Asphalt surface courses skid resistance Package of measures for design and work-execution Deutscher Asphaltverband e.V. Asphalt surface courses skid resistance Package of measures for design and work-execution Measures .................................................. Planning and tender for bid Mix-design, -production and paving Opening to traffic Testing Future activities Team of authors: Dipl.- Ing. Lothar Drüschner, Dr.- Ing. Heinrich Els, Obering. Ulrich Habermann, Dipl.- Ing. Bernd Nolle, Prof. Dr.- Ing. Volker Rauschenbach, Dipl.- Ing. Siegfried Sadzulewsky, Dipl.- Ing. Matthias Schellenberger, Dipl.- Ing. Helmut Schgeiner, Dipl.- Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.- Ing. Hans Schmidt, Dr.- Ing. Norbert Weiland, Berlin Bonn Berlin Leinfelden-Echterdingen Dresden (Team Leader) Cologne Regensburg Berlin Linz Hanau Asphalt surface courses skid resistance Package of measures for design and work-execution Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Preliminary remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Skid resistance: Definition and requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Basics of planning and tendering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Mix design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Mix production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Paving and compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Opening to traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Self-monitoring activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Compliance Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Test-methods and devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Evaluation of skid resistance measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Future activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Publishers: Deutscher Asphaltverband e.V. (German Asphalt Pavement Association) Schieffelingsweg 6 · 53123 Bonn +49 228 9 79 65-0 Fax +49 228 9 79 65-11 E-Mail Internet ☎ Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e. V. (German Construction Industry Federation) Kurfürstenstraße 129 · 10785 Berlin +49 30 2 12 86-0 Fax +49 30 2 12 86-297 E-Mail Internet ☎ Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes e. V. (German Construction Confederation) Kronenstraße 55–58 · 10117 Berlin +49 30 2 03 14-0 Fax +49 30 2 03 14-419 E-Mail Internet ☎ 2nd revised edition April 2006, english translation 2011 Elke Schlüter Werbeagentur +49 228 64 79 89 1. Preliminary remarks Skid resistance is one of the most important properties of the road surface for road users. The requirement that surface courses have sufficient roughness has always been part of the ZTV Asphalt-StB (Supplementary Specifications for Asphalt Surface Courses). Upon the introduction of the 2001 edition of the ZTV Asphalt-StB 01, skid resistance specifications to be met on the date of acceptance and until the defects liability period expires, were stipulated in figures for the first time and are now an integral part of building contracts. Skid resistance specifications are applicable to all traffic categories, so category SV as well as traffic categories I to VI, with the exception of residential collector roads, access roads, pedestrian zones, local roads that are open to traffic, and parking areas of municipal roads, provided that the ZTV Asphalt-StB or the ZTV BEA-StB (Supplementary Specifications for Structural Maintenance of Traffic Areas – Asphalt Pavements) have been agreed upon. This package of measures sums up current know-how regarding the planning and execution of surface courses and the demonstration of skid resistance. It also provides an outlook on still urgently required data collation and evaluation, design of testing equipment and future research activities. This goal requires close cooperation between all parties involved. SEITE 1 SEITE 2 2. Skid Resistance: Definition and requirements Skid resistance designates the impact of roughness on the frictional resistance (grip) between the vehicle tyres and the roadway, and is measured on the wetted roadway. The surface texture and the surface course properties affect the roughness (microtexture, macrotexture and megatexture) which is influenced by traffic, weather and the environment. When the road is accepted after completion the roughness is primarily influenced by the surface texture achieved during paving operations. While it is being used the properties of the mix and its components come to the fore due to the impact of traffic and weather. Skid resistance is determined with different measurement techniques to demonstrate that the specifications of the construction contract have been met or to ascertain the condition of the road network. The device used for skid resistance measurements under construction contracts is the Sideways Force Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine (SCRIM) as described as measuring method SKM in the 2001 edition of the German Technical Test requirements for skid resistance measurements in road engineering (TP Griff-StB (SKM), Ausgabe 2001 „Technische Prüfvorschriften für Griffigkeitsmessungen im Straßenbau, Teil: Messverfahren SKM“). The PSV value of the aggregates used is a significant but not the sole influencing factor. The Polished Stone Value is determined under standard laboratory conditions and indicates to which extent an aggregate is resistant to polishing under the action of traffic. The table summarizes the threshold values as specified in ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 [including the amendments pursuant to the Interim Advice Note [(Allgemeines Rundschreiben – ARS) no. 24/03 of the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development – BMVBW, dated July 7, 2003] when applying the SKM method at different speeds. Five values are measured consecutively for a length of 20 meters and then adjusted to account for varying temperatures and speeds. These values are then processed into an individual value for a 100 meter section. SEITE 3 µSKM [–] Measuring Speed Time of Acceptance Until the period of liability for defects expires 0,46 0,51 0,56 0,43 0,48 0,52 [ km/h ] 80 60 40 ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 sets forth the following provision if the values taken are below the threshold values specified in the table at the time of acceptance: „Individual values for 100 meters which are more than 0.03 below the applicable threshold value for skid resistance constitute a defect. In such case the contractor may request a repeat compliance test based on the SKM method. …If the values are more than 0.06 below the threshold values, or if the prescribed skid resistance requirements are not met in the repeat compliance test, the contractor shall determine the reasons for such non-compliance and take action to permanently improve skid resistance.” If the skid resistance value is below the specified value, the client shall have the burden of proof until the period of liability for defects has expired, as set forth in the BMVBW Interim Advice Note, dated September 2, 2003. The „Guidelines on how to improve skid resistance of asphalt roads“ (Merkblatt für griffigkeitsverbessernde Maßnahmen an Verkehrsflächen aus Asphalt) published by the FGSV (German Road and Transportation Research Association) provide guidance on how to improve skid resistance. µSKM threshold values at varying speeds SEITE 4 Skid Resistance: Definition and requirements This schematic compares the values of the scheme for the road network condition surveillance with the skid resistance target values specified in the construction contracts that have to be verified and met using the SKM method on the acceptance date, and until the liability period for defects and defect evaluation expires. Grade µ-SKM 80 km/h3) 2,5 0,46 Construction contract1) Acceptance (0,51/0,56) 0,03 3,0 0,43 (0,48/0,524)) 0,40 0,06 No defect Remedial action or repeat compliance test „Measurements with the SKM method are not required during skid resistance compliance testing, if the following reference values are ob-served Surveillance of when testing skid resistance with the condition of road network2) combined method: SRT/ Pendulum Tester/outflow meter: Until period of liability for defects expires No defect 䡲 SRT value ≥ 60 *) 䡲 Outflow time (sec) ≤ 30.” 0,03 (0,45/0,505)) 3,5 Investigatory value 0,39 (0,44/0,49) Remedial action 4,5 0,32 Subsection “Mix and practical completion” under Section of the ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 contains the following provision pertaining to compliance testing: Monitoring Action value (0,37/0,42) Traffic management and/or skid improvement measures 1) ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 2) Guidelines for the evaluation of wet road skid resistance (M BGriff), 2003 edition 3) Bracketed values at a speed of 60 and 40 km/h as set out in the General Newsletter (ARS) 24/2003, dated July 7, 2003 4) Under “acceptance”: 0.53 5) Under ”Until expiry of period of liability for defects“: 0.49 Target skid resistance values to be reached with the SKM method (valid since July 2003) When conducting measurements with the combined measuring method, noncompliance with threshold values does not automatically mean that these values are at variance with the contract. Any deviation from the contract may be assessed exclusively on the basis of the SKM measurement results. SRT/ OM measurements are only intended for acceptance testing and not for the expiry of the period of liability for defects. *) Amendments to the ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 in accordance with the resolution of the Joint Committee of the Federation and the German States for Road Engineering (Bund/Länder-Ausschuss „Straßenbautechnik“), dated February 21, 2005, pp 17/ 38.56.00-01/8 Va 2005. 3. Basics of planning and tendering Skid resistance of roadways constitutes a complex property that is specified as early as during the design phase, and at the latest during the tendering. 䡲 Section 1.4.1 of the 䡲 When selecting the type and „Depending on the intended use, aggregates and crushed sands that are used for surface courses or as gritting material must have a high resistance to polishing (PSV value). The specified PSV values are grade of mix, not only traffic classification and the traffic load, but also route surveying elements such as narrow curves, uphill and downhill sections, deceleration and acceleration zones, and lane restrictions have to be taken into account. 䡲 Mix types where the maximum aggregate size is smaller tend to exhibit better skid resistance. The reduced drainage effect at high travelling speeds, however, should not be neglected. ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 sets forth the following specifications for the PSV value of aggregates: 䡲 for roads with the classification class III to VI under normal traffic load: PSV ≥ 43, The PSV Polishing Machine 䡲 for roads with the heavy traffic classes as well as for streets categorized as class III under special loads: PSV ≥ 50. 䡲 It is urgently recommended to use Polymer modified Bitumen for stone mastic surface courses designed for heavy traffic classes and in cases where the surface course is exposed to special loads. 䡲 When using mix types with a high percentage of maximum size aggregates the individual aggregates are subject to more polishing. Detail of the PSV Polishing Machine SEITE 5 SEITE 6 Basics of planning and tendering When surface courses on roadways are subject to an especially high degree of polishing in the long run …and are based on a design that is susceptible to polishing (e.g. asphalt surface courses low in sand or fine chippings) it is recommended that aggregates or aggregate mixes with an elevated PSV value (e.g. ≥ 53) be used.” 䡲 The specifications are to provide a separate ordinal number for surface gritting. 䡲 Based on the 1998 edition of the „Guidelines for laying porous asphalt surface courses”, high-quality aggregates with a PSV value ≥ 55 should be used for the production of porous asphalts. When using this design the surface should not be gritted because the aggregates would clog the voids of the surface course and thus impair the function of the porous asphalt. It should therefore be kept in mind that there will be a reduced level of skid resistance until the binder film has been abraded from the aggregate by the tires, thus leading to exposed aggregate surfaces. The authorities responsible for traffic safety should therefore set speed limits during this period, if need be. 4. Measures Mix design (type testing) Skid resistance is a surface property that cannot be influenced solely by designing a specific mix or paving method. Paving operations (e. g. correct rolling and gritting), however, can indeed have a significant impact on initial skid resistance. During the entire usable life of the road surface skid resistance is influenced not only by the mix design but also by a host of other factors such as traffic loading (particularly heavy traffic), weather, environmental factors and local conditions (stacking space, uphill and downhill sections, sharp bends). All those factors should be considered during mix design and paving. As long as appropriate prediction (test) methods are not available as part of extended type testing (see also page 21), one should rely on the experience obtained, e. g. through skid resistance investigation and evaluation. Several factors are decisive to achieve permanent skid resistance: 䡲 Ensure that the microtexture has a sufficient degree of roughness which can be influenced by the amount and angularity of the sand component and by high PSV aggregates. As they have a higher proportion of edges, aggregates that are resistant to polishing will have a much greater effect on small particle sizes (approx. 0.5 to 5.6 mm) when added to the mix than is the case when adding the same amount to the coarser fraction of the asphalt mix design. ! 䡲 The provisions in ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 stipulate that street surface courses designed for Class I and II, heavy traffic and special loads must have a minimum PSV of 50. Investigations on test sections have demonstrated that in special cases aggregates with an even higher PSV value might be required for the traffic classifications and loads cited above. SEITE 7 SEITE 8 Measures 䡲 Aggregates which contain different minerals enhance the resistance to polishing because the minerals exhibit different behaviours when polishing occurs. This means that the microtexture (roughness) of aggregates that is required for skid resistance is restored. In many cases a single aggregate does not attain all the optimal values for PSV, strength, and resistance to frost. Aggregates with a relatively high PSV might exhibit relatively unfavorable strength behavior and sometimes unsatisfactory frost resistance. 0 20 80 60 60 13 30 80 20 9 0,25 Mesh size 0,71 2 5 8 31,5 0,09 100 22,4 0 60 27 16 20 40 40 40 Square mesh size in mm Grading curve of SMA 11 S Retained fraction in % by weight 100 90 100 11,2 Passing fraction in % by weight Stone mastic asphalt SMA 11 S Certain types of greywacke, quartzite, granite, or quartz-porphyry, depending on what is available in the quarry, can exhibit a good resistance to polishing. The following points should be taken into account when designing the mix for asphalt surface courses: 1. Mineral aggregates 䡲 coarse aggregates It is recommended to use aggregates that have both a high PSV and sufficient mechanical strength – impact value (SZ8/12)/Los Angeles Coefficient (LA). The individual aggregate is subjected to more polishing when using gap-grades asphalt mixes (e. g. SMA). It is thus a good idea to use high PSV aggregates. In certain cases (e. g. for more reflective surface courses) the use of various aggregates with a varying PSV might be useful. SEITE 9 Technique to predict resistance to skidding In this case aggregates that tend to polish should be supplemented with aggregates exhibiting a higher resistance to polishing. Aggregates with a lower PSV are able to meet skid resistance requirements when mixed with high PSV aggregates provided that preferably smaller sizes are used for the latter and the calculated PSV value (PSVcalc) meets the specifications. Polishing Measurement Aggregates exhibiting less resistance to polishing must have a PSV > 43! PSVcalc = Aggregates contentA• PSVA Total aggregates content Methods used to predict the resistance to skidding help to improve the aggregate blend as well as the behavior of a specific asphalt mix with regard to the resistance/susceptibility to polishing. Unfortunately, there are only a few testing devices available in Germany as yet. There are, however, no standardized instructions for executing the tests. + Aggregates contentB • PSVB Total aggregates content + Aggregates contentC • PSVC Total aggregates content 䡲 fine aggregates (sand) Due to its angularity crushed sand should generally be used instead of natural sand (observe the flow coefficient!). In terms of resistance to polishing, quartz and silica sands are better than carbonate sand. Top: Details of the Wehner-Schulze testdevice Bottom: Principle of the PGM testdevice SEITE 10 Measures 䡲 Filler Increasing the filler content reduces the void content. Too much filler might impair the resistance to skidding. 2. Binders Harder binder types may have a favorable impact on skid resistance behavior due to their elevated ring and ball softening point. Polymer modified Bitumen PmB 45 A is recommended for SMA surface courses on roads categorized as heavy traffic roads (class SV, I to III with special loads). If the binder content is too high, the surface course might lose its skid resistance (fatting up). 3. Mixture Surface courses with void contents in the middle to upper range of the specified values exhibit a better resistance to skidding. Against this background it is vital to apply volumetric criteria when analyzing and evaluating the type test results. Other requirements of the construction contract (e. g. resistance to deformation and ageing) must also be considered when designing the mix. Mix production The mixture is produced on the basis of the type test. Any deviations from the varying aggregate sizes used for the mixture might change the skid resistance behavior of the road. The same applies for excessive binder. This is why effective self-monitoring is so important. The production temperature for the asphalt used for the surface course and the related paving and compaction temperatures have to be set at the optimal level to avoid „fatting up” of the road surface during paving operations. The mix temperature of 180 °C should not be exceeded when using binder types 70/100, 50/70 and PmB 45. Paving and compaction Paving, compaction and gritting also have an impact on the road surface skid resistance. 䡲 Heavy static and/or vibratory rollers should be used for heavy duty road surfaces where the mix is difficult to compact. 䡲 Compaction operations should be monitored with appropriate measures (e. g. rolling pattern, compaction measurements). 䡲 Fat spots on the surface have an adverse effect on skid resistance and should therefore be avoided. Fat spots are caused e. g. by the following factors: 䡲 Excessive mix temperatures 䡲 Use of pneumatic-tyred roller or combination rollers for all mix types 䡲 Excessive vibration – especially at excessive mix temperatures and high outside temperatures 䡲 Low voids in the surface course, causing displacement/rutting under trafficking 䡲 Low binder viscosity Uniform application of gritting 䡲 Initial skid resistance 䡲 Initial skid resistance is mainly influenced by the selection and use of rollers, as well as by the gritting method 䡲 With the exception of porous and permeable asphalt, all surface courses require gritting to increase initial skid resistance. It should be noted that noise emissions of tyres will increase if coarse aggregates are used. SEITE 11 SEITE 12 Measures 䡲 For Rolled Asphalt: Gritting is carried out by applying an even, regular layer of dry, dedusted, blank or bitumen-coated crushed aggregates of 1 to 3 or 2 to 5 mm size which are then rolled into the asphalt layer. The table specifies the type and amount of aggregates to be applied depending on the maximum aggregate size used for the surface course. Hot mix asphalt surface before and after gritting (detail) 䡲 The aggregates should be evenly spread on the surface of the hot layer, i. e. with a spreader and in a timely fashion, so as to ensure that the aggregates are set into the layer during rolling which should not occur, however, before the second roller pass. Type and amount of aggregates (Rolled Asphalt) Gritting Maximum aggregate size of surface course material (without oversize material) up to and including 8 mm larger than 8 mm 1/3 ca. 1 kg/m2 ca. 1 kg/m2 2/5 unsuitable ca. 2 kg/m2 䡲 For mastic asphalt The mastic asphalt surface course is gritted with blank or precoated high-quality aggregates that should be dry, free of dust and easy to spread. The spreader should be right behind the screed where it applies the aggregates to the hot layer. 䡲 The application rate for aggregates to be spread on rolled mastic asphalt is 15 – 18 kg/m2. Usually, crushed aggregates with particle sizes 2 to 5 and/ or 5 to 8 mm are applied to the surface. The aggregates are pressed into the layer with pneumatictyred rollers. The surface is then smoothed out with smooth drum rollers. 䡲 If the mastic asphalt surface course has to meet noise emission requirements the aggregates are placed at an application rate of 10 – 12 kg/m2 without the aggregates being embedded with rollers. Cubic aggregates with particle sizes 2 to 3 or 2 to 4 have been shown to work well for this purpose. SEITE 13 SEITE 14 Measures Opening to traffic 䡲 A freshly placed layer should be opened to traffic only after the surface course has sufficiently cooled. Otherwise, the surface might be subjected to deformation and the level of skid resistance might decline due to the deplacement of aggregates and fat spots on the surface. 䡲 Allow the surface course to cool for at least 24 hours, and if paving the binder and surface course in a single pass, at least 36 hours (compact asphalt). Cooling might take longer at higher temperatures. If the client wishes to reduce the cooling time it is recommended that the contractor puts down his concerns in writing in accordance with §4 (3) of the German Contractual Rules for Building Performances (VOB/B). As a rule, there should always be one night between paving operations and opening to traffic. 䡲 If 4 + 0 traffic routing is used (the roadway for one direction is closed while the two lanes of the other roadway take up traffic in both directions) and/or if half the width of the road is paved, the slow moving traffic is routed over the part of the surface course that has already been completed. This causes the danger of fat spots on the surface. 䡲 When these measures are taken, the increased traffic load compared to normal traffic routing also subjects the pavement to much more intensive polishing. 䡲 In the event of a premature opening to traffic, the contractor should request partial acceptance in accordance with VOB/B §12(2) and ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 Sections 1.7.1 and 1.8.3. 5. Testing Self-monitoring activities Mix production: The mix temperature should be monitored at all times and limited to the value cited on Page 10. Causes of fatting of the mixture should be identified without delay and eliminated. 䡲 Type and In addition to the provisions of ZTV Asphalt- StB 01 the following should be kept in mind: if different aggregates with varying PSV values are used for the surface course, an additional self-monitoring test should be conducted, so as to verify whether the actual and target composition are the same. 䡲 Amount and uniform Paving: The following tests should be performed: It is not possible to technically measure the skid resistance of the surface course during paving. Even shortly after paving and without any traffic impact, neither the combined skid resistance measurement SRT/outflow meter nor SKM nor any other measuring method will yield results that would allow conclusions to be drawn as to the skid resistance at the point of acceptance or during the usable life of the pavement. 䡲 Temperature of the mix upon delivery 䡲 Texture of the surface course (visual inspection). If the mix plant should be informed and the surface course gritted more thoroughly fat spots occur. appearance of the gritting material (delivery note control and visual inspection) application of gritting material 䡲 Point in time when gritting begins (i. e. after which rolling pass) Fat spots on the surface The results should be documented on a daily basis using the sample table on the next page. SEITE 15 Documentation of self-monitoring activities Annex to Interim Advice Note No. 2/2002 Documentation of self-monitoring activities to ensure initial skid resistance of rolled asphalt surface courses er Motorway BAB A9 km 18.317-22.090 Sample BG Type of surface course: SMA 11 S st Construction project Contractor: Exact position in km Direction of travel/lane M u 19.720 Berlin-Munich Tests conducted during paving Paving date Weather (sunny, cloudy, humidity, temperature) Target values of contractor Mix temperature [oC ] 160 – 170 °C Appearance of mix Difficult to compact Paver, high-compaction screed Paving equipment (see work instructions) Compaction equipment Surface temperature [oC ] during gritting Regular Following work instructions Roller spreader t s u M 120 °C Diabas PSV > 53 BS/SP 1/3 Blank Application rate for gritting material Spreading of gritting material Uniform Inspected by r e Following work instructions Regular No fat spots > 100 °C Gritting material • Type of aggregate • Size fraction • Blank • Precoated (with bitumen) Actual values determined by contractor 165 °C Mat shine Tandem roller+heavy static roller Rolling pattern Follow work instructions Spreader gritting/method Roller spreader Appearance of surface before applying chippings • Regular • Segregation • Fat spots 19.07.02 Cloudy 18 °C OK OK OK [kg/m2] 0,8 0,9 Uniform (Name) Smith (Signature) Smith Tests conducted after paving Actual values determined by contractor Target values of contractor Remove excess material Appearance of surface after gritting No residual material Little material left Regular Regular (regularity) Embedment of gritting material Comments (e. g. minimum cooling time prior to opening to traffic) Inspected by (Name) (Signature) Firm embedment 24 hours M t s r e Firm u 24 hours Smith Smith Testing Compliance tests 1. Upon acceptance 䡲 The client should carry out the compliance tests within 4 to 8 weeks after the surface course has been opened to traffic. 䡲 Notwithstanding the provisions contained in the TP Griff-StB (SKM) specifications, compliance testing can also be carried out from November until the end of April, provided that the air temperature and the road surface temperature are not below + 5 °C while conducting measurements. 䡲 If the measured value is more than 0.03 lower than the MSKM threshold value specified for acceptance, the contractor may request a repeated compliance test. Pursuant to TP Griff-StB (SKM) this test is to be carried out in May or June of the year following the opening to traffic. The result of such test will replace the original compliance test result. The contractor is to assume the costs for the repeated compliance test. 䡲 If the measured value is more than 0.06 below the skid resistance threshold value, the defect has to be remedied by taking action to improve skid resistance. 2. Until the period of liability for defects expires 䡲 Action to improve skid resistance also has to be taken if the value measured in a repeated compliance test conducted during the period of liability for defects is more than 0.03 below the threshold value applicable during that period. In such case repeated compliance testing is not provided for. The specifications set forth in sections (repeated compliance test) and (arbitration review) of ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 shall not be affected by the aforementioned provisions. SEITE 17 SEITE 18 Testing Test-methods and devices 1. SKM method SKM and the combined measuring method SRT pendulum/outflow meter test are the methods used to determine the resistance to skidding during compliance testing. Pursuant to ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 the Stuttgart Friction Tester is not to be used for compliance testing. 䡲 Skid resistance measurements are SKM apparatus, Detail: test wheel and water jet equipment 䡲 The SKM survey is conducted µ-SKM Individual values adjusted to 60 km/h 1,00 0,90 0,80 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00 usually carried out in the right side wheel track of the respective lane by keeping a specified constant distance to the hard shoulder (+/- 0.15 m). The standard temperature for measuring the road surface is 20 °C. The measured value has to be adjusted if the temperature deviates from 20 °C. While taking the measurements the temperature of the road surface temperature should be no lower than +5 °C and no higher than +50 °C 47,923 48,063 48,203 48,343 48,483 48,623 48,763 48,903 49,043 49,183 49,323 49,463 49,603 49,743 49,883 50,023 50,163 50,303 50,443 50,583 50,723 50,863 51,003 51,143 51,283 51,423 51,563 51,703 51,843 51,983 52,123 with a tyre that is set at 20 degrees to the direction of travel and applied to the road surface under known load. A controlled flow of water wets the road surface immediately in front of the test wheel. When the vehicle moves forward at the target speed, the test wheel slides in a forward direction on the wet road surface. The km Measurement record of a 4 km section measured with the SKM van Maximum permissible speed (v) for the road [ km/h ] v> – 100 Measuring speed [ km/h ] 80 70 <– v < 100 60 oder 80 50 <– v < 70 40 oder 60 v < 50 40 䡲 SKM requires two surveys, each of 䡲 The table above shows at which which should cover a minimum distance of 2000 m. When using this measurement method it is possible to inspect large sections of the surface course without having to interrupt measurement activities. The decisive 100 m-value is calculated as an average of the values attained for 5 continuous 20 m section making up this 100 m section. It is only this specific decisive 100 m-value that is used for follow-up evaluations. 䡲 The measurement speed may be adjusted to a maximum speed deviation of +/- 4 km/h. Measurement on roads that are wet due to rain are not accepted. Skid resistance values obtained for bends with a radius smaller than 35 m should be excluded from the evaluation. speeds the measurement can be performed, depending on the maximum permissible speed on the respective road. 䡲 The 2001 edition of the TP Griff-StB (SKM) specifications provides a description of the SKM method. 䡲 Every SKM apparatus has to be calibrated with a reference device provided by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) and is then granted a one-year operating license. 䡲 The functions and calibration of the measuring devices shall be verified at least once per month as stipulated by TP Griff-StB (SKM), Section 8.2. „Self-monitoring of measuring devices.” The results should be recorded and retained. SKM speed during measurement SEITE 19 SEITE 20 Testing 2. Combined measuring method SRT pendulum/ outflow meter: 䡲 The combined measuring method 䡲 The outflow or leaking test isused SRT pendulum/outflow meter test is a method where punctual measurements are carried out on small sections. to measure the macrotexture of the surface course. The outflow time of water between the two float switches of a vertical cylinder is verified with a stop watch at the measurement points used for the SRT measurements. This measuring method is described in the 2004 edition of the TP Griff-StB (SRT) provisions. 䡲 The pendulum measures the friction/resistance (microtexture) that a rubber slider meets on the road surface. 䡲 Five measuring points located on a measuring line at a distance of 5 m to each other are used to obtain the measurement values which are processed into an average. This average value is the decisive measuring result. The pendulum test should be carried out five times for each measuring point. The measured result is displayed in SRT units. 䡲 The SRT pendulum tester and the outflow meter should be calibrated by the BASt on an annual basis. Evaluation of skid resistance measurements For the values obtained with the SKM method and the combined SRT pendulum outflow meter method threshold values are specified in ZTV Asphalt-StB 01 in order to evaluate the skid resistance of the surface course. 䡲 The test results – SKM or SRT/outflow meter – reflect the condition of the surface course in terms of skid resistance at the time the measurements were made. Skid resistance is not a constant parameter. It is subject to seasonal variations which are specified with up to 0,1 µ SKM-units (see Huschek „Assessment of road skid resistance under wet condition”, published in the magazine Strasse und Autobahn 3 (1995), p. 121 – 131). The test result is also significantly influenced by temperatures (e. g. road surface, water used for pre-wetting, sliding rubber). 䡲 Typically, skid resistance values seem to be higher right after the winter season than in early fall. Worse test results might be obtained during dry spells because the road is covered, for instance, with dust and pollen, while being wetted. This, however, is not applicable for the test method SRT pendulum/outflow meter because the area to be measured is cleaned prior to measuring. 䡲 There is no known precision with statistical validation yet for the two measuring techniques. For this reason – independent from the speed – an overall tolerance of µ SKM = ± 0,03 has been specified for the evaluation of the 100 m test results obtained with the SKM method. SEITE 21 SEITE 22 6. Future activities The current level of knowledge that ensures that skid resistance is achieved and is demonstrated to meet the specifications should be complemented with follow-up activities focusing on the following points: Laboratory apparatus used to predict skid resistance 1. Review test and evaluation methods used to demonstrate that skid resistance meets the values specified in ZTV Asphalt-StB 01. 2. Quantify the impact that factors such as traffic, weather and environment have on skid resistance at the point in time when skid resistance is measured. 3. Precise description as to how to calibrate and operate the skid resistance measurement methods SKM SRT pendulum/outflow meter approved in accordance with ZTV Asphalt-StB 01, and their statistical validation. 4. Evaluate skid resistance measurements*) carried out both as specified in construction contracts and those by the Highway Administration or the BASt to survey the actual condition of the road network. These evaluations are made to learn more about the impact of mix properties (e. g. aggregate properties, mix design) and the type and peculiarities of pavement, compaction and gritting. 5. Develop or provide predictive methods to make reliable skid resistance predictions during the road’s usable life, depending on the polishing effect to be expected under trafficking. 6. Verify any correlations between the different methods used to measure skid resistance. 7. Identify correlations between the properties of the aggregates and the evolving skid resistance of the road surface. *)...See also the BMVBW note, p. 26/ 38.56.60 - 10/1 Va 2001, dated January 26, 2001 SEITE 23 Deutscher Asphaltverband e.V. DIE DEUTSCHE BAUINDUSTRIE Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e. V. Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes e. V. English version sponsored by J. Rettenmaier & Söhne GmbH + Co. KG 73494 Rosenberg Germany Fon +49 7967 152 297 • Fax +49 7967 152 500 151 • Deutscher Asphaltverband e. 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