4 $ f llM illicit X H M UK 0l, X&CV., NO. IIQKOhULU, the uiuuiiuit (Subtle. PARTITION AND WALTER C. S.MITH, I'ir fB I'ik ('IE bl LbCIUITlUN Momh .... .... McXTII Vrxn Pit WAYS It ATM: f .so ruRMuK. . .7ft 6.0U . fl.00 .. kAR Address by Honorable H. M. Payable Invariably In Advance- .A. REVIEW and Attorney. at Notary 1'ubllc. I'. O. Iiox 7M. Honolulu, Authority Bin. Hethcl King and H I 1! A Sewall. V. PEARSON. UubIuoss Maunnet. IM'SIMteS CAUDS. M M OF EDITOR, DIOKKV 1 JOH.-Hu- lte MS. M LDKIUCK W.Chicago, 111. Hawaiian Mdir. Consul (Jcnernl lor the Btates of Illinois. Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin at law. Attorn. .Mar-cuit- te OP THE EVENTS I.i Tt MHIMY. MA)' MtMMllDled retaltetin with iftutt tfmtHtry of which IUwhII In bftppil) nt hut ft part. Uiicln 8nm n n World l'ownr. In the nocfttlatlnii nnd events nloe briefly ruferrod to, loading up to the Uerlln Art, (1 do tint count Amoriean lelnttoiiA wlih liiiwwll which Mftiul apart) the United States iippnrwl for tho firm time ns n World power In the Pacific It wna by thoo that slip broke ioi(ltm' from tlmt "International which Richard Gluey (whow fchort in tho State IVpurtmnut ombracos the only achievement In our foreign policy during the entiio olght joars of Cleveland's Administration) dell nod as f SEMI -- WEEKLY. ISSIKI) Tt RSIIAYS It. Jt: ia. S 1IMHI. 8IIMI.W.I.I1C..Y. er-vl- re an Ignominious "shirking of the responsibilities of high place and great power." Insignificant in commercial value Samoa may be, and may bo destined to remain, but America's relations with her, will bold a distant and conspicuous place In history as a of that policy which yet awaits, a fit denomination, that policy of taking our part in the affairs of tho World even though this involve, and by war so repugnant to our people, taking part of tho World Itself, a policy which seems to havo been forced upon us but which duty has lod us unfalteringly to accept. Whether or not, tho abrogation of the Berlin Act and our share In tho resulting partition Is a progressive or a retrograde step In that policy, docs not so much mattor. The rela- - NEWS VIA Relations of United States to Group Speaks Before Historical Society. Mai. HACKFi:i.r &. CO.. LTD.-Oen- oral Commission Agents, yuien St.. Honolulu, H. I. . and & CO. Importer I' A KCUAKVKH Ctmnilsslor. Merchants, Honolulu, Hawaiian Inlands. 2170. DEAL i - 1 DOWNIOWH iiii-oi- Fifty Thousand British Advancing. McGrew Property Sold to Alex. Young. ur ii sardi-lM-r- n UP hy, Hmlli-lorrle- l.tln-ftel- The King of Sweden TalksThe Delegates Spion Kop .Dispatches. Klnfj of Bwedon Talks. .May 3. "I am intliei" on the liiltltli ado In thl- - war ,n Houl In- $200,000. lAJNiMJN, Hon. Harold M. Sewall spoko last May 4, 1:15 a. m. General LONDON', night before the Historical Society and HiOHdnroad'n cavalry brigade bun rcacliisl IriilMdfonlPln.'.lwcntj'.elKlil ml lea north some Invited guests at his Walklkl resiof Thalia N'Cliu; a.ncrnl Ian Hamilton dence on "The Partition of Samoa and In bivouacking at Jiicolihrnst, llltem tnlli-the Past Relations Hetween That Group ncrth of Thalia N'Cliu; General Tucker's and the United States." His address a r. (itobcrt i.ucr, i,i:wi:ns'& cooki:. Importers and was as follows: J. Lowiey, C M. Cooke.) building mate-iluldcalem In lumber and When in May, 188C, not for the first Olllce, iU I'ort Ht. time in tho htatory of those troubled and, to the powers concerned, those C. IirSTAOK. Wholesale and Hi tall Oro-r.-- r, troublesomo Islands, tho flag of the U 212 Klnc HL: Tel. 119. rurally, planstores supplied on short S. wns raised over Samoa, thero fol tation and hIiIpb' uolke. New goods by every steamer, lowed what usually follows tho unau OldcrB from the other Munds faithfully thorlzed, but timely and courageous ixcclitcd, action of an American representative WAT J Ml at a distant nost: the recall of that rep SODA CONSOMDATUI) Coi. resentative, the disavowal of his ac CO., Hid. Ksplntindo, WOHKK & Co., Hts. Holllstcr and Allen Kort tion, tho sending of a Commission to A Kent. report, tho appointment of new olllclals IKON WOItKH CO. .M- all around, and then a repetition of his HONOI.l'LI' achinery of every dcKtrlptlon mndu to tory. ordi r The history of the foreign relations of Samoa Is full of such repetitions. 1 only refer to this one by way of InWEALTHY MINER troduction. For these events led to the Washington Confercnco on Samoan which met June 23, 1887, to FROM LEADVI14.E Affairs which the Uerlln Confercnco on tlie same subject two years later tho fram-e- r of tho Tripartite Agreement known Trimble Speaks ofyhilIppi.ies--ChI- as tho Uerlln Act which has now been followed ns a part and natdissolved, neso Labor Ne'iossary for ural sequence. And It is due to these Their Development. events, that as tho successor of tne zealous If erratic Consul whoso action had cost him his olllclal head, I learnGoorgo V. Trimble, a wealthy mine ed for the first time, outside of the operator of Leadvllle, Colorado, Is a Stato Department, through Mr. Carter guest at the Hawaiian hotel. He Is tho Hawalan Minister at InWashington, political conditions the comtravelling by easy stages and expects of paratively unknown Islands to the to leaver San FrancUco in about three Chiefs and Hulers of which I was acor four weeks. Mr. Trimble has visited credited, and of the relations to these Hawaii In Its new born a number of ports in China and Japan, Islands which Polynesian policy, proposed to bear, and also made a flying trip to Manila, Hawaiian's Burden. Ho was greatly interested in the deAt a time alrea'dy trying, tho burden velopments which havo taken place Hawaiian repsince the American occupation of the of this loyal and cfllclcnt Philippines, but is somewhat fearful resentative had been Increased disby inauguration of this the In regard to tho class of labor which tressingly will ultimately have to be employed policy, tho despatch of an embassy and Apia, followed to mimic there. He is strong In the belief that It Is by a Treaty of Confederation and his no "whlto man's country" as far (is own appointment by the farcical and illy recognized Government and King tho development 01 1110 agricultural re- of HON. HAROLD M, SEWALL. Samoa as their Envoy Extraordinary sources is concerned, and believes that an Asiatic element Is tho only one and Minister Plenipotentiary at the which can render revenue Jieneflta American capital. To add to these Im cant ward from Kanw distlons wo aro to consider, us the II rat illvlHlon , tlio inovlnt; (MvlHloriH of from the soli, lie taxes issue witn tangled diplomatic relations the unauTrench on his depurturo from traditions which had Hlillim-umi Jtimdln ar.) In and near Thalia Theodore V. Noyes of tho Washington missed Americanto Consul post, had his return us, will WMH bound TIiiib thorized former ltoliurtfi hitherto mark real N't'lin. the has Iird a Interviewed short Star, who wns of th'i railway, along imposed on tho beginning of this policy and onco be- men operating clear tlmo ngo by tho Advertiser upon tuo whl'e, at Honolulu inllti). Ik udvancInK forty a of IIo front same question, and is of the opinion credulity of Mr. Crelghton, then Minis- gun as it has begun, It will be steadily, rlowly, wllli coiiin HUccenHtn, hut nothlmrn tho thoughtfully and patriotically pursued. leclHlvi'. Vet, at all polutH of conee'itrit-liothat tho labor system used by tho ter of ForeignnsAffairs, and secured l. the Iloers appear In forco Hiilllclent Hawaiian Dutch In Java would not do for the appointment Amorica in Samoa. lo compel tho Ilrltlxli lo proceed with complex local Assuredly tho situation I'hllippiiiffl. Tho now possessions of caution. Tho vvldo front In a nnwil Tho history of American relations eciinlry make turning movements offtho Far Hast are rich in natural facil- at Apia was destined to become more every ramification. with Samoa Is to bo divided into three hand dllllcult. ities for commerce, but their develop- go ToIn Itsman n Olntervrm at hcnil'iuarterx In lees determined than Mr. periods: a ment Is In tho far future, and will have mom to think that tho lloers nro 3. That preceding our first treaty. to evacuate lliandfort nnd to wait until a lengthy guerilla war-far- o Carter whoso wholo mind was fixed ineparlni; upon tho ratification of tho Reciprocity 2. That from this treaty to the Joint Laiiylirand. Thu Iloeis KtlllAoldlng ThaIs concluded, says Trimble, lia N'Cliu illntrlct are eittlumted at I,'.'". wero not Act of Uerlln. and Colorado In gen- Treaty (which ratifications 1887) In They huvo amoiiK their gun it 3, Tho period since, and coinnpondent, Hiring eral, Mr, Trimble Is Interested In soma exchanged until November Omi Tho departure from traditions was fiom liloemfonteln on at of tho best paying mines that havo liacn to cecuro which tho cotirso must bo in., Hafd that tho llrllldli hoped opened up. Ho Is ono of the original kept frco from nil embarassment, these not us hns been commonly represented 1.1.0cutp. off tho whole commando. fi disheartening. been purposo events would havo discrediting of for the the great tho of In richness tho believers The correepondontM at ICIinhcrley havo mining camp, having gone to Leadvlllo It must not bo forgotten either that Uerlln Act, to bo dated from the Act been foi hidden to communicate for Kover-a- l Itself, which was tho natural result of ilayH, the deduction helug that a forin tho latter part of tho 70'n when tho the King and Gibson, who had succeedIk wore May movement Foreign ward under ns Crelghton there. Minister, ed In over Samoa our Intervention for camp sprung from ft village to a city Two Tho Hours In Natal aro of 40,000 people Insldo of two or three strenuously opposed to the clauso of twenty years. hundred eroded Hundays rlvir on ceding to Treaty Pearl tho Harbor that more and tiled to eriKiigM tlio Hiltluli years. At present there aro not Our naval flag was first borne thither whllo It had long been by Wilkes In 1839, Ho framed a Bet of OlllpOHlK. than 15,000 residents In Leadvllle, hut United States, It is now 11 city on a solid basis and evident to Carter that without this commercial regulations signed by the British Tuko Ilrandfort, the ratification of tho Conven- first Malletoa and his chiefs, the first free from tho wild speculation of the clause,extending Muy 1. It Ik announced I.UNUO.N', ho tho Treaty could not laws promulgated to his people. days when Immenso fortunm woro tion Jlrnnd-for- t. that III') lirlllxh have capturednorthcjiHt had. Ilrandfort Ik fifty iiiIIim In 1S72 Commander II. W, Meade remado and lost In n day. It Is a Hall-ayon liloemfonteln, HIato of thu I'co ceived from the chief of Pago Pago, a that Mr, Trimble is occupying Sowall in Honolulu, grant to tho United States of tho exthe same cottugo uscd'by Mr. Hunter, 4. Tho Dally NeWK linn May l.ONpON, Upon reaching Honolulu on tho way clusive privilege of establishing a naval tint following li mn Thalia N'Cliu, dated also of Leadvlllo, for sovoral months . to my post, Mr. Gibson and afterwards station In that harbor. Whether or not "In ycMcrdiiy'H llankliiK last year, vement ("Mpl. Tow ami fifty (lordon tho King, restatod, but at greater this operated ns a grant "In pracsentl" m .' lilKhhinderH Hero nuriounded hy mo length, what Mr, Carter had said to Is arguable, As nn agreement with ItoerK, who demanded their Hiirrender. on tho subject of tho mission to i'ojy tho Chief, It was never ratified by the Captain Towmj ordeied hU men to fix Tho .Now Ounarder. liayonetN and chaw With n wild and In tho same somowhat apo Senate, steamship Ivor-nl- neslu Tho new twin-screcheer the (lonloiiK rindied the enemy ami logistic strain, Thoy both, especial' NHept them away with Kieat tdauiihler. year agent following a special The of tho Cimard Line, which arrived ly tho Minister dwelt upon but tho fact that Towuo was lillndul In lioth eye and Investigator, Stelnberger was In- l.'aptaln at New York April 21 from Liverpool, tho proposed relations of Hawaii hy the enemy' pro. nnd throughout bewith structed proceed to by Is one of tho largest steamers ulloat. tho President Grant lieiolcally." haved moxi groups wero of a mild South Sea Tho dimensions of the Ivernla aro: and benevolent naturo and really not a to Samoa, being charged In particular C Bogbio Factory Explosion. 04 COO breadth, feet Pago regarding secure Information feet; Length, now departure, Hawaii hart had a to Paito. Inches: denth to shelter deck, 40 feet similar mission that LONDON. May 3 Tho Hiiindurd and to be islands theso 13,000 tons, DiKwrw' New Hiiy that Thoma C Inches; gross tonnage, fore, nnd that ns regards Samoa, years Btelqborfjer's Personality, uii American, linn hi en arreHled nn unrt displacement, 25,000 tons, Bhe will ngo or tno Mormon unurcn uimiieit In connection with . I he lliiflilu Stelnberger is tho most Interesting afuctury huvo additional strength mid safety, had missionaries exploKlon at II" gono from hero to proselyte there. among wim urralwned ymlerday, charKed with olllforeign duo to four comploto steel decks lowcharacter all the Intcrvfow with and This Kalakaua today. und until murder, Tho remanded ora steel er, main, upper und shelter genluo "who would have clals who have figured In Samoa's his urciucil man, II wu udded, w.ih not d,c tho lop deck extending from tho boiler been uttractlvo natural gifts, powers of fmded a notable nguro in any land, tory. In Influence room forward to tho stem, and n bridgo dwells pleasantly with natives, and np In memory, nnd It Hospital Olilp Maine, deck, 280 feet long, above tho shelter was the recollection of this, nnd my parent devotion to their Interest, ho May X Tim Ameipan may LONDON, dccK, Samoa, be Gibson called of tho in regard to passenger Infer acquaintance In Samoa with the uhlp, Maine, after having lm s, tho Yiel will tuko 1C0 And they both wero alike In that their hy l,aiy Randolph Churchill and Embassy which just had led left, that cud second-clans 200 and J.000 third, mo. some tlmo ago to promise this So lives closed amid clouds and In tho lit. others of tho coininlttie, nailed (mm class passengers, the Inst nuinoil being clety n paper on tho "Recent relations trr collapso of the plans upon vhlch Houthnmpion tor ihu Vut, Iwluy Into two, four ami of Hawaii with Samoa, and hopes were centred, largely apportioned other Pa. their Plucky Natal, Steluhcrgcr established a Govern, six berth statorooms, wjtli nil con. rifle Groups," Hut tho rapidly fo'jowlng Alny 1 venlonces, Tlio accommodation for first-clu- and startling events In Samoa, tho muiit and created ft distinct ImpresTim I'llJTOIIMAIllTlllmi, ricmiy.nr'd I. (day. passengers Is situated on tho abrogation of tho Uerlln Act, and tho sion In tho native mind that tho Unit, IakIhIuIIvo Giiywmr, Tho nlrvMller Iwilvlluiih' amid-shipbridgo and prornenudo decks Stales had established a protector, Innofi, In bin vpufcli. exjir.ialoii n partition of that Group, tm well as tho ed ate, In all this, ho exceeded his In. .no uommimiiiii, MVfinrifHaveinroiirfii jui in.. Tho dining naloon on the Union of Hawaii United the States with I mpiro by Ilia diiynlloii, room, I'ourHiiu and bridgo dock Is n handsome artU' warrant. I feel tho subordination of tho fctructlous, ileico vvlih which Nalal him linrnn ivr Dii nio return to Washington. tleally furnished, and will eat J50 per. originally chosen topic to a larger ono, Irlulu, und hy inn nritvr prpnuit brought with him nuniurou ompiayiHi ui'r" ny iili vhioiipioiiw. wins. The ship s fitted throughout Without omitting Hawaii's relation with a powerful Installation of electric with Samoa, therefore, I Invite you to. petitions praying for annexation, Delay 'J)u;ne, jay Awar.l, llHltt The prayers of (heir petition tho night to a consideration of tho extinccertainly lihjIlNIJ.Mny grant. President did ,3, Jnw omiidjii IMufcjw not iu( , tion of this last surviving sovereignty uy wwjiiil, w)iiiu ffmiMury at .Ihu circumstances of Btelnnergor's ro' TifbMILai I lillwf JUslM, Mssurwrilie HI- Tho Hawaiian Hoard of Missions In the Pacific, of the value to tho tho (f( te'1"!"'11' you'1 'f 'fWi "f- nnr'hiApril would like 95,000 In order to finish up United States of our rights under the turn lo them, upd tho word used by imlvurm) a i)im laimi, Itlli arrangement, now nd of tho varied, the year' work, (Continued pn page f) mimI funiut xnikli)' nui yH II BIG NO. PrnUfi for Cnundlnii. MoNTHKAt,. May Tt tMur ha Hie follotttiia 11, i aide fiutii l.'ii. 1,1,1 .''.u,i .1 I'tier, of Montreal, Ih Imiul iu l" iVu.lwr i'impan. It I A , and not Mn "or I'. Heller. a rrK1ed .in ti.' I'lem h i. hiad:an om.er mxalHled iiome and mu n ttr W. Knd. mirrcrliirf from and Houn.i llt t. ft hrt. nwlt IT iraliw'd. aud iMht Lit arv l lw talka firavply of uulnit liaek to the cut. Ill dorlor tiiiim. thai Up tuny I hi aide ta lanve and rwriilt nl hi flriKtilun it) a erk or wi .'aittaiii IVI-- I oonfliina the rlal.mnt that five or fHiiHillnnii em kill' I ir voii.vl.'il .it n i by iieclilfiital ii.)yoiie,n liv the tlordona. A the "amidl.ina li II lack the mlKinok trenchm. the 'eiiUins im tl'i-t'ati-InlIn the half Unlit for llwr-- i IMIetlrr that the lordoint w.te not for n moment lo l uel.l bhini'-wort- BUSINESS BLOCK GOES lie nxprwuea th" nearllint of Ilia kind ifalmen;. Im a coii.niund (lenernl i hlKhly taalmil hy a cap: un ! the He nn h that he iilno liiiatlded. Boer camped with the ('ana ll.irm an I other Slico of Arlington Hotel Tract Colonial. The nnldlerly iiilalltte of tho cluded and Price is Nearly Canadians elicited tiulvcrial ndnilriitui, VAMrnnum or on to mtl4r, Hi. I'nltwJ il4r nM'U ItHtMh n.'rtim.id ate In drlrrmthr. (Bl tile; xnndne tHr iei. Mhvtlwr lh awr4 ' AistiaMn UnMMMte km amoft WIKMiK s. Africa," wild the King of .Sweden nnd Norway, now on a vlxlt to thl country. In an Inlcrvluw yenteidny. 'ion may.v miiKe ii ipiue rnar inai I nave no whatever with the; lloein. J ml I will tell you why I Unci It Jlltlc'ilt to iindprKtiind elllnr tho tirlu"l.l k or r Ic HkIoo which Ik apparently i monopoly of the hurKhcm of tlm two Ht.it , or i t tho noiii rai innniieNiat onH or n unveruinent which xecniH lo have refusicd most f tlio hy the Ilrltlnh, and reforniH KiiKKeKted which cloned Im iiegotlntlonK hy 111' viidliiir HritlHli terrltorv. In inv onliilon raroK nro the exact the opposite of the HoiTK. heraiiMi they are nmonir thu IichI colonlzerM of the world, wncii Hnvace anil uncut zeit territory Iiiik to lie reclaimed. No greater proof of IIiIh could havn been alveu than the HJdendld outliumt of loynlty at home, and tno iieromm in tuo ueiu, wuieii every HrlllHli eolonv hnH ho nnanlinotlHlv iIIh- pllijeil. That Ik tho good which Iiiik i erne to (Ireat llrllaln out of tho evil which any war hrliiKH In Uk train, und for tho that will ho her compeiiHatlon many dlaiinoliitmentH Kho haH HUffered hitherto. You tniiko tnko It oulln clear that I have no sympathy whatever with Ihe IIoitk. nnd that I w II trlvo no Him pert to the atteinptK that aio innklnir lo Keruro too coiiriienancu or oi our country. Oom Paul's Olivo llritncli. IIAODi:, .May 2. The lloer Till: I'lHcMer and WolmnraiiK, left to day lor ItoStrrdaui en route to tho United HtateH. A ureal cloud had" them farewell at tho million. Tho delegates made xliort hihcciick, tlianKim; tno popu-hirfor tho kindly reception extended hy 'tho pcoplo united to thiui hy hondH of rncn anu religion. .Mr. l'lHCher told your correspondent mat tno onjeci or their visit to tno unit ed HtnteK was to appeal to tho Oovern older to hoc lire i mint anil people. Inpeace. Ho said that of thoy wete ko nir In order to rectify eiro neoiiH opinions, and miiko thu truth known, hy which It would he seen that tho IIoitk had not brought nn thu war, hut dCHlrcd only nefiLu and tho trannull pcrKcHslou of inilepemlnnce, which wuh iih diar lo them aH to the American neoolo He mild Unit ho knew nothlmr reuariliuir Ihe HtalementH that they would not ho rtiLelveii o Ic a lv hy the (lovuriimeut. After tho farewell vIhKh to .MlnlHiem I'lerson and Do Ilcntifort, tho lloer started thlH afternoon for Hotter darn, on their way to tho UnlUil Htateri. 'I lie dL'lignti'H will sail tomorrow. In re- Kpouso io a (iiiestion as to now too reiu-Hof Hecretary Hay to receive them at Washington would affect their mission, .Mr. .'"Ist'licr wild: "Wo know absolutely v notning. imvo seen it in tno papers, hut wo can any nothing more." eyiu-niitli- iCnclliili-KpciiJiIn- g delo-gate- e dele-Katc- man-of-w- Vice-Consu- lltovm-fontel- coin-cldon- ,l Wcdm-mlay- a, I Itlch-iilil- .iiliuriiK-HliurK- n, ucrom-MiodHtlo- ii, lion-pn- llrnt-clas- ss Aum-mlil- s, Ml- - Htoln-berg- foiila-'omlug- , Bplon Kop Dispatches. .May t. Tho telegraphic cor-- n spondenco relating to thu riplun Kop dlLp.ilchcK, was Issued to I'arl lament Just heioro midnight on Thursday. Lord Lansdowne, Hecrctary of Htalo for War, wind on .March l!Mh, asking thu advice of Lord Huberts about publishing LONDON, the dispatches, HaylUK. "Wo cannot publish all tho documents enclosed with your illspatclicH of Kebrii'try littli, and kiiKKeKtlng certain dlspatchcH, which, In Lord Lanndnw lie's opinion, mlKht bo pub. llshed. Lord Lansdowno added: "Hut I would not red Jimmied In editing tho paperH iiiiIish you concur, and joii may iieihniis think It well to refer to lluller. 1 suggest as nil alternative that wu should tteal your dispatch or Kuhrimry 13th, and all Its enclosureH iih cnulldeh-tla- l, and that lluller should semi throiiKh you it full narrative of tho opeiatlons. ThlH you could forward to me, with any oIifi rvutloiiK you desired to make for publication." Lord HoburtH replied to Iird In a dlspntih datid liloemfonteln, Maich 31st, that ho had siiKKCHlid to Hlr ItedverH lluller to leiiiro u full narrative, but that Hlr ItedverH lluller had ahum red iih follows: "I do not at all llku thu Idcu of it dispatch for I much prefer to leuvo It In the hands of the Commander In (,'lilef. Let him hi loot for publication whatever Im Ihlnks proper." To thlH Lorn KohcrtH nppi tided that ho would not himself object to thu publication of n tinner edited as Lord Laim- downn had nunnenti.il, hut that It might, pirhups, bo better to overrule General llullcrH objection, and to adopt tho al- tl II. lltl VI, COlirHIl HllL'lXeHtl'd liV llld 1.IH1H- downe. Ho asked lird Lansdowno to wlro it reply. This reply from Ixird Lansdowne. dat id April 2l, said. "In view of Itllller'M fjlilitettnn. I abiin- don tho proposal that tho dispatch should no nun i iiriijionu io jiuoimii the Keiuctlon descilbed In my illspatch or Maicll th." Ijrd ItoberlH answered under date of April illh. "I ngreu to my dlsiuttcli of l'i bruary I3tli being pulillslieil," Tho corrcmionilunce also coulalns two ilbpnlchi-referred to In Lord dlnpiitcli of .March ZSth. Tho llrst Ik fiotn I Mr d liusdowno to (leneral llul ler. dated January r.th. retiresviit liiur tho din- IiIh tmiiosslbllltv of -- publlHhlng pHicnis. wn en eoniaiu viowh or inn situation and foreeiiHtK of IiIh inlen- lions." anil emu laslzlntr inn nilv sail liv of sending dispatches dmcrlptlvo of tlio nperatlouK for presentation lo 1'aillu- Laus-di'Wti- Liiiik-dowu- n' UlbUI. Tho second Is from Ixrd Wc I He ley In Clh. and datid I'V'bruarv lild lloherls. I saying: will, feel "Von stini iiKliii Willi me thai Mitliuens dlspatcli, IimiiiiIIuk Magersfonti'lu, could not ho plililhiht'il iih mini. Thero are passagus Ir, It Inappropriate in hucIi ilneuments, aud It a Inn kIvih lufonnallou of Importance to thu army. If he Plus I will Iho illspatch, hut I prefer not to un- i NiigKesi ueriiiKO iiiih iisporiHiiiiiiiy. that you should ask him io e.incel till dUpiiHih, and to wilto another," 'I ho I'OIcKpolidilito iluuM not ludlrato thu ills- whether Mid .Melhih'U liali'h u sueucBti'd. aH publish- Thu rlplou Kop lilapiitclK ml with iixnclly Dm nchctlon sunHetted In Lot d Lah'lowiic'H iiispiiich of .Mm ih Slb. J'runn OnndniiitiatltJii, Alay i, Thi' Tlmm, referI.ONDON, ring In I he wit I Hponihiicc, say: LJiflNiinwhu w nwiuiiini in it nn miliar in- Million in, 1,01(1 jionuriH hi look iiih opiu. fun for Ills lain Mil of Iho unfortunate Ciimmiiiit iinou lid ,uir llllll'll, lilllillo. hIiuo1 supcrlliioiiH. There, IKHIIH utw li MliMiilihig eit'illlablo to Hlr lludvurs ui- imsr jii iii iMiiiMi jo io wr io piiiidi for piihiivuiimi "lnl IH The Advertiser la able to give tlio of ono of tho biggest real estnto deals In downtown Honolulu property that lias yet taken place. Tho cxicnslvo estate of Dr. John McGrow, on Hotol street between Fort nnd Alakoa 8treotB, ls bus been sold, Hon. Alexander Young Ih to be tho purchaser, and tho deeds ot transfer will ho completed thlti morning and concluded at onco ns tho Minister leaves this afternoon for San Francisco by tho AtiHtralla. Tho price Is Bald to ho about $170,000, nnd tho property to bo taken In will not only lucludu tho big tract belonging to Dr. McGrow, but also a slico of tho llluhop estnto property directly adjoining that of tho doctor ami fronting on King Btroet. Of tho sum paid Dr. McGrow gets ?1G0,000. 'IhO'Snle has been in contemplation for Koine tlmo, but owing to the Joining of tho two pieces of property to bo sold at thu same, time, consldortiblo tlmo htiB been lost. Dr. McG row's property has a frontage, ot about 157 feet ami a depth of itboitt 350 feet, but is not regular in contour. Tho Bishop estnto owns thu Arlington Hotol premises, which extend through tho block from Hotol to King Btrcot, During out on tho King streot side, bo that si wing extendi) along tho roar fence of tho McGrow property to the Walklkl boundary. Thus Mr. Young will hnvn tin almost perfect rectangular atrip of ground from street to streot. i no pittciiUBo of theso two pieces of hind also Includes i string of the Arlington promises from Hotel to King Htreot, ot nbottt 25 feet. A strip of similar width, or ovon nioro, will bo taken off tho McGrow property and a street ot DO or (!0 foot opened up, thus giving nn Important artery In tho block, whlca is altogether too big at present for ordinary business purposos. Hy this moans both tho Bishop uatuto and Mr. Young securo n lino frontago of nearly 100 foot. Tho advantages of this aro manifold. Not only Is tho vnltio of tho proporty greatly appreciated, but a now litmlness street Is added to tho congested section. Just what will bo done In tho way or new buildings has not been lliinlly decided, but It Is quito that n modern four story olllea building, costing ?100,000.00, may ho erected, taking In the Hotel street frontago and thnt of tho now street for a cotiHlderablo distance down tho blo:U. Thero Is also some talk of tho building of n lino new hotel, but tho prospects aro more In fnvor ot tho ofllco nos-slh- lo building on account ot tho excellent business location. Tho McGrow mansion now standing on tho premises wan built nioro than fifty yenrs ngo by Dr. It. A. S. Wood, nnd has boon occupied bv tho present yoars. holder for moro than thlrty-thrc- o In Its day It wns tho hniidsomost residence In Honolulu, nnd hns been the scene of much of the social gayety. BIIUNS J?K0PE11TY SOLD. Frank Ilustnce Iiuys Land on JJoro- tnnia Stroot. C. S. Dos It y hits concluded a deal In real otitato with Frank Hustace, by which the latter becomes tho owner of a pleco of property on Hcrctanla street, Kwa of Fort street and adjoining that of N. 3. Sachs. Thero wero two pieces of proporty sold, aggregating a total of 27,duu all told. Tho Uerotanla street frontago Is CI feet, whllo tho depth Is about 110 feet. A two or threo story business block Is contemplated for tho now purchaso, nnd win no in Keening with that of Mr. Sachs on the corner. Tho land 1b known as tho llriina proporty, nnd Is ono of tho most desirable locutions In tho business district. Work on tlio Bachs block will bo commenced soon. Tho present framo affairs will bo torn down and tho ex cavation work begun within a short time, and the same program Is scheduled for tho property disposed of Tho Kaiser's Congratulations. Kmpcror WIN HKIU.IN, May Ham haH cahbd Iho President of Brazil Dr, CampOH HalleH, iih follow'Hi "I solid Vour Hxcillcnoy an expression of my Hlncern sympathy and hearty wIhIhh Iho hapiilnesH and prosperity of the friendly nation, which you mi woithlly represent," Tim Kmpernr William's wuh called forth by the llruxlllan ci'lebrallon of tho four hundredth mini, ternary of Iho dlscnveiy of Iliaill. 3.-- Tho r mes-huk- ii Alliance in Princely Oirclos, May JHIItUN, niliabetli, of Wnldci'k'l'yrniont, 0unt of Queen WIN lit'lmlna, of Iho Nilherlands, wa inurrled today nt noon In AroUen, Capital of Waldeck, In Count Aluxander, of Thu Queen of tho Netherlands. Ihu Queen's molhur, tlm Kluu-'unQueen nt Wiirlomburg, und nlher prlncisio of Wuldvck, weru pres-o- I iWf1 ',! HAWAII 2 lr N CIA'l:TTIC IllHUW M : . win Kh N; tlon that K"iid not be Hlt.hdriood Jluan WV UttM.ttltiilIM. this th Wjrlll rH to ft HMr ronrnymg the Irtu-I" " for tn prtfmmtMiia "!" uTiTlZ th. m Hyrtwr nf rnflvHn Hi Jnllcn 10th. nf8. tmwwi ! I Ml "l departure nt the KalmlkM. Ilia mUaion JU Ul IICII'BMf ! nil John Wltw. xrM "th iotrf-iMm iBttrttdlonk t'lilrf nnd Proprietor of tn Uronn 4i nittiiamoii ai- - In flamoa bad hrnrllrnllr rollaOKfri en ! n e mtiMiii uif flllinofi want nbaml. ad Nrrrihrlt, of uiandi in tie newan lainnua, (I'onltiiunl fiffl l'(f I.I M.a Mtaaion frM)"t tuj' through Cartur the ITMly to the Hawaiian Kins nil whlrh !) roiir-,n- r drmalnK Iriaodaatp nc of and na R nn tha aiitijM-i- . Itiatnarrk did IN the I'rwMcnt In lito wl)'. Jurtlfle the Wrimtpr'n right of lovmlnnty and monarch to rutrrri from our belief antiMiK tho Surooan to whlrh proprietorship. Wylllr wrlta that the anntnar. ' A pitta, fhtati wan to bate not ronrwl that h roRnrdwl tho Hawaiian HHIon nn one of Imperii limy citing with n pmlittetieo when ronaldoratlon of the rocalou had been u but tha iwHann nm-c- . I.nrd Hnllabury, who would (oH the Into Klnit nnd hi foltovmri pofftponod by racolmlun of the Klnc. Iwen tha benrtr. 1,m IM' Ul l,l n ftl. ...,..... alA,lin iiimmwTOiwuwH","1 inrm. I'tiunell, norow, th whlrh ami I'rhy resolution tlmt and mneli tribulation Oefcanloi junction, continual eomplalsnr.t to Oor- - Wins His tho PorelRti Minister to hare Order of the Star of United 8lnte hnd ft peculiar Intern. in tna Ui Inalitiittd dortp many, anil avan tin iiKli thin mutt load olltlcnl futuro whlrh they communication with the lllble nnd In their and rhlf of l'olyiisali.'aiid tnoa to normnn nnnoxntlon. As for Ilaynrd nml foreign iwwcrs wore hound to rea- MiMlunary Societies of th Kingdom king may hiur rontrlbiitml to the wel- h rou hi tit nothing olav tluiti accept Court. on tho subject of making efforUi for the who per L of Pilynlan tlarmany'a benevolent ntsnrniire, nnd Throiiah tho Jenlotigy of Ilritwh nml in oral and religious improvement of fare nnd ndvattrmnt wag to alao proni lluah comnuinlttc'. Herman traitors nml tho connlvanco of tho people of the Stewart Islands.Wyl-ll- e tho Samonn monarch with a .arrlaa profewodly nt lonat, to hope for the of Snnumu Independence through are to understand,'' tho United Stntea Consul, a persona! "You SIXTY DAYS AFTER writes, "that tho King, having only nnd pair of hones. the then undertaken by enemy, Stelnborgor wns deported on n the Hawnllnn Territorial Uuith wits Instructed If. after eonld the three power, nnd therefore politely annexot danger oscnpcil recently tho IlrlUsli bill I passed the duty on existing circumstance, he to dlwonrngo the mlwlon of Bush nnd StclnbcrKcr'a vicissitudes never orad ation for his own Kingdom, liar no de- crntlon of oxpcdlcnt, European China oxprws 'n and to this terrifound principle apply to the the to the "Knlmllon." sire on Impression ho made the tho tented Crockcrywaro will bo from regret that nny portion of hi I tory of others, but His Majesty most a strange- fact of Hawaiian hisIt Samonn mind. CO per cent higher r5 to education, subjects should bo In rebellion opnlnst tory thnt tho om great power with Lengthy Opinion Rendered Yesterday Ills mission, nhortlvc as It was, In ardently desires to extend among B5 per cont on Whlto nnd tnc him, nnd nlno tho solicitude with which which llaw-.i- ll ban ever been nt peace the nurnoso he had In view, prevented Christianity nnd civilization 60 per cent on Dotoratod. On H. M. regards the recent Intervention of at homo nnd by which she has never of Polynesia," by Justice Frear in Import -for tho tlmo the absorption of Samoa barbarous tribesWylllo powers ot bamoa. foreign in nnairs 1850, the St. Ju notifies I. March been there threatened or molested, nit by any other power, Just na Meade's Case, It under THE to ant DUTY PRESENT hare King was cautioned utt., "Ho 20th on tho though tho lien that tho pngo open commercial Interests of unratified treaty Kept Pago is 10 per cent on cither. tho expressions thnt they in- tho citizens of that Power aro scarce for us to gain six years later, by un resolved to accept the sovereignty of stood by pledges -II, M.'s ot part on the ly second to nny In the Islands, should the Stewnrt Ielnnds, but solely for tho volve no cniiivocal cession. nny nsslstnnce, NOW IS TOUR TISIE (From Saturday's Dally.) Second. Tho period from the treaty good of tho natives, nnd without ex government to render Important point. hnvo mado tho Samoan mission nlmoat In followed tLe them, any or a revenue from and then to purchaso what you want pcctlng "casus belli." Stevenson nptly deto tho Joint Act of Berlin. part Hospital of Queen's prem A the response to In these political any pecuniary however, re or If, scribed tho German attitude: "Tho Gercurrlni: in this lino beforo prices United Stntos Intorforonco. nnd confidential assurances of Ills mans looked on from tho llrst with nat- ises, "Queen Himnu ltenldence," and nil sponslblllty on their nccount. All thle aro advanced. other property which has been In litiga ar Majesty's sympathy, any advances or ural Irritation thnt a Power of tho With tho deportation of Stolnbcrgcr, Wylllo adds, Is to bo put Into the ex proposals should como from King ot Hawaii should thus profit tion in the- local courts for sometime pust STEKLINO Samoa relapsed Into internal strlfo tides "clear and explicit and to be SILVEIl pointing to such nn nlllance be- by Its undeniable footing in tho family lire decreed by tho Supreme, Court of tho factories of Rood Twice In tho period I have doacrlbod, Plained to tho natives." With the from give would as to bo tlio property of C. K. C. of natlonfl, and send embassies and Hawaii & lJarton our Has was raised to avert for the vague and uncertain terms of this let tween Hawaii and Samoa Whiting and Mfg. Co. tlmo soizuro by tho other powers, and ter It Is Intimated In a letter from to tho former a right to speak authori-of mnko bellovo to have a navy and bark Hooke. usually known ns Captain Kookc, powers on dcvl-seI, behnlt o nephew August Foreign Crclghton. C. tho foreign snap T. Minister, thu It. and of Jtookc, tatively to at the heels of tho great Gerhnving served this purpose was with of tlio lands In question. Tho cnec drawn. And from necessity, and with 1880, St. Jullen was dlssatlslled, and It the Independence of Samoa, you arc to man Empire." WE WILL havo a spealliance 13 an such your reprcscnin that belief known ins not Is whether cxprcs3 not too much to say that so se- which has been one. of the most prominIt the npproval of their superiors, our cial salo for tho next thircountries, looking two an to In any ent was the Courts took of over the action tivc commenced the at confederation riously or did o!Tlccr3 and tho Germans regard the Consuls continued naval ty days, ommoncing (Term, 1807, beforo Alfred CarHawaiian action that only tho suspi- November to tako part In tho political affair of exercise ot his sovereign or propric If mado close enough to rendertothem April 28th. ter, then First JudKo of tho Circuit forthe but ono state In their relations rights. As confirming cion .that In somo way tho United Court, the Islands, arranging agreements of tnry wherein C. K. C. Itooko commencpeace between the native factions f.ml strength of the historical parallel to eign powers, will meet with acceptance States was really Involved In the mis- ed notion to rjulut tltlo ugulnst. the. THE REDUCTION will joining with tho representatives of tho Bush's mission, It Is to bo noted that here, nnd you will please oncourago the sion, prevented tho German captain tjueen's Hospital, "a corporation; Cluis, bo 33 3 per cent. Our asexpressCrclghtou, such mnko It. whllo Bishop, to Samoa S. letter, ot JI. Damon, C. M. Hyde, J. in this Government from blowing tho "Kalmlloa" out of other powers In the agtccmon; for tho sortment Is rery complete ing regret that no definite action was proposition directly to H. M, through tlie water. And it Is probable that this O. Carter nnd W. F, Allen, Trustees unmunicipal government of Apia. der tlio Will of liurnlce 1. Illshop." The Our constant Intervention in Samoa taken regarding tho Stewart Island you or by an envoy from King Mallotoa, Is what-wouhavo actually happened plaintiff claimed ho wus entitled In feo cesfilon, writes "a now departure In the and you aro also at liberty to do all in at the tlmo ot tho declaration of war simple to nil of the lands, testnmvntx and PLATEDWARE will be was now to becomo nccentuated. also sold nt special hereditament which wero described as In 18S5 began that series of German policy of tho Government has been ta vonr power to aS3lst in formulating against Mallctoa had tho "Kalmlloa" tho cor"French Premises," Hotel nt tho having prices. Interests such a proposition privately, but not of been still nt Apia. For In Bismarck's aggressions which led directly to tho ken, and the Powers of Hotel nnd queen streets, tlio in Pacific waters have been Informed ficially." The question or tno extent or dispatch In which ho instructs the nel Berlin Agreement. "Queen Kinma Residence," comer Nuu-unand lleretanla streets, tho land sitKvery act of these met the protest of this change ot policy. Of course it the rebellion was ono ot tho utmost Im- German Minister at Washington to noRICH CUT 6LAS8, for nt ilonuuknlm, tho land known as follows lines laid down broadly nt tho portance, nnd Bush was ndvlscd to tho next thirty days at a tify Bayard ot tho Intended action uated of tho United States representative. Nlolnpa, In Nuuanu vnlley, land at I'uu-una issued, commission St. Jullen time portion somo 25 per cont reduction. General Consul and against German attacked much attention Mallotoa, he mnkes the threat The Honolulu, pioperty In Nuuanu valt. distinctly. After ascribing to tho "unc- ley known us W'aolanl. Slalletoa's sovereign rights nnd hauled and independence? (dependence) must nf tho funds of tho mission to Its Jndfii! Frear rendered tho opinion of down his Hag within tho Municipality. bo had upon moral rather than upon Intermeddling of tho HaIt was suggested that ho might alled-for ALL OP OUR GOODS aro the Supremo Court, wn.cn was also slimFinally, when tho nppcaranco of a Ger- material force." Compare also this act as a peacemaker. This whole ques- waiian Government tho disturbed con- ed marked in plain figures and liy Whiting, JiiHtleo Htunley nnd JudRu Gibson to Car tion was treated with the skill of a mas dition of affairs In Samoa, Bismarck of thu Circuit Court In placo of man squadron at Apia threatened tho letter with tho letter of old prices remain with tho of ter hand. It was Indeed n subject which goes on to say: "In case Hawaii, whose Justice Judd. The opinion Is ono ofChief Belzuro of the Islands, our consul upon tcr, announcing the commissioning the tho new. 1SS7. Majesty 8, January "Ills Uush lengthy most King, of application of the documents raised the tho kind over required dollcato treatment both In the King acts according to financial prin- Hied, payes of and coveis thirty-seve- n American Hag over the Samoan, nnd feels that this cour.su now taken, Is on Instructions and on tho spot. For It ciples which It Is not desirable 'to ex- typowritliiK, Tho subject Is treated In nn his part a solemn duty, which on ac- was well known that Germany was be- tend to Samoa, should try to Interfere exhaustive manner, without doubt defeated this purpose. history und tho Secretary llayard Immediately dis- count of the opportunities ho and Ha hind Tnmaseso. and It would not do to In favor or Mallotoa, tho King of the the casn Is traced minutely from the fil-of avowed this act, recalled tho author of waii enjoy, ho owoa to his brother offend so great a power by Inquiring In Sandwich Islands would thereby enter ing of tho will of T. C. II. Itooko, the testator, until the action was brought Inwhoso islands to her official conduct. On tho other Into a state of war with ub." It, and Juno 1, I8SC proposed n confer- chiefs of Polyne3la, to tho Courts. should not remain In tho position of hand, such Inquiry must not give rise ence at Washington. In tho syllabus Justice Freur says; At German Hostility Apparent. being mere waifs to be seized upon by to suspicion on Mnllotoa'fl part ".that common aw, Including tho early stata Bocomos Factor. Hawaii ute do donls, Kmmti tho first strong hand that Is stretched tho friendly and outspoken recognition (Queen lOmma) By tho middle of April, German hoswould lake un estate tail, in which ease Is It was at this Juncture that Hawaii out to take them." given him tility was mado painfully apparent. On C. C. K. Itooko would tnko a. vested re; which King Kalnkntin has became a factor In tho International April ICth Gibson writes Bush: "Ger- mainder; butv(") Kstutes tall cannot exIn tho slightest dogrco hesitating or InSituation in Hawaii. situation with results wpll nigh serious many does recognize Tamasoso as ist In these Islands, sincere." "(3) At common law, beforo the statute to her, as they were Important to the Before considering tho history ol Bush's further conrso was to depend equal In authority to Mallotoa," nnd douls, lOmmii would tako a feo simple powers in treaty with her. on tho 7th of May to Carter: "I have conditional, the Samoan mission, let us look ut the on the result of tho Samoan mission. In which case C, C. Jv. Itooko & CO., LIMITED had situation in which Hawaii, by the How long previously, Gibson wero, It will bo seen, just seen a copy of a dispatch address would tako by way of remainder, If a reIlls Instructions been meditating his Polynesian policy events of this period, was placed In Its well framed for the purpose ho had In ed by the German Foreign Minister to mainder could bo limited on n feo simple '99- ami, ll not, no would taice by does not appear. Prof. Alexander states relations to tho United States, and oth- view, and certainly beyond criticism in Lord Salisbury expressing tho hope eonuiuon, way of executory devise, - the words that In ISSa, tho year of Kalakaua's er Powers, for these wero to give this temper and tone. EVIPORTJCJRS that tho Government of Her Majesty 'without OF leaving Issue" Import a dolliuie coronation, Cnpt. Tripp and v. u. mission an importance Its authors nevwill not consent that Hawaii take utuure oi issue ana peruaps oven 11 iney Gibson Wants a Gunboat. Clarko were fient as royal Commission- er dreamed of. No time more unpropl-tlou- s part In tho proposed conferenco at Import un Indefinite failure of Issue, and, Cracery, Glass, Lamps, HonseFnr- not, the heirs general of tho testator ers to tho Gilbert Islands and Now could have been chosen, ltecent Gibson had wisely dispatched his en- Washington," and to Bush to tho same If would tuko tho" possibility of reverter, Hebrides, nnd a parody on tho ".Monroe events hnd fixed on Samoa tho atten voy boforo tho gathering storm clouds effect. but nis doctrlno" was put forth In grandilo tlon of the three treaty Powers, and "(1) Fees simple conditional cannot exStill undaunted, Gibson on this same quent protest nddresscd to all the great the conference then about to open at burst, and meanwhile ho was conduct- dato ist in these Islands. attempts oba to stout reply n purchas6 of tho "(5) tho Under Hawaiian law. Emma would powers warning them against any Washington had been agreed to on the ing negotiations for put forward by Bayard. He tako either (a) a fee simple or (b) a life v "FOIl further annexation in the Pacific ocean, basis of tho maintenance of tho status vessel to follow him. It appears thatob-It jections THE BLOOD 18 THE LIFE." estate with (1) a vested remainder In the expenses details tho attaching to bo might the hoped vessel such a was and claiming for Hawaii tho excluslvo quo. Germany ever watchful and over l'rlnce or (L') alternate contingent retrip of tho Kalmlloa appealand then, On gift. of Janu19th tho a as tained Improving In mainders lu the Prince and C. C lv. right "to assist them suspicious of America s designs on Sa 1887, Gibson writes to Hoffnung, ing to sentiment In which appeals ho Hooke." their political and social condition." nioa, and oven then contemplating her ary, an adopt adds "sho starts out on It Is stated that the will of T. C. I). In January, 18SC, Gibson outlines his coup detat thero In tho event of fall Chargo at London, that II. M. had writ- awasmission ot mercy to look after the Itooko was dated Feb. 28, 1S32. Kmmu plans to Carter. Assurances wero to lug to havo her own way at the confer ten to Lord Charles Berosford propos- crow of married King Kamehamehn IV., Juno ISM, and gave birth to tho I'rlnco be sought from the European Powers once, professed to find In Bush's mis- ing tho purchase of a British gunboat can ship the General Slegel (an Ameriof wrecked on Frigate French hope enteris class, Hawaii .May IM, JSKf. The testator mado "a that tho recent annexations In tho Pa sion on attempt by tho United States of the Satellite cluuiKlng a codicil, Shoals). one execuof the Lordship nnd other HaHis cific would be tho last. As to to gain nn advantage In tho situation. tained that .May 25, 1858, nml died November 28, f. At about this time Bush was sup- tors, waii's part, she sought nothing for IKS. Grnco Knmalkul Itooko (wife of T. American supremacy In Hawaii was of members of tho British Admiralty may Should anything In regard to course acknowledged, nnd ultimate an- seo In the royal request an opportunity planted by Henry F. Poor, tho Secre- C. II. Ilooke) died soon after. Tho Prince died In ISO:', the King In 18U3, and Unitnu their foreign relations bo deemed de- nexation foreseen. of to assist the Government of Hawaii tary of tho Legation. Tho trend 1SS3. In this summary removal I havo al In Under sirable by tho independent communi- events was emphasized by tho ponding with a serviceable vessel at a nominal will ot tho testator ho beways believed that His Itoyal Master queathed the ties of Polynesia, the hegomony of ratification of tho convention extend- cost, or ns a gift to Ills Hawaiian Maj nil his real and personal estate, such union would naturally fall to Ha- ing tho treaty of 1S75. Germany saw- esty." A month later Gibson notifies made something of a scapegoat of to his wife, Grace Hooke, to bo used enjoyed by her during tho term of THE WOIU,D-FAMEHLOOD IHJni- H. M.'s waii. Government were in tho cession clauso of this treaty and Hush of tho purchase of the "Explorer," Hush. Certainly, Bush had carried out and her natural life, and from and immediFIEH AND nESTOHEH, prepared to undertake the work of ne- the Hawaiian mlsslou to Samoa, the to be fitted out as a training ship for Instructions faithfully; ho had secured ately her ho gavo and de- IS WArtHANTED decease nfter TO CLEAIt THE gotiations to secure separate recogni- Eagle poising over Hawaii with one tho Reformatory School boys, to carry tho agreement for Confederation; ho vised tho samo to his adopted daughter, BLOOD from all Impurities from had fully Hooke, esreported on Queen guns. causo Duma guns Kinand afterwards arising. whatever gntllng accurately two six Her tion of their Independence. and claw lu Pearl Harbor and tho other ma, to be used and enjoyed by her dur-IiFor Scrofula. Scnrvv. Kczomn. Skin ami This certainly reads like the plan of stretched out to strllco into tho vitals tablishment was to consist of G3 officers tho questions Into which ho was diher natural life, nnd her children for- Blood Diseases, Blackheads, Pimples and a high and unselfish mind. Hero was of Samoan sovereignty. And to her and men. On the same date Gibson also rected to inquire, nnd In whatever col- ever, nut In enso of her dying beforo Sores of all kinds, It Is a never failing and no forclblo annexation, or annexation mind the fact that tho American repre- writes that II. M. proposes to send a ors his conduct, or that of tho mission, wiu lesimur, or noi leave nny issue, he permanent euro. It cures oiu Bores. been painted, there was assuredly then bequeathed tho property as iiuove at all, against which the sentative at Apia had been charged church and school house to Samoa, and has Cures Bores on tho Neck. to his nephew and godson, Creswell with Hawaiian Consular duties, and a Hawaiian teacher and preacher. Tho nothing In this which his Sovereign Charles Keaue Hooke, of today inveigh. Boro Legs. Cures forand his heirs would havo deemed reprehenhimself was Cures nt Honolulu Blackhead or Pimples on tho ever. that tho llrst result of Bush's mission United States Minister Gibson Know tho O stftclos. Face. sible had present. been personally ho expenso Justlco sylof Prenr Informed In the stnlcs total thnt tho by his further Mallotoa had been tho appointment Scurvy. Cures "In either case the words !wlth-oIt is probable, however, that this ex- ot tho Hawaiian Minister at Washing- vessel when ready for sea, Including Tho chief factor In securing Bush's re - labus:leaving Cures Ulcers. nny Isslio' must bo read In pression Cures Blood and Skin Diseases, was ton as his Samoan Majesty's represent the original cost, $20,000, would amount call was a letter written by a half- meir natural sense, of Hawaii's purposes meaning 'without Cures Glandular Swellings. tempered somewhat to meet tho situa- ative there, confirmed this vlow. But to $35,000. As a matter of fact, this 170- - caste, which was proved to bo forgery. leaving any Issue surviving,' nnd not in Clears tho Blood from all Impure matter ?a0,000 before she got Another foreigner whoso presence In either of their artlllclul senses, meaning tion, and that tho part marked out for Bismarck's application to Bayard ot ton vessel From whatever causo nrlslng. Samoa has been n standing cause of 'without having had issue,' or importing a real specific for Gout and RheuHawaii was made only as prominent tho standard of his own diplomacy, out of port. It is pains. an Indefinite falluro of Issue. was matic nutlve also dissension enlisted ' as seemed feasible. Already, Gibson was as ludicrous as It was unjust. For, "In either caso tho word 'or' must bo removes Hnlioton. Bush tho cause from tho Blood With in It against men Bush. thoso That both in read Its have been aware of tho obstacles judged by that standard, Bayard was sense must natural us und not Bones. and woro Instrumental in bringing about 'and.' " On his arrival at Apia, Bush proceedho was likely to meet, both at home but a babe. A gontlonian with fear As this illxturo Is iileasant to tho taste, The concluding paragraph gives tho and warranted free from unytnlng Injuriand abroad. If ho was not then, ho and without reproach, Bayard carried ed energetically to hla task, and was Bush's downfall should certainly count final opinion result his of to as Is who ous to the most delicate- constitution ot was shortly to becomo so. And wo Into olllclnl Intercourse tho high rules able to roport officially a cordial recop-tlo- n for much in tho lntter's favor. entitled to the property lu question, as either sex, the Proprietors Bollclt sufferers follows: find him, therefore, from tho first (as that governed his intercourse with his to give It n triul to test Us value. by Mailotoa, nnd soon after "oven "Kuimiloa"' a Dicrjraco. "In either case, therefore, upon tho we have seen), assuming an attitude friends. Deception was an art un- his willingness to favorably consider a death of Hmnia leaving without Issuo Whatever niny bo said to tho credit surviving her, C. C. K. rather of defense by which ho sought known to him, and his saddest experi- plan for confederation with material asbecame THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF WON to excuse his contemplated policy on ences lu his diplomatic career resulted sistance to King Mallctoa, If such plan ot Bush and his successor, whoso rep- entitled In feo simple. In liooko possession, by DERfUL CURES Samoa aro realy most excel- way of executory devise or remainder us tho ground of historical precedent, and from his taking his fellow diplomats at seemed desirable to the Samoans." Pri- orts-on enso might be." KKOM ALL PA11TS OF THE WOULD. of reiterated requests for Hawaii's aid their word, when tho world knows, and vately Bush writes to his sovereign In lent, there Is little to bo said for the the The exceptions to the order of the and Intercession. It Is thowrold's fault that It Is so, that a way that casts nn interesting side- career ot tho "Kalmlloa" hersolf. Circuit Judge overruling tho demurrers Blood Mlxturo Is sold In bottles, In a letter to Carter the February fol- the true diplomat does this only nt his light on tho negotiations. Under dato There was not lacking In this a single In tho first nnd sustaining tho demurrers 2dClnrkc's Sd each, and lu cases containing six the second of tho cases which havo times lowing, ho refers in detail to "tho more peril. element of tho opora bouffe. The mis- In fiunutlty, tho lis sulllclent to effect ot Jnn. 27, 1SS7, ho wrltos: been tried beforo tho Supremo Court, permnnent euro In tho grent majority Important applications that havo been "A week nfter wo hnd romoved Into sion was foredoomed to falluro before are overruled, and tho cases aro remit- aof By ALL CHEMcases Carter in Hot Wntor. return orders mado of Hawaii for advice, for help or for her ted to tho Circuit Court for such futther IST and PATENT' MEDICINE VEND-OHour new quarters, we hnd tho honor'of she started, and actual annexation," enumerating tho throughout tho world. Proprietors, To return to the Samonn mission, the entertaining II. M. Mallctoa and his awaited at Apia her arrival. In Poor's ptoceedlngs ns may bo proper. & Sllllman for C. K. C. Hooke; THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNcession of tho Stewart group In "1803; position of Carter at Washington must cabinet and ofllclnls. This affair was, final report ho writes that at first she A.Mngoon Hnrtwoll, Robertson & Wilder, W. TIES DHITQ COMPANY, Lincoln. Engtho recognlton of tho Stelnborgcr Gov- have been anything, but enviable. a good impression, but that It. S.Cnstlo under the circumstances, a success, producedsoon and '. h. Weaver for tho land. Trndo mark "BLOOD MIXTUHE." changed sho ernment In Samoa (1875), a petition for Although Gibson professed tho utmost although, things became and Queen's Hospital; Kinney, Ilnllnu & Majesty as Your is fully annexation from tho chiefs and old men solicitude lest tho United States should awaro from your own oxpcrlonco a dlsgraco to her Hag, Ho praises the Mcdunnluin and II. Holmes for tho trus- CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. of tho Island of Taplieuea (Gilberts) not look with favor on his plans, ho abroad, expensive of tho Iteform School boys, tees under tho will of llenilco I'. Illshop. After our conduct 1STS, a request for recognition and a CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's tho greatest JenlouBy at any menu had been disposed of, wo settled but with a few exceptions tho marines treaty of amity and friendship (18S0), displayed Clarko's Blood Mlxturo should seo that Sueur on Hawaii. to Increase America's luliu-enc- o down to wlno nnd speeches, and I point- and whlto sailors behaved badly. Tho they get tho genuine article. Worthless a proposition of cession from tho chiefs attempt Inwas In ship a stato continued of and position In Hawaii. Ho oven ed out the advantages of confederation, Onoruea Sugar Co.. 13,000 bags; Imitations and substitutes aro sometimes of Butarltarl and Apalng (Gilberts) and Jackson, tho capoft by unprincipled vendors. Tho Instructed Carter to ascertain If sho nnd I ventured to put forward that I subordination, Sugar Co., 5,000; Honomu Plan- palmed 18S2. was command, to nnd tain, Poor words, "Lincoln and Midland Counties unfit her claims to Midway firmly believed Your Majesty's Govern- was forced to appoint a sailing master. tation, 10,000; II. A. K., 19,000; I S. Drug Company, Lincoln, England," nro In tho above resumo of Polynesian would relinquish 11. peM.'s favor. As regards the ment could be Induced to assist him Is., In on tlio Government stamp, and relations, tho rcfereuco to the Stewart Pearl Her sailing orders woro given her the Co., 15,000; O. K. P., 7,000; Kuknian, engraved "Clnrko'H World Famed Blood Mlxturo" 0 Harbor cession Gibson seems to cuniarily with n salary of $5,000 to Island cession Is tho most Interesting, havo bfcen 23d of July, but not until tho 8th of 9.500; Paauhau, 5,000; Honokaa, L'1,000; blown In thu bottle, WITHOUT WHICH year." Thcso negotiations a wero bitter, almost and Instructed Kukulhaelo, 5,000; Piinaluu, 23,000; NONE AU1J GENUINE. as It recalls tho first and moat notablo, August did sho finally clear out of Honuapo, "thnt nn arrangement to grant brought to n successful conclusion on Apia. 13,000; Wnlnaku, 9,000; Wal-akeuntil tho Samoan mission, efforts lu Carter Sho was ordered to proceed .dtreaty Fcbrunry to rights uso tho 17th harexcluslvo of the of nnd any tho 7,000; P. S. SI. toII. Co., this direction. to Honolulu, but wont Instead tal 104,900. & bor to tho United States, or indeed to was ratified and proclaimed at Honolulu irectly harbor, whero sho reto Pago-Pag- o any power whatsoever, is ono which on tho 21st of March. Wyllo and Gibson. .$. musmained crow whllo her bartered HONOLULU. 1 havo AN KPIDEMIC OF WHOOPING never heard from anybody cannot ho ontortalned by this country, Mnllotoa Binds Himsolf. kets for pigs and tho captain her plated who knew tho two, a comparison sug- no mutter what tho form of words In servlco to tho chief of tho bay for simCOUGH. Commission Merchants. may thq placed which proposition bo By this treaty Mallctoa freely nnd ilar considerations. Sho dually reachgested between tho two most remarkLast winter during an epidemic of able occupants of tho Hawaiian For- boforo us." voluntarily bound himself "to enter in- ed Honolulu on tho 23d ot Septombr, whooping cough my children contracteign Office. Hut In the State papers on To carry out such Instructions, to to a political confederation with II. M. thirty-tw- o SUGAR FACTORS. days on tho way. tho disease, having sovero coughing loyal to his convictions, nnd his Knlakaun," etc. Tho ratification by this subject there la a striking resemMallotoa had Intended coming on tho ed spoils. -- AGKNTS FOI- tWo used had blance between thoso of Ilobort Crlch-to- n sovereign nt tho snmo tlmo, must havo Chamberlain's followed tho samo language, but Kalmlloa to Honolulu, but tho change WyllLo and Walter Murray been no easy task, and If his own good with this saving clauso, "subject to tho ot Ministry forbade. So tho Sovorotgns Cough Ilemedy very successfully for GibTho Ewa Plantation Co. son. Certainly tho mission of Bush, sonso did not lead him to anticipate, tho ob.lgatlons wnlch II. M. Mallotoa may of tho proposed confederations never croup and naturally turned to It at The Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd ICalakaua'a "Envoy Extraordinary to opposition the Samoan mission was bo under to thoso foreign powers with met. Tho net gain to Mallotoa was a that tlmo and found It rolleved tho Tho Kohala Sugar Co. tho Court of Samoa nnd Tonga and to assure, ho was not long to bu kept In which ho nnd tho peoplo of Samoa and uniform nnd cocked hat and tho deco- cotli and effected n complcto cure. The Walmea Sugar Mill Co. High Commissioner to tho High Chiefs Ignorance. tho Government thereof havo at this ration of tho Star of Occanlca, nn order John K. Clifford, Proprietor Norwood Tho Koloa Agricultural Co. House, Norwood, V. N. and Peoples of Polynesia," found its This remedy As was to bo oxpected, tho llrst noto tlmo any treaty rolatlons, enjoying nnd which will rank In history with tho Tho Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis Is for salo by nil druggists nnd dealprototype In that of St. Jullen, their ot disapprobation was sounded by tho promising our royal ot Across!, founded by St, Jullen word," etc. Mo. , MaJostlM, tho III. and IV. Kamehamo-ha'- a British Foreign Olllco, another Instance Copies of tho document was forward- for a similar purpose, of which the ers. Benson, Smith & Co,, Ltd,,' ngont The Standard Oil Co. "Political Commissioner and Com- without doubt whero Downing Street ed to Carter at Washington for tho in- sovereign was Kamohamcha III. The for II. 1. The Qeorgo P. Blake Steam Pumps missioner and Commercial Agent to received Its Inspiration, it not Its or- formation of tho United States carriages house, school the of church nnd Weston's Centrifugals. tha Independent ruling chiefs of tho ders, from tho Wllholmatrasso. On tho Germany. Ho was Instructed and JI. n. Godrlz, a through passonger horscti never materialized. But to and The New England Mutual Life In Islands, and Archipelagoes of South- 23d of Jan., 1887, Gibson Informs Carthnt Tonga and tho Ilervey Mallotoa had no occasion to mourn on the Peking, Is a European newspa- surance Co. of Host. ern Polynesia." Wo have seen with ter thnt Wodehouse, tho British Comper man who has seen long servlco In nnd Gilbert Islands Rather might ho congratulate The Aetna Fire Insurance Go. of what an unselfish purpose Hawaii en- missioner at Honolulu, requests that no ed to Join tho proposed would bo invit- these. confederation. himself that tho Bollcltous attentions tho Orient find all around tho Straits Hartford, Cons, tered upon her new policy, na unfold- Interference bo mado by Hawaii in the Tho saving clauso In tho treaty was ot his brother monarch had not cost Settlements. Ho Is on his way to tho The Alliance Assurance Co. f Loo- ed by Kalakaua's Prima Mlnlbter. affairs of Samoa, Paris Exposition. Inserted, doubtless, because of intlma- - him his country, and even hla life, dei. PARTITION OF JuilW & fwtrt Pt-mar- y '"" Mutw, JT' DECISION CHANGE n rat-no- Ia "" nm-lxl- Suit the Supreme TARIFF r. a - prl-vu- to ss Mn-llet- - ld u do-vo- l, m unrav-elmon- i W. W. D1MOND Clarke's IMoocI Mixture her-sol- - ( n ir m ct - S i hi $C-00- a, Castle Cooke, Ltd. I ln Ka-laka- or-d- or El-ll- 5 !s t II UW'WK VII VK Tt I MlMIWM inn M ! mmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmmmmm tin . THE ISLAND Oit ftr In it i iH t. ' (?"' M.ttlwf I' .It ll.i M W !! Hun 1 OF I KM In f Mli I n mil J In .1 i iiiM mil' ! H ti I ! H . t in. i If it ! ... if t i. it .. II Ill'tlun . I tt t. 1'iiit fftt-I ttli I "i fti ' tt u . l i l , ifft.il ... tff iir,. i, (I,. ,, Hit unit I h ,.... i ill . ftt.itti . LABOR UWlSNOT h iel i I it l H i i avirl - i.i.. Induced Contract Men to Break Their Covenants. followlilK Ih taken from tile Hernia una llllo Tribune: Tim cnm of tlio ltriiulillc nf I lav. all iiKaliiHt Yokoyumui (iunzaliuio, on upiii'iil fium the District. Court of South llllo, won tried In JiiiIko Wilder' crurt last Frliluv mill the ilefenilant iilni:li.iratu Tileiitlon wiib Hindu of this euoo In the iiimilil i.ki Jiiiiuurv tiller the ti al In the District Court, iib lielnc out of the onlinnry run of criminal niHn, J ho fit fcmlitnt. Yokoyatnn, hail a cltMinj oon- tract In Olaa. he wan short Jf men aii'l came lo llllo anil arraiiKeil wltli.u Jap anese luiilier to Kifl Bonie of ill' contract luliorct-of the llllo l'ortusu w .Mill lo liieak their contracts untl Mini' ami work for hiln, promising to pay them SI. The barber induced fourteen of tha Mill eontrnct men to ,iuii .ni.l bo to Olna to work for the ilofeulan:. Tho , ih I nut manager of the mill, of eo'.ira r and like this anil caused the lo bo arrested charKed wimi In that they "unit tall , and fr.tuilently underiooit and confederated touelher to I'omni'.t ..n offense, or to Induce another lo Jo so, to wit, to Induce the contract laborers ut the llllo I'ortURUeso Susnr .Mill to break was their contracts, etc." The limber Induced lo plead RUllty and was upon as a Government witness against this defendant. The defendant was e.iM.ted in tho District Court and was sentenced to nav it llnu of $50 and to wio six months In Jail, llo did not take Kindly to this sentence and appealed to tlio Circuit Judge at Chambers. The barber net lor a small lino and two months in his kindness to tho prosecution, out notwithstanding this he appeared as the star witness for the prosecution on the trial last Friday. It was contended by the defendants attorney, C. A. Cinltiruith, at the hearjng before Judge Wilder, that the facts stated In the charge and the evidence offered lo support them did not constitute nn "offense" under the renal Laws ofwasHa-a waii, that the contract labor law to civil and not a penal law; and or Induce a contract laborer to of break his contract and quit the service his master was not an "offense or then violation of any penal law, and that facts charged and tho evidence offered did not prove a conspiracy and that the defendant should bo given ills liberty. The Court agreed with tills contention and discharged tho defendant. The prosecution was represented by Deputy "Sheriff Lyman and Carl h. Smith. Ilernld. TJu' IU-wn- ll 1'ortu-Bties- na.-iw- per-sua- Glumlors Not in Evidence n Neuralgia Cured . rt-1 . ii , I Uit-r- ued till midnight, and the scene presented wns one of nnlnintlon, as the Indies of mull mid orgmulle, silk nnd luces. with their sombre dressed but gallant envnllers. went through the nnd waiters. The Scotch reel nnd Highland schottlsehe Predominated, ns the gathering was made up chlelly of old Scotch residents. Mr. nnd Miss Hutchison lenve U tile Itotlerlek Dim en route to their iiv.Iip land, nnd carry with them 'lie tnotl wishes tit ninny friends, who will ajntlly extend a welcome hand when they Among those assembled were: Mesdnmes tJunrd, Forrest, Klnny. llaldwln, Ha mm, Kennedy, More, Mackle, Ixjebensteln, Napier, l'lper, Snow, Itoss, Sohoen, Tosh, Wl Misses Hroderiek, Cnnario ti). Katon (I), Hnnnl, Hitchcock, Hutchison, Irwin. I.lsliman, Little, Mncy, Marlln, Mnydwell, Newell, l'omeroy, nice, Hose, Itlcluird-soShlpman, Sumner, Messrs. Alnsslle, Harron, Kartells, Hurt. (Jnrneglo, Cameron, llaslon, Ciipt. Fugles, Forrest, Onff, Glbb, Giay, Grelg, Guard (2), Hamilton, Hapal, Hay, d (2), Hitchcock, Hutchison, Jamie, Dr. Ii win. Jackson, Cnpt. Johnson, Kennedy (2), Kinney, Loebonsteln, Mackenzie, Mnckle, Mann, Capt. Matson, McGllroy, McLean, Mitchell, More, Napier, I'eok, l'lper, Itagsdale, Itoss, ltelnhnrdt, Iti'txe-waSchoen (2), Smith, Silver, Stewart, Turn bull. Hcrnhl. if n. Hn-le- y, n, How-lan- Frcm tho Philippines. Mr. Porter, who arrived In llllo this week to assume a position In the school nt Onomea, Is a Stanford man nnd was n member of tho volunteer company which went from Stanford to the Philippines during tho Spanish war. Mr. Porter wi.s In the Islands about, eighteen mouths and had Wils share of bushwhacking, g nnd tho other delights of a soldier's llle In tho tropics. Mr. Porter says that the relentlo i of the Philippines was the Inst thing expected by olllcers ar men in that country at the closo of the war, and that the news of tho chango of policy came as nuch a surprise to them as It did to the who up to thnt tlmo hail looked unon America as their protector and upon Americans as their friends, whereas now they hnto them more bitterly than they ever did tile Spaniards, feeling '.(.at they luivo been betrayed. The conciliatory policy adopted by the commanders of both tho naval and laud forces at ihe llrst, might, if It had been continued, have resulted In a good understanding before this, but the retirement of Genornl Merrlam and the substitution of otlx. whose policy has been one of harsh and uncompromising hostility to every Filipino claim for recognition, baa icsullod In a state of n flairs which only the crushing of tho Filipinos can settle. Mr. Porter believes that lighting mi ,n extensive scale Is over, lint that tvueiillia warfaro will continue for 'ears. ribune. marsh-wadln- r'lll-plno- s, J :::::::: ll SI I :'::::::! !i M'rl Ml .vprj if Ajirl it April 14 April Id Aim MO Alt S 0.W 0.(10 n 17 . J: ojj . e -- Hint the llllo Llhmrv Is Intend. til for Ihe benellt solely of lesldents of lllo. Such Is very far from being the case. lteceiitly n catalogue of the llhrnr looks has been comlilete.1 elit.Ue frit- tin. benellt of residents, and the oicnuti statues have generously nrren-.- l to transport books free or ehmge to subscribers living along Its slage lines. subscribers may therefore leave a list of books In the librarian s hands, and when one volume Is return.., i another will be sent out without further notice. Or books can be ordrred by telephone, there being n 'phone In the oill-- n ft r this purpose. The library needs .ill the money It can get for the purpose i.f new books nnd will gladly receive names of new subscribers. Tribune the -- 3 " who dlil good work In tho ring here, and who subsequently went down to Manila on one of the transports from Honolulu, was recently shot by ambuscaded Filipinos, while making n Journey In the country with n pack train. He was shot sev en times, tlio Inst shot being the fatal one, ns Is believed. He had been mntched to light a iiuglllst nt Manila, and wus In Daily Stage Lino. Troublo With The Kona Sugar Company has brought a suit In equity against Oknmoto & Co., a hill of Japanese enno planters who are under contract to raise a largo acreage of cano at Holualoa. The bill states that the Japanese havo violated the turns of their agreement and asks that tllt'V bo from the Inhoreis of the company. A tempor nry Injunction has been granted by Judge Wilder pending tho suit. Some of the defendants hnvn violated tho terms of the Injunction nnd they may expect to be lined for contempt. Herald. r It Is Chango in Program. probable that the nthlctlc events program co. Ih1 ni tlio lowcl prion nt llOI'P'B. PI10 oa The Best In Kuriiltiiro buying aro oi.Uinanlo from tlio liotiH' that lniyn nt tho elos-- I osl iimrltel lmyBonlyiiuch tfomlti ns nro ilopoiitlnlilo whiH-wcarinu mmlitics nro known. Ono clmir nuty lo (hmrnt Two I otXAitH, whilo iiiniiiur do COIIBIilerCtl ft Imrgitin nt Kouu I))m,arb. Tlio Intte r Ih wbnt wo cnll "(loiienilnulo." a 1 r oa Wo Imvo in stock BedroomSets C3 O oo Box Couches, 03 Hint niny bo rolietl upon nn being tlio beat to bo bud forSbomonoy. Inotbor wortln tlioy nro Goods of ts uo 03 training nt tho time. Tribune. The Volcano Slnbleo & Transportation Company began a dally stage service llllo and Lnupahoehoo on .May 1st. At Lnupalioehoe the; stages connect with a line conducted by George Knlsor which inns dally between Hint point nnd The sen Ice Is of gtvot benefit to Hilo merchants as well as to those along tile line, as packages may bo shipped to all points dally. Tho benellts of the dally mall service Is already felt by pirtons who order goods in llllo and who wish lo get them promptly. Herald. & Parlor Chairs contain, In a condensed form, nnd richness to the blood, nnd restore shattered nerves. They ore an unfailing; specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.Vltua' Dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the of the Crip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either In male or female. Dr. Willinitis' rink Pills for Talc Tcoplo nre soltl by nil dealers, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, joe. n box orsix boxes for f 2.50 (they are never soltl In bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. V. after-effec- p ou Pr ,w"llams' PInl PH's for Pale People all the elements necessary to give new life Deuth of Hilo Boy. Johnny Slmnson, llllo's pugilist, 03 ar- - o Mrs.Wllllnni Cotter who live nt No. 12 Wlndnor Rtrecl, Hartford, Conn,, snyst "I wim taken with lieurnlitlnfeteml yean ik nud furrrrd untobl inliory. I tried u great many doctom and seiernl remrdlra, 1 found pnlyjf mitornry relief. About three years ngo I ns ndvltnl to but try Dr. I'lIlD for I'alo I'eoplo mid I did no. I thouutit thnt thf first box gnyo lno ffino roller, and my hunlmud liu.li.tcd that 1 keep an UUlnctho pllli. 1 did, and I can truly any tho pills nro tho only medicine that ever permanently bonofitcj inc. that 1 lined to have to give up entirely nnd llo down when tho Tmlnenmnon. My face wqultl swoll up so ttit lay eyo would closo. Tho pills cured nil this, and 1 have hud no return of ll ft), tho lnl two years. 1 keen tho pills ci!lS,'At,y.V.,,..,,",,t,t " ' believe they aro n wonderful household remedy. "To Dr. Wl!llins l'ink I'llls for Kilo i'eoplo 1 owe all tho comfort I linvn enjoyed for the past two rears In bclntr frco from neurulijls, and I am glftdlo boublo torecouimeudlucm." ). H. CO. s Results Pink Pills for Pale People o.ts Hilo Llhrnry, There seems to be n rather general -T- Intends te Build. i m Ol ( g Dr. Williams' Mil o.m IT amis Afirll KB ........ Si Total two-stri- n v. life-givin- & 1 dCJ Not crtsptl, but cut of. Not quieted for n liort lluir?, but permanently cured. Dr. Willinnis' Pink Pills for Pale People cure Neuralgia by revitalizing tlic nervous system nnd restoring the elements of Ific blood. Women who have been tortured for years with Neuralgia and Nervous Headache, who have exhausted the skill of eminent physicians, have been permanently cured by ' nm Fnrowoll to tho Hutchisons, (in BntiiMlni timing. Mhv Bill, a few nf the many ftlomlf of Hubert Hutchison ii nd his rhHrmlng rlfter, llwfle. ntMiu-ble- d home nr .Mr. nnd Mrs. It. T. PENAL Forrestat thf to bid them a "good-bye.- " Dancing ctimmetieeil nt 8 o'clock nnd contin- Judge Wilder Frees Japanese Who J. II. i i,,i THf i - Hilo Papers, m ., , I'lil HawH. .i it li.i 111. ti f.w tin if tin Itnliitftlt for A til. n( fit In mi ilmiM f tn ti Hi. iiiliil I l k 0 In in ln u. h 'in fini t. l, IIMK !," i'if in ii'iin m it' l i ...ins iim hpiiI in .iiltl Hiln ft.r il.l f il'fli! I " f month nf Hit n Inim i.ll mil l. Irian. U l AfHI lit. Till V " Mr fnii.lli., Mr tt'lt'i 'ii frow Hjnr ' Itllir .1) ,.f Vt.lftlin III Iflllt lx.. fomwfll in Mliitli li auttm I hill h will t hum.. ll Ml. nfty fett of hit hor i.itilwM- In In to I in., on ihf in tutor, jmrt in ih lnebi lnrhi m JMir. tw irarK w mm nth riurin ., 08 O.MJ Anrtl II r i no iloiiM It in f?2 t iiili built, nnd j if oM I 8 h nntahmt long ib lime wt. uai nrnHd Abri art- Imihv hutlilln ih iwntrt I 0.S A J1 R tana ann Mifi Ilfrnlil. n t'l' r.t tilth Illicit rii i News of the Week from Ifc IF nnir ! COOL WICKER FURNITURE prl-vc- to a "known wear." Henry C. Kelsey was nciiultteit of the borer on Monday who hntl been nbsent fiom Kultnlnu iilanttitlon for thirteen chnri;e of belmt u common nuisance, to -7 months. Hubert Homer, who was In IIM wit: that ho did tin certain dates throw II In tint streets. lo when the arrest wan made, took the wnsto Attorney , ttupniier 11 id.-itii, utinviiiceii inn uouri until uncie is just tlio article for Tho Knlls of Clyde left Snn Kruncliieo ' n.int thero was no euro and JiiiIko Hapal for Hilo Anrll ZS with u inruo enrno or. """""""i an. vornndiiH, bed, and Kitting mtrchnndiso nnd tho follow ng nassen r, Advices from Washington through gers: Chus. M. Jackson, Mrs, J. tlaul-ncroom. See our display just Indlcntn that Hewntl G. S. McKenzlc. Miss IC. M. Toitlt, Ih so souicea n cniidldnto for 03 far In tho lead o band. 1.. U. Gordon nnd wife, C. KllHWorth Caappointment to thn Ilnwullan Governorrey, .Miss Francis Williams, D. K. ship that even n dark horso of phenomKdlth Cruznn nnd Ohas, Crowell. enal speed will huitlly overtiiko him. llo G. F. Mavdwell left for Kona via Knu has the support of Senator Frvo of Maine, tho President of tho Sennte, and on Sunilny last. lie goes lo act hh attorOur Repair Department ney for the Kona Sugnr Company; which of other Republican lenders whoso Is nt loggerheads with Jupsini'so lessees with tho Executive countH for of their sugnr lands. Tlio lessees having much. These reports tally with tho tuIh turning out work thnt violated thtir contracts, ns Is claimed, mors more publicly sot ulloat. Tribune. ifl a revolution to our tile company hns put Its own laborers tin W. Itlchley, the contractor nnd buildthe lands, and they having been Interfer- er, returned by the Cliiudlno from Honopatrons. ed with bv tlio lessees, who still chum a lulu, Willi tho uluiiH new tlio for emboright to go on with their enne raising lic Girls' School nnd teachers' house In two ways. by the lllshop. Ho will proceed an miction at once with their erection. Hy tho saino J n. Grant, who established room In llllo about two years ago, died stenmer two sisters of Iho Order of the suddenly nt Onomea on Friday Inst. Dur- Sacred Heart, from Byrncuso, who have ing n recent visit to llllo Grant fell been detained on Maul by the quaranfrom n plntform In the vicinity of tlio tine, nlso arrived. Tliev, however, left coltngo wlicro ho occupied n room. He again by yesterday's Chiuillne, returning suffered Injury to his back by the fall to Syracuse. They will be back nt the but was well enough to proceed to his commencement of the school year with heme n day or two later. Deceased hat tho other teachers. When Mr. Itlchley has llnlshctl tho school buildings hu will 03 been In the Islnnds a. number of year probably get to work on tho plans for t'i Loading Furniture Dealers. and wns n Ilrltlsh subject. He recentl, place near llonomu landing 1111K new Catholic Church, which Is to be leased wns about to engage In the fishing buserected nt thn head of Walanuenue streot KING AND BETHEL ST ) nenr tho Hoys' School. iness. . O oo oo clc-mi11 H Fcld-thntc- oo . oo on tho for tho Fourth of July celebration will tako place on the race track June 11th, on which day there will bo a. game of baseball, Thu change is mndo In order to satisfy persons Interested In athletics who feel tiiat the evonts In which they ure to tako part have not had propor consideration ns to numbers uSu or value of prizes. ao wn no. t L. 11. Kerr was so Impressed with the O iiusinesHj.outiooK of llllo during his re cent visit thnt he decided to secure t O y ultnblo location and erect a line building. Ho has two or three lots in view nut tne price asked was so -- J. K. & CO. J. H. & CO, much higher than he considered they were worth Hint he postponed nctlon, though he has under consideration a Miscellaneous. on upper lot Wnlanuenue street. Shculd the arrangements be perfected Stobey Mr. Is now In the First Ilanh of the work of erecting an Iron and brick ' building will begin ns soon ns plans can llllo. Mrs. Charles Kluegel and dauKhter are be drawn nnd contract let. In the meanat the llllo. time the firm of L. II. Kerr & Co., Ltd., a J. A. Scott of W'alnuku returned will occupy the Walnnneniio street store byMr. tho Klnati from Honolulu. In the Peacock block. Herald. A Chinese fisherman was drowned In tho Walakea river on Saturilay Inst. Athlo'.lcs Arranged Tor. I1'. "VV. Iiosworili returned on Wednesa business trip to Honolulu. NO. 507 KING ST. Theie was a meeting of the Fourth of day from Mrs. Jj. Severance cavo tin afternoon July committee of arrangements at Fireman's Hall on Friday evening, with Mes- tea on Saturday last for Miss Krout, ihe HONOLULU, H. I. srs. J, It. Wilson, A. M. Wilson, F. C, lecturer. C. II. V. Hitchcock has been appointLelllond, J. T. Molr, W. II. Little, F. D. Made of fine Brazil ed storekeeper for tho llllo rullroud at llaldwln and J. T. Stacker present. Tho matter under discussion was the Walaken. dresKd. Doyle of Honolulu arrived on the Donyola; Soft, program of athletic events to come orf on Independence Day. Mr. Hnldwin sub- Klanu and will take a position In Ulsaloon, timo program sy and durable. mitted a which had been haulMrs. C. D. I'rlnKle. who bus spent a ed him by a local athlete, but the number of events proposed was too largo in the couplo of weeks at Mountain View, retoday. opinion of committee. .Tho prizes turns lo llllo suggested Intietho communication wer.3 Mr. nnd Mrs. Hobert Horner have spent $2U and $10 In nearly every event, whethseveral days In Hilo duilni? the week, er or not training was required by the stopping nt tho Hilo Hotel. A strictly Gent's SHOE ia our Black Vii'i. Gus Supe of Oiaa Is about to clear for man taking part. The committee reduced tho number of events as well as sUBar n considerable urea of hind which NAVY CONTRACTORS. he owns at about 18V. miles. Manufactured by the amount of prizes. Hamilton the Brown Co., St. Louis For two chnmplonshlp running races A. Itlchley has received the contract medals aro offered , to be won twice. for btilldlnK the new school and residence This proposition was opposed by some of for the Catholic Mission Sisters. V. W. Hosworth, manaccr of tho Owl the committee, but passed when put to a The Base Ball League. G. J. WALLER, Manager. from a busivote. There will be salutes, Hag raising Drui; Company, returned BY- ness trip to Honolulu lust nlBht. swimming and matches race outside tho delegates from various track; everything elso on tho program A meeting of S. I,. Desha will bo to Honolulu Itev. clubs formed, or In course of formation, taking plnco within the enclosure. next week to perform tho marriage cerefor tho playing of baseball during the The following committees were ap- mony of his sister to Harry Auld. posicoming season, was held at tho olllce of pointed Highest Market Itatos paid tor l.nf-klJurrct T. Lewis hns resinned his to Salutes, Todd and Borvo: J V. Smith on the afternoon of Sunday tion with' tlio 'Hilo Mcrcnntllo Company. ling raising, L. A. Andrews; swimHides. Dklns and Tallow. last. Tho only teams represented weie ming, McMnhon and .1. He will probably tako a trip to the Const. Webb; medals, Purveyors to Oceanic and Pacific from llllo, word having been received D. Kennedy; J, W. Schelber and I' A. Shong came John A. Scott, from Olaa and l'una that they would not Judge Wilder, athletics, Mall Steamship Companies. P. M. McMnhon; printing, down on the Santiago to tuko position-be nblo to Join in an organization of this J T. Stacker and culinary department ut in hotel. tho the C. Steele: treasur. nr. . . .. imwww sort for regular games on accou.it of er. N. C. Wlllfong; A. George II. Itaker of San Francisco wus paymaster, George II. the dltllculty In reaching town. a passenger on the Santiago. He' goes lo races, starter, J. II. Messrs. Hyde and Diamond each re- Williams; horses upon position to assume a thnt Judges, Geo. Itoss, W. II. C. Hnkaluu ported teams; but as a leaguo of twoy Campbell and J. T. Molr; timekeepers, J. plentutlon. thought to bo a rather tennis wasarrangement 0 Kennedy. K. K. Richards; clerk of The olllce of tho Wilder Steamship Comfor a season's D. has been removed to Front street I. II. Schoen; nnnouncer, Mr. pany sport, It was determined, If possible, to course, occupied to tho quartern formerly bv C. Ilcwlund; C. scramble, Kennedy. 0 create a third. No ono seemed Inclined Tribune. W. C. Hordtin. to captain such a team as couid be Superintendent McKay of tho Hilo . . Tho Trlhuno Is authorized to contrachosen after all tho crack players hud dict Steumshlp Company, 0 brench of Wllder's the statement made In this week's been gathered by the two already formB thnt baseball would be played o:i left for Honolulu by the Klnuu. Ho will ed, These accordingly were resolved into Herald Sundays. league liaB no intention nt return next week. 0 g their component elements, and out of the doing this, Tho Miss Helen Severance gives a j games ns Sunday prohibare debris and tho best additional material ited by law. party ut her home this evening available, three teams composed ns folto tile youthful and unmarried portion ) Visitors to tho Universal Exposition of J 900 Paris will bo wolcomo tho 0 lows nnd under the captaincy of whomMiss of Krout's Hllo's Four Hundred. Lecture. pavilion of tho Vacuum Oil Co., whoro tlio uso of coin potent stenographers, telegraph 0 soever each team should choose for Iti locomotives for llllo The the HallrniJ Miss Mary H, Krout, who spent some Company, with thu exception af the self, wero formed. These lists are suband tolophono facilities and tho "Bureau of Information" located therein will bo (' ject to revision and will probably under- iiiuo inning mo past winter in .Manila boiler and tender for tho passenger engo considerable chango early In tho sea- nun mo gavo a lecture, or gine, arrived by tho Santiago. 0a placed ) their service. upon son: those Islands In (ho rainer taiK, George II. linker, C. II, .Merrlnm, I'. Itowlnnd, l.uuiorr, unurcn on Monday evening, It Weaver, George First Team DImond, Hamilton, It. II. 0 lientos, Kalawe, Hapal, Kolanno, W. which was listened to with interest by Turnhull and Alex. Mitchell registered Lyman, Kamnole, a small audience. Apparently, conditions nt the Hilo Hotel durlngithe week. Itagsdale, lllchards, Itlcii. in the "new possessions" are not yet In party on 0 M. gives lioatlUK Dr. Wachs next Monday evening, Second Team Hyde, Noyes, Itnlding, J, si'ch a blissful state ns to permit ii thn Walakea e Tho use of the deal of wandering on tho part cf should tlio weather permit. If It Is Kuston, Hrush, Iirickwood, McLaln, V. great 0 tho beyond tourist I lowland, Manila and tho coast stormy a danco will bo substituted thereAbcrcromble, l'cck. Winter, towns in tho Immediate vicinity; for for. linker, Manslleld, Simpson, Urndy. Krout's remarks wero for Japaneso of Hilo nnd vicinity had most Third Team l'ahlo, II. Howland, II. Miss part concerned with a, descriptiontheof the a Tho big celebration on Monday In honor of Brown, Ileers, Victor, Supe, W. Camp- capital and tho city. residents of mnrrlago U, that of Japan, All J, tho tho Kaonohl, bell, D. Smith and various 0 That a considerably larger degree of the plantationsof gavol'rlnco their luborers other athletes not yet mentioned. exists among Undo Barn's now holiday, Tho members of tho second team met civilization is steadily increasing over all the world. unwilling proteges anil rather than the W. F. J, Dale, engineer nt Naaleliu, 0 on Wednesday evening and elected tho missionaries Kau, who hns been In town during tho following otllcers: J. D, Kaston, cap- anient American would-bcivlllzers assume, Is evident from pasi weeic undergoing a courso 01 treat600 W tain; C. K, Hyde, manager; W. II. Smith, nnd Oil, oil 0 Miss remarks, nnd tho city of ment for his eyes, returned home on treasurer. They decided upon blue suits ManilaKrout's e would seem to comparo very fa- Thursday. anil black stockings, whlto shoes untl vorably V Oil, Oil, Oil, with many American municipalCol. Parker, Judge Carter, Prince Da 0 voted to recans. It was unanimously both In publla Improvements and vid, Mr. Whitney and A. Hiinneberg left which. ities, tain the old namo of Tuml-Tulearning and culture of Its people. Arctic Oil, l the Klnnu nt Kawnlhae antl Oil. though not clnssle, proved n victorious tho 0n Miss Krout says that the American of- to Humuuln sheep station. They will boouname last year and is, accordingly, held ficers ON CON3TANTLY HANP Who thf, Mltnlln nt lmfnrn Wero nit. V1BIL I11IU. llireo olllcers In much veneration. Tho or rebel-lion 0 ine country led to tho Carl Stackowald, who has been In tho were ulso chosen as delegates to a sorption Red Oil, Oil, nnd know Aguinaldo well, regard Hackfcld store during tho patit year, leaguo convention on constitution and d us u genome anu pa leaves by tho next steamer for Honoluwhich are now In Urn hands of nun 0 Oil. and reirrct the coursn nnd mens lu, where he will tako a position In the a general commuieo tor lormuiauou. it trlot. adopted o by tho Administration, tho Honolulu house of the firm, tires Is proposed to make the league, a permaof which was a loni? nnd te. A new set of boilers and a I.illln Triple 0 nent body, empowered to transact gener- only result war. coum wen nave iiious wnicn been Kffect to have Walakea been for contracts make ordered and for al business Our Stock of avoided. Tribune. Mill Company, to bo In working order for terms of years, etc. 0 s the crop of 1W1. The IJlllo Triple Kffect received On Thursday tho Orpheum Quartet. Is something new to thu plantations n from J. H, Wilson an offer to furnish 0 this Island. thr-with suits for tho coming season, W. D. Adams, manager of tho Orpheum Tho completion provided they would chango their name Company, which visited here a couple carriage road Is toof bethoImmediately to "Volcano Stables." which, with cheer- of 0 months ago, arrived on tho Klnnu with by establishment of a throtmh ful alacrity, they did. has boon augmented by largo invoices, which h ivo arrived during tho past threo party of ten good singers stuge line.,the under the management of tho Tho names nnd otllcerB of tho other alasttheatrical night. It Is Mr. Adams' Intention Volcano Stables of Hilo and George Kae-se- r clubs are not at this time made public. to months and wo havo added to our linos I'hunbiujj Goo.lsof the most approved patterns. engagement play nn In one week of of Hnnokaa. Tribune, Hilo, after which tho company goes C. II. Merrlam of Fltchbury, Mass., ar0 to tho States, The llrst perform- rived by the Santiago. He will probably Hawaiian Derby Day, ance will be given at Bpreckeia' make his home on this Islund for tho rgErC'iill and CjiTOspandonuo Stock, oxamino prompt our will and have careful At the request of Alfred Horner an ef- Hall tonight and tickets will be on sale ptesent, either In Hilo or on the Konn 0a fort will be made to organize a "Derby" at noon at the Owl drug store. Among side. He Is looking for a different breed attention In Hilo. In Kngland It Is customary to the Blngers nro Mrs. Sharp, who Is such of climate than that In which exists 0 enter colts for tho Derby before they are a fuvorlto In Honolulu, and Jackson Fltchbury. foaled, so that a departure from tho Hearde. the slnirer nnd rnktwstlrt.r. Mi. Acting Lieutenant Horn nnd Olllcer I'ngllth rules would have to be made hero Jlearde has a partner in Mr, ChenauH, Mt-tarrested a deserting Jupuneso la- - eterlnnry Shaw, who Is visiting Hilo tho icport-e- d with u view to Investigating Island, was cases of glanders on this sent up by Minister Young of the InteDr. arrival Ills Since Department. rior Shaw lias visited several of the near by plantations but found no trace of the dis- Olaa He spent a portion of Sunday at nearand hud an opportunity to Inspect ly nil of tho animals. Thoso In tho de tention camp and hospital had his at .nntin,i iicut On IiIh return to Hilo ho tiebeyond cllned to talk for publication the making the statement that none of of the plantahorses nt Olaa or nt nny any symptoms tions visited by him show will bo on this of glanders. Tho doctor of Island for several weeks, bpeaklng the doctor Inspection, milk beef and said: 'Of tho cattlo killed at Honolulu those fiom Hawaii and Kauai are slngulurly reason free from tuberculosis. For that to any 1 do not bellevo the dlscaso exists for all great extent on this Island. Uutwell as beef, us that thu slaughtered milk, should bo Inspected before It is are In stalls kept nro sold, Cows that than mere apt to contract the disease those tiiat are allowed to range. As scon as tho laws change you will have an Inspector of beef and milk, if tho people- here want them, but I do not think the Government will take steps In that direction at present. "Inspector Shorey Is doing good work in Honolulu bringing to time tile dairymen who sell diluted milk, and It will do no harm to have tho service extended to the other Islands." Herald. two-stor- 11 OOttlZZXttG- ; Metropolitan JGoodJ Ay SHOE I vT" Meat Company Shipping Invisible Cork Sole. and Family Butchers. Up-to-Du- 000- FOll SALE The n; Manufacturers' Shoe (Jo. -- SOLE ACESTS- .- ) . iOOOOOOOtOO0OOOO'OO'0wOOOO0OOiOOO0OOOO unsat-isiuctor- Pacific Hardware Company, Ltd. HONOLULU. candv-pullln- at at at 11 Vacuum 0ils 11 o nroce-etlet- uronu-minue- s, ! Mineral Cylinder Cylinder Red Ammonia Atlantic Carbox Engine " the that lubricates the most." Vaenoline Engine Arctic Engine Heavy Dark Lubricating Capital Cylinder Summer Black Tuml-Tum- General Merchandise and Plantation Supplies OOOOOBOiiOOOOO(O0(0OiOOOOiOaOtO0d00tOO00 1 I it ' ' U" tUN.UlVN iaimihut Gwjctlr rlllMUW HIIKI.V 1HUH!I Tt'BSllAVH ANN KHIDaYS WALTER 0, BMITH, KUITOll T"UHfllAY. . MAY IS. 1W OUK BA.TOIIDAY 8E11MON. union Tlio Idea of denoniltintlannt which the Hev. Dr. Hlltls ot llrooklyn has lately oxproMod, restR on tho postulate that It Is hotter to hnvu ono flourishing Christian church In n given community thnn five or six struggling ones. Owing to the multiplication of churches In email towns of tho Unltrd States the cnuso of ifllglon Is nt n lower chh than it ought to he. Tho statement may seem paradoxical but n fow words will servo to make the meaning clear. Tho village of T In the state of New Jersey has ono thousand Inhabitants with a tributary population in the township of ono thousand more. In other vord3 T Is tho avcrago country town in tho Eastern States. Tho proportion of Protestant church members or attendants is about thirty per cent or COO In all, ranking a few more than 100 heads of families. There Is a Conand gregational church, brick-buicommodious, and a Methodist, Haptlst, Free-WI- ll Haptlst and Episcopal church built of wood, but fairly Of course and thcro Is n Catholic church but that Is not to bo reckoned as a factor In deFive churches nominational union. call for support from COO peoplo who are mainly farmers, small tradesmen and village professional men and meAs living is cheap In New chanics. Jersey and rural incomes small, It Is a prosperous man who has $1000 to his credit nt tho end of the year. The average cash recolpts of tho people, men, women and children counted, may ho ?200 per capita. This little community charges itself with tho support of flvo ministers as well as with the Incidental expenses of tho churches whero those ministers preach. A sexton for each church edifice Is employed and there are bills for Insurance, repairs, lighting and heat to bo met. Obviously tho pay of tho ministers muHt be much less thnn a good mechanic can earn at his trade, yet after paying him and meeting the other fixed charges, llttlo or nothing Is left for homo missions, foreign missions or for other special work for the propagation of the gospel. But this is not all tho dilllculty. Ministers who can get nothing better charges in little than villages arc not likely to be efficient In They may bo cither their work. drones, dullards or men ot mistaken vocation. Their sermons do not draw, UGMOORAOY THE FOE OnttnprNirMi yt ntrroi tMr ItoftMo tkH that A llrtwMHMi-AmM'irfl- niaTUe tr 1 fort It nt ft, I rh. nrf pmpmr tti?ibmrtn Tbi"? do not, liiwcrw. ronvliire Ha or Ui& t'S'M iMt On of th point la ttwll plwdiT iwrtf ilsetiiiMNfctint ntlitr tmln iipun the pocloiis t't(tiimi( tho "PoIh UimJllcmi," wlill ( In thf tw theDemm-rnli- r i, tli.tiUMiI)amtH-rnujolnllntllomlflBlitforaHxa(loi- MV I'., HONOLULU HAWAII. he aHmitlnmi of DaitttWwr m H Uttn hwtio with th AtJmtHr bni nt tntIHmn H (tf TIIIV. tlA.ltTTI'. iwrly may bo tmatfil. On that plew It would liavo bcm anfo for tlin union, In pint-forthe darfeMt days of the t'lrll War, to nrcpt tho I)iilocrntlc with nil tho dhmater It Implied, Juit becaime thoro worn, iymocrat fighting nt tho front to aave tlm common government. The point Is.not thnt local Democrats worn for annexation whllo tholr party In tho United Stntea which wnaarrnyed ngnlnut It, but thnttlm jHilicy of tho National Detnocrm-jrthey nro now naked to supiiort, la Inimical to the welfare of Hannll. nnd thereby to thetmelvos n residents or Inventors hero. No man who cures for Hawaii can afford to bo a Democrat; evory man who ha--t Its lCHt Interests nt heart c&j easily find reasons why he should bo a Hopubllcan, It needs no long argument to rIiow that If anything should happen to aiignr, reducing Its price, the prosperity ot every man In tho Hnwnllnn Islands, laborer, artisan, merchant, professional man nnd capitalist nllke, would ho cut down. Ily gnico of tho Republican party, Hawaiian sugar has free- access to tho American market; and so long as foreign sugar Is not allowed to enter on equal tcrniB with It, all may bo well. Hut onco throw down the tariff bars, enabling tho United States to Imrort sugar freo of duty from every land capahlo of producing It, and too Hawaiian sugar revenues will bo cut In twain. To throw down those bars Is one ot tho great, historic alms of the Democratic party. It believes In freo trndo or In tho nearest possible approximation to It. Especially does it bellevo In tho freo ontianco of sugar, because It Is a staplu to lo a Democrat Is to support Hence, for a Hawaiian-America- n provision. ti meosuro which will do him tho greatest posslblo hnrm. Next to a steady and profitable market for Its chief commodity, Hawaii wants safety for Its corporations. This Is a country which la only developed by combinations of capital; nearly every portion horo who has money to Invest own3 shares ot corporation stock, or hopes to do so. Now, tho Democratic party, for tho sake of making votes anions tho thoughtless and prejudiced, groups all corporations under tho general term ot trusts, and then proceeds to attack trusts with all its enginery of political warfare. Inevitably, It the Democratic party should get control of all branches of tho Government, it would begin a legislative war on corporations, and by that means and tho Imposition of freo trade as well, do them serious harm. Wo should suffer with the rest. In tho third placo, Hawaii wants a steady Influx of American capital, and can count upon It while tho McICinley times last. When tho Clovcland Democracy was In power wo did not not got much. Indeed, Uiero was not much In sight anywhere, and tho times wero harder in tho United States than they had been since 1857, when tho Democracy was to blame for a panic that wrecked tho retail trndo of tho nation. Capital, which la tho most timid of commodities, hid away during Cleveland's tlmo, and if Uryan had boon elected In 189C It would bo out ot sight ye't. Hryanism Is, In fact, a greater menace to capital than Clovclandlsm; for whllo It believes In freo trade Hrj'nn having voted in Congress for tho Wilson bill It also believes In a depreciated currency. Silver nt 10 to 1 would cause every capitalist of tho United States to hoard his money; ho would not invest a penny in Mainland or Island securities. Obviously ho could not afford to, ns money put In nt ono valuo might liavo to bo taken out nt a valuo greatly reduced. It follows, thereforo, that a voice for Hryan or for the Democracy Is a volco in favor of cutting off tho investment money which, under Republican rule at Washington, conies hero from over the , Thp hlMnf tho WMitr , WOO -- PKMI fei 1ifl jfrndN.- - , KICKI.Y. llHAli ESTATE. of rwl wHt pri of tht Well Man bm in "Every MnlMtawd mltrtii prnflublr MliHlM lr lllMLhltlw In Honolulu now that thin ritr hop 10 hive nw rUHMloii of progrnw to start a boom In the tight li in anwtlmw In tho wrong l1,, place, bm the paint we want to em phatlae la thnt It la nlu may, In tho het of place, lo bring a boom to a REIS AND CAMACH0 Hath His III Da$" I APPEAR IN COURT A doctor's examination kidneys Threnta AKftliut 1'ortUfjueaa lUpro imitative Told of Ho fore Judge liver and stomach are normal, Wilcox. but the doctor cannot analyze the blood upon which these Acinifod of trying to ndMdsliia' I'u. organs depend. tiigueso Consul Cnnnvnrro by hieing or Hood's SjLrsjpAHSU piirtfles, tnUtitts when ho a bomb exploded unilr his window on a And enriches the blood. It cures you when tho morning of May 4th, A. P Ilels nnd bit o high "a off" or when seriously afflicted. Lulz C. Camacho, tho two suspected midden and dlanstroug ond. Mr. Deaky alruck a koynote expreeaotl tho hope thnt property-own-rrwould not put their prices thnt none but rich tnon could touch them. High figures per front foot kill booma ng aurely ns rcnsonnble figures oncourngo them. Peoplo seek Jnnd, whether for speculation or Investment, In tho hopo that It will Increase in value. If that hope Is dashed by appraisements which create fear that tho selling value of tho lnnd must sink to reach n normal level, then thero will be no buying. It was greed that killed tho Southern California boom In 1887 Prices were forced up nnd up until they stood nbovo those of San Francisco. A might show that It never dis Appoints. Portuguese, wero brought before Judgo Wilcox In tho District Court yestrrdny feel tvere terribly swollen with morning for trial, ectemA. Used Hood's Sirs.ip.uilU at the Uoth men havo been under arrest for druggist's suggestion And it ill disappeared. moro than a week during which tlmo I recommend it to my pArishioners." the iollco havo been nctlvo In looking Rev. E. E.Jenkins, 407 Governor Street, up cvldcnco against them. Whllo tho EvAnsville, Ind. examination of witnesses was In progo ress tho two men were stolid of and betrayed no symptoms ot SwiMtfiWuth being 111 at ease, although many ot the 1 J J. Tt4.T!T'll 1 i iff "W.'i1 statements attributed to them were of iV-'- j I'll fJtr tho most damaging nature. Ilnod' 11IU euro JUfr llli Hip licis on many occasions Is said to nnd havo declared hostility to Canavarro. The first witness on tho stnnd for tho corner lot In a suburban addition to prosecution was an ofilcsr, a San Diego, twenty miles from tho bay, Portuguese, who testified that ono day in December last, during tho quarancost flvo times moro than a corner lot tine, he was In tho guitar shop of a in the Park additions to San Francisman named Dlas. Keis was there at co whero tho city was suro to spread. the time and soon got to talking about People of common sense would not buy certain troubles ho alleged he was having with Mr. Dillingham over a suit sand nnd sage brush on such terms and which was lost to Itels in tho Courts, as a result San Diego's additions and No to City From and ho blamed Senhor Canavarro for soon its inside property became a drug not helping him win. Itels became on tho market. Tho collapso occurred moro and moro excited over tho story Small-Po- x. of his wrongs and finally began to on January 1, 1888, the general pay abuso Mr. Canavarro. Finally ho said: day, and tho lost boom has never come "Never mind, I'll get oven with him If back. It might have done so after the Very Suspicious Case Taken to Quar I have to spend tho rest of my llfo In process of liquidation was complcto If jail." Ho continued talking of the Consul in this manner, but tho witness antine Island From Transport the peoplo had been willing to accept nt that time did not bellevo that tho fair prices for their land. But they had Solace. threat was anything moro than a talk-atlv- o tasted blood and wanted more. Evory one, and did not dream that It rumor, howovor baseless, of coming would be put Into cfTect. Tho witness 1b si case of smallpox on Quaran- Then) did not think that Uels was under the railroads or steamships kept the eager , infiuenco of liquor at the time, but was from, lotting go until the Unn Tho patient was from the very angry. Ho had not heard Camaabsurd spectacle was presented of men United StuteH Navy removed transport Solace cho say anything against tho Consul. who could not easily pay their living yesterday mornlnp, whero ho bad been Dlas, tho proprietor of tho guitar expenses claiming to own a quarter of sick for tho last four or flvo days. lie shop, testified to having been present a million dollars' worth of roalty. was u member of tho band on tho trans- - when tho conversation occurred. Itels had talked continually about DillingNow, twelvo years later, laud values poi t and llrst complained of being unwell ham and the attitude of the Portugueso couple of days before the Soluco unlv. a are coming down to a point whero an ed ill this port. Consul, who had not done anything to other boom .may bo reasonably looked When tlio Soluco came here last week assist him. Ho was angry with CanareUr. Wood boarded her and found tills varro and said ho would get his for. man, who was the only ono In the venge. As to how this revenge was to one In Honolulu as a of Here the hospital. Ho examined him and diagnos- be reached ho did not explain. Dlas result sea. did not think it worth whllo to go and boom the plague Interrupted, land val To sum up the whole case, Republicanism means for Hawaii a protected ues are getting near the danger point ed his disease as chlckcnpox. Thero was warn the Consul, as ho did not believe enough uncertainty In Just tho doctor's man really meant any harm. and lucrative sugar market; Democracy means an unprotected and depreciated and if that point is once reached and mind, however, as to tlio nature of tho theDeputy Sheriff Fernandez of Ewa sugar market. Again, Republicanism means fair play for the collectlvo ns held, tho real estate business wlU full malady, to warrant Ids placing thu e gavo somo very important testimony well ns tho slnglo Investor, and Democracy a political attack on corporate Into a stato In quarantine. acwas Tho vessel regarding Iteis' actions and talk tho of suspended animation. safeguards. FinnD', Republicanism stands for that saro ..nancial policy which It ought to be clearly understood by cordingly kept away from tho dock for day before tho bomb explosion, which twenty-foucommitted r Is Democracy holirs, about It was when had been overheard by him. He had keeps business good and money circulating, whllo tho property-owner- s that no ono will pay decided that tho case was no longer sus- heard somo threats mado on account of to rash and senseless experiments. as much for real estate, especially res- picious, and tho qunrantlno was raised. Canavarro's failure to sustain Itels In There, then, Is tho whole case, nnd It leads back to tho as yet unanswered idence realty, In Honolulu as Is asked Slnco then, however, tho slckhess dethe suit against Dillingham. As far afford property, Hawalinn-Amorlcaand Intelligence ot query: "How can a In San Francisco. The reason Is that veloped surer signs. From tho very llrst back as November Itels had related a ' to bo a Democrat? sick man was kept by himself In the woeful story to him, and his threats San Francisco, as the market place of tho against Canavarro were then numerhospital of tho Solace. which includes eight States empire an Yesterday morning Dr. Carmlchael ex- ous. He said tho Consul ought to be Tho IHlo Tribune's iuslde advices Nobody doubts tho personal Integrity man on transport amined tho board tho and Territories and as the central und canio to tho conclusion that tlio case gotten rid of, and bad stated that he of most of tho men who nre about to or- from Washington about the Governor- Pacific Coast port for tho whole United was ot a serious enough naturo to be had written to tho home government ganize tho Democratic party here, but ship wero so far inside that they never here. Ho tried to get Dr. Wood but asking for Canavarro's recall. is bound to bo an enormous left States, failed to And him Just at that moment, As to tho phrase "gotten rid of," tho collectivo wisdom of pooplo who had a chanco to peep out and seo what city. and now has nearly 400,000 people officerso ofho sent for Dr. Garvin, executive It Fernandez stated ho , thought it was depreciated money was going on. conthe Board u Health, of and their advice Is not respected, their mis- think a ' ' and a suburban population of 100,000. sultation was held. The result of this not so much getting the Consul out of I policy good for desionary work is meagre in results. and was that tho case was his position and It was Honolulu, on tho other hand has a consultation suspicious and tho patient was stroy him. Ho had heard Rels say he open debate. to certainly to Hawaii preach an ar Is Most of the tlmo they Admiral Dewey In striving for the chance to become a place of dignified deemed o transferred from tho vessel to Quaian-tln- would send tho Consul to . Rels ray ot empty benches. Under their lax Island. ) Presidency has lost his triumphal arch. size but surely not a San Francisco or night Dr. Wood nnd Dr. Car- admitted having written letters.to Ca Iast Col. Curtis Iaukea Is too persuasive Thero was a good chance that New oversight the religious feeling In the a Hongkong. There Is not enough land mlchael held a consultation In the mat- navarro upbraiding him for lack ot community dies away and people at- a native Republican to bo permitted to York would build it up to the tlmo ho behind It to support ter. Dr. Wood had not seen tho case official assistance to him when he was metropolitan pre- since the arrival of the Solace. Dr. Car 's trouble. The day before the attempttend church perfunctorily. In tho long wasto his tlmo In a hotel. Colonel announced himself as a candidate, but tensions. So If we try to put on met- mlchael said that he considered tlio case In place, just now, is among tho act now tho inflow of subscriptions has one ot very grave suspicion, and, while ed asslssinatlon he had heard Rels run tho younger men do not attend ropolitan airs and mark realty up to It has not been officially announced as a give vent to further threats of a simichurch at all. The village of T, in tho ive field organizers of a Hawaiian Re- ceased and tho money collected will be the top ot the column wo shall merely case of smallpox, It Is learned on good lar nature. At Ewa Rels talked of an dnmoro man party. No has that that Is the nature of the assault and battery case among some earlier day when it had ono church publican returned. Incidentally the glory of tho create a laugh at our expenso and moro authority Ulsease. and few secular detractions, was very llucnce on tho stump among the natives, arch Is not all Dewey sacrificed, Inas- than that, drlvo away peoplo whose Tho doctors say that thero Is no cause Portuguese which the Consul attended, for any alarm. Tho man has been and ho had said that Canavarro sat religious. Now It Is slowly lapsing In- nor uses It more wisely nnd unselfishly. much as ho lost tho admiration of the aid is needed to enablo Honolulu to strictly quarantined from tho beginning there like a fool and did not offer to to a kind of stupid materialism. Irateof his Illness and Is now on Quarantine try and help tho Portuguese which he people as wall. realize its natural destiny. Island, whero many other cases of small The Republican party ot Hawaii will ly we heard that one ot tho churches r uavo ueen lsoiatcu from tlmo to should havo done. In other words new peoplo will come pox not have much Influence on national Rels, according to Fernandez' testiwas to close Its doors. time, taken from different ships passing bo Tho coming cable should mony, camo to Honolulu on Tuesday, the here to settle If they aro given a tnrougu. Now If these villages had kept united affairs but It It gets a chanco to give Is absolutely no dnnucr to tho Theio day after tho raising of tho quarIn one church, and made It like tho these Islands good government and means "of bringing in a class of rich chance to make something but they city, although men from tho Solace havo the been uacK anu forth between the snip antine, and returned to Ewa on Wedono which, for so many years, kept lives up to It, thero will bo no rjues-tlo- n winter residents who have Btaid away will not como to bo sheared. They and nesday, and then ho camo up to the tho shore. Tho last caso of smallpox quarantined city again tho following day. On tho ot Its public usefulness. Upon the hitherto becauso they could not keep havo learned by observation of Westspiritual things alivo and active In on tho island was hardly six months morning of tho explosion In by touch booms ern with or the market. experience Southern sad in it camo to Honolulu, might not the llttlo place administrative record made by Repubago and was that of a Chinaman from a Fernandez' mind as soon ns lie heard vessel. havo kept up its interest In evangelical licanism the futuro of Statehood will California and Florida have many such them, what It moans to buy property passing Tho Solaco got away for Manila the news, that Rels was the guilty man, peoplo and count them as highly pro- and havo It depreciate or become unrollglon and become a power for good Inrgely depend. Dr. Wood will visit tho sick becauso of tho threatening conversaman morning. this No aro to they salable, likely Hawaii, ductive assets. and doubt with learn the In all the country around? A church tions which he had heard. Senhor Canavarro next took tho Is there any particular reason why its tropical attractions, will get hun- basis of values very soon. It is not with COO members could employ an acstand nnd testified that ho had been OTIS ON THE HANCOCK. zealous clergyman; capitalists here should not buy or build dreds of them onco the problem ot elec- enough to tell them that stable govtive, eloquent, warned repeatedly against both of the ernment and electric touch with tho could support Y. M. C. A. activities on an American steamship, or two or three tric communication has been solved. prisoners, and ho bolicvcd his llfo Mainland market will support extrava- Major General Will Return on That was constantly In danger.that n small scale; maintain a circulating of them, nnd establish a ferry to the Not only transport Soon. had ho received warnings from his Tho Advertiser has a letter from Ha gant values, for If It did not do so In library and keep open a place where Coast? Why not connect with San but anonymous letters had young men could go in tho evening Diego and Los Angeles nnd exchange waii, signed "Kau," arguing against San Diego, Los Angeles and San FranIt had been the Intention of Maj.-Ge- friends, reached him to beware of Rels and CaOtis to return to tho United macho. Ho told a long story of the and find the warmth and cheer of the traillc with tho Snnta Fo? Or why not Prohibition for theso Islands. Tho cisco, It will not do so here. But theso village tavern without tho strong cuter San Francisco? There Is going to writer had not heard, apparently, that things will Burely aid In maintaining States on the next trip of tho transport caso which Rels had against Dillingthe Prohibition clause was stricken fair vnlucs and It Is for fairness that Hancock, which Is scheduled to leave ham, and of tho importunities of Rels drink and evil company. It Is an un- bo no end ot business. to havo him carry It through the from tho Cullom bill. Such action hav- wo- appeal. It is not necessary to par- Manila about the first of June. Wish- Court. answerable proposition that the ChrisTho Consul had explained tlmo Tho Democracy Is beginning to nssert ing been taken and local option ticularize. Lot any man llguro what ing to seo tho troops well established nnd time again to Rets that as an offitian religion would bo better oft In T cost how him, n on land his profit much In camps government. tho Idea whlto prior of to his de cial ho could havo nothing to do with man's granted, our correspondent, who writes with tho ono church managed and supported In that way than it now Is It is oven proposed to rescind tho Fif- Intelligently on tho subject, will doubt its salo would be reasonable and what parture, uoneral Otis has decided not tho caso In Court. Ho had gotten a to leave Manila July 1, before at which lawyer to tako tho case, had many intho land Is likely to bo worth when Should Mho plot less seo that thero Is no reason to with five churches hardly supported at teenth Amendment. dato It Is his intontlon to turn over his terviews with Dillingham nt tho re puts rapid tracts which nro transit far Democracy noxt would succeed, argument tho all. the and will permit us command to Gonoral MacArthur nnd quest of Rels, yet tho latter took every out in tho couutry within thirty mln return to tho United States for a tem- means to abuso him for not doing anyWhat would bo lo3t? Nothing but turn Its attention to other dark to withhold his brief. utes' ride of tho post olllco and when porary leave of absence until October thing for him. Ho thought tho man sectarianism mero quibbles or theo- races that enjoy tho American suffrage. Government land conies into tho mar V, at tho latter dato ho will again go was worrying himself to doath over logians, most of whom aro long dead Tho only electoral safety for such votTho euttlng-of- f of tho British and to tho Philippine Islands and rcsumo tho matter. him kct let supremconsider theso things Im control and gone to a place whero they havo, ers la In continued Republican Japaueso passenger, freight and mall Ono of tho warnings which camo to of affairs thoro. Tho adminislearned, let us hope, how little sec- acy. steamers between hero and tho Califor- partially and ho can get up a bill ot tration of General Otis In tho Philip- tho Consul was, "Look out for tho men pines has been so satisfactory to tho ot Ewa." Ono was an anonymous lettarianism amounts to In getting reCoast will bo of much advantago to particulars for himself, Progress has Its penalties, and all will nia Canadian-AustraliaPresident and his advisers that thoy ter containing tho same statement. n wards for tho Christian life. the As tho liners. all requested that ho bo given a short For tho last two years ho had heard regret that Dr. McOrow's historic Tho Itoman Catholic church shows trips of post theso nro Tho Secretary vessols between rest mado of with friends In this country, tho men acted abominably toward him of tho Territory homestead is to disappear to mako nnd then return to Manila. This rolief In their conversation and used all what union, and concerted work will room go foreign an n port to and nnd American not should nntlvo of Hawaiian tho for a modern business or hotel from tho arduous duties falling upon manner of vllo' epithets. do. Besides that Imperial body with structure. Ono would prefer to liavo between Ainorlcan ports exclusively, typo of Samuel Parker. Such a cholco tho commanding officer of tho army In "Are you In fear that those men have its members working as ono army tho thorn both. they good can carry would bo Republican fetch and of tho without for tho tho Phlllpplno Islands Is admitted to Intended to do you a personal Injury?" For many long years Dr. world over thero Is nothing comparabo deserved, nnd tho administration is Inquired tho Marshal. McOrow's plnco was tho center of Ho- hindrance. Wo should not bo surprised party, and In other respects desirable. glad to offer it to General Otis. "Yes, I am," replied tho Consul with ble In tho domain of Protestantism. most generous nnd cordial hos- to seo big travel between Honolulu and It is not certain that any appointment nolulu's Ho will return to Manila a full major warmth. "After tho explosion my Tho nearest force wo have to.lt is tho upon, Vnncouvor may somo decided been has for to come. and thero tlmo general In tho regular service During opinion as to the author of tho attorapt pitality, and Its obliteration will Salvation Army; tho force that Is yet bo a chance o lnduco tho Prosldont tho absenco of General Otis from Mnnl-l- a on my llfo, was directed at onco to a cherished landmark. weakest and farthest from tho goal Is tho senior officer left In tho Philip- theso two men," (pointing to Rels and I Whonover thoro Is a rose tote or any to consldor Mr. Parker's name, pines will bo General MacArthur, who Camacho). that which keeps aloof most Jealously Tho Star's list of prominent Demo-craspecial celobratlon at a Pacific coast was recently assigned to the command Several other witnesses wero nlaced from other Christian bodies because of Wo think It port tho Government nccedos to a reneeds revision. Mr, paper on Samoa has of tho division ot Northern Luzon, It on tho stand during tho afternoon sesHoino petty hickerlug ot creed. And bo doubtful that Prof, M. M. Scott has contemplated Depart In is tho sion, ono of them being n man named not War quest for a wnr ship or a squadron, tho special historical valuo owing to the auwo say In tho words of Dr. Wills: Charles 11. Wilson ho lately published presonco of which adds pomp nnd dig- thor's Intlmato rolatlons with tho poli- ment that this officer win oven tem- Souza, a storekeeper on Punchbowl porarily relinquish his command If this street. On tho night of tho explosion "Tho tlmo has fully corao for union, co- a letter saying he Is a British subject nity to tho ceremonies. It is quite pos- tics and commerco of that group. Mr. division, but will simply take upon his tho men, who had previously slept at operation, cessation of hostilities and but that tho Intorests of Hawaii rethnt, It a tolegraphlc request for Sownll, as our readers remember, was Bhoulders tho additional duties ot tho his house, were not thero, but had slept sympathy. Tho very words Comity quire tho election of McICinley or slblo n to take part in Territorial Day Consul General at Apia during an Im- command of tho entire division of tho In a vacant house on Miller street, and Truce ought to have no place In words to that offect. Thero nro not a vosscl Pacific. Gen. Otis leaves his duties In Officer Frank Ferrolra had arrested tho vocabulary of men who represent few men of former Democratic sym- ceremonies wero sent from San Fran- portant period of Samoan development, capable hands, and ns It Is not expect- Camacho, who had stated nt tho tlmo on cisco tho arrival thero of' tho noxt and has been a closo observer slnco of ed that thero will bo any extensive that ho did not know great denominations. where Rels was Imagine tho pathies who, Uko P. C. Jones, have, had Honolulu steamor wo might get tho s, tho affairs ot our Insular neighbor to campaigning during the rainy season, tho night beforo, or tho night of the twelvo Disciples discussing comity and their eyes opened. Many names of preovon tho Iowa. Tho suggestion tho south. His treatlso, which, wo print no fear Is folt but that Gen, MacArthur explosion. or agreeing not to encroach upon each sumed cmocrats will be missing when will be ablo to successfully handle the The caso was adjourned over until Is raado to whomsoover it may concern in full, Is mado ot special Interest localother's territory, Theirs was a posl-tlv- o tho lists of the faithful at, Wednesday commands ot both tho grand division this morning, when It will bo taken up ougnl to concern somebody ly by Its chapter on Kalakaua's dream and It and Luthe of Northern nfter the usual morning police grist Is union," night's rally nro made up, right away. of Pacini empire. zon. finished. lt spa-clo- - Eczema "&Iy mother's fact, funds And coun-tcnanc- JiOodi I1 "--iti- r 1 NEED NOT FEAR Danger Jsl.-inJ- land-holde- Sol-ne- n, hand-to-mou- th free-trad- 1 Iau-kea- 1 y. n, - 1 rainy-seaso- con-tln- 1 1 1 1 ts Sett-nil'- s Ad-nm- HI is I virt. vr'i' h ;) ; IIWVAH.W GUM Hit ft th MM, IM f hit ES Ml In w 111., ) l.rlli OF CATHAY ' M MffMI iteliwtfr IMI m J Jwt Jl wfl M trlritllnl. (rrwtnltfmIn WM M WWr. M R It ! th ht MHhtMl tMMM IIMK In nt.nllr wr- a htm tft n nnMir In !MlloMl iattlt.1 on In rlllmr of lt that tlurlna her Ii t It1 i.. ibr north. In mhhw Ruhlro llarii MM4rHS to l ill.-t- t what in Wlwk TtW,tu off ih of a Hiram Ht of th lUMtinir 'HtkaMo nn nnprMPfUnv of It was found to u tha ' oliirt. Ti a Swill lml of a rHlpWftilil Kihoi Will H. th lvlalh(in to hr nori iiwd ..mr oM htlil It Hhd thrre lllroo. at all What is Doing in the r.ir )n. Orient, i IW Tim Tnkio A Willi fwhlfll Ottlltl" th Atil i.f ih ovurttirc, but which w tnk to a vry rrcent one) mwrt that, two If Mntsiibrl and Vnrtitnro, IimkI, lirothrn, Huntouorl, Murium, of Tiiinloka-inuni- . port IH'tirlhilnl Into the utifrwiUPIilHl on a of- the vuinitc of HiiMitnn moutitnltt I'mn titni tllev wure l.,itl,it itvih, illtlno. from Mich other, nnd, on Yn- linm roiiiinlnu In loin bin ebb r broth or, he foii.il that the latter had been knli-nnd torn to pleees. prcsutnnbly by which he nfterwnrd ii iiHiimti.r biilMiiii trnced Inli n cnc near by. Ynaiilnru imtniHllntelv took aim nt the nnlmnl ns ...,,ii na ii unulii Hiuht of It nnd brought It down nt 'he llrst Hliot. The bnlioon Is TU.HDAN. SALES Make New E7aJ Bildain range Terms for Three or Goes To Coast to Wunlth of Imir irt woaltli nitii'oii, woman. Ivvxifl Indi'iiiidniiln nro preparing ofpe-iMiilto meet mid form n party. In having phtitoKmplm made to n ufDr.nil Wood limit MiMiiioirf which rail nt thlit port. Ku'ryotliur ph Mica ut--t Ar- Five Years. one-ha- lf . one-tent- W$ WEALT! is too thin ru i' on ih Hooomlury it. to t i If your hair or losing its luator, got AYfO Growth becomes vigorous nnd nil visor dnndrulTis removed. It nlwnys restores color to gray or faded hnir. lictnin your youth; don't look old before your tune. complexion. Prepared by J. C. A) or & Co., Loncll, Mass., I). S. A. - HOLLISTEII Sif LOST? egg-enrd- r. rs Heard From. egg-cur- ,. ,ti, Schooner Norma Not ut-v- Of-lic- prlv-tlli- rf ?!T0 PUBLISH CONSTITUTION sorrow-stricke- n iun-gros- SUN'S LIGHT GOES OUT Fire-pro- l, YC-niC- DRUG CO., Agouti YOUNG JAPANESE COMMITS SUICIDE Used lp IS WOUI.D'S STANDARD POU TIA1I! KUIiPINU. ijhttuhl le in the poektt of irfftrernH Th HiMtunl nnd Myrtlo lltut Ultthfl will begin jirnitlclng for tho fall races txry Watch. to-Mr. and Mr. It. I). Hllllinnu left for Mmiy jririt' handling of Walchu tlin Count on tho Poking, to bo gone convinces m, thnt price consuUred about two months. U Is reported that I). II. Kahnulelln The Jilgin is the 71101 miUactoTy oj has been olected Moloknl'H delegate to flurried!! Wutchen. tho Itcpubllcau convention. Mm. Horace J. Craft nnd Mrs. IJIIzn-bct- h Catcd ni K. Wilder aro entertaining Mis. S. 0. Wilder nnd Mrs. T. K. C. (llbbons iNICKLE, SILVER. GOLb FILLEI) Minn. .... at Walalua. AftD SOLID GOLD. Six now odorless excavntors arrived by tho Australia und nro being put toWe hare a full line and sell them gether under Capt. Sam Johnson'H at right prices. supervision. Wllllnm White of Maul Is hero to tesRLGhXS reach us right. tify In a suit brought by V. .1. Teatn HliGIAUS reach you right. ngalnst himself nnd others for a printing account. Rlgins aland for what is riahl in 0. 11. Uoynolda, of tho Hoard of Health, will probably not leave until lime keeping and lasting qualities next week for Molokai. Ho will make and that is why ire arc right in push' a stay of about three weeks. the, ing Watch. Elgin put her home Mrs. John Lucas has on Luunlllo street at tho disposal of tho Catholic liencllt Society for a charity nt homo next Thursday from 2 to I. On tho Australia will go four mlll-tut- y BOX 342. piUoners from Camp McKlnley, in chargu of Sergeant Showaltor and thrco men. Thoy will sorvo sentences ou Ale.itraz Island. Judua Konolkai statoj that tho Wal- - Wilder's Steamship Co. Ltd luktt meeting next Wednesday Is to bo hold for tho purposo of giving all present nn opportunity to divide on Republican ami Dombcintlu lines. S. S. Ill NAU, On nnd after Tuesday, Nov. 6, th Judge Wilcox is tho recipient of a small fortune amounting to $1G,000, lett bteamor KINAU will sail from Honohim by his brother, tho Into Henry Wil- lulu on Tuesdays at 12 noon, for Kauna-knkn- l, Lahnlnn, Maalaea Day. KlheL cox or Kauai. The sranio amount was left to each one of tho brothers of the Makcnn, Kawnlhao, Mahukonn, decenscd. and Hllo. Roturnlng, will sail from Hllo on Judge Stanley, charged by W. 0. Smith with being nn Englishman, Fridays nt 2 p. m. for nbovo name! nrovos an alibi to tho satisfaction of all ports, arriving nt Honolulu on Saturhis friends. Tho evldonco scorns to days. support his claim that ho halls from S. S. CLAUD INF, Dublin. Will leavo Honolulu ovory Tuesdaj Mounted Patrolman Robert Parker, at 5 p. m., touching at Lahalna, KahuJr., stopped a lively runaway on Ullha lul, Nahlku, liana, Hamo and KIpa-hulstreet above King yesterday forenoon. Maul. Roturnlng, touches at Tho plucky pntrolman coolly ran along- nbovo named ports, arriving at Honoside tho nnlmnl which was attached to lulu Sunday mornings. a hack, and hold on to tho brldlo until Will call nt Nuu, Kaupo, onco each ho had tho horso under control. month. Tho hearing of llio W. II. Marshall, S. S. LUII UA, libel caso in tho Circuit Court Is set for Thursday next. Among tho witnesses Sails ovory Monday for Kaunakakai, subpoenaed aro Marshal Drown, Judge Kamalo, Maunalel, Kntnupapa, LahalWilcox, Dr. Wm. McGrow, 11. M. Ayres, na, Honolun, Olowalu. Roturnlng, arJohn Auld. and fcovoral members of the rives nt Honolulu Saturday mornings J u dil fnmlly. This company reserves tho right U' It Is reported that Mr. August the manager of Olowalu plan- niako changes In tho time of dopart. tation, has resigned his position, and tiro and arrival of Its stcamors WITHwill leave shortly for Germany. His OUT NOTICE, nnd It will not bo resuccessor Is snld to bo Mr. E. Krouso, sponsible for any consequences arising. who was acting manager of Lahalna therefrom. plantation lately. Consignees must bo at tho Landings A number of Hubert Voss' pictures to rocelvo tholr Freight; this Company aro In tho art building nt tho PariB Ex- win not hold itself responsible ror position. In order to superintend tho freight after It has boon landed. hanging, Mrs. Voss wont some tlmo ago Llvo Stock received only at ownr't to Paris, whoro her husband will Join risk. her ns soon as ho can finish up his This Company will not be responsible work in Now York. for Money or Valuables of passenger' David Center, manager of the Am- unless placed In tho caro of Pursers. erican Sugar Co. of Molokai is ill at Passengers aro requested to purchase tho Queen's Hospital, whoro ho Is being tickets before embarking. Those fallattended by Dr. Wood. Mr. Center's ing to do so will bo subject to xa ad complaint Is malarial fover nnd other ditional chargo of twonty-flv- o per cnt compllcatlonfl. Mrs. Center nnd child Tho Company will not be liabl foi aro stopping at tho Hawaiian hotel. loss of, nor Injury to, nor delay in, tht A farowoll dinner was given to little delivery of baggage or personal effrct Theodoro and Allco Cooko at Mrs. of tho passengor beyond tho amount of Turner's cottage on Ilerctanla street $100.00, unless tho valuo of tho 3a3 Inst Prlday evening, heforo their de- bo declared, at or before tho Issue of parture on tho Australia. Many child- tho ticket, and froight Is paid thereon. ren were entertained and spent several All employocs of tho Company art hnppy hours under the charming super- forbidden to recolvo freight without devision of Mrs. Turner. livering a shipping receipt therefor In L. Schweitzer loft on tho Poking for tho form prescribed by tho Company which may bo seen by shippers upa short business trip to tho Coast and and application to tho pursors of th return, partly In tho interest of his on firm on Nuuunu strcot, and partly for Company's steamers. Shippers notified are that If freight It tho new browing company of which ho Is an official. If ho can sparo tho tlmo shipped without such receipt, It will ho will also mako a brief visit In Salt bo solely at tho risk of the shipper. Lako City, his old home. C. Ii. WiailT, President. O CAPT. T. K. CLARKE, Tort Supt Tho Frinco and Bride. Tho following Is tho mossago to bo CHAS. BREWER & GO.'S tent through Consul Mlkl Saito to Crown Prlnco Yoshlhlto nnd his biido, by tho next mall for Japan, from tho Japaneso colony here: "To tho Crown Prlnco and Princess Ship "Holon Ilrowcr" will sail from Tho Japanese residents of Hawaii, In Now York for Honolulu on or about mass meeting assembled, send their congratulations, with earnest wishes for happiness, prosperity and long j r. Ilus-slu- N'uMvn H.F.WICHMAN Dr. Ayor's Sarsaparilla purifies tho blood and clears tho Dr. The Elgin LOCAL BREVITIES. ly 1 At llio iiieotiiiR "f the Blopklttililcr of tlit Mitel iMiiiitntlon Coiiipiuty yoatcr-iln- y nfturiioon, it rosolutlon wus lusseil giving Alexander .t IMUIwIn nuthorlty Incidents Grave and Gay That Make to negoUitte for contracts for llio fiile of thu Kiliel sugar for lliruo or live Up Japan's Picturesque Ways yenru. Mr. II. I. U.ililwln, of the linn 1W pounds. welgheil tieary nlcl If of Living. .uiuie of Alexander & Ilaldwiti, leaves on the Th Mltslll nry goons siore l.n.hi lmtt r,.eoriilv ftnriiircd seernl wonv Australia for tho Coast today to atIn tend Io this aniong other Important employed are en, of whom sowing depaitmont as Inspectors and mutters of similar character. Tlic only hualntrx wlilcli In profitable the of the charge tho other half nro In Henrcsentatlves of other agencies are In .Seoul Is raid to bo m.rvlre. The nrfw ilrnnrtilfti Is to tliu fact that Interest Hlnnilit very high. said to have been a great success III ev already In San Francisco and tho exery respect, pectation Is that all tho plantations will It Is ut lcnst 40 per cent a year, nnU rim vlMnltv of Tmibndnlll in tho dls nt an early dato niako contracts of from tlioK who arc imtuto rnoiiKh can cct as trlct of Klla-uwlyo province, has long caused by a three to llvo years for the disposition of inucli na 13) per cent. And yet wo nro suffered from the rnvnges tiie tmiiltrv tribe of the their crops. tohl thnt only 30,nu0 yen will be sn'lllclent locality. mnniiir to be ono of serpent Is said Tho The present contract with the Sugar for llio whole city, Inhabited ns It l by a tiemenuous we oo noi khuw nun mi,, Trust U about expiring. Tho basis ol so far has size and more thun 300,000 InhnbltantK, showing only tremendous of tho present contract is for sugar sont the eyes of the search parties, by how primitive Is tho state of business evaded many have lately been formed to New York, the Now York prleo for winch hIiIo with this IiIkIi rate of tho villagers of the surrounding locality sugar less there. Sldo by h of a cent per quick work to mnke Is determined aro Intercut, thero another thins which who very vngm-..nn- u pound. The bnsla for sugar sold In Sun on sight. Tiie reptile the of development equally tho with Interferes ...........Is not to cast I Francisco Is at tho New York price less nintfiiiifnt .... ....... nvnn ,,f ti, of business, that Is, kIiisciik transactions. .intii.t nn tim rpnlltv nf tho whole affair. three-eight- s of a cent per pound. The 'I Ills business Is attended with frreat risk, but Its truth must be nssured from the dtffercnco in cost of getting tho sugnr fact that the village ilirectiy concerned but can brliitf, when successful, a prollt imu inut nilntiteil. In ii council specially to New York makes the two ratc3 about of oven three-fol- d tho principal, and this i.nnuniini n rpRnlutlnti nfTiTltiir a reward equal, In ono season. Tho unsteady value of of M yen or so to thosu who capture the Tho Klhoi Plantation Company hail snaKe, uenu or uiie. thirty-fiv- e Korean coins must nlso bo regarded at monsterMnjesty acres of cane, left over lhnperor left the pal- about the Ills supplying another factor. The value Is ace, as alrendy announced, on the morn-infrom last cutting which had been plantr,t iiio Pitth nt 1:31. accompanied by ed for seed, but was not needed for that constantly fluctuating, not only dally but thu Kmpress, who rodo 111 purposo. Hawaiian commercial uvea hourly, tho standard of comparison Her .Mnjesty carriage, nnd who went ns far Company Tho another grinding on it commenced being Japanese silver yen, which may as Shlmbashl to see off the Cmperor. the Inst week. It went G$ tons of cano to properly bo considered ns Korea's curien-e- y nt llio Shlmbashl station, genbeing unof a to owing acre, wore uniform this Kniperor, who tho tho but So singularly sensitive Is tho was received wun pruiuuuu ripe, only turned out 8 tons of sugnr between the two that whenever, eiallsHlino, respect by the I'rlnces of tho lllood nnd to tho acre. say, 100,000 yen of the subsidiary coins aro tmini. nilior iHutiitiiripR. a military band Tho cutting was nt onco btoppod nnd the withdrawn from or produced on tho mar- striking up the national anthem nttaking tho balance will be cut much Inter when ket, the purity, which Is only nominal, Is same time. His Majesty, without destinaIlls for rest, station left the upset nt once. If one possesses 30,UoO yen a It Is expected to go 10 tons. This cane In Korean coins ho can practically con- tion nt S o'clock In a special new train! was not planted until December, 1S9S, v;m hitelv finished and which trol tho market. A Japaneso contractor who undertakes a pleco of work for tho Intended solely for the conveyance of or six months nftor tho regular planting Korean Government and receives the the Kmperor. Ills Majesty's suite com- time. Tho reason for Its not being ripe payment in coins is In Imminent danger prised Mnrquls TokndnlJI, Grand Cham- waB on account of Its growing on lower unless ho berlain; Vice Admlrnl Yamnmoto. Minis- land and It did not blossom, and conof Incurring berlous loss Katsurn promptly gets tho coins exchanged for ter nf tho Nnvv: Lieut. Gen. Tho balance yen. on Minister of War: Mnrshal Oyama, ClUef sequently did not ripen. general premium In tho sliver Olllcc: and others acres of rano will oi this thirty-fiv- e tho silver yell does not full below 15 per of tlin Genernlnil.Staff Among those who as- probably cmt, but this frequently rises to as much oer sixty In be ground In July. sembled at the station to seo Ills Majesus 40 per cent. ty off were, beside the impress, tho Min n There aro already In Seoul three uouncmorx. missionaries, and they have estab- isters or state, lite Itngakl, naval nnd lished a temporary chutch In tho prem- Count Okumn, Count many others, to the ises of tho Itusslan Legation. Tho other military olllcers nnd of severnl hundreds In nil. day all the Korean dignitaries were inparts of the In worms other No silk vited to a. banquet held to commemorate country can surpass those raised In Hoktho opening of tno church, and on tnu In complete or growth, of In point 12th Inst., through the services of M. kaido of this l'avloff, tho three revel end gentlemen fieedom from disease. Ins view nindo In for demand fact, the were lccelved In audience by the Kmper-oyear after The church hits already made a large Hokkaido are on the Increnso silk the result that the with juir, number of converts. of tho Island have found It necThe newly started Meljl News Agency to greatly multiply tho quantity sui plies us a queer plccu of news in re- essary which aro being forKorea, the of tho gal d to tho Island of to various parts of tho Empire. warded lease of which by Ittissia occasioned much Notwithstanding the fact that an exceptulk last year. Tho report is to the ef- tionally largo number of these cards had fect that Russia obtained tho privilege silk rais of felling tho trees growing In tho Island been provided this year by the nuvu is ers saiu io siock tho entire CO.OoO yen by paying a sum .,..i,.iir.'.. to tho of ,n ..,. ..,.1 toward tho end of Missing Since Last Friday Week exhausted ritnrlv rnl n.. .. . . ..w..u..years, Mnrpt. In ponRenuence of brisk do thirty vv.. llussla has uiscovereu, as a mnn.lB When She Sailed for from the Interior. Under these result of a thorough Inspection and sup circumstances, tho Administrative ey of tho. Island thnt owing chiefly to encouragpresent nt Is Kauai. of tho Island tho Inaccessibility of tho coast, the the silk inl tint worth retaining, so that sho ing In every possible w is now desirous to part with It for ajdustry or the jsianu. , sum of 2M.O00 ven. Hut the Island belrig Stories of heavy winds and high seas entirely useless from a strategic point of u jiumiiuu view, uiosu who uiu in brought to port by Island steamers are speak with something Uko authority o LAWS creating much anxiety among shipping the subtect are of opinion that If Japanese should bo Inclined to purchnse men concerning tho welfare of tho little the prlvllcgo he must regard the transAND Island schooner Norma. action purely as a matter of business; that Is to say, with the view of turning Sho has not been heard of for over to account tho trees growing on tho and that If ho should pay for the ten days now, and fears are entertn'ned privilege more than tho sum given by Government Will Print Them that sho has been wrecked and Her Russia, ho would Incur a loss. crow lost. Book Form Appropriation to Mrs. Klku, thp wifo of a certain Mr. It was on Friday, May 4th, that llio Takeda of Olta prefecture, died a short Be DiBbursod. tlmo ago and whllo the funeral preparaNorma loft Honolulu for tho Island of tions were going on a terrlllc thunderKauai. Captain Welsbarth, who owns storm occurred, In tho course of which a the vessel, was In command when she stroke of lightning struck and set on lire to voted has Council Kxccutlve The loft upon what many now believe was n pile of fuel outsldo tho house. Tho flames thus started threat- publish In a compact volume the Consti- her last voyage. Latest news from KaItself, but tho house ened to leap onto United States, the Joint uai gives no Information regarding her, wcro extinguished Just In time by tho tution of the and eight days after sho had left hero, join! efforts of tho assembled mourners llLSolutlon of Annexation, the Territor engen- ial Act and the Laws of Hawaii, as; af Saturday last, she had not been seen nt and sympathizers. Tho confusion great, very but naturally after dered was fected by the Joint Resolution of Annex any Kauai port. older had been restored nnd while the ntlon, tho Territorial Act, nnd the rules Tho littlo vessel was last reported at priest was proceeding to udmlnlster tho to the corpse, having lifted for nnd regulations for administering oaths C o'clock on Friday evening, tho 4th last rites coflln, purposo what lid tho of onCby tho that Inst., whon sho sailed for Kauai. She nml hnhltnir elections ns revised was his surprlso as well as that of tho gtess. A thousand copies will bo publish was loaded with general cargo. whole company to find tho coilln empty, ed for the enlightenment oi iiawauans. Shipping men remember well tho cirtho deceased having evidently walked At iii'n meetlnir of the Council yester away or ilown away or disappeared some- day cumstances of tho purchase of tho Norrules agreed the was that also It other during tho confusion! how or regulations for administering oaths ma by Captain Welsbarth ut a public Strange to say, no traco of It has so far and auction at tho boat landing, over six elections us reviseu uj been discovered nor explanation forth- ana Holding be published separately in pamplt-i.,- months ago. Tho famous yacht Norma, coming! ono thousand tn number of the form ' exweaver, 15,000 yearly yen is A sum of about Tlin mmllentlon of the Itnnld Transit commanded by Commodoro pended by the Government towards the Company port nnd when It time, In was the at lay tracks Its to permission for HokIndustry lu promotion of the llshlng King street between VIctoilu street wns announced that tho Norma was to kaido, where CO to "0 per cent of tho en- on and tho Waiklkl road and between Llll- - bo sold at auction, many thought that tire population nro engaged In fishery. lm street and the Jvamenamena premises it was tho Norma that was meant. Tho Kvcry year several millions of artificialWalnllonllo. with tho petitions from ly hatched salmon nnd masu aro let out nt similarity of tho names created some property-owner- s In tho matter, was Into rlvera: and thero1,000Is a provision to referred to tho Attorney Genera'.. littlo confusion at tho tlmo. yen below and subsidy grunt a of was of tho Interior Minister Tho Captain Welsbarth paid $800 for tho to newly established private plscicultur-u- l to make tho following expendistations. tures, amounting to $117,000, under Act 4 Norma. Sho has somothlng or tho noo Conscript MotoklchI Nalcnl Is now u of doo abut her. If her many peculiar and tno council oi mate: soldier In tho Hlghth Hnttallon of tho In$25,000 Improvement varied experiences count for anything fantry ICeKlnicnt of tho Formosan garri- lliubor 3,OW son, rrom tho days when ha lived at Scwerngo for Hllo 3,000 homo in Rlutsu province ho has nlwnys Hoads l'tina to completo contracts.. 6.000 Itoads Kail been noticed for his filial nnd loving conHOCK 0,000 LAU his en- Heads South Kohnla duct toward his parents. Slncoreputation 3,500 Hoads North Kohala to his added has listment ho 5,000 ho can Itoads Makawuo by being very thrifty, so that governAdditions to Waterworks, llono-lul- u send In whole to his father his ment allowances a practice which ho Is or Pnluma pumping plant .. 25,000 Kallhl naup. uno people oi ins keeping still Heud reservoir and watertive village met In a council recently Diamond K,0OT works .mil In uccordnnco with a resolution they Chineso lloformors Aro Exceeding 5,000 waterworks purse IIllo him a then passed, havo Just sent 1,000 Happy And Say Ho Met a of money to show their appreciation of Wolohlnu wutenvorks waterworks, 20,000 Wnlluku nnd Kahulul 1,200 vaults eastern window Tyrant's Fate. Tho sliding doors of the nf iim linuso occuiiled by Toyoklchl Ishl- It was also voted that tho Minister of Fujl-gorSu- - the Interior bo nuthorlzed to make tho knwa. In Takaoka-murruga province, are said to havo become expenditures under Act 2 of tho Council Liiu Hock Sun, LI Hung Chang's strangely nfTected of lute or possessed of of State, according to tho Items containor whatever yon ed In Mr. Howell's letter of May 10th, right hand man nnd tho actlvo enemy a ghost or spiritualized niiiv enll it. always meaning, however. with the exception of $13,000 for "addiof reformers In China, is dead. So a possess tho power tion to postofllcc, Honolulu." thnt thoy havo como to unys or locomotion, aomo Tho Auditor General was Instructed to dispatch received In this city from Yo since, me open every "unpaid approve to bills" stnnd all marked Items doors wcro observed morning, although nobody had dono oven under Acts 2, 3 and 4 of the Council of kohama has it, at any rate, so much na touch them after they had State. Tho Minister of the Interior wus Chineso reformers In Honolulu nro been closed tho night before. In order grnnted a leave of abBcnco for three to probe to tho bottom of the mystery If wetks. Tho matter of taking sand from enthusiastic over tho nows and can possible, n member of the family placed beach at Waiklkl was referred to tho At- hardly contain themselves for happia cup of wnter tho other night over tho torney General. ness. Tho dispatch does not stata how groove In which tho doors slide, but tho following morning tho cup was found to Lau Hock Sun mot death, but tho Chin- American Ship Ashore bo qiilto dry though wo are not sure oao reformers aro of tho opinion that what this test goes to provo. Tho affair May 3. The uo mot a tyrant's rate. LOURHNZO MAHQUES, being noised abroad, a number of neigh- Amerlcnti ship William H. Maccy, CapSun was recently commissioned by bors with the members of tho family kept tain Groth, from Vancouver. Is ashore ono morning subsequently a sharp watch at Cockburn Shoal, Tho Ilrltlsh warship tho Kmprcss Dowager to go to Japan then stood closed. which doors the oer gone to her The to doprlvo tho reformers staying thero. When nil the eyes were off. Just for the Williamhas11. Macey Is of assistance. 2,003 tons. Sho tho protection afforded them In that twinkle of nn eye, tho doors slid open Is 251 feet 9 Inches long. 43 feet 2 Inches of themselves without making any noise. wide, and 23 feet 3 Inches deep, She Is country. Hun aid not succeed In this nil wo know they nro Btlll repeating owned by J.- - C. Kschon & Co., and halls plnn. When LI Hung Chang was ap the samo uncanny manifestations. pointed viceroy of the provlnco of Can from San Francisco. A MoJI paper which tho last mall from ton, sun nnu tho task or seeking out dumb that port brought us says that a living and persecuting reformers. Sun did person named Mntaklcht Tnkao, Something for Labor. In that town, more or less educated, and to apprehend Kwang Yu Wol. , May 3. The employes of his best as years of age, presented himself NBW tho other evening at the MoJI police station the Standard Oil Company in Williams- tho reformor. $ nnd submitted to the chief a sort of pe- burg, Green Point and Long Island City, tition, which said: "It Is my desire to to tho number of fully 6,0u0, today reIt Is reported on tho streets that the serve In the army, liense have me en- ceived an advance In their wages and a projectors of tho new paper havo sent reduction of one hour In their working listed therefor after a physical examina' East for an editor. tion." He supplemented the note by a to IS per cent. OFF FOB THE MANEUVERS lllin illklW VA H. P. Mtr.f II. M Contracts, crraa 'of UA'ITTK a Razor to Make Way With HimselfRoommate Unaware of the Deed. A. despondent Japaneso about twenty years old committed suicide at 11:15 o'clock Saturday morning in a littlo room over a Chineso grocery store near the corner of King nnd Punchbowl streets. His throat wns cut In such n manner ns to form a cross nt tho Adam's apple. In tho room with tho suicide at tho tlmo tho deed was committed was another Japanese, but ho was unaware until tho man of the was In tho throes of death. A dull razor was tho weapon used to end life. A series of jagged wounds covered tho neck directly beneath tho chin, and death soon ensued. When tho suicide's room mato saw tho man lying In a pool of blood In an opposite corner of tho room, ho thought his countryman had a hemorrhage. Ho ran out of tho room calling for assistance and camo back with another Japanese. Uut the man wns dead and tho case waB roported at onco to police headquarters. Deputy Marshal Chllllngworth immediately summoned a coroner's Jury composed of Albert Hoogs, Sam Kubey, Lloyd Conkling, Frank Vlda, James Howson and Chas. Ludwlgsen. Tlio dead man has been in Honolulu but a short time having arrived In January and has been In quarantine most of tho time slnco then. Ho had malarial Tevcr, and, nlthough under tho care of a Japaneso physician did not 6eem to Improve. Despondency Is given as the probablo cause of tho deed. -- - STATIONS FOR THE WIRELESS SYSTEM Locutions Selected on Molokai and Maui by Manager Cross and Export Bowdon. Han-aebcr- g, Expert Uowdon of tho Marconi wiro-Icb- s telegraph company, and P. J. Cross, manager of tho local wireless company, arrived on tho KInau from Maul yesterday morning after a successful business trip In tho lntorests of the company to Molokai and Maul h for tho purposo of selecting tho stations. Ueforo leaving Honolulu they had solectcd a station for tho erection of tho station polo at Kalmukl, near Telegraph Hill, and upon arriving at Molokai pitched on a spot near Kauna-kak- life. "K. J. IMANISHI, Chairman." ou which to establish tho first receiving instrument. Mnkona on Maul was next chosen as tho probablo When tho Mauna Loa has discharged point for tho operation of tho system. present cargo sho will go on tho Theso places together with tho stations her at Waialua, on this Island, and ono at mnrlno railway for an overhauling. Kauai, completo tho lino In Its Initial stages. Work on tho shaping of tho spar poles will bo commenced at onco, their length varying from 1G0 to 225 feet. Tho ono on Kauai will, probably bo fully 200 feet high. In tho opinion of Expert llowden tho locations nro Ideal Accidental and littlo trouble la anticipated lu tho transmission of messages from tho vory tola-grap- al Paw tail New York Line. June 10, 1900, For froight apply to CHAS. BREWER & CO., 27 KUby Street, Uoston,. Or CHAS. DREWER & CO.. LTD., Honolulu;. Steamship Ooi & Oriental Steamship Co1 start, Mr. Cross states that It Is unneces sary to plant tho poles on a mountain ridge, and, nfl a matter of fact, tho established stations should bo placed as far from a mountain ns possible, If thoy g ground, aro to bo located on such as n seashoro, Tho roason for using Telegraph Hill was becaufio no better location at n lower level could bo found for tho purposes of tho company. Tho Instruments have not arrived In Honolulu, but nro on tho way. Tho poles will bo ready to connect with tho delicate receivers as soon as thoy put In an appearance. low-lyin- AND oyo jusen mi sha Steamer of the above companies will call at Honolulu and 1cat port on or about the datea below mentioned: FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: COPTIC AMERICA MARU PEKINQ GAELIO HONGKONG MARU CHINA DORIC I consider it not only a pleasure but NIPPON MARU a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell RIO DE JANEIRO about tho wonderful euro effected In COPTIC my case by tho timely use of Chamber- AMERICA MARU lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea PEKING Kemedy, I was taken very badly with GAELIO flux and procured a bottle of this rem HONGKONG MARU edy. A few doses of It effected a cure. I take pleasure In recommending It to others suffering from that dreadful disease. J. W. Lynch, Dorr. W. Va. This remedy Is sold by For general Information all druggists and dealers. Iienson, -Bmlth Sc Co., Ltd., agenta for H. I, i. MAY GAELIC HONGKONG- MARU CHINA 13 DORIC JUNB 21 NIPPON MARU JUNE 29 RIO DE JANEIRO Jl't.Y 7 COPTIC II LV 17 AMERICA MARU 11 I. V 20 PEKINQ 2 GAELIC M'fl. 10 HONKONG MARU A'0. 18 CHINA AUG. 28 18 MAY 2G JUNE JUNE - C ''. SEPT. 5 apply to till MAY 21 MAY 2J JUNE t JUNE U JUNB JUNB JULY JULY JULY AUG. AUO. AUG. 11 JO 10 17 !7 4 11 11 h HACKFELD A Cc,L'd, r w HAWAIIAN iris (lAKKTTl?. TfliHDAY. MAY IS, IOOO.-H- EMI WKKICIA. Ilrown, who nnltnl thn younn rotipl", Into n Rrow Inn nnd thrtvlnu llttln town. aiwiHitPii by Hr J. K. Mrlwtn, nnd by i New liulldlnps nro uprlnKltiR up, old Arthur tho grtmm nml bin Itrothor. oiim nro being renovated, now linen of Baldwin, who WW! owl limn. Thf tlih-th- . luirttiM nffl iiwlw wny, othrr now lino Alexander Htitlirforil of New nro brine developed, the wntw works York. 'nllro Alexander. Walter Perry nr tmarliic completion, tho tolftiihoiw nnd Walter BUrr, led. Then Jnhimon poinny will pui up now and tnlefnl nm the bride' sitter, Mies IStliel and a mntrnl poll. Individual wire who wan maid of honor. Tilt iifllr" In fad, on every hand nro Hi bride followed, leaning mi her father's rtiiHiK that Walluku ban itartod to I arm. Wi wait gowned In whlto pntln. make a rtondy growth. Now Ik the time it limned with iliirhejHM! lace, and wore and InislnmM men of the a veil Hint foil to tho IntiK train. She U'lillnkn I,, take rlinrtt. (if thr move ' rarrled n bouquet nf Easter llllit with ment and hell) thlnnH along. a nliower arrangement of orange blw- It would bo a ood Investment for leotnii. Her voll wan caught in plnro by e.inio of the nvn who own renl estate In a diamond tho girt or tho Walluku to rwt at least a dozen com- groom. .Mile Ethel Klttrodgo woro pink lortnble ronldonces for ront, Moro than rhlffon nnd carried pink roso.. Mr. E. half a dozen families, to tho nctunl H. Klttredgo woro a handeomo tollot of knowledge of the Nowb man, aro now black laco In n chrysanthemum pattern looking for houses to rent, but In vain. GO FE Wi EIGHTEEN AND R. W. CASTLE over white w.tln. DELEGATION OF Thorn nip a number of vacant lots, Tho ceremony was followed by tha which for years havo stood idle In supper, which was hold In a marqueo any one of which would milto a built on tho Inwn, And while tho gtiP8 It In dctdrnblo Rite for a residence. Steamship Delayed a Half Day on enjoyed tho repast the orchestra playA Surprise Party Given to Miss to be hoped that some of tho property ed appropriate airs. Tho decorations owners will Initiate tho movement nt of tho marquee wore In pink nnd whllo, News Schweizer-Genc- ral Trip Here by Heavy' once, thereby accommodating tho pubone. Evand the sceno was a falry-llk- o lic and enhancing tho va.t.o f.t their Weather. of Maui. erywhere there wero garlands of pink rropcrty a: the came time. geranium against a background of Small Notes. green smllnx nnd ferns, and pink gauze gave a dainty finish. The bride had two (From Monday's Dally.) fSpcclal Correspondence Everything serene at Klhcl. Baloon passengers round table?, ench decorated with pink H. P. Baldwin left for Honolulu on About twenty-Ilv- o MAUI, May 12. Maul Republicans tho Mauna IjOii last night and will go Ml Honolulu yesterday by tho City of rosea. On thn backs of tho chairs woro will endeavor to send eighteen dele- to tho Coast next week. tied ribbon being Peking. Quite a number of kamnalnas used. Easter lilies, white gates to the Honolulu convention to be Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd of Honolulu are wife, In W. It. and Castle tho were opinlist. general visiting Walluku this week as tho convened on the 30th. The At tho first trble wero Mr. and Mrs. accompanied by tho Misses Castle will Frank Baldwin, Miss Ethel Klttrcdse, ion seems to bo that It Is necessary to guests of Judge Kepolkal. suuerSomo sections of Kula are still go direct to Cambridge, Mass., Miss Arthur Baldwin, Miss Bornlco Lnndos, give now political affairs a good", fair ing for rain, although thero have been Robert M. Fitzgerald, Mls3 Joan Hitch, start; and though It will bo very dim-cu- frequent showers In Makawao district. Ituth Nottleton to Chicago; Miss Nellie Gcorgo Wheaton, MUs Carmen Moiro, men Miss Mass.; representative to find eighteen Every mi.,,.i' k after you havo tnicsn White to Wlnchcndon, Wallace Alexander, Miss Besslo Palwho are willing and able to lcavo their your bath and leforo you bhv'5 tken Emily Halstead goes lo the Coast and mer, Wnlter Perry Johnson. Miss Gernrlvnta business to attend the conven your breakfast, go down to tno garucn may extend her trip to Denver, Colo- trude Allen, Walter Starr and Mr and tion of May 30th, still a determined ef and set out a banana plant. It will givo Mrs. Oscar (lowing'. At tho second fort will be made to do so. .Maui pco-jil- you an appetite for your brcakfa.it, and rado, on account of her health. There wero Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lund-borwas plenty of room on the Peking this as a rule, take their politics soberly, also a hrcakfast for your appetite. Miss Florence Hush, Dr. Itoy regarding them a duty rather than a Miss Eleanor Wnrner, Francis Professor Crawley tff tho Hawaiian trip. Tho following Is the Honolulu pleasure. Comnany of Honolulu, arriv list of departures: Johnson. Miss Florence Star", Edmund Fertilizer resitho 17th It Is stated that on the s, Baker. Miss Mary Barker, Philip Clay, ed on tho Clamllno and spent tho night Miss Emily Halstead, Miss A. dents of tho different precincts will Wednesday In Walluku. Ho loft for Ha Miss Emma Greenwood, Bernard Mll- W. It. Castle and wife, Miss Mar- W. Miss Jean Howard and Bryant elect delegates to an Island convention na on tho Clamllno on Thursdny afterto bo held at Walluku on tho 23d. noon and will return to Walluku on tho garet Castle, Miss M. B. Castle, Miss Gnmwood. The appointment of Mr. Dole as Gov- Clnudlnc this afternoon. Thp guests included many prominent Ituth Nettloton, Miss Nellie M. White, ernor gives general satisfaction among Tourist navel Is a sine qui non of W. L. Grieve, Miss J. K. Grieve, II. puoplo, among them will known Hathe people of tho Island. real good limes on tho Islands, ami no P. Williams. Mrs. J. P. Murray, C. W. waiian families, for Mr Baldwin Is a cnus-lof the S. T. Alexanders and is more Urn. slioulci no lost in getting Schwoizor Surpriao Tarty. It. D. Sllllman, It. D. alfo rclnl'l to other famillos high In them down hero Organize an advertis- Waters,P.Mrs. was party M. Walton, wife, C. surprise and evening Jones a Last sxclal and financial circles of Hnnolult.. ing and invitation bureau, wit'i, ray tendered Miss Claire A. Schweizcr at Alatau T. Atkinson or Lorrln Tbiuston, L. Schweitzer, Mrs. L. Ahlborn, L. of this it All woli nown Jr., E. J. Walker, F. E. Richard- weretherepresented. famlll3 tho Hamalcunjiolso homo of Mr. and at. its head, and the dimes spent In tho son, W. II. Rush. Mrs. W. S. Nlcoll. After a. rendezvous enterprise will mi'iiii dollars to the & ut B. D. Baldwin's, n largo number of Poking Half Day Lato. COMPROMISE REJECTED. ber Makawao friends sang "Suwanco Judge Kepolknl will do politics on City of Peking, Captain Smith The Itlver" to the accompaniment of guitars Maul. gone man ijckI wur.f. Stockholders harbor Kaxnalo Dolinquont In front of tho Nlcoll verandahs until However, if !"' mon really aro needed to in commnnd,pastarrived off theSaturday eight o'clock Will Wot Tako OHr. tho young lady was summoned forth, lend t!ic .'if par;.-- ! en about halt political and the surprise was completed. Tho Maui, It is to be hoped that sun l mi :. night. On account of a delay In the fho delinquent stockholders of the ovenlng's entertainment consisted of as .Tudgt l'er.ilkrtl will con-.it tl.o quarantine physician's visit consequent tho reading of sundry phophesles as to front, for Ii bfiorgs to that cl.ie of upon tho new outbreak of plaguo at Kamalo Sugar Company met again In Miss Schwclzor's futuro during tho com- mon who mako ft.Uhful frlenda l g.i. Hongkong, the vessel did not reach the Foster Hall Saturday evening for tho dock until nearly 11 o'clock. The Pe- purpose of discussing tho compromise ing decade of years, and of popular cho- lant foes extremely heavy ruses on tho lanal, to tho music of guiNlcol Jackson, formerly on tno Ho king experienced Hustace ami othtars and ukuleles. The prophetic utter- nolulu nollco force, has como home to weather after leaving tho last Japanese proposition of Frank management. Atances were from thirteen letters from Walluku and cstabl.Bhcd an agency for port which slowed her down to 170 ers of the company's torney W. A. Henshall was tho chairdifferent unknown friends, and were tho transaction of several lines of busi knots n day for a short period, and thus man nf tlin mooting, which lasted about delayed her arrival in Honolulu by either of a romantic or humorous ness. Mr. Jackson is an active and gave everybody a chance two Tho nudlenco seemed to think young man, ono of tho kind nearly twclvo hours. She should have to hours, and talk. that they wero decidedly humorous. that new Walluku Is attracting. Ho is a been sighted early In the forenoon ot Tho threat of bankruptcy proceedings About the 1st of Juno Miss Schwetzer of E. IJ. Frlol, formerly of Saturday. Despite the buffettlng of the departs for her home In La Crosse, Wis- Waikanu. Ho has opened a place of seas during tho heavy stress few of the iic.aln.qt tlin comnanv did not occupy much of tho discussion, and tho main passengers became sick. consin, after a residence of three years business adjoining tho Iao stables. topic was narrowed down to tho comat Haiku. An elegant farewell luau was given Plaguo Hongkong. in promise. This was an offer on the part Today, the 12th, Mrs. II. A. Baldwin at Walkapu on Tnursday evening last of Hamakuapoko gives a lunch party by W. Cornwcll to his sister, Miss Kate Afier leaving Hongkong tho ship Hew of tho company to give them $10,000 In in her honor. It Is to bo a "pink Cornwoll, who goes to Honolulu next the yellow symbol of disease at each cash nnd $15,000 in paid up stock, which tney deemed nnaiiy to reject. fifty-fiv- e Juncheon," week. Over forty guests wore present port Killed at. She carried 191 steerage, of passengers cabin and menu, foun exqulslto enjoy the to tho Ttfaunncht Seminary. wero Japanese, dation of which was Hawaiian with whom tweuty-thre- o What the Kidneys Are DurinK tho afternoon of the 9th the American trimmings. After dinner tho threo European and tho rest Chinese. trustees of Maunaolu Seminary hold'a guests adjourned to tho dancing par Two of the Japanese wero landed here. meeting at Bala plantation office, 'ine lors, charmingly decorated In honor of Of tho cabin passengers S. Mori and K. business transacted was concerning tho ti.o occasion, and "tripped to tno wan- Mlyomoto, kamnalnas, returned homo, M puis do. whllo Mr. George W. Trimble and annointment of two now teachers from ton plcaslngs of a Into" till midnight. George E. Frlsble, who nro travelling tho Coast. Miss Simpson resigns nt tho Tho S. S. Mnnaucnso, Captain end of tho present term, and an ad seven days and sixteen hours by easy stages will remnin over until It's the duty of the kidneys to sco ditional teacher will bo necessary when from San Francisco, reached Kahulul the next steamer for the Coast. Tho Peking landed 230 tons of gen- that tho blood keeps puro tlin new building at Sunnysldo is taken yesterday, with a general cargo and Not to mako now blood tho food wo possession of by tho school. By tho four passengers. Sho will probably eral merchandise consisting mostly of way, thero is no school uuimuig on me clear for San Francisco with sugar soy for Chinese and Japaneso mer- oat does that, but to remove from tho Islands, outsldo of Honolulu, that can about tho 20th Inst. Sho will also take chants. Tho purser reports that Hong- blood all tho poisons and Impurities nt all bo compared with tho new Mau- passengers. Sho has elegant saloons kong Is agnln an infected port, and up naolu Seminary, cither In slzo or as to and cabins, more so than any steamer to tho time of departuro there wero reg- tho waste matter that Is gathered up istered on an average of four cases during Its circuit of tho body. architectural beauty. It has been paint- which has yet touched at Kahulul. Jap.Theso poisons aro deadly. ed an India red with trimmings of Tho Maul Telephone Company aro a day, usually fatal. None of tho quarIf they aro not taken out of tho white, tho roof being green with white preparing to put up now tolophono posts aneso ports aro under tho ban of blood by tho natural llltors, tho kidborders. Tho carpenters say that it will In Walluku to replaco tho old ones. Tiie antine at present. neys, they aro carried back to tho bo all completed some tlmo In August new posts will bo painted black from Princo's Wedding Celebrated. next. heart, and nro started out again all tho baso somo six or eight feet high, Tho wedding of tho Crown Prince through tho body. Miscollanooue. and whlto from thonco to tho top. There Of courso they causo disease. largo posts for the ot Japan was celebrated In grand style During tho 9th the schooner J.cnnle will bo twenty-fiv- e Wo can't bo healthy If our blood isn't Wand arrived In Hana with a general main streets and as many smaller ones on tho Peking on Friday tho 11th of for tho side streets. Individual wires this month by tho twenty Japanese on puro. cargo for liana plantation. When our kldnoys aro sick our back Tho 1th tho schooner Emma Claud will bo run to each houso, savo whero board. Nothing was too good for them aches. That's a way thoy havo ot tell champagne was freely uncorked. Ina arrived in Kahulul with lumber for tho patrons dcslro to havo moro than and It will Tho following Is tho list of through ing us thoy need help. Kahulul K. It. Co., eighteen days from ono 'phono on tho samo lino. contemprobably bo July beforo all tho passengers for San Francisco: Puget Sound. It's the duty of Doan's Backache KidcenIncluding plated changes, now tho ney Pills to euro sick kldnoys. Weather: Continual showers In cenEmilio Barbaraux, P. Blanc, completed. In Walluku, are tral They know their duty well. Brattz, U. S. N., Miss Irene Cartral Maul. Tho rainfall of tho week has aggregated nearly thrco Inches In cerThoy nro performing It horo in Horoll, S. T. Conn, A. F. Clarko, Miss Fels, L. Goo. Kllnck, M. B. Godrlz, It. Hall, tain localities. nolulu. During tho 7th, Japanese from the G. Beers, Wm. Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Hero's a case In point: districts of Makawao and Walluku celJohn Carroll, Mastor John Carroll and Mr. II. H. Smytho, of Inter-Islan- d Mrs. Coldren nnd two childservant, ebrated the marriage day of the Crown S. S. Co., this city, writes to toll us OF ren, Marquis Alfonso Forrero, Mrs. that ho was afflicted with a lamo back Prince of Japan by horso racing at Fels, Miss E. E. Fels, Mrs. Leo Gap for a number of years. "Ascribing tho Pala. Today, tho 12th, the schooner Lyman and family (7), Mr. and Mrs. B. to the kldnoys and hearcauso of Mr. Goes of to Soalo, Who D. Foster arrived In Kind with coal. Work and servant. C. Kllnck, Miss ing aboutthis Kidney Backacho Doan's Itlchllou, Siamese Sho has not entered tho custom house do A. du Plessls Guam in tho Intorest of tho I got somo of them nt the Hollis-to- r as yet, but Is said to have been nearly Navy, Fred Sperry, E. C. Sheuton, E. F. Pills, Drug Co.'s store. They relieved mo 100 days from Australia. Bishop Mutoum. Wood, M. Barry, J. A. Mageo, Mrs. L. Wednesday night, tho 9th, sho ship S. V. Mustard, Master Mustard, Geo. B. so much that I am perfectly satisfied Z. Carleton arrived In Kahulul, having Sperry, Mrs. Geo. B. Sperry, Marino with tho result of having taken them, been towed from Honolulu by tho It iippvani that Mr. Sculp, who went lo Solauaz, Mrs. E. F. Wood, Miss Wood, nnd can recommend tho pills to others, sufforing from backacho." a D. M. Bristol, A. W. Seymour. steamer uiauuinc. ane will take a car- Ciuam by tho Warren to gather Doan'B Backacho Kidney Pills arc go of sugar around tho Horn to New for the lllsliop Museum, 1ms had a becoming popular in Honolulu York. good deal of travel and oxperlonco n an N- KITTREDGE. BALDWIDuring tho 11th the steamer Manau- - exploring hclentlst. Ho la u Stanford 'M thoy aro always ondorsod by Hoonso arrived In Kahulul, 9 days and 10 man who Iiuh covered rising 30,000 nolulu pcoplo. nnd Baldwin wedding lien m ot In In Alaska, Mexico Frank Siberia nnd The nours from San Francisco. Sho had Our kldnoys filter our blood. They of xclentlllo tieclmenn for tlu Miss Harriett Klttredge, which occurred four passengers, one tourist and threo search work night and day. Whon healthy university. Lately proved that the carpenters to work on tho Makawao birds from Kauat, ho presented by Francis In Oakland on April 20, is described by thoy remove nbout BOO grains of bominary building. Sho had a general flay to tbu museum, belonged to a new tho San Francisco Call as follows: matter dally. Whon unhealthy species of petrel. Ho hns spent several cargo. No prettier wedding hns been seen somo part of this Impure matter Is left mouths collecting birds for the museum, and perfecting Its belies. Ho and Mr. this year than that which was celebrat- In tho blood, This brings on many disIlryan found u seagull new to these Islat tho hamlsomo homo of Mr. and eases nnd symptoms pain In tho back, TAKEN FROM THE NEWS. ands, on Kauai during n recent trip, and ed brought back about IN) specimens, many Mrs. E. H. Klttredgo tonight when Miss headache, norvousness, hot dry skin, Borne Clippings from tho Livo being very rare, somo skeletons, and an Harriet Klttredge becamo tho brldo of rheumatism, gravel, gout, disordered uli'innlka of record size. Tills Is a round Frank Baldwin of Honolulu. Tho oycslght and hearing, dizziness, lrreg-tilJournal of Walluku. 8tcm which was used for rolling down a was elegantly decorated for thci heart, doblllty. drowsiness, drop anIs an nnd mountain, with associated The following is taken from tho Maul cient Hawaiian national game. event, and over 200 guests wero presont sy, deposits In tho urlno, etc. But If Nows of May 12: Mr. Hcnlo Is making an exhaustive, at tho coremony nnd tho supper which you keep tho filters right you will havq study of Polynesian ornithology, and followed, no troubio witu your Kiunoys. Now Foroat Wanted. to inalio a complete collection of Tho marriage took placo In tho draw- Doan's Backacho KIdnoy Pills aro ing room, which was a bower of pink Bold It 1s a tradition of tho Hawallaus on sptclniens. by all druggists and storekeepers roses arranged with pink satin rlbbDnti Maul that at ono tlmo not so very re. nor box (six noses ror i.'.&u) mote, a forest extended from Walluku PAPERS WILL BE HEAD . and gauzo along golden rods. Bermuda at 50 cents on receipt of price by to Maalaea Bay, running raauka of tho lilies woro also used and tho effect was or will bo mailedDrug Co., Honolulu, road to tho very foot of tho pall: That Soedo to bo Distributed, nt tho Far- extremely beautiful. A itrellls of pink tho Holllstor wholosalo agents for tho Hawaiian roses enure section, as wen as tho Makawao bay whero separated window, tho mer's Instituto Mooting, tho scrvico was said from tho recep-- . Islands. and Kula district, havo been entirely denuded of trees, so that tho unfenced At tho open meeting of tho Farmers.' tlon room. Tho wldo hall was In whlto portions aro na baro and desolate as an Instituto next Friday Professor Crawley and green snowballs, bridal wreath and W. N. Armstrong will probably not Idaho sago brush plain. It Is hoped and will read n paper on "Experiment Sta- - woodwardln ferns being caught horo bolleved that ono good result of tho or tlous;" W. A. Bryan, tho taxidermist, an nnd there on dmnrinllnr.Q nnd atnlrrnsn return to Honolulu until very lato this ganization of tho Maul plantors will bo urUclo on the birds or theso Islands, and with whlto gauzo. Tho music room Was fall. Ho will remain at Washington .. F. Sedgwick will report on somo until tho close of tho Congressional to reset much of this territory with a T. In purple am ) allow, tho fln... made at Kumeliamelm School season, and Is not known to havo auy new forest. Such a thing Is omlnently perlmcnts nrlous kinds of Borghum for fod- - ors used being Spanish Iris and yellow deflnlto planB after that until ho is practicable, and tho good results which der. Tho seed for tiicfe experiments camel Iris, with marigolds and palo and dark , He will who'yoHow satin ribbon. Tho dining room ready to return to Honolulu. will spring from It will repay a hundred from tho Secretary of ABrleuit-m'n ;,.,. Scuirwlck to Mr. forwarded In tho East for several has i?nii ,i romaln probably u.i,u ioiu tne time and expense which It will kindJust n" "l B,eo,.Vlk, 5? of cotton seed In regard to which ho Promptly at 8:J0 o'clock tho strains months. coal. would like to havo exhaustive oxpcii-- l nirnts made hero and full reports rub- - nf Mendelssohn's "Weddlnc MnrMi" nn. " Walluku Thriving. mltted. Borne other kinds ifnl tho inipsta thn.;.?52..i.:. II ' Most of the laborers of the American Walluku, like a chrysllls, is throwing will ulso bo distributed to persons who ?"".:',,,; been cent over to havo Company Sugar niuii-- iu plant una cultivate tnepi and report " drawing 'i uu uio oneu or. rogyum and emerging will room by Rev. Charles It. Kthei Plantation. , tho thu results. 0NPE WILL COM Imnerinl Republicans Leave for Coast. That Island. Wnl-ltik- Hundreds Gather to Listen to Eloquent Speeches and Cfioico Music Last Evening. min-bu- (From Saturday's Dally.) When yon want tho Hot Hay, Fopd or Grain, ot tho Right great demonstration and celebra PIces, order from tion on the part of the Japanese colony took plnce last night on tho grounds of tho Japanese Primary School Houso on CALIFORNIA FEED Co, Nuuanu street. Hundreds of Japanese TELEPHONE 121. wore present and a goodly number ot people of other nationalities were also on hand to take part In tho festivities. Tho occasion wns in honor of tho Imperial wedding of tho Crown Prince, Yoahlshlto, and tho Princess Sada Ku-JBeginning at C o'clock last evening, several hours of music, merrymaking, speeches, refreshments and congratulation on the account of tho Princo and Princess woro spent most successfully and in a manner most enjoyable to till. Japanese lanterns illuminated tho grounds, huge tables groaned under the weight of tropical iruits, daintily prepared flan, tempting sweetmeats and cooling drinks. Bergor's band was out In nil Its accustomed force and attraction, and popular Japaneso tunes woro presented together with Hawaiian melodies, "Tho Shamrock Is forbid by law to grow on Irish ground," and other famous American selections. IS THE BEST A congratulatory address was dollv-oroby tho was committee drafted It of arrangements and will be forwarded to the Imperial household by the next mall. Tho Japaneso national anthem was sung with vigor and enthusiasm by every man, woman and child present For people In this climate. who know tho language. American and Hawaiian (lags hung gracefully In tho company of the Japanese banner. Hawaiian and American beauties walked happily It is a ValuabloRomcdy for General with the little ladles of Japan, and American and Hawaiian cheers rang out bravely on tho evening air in conjunc- DEBILITY, tion with the cheers of the little brown BILLIOUSNESS, men when they romoved their hats and cheered for tho bride and groom. NERVOUSNESS, Among those who delivered addresses wore: Imanlshl, manager of tho local MALARIA, ETC. branch of tho Yokohama Specie Bank; T. Matsuda, Y. Soga, editor of tho Hawaii Shlnpo, and S. Klmura. Everybody enjoyed the band, as they always do, and Professor Berger seem ed right at homo, for ho was not satis- fled unless he was delighting the multi tude with sweet music, as only Bergor's Band can furnish. Ho Is as popular among the Japaneso as ho Is among the Hawallans and Americans and other peoples, and deservedly so, for whero tho band Is, there Is joy and merry.QQ making, and everybody's nlllkla is. for at least a llttlo while, pau. u, A 1 o. lt HOP ta-b- lo o, g, Bel-do- n, BITTERS En-dor- d. TONIC n, Ahl-bor- n, n. Kit arm-in-ar- m c. PURELY son-in-ln- VEGETABLE. Ftr ' Bar-neso- n, hie mm ox-(,- ,.. .".. ""ii jw Nw, FORT STREET. o e s. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S Chlorodyne Is the Orltaal and Only Genuine Oouchti, Golds, Aothma.. . k l... tism, and hundreds bear testimony to . wrm rw tho truth of this statement. Ono apkiwu plication relieves tho pain, and .this quick relief which It affords Is alono Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne worth many times its cost. For salo Vic Clinllor 8IK W. PAOK WOOD by all druggists and dealers. Benson, pnbllclv In ciiiirtthntlill J COM.U IlltOWHI in donbiMtly the 1NVKSTOU of Smith & Co., Ltd., agents for II. I. thai the whom ttoty f Ibu iluf. uilut. -- til !; 'JII.'.OKO-DYNI- . ' AGENTS. AN ANCIENT BELIEF. Tho ancients bolleved that rheuma-- . tlsm was the work ot a demon within a man. Any one who has had an attack of sciatic or Inflammatory rheumatism will. agree that tho Infliction Is demoniac enough to warrant tho belief. It has never been claimed that Chamberlain's Pain Balm would cast out demons, but It will euro rheuma- rn resl-den- Price $1, May C.ill as Usual. Tub agents of the Occidental and Oriental, and Toyo KIsen Kaisha Steamship lines, II. Hnckfeld & Co., Ltd., havo as yet not been advised that tho steamers of these lines will cease to mako Honolulu a port of call after tho Territorial bill goes Into effect on Juno fifteenth. As was recently announced in the Advertiser, passengers and cargo will not bo carried between this port and San Francisco or other coastal ports by foreign vessels. It Is likely however that these foreign steamships will continue to stop at Honolulu on their way to Asiatic ports. Nothing stands in tho way of their doing business between tills port and the Orient. Plans nro under consideration by.the Japaneso Merchants' Union, for starting a lino of steamships to run between Yokohama and Honolulu, If tho steamers ot thn, first mentioned companies cease to call here. ORNITHOLOGIST POLYNESIA Hpecl-men- i the Cause. Prominent Honoluians Active on In prltes li tho tnnrkrt for Hour nnd feed, and wo follow It cloiely. Bend in your orderi nnd they will be tilled nt (ho lowed market price. The matter of 6 or 10 cent upon a hundred pounds ot feed should not concern you as much as tho quality, at poor feed Is dear at any prico. is! Mnrrintrfi I rr Again JQY'Down J APHIS IKAMAAIKAS Fr. -- THE- Co.. II. !, Browne's Chlorodyne hlc'i .waati PAIN ot calm, Tefr.lilne elrej and 1NVIOOBATM Ii th when vxhautted. I a ItqnM medicine EVEHTKIKI). afford W1THOCT tho nmous AGENTS,FOR THE ami he See The Ttnut. tigrtV-te- IfCI. Dr. J. Collis HONOLULU. CAPITAL, i'.h.i. u'a dellb'relHlr to lay tt hid been ewnrn to. Jul. III in Lancashire Insurance untrui-- , 11KADACI1K, nitcm Great Specific for Cholora, ' Dyoorv-tor- y. Diarrhoea. Company. The Ooneral Board ot netllh. London, a CII ARM ; one drnui port, that tt ACTS eralljr enffldent. 3,000,000. re- e. Paid Up Capital and Funds, 1,087.162. Dr Olhbin, Army Medical Buff. Calcutta, M Insuranco effected against loss or tatci 'Two doica completely cored damage by fire on buildings and con- dlarrbcta," tents of warehouses, office and storo promises and private dwellings at mod- Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne erate rates. la tai TBDX FAIXIAT1VK Ir Prompt and cqultablo sottloment of Neuralsla, Clout, Canoer. losses. ' Toothaohe, Rheumatism. Life business also transacted on favorable terms. ar Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne J Rapidly cuta abort all attack of Capital i' unu anu tie- serve for Uncollected Premiums r iro Fa 10,000,000.00 Palpitation, Hysteria. 23,923,134 M -- The la. IMPORTANT CAUTION. (Ten 16 muu.o bale o( ihlj Renidy baa Fa 33,923.134.16. many Uuacropaloaa Imitation. Fire Insurances effected as above at the Lowest Rates. TfJEYON-IIAM- Epilepsy, Spasms, Collo, I N. B, Erery Bottle of Oennlne Chlorodyne Mara on the Oorrnnnant Stamp the Dane ot la Irmntor. Dr J. Collis Browne. 814 In bottle, la. . 3. W. and 4a. to., by all YOUNG CO.,' cheralat. LIMITED AGENTS FOR THE HAWAII AN ...ISLANDS,,. I j riae U Bole W Manafulnrer. J. T. DAVENPORT, 33 Great Russell St,, London, W. O SI fl HAWAIIAN UA.BTTK ITKHIIAY, Honolulu Aprl) t. China, Ilntmknnx 1i NAVY wM'iil I' It COMMANDS Hrjfiht, Iloimliiin, I I t'hRpman Itlln. April April I. IMRhlnmi l.lphi. Lnhaln KING OF li, Mary I! I'oaler, llonnltilu. April II nnd Mnliukoii llnrrlrt tl Honolulu lrli. Honolulu, April It, th.rlr, Alidmv t nml llnnoluliii Yokohama Hi PghnnK, In Athuunl itu UuU tli Utchulluti, n Mauna Ala. Honolulu. rtuiuhiniu. ld-p.) to. April I, Moonn, llonrtltilu and iVylon Honolulu April J. Hunt Klnimnn of thn Urnut Oitiditml. April Honolulu r, Honolulu. 8itMIK. Uuim 22 II. ) llltlnf, Honolulu, April 14. J ruDom Muhm ntWaihI. Hnnn April Knhulul. Alohn. Honolulu. IMwHhl Honolulu. Nippon Maru HotiKkont. Admiral du IMntU do Ulciiallcii, and Honolulu. April P. Mnrtlm In chlof of Ills IniMtirlrtl Slnm-on- o ''Vk8HK! AND LOADING -- For navy, vvns n thiotiRli UP Mnjet)"s Willinms, Dimond and Company's Ilnnolulu, Albert, Arrher. flrarRr Oiirtln tho Clly of l'okliifi vostenlny. H 11 IIder. Falls of OI)de, Hilo. for Letter Says the Price Is LowerArnle Johnoou. Kteamer Mnnaiii'iwv, for Tho dislltiKUlshed olllcor Is n direct IIIlo, Ma Knhulul nnd Mahukona of tlio family of the exeat ed by Refirrries. Ho Is now on a. vaIllclielleu. THK CABINET MEETS. which will comprlso n visit tour, cation The latest MiRnr letter from Wllllum. and Kuiotio. Tho Dlmonil & Co., furnished for publication aioney for Council of Stato Uilln to to tho United Suites Paris i:po3ltlon Is tho objective of Ills li bo Availnblo. tlio courtcay of Mevarii. Sclinefcr A. tnni- - frlii. and two months find perhaps Co , Ih ilntcil May 1st. nnil contains notli The money recently npproprlattd by the liiB In regard to tho election of Presilonucr will be spent amid the wonders bo available. Council of Stnte will soon dent Dole ns the first Governor of the The Cabinet jistcrdny morning Instruct- of the great fair. Territory of lliiwnll. Tlio letter Dtnteii ed thn Auditor Gemrnl to communicate Tho Admiral Is a native of Denmnrk Minister of Finance nnd take and has been a naval ollkcr of the Danthat the tariff and navigation laws, as with tho put They Into effect. bills to Bteps the his position In nro now In foreo tlio United States, also voted to publish 1.000 copies of the ish navy, icllnmilBhliiB Included In tlio Hawaiian bill as imsscd, Hawnllati bill for distribution. W. O. thero to assume the nigner one uuv.ie.-wl.llo tlio prohibition clause Is subject Smith mnde a report nbout hla Wash- him by the King of Slam, lie has been ington trip nnd tho sltuntlon thero so i.. ci.,.., tnr nniriv ihlrtv v oars, and en to whutever restrictions tlio locul far ns It concerns us. The San Francisot that may put upon It. As to the clause co impels, he suld, had tho facts about joys the conlUlonco of the i tiler providing for the deportation of tlio Chi- strnlght. No news enmo from Judge country to tho utmost, no uu .. Copon expectid the of a licet of about llfty light-,i.nese and other Asiatics, It Is staUd that Ilartwtll, whoofIs acting Circuit Judges Salaries r. i.nccolo nt thn LTiinho.it tVHO. tho It has been illmlnatid from the bill en- tic. 2. up to May will bo paid largest being 3,000 tons, tho llagshlp of tirely. tho Ailmltnl, ana oniieu mo .vihhu Sugar prices have been lowered b the This vessel Is 300 feet long and rcllnerlcs, quoted at 3 23 slnco April 23 ilflnen knnt.s. with four tn tnni As to New York rctlned, tho llgures oro eight iitiick- unchanged slnco the same date. The cirArmstrongs, nulck-flrln- g ..... I ' cular reads as follows: wiuitum ...tl ami wu Inllllnllllll arlng AND SUGAlt. Hoth rcllnerlcs lowered prices 1S92. In Scotland 23d per on the following list: ult., as Uomlnos, half barrels 5.73, boxis GOO, The Siamese navy list, said tho Ad-or Cubes (A), crushed and llnu crushed, yestcrdny, contains tho names miral EW, Powdertd. CM, Candy Granulated, Quotations from Willott and Gray's twenty-on- o essels ot over ono hundred 0.10, Dry Granulated Fine, 5 00; Dry GranWeekly Statistical Trade Jourtons, ten of these being over 500 tons, ulated Coarse, 5 00, Confectioners' A, 5 00, .Magnolia A, 4 CO, llxtrn C, 4 Do. Golden C, besldo3 theso there aie four gunboats, nal of Now York. 4.40 Dry gr.inuluted for export to Hoono training ship, ono torpedo storo nolulu lias also been reduced, now quotship, threo transports, four dispatch ed slne April 21d at 3 25. yachta. A gunboat reHAS1S. April 3d, spot sale 3U0 tons at su- boats nnd five statistical and Willett neil.il Gins 1 Is called Hongkong C. & b s.ilo 1,400 tons at 4 3S5c, at built cently gar trade Journal for April 20, published April flth, to nirlvo ealo 1,000 tons, 4 Thero aro also forty steamers Mi, to uriKo salo C'00 tons, C. & at New York, has the follov.ing nbout and launches from ono hundred tons P. sale 3,800 tons, 4 43o, 10th, 750 tons, sugar 4.47c, C. A. r. sale Ti.OOO tons, 4 51c; 11th, downwards, for government service on A fair amount of raw surars HAWS to nrrHo salo C30 tons, 4 12th, spot and nlong tho coast. Ten for tale in the absence of tlte l.rg. si the river men ato nvailablo In five sule 1,200 tons, I 17th, spot sale thousanu tons, 4 C. &. V. salo 400 tons, 4 51c, bu i r from thn market uiahlcd tho ludo reflueis to obtain supplies at sinus for set vice In this navy of no 15th, spot fenlo 2,700 tons, 4 C. & V. pendent ptr pound reduction, bringing the sale 2...O0 tons, 4.47c, 20th, to arrho sale mean proportions, besides a tcsorve of quotation tor ccntllfugals at 4 500 tons, 4 lor Ob 23d, C. & I', salo WW tons, The weekly lecelpts weic 2,000. 4 3?3c. Lull, 1,300 tons, 4 42c, 30th, C. &. V. mgrte test. Tho marine Infantry, recruited from tons sale 3,200 tons, 4 45c, making net basis for reduced- to 29.S57 tons, ng.ihiht 50,411 Island sugars on that date. New York luht week, and 3I.C80 tons for eoi respond- tho Inhabitants of tho maritime proving week Inst 4 45c;San 4 vial. 075c. Pranclsco, inces, between 22 nnd 14 years of ago, ItEFINED. Thero has been no change numbers 15,000 in six shifts, besides a NIllV YOHK ItDKINCD has remained of the quotations conditions In oi the unchnnged since our Inst advices, dry mnrket at the East. A decline of first and second reserve of 3,000 and ginnulatcd still quoted at 5c, equal to 10c per 100 pounds was made at Sail Franrespectively. At tho mouth of tho 4 P3o net. cisco, but not followed here. The only Monnm river aro the Paknam forls. Tho LONDON BCHTS April 3d, 10s 1 shading of a few are tho concessions 7th, 10s, 3 5th, 10s 2 11th, 10s guides of softs for lound lots, lty the bar prevents ships of more than 13 t. 4 12d, 10s ud, 23d, 10s 3 20th. clectlno of raws, howevei, tho dlffoionce draught from ascending to Bang10s 5 27th, 10s Cd, 23th, 10s 1 Id, and between laws and refined Is lulsed to 63c feet kok. 30th, 10s Cd. pel 100 pounds, leaving Just n slight In taking a casual glanco at tho AdLONDON CADLC, April 25th, quotes chunee for u decline to bo made In fall rellned, Java No. 15 D. S , 12s 10 b the Independents or Hit miral ono would hardly pick him out either lis Pd, May beets, 10s 4 principal rellntrs, though thero ate no distinguished man ho Is. In ap& Gray estimate piefcunt Indications of any change. At for tho STOCK. Wllktt G In United States four ports April 23th, total the clobe there Is less likelihood of a de- pearance ho Is nbout 5 feet Incheswell stock, 177,11'.! tons, against 202,397 tons cline In vlow of the firmer tone of the height, broad of shoulder, with a seme time last ear. Cuba six principal uiw sugar market. No further delay In moulded head and stolid countenance, poits, 104,000 tons, against SC.OSG tons, to tic liveries be)ond April 30th Is gi.mted, familiar among classes of men who aro tnl stock In all principal countries at lat- and demand is only for immediate re habitually enslaved to discipline. Ills est uneven dates, by cable April 10th, Grocers' blocks ate light, qulicmcnts tons, against 2,080,749 tons, however, and wo look for a largo bust race Is tnnned by his thirty yeais and Slunder last jear, 414 tons. sun of ness after May 1st, especially It bujers oxposnro to hot the more ot UAbTCUN AND FOREIGN MAHKI3TS ait, given tho privilege of extending de- am, where tho heat In the capital city Owing to local condltfons, the New liveries over Beveial weeks. Yolk market declined the llrst part of Tho American Sugar Hetlnlng Co give sometimes registers as high ns 105 to 110 In the middle of tho day. tho month, but Improved toward the mid- notice todnv that any unfinished portion explilng by limitation on dle of tho month, followed by a slight re- of contracts action. Latest advices Indicate a stron- April 30th will lio canceiieu. from Jan-,ger market, with tono and tendencies In SAN, FRANCISCO Receipts rv 1st in Anrll 15th. 1900. 3I.S19 tons. favor of hollers. Cane sugars have been last 37,311 je.ir. same time supply tons from tho fact that against in plentiful many Cuban sugars havo been shiplu jipni N.EVV junuuiy ped by steamer Instead of sailing 12th, 1900 Receipts, 45,433 tons beet, lJ.S'U tons cane. Total. 67.82G tons, against 19,- vessels, especially from tho south-sldports, and It is thought that receipts 433 tons snmo time last year. from this section of the Island will bo CURA CROP. Government weaiuer rediscontinued later on when they have ports for week ending April 14th followsIn Meets Lnnfcdnlo in tho Finals and Rainfall Scattered showers occurred finished grinding. nt nil iilstrlnlR. Rnins lire needed crop havo ,,.,,-tLatest estimates of tho Cuba Plniir del Rio. Downs Him Threo Lovo been reduced from 335,000 tons to in nnrthfirn ntlfl KmithWPfltMatunzas, araln San 315,000 tons, and somo authorities leduco nnd generally In Havana, Handily. anu Bouineasiern siiumuk" ") It to 300,000 tons, say, nearly 60,000 tons ta Clara beneficial rains occurred In Puerto PrinciIces than last year's crop. Mntanzis of parts southeastern pe and From Porto Itlco wo look for shipments Havana cane It is thought that Cane In northeastern after May 2d, although 10,000 (From Monday's Dally.) tons, as tho planting on an extensive scale progresses, these will not exceed Havana active total crop for export is estimated to be nnd in southeastern singles, In tho tennis gentlemen's The spring for being mnde nro portion largo from 20,000 to 23,000 tons, a Mntanzas tournament were concluded on SaturIn northwestern of It rea"dy for export having already plantings. cuno plantdeteriorating and Is refinmldsenson club been disposed of to United States ing suspended by lack of rain, which is day afternoon on tho Pacific tennis ers. greatly needed, preparation of ground courts and resulted as follows: InLatest advices from Europe by mall Matonzut southwestern In Semi-finaF. C. Atherton defeated dicate an Incrcaso in area of sowings continues. up and sprouts, which are coming from 3 per cent to per cent In Germany, cane Tho sots rain, jet preserve a guem up E. K. Adams, per cent to 10 per cent In Austria, about well need preparation of ground contin were good ones with tho exception of 5 per cent In Russia, and In Prance somo pear.ince, ues. .iinmiizun useu In southeastern a racket In which Adams as 10 per districts may reach as highsugar planting con tho first from rains occurred In parts, and which handicapped his play to a considcent. Tho comparisons with u.uiu .viainnzuH northeastern In tinues. folPorto Itlco under tho new bill nro as 00 looks well, but needs rain, woims aie erable extent. Ho changed It after the testing lows: Porto Itlco 0centrifugals Injury to sprouts. In somo set and a remarkablo improvement per cent will pny 253c per pound, equal walking! ,mrti,u.sirin Snntn. Clurn ilrv weather llrst to J3G61 per ton of 2,210 pounds. Porto brought planting to a standstill, spilng in his play resulted. Though Adams sugars In tho last set, Itlco Muscovadoes and molasses a good prospect, nnd grind- played up wonderfully many testing 89 per cent will pay 0 21Co per caneIsprcbents guns for Atherton carried too ncarU completed. In southwestern pound, equal to JIS3S ptr ton of 2,240 ing cane spring considerable Clara him and won on his nerve. tariff Santa pounds. As against tho DIngley of poor qualltj , fal was It giound, but S. G. Wilper I.CSjc won from sugars M. Lansdalo of P. rotes on other enno wus doing fairly well; soil diy and Tho winner went to pound on centrlfugnls testing 90, equal to cane der, kum .spring cuiiu. plant to nttUtil lain 1.11c 2,210 pounds, and per ton of $37,741 ing completed at several of the l.ugest pieces In tho Eccond set but recovered per pound on Muscovadoes and molassts ... ,ti...lu In nrtrlll. nsterll S.inta Clam sugars testing 89, equal to J32.23G per ton grinding' was Interrupted by Hols Wetk sufficiently to pull the match out of the of 2,240 pounds. uui is neuuy vuihiuciv., fire. SITUATION. Tho Ha- observances, POLITICAL Final. P. C. Atherton won this year's ore In good condition, and the tho Con- sprouts has begun. In singles by defeating P. M. Lansdalo, waiian bill, as agreed upon byparsed spring of tutting and northeastern Puertocino Prlnclpo tho ciop ference Committee, has been President Both men tired exceedingr.. n.titlntiu nrn sritlsfttetOl : gl llUlltlg received tho signatuio of the Its continues, and tho quality is better than ly towards tho close. Lansdalo was April 30, and will, In accordance with forty-Iho terms and conditions, tnko tltect expected In toutnwesiern naiiiuigo uv nervous and Athorton played with him das from and after dato of tho ap- Cuba tho ' Ibabel" Is about tho onlj censets. Ho made a proval thereof, excepting only as to sec- tral grinding, and preparations to plant In tho llrst two effort to get even In tho third, to appropriations, which pprlng cane continue. In southeastern tion 53, relating upon tarapproval. The Santiago tho weather was favotablo and but had to succumb to Athflrton's su- -' shall take effect iff and navigation laws nro tho Bnmo as grinding continues. erlor plax. This year's winner has ImAirojo, April 15th, 1W now In forco In the United Stntes. Ihe l'ORIO RICO, his appear-anc- o According to jour sugar review ut proved considerably since prohibition clause Is subject to regulain the final last year and should esti lowcied jour have 6th, sou April tions and restrictions as tho Territorial Legislature shall provide. Tho clauso de- mate of our Porto Itlco crop to low win at least ono set from Elston, tho r, In our opinion tills bhould bo porting Chnleso and other Asiatics has who will meet him to de yet to perhaps 25,000 tons, iib facts been eliminated from the bill. tied In first of Hawallans will provo very soon Taking for Instance fend his tltlo at tho conclusion of tho COITIin. Stock comprises ladles' singles to bo played this week. this district of Arroyo, which hands today is 1.652 bags., llgures quoted JobArrojo, Guayamn and Maunabo Pntillas, Entries for tho ladles singles close In our last circular are still held, but was last nrnilnctlon no sales linrn nml thn Lniin..a high, ii too theso consider bers this evening at Pearson and Potter's Prices will probably Jear over lO.OoO hhds , will scarcely reach or havo been repotted. lief tho Pacific tennis club at G o'clock. oro business can 5,000 this season, duuio uuii.w hnvo to bo ledticed jet, as froma a radical change Maunnbo faro jnuch worse 4,000 bo done, unless there lageneral hhds. nroductlon of market. nn nvnrnc-A Talo of PariB. in tho condition of tho IUCI2.-T1- 10 market for Louisiana Is j ear drops to 1,000 this crop. Similar re ujubuv., ports como iroiu small offerings ntC Is a story of Pftrls, by quiet, with but "VVo "Slanders" to quoto 3 t,,nin Arrnllin. nnd. ill fact, the Whole llgures. ImDarron, that has attained a big quality. Japan-T- l.o Island. Somo sugar will bo exported now onco on account of tho pasbigo of Hie ported nrllclo Is In llko demand at of do- nt it gives a vivid Idea 'of tho llfo of 15 per cent tariff bill, but this will Btop salo. stock duty paid. Thero Is a fair Price bo surprised If the tho studios In tho Latin Quarter of tho not to wo would 3c soon nnd seed. Japan mestic from actual 1900 crop would fall even below gay Fronch city, and a charming lovo tons. , , , one transaction nnATtTimS. Only Tho episodes are 40s. ship COFFEE. The contract marnei nun drama Is Interwoven. at a,, iron slrco our last, during the most of graphically pictured nnd hold tho readbarley. Con- been - weak and lower Orders to load wheat and n. llttlo towards 1....1.tho milfoil i.ut Improvement, no er's attontlon. Tho book Is of 330 pagos suming markets show spot tonnage closo with May quotations G.C5 to G.70, uni nnd hnndsomely bound. J. M. Webb of a scarcity of consumption C.S5 to G90. Tho September to disposition havo shown llttlo because the Golden Iliilo Bazaar soll3 "Man- havo ono trade Is In n depressed condition country. operate. At this writing no the dors," und has besides many now novels held at 43s Cd orders. of largo holdings throughout free shin In port, growing to effect being made nro crop continues Extra efforts Prospect for tho sales. Tho Arbuckles nro reported to be just received. KLUMI1EH ITiniGHTS remain firm at giving somo special advnntngcs to pushn their Bales In new directions. Tho A FOLLOWER OP MEASLES. of tho world Anrll 1st. C.222.CM laiSXCHeANGL London, CO days sight, bags,sunnlv ngalost G.615 65S bags last year. The 89 York, Now many Instances a persistent cough J4 demand, In J4 83 yvpni ;i. In Hintes uniteu tho slock telegraphic, 15e. 12 mat year j.vjv.ktj follows an attack of measles. In speak123.5U bags, against AItIlIVAlis.-Ap- rll 3, S. N. Castle, Hobags. Block of Hrazil coffees In Now Jen-nl- e II. Bool, editor nolulu; April 4. Archer. Honolulu; Total Ilra-zll- s ing of this Sir. Walter York April 23th, 70S.6G7 bags. l: Dora Hlulim, (N. C.) Times, says: Wand. Mahukona, In the United States, 859,599 bags. To of tho Elkln 6, April Falls of Clde,' IIIlo; April ago ii,an attack of I weeks "Threo had states, kiiius, otner tal in tho unltcti G. DorSydney and Honolulu; 374 bags. Deliveries for week ending measles which left mo with a bad ic, Hongkong. YoKohama and Honolulu; 83,275 bags, coffees, April 21st. Ilrnzll cough. I took several doses of ChamApril 7. Helen N. Kimball, liana; Ed- against C3.2C7 bags Inst year. 10, steamer berlain's Cough Remedy and tho cough ward May. Mnkawell: April 9 Illoemfonteln, Knhulul: April 11. Martha has entirely disappeared. I consider W. a. Irwin. Hod A Vacation. Davis. IIIlo; April 12. Kenney, Chamberlain's medicines the beat on Honolulu nolulu; Clms. H. to n Lcadlngham trip Rev, will April take J, the market." For ealo by all druggists April 13. George Curtis, Honolulu; Stan-fortho United States, starting on June 5 nnd and dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., Hover, Honolulu; Jane L. 1. yacht Honolulu; Annlo Johnson, IIIlo; leturnlng In a few months. He first Ltd., agents for H. I. has April 15. Defender. Makawell; April 17. rame hero In 1894, since when hetncologl-caan English class for Nippon Maru, Hongkong, Yokohama and l students. Natives, Portuguese and Honolulu; Anrll 11. steamer Manauenao, Hlvee are a terrlblo torment to the Mahukona; April 21. 8. Q. Wilder. Hilo; Chinese have Btudled under Mr. and during the last three years llttlo folks, and to eomo older ones. April 25, Australia. Honolulu; Albert, Homany preach out ho sent 26, has of Janeiro, to them City of nio de nolulu; April Doane's Ointment novor falls. Instant Hongkong, Yokohama and Honolulu; the Gospel. He teaches the students ns relief and permanent cure. At any April SS. Cleveland, Klhel and IIIlo. If they were his own sons, and they eschemist's, SO cents. DEPAUTUnKS.-Ap- rll 4, Australia, teem him highly, SUGAR ABOUT Kolmiim ami ifnnnliilu MAY lfi , 1D00.-HK- f WKllUIA. MI I . Tlieo. H."Davl8B & Co. SIAM'S From Mainland Market, (Limited.) AGENTS FOR FIRE, LIFE MARINE INSURANCE. Latest Advices t. M, INSURANCE. Northern cr Assurance AHD Company, OF LONDON, FOR I'lRB AND LIFi:. nstnbllshcd 1836. Acctimtilatcd Funds .... JC3,97C,000. ' otr-dltu- BritishandForeignMarine Ins. OF LIVERPOOL, FOR MARINE. Capital JC1.000.OW. Roductlon of Rates. Immedlato Payment of Claims THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD. AGENTS u Legls-latui- o loioio-Bfifjr- teBicfi e w-ma- rl. SUGAR PRICES STATISTICS i,ni Nlk-rath- a. c, - Make The Hair Grow With warm shampoos of Cuticura Soap and light dressings of Cuticura, purest of emollient skin cures This treatment at once slops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, sooth. s irritated, itching surfaces, slimu-'late- s the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow when all else fails. p CimcmiA Soap I j not only tho molt elTccllve of r.U.1 iirhlcra an 1 hcautlHcrs lut tho purest and sweetest of toilet, liitli, nml lali noipi t'ner, Ct'Tlcrut H Mr. 23c t Omlnicnl Tie PoTTm, llcro inn nrK Cnn--, Sol I Ihroaehout Ihft vorM NuToecr & S ri. N) i ton "How t tljv llruutlful llitr," lrf Solel'rupa , Honon, Lf V. nrlli,h iltpot, W. H. W. S. WI1HERS, Manaoer. RICE, President Honolulu Stocl Y ards Co. LIMITED. Commission Merchants 1 m 9 1 L Ultl-l.AIN- 4 pnp-aratio- IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN ls G 2, -l, 2, rjv nHQflb Vt aft fiflBBM$11fffli)l iiifI 5. des-peia- to 3j,o-ton- El-w- Vfl'l rf SHTISFY!! - 'fciiKSH i..Jii;'SWil 9BH lAiHl Cnpltal of tho Company and resorvo, roichsmarks Capital their rolnBtiranco companies Total rolchBmarks 6,00(? Cv3L lOl.GDO.OtXn 107.C50.C0S. North German Fire Insurance Co OF HAMBURG,, Capital of tho Company nnd roservo, roichsmarks. Capital tholr reinsurance companies 8,83fl,0v0 36,000,000 43,820.009 r, & CO., Limited RAILWAY Tbe Famous Tourist Route of the Wurli, lu Connection With the CauaJIxa-Auitrc&- u Steamship Lice Tlcl.cts Are Issvti liner wuuui eiicni, wuy I Ilecauso they aro self rcKtilatlnc To All Points in the United States nll( l' no'' 'iavo to k turned up or and Canada, via Victoria and li WWfcl!MIWi.Bfc. lit- u FIRE INS. CO. C CANADIAN PACIFIC irrZsSl CfVisSiKiteJa mmw agency an Tho undersigned, gonoral agonta ot tho abovo two companies, for tbo Hawaiian Islands, nro propared to Insure Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, otc; also Sugar and Rico Mills, nnd Vossols In the hop-boagainst loss or damago by &r Cias on tho most favorablo torms. -- 3. 3, General Insurance Co. for Sea, River and Land Transport. of Dresden. aro tho LAMPS that niado Aeetylono famous. Then why experiment with others? H. HACKFELD Stick to the old reliable, for they iiem-iiti- IliaaM Tho above Insurance Companta? havo established a general agency hero, and tho undersigned, gcnoral agents, aro authorized to tuko risks agaluot tho dangers Df tho sea nt tho most ratns and ou tho most favor ablo torms r. A. SCHAEFER & CO.. Genoral Agents. Total roichsmarks LftRS ! G Co OF BERLIN. OF HAMBURG. HONOLULU.rH. I. flH. Fortuna General Insurance TRANS-ATLANTI- - s Co ' OF BERLIN. I Horses, Mules, Cows, Etc, Harness, Vehicles, Etc. ATHERT0N WINS TENNIS SINGLES Harness Made -to rder. jt German Lloyd Marine Insur'ce Having established dcll-clen- o . undorslBncd havlnc been ao polntcd agoutR of tho above company aro proparcd to lnsuro risks agilnst II ro on Stone nnd Rrlck DulldinRa and on Merchandise stored therein on th most favorable torms. For particulars apply at tno oluco ot F. A. SCHAI2FER & CO., AgtU. Honolulu nnd tho Hawaiian Islands. tho undarslgncd general agents aro authorized to tako risks against tho dan gers of tho sen nt tho most roasouabln rates and on tho most favornblo terma. F. A. SCHAEFER & CO.. Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands. o- - 12tb-21s,- 1 en Tho 1 GOO Cs IlncaiiKn tliev bavo .1 llfo on onn churrco of carbido of eight hurnliiK Vancouver. Hecauso thoy glvo a strongor, stoad- ler light than any bther lamp made. TlM0 nro facU nn(1 S0LAUS ar0 sold by us on a guarantee of (satisfaction or money back. Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephcc and Fraser Canon. 't U U ! s ,'.m rr. MOUNTAIN RESORTS! ..jmj,. Solar Rlko Lamps i. rn ? Solar Surroy Lamps 15.00 Soldr Hack Lamps 15.00 Solar Dash L.imps 0.00 0K E. O. Empress Line of Steamers from Yancoasa SOLAR UIKi:, Surrey or Hack Gas Ticket? to Alt Points In Japan, Cblfa, InCU Lamps with Carbide, at and Arctic;! the Wotll. HALL & SON., LTD. NEXT TO BULLLT1N OPFICC. Agents tpr Badger Brass Co,, makers of Solar Gas Lamps. aal ceuernl larcrraatlan anj ta THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD For tickets AgsntsOtnadUn-AustiaiUu- S, LSvmi, Cinadlxn Pacific Kallwav. c. 2j,-0- cliar-?"re- rs U. N. WII.CC X, Preside it. E. HUUlt, Hecntnrv and Treasurer. J. K. HAUKKKM). Vice Prubldont. T.MAY Auditor. PACIFIC GUANO AND FERTILIZER POST OFFICE BOX 484 UUJUAL TELEPHONE -- CO, 467 LIMITED.- LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE 1 vlsl-lil- Mo-an- a. Wall-Earne- Lead-Ingho- We Are Prepared to Fill All Orders for Artificial 'ertilizersi AI.BO, CONHTANTLY OK HAND- :- PACIK10 GUANO, POTASH, BlI.PHATE OK AMMONIA NITRATE OF BODA, OALOINED FERTILIZER, BALT8, ETC., ETC., ETO. Bpecul attention clren toanalvali ofaoils by our sfirlcullural cheiulit. All goods are GUARANTEED )n erery respect, for further particulars apply to Pacific Gnano and Fertilizer Compinj. m. w. avgbdam Maawtr. AGENTS. . . AGIJNT8 FOR OF JJOSTON. JEtoa Life Insurance Company OF HARTFORD. CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS tVSJSSS l'Tii. in iTib bsck. aud all kindred coraulllnU. Preo fiom Mercnrr. Kttauutlied apwardi or W jaari. Iu Iioxm It. W. each, of all Obemlita and Patent lledlclno Tendon throngkist th; world. I'roprltlon, Tb uncoin aaa uiaiu OeaaUai Oral Oompanj, Lincoln, Bualaaa. Tt CfAStKTTR II W AM AN I f!tV SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, Honolulu May II. AKM.IVKU AT HONOLULU ThurrnlB, Mai 10 Blmr. Makolll Down-- from Mnlokal Hlinr. Kr An lluu, Mnah.r. Irom Kail MMf, I hurt tiakakall J,M ba flehr. Ka Mm, from Hat all ports - ban MiartKrtti, (J. II f Kwt rlturda. Ma) II U. H. transport Wratmlnater, from Han J'rnnttaeo. W. Q. Hall. Thompaon. from Htmr. Knunl pert with M) baa miitnr tn II llnthfolil & Co. Htmr. Whtelanle, (Jreen, from Kauai with i,m Um irtiwr. 8. 8. Mlawarn, Humming, from Mi to rla nnd Vnmsouver. 8. B. City of Pcbln, Hmltli, from China .and Japan. Htmr. Kltmii, Freeman, from Illlo, with mail, pa won Kara and 70 una iKitnloi-a- , 22.1 Ihih" Porn, nX iMik'it cnlibafie, 117 hides, 41 Iiors ami ISO pftcknges mindrim Bundio, May 13. Htmr. Nlllmii, Thompson, from Katinl Htmr. .Mnuiui l.oit, Hlimrson, from Hawaii. Htmr, Nornti, Wjmnn, from llnuail. lr. lik. Ivnnhoc, from Ntwiastle Htmr. Olamllni', McDonald, from Mnul imrfR. with 230 hniTR faro. Ml huirtt corn. i.'i linns potatoes, I'. Iioks, 141 hides and CI pncktiKo sundries Mondnj. May It. Ilr. sh. AuFtrnlln, Jcncl, from Nch castle. March 13. Am. bk. Onklnr.il, Peterson, from 13ver-ctWusli., Match 19: lumber Bp. HI well, Irom Newcastle. Schr. Lady, .Martin, from Onlm ports. Kchr. Alice Kimball, from Mnul Schr. .Mary DodRe, from I3urikn l, Ilnmot .... Iltw A. Co.., iii.iim1 A Mtltf tin. 3,HI,7f MW ; llnwalUnBagtrt'o.... IToBamfl jjnnnkti.... ll.un ..... .... . Ktlioktl T.m&lrt Nni. f'rt 1,1 " " pd.Hp " 1 Klhe rianGo.U1.aMi INmhnln Koloa Kona Sugar Co. Am. I " IM. up t " I Minn&lclBns.Co.aia .. .. .. ,,! MtL'rrdoSnK.co Id. I p,j " KU Onomo- l'rldny. May 11 U. 8. A. T. Warren, I'll no, for Manila 8. H. City of Klo do Janilro, Ward, for ,,,,.. E'.lli IM.Ol. If l'itlfle 5HOO0O 750.000 JM000 I'.nn.l.w. I'louccr J,OUO,uou . 7VO.M) '." Htw'nKltcuOo llrn.btcamLauiHlrj If. rtiirri 1.IA1 .1. IIU 7 1 T I 1 iiiarlr n tn a IrJ'. . (ii a M kii t 1M4.I n (Ml, IN. 1 . '. II llt 1 MS f IM II 11.11 t a. i ii t VM lit) XT' 4 6 a. h of thr rnnon on lb iitat at ON I bo-n- II 1UI 100 140 10 101 in Delinquent Stock uo IN THE 15'i Olaa Sugar Co. 10) UOO I.'0 O. II. A L. Co.. .... t'cople's Ico A lief.Co. IW.OOU AT II MAY 23, O'CLOCK NOON, At my UlMroom, !)3 Queen street, Honolulu, I will tell nt Public Auction, by ordor of tho Trmaurer, Mr. J. I Cooko, the following certificates of Mock In tho Nahiku Sugar Co., Ltd., unlets th3 2.1 itsaetwuiont duo Doc. 1, 1899, delinquent January 3ist, 1900, with Interest thereon, Is paid on or before tho day and hour of Bale: Cert. Cer. Sh. 101 Dr. Humphries .. 50 9 2 50 II. Armitnge 9 4 200 II. Armltagc 4 I). M. Ross 60 2 25 J. C. Lane 2 2 C A. F Cooke 500 144 J. F. Haglund 1 100 8 4 100 A. Gnrvlo 149-- W. II. Scott 1 25 5 1 1510. J. Ilolsse 153 L. A. Thurston 1 50 123-12- 125-12- 127-13- 145-14- 15S-IG- ."?"', fftf (In T.. mum .. " " I'ald uo.... . .y..!0? WW.uou Whl)iVEM)AV, 108-10- 2?. 13.0II' Nahiku Sugar Co,, Ld ON SATURDAY, MAY noNoa. .Thurston 3 F. II. Augur A O. Cunha 181 It A. Jordan 185 H. Hayselden 188 S. Lesser 1C3 ItiG 19TII AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At my salesroom, 33 Queen St., Honolulu, I will sell at Public Auction, b. order of tho Treasurer, Mr. J. U. Castit too lollowiriK eertillcjtCH of stock in tni Olaa Sugar Co , unless tho sixth asset,!, ment, duo Fob. 1st, 1000, deliuqunn .March 31st, with interest thereon, u paid on or before the day and hour oi ITS L. A. 0 190 191 1 1 1 1 1 1 J. 13 Tnvlor J. II. Lovo 1 300 50 25 23 23 100 25 15 25 WW 195 E. C. Holbteln 1 Ilbu'n Oov'l 6 Dcr ct Oov'tB per tt.. 197 W. F. Thompson 1 lb llh'u tlnu'n Q, l'ot divings 199 1 J. 23 H. Jones 83 4Kliorct 200 1 26 II. Jones, Ewn Plantation J. .... Trustee... Bpcrct 101H'102S Phillips 2 150 Kul uku l'lautatlon.. sale: 207 N. 50 1 Lakusta ........ 101 .... Spor ct 1 No. 3 50 Jas. Wayson No. Kr.itVlO.IK 0 H, &.L. Co 1 Ccrtif. 2 150 Jas. Annstrng Sharei. Session Hales Mornlntf Hcsslon Thirty, 5 J. Q. Wood, tr. .. 21C 1 Geo. Roenitz 100 .... 10U six O. It. & I. Co.. $175. 5 Wnlulua. as 21 C. II. Judd .3. May 60 . . . 2 100 arSllbIl, $100, 10 Wnlnlua, UHSissable, 13 T. W. .M. Draper 220 Geo. I'iLz 3) OIna, paid up, $13.12 100 1 100 2 .... 221 A F. Clark Hitmen Hoards Six Ilonomu, $175 10 1G0 . . . 23 1 il L. H. Hamilton .. IZv a, $30.87 59 It. F. licardmoro 222 W. II. Charlock 1 . . . 50 25 80 C. II. W. Norton 228 C. G. Uallentyno . . . 1 100 500 b7 A. J. Campbell, tr 1 HEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. 230 Mrs. J. L. Holt 125 25 88 A. J. Cimpbel, tr. 237 J. L Holt 1 50 50 80 A. J. Campboll, tr. ... 238 J. L. Holt, .rustee 50 1 23 Muy 9 No 455 D Mnnuil to I, I, 240- - Lam Kam Chin 90 A. Campboll, . . . 275 J. 1 50 tr. Gis. IM, 713. It 1'. 23S. Itul 2 12S J. T. Holloway 15 Miss C. Tovvne 2 50 9103, It. 1'. 215, It. I'. 1J79, kul tS77; two 245-- 2 10 pliieH land, etc, Munnnaikl, .Manaunukn 181 J. Uuji'wald 25 Miss Isabel Kelly 60 2 and Wiilinnno, I3wa, Onlm Considera207 W. L. AVIIcox Gu 250 Jno. Phillips 50 1 tion $3,000 eo. 215 Win. Stoilait 50 1 50 II. Plltz..;. No. 4",7 It Dins nnd husband (A ) to 13 3 275 Geo. 25 Goodacre C. 1000 II. G da Sllwi, piece laud Auwalollniu, Ho.10 Austin 27C nolulu, Oahu Geo. Goodacre Consideration $W0 25 C. H. High 3 125 Ma S No 4".S l.uwilu to D. Watson, 9 277 Geo. Goodacro 2 Murphy 25 25 E. J. In lull KooKiuloa, land, Kiihaiia, Interisl PASSENGERS. 9 201 1 Mrs. J. W. Leonard.. H. P. Eakln b 200 Oahu Consideration $10. 3 290 II. L. Evans S. E. lllshop 2 300 17 H. Knhoownhn to Harr No 159 S Arrhed. Itiown, It I' 1112, Haleaha, It I' 101'., 291 301 Mrs. Geo. J. Augur.. 1 1C7 20 C.A. Uldlnger l'rom Koloa, per stmr. Jninis Makee, kul 811.1, G Kahtnuul, It I' r.L'7, kul 310 300 llryant Jno. 17 W. P. Earnes 1 20 May 11. Horace Crabbe, Manuel l'urla. l.l'5S, Makuua, Koolauloa, O.ihu Considper 328 307 A. Toogood Ku 1 Au 50 R. stmr. Knunnkaknl, Shaw J. l'rom eration $1,500 Hou, Jluv 11. Captain Ahlborn, nlfo and 111 13 UU- -C II. A. Jordan .. 308 L Marks 1 In anil 50 II wife No I'ntlB son, W, J. I.owrlo and wife, II. 1'. Hild-wl- Dtllilml lots I. nnd 7 bluik 11, Kewnlo 309 W W. Harris 421 Geo. Hawkins 1 ISO Mr. I.cllle, N. Uenson, .Mr and Mis triiet, Honolulu, Oahu Conspiration 137 310 Mrs L N. Hough Jno. A. Moore . 1 20 Center nnd son. Dr. W. A. Sihwallle. $1,000 7 UO M. G. Sylvester D. A. Carmichael .... 1 100 No 101 Knnelo to Holokal, lull rest From Maul ports, per stmr. Claudlne, 2 13. V. Mossman 178 May II. Miss Wesedl, Dr. C. A. l'etcr-so- n.Hlatu Nakal, Kaiimllllll, Honolulu, Oa3 75 J. H. Schnack $50 r. Ii Zoller, 1'. II l.nngstroth, A hu Consldiiutlon 1S5 C. D. Ltifkln 329 J. II. Schnack 20 1 250 Ouhsonl, C 1'. Hlineison, Win. White, H Mn) S No ibi'W S Klouli and wife 8 515 YIm Quon Jacob 3 150 Pish Keololm. J I Combs, Kuinulshl, .Matsul 10 i; v liooiu, piece innu, iMiiuaoione, GS7 Jas. L. Holt 331 Chin Chock Geo 17 30 1 2s.'1, kul nnd two chlldn n, Mrs Itoss, Miss Mar It 2Li, Wulklki ukn, HoSi holtz, Miss K.illno, A Hnos nnd nolulu, Oahu Consldi ration $J50. 041 335 Wong Pa. Nam 1 Gear, Lansing & Co 50 50 deck. No 403 Gay A. Itoblnson to A and II 0 Gear, Lansing & Co 60 L. Marks 55 2 100S7, Walinen, 015 Trom Hllo nnd way ports, per stmr Kmikau kills 100MI and 311 017 Chas. II. Uamsay, tr. .. A. Afong 1 25 60 $150 Kinnu, May 12. W. C Wllilir. Ji , Mlsi Kauai 101Consldeiatlon . Kahlllpapuolono Geo lo No I. GO 018 313 & Gear, Lansing Co 1 50 I.udd, Miss J It. Shaw Mis. Ambler, Mnnnuanul, C91 Jno. Watetliouso Wm McK.i, A. C. Stiile, Jllss Krout, Desha, It. V. 1!)1, kul 71SS, $S00. 311 A. 8 Nelll 25 1 Consideration Major J Wood. C Stricken aid, C I3nn, Oahu 090 317 1 Savldgo 11,5 J. N. 25 Watorhouso Sarah 15 to No Hnrw!ck, Co. P. Illlo SiiKar Hrnust. I.. Whltehotibe, W. II C Camp3 097 Margaret Watei house 50 2 II C. Ovenden 15 bell, Geo, KIuckiI, 13. J. Walker, A. A, lot 17, block 2, I'liiuo lots, Illlo, Hawaii $1 Iltnjmir, VC. 13. Mooio and wire,13 .Mrs1'ra-ir-13, Consideration 357 Lionel Stelner 717 II. C. Austin 1 25 42 No Kb r. Ilmnlik lo Illlo Sukiii Co M Illnjj and wife, A Nnuuno, SSI Mrs. II. C. Austin 358 P. II. Burnotto 50 1 18 ltev S Kandn and wife, h It. Ciook, lot If, block 2. Puuia lots, JIllo, Hawaii 3G0 P. II. Burnett 905 C. G. Uallontyno 1 50 I.. A. Akana. A. N Kepolknl, J.D Holt.W Consldeiatlon $1. No 467 w K Caslle anil wife to I 5 90G llorlni ifr IT rVntnl(in. (, It imnn. 11 C. G. Uallontyno W. 5 50 100 , J. White Interest In It 1. 1,715 Consldnutloii V D. Day, Culm; Tons, l.eonu !'r'J. 3GG C G. Ballentyno 907 0. G. Dallcntyno 1 230 50 sue, iouiiR koiik, w do coto anil wire, 90S C. G. Ballentyno 2 W B Allen 75 50 and hits II C Searle, It C. Searle, Jr. J. W i, Mn tl) MlH bailll I'. Hlrd. IllUieSt T Pnlmnr O (I 919 Mrs. J. W. Leonard Knrtrln 0 T lr.f.rr,atrt 2 17 75 Emmet May D Ilo'llounv. A. rernn'iulcz nnd wife. J SUIS. ?lanoj, Honolulu, Oahu Cniisldnii- - 920 H. C. Austin 1 373 S. It Jordan 25 17 1011 510 1T Lnlvnlrn M A Klhn T Tlni'n. W C. 375 G. Uallontyno 1 w Ahana .md. wife to 922 50 50 J. II. Porteous J Cross.!' How den. Y Yo- - . Ko IW V. Saldce. V. Al Vi.mil, In 11 II lnlifilll. lln I OW era - (.'UOI.V. IHlltlOll (.1 AIlT 37G J. W. Podmoro lr.bi.vw. 932 W. Nlcolls 1 100 100 iliant SIslrnt, Honolulu, O.ihu Conslder- - 1070 Itobt. Ilnvvxhurst and 153 deck nabsencers. 378 Ballentyno 4 & 1 100 Eakln llHOU I ., V olmp n., 11.1.1. .n l.'nllnl ... 3 1071 .Villi 1111UUI) O.ll.l. 2 150 M. Brasch 170 Lew era & Cooke to W. W Aha Itobt. Havv.hurst 100 Mnv 12 Geo. 11. I'. I'alrchlld, Wm P l.oe, mi,Noportion It V 2101, Kill 5573, Meiehnnt 1079 Geo. Weight 2 b'j 60 Emmet May J. II. Coney, Miss Mary 1'clK and thlrt-fou- r sluct, Honolulu, ualiu consideration 2 10S0 Geo. Weight Ballentyno & Eakin ... 2 ino 60 on deck. No 171 J L Pnliukuln it al to Wni.i395 II. E. Hendricks 1 Geo. Weight 25 50 Trom Vancouver and Victoria, per In. i AKrUultuinl Co, Ltd . Interist In It 10S2 A. 8. S Mlowita. Mav 12 Mis. II Tll- I.ul iT'10. I'liiilmi-iiki- i. nliiluii 10S3 Geo. Weight 39G J. Sheehan I; 1 50 den Miss C. M. Crosbv. 1 D. Btunlcs, uiilm Consldeiatlon $120. 39S 10S 1 5 Geo. O. Weight Bolsso J. 60 r- Campbell. Miss Campbell, ills Mrs. Ma 0 No. 172 Hmuiet Jlav to J 102 1 Lum SenKal 50 10 Bcultto and child, Mr. do Cow, Miss de nnndes, lots 10 to 12, block J, Knplolanl 10S5 Geo. Weight .nr. itiuun, .nr. .urn .ura i.une, unu. j'mic auiuuun, Honolulu, ualiu uunsiil 10SC Geo. Weight 400 Sarah Savldgo 1 25 60 nation473$2Sr .in. Diaiiero. 413 Frank Harvey Geo. Weight 1 50 50 No. J. A M.iBOon nnd wife to Ke- - 10S7 Prom Hawaii, per stmr. Matina I.oa, 415 C. C. Conradt 10SS 1 100 Geo. Weight 50 niioua nnii .MiKan. it. i: .m, iiui r.J, .May 13 u. il. Davis, .Mr. lutes, c. Aliu .u, 8 1092 G. W. McDougall, Jr. ... C. P. Grimwood 50 2 500 i;na, uanu toconsiueraiion na, Mr. Slil.nin.i, C. Ap.inn, wife nnd two lluiawa, Mrs. Huttlo Pu 1102 n. U. Rico Pnheo 423 Mrs. P. Neumann children, J. Kunlmoku, J. Gnspnr, Jr., ll!No 174 1. KInterest 1 25 25 In plice land nnd T. SUva, Jr.. It W. Jones, wife nnd chll- - 111111(111117, 42S C. 1113 C. C. 25 1 50 Dultol Eakin Con O.ihu l'nlauui, Honolulu, 1". .Mrs. w. J. Altfhorl, Hucholtz, ilren. 129 $.00 P. 1215 L. 1 J. sideration 25 T. Konako 42 Trovcnso W. Hruner, Mrs 13. Knluawahlnc, Dr. (D to K) 47511 Puhl and husbind 0 1259 A. J. Campboll L. Marks 9 42 17 IliOashl, Mr, Vnmashlno, M. L. Sllvn, 8 NoMniicioua, none pieco lima, l'liiama, 411 1281 H. U. Savior Ballentyno & Eakin ... 1 50 Mr Pernandiz, Mrs. A. l'ernundez, Mrs. lulu. Dnlni Con.slilt ration S2.2UO. 15 1'raltes, Miss P. Heard. II. Paris, Mr. 1 Geo. II. Angus 2 190 07 No 177 P G 13. Walker nnd wife to 12SS H. llrown Weaver, 101 deik passengers. WnldvuKcl, lots D, ii, 23 and 21, block 12S9 Geo. W. McDougall 461 Pied H. Kubey 25 1 40 Prom Walmca, pir stmr. Kaunl, May SH. lots 2. s. 4. s ana i. iuock mj. Kanann 1291 4G5 Livingstone Mr. C. V. 13 1 150 & . . Soula 13 Sturtovaut .... J. Cooko and w Ife. Consldciiitlon lu tiiict, Honolulu, O.ibu 4G6 W. M. Minton 1301 Prom Koloa, per stmr Innlnnl, Mu $1,125 1 125 100 J. St. Smith 13 -- J. M. Conlun. S May 10. No. hi 1111 to 8 Mnhilonn 1327 A. J. Campbell, tr. G. A. Howard, Jr 2 200 42 It. P 3JJ, kul 3022, Lehnnonui, Wnlanne 1101 lilckford Whiting 471 10 1 50 C.Bon Departed. Onhu Consldciiitlon $250. 478 J. Lucas 1103 Illckford Whiting 1 100 10 Tor San I'rnnclsco, per City of Peking, May 12 W. It. Castle, nlfo and 140G 4SJ Ethel M. Taylor 10 1 100 lilckford Whiting child; Hutli Nettlcton, Miss N. M White, Notice, to Shlpmastors. 7 1407 Dickford Whiting 3 150 10 F. Hustaco Miss Halstend, W. L. Grieve nnd wife, 496 1425 Rev 1 M. Grieve, Itobt. 50 25 Havvxhurst Lewis J. C Miss J. K. L. Sihweltzer. P. U S llrnnch Itjilrosraplils Olllce, 1 195 490 E. H. nalley Jones and wife, Mrs. Captain Ahlboiii : . 1 250 San I'runclsco, Cnl. M. A. Gonsalves 16 nnd child, Miss I3ndeis, H. P. Williams, 5 17 2 ?00 J. F. Colburn Ily communlcntliiB with tho Branch Hj 149G J. L. SUva Mrs J. P Murray. Airs. Georiro Watt. P E0G D. Kawananakoa 1 200 100 13. Richardson, C. W, Waters, J C. de droRruphla OIllco tn San I'rnnclsco, cap- - 1152 E. E Oldlng v lie, a. 507 J. Kalanlnnaole 1 200 100 k. Morrison, josepn r.. uoiiuis tnIns of cssc3 W10 ,m with 1153 E. 13. Oldlng B 513 13. 1154 1 100 Oldlng Theo. H. eyer E. 100 OIllco by recordlnir the Poss John D Chirk D P Wurd' MP meteroloKlcnl' observations by 8 13. suBKested Oldlng Armltago II. 2 100 100 115513 Sunday J LnSUon Mi's A U'Ul,OM' M the olllce. eun have foiw aided to thorn at 115G 13. 13. Oldlng 8 Kosenuerc ,. It 1 Sw i ene v A. 4 Gartenberg 100 250 nesireil poll, anu tree or expense, mo 1547 Geo. C. 532 M. l.or Sail ranclaco, per S S Australia, IIIC'ntni,. 60 500 T. 1 Potter Loulsson plot charts of tho North Paclllo 5Ia,y ?TI J?,nos- ii!, Ocenn. nnd tho latest Information reBard- - 14G9 KV,'1,,J 640 C. Bolto 1 J. Kahookano 50 - inK tho dancers to navlBiulon In thu wn- nnd child, Mrs. A. P. Jackson. 1'rltz 541 1 E Hammer 20 helm, J. II. Almokll, Mrs. A. Smithies, ters which they freciuent. 642 F. O. Walker 1 50 child and maid, .Mrs A. P. Cooko nnd Mnriners nro requested to report to tho two children, Mrs C. M Cooko and two olllce daiiKcrs discovered, or nny other 5SG Lee Chip Chong 1 25 JAS, F. MORGAN, Auctr. children, J. M. Bright, Mrs. A Younif, Information which enn bo utilized for cor- ES7 Chong 1 50 Gow Mlss P, 13. lllshop, Mrs. W. I Dtcoto, lectins charts or snlllnK dliectlons, or In 2174 it, .May S, 11, 15, 18. 6639 ESS A. Lucas 1 25 Mrs. James Scott, child and maid, .Miss tho publication of tho Pilot charts of tho 595 u Wm. 1 Lucas u. Deyo, Camp100 watt, Mrs. i'AI.kinh, Pnclllc. James Mrs Norm J. ., U. S. N., in Charge. bell. Mrs. 13. 8. Cunha. Miss Tulli. W P. n. It. Strauch 5 200 IN TIII3 CIRCUIT COURT, FIRST Morris nnd wife, P. Harwlck, It a 7 4 400 J. M. Mulr CIRCUIT. OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLMcon, S. Ilnldnlu, J. P. Cooke, Clannce 631 D. L Conkllng 1 25 ANDS. iN I'ROHATi:. Cunhn, J, P. Morjrnn, J, M. Johnson, M NOTICE G35 13, 1 II W. Wost D. Anno, Mrs. Ellison, 25 J Ward nnd In tlio Matter of tho Estato of J. C wife. Miss M. Younir, Mrs. W. A. Wall, G37 A. Barnes 1 100 Strow, lato of Honolulu, Oahu, dechild and maid, II. P. Ilaldwln and wife, IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE PAS- 1 642 Chns 90 J. Flshol c- - sago iv. ii. .vncn, vv. u. nenu, .virs. I ceased. of tho Hawaiian Territorial BUI G44 1 15 J. H. Lovo IV.U i'"u!,l mr?. ' ' OK'uiciuer. J. nil ,,nao.,,.nr """ nn,l 1.11,.. u ..- - Tho petition and accounts of tho ad8 3 250 Geo. C. Potter iv ninny, auss i,. imiunin, m. i rancis- - co, t. Mills, David Honncr, a. Stanton, dsn vessels hotweon theso Islands nnit ministrator of tho estato of said deceas4 200 J. F. Rrown Toya Carolina, Miss Bchacfer. Mrs. Heed, U S Coasts must cease, from ami after 1 25 ed, wherein no asks that his accounts 6541. F. Brown Mrs. H llrown nnd child, L. do Sllvn, J Jim0 14M1 7 Bishop S. 2 200 E bo examined anil approved, and that a T"orcfo'rQ S" S" ,'"ongko.,S Ma- -, llnal rinoVfHftAa cJond'o'nf 661 R. " oUulA 1 25 II. Brotherton of order bo mado of duo May 29th, for San Francisco, tho property remaining distribution Clark, 13 J Smith, if. s. iiedtnan, H 2 100 Walter Onasot his hands Jn mv Mrs o will Uo tno last steamer or tho Toyo to tho persons thereto entitled, and dis;. f "I 674 ' rrnin. 1 Jns. Armstrong 50 JI. AcKirman daughter. andt!mu"' GeorRO Ack. Klcnn nnd thn ,?' M charging him from nil further responKalsha Lino 678 Dr. W, T Monsarrat . . 1 50 crmnn, J. V. Vo.'. Wells. Aiinust Fran-Mr- s. San 12th ch'lld! Juno for G79 O. C. Swnln Arena wife and 'Abram' Jackson j PrIc' 1 50 sibility as such administrator. It Is 13. Poulson, m. u Hare. j. a. linr-- 1 clsco, will bo tho last steamer of tho 6S3 1 W. Monnrrat 25 ordered that Monday, tho ISth day of iey. j, j. Mniioney. Georco Hnffncr, W, Orlontal & Occidental Lino to take 688 1 C. Geo. 240 Potter June, A. D, 1900, ut ton o'clock A, M --W, Monnrrat G4 ?ttDof,!mHrTne?,,aV,i,ciI,.lfB,0"Er n,,a C.arB fr01 1,er0 f0r th0 nt tho Court Room of tho said Court nt 1 25 2 100 Honolulu, Island of Oahu, bo and tho 693jfi)4 D. A. Oirmlchael 11. HACKPRi.n en T.rn 697 R. II. Worrall 1 same hereby Is appointed as tho tlmo 100 cniiaren. D W. Wilson, Jnmes Mo ro. H Agents Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co., and placo for hearlnc said petition nnd Anionaen, P. Itose. J. J, Haughs, Joseph Toyo Klscn Knlslia. and accounts, nnd that nil persons Interestuavldge, James llarrowman. 217G 3t, May 15, 22, 29. ed may then and thoro appear nnd show 5513 cause. If any they have, why the aamo U. S. Transport Westminster, Captain not bo granted, ,, should Petrie, from San Francisco, left yesterHonolulu, May 14, 1900, day en route fop Manila, having stopped Only tho highest grado of IlED ItUIl-nE- It Ily tho Court. Auctioneer. here for repairs to ono of her steam Is used In the Stamps made- by OEOROE LUOAS, Clerk Honolulu, May 9th, 1900. pipes. the HAWAIIAN QAZETTE CO. 2176 May 5541-12- t. 2175-4May ...... 209-21- 213-21- 1 241-24- 253-G- 251-2G- ....... 2G9-27- 1 278-27- 2SO-2S292-29- 312-31- 111 322-3- 1 330-33- 2 1 llfty-nln- e 339-31- Mott-Hmlt- 352-35- ..,,..,. TsT T 3G1-3C- 111 3G9-37- 1 ll-'- J. 382-38- 3S4-3S- G 391-39- - C KH1. 1 1 117-41- one-ha- lf 431-14- 460-4G- 467-4G- "ha Ilalda 404-40- 517-51525-52- ,." " - i Makla I wmii"rt 1 rfl ". tit .l AMR I kit ' tWlftgMM? i rril iraS ln a'! !.)" inn-'pti- 0r. 1 ieo Running makal nlong her boundary line S. 77" 45' W. (mag.) 3930 feet to a pile of Htoncs makal of the old Government road; Thence S. 75 10' V. 9400 feet to the but having property, both real and pemonal, In Honolulu nforceald, that It Is proper tlut a guardian should be appointed, and praying tb.it John Cassldy be appointed guardian of the person and ornate of said Insane person, it Is hereby ordered that Monday, tho 21st day of May, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m., In tho Judiciary building, Honolulu, Oahu, Is appointed the tlmo nnd place for hearing said petition, when and where nil persons Interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why said petition should not be granted. S. A., beach; Thence running nlong the beach Honolulu, II. L, April 20, 1900. By the Court: P. D. KI3LLI3TT, JR., Clerk. A. W. CARTER, Attorney for Petitioner. 2170-S- Ap. 22, 27; May, t. 1, 4, 8, S. IS 00' 13. C50 feet; Thence running mnuka along tho land of Mrs. Maria Klalmoku N. 76" 10' E. 9840 feet, to a pllo of Btones makal of the old Government road; Thence running mauka ngaln N. 77" 10' E. 3740 feet to a pllo of stones; Thcnco running mauka N. 25" 00' W 800 feet to the placo of beginning, containing an area of 233 acres. Including 71 acres mauka of tho old Government road. Lot Two Beginning at tho southwest corner of this lot at tho corner of tho land of Kawaauhau and thnt of Mrs. Maria Klalmoku, and Thence running along tho land of Ka- - il, 15. 18. 1370 feet; waahau S. 86 THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Thenco running along the land of KaHAWAIIAN FIRST CIRCUIT, waauhau and Mrs. Maria KlalmoISLANDS IN PROBATE AT ku N. 20 W. 180 feet along a pile CHAMBERS. of stones; In the Matter of tho Estate of James Thence running makal S. 83V-- W 13G3 feet (916 feet to the old GovCampbell, late of Honolulu, Oahu, Dccoased. ernment road) to the bank, S. 5 W. 23G feet to the place of Thence The last will nnd testament of said beginning (this side nilJoIn3 tho deceased, having been presented to land of Mrs. Maria Klalmoku), said Court, together with a petition for containing an area of eleven acres the probate thereof, and for the Issu(11 a.) ance of letters testamentary to Abigail K. Campbell, J. O. Carter and Cecil Teims cash; deeds at expense of Brown, having been filed by them, no purchaser. tice la hereby given that Friday, tho further particulars apply to C. 15th day of June, A. D. 1900, at 10 W.For Dickey, Fort street, or Lyle o'clock a. m. of said day, at the court A Dickey, No. corner King and Bethel room of said Court, at Honolulu, Oahu, streets, In Honolulu, II. I. be and tho same hereby is appointed Honolulu, May 1, 1900. the time and place for proving said F. K. DICKEY, will and hearing said application, when Mortgagee. and where any person interested may 2l71-1, 8, 15, 22. May appear and show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of said petition 3hoitId not bo granted. NOTICE. Dated, Honolulu, H. I., April 27, 1900. By the Court: A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE P. D. KI3LLETT, JR , stockholders of tho McBryde Sugar Clerk Company, Limited, will bo held at tho 2172-5tMay 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, 1900. rooms of the Chamber of Commerco, street, Merchant Honolulu, Wednesday, MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENMay 23d, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m., to TION TO FORECLOSE AND consider and vote ,upon a proposition OF SALE. to b id the property and assets of tho company to purchase a sugar mill, and Notice is hereby given that by vir for other purposes, and to transact such tue of a power of sale contained In a o .er business as may come before the ceitnin mortgago dated tho 13th day meeting. of May, A. D. 1807, mado by Mikollana D. P. U. iriENBERG, (w) and Fong Kul, her husband, of President McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. Alika, South Kona, Island of Hawaii T. R. WALKER, to Alexander Garvlo of London, Eng Treas. McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. land, recorded in the olllce or the Dated Honolulu, May 9, 1900. Registrar of Conveyances in Book 170 21752t-Ma- y 6541-4- 1 1 at page 277, which mortgago has been asassigned to mo, F. K. Dickey, by signment dated August 5th, A. D. 1899, PUKE - BRED and recorded in the office of the Reg- IN 0 4t T 11-.- of Conveyances In Book 170 at pago 279, I, F. K. Dickey, Intond to foreclose said mortgago for a breach of tho conditions contained In said mortgage, to wit, the of Interest when due. Notice is also hereby given that all and singular tho lands, tenements nnd hereditaments In said mortgago contained will bo sold at public auction at tho auction rooms of Jnmes F. Mor-gnon Queen street, In said Honolulu, on Saturday, the 2Gth day of May, A. D. 1900, at 12 o'clock noon of said day. Tho property contained In said mortgago is as follows: 1. All that parcel of land situate at Allka, South Kona, Island of Hawaii, s containing two nnd acres (2.8 acres) undivided, and being a portion of Apana 1 of Royal Patent No. istrar n, eight-tenth- iaSfeSl 1 Eggs UULUlli for Hatcliing. PURE BRED Fowls and Eggs for sale at all seasons from the following varieties: English Grey Dorking, Black Min orca, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Buff Leghorn, Brown Leghorn, white Leghorn, Pekln Ducks ana Bronze Tur keys. I am constantly In receipt of nei Importations from the best known strains. Ergs properly packed and fowls well crated. Prices furnished on application. WALTER C. WEEDON, Eastlawn. Punahou. Honolulu. H. L Manufacturing Harness Co., IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS Fine Carriage and Buggy Harness. Rugs, Lap Robes, Fly Nets, Humane- nnd Rubber Bits, Fine English Holly Whips, Ankle Boots, Salt Sacks, Derby Bandages, and a Largo Variety of Race Bradoons. Also a Large Assortment of Single nnd Double Hnrnesses, Halter Bridles, Collars, Hames, Trace Chains. - S "" 5'iG-fiO- fll, "b l. f. G49-G5- 2 Ij 656-R5- r." S M 9 rAswS (i itJ MWw IT 1 n ?$&' :!.. sir t A w (&r . jjfcs. 'SJv5Jr Tst vl n ll IlUVril?MiBphHy.KiBi.?C0at ). JAS. F. MORGAN. - L N of land Minna n All that Id Alika, Mawintng an arm of ilila iln nmtiiiMdonr? nf lrl I IaM II- Liout.-Comdr- ' it Mi nf It I I SOI A I. to Maaia umlnt.'it a i Ml iImnm two mti i an I a" Minhi vjMe NM ami f"f 'h ,MlK, Ml tald at Miif Mid rumpn.iiiR Mnul f Makawii" nf Ulanri niolrlit i lana a formarly undivi.tut II l.al!.- ALKX YOl'NO. m llnj! Patrmt tnmnt i aiM n hnr if Mid Ma kin nnd undrr dee I MlHtalur of tb Interior ft out aid Makkv rwordtnl In the udli" nf tlTI T.t Interior Mr h llertlKtrar of Convcjatiie in Hook UJ at 17. nnd e ran tml nn.l net IN TUB CtltcriT COTItT. FIRS I apart to aald Mlkollnna by partition CIRCUIT UP THM HAWAIIAN dcd of D W. Kulilpule nnd wife, Kit PROBATIC Al wnnulian and wife, Kani KamlAiiwala llbANDLIN CIlAMUllltS. and liiubliid and Mnrla Kiaimokit ami In th Matter of the Qu.irilanihlp al hiubnnd. dated February 35th, A I) Margaret A Kobertaon, an lutanr 1S8, nnd worded In iho ofllre of the ReRlairnr of Convejnnces In Hook 183 I'ermn. I'pon reading and tiling tho yutitioti at iKigc 99, by metes and bounds an fol of Kilza M. Cualdy, of Honolulu, Ualiu lows Lot One Beginning at tho 'ipper Alleging that Margaret A. Robertson U a person of unsound mind, tompururl-1- ) pile of stones, adjoining tho land of reilding at Stockton, California, U Mrs. Knlnlauwale, nnd 485-48- ,.... t AUTHORITY. BV IS' THK I n't T.4' tl111.t im v WKKkl V. 11G-11- WQ.OfCi 50O,Wtri g'h Co lid .... MulnnlTolophonoOo.. l I. -- OF- Mnlf ItllA fr I (oil vl.nlnw a Auction Sale aco 2T0 MS lOOltffe 10U: l l,'i 100 100 100 100 m s i iooH W0,.aaAKr.Co..., Walanao Wallnkn Walmaualo...- .- HI . T'd.s from tho I'tilted HUtn Cost and 8urey tables. Hid tlilcs nt Kuhulul nnd Illlo occur one hour inrllir llinn nl Honolulu. '"til Ilnwallnn stRiidnrd time la 10 huura 3D nlDUU-slower than Urecnwlch time, j. that of the mirldlan of 15" dewreeB 30 nlnuter. i ho lime nhlttlo blows Rl iisv m. which Is tho same as Urcenwlch, l hourt 0 mlnutefl. Sun nnd moon nro for neal time for the, whole Kroup. is)t 20 .IT. 10 i w f.. ill VM ilO Ijiat X VH lW.OOi) 'n 10 loo IMS ao it to 11 ' III a an a ii t ii il .::: i'i DO UM,lM I'.ta JW III , OokU OIH0R. Co.Ld. eia Olovtaln .... pAJtnhan Hntr. Plan. (In III u ll 1.0U0.H a- WJ 1C0.0U CVUOU IU0,(M 11 lOii lt Id ii (Willi 1 ii 1) i 'J 4 II yl ' SM.OM vo niK'r ' nl is. " nr. Hon. llnd Tran. A L Co China and Japan. Stmr. Maul, McAllister, for Paaulmu and Ookala. Stmr. Mokolll Doner, for Kaunaknltal Hchr. I.ndy, Martin, Onlm ports , for Kaunl Schr, Itob Hoy, Htmr. John A. Cummins, Searle, for portB. Oaliu Am. schr. Alice Cooke, I'enhallow, Ban I'runclsco a., WajlanJ, Snn Am. bet. Harriet Tranclsco. Saturday, Moj 12 8. S. Miowera, IIcmmlnK, for tho Colonics. Sundoy, Mn 13 Hchr. Mulolo, for Oahu portH, Han H. 8. City of I'eklnir, Smith, for l'ranclsco. Sunday, May 13 Sp. Charmer, Slatir, for the Sound In ballast, Schr. Kcllpse, IIcnnlnKsen, for Kauai Monday, May 11 'VVislmlnster, 1'ctrle, U. S. transport Manila. for Htmr. V. G. I loll, l'ederaon, for llanamaulu and Koloa. Stmr. Mokolll, Ilcnnott, for Molokal ports. Stmr. John A. Cummins, Searle, for Oahu ports. U. S. N. T. Solace, Winston, for Manila. Stmr. James Makee, Tullctt, for Kauai U. S. A. T. Westminster, 1'ctrle, for Manila. -- . I.IVMJ MJ.IM W),U ll ... II. KKMI III II i t F " I,mmfi l,wi.rn' ' S.IIMJIU JJ,I) I"' 1)1 II lfWO Auction Sale HUN AND MOON ma I yjS" jftf j BM. ft 600.11 Ttfiwitti hai MIHofO H fin Inter Iiland H- - - Co... iTiiririi.iwvnny. FROM HONOLULU. BALLED A Oo. ...... Bffnum. AmMtcantmrMl'ii. I, Mijiir, II bundlea India ' JIAMB OP STOCK. , rrldK, Ma)fllmr Jamia Make, rnm Kvlna TinKfl. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. i 16. M &5 PLOW AND TEAM HARNESS all kinds on hand and made to ordor at short notice. ALEX CHISHOLM, for twenty years associated with tea Harness Business In the Islands, has charge of the Manufau-turln- Of Island Orders Receive Prompt Attention. JeloepboT322 228 Cor. King and Fort Sts.