Activities of CRE (Center for Renewable Energy) (October 2011-September 2013) I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Proposals submitted for fund RE Projects conducted by CRE Industry co-operations Conferences, workshops and meeting attended Publications Undergraduates research projects Master and Ph.D. Dissertations Training activities Facilities Community Service I. Proposals submitted for fund 1. “Design and Building of Low Cost Tailored Stand Alone Hybrid (solar-wind) Power System” for the STDF Sainai Call, May 2013. 2. “Design and Development of Low Cost Tailored Stand Alone Hybrid Power System”, in collaboration with Benha University, Cairo University, Lotus Solar Technologies, Arab-British Dynamics (ABD) Arab Organization for Industrialization, University of Cranfield U.K., Submitted to Development and Innovation Programme (RDI-2) Grant Application Form – Scheme 1, April 2013. 3. “Understanding Problems of and Material Selection for Water Storage Tanks for Desalinated Water Produced by Reverse Osmosis Method”, in collaboration with German University in Cairo (GUC) and Egyptian Solar Energy Systems Company, Submitted to Development and Innovation Programme (RDI-2) Grant Application Form – Scheme 1. 4. “Development, Implementation and Demonstration of Solar Thermal and Solar Electric (PV) Energy Systems for the Provision of Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Energy for Residential Purposes in Egypt (Sol House)” in collaboration with Solar and Heat Technology, Stuttgart (SWT), Faculty of Engineering Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering Benha University, and Egyptian Solar Energy Systems Company, Submitted to GERF Call 2012-2013. 5. “Research in polygeneration technologies based on solar energy for the Mediterranean region” in collaboration with a consortium from 9 members from Spain, Italy, Egypt, Algeria, Morroco and Tunisia submitted to FP7 call on Topic ENERGY.2013.2.9.1: Research cooperation and knowledge creation in the area of renewable energy with Mediterranean partner countries. II. RE Projects conducted by CRE Project title: Duration: Leader (PI): Design and Development of a Low Cost Tailored Standalone Hybrid Power System At Sayedna-Al-Khedr and Sayedna-Moussa Villages From Nov 2012 till now Dr. Tariq Hatem Group: Sponsor: Amount: Aims: III. IV. Eng Tarek Ehab and Eng Tarek Elewa with many other graduates and BUE research students Misr ElKheir 0.5 M L.E. This project aims to fulfill the basic life necessities for two of the most underprivileged rural villages in Egypt. Based on interviews with the residents of the villages, absence of electricity has appeared to be the central problem that originates other basic problems such as absence of healthcare, water supply, education, etc. The project aims to create a cost-effective standalone hybrid power system to supply electricity to the critical buildings of the villages relying on renewable energy resources rather than the costly connection to the national grid. Industry co-operations Upgrading and developing thermal solar heaters manufactured by NOVA Company, 6th Oct City. (Research team: Dr. Ahmed Abdelazim, Dr. Sayed AKl, Dr. Iman EL-MAhallawi and final year students). Upgrading the design and performance of air conditioning units manufactured by FRESCH Company, Badr City (Research team: Dr. Ahmed Abdelazim and Eng. Ahmed El-Shamy and Eng. Karim Ihab). Conferences, workshops and meetings attended by CRE staff CRE Organized Workshops Local and Regional Renewable Energy Manufacturing Opportunities I, 2 May, 2012, BUE, Cairo, Egypt. CRE Participation in international Conferences First International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy (MRE 2013), 1-3 July, 2013, Athens – Greece. Attending AFA Workshop “Renewable Energy in Fertilizer Industries & Energy Auditing”; April 28 – 30, 2013 – Le Meridien Amman – Jordan, and making a presentation titled: “Efforts of the Centre For Renewable Energy CRE (British University in Egypt BUE) to Build a Renewable Energy Know-How”. CRE Participation in local meetings and workshops 1. Jan 2013, attending workshop on: "حلقة نقاشية عن استراتيجية الغاز الطبيعي في مصر"و التي نظمها مركز بحوث .3102 يناير9 الطاقة بكلية الهندسة جامعة القاهرة في 2. Jan 2013, meeting with Minister Fouad Abu Zagla: and agreeing on collaborative actions between BUE and the Industries Union. 3. March 2013, meeting with Eng. Hossam Gamil: German Academy and organizing a joint training program for undergraduate and postgraduate students. 4. May 2013, attending: مؤتمر ومعرض إلطالق مبادرة "تعميق التصنيع المحلي لتكنولوجيات الصناعة الخضراء" بدءاً بالسخانات الشمسية كمرحلة 09 يوم األحد الموافق. والكهرباء واإلسكان والسياحة والسفير األلماني بالقاهرة،أولى وذلك بحضور السادة وزراء الصناعة " بفندق سوفتيل الجزيرة "قاعة أوبرا3102 مايو Dr El-Mahallawi and Dr A Abdelazim made contacts with the solar heaters manufacturers and it was agreed with one of them NOVA that a collaboration research work will start between both NOVA and BUE. 5. Attending “EU Turkey Global Bridge Building Initiative” Sun-Mon 26-27 May 2013, Palestine Hotel Alexandria and this was as an invitation from مجلس ادارة الغرفة التجارية المصرية باألسكندرية و التي أتتارت د ايمان المحالو لتكون المستشار الفني للجنة الطاقة المتجددة V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. VI. Publications Sayed Y. Akl, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, “Condition monitoring of a single cylinder engine running on gasoline and gasoline-ethanol blend using wear particle analysis technique”, ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, paper number IMECE2013-65910, San Diego, USA, November 2013. Iman El-Mahallawi et. al., Enhancing Low Temperature Thermal Absorptivity of Commercial Black Painting Using Nano-graphite –dispersions, to be published in First International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy (MRE 2013), 1-3 July, 2013, Athens – Greece. Amr Abdel Kader, Sayed Y. Akl, Bahy S.A. Abdel-Mesih, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, “Comparative analysis of different cleaning techniques of photovoltaic modules”, International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy (MRE 2013), paper number MRE-10(c), Athens, Greece, July 2013. Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Sayed Y. Akl, “On the Feasibility of Using Nanomaterials to Enhance Solar Thermal Conversion Efficiency”, International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy (MRE 2013), paper number MRE-10(b), Athens, Greece, July 2013. Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Bahy Saad, Jamal E. Alostaz, “Comparative Analysis of Fuel Cell and Photovoltaic Panels as Electrical Sources for RO Desalination domestic Scale Systems”, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, paper number IMECE2012-89171, Texas, USA, November 2012. Iman El-Mahallawi & Saad El-Raghy, Ch. 3 on “Recycling of Metal Products” in Book on: Reuse of by products and materials in the Construction Industry: Waste minimization and recycling, to be published by Springer-Verlag London Limited. Students Research Projects Enhancement of solar collector’s thermal performance by surface treatment using nano-based materials. Effects of air temperature and humidity on the performance of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. Fuel cell performance under the impact of a magnetic field. Enhancement of a solar collector performance by using nanotechnology; based on improving the absorption properties VII. Enhancement of a solar collector performance by using nanotechnology; based on improving the reflection properties Enhancement of a solar collector performance by using nanotechnology; based on improving the radiation properties Engine condition monitoring based on wear particle analysis Performance of diesel engine converted to run on an alternative fuel. Comparative analysis of fuel cell and photovoltaic panels as electrical sources. Flat plate solar collector performance with modified absorber. Flat plate solar collector performance with modified water flow field pattern. Effect of tube’s rotation on the performance of solar concentrators. Transparent PV-thermal and Transparent PV-PV hybrid systems. Enhancing a solar collector performance using Nanofluids. On the feasibility of improving the absorpitivity of solar collectors by using nano-coatings. Master and Ph.D. Dissertations Nevien Ibrahim Mohamed Amien Moataz Islam VIII. Training activities Three training programs are prepared and will be announced in September 2013 for RE community and will be conducted at CRE and instructed by CRE staff. Solar energy – the origin of all energies. Wind energy and wind turbines-today and tomorrow. Renewable Energies – Innovative Technological and Management Concepts IX. Facilities Equipments Specifications Sunshine Sensor – BF5 Measures global and diffuse radiation, and sunshine duration PAR reference sensor for SunScan System Outputs can be PAR (mmol.m-2.s-1), Energy (W.m-2) or Lux Albedometer type - GS2 Measures incident and reflected global radiation Comprises two GS1 pyranometers mounted back-to-back. UV Radiation Sensors UV3pA, UV3pB and UV3pAB Range of UV photodiode sensors with transimpedance amplifiers Data Logger DL2e High specification research logger 15 to 62 differential analogue channels Battery powered, rugged, weatherproof case Easy programming with Ls2Win Software (software included) The DL2e is compatible with almost every type of sensor that gives an output in terms of DC voltage, resistance, count, frequency or status. The WS-GP1 Weather Station has carefully matched high grade sensors able to measure rain, solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity and air temperature. The system comes complete with the powerful GP1 Data Logger and a 2m tripod mast. WS-GP1 Weather Station A range of 3 high accuracy UV sensors featuring photodiode detectors and transimpedance amplifiers so that they can be connected easily to data loggers. Different PV, flat plate solar collator, Parabolic trough solar collector prototypes. X. Community Service CRE offered a training workshop on “Renewable Energy Technologies” to BUE graduates and undergraduates group work for Sayedna Elkhedr project. CRE offers consulting and partnership activities and services to the Egyptian engineering Syndicate, ASME Egypt and local NGOs working on renewable energy issues.