Ashley Rogers Michelle Trujillo ABS 443 Dr. Michael Kroelinger October 9, 2007 1 Japonais is a restaurant/lounge located in the Mirage Hotel and Casino. Upon entering, guests are welcomed by a “glowing” fire‐ red canopy and dark slate platform that creates a theatrical foyer to the restaurant. This affect allures the people walking by in the casino into this dramatic space. The affect is achieved by the layering of the different styles of lighting and the combative elements of earth, fire, water and metal. These elements are customary to Japanese culture. 2 Ambient Lighting Layer 3 The Dining Area The ambient lighting layer is the layer that provides the overall lighting in a room. This lighting provides the light the is needed to allow moving around the space and basic visual recognition. When the ambient lighting level and the task lighting level have different intensities it creates a dramatic effect in the room. 4 Ceiling lighting Canned down lights have been placed in between walnut “fin” ceiling that cover entire ceiling. These lights would be considered task lighting specifically used for the dining area. We could also consider it to be ambient lighting due to the overall light; it is providing the light that allows moving around and other basic visual recognition in this space. 5 Backlighting / Wall washing The bar area is predominantly lit by the decorative use of ambient lighting. The backlit colored glass wall is the major source of lighting in the bar area, which give off the infamous “fire” glow. The wall provides an artistic backdrop for the grand onyx bar. The bar has been lit from behind to aid in mimicking the juxtaposition of the surrounding elements. 6 Task Lighting Layer 7 Task Lighting Layer The sushi bar area has been created using task lighting due to the sushi chefs, they need to be able to see what they are creating. Even though task lighting is being used due to safety, a rose opaque colored lighting panel is being used to decoratively diffuse the task lighting evenly throughout the sushi bar area and to give it an aesthetic quality providing a warm and radiant experience. 8 Focal Lighting Layer 9 Water Wall The tree and the waterfall are two decorative features that are accented by focal lighting. Focal lighting is 1 of 2 types of aesthetic lighting. They typically use track lighting, accent lights, wall washers, and theatrical lights. This waterfall element is giving off a tranquil and relaxing sensation while simultaneously opposing the exuberant glow of the “fire” wall. 10 Decorative Lighting Layer 11 Custom Made Chandeliers The chandeliers are located in the lounge area. They offer some ambient light but are primarily used as a decorative lighting fixture to help accommodate the theme of the restaurant. Paper lanterns are a common lighting fixture used in traditional Japanese interiors. 12 Onyx Columns The stone columns are accented with copper and onyx details with custom blackened‐steel railings. made with stripes of onyx are lit from behind to enable you to see the natural texture and colors of the stone. This is purely a decorative accent to help create a mood in the restaurant. 13 Backlit Mirrors on Upholstered walls This mirror would be considered accent lighting. As we can see, the black frame is being accented with the lighting that has been placed evenly behind the frame. This method of lighting is creating a glowing effect on the outskirts of the mirror which gives it ultimately a more dramatic appearance. 14 Feature Wall The decorative lighting feature that is being shown in between wood columns are simply being used to catch the attention of the public’s eye. The purpose of decorative lighting is to make a statement about the style or the wealth of that particular space. As we can see, this lighting is making a grand statement about the overall style of this space. 15 By combining different lighting layers with the materials within the space, the restaurant is able to create an effect that is at once stylish and sophisticated, yet inviting. Layering these different elements only furthermore help embody the theme of the true Japanese culture. 16 Work Cited ://‐04‐Wed‐ 2006/living/9916276.html 17