ADVERTISERS' Cat^JLines OTJB Daily Manawatu TOLv XXVII;~NO. 7806. jgUT FROM ESTABLISHED 1875. PALMERSTON NORTH, TUESDAY, - MANUFACTURES Dicker & rattan j£i mk A. mk W^^i^P AA XL Bur *tittjt> q few W tbLJ~ a 'nL^p- w bothers. is A jDAYTOJNT, ■: BHB : EEMINGTON % . RudceWhitworth !Jb S9F I BURSON, ?UHGITIKILI LlNffi. ';:/: STONE'S Wellington, Hawke's Bay J- B. GLARKSON, k W^ml and Taran*ki Unmmerdal, Municipal and General DIRECTORY ! ;^ | °ff KO6 £#11016$ * Palinerston North, :; o - COME AND SEE THEM. - • ;• ff, E. SCOTT '• '^^SE?V_J^^ Wl N?W ZEALAND ANNUAL. AND id is Dh LUEN BEOS, HOWClothing co cheap. /Mf^^^^i^J^^e^^^m. BICYCLES ON HIRE. ; Borrn> »t Johh James J. Ourtis Sroim. A. KINGSBEER. Ito. Mm, containing 1000 pases, Custom, Shipping & Forwarding with Map* of Wellington tofeltar «•■-&«* Zealand ~oorreote&j to data, the Custom Hor/s*Agent, Quay, Wm-iinotoh. i *Wk*. handNOMly, bsundL in doth*! «Utj Boys Suits from 9/6 to DIMT .. Priw,lJ/«. STOKB, , , Uttpnd. and Parcels forwarded to any part of the world. GOODS ECRKITCRI RbMOVKD. SON <ft CO.,&*»., Dtffiedln and Wellington. CARRIAGE IUNAWATU Telephone 168. Established 27 years. MANAWATU FOUNDRY AND ENGINEERING WORKS, J 111 MAIN STREET WEST, PALMERSTON NORTH. flß'-at^i / JOHN BETT. Jl ■ ' TR*fW-*e«i?lption of Votteles bni (to JLV<•«!<•• ay *.«oaipetentf staff of, work-, • - ,, , ' " 1--* '; «* in all its Branches. ,< Koto the Address: just W. A!. BKOWNING, Nbab BAHj^AYSTATION. . AV R ■ \r\Ui t l;', .*> BARRAUD TIbRAHAM, Note the Addkess; BAKING I _.. ' . % '..- : ~~~~fi ■ ■ : O. H. BYoiOFT & CO. fob RONaOTEA oq And after 26th . arriv*. IGL6O. WiJJL iM^Palmerßton in the after. Doen, After tb« Wellington, Maatertafe.ctrf JVupiar trains arrite. Leave B«tt#«j BiHfttett at 4 p.m. **4.6. HICKFORP, -Rontrbtea. Watson & Eyre, j • ' WALDEGRAYE, & E.HALL Tattersall s Kangitikki (Late Smith & Hall). WIpKANCI. LAUD AND COMMISION HAVING aro now "**# at A Artf\ mortgat. ■«-IjSIJI%V/V/-W aaSipOTOMit. ;.;: : Cftwn PiopMtiei. t _. |i[[i ir ~ L G West, ' ~ ; AKCUITBOi When . •., iiiiFFE , private treaty. LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, Eangitikei Street, Palmerston North. Link extenblve alterations, pared to thoroughly E. Stevenson's LIVERY STABLES LANDAOS. bug.cies, busses and oo»obee j on hire. Reliable haaks always available at ihe ahortuat notice. THE COMPANY. to notify the public that , 'jg& Bronhv //^t\ I , ' market. E VI>*IReHOTRi; Main Street, Palmerston North. -* (late of Matton Hotel) \\t DEVIKE • has taken over the above hotel. A new stock of whiskies, wines and brandies has been opened, and patrons can rely on being supplied with all the leading brands. Special Feature : First-class Luncheon from 12 o'clock to 2 p.m. for One Shilling. Upstairs and Dining Eoom under supervision of Mrs Devine. Up-to-date Billiard Eoom under o&pablo M Pickle, , PROPRIETOR. HAVING , IRON . HALL, ereoted largeand eoramodiou buildings, ia prepared to i any on (orders with despatch. Onlj experienced workmen employed. Btook of yfthiolti PKINCIPAI always on hand or built to order okWOSyWBOHAHTt, iIIJC BT AM, THB Horse-shoeing a pea ality. AKP BTOstt^ i Funerals : •• Broptiy & Co. MAIN STREET WEST, . - RICH | ■ ; and orchard 8 miles fromijrea.m«y »n4\ljf milet from; Feilding. Price £150. " 'mmeaiaia possession*" Apply "Fanner,"' T»a» > , office. ;/• > ' v Ti/pSS WATSON'B small goods %rA JJLL confectionery quite the rage. and L-ng's buildings, Cnbaetreet.'-Seittie *?„ To sell Willowdale fj«a Line. titWl able pr >perty. orchard. F. Parksr, BangitikeTljinej^ „ AfiS - PALMERSTON NORTH] -Cmpire Zeas A. J SENN, . . ■ „ .. ........... • ' ■;, ' Kairanga ■ Fruit Trees Shelter Trees Hedge Plants ■ ■. ' ifWILLPAYYI R.W BEADNALL, (Next Library) The Square, Palmbrston North. : And shrubs of all descriptions. Season Only. Lessons Free. Short . Morning, afternoon; and evening, next New Zealand Bauk, the Square, f Catalogues free on application. ? R. MAYO,Lessee. POST OFFICE STORE, Street. J. BUTLER, having taken over theabove Store, requests a continuance of the support accorded hia predecessor in the abovebusiness. The stook has been replenished, and residents of Ealmerston can rely on securing the best quality of groceries, &c, at the lowest cash prices. Your patronage solicited., Cuba MR WATCH THIS SPACE J. BUTLER. ; TOMATO SAUCE ' ■-■■'■ -ALESSON.:.; ■: .'. :.:-r quantity of valuable stock A LARGE was damaged and destroyed : by the recent heavy rain and hailstorm. There- - Our Work | Our Stock Our Prices I ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. e I • ' i DON'T LARCOMB, ALEX. ' Law1 •, - . Ti^Oß SALE —The owner hating M» JJ further use for them : 1 string tip dray,;l«pring cart; an express*$tat>?o f«t enrrier or dairy purposes. UUfcly^ A. Kingtbeer, eoachbuilder. ' - .- ' pollard, barley meal, crushed p'o^ %&A barley, and good table potatoes, ',Z? '' TO iEAS«-4ptt«i7;«. '^ roomed house, 15minutes from ike WANTED hoose, % 8J acress, Square. 4-roomed, minute from Square. Brophyand' Land Agents. l KNOWN That »• hi* — »'Wg Jec*lttt just entered Into WANTED with of the suppliers of Zngl[j§k one largest tweeds for a period of fire years, a«4 are from this date turning out ftraHla** tailormade suits at 635, 70s, 75s and Male* Msh only. De Lnen Bros., The flyiare. TTTANTEPKNOWN—MacwumoU Mils groceries of the tV a Low Prices for Cash. Beat'lQujuitieß'ibi TXTANTED KNOWN- Highest prie* tn YY empty bottles is obtained iVGsttsche's Eagle Brewery, BangiMkei street. - ANTED KNOWN MioMiWt KanganyTeais honestly ip>fe>«, EGGSI EGGS! EGGS t Silver, Golden and White W/andettes. Also Indian Game1. '" * imported the above laji*| strains from America 1 am piepafeS to book orders in rotation. at osee " Write for a fresh strain of blood t« imprefe'yoor present stock." Sittings 10/8; eash'teM. company order. Unfertile eggs, replaced. H. S. Munro, The K^esACoU*gy^Bij Palmerston NortK. *' """' :-;-'• HAVING EMPRESSJJEEDLE. "VTEW INNOVATION. ZEALAND THE BEST ALWAYS SSL - i*l< IF a«^r if*t-J"B-°** Supreme Pig : Road. WHITLOGK'S . 'T^^.^tPfi.,, KNOt?U—MAcrnaMS adit the Meal'; alSo,"'«*, WANTED 850 > The Public Trustee can bo appointed Sections, £1 per foot, high arid dry ;-fine Trustee in place of previously appoinfoot, near Square and tedTrustees or in place ofpersons who Corner, L 3per wish to be relievedof their Trusteeship. station ; fine coiner, L2per foot, fine building jfoot,. site; fine, ,SOs corner, fine building The Public Trustee can be appointed site fine corner, 45s foot, high and dry ; Trustee for Marriage Settlements, £2 ;10s per foot, hear railway station ; Money Trustees, Sinking Funds, and sections £5 down, balance 6 per cent. other Trusts. Best snips in town. Be quick if you Tub Public Trustee undertakes the want pick. your Management of Property as Attorney /a. j.-senn:-. or Agent. The Public Trustee administers In testates' Estates, Lunatics' Estates and Unclaimed Lands. For full particulars apply to rpQge, you picture framing doneby THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE, -*- an t. perienced man whose sole WELLINGTON business is picture framing. Therefore ensure getting the best of. material, firatclass workmanship, and thebest possible results by going to * TXjTHAT are yon looking at «ay. |tf«fb Ti maid?• Looking oaUlor Pink«He)h to get hygenie bread. Bfr per-«bil*if» Telephone 197; •..'•... h TO The.PublioTtusteb ca,n be appointed Eoorns scullery bath outhouses street £ 10 Cuba 950 » Exector ~f the Will or Codicil of any *» 4 » near Square 300 person. Advice as to the making of * 5 ■■. .*■•■■ 300 Wills is given free of charge..'"•* '■ -8 TTAVE FOR SALE— WDIMOCK ' " M^» ,fSI» ;. v has dogs, or can plough; where cottage can be found LET—scommodioustoemS"QMtich» preferable. .> suitable for office* o£.diilittpMilrS)iSl Wanted : Several generals for town and the Square ; real good «omfortlible to country. rooms. lerex Wanted—Trustworthy woman to take up-to-date f"",' -" JDW 1 charge or luncheon rooms and confec- Square. tionery. you want a Bkycle come to'toe. Ifri in a position to do the" business -with ' Nurserymen pigs_ ■— - Tree-Planting Season. JOSEPH MAYO AND SONS, Manufacturers, *v PIIPF U ItL. (Wm^ I* Applj oflßce. jears , fore tradespeople arid others should; see that their premises are lined with P. it B. Giant Building Paper, absolutely water IS3" All Work Guaranteed. proof and draught proof ; does,not deteriorate with age, and is perfectly odorless. Thirty shillings (30s) will buy' you a 1000 take our word for it, but tome square feet A house sheathed with P. AB. paper is always cosy, no matter how far the and judge for yourself. boards in the wall have shrunk apart. Sauce, and Cordial During the first winter you will save the AETISTIO DECORATION IN ALL cost of. material by not needing so much ITS BRANCHES. fuel. But if you want a real good FIBE GEOEGE STEEET, PALMEESON hgs ,Ms ring us up at 132 or 228, as we have a large > NOETH. stock of good.dry firewood, any length, also AND CO. are buyers screened Westport coal. „,.,..+,. SQUARE, THE PALMERSTON K. TTOLDERS of First Prizes at the of ten thousand (10,000) CIVIL ENGINEER AND Solo agents—P. <feB. Building Paper arid JJL Adelaide and Melbourne Exhibi- bacon pigs, maiden sows or barrows. Eubefoid Koofing, Gr'eyrnouth Coal (bmARCHITECT tions, and other prizes. Freight paid on all live pigs, dead pigs 1/pany, Wairarapa Brick and Drain Pipe ; Chutnoys, Sauces,Pickles, Curry Powders, per pig freight. Pull particulars from Mr VALUATOR AND ARBITRATOR REWARD—The above reward j Co. E. McMUREAY & CO., Wood, Coal Baking Powders., and every description of A. J. Arnold, Bunnythorpe; W. Port fJKA ! j and Produce Merchants, Main street, o&zJYJ will bo paid to anyone Cordials and Liquers. Ashhurst, or Wellington Bacon Factory fvFFICES— Chambers, The Square. can produce a suit of better quality who : Palmerston N. and > Waterloo Quay. residence, \J Private Duke-street Pal finish than the suits we are making to Nothing but the best of s ': merston North; measure for 63*. De Lueu Bios., The'3\ T HATE a large stock of Bikes just Materials Used. Square. JL arrived exPapanui. J. B. Clarkeon. HADFIELD & HAMILTON, Shoeing Forge. nurface than U* etk«r bnod. REDCLUTFE ha. been Ux&lj i«port^ into New Zealand man d«#ii||;ib«la«l tw«itT7MK Viaa maj other, •ad M»«fwno».*»*»«i that «M7iheet will %« tawk 9«tt%0% and properf iioreigated Far us, business sites, building sites, and good specs everywhere. Licensed Drain Connector to the Borough. ! Factory Coach and | GALVANISED I F. • • • Specialties—Sheep Dips, Bakerts Ovens and Tubular Boilers built in. FITZHEEBERX StBEET BSDCUFfEi oovan • larmr - I. J. FAKE, , m private family. • to this «ffle«. Further large; reductions now inudte in coats of administration. The Public Trust Office seeks to be merely self-supporting. 4 Fstatcs , under Wills "pi.. Intestacies when converted into cash and hold1 for LAND AGENT, beneficiaries are credited with interest at highest rate, capitalised yearly, and are Main street Near Railway Station free of all office charges. j BEICKLAYER & CONTEACTOB, Broad Street. AjoWtect. should iMoify Corragated Iron i C80W1!? w»CkWaaited Th«* ik better Icon numnfaotured. Con- { tttrttonC rtculd not be mialed by erroneou* (tktHßtfpU. BEDOUFPE ii the best; and tht 5 rooms with bath, range, copper, wash-house; let 14s vrfiek; good dry section, close to Square. L375, LIOO cash. 66 x 250 feet, 3 minutes from Square,'L3 per foot. '■■■ ti acres with 5 roomed hduse.wash-house, garden, etc. L3BO, LIOO cash. "1 OS feet frontage, 165 feet depth,, dry section,. 8 minutes from Square, 6 rooms, bath, range, wash-house, etc. L4OO, LSO cash, balance 6 per cent. 5 acres loamy soil, 999 years lease, rent L5year, fenced and subdivided, 1 mile from Feilding. 7-roomed house, wash-house, cowshed, etc, shelter, orchard, garden. Goodwill L350. Cheapest property we know. of.. 3O x 248feet, 3 minutes from Square, 4 rooms, range, wash-housej copper, stable, work shop; very cheap. L250. LSO cash. -■..•- nanagement. kinds of grain crops at current rates, j | Terms cash on delivery, j Apply Box 20, PalmerstonNorth; or at the office of the Company, Pal- ! j rnerston North. The Company is also prepared to make cash advances upon growing KEDkiUFFJH !! crops at lowest current rates. WANTED-By young lady «nflg«4 during the day, board and ledgi** 'onlylSe"^ «1 Engagement Married HYGENIC~BREAD~eah Pinkerton's. Sd per 21b loaf: Til*. WAITING — couple for station ; man 85 , phone 197. r-~ ( age with highest inference, Over Three Millions Sterling Capital and Interest Guaranteed by the State. DEVINE'S BANG'.TIKEI- LINE MANAWATU BEG - HOTELS. In «""". gardens, Rangitikei I WANTED— First-okss Aon't forget t6 mention tMtt it t$ Van Hoirten'ayou wuit. * Value oy. Estates, in the Office : * CHAS. B. BUXTON, ACBES, of knd IM acres Mt■ I?0B.SALE—Goodwill ? - petual lease, all ploughible, goitikh I dair/ing or cropping gardtn ordtrlni emu, PUBLIC TRUStIIFFICE. mile's vMiTBICT: AGENT Royal they have takenover thebusiFire De\r AasarMtO* Corporation nessrecently carried on at Palmerston *rtment House\»nd Land Agent, ufflse -Clarendon Block North by Messrs Richter, Nannestad .tract. ftlVafe feßidenoe Fitebflrber & "Co.,and that they are now pre«*»». pared to purchase wheat and all other (Aimyiftl ir«t-ol»Mi ironin - ■ -; LABOUR AGENT,- r~ Freehold Dairy Farms; PATENT EOLLEE FLOTJE MILL j ■ «* •aelUmwt. It moUm* ik* m»m» and i* 190 •** tetm> "Qj.VTSJaL.*M p^*? Bicycle punip betwe** Longbwii LOST— and Palmerston railway rtttio*. Finder please return ■ 7 - thisl Telling public A accommodate the complete plant of vehicles always on hand. Saddle and. harness horses ready at the shortest notice. Teims moderate. Telephone 77. All vebiol&s now kept andor aoTet owing to extra aooommodation. ; onon --m I W. D. MURRAY, ! ; LAND, HOUSE,COMMISSION, AND £91*168 £20*143 0.8. BTJXTON has been favored with instructions to sell by the MR south end of that fineestate owned by P. A. Hosldng, and situate between LintonandTokomaru, East side of the Manawatu . ■ ever private treaty Esq., on the Company's railway and comprised of about 600 acres of fine loam', all in the verybest of grasses and wellline fenced. Owing to this portion of the estate being the richest all the stock has been fattened off land, which makes it exceptic-illy valuable for dairying purposes. It is splendidly THE SyUARE sheltered from the cold South-East winds by the hills which lie to the Eastward. There are two good roads running through the block, and a creamery is within one mile of PALMERSTON NORTH. the nearest point. This is a branch of theLevin Co-operative Dairy Factory Company Ltd a, company well and favourably known the district. throughout The land is 2* For from Lmton railway station, and from Palmerston North is about 9 miles Excellent ARTISTIC, water is running through everypaddock and the property is quite free from floods. COMMERCIAL terms are exceptionally easy, only £1 per acre oash being required. The farms varyThe ■'-■■' in AND size from 77J acres to 120 acres and are all well shaped for easy working This is a GENERAL chance,rarely met with, to be able to obtain freehold land, admirably adapted dairy for PRINTING farming, at a low figure and on easy terms. Telephone 148. | For all further particulars apply to ■-'■■' E, . Six Fine by r ■■ SAY BILL, hand ftfcchiM 21bloai8d: Tel^phemt, IW/ I .loafl We Are Selling: These At Bargain Prioes. for sale: »to «k*^M« from 20s deposit. TUT ACS)KB BBEAD » h« doubtthe feed ±fX Bing up telephone 197forfeb leaf, M Ihb Square, Palmekston North. OoMb will leave flongotaa daily at Via , 8.80, for Palmerston. AWahati, 8.80. Palmereton C. BontiaUav ««*lilfc« Mtabto tk* blood to v 4tteiat WlM^ *l«i», th* aiatttr tutid *T tt» F«rt6tu day»« work, w*fft I -AND CO., appointed. Arabs are ."taking on." Repairs of all kinds executed, and workmanship guaranteed. No boys. . ■ -.^' in private house. Terttii moflwat*. Apply Times office. I Is so »»rf«otr/ di«*atjb)« that th«r« i« no attain* s bad night', rwt. XU ' I ftIANUPACTURER^, in the order for your machine SEND early so that you will not be dis- — W' | f«ar of its £8,015,240 ..' _. .^ on»| Times office. ANTED-One or two lady b««a«rt y ]vanl|outen' s (^coa| , i : . ■~. . .. I I ,' Increase in the Accumulated Funds (one year) £914 599 Increase in Annual Income (one year) '" THE SQUARE BUTCHERY. Inprease in Cash Bonus (one year) Net Gain in Business in Force, 7508 Policies, assuring '.'„'. £i 397025 Next to Montagae'B Arcade. Interest Receipts exceeded amount paid in death claims by £184*908 Directors of the New Zealand * Branch—The Hon. Chas. WHOLESALE & RETAIL BUTCHERS John Johnston, M.L.C., Chairman ; A. De B. Brandon, Esq. (Deputy nnHE best house in towc for ibe primes Chairman ; the Hon. E. Richaidson, Q,M.G., John Duncan, Esq JL meat and Joseph Joseph Esq. £< ' 1 EDWAEDW. L /E, Resident Secretary. w Zealand v 71 at*Branch— .-■-■■. / New CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY, WELLINGTf G Hk Bycroft POWDER. — ■ ■ MAIN-STREET EAST. Bonuses. .. ... ...... ..... Parkins & Attfield. - hon*. nw ED-By three yon^ p,. gMJ milkers, milkms on>ih«M Bf imSm 'X-Y.Z, Tntss office. AWTED-To rent f or *-fOoi^ house in PalmerttenHetth. "A •» ' \vanl|ouTen^(^coa) , 197 andget your requirement on shortest notice. CASH BUYER OF FRESH EGGS-llighest Price given. ' . OE^^AipßieyeipeiMmttTi*^ k. Depot are being given «t ffigj; Valuation-Ihe standards of valuation are more severe than those employedby any other Mutual Office transacting business in New Zealand Existing Business on the New Zealand Branch Eegister 29,544 policies, assuring wra* cash. Leigh and Qox. J A cop of Van Hotiten's Cocoa lor supper is (he best nightcap. I exceptional ARAB -Jl^ Bicycles. /* erected on very easy terms. Creameries 3 WEODISTSSfES I AND t^i a T Cd h y Loaf. is at our AOENTS. «tnrnkeev«rs rid and Is IMK-TABLBS COACHES of Mm ;5 -BOOMED and CHINKBR LADNDKV OLAZE W thr t-Mt I'ye used Ironing ib a plpusure w|4b ii.''Mrs"W M. flow*.. Toko,1 '.arknftki. «| am. 4^) assuring Reapers - .Ttoett ami j*&U W;ANT Policies Force 176,815 ... ...... . " £50 763 590 Exclusiveof Bonus Additions, amounting to .'." floWsW Annukl Income From Premiums and Interest now At, Canterbury A. and P. Show. ...... The Funds of the Society now amount to • ... '. : -«. , £18*779118 '" - Death and Matured Glaims paid since establishment £lß<Lm'wi °>*™>OiiO Cash Profit-Thevamount of Profit available for Division SHIPMENT of thesd and amongst the" Membets, after making Ee_ A Binders have arrived serves, is ... ... ... £558 868 depot. An amount greater than that distributed by the Society in any previous Also: year and over 34£ per cent of the Premiums received during BIG 4-MOWERS year STEEL HAY RAKES It will provide Reversionary Bonuses, amounting to over. . the £1 000 000 • - KNIFE TOOL GEINDEES. Expenses-Thepercentage of expenses to total receipts was about 8* in 1^ v" immediate Ka«y toOH., W|« wy Bonn's Land Agency," "^^ - HATE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE-^ } °?:?*lloP Melotte Separate (eteam turbine) with boiler, :• B.ESULTH TAKEN FROM THE FIFTY-FOURTH REPORT. BINDER New Policies-15,591 completed, assuring £9 7O2^7fi .f : YOUNG 6O'#!?4awv«in^iies..iiwalfflo^|i«trund,ii|'fint-etoprder> ... , ttvl .•**!•%! LaHy seeks em*%ttMt.afctt~ hand, typist, knowl«4*» «J k2i.( «eping, ; € opd -rtfewiMs/ jSwaiSi son, post om&tioy?ttti®s]B&F™™ :"'*-" '•"''-.': LADIES ■' '■■•--• it is represented tb'lie—l&YolßNlO BREAD ;So:all you have to do is to ring-up Telephone Largest t :fca.i **,>\ fcnH«»ir has;op*n*4 CIENN bought the' sections —r CONFECTIONERY ■,: ;, MY BAEBHOIiaE. ■. ■: -"' This Bread.js^hat World's Record • m Beattie 4nd •Ltng'r Cuba street.- ? PROVIDENT SOCIETY Holds The Fop Left-Hand, Open-Back MISS WATSON from. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL AllJdbtifaafcftMicing .work-done in con- BEAPEB and fttttfc*:. <*Uh ,the business at fair and GAINEDTHE «a*B>ia^«;«hArgefl.;,; ONLY GOLD MEDAL SHOEING AND GENERAL SMITH'S WORK ' _ 3 ; "TT^ > ,We have men applying for ker^ ol 80 Cow6 a«r*y or over to mUk 6n Bhares. cjilo us prices. Stock particulars; ; 0109! he nitSSt Terms MAIN STREET, PALMERSTON NORTH. - SECTIONS rahie. SennVLand Agency.; it. The price RHN^n ND ?X9r/ CAKES New McOormick VACANCIES opportunity fctv'tJMt* - young ladies,For EXCEPTIONAL Sale tsarooms «*h Write for Note our Address: ■ vr r h HOSKING BROS., <'W*OQ2fe<WI)RKB, X«ar ft*ilwaj>r«taife*?£alinenton North. mo FARMERS-We haw 4 atimfct* «* piping and station/ wlth-brth-~wMihfam.»-JPti«e 150^U.fc Palmerstoo. List price /w. mil^remving-rat. alone worth -^Juiini vw'n«m.'t^tj- 93b l 65-gallon De Laral Separrtit, boiler and connections complete With Scan's Land Agenay.,- r ,^^~ ""* n *?llk Tafc- 2riee:je4o a«ft U.b. Feilding. List price «55. Ironwork. BXOSIfejOR OTEAM OAEBIAGE AND " ,» Estimates for all kinds of Ironwork given. Turning and Screwing done for theTrade. Vfy- A. Browning, ■ '""""' """ fe Special order* m any kinds of ladles «ftj be completed on theorgents'^derweaY shortestne4ie». Gk&{ Danl, proprietor. BEATTIE, LANG & CO., BUILDIMS, F^nS^^^^j^V "POLOITIAL" CUBA STREET, in-Palß*frtii^s2^!^Z*v - V -' Palmerston North. 0 as"k^Hll &B PRODUCE EXPORTER tiANi & ESTATE AGENTS, Mle.; wk yME\ © 4 I &^""" . ; promptly attended to. ; Mercers. , k s ft T* /k'W^c. Mr A T 4ttfttit«-*«fk im all the branches of the tMi« trfik ««spateh. Iron and Brass Founders, Engineers and Etitf varMtar »f Tekiele* aaaele to order. I Biacksmiths. B«fHtlt Patntinf, etc., done on most tMMnaM* terms. Ail kinds of Engines, Boilers and HIUIBI ON HIEE, FUNERALS Machinery repaired. Boilers retubed. Bearings, Pulleys, TJ*t>ERTAKES, Ac. Shafting, Shaft Couplings, Truck Wheels always in stock. Brass skim-milk Pumps and Cranes as we supply to the New Zealand Farmers' Dairy ;Union. Bakers' Ovens, Bridge and Builders yftJZ^j" ,' T '■.'.-■■! - (gooa fttrongßuits and very drefegy). WANTED KNOWN-Thftt At PtJ. merstonHosiery Faeiory Kk» bee* to premises erected at the baeic <3 j removed say Main street; warehbnse^here *tim from the trade as well as the pnblie'4-m THe Cheap Clothiers and Terrace End. ■ be charged unless aeeompaiiiM by (wi; DELUEN BROS., I beg to inform my customers and the public in general that I hare my arrangements for Production and Distribution of completed. MachineMade Bread. ...--. ; / ; "' Carriage factory HOSKING BROS, MpHB 'Fbfll hatinc Imported the latest X' ■•oitaM* Maekinerf,i« prepared' to Main-Street, WORKS, civ sell Mcns Mens Trousers fall wool) 5/6, 6/6, 7/6, 7/9, 8/6, 8/11, d/6to /6. Real[ for~Keßtikm*e« tafcAtfc cheap lines. i third house off Ferguson *feeefc -, The Working Man 1 Try a ptfit of ear wenderM 7/9 Working Trousers for 95s »*d<Ms A*»Wiii Just the Trouser for yoa. Cheap, bat good. differentparts of the town c MittiSi Provident Machine Bakery, Church Street, Palmerston North. W Goods consigned to my cara from foreign or local parts will be Bent on with| promptitude. 18/6 * _. «*«/ tfcfc ADVERTIS*KMKTB. not «xe*ediajrixt«iWot*Yir* wserteS (to for ) « SIXPIioY SS and Boys ready-mad* 2s Cd. If orders come ktito j^jE ' be understood thaVie*U* (iefft eattftjm heading Mens Suits, Wear Well?, good fitting at 16/6, 18/6, 20/-, 23/-, 25/-, 80/85/-. to 45/- Nice variety to choose from. WedL6a£ PIWKEfiTON'S 41b 6d Loaf I CASH WHY? They Buy For Cash. Therefore They Can Sell Cheap. Tairleenth Year of Publication, AUGUST,1908. WANfEIi PEOPLE WONDER nlvffll *$h?&!&'Jr PRICSB : ONEv.JKBfJfljf ] J^ MWm #/ Itepairs under the supervision of Mr E. N. Grove,late of Wellington; ..j. Jfjk^ ad SEPTEMBER 1, 1908. mi 1903 Models, choice of Eims, Tyres, 'fSpf-.t^ y HOW PUBLISHED Times. CVP^\ oWXJjland if ! : ' MRS J. H. ANDERSON, RELIABLE REGISTRY OFFICE, TERRACE DID. of vntj dtstriptiok fer females in any part of New K*al»Bi.26s ; traitresses, hrose"Wanted—Cooks,maids, housekeeptts,. and f generals, lSs ; cook station, 20s to 26s;'general servants, milkers, 25s and 20s ;_ hotel hands; married couple : stripper-keeper, flaxmill; men fot cutting and clearing scrub; also fdur bush hands. ■ ■ Wanted, an experienced baker. Apftty sharp ; also two men for sawmill, one » turning put and one for breaking down. SITUATIONS ' • • H. D. McCULLi, BEGISTR¥ OFFICE, Fruiterer * Confeotlone)rf OCCIDENTA^BtJffi#[NGa Fruit wa^^jwrfjefteniry. FRESH Afternoon Tea. Waiting Engagements::iJGenenl far» hands, cooks, waiters,^cforien, : general servants, married eouplej, fc general for country,1 sit.^MceiiMf;!: i ■ .'■>'■;,' For All-Round Satisfaction V tfctJnH1! fc^B ---• The Columbia Chainless no equal bicycle. If rides HAS easy, the longest, gives the least trouble ofany machine made. There as a wears are scores of them being ridden about Palmerston. Ask the riders. We invite you to visit our premises, which have been newly renovated and repainted. We are the headquarters for National Cash Register, Yost fcmtprittr, Modern office furniture,'Qaacerbath cabinet, Hitchcock lamps, etc., THE YEREX& JONES COWANY. Ed BOTN»,iMvaaJ,er I __ THE MANAWATT3 DAILY TIiJIES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1903. II? .- that their mediocre minds could Seed Potatoes. conjure. The consequence< was that McCalluni sawmills his tale of Dunedin Seed Potatoes. " Tommy" Taylor told benches and the -~S.M.. debate drivelled 2 o'clock in " have a large stock of all the morning. The people who are WE kinds of early seed com- interested local find how the Seddons are y'6tl wank ail old Photogmph. copied • nepotism to empty out at or enlarged and made, better than the tyjiginal : REVOLUTION The Licensing Bench meets to-day at 12 o'clock. } i 'and Co?s at were completely gutted by fire last night. Mr Thompson, arrived here yesterday. He will take his first cases in the court to-daj'. A well-known Maori chieftainess, a daughter of the late Hoaui Mehana, died at Oroua Bridge last week, and a large tangi is now proceeding there. There were 44 births in the horough last month, 15 deaths, and 15 marriages.' Each of these numbers comprises a monthly record. The Feilding Jockey Club has decided to increase the stakes by £520 at the forthcoming Spring Meeting. The total will now amount to JE1970 in stake SPORTING. FATALITY AT WAIMANGU Price Fop Racehorses. (Per Press As. omhon).>. Yesterday. The Auckland lvacing Club pro- Big The Volcano THE MARKETS. Homebush Sales. Received August 81,10d8 p.m. Geyser. Further Particulars- , ~;,the n Night, At Honwbush sales iheep were in The Victims of Temerity. grammes for the ensuing season were good demand, and prftfiew w«e the same prising— passed to-day. They are cast on almost as on Ihursday. Cattle Warned ofThe Danger. were firm at similar lines to those of last season, a Up-tc-Dates to consult their Hansards ; but the improved values. Best bullocks £12 Flukes noteworthy alteration being the with10s, incident is extra £15 2s (3d; of the manner in typical good £11 10s, best White Elephant drawal of the Century Stakes and the Kilted In The Twinkling of An cows £9 10s, extra £12 10s, goo* £8' which the time of Parliament (which Early Rose Eye. institution in its stead of the Great 15s ; best beef 29s to 30s is computed to cost anything up to The Bruce Northern Stakes of 500 soys. This race <■ Do not b« femped to patronise cheap -J 1; ; And our famousHawkc's Bay £500 an hour of the taxpayers' good will be run in 1905. Though Mercifully photography, always bear in mind a cheap Horribly, Abraham of Hebron and Beauty Marshal Soult,by Soult—Hotcheriun, Williams. and bad photograph is dear at any price, money) is wasted, and to what mean Switt. has been sold for 500gs with certain and waste ofimoney. These are without doubt thefinest and shuffling ends our leaders of Messrs Abraham and Williflms,Ltd contingencies. seed yet offered in Palmerston North, politics are reduced to keep their report: End of The Victims. •' Eeceived August 30, 9.33 a;tn. Since our last weekly report, gales despicableness from the public gaze. and can only be obtained from us. Melbourne, Last Night. Press Association. have been held at We forgot to mention that during Shannon,Otaki,Pal' '-' At the 8 ale of racehorses, Thompson, Eotohua, Yesterday. nierston, and Levin, as well as several-" Co,'s this precious stonewall debate Mr money. of New South Wales, purchased Makter to Eotorua at half- clearing sales of dairy News was brought stock. At each' Vegetable and Flower Socds,have William Wood, the electand pride of By the Essex, which left recently for for 1350 guineas. past six to night of a.terrible accident at centre cattle have come forward'in larc« Photographer, Africa, nearly 2000 sheep were numbers Wairaangu. also arrived. GatalognSs to be had Palmerston, made a speech. If South and found a ready sale, prices Palmerston people could have listened shipped from' breeders around the It appears that 32 passengers left on being well maintained. A good demand gratis on application. JPalmerston North and Feilding. Manawatu district. The consignment TO to that speech they would have what is k^own as the round trip this exists for all classes, with the evception first-class sheep which had of dairy heifers backward in calf, appreciated the full measure of their comprised morning. The following tcaui ilris which Cowslip Calf Meal all passed Mr Duncan, local stock n selected All Wool Colonial Tweed. section of the party saw the Wai- have shown signs of easing off in price One disfranchisement. Wellington represent has to Manawatu in the match farming inspector. is boon to the community. a in but eruption, Dairy Select your own pattern. heifers-near tho drop are still mangu, which was then The Law Union and Crown Fire In- with Hawke's 13ay next Saturday: Our sales at the Winter Show were its Fisher, Otaki has its Field, ready sale at prices ranging Lovely range. Full-back, Skelley ; three-quarters, Fur- the geyser only played about ,200 feet finding Palmerston has its Wood. these Are surance from £6 Company whom 15s to £7 15s. Sheep (for high. Messrs rie, Tjrell, Hammer; five-eighth, simply phenomenal. Send for a men •'.... Made to Measure. SUIT TROUSERS pamphletand we will.put you on the a reflex of the intelligence of Brophy ami Co. are the local agents) The other party, containing the vic- been coming forward below average Cootes; half, To Measure Hewitt; Guaranteed To Measure wings, Hepburn tims of tho catastrophe, went by the way numbers lately, and the the communities whom they are have paid in full the claim of Mr C. d is parroad to success. cfc forwards,Campbell, Boon, across tho lakes and were later in reach- ticularly keen, especiallydema called upon to represent ? Surely Lewers, whose property was destroyed and Lyali; for fats or ewes The Squabs Palmerston North Horgan, Kush, McMinu, and ing tho gpyser. Among them were the ■in lamb, prices for Smiti-Ji A. FBESH POULTRY to be had not. Yet there is reason to fear they by fire a few days ago, with that prom- Galloway. which Emergencies: Findlay and two Misses Nicholls, .Mr McNaughton, increasing each week. At are steadily daily. Also are typical. And this Parliament is titude for which they are rioted. various dairy A..J. GRAHAM, Registered PharSutherland,Newth and Adams. and Joe Warbrick. sales th; attendances have Miss of Bunnythorpe, the best Cameron, been good Cheese, Skerman's Ist Prize we have ! met Boon Campbell ever had and will be the front maceutical Chemist, Manager.At three in the afternoon, and competition was very brisk for cows a serious accident at Feilding on rankers. Paddy "MeMinn was com- while half-past In' Wellington one gets to hear with We sell no other. " the shelternear calving or just calved, prices this was near pirty Sunday by being GALL STYLE off her machine pletely disabled at Wellington and will rang. things and ceases to wonder why the and breaking her thrown The Dispensing Department leg. The sufferer be unable to play. Hammer replaces shed on the hill a terrific eruption took ing from £9 to .£l2 12s 6d, and we have cities are rejecting the Seddonites. was taken to theleftEmpire place. Four of the victims were killed numerous enquiriesfor good cows. W« is in charge of an experienced Hotel and Penman. OF quote: These scandals do not permeate into attended to by Dr Charlton. Yesterday Archie McMinn, the and some others were injured* and fully qualified chemist, is "Tiny" of the The eruption was seen in Botorua c»nd .At Shannon-Ewes in lamb 14s 3d, the country, where people have morning she was removed to her home. New Zealand reps, takes replete with a large and varied stock offirst up" his abode hoggets 9s 4d tc 13s, wethers 13< 10d:(: quality drugs, and all the latest pharmaenough to do to mind their own Our and, it will be noticed, plays for must have been stupendous and terrific. (Late Fredk. Ireland &Co.) Dannevirke correspondent,writing, here, The Misses Nicholls are said to be but. cull hoggets 6s to Bs. Cattle: 18-mos. ceutical products.' businesses but in the Manawatu on Saturd city they iy. ; are yesterday, says :—The proposal to offiMedicines obtainable any hour of the day and 20 years oldrespectively. steers £4 to £4 3s, 2 and 2±-year steers breakfast table topics. Wood and Given, also members of tho 19The cially; open the-hew firefcell tower as a or night. The Square, pALMErSTON N. victims were carried in this rush £o 9s, yearling steers £3 5s to £8 11b, New Zealand are to bereps, shortly The worst of it is people are Coronation memorial, to-day, had to be WINTER REQUISITES; of boiling water for nearly a mile in the ■18-mos. heifers and 2-year steers £4 15s, becoming hardened and cynical to abandoned. The hell cost over £60, come Pulmcrstonians, and will play for direction ofLake Botomahana. weaners 29s 6d to 85s, yearling heifers FtilV range stocked, comprising Hot Water Manawatu. With these inclusions Bottles, Bronchitis and Group Kettles, jobbery, and they are loth to say weighs nearly a ton, and is hung at a Manawatu should do It was some time before their bodies £2 7s, i&t coyfß £5 17bMio' £6 10g, things. great of height Inhalers, Throat Sprays and 50 feot ;:, but the tests have Respirators, anything which will injure So-andThe Druids team to play at Marton were recovered. A considerable portion cows in calf £4 10s to £6 2s. '' Chest Protectors, etc. not been satisfactory. Someone has to-morr At Otaki—Hopgets 9s Ud, So, through who his extreme friendw leave by the 11.35 train. of their clothing was torn off, pointing to in lamb 13s, wethers 16s 3d. ewes THURSDAY, Chilblain Liniment, very efPlayers are requested to provide their the horrible, though mercifully swift, liness with this and that Minister blundered. Cattle r nature Our of their end. .:> Weaners Feilding Oil, malt, Cod Liver and with writes 35s to £2 plain correspondent ss, yearling jerseys. fective; own has secured this and that sinecure. Some individuals who drove from Mrs Nicholls, mother of the young steers £4 4s, forward cows £5 wellbred sod liver oil and hypophosphites; Cough & PalSs, To employ a paraphrase, some heads merston on Sunday in quest of exciteMedicines in jgreat variety. ladies who were killed, had accompanied. steers £5 17s, spring heifers £6 12s2iyr 6d, of departments are born them she esgreat, ment, on arrival began to imbibe too HOCKEY. to see the Waimangu, but springing cows £6 6s to £7 7s 6d. SATURDAY Hora*, O«ttlo and Sheep others greatness, freely. caped achieve but The result was that one of the her daughters' fate. At Palmerston—Pat and forward ewes JUST Medicinespreparedand stocked. Condition The eruption is described as the 15s to 16s, fat. ewes 17s 7d to 18s Id, FIRST AND PRIVATE SHOWS majority are destined to have number was arrested. He was afterLadies' Tournament. Powder for horses, very effective and energreatest wards on bail. which has been The case being witnessed ewes in lamb 18b 2d, hoggets 10s 7d, , yet mediocrities thrust upon them. called released gising. \: ■■-..■ at the court this morning he at Waimangu. OF cull ewes 6s 9d. Cattlo—Fat Orders by post, telegraph and telephone Per Press Association. Everywhere one goes there is travail Sightseers who have seen what this £8 ss, 3yr bullocks £6 15s, lOinos steers to appear, and the bench inflicted receive prompt attention. Wellington, Last Night. of spirit over Ministerial mandates failed a fine of 40s. P.O. Box No. 11. TelephoneNo. 7. In the ladies' hockey tournament tho great natural wonder is capable of doing £3 7s, mixed weaner yearling* £8 2s -;< that this or that useless drone or At a know what this means. lOmos heifers £3 Is, 18mos steers committee the Raukura team (Hutt) beat Te Kata willOne meeting Racing of skulker is to have a billet found for Club held last evening an executive and (Chrittchurch) man was in close proximity to 18mos heifers £3 19s, 2yr steers two to nil. X49t,f'*4 by goals SUMMER him, and in the great majority of programme committee was elected conthe geyser when the fatal shot occurred, weaners 30s to £2 10s, springing freifenp but he succeeded in resisting the force £6 10s to £8 Bs, fat cows £5 Vftm to departments there is absolutely not sisting of Messrs R. S. Abraham, Wood The grounds and referees for to- of the water and escaped being drawn £6 10s, fat heifers £6 4s. You ajre invited to Inspect at enough work to go round to these M.H.R., Louglman, Randall and Pringle. morrow's matches are as follows Insurance, the overflow. At Levin Forward wethers 103 3d, The % ground lap-dogs of fortune, loaf they never committee consists of the Senior—No. 1 ground, Midland v. intoWaimangu and Land Agent. began to play at 11 o'clock ewes in lamb 16s, forward bullocks £7 president and Messrs Nathan, Pringle, Palmerston (Mr "Warden ; No. 2 ground, so astutely. this 3s, morning. 2yr steers £4 15s to £5, weaners and Louglman, Mcßae and Strang. It was Old Boys v. Volunteers (Mr Appleyard.) Agent for the Public Trustee. In one case we heard of aresource- resolved The fatal and final shot was at half- yearlings £3 Is, yearling, heifers to recommend T. Lyford for a £2 14i Junior—No. 3 ground, Campbell Street past ful head official three who sets his extra in the afternoon. There 6d, empty 2yr heifers. £3 165,t0 £4 4s, ■• trainer's School v> Higli School B (Mr Goodger); Offices 1 EangitikeiStreet. clerks" to 'copying tables all The license. seemed be to three shots in fat £6 quick succows 10s to 6d/fl prinßing advantages of the additional Midland v. High School A (Mr Short). cession—one straight up and the others day, and then carefully waste- ward accommodation heifers £5 15s to £6 7s 6d, store c The following will represent Palmer- ii) General Drapery Warehouse. paper-baakets at, the hospital was, directions. It doubt£4 spreading £5; lls to mixed Biiiij to•-£J" tho lot just before Ri-e to be seen in the increased number stoh against Midland:—String (2), one of the'latter which caught the 12s. weaner heifers 87s*6d to 48s. Pict The Square, Palmerston N. DOUBLE the knock-off bell rings. This will ofpatients admitted during the month. Scott-, Watson, Johnston, Slack (2), less, ill-fated party —Store, of four, pigs FOR £t 2s young SCHOOL GIRLS. sows 27s fid. 6di explain to Government life insurers As a matter of fact there were .33 new Cooper, Drew (2), Wilson. Mr W. H. Constant, who was an eyeThe Midland team is as follows :— witness presently why the bonuses are com- cases received, which number consti- Tait, of the disaster at Waimangu, Company. MISS PHASER. Pkinoipai,. Loan a record. The statistics for the Shortt (2), De Luen, Thorbum, paratively small andthe salary list so tutes no blame was attachable in month are: Number in on August Ist, McPherspn. May, Webb Wallace, Jting, states that to the guide, Mr Warbrick, -TheJNew Zeftlapd LQau-andvliMoan. j;. nny way inordinately Targe. Craven School will re open for Jolly, : tho ? 22; mon.fcu., 3,3; admitted during who, prior to the eruption, begged his tile Agency Company^ttd.; nq^^aiJT While we'were in Wellington a discharged. 23 died, 4 tqtal' the second term on Thursday, 28th The OldBoys" team toplay Volunteers ; now at the young ladies, aid Mr follows i Ourfortnightly tale brother, May. deputation from thelocal Education the institution, 28. is as follows:-Fitt, Walklev, Adams, to come away from the was well attended by buyers, McNaughton X, Cottle, Fraser, Board waited on the "Prime MinisAt the meeting of the Campbell Street Cole, A. Soreiison, position they were in/as he considered to the interruption oftrafficon thesWai-v'r'* ter to protest against the J« privi- Schpol Committee last evening a Mter Crump, Curtcis,Duncan, Pederseii. [A CARD.] it To his brother ho re- rarapa railway the cataloguer dangerous. we»i^? lege of franking " being taken out of was received from the Education Board To-morrow afternoon the final games marked, ■" If an accident happens you small. Prices were on a par with Jut the second romnd will be played; The know I'll L.L.B. R. their hands. Now, if there is one granting Mis Melliah three months sick of tho sack." get sale, He also told if. anything a;:little Old Boys at present have a lead of one firmani-TRe Nicholls to tell her daughters they quote: Sheepskinsr-Merino, thing we agree with the Seddon laavc. It was resolved to authorise the point, but should the Volunteers draw Mrs to 7M, BARRISTER & SOLICITOR, distribution of circulars asking parents werein a and dangerous position, urge halfbred 6d to fair crqpsDr'e'a Government upon (and Sir Joseph to assist the school library either with with the Yellows, and Palmerston de- them 6fd, 6Jd to FOYTON AM) Sh^NON come «d, to back. Mrs Nicholls, coarse Ward is the prime mover in the books or money. crossbred-5drto 6^d,lanibt feat Midland,a play-off will be necessary GET THE BENEFIT 100 FENDERS—SteeI Brass Suites X (Black Rail, Rail, Curb and Mr Wilson donated to calling daughters her reto 3|d 5Jd, by name, and \ißit Shannon every Tuesday, broken ideai •tint %{& to decide the championship. The Old } matter) it is this abolition of the one guinea to the fund and a OF OUR BUYING quested them to come away. To which to 4fd, green and. salted skins 3a to's» where he may be consulted at ;Copper Mounted) very designs. oys' team for to-morrow is a weak one power of "franking." -We ..say: vote of thanks was passed to him.special replied, Mr 1B of them "Just 6d moment, Mr B. Osborne's store from 10 a.m. till a each. Wool—Crossbred fleece coarse, : one, while the Volunteers will probably mother." J x Imitation Slate. H. P.Jmer presided at the meeting ;ard 4p.m. At that moment the geyser' 4|d to 5Jd, crutchings 3d to 4*id, locks " Let each department pay for its there put field a team stronger"than tue were Messrs into. present; K. Wilson, telegrams and get the money' reup. When it subsided it "was and pieces IJdioSidper Jb^^ides^,i that has represented them this went jthat 200 REGISTER GRATES-From 21s to £7 10/-, Plain & Tiled;- THE four, were missing. Barnicoat and Holben. any ,We offered a number of hides and prio«i>^ turned to it in accordance with *the Swallow,-Perrin, season. The Palmerston team is found Mrs Nicholls the Alf. realised must be oqnsidereiiiMktiafactory. thoughtlessness some, vouchers it The presents at of looal weakened by the end of marksmen was nearly .-: the absence of A.'String, Warbrick, were onandthe top guide, of the hill Cow hides from 15s to 16e9d leach,ox responsible for a and a win for the Midlanders would each year." But let this rule apply near the shelter shed, and the victims hjideß to 25a each. '::'^-;:%:^^^-->,%:.-/.- ■,■■■ :;f S >*%; CHEAPEST AND^BEST; :. t6 everybody—" thePrime Minister " serious, if not fatal accident on Sunday cause no surprise. BVRRISTiiRB & SOLICITORS, of the were on the disaster brow of the morning. Mr T. Bastin, borough overIN THE On the Showground yesterday afterMILLS, all. seer, when w ilking in the vicinity of noon the High School girls defeated a bill overlooking the Waimangu overFalxxiuto^ North. Wellington Wool And Skin ALL KINDS. Mr flow. professed Seddon horror and Ferguson and Alexandra-streets, was team representing the Wanganui fTAVE several sums to lend upon »dSales. Mr Constant had indignation fortunately rara] at when Mr Bollard startled the by T. proved town sal land* struck left hearing several bullets College by 8 to 2. Mr-C.H. party a minute or two before the accisirreitt rotea on terms to. suit borrowers his finger on the Ministerial extra- whiz past uncomfortably close to him. Warden-refcreed."goals Messrs Jbhniton and#ol,, agents dent, Alto Money to leaden Chattels Security One and had taken a the of seat on brow Murray, Eoberts and Co.,report: We. sailing bullets, the vagance in this regard, but everypleasantly of the hill in front of the shelter shed, offered 25 bales wool'and*2sodsheepbody who knows anything is aware over.the intervening ground, alighted but near to the new accommodation- skins to a good muster ofrbuyers. Prices. gleefully into tho_ plate-glasa window qf (Pupil of Bandegger). that the most flagrant abuser of the Mr •% house. for wool remained .on : par with last ■VVitsqn's" bakery 'shop ii} Jil'ainff franli privilege iii A search was at once made for the sale, and while sidns were more eagerly > " TTOICE PRODUCTION AND SINGING. Mew Zealand- is itreet. $he police have' investigated (By " All Square.") Sandow Seddon. His Intelligence the case and summonses will probably bodies of the victims. McNaughton's sought, prices were on-the whole about Otaki beat a weak .Collego street. Terms moderate. combi- body was found first, and the others equul to last sale's Department gets to know of every be issued to-day, Gatatogueajr nation on Saturday..Palmerston The match was lower down the stream, air being con- wore smaller than anticipated, probably* birth, death, and marriage of the ,An exceptional opportunity is now played on the Otaki links, Ba&bistcbs axd Solicitors, which have siderably about, knocked right colour in New Zealand, atid, afforded the ladies oi Palmerston North great natural advantages, owing to wet weather and the railway* "■ , THE LEADING NORTH and were Mre Nicholls is naturally almost dis- breakdown; PALMERSTON NORTH. We quote :^WcK)I-4Grossi gayor dolorous memos," as the 6c- of acquiring up-to-date instruction in the much admired by the visitors. ; The tracted at of her bred girls, ISLAND JEWELLERS casion demands, areIpread the Joss it being medium- 5d to 5Jd per lb{ cross^ Sandow system. On Tuesday evening visitors have broadcast last to the players thank Otaki months to lend in any urn on but a few her since husband bred dingey, 4^d to 5d crntchingf,- > Mr Boyd Garlick commenced a for very hospitable and A RE a great boon to spectacle \vearers PALMERSTON NORTH. daily over the area which happens to DENTIST, kindly -(reM* died. approved security at lowest rates. „_• Rood,_4d to 4^ lb ; crutchings, medium, class at WhalWs Hall, when a nient. The game who require different lense3 ior disseparate^the North Cape-to theBfoff. ladies' heavy i-tX -was playedin Auckland, / Yesterday. 3|d to lb ; locks and pieces^ 2d to 8d large number attended" and some first- showers,. giiucox, junior," and near •.-jVision. We keep a varied O~AS removed to new building next tant a Mrs Nicholls and her three daughters 3±d If the-"Prime Minister" Had;to class work was lb. Skins -Half-breds.s*d to6|! BUP«r ' done. Mr Garh'ck/s Strong game against Hopkins,played Commercial Hotel, known as assortment of "the latest make on hand. XJL and had' here on came a visit fine from Christchurch {qu cross-breds,' CABD. hi s use pf.tb,e%ires classes at the sphqgls. are filling rapidly, him dormy three, the 6dto ,By their use one pair of. spectacles is made coarse to Buildings, Main street. Palmerstonplayer about three .months ago. After stay- medium cross-breds, 5d6fdlb; to take the'place of two. Wearers of these there is a chance that; his <rurgent and he oontemplates making Palmerston just managing to sHlb; lambs : to halve the game. ing for some time at Eotorua they "hoggets, 5d to up to-date glasses speak of them in the very lb-; North went 5Jd (dead), takeprecedencei niemos" abbutisoniehis headquarters and opening a McDonell played a strong game against on a trip to 64 lb; highest terms. trie South Pacific Islands, inferiorpelted skini^ 3d to 4jd lb. •t- ,' school of physical culture. Mr Garlick's Brown, hody's the local baby's would regumboil; champion. be and on their Hnrvey All other kinds of .spectacles on handjtb return they remained at DENTAL SURGEON,class will meet again to-night at nude very few mistakes, and played a 'suit all sights,., "i ■• > -^: i- v •.-.:•,• •-..-' stricted within bounds 'of ladies' Auckland till last Wednesday, when Mrs Harry Palmer. Broad street, Palmereton North. 7.30 p.m. and at 8.45 this evening a class good round, rather overmatching Prices moderate. SIGHT-TESTING Harand economy and commprlhsense. ?i two of her elder daughters for gentlemen will meet. den, who was good enough to fill tho Nicholls "k LL the latest methods both in FEEE. left *m on another The'opinion visit to Eotorua. Mrs is; popularly fieldKin Our usual Saturday" market was jljL English and American Dentistry Messrs F. Mowlem and R. Edwards breach caused by the nomadic behaviour, Nicholls is a widow DENTAL. SURGEON. C. F..A. WHITE FORD, Wellington that the Premier w in a were the presiding justices at the Court of some of his club mates. ,The iscbres Nicholls, who owned a of the late Mr decidedly animated and all. lines were are praotised by Mr Bond. big sheep run iv eagerly^ sought aftervi The yarding of (Opposite the Commercial Hotel, The Chemist & Optician, "tight place" over the.liquo^ques- yesterday. Bobert Ewart, for whom were as follow :— ■■ y .:■ North Canterbury Hours, 9 am. to 4.80 p.m. -, Square. known as "White pigs was fair and the quality* good. tion. The head of the Mr Fitzherbert appeared, was charged PALMERSTON NORTH. Mb Bokd visits Ashhurst on Tuesdied K.Hopkins Rock." He 12 months (capt)O ago. The Prices Were as follows:—Weaners 11s: with assault, the complainant being a Simcox,junr., 0 day of each week, and m-'y.-be consulted /COMPLETE [SETS from £2 2s. Gold undoubtedly towards McDonell 0 D. Brown (oapt) 8 younger daughter received a telegram 6d to- 17s, stores 21s, porker* £1 4s 6d boy named Leonard Grant, *t Mr,West's Pharmacy. who was \_J trade," crowns and bridge work a speciality. I hut ""the" tail is wagging Ross 4 W. H. Simcox 0 from Botorua on Sunday night con- to £1 8s, baconers £1 18b, sdwp'jK! 3s (s.';: ■'■■■■■ by Mr Hankins. DefenAll work guaranteed ten years. To My Clients. vigorously towardsreform. Spmerof represented for ■;■■ 8 Wilson Borne splendid lines offowls were 0 veying, the news of the fatality. pleaded not guilty, though practi- Hitchings dant One of the victims of the Waimangu and competition was keen. Goodoffered the cognoscenti profess to think that ca%. admitting he had tbra«hed the boy Stewart 0 Hamilton 4 disaster laying , Harden was Mr Da.vid McNaughton, a hens and pullets 4s, 4s 6d to 6s per pair, 0 Harvey ;the "Prime Minister "will rpHIS is my address— 11, for- good reasons. After a good deal of man, aged 30 years, who was cockerels 3s 6d to 4s 6d per pair, turkeys married ; 'CheWonderMWertheim matter to an issue "going to'the evidence had been heard on both sides \ 10THOBISED Surveyor and C.E., MR L. ASHCROFT NOALL, SAMUEL BARRY, and Wheeler and Wilson' country" or 7 Total -O_ Abraham and Williams' Building, 18 tnaiager.of a butcher's shop at Archill. 4s to 7s 6d each, ducks 5s 6d to 8s 6d threatening to do^so. a fine of 20s and costs 26s was inflicted. D.8.0.A, He was a personal friend' of the War- per pair, half-grown cockerels '2s to Bs, Palmeraton North. [' pupils for the pianoforte .But afterall, office is very sweet and A week was allowed for payment of the Eyesight Specialist, bricks, and was to havo returned, to fed hens 2s to 2s 6d, guinea fowls 9s 6d Land transfersurveys and Native land and singing. A prohibition fine. was ord,er granted street, 314 sweets are" Auckland. essentials whetf one's against T. Mont.igue jun., to apply Auckland early, but wrote saying that per pair. Our quotations for produce Queon sforVeys undertaken. New term commences May 27th. ? to he intended to stay over Sunday to see remain unchanged. clearing sales were,s. relatipnsihave^got to be cared fpr^ For terms apply Craven School or the Palmerston licensing district and '-^ fob SELLER'S >— If your glasses are broken Bend direct Waimangu play. Though married he held during the week on account of-i As one the sits in At the Theatre galleryJobking Eoyal to-night be Campbell street. CELEBRATED will to me, I have all particulars. has no> children. produced down, upon the T?eary, fast-ageing, Awahuri. Mr Messrs Flood, John, F. (Feilding), annual latest " '.; WASHING The Bh,eridan'& meeting of the,Manawatu It is believed by those present that Lund, anjd^a safeMortensen of bicycles ori.behalfof shaggy giant who holds New Zea- Racing. Club was held last evening in success, the comic operatical comedy, Joe Warbiick have might escaped but Mr Clarkion, at^Feiidjng,. in Jach in- V:f MACHINES. land in the hbllowof his hand, and the Royal Hotel, Mr R. S. Abraham entitled "The Lady Slavey." Mr Sheridan has always been sure af. a that he turned back to try and assist the stance ageiMral«lMranei»iMing'lffeeted. .'; who is at once the taskmasterarid presiding; In moving the adoption of cordial OF ;^ th» late firm of Bennett and women. Our sale oiliown properties wai^grfy the slave of the mcjs.t mediocre the report and balance-sheet (already for he iswelcome $q Fal.mers,ton North, The remainder of tho party, number- att«ude<3, Sollitt, wishes to intimate to his TITE but oh the whole buyett were a humorist of bright-ideas;; Dental published), Surgeon, has BOND, MrAbraham dwelkat length and apart from his quaintly Parliament the Colqny has ever seen, on the exceptional numerous friends and the public genershy, many prefering to trade privately, clever ing twelve, had a narrow escape. prosperity of the year ally that he will in future carry on -*-*-*- removed to new premises in he wonders with the result manages that gdod business was yaguely^why-men^alce to just past and his confidence for:the" personality to surround himBusiness Men, Novelists, business on his own* account as builder Broad-street(next Convent). The Inquest. politics an.d. slick,;'to "politics, antd GREAT done after the sale. The two properties TT^HEN .Also, to ihe ficiihat' the>p6n, self with clever people. The essentials » Doctors, Artists and all HardAnd contractor, and is prepared to draw ■in sold the the an under hammer why in the game (jf-.theins aad. the future,story impecunious are realised'as foling of the new cburseat the Christmas Irish and supply plans and specifications; also workers speak praisinglv of the exWarned of the Danger* ■[A Card.] lows—Church street JE2O6 10b, Terr*c« outs the straight men make no mark meeting would be. aigreat^turiiout. landowner, Major O'Neill; hit two give estimates or superintend any work •,',.cellence of P. and O.<SH'ISKY, it is THE SQUARE, street daughters, Maudie and J6168i Beatrice, Whetf; to the the cojurse was finished theit and thecrooked ones always time to gauge the testimony as a sign of Went Smilingly To Death. entrustedto his care. D. SCANLAN, dentist, has Is the place to get your Sewing to pose portentiously at the contrive would total JE7OOO, but against successful marriage of whom (or either) mence practice in the Colonial perfection in this stimulant. apex of liabilities he looks as. a means' of Barraud and Abraham. restoring th%t they had land valued at JE4OOO and fortunes; an American"millionaire, his Which Was Instantaneous. With its Superb Quality, Scientific Machine-cleaned and repaired. the pedestal. Buildings, Cuba street. large impr.ovemeuts. Pressure on pur Vin..,'.' Address— Distillation, Careful Bottling, and 10 Barraud and Abraham have space necessitates a detailed report of cent A. Evelyn, to whom he desires to :justMessrs B. H. SOLLITT, ■: years' Maturation, the success of P. and Auckland, La«t Night. :■;•■ j landed a consignment of teed Mr C. J. Monro reports that rain fell the speeches being held over until to- marry either of the daughters; a sheriffs LEGG WILSON. At the O. Whisky is deserved end rendered the inquest'on bodies of the potatoes, including Be*uty of Hebron, VIGGO JOHN SOEENSON. on 18 days in August, for an aggregate morrow. bailiff,Roberts, and his assistant, Cap- four victims of. the Waimangu feroad street' Palmerßton North. Tailors and Breeches permanent. Drink accident. Early Bose, Up-to-Date, and Peach of4-12 The greatest fall recorded for Our Dannevirke correspondent writes : tain Fitznmurice, who is put in pos- Guide ,Warbri6k said he warned h-Blojuom Makers the i in preserving eg^s, equal to 24 hours was -82 on the 15th inst. —Number 2 attempted murder case was session ot the Major's, house by hard- deceased and others that the spot where Triscuit varieties. Twenty cases of FEILDING. FEEGUSON'S fresh for 12 months will be pleased and quantities of first-class English creditors; Flo. HoneyAs the result of laying poison for to have come, on for hearing at the hearted to call on the trade. Testimonialsfrom all dew, of the Empire Theatre, who they were killed was" dangerous, but his jams, marmalade, etc. have just, been commenced business in premises dogs, there are the carcases of thirty Court to-day (Monday), but the accused threatens warnings the were leading disregarded. firms in Auckland. landed. One thousand and forty packthe matrimonial schemes of lately occupied by Mr Sandilands, O. WHISKY. worriers lying in the fields at Mr John Andrew McLuckic, engine driver, who the He told7Mrs'Nicholls-to call her ages of Ceylon Address Club Hotel, Palmerston. tea§ Havei alto come lo Boad, and by strict attention to iKimbolton Udy's Waihakeke (Wairarapa) property. wounded his daughter Janet, ngod 25, his poor Major aud the aspirations of daughters back, but the girls only hand. business hope, to merit a share of public The celebrated Whyte Maekay daughters ; Lord Lavender, who is and afterwards attempted to take PROM PUBLIC READ- patronage. A card tournament will be played in his the fiWODOOBS admirer of Miss Flo.; and looked round and smiled at their whiskies are finding thek way to the; TO-DAY. ING BOOM. JL the Oddfellows Hall thi3 evening be- own life, is in too precarious a condition thendevoted popular palate. Golfers have; a. fine the Lady Slavey, Phyllis, who is mother. tc be removed from the Absolutely Painless Extractions. None Napier hospital. the Oroua Lodge (Druids) and The the voluntary -Cinderella of the O'Neill onMrs Nicholls and witness iihen walked choice of clubs specially selected. "The Lady Slavey" at the Theatre tween J>j Mr oame -:^ family the old-fashioned pain-giving methods McLuckie from Scotthinking Court the others would follow. Manawatu (Foresters). The game lancl seven or eight years ago, Barraud to choose from; family, having assumed cap and apron Boyal. •'':-■ employed by ua for When he last will at and saw deceased were they start 7.30 p.m. sharp, Tenders close for removal and re-erection PEE1? a time were farming on the Compa.nv's when her father's fortunes failed,so that standing on the brink of the geyser. of pilot stationFoxton Heads. A.G. Elkington, Land Agent. AH over .the world the modern line near Wellington, Several the world should not view a servantless £2 23 Od Complete Set WITH ITS CHANGING TEMthe great eruption went up be Harry Palmer will sell dairy cows, horses, McCormick" binders are being sought a most abusive and threateningletteiVof O'Neill menage. The millionaire loves hadWhen Bingfe Tooth, from £0 5s 0d carry nature, PEBATURE. to Mrs Nicholls out implements, at Glen of the In another column will be found »tt Oroua at 12 o'clock. after. The purchasers of Gold Fillings, from" £0 5s 0d ': the little slavey because of her personal reach of danger. Sandow classes at 7.30 p.m. and 8.43p.m.- machines are expert judgesagricultural written by the accused to a son pi ior to charm, not knowing advertisement from Mr A. G. Elkingtonj '"(Motions 2s 6d and Is, gas 2s 6d extra. of the best the that she is the but affray, by the lad have Major's daughter; The others were washed away. who has commenced All Work Guaranteed 10 Years Our Pulmonary Elixir mechanical devises, and this is why tho since come to withheld and she loves him In aland For a long time return, Witness proceeded to describe the and estate agent in business We deal direct with the Manufacturers Bangitikei-street, Or Cold Curer, is jusfc the McCormick's" are such enormous past the couplelight. but with a remarkable inconsis- finding " lived a life, have wretched of tho bodies. next Burbush, «ndtue only the best tketh obtainable thing' you require for Colds, Conghs, Mr saddler. Mr Elkingtency sellers. refuses him becauso ho is a McLuckie's over-indulgence in alcoholic clothes of the deceased were torn ton has a long list of farms and propera any market in the world, Then he plots that Roberts, to The Bronchitis, Influenza, and -other comThe volunteers of all corps are. re- liquors being chiefly lesponsible, al- millionaire. shreds. Country' Patients can,' owing to oar plaints ties oh hand, and intending bailiff, the of the 6d shall lungs. represent 2s per bottle. the million.minded of the lecture ta be given by though he was perfectly calm and sober There was no barrier or protection to do well to consult his list. settlors will targe staff, be fitted with complete nets in aire, and that he shall pose as a poor prevent Lieut. of the permanent staff, in when he committed tho deed. Brown, one &ap. ~'"■■■ people going too close to the OurLimg Balsam secretary; and finding that he is not geyser, though the drillshed to-morrow night at 7.30. Ladies ton depend on absolute vaoy. warning notices were W. F. Davis, Hairdresser A fully attended meeting of the Cale- able to endow her enormously Is what you have been looking and Nurses always in attendance. This lecture is particularly interesting to douian with up. for to cure that cough, hoarseness and committee was hold last Tobacconist. evening worldly goods, Miss Phyllissuccumbs. stuck all ranks, and embraces all the intrica- at Other dentists' work re-mod tiled at Dr Wohlmann the expressed Simpson's opinion asthma. 6d Post Office Mr H. per bottle, Hotel, Is Such is the crux of the plot: but much mallooat. Temporary platea* converted cies of the new drill, and is an oppor- L. In another-column Mr WvF. Da,via Young'in• tho chair. Twenty-one of the fun comes from the fact that that death must have been instanPermanent Plates, 21s tunity seldoui offered in this town. Our Rheumatic Liniment new members were proposed and balannounces that" he"' has commenced Major O'Neill does not want the million- taneous. Is extensively used now in all John Donnelly; Four well-known citizens were pro- loted for and elected. A large amount aire to know of his who wa3 with de- business in the premises- lately occupied poverty, and so puts parts of the district for all aches and ceeded against in the "Wellington Magis- of correspondence was gone through, the bailiffs into livery and converts his ceased at the time of the eruption, but by Mr. Gi^ord Moore, in the Square, e» pains. 2s 6d per bottle. managed to escape, trate's Court yesterday for failure to which elicited the fact that there is persistent duns, male and said one of the a hairdresser and tobacconist. The A great variety of patent medicines female,into young ladies seemed anxious to get a establishment will be send in returns of their lands and mort- widespread sympathy with the objects of guests. Of course everything known as the ends aud sundries of all kinds in stock. Tooth gages in. terms of the Land and Income the Society outside the town of Palwith a camera. Post Office Hairdressing Saloph;' "Ait happily, but it must be said that the snapshot brushes aud hair brushes of exceptional Tax As he ran Act. The solicitor there a roar and experienced for the depart- merston itself. Tho treasurer (Mr. comedy has a good was terrific staffof workmen has been &. and that everything value, sponges and toilet soaps of all ment declared that there was a large Hodgins) reported that the subscriptions it is. left largely foundation, dark. Material engaged, and the saloon has been fitted to rest on its merits seemed to fallbecame kinds. list of defaulters in all parts of the were coming in freely and that the ex- without all over up regardless them. of expense, so that the beiug bolstered up with a lot of AND DON'T FORGET 1 Had they taken notice of the guide's best style of work is assured. A specolony, and these were the first of a penditure, owing to tho generous way in the business which has come to bear tho If you obtain it at HEPWORTH'S SEPTEMBER 1, TUESDAY, 1903. series of cases to bo brought, as the which tho members of the committee general title of variety." Tho music warnings, no accident would have cialty is made of razor-setting. None it's good ! " occurred. but the very best of tobaccos, cigars, department was being hampered in its had approached the movement, had we are toid in Agent for Vitadatio, Orange Lily Treat" The Lady Slavey," Politics. work. The defendants were fined £2 been kept well within bounds. In in The jury brought in a verdict of and cigarettes will be stocked. A large the bill, is by John Crook, F. W. Webment, and Adventisfcs' Health Foods. death, with costs. reference to the Ingleside to be held on ster, and others. accidental and stated that no assortment of fancy goods is on hand, Gold -Mounted Kruger ; blame We have been down to Wellington Mr McCorthy, was attachable to the guide who The hair work, wig-making, and makinggave judgment the 3rd September, it transpired that To-morrow night (the last of the short repeatedly S.M., warned the deceased and up departmentwill be under Mr Davis* J. to have a look round and gaze upon at Gore in the case against George nearly all the tickets had been disposed season) John F. Sheridin will be seen Sovereigns things as they are. Of course we Wbittingharu, a brewer, for selling beer of and that weather permitting, there is as "Widow O'Brien" in Fun on the others and pointed out dangerous spots. own personal supervision, which should Botanic Dispensary The Square, P.N be sufficient guarantee- of the class of went to Parliament House and took within the no-license district of Ma- likely to be a very happy sveniug. The Bristol." This night will also see the A large number in stock. Returned work that will be turrted out. taura. Defendant's license was issued committee have left no stone unturned first appearance in Palmerston of stock of legislators our the after the passage of the little troopers should inspect. to secure the presence of nearly all the Gulliver,the midget comedian. & GIOKGI, sanctuary of the Press from Statute authorGallery. the carrying of no-lioense, and his original talent, musical and anecdotal, Egg Preserving. Friday night this was, and they were ising Worship held that it was subject to that in the town and district. Man Killed Near Shannon. playing the game of politics. The contingency. Defendant was convicted The attention of the trade is called to Last few days ofalteration and extenGovernment had brought down an and fined £5 and costs. The Finest Stock ok OVER 5200 IN USE. the fact that Mr Viggo John Sorensen, sion sale at The Bon Marche is Fell From A Train Imprest Supply Bill, and somehow It is rumoured in Wellington that the announced. We are parting egg preserver is now in TTAVE JUST OPENED UP with some rind may be consulted atPalnurfltoni it got bruited about that Tommy " leading licensed victuallers and brewers genuine bargains in drapery,dress.goods, JEWELLERY IN TOWN. machines have been in the. Club Soon after the mail train from Weluse throughout the world Press Association, Taylor intended to have something are negotiating with a well-known local jackets and millinery to effect a comlington had left Shannon yesterday Hotel. Mr Sorensen has .first-eIMR testimonialsfrom Last Auckland Nelson, Wedding Rings business man act Night. for che past thirty-five years and are to say about Premier Seddonand the to as organiser for plete clearance. It will pay buyers to merchlriis. a man informed the guard A largely-attended meeting of licensed morning, that a friend be was travelling with had Engagement Rins:3 still acknowledged to be far superior extent to which he and his sons and "the trade." It is proposed that he look out for these this week at The Bon victuallers OF THEIR and thoso shall travel ■in the about the interested colony and conso- Marche.—Advt. to any other refrigerating machine his daughters and his needy relations lidate the Gent's Rings trade was held this afternoon,when the fallen under the train. On reaching interests of those interested in the guard telephoned to in the market. During the past few HARD TO BEAT (all wool) were depleting the Treasury. following resolution was carried unani- Tokomaru the liquor traffic both privately and on Brooches MAIL NOTICE. (Per Press Association )xiK Premier Seddon didn't want these the public platform if thought necesyears in this colony cheap American mously "That this meeting of the Shannon and learned that the man was SADDLE-TWEED TfiOUSEKS Watches various interests of the licensed liquor dead. °HRIBTOHORCH, Lul Night and other machines have been remarks to be made before full gal- sary. It is said he has been offered a rr It a x appears • deceased, Mails will close at Palinerston North trade of the Nelson that the a man At. Kaiapoi Bracelets, Etc., Etc. to-day R, W. Manning, leries, so he put up auother salary running into four figures. district views with named Sidney Sterman, was employed whose adopted by some, but in mauy cases as under:— publican's license was refused in the utmost satisfaction the announceASPECT THE DISPLAY. ENQUIRErecently these have been discarded in to At a of Tommy," meeting railway wit. For at and was PalmerTommy Ceylon, going men at the to India, China, Straits ment that the " " " Wilof the reduction'vd'taV wa» FOR PEIOES. purposes in- stonShannon, favour of theEnglish machine. North the day. With fined £3 and costa Below mill p'iee. ford, to movea stonewalling amend- Dunedin Trades Hall on Saturday, Settlements,and South Africa; also troducing andGovernment for, silling ttwo passing an amended another mantohe-spend which was addressed Mr Continent had a by CAUTION.—An ment to own of of and" United drink Europe gallons American ton is his before Imprest Bill to the King- licensing Act during the present session, Worth 10/- a- pair. Swift, of colomal wine toiT»ocial itepairs executed with greatest desthe following leaving Victoria, dom, ere via and Naples resolutions \\ London both boarded (due effect that Tourist agencies should 20th Shannon, the committee. Defendant pleaded that he 20001bs, or 10f per cent less than an that a copy of the resolution be sent train patch. "That this mooting of rail- October) for specially addressed corres- andthe sober. His companion had been under English ton. Thisshould be remembe set up in America and Canada. carried: the impression that h» Premier. Mr Williams, secretary statedperfectly way men in the Otago district sympa- pondence only, and Australian States to that both were on the could standing of the New ZealandLicensedVictuallers' bered when comparing the guaranThis enabled " Tommy" Wilford to thises with the dismissed men in Vic- (due Sydney 9th September) platform of one of the carriages, and not lesssell colonial wine in quantise* of per teed capacity of machines. liquor throwoff much hastily-acquired wis- toria, and to show practical sympathy Monowai on Friday, 4th September, Association, was present by invitation, soon after leaving Shannon he saw found than two gallons. aud addressed the meeting. It was re- deceased fall—from on his promises was confiscated. dom in reference to his recent- jaunt that each man be asked to donate not at 4.30 p.m. no apparent cause solved, to affiliate with the New Zealand down between the rails under the JAMES J. less than half a day's pay towards as& CO., Sole agents "Rough Eider" brand abroad, and effectually to draw a sisting Geo. Innes, carAssociation. tho men "; " that the executive Engineers, Spit, Napier. riages,, and the traiu passed over him. A^,a minute should Watchmaker & Jeweller, large red herring across the scent, of clothing. Poatmaster. when a be He to donate JE2OG from requested immediately sought their the guard and chua shows symptoms of croup. ChamberXai SQTJAaB,• PALMERSTON N and set members parroting about the funds for Effective and Economical 1 Football him ugh the same and that told what had purpose, ledy ]Re? For occurred. BROWN & MAY'S STEAM and Cold in the Head Clubs,Hockey Biven m won as the ui j scenery in their respective districts the branch be asked to rote 4H.5 in the Influenza Clubs,Ping-pong Clubs The body, whioh is much mutilated, child becomes hoaiee, or even after the Head take Woods' Great Pepper fhould advertise OIL ENGINES] and all the varieties of buncombe frP/Aotago croupy cough appears will prevent' the matches meetings, at the branch funds," is where inquost mint Cure. 1/6 an ?/9 an will be attack. It nevor tournaments our 6d Wanted Column held Shannon, faUs,and i« ptawnt and to-day, SEND IT TO BUNTING. Kyotivrant any Photograph or Picture Framed.. ,-,..SEND IT TO BUNTING. I have ftj Fines* Quality of Mountings iv New Zealandto selectfrom. ' to out provided for will have MADE TO MEASURE CLOTHING. i U.RC.A. i. ■ • ■ VICTORIA HOUSE BIJNfING, A. Yates & — -. 37^6 p^ 10(6 AND SEE THE AND QUALITY THE TWEED. WHICH J. A. E"asli & Go. ; : TJNITED EAKMEBS' CO-OP. ASSOCIATION. HAVE the! LANDED ■ - 150 Bedsteads. " 'XyALTER TJUTHERFURD, Accountant, Valuer, :- I FRIDAY SPRING AND NOVELTIES SINGLE X^^^^^^A BRASS LEOPOLD SIMMONS' fe^^^^^^^H, CRAVEN. PEABt . . ■ YOU ALWAYS ..- iandsome ;.' MANTLEPIECES—WaInut, Beale & Baldwin; . iNtJXJBA^ORS, :J>EO .MpINES ■•':.' -. BOKE AND G^IT ?f - f FOR CASH ONLY ; CHOICEST GOODS ■ MR A. MONSELL WATTS •' :r''gillett/ ■ . , i BIFOCAL LENSES ■■ 6^ , , ■ • fcr^ GOLF. " • . ' • ' LBAK^ & DIXON'S !: PIANOS, AND,OEGANS. SEWING ;■■■,-■,:„machines force^e b^ RECEIVES L|ARY & DIXON'S REMOVAL NOTICE. SIGN PERFECTION. ' com-1 . . ' ■ . ... ... ...... ... leans:.. lSja^ &sixoirs I ' rates.: :t- k ; : IBIJ LEARY & DIXON'S ; THE HOME OF MUSIC AND CENTRAL AGENCY . "THE ' - i t ... ...... _ LADY SLAVEY." : ■ :; :. -^ ■ -.. AND .: EXPERT HAVE P. AND : - - . , Winter i3Upon Us " "BILLENS" " ESTABLISHED 1875. The Manawatu Daily Times. The Oldest Manawatu Journal. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. FOR . oniFriaafr^V bul^njw account Morford Cottle, MR ... . CLAUDE HAYNS, . LOMDON DENTAL ' . • ' Oxford OF . 5 >wi' weaners; '■ . • - :— ;. $. H. SolHtt, . —• Tydeman ±R MEP.wi BOND, . • - MOST RELIABLE MARKETS. . . bullocks'^ % -£if-^ O'Connor & Bell, Gaily and Cooper, MONEY '' • £7:12s ;■ WILL hays " THE MOOBET, m a , • :"' . FOOTBALL. B. LEAHY'S ■ ' • THE POINT. Dispensary. Sydkiy,- Last PHOTOS. INTERESTING VALUABLE MEMENTOS. ' .-. aii . ; ' - HEPWORTH, " ■ Linde British Refrigerating Machines. THESE MILLAR THE DON. • RAILWAY FATALITY. VICTUALLERS FEEL PLEASED. " Another 100 Pairs , : j AT 6/11. J, Mortensen, "NIVEN Millar & G-iorgi. - : HE DIDN'T KNOW. .consequence ' .. Soi^e - ; AND' .be"lost ?° » _ UJ.BX •tfe to take. For sale by . •-■,.^,vt^ THE MANAWATU DAILY TTJVTfcS, TUESDAY* SEPTEMBER 1, 1903. . Latest Cables. The Trouble In Russia and Burglar. And Fisticuff. Turkey. Germany. Population Fleeing. Press Association—Copyright. ..-.'■' ->l. . St.-Pbteksburg, Yesterday.. Minister of Finance, while tho supreme direction of his Mtte, >;iunrr Troops Defeated. Attempt To Dynamite A present o/ricc,has been appointedpresident of thoCommittee of Ministers with a view of expeditiug a commercial treaty with Germany. Train. Excitement Growing., ' By Electric Telegraph Copyright Constantinople, Yesterday.-. Won't Sanction Jamaican The newspapers demand' stricter measures towards the insurgents and their Bulgarian inciters. lteceived September 1, 12.43 a.m. The Turkish population in Adrianople London, Yesterday. Mr Chamberlain has declined to are fleeing towards Constantinople. sanction the Jamaican loan. ~OOPS sent v suppress the rising •in *v the Kirkkilise district have been completely defeated. To Oppose Chamberlain. The Loan. Turks recaptured Neveska, killing 200 Bulgarians. An unsuccessful attempt was made to dynamite the Orient express. The engine was derailed, but no other damage was done. Sofia, Yesterday. Bulgaria has mobilised tho reserve battalions of two frontier regiments to prevent the passage of large bands of revolutionaries into Macedonia. Vienna, Yesterday. The opinion is expressed here that the train outragewas thework of anarchists. London, Yesterday. Times messages declare that Bulgaria is sincerely intent upon the preservation of peace as long as possible; but the Turks' are inflaming the population of Sofia arid other centres, and an amalgamation of the Turkish troops n«ar the frontier does not tend to allay A Labor Member. Received September 1,12.43 a.m London, Yesterday. The Labor party in West Birmingham have nominated Davis, secretary of the Amalgamated Brass-workers' Society, to contest Mr Chamberlain's seat at the next election. Canadian Enterprise. Bold Bid For Tourist Traffic. Received September 1, 12,43 a.m Ottawa, Yesterday. The Canadian Government has contracted with Colombier Brothers, of excesses1 Bordeaux, for a steamship service between .Bordeaux, aud Qutbec in the summer, and Bordeaux and Halifax and St. John's in the winter, for a period of excitement. ten yeai*B beginning in April next. ; Ca: ada paya. one hundred thousand dollars for eighteen trips and one hundred and thirty-three thousand dollars for twenty-four trips annually under the contract. Extraordinary Conspiracy. A Countess. Arrested. Received September I, 1.2.36 a.m. London, Yesterday. The Daily 'Mail states that the Countess Ulbandiui has been arrested at B»me for an insurance fraud by trying to obtain money on the life of a sister supposed' to be dead. Several accom pli<jje> connected with the substitution of dyir#j)«iehta;iromthe hospitalfor the sister are also charged with forgery. It is rumoured that.proofs of other crimes have been discovered at her residence. _ GAY DAY AT DANNEVIRKE. Railway Station Opened. Total Cost, £7500. . Ordering Ammunition. Enrolling the Unfit. STREET. (Next Burbugh, Saddler.) (Own Correspondent.) Mangawkka, Monday. The warning 1 haY«previously given that there are suspicion! characters about was proved on Friday night, when an attempt was made to break into Munro and Bonner's store. Fortunately an employee of Messrs Meyers and Sinclair (who sleeps in a room adjoining tho store) heard tho men forcing the front door and gave the alarm. The men decamped, but on examination of thepremises it was found that several attempts had been made to force an entrance. Unfortunately the would-be burglars are still at large Terrace End was the scene of a pugilistic encounter on Saturday, which was witnessed by a large nnmbar of residents and workers on the viaduct, j Soveral rounds had been fought, the excitement being at fever heat, when the police, who happened to be passing on the way to Taihape, pounced down and abruptly interrupted the proceeding.*. The latest is that those taking part will have to face the music. We were on the look-out for our new S.M. (Mr Thompson) on Friday, who was | Court.expected to preside at the local In his absence the work was conducted by local justices. Lightning Sketches. Scene: Police Court. Act I -Three J's.P. in attendance. Police : " First charges, drunks, your Worships.". J.P. No.' 1 (aside): "Being a dispenser of this beverage myself, as a matter of principle I trust my colleagues will excuse me." Exit. Act II- Clerk of Court reads indict-' ment against prisoner charged with riotous conduct, being drunk, etc, gives evidence. Bench " Ah'm—yes—very—bad ; . ■ : any witnesses, constable? " Constable: " Yes, but it hurts their feelings to appear in the dock—urn—ah Bands Crossing the Frontier. —very respectable people." Bench: " Ah, em ! Well, isn't interEeceived August 31,10.84 p.m. estss of justice, and that sort of thing. Populace Murmurs. London, Yesterday." Urn—ah—better adjourn." Complete telegraphic and telephonic system is being established throughout Abyssinia. Constantinople, Yesterday. Turkey has ordered a quarter of a. miliidn kilos of smokeless powder from Germany, stipulating .immediate delivery. The Turkish Government commissioned and drafted into the Army Corp3 medical veterinary cadets without examination. Sofia,Yesterday. King Ferdinand has started from. Vienna on his return to Sofia. The Bulgarian troops on the frontier in response to Austria's emphatic appeal to King Ferdinand, have been ordered to co-operate with tho Turks in preventing the passage of revolutionary bands across the Bulgarian border. The populace is murmuring at these orders, which they resent as severe measures, denouncing them as unfair and unpatriotic. Despite a stricter watch bands continue to cross the frontier. The Bulgarian officials declare that the bands have no difficulty in evadingjthe Turks. Keports from Belgrade state that the Turks and; Albanians, attacked and demolished a monastery at Saint Proctor, in Servia...-. ■ "* : ; Constable : "Oh dear no, no; inconvenient to myself, as I want to get away for a day or two next week." Bench: "Oh, urn—ah. Very well; a fine of 5s will meet the case." Act lll—Legal luminary (silting astride the court table) to a witness; Stand sir, and give your evidence; "don't 101up, labout like that." ' Witness stands up' and is cross-examined by counsel, who keeps time with his questions by dangling his boots the table in close proximity to his client's nether garments,-which!y .boirthe appearance of a doormat. Act IV Excited individual rushes into court and makes his way to the constable; "'Ere, you charged me a bob too much on that summing; ante 'Up." .;- .W,\;,- ftfZJ LEADING DOVER dc^V^ LAND AGENT, EANGITIKEI Order In Court. Proposed CommercialTreaty. Received September 1, 1.15 a.m. A, & Elkington, ! THE OUR MANGAWEKA MAN. .-,■:', \ *-—^iK Vt&WG U LAST DAY acres, Oroua Bridge, leasa for 21 AM X xtlU years at 3s per acre; no rates." ON SATURDAY Will sell goodwill of lease, price £950; ternls can be arranged. In order to Give Everyone a Chance acres, Levin, all in grass, 7 pad1 O acres, Wanganui, 17 years, 20s per X.\J JL docks,.nearly all level ; 3J miles p* at my from Levin and \\ from Kereru railway vIO acre, H miles from town and Goodwill, £30. station, creamery on adjoining property, creamery. acres, Waverley, 15 years, 20.-: 1 i~k/~\ GREAT SALE 7-toomed house, stable, cowshed, yards, -JLvJ per acre 3 miles creamery, etc. orchard. Price £20 per acre, half cash, Owner\J will erect buildings. Iso goodwill. balance at 5 per cent. Silvcrhope, fi "ears, 20s 1 have extended same till Saturihiy acres, Kiwitea, all in grass, 11 f)AA acres, A A lot of oddments left ■' \J per acre; good dairying land, evening. paddocks, 150 acres stumped «• buildings, purchasing clause.' £20 over from sale which must be sold a? and ploughed, 3 miles fromKiwitea, school, splendid the carpenters arestarting alterations post office etc., L.T. title.; fine 10-roomed per acre. acre.*,Wanganai, all level, 3 to premises on Monday morning. \ residence with every convenience, stable (4 }•yi\l miles from town; 25s per acre. loose-boxes), harness room, trapshed, large <&\J\r goodwill. implement room, woolshed, cowshed. Price No tip top place, £17 per acre. Terms, £2000 cash, balance ~t £$(~\ acros, Wanganui, lOv close to town, 4 years ; 16s per Do not miss this opportunity of 5 per cent. securing acre. Goodwill £250. The above are selected from our extensive list. Property lists posted to any BEST A ft f\ Dairy Farms to Lease. f\\ CLEARING ; K/^ William Moffatt, 4-roomed cottage, 4 cowbails, etc. £26 per acre; only £200 cash,-.A good investment, as it can be cut up into building allotments. ~,; j ' I; W.B.CHENNELLS, - CUBA STREET. A.H.SADD. ■ - A. E. CLAUSEN, ' LATHAM & CO., Land Agency, Woodville. changed, study of. llazors I make a special > ■ . ; ■ , ■ ' i. : ■: : , : ' -.' '.. ' . , - -■ . . . , ■'.-' .. -. ; .>. . : . - . ,• : - ' : ; . • ' H"AS -. : : ' . : . . ' r• . Suratura Tea ~ * ... EANCY, F. DAVIS, ■ W. , Mugridge, BEGS inform, ~~ ~~ - ' • , Food or YOU A "' MEAL, '■ " '■ TJOTAL. ' > TO-NIGHT. ' . Chemicals. G. WHITE, "MR WISHES .' • ■ ' '' New Goods! New Goods! ■ ' C. SMITH ALL DE- . OAPILLA HAIE TONIC iii. SANDOW'S Dumb-bells Leather Writing Desk Stationery Account Books New Books Periodicals ' > MEMBERS C. SMITH, • G. K. Bennett and Co.'s HJE '- i 28 acres freehold and 18 Jf* acres, leasehold, at 4s 6d per acre; 18 rU Price for freehold and goodvill of leasehold L525. Easy terms. 3 miles from railway station, I7Q t/ Price LlB 10s per acre. Terms ar- acres« ' - . OF OUR NEW CASH BONUS SYSTEM. EVER on the look-out for meana to benefit my customers, I am pleased to announce tho NEW CASH BOM'S System, by •which all my CUSTOMERS may become partners in my business and participate in the PROFITS. On and after the 20th August all my customers receive a CASH BONUS of 6d in th* £ on all goods purchased. For full particulars see hand- j bills. acres, all grassed, well watered, REDUCTION in flour and kerosene Q£) *J^J four bails, carry 40 head cattle, Best Kerosene 4s 8d- tin, Ll3 10s per acre. Good terms.' ! 8s 3d case ; best Southern acres, all grassed, except little Flour, 000 lOOs 11s 6d, 50'r 63. .Tf^J^-J shelter bush, watered, large ranged. C. M. BOSS & CO. house (new), close to Palmerston, stables, trapshed, etc, |-mile from creamery and school. Price L22 per acre. Good terms. acres, 2 good houses, 5 and 6 1 J-Uv/ roomg,|2 chains from creamery. Price Lll 5s per acre. Easy terms. acres, new o-roomed house, wel' O«) £i -V watered, will dairy 50 cows> creamery j-niile. Price LlB 10sper acre. 12s per acre can remain at 4J per cent. "I iyi acre.:, 7-roomcd house, trap shed _L^2 and washhouse, 4r acrc orchard greatbargain, LI4OO. Goodterms arranged feet by 132ft, shop and five rooms' Qi^\ •J\J corner section, will sell at LSSQ. or lease at lGs per week. Stock at Valuation. by 132ft, house sis rooms, newly O /^ OO built, all conveniences, let at 15s per week, good spec L 450, L2OO cash re- Afl ' 25's 3s 3d. GROVE'S CASH STORE. i Permam AND Gilchristfs . feets ' ! quired. FOE, INCUBATORS INCUBATORS INCUBATORS '• WE have been favoured with instructions from A. S. AldrichJEsq., to sell his fine farni near Bunnythorpe, comprising 800 acres of rich Daibying Land in 8 farms of convenient size; The. terms arranged -will allow persons of small capital to secure first rate land on a small deposit. -The Estate is within 1J miles of Bunnythorpe railway station, 5 miles from Palmerston .4 miles from Ashhurst, 5 miles from Feilding, with a frontage to the proposed Bunnythorpe-Ashhurst railway line. There are two up-to-date residences on the. property, with complete equipments. Plans and full particulars may be obtained upon;.»pplication to ■:., _ MELLSOP, ELIOTT&CO., Palmerston North and Wanganui. % 1 PREE€E & .CSol LAND FINANCIAL AND GENERAL AGENTS AND LICENSED INUERPRETELS, A ' flat, *' docks, ■ land, all 13 sur- ,BUILPING .. DYNAMITE, GELIGNITE, < BLASTING GELATINE, DETONATORS,SAFETY FUSES, ELECTRIC BATTERIES, ELECTRIC DETONATOR , , 21bjar« ;> 25 cases Grosse and BlaokwtU Mar. '; malade, lib jan 6 only Avery Weighing Machines 8 tanks Hunt's Turnip and Bap* teed 1040 packages Ceylon Teas, .from the Carfax Estate 1000 cases and 60 casks Wbrt* Mm* 1 kay'B Whiskies ~ •■ , i. Golf Clubs and' Aecessoneg specially. selected by Mr Barraud. "'=-■. fe^ r TENNIS KACQXJETS Re-strung, REPAIRED, and renovated on the 7 premises. string used. r ;I Only the best - G. W. WYCHERLEY ft ttOM, I Saddlers and Harnaa* Makers, The Square, Pahnorston N. We have a second-hand Universal feed-arm sewing machine for sale, suitable for bootmaker. COAL! COAU Now landing 1500 TONS B«*t Sereen«d Newcastle (Hetton) Coal. Eeguiar shipments loaded direct into trucks. all kinds stocked. samuelTbkown,' Wholesale and Retail. A'vELLIXGTOK. . . Edmund Osborne, ■ DRAPER, SHANNON. - CORAL ISLAND ■ . .... Samoa, and • delightful climate, large NEAR An assured fortune in healthy ELECTRIC CABLES,&c. cocoanuts. delightful area in a few years,Vnd" risk, and under British flag. OF TREE STUMPS REMOVAL with the aid of NOBEL'S-EXv PLOSIVES having been proved to be : Price #2500, /* p^!/K acres improved davy farm, not only successful,but economical, \JzJ\J handy to Woodville. low hills valleys,' clear streams, warm loam, and SETTLERS are advised that stocks of above can be: procured frpm us, pending; suitable for dairying 6r sheep; £8. the appointment of local agentaj with iy tAA acres highly-improved stud whom we are negotiating. *JzJXj\J and agricultural farm, all level alluvial land, extensive, homestead buildings,4 miles" from railway. 'Such a W. M. Bannatyne ft Co, property could j. not be purchased in the (Limited.) Manawatu district for twice the, money Sole Agents, r asked for this. WELLINGTON Full particulars on application to E. H. RHODES, Agent Woodvil . ' SEED POTATOES. lc^ Price L330. 3116 A -BOOMED house and scullery, wash;ho.use, tt popper', patent w.c. connected with;s'ewer., Close to Square. Price.L4oo. Terms-LXOO cash. 3134 /~^\ OOD Grroonied house, range, waterlaid \JC '■> on, outbuildings, fowliiouses and runs situated easy distance of Square. Price L450. site, 2J chains x 4 chains, splendid position. Price L210s per foot.' 8118 1 QO feet x3. chains, good locality. LtJ^i Price L 2per foot. Very easy terms. 30861 EXPLOSIVES. FUSES, well watered, rolling ploughable, black loamy soil; good 7roomei house, wash-house, dairy, granary, trapshed, etc. Situated close to township; Palmerston N. easy distance. 3127 acres, new 5-roomed house, bath 4 room, scullery, stable, wash-house, " sheds, etc. Pries LCSO. 3125 /'"YUARTER-acre cornersection,. 4-roQiaed bouse, scullery, shed, well fenced. engagement temporary veyor under the Government MY terminates on August 31st. I beg to NOBEL'S balance easy bills, carries 3 sheep to acre; 6-roomed house, 22 bailed cowshed; concrete floor, trapshed, wash-liousc, copper set in. All necessary outbuildings, situated 2J miles from township, creamery 1J mile. Price Lll per acre. Terms LIOOO cash, Owner selling cheap on account of ill health p^ I acres, 35 acres in* mixed English J. grass, balance crop, fenced 4 pad-, HAS -~ - BARGAIN.'' acres, Manawatu Company's, acres shelter, post and wire fences, 14 paddocks, watered by streams ; 80 acres Queens Chambers state I have again resumed my practice as private surveyor. G. L. R. Scott, Authorised & Licensed Surveyor. 20th August, 1903. A iy (~\ & jh\J line, all in grass except 15 Henrylluches at _. and Wanganui. Special Announcement. f &fi/£r* JUST LANDEDBeauty Hebron Early Rose house with scullery, pretty place, very snug, only L3OO, LIOO cash, balance 20 cases Triscuits (shredded wheat) 20 cases Maconochio Strawberry Jam, cent. per 5£ Agency. Per main & Gilchrist, GENEEAL MERCHANTS. PalmerstonNorth and Feilding. \j\j Palmerston N. • — Barraud and Abraham, Ltd. A A feet by 132ft, 6 rooms and scullery TbTD in house, good outbuildings, L 375, Up-to-Date good terms, verycheap. Peach Blossom Cif\ feet by 165 feet, four-roomed Manawatu Land : . Palmerston. years to run. to be thrown out during last few days. D I.C. .. and Property Guide " " Land(Free.) Office : Main street North. THE BON MARCHE. "PßAlßlE STATE" : 'W. F. DAYIS, : 1 ■ ■ ■• : for At .SALE : ' SHABLEY On ; ; , AGENTS. While his Hairdressing Saloon is fitted with the latest improved chairs and Financial Agent, Masterton, has patent head rests, and workmanship Self-regulating and Reliable ; winner of FOR SALE— in this well-known establishment is the Combined Winter Show's Certificate, "TVAIRY farm 145 acres, 50 acres in "crop, j GUARANTEED. hatching out 103 healthy chickens from JLJ 120 ploughable, 8 paddocks, 8-roomed 120 eggs. Every farmer should have house, woolshed, cowbails, stables, dairy one. washhouse, trapshed, piggery, orchard ; "Prairie State" Brooders also C4acres leasehold adjoining, rent 10s Remember the. address— per acre,right to purchase £10 at any time, Green Bone Mills, power & hand (5 years to run. Lls 5s for freehold andL 5 Dry Bone and Grit Mills Theatre Royal Buildings, per acre for goodwill and improvements of Clover Cutters lease. L1045 cash,balance 5 per cent. 883 Palmerston North. Feeding and Water Troughs acres dairy farm, 40 ploughed, first CkA. £/ jc class land, 6 paddocks, Br-oomed Paroid and Neponset. Roofing house, stables," cowshed, granary, washWire Netting, etc., etc. house, storeroom, buggyshed, man's room, 2 acres in orchard and garden. This fine AGENTS Celebrated Champion property is only ten minutes' walk from" Ranges, Massey-Harris Co.'s Farm ImEketahuni and one mile from factory; only plements, Cannon's English Sheep Dip, L4OO required down, Ll7 per acre for freehold. Cheap. Mowlem's Patent Wire Strainers. 715 and ploughable, 7 KO/y acres, all flat tJO.I paddocks, well watered, 5-roomed house and shed, 5 miles from Masterton, L6 10s per acre. 882 ,THK CASH IRONMONGERS, TTTHEELWRIGHT'S and Blacksmith's CHEAPEST AND BEST TV- (.- Busines3, shop 28 x 28, forge and all topis and.stock, 6-roomed house, washThe Square and King Street. house, copper set,buggy shed, stable, lacre Palmorston North. good land, good district,, no opposition, AT THE owner retiring, Lssoas a goingconcern. 862 DOARDINGHOUSE, 17 rooms, built J3 about 7 years, washhouse, storeroom, buggyshed, gas and water laid on, J acre land situate in centre of good town and [within 100 yards of railway station, SI WELLINGTON. boarders, 9 extra for meals only, besides casuals. Only LllsO for freehold, furniture and effects, goodreason for selling. 859 O Of\ acres, dairy and sheep farm, 100 PAMPHLET O acres drained swamp and river During the Continuance flat land, second to none in Wairarapa* 16 tons potatoes per acre being taken off it, 20 Of the Sab ON APPLICATION TO acres in oats and wheat, 7 paddocks, new. Every article in every Depart3-roomed. house, 4 stables, loosebox, new ment of the D.I.C. will be sub10-bail cow byre, well sheltered, 40 acres stantiallyreduced in price. leasehold, rich flat, given in. L9per acre PATENT AGENT for freehold, L 1075 cash, balance at 4J and cent; 5 per near Masterton.- "••". Every article purchased at the 884 D.I.C. Sale carries the ComWELLINGTON. N. Z. pany's guarantee that it is NEW, FASHIONABLE and of RELIABLE QUALITY. MISS M. DUFF, HAIR TONIC Residents in any district .may Teacher of Shorthand & Typewriter, obtain the full advantages of this CURES DANDRU FF, opened classes in the Colonial great Sale by sending their orders Buildings, Cuba street. Classes promptly by post. Sold by all'chemists everywhere. will be held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, and Wednesday Orders received by mail accom- afternoons. Intending pupils are requested panied by P.O. or OTHERWISE to communicate early. When Trousssau Building PREPAID will be made up at Sale Prices...NOTICE. -\ -v" Girls Think Hard. AUCTIONEER, Land, Estate. and (Late G. M. Mason & Son.) r,AND, ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL Tho World-Renowned- Reduction : : Now Tobacconist, Fancy and Sporting Goods xjL ftOD&EBS & LABCOMB SALE Direct importer of— to Bench: Hold hard a Constable, (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) minute I" NOW READY. Yesterday. ...- Dannevirke, Court business is stopped pro tern. Dann6virke,thehub of Hawke's Bay After considerable fumbling in. the province, was aIL astir to-day on tho pocket, in which old keys, string, etc, "OLD MANAWATC" occasion of the official, opening of the are brought to to the. surface, a shilling BY new railway- station, a most handsome is unearthed, handed over so the eir and artistic-: structure, by Sir Joseph cited one, and the court business is T. LINDSAY BUICK. Ward in th« presence of a large crowd. proceeded with. Curtain. -The town was gay with bunting, and was full of viiitors. The station, which was prettily decorated,.-is; of Gothic General FIXTURES. TI delivery of co, ies' to subdesign, and .Ms a tile roof. It is 184ft in length, and has a platform of 600ft, Scheme of Suzerainty. ; Wednesday, September 2 :H. Palmers- sale scribers is ;now proceeding. 1$fids>^2Boo.; v Besides this £600; has, of Miss-.Burr's furniture and effects. beon'spe^t 'on a' goods.'shed, .£3OOO 6n Wednesday, September 2: Fun on the Received September 11.0 a.m. sidings, t z£lsQOr on other works^ total :-'*"";;: London, Yesterday.; ; Bristol," Theatre Eoyal. " v: Bribe 125.: TermsCash on delivery. £7,500. Constantinople corres- Wednesday, Sept. 2 : N.Z. Farmors Dairy • The Standard's meeting The building comprisos a dozen pondent "Union at ; .; Eketahuna... states that ther6 is some reason Sept. 4 Loan.Cos Feilding sale. roornsi to beUeve. that a compromise is taking Friday, CITY BREWERY, Friday, September^ Abraham' and Wil.The weather waß fine with a cold shape whereby the nominal suzerainty '■ liams' sale of Dean O. Shute's cows and ; wind, ? !;';..of Sultan over almostall the autonomous STUEET, FEILDING MANCHESTER other stock. :. 7 A Parliamentary party, including Sir Christian provinces will be secured. (Opposite State school.) Friday, September 4: Harry Palmer's sale J Joseph.Ward; Sir"W> and Lady Steward, of brick-making plant, horses, tools, etc. and Messrs Paratai Bennett, Lawry. American Warships Forward. Saturday, & CO. beg to announce that September 5: Abrahamand Wilthey have fitted up a new brewery Frasor, and arrived O'MearapMcNab, liams' horse sale. • v by the afternoon's express, * and wero Famine Threatened Tuesday, September 8: Concert and dance and aro prepared to sell beer, ale and stout O\J met t»YPastor Bies (Mayor), Mr Wright at Fitzherbert. East/Public Hall, at 8 ..of the best quality to,customers intown and surrounding districts. /' (Tbwn;;ClerkK'and -a' Beception Qom'.'-:.;.':■.'i^;.:.:--'-'-i: ,'■,-. Beceived September 1, 12.36 a.rn p.m. •■■. •'■-;: Saturday, Septeniber-tS^JMounsey and Co mittee.; As ihe train with the Parlia- \ i i.' AVashington, Yesterday. sell special sectio|sjn Rangitikei street. mentary party entered; the Btation tho In connection with the attempt on band struck up a lively nir. ; the life of Magelesen, the visit of the Wednesday, September. 16:: Tenders, close "Won't youCorns Home, Bill Davis ?" for Makotuku bridge;contracts .',.' ; .Sir Jp«eph Ward, in a humorous American squadron to Beyrout has not Saturday, September 19: Abraham and ; OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. speecH, referred to the marvellous-dcv been.-countermanded.,..Mr Hay agreeing Telopment and settlement of the dis- with; -Roosevelt^ that-it is ,' Williams'quarterly land sale. trict,-which he said jastified a large ex- :advisable.;-owing*-to the prevailing unrest, to have warships in Turkish penditure on such a structure, ADVERTISING NOTES. Pastor : Bies also addressed; the as- waters. ■'■■■ .'. ; •■.*-.■.,;■* CAPILLA \ (Late of D. D. Hyde & Co.) semblage. -Constantinople, Yesterday. Lost; bike pump.>■-... -. ..,'„■ viThe erection of the station has had Four hundred Macedonians surprisad Lady wants board and lodging. commenced business in tho Square, 4he effect of opening up new streets in ithe village of Setina,killing 180soldiers. :: Land in grass open for stock. North, opposite the J .Palmerston thr vicinity, and of inducing landowners A famine is threatened over an ex- V Mijking on shares wanted. Post Office in the W build costly business premises and tensive area of disturbed territory. Goodwill of perpetual lease for sale. Post Office Hairdressing make extensive aaditions to exiftimy Many Greeks, in despair, are joining the Annual meeting of Caledonian Society October 17. ■-;■■■ buildiQgß. insurgents. i Saloon. Special attention is direoted to Mr Sir Joseph Ward will be oieputaMobilisation is proceeding actively in Grove's cash prize list which is circulated r tioni-ed in regard to railway and educa- Epirus and lower Albania. Brands of— Finest with to-days-issue.; ':.-.:-::'- :;;'• ;■ ■':•; tional, matters, and he, will also be asked Tobacco 3 young men, fnilking on Wanted by that, an expert be appointed to report on Dynamitards Arrested. Cigars i shares, ••■:<;- 5* '-nthe .suitability '.of. the Waihi falls and [ Mounsey's last tree sale of the season. Cigarettes Orders are dealt with in same _.•" otbjer streams in the district, for electric. Servian Army Mobilising stimulated by loveillumines Five or six-roomed house wanted. . .Pipes, Ac. order in which, they are received the future, and the prospective .','.';'■■_ purppi«i,';>-v',:.-/ Mounsey-andCo. make additions to land in Wellington. To ensure the bride pictures herself at the head of This evening, the first banquet ever Albanian Invasion Feared. sale;' :■';::r-;~ '•■' /:-. .'■'",'' Smokers Requisites in Stock. her husband's table, with a pretty Teavery best selection it is advisable Kairanga County Council advertises to Mp Hall by his Dannevirke .tendered to write early. pots—perhaps a wedding gift^-by.lur. Fanatics Urge Holy War. Ladies hairwork, wig-making, and making special order. constituents was held in the new Drill th-jve side. In the. Teapot she knows up under personal supervision. Mr A. G. Elkington advertises property Hall. It was the largest and mo3t rewill be her favourite Goods forwarded iv execution ; Great Slaughter. list. presentative gathering of the kind ever Vacancies lady boarders. of orders received by, mail may held here, settlers from all parts being W, Full particulars of Hv Palmer's sale of Received September 1, 12.14 a.m. be exchanged if they are not to present." The chairmen and members W. Jsmith's'estate.| r ouv customer's complete satisj JPOST OFFICE HAIRDRESSING 'of local bodies and societies were pre7' ; ;A,THEt>s, Yesterday. lateLatham and Cd.j Wpoiville, Five have ha^ve oneor faction. Bulgarians ■; SALOON, arrested sent, "and eulogistic references were been. good thihgso'n hand. A. A. CORRIGAN, ; made to trie untiring zeal and energy here endeavouring to send two kegs of two Palmerston North. No fancy about that. The natural inBoyd .Garlic's Sand6w;classes to-night. stinct to. be and''economical Mamxcar. displayed by Mr Hall, their member, in dynamite to Dedeogach. thrifty Man wanted for stable garden. and Belgrade, Yesterday. B. HALLENSTEIN, . : Lady's gold watch:lost, impels her to choose this delicious tea. the interests of the district. Two divisions of the Servian army Chairman. good, She knows it is she has heard Abraham arid Williams horse sale Saturhave been mobilising and willproceed next. her mother say so, and the tea sup~ i.Burr's furniture -'.OPENING- ANNOUNCEMENT: ; ports SCUTTLED AND SUNK. to the frontier to prevent the good reputation. Suratura i an' Albanian Mr H. Palmer.sells Miss invasion. is pure honest Ceylon tea, guaranteed and effects to-morrow T not blended with Indian, China, or any Constantinople, Yesterday/ Messrs C. Smith insert replace advertise(Per Pre3s. Association.) cheap or inferior teas. Thfr insurgents destroyed the Eks- ment. I ..: i: -.„: ■•■■■ Wellington,, Last Night.G. L. R, Sccjtt important notice in Chemist, Pharmaceutical railway stationTvith dynamite. '< Messrs W.G. Turnbull and Co., have hishu another : RETAIL PRICES Fanatics column. Tetovo, at Kossoya, urge the received a cable message to-day, stating to the public that be Loan <fe'MercantileCo'3. Pahnerston sale thai the barque Amsterdam, while lying Moslems ;to prepare for a holy war Thuwday has opened an up-to-date Phar. Suratura A quality ; next. .; 1/8 per„Ib against the Christians. •:' - :.. H. Palmer sells brick-making plant, macy in Main street, Terrace End, in in New York harbour almost completely „ D 1/11 Fresh'insurgent risings havo occurred leaded with goods for New Zealand, premib!e,s Mr J. .adjoining Pinkerton's „ horses, etc., tools next. D 2/2 on Friday don't try to rear a baby on Provident,Store and Bakery. principally for Auckland and Welling- in .the Salonika and Monastir districts. „ „ Manawatu X Drainage Land Board's rate"; 2/6 Advices from cod liver oil, starch and sugar Salonika state that A first-class stock of drugs, sundries, ton;'caught fire and had to be scuttled list can be inspected. Objections payers' Servet Pasha, with six battalions, or chemicals. When necessaryyou and sunk. on September 26th. and patent medicines on hand. SOLD BY ALL STOREKEEPERS. stormed the position held by three taken do use a good brand of farinaceous Nathan Bj os. ifill supply sawn timber in Prescriptions,- both medical and food. It is necessary to add to facthousand Macedonians at Smilovo. A any quantity. veterinary, accurately dispensed. thousand of the latter were killed, and tory skim, for calf-reariDg use only Thp Manawatu Dailx Times for, 6d' CABLE BRIEFS. the remainder fled before the artillery adveftiseaionts; W. MUGKIDGE, PETERSON, TOLLEY'S ME FARINACEOUS "■';;■;■; . :■■'■ .• ■", The whol« of the South Wales tin fire.; \ ■■■■; Pharmaceutical Chemist, A Government j MOST. IS GENT for Life InCALF POPULAR BECAUSE 'IT 'plate works, controlled by the associated Europeans Terror TERRACE END PHARMACY ' xjL Stricken. .THE: BEST. surance. Intending insurers a genuine and reliable food contain 'employers, comprising four-fifths of the :. {Main Strekt. kindly correspond with above. Address trade, have b«en closed, owing to a ing all the essentials for producing a of Blow-Dps. Succession Messrs' Philpotts and Son, storekeepers, Palmerston North. w»g«s, dispute. Twenty thousand hands. strong, healthy animal. Farmers Picton, N,Z., says; " Tha best selling FITZHERBERT EAST PUBLIC' jureaffected. find that one shilling's worth per cough mixture in this district is Chamber- ; Intervention Urgent. HALL. Theresult of the Argyllshire election head gives splendidresults. Sold by lain's Cough Remedy. Everyone likes it (which was won by the Liberal candiall stores. Directions in every bag. and speaks well of the results after using TUESDAY,.Bth SEPTEMBER;1903. Received September 1, 0.14 a.nx Hairdressing Saloon, Royal date; by a .considerable majority) was it." For sale by U.F.C.A. Constantihople, Yesterday. largely due to the cry of"-a dear loaf. A feeling of terror prevails amongst /CONCERT in aid of the building The newspaper National Zeitung. the Europeans in Salonika. They fear \J fund, to be followed by a Dance. commenting upon Lord Elgin's Com- that the first local Bulgarian Concert ticket! Is each, children half- HAIRDRESSER & missionVreport, says that for English- will be the signal for a massacre. outrage rrVHEATKE TOBACCONIST, price. men who,made such sacrifices of blood The Powers decline to send warships, Royal Hotel Buildings, 2s, Dance: Gentlemen ladies free. be and treasure there must something lest such action should be interpreted.asT MUND\, Refreshments provided. Eangitikei street. .maddening in thiscold officialpresent- an (Late of Christchurch) encouragement to insurgents. To c mmence at 8 p.m. of and incredulous, disclosures, ment The insurgents dynamited light-' JOHN P. SHEBIDAN 'bus leaves Post Office mOBACCONISTS' Eequisites of overy to intimate to the general adds that the colonies will not feel en- house at Vasileko and occupieda all the; And his Latest and Greatest Success atStevenson's 7.15. JL descriplion on hand. public that he has started a boot couraged to make further sacrifices to points along the coast in the vicinity.' Saloon personal. . under and-shoe business in new shop at Mr supervision. THE LADY SLAVEY. rueet > the wishes of men regarding They dynamited the barracks at' Hollands, Eongotea. All orders will ibe whose capabilities- their own experts Chioktepc, near Malkotirnova; also the The Brightest and most Successful Musical BUILDING. TIMBER. promptly executed. All work guaranteed. ever presented in New Zealand. Comedy WTIITE, G. giv* such 'damning evidence. Soliciting the favor of your esteemed barracks"at Demotika, near undersigned are prepared to Eoyal Hotel Buildings, Eangitikei-st., patronage. The police discredit the story that killing the garrisons in both. Adrionople, 23 Gems sure to be Popular 23 npHE Miss Hickman (the lady doctor who JL sawn supply timber, in any quanJ. MUNDY. Bailiff'sDuet" Palmerston North. Belgrade, Yesterday. " Tbe lately disappearedfrom a London hostity, at their Lower Aorangi Road SawGertie on the Go Go " A mass meeting here adopted resolu" pital) is staying with a friend at Brixton tions mill, which is timber. again cutting Why Love in Secret ARE YOU BALD? appealing to the Servians not to " The Tears rolled down" his cheek and they are still searching for her. NATHAN BROS. depend upon the powers for ""InFriendship's Name " ASTOUNDING CHALLENGE. THOKLEYS Sir E. Barton, speaking at the Com- intervention; and European PATENT " declaring that Servia, mercial Travellers1 Association dinner, Bulgaria, and Montenegro Girl whoLeads' the Band THE PROPRIETOR OF "". The ought to The Big Boss Dude from Ohio "" gave his assurance that the provisionsof FOOD FOR CATTLE. and re-build occupy Empire. the Arbitration Bill would not be fex- It was also resolved theTurkish With Millionaire Cake Walk by the Bed, the the State and Commonwealth ment to Intervene toonurge '■'■ behalf of the White and Blue Yankee Girls. A BRAHAM & WILLIAMS, Ltd. JserVanttw ■'■,'-'"■ The above are only a few of the Gems Macedonians. having been appointed sole Mr popeland, N.S.W. Agent-General, introduced in The Lady Slavey. agents for thesale of this well-known in an interview regarding affairs in Bill ! Bring in the Barrer. food, are now prepared to supply Being desirous of having a public test made THE STUD. England, said the difficulty in. the to prove the infallability of his now famous Farmers, Storekeepers and others. money market from the colonial standTo-morrow, Wednesday, Sept. 2nd. Hair Restorer, known as CAPILLA Hair point was dae to the tremendous sum for Invaluable JOHN F. SHERIDAN as WIDOW O'BRIEN Young Challenger. is prepared to treat any gentleman which had been absorbed by the Boor Horses, Cattle, Pigs and Tonic, In " Fun on the Bristol." troubled with absolutebaldness (it is immawar and'the large borrowing of English Look Out for Little Gulliver ! A member of our staff had the pleaPoultry. terial of how long standing) Free of Charge i municipal -authorities. The extreme sure of inspecting the recent purchase of Popular prices. Box plan now open at for a period of twelve or sixteen weeks, and legislationin Australia had, also, to some Messrs Nathan Bros., Young Challen- Park's. guarantees in that time to produce Hair •xtent, alarmed capitalists. The Com- ger being the name of tne new horse. ALEC. VERNE, ljin long (by the aid of Capilla alone, used excluding action in colored Representative. monwealth's Advance according to the direction supplied with He is a bright bay, standing 16.3 on was most adverfrom mailboats labor everybottle) on the scalp affected by baldfirst-class feet, with immense bone, ness. Failing which he is prepared to forsely received by the English people, carrying plenty of fine Bilky hair of the SANDOW CLASSES. unfair, especially it most feit consider to the Wellington Hospital the sum of -who in the right quality right place. He is IS NOW SHOWING £25 sterling. in view of the fact that the British a wonderfully free mover, showing Developers j TO-NIGHT. " The conditions to be : First, that a comEmpire holds India. splendid action and carriage, and his mittee of six Wellington medical men or The Times' Pekin correspondent says temper leaves NOVELTIES be desired. "11/TR ROYD GARLIC will hold classes IN nothing to well-known Wellington gentlemen be apthat events in the Far East will shortly Breeders in this district must deem JLVJL at Whalley's Hall to-night as folpointed to substantiate the fact of Capilla compel the world's attention and that themselves exceedingly fortunate in lows :— Goods having donewhat we claim for it. Second, PARTMENTS. Korean independenceis doomed. There having at their disposal a horse like Ladies' class at 7.30 p.m. that the gentleman upon whom the test is to Men's class at 8.45 p.m. are, the Times' correspondent says, him, Young Challenger as be made has upon the scalp a down or he Japanese Goods many considerations which weigh with does,, size, quality, andpossessing slight fluff. It is immaterial whether it is soundness, and FAIBBUKN, Japanese against remaining passive the JOHN discernable with the naked eye or not so above all, a complete change of blood, & Cases long in theface of Russia's aggressions. as a microscopical examination having been imported from Victoria, Land and Estate Agent, New Dresses that proves Britain, America, is announced it to exist. It bred there from Scottish imported Ridgway Street, Wanganui. New Delaines If the above Challenge is accepted, we »nd; J»pan will unitedly resist handiDg being Cases Young:'Daisy, his dam, was horses. New Prints particularly request the attendance of newsovtr to the Chinese the six journalists never beaten in any show ring, and aud dairy T ARGE selection of paper reporters, medical men, and others who were recently arreßted at Shanghai.. Young Challenger, although only shown who are interested to watch the progress sheep farms. New Laces 'The Chinese latest promise, made twice in Victoria, was first and cham. -"Particulars on forwarded made from day to day. application. tthrough Changsitung, is that they will pion on each occasion. He haa never New Silk Blouse 3 Capilla willi ncrease the length of ladies' •mot be punished with death. & hair 1 to 2 inches per month. been in any show ring in New ZealandNew etc Underskirts, Manawatu and West Coast The above challenge, now appearing in He has proved himself a sure foal getter. THE EFFECT WAS MAGICAL. the leading Australian newspapers, has Caledonian Society. AT beej accepted by members of Parliament A STARTLING- VERDICT. and other leading citizens. Their testiThe magical effect of Eheumo is testified are reminded that the AT to by Mr George Colledge, of Wellington. mouials may be seen by all inquirers. Annual General Meeting of the This verdict was given many words are most He after convincing, own Hi3 above will bo at Messrs Abraham ALL CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. writes :—A few ■weeks ago I was attacked days of investigation, by a grand jury and Williams'aeldRooms, Palmerston with rheumatic gout; my feet were much consisting of a representative of experts THE CASH DRAPER on 17th at 3 Saturday, North, so that I had October, very painful to: of all the principal nations of the world. swollen, and Head Officefor New Zealand: keep in bed. Hearing of your cure for Upon this verdict we all agree after o'clock in the afternoon. 6 FEATHERSTON STREET, NEXT THE POST OFFICE. Any member whose subscription is in gout, I sent for a bottle of Eheumo, and mature deliberation,that Massey-Hams WELLINGTON, after taking a few doses the effect was. bicycles give the greatest joy to every arrear on that date is neither qualified the pain left, swell-; and magical, the severe nation. Go to C. S. Pickering, Palmer- to vote or take any part in the proT Sharlandand Co., SQUARE, Ing disappeared. I was soon on myfeet ston North, and get a Massey and prove ceedings of the meeting. Wholesale Agents, again and able to go to work." Eheumo lor yourself. Box 61, near th,e bank of J. C. MoWILLIAM, conquer? Chronic 'rheumatism,- Chemists. N.Z. Office : 6 Featherstoa street. Secretary, Hon. J92,^4dyt, T elephone bottle, New Zealand,' ♦ad(tores, 2s 6§ 64 per. " ALTERATION AND EXTENSION 3^i^ O/~\/~\ ACRES freehold and 140 O\_/ V_/ acres leasehold, 6-roomed house, one acre orchard, 4 paddocks, and 60 acres flat on freehold ; six paddocks, woolshed, 9 bails, and 110 FOR HIGH-CLASS acres flat on leasehold, rent of which is 3s per acre, with compensation for HAIRDRESSINGr, improvements, or right of renewal. SHAVING, ETC. Price: Freehold, £$ 10-i por acre; TRY leasehold; £500. This property is situated in Kumeroa which is noted for its high carrying capacity, and although half the farm is dairy land and is being worked as such', the price is no higher than if the whole Ho also sells Razors that are guaranteed, were sheep country. and if found unsatisfactory can be '.'■' OF ||^^ Real Bargains of Lines CUBA STEEET, PALMERSTON N. QO ACRES, adjoins station' of a Ow goodtown, flat dairy country, Last 10 Days BARGAINS Land, Estate, Insurance, and CENTRAL LAND AGENCY ever offered in Palmerston. Commission Ag.ent, Wanganui. i No reasonable offer refused. Ridgway street LEASEHOLDS. 277 acres. Clareville, Wairarapa, to lease with right of purchase, rent years for 10 £41 per annum, 5-roomed house, cowshed, stables, 3 miles from school and township. Purchasing price £4 10s. Goodwill £300. 93 acres, 3 miles from Sandon, l.i.p. rental 12s 9d per acre, 6-roomed house and all conveniences, close to creamery, splendid dairying land, 65 bushels crop to acre. All ploughed. Goodwill £300. 970 acres, Eangitikei, 15 years lease, all in grass, 11 paddocks, 6-roomed house, large woo'shed 4 dairy, cowshed, .yards, etc., 3. sheep to acre, 3 miles from railway, close to' town. Apply at once. No goodwill. 900 acres, Wanganui, splendid sheep and and cattle country, for 10 years at 7s 6d per acre; 400 acres level, 2£ sheep to acre, good house and outbuildings.. FOR SALE. 216 acres, 12 Biiles from Palmerston, 100 acres bush, paying 5d per 100ft at sawmill, balance all in grass, -small cottage, good grazing country. Price £5 10s. £400 cash, balance at 6 per cent. 89 acres, all level,ring fenced, 6 paddocks, garden, orchard, 7-roomed house, stables, cowshed, etc., 2j miles from township, all ploughed and in grass. Price £1800. 230 acres, 6 miles from Palmerston, all felled arid in grass, 7-roomed house, cowbails, etc.; milling timber at 9dper 100ft. Price £10.; £400 cash. 307 acres, Pourewa, near/Marton, close to railway; 8-roomed house, cowshed, etc., 8 paddocks, all ploughed except 50 acres bush, level land and ring fenced ; splendid dairy farm. Price Ll6. This land has grown 90 bushels of oats_ to acre. LIOOO cash, and balance at 4J per cent. 275 ucres near Feilding, mostly ploughed 10 paddocks, 7-roomed house- and outbuildings, splendid dairying land, L23105. Good terms. : LEMONADE FACTORY. ; A good business, stock, plant, andbuildings, horses,, carts, as going concern. A large turnover. Price L320. INAUGURATION • THE Iaddress. GROVE'S CASH STORE Accept No Excuse From Your Storekeeper. KAIRANGA COUNTY COUNCIL. When you order Apollo Sperm Candles, insist uppn having that particular brand. SPECIAL ORDER. APOLLO IVTOTICE is hereby given that it SPERM CANDLES Honest Candles -Li is theintention of the Council, ! Are At Honest Prices at a Special Meeting to be held on the 29th day of September, 1903, to are reasons why; you should, not confirm the following Special Order There tolerate any excuse. ApolloSperm Candies, made on the 18th day of August, do notyield the storekeeper so large a profit' 1903, and which Special Order shall as some of the brands of inferior candles firstcome into effect on the 29th Sep- and also some of the foreign-made quality candles. When your storekeeper tember, 1903 :-says " These are just as good," or " These That for the purpose of providing the are better," Xou do right to doubt him. He pushes the sale of other brands because of interest at £3 10s per centum hg makes out of them. larger the profit per annumand other charges on the sum of £900, being the APOLLO SPERM Kairanga County Council's porCANDLES tion of a joint loan of £1700,---under Section 14 of "The Local ARiE IDEAL HOUSEHOLD Bodies Loans Act, 1901," with ; CANDLES. the Pahiatua County Council for the purpose of clearing,.forming Sold by all Storekeepers. and metalling the Range Road from a point one chain east of the Eastern boundary of Section 1, Block 11., Mangahao, to a point one chain west of the Western boundaryof Section 12, Block XIX., Mangahao, the said be at the service of Breeders in Kairanga County Council hereby PALMERSTON NORTH arid Surmakes and levies a Special Rate the two Champion rounding of £ of a penny in the £ upon Clydesdale Districts, Stallions— tho rateable valuation of all rateable property of the "Range Road Special Rating District," Hereward the Saxon, By Cedric the Saxon—Duchess. comprising the following sections, viz.: Sections 1, 3, 5, 7, Terms for the Season, £4 4s. Groomand 8 of Block 11., Mangahao age ss. Groom in charge, T. Edlin. District; Sections 2, 3, Survey 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, and 12, of Block XIX., Mangahao Survey District. Young Challenger, TO OSBORNE'S DENIM TROUSERS ABE considered the best value on this Coast. They are branded 4s 9d. " Osborne's Foxton : : and Shannon." Posted free to any address upon ' receipt of 4s 9di ,; Every Grocer Will Tell Ytf* Ho has a good Tea—goodbulk Tea that he imports himself," but there is no grocer who can look you in, the face and say his tea is better than Empire Blended Tew. Elephant Brand at 2/4 Crescent Brand at 2/- , Mikado Brand at Are The Very Best. 1/8 . Blended by a Connoiwtor and Tea Expert, they please the palate. A delicious flaVour combined with a delicatearoma distinguishes them from all other Teas. These Teas' are rich and strong, and thesecond serving U as good as the first. - - Empire Blended Teas Are The Standard of Purity To Dairymen and Farmers . , . . some of the AMONG young cows you will find some hard to milk. Use ~ the Patent , •. DUPLEX PROBE. Hundreds in use, and hundreds of pounds saved by uqiug it. ;; SOLE AGENT— R. S. BAERY, IMPORTER, - Palmebsxon OHEAPSn)E Worth, The Phoenix And that such Special Rate shall (Imported from Victoria) Engineering, Plumbing be an annuallyrecurring rate for the By Challenger—Young Daisy. currency of such loan, being a period & Tinsmithing Co. of 41 years or until the loan is fully Terms for the season, £3 10s. Half guarantee, £2 10s and £2 10s. Groomage, RANGITIKEI paid off, and to b9 payable in one ss. STREET, PALMER. Groom in charge, Smith. STON NORTH, sum on the Ist day of April in each For full pedigree, see W. cards. year. Owners Engineers, Plumbers, TinAnd the Kairanga County Council NATHAN BROS, also pledges as security for the paysmiths, &c. Waikuku Stud, Dairy Factory Fitters, anj> tjTENsit ment of interest on the said loan all Kairanga, Palmerston. Deferred Thirds accrued and to Manufacturers. accrue on the said sections. Furnished in Every Cost of raising loan to be paid out HARRIS AND IMPERIAL t^STIMATES f: Branch of the Trade. Bicycles.—These splendid machines -M of loan. on sale. All bioycle accessories in stock. P.0.80x 163. V RUTHERFURD, WALTER Splendid of lamps. Repairs W. J. MADDREK,^;; County Clerk. under my assortment own supervision.—O. S. Picker! "' '. ' Manager, — MASSEY 81st August, 1908. :i inp, The Square, near publio library. IHE MANAWATU ABRAHAM k WILLIAMS, Ltd. GENERAL ITEMS. PALMERBTON NORTH STOCK •Ali3. RESCUES IN PEACE AND WAR. SHAMROCK OALF MEAL. DAILY HMJiIB, A. COLLIERiY INCIDENT. I N.Z. LOAN Jib was one moaning in September last BRAHAM & WILLIAMS. LW. th*t a fire broke out wilihi twnbl* eudden,- A ness in blw «ng:ne-hou9o of tlie Bodran- xIl. will cell by public auction at This preparationkas during tho past frw6 years established its their yards, Bangitikei-street, as .gullt Colliery, near lihondda. At the moment a cage with 11 men, in it was slowly above, at 1.30 p.m.— descending the shaft.. The flames spread 120 2-year steers rapidly, and th.c heat liecanw a:mor*t. un16 2£yr bullocks bearable. But Eran Lloyd, tJhte cngime8 8-year steers mon, never dreamed of quitting his post. i 4 18mos steers Catch'ng up » shoot of metal, he propped it in front of his face, iuid grimly held on' 20 extra good springing heifers to h:« "winding lover the indicator 12 guaranteed cows, October show.od that thie cage rras safe *t th« botcalvers tom of the shaft. Then, and not till then, 8 fat cows scorched and blackened, he staggered out the, '!$& food prepared into the open air. A few minutes later thte Jpamw^d if &aois* #«%p, «*a 400 good mixed hoggets w?.'rtl rods attached to the cage sna.p60 prime fat ewes ped with the heat, but by that 2 fat cows men were (ten time of tihie in safety-. Only 40 wethers one was injuied by the falling metal, and 150 good mixed hoggets he not mortally.—("Pearscn's Weakly.") SAVED AN EXPRESS TRAIN130 good mixed hoggets Not no very long ago an English railway man saved an express train full of IMPORTANT UNRESERVED SOORES Of TESTIMONIALS passengers spoed;ng from Liverpool to LonCLE&nW® SALE don. A Glasgow goods train w?* shunting with »» §S "fa (Stfteafy.. Whsa fcraparad aad fed in accordance on the L. and N. W. Railway near Tamiteeefcioif eteafosed wifth paskags, it supplies to young wprfch, to make way for the express train SUPERIOR DAIRY COWS,WELLBRED CATTLE, ia frasK milk, of which this is to pass. The signal fell for the axpress to SHEEP, itwfc ftH ik« flafctM properties HORSES, FARMING IMPLEptes, but the driver of the goods, under tfepfifecl.ift th« pw>e«3S of "separafcfoiiJ' thixt it MENTS. mn3ip<prehen*ion, imagined some first problem to solve was that of labour, $4&<b UJ tiNKfc'lMfyj'ibO, SO and 251b bags by th© manufactured was for him to leave the siding. The FRIDAY, 4tb SEPTEMBER, 1903. pbints being against am, his train was d#ra:l3d. E'ght trucks left the rails and lay A BRAHAM & WILLIAMS, Ltd. aboufl. utfiearly blocking the main line. Both driver and fireman were badly hurt! -OL have received instructions but th© latter, a Swansea mm, by th© from Dean 0. Shute, who has sold V nair.o of Ft'edeiiak Davis, realising the his property, to sell by public danger to tha oncoming express, picked auction at Raukawa, on the Palmerup, though and in terriblft himself pain, oiftwled slowly toward thla nearest signal ston-Ashhursfc Road, at 12 o'clock box. A» he wet* ha laid danger signals sharps* on th*li«e. Wh«fl ib* reached ihe box hs» 26 first-class young cows, Sephad jusfc strength enough, left to tell what temberand October calvers h*d happerifd. Tl:en he fell unconscious, 85 selected yearling dairy and was caiwi^ to a hospital. heifers "PALMBJRSTON NOBTH SALIT On the pr«mi«»i, Bro»€ itieet, opposite 8»" SBBJ., ItOB. fpSB NEW "ZEALAND LGXK X AND MERCANTILE WEDNISDAT NBt¥; 2m> BBP- HIGHEST LIVING AUTHORITIES- . ■ Ifewft^1 fiintel <jaok • : ,: u<t Wiidmill Best Best TWO DESPERATE BATTLES. In tho t«wo desperate battles of Rorkes Dnft and laaadlivhana, the gallant 24th lost 21 officers and 587 men*, and the survivors received no fearer than eighb Victoria Crosses. Of these the most magnificently ttou is that which Segeant Hook. iiott employed at the British Museum, stiW wears. For four long hours Hook aod M&jra BNGIiAIfB. two other men held the hospital at Rorke* a host of huge Zulus. At Drift fc Mf i* H«w Swtlsnd. ©bfcaftialris fe*m &H Sfcei'ekeepesfß. ■last foraagainsh taro companions fell, and the curVivor ran short, otf ammunition. Und'sSOLE AGEW?S: mayed, h« fixed his bayonet, and' still held off the msttes of his foss. As one after anoibher of them fell, ho piled their bodies \x\i until a bamcads was formed sft. high. Tixea tha ■Zitlu^-g^yci. up the attempt to rush, and sei the place qn f}r§ Jhe sole defender seized a pick, and broke through three isuoce3sire vails of sun-dried clay to FOB geS a,* tbo hospital behind. There lay iight man too badly hurt to move./ and already ths flames were bursting in upon them. Hook picked up the nearest and staggered awa.r with nimi to the otiher bohind. Then I/&nc4-cornoral Wilbuildii^ liams came to the rescu*. and, yviifo his liolp, all the «ufferers wer« carried into safety. Before rescue oanw Hook had been fighting 18 Hours. Galvanised Corrugated i R OH. IX |tf*JMfl Ji'^ftl . JOSEPH NATHAN & Co., Ltd, WELLINGTON. "*JktE TOTJB STOBEKEEFER -tfbHNSOK 50 20 20 20 130 80 CLEABINQ SALE MAKING mHE NEW ZEALAND LOAN X & MERCANTIL AGENCY CO. Ltd., will sell by public auction as ■ . : aman. Hie stoiy wa# raxntly told by Mr. "was postSn^i^t;:' :Tr *rm', import«r of Berkshlpe, Pigs, The largest yearly prlze-takw in the ; colony ; 82 prizes takenlast year. .Priceand pedigrees on application. All pigs -1 lists at Stud registered., with the N.Z.. Pig Breeeers' Association. Purchasers of,ewes in lamb can leave them on the iarm until lambing is Over free of ch&Vge, B. JOH&NSEN AT THE BOROUGH HOBSE AND SON, EMPORIUM. FIREWOOD MERCHANTS, Eangitikei Line SEPT. *$ „ rf -> # . , . nJ -4. IV li.d.^ti^,*+ tVSTCIjSSoi** *^ ** '_ , »VCi5 .OIIVVxI s*s ■.- f3y J'y,-»»g' J£ Tt " « <"■* <'?s)'- *2?i>i*B t^tc reason oiir m«H order l'-snt^>» '" "acrt*!!*K! st 6«cb rapid S(r/rfe». W« «l"^"*3« a MSv «rw •» ttint^voaid make very f««ft ■'/••4''- W Ca?3<oj}fia cofiMiiiJng linrti!reds of etc., if yonwin write and «sk«». allU r S«lt4sClV/CE3 © t rifitsriTrfirs, ■ SWIFT&OO., . s,, c , 7/e, and I^^^^E^^^Hm SHH^BBa^g|W| S'erl.ngSilverin 4Ct t Cl^osFonrrte or $>«d Uo^s, 10 6 "jIyTISS McKAY has some pretty Evening Dress and Blouse Lengths. Evening Drees Specialist. . !,^^^^^fl9BHi^^*^^^^^^ *^X J/Kf 'JB™' _, i i«. &*W^?**iis.)P>laSr» p»«A JPNBiJ" Larger Scn*«rt, * s^^Jlt*gg*,#!flf? jflß/Sr? ' M " S 9 a- 3 • SW|»«rt DaAysoa & Co.'s Lady'i, Etjvpre^a Watch,fine jewelled <r*f ">overtiet A perfect wafch f°| faiies ißct gold keyltti h^ftitipg ease*, AlO 10s. ' «h» open face, 88A Silver hunting,70/. Oitaranteea for jyear* C. DAHL ' , SotucnirSpotn, M"ao>-i Design, 18,3 sraaw^n WskaW" "^ " \Jgt* t* <<itr-Fipcst Silver-PlatL'd Jjtn Di»h, with r»b> tintrd giiu, _ extw tj^J-; —drift $ sttonir ehH«i eonneetlons, 21/ Ptir-Is ft. fiih rally or bliif-tirrfed Fst£J -^Ptne»tSilverplated and Cut GlassButter Dish, 11/6 JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS, r*~---^_r Wellington, . A , ™ e 9-86% The .. ■ ■ ■■: analyst reports that this is a good toaautt la a finely DitideS Condition. \ \ > •. PURE BOINE MEAL—Price £G per ton on ■■.■'■'. ;" tracks, Longburn. Guararit«ed"Analysis(by Government Analyst): •-' •Organic matter Triealele phosphate .. .; 50-98% 28'1G% To the Settlers of Orotu Bridge and Surrounding District. PALMER & PFARCE MESSRS having completed their Sawmill at Oroua Bridge are prepared new •Containing nitrogen equal to ammonia. to supply white pine and matai tiniber. j 4-20% . OrdeiitJ shduld be sent in promptly, not necessarily -for..lmmediate delivery, but to prevent disappointment. -;'' kobth . island bacon pany. - notigb--t0 farmers. com- PALMER & PEARCE. Australian Mutual Provident Society. MONEY TO LEND. raiHIS Society is prepared to lend "VTOTICE is hereby given that Mk J- money on First-class Freehold has severed his eon- City and Country Securities at 4£ ■Jr^l Moffatt ntctida tvifch the North Island Bacon per cent. ' Company. Liberal Mortgage Dead gives power to *t\i North Island Bacon Company repay portions of loanduring term. jure cash buyers of Prime Bacon Pigs. Apply direct to the Society's Branch addressed to J. Denfler, shop Office,Wellington, or to any of the Letters. ♦ manager, Palmerston North ; H; Society'sDistrict Offices. EDWARD W. LOWE, Bartlettt Goiapany's buyer, Piata; or Bcsident Secretary. U.Vn MtMtary, E. T. Clarke,We<»el- ■ WKIGGLESWORTH \ ANl> BTNNS, PHOTOGEAPHEES. QOLICITATIONS C 3Numerous and being still more Pressing, we advise our Patrons that our Christmas Concession is still further extended for a short period. 12 CABINET3~AND 'MONA' ENLARGEMENT NOTICE. : Note the address— -. . ' F. JOHANSEK 4 o©., Malcolm and Wilton W.S. HAST,, Gnnmftker, MAIN STREET pALMRRStOV NoftTS. Direct Importer if-.' Fenders*— Guns Also 84 Brass Rail Fenders and Brasses to match. Btddn*—Of any description. Wire Mattrasses, etc. ; Exeelleney ' Inspection Write for prices. Telephone 96. - . . Important to Farmery CHEAP MANURES. NETT CASH, ON TROCKS AT *«A HATJRANGA, in > iw». sins. **■ For lcwt. bags, 2/6 per ton extra tltejtl; M MANURE—£4 10/- niiv». (JUAB -TE» AHJUjTSIS i AT . MANURE MANUFACTURERS. LAMBTOK-QnAT.'-WKxnriifX MahubeWobks • • NcAßAtaiUtM THOUSANDS ■TO SELECT FROM • . • THE WELLINGTON BEAT EXPORT SO., LTD. Offices BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS i . ... TricaleiePhospnate.. Ammonia ' - BOOKDISPOT* Ammonia ~ [The prewnt ': . ~ stock 4, s.. I'ptMiftft. of «he tfewijfvo .» 'A , «lasses of manure, vit.» "M" *h4TSeaa» "IMAGINATION A SYMBOLISM,Dust, is all- required<for ttdiiag> MUftftwtt \ or the Foundation and t)oors of the and orders cannot, therefore mM lit Remnant Lots of 6, 7, 8, 9 to 12 pieces, „, He&\en\y Jerusalem," by Capt. J. D. these manures by themselves.] selling at half-price, B. fiewitt,R.N. Price, 6d. IMPORTED SUPERPHOSPHASftr Newest'Magazines and Newspapers. —£5 6/- ptea ton." v> i? "Winter Games, including newkinds. We are in Front for Value. ADABAK'tfeKB AKALteiS: prices. ■ '' ■ Real Bargains White Lead, Glass,Paints, Scrim,etc. R.&E.I; !NGEVV PALMEBSTON NORTH. j!|ft Is4d. (Oeborne's Orders promptly attended to. C. REVANSi,: THE CASH GROCER, MONEY TO LEND upon application. Samp XH SUMS OF £100 to £10,000 On Country, City, and a. a hamll, Small Goods Batcher, Freeholds < >HXTURE-£4: THE, SPECIAL POTATO MANpJgB £6w»fc.ipx.V' ■ '•„" (Copied from fee,report.of jibe, Hnr t«ri Agricultural SQUARE. .' ' * Ezpermrajg^^'^im, . '' ',' OCABAMTZIB"AKAI,ntt:'' '■ 'A Remember, from '' A«lLT«rtif: Hookey Sticks* from Is each. 4W to 87 per cent. TOlubletfhoHptab* -"' Footballs, etc.. NO. 1 MIXTURE—£SS/r;wM-Wii Novelty Playing Latest Cards,with New mS "rZealand views. WAIU^IMD One-half imported BUPEfcPHOHrfcfft, Lovely Artificial Flowers. New and pretty Birthday Cards. 35 to 37 per cent, solublePhosphate China and Glassware, Leather GoodsOne-halfBONE DUST, as above. Toys, Fancy Goods, AccountBooks.. NO. 8 X7/e wi '•»» Stationery ofevery description. One-half imported SUPERPHOSPHi,** "l as above. ' " ' One-half "M" MANURE, »s abort. W. PARK, FINEST BROKEN ORANGE PEKOE 9/- per lb. GOLD TIPPED FANNINGt A strong, full flavoured Ttia. 1/6 per lb. ** Ping Pong, Isßd. / ,' *6f«r«l|kt. 8 pit Mbt. BONE DUST—£S 5/. *M *c*. , OOASAOTHB* ( AKAMBIB.' TricalcioPhosphate.. k 4»'per*mt. WM. PARK'S vrith 21in. wide, Magnificent Gold Paoers from 1/6 per roll. Gall or send for samples and ■■.■■-'■■ re»browfe*J, »• * InviteoV ' bored, etc. irtJRNITURB the BEAUTIFUL latest shades, self-coloured patterns, engrain tints, beautiful iriexes" : * teed. Guns re-stocked, BUYERS At special cut prices. Malcolm & Wilton, of RantDrl; Cartridgtt Rifles Ponder Skftft Eevolvers Caps, £t«. The largest stock of shooting f»* qnisites stocked in the district.Repairing in all its branches goiftpK- FXTRNITpRE TO SUIT ALL JUST LANDED— designs in all JACKEYTOWN. Suburban r *'" VeMly Opposite the OeQM Bettsei WALL PAPERS. G.H.BLANCHE, _ patent.) DEEP-WELL Bis *nß|ti|mfln? *° n X ACRES,all flat, Well grassed and I tJ watered, 6-roomed house, large cowshed, t c, including a first-class guaranteed herdof 33 cows. Creamery 1J miles; lease four years to run ai £1 per acre. Price for goodwill of lease and herd £425. In addition to the 75 acres, 15 acres of bush adjoins, for which the owner of lease pays no rent. This is % grand chance for a man with small Capital. Apply Hudson and Easther, Land and Estate Agents, Levin. BOEEB : j— ■• "^fc Five twenty-thirds IVRttD BLOO»,If cent. Ammoniar" ""***'" >* Ten twen^-thirdsrßON|B:DinWr,^iJn|m. _, ■*••■• PIANOTALK. Eight twenty-thirds KAINIT.H " pSffcil. Potash. PIANO is a first-class investment as Veil as a means of KAINITI > culture and pleasure. There is no article The addition of a email faroportttl •( manufactured that will give as large a KAINIT to any of the Mfihmii-n return for the money invested. Grant- advantage, and will be made witboatrislM ing this to be true, the Piano to be charge- if speeined by the putth»M£tUU r •ought after by those who wish to buy giving the order. MIXINGS mnst not only have a, good tone, but be The Manures are not mi?«di<aatft tl» well abdfaihfully made, and be sold a are sent oat,1and purabaaerj *|< (Umlt fairprite. It must be built, to*stand orders option can have the original Mfcno|*| j|s«ftf years of use.. The pianos now offered them in .the Waker*l.bagi.jifti mat* Mi* by THE DRESDEN PIANO GO. fulfil to mixtures themselves. GOOD - , - - *~ all these conditions. SPECIAL"MItTTJRES,»t4t«i mU any time to suit farmers. DRESDEN PIANO CO. jLambton Quay, Wellington.- ;i to i-iform. the |>EGS that " •• \ Lane's Emulsion > " \ -will be thoroughly "■^Tbe £4 103 per ton on renovated and conducted under the pro ROOT illAKtrßßrr-Price prietor's personal supervision. troicks,.liofigburn. 'Hot dinners, grills, etc., at all hours. -Analysis (by ;Gov»rriment QtAlAhtebA Fresh fiish arrive daily.. Oysters also Analyst): arrive daily, and may be had by bottle, Ttiealelepnoephate " 18*20% plate or kit. ;. 73-21% "•Organic matter Note address: Next Public Library. *fe«ntainlng B nitrogen iwual fo ammonia ' ' ,: , WALLPAPERS. DAIRY FABM, LEASE AND HEBD FOR SALE. " " : farm. 22/362 -roomed villa, residence, -well situated, "every convenience;five minutes from Square, three-fifths acre, stable, trapshed, loft, price £900, terms easy. 37/486 very desirable 7-roomed villa, 66ft by chains, 2 Square, minutes from 2J well situated, high and dry, good outbuildings, evpry convenience, price £800, yesterday, it was decided "to continue the operations which have rendered the syndicate notor"ious during tho last couple of years, but to make an exception in regard ""to Auckland. Ifthatis so it appears that other towns are still. to suffer '■from the monopoly sought to be established. InAuckland tne Com' bine have met their match, bo far,in the Northern Roller Milling Com ""pany, producers of the ' Champion' Brand. Tlie Company; by refusing have anything to dowith the Com " to prevented thelatter taking an "• bine, unfair advantage of the householders 11 of that province, and to a certain ex'• tent, have assisted other districts to fight the unwholesorpe monopoly in " breadstuffa which affects the tables " of tho working to such a sub" stantial extent.classes has been done ""by establishing This agencies in other towns for the sale of the Company's Flour. has Napier benefited " in that way, and as been the Company are engagedin such a struggle it be " ." hoves all interested in the issue to - bo our customers and the general publia that en having clean, mew, and up-to-flifte we have removed to those «omai*dieos goods to select froia. premises until lately. oeeupie4"by Hessrs All work, as usual, tinier »y •#■ ..,-.■ Hart and Keeling. supervision. No garmentsent«ttt tialtii Every description of boots anf ShoM satisfactory* imaAe^n^he-jpremiseß. .^, ; Fit arii'workmanshipimaranHei. 8.-O. OLSBK. Hepfclrs a specially. MANUFACTURERS, Paltnferßton North, '.}.> ' v ' -" v' FREEZING SHEEP iND LA4I&S ——. THE ' •. a\ FEOM OUE |3J6 AETIST-FINISHED Bromide Cabinets and Paris Pane s are still facile princeps for AETISTIC POSE, COMPOSITION AND SUPEEB FINISH, whilst THEIE PEEMANENCE IS UNQUESTIONABLE. OUE SUPEEB NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, ON THE OLD SITE 7 Willis Street, Wellington, 7 (Nearly Opposite the Empire Hotel,) Telephone, 1635. We do NOT employ CANVASSERS. s \ i \ C C € •* Government Insurance none is so good as - < JLAWES' SHEEP DIPS i ■ you'v missed one of thepractical points of TO _ D. GHAEKEE BREAD P.O. Box 123. On Draught at almost all Hotels in the City and surrounding districts, And confidently anticipate their verdict will Thjire \a no danger whatever from lockbe that Staples and Co. have jaworbiood poison resulting from a wound removed the reproach that good lieer could when Chamberlain'sPain Balm is promptly not be brewed in Wellington. applied.' It is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also pauses wounds to hea} without matur J. STAPLES & CO. (Limited). ation and in one?third the time required MOLESWOETH akd MURPHY " STREETS, y the usual treatment. Sold by U,F.C.i. ' • ' As the dye ing season is drawing upon us again I wish to iqvite inapeotlon of CASH COW LOTTERY, SYKES' CURA COUGH STAPLES' BEST. Telephone 144. AT U PER 4LBLOAF FOR W. is a and may of gnat quality, and power and to mm splendid temper,: by imp. Berlin out t>t owner's.account at his option*,.AllJpMV imp. Eanny Allaii, his breeding is unimto be prime of their class, andTtO-b* peachable. Berlin (Woodford—Mambrine, delivered at Free«in 2-21J) is full brother to Mambrino Dudley, cost and expense. g> Price and ttanntmt^. 2,22. Robert W. only started three times, be on the FROZEN being first once and second twice. ' Or ' Terms £3 10s, payable January Ist, 1904. "> -■ Groomage fee 6s, payable first service ■; The Company is willing to puxcl)jtf#^ graziDg 2sper week. Every care fakon,but astraightout price per no responsibility. For full particulars apply H. J. WOODFIELD, Mana.wa.tu Stables. at the Company s Office- or f MTT #£ , Wor^i^ vm^P W®jp|Kv^ la&Uik&fJ*. HE IS SELLING Don't let your cold go on until it getspast the curing ttage. Stop it at once and avoid the chance-of hpA-jng the Grip, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, etc. All these troubles are the He who would achieve success should results of letting a cold-have its run. You caunot afford to triflewith a cold. endeavour to merit it." ' GOT A WOTOR OUT SMITH, UNITED FAEMEES' Carrier, Forwarding- Agent and COOP. Parcels Delivery, have during the past.year spared orwarded to any address in the colony. no expense in endeavouring to Will Cure You. First-class dry storage in brick buildinc. make our Beer second to none in New Zealand, First-class stabling and loose-boxes. and can now confidently assert we It is the best Remedy ever advertised Hansome cab on hire. have succeeded in doing so. cure a Cold. It gives immediate relief when Furniture aud luggage carefully re! other remedies fail. moved. We invite all who enjoy Sold throughout New Zealand by Chemists A GOOD GLASS OF BEER and storekeepers. Price, 1/6 and 2/6. TO ASK FOB NtiT HAS X COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS A SPECIALITY. Fateand>Ustp,be.^projif^if t^e.Tendor, the.Companji^iM^/ik, Not To Bi Beat BOBERT beautiful dark-bay former the current, value perjbftltke. horse, 17 hands high, the latter day, bfejlKeKS substance,-4jone» the Company or feUjmongeredj A WE .. • . tnder'Ulk. ©ONIIiTJONS:' W. (Berlin— Finny Aitwi.) )j■j good for you. The makers claim they are best and cheapest in the market, and f | the they are supported by the following, as well ? as many other flock-owners:— for New Zealand Carrying AGENTS Company and J. J. Curtis. Conveyance meets all trains. Goods THIS SEASON, ROBERT ( ; your business. Some of the most successful Zealand prefer these dips r I farmers of New and what is good enough for them must be P. Dokhelly / Mr E. J. Biddifobd Mr G. Phaiuzyn Mn C. Eloaii , Mr C. Mr J. N. Williams Mb W. J. Douolas Mr Wm. BnsßY Mr C. Valance Lawes SheepDips are made up i three At Chemists pr Grocers. 2/6 & 4/6 / mixtures TIME when this shoe could have been to suit both large and small sheep mended. There was a time when Lane's Emulsion. It's famous,J farmers. the of Pneumonia, 40 of Bron150victims I One dip of Lawes' Dip—then your phitjs, $ because it's good.1' s and 60 of Pleurisy, who died in New verdict; Zealand during the past year, might h«ve "THE BEST I'VE USED." been saved had they taken SYKES' CUEA Better, talkit over, with us now. We arc COUGH when they first that little sole agents for the Palmerston Wanganu cold 1 Don't delay untilcaught districts. : condition of the Old Shoe. yon are in the J, A. ■- : HAVTLL. IF Lanf/s. Doctors fre- ( quently prescribe it. t* "_ OoiL l SHEEP. > scientifically einulsified. We make no secret of the formula, but we urge you to take none but Lane's, because we know that FIBES.'S. ABOUT YOUR p liver* ~ . . .■ . ; " ; Jf.3* LONGBTJBN THE SILVER GEID FEBEZING WOBKS. 1rpim New Proprietor is H. P. LITTLEX WOOD, formerly of the Willow Bank Boavdinghouso. OBsA^ MANURES establishment "■ Combine I Q/~\ acres, very best dairying28/411 and JLO \J fattening agriculturai land, all \ Stewttti J)awgon and Co., ■.. . 7-roomcd house, pantry, trapshed, cheap at £22 per acre, cash £3000, balance at 5 per cent for 5 or 7 years ; a grand property. 9 The North. (ALWAYS READY.) From the DAILY TELEGRAPH,NAPIER 20th FEBRUAR information which hasreached " From wo are led to understand that at " us, " the annual meeting: of the Millers' 7 paddocks, well watered, 9"JO acres, 010 6-bail cowshed, 10 acres ploughed, f Sirt l«t. GoM tJnki, : 37/489 **- Defenders OF undulating grazing country, 2 miles by good road to creamery, well watered by permanent streams, 4-roomed house, woolshed, sheds, 2 sets yards, r.o.p. at £7 an acre, rent 6s 6d per acre, £800 for goodwill, with 1000 first-class sheep given 5 T^EW /WaJ^^^^iJki^^;. By BpeoUl e WELLINGTON 1»«< general public Mk J. BROOKJES, Mmaecr. ATEXCEPTIONALLY LOW -*-* EXPORT "COMPANY;^ 1»;4 terms. he has opened a general Agents—Meftsrs G. 37/489 H. Bennett & is prepared Co., to Purchase Fat' 8hl«i)«kll RATES OF INTEREST. -roomed new house, washhouse, scullery, small goods shop in the Occidental Palmcrstdh North.. ZEALAND Eepresentative tor Lambs by Weight at graduated%r#i* land 44ft by 2 chains, price £510, Buildings, The Square, where everyfor the'follotring •■ qualitiesknd^iiato cash £335. thing in the way of small goods may be 30/426!! r Repayments of not less XsF^t SHEEP. pf -roomed new house, J acre, 70ft frontage, procured atreasonable prices. | THE "PERFECT" CREAM O than £25 can be made a bargain at £300,-caah £140. 32446 FIRST QUALITY WESTER FREEZERS at any time on three BRAND W.M.E.CO 40 to ««fc^ All goods prepared under my personal SEPARATORS months' 66 te 7(m» notice. ALEXANDER SPRA^TT, supervision at the works, Bangitikei " support them." J Over W¥ ', Line. The '-Perfect" Tinned Steel Seamless and FIREWOOD Mierehant NORTHERN ROLLER MILLING APPLY TO ANY AGENCY OF THE SECOND QUALITY'FREJSKDS > Milk Cans Daily Delivery. ) CO. LIMITED. Throat tickling, cough bad, Cleanliness andcivility. may be relied BKAND N.G.A. 40 te'Wk ' on, A trial -of our goods will satisfy The " Perfect" Seamless Cream TransC lungs paining? E. VIRTUE, Manager FREEZING EWEB-On Sale Oats, wheat, chaff, bran, consumers of their quality. port Cans BRAND NGA EWE sharps, etc., etc. The "Perfect" Steel Seamless Milk Department. Goods will bo wholesale supplied to Buckets LAMBS. George street Palmerston X.; town and country dealer at* a liberal FIRST QUALITY FREEZMtS-* The Perfect " Milk Strainers J. H- Richardson, discount. BRAND W.M.E.C.O. Stops tickling throats, The "Exact" Skim Milk Weighing c Government Insurance Commissioner. Ovt>tchtbt Machine hacking coughs, painSECOND QUALITY PREJSMJIfI— The" Champion " Butter Mould A. G. ) ful lungs. Creasote, I j^RSJ^^H^^P^^^.'AlßS^ you are, a Sheep Farmer, and don' Danish Eennet and Eennet Tablets something about / fresh eggs, know lime, C THE SQUARE. soda, REJEQTS " The " Sirius " Cocoa. Etc., etc. I ) Will be;paid,for.>t time yaW and Cod oil, STAND Palmerston North. Jam DMi, 1O 8 " ploughable, a mile from creamery and school, 5-voomed house and outbuildings,'a Also—. first-class property, price only £14 per acre, cash required £400. acres, all ploughable, 30 37/488 acres Skirts and Blouses Ready for /I*"| xJJI. ploughed and in good English Wear; grasses, 6 .paddocks, 2 acres orchard, 7house, outbuildings, price £28 per SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. roomed acre, cash £710, an ideal little dairy Importer and Manufacturer, R[i*«tr or Ps9lV-tt*e»t SiKcr-"P;ar>n THE v Champion and Valuers. we MOUNSEY &CO. AS A GOING CONCERN. Land Agents, Financial Agents, XO (~\ acres leasehold, 49acres grassed, 1 *J*4 V_7 Qpaddocks, first-class level and NOTICE. •''E747S.-^Flnest S.Wer- Next race and Co.,The Square, Palmereton North. on AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. VALUERS, Etc. Appointment for past year, found It neecssaiy toi of largelyincreasing trade \m provide receiving direct shipments ©f twee^' HAVING bore accommodation, ;bef. t«vinform etc., every month, that they can rely TOWN SECTIONS WITHIN EASY Apply shatp to DISTANCE OF;SQUARE. . B. E. of 4iha pries you will g«b in my da.ughit6r?" Young "Well-—er—no, yr ;I don't know the «xact value, but as near tm I can nfid but it is ht the neighbourhood of ; ( M«te3 Pmr-Pot, About £2,500 cfvsh, balance ai 5 p«» tent for a long term. A Snip. MESSRS his extended Bedsteads AAn 0.. olsen;^ thanking patrons the gtfp. IK to him;;during 5* port wishes intimate.that"lv» U': account Palmwston North, 36 Children's Cots Bruce's Frost Proof Circular Heads ideal dairy and cropping Beauty q| Hebron, white bad red farm. <3n the market for a Kidneys Early Bone few days only. American Bose Magnum Bonum. These can be. obtained in lots to .suit purchasers, from 281bs to full sacks* or at ACRES per ton. Most of the above varieties are Second to none in the district. grown out of the district. SALE. Main street c. 120 Double Brass Bail Bedsteads 30 Double Plain Tube Bedsteads 50 Single Brass Rail and Plaift CLOSE TO BOROUGH OF PALMERSTON. . Boot Mannfactui-Wb, Telephone 88.. • -TTAtE JUST LANDED— LAND. LAND. LAND. , "There is always room at the top, young matt," .said tho coal merchant to the lad who wantcid to know if there was a place for him in the office. "Yes; Tve noticed thai whenever I've a©oa tho sacks in your waggon go by," i the youth. But for all hlis evidence sa-:d of his being a closa observer be did not geti berfjh. , the ' * : -i -' posit. now NEW ( fh+.**.*■>?**.***. t^i'i'* ,^l'r*. ■ ■ W/iVMO' cs <-.*! \^u<j — AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER. "VFOTIFY the public that they have A BRAHAM & WILLIAMS, Ltd. XV started business as DO^'T MISS THE OPPORXV will sell by public auctipn at WOOD CQAfcJ^BPHAHTS TUNITY. their yards, Rangitikei-street, Pal- opposite Terrace End Hotel, in Main-street East, and trust by strict attention to merston North, as above at 1 p.m.— ] business prompt delivery to merit a G. A~. PREECE AND Draughts and harness horses* fair shareand of public patronage. have been instructed by the hacks, and ponies. Large stock of dry matai, maire, rata, owners to sell on tawa and root wood in any length. Special entry— Also best screened Coalbrookdalecoal aad Exceptionally* Easy Terms, 8 8-year draughts I—l love you?' (broken to Brunner nuts, also coke. Convalescent:"Nurse, Nursa (experienced): "Yes; but 7ou"U good workers TelephoneNo. 219. Orders cam be left a number of Quarter Acre Sections chains) get over it when you're really well." ' with Mr A.C.Bradfield, Grocer, the Square. fronting College-street, and a proposed new street giving access to QUARTERLY LAND SALE. Fair Painter: "I hope you "don't m'lid town within ten chains of Square. my sketching in your field?" New street will be formed and undersigned have arranged rpHE HIGH-CLASS metalled and footpath sanded and "Doctor/* she said, archly, "some phy- X to hold a quarterly land sale. sicians say kissing isn't healthy. What do TAILOBING. tarred to full extent. : r In case no sale a small only of ;■ you think of it?" 1 For full particulars apply imme"Well, iwally,' 1 replied the handSsomie charge for advertising will be TOade, Coatings and Suitings just tc young doctor, "I dorfti think you or I diately tQ The first sale will be, held on hand, should attompb to decide that off-hand. Saturday, the 19th September, Best style and workmanship. O. A. PREECE AND CO., txtfn put our heads together aiid consider." should sufficient Holder of Diploma from Cutting Academy inducement offer. Sole Agents, ABRAHAM k WILLIAMS, Ltd., and School of London. Golding (who has given his consent): "I Oxford Palmerston N. Buildings, Auctioneers. feopa, young man, that you know the value; BOWLE; - Ar>* <"! atcep'aiite girts 1 ffafr tfrlfctfc ""> »'*s' ,.fj , j.:{ |n jj.'v:j, £, %!S T g vcc||ent tpsathyre««Jer» iM-i-.i \zleMt cftri euiurlnrj. In selecting jjHts stocS; voa. enn ba certain of abUiiiiing &."»« <kx >!,■ J)(f/jjest T^siTb^ qaanty at the minimii* AND CO. havereceived P. JOHANSEIT fcfcdO, MOUNSEY instructions to sell HAERY PALMER in IMPQRTANT_ LAND .. At 2.80p.m. stock a choice consignment of Seed Potatoes ef the following varieties :— White Elephants Ethelhnrst, Eongotea, JQHN JIBTIJ3, and breeder Tamworth, and LARGE B^ACK Devon - Box 184, SATURDAY, 12th SEPTEMBER, POTATOES. Up-to-dates PALMEBSTON NOIITS. RANGITIKEI--STREET,- SEED HAS 01?11-*}?^: 6*^'* te? slls. Spouting, Ridging, *)6wnpii» Holbea aad Eirk, LAND SALE, Part allotment No. 1, section 277, containing^ acre, with 66ft frontage to RANGITIKEI STREET, to^ gether with the well-built resideuee and all outbuildings erected thereon. 2. Part section 899, with 66ft frontage to Ferguson Street. 8. Part section 901, with 66ft frontage to Ferguson Street. 4. Part section 901, with 66ft frontag* to Ferguson Street. 5. Allotment Nov 18,fectfon containing i-acra, wiih'7oft Irontage to FritJS Street. ; .1 Ttrms «aay. Only 10 per cent de- : Tw'gg's Churns ana Butter Workers Duplex & Worthlngtort Steato Pumpg Auctioneers. FCE Luncheon provided* sth 'THE COLLINS BROS., FSttcixa. Tblbmom 46, BREEDER'S CARDS, -JWttot Wheels Llnd's British Befrigertteft American Steel Split Jalleys Radiator Sepfiratoft Transfer Title. MOUNSEY & CO., rjpENDiaES arc invited for the ereesale of dairy stock to be held on ;JL tion of a Shop and dwelling rooms at the account of Mr J. Francis, Glen Oroua,has been postponed to a date cornerofFeatherston-street and which will be announced later. Rangitikei<street. HXRRY PALMER, Tenders close en the 29th inst. immediate sale—2os acres, all in Auctioneer. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. grass, subdivided 9 paddocks, permaFor terms and conditions apply nent water, good district, a bargain at Lll MOUNSEY & CO. p« aort, Bakery business 46ipg 0 ten per Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. SATURDAY, Auctioneer. menth. Hotel business in flourishing centre. Splendid business site The Square, Pftlmerston North, small amount down, bftlanee At 3 per cent. Farms.and town properties in all parts of the district. Particulars on application. Tangyo'a- ■" •P^JW™* .SELL- : Land Agents, Produce Merchants, &c. FEILDING. **■s£■ HORSES, SATURDAY, 12th SEPTEMBER.— TOOLS,Etc., 882 feet frontage, Rangitikci street, t^ At the Premises, AlexandraStreet. with shop and four dwellings thereon, 9 allotments. The chance of a FRIDAY NEXT, tho 4th SEPT., lifetime. All freehold. Land — Stock & General Auctioneers, Valuators, Hotel Brokers, "' BbTcK- OF PLA^T, HARRY jllderslie .. « MAKE_^A FORTUNE. •' AND above, ai 1 2 draught mates in fqal 1 heavy draught gelding 1 2-year draught gelding 1 yearling.draughtfilly 1 8-year filly by Son of a Gun Out of ft draught mare 3 hacks and harness horses, D.f. plough, disc and tine harrows, cultivator, chaffcutter, horse power Dray and plough harness, milk Cans,15 tons of hay Dray, milk cart Wool-press, gig and hafne33 and numerous sundries, HEROIC CHINAMAN. One of the heroes of ih# world is a Ohin- ' Yonng Man! Buy I Real Estate HAERY PALMER,. Auctioneer. FRIDAY, SEPT. 4th, 1903, : r ■ No Reserve. FEILDING SALE. lamb to Shropshire rams 100 fat and forward ewes 220 hoggets 210 fat and forward wethers and ewes (on turnips) 10 4-tooth Shropshire rams bred by 0, W. Reid, of ; Graniville Sharp, of Hongkong. Mjr. Sharp on a French steamer; onliis wayfrom Hongkong to Touron, an the Chinese coast. Tha steamer ran on a rock, and wao beacbed to save h<r. Her captain h:red two Ohineaa junks tti take the crew "and passengers back to Hongkong, and Mr. Sharp went with captain in the smaller one. A typhoon swept down over them. Masts, tyiiwat-k*, and rudder were swept away in an instant. j Tha Chinass captain, believiag all -^as oTctf, yrtnb below and. drugged himself wif<h opium. Three Cliinese fishermen who hid bten fli'dnaeu on thei »iearner weie on boafd, and those knew" tha coast. They minaged to v«pafe tl^e rodder, bufc only dna could steer well eopugb. t^ nave it from bfting broken again. He hadi to watch every wave, and be ready tio ©JAeo£f for each sea. With no one to relieve him;, th's man stood at his post in itonmt*'.of rain, in wind and darkness, and endured th« aarful strain for 36 hours. He never'one* let go hi* hold. A boy stood by ham and put food bdfewem bis lips at intervals to give him stnrerigth for his all bub hopeless task. He saved the junk and all aboard her. "Sun." : MOTJNSI*-Hb--eO.r,--favoured COLLINS BROS. i : «oi L'cuq th i isi- C; 2-year steers 8-year steers 18-monthempty heifers mixed yearlings wethers forward ewes BEOSJ SONS 8, JEHBJBEviti'I b'cloek. At 1 o'clock. p.m.— 88 yearling steers PALMER has received 20 good forward bullooks instruction* from the Executive 20 springing dairy heifers in the estate of W. Smith,deceased, to 20 springing dairy heifers sell the whole of the plant, horses, harId 2yr steers 17 heifers, October and November ness, tools, etc., etc., as follows 1 draught mare ''Dolly" calvers 1 draught mare "Darkey" 12 springing heifers 1 draught mare "Topsy" 10 springing dairy cows 6 springing heifers 1 draught mare "Tom" 1 spring trap 2^empty cows good young cows, 6" near calving 2 tip drays 8 heifers, near calving 2 sets dray harness 1 springing heifer 2 sets leading harness 1 milk cow, calved a fortnight 1 set of trap harness good turnip-fed hoggets, mixed I 300 sexes 1 pug mill 1 brick kiln, estimated to contain 9 2-yr empty heifers (selected) good 300 hoggets i 100 good wethers 15,000 bricks 9 2-year steers 29 brick moulds, 2 brick dryingsbeds, 22 yearling steer 3 21 sheets of iron, 1500ft rough ~~ 1 first-class Shorthorn bull COLLINS timber, picks, spades, wheel180 purebred 2 and 4-tooth Linbarrows,, etc. flExinr H. Cotaxe ; coln ewes in lamb to Lin- Edwih K. CouwtrtP No Reserve. coln rams Friday, September 4th, at 1 o'clock. 300 4, 6 and 8-tooth Lincoln HARRY PALMER, (Late with Harry Pa,!m«) breeding ewes in United Farmers'' Go-Operative ..,. ..Association --^ SALE. and Canterbury, oval Shrubi,etc. tables, fancy tables and chairs, <?«inh<f. e«w>«f Bw*rrf, couches, fenders, pictures, The last but the finest collection yet IUTACWSMIT erected i* i* ptA erf f##w dueheis chest, washstands, ofiferred. rainagfe » speciality. Hous« pltflsMMSrs, feoi tNiteir fi«fe*. curtains, lace, and toil«fc-war«, C bellß *n* *»W«« nWd ana repaft»ft «tt.«*Siii tapeitry, doub>, »nd single _— I AQJ3WS FOE^bedsiejids, mtttresses, jiic^r titcijehl 'ifurnitnre, crock6tj|r sum, (kg taft.feU Ts*g?fi6u and sundries, etc., etc. McCormlck's Torßift* fat cows 5 : confined i MONBSEBi fKBB kBSOLUTELTTy LAST SAL»QJ . . . 10 yearlings 15 heifers in calf 5 cows in calf 5 store cows - : , f)r.lU^t^t^. THURSDAY,3rd, September, at 1.80. AGENCY PALMERnas been favoared CO., LTD., will sell as -above «t 12 ittARRT 4--*- with instructions from Miss Burr With noon,— to sell tha whole of her household furniinstrnctibn* from the Moriehead 32 quiet dairyheifers, springing ture and effects as follows :— Nursery Co.,will. sell as above— Piano bj "Bord" (London), music A grand selection of Trees, (close on calving) stool Premier Bejmtation and Popularity. jio§§tiifc-§& HABBY PJLLKB*,; k MERCANTILE CO. TKU»*DiT, SEPT. 8«d, lt&s. T-aUBSDAI, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1908. . gfcto. OCEANIC STBAM t will 1 H. W.licott, Eangitike °n : n W ▼ *OE^ WELLINGTON. Tflps; COOK ft SON, WItLIHOTON. The Splendid Screw Steamer Queen ' P*M S&*l%i to,Bouth Airioa. »RM Booked '&>&* - cf ensure a thorough cleansing, prevent milk fever, and save the life of your 10-guinea cow. The ofjds Are tbon very Ibrig, Used by all the leading farmers in the district, Towder Cow: Drench, 1/6 ; 15/. per dozen. Liquid Cow Drench, 1/6 j 80/. per drum. A full supply of all veterinary remedies manufactured. Massey-IJarris aiid Imperial bicycles of intending purchasers. Before laying out JE23 on a bicycle you want to know that you are getting satisfactionfor your money. The Massey-Harris and Imperial bicyclee give entire satisfaction. Call at. C. S. Pickering, near Bank of New Zea« land, Palmerston North. Box 81, Tele Chemist phone 192.—&d.Yti, offer^ dtafc BOOpSD BY] AH ROtSfel speculating one SCOTT'B BYcow Cow Drenches and giving \i'% immediately the calves, in Buyers in the c^; ' The Company also unt *?*••£ -/^f@HJj^ A AND A, LINE, i'ccoSt. _ DILNOT SLADDEN,gsee*eiiijrrVenturft sails September Hi ith WeUington, 13th August, 190& mails. THE For passages apply babraud. « Abraham, Ltd., HOME PASSAfftI Palmerston North. ODDS 140 to 1. your ■the of JheSoutk. FOR SALE. T EAVES FOXTON every Tceswt, JLJ Thubsdat and Satuwuy. A BOUT 24 acres on Jatoes' lane, For fight and passage, apply to -CX cloee to Palmereton N., wellgrftßaed, and has house on propertV. J. OVEREND, •, Apply to Agent. mL BARRAUD & ABRAHAM, , The above steamer has splendid pas senger accommodation, there being a Palmereton Noifjn . separateladies'saloon. . « For Bronchial Cough, take Woods Stree Great^Peppermint Cure. 1/6 and 8/6 everywhere. ' '1 ■ Mated and published by the tagfefcr,. riEBCE Chakleb Freeth, CollegMftMt^: Palmerston North, ftt Jus NfifatetA ■