the bandwidth of current loop should be maximized. 140A 120A 100A 80A 60A 40A 20A 0A I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL) 50A 40A 30A 20A 10A 0A SEL>> -20A 200us I(4Phase_Buck.Lo1) 250us I(4Phase_Buck.Lo2) 300us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo3) Time 350us 400us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo4) Fig. 2-9 Current balanced at static load of 20A and 120A respectively under low bandwidth design at 1kHz 140A 120A 100A 80A 60A 40A 20A 0A 50A I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL) 40A 30A 20A 10A 0A SEL>> -20A 200us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo1) 250us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo2) 300us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo3) Time 350us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo4) 400us Fig. 2-10 Phase current balanced at static load of 20A but unbalanced at 20A-120A/100kHz load oscillation due to low bandwidth design at 1kHz 38 2.6.3 Minimizing Beat Frequency Effect Moreover, high frequency repetitive load step changes will generate beat frequency oscillation in the phase current, as has been well reported in [59]. Such beat frequency oscillation is not an issue for static or low frequency oscillating load, but will become relevant in the event of high frequency dynamic load due to the consequence of excessive high amplitude phase current oscillation. Fig. 2-11 demonstrates this phenomenon very well, in which a 140A peak to peak phase current oscillation occurs at 10kHz. This 10kHz component is due to beat frequency effect. It is the difference between the power supply switching frequency at 250kHz and the load oscillation frequency at 240kHz, as given in (2-27). Other sideband beat frequencies have much less impact on the high amplitude oscillation, and thus can be ignored in the design for minimizing beat frequency effect. 140A 120A 100A 80A 60A 40A 20A 0A 120A I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL) 100A 80A 60A 40A 20A 0A SEL>> -40A 200us 300us 400us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo1) I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo2) 500us 600us 700us 800us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo3) I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo4) Time Fig. 2-11 High amplitude phase current oscillation due to beat frequency effect under low bandwidth design at 1kHz (fsw=250kHz, fload=240kHz) 39 f beat f sw f load (2-27) The frequency spectrum of the phase current waveforms given in Fig. 2-11 is plotted in Fig. 2-12, which also shows high amplitude current in each phase at 10kHz. Although the current amplitude in each phase at different frequencies is identical, in other words, the phase current is balanced, such a high amplitude phase current oscillation at 10kHz may easily damage the power components of the converter or cause frequent shutdown of the converter due to over current protection of which the engineers may not be aware. 80 10kHz Phase Current (A) 70 60 I_Lo4 I_Lo3 I_Lo2 I_Lo1 50 40 30 20 250kHz 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-12 Frequency spectrum of phase current waveforms in Fig. 2-11 with high amplitude beat frequency oscillation at 10kHz Notch filter with cutoff frequency around switching frequency can be used to minimize the beat frequency effect. Fig. 2-13 gives an example circuit of an OPAMP implemented notch filter. The amplitude reduction by notch filtering is significant for low bandwidth design. Fig. 2-14 shows that with notch filtering added, the phase current oscillation at beat frequency is greatly reduced for the same 1kHz bandwidth design. 40 3V3 FIL_IN U1A C0_1 + V+ FIL_OUT OUT RQ_1 - R0_1 6.3k V- RQ_2 0 C0_2 0 R0_2 0 R5 VOUT V+ + U2B R6 3V3 Fig. 2-13 Schematic of a notch filter 140A 120A 100A 80A 60A 40A SEL>> 0A I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL) 50A 40A 30A 20A 10A 0A -10A 220us 240us 260us 280us 300us I(4Phase_Buck.Lo1) I(4Phase_Buck.Lo2) 320us 340us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo3) Time 360us 380us 400us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo4) 420us Fig. 2-14 Beat frequency effect of 1kHz bandwidth design reduced by adding notch filtering Increasing the bandwidth of the current balancing loop will greatly suppress the beat frequency oscillation. Fig. 2-15 shows that the phase current is balanced and the beat frequency oscillation is minimized when the bandwidth of the current loop is increased to 50kHz, even without notching filtering. 41 140A 120A 100A 80A 60A 40A 20A 0A I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL) 40A 35A 30A 25A 20A 15A 10A 5A 0A SEL>> -10A 220us 240us 280us I(4Phase_Buck.Lo1) I(4Phase_Buck.Lo2) 320us 360us 400us 420us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo3) I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo4) Time Fig. 2-15 Phase current balanced waveforms (fsw=250kHz, fload=240kHz, BW=50kHz) Fig. 2-16 plots the frequency spectrum of the phase current waveforms shown in Fig. 2-15. It verifies that the phase current is balanced, since the current amplitude of each phase at different frequencies is identical. The current amplitude at 10kHz beat frequency is also reduced to a very acceptable level. 20 18 Phase Current (A) 16 14 I_Lo4 I_Lo3 I_Lo2 I_Lo1 12 10 8 10kHz 250kHz 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-16 Frequency spectrum of phase currents in Fig. 2-15 with beat frequency effect minimized at 10kHz 42 After the bandwidth of the current balancing loop is increased to a higher bandwidth at 50kHz, adding notch filtering can further reduce the beat frequency oscillation. The simulation result of such implementation is shown in Fig. 2-17. 140A 120A 100A 80A 60A 40A SEL>> 0A I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL) 40A 30A 20A 10A 0A -10A 220us 240us 260us 280us 300us I(4Phase_Buck.Lo1) I(4Phase_Buck.Lo2) 320us 340us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo3) Time 360us 380us 400us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo4) 420us Fig. 2-17 Beat frequency effect further reduced with high bandwidth design and notch filtering (fsw=250kHz, fload=240kHz, BW=50kHz) 2.6.4 Load Line Positioning In order to comply with Intel’s DC load line requirement, the reference voltage VREF of load line positioning loop is a linear function of load current change ICC as has been defined in (2-4). Ideally the reference voltage VREF and output voltage VCC should look like the waveforms given in Fig. 2-16 (a), so that the AC output impedance ZLL can ideally equal the DC load line resistance RLL for all load frequencies, as has been explained in Section 2.2. However, if an abrupt step-up is applied to load and consequently an abrupt step-down is applied to the reference, it will be difficult for output voltage VCC of the VR to maintain a square waveform. This indeed is a double-step applied to the VR control 43 system. The double steps have the same directional effect on the output voltage of the VR. The actual VCC waveform is illustrated in Fig. 2-16 (b). ICC ICC I CC t VREF t VCC t VREF t VCC t (a) ICC I CC I CC t VREF t VCC t (b) t (c) Fig. 2-18 Load line positioning waveforms: (a) ideal waveforms of VREF and VCC; (b) ideal waveform of VREF and actual response of VCC; (c) waveforms of reshaped VREF and improved response of VCC In order to reduce undershoot and overshoot resulting from the double-step effect, we may slow down one of the steps simultaneously applied to the VR control system. The actual slope of CPU current ICC is fixed, so we can only slow down the reference voltage, as has been shown in Fig. 2-16 (c). In this way, the double-step effect can be minimized to reduce output undershoot and overshoot voltage. This slow-down of reference voltage can be achieved by adding some filtering effect to the load line positioning loop. At the mean time, the small signal output impedance Zo_closed of the VR should also be examined in the frequency domain to make sure the applied slow-down effect on the reference voltage is acceptable in terms of undershoot and overshoot at other load oscillation frequencies. 44 2.7 LOOP DESIGN APPROACHES AND ITS VALIDATION Based on the small signal model of the VR and the closed loop transfer function of the output voltage and phase current given in previous sections, the loop design of this VR system is given and the method is validated. This complete model can be divided into three independent loops and this proposed design approach can be validated thoroughly via analysis and simulation implemented in Matlab. The small signal model reveals that the bandwidth of the voltage mode control loop for voltage regulation and the bandwidth of the phase current balancing loop for current sharing are independent of one another, and thus the bandwidth of the two independent loops can be equally maximized when necessary until limited by the VR switching frequency and the Nyquist sampling theorem. The design specifications and component parameters of the VR are given in TABLE 2-1, which will be used throughout this chapter. TABLE 2-1 VR design specifications and parameters Vin Input voltage 12Vdc VCC Output voltage 1.2Vdc ICC Load current 125A ICC Maximum load current step 95A N Number of phases 4 fsw Switching frequency 250kHz and 400kHz Lo Phase inductor 320nH / 1m ESR Co Output capacitor 6×560µF + 18×22µF MLCC RLL Load line impedance 1m and 0m flat load line fcv Crossover frequency of voltage loop 50kHz v Phase margin of voltage loop 45 and 60 fcc Crossover frequency of phase current balancing loop 50kHz c Phase margin of phase current balancing loop 45 and 60 45 2.7.1 Voltage Control Loop Equation (2-17) gives the closed loop transfer function of the output voltage, which is based on the assumption that the phase current is balanced. If the phase current is assumed not to be balanced then the equation for the output voltage would be even more complicated, and thus not efficient or practical to start a design. We can further assume ~ that the line variation v~in , load variation iCC , and noise v~noise in (2-17) are all zero. Thus, v~CC can be rewritten in (2-28), in which Tvz(z) is given in (2-18) and it includes the load line positioning loop with a non zero DC load line resistance. We notice that the transfer function of Tvz(z) is complicated too and thus is still not practical as a starting point for the voltage control loop design. Gcv ( s ) Gm ( s ) G pv ( s ) ~ v~CC vvid 1 Tvz ( s ) (2-28) We can however further simplify the transfer function of the output voltage by starting with a zero DC load line resistance loop, in which RLL = 0, so v~CC can be rewritten again in (2-29), in which Tv(s) is given in (2-19), which is simple compared to Tvz(s) given in (2-18). This equation is now practical to start theoretical calculation of loop stability and transient response design. Gcv ( s ) Gm ( s ) G pv ( s ) ~ v~CC vref 1 Tv ( s ) (2-29) Based on the simplified voltage loop transfer function given in (2-29) with zero load line resistance, we can plot the gain and phase curves of the voltage loop in Fig. 2-19. The crossover frequency is selected at 50kHz as has been specified in TABLE 2-1. The compensated control to output phase margin is 45º. 46 80 60 Gain (dB) 40 20 0 Open Loop Power Stage ‐20 Compensator ‐40 Control to Output ‐60 ‐80 0.01 0.1 1 30 10 100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000 Frequency (kHz) Phase (Degree) 0 ‐30 ‐60 ‐90 ‐120 Open Loop Power Stage ‐150 Compensator Control to Output ‐180 ‐210 0.01 0.1 1 10 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-19 Gain and phase plots of voltage loop In order to verify the above assumption and simplification, we need to plot the closed loop gain and phase characteristics of the voltage loop v~CC / v~vid for DC load line slope RLL=0 and RLL=1m. The plotted results are given in Fig. 2-20. We can notice that based on the above design approach, the closed loop bandwidth of v~CC / v~vid when RLL = 1m is reduced slightly compared to that when RLL = 0. However, this minor reduction in bandwidth is acceptable. It is because the closed loop bandwidth of v~CC / v~vid is only meaningful under Dynamic VID (DVID) operation [42] and such reduced bandwidth from RLL = 0m to 1m is still sufficient to satisfy the required transient response of DVID operation. When v~vid variation is zero, the closed loop transfer function of v~CC / v~ref can be plotted in Fig. 2-21. 47 10 0 Gain (dB) ‐10 ‐20 Closed Loop (RLL=0) ‐30 Closed Loop (RLL=1m) ‐40 ‐50 ‐60 0.01 0.1 1 30 10 100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000 Frequency (kHz) Phase (Degree) 0 ‐30 ‐60 ‐90 Closed Loop (RLL=0) Closed Loop (RLL=1m) ‐120 ‐150 ‐180 0.01 0.1 1 10 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-20 Gain and phase plots of closed loop transfer function of voltage loop ( v~CC / v~vid ) 10 0 Gain (dB) ‐10 ‐20 ‐30 ‐40 ‐50 ‐60 ‐70 0.01 0.1 1 210 10 100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000 Frequency (kHz) Phase (Degree) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐30 0.01 0.1 1 10 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-21 Gain and phase plots of closed loop transfer function v~CC / v~ref when v~vid 0 48 2.7.2 Phase Current Balancing Loop Fig. 2-22 gives the control to output gain and phase characteristics of current balancing loop. As mentioned earlier, the current balancing loop and voltage control loop can be deemed independently of one another. The crossover frequency of the current loop is chosen at 50kHz as shown in Fig. 2-22. 100 ‐90 Gain Phase 80 ‐105 ‐120 Gain (dB) 40 50kHz ‐135 20 0 ‐150 Phase (Degree) 60 50kHz ‐20 ‐165 ‐40 ‐60 ‐180 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-22 Gain and phase plots of current balancing loop Fig. 2-23 gives the closed loop gain and phase characteristics of the phase current balancing loop. We can use the phase current with respect to phase average current as the closed loop transfer function of current loop. The bandwidth of such a defined closed loop is around 50kHz, the same as the designed. Ultimately, we may want to know how the current in one phase is responding to the current perturbation in another phase. This kind of closed loop gain and phase characteristics are also plotted in Fig. 2-23, which shows a slight difference between the two definitions of closed loop phase current. 49 20 Gain (dB) 0 ‐20 ‐40 Closed Loop (I_Lo/I_avg) ‐60 Closed Loop (I_Lo2/I_Lo1) ‐80 ‐100 0.01 0.1 1 60 10 100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000 Frequency (kHz) Phase (Degree) 0 ‐60 ‐120 ‐180 Closed Loop (I_Lo/I_avg) ‐240 Closed Loop (I_Lo2/I_Lo1) ‐300 ‐360 0.01 0.1 1 10 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-23 Gain and phase plots of closed loop transfer functions of current balancing loop 2.7.3 Output Impedance and Load Line The open loop and closed loop small signal output impedance of the VR are plotted for comparison in Fig. 2-24. The open loop output impedance has a very large value at the cutoff frequency of the VR’s output filter around 10kHz. The cutoff frequency fcutoff is given in (2-30). This large open loop output impedance in frequency domain implies excessive undershoot and overshoot output voltage upon load steps in time domain, since the VR is not close loop regulated. Once the VR is close loop regulated, its voltage response is greatly improved, which is reflected in frequency domain as greatly reduced output impedance. 50 1 f cutoff (2-30) 2 Le C o 22 Output Impedance (m) 20 18 Zo_open 16 Zo_closed (RLL = 0) 14 Zo_closed (RLL = 1m) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-24 Open loop and closed loop output impedance The closed loop output impedance for Intel’s RLL=1mΩ load line operation and AMD’s RLL=0Ω flat load line operation are compared in Fig. 2-25. We can see that around the 50kHz bandwidth frequency, the closed loop impedance of the zero load line operation Output Impedance (m) has a much larger value than that of the 1mΩ load line operation. 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Zo_closed (RLL = 0) Zo_closed (RLL = 1m) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-25 Comparison of closed loop output impedance for different load line resistance 51 2.7.4 Line Rejection The closed loop line rejection curves the for zero and 1mΩ load lines are plotted in Fig. 2-26, from which we can see that the VR with 1m load line operation has better line rejection around the 50kHz bandwidth frequency. 0 ‐10 Line Rejection (RLL = 0) Line Rejction (dB) ‐20 Line Rejection (RLL = 1m) ‐30 ‐40 ‐50 ‐60 ‐70 ‐80 ‐90 ‐100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-26 Closed loop line rejection of the VR for RLL=0 and RLL=1mΩ 2.7.5 Noise Rejection The closed loop noise rejection is given in Fig. 2-26, from which we can also verify that the bandwidth of the system is approximately 50kHz. 10 0 Gain (dB) ‐10 ‐20 ‐30 ‐40 ‐50 ‐60 ‐70 ‐80 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-27 Closed loop noise rejection of the VR 52 10000 2.8 EFFECT OF LOAD MODEL The load of the VR can be modeled as shown in Fig. 2-28. In this Intel load model, there are motherboard, LGA775 socket, and VTT (Voltage Transient Test) tool parasitic resistance and inductance [42]. Based on the given values of the parasitic resistance and inductance, this load network is an asymmetrical network, which is connected to the North Phase and East Phase of the VR. The gate signals of the 4 phases of the VR are evenly phase shifted from phase-1 to phase-4. If phase 1-2 and phase 3-4 are grouped together to supply the North Phase or East Phase, then the output voltage ripple will be larger than that of the phase 1-3 and phase 2-4 grouping pattern. This is because the distribution of parasitic resistance and inductance from the North Phase and East Phase to the final microprocessor load is asymmetrical. Fig. 2-29 and Fig. 2-30 give the output voltage ripple for the above two phase grouping patterns. It shows that using the phase 1-3 and 2-4 grouping pattern can help reduce the output voltage ripple by about 1mV. MOTHERBOARD Lo_North_1 Controller N1 RMB1 LGA775 Socket LMB1 N2 N2 RSK1 LSK1 Lo_North_2 CMB1 RMB2 C1 RMB1 North Bulk Capacitors RMB3 N3 4-Phase VRM/VRD Voltage Transient Test (VTT) Tool LMB2 LMB1 LMB3 N4 N4 RSK2 LSK2 LVTT2 RVTT2 LVTT1 RVTT1 CMB2 C2 RMB4 High Frequency Filtering Capacitors LMB4 RMB2 Lo_East_1 LMB2 RS N5 RMB5 LMB5 N6 N6 RSK3 LSK3 Lo_East_2 CMB3 C3 RMB3 East Bulk Capacitors LMB3 Fig. 2-28 Equivalent circuits of CPU load and parasitic of the motherboard and Socket [42] 53 I_PWL Fig. 2-29 Output voltage ripple when phase 1-2 and phase 3-4 are grouped together Fig. 2-30 Output voltage ripple when phase 1-3 and phase 2-4 are grouped together If a simple resistive load is used in the small signal output impedance modeling instead of the load model given in Fig. 2-28, we will find that the small signal output impedance Zo_closed is smaller than the actual 1mΩ DC load line resistance setting at low frequency (see Fig. 2-31). This difference is determined by the characteristics of the closed loop system. However this difference will be minimized if the load model given in Fig. 2-28 is used for the small signal modeling of the output impedance. 54 4 Load Line Impedance (mOhm) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 2-31 Small signal output impedance Zo_closed based on resistive load model 2.9 SIMULATION RESULTS Simulations in PSpice and Matlab are carried out based on the parameters given in TABLE 2-1. Fig. 2-32 gives the output voltage response upon 5A-120A/10kHz load steps. Fig. 2-33 gives the waveforms of phase current upon 20A-120A/10kHz load conditions, showing that the phase current can be quickly balanced upon load transients. 120A 80A 40A SEL>> 0A I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL) 1.28 1.24 1.20 1.16 1.12 1.08 1.04 200us 250us 300us 350us 400us V(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL:VCCSENSE,INTEL_LOAD_MODEL:VSSSENSE) V(4PHASE_CONTROLLER.VID:+)-I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL)*1E-3 Time 450us 500us Fig. 2-32 Output voltage response upon load transients at 5A-120A/10kHz (VID=1.2Vdc) 55 140A 120A 100A 80A 60A 40A 20A 0A 50A I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL) 40A 30A 20A 10A SEL>> -10A 200us I(4Phase_Buck.Lo1) I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo4) 300us I(4Phase_Buck.Lo2) 400us I(4PHASE_BUCK.Lo3) 500us Time Fig. 2-33 Waveforms of balanced phase current upon 20A-120A/10kHz load steps Fig. 2-34 gives the phase current waveforms upon 20A-120A/100kHz load steps, which takes about 100µs to be balanced. Fig. 2-35 gives the zoomed-in waveforms. 140A 120A 100A 80A 60A 40A 20A 0A I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL) 60A 50A 40A 30A 20A 10A 0A SEL>> -20A 200us I_Lo1 300us I_Lo2 I_Lo3 400us I_Lo4 500us 600us 700us 800us Time Fig. 2-34 Waveforms of balanced phase current upon 20A-120A/100kHz load steps 56 140A 120A 100A 80A 60A 40A 20A 0A I(INTEL_LOAD_MODEL.I_PWL) 50A 40A 30A 20A 10A 0A SEL>> -10A 700us I_Lo1 I_Lo2 720us I_Lo3 740us I_Lo4 760us 780us 800us Time Fig. 2-35 Zoomed-in waveforms of balanced phase current upon 20A-120A/100kHz load steps in Fig. 2-34 Fig. 2-36 gives the frequency spectrum of the phase current in Fig. 2-35. The current amplitude of each phase at different frequencies is identical, except for at 50kHz. 25 Phase Current (A) 20 I_Lo4 I_Lo3 I_Lo2 I_Lo1 15 50kHz 10 100kHz 250kHz 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-36 Frequency spectrum of phase current given in Fig. 3-35 57 Fig. 2-37 gives the zoomed-in spectrum around 50kHz in Fig. 2-36. It shows that the current amplitude of phase 1 and phase 3 is slightly larger than that of phase 2 and phase 4. However, this difference is not very significant, and thus we can still consider the phase current is balanced under 100kHz load oscillation. 22 20 Phase Current (A) 18 16 I_Lo4 I_Lo3 14 I_Lo2 I_Lo1 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 Frequency (kHz) Fig. 2-37 Zoomed-in frequency spectrum in Fig. 3-36 Fig. 2-38 gives the waveforms of phase current under 120A static load current, showing that the phases are equally sharing the load current. 45A 40A 35A 30A 25A 20A 15A 480us 482us 484us I(4Phase_Buck.ESR_Lo1) I(4Phase_Buck.ESR_Lo2) 486us I(4Phase_Buck.ESR_Lo3) Time 488us 490us I(4Phase_Buck.ESR_Lo4) Fig. 2-38 Waveforms of phase current under 120A static load current 58 Fig. 2-39 gives the simulation result in Matlab, showing that the phase current is balanced at 10kHz load steps. The result in Fig. 2-40 verifies that with the design the load current can be shared among phases even if the phase inductor values are not identical. Fig. 2-39 Waveforms of balanced phase current upon 20A-120A/10kHz load steps [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 50µs/div] Fig. 2-40 Waveforms of phase current under 120A load condition (Lo1=220nH, Lo3-Lo4=320nH) [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 2µs/div] 59 Fig. 2-41 gives the bode plots of control to output of voltage control loop simulated in Matlab, from which we can see the bandwidth of the voltage loop is about 50kHz. Fig. 2-42 gives the bode plots of control to output of the current balancing loop, whose bandwidth is also 50kHz. 60 40 Gain (dB) 20 0 -20 -40 Phase (Degree) -60 1kHz 0 10kHz 100kHz 1MHz 100kHz 1MHz -45 -90 -135 -180 -225 -270 1kHz 10kHz Frequency (Hz) Fig. 2-41 Bode plots of control to output of voltage control loop Bode Plot of Control to Output 60 Gain (dB) 40 20 X: 5e+004 Y: 0.2488 0 -20 -40 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz 1MHz 100kHz 1MHz Phase (Degree) -90 -120 -150 -180 1kHz 10kHz Frequency Fig. 2-42 Bode plots of control to output of phase current balancing loop 60 2.10 SUMMARY A voltage mode controlled phase current balancing technique is presented to power high frequency dynamic load. Based on the analysis and the proposed small signal model, the voltage control and the phase current balancing loop can be considered independent of one another, and thus the bandwidth of each loop can be designed independently. The bandwidth of the voltage control loop will be maximized and optimized for the VR, so that the output voltage can respond quickly to high frequency dynamic load to satisfy the AC output impedance requirement. The bandwidth of the phase current balancing loop will also be maximized so that the phase current can respond quickly at load steps and be balanced under high frequency oscillating load. In addition, the high bandwidth design of the phase current balancing loop will help eliminate phase current high amplitude oscillation due to the beat frequency effect. The presented control method, its modeling and design approach provide the solution to supply a high frequency dynamic load for VR applications. They can also be used to parallel other AC-DC and DC-DC converters with similar high frequency dynamic loads. 61 CHAPTER 3 VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH DIGITALLY IMPLEMENTED NON-LINEAR VOLTAGE MODE CONTROL 3.1 INTRODUCTION As has been analyzed in section 1.2.6, given the same bandwidth, the conventional current mode control for switch mode power supplies does not provide superior transient response in the term of the output voltage undershoot or overshoot upon large signal stimulus, which is one of the most challenging conditions in VR designs. Another motivation to implement voltage mode control is that for certain VRs such as simple single phase VR, if the current control loop can be eliminated, then the required current sense circuits for current mode control could be potentially simplified or eliminated, which will further reduce the complexity and cost of the VR. In this chapter, a VR with fast load transient response is introduced. Voltage mode control is applied to the VR when the load current is static or in small variations. The VR is however designed to operate in non-linear operation mode when certain load transient occurs. A prediction method for load current change is introduced for the non-linear operation. In order to implement the proposed non-linear control algorithm, a digital control approach is adopted. The architecture and the control algorithm of the proposed digital controller are given in this chapter. Other performances of concern such as the overshoot and power losses of the non-linear VR are also analyzed in detail in this chapter. Simulation and experimental results are given in the end of the chapter to verify the performance of the proposed control method of the VR. 62 3.2 PREDICTIVE NON-LINEAR VOLTAGE MODE CONTROL 3.2.1 Operation of the Non-Linear Voltage Mode Control The conventional voltage mode control method for switch mode power supply is based on the linearized small signal model of the converter [55, 60]. No matter how wide the bandwidth of the converter has been designed, with large signal changes such as large load steps, the converter will reach its response limit. This is predetermined by the blank interval between discrete gate signals, the inherent operation nature of switch mode power supplies. For example, if a load step-up occurs in the blank interval between two gate signals, nothing can be done by the linear control loop of the converter to react to the stimulus during this interval, no matter how wide the VR’s small signal bandwidth is designed to be. This is because the next gate pulse will always come after a delayed time determined by the fixed switching frequency. Such a blank zone of response to large signals will lead to excessive voltage droop. This phenomenon is well illustrated in Fig. 3-1. Vo Vo t Io VGS_HS I o Ts DTs Ts t t t VGS_LS t Fig. 3-1 Transient response of conventional voltage mode control 63 Increasing the switching frequency of the switch mode power converter will reduce the interval between two adjacent gate pulses, thus reducing the delay of the VR in responding to large load transients. Fig. 1-6 gives the step load response of a VR switching at 250kHz, 500kHz, 1MHz, 5MHz, and 10MHz respectively. It shows that higher switching frequency enables faster response and less voltage droop upon a load step-up. As explained in Section 1.2.4, switching at higher frequency will result in lower overall system efficiency unless certain resonant techniques are applied to achieve ZVS or ZCS to reduce the switching losses. The increased complexity of the circuit will increase the cost of the VR accordingly. It is therefore desirable to operate the VR at a lower switching frequency to obtain higher efficiency and at the same time to enable the converter to respond to load transient even during the interval of two gate pulses at a fixed switching frequency. This concept is well illustrated in Fig. 3-2, in which VGS_HS and VGS_LS are the gate signals to the high side and the low side MOSFETs of a single phase buck converter. During the Normal Steady State Mode, the high side and low side MOSFETs are conducting complementary at a fixed frequency fsw, and the time difference between the two consecutive gate pulses is Tsw. Once the load current ICC steps up ICC and after a delay time td, the high side MOSFET will be turned on, although according to the linear fixed switching frequency the high side MOSFET should be turned on at a much later time at t4. This additional non-linearly generated gate pulse will therefore result in a much earlier high side MOSFET turn-on to provide additional conduction time for the VR, which is also sufficient to transfer the needed current from the input power source to the load. The turn-on time of the nonlinearly generated gate pulse is defined as ta here. This gate pulse during load transient is 64 independent from other gate pulses in Normal Steady State Mode on the time line. Its pulse width could be merged with its adjacent Normal Steady State Mode gate pulses or with a certain gap between one another, which totally depends on the transient operating condition of the converter. The duration of ta is defined as the duration of Transient Mode. The low side MOSFET of the buck converter is conducting complementary to the high side MOSFET either in Normal Steady State Mode or in Transient Mode as illustrated in Fig. 3-2. VCC 1.2V V CC 1.15V t ICC I CC t td ILo Tsw Tsw ta D·Tsw t VGS_HS Tsw t Normal Steady State Mode t Tsw VGS_LS Normal Steady State Mode Transient Mode t1 t2 t3 t4 Fig. 3-2 Transient response of non-linear voltage mode control during load step up The merit of such non-linear behavior enables the VR to operate at a relatively lower switching frequency for higher efficiency and at the same time to be able to respond fast to load transients, independent of the switching frequency. 65 The above introduction to the non-linear operation uses a single phase buck converter as an example to illustrate the operation of the VR at load step-up. For multiphase VR, the non-linear operation upon load current step-up and step-down is similar to that of a single phase VR. Its operation is described in detail below. The schematic of such a four-phase interleaved buck converter topology is given in Fig. 3-3. Fig. 3-3 Four-phase interleaved buck converter The waveforms of linear and non-linear operation of the four-phase VR given in Fig. 3-3 is illustrated in Fig. 3-4, in which VGS1_HS to VGS4_HS and VGS1_LS to VGS4_LS are the gate signals of the high side MOSFETs Q1_HS-Q4_HS and low side MOSFETs Q1_LS-Q4_LS in each phase of the VR. VCC is the output voltage and ICC is the load current. ILo1 is the current through the phase inductor Lo1 annotated in Fig. 3-3. 66 2000A / s I CC 2000A / s V CC Fig. 3-4 Waveforms of the 4-phase VR during Normal Steady State Mode and Transient Modes 67 In general, the operation of the proposed non-linearly regulated VR can be divided into three operation modes: (1) Normal Steady State Mode when the load current is static or with little variation; (2) Transient-Up Mode for load step-up condition; and (3) Transient-Down Mode for load step-down condition (load release). Normal Steady State Mode The following time segments t0t2, t3t6, and t8∞ shown in Fig. 3-4, are the time duration when the VR is operating in Normal Steady State Mode. During Normal Steady State Mode, the load current is static and can be considered as a constant current source. The high side and low side MOSFETs in each phase of the VR are conducting complementarily at a fixed frequency fsw. The time interval between two consecutive gate pulses is (Tsw-D·Tsw). Fig. 3-5 gives the paths of current flow during Normal Steady State Mode, in which Le is the equivalent inductance of the multiphase bulk converter given in (3-1). QHS is the equivalent power switch of the high side MOSFETs in all the phases, and QLS is the equivalent power switch of the low side MOSFETs in all the phases. Fig. 3-5 (a) shows that the high side MOSFETs are conducting to deliver the power from the input source to the load via phase inductors for duration of DTsw in one switching cycle Tsw. Fig. 3-5 (a) shows that in the rest of one switching cycle, the low side MOSFETs are conducting to let phase inductors to have current flow path to keep supplying the load with the stored energy for duration of (Tsw-D·Tsw). Le Lo N 68 (3-1) (a) (b) Fig. 3-5 Paths of current flow during Normal Steady State Mode: (a) high side MOSFET is conducting; (b) low side MOSFET is conducting In this mode, the VR behaves no different from a conventional VR. Its steady state design and control loop design is the same as that of conventional VR, except for the determination of the output capacitance, which is now a ripple voltage oriented design instead of an output voltage undershoot or overshoot oriented in conventional VR design. Usually, the constraints brought by output voltage undershoot or overshoot requires more output capacitance than by output voltage ripple. The proposed non-linear control requires less output capacitance than that of the conventionally controlled VR. Transient-Up Mode Once the load current ICC steps up with a magnitude of ICC and after a delay time td, the VR will exit its linear Normal Steady State Mode and enter its non-linear operation mode: Transient-Up Mode, in which all the high side MOSFETs of the VR will be turned on, even though according to the linear fixed switching frequency the high side MOSFETs should be turned on at a much later time for instance, at t4 in Fig. 3-4. Fig. 3-6 demonstrates the paths of current flow during Transient-Up Mode, which corresponds to the time segment t2t3 in Fig. 3-4. In this duration, all the high side MOSFETs QHS are conducting to deliver the power from the input source to the load via the phase inductors, while all the low side MOSFETs are turned off. In Transient-Up Mode 69 the high side MOSFETs conduct for the duration of ta_up, which is different from the duration DTsw defined in Normal Steady State Mode. Once the Transient-Up Mode is over, the VR goes back to Normal Steady State Mode. Its gate signals and current paths are once again the same as that described in Section QHS Vin Le QLS Co ICC Fig. 3-6 Paths of current flow during Transient-Up Mode This additional non-linearly generated gate pulse in Transient-Up Mode will therefore enable a much earlier high side MOSFET turn-on without switching the VR at high frequency and provide sufficient conduction time for the energy to be transferred from the input power source to the load upon a load step-up. The on time of the nonlinearly generated gate pulse is defined as ta_up. This gate pulse at transient is independent of other gate pulses. Its pulse width can be merged with its adjacent Normal Steady State Mode gate pulses before or after Transient-Up Mode, or with a certain gap, which totally depends on the transient operation condition of the converter. For example, the transient gate pulse between t2 and t3 in Fig. 3-3 is inserted between two gate pulses of phase 1 and phase 2, but does not merge with any gate pulses generated from normal steady state operation. This inserted transient pulse however merges with adjacent gate pulses of phase 3 and phase 4 generated by the Normal Steady State Mode operation. 70 The duration of ta_up is determined by the load current changes, which can be predicted according to the slope of output voltage at load transient. The theoretical analysis of the prediction will be given in Section 3.2.2. The low-side MOSFETs are always conducting complementary to the high-side MOSFETs in Normal Steady State Mode or in Transient-Up Mode as being illustrated in Fig. 3-4. Transient-Down Mode When the load current steps down at time t5 in Fig. 3-4, and after a delay time td2, the VR enters Transient-Down Mode, in which all the high-side MOSFETs are turned off at t6 for duration of ta_down. Thus no current will be injected from the input power source to the load via the high side MOSFETs to further increase the overshoot voltage at the output upon a load release. The duration ta_down of Transient-Down Mode at load current step down can also be calculated, which will be given in Section 3.2.2. After time t8 in Fig. 3-4, the VR ends Transient-Down Mode and resumes its Normal Steady State Mode operation. The low-side MOSFETs of the VR are turned on and will be kept on during this period of time. The output current will flow through the phase inductors, the output capacitors, the low side MOSFETs and their body diodes. The current paths are illustrated in Fig. 3-7 (a). In this way, the input power source is cut off from keeping supplying unnecessary power to the already reduced load current demand. In this way the output voltage overshoot can be reduced compared to conventional linear control method, which enables the high side MOSFETs conduct because of the fixed switching frequency fsw even upon a large load release. Furthermore, the low side MOSFETs can also be turned off as has been shown by the red lines in Fig. 3-4 from time t6 to t8, so as to let their body diode freewheel the output 71 current as shown in Fig. 3-7 (b). Since the body diode has a voltage drop once it forward conducts, this forward voltage drop will be negatively applied to the phase inductor. Since the forward voltage of the body diode is quite comparable to the output voltage of the VR, the output voltage overshoot upon a load release can be further reduced by the negatively applied forward voltage of the body diode. The equivalent circuits corresponding to the circuits shown in Fig. 3-7 and the theoretical analysis of the output voltage overshoot in Transient-Down Mode will be given in detail in Section 3.4. (a) (b) Fig. 3-7 Paths of current flow during Transient-Down Mode: (a) low side MOSFETs are turned on; (b) low side MOSFETs are turned off 3.2.2 Prediction for Non-Linear Operation As described earlier in Section 3.2.1, from Normal Steady State Mode to Transient Modes, one of the tasks of the proposed non-linear controller is to determine the duration of the non-linear operation modes, which requires that the change of the load current ICC be known in advance so as to determine the necessary duration for the transient mode operation to enhance the transient performance of the VR. The conventional way to measure the total current of the VR is to measure the current through the output inductor of each phase. Unfortunately, this summed total current can only represent the load current in a steady state. This is because the measured total inductor current always lags the change 72 of the actual load current significantly due to the impedance effect of the output inductor in each phase and the fast slew rate of the load current, at 2000A/µs for instance. Thus the measured total current of the VR cannot represent the real time load current during fast load transients. This is illustrated clearly in Fig. 3-8 clearly, in which the red line is the actual CUP load current with a very steep rise. The blue line is the measured inductor current with a very slow rise. Q Fig. 3-8 Measured total inductor current and load current From time t1 to t2 in Fig. 3-8, if the measured inductor current iLo(t) is used to represent the actual CPU load current icpu(t), then there will be certain electric charges not included in the consideration of the actual demand of the CPU load. Such a difference between the measured current and the actual load current in the term of difference in electric charge Q is given in (3-2). Due to the large difference of the slope of the inductor current and the actual load current, the difference in electric charge Q will be significant, which implies that using the measured inductor current to represent the CPU load current during load transients is not practical. 73 Q icpu t i Lo t dt t2 t1 (3-2) The CPU load current ICC cannot be effectively measured in real time during load transients. We can, however, predict the load current change ICC according to the output voltage slope dvCC/dt. Once the load current change is obtained, the duration of the nonlinear Transient Modes can also be determined. In this section, a mathematical approach is taken to predict the load current change and to determine the duration for non-linear operation of the VR. A small signal model of the VR is presented to help understand the control system of the VR so as to theoretically calculate the above required value. Frequency Domain Model of the VR for Prediction Chapter 2 presented the detailed small signal model of the VR. Since the controller is virtually voltage mode controlled and the voltage control loop and the phase current balancing loop are independent of one another, the small signal model of the VR can be simplified as shown in Fig. 3-9, in which only the voltage control loop is included for consideration. The current balancing loop is therefore removed from the model in the following analysis, and such removal will not affect the validity of the analysis. This simplified linear model is an equivalent model of the multiphase VR. The small signal output voltage in the frequency domain can thus be expressed in (3-3). Zo is the open loop output impedance of the VR given in (3-4). Gpv(s) in (3-5) gives the transfer function of the power stage. Tv(s) in (3-6) gives the transfer function of the control to output of the voltage mode controlled VR system. 74 ~ iCC v~in v~ref v~err v~cv ~ dv v~CC v~noise Fig. 3-9 Brief block diagram of the VR system Gcv ( s ) Gm ( s ) G pv ( s ) ~ G gv ( s ) ~ v~CC v ref vin 1 Tv ( s ) 1 Tv ( s ) Z o (s) (3-3) Z o _ open ( s ) ~ T ( s) ~ iCC v vnoise 1 Tv ( s ) 1 Tv ( s ) ( Le Co r ) s 2 (Co Rd r Le ) s Rd ( Le Co ) s 2 ( Rd Co r Co Le / Rd ) s 1 G pv ( s ) Vo r /( D Le ) s Vo /( D Le Co ) 2 s (1 /( RL Co ) r / Le ) s 1 /( Le Co ) Tv ( s) Gcv ( s) Gm ( s) G pv ( s) H sv ( s ) (3-4) (3-5) (3-6) Theoretical Calculation for Prediction From (3-3) we can derive the expression of the output voltage in time domain, which is given in (3-7). The slew rate dvCC/dt or the derivative of the output voltage at time td can therefore be expressed in (3-8). By solving (3-8), dvCC/dt at the delayed time td can be expressed as a function proportional to the change of the load current ICC, as has been given in (3-9). 75 G gv ~ Gcv Gm G pv ~ vref vin 1 Tv 1 Tv 1 st vCC (t ) e ds Z o _ open ~ 2 T ~ v 1 T iCC 1 T vnoise v v dvCC (t ) dt td d 1 dt 2 G gv ~ Gcv Gm G pv ~ vref vin 1 Tv 1 Tv st ds e Z o _ open ~ T v ~ 1 T iCC 1 T vnoise v v td dvCC (t ) f (I CC ) t d dt td (3-7) (3-8) (3-9) The detailed expression of dvCC/dt given in (3-9) can be obtained with the aid of mathematic CAD software such as Matlab. The output voltage slope dvcc/dt at time td can therefore be theoretically calculated. The theoretical calculation results are verified by comparing them to PSpice circuit simulation results and Simulink system simulation results plotted in Fig. 3-10, as a function of the load current change ICC in percentage terms. The plotted results in Fig. 3-10 show that the calculation results are very close to those of the simulation. 76 50 45 Io,max=25A, Vo=1.5V dv/dt (-V/ms) 40 35 30 25 20 Theoretical 15 Simulink 10 PSpice 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load Current Step Up (%) Fig. 3-10 Output voltage slope versus load current steps The expression of the output voltage slope given in (3-9) is a general format to calculate the slope at any time td after a load step occurs. Its detailed expression is however complicated and requires a mathematics CAD tool to aid in the calculation. We can simplify the expression by assuming the delay time is zero, i.e. td=0, based upon which the output voltage slope can be approximately given in (3-10). In the expression, Cbulk and Ccer are the capacitance of the bulk capacitors and MLCC capacitors of the VR respectively. rbulk and rcer are the ESR of the buck capacitors and the MLCC capacitors respectively. I CC dvCC (t ) dt t 0 Cbulk C cer Cbulk 3 Ccer rbullk 2 Cbulk Ccer 3 rcer 2 2Cbulk 2 Ccer 2 rbulk rcer 1 Cbulk Ccer rbulk Cbulk Ccer rcer 2 (3-10) Once the derivative of the output voltage is obtained through circuit detection, the change of the load current ICC can be predicted from (3-9) or (3-10), and is given in (3-11). 77 dv (t ) I CC f CC dt td (3-11) The duration for the non-linear operation of the VR during Transient-Up Mode and Transient-Down Mode can therefore be obtained once the load current change ICC is predicted from the detected output voltage slope dvCC/dt. The duration of transient mode operation ta_up and ta_down is given in (3-12) and (3-13) respectively, in which Le is the equivalent inductance of a multiphase VR. The duration ta_up can range from 200ns to 1µs. The duration ta_down can range from 1µs-4µs, depending on the circuit parameters and the actual load current changes. t a _ up Le I CC Le Vin VCC Vin VCC t a _ down dv (t ) f CC dt t 0 dv (t ) Le I CC L e f CC VCC VCC dt t 0 (3-12) (3-13) 3.2.3 Non-Linear Control and Switching Frequency The non-linear voltage mode control method described in previous sections can accelerate the response of the VR during load transients. PSpice simulation results of conventionally controlled VR and non-linearly controlled VR are compared in Fig. 3-11, which shows that the output voltage undershoot of the proposed non-linear control method is only half of that of the conventional method. In this comparison simulation, a single phase VR is used and in both cases the switching frequency is 250kHz. The input and output voltage of the single phase VR are 12Vdc and 1.5Vdc respectively. The rated output load current is 25A and the load step-up is from 0.5A to 25A with a slew rate of 1000A/µs. 78 Fig. 3-11 Simulated output voltage step responses of conventional and proposed control method (fsw=250kHz) The proposed non-linear control method makes it possible for the VR to switch at a frequency below 500kHz for the purpose of high efficiency and at the same time to achieve fast transient response with reduced output capacitance. Once the non-linear control is applied, it is then not necessary to further increase the switching frequency of the VR, because the further increased frequency will not further improve the transient response of the VR. This phenomenon is verified by the simulation of the same single phase VR. Fig. 3-12 gives the waveforms of the step response of the VR operating at 250kHz with the proposed non-linear voltage mode control, operating at 5MHz with conventional control, and operating at 5MHz with the proposed non-linear voltage mode control. As we can see from the figure, the three approaches demonstrate very similar load transient responses, especially in terms of voltage undershoot upon a load step-up. We can see from the simulation results that, given the same circuit parameters, in order to achieve similar transient response as that of non-linear voltage mode control, the conventional voltage 79 mode control needs to increase its switching frequency from 250kHz to approximate 5MHz. Although the circuit parameters can be optimized as the frequency increases, it still requires the VR to switch at about 1-2MHz in practice to achieve similar transient performance. On the other hand, if the proposed non-linear voltage mode control has been applied, then increasing the switching frequency from 250kHz to 5MHz for instance will not further improve the VR’s transient response. 1.55V Conventional Control (fsw=5MHz) Non-Linear Control (fsw=250kHz) Non-Linear Control (fsw=5MHz) 1.50V 1.45V 1.40V 0s 50us V(Vo) 100us 150us 200us 250us 300us 350us 400us Time Fig. 3-12 Simulated output voltage step responses of conventional and proposed non-linear control method (fsw=250kHz and 5MHz) In conclusion, the relationship between the proposed non-linear control and the switching frequency of the VR is that the proposed non-linear control method improves the transient performance of the VR, thus enabling the VR to operate at a lower frequency for higher efficiency. Once the non-linear control is applied, keeping on increasing the switching frequency will not further improve the transient performance of the VR. 80 3.3 DIGITAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTROL 3.3.1 Architecture of the Digital Controller Digital control is flexible in terms of realizing a customized control algorithm or complicated control method which is difficult to realize by means of a conventional analog control circuit. Digital control for system control has been introduced in many literatures [18, 24, 25, 34, 45, 56, 61]. For the non-linear control method proposed in this chapter, adopting digital signal processing (DSP) is a necessary approach in order to implement the proposed control. Fig. 3-13 gives a brief block diagram of a four-phase digital controller, which shows the voltage regulation portion of the digital IC for the four-phase VR given in Fig. 3-3. Digital IC Controller for Multiple-Phase VRM Gate Drives Multiple-Phase Gate Generator Phase 1 Gate Drive Phase 1 Sync-Gate Phase 2 Gate Drive Phase 2 Sync-Gate Digital PWM Phase Shift Generator Phase 3 Gate Drive Phase 3 Sync-Gate Phase 3 Gate Drive Phase 4 Sync-Gate DSP Dynamic Gating Algorithm for Dynamics Synchronous Gating dV/dt Steady State Digital PWM Digital (PID) Compensator ADC VCC Fig. 3-13 Brief block diagram of the proposed digital controller for voltage regulation In Fig. 3-13, the sensed output voltage VCC is first sampled and analog to digital converted by an internal analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The digitized output voltage is sent to the Digital Compensator for the output voltage regulation in Normal Steady State 81 Mode. It is also sent to the Algorithm for Dynamics block to determine the transient operations of the controller based on the sensed output voltage and its slope. Based on the operating conditions of the VR, the output of the Digital Compensator and the Algorithm for Dynamics block will be combined together to generate the gate signals of the high side and low side MOSFETs of the VR. The Multiphase Gate Generator will make sure the gate signal of each phase of the VR is equally phase shifted. The gate signals of each phase will finally be sent out of the controller to the gate drives of the power MOSFETs. The gate drives can be integrated in the controller IC or as separate devices outside of the chip, which depends on the specific application of the VR. The architecture of the proposed digital controller IC for a 4-phase VR is given in the block diagram in Fig. 3-14, which includes the major functionalities required by the VR to power Intel’s microprocessors. In this block diagram, LL[0:1] is the DC load line configuration signal and VID[0:7] is the output voltage setting signal, both of which are the signals from the microprocessor to configure the VR. A Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) is used to store the parameters of the digitally implemented controller. There is an I2C Bus block to program the NVM with the external address and data signal pins. The output voltage and the phase current of the VR are sensed and converted to digital signals by two separate ADC Converters. Other major functional blocks are the Digital PID Compensator, the Digital PWM Generator, Dynamic Controller, and the Phase Current Balance for the steady state and transient operation of the VR. 82 HIGH-PRECISION REFERENCE SCL I2C Bus SDA NON-VOLATILE MEMORY RESET OTHER CHIP MANAGEMENT OUTEN LL1 LL0 PWR VRPRES PWRGD LOAD LINE LOAD INDICATOR LDICATOR VID7 OSCILLATOR SOFT START VID6 VID5 VID4 VID [7:0] VID3 DECODER DIGITAL REFERENCE CONTROL DIGITAL PID PH1 VID2 DAC VID1 EN1 VID0 VSENSE ADC DA VCC_SENSE PH2 DYNAMIC CONTROL DIGITAL EN2 PWM VSS_SENSE GENERATOR VIN LOW VINSENSE PH3 EN3 ISENP4 ISENN4 PH4 ISENP3 ISENN3 ISENP2 ISENN2 MUX ISENSE ADC ICC/VIN/TEMP DECODER PHASE CURRENT BALANCE EN4 ISENP1 ISENN1 TEMPSENSE TEMPERATURE VRHOT GND Fig. 3-14 Architecture of the proposed digital controller IC 3.3.2 Digital Compensation for Normal Steady State Mode In Normal Steady State Mode, the VR is regulated via conventional voltage mode control, which is also shown in the architecture of the digital controller given in Fig. 3-13. The sensed output voltage VCC is first digitized by the ADC of the proposed digital controller, then the digitized sensed voltage vsense(n) is compared with the digitized 83 reference voltage vref(n), as shown in Fig. 3-15, in which n denotes the nth sampling interval. Their difference is the error voltage e(n), which is then processed by a Digital Compensator. The output of the Digital Compensator is the discrete time domain control voltage denoted as y(n) in Fig. 3-15, which corresponds to the control voltage vcv(s) in continuous time domain. Fig. 3-15 Digital Compensator of the VR The switching frequency fsw of the VR is chosen around 250kHz. The actual sampling frequency of the Digital Compensator fSAMP_COMP is chosen much higher than the switching frequency fsw of the VR. The actual sampling frequency of the voltage ADC fSAMP_ADC is chosen much higher than the switching frequency fsw of the VR. The relationship between the sampling frequency fSAMP_ADC of the ADC, the sampling frequency fSAMP_COMP of the Digital Compensator, and the switching frequency fsw of the VR is given in (3-14). In this way the processing speed of the Digital Compensator can be increased, so that the effect of real time delay due to the digital processing can be minimized. Therefore, the disagreement between the digital compensation and analog compensation in frequency domain can also be minimized, so that the control loop design can be simplified. f SAMP _ ADC f SAMP _ COMP f sw 84 (3-14) The discrete control signal y(n) is given in (3-15) as a function of the error signal e(n). In the expression, g0, g1, g2, h1, h2, and h3 are the coefficients of the Digital Compensator. yn g 0 en g1 en1 g 2 en2 h1 yn1 h2 yn2 h3 yn3 (3-15) The Digital Compensator therefore calculates the equation given in (3-15), and such processing can be implemented by the brief building block given in Fig. 3-16. Fig. 3-16 Implementation of the Digital Compensator Fig. 3-17 gives the bode plots of control to output of the VR. Both the continuous and discrete time bode plots are plotted in the same figure. The two pairs of gain and phase curves show no significant difference. This is because the actual sampling frequency of the Digital Compensator fSAMP_COMP and the actual sampling frequency of the ADC fSAMP_ADC is much higher than the switching frequency fsw of the VR as has been given in (3-14). 85 Bode Diagram 60 Magnitude (dB) 40 20 0 -20 Phase (deg) -40 -45 -90 -135 -180 3 10 4 5 10 6 10 10 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 3-17 Bode plots of control to output in continuous and discrete time domain Fig. 3-18 gives the closed loop bode plots of the VR in continuous and discrete time domain. Fig. 3-19 and Fig. 3-20 give the root locus plot and Nyquist plot of the control to output of the VR respectively. Fig. 3-21 gives the step response of the compensated VR. Bode Diagram Magnitude (dB) 20 0 -20 -40 45 Phase (deg) 0 -45 -90 -135 -180 1 10 2 10 3 4 10 10 5 10 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 3-18 Bode plots of closed loop of the VR 86 6 10 6 3 Root Locus x 10 0.25 0.18 0.125 0.085 0.055 0.025 4e+005 3e+005 2 0.38 2e+005 Imaginary Axis 1 0.65 1e+005 0 1e+005 -1 0.65 2e+005 -2 0.38 -3 -8 3e+005 0.25 0.18 -7 -6 4e+005 0.085 0.055 0.025 0.125 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 5 Real Axis x 10 Fig. 3-19 Root locus plot of control to output Nyquist Diagram 200 0 dB 150 Imaginary Axis 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Real Axis Fig. 3-20 Nyquist plot of control to output 87 5 Step Response 1.4 1.2 Amplitude 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (sec) 6 7 -5 x 10 Fig. 3-21 Step response of the VR system 3.3.3 Control Algorithm for Transient Modes Once large load transients occur, the digital controller enters Transient Modes. The flow chart for load step-up is given in Fig. 3-22. If the derivative of the output voltage is negative and exceeds a certain threshold value, implying the load current step-up change exceeds a certain percentage, the control circuit will activate the Transient-Up Mode. The length of time ta_up for the response acceleration is determined by the detected output voltage slew rate and the circuit parameters. 88 Vcc dv/dt Filter = f (dv/dt) > th ? Yes Yes Start Transient_Up Gate Pulse ta_up Digital Compensator d = f (Vo) Vo < Vth ? No No Steady State Digital PWM Stop Transient_Up Gate Pulse ta_up = f ( ) Combine Gate for SS and Transient Fig. 3-22 Flow chart of the control algorithm during Normal Steady State Mode and Transient-Up Mode If the derivative of the output voltage is positive and exceeds a certain threshold value, implying the load current step-down change exceeds a certain percentage, the control circuit will activate the Transient-Down Mode. The flow chart is given in Fig. 3-23. The length of time ta_down is determined by the detected output voltage slew rate and the circuit parameters as well. Fig. 3-22 and Fig. 3-23 can also be merged together to cover the whole operation of Normal Steady State Mode, Transient-Up Mode, and Transient-Down Mode. 89 Fig. 3-23 Flow chart of the control algorithm during Normal Steady State Mode and Transient-Down Mode 3.3.4 Control Algorithm for Light Load Mode The VR should enter Light Load Mode once it receives the Power State Indicator (PSI) from the microprocessor. Upon PSI, the digital controller will shut down 3 phases and keep one phase operating. The transient control part of the digital controller will respond accordingly when the VR enters PSI state to avoid out of specification undershoot voltage. Once exiting PSI, the digital controller enables all the phases and its transient control will ensure voltage regulation even when a sudden load step-up is applied. 90 3.4 OUTPUT OVERSHOOT ANALYSIS In practical VR design, we may often find that it is more challenging to satisfy the voltage regulation specification upon a load release than that upon a load step-up. Thus, it is necessary to theoretically analyze the overshoot behavior of the VR upon a load release to help select the component values and determine the non-linear operation of the VR upon a load release. As has been described in Section, upon a large load release, one option of non-linear operation is that all the low side power MOSFETs Q1-4_LS of the main phases are turned off. The energy stored in the main phase inductors Lo and the output capacitor Co will drive the current to flow through the body diode of the low side MOSFETs of the main power circuit. The equivalent circuit of Transient-Down Mode at load release is given in Fig. 3-24, in which Le is the equivalent inductance of the main phase inductors given in (3-1). The voltage source VD represents the forward voltage drop of the body diode of the low side MOSFETs in the multiphase interleaved buck converter. The current source ICC represents the load current after the load release, which is also denoted as ICC_min in the following analysis. QLS Le ie(t) Co VD + vc(t) - ICC Fig. 3-24 Equivalent circuit of the VR during load release (low side MOSFETs are turned off) 91 The initial current ie(0+) through the equivalent inductor Le upon load step-up is the maximum load current ICC_max given in (3-16). The initial current it(0+) through the transient inductor Lt is zero. The initial voltage vc(0+) across the output capacitor is the output voltage VCC prior the load release. The load current ICC after the load release is ICC_min, which is given in (3-18). The load current step change ICC is given in (3-19). ie (0 ) I CC _ max (3-16) v c (0 ) VCC (3-17) I CC I CC _ min (3-18) I CC I CC _ max I CC _ min (3-19) The voltage across the output capacitor Co, i.e. the output voltage vc can be derived from the equivalent circuit given in Fig. 3-24. Its expression in differential equation format is given in (3-20). Le Co dvc (2t ) 2 dt vc (t ) VD (3-20) The output voltage vc(t) can be obtained by solving the differential equation in (3-20) and is expressed in (3-21), in which and are given in (3-22) and (3-23) respectively. ICC is the load current change upon the load release. vc (t ) VD VCC VD 2 92 I CC 2 Co 2 2 sin t (3-21) 1 Le Co (3-22) VCC VD Co I CC arctan (3-23) The maximum output voltage happens at time tmax after the load release, which is given in (3-24). The maximum output voltage vc_max at tmax is given in (3-25). The overshoot of the output voltage at load step up is therefore obtained in (3-26). t max vc _ max VD 2 (3-24) VCC VD 2 Vcc _ max Vc _ max VCC VCC VD I CC 2 (3-25) 2 Co 2 VCC VD 2 I CC 2 2 Co 2 (3-26) The output voltage vc(t) minus its initial value VCC as a function of time for various phase inductor Lo is plotted in Fig. 3-25. The maximum overshoot occurs at time tmax, which is approximately 4µs for the given circuit parameters, as shown in Fig. 3-25. The current through the output capacitor during load step-up is given in (3-27). The peak current through the output capacitor is given in (3-28). ic (t ) 2 Co 2 VCC VD 2 I CC 2 cost (3-27) ic _ max (t ) 2 Co 2 VCC VD 2 I CC 2 (3-28) 93 80 72 Vc(t)-VCC (mV) 64 56 48 40 32 24 16 8 0 0 6 110 6 210 6 310 410 6 6 510 6 610 6 710 6 810 6 910 5 110 t (second) Fig. 3-25 Output voltage overshoot as a function of time for various phase inductors when low side MOSFETs are tuned off upon a load release (Co=6×560µF+18×22µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) The current through the equivalent inductor Le is given in (3-29). iLe (t ) I CC 2 Co 2 VCC VD 2 I CC 2 cost (3-29) The current through the body diode of the low side MOSFET in each phase of the VR is given in (3-30) and plotted in Fig. 3-26, which is also the current through the phase inductor upon the load release. i D (t ) i Lo (t ) 1 N I CC 2 Co 2 VCC VD 2 I CC 2 cost 94 (3-30) 25 Lo=200nH Lo=250nH Lo=300nH Lo=350nH Lo=400nH iD(t) (A) 20 15 10 5 0 0 110 6 6 210 310 6 410 6 510 6 t (second) Fig. 3-26 Current through the body diode of the low side MOSFET as a function of time for various phase inductance Lo upon load release (Co=6×560µF+18×22µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) Upon a large load release, another option of non-linear operation described in Section is that all the low side power MOSFETs Q1-4_LS of the main phases are turned on. The equivalent circuit of this operation is given in Fig. 3-27, in which the on resistance of the low side MOSFETs is ignored. The maximum of the overshoot voltage of this operation is given in (3-26). The overshoot curves as a function of time for various inductors are plotted in Fig. 3-28. Compared to the curves plotted in Fig. 3-25, the overshoot is larger due to the conducting of the low side MOSFETs upon load release. QLS Le ie(t) Co + vc(t) - ICC Fig. 3-27 Equivalent circuit of the VR during load release (low side MOSFETs are turned on) 95 Vcc _ max VCC VCC 2 I CC 2 (3-31) 2 Co 2 140 120 Vc(t)-VCC (mV) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 6 110 6 210 6 310 410 6 510 6 610 6 710 6 6 810 6 910 5 110 t (second) Fig. 3-28 Output voltage overshoot as a function of time for various phase inductors when low side MOSFETs are turned on upon a load release (Co=6×560µF+18×22µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) The simulated output voltage overshoot upon a load release for the above two operation options are given in Fig. 3-29 and Fig. 3-30 respectively, which verifies that turning the low side MOSFETs off during load release can further reduce the overshoot voltage. The further reduced overshoot voltage will then be given more room to reduce output capacitors so as to lower the cost of the VR. However, the cost of further suppressed overshoot voltage is extra power losses on the body diodes of the low side MOSFETs. The power loss analysis in Section 3.5 will address this point again. Thus compromise among voltage regulation, system cost and efficiency needs to be made while deciding which option to choose. 96 Fig. 3-29 Output voltage upon 100A-5A load current step-down, low side FETs are turned off (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] Fig. 3-30 Output voltage upon 100A-5A load current step-down, low side FETs are turned on (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] 97 3.5 POWER LOSS ANALYSIS OF LINEAR AND NON-LINEAR OPERATION 3.5.1 Power Loss Analysis under Static Load Condition When the load current is static, the proposed non-linear operation of the VR will not be activated. Thus the power loss analysis is based on the linear operation of switch mode power converters. The power loss of the dominant components of the VR can be calculated and they can be roughly categorized as conducting related losses and switching related losses. For given static load current ICC, the minimum current in each phase of the VR is Iph_min and is given in (3-32). The maximum current in each phase of the VR is Iph_max and is given in (3-33). The root mean square current (RMS) through the high side MOSFET in each phase of the VR is given in (3-34). The root mean square current (RMS) through the low side MOSFET in each phase of the VR is given in (3-35). I ph _ min I CC Vin VCC D Ts N 2 Lo (3-32) I ph _ max I CC Vin VCC D Ts N 2 Lo (3-33) I rms _ HS Vin VCC D T 2 2 I D T ph s s _ min Lo f sw 2 1 Vin VCC D T 3 s 3 Lo (3-34) I rms _ LS VCC 1 2 2 4 I ph _ min D Ts L 1 D Ts o f sw 2 1 VCC 1 D T 3 s 3 L o (3-35) 98 The conduction loss of the high side MOSFET per phase is given in (3-36) Pc _ HS I rms _ HS 2 Ron _ HS (3-36) The switching loss of the high side MOSFET per phase is given in (3-37) 1 Vin VD I ph _ min t r _ HS Vin V D I ph _ max t f _ HS f sw 4 1 2 C oss _ HS Vin f sw 2 Ps _ HS (3-37) The gate loss of the high side MOSFET per phase is given in (3-38) Pg _ HS Q g _ LS f sw V DR (3-38) The total power loss of the high side MOSFET per phase is given in (3-39). PHS Pc _ HS Ps _ HS Pg _ HS (3-39) The conduction loss of the low side MOSFET per phase is given in (3-40) Pc _ LS I rms _ LS 2 Ron _ LS (3-40) The switching loss of the low side MOSFET per phase is given in (3-41) Ps _ LS 1 1 C 2 I ph _ min I ph _ max V f t dead snubber Coss _ LS Vin f sw (3-41) nLS Ts 2 nLS The gate loss of the low side MOSFET per phase is given in (3-42) Pg _ HS Q g _ LS f sw V DR (3-42) The total power loss of the low side MOSFET per phase is given in (3-43). PLS Pc _ LS Ps _ LS Pg _ LS (3-43) The power loss of standard off-the-shelf phase inductor could be found from manufacture’s datasheet thus will not be particularly analyzed here. 99 Fig. 3-31 gives the chart of power loss composition of high side and low side MOSFETs. The switching related gate and output capacitance loss of the MOSFETs are insignificant at 250kHz. Thus resonant gate drive is not necessary as has been pointed out in Section 1.2.4. Fig. 3-32 gives the power loss distribution among power components, in which the inductor loss is small, therefore standard off-the-shelf inductor can be used to reduce cost. The steady state power losses of the VR are summarized in TABLE 3-1. Conduction, 3.28 3.50 Power Loss (Watts) 3.00 Switching, 2.50 Conduction Switching 2.50 Gate Coss 2.00 1.50 Conduction, 1.14 1.00 Switching, 0.38 0.50 Gate, 0.08 Gate, 0.08 Coss, 0.01 Coss, 0.07 0.00 MAIN_HS_FET MAIN_LS_FET Fig. 3-31 Power loss composition in high side and low side MOSFETs (ICC=125A) Power Loss Distribution MAIN_INDUCTOR 10% MAIN_HS_FET 30% MAIN_LS_FET 60% MAIN_HS_FET MAIN_LS_FET MAIN_INDUCTOR Fig. 3-32 Total power loss distribution among power components (ICC=125A) 100 Load Condition Current Voltage Pout 0 1.200 0.00 5 1.195 5.98 10 1.190 11.90 15 1.185 17.78 20 1.180 23.60 25 1.175 29.38 30 1.170 35.10 35 1.165 40.78 40 1.160 46.40 45 1.155 51.98 50 1.150 57.50 55 1.145 62.98 60 1.140 68.40 65 1.135 73.78 70 1.130 79.10 75 1.125 84.38 80 1.120 89.60 85 1.115 94.78 90 1.110 99.90 95 1.105 104.98 100 1.100 110.00 105 1.095 114.98 110 1.090 119.90 115 1.085 124.78 120 1.080 129.60 125 1.075 134.38 130 1.070 139.10 High Side MOSFET Power Losses Low Side MOSFET Power Losses Inductor Power Losses Total Power Losses and Efficiency Duty Pcond_HS Psw_HS Pdrive_HS Pout_HS Ploss_total_HS Pcond_LS Psw_LS Pdrive_LS Pout_LS Ploss_total_LS Pcopper_Lout Pcore_Lout Ploss_total_Lout P_loss_phase P_loss Efficiency 10.00% 0.01 0.23 0.08 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.07 0.01 0.07 0.83 3.34 0.33 0.21 0.08 0.0% 9.96% 0.01 0.28 0.08 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.07 0.02 0.10 0.96 3.85 0.38 0.23 0.12 60.8% 9.92% 0.02 0.33 0.08 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.07 0.02 0.15 1.11 4.42 0.44 0.25 0.17 72.9% 9.88% 0.03 0.37 0.08 0.01 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.03 0.19 1.26 5.05 0.49 0.27 0.23 77.9% 9.83% 0.03 0.42 0.08 0.01 0.09 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.25 1.44 5.74 0.54 0.30 0.29 80.4% 9.79% 0.04 0.48 0.08 0.01 0.11 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.29 1.63 6.52 0.61 0.34 0.34 81.8% 9.75% 0.06 0.58 0.08 0.01 0.15 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.29 1.87 7.47 0.73 0.39 0.36 82.4% 9.71% 0.08 0.67 0.08 0.01 0.20 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.29 2.13 8.52 0.84 0.46 0.38 82.7% 9.67% 0.10 0.77 0.08 0.01 0.26 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.11 0.29 2.41 9.66 0.96 0.53 0.40 82.8% 9.63% 0.12 0.86 0.08 0.01 0.33 0.13 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.28 2.72 10.90 1.08 0.61 0.42 82.7% 9.58% 0.15 0.96 0.08 0.01 0.41 0.15 0.08 0.07 0.17 0.28 3.06 12.24 1.20 0.70 0.45 82.5% 9.54% 0.19 1.06 0.08 0.01 0.49 0.16 0.08 0.07 0.20 0.28 3.42 13.69 1.33 0.81 0.48 82.1% 0.24 0.28 3.81 15.25 9.50% 0.22 1.15 0.08 0.01 0.59 0.18 0.08 0.07 0.92 0.51 81.8% 1.46 9.46% 0.26 1.25 0.08 0.01 0.70 0.19 0.08 0.07 0.28 0.28 4.23 16.93 1.60 1.04 0.55 81.3% 9.42% 0.30 1.34 0.08 0.01 0.82 0.21 0.08 0.07 0.32 0.27 4.68 18.72 1.74 1.18 0.59 80.9% 9.38% 0.35 1.44 0.08 0.01 0.95 0.22 0.08 0.07 0.36 0.27 5.16 20.64 1.88 1.32 0.63 80.3% 9.33% 0.40 1.54 0.08 0.01 1.10 0.24 0.08 0.07 0.41 0.27 5.67 22.67 2.03 1.48 0.68 79.8% 9.29% 0.46 1.63 0.08 0.01 1.25 0.25 0.08 0.07 0.46 0.27 6.21 24.84 2.18 1.65 0.73 79.2% 9.25% 0.51 1.73 0.08 0.01 1.42 0.26 0.08 0.07 0.52 0.26 6.78 27.14 2.33 1.84 0.78 78.6% 9.21% 0.58 1.82 0.08 0.01 1.60 0.28 0.08 0.07 0.57 0.26 7.39 29.57 2.49 2.03 0.84 78.0% 9.17% 0.65 1.92 0.08 0.01 1.80 0.29 0.08 0.07 0.64 0.26 8.03 32.14 2.66 2.24 0.89 77.4% 9.13% 0.72 2.02 0.08 0.01 2.01 0.31 0.08 0.07 0.70 0.26 8.71 34.85 2.82 2.47 0.96 76.7% 9.08% 0.79 2.11 0.08 0.01 2.23 0.32 0.08 0.07 0.77 0.25 9.43 37.70 3.00 2.70 1.02 76.1% 9.04% 0.87 2.21 0.08 0.01 2.47 0.34 0.08 0.07 0.84 0.25 10.18 40.71 3.17 2.96 1.09 75.4% 9.00% 0.96 2.30 0.08 0.01 2.72 0.35 0.08 0.07 0.91 0.25 10.97 43.86 3.35 3.23 1.16 74.7% 8.96% 1.05 2.40 0.08 0.01 2.99 0.37 0.08 0.07 0.99 0.25 11.79 47.17 3.54 3.51 1.23 74.0% 8.92% 1.14 2.50 0.08 0.01 3.28 0.38 0.08 0.07 1.07 0.25 12.66 50.64 3.73 3.81 1.31 73.3% TABLE 3-1 Summary of calculated power loss under steady state load condition 101 3.5.2 Power Loss Analysis under High Frequency Dynamic Load Condition The VR is subject to dynamic load changes. According to Intel and AMD’s VR specifications, the CPU current may change repeatedly at a frequency up to 1MHz [3, 42]. It is therefore necessary to analyze the power losses of the VR under such high frequency dynamic load conditions, particularly with the proposed non-linear operation. The extra power losses brought by load oscillation and non-linear operation will increase as the load frequency increases, till a frequency defined as critical load oscillation frequency is reached. This critical load frequency fc_load is given in (3-44). f c _ load N VCC V D 2 I CC _ max Lo (3-44) When the load frequency fload is lower than the critical load frequency fc_load, the extra power loss of the VR during load oscillation is mainly the power loss of the body diode of the low side MOSFET. The power loss of the body diode is given in (3-45). Pdiode 2 I CC _ min I CC f load VD f load f c _ load 2 f c _ load 2 N (3-45) When the load frequency exceeds the critical load frequency, the power loss of body diodes of low side MOSFETs is given in (3-46). Pdiode 2 I CC _ min I CC 4 N VD f load f c _ load (3-46) The relationship between the power losses on the body diode of low side MOSFETs as a function of load frequency is therefore illustrated in Fig. 3-33, in which the critical load frequency is approximately at 150kHz, beyond which point the power loss will no longer increase. 102 25 Power Loss (Watts) 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Load Frequency (kHz) Fig. 3-33 Power loss as a function of load frequency However, neither Intel nor AMD gives specification on VR’s efficiency under high frequency oscillation load conditions. It is mainly because the load oscillation up to 1MHz is solely a test condition serving as an tentative way to model the microprocessor’s possible extreme power consuming behavior, so as to ensure the VR have no excessive undershoot and overshoot under no circumstance in the real world working conditions. In reality, the power consumption change rate of a microprocessor is believed to be below 10kHz for full load step. 103 3.6 SIMULATION RESULTS In this section, a four-phase VR is designed to verify the proposed control method. Various simulations are carried out to examine the performance of the VR against Intel’s VR specifications. The key design criteria and key parameters of the VR are briefly listed in TABLE 3-2. The VR circuit is built and simulated in Matlab/Simulink environment. TABLE 3-2 VR design specifications and parameters Vin Input voltage 12Vdc VCC Output voltage 0.85-1.4Vdc ICC_min Minimum load current 5A ICC_max Maximum load current 125A ICC Maximum load current step 95A dICC/dt Load current slew rate 2000A/µs, 95A step in 50ns VCC_ripple Output voltage ripple 10mV peak to peak N Number of phases 4 fsw Switching frequency 250kHz Lo Phase inductor 320nH / 1m ESR Co Output capacitor 6×560µF + 18×22µF MLCC RLL Load line impedance 1m 3.6.1 Single Load Step Simulation Results Various load steps are applied to the VR to examine the voltage regulation of the VR with the proposed control method. Fig. 3-34 to Fig. 3-43 gives the simulation results of the output voltage response to various single load steps, in which the VID voltage is set to be 1.0Vdc. The simulation results show that the output voltage undershoots or overshoots are all in satisfactory range. 104 Fig. 3-34 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] Fig. 3-35 Output voltage waveform upon 125A-30A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] 105 Fig. 3-36 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-100A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] Fig. 3-37 Output voltage waveform upon 100A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] 106 Fig. 3-38 Output voltage waveform upon 25A-75A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] Fig. 3-39 Output voltage waveform upon 75A-25A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] 107 Fig. 3-40 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-55A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] Fig. 3-41 Output voltage waveform upon 55A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] 108 Fig. 3-42 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-10A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] Fig. 3-43 Output voltage waveform upon 10A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] 109 3.6.2 Load Oscillation Simulation Results Various high frequency oscillation load conditions are applied to the VR to examine the voltage regulation of the VR with the proposed control method. Fig. 4-46 to Fig. 3-53 gives the simulation results of the output voltage response to different load steps at various oscillation frequencies all the way from 10kHz to 1MHz, in which the VID is set at 1.0Vdc. The simulation results show that the output voltage undershoots or overshoots are all within a satisfactory range. Fig. 3-44 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-100A/10kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 50µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 50µs/div] 110 Fig. 3-45 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-55A/10kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 100µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 100µs/div] Fig. 3-46 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-10A/10kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 50µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 50µs/div] 111 Fig. 3-47 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/10kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 100µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 100µs/div] Fig. 3-48 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/50kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 50µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 50µs/div] 112 Fig. 3-49 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/100kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 50µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 50µs/div] Fig. 3-50 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/250kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] 113 Fig. 3-51 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/500kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] Fig. 3-52 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/800kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 2µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 2µs/div] 114 Fig. 3-53 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/1MHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 20mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] 115 3.7 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Experiments were carried out of the proposed non-linear voltage mode control method. A four-phase VR prototype was built, with the key parameters of the power conversion circuits given in TABLE 3-2, the same as that of the simulation given in Section 3.6. The proposed digital control was implemented by a FPGA device Altera Stratix II ® chip. Fig. 3-54 gives a snapshot of the prototype showing the FPGA implemented control circuit. The testing equipments, the set up, and the measuring methods are carried according to the specifications given in [2, 3]. FPGA Bottom Side Control Circuit Fig. 3-54 Prototype board of the VR Fig. 3-55 gives the measured output voltage VCC response at 95A load steps. The preset load line is 1mΩ. When the load current is oscillating at 1kHz, the output voltage is able to respond accordingly to maintain the undershoot and overshoot specification of the VR. Fig. 3-56 gives the measured output voltage ripple at 5A load current. The ripple is about 8mV peak to peak. Fig. 3-57 gives the measured output voltage ripple at 100A load 116 current. The ripple is about 9mV peak to peak. For the given circuit parameters, the output voltage ripple is smaller than 10mV, and thus within the VR design specification. Fig. 3-55 Measured step response under 95A/1kHz load condition [VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 400µs/div] Fig. 3-56 Measured output voltage ripple (8mVpp) at 5A load current [VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 400µs/div] 117 Fig. 3-57 Measured output voltage ripple (9mVpp) at 100A load current [VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 20µs/div] Fig. 3-58 gives the measured efficiency of the VR prototype with and without light load PSI control. With the proposed PSI control, the efficiency of the VR below 20% load current is greatly improved compared with that without PSI control. 84 PSI Mode 82 Non-PSI Mode 80 78 Efficiency (%) 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 Load Current Icc (A) Fig. 3-58 Measured efficiency of the prototype 118 125 3.8 SUMMARY The proposed control method utilizes voltage mode control and thus can maximize its bandwidth for steady state linear operation. Non-linear predictive voltage mode control is adopted during load transients. It greatly accelerates the transient response of the voltage regulator based on the sensed output voltage and its slope. To obtain sufficient flexibility, a digital control approach is adopted to realize the proposed non-linear predictive control method. The digitally implemented non-linear predictive controller enables the VR to operate at moderate switching frequency, hence enabling the VR to achieve high efficiency easily. The controller also enables utilizing simple conventional multiphase buck converter topology, which utilizes more standard components, thus lowering the cost of the power conversion circuits. The digitally implemented controller also gives flexibility for the VR’s light load operation. The proposed light load control algorithm can greatly improve the VR’s efficiency at light load compared to that of the conventional method. Simulation and experimental results show that the control method reduces the required output capacitance and hence the number of output capacitors. It can reduce the number of 560µF bulk capacitors from about 10 in the conventional control method to about 6. 119 CHAPTER 4 VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH TRANSIENT CIRCUIT AND DIGITAL CONTROLLER 4.1 INTRODUCTION In addition to low cost and tight voltage regulation, VRs are also subject to higher efficiency requirement. Computer manufacturers and end users are becoming increasingly committed to environmental protection and efficient energy utilization. To achieve desired results, more sophisticated power management techniques are required. A digitally controlled voltage regulator with fast transient circuit is therefore proposed in this chapter to comply with the above requirements and trends. The proposed digital controller enables the VR’s main power circuit to operate at a relatively low frequency around 250kHz to minimize the switching losses for higher efficiency and to keep the power circuit including the gate drives, simple and at same mean time to allow use of lower performance but less expensive power MOSFETs. The proposed transient circuit is idle under normal static load conditions, but will be activated and controlled by the digital controller to operate at much a higher frequency up to 3-5MHz for a short period of time upon large load steps. The proposed operation greatly enhances the VR’s transient response. Consequently, the VR needs much less output capacitance and can potentially eliminate all the 6-10 output bulk capacitors indispensable to conventional VR solutions. The remaining MLCC ceramic capacitors therefore form the output filter capacitor. The advantages of MLCC capacitors are that they have much less ESR and ESL than bulk capacitors and they are also more reliable than bulk capacitors. 120 Since the VR is regulated by a digital controller, about 20 surface mount passive resistors and capacitors necessary for analog controllers are removed. VR costs are lowered due to savings in terms of passive components and the capability of utilizing standardized magnetic components. With this digital controller, advanced power management functionality such as light load operation upon Power Sate Indicator (PSI) [42] required by Intel can be easily achieved. With the proposed digital controller, the measured efficiency of the VR can be as high as 85% at light load. Moreover, current active components such as semiconductor power MOSFETs usually demonstrate longer Mean Time between Failure (MTBF) than passive components such as bulk capacitors which are used in large numbers in today’s VRs. Those passive bulk capacitors usually contain chemicals that have negative impact on environment if not properly disposed after recycled. Also the performance of the active semiconductor components is improving and the price of higher performance power semiconductor switches becomes more affordable. The philosophy behind the VR with transient circuit and digital control method proposed in this chapter is to utilize active components to substitute for passive capacitive components, especially bulk capacitors, so as to meet the above requirements and to comply with technology development trends in industry. In this chapter, the proposed transient circuit accelerated VR with a digital control method is described and analyzed. Simulations are carried out to aid in the design and verify the performance of the VR. Experimental results that presented verify the operation of the proposed topology and control method. 121 4.2 TOPOLOGY OF THE VR AND TRANSIENT CIRCUIT Fig. 4-1 gives the schematic of the proposed multiphase VR, which consists of a main power circuit, a four-phase interleaved buck converter in this case, a Transient Circuit, and a digital controller. The main power circuit can be a single or multiphase buck converter depending on the rated load current. A four-phase configuration is used in this chapter for the design. Each phase of the main power circuit consists of high side MOSFET Q1_HS to Q4_S, low side MOSFET Q1_LS to Q4_LS, and output filter inductor Lo1 to Lo4. The output capacitor Co is made up of MLCC capacitors only. The transient circuit consists of two power MOSFETs Qt_HS and Qt_LS, an inductor Lt, and a transient circuit gate drive. Fig. 4-1 Four-phase VR and transient circuit 122 4.3 OPERATION MODES OF THE VR WITH TRANSIENT CIRCUIT The operation of the proposed VR with Transient Circuit can be divided in to three modes: (1) Normal Steady State Mode; (2) Transient-Up Mode; and (3) Transient-Down Mode. 4.3.1 Normal Steady State Mode During Normal Steady State Mode, the output voltage is regulated by the main power circuit switching at 250kHz with voltage mode control. The gate drive of the transient circuit is disabled in this mode, and thus the power switches of the transient circuit Qt_HS and Qt_LS are both turned off. In other words, the Transient Circuit is idle during Normal Steady State Mode. The waveforms of the gate signals of the main power circuit and the transient circuit are displayed in Fig. 4-2 in the time segments t0-t2 and t3-∞. 4.3.2 Transient-Up Mode When the load steps up at time t1, all the high side switches of the main power circuit are turned on and all the low side switches are turned off for the duration of ta_up, which can be calculated from (4-1). At the same time, the gate drive of the Transient Circuit is enabled for the duration of ta_up. The transient switch Qt_HS of the Transient Circuit is turned on and off at a frequency up to 3-5MHz, to quickly deliver the current to the load via the transient inductor Lt. The value of the transient inductor Lt is selected to be much smaller than that of the main circuit inductor Lo, as has been given in (4-2). t a _ up Le I CC Le Vin VCC Vin VCC Lt Lo 123 dv (t ) f CC dt t 0 (4-1) (4-2) VCC I CC Fig. 4-2 Gate patterns of the VR during load step up 124 Three possible gate patterns VGS_TR_HS for the transient switch Qt_HS are shown in Fig. 4-2. The low side transient switch Qt_LS can switch complementary to high side transient switch Qt_HS, similar to the switching pattern of a Buck Converter. The waveforms of the gate signals VGS1_HS-VGS4_HS, VGS1_LS-VGS4_LS of main circuit switches QGS1_HS-QGS4_HS, QGS1_LS-QGS4_LS, and transient switch Qt_HS are given in Fig. 4-2, in the time segment of t2-t3. The equivalent circuit of the VR with Transient Circuit is given Fig. 4-3, in which Le is the equivalent inductor of the multiphase VR. QHS and QLS are the equivalent switches of the high side and low side MOSFETs of the multiphase VR. Qt_HS, Qt_LS, and Lt are the equivalent switches and transient inductor of the Transient Circuit respectively. Fig. 4-3 Equivalent circuit of the VR with Transient Circuit Fig. 4-4 to Fig. 4-6 gives the equivalent circuit and current paths of the VR during load step-up. The waveforms of the current through the transient inductor Lt during load step-up as well as the gate control signals are shown in Fig. 4-7. In this case the transient inductor current is continuous. Fig. 4-8 shows the waveforms when the transient inductor current is discontinuous. 125 Qt_HS Lt Qt_LS QHS Le QLS Vin Co ICC Fig. 4-4 Current path during Interval I in Transient-Up Mode Qt_HS Lt Qt_LS QHS Le QLS Vin Co ICC Fig. 4-5 Current path during Interval II in Transient-Up Mode Qt_HS Lt Qt_LS QHS Vin Le QLS Co ICC Fig. 4-6 Current path during Interval III in Transient-Up Mode 126 ILt t VGS_TR_HS t VGS_TR_LS t VTR_EN t VTR_PWM t VGS1-4_HS t VGS1-4_LS t VMAIN_EN t1 t2 t3 ta_up t Fig. 4-7 Waveforms of transient circuit and main power circuit in Transient-Up Mode (CCM) Fig. 4-8 Waveforms of transient circuit and main power circuit in Transient-Up Mode (DCM) 127 The PSpice simulation results of the output voltage in Fig. 4-9 show that given the same small amount of output capacitance, the Transient Circuit greatly enhances the dynamic response of the VR upon load step up. Fig. 4-10 gives the simulated output voltage waveform of a 4-phase VR with Transient Circuit upon 95A load step-up. 1.8V 1.6V Proposed Solution 1.4V 1.2V 1.0V Current Solutions 0.8V 0s 50us V(Vo) 100us 150us 200us 250us 300us 350us 400us Time Fig. 4-9 Improvement of transient response of a single phase VR at load step-up 140A 100A 50A SEL>> 0A I(Intel_VRD11_Load_Model.I_PWL) 1.24V 1.20V 1.16V 1.12V 1.08V 1.04V 146us 148us 150us 152us V(Intel_VRD11_Load_Model:N2) 154us 156us 158us 160us 162us Time Fig. 4-10 Simulated output voltage at 95A load step up 128 164us 166us 4.3.3 Transient-Down Mode At load step down, all the switches in the main power circuit are turned off. The transient circuit power switch Qt_LS is turned on and off during this period of time to clamp the output voltage via the transient inductor Lt. The transient switch Qt_HS is switching complementary to Qt_LS, similar to the way in which a Boost Converter operates. Part of the energy stored in the output capacitors and inductors is therefore regenerated back to the input voltage source through the transient circuit. The duration ta_down for transient-down operation is given in (4-3). t a _ down dv (t ) Le I CC L e f CC VCC VCC dt t 0 (4-3) The waveforms of the current through the transient inductor Lt and related gate control signals during load step-down are also given in Fig. 4-11. ILt t VGS_TR_LS t VGS_TR_HS t VTR_EN t VTR_PWM t VGS1-4_HS t VGS1-4_LS t VMAIN_EN ta_down Fig. 4-11 Current waveform of transient inductor Lt during Transient-Down Mode 129 Qt_HS Qt_HS Lt Qt_LS QHS Vin Lt Qt_LS QHS Le QLS Co ICC Vin (a) Low side MOSFET is turned off Le QLS Co (b) Low side MOSFET is turned on Fig. 4-12 Current path during of Interval I in Transient-Down Mode Qt_HS Lt Qt_LS QHS Vin Le QLS Co ICC (a) Low side MOSFET is off (b) Low side MOSFET is on Fig. 4-13 Current path during Interval II in Transient-Down Mode (b) Low side MOSFET is turned on (a) Low side MOSFET is turned off Fig. 4-14 Current path during Interval III in Transient-Down Mode 130 ICC Fig. 4-12 to Fig. 4-14 gives the equivalent circuits and current paths of the VR during load step-down. In Interval I the output voltage is clamped by the transient inductor Lt and power MOSFET Qt_LS, as well as the operation of the main power circuit. In Interval II and Interval III, the energy stored in Lt is regenerated back to the power source Vin via Qt_HS. The low side MOSFETs of the main power circuit can remain on or off during this mode. However, the output overshoot voltage will be different in these two cases. Fig. 4-15 gives the simulated output voltage response at 95A load release. The voltage is clamped by Qt_LS of the transient circuit after several transient switching cycles. We may notice that the output voltage waveforms at load step-up and step-down given in Fig. 4-10 and Fig. 4-15 are different from the waveforms of conventional VR’s. This difference is due to the non-linear operation of the VR during load transients. However, the difference in waveform shapes does not affect the VR’s transient performance as long as the output voltage is within the limits of the VR specification. 140A 100A 50A SEL>> 0A I(Intel_VRD11_Load_Model.I_PWL) 1.24V 1.20V 1.16V 1.12V 1.08V 1.04V 446us 448us 450us 452us V(Intel_VRD11_Load_Model:N2) 454us 456us 458us 460us 462us Time Fig. 4-15 Simulated output voltage at 95A load step-down 131 464us 466us 4.4 DIGITAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTROLLER 4.4.1 Architecture of the Digital Controller In order to implement the operation of the proposed multiphase VR with transient circuit described in Section 4.3, a digital controller is proposed. Fig. 4-16 gives the brief block diagram of the proposed digital controller. The controller has two major functionalities. One is to digitally regulate the output voltage by regulating the multiphase main power circuit during normal steady state operation. Another functionality of the controller is to control the gates of the main power circuit and the transient circuit so as to enable the VR to respond quickly to maintain the output voltage during load transients. Fig. 4-16 Brief block diagram of the digital controller with Transient Circuit control The sensed output voltage is first digitized by the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) in the digital controller. In a steady state, the sensed output voltage is compared to 132 the reference voltage to generate an error signal, which is then digitally compensated to generate the digital PWM gate signals of the multiphase main power circuit. The digital controller also detects the slope of the output voltage to determine the transient operation of the main power circuit and the transient circuit. HIGH-PRECISION REFERENCE SCL I2C Bus SDA NON-VOLATILE MEMORY RESET OTHER CHIP MANAGEMENT OUTEN LL1 LL0 PWR VRPRES PWRGD LOAD LINE LOAD INDICATOR LDICATOR VID7 OSCILLATOR SOFT START VID6 VID5 VID4 VID [7:0] VID3 DECODER DIGITAL REFERENCE CONTROL DIGITAL PID PH1 EN1 VID2 DAC PH2 VID1 VID0 VSENSE ADC DA VCC_SENSE DYNAMIC CONTROL EN2 DIGITAL PH3 PWM VSS_SENSE GENERATOR VIN LOW VINSENSE EN3 PH4 ISENP4 ISENN4 EN4 ISENP3 ISENN3 ISENP2 ISENN2 MUX ISENSE ADC ICC/VIN/TEMP DECODER PHASE CURRENT BALANCE TRAN TRAN_EN ISENP1 ISENN1 TEMPSENSE TEMPERATURE VRHOT GND Fig. 4-17 Architecture of the digital controller with Transient Circuit control 133 4.4.2 Control Algorithm for Transient Modes Fig. 4-18 gives a brief flow chart of the control algorithm of the proposed digital controller during load step-up. Fig. 4-18 Flow chart of the control algorithm 134 4.5 OUTPUT OVERSHOOT ANALYSIS Upon a large load release, all the power MOSFETs Q1-4_LS of the main phases will be turned off. The energy stored in the main phase inductors Lo and the output capacitor Co will drive the current to flow through the body diode of the low side MOSFETs of the main power circuit. At the same time, the low side MOSFET Qt_LS of the transient circuit is turned on to help clamp the output voltage by shunting the current through the transient inductor Lt. The equivalent circuit of Transient-Down Mode at load release is given in Fig. 4-19, in which Le is the equivalent inductance of the main phase inductors given in (4-4). Lt is the inductance of the transient circuit inductor. The voltage source VD represents the forward voltage drop of the body diode of the low side MOSFETs in the multiphase interleaved buck converter. The current source ICC represents the load current after the load release. Le Lt ie(t) VD Co + vc(t) - it(t) ICC Fig. 4-19 Equivalent circuit of the VR during load release The initial current ie(0+) through the equivalent inductor Le upon load step-up is the maximum load current ICC_max given in (4-5). The initial current it(0+) through the transient inductor Lt is zero. The initial voltage vc(0+) across the output capacitor is the output 135 voltage VCC prior the load release. The load current ICC after the load release is ICC_min, which is given in (4-8). The load current step change ICC is given in (4-9). Le Lo N (4-4) ie (0 ) I CC _ max (4-5) i t (0 ) 0 (4-6) v c (0 ) VCC (4-7) I CC I CC _ min (4-8) I CC I CC _ max I CC _ min (4-9) The voltage across the output capacitor Co, i.e. the output voltage vc, can be derived from the equivalent circuit given in Fig. 4-19, and is given in differential equation format in (4-10), in which Leq and Ve are given in (4-11) and (4-12) respectively. VCC is the steady state output voltage prior the load release. Leq Co dvc (2t ) dt Leq 2 vc (t ) VCC Ve Lt Le Lt Le Lt Ve VCC V D Le Lt 136 (4-10) (4-11) (4-12) The output voltage vc(t) can be obtained by solving the differential equation in (4-10) and is expressed in (4-13), in which and are given in (4-14) and (4-15) respectively. ICC is the load current change at the load release. vc (t ) VCC Ve Ve I CC 2 2 2 Co 2 sin t 1 (4-13) (4-14) Leq C o Ve C o I CC arctan (4-15) The maximum output voltage happens at time tmax after the load release, which is given in (4-16). The maximum output voltage vc_max at tmax is given in (4-17). The overshoot of the output voltage at load step up is therefore obtained in (4-18). t max 2 (4-16) v c _ max VCC Ve Ve 2 I CC 2 2 Co 2 2 Vcc _ max Vc _ max VCC Ve Ve I CC 2 2 Co 2 (4-17) (4-18) The output voltage vc(t) minus its initial value VCC as a function of transient inductor value is plotted in Fig. 4-20. The maximum overshoots happen at time tmax as shown in Fig. 4-20. 137 250 tmax 225 200 Vc(t)-VCC (mV) 175 150 Lt=40nH 125 Lt=25nH 100 Lt=20nH 75 Lt=30nH Lt=15nH 50 Lt=10nH Lt=35nH 25 0 0 510 7 110 6 1.510 6 210 6 6 2.510 310 6 6 3.510 410 6 t (s econd) Fig. 4-20 Output voltage minus its initial value as a function of Transient Circuit inductance Lt at load release (Lo=320nH, Co=528µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) The current through the transient inductor Lt during load release is given in (4-19). Fig. 4-21 gives the current as a function of time for various values of Lt. Ve 2 i Lt (t ) I CC 2 2 Co 2 Lt VD t Le Lt cos cost Lt (4-19) 300 Lt=10nH Lt=15nH Lt=20nH Lt=30nH 250 iLt (t) (A) 200 150 100 50 0 0 7 510 6 110 6 1.510 6 210 6 2.510 6 310 6 3.510 6 410 Time (Seconds) Fig. 4-21 Current through transient inductor Lt at load release for various inductance values (Lo=320nH, Co=528µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) 138 The current through the output capacitor during load release is given in (4-20), and plotted for various transient inductor values in Fig. 4-22. iCo (t ) 2 Co 2 Ve 2 I CC 2 cost (4-20) 200 Lt=10nH Lt=15nH Lt=20nH Lt=30nH iCo (t) (A) 100 0 100 200 300 0 7 510 6 110 6 1.510 6 210 6 2.510 6 310 6 3.510 6 410 Time (Seconds) Fig. 4-22 Current through output capacitor Co at load release for various Lt values (Lo=320nH, Co=528µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) The current through the body diode of low side MOSFET in each phase of the main power circuit during load release is given in (4-21). iD (t ) Le VD t I CC _ max Le Lt I CC 2 Ve 2 2 Co 2 cost cos (4-21) The output voltage maximum overshoot is plotted in Fig. 4-24 as a function of the output capacitance Co, the main phase inductance Lo, and the transient circuit inductance Lt, to help select component values of the main and transient circuit. The curves are plotted under the worst case scenario when the load release step ICC is the maximum at 100A, 139 from 105A to 5A for instance. From the plot we can notice that when the output voltage VCC is the minimum at 0.9Vdc, the maximum overshoot is the largest, higher than that when Vcc=1.4Vdc for instance. Therefore the minimum steady state output voltage will be used for the worst case design. 28 26 iD(t) (A) 24 22 Lt=10nH Lt=15nH Lt=20nH Lt=30nH 20 18 0 7 6 510 110 6 1.510 6 210 6 2.510 6 310 6 3.510 6 410 Time (Seconds) Fig. 4-23 Current through the body diode of low side MOSFET in each phase of the main power circuit at load release for various Lt values (Lo=320nH, Co=528µF, ICC=100A, VCC=0.9Vdc) 400 Lo =560nH Co =500uF V o =0.9V Lo =300nH Co =500uF Vo =0.9V Lo =560nH Co =500uF V o =1.4V Lo =300nH Co =500uF Vo =1.4V Output Voltage Overshoot (mV) 350 300 Lo =560nH Co =1000uF Vo =0.9V Lo =300nH Co =1000uF Vo =0.9V Lo =560nH Co =1000uF Vo =1.4V Lo =300nH Co =1000uF Vo =1.4V 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Transient Inductor Lt (nH) Fig. 4-24 Output voltage maximum overshoot at load step-down (ICC=100A) 140 4.6 POWER LOSS ANALYSIS The Transient Circuit of the VR is in idle mode under static load current condition, thus the power loss analysis of the VR is the same as that given in Section 3.5.1. During load transients, the Transient Circuit will be activated and the main power circuit will work differently. The power losses of the VR are briefly given below. The critical load oscillation frequency fc_load is given in (4-22). f c _ load N VCC V D 2 I CC _ max Lo (4-22) The conduction loss of Transient Circuit high side MOSFET is given in (4-23), the switching loss is given in (4-24), and the gate loss is given in (4-25). The total power loss of Transient Circuit high side MOSFET is given in (4-26). Pc _ tran _ HS I rms _ tran _ HS 2 Ron _ tran _ HS VD I avg _ tran _ HS _ diode Ps _ tran _ HS 1 Vin VD 3 VD (4-23) N tran _ up _ pulse I max_ up _ tran _ HS _ n t f _ tran _ HS f load (4-24) 1 N tran _ down _ pulse I max_ down _ tran _ HS _ n t dead _ tran f load 1 1 Vin VCC 3 N tran _ down _ pulse I max_ down _ tran _ HS _ n t f _ tran _ HS f load 1 Pg _ tran _ HS Qg _ TOT _ tran _ HS f load (VDR VD ) N tran _ up _ pulse (4-25) PTOT _ tran _ HS Pc _ tran _ HS Ps _ tran _ HS Pg _ tran _ HS (4-26) 141 The conduction loss of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET is given in (4-27), the switching loss is given in (4-28), and the gate loss is given in (4-29). The total power loss of Transient Circuit low side MOSFET is given in (4-30). Pc _ tran _ LS I rms _ tran _ LS 2 Ron _ tran _ LS Ps _ tran _ LS VD (4-27) N tran _ up _ pulse I max_ up _ tran _ LS _ n t dead _ tran f load (4-28) 1 1 VD 3 N tran _ up _ pulse I min_ up _ tran _ LS _ n t dead _ tran f load 1 1 Vin VD 3 N tran _ down _ pulse I max_ down _ tran _ LS _ n t f _ tran _ LS f load 1 Pg _ tran _ LS Qg _ TOT _ tran _ LS f load VDR N tran _ down _ pulse (4-29) PTOT _ tran _ LS Pc _ tran _ LS Ps _ tran _ LS Pg _ tran _ LS (4-30) The copper loss of Transient Circuit inductor is given in (4-31). Pc _ tran _ Lt I rms _ tran _ Lt 2 rLt (4-31) The power loss of low side MOSFETs of main power circuit is given in (4-32). Pc _ main _ LS I avg _ main _ LS VD (4-32) The power regenerated back to the input source during load step-down via the Transient Circuit is given in (4-32). Preg _ tran _ HS I reg _ avg _ tran _ HS Vin (4-33) Fig. 4-25 gives the chart of power loss composition in each high side and low side MOSFET of Transient Circuit during load oscillation. 142 Gate 1.80 Gate, 0.03 Conduction Power Loss (Watts) 1.60 Switching 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 Conduction, 1.46 Gate, 0.03 Conduction, 0.30 0.60 0.40 0.20 Switching, 0.51 Switching, 0.18 0.00 TRAN_HS_FET TRAN_LS_FET Fig. 4-25 Power loss composition in each high side and low side MOSFETs of Transient Circuit during load oscillation at 5A-100A/40kHz Fig. 4-26 gives chart of power loss distribution among power components in the main power circuit and Transient Circuit. Among those power losses, 37% is regenerated back to the input power source. Power Loss Distribution TRAN_HS_FET 4% REGENERATED 37% TRAN_LS_FET 17% TRAN_INDUCTOR 10% MAIN_LS_DIODE 40% TRAN_HS_FET TRAN_LS_FET TRAN_INDUCTOR MAIN_LS_DIODE REGENERATED Fig. 4-26 Power loss distribution among power components during load oscillation at 5A-100A/40kHz 143 Fig. 4-27 gives the experimental measured increased power loss of the VR as a function of load frequency. 30 28 26 24 Increased Power Loss (W) 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Load Oscillation Frequency (kHz) Fig. 4-27 Measured power loss as a function of load frequency (ICC=95A) 144 4.7 SIMULATION RESULTS To verify the performance of the proposed VR and its control method, simulations utilizing Matlab/Simulink were carried out. The design specifications and the VR parameters are given in TABLE 4-1 TABLE 4-1 Design specifications and parameters of proposed VR with Transient Circuit Vin Input voltage 12Vdc VCC Output voltage 0.8-1.5Vdc ICC Load current 125A ICC Maximum load current step 95A dICC/dt Load current slew rate 2000A/µs, 95A step in 50ns VCC_ripple Output voltage ripple 10mV peak to peak N Number of phases 4 fsw Switching frequency 250kHz Lo Phase inductor 320nH / 1m ESR Co Output capacitor 24×22µF MLCC RLL Load line impedance 1m 4.7.1 Single Load Step Simulation Results Various load steps are applied to the VR to examine the voltage regulation of the VR with the proposed control method. Fig. 4-28 to Fig. 4-37 gives the simulation results of the output voltage response to various single load steps, in which the VID is set to be 1.0Vdc. The simulation results show that the output voltage undershoots or overshoots are all in satisfactory range. Various simulations of load step-up and step-down are carried out for compliance test. The load step conditions and the quantitative results are summarized in TABLE 4-3. 145 Fig. 4-28 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] Fig. 4-29 Output voltage waveform upon 125A-30A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] 146 Fig. 4-30 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-100A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] Fig. 4-31 Output voltage waveform upon 100A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] 147 Fig. 4-32 Output voltage waveform upon 25A-75A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] Fig. 4-33 Output voltage waveform upon 75A-25A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] 148 Fig. 4-34 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-55A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] Fig. 4-35 Output voltage waveform upon 55A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 10A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] 149 Fig. 4-36 Output voltage waveform upon 5A-10A load current step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] Fig. 4-37 Output voltage waveform upon 10A-5A load current step-down (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 5A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 10mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] 150 TABLE 4-2 Summary of single step load line compliance simulation results SINGLE STEP LOAD LINE SIMULATIONS VR Configuration Test Purpose Start Current (Amps) Load Step Test 775_VR_CONFIG_06 Overshoot Test Load Step Test 775_VR_CONFIG_05A Overshoot Test Load Step Test 775_VR_CONFIG_05B Overshoot Test Light Load Tests 775_VR_CONFIG_XXX Half Load Test Complementary Tests End Current (Amps) Step (Amps) Undershoot (mV) Overshoot (mV) Settling Time Voltage Time (µs) Deviation deviation Specification 10 50 100 or 25µs 25 75 50 7 - 10 Pass Pass 75 25 -50 - 8 8 Pass Pass 5 55 50 8 - 10 Pass Pass 55 5 -50 - 30 10 Pass Pass 20 85 65 5 - 8 Pass Pass 85 20 -65 - 17 7 Pass Pass 5 70 65 6 - 7 Pass Pass 70 5 -65 - 40 14 Pass Pass 30 125 95 6 - 2 Pass Pass 125 30 -95 - 18 10 Pass Pass 5 100 95 6 - 2 Pass Pass 100 5 -95 - 42 10 Pass Pass 5 10 5 7 - 0 Pass Pass 10 5 -5 - 12 5 Pass Pass 5 20 15 8 - 0 Pass Pass 20 5 -15 - 12 5 Pass Pass 5 35 30 5 - 8 Pass Pass 35 5 -30 - 28 7 Pass Pass 15 65 50 5 - 10 Pass Pass 65 15 -50 - 23 6 Pass Pass 45 75 30 6 - 1 Pass Pass 75 45 -30 - 0 2 Pass Pass 85 125 40 5 - 5 Pass Pass 125 85 -40 - 0 5 Pass Pass 75 125 50 4 - 5 Pass Pass 125 75 -50 - 13 0 Pass Pass 4.7.2 Load Oscillation Simulation Results Various high frequency oscillation load conditions are applied to the VR to examine the voltage regulation of the VR with the proposed Transient Circuit and control method. Fig. 4-38 to Fig. 4-44 gives the simulation results of the output voltage response to different load steps at various oscillation frequencies all the way from 10kHz to 1MHz, in which the VID voltage is set to be 1.0Vdc. The simulation results show that output voltage undershoots or overshoots are all in satisfactory range. Various simulations for AC load line compliance test are carried out in Matlab. The load step conditions and the quantitative results are summarized in TABLE 4-3. 151 Fig. 4-38 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/10kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 20µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 20µs/div] Fig. 4-39 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/50kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 10µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 10µs/div] 152 Fig. 4-40 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/100kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 20µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 20µs/div] Fig. 4-41 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/250kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 5µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 5µs/div] 153 Fig. 4-42 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/500kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 2µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 2µs/div] Fig. 4-43 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/800kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 2µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 2µs/div] 154 Fig. 4-44 Output voltage waveform upon 30A-125A/1MHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [ICC: y-axis 20A/div, x-axis 20µs/div; VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 20µs/div] TABLE 4-3 Summary of AC load line compliance simulation results AC LOAD LINE SIMULATIONS VR Configuration Test Purpose 775_VR_CONFIG_05B Load Step Test Complementary Tests 775_VR_CONFIG_XXX (repeatable load steps to make sure the response is consistant) Load Current Range Load Frequency (kHz) 30A - 125A 5A - 100A Vmin Spec Vmax Spec - Pass Pass - Pass Pass 19 - Pass Pass 18 - Pass Pass 8 12 - Pass Pass 12 30 - Fail Pass 15 40 - Fail Pass Step (Amps) Specification Undershoot (mV) 10 Overshoot (mV) 50 1 95 5 19 5 95 8 20 30A - 125A 10 95 10 5A - 100A 20 95 8 30A - 125A 30 95 5A - 100A 50 95 30A - 125A 70 95 5A - 100A 100 95 11 38 - Fail Pass 30A - 125A 200 95 7 32 - Pass Pass 5A - 100A 250 95 8 25 - Pass Pass 30A - 125A 400 95 9 38 - Pass Pass 5A - 100A 500 95 0 18 - Pass Pass 30A - 125A 600 95 0 20 - Pass Pass 5A - 100A 800 95 0 30 - Pass Pass 30A - 125A 1000 95 0 15 - Pass Pass 5A - 10A 5 5 8 9 - Pass Pass 5A - 20A 5 15 8 3 - Pass Pass 5A - 30A 5 25 5 40 - Pass Pass 5A - 55A 5 50 9 28 - Pass Pass 5A - 100A 5 95 8 41 - Pass Pass 15A - 65A 5 50 7 30 - Pass Pass 155 4.8 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The snapshot of the VR’s prototype board is shown in Fig. 4-45, from which we can see that all the bulk capacitors are removed and only MLCC capacitors are kept. The transient circuit occupies only a very small PCB board space. The testing equipments, the set up, and the measuring methods are carried according to the specifications given in [2, 3]. Top Side Control Circuit Transient Power Processing 12V input Buck Phases Vtt power Input Filter Caps VTT Tool Fig. 4-45 Prototype of the VR with Transient Circuit Fig. 4-46 gives the measured output voltage waveform upon 95A load step-up. The output voltage overshoot upon 95A load step-down can be observed in the measured output voltage waveform given in Fig. 4-47. Fig. 4-48 shows the measured output voltage waveform at 95A/1kHz load oscillation. The measured output voltage waveform at 95A/250kHz load oscillation is given in Fig. 4-49. 156 Fig. 4-46 Waveforms of measured output voltage at 95A load step-up (VID=1.0Vdc) [VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 4µs/div] Fig. 4-47 Waveforms of measured output voltage at 95A load steps (VID=1.0Vdc) [VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 4µs/div] 157 Fig. 4-48 Measured output voltage at 95A/1kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 400µs/div] Fig. 4-49 Measured output voltage at 95A/250kHz load oscillation (VID=1.0Vdc) [VCC: y-axis 50mV/div, x-axis 4µs/div] The calculated and measured efficiency of the VR is plotted in Fig. 4-50. If more expensive low side MOSFETs whose on-resistance Ron is 3mΩ instead of 9mΩ are used in the main power circuit, the efficiency can be further improved as shown in the curves in 158 Fig. 4-50. We can see from the plot that the efficiency of the VR is high, even when the 9mΩ lower performance but cheaper MOSFETs are used. This is mainly because the VR is switching at a moderate frequency of 250kHz, which enables the VR achieve higher efficiency easily. 100% Calculated (Ron=9mΩ) Measured (Ron=9mΩ) 95% Calculated (Ron=3mΩ) Efficiency 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Load Current Icc (A) Fig. 4-50 Calculated and measured VR efficiency Upon receiving a Power State Indicator (PSI) signal from Intel’s microprocessor, the digital controller directs the VR to enter light load operation mode, so that the light load efficiency can be improved. As shown in Fig. 4-50, at 10% load for instance, the efficiency is about 85%, a significant improvement from the typical 50-60%. The improvement thus help reduce computer power consumption, especially that of server computers operating continually. 159 4.9 SUMMARY The proposed digitally controlled VR with fast Transient Circuit is able to achieve fast transient response and high efficiency from light load to full load with low cost. The digital controller also reduces the passive component counts in power and control circuits and enables use of standardized magnetic components to keep costs low while still being able to achieve satisfactory overall performance. The digital controller enables VR switching at a low frequency of around 250kHz, thus achieving high efficiency easily and with reduced cost. The digital controller also makes the VR’s light load operation easy to be realized. As a result, the light load efficiency of the VR is greatly increased compared to conventional control methods. The digital controller also provides the potential to remove all bulk capacitors and use the remaining 18-28 MLCC capacitors only at the output required to satisfy the VR’s ripple and voltage regulation requirements. Less reliable bulk capacitors are removed, and the VR’s reliability is increased. Thus the proposed digitally controlled VR is an energy efficient and environmentally friendly practical solution to desktop and server microprocessor power needs. 160 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY In this thesis, requirements on powering microprocessors and challenges in designing voltage regulator (VR) are introduced. Various existing techniques and solutions of VR topology and control are reviewed. New techniques are proposed to improve VR’s transient performance and to solve the practical problems currently existing in industry. Firstly, conventional voltage mode control is adopted in combination with load line positioning and phase current balancing control to power high frequency dynamic load. The purpose of the proposed method is to enable VR use simple but widely adopted conventional multiphase interleaved buck converter topology, so as to reduce the cost and simplify the power circuit design. The bandwidth of voltage control loop and phase current balancing loop can be independently maximized, so that the tight voltage regulation and phase current balancing under high frequency dynamic load can be achieved. Beat frequency oscillation effect is also minimized as a result. The control method can be analog or digitally implemented, thus is a good candidate for server, desktop, and notebook applications. Secondly, a non-linear predictive voltage mode control method is proposed to further improve the output voltage transient response of the VR and to further reduce the number of output bulk capacitors. The purpose of the method is to enable using the simplest multiphase buck converter as the VR’s power circuit to reduce cost and enable the VR switch at low frequency for higher system efficiency. Upon large load steps, the controller detects the output voltage and its slope, based on which to predict the duration 161 and action of non-linear operation of the VR, so as to accelerate the speed of energy being delivered to the load or being restrained from the load. A digital controller with very high speed processing capability is proposed to implement the proposed non-linear control algorithm. The digital controller also makes other power management tasks such as light load operation an easy task. The proposed non-linear control method and the digital controller improves the output voltage transient response of the VR, reduces the number of bulk capacitors, and achieves high efficiency from light load to full load, thus is a good candidate for server and desktop applications. Thirdly, a VR with Transient Circuit and digitally implemented non-linear control method is proposed to further enhance VR’s transient response. This solution keeps the power circuit conventional and simple. The VR switches at low frequency for high efficiency at static load current. The Transient Circuit is activated to switch at high frequency upon large load steps so that energy can be quickly delivered to the load or be restrained from the load with certain regeneration. A digital controller with very high processing speed is proposed to implement the proposed non-linear control algorithm for the VR with Transient Circuit. The proposed non-linear control method and the digital controller greatly enhance the output voltage transient response of the VR. It can potentially remove all the bulk capacitors to increase reliability of the VR. It also achieves high efficiency from light load to full load, thus is a good candidate for server and desktop applications. In general, the philosophy of the proposed solutions in the thesis is to integrate high speed processed advanced control techniques in a controller IC to minimize the complexity of the VR power circuit, to enable the power circuit have fast transient response while 162 switching at low frequency for high efficiency from light load to full load, to shift the low power passive components to the controller IC, and finally to replace all the passive bulk capacitors with active power semiconductor switches to increase system reliability. The objectives of the thesis work listed in Section 1.3 have all been achieved. In summary, the thesis work has the following contributions: (1) achieved fast voltage response and current balancing for VRs under high frequency dynamic load conditions; (2) built new model for the VR with the proposed control method; (3) solved phase current imbalance problem under high frequency repetitive load condition existing in industry; (4) solved VR beat frequency effect problem existing in industry; (5) used non-linear predictive control method to further improve VR’s voltage response and to reduce the number of bulk capacitors; (6) greatly enhanced VR’s transient response with the proposed Transient Circuit and its non-linear control method; (7) provided solution to remove all the bulk capacitors to increase VR’s reliability; (8) reduced the cost of the VR; (9) proposed digital controllers with fast processing speed to achieve the proposed control methods; (10) achieved the goal of building energy efficient VRs from light load to full load. 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