July 26, 1960 L. S. THOMAS 2,946,865 ELECTRIC CONTROL BOX Filed Oct. 24, 1958 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 197703195)’ July ‘26, 1960 2,946,865 L. S. THOMAS ELECTRIC CONTROL BOX Filed Oct. 24, 1958 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVENTOR. 230,5 51/2? j?a/was' BY ?rral?‘y United States Patent‘f) CC 2,946,865 Patented July 26, 1950 2 :1. making an industry wide safety feature available‘to most all installations. In, the drawings: 2,946,865 Figure'l is an'isometric'view of‘the'control'box em bodying thisinvention with‘the door shown in an open ELECTRIC CONTROL BOX Leslie‘S; Thomas,» Orchard Lake, Mich., assignor to Gem eralMotcrs Corporation, -Detroit,.Mich., a corporation of Delaware Filed on. 24; 1958,1SénNo; 769,384 3 Claims. (Cl; 200-50) ' position'to illustrate the‘location and‘relationship of the various parts. Figure 2 is an elevational view of the control box with the ‘door in phantom and the actuating mechanisms shown 10 in'full’lines to illustrate the'location and'relationship of the‘pa'rts when'the door is in a closed position. Figure 3 is a sectional view of a portion of the control box shown in Figure 2, taken substantially along the line This'invention-relates ‘to electrical'control boxes and more particularly to ‘a control‘box/having a-isafety link agé‘rbetween' the main latch me'ch'anisrniand' the-switch operating‘ mechanism to eliminate'some of the’da'ngers which arise‘ due- to‘ the unauthorized personnel‘ ‘entering the‘ control box. ‘ In?m‘ost installations- making use of electrical control bo‘x'es;~' such'as- fuse boxes,v or switchiboxes‘ of some’type',‘ there is always the danger of unauthorized personnel'enteb' ing 'the 'box' and the possibility‘ of ‘accidents ' resulting therefrom. In order to‘ compensate "for these dangers, ‘it' has‘ibeen the practice in the past to‘pro'v‘ide some ‘sort of switch actuating mechanism which; is‘ directly connected to" the" door? latch‘ mechanism‘ such that ‘the switch is automatically shut o?' when the‘door- is opened. This type of‘contr'ol'box, however, gives a great 'amountiof" di?iculty when maintenance von-the switch‘means, or other electrical equipmentlwithinthe‘box, becomes necessary.‘ Slcille'd‘maintenance personnel, ‘in order'to'repair th‘elcon 3;’3 and looking in the direction of the arrows. Figure‘4 is‘ a sectional view of‘ a portion of the control box shown in Figure 2, taken substantially along the line 4-'—4 and looking in the direction of the arrows. Figure'S is a sectional view of a portion of the control box shown in' Figure 2,‘ taken substantially along, the line 5—5 and looking inlthe direction of the arrows. Referring'more particularly to the drawings, Figures 1 and i2-best show the over all control box and intercon nected linkages. The control box itself comprises top and bottom panels 10’and’12, side panels 14 and 16, and aback panel 18. A ?anged rim 20 extends around'the periphery of the open side of the box to provide a'dirt seal and ltarnper proof closure surface for the door 22. The door may be hinged to either of the side panels 14‘or 16‘ many suitable manner, such as by a piano type hinge or aplurality of strap or butt hinges. The door 22"'has a ?ange 24 surrounding the periphery and facing inwardly- to overlie the ?ange 20 formed on the control box. tents of the box,v must be able "to‘actua'te the'switch when A switch 26‘is mounted in the box, preferably adjacent the‘door‘is-ope‘n. If vthe‘switch control'is interlocked'to 35 thev‘corner formed by the side plate 14 and the top plate the door actuatingimechanism' ‘for the safetyiof unauthori 10, and'serves to control any type of electrical system, ized personnel it may'be‘seen that‘ maintenance on‘the not? shown, which'may-be located in the lower portion equipment-may be made only "when'the' door is'lop'en of the box. A'switch handle 28, rotatably secured in the andi'the ‘switch in‘the open‘ or 'olf position." switch "26 and pivoted on'the shaft 30, actuates the switch The ‘other possibility, in order tofcompensate‘ 'fo'r ‘thisv 26 to~v open or close the usual contacts. 7 disadvantage; is :to have'a switch‘*actuatingzmechanism The main door latch mechanism is operated by a handle thatr'isi‘in'no ‘way connected orvcontrolled' by:th'e door 32'disp'osed'on' the outer surface of the door 22. A shaft latch mechanism. This- possibility, however; is poor‘ from 34 extends through the door panel‘ 22, through a spacer assafety. standpoint; due vto the inherent dangersof the member 36, and supports- the lower latch cam 38." The switch-beingiclos'ed when'the door is-in an=op'en=position. 45 latch 'cam is provided‘with'a knife edge 40, and it may be The {device in! which this invention‘? is" embodied corn; seen'fror'niviewing Figures ‘1 and'2. that rotation of the prises three‘interconriectéd mechanisms, a main 'door latch handle 32"will'rotate'the‘latch‘cahr'SS to carry the knife mechanism, a switch actuating mechanism, and a connect edge 40 behind’the'?anged‘portion 26 of the control box ingmechanism-between the’door ‘latch and‘switch actua when the'door'is closed. The lower latch cam 38 is tion'.-~ With'this-control box it is- possible to actuate the 50 secured-for‘ro‘tation with‘the shaft 34 by the set screw 42. An upper cam 44 of the same con?guration as the lower cam 38 is ‘rotatablysecured to the innerside of the door panel 22 by the ?anged‘spacer member ‘46 and the shaft 48. The'upper latch cam 44 may be secured to the In ‘order'for maintenance personnel to enter the box while 55 shaft ‘48 in any convenient manner as by a Washer 56 theswitchiis in a closed‘ positionfa defeater mechanism held in place by aconventional cotter-pin 52. issprovided which ‘disconnects thevrconnecting mechanism A connecting rod 54 is pivotally secured to the upper from ‘ the switch actuating mechanism ~ to’ allow the main and lower cams as at 56 and 58 and serves to rotate the tenance operatorrto open the-door‘ without opening the upper and lower latch-cams in unison. Rotation of the switch.--- The'defeaterImechanism'isso arranged that'in 60 handle 32 and the lower latch cam 38 will lift the con‘ experienced or unauthorized ‘personnel could no'topen the switch- mechanism by the‘door' latch structure whereby closing the door'will‘require asecond‘operation to actuate theswitch. However,- the door normally may be opened unless the switch is ?rst opened, that is, in the oif'position; box without a special tool, and thus-would be protected from unauthorized entry. ' necting rod 54, which rotates the upper cam 44. A com pression spring 60,‘ acting between a tab 62 secured to the connecting rod 54 and a tab 64 secured to the inn’; Thus, a control box is provided having‘ numerous safety surface ‘of the doorii'panel' 22, biases the connecting rod, features, the main feature being the possibility of2 skilled 65 and consequently the latch cams, in the lower or opening personnel entering-the box for- proper-maintenancepur position,‘ the position shown in Figure 1. poses and sat the same time eliminating thedangersin The switch tactuatingimechanisrn includes a-plate‘é? herent in-unauthorized personnel entering the control ‘box. having-1 the’ apertures " 68 andv 70"‘for-medthe1'ein; A The-device is relatively simple to-operate and inexpensive bracket member‘72', or'a plurality thereof, extends from to manufacture. Existing control» boxes couldibe-"mo‘di?ed 70 the ‘plate 66 inwardly of *the‘ box and "is pivoted‘ from ‘the according .to the invention without ‘exorbitant ‘ cost, .thus back panel 1855as=by ‘thepivot'sh'afti 74. The'bracket 22,946,865 member 72 may be Welded to the plate 66 such that the plate 66 is pivotally movable with respect to the switch 26. The switch handle 28 extends through the aperture 68 in the plate 66 and movement of the plate about the pivot point 74 will open or close the switch 26. A pair of bearings 76 are secured to the inner surface of the door panel 22, as by bolts 78, and are vertically spaced thereon. A switch actuating rod 80 is vertically movable in the bearings 76 and has ‘attached thereto the The pivot pin 132 connecting the links 126 and 130, has an extension 140, best seen in Figure 3, extending through the link members 126 and 128 and is adapted to be received in the notch 114 formed in the plate 106. A stop tab 142 is secured to the switch actuating rod 80 and cooperates with the tip, 144 of the link member 130. The purpose of the abutment will be later de scribed. The operation of the control box is as follows: With hinged switch actuating links 82 and 84, pivotally con 10 the door 22 open, the parts are in the position shown in Figure 1. When it is desired to close the door and ac nected as by the pin'86. The link member 84 extends tuate the switch 26, the operator swings the door until through the aperture 70 in the plate 66 and it may be seen the preliminary latch hook 116 engages the latch bar 118. that vertical movement of the rod 80 will rotate the The latch handle =32 is then rotated to engage the latch plate 66 through the links 82 and 84 to actuate the switch cams 38 and 44 with the edge 22 of the control box. handle 28; ' As the latch cam 38 is rotated and connecting rod 54 A tab 88, having a slot 90 formed therein, is secured raised, the links 126 and 130 also move vertically up to the upper portion of the connecting rod 80 and pro wardly with the connecting rod 54 and the extension 140 vides the actuator means for connecting rod. A switch of the pin 132 engages the inclined surface 146 of the actuating handle 92, located on the outer surface of the door panel 22, extends through an opening 94 in the panel and is secured to the rotating bracket plate 96 by the plate member 106. The plate member 106 rotates against the pressure of the spring 110, releasing the preliminary bolts 98. latch means and allowing the door to be fully closed. Rotation of the handle 92 will rotate the The extension 140 is received in the notch 114 in the bracket plate 96 inside the door panel 22. A pin 100 is plate 106 and the spring 110 returns the plate 106 to its secured in the rotating bracket plate 96 and extends into the slot 90 in the tab 88. It is obvious that rotation of 25 normal position. The parts are then as shown in full lines in Figure 2. the handle 92 will thus actuate the rod 80, the links 82 The switch actuating handle 92 may then be turned and 84 and the plate 66 to open or close the usual con tacts in the switch 26. The defeater mechanism is actuated by a pin 102 which extends through the door panel 22 and through a bearing 104. The pin 102 is secured in a plate 106 adjacent the inner surface of the door 22, the connection being such, that rotation of the pin 102 will rotate the plate 106. from outside the box to close the switch 26, rotation of the handle 92 rotating the bracket plate 96 and raising the switch actuating rod 80, through the tab 88. The pivoted links 82 and 84, extending through the aperture 70 in the plate 66, rotate the plate 66 about the pivot point 74 to actuate the switch handle 28 and close the The pin 102 is illustrated as having a slot in the outer 35 switch 26. At this time the stop tab 142 on the switch actuating rod 80 is raised into abutment with the end end, allowing the pin 102 and the plate 106 to be turned 144 of the connecting link 130. The parts are then as by a conventional screwdriver. However, to prevent un shown in dashed and dotted lines in Figure 2. authorized personnel from operating the mechanism, the The control box is thus operational, the door being pin 102 may have some special con?guration in the end closed and the switch 26 actuated, and the box may re to permit operation only by a special tool. A tab 108 main as such for as long as necessary. , secured to the door panel 22 and a compression spring When it is desired that the control box he opened the 110 abutting the plate 106, resiliently biases the plate 106 handle 92 is rotated to rotate the plate 66 and the switch in the position shown in Figures 1 and 2.7 The purpose handle 28 to open the switch 26. The stop tab 142 drops of a push bar 112 rigidly secured to the plate 106 and the notch 114 formed in the plate will be later described. 45 with the connecting rod 80 and out of the way of the link 130. A screw driver, or other convenient tool, is used Preliminary latching means are provided for the door to rotate the defeater pin 102, thus rotating the plate 106 22 by a hook member 116, secured to the plate 106, and and freeing the extension 140 of the pin 132 from the the preliminary latch bar 118, secured in any convenient notch 114 of the plate 106. The handle 32 is forcibly manner in the control box. The hook member 116 has rotated by spring 60 to disengage the latch cams 38 and a shoulder 120 formed thereon and an inclined surface 44 from the side ?ange 20, allowing the door to be 122 between the end of the hook member and the shoul opened. der 120. A complementary inclined surface 124 is pro ‘If‘the operator should wish to open the door without vided on the end of the preliminary latch member 118. opening the switch 26 he may do so by leaving the switch It may be seen that by closing the door 22 the surfaces 122 and 124 will allow the hook member to slide past 55 actuating handle 92 in the switch-on position and rotating the pin 102 and the defeater plate 106. The push bar 112 the end of the preliminary latch member 118, and the rotates the connecting link member 130 out of engage shoulder 120 to engage the end of the latch member 118. ment with the stop tab 142 and at the same time frees Thus, the door is retained in a partially closed position, the extension 140 of the pin 132 from the notch 114. the opening being such that there is no danger to per The door actuator handle 132 is forcibly rotated by spring sonnel operating the box. The switch actuator'mecha 60 to free the latch connections 38 and 44 from the side nism may then be operated to close the switch 26. ?ange. The operator then has access to the-box with the Secured to the connecting rod 54 of the main door switch in the closed position. latch mechanism is a link 126 which extends toward the v If the door has not been latched when the switch 26 center of the door. An arcuate cam surface 128 is is actuated, tab 142 on the rod 80 will engage the shoul 65 formed in the end of the member 126. A second link‘ der 144 on the ring member 130, thus raising the ring 130 is pivotally secured to the ?rst link member 126 by a pivot pin 132. The joining surface of the link 130 is members 130 and 126, lifting the latch mechanism and complementary to the cam surface 128 of the ?rst link member 126, the member 130 having a stop shoulder 134 of the box. adapted to abut the edge of the ?rst link member 126 such that rotation past the shoulder ‘is not possible. The links are biased into the position shown by the torsion securing the latch cams 38 and 48 behind the ?ange 20 > Thus it may be seen that a control box is provided which allows access thereto only by a skilled operator, and preventing entrance by unauthorized personnel. The control box door may be opened with the switch either spring 136 vacting on the'buttons 138. The position just 1n_the on or o? position at the desire of the operator, it described is as illustrated in Figures ‘1 and 2. a a 75 being assumed that the person opening the door is skilled 5 2,946,865 enough to know whether or not the switch should be on or o?”. ‘I claim: 1. An electric control box comprising a plurality of panels de?ning an open sided box, a switch secured in said box, a door hingedly secured at one edge to one of said panels, a latch handle rotatably secured to the out side of said door and having a shaft extending through apertures to raise and lower said bar and said switch handle to actuate said switch, connecting means operable between said latch means and said rod to move said rod and said bar and said switch handle and open said switch when said latch means are operated to open said door, and independently operated defeater means engaging said connecting means to disengage said connecting means and actuate said latch means for opening said door with said door, a ?rst latch cam secured to said shaft and out actuating said switch and allow access to said switch rotatable with said handle, a second latch cam rotatably 10 and said box when said switch is closed. secured to said door and spaced from said ?rst latch 3. An electric control box comprising a plurality of cam, a connecting rod pivotally secured to said ?rst and panels de?ning an open sided box, a switch secured to a second latch cams to rotate said second cam in conjunc portion of said panels and within said box, a door hinged tion with said ?rst cam when said ‘first cam is rotated ly secured at one edge thereof to one of said panels, by said handle and secure said door to said box in a 15 latch means rotatably secured to said door and engaging closed position, switch actuating means secured to said another of said panels to secure said door in a closed door and vertically movable with respect thereto, means position, switch actuating means secured to said door pivotally secured to said switch and within said box and vertically movable with respect thereto, means pivot and engaged by said switch actuating means to open and ally secured to said switch and within said box and close said switch when rotated by said switch actuating engaged by said switch actuating means to open and close means, connecting means operable between said switch said switch when rotated by said switch actuating means, actuating means and said connecting rod to actuate said a connecting link operable between said switch actuating switch actuating means and open said switch when said means and said latch means to actuate said switch actuat connecting rod and said latch cams are disengaged from ing means and open said switch when said latch means said box to open said door, and independently operated 25 are operated to open said door, a defeater plate pivotaily defeater means to disengage said connecting means and secured to said door and having a notch formed therein actuate said connecting rod and said latch cams to open to retain said latch means in a closed position, said de said door without actuating said switch actuating means feater plate being rotatable to release said latch means and to allow access to said switch and said box when said and allow said latch means to disengage from said box switch is in a closed position. 30 for opening of said door, and a push bar secured to said 2. An electric control box comprising a plurality of defeater plate and rotatable therewith to disengage said panels de?ning an open sided box, a switch secured to a connecting link from said switch actuating means when portion of said panels and within said box de?ned there I said plate is rotated to disengage said latch means and by, and having a switch handle extending therefrom, a prevent said connecting link from actuating said switch door hingedly secured at one edge to one of said panels, 35 actuating means and opening said switch when said latch latch means rotatably secured to said door and engaging another of said panels to retain said door in a closed position, a bar pivotally secured to said switch within said box and having spaced apertures therein, one of said apertures engaging said switch handle for actuation there 40 of, a rod secured to said door and vertically movable with respect thereto, link means secured to said rod and movable therewith and extending through another of said means disengages from said box and said door is opened. References Cited in the ?le of this patent UNITED STATES PATENTS 2,695,934 2,806,099 2,882,359 Wills ________________ __ Nov. 30, 1954 Rexroad _____________ __ Sept. 10, 1957 Edmunds et al _________ __ Apr. 14, 1959