E19 Merit and Rewards Policy

Peckleton and Fairview School
Policy and Procedure
E19 Merit and Rewards Policy
Created by
Date created
Nasir Hyder
Merit and Rewards Policy
This Merit and Rewards Policy is drawn up as part of Total Care Matters commitment to the five
outcomes of ‘Every Child Matters’ (Outcomes no. 3 – Enjoying and Achieving).
1. Statement
The effective functioning of our schools can only be achieved by developing a culture of cooperation and consideration. Our approach at TCM is to combine firm discipline and high
expectations with encouragement, praise and motivation; this combination is essential in
order that students and staff can work together in a happy, positive environment.
All members of staff are responsible for promoting good behaviour and discipline in the
schools and the Head Teacher is responsible for ensuring that this policy is adhered to.
2. Aims
The aim of this school policy is to:
Develop in pupils a sense of achievement and pride in their success.
Create an environment of positive reinforcement, high expectations and therefore
high standards.
Behaviour is improved more effectively through a coherent system of positive
reinforcement than negative punishment. There is often an injustice in the amount of time
and energy spent on those who misbehave, while students who are meeting the Schools’
expectations may risk being neglected or having their efforts unrecorded. By rewarding
good behaviour we are modelling the standards expected from everyone.
Every opportunity is therefore taken to reward both students’ achievement and their good
behaviour. This may be through direct praise from a member of staff or more formal
recognition such as a postcard sent home or a certificate given to the pupil. Students’ work
is celebrated through displays around the schools and children
A weekly celebration of pupils’ achievements takes place and all pupils and members of staff
are invited to attend.
Good behaviour and positive attitudes should be discussed in PSHE lessons, registration and
assemblies etc.
Staff may use stickers, certificates, letters, postcards and phone calls to the Home manager
to acknowledge and reinforce positive behaviour as well as academic achievement.
3. Rewarding good behaviour.
Extra merit points for exceptional effort
Quiet word, smile as acknowledgement
Written comments on a pupil’s work
Praise in front of class/group
Visit to another member of staff
Written comment, card, letter or postcard from teacher to carer informing them of
good, positive work, attitude or behaviour
4. What to do when behaviour is unacceptable
Immediate verbal or non-verbal check of misbehaviour
Sanction or consequence
Extra work where work is clearly below potential
Referral to Head Teacher
Home Manager consultation required in an agreed strategy of support for child
Removal from class in the first instance, leading to a short period of
exclusion/suspension from school
It is essential that pupils are approached justly and fairly.
Remember that pupils need clear boundaries within which they can feel secure and learn to
relate to others.
5. Sanctions
Wherever possible, sanctions should be constructive and immediate following appropriate
and adequate warning. Sanctions may involve one or more of the following:
Time out at break/lunch time
Staying in to work under supervision during these times
Time out
Sent to another class to work
Sent to the Head Teacher
Thinking time in another room
Constructive work
Writing a letter of apology
Writing out class or school rules
Completing unfinished work after school hours
Any other constructive task
Pupils all have a merits system in place which looks directly at their behaviour on a daily
basis. Good behaviour will result in merits being awarded.
If a pupil’s behaviour continues to be disruptive to the other pupils in the school and all
other possible sanctions have failed to work, then the pupil can be temporarily removed
from the school (time to be decided by the Head Teacher).
6. Merit Awards
These are used to reinforce and reward positive attitudes and behaviour in school and are
recorded in the pupil’s behaviour log. The pupil achieves merits in each lesson and
throughout the school day.
The school uses the merit system to encourage good behaviour.
Each week pupils who have achieved a positive behaviour record will receive a school
certificate. All levels of achievement are recorded within the pupils folder.
This system recognises good behaviour and pupils are rewarded for achievement and
exceptional effort in school.
Merits are awarded to students for outstanding work, special effort, service to
others, for representing the School with distinction and for any behaviour worthy
of commendation. These must be beyond what is normally expected from our