Primetals Technologies Japan, Ltd. A joint venture of Siemens, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Partners Tokyo office: Shintamachi Bldg. 34-6, Shiba 5-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan Phone: +81-3-5765-5231 Hiroshima Works: 6-22, Kanonshin-Machi, 4-Chome, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima 733-8553, Japan Phone: +81-82-291-2181 Brochure No. : June 2015/T05-0-N086-L4-P-V1-EN Printed in Japan © 2015 Primetals Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. COLD ROLLING MILL The information (including, e.g., figures and numbers) provided in this document contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance based on estimates and assumptions which have not been verified. It is no representation, does not constitute and/or evidence a contract or an offer to enter into a contract to any extent and is not binding upon the parties. Any obligation to provide and/or demonstrate respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of the contract. These estimates and assumptions have to be analyzed on a caseto-case basis and might change as a result of further product development. Primetals Technologies excludes any liability whatsoever under or in connection with any provided information, estimates and assumptions. The provided information, estimates and assumptions shall be without prejudice to any possible future offer and/or contract. Any use of information provided by Primetals Technologies to the recipient shall be subject to applicable confidentiality obligations and for the own convenience of and of the sole risk of the recipient. A MHMM Rolling Technology Printed by Fuji Xerox Service Link Co., Ltd. COLD ROLLING MILL CONTENTS We are pleased to introduce our Cold Rolling Technologies developed to meet recent market requirements. 2XUFXVWRPHUVZLOOHQMR\WKHEHQH´WVIURPRXUVWDWHRIWKHDUWWHFKQRORJLHVKLJKTXDOLW\SURGXFWVZLWKVWDEOHRSHUDWLRQ 1. TANDEM COLD MILL (TCM) ……… P3 - P10 ……… P11 - P16 ……… P17 - P18 IRU&DUERQVWHHO+LJK6WUHQJWKVWHHO6LOLFRQVWHHO 7LQSODWHDQG6WDLQOHVVVWHHO Recent Market Trend Production capacity : over 800 Kton/year 5HFHQWO\$XWRPRELOHPDQXIDFWXUHUVKDYHEHHQ GHYHORSLQJHOHFWUL´HGYHKLFOHVZLWKOLJKWVWHHO body structure designs that reduce mass and WKHUHIRUHJUHHQKRXVHJDVHPLVVLRQVRYHUWKH YHKLFOH VHQWLUHOLIHF\FOH 2. REVERSING COLD MILL (RCM) 7KH6WHHO0DUNHWLVWUHQGLQJWRZDUGVWKLQQHUDQG harder products. Facilities are required to produce these products in higher volumes and under stable operating conditions. IRU&DUERQVWHHO+LJK6WUHQJWKVWHHO6LOLFRQVWHHO 7LQSODWHDQG6WDLQOHVVVWHHO 4XRWHGIURP:RUOG$XWR6WHHO 3URGXFWLRQFDSDFLW\DSSUR[.WRQ\HDU Market 0XFK7KLQQHU*DXJHV 6LJQL´FDQWO\+DUGHU0DWHULDO +LJKHU3URGXFWLYLW\ Excellent Product Quality 3. DOUBLE COLD REDUCTION MILL (DCR) PDLQO\IRU7LQ3ODWH Production capacity : approx. 200 Kton/year Solution 6WDEOHRSHUDWLRQZLWK 6PDOOHU:RUN5ROO +L8&00,// ('&E\:56 .H\7HFKQRORJLHVGHYHORSHGLQFOXGH UCM-MILL +L8QLYHUVDO&URZQ&RQWURO0LOO HYROP-F: +\GUDXOLF5ROO3RVLWLRQLQJZLWK)09 EDC by WRS : (GJH'URS&RQWUROE\:RUN5ROO6KLIWLQJ Carrousel Tension Reel Double AS-U : 6KDSHFRQWUROV\VWHPIRU&OXVWHU0LOO 4. TEMPER/SKINPASS MILL (TPM/SPM) ……… P19 - P20 IRU&DUERQVWHHO+LJK6WUHQJWKVWHHO7LQSODWH DQG6WDLQOHVVVWHHO 3URGXFWLRQFDSDFLW\DSSUR[.WRQ\HDU ,QOLQH7HPSHU6NLQSDVVPLOOLVSDUWRI&RQWLQXRXV$QQHDOLQJ /LQH&$/DQG&RQWLQXRXV+RW'LS*DOYDQL]LQJ/LQH&*/ 5. CLUSTER MILL ……… P2 1 - P26 IRU&DUERQVWHHO+LJK6WUHQJWKVWHHO6LOLFRQVWHHO 7LQSODWH6WDLQOHVVVWHHODQG&RSSHU$OOR\ Production capacity : approx. 100 Kton/year 'RXEOH$68 1 +L&OXVWHU5ROOLQJ0LOO Carrousel Tension Reel 2 1. TANDEM COLD MILL (TCM) SUPPLY REFERENCE LIST & PRODUCT CATEGORY Silicon Steel Carbon Technology Applied To Cold Rolling Mill Feature of Mill Type Mill Type WR Bender IMR Bender WR Shift IMR Shift User Mill Type UCM UCM-MILL was added intermeided Roll Bender mechanism to HCM-MILL. UCMW-MILL was added work roll shift mechanism to UCM-MILL. For production of high quality strip, roll management is a critical issue. For this purpose, fully automatic high speed roll changing equipment is provided for the TCM. Delivery Strip Handling Device The endless rolled strip is divided by the high speed ROTARY SHEAR and re-wound into coils. The CARROUSEL type TENSION REEL FRQ´JXUDWLRQLVDSSOLHGWRVXSSRUW continuous coil changeover during continuous rolling in the mill section. Coil changeover operation is achieved through automatic control blocks for reliability and ease of operation. Inspection Station HYROP-F System HYROP-F System consists of - Direct operated servo valve, FMV (Force Motor Valve), specially developed for rolling mill - Hydraulic push up cylinder with built-in precise position detector - Well arranged hydraulic piping for high response - Exclusively designed Control System By the combination of each component, high performance and reliable roll load system are realized. To produce high surface quality VWULSDKLJKHI´FLHQF\LQVSHFWLRQ station at the TCM exit end is essential. Vertical elevator type and various other types of inspection stations, such as the inline type, ZHUHGHYHORSHGIRUHI´FLHQW two-side inspection. Products Start-up 2006 Sheet 1982 27 Benxi Steel (China) 2 Nisshin Steel (Sakai) Galva. 1985 28 Wuhan Steel (China) Silicon & Sheet 2006 3 Kawasaki Steel (Mizushima) Sheet 1986 29 Maanshan Steel (China No.2) Galva & Sheet 2007 4 NKK (Fukuyama) Sheet 1987 30 Union Steel (Korea) Galva & Sheet 2007 5 POSCO (Pohang No.2) Sheet 1987/ 2003/ 2007 31 Shougang Jingtang Steel (China) Galva & Sheet 2009 6 UPI (USA) Tin & Sheet 1988 32 Jiuquan Steel (China) Galva & Sheet 2009 7 I/N Tek (USA) Sheet 1989 33 POSCO Vietnam (Vietnam) Galva & Sheet 2009 8 POSCO (Kwangyang No.1) Sheet 1988/ 2006 34 SeverStal (USA) Galva & Sheet 2010 9 POSCO (Kwangyang No.2) Sheet 1990/ 2009 35 Baoshan Steel (China BST) Sheet 2010 10 Nippon Steel (Yawata) Galva & Sheet 1990 36 Guangzhou JFE (China) Galva & Sheet 2010 11 POSCO (Kwangyang No.3) Tin & Sheet 1991 37 Shougan Qian'an (China) Sheet 2010 12 DOFASCO (Canada) Tin & Sheet 1992 38 China Steel (Taiwan No.3 PLCM) Galva & Sheet 2011 13 China Steel (Taiwan) Sheet 1992/ 2007 39 Shougang Jingtang Steel (China No.3) Tin & Sheet 2013 14 Sumitomo Metal (Kashima No.2) Galva & Sheet 1993 40 Wuhan Steel (China) Tin 2013 CVC 15 TON YI (Taiwan) Tin & Sheet 1995 41 Panzhihua Steel (China) Galva & Sheet 2013 16 ERDEMIR (Turkey) Sheet 1995 42 Hyundai HYSCO (Korea) Galva & Sheet 2013 17 NKK/TCRSS (Thailand) Galva & Sheet 1997 43 POSCO Maharashtra (India) Galva & Sheet 2013 Sheet 1997 44 Ternium (Mexico) Galva & Sheet 2013 1998 45 Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel (China) Silicon & Sheet 2013 1998 46 Baoshan Steel (China Zhanjiang) Galva & Sheet 2016 BaoTou Steel (China No.2) Galva & Sheet 2015 Galva & Sheet 2015 Tin & Sheet 2016 Silicon & Sheet 2017 18 HYROP YROP System componen component Mill Type User Nippon Steel (Hirohata) PC The UCM-MILL makes it possible to roll products with straight rolls, allowing rapid start ups. See, page 5, 6. No. 1 HCMW UCMW Products Start-up Galva & Sheet HCM Roll Changing Equipment 3 Stainless CONTINUOUS TANDEM COLD MILLS newly installed in the world after 1980 No. Application of the UCM-MILL makes possible to roll all products with straight rolls, which will allow to get rapid start up. The operators can derive most stable rolling and shape controllability. Thanks to the horizontal rigidity created by shifting of intermediate roll, the user can control strip thickness deviation without jeopardizing the shape of the strip. The mill is equipped with a high response Hydraulic Roll Positioning Device (HYROP-F), Laser Doppler type speed measuring device and X-ray type thickness gauge meters. This equipment, combined with a high performance, up-to-date Automatic Gauge Control (AGC) V\VWHPZLWKPDVVµRZFRQWUROFDQDFKLHYHWKH KLJKHVWVWDQGDUGVIRU´QLVKHGWKLFNQHVV$WWKH exit of the mill, a modern designed shape measuring sensor and Automatic Shape Control (ASC) system is installed to guarantee the UHTXLUHGµDWQHVVRIWKH´QLVKHGVWULS Tin POSCO (Kwangyang No.4) 19 Hyundai Pipe (Korea) 20 SUS/NSC (Thailand) Galva & Sheet Tin & Sheet 21 Baoshan Steel (No.3) Sheet 2000 47 22 TATA Steel (India) Galva & Sheet 2000 48 23 Nisshin Steel (Toyo) Galva & Sheet 2000 49 Tosyali Toyo Steel (Osmaniye, Turkey) 24 Maanshan Steel (China No.1) Galva & Sheet 2004 50 25 Baoshan Steel (No.4) Galva & Sheet 2005 26 Lianyuan Steel (China) Galva & Sheet 2005/ 2010 Notes : Shiftable roll : Future plan Guangxi Steel (Fang cheng gang, China) Baoshan Steel (Zhanjiang No.2, China) Market Share Supplied by PTJ Supplied by Others Total 50plants (64%) 28plants (36%) 78plants (100%) PTJ (64%) Above Primetals Technologies Japan, Ltd. supply of 50 plants since 1980 will mark 64% on the world share of the major Continuous TCM during this period 4 1. TANDEM COLD MILL (TCM) 1.1 UCM-MILL The Simple Approach to Best Performance :LGH*DXJH5ROOLQJ 8&00,//VIXQFWLRQRQDYHU\VLPSOHLGHD,QRUGHUWRFRUUHFWWKHµDWQHVVDQGFURZQSUR´OHSUREOHPVFDXVHGE\ZRUNUROOGHµHFWLRQLQ 1DUURZ*DXJH5ROOLQJ FRQYHQWLRQDOPLOOVWKH8&00,//DVVKRZQKHUHXVHVVKLIWDEOHLQWHUPHGLDWHUROOVWRVKDUSO\UHGXFHWKHXQGHVLUDEOHFRQWDFWDUHDWKDWLV UHVSRQVLEOHIRUZRUNUROOGHµHFWLRQ8&00,//JLYHVPLOORSHUDWRUVJUHDWHUµDWQHVVFRQWURODQGVLPSOHRSHUDWLRQ Intermediate Roll shifting at Welding Point Flying Gauge (Width) Change for Continuous Rolling 6LPSOH,QWHUPHGLDWH5ROO6KLIWPDLQWDLQVWKHEHVWSHUIRUPDQFHDWWKHYDULRXVFRQGLWLRQVRIWKHVWULS 8&00,//DFKLHYHVHYHUVWDEOHUROOLQJWKDWUHGXFHVWKHVWULSEUHDNDJHDQGH[WHQGVWKHUROOFKDQJHLQWHUYDO 4Hi-MILL (L>W) IDEAL MILL L (Fixed) (L=W) UCM-MILL L W Rolling load Rolling load (Changed) Rolling load Rolling load %DFNXSUROO %DFNXSUROO Intermediate roll bending Intermediate roll Work roll Strip Strip Work roll Work roll Work roll bending bending IMR Shifting 8QGHVLUDEOH FRQWDFWDUHD 8QGHVLUDEOH FRQWDFW DUHDLVHOLPLQDWHG 8&00,// Flat :RUNUROOGHµHFWLRQLVUHGXFHG :KHQZRUNUROOGHµHFWLRQLVLQFUHDVHG 1 6RPHNLQGVRI,QLWLDOFURZQVDUHQHFHVVDU\IRUZRUNUROOV 1 . Straight Work, Intermediate :RUNUROOLQYHQWRU\LVKLJK DQG%DFNXSUROOVFDQEHXVHG 5HGXFWLRQRIZRUNUROOGLDPHWHULVGLI´FXOW :RUNUROOGLDPHWHUFDQEHUHGXFHG̔+HDY\UHGXFWLRQLVSRVVLEOH :RUNUROOEHQGLQJLVLQHIIHFWLYH 5 (GJHZDYH ̔5ROOLQYHQWRU\LVLPSURYHG 3. Work roll and intermediate roll EHQGLQJDUHHIIHFWLYH ̔([FHOOHQWVKDSHFRQWUROFDSDELOLW\LVDFKLHYHG (GJHGURSLVUHGXFHG ̔<LHOGLVLQFUHDVHG 6 1. TANDEM COLD MILL (TCM) 7KH7DQGHP&ROG0LOOIRU&DUERQVWHHOHVSHFLDOO\IRUDXWRPRWLYHDSSOLFDWLRQVUHTXLUHVWKHFDSDELOLW\WRUROOZLWKKLJKUHGXFWLRQUDWLRV IRUH[WUHPHO\GHHSGUDZQPDWHULDORUUROOXQGHUKLJKORDGFRQGLWLRQVIRUKLJKVWUHQJWKVWHHO)RUVXFKUHTXLUHPHQWVDVWDQGV Severstal NA (After 2014, AK Steel) PL-TCM (Dearborn, USA) 8&00,//RUDVWDQGVFRQ´JXUDWLRQKDVEHHQDSSOLHGLQFDVHRIH[WUHPHO\KLJKVWUHQJWKVWHHOV&RPELQHGZLWKD8&00,//IHDWXULQJ VPDOOZRUNUROOVDQGDKLJKUHVSRQVH+<523)V\VWHPSURGXFWLRQRIWKHVHPDWHULDOVLVDFKLHYHGZLWKH[FHOOHQWJDXJHDQGVKDSH MAIN SPECIFICATION accuracy. No. 1. Item 2. Speed Carbon steel Tin Hiten 980 Hiten 1180 or more No.3 No.4 No.5 UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM : Entry Width WRPP Coil weight 0D[NJ Pickling speed : Max. 290 m/min Rolling speed 0D[PPLQ Strip dividing speed : Max. Laser Beam Welder 4. Pickling Type R i BoxO Type Mill Type to 6.35 mm : Delivery 0.37 (0.30) to 2.67 mm Welder Type Mill configuration for High strength steel (for reference) No.2 Thickness 3. 5. No.1 : Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Material Main Feature 7KHZLGWKUDQJHUHTXLUHGIRUDXWRPRWLYHDSSOLFDWLRQVLVTXLWHODUJH,QRUGHUWRIXO´OOVXFKUHTXLUHPHQWV the UCM-MILL's excellent shape controllability is an indispensable key technology. 6XUIDFHTXDOLW\ZLWKRXWUROOPDUNVDQGPLQLPDOUHVLGXDORLODQGLURQ´QHVDUHDOVRLPSRUWDQWIRU DXWRPRWLYHDSSOLFDWLRQV7KHPLOOJXLGHV\VWHPDQGFRRODQWV\VWHPFRQ´JXUDWLRQKDVEHHQFDUHIXOO\ developed based on our vast experience to meet these requirements. Description Material No.1 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.2 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.3 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.4 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.5 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) 250 m/min No.6 LINE CONFIGURATION UCM Tension Leveller Pickling Tank TCM (5 Stands UCM) Rotary No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 Shear Side Trimmer In-Line Inspection Welder Looper Looper Looper Pay-off Reel Carrousel TR. Hyundai Steel PL-TCM (Korea) MAIN SPECIFICATION No. 1. Item Material Description Material : Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Thickness : Entry 1 .6։5.0 mm : Delivery 0.30։2.3 mm Width WRPP Coil weight 0D[NJ 2. Speed Pickling speed : Max. 200 m/min Rolling speed 0D[PPLQ Strip dividing speed : Max. 3. Welder Type Laser Beam Welder 4. Pickling Type R i BoxO Type 5. Mill Type No.1 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.2 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.3 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.4 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.5 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.6 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) 250 m/min LINE CONFIGURATION Tension Leveller Pickling Tank Welder Side Trimmer TCM (6 Stands UCM) No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 Rotary Shear Looper Looper Pay-off Reel 7 Carrousel TR. Looper 8 1. TANDEM COLD MILL (TCM) 1.2 Silicon steel [Shougan Corporation / Qian’an (China)] 1.3 Tin plate [Wuhan Iron & Steel No.4 (China)] MAIN SPECIFICATION For Electrical (Silicon) Steels Shougan Corporation has installed Coupled Continuous Pickling and Tandem Cold Mill for the electrical (Silicon) steel. During rolling of hard material, the thickness decreases sharply at the edge area. This is called edge drop and is caused by longitudinal deviation of WKHZRUNUROOµDWWHQLQJ(VSHFLDOO\IRUHOHFWULFDOVWHHO rolling, minimized edge drop is essential. To reduce the edge drop, the UCMW-MILL, is applied which consists of a work roll shift mechanism added to the 8&00,//FRQ´JXUDWLRQ Work rolls are shifted by means of hydraulic cylinders provided in each shifting block on the drive side of WKHPLOO2SWLPXPUROOJDSSUR´OHLVDFKLHYHGE\ combining work roll shifting, intermediate roll shifting, work roll bending, and intermediate roll bending. No. Item Description : Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Material (QWU\ 1.8 to 3.5 mm Thickness 1. Material : Delivery 0.15 to 0.55 mm : 700 to 1,300 mm Width Coil weight : Max. 28,600 kg By properly adapting all of the components, including the UCM-MILL, mill guide, drive system, and coolant system, high speed and stable rolling has been achieved. Pickling speed : Max. Rolling speed : Max. 2,000 m/min Strip dividing speed : Max. 2. Speed 3. Welder Type Laser Beam Welder 4. Pickling Type Jet Bath 5. Mill Type No.1 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.2 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.3 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.4 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.5 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) 220 m/min 260 m/min LINE CONFIGURATION Tension Leveller Pickling Tank Side Trimmer TCM (5 Stands UCM) No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 Welder Rotary Shear MAIN SPECIFICATION No. Looper Item Thickness 1. Looper Description Material Material 0.35 to 0.65 mm : 750 to 1,300 mm 1.4 Stainless steel [Baoshan Stainless Steel (China)] Coil weight : Max. 30,000 kg 2. Speed Pickling speed : Max. Rolling speed : Max. 1,200 m/min Strip dividing speed : Max. 3. Welder Type Laser Beam Welder 4. Pickling Type Shallow 5. Mill Type Looper Pay-off Reel (QWU\ 2.0 to 3.0 mm : Delivery Width Carrousel TR. : Special Steel 200 m/min MAIN SPECIFICATION 300 m/min No. Description Material No.1 : 6Hi MILL (UCMW) No.2 : 6Hi MILL (UCMW) No.3 : 6Hi MILL (UCMW) No.4 : 6Hi MILL (UCMW) No.5 : 6Hi MILL (UCMW) 1. LINE CONFIGURATION Material (QWU\WRPP : Delivery Width 0.3 to 3.0 mm : 730 to 1,630 mm Coil weight : Max. 30,000 kg 2. Built for Cold Rolled Strip for electrical (silicon) steel applications. 6SHFL´FDOO\WKHSLFNOLQJWDQNFRQVLVWVRIXQLTXHO\ designed shallow bath tanks for easier removal of silicon sludge. The UCMW-MILL minimizes edge drop through the addition of a work roll shifting mechanism. : Hot Rolled (Pickled) Stainless Steel : Hot Rolled (Pickled) Carbon Steel Thickness UNIQUE FEATURES Work Roll Shift Mechanism Item When Carbon steel and Stainless steel are processed on the same line, the Tandem Cold Mill is usually applied in the form of a continuous TCM without pickling line due to the difference in the pickling process between carbon and stainless steels. 7RPHHWVHYHUHVXUIDFHTXDOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVWKHPLOOJXLGH and coolant system design are optimized. 3. 4. Speed Welder Type Mill Type (QWU\VSHHG : Max. 650 m/min Rolling speed : Max.1,300 m/min Strip dividing speed : Max. 300 m/min Laser Beam Welder No.1 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.2 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.3 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.4 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) No.5 : 6Hi MILL (UCM) LINE CONFIGURATION Tension Leveller Pickling Tank Welder Side Trimmer TCM (5 Stands UCM) No.5 No.4 No.3 No.2 No.1 TCM (5 Stands UCMW) No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 Welder Rotary Shear Pay-off Reel Rotary Shear Looper Looper Carrousel TR. Pay-off Reel 9 Looper Carrousel TR. Looper 10 2. REVERSING COLD ROLLING MILL 3ULPHWDOV7HFKQRORJLHV-DSDQ/WGKDVDSSOLHGWKH8&00,//LQD5HYHUVLQJFRQ´JXUDWLRQIRUDSSOLFDWLRQV with annual production capacities of 100,000 to 400,000 ton/y. The Reversing Cold Rolling Mill allows for the SURGXFWLRQRIKLJKTXDOLW\SURGXFWVZLWKWKHFDSDELOLW\RIµH[LEOHUROOLQJIRUPDQ\NLQGVPDWHULDODQGWKLFNQHVV combinations. Our mills have been rolling these products, combining easy operation and rapid start-ups under stable conditions, since 1974. 2.2 Equipment layout Main Feature This mill is equipped with advanced an Automatic Gauge Control system (AGC) using a high response Hydraulic Roll Positioning Device (HYROP) and X-ray type thickness gauge meters to obtain a higher WROHUDQFHVWDQGDUGRI´QLVKHGWKLFNQHVV In addition, to achieve high quality strip shape, this mill is equipped with an Automatic Shape Control system (ASC), which includes multi-zone cooling headers at the entry side of the mill and shape measuring sensors on the delivery side. No.1 RCM in Everbright (China) Strip of 0.15t x 1,000w 2.1 Start-up advantage In addition to these technologies, based on our vast H[SHULHQFHRXUFXVWRPHUVEHQH´WIURPTXLFNVWDUWXSV and stable rolling conditions for high quality products. Actual Rolling Speed of RCM No. Actual Rolling Speed (mpm) 0.25t 1200 0.30t 0.40t 0.29t 1000 0.40t 0.55t 0.55t 800 0.55t 0.70t 1.00t 0.85t 0.70t 600 0.85t 0.85t 400 1.15t 1.5t 200 1.15t 0 0 5 10 15 20 Date after 1st. Rolling (days) 11 25 Supply Record of UCM-MILL for Reversing Cold Rolling Mill for Carbon steel and Silicon steel from 1974 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Customer Hitachi Metals, Yasugi, Japan Toyo Kohan, Kudamatsu, Japan Borcelik, Turkey Jiangsu Jiagnan Industrial Group, China Changshu Ev erbright Material Technology, China Changshu Xingdao Adv anced Building Material, China Changshu Ev erbright Material Technology, China Beijing Shougang, China Yantai North Steel, China Maanshan Iron & Steel, China Maanshan Iron & Steel, China China Changshu Xinghai Advanced Building Material, China China Changshu Xingyu Advanced Building Material, China China Changshu Xinghai Advanced Building Material, China Zhejiang Southeast Metal Sheet, China Tainjin No.1 Steel, China Tainjin No.2 Steel, China Maanshan Iron & Steel, China ACCIL Auto Steel Pv t. Limited, India. Mill Type Start-up UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM UCM HYPER-UCM UCM 2000 2001 2004 2005 2005 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2010 2010 2010 2013 2015 12 2. REVERSING COLD ROLLING MILL 2.3.1 Mill Type 2.3 Copper rolling 6PDOOZRUNUROOLVHVVHQWLDOIRU8OWUDWKLQ&RSSHUDQG%UDVV´QLVKLQJUROOLQJDQGLQRUGHUWRSURGXFHYHU\VWULFW VXUIDFHTXDOLW\FRLOVHJPHQWHGVXSSRUWUROOVDUHQRWSUHIHUDEOH +L8&00,//LVWKHPLOOZKLFKUHDOL]HVWKHVHUHTXLUHPHQWV UCM-MILL CR-MILL ZR-MILL 7KHWKUHHW\SHVRIFRSSHUUROOLQJPLOOVVKRZQRQWKHOHIW DUHDYDLODEOHIRUGLIIHUHQWPDWHULDOJDXJHVVKDSHDQG VXUIDFHTXDOLWLHV 2IWKHVHWKH8&00,//FRPELQHVDFRVWHIIHFWLYH VROXWLRQZLWKDZLGHUDQJHRIFDSDELOLWLHV Main Feature 7KHIHDWXUHRI+L8&00,// PPRIYHU\VPDOOZRUNUROOGLDPHWHUHQDEOHVWRSURGXFH PLFURQPHWHURIXOWUDWKLQPDWHULDOZLWKRXWVHJPHQWHGVXSSRUW rolls 5ROOLQJRLOLVVSUD\HGIURPHQWU\VLGHDQGQRQFRQWDFWW\SHVWULS ZLSLQJV\VWHPLVHTXLSSHGDWH[LWVLGHZKLFKDFKLHYHWRSURGXFH YHU\VWULFWVXUIDFHTXDOLW\ $XWRPDWLFVWULSVKDSHFRQWURO$6&ZLWK)XVV\FRRODQWFRQWUROLV HTXLSSHGZKLFKFRQVLVWRIZRUNUROOEHQGHULQWHUPHGLDWHUROO EHQGHUDQGVSRWZRUNUROOFRROLQJV\VWHP H[3URGXFWLRQ UCM-MILL STRIP WIDTH Effective for strip edge shape 1) WR Bending Effect Pre-set Control for each width 2) IMR Shift Effect Effective for middle shape of strip 3) IMR Bending Effect M type Effective for every part shape of strip 1)+2)+3) W type 2.3.2 Strip Shape Control Function for UCM-MILL 13 3URYLGHGE\+LWDFKL/WG 14 2. REVERSING COLD ROLLING MILL 2.4.2 High Strength Spindle 2.4 HYPER UC-MILL 7KH+<3(58&0,//ZDVGHYHORSHGWRDFKLHYHKLJKSHUIRUPDQFHRIVWULSJDXJHDQGµDWQHVVFRQWUROIRU+LJK Strength Steel (HSS) rolling. This technology is also applicable for rolling high grades of non-grain oriented silicon steel and tin products. The technology development is based on the following concepts: - Optimized roll diameter combination (work, intermediate and back-up rolls) :RUN5ROO'ULYHQ6\VWHP WRDFKLHYHKLJKµDWQHVVFRQWUROODELOLW\ - Development of a high strength spindle for WORK ROLL DRIVE Main Feature Optimized Combination of Work, Intermediate and Back-up Rolls When investigating the combination of roll diameter, there are two major limitations such as load limit to PDLQWDLQJRRGVWULSµDWQHVVDQGORDGOLPLWGXHWRWKH contact stress between rolls. The graph on the right shows the relationship between these limits. The hatched part is the maximum allowable rolling force. The graph also shows the calculated reduction ratio at the maximum allowable load. The graph shows that the HYPER UC-MILL covers the range of the highest achievable reduction; MH Spindle Load Limit due to roll contact stress A high strength spindle called the "MH Spindle" was developed, with a strength 2.7 times stronger than a conventional universal joint type spindle. The "MH Spindle" makes it possible to drive the work rolls of the HYPER UC-MILL, even though the work roll diameter is much smaller than compared to a standard UCM-MILL. The spindle strength comparison is shown on the left. Load Limit due to strip shape Reduction Ratio under above limit condition 2.4.3 1st Stand (Maanshan Steel/China) Maanshan Steel in China has started commercial production in 2013 as the 1st HYPER UC-MILL HYPER UC-MILL Conventional UCM-MILL 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 Type Material Product Thickness Width Range 0.30 (Work Roll Diameter) / (Strip Width) : Reversing Single Stand : Silicon Steel : 0.35 - 0.65 mm : 900 - 1,280 mm (Work Roll Diameter)/(Strip Width) = 0.18 - 0.24 2.4.1 Reference (Comparison of Work Roll Diameter) Sm Work Roll Diameter / Strip Width 0.5 all er 2.4.4 Qualification test of "MH Spindle" W 0.4 or kR ol lD iam 0.3 4XDOL´FDWLRQWHVWZDVSHUIRUPHGDWWKHFROGUROOLQJWHVWPLOO et er Passline 0.2 0.1 15 L IL L -M IL C -M U M ER HYPER UC-MILL YP 6H iU C C iH 6H Standard UCM-MILL H C on ve nt io M na -M l4 IL H L i 0 16 3. DOUBLE COLD REDUCTION MILL The DCR/Temper mill is designed to meet the customer's needs for double cold reduction and two-stand temper rolling. The DCR process, after reduction in a tandem cold mill, further reduces the annealed strip on the No.1 stand and temper rolls the strip on the No.2 3.2 A-COMPANY stand. This process imparts the desired mechanical strength to the strip. In two-stand temper rolling, the strip is temper rolled in both the No.1 and No.2 stands to the required elongation ratios to obtain the desired mechanical characteristics. Features High Productivity - High Speed Rolling - Automatic Strip Threading Main Feature High Quality Products - ASC with UCM function - High Response Push Up System (HYROP-F) - High Response AC Motor - Up-to-date AGC & AEC techniques AEC : Automatic Elongation Controll UCM-MILL's function on DCR/Temper rolling : Both mill stands are of 6Hi UCM-MILL design for excellent shape controllability, heavy reduction capability, and stable rolling. NO. EQUIPMENT NO.1 std For Ultra-Thin Products - Two kinds of Work Rolls : Large/Small Diameter NO.2 std 6Hi UCM-MILL Large WR & Small WR (option) 1 Mill Type 2 AGC System Applied Applied (option) 3 Coolant System Applied Applied (option) 4 Skinpass oil System Applied Applied (for West Temper) (for West Temper) Specification No. Operation Mode 1 No.1 std Reduction (Wet) 1. Mill Operation Mode DCR (Double Cold Reduction) & Wet Temper rollingխ No.2 std 0DLQ0LOO6SHFL´FDWLRQ - Product thickness : ։ 0.25 mm - Strip Width : ։ 1,270 mm - Max. speed : Approx. 2,000 m/min - Capacity : Approx. 270,000 ton/year Wet Temper DCR 5 WR/IMR Change 6 BUR Bearing 7 Shape Control System Automatic Automatic Roller Bearing Roller Bearing - Applied 2 Reduction (Wet) Reduction (Wet) 3 Wet Temper Wet Temper Wet Temper 3.1 BAOSTEEL (Cold Rolling Sheet Steel Plant) SUPPLY REFERENCE Features High Productivity - High Speed Rolling High Quality Products - ASC with UCM function - High Response Push Up System (HYROP-F) - High Response AC Motor - Up-to-date AGC & AEC techniques - Dry and Wet Multi-function Rolling Mode - High Performance Dust Exhaust System For Thinner and Harder Products - Two kinds of Work Rolls : Large/Medium Diameter No. 1 NO. 1 2 17 Operation Mode NO.1 std NO.2 std Reduction (Wet) (25~35%) Dry Temper Reduction (Wet) (25~35%) Wet Temper Dry Temper Dry Temper Wet Temper Wet Temper DCR Temper 0DLQ0LOO6SHFL´FDWLRQ - Product thickness : 0.10 ։ 0.80 mm - Strip Width : 700 ։ 1,050 mm - Max. speed : 1,500 m/min (TPM) 1,200 m/min (DCR) - Capacity : Approx. 250,000 ton/year Nagoya Mill Type Application Start-up TPM DCR 1965 Comb. No. User Mill Type Application Start-up 13 Ton-Yi Industrial Corporation (Taiwan) TPM 1994 1968 14 Toyo Kohan Kudamatsu DCR 1995 2 Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. Sakai 3 Nippon Steel Corp Nagoya TPM 1970 15 Bao Steel China TPM 1998 4 JFE Steel Chiba TPM DCR 1971 16 POSCO Pohang, Korea TPM DCR 2002 5 Toyo Kohan Kudamatsu TPM DCR 1974 17 Bao Steel Yichang, China TPM DCR 2002 6 CSN (Brazil) TPM 1981 18 POSCO Pohang, Korea TPM 2005 7 Nippon Steel Corp. Yawata TPM 1981 19 Erdemir (Revamping), Turkey TPM DCR 2005 8 JFE Steel Chiba TPM 1983 20 S Company (Revamping), Thailand DCR 9 JFE Steel Kurashiki TPM 1983 21 WIN Steel Wuhan, China TPM 2 01 4 TPM 1990 22 WIN Steel Wuhan, China TPM 2 01 4 TPM DCR 1991 23 Tosyali Toyo Steel Osmaniye, Turky TPM DCR 2016 TPM 1992 Specification 1. Mill Operation Mode DCR (Double Cold Reduction) & Temper rolling User Nippon Steel Corp 10 11 12 TATA Steel (Netherland) (Former Hoogovens) Nippon Steel Corp Nagoya (Revamping) POSCO Kwangyang, Korea INLINE 2013 BATCH 18 4. TEMPER/SKINPASS MILL (TPM/SPM) Several types of SPMs have been supplied for Tin plate, Sheet, as well as Galvanized plate applications, to meet a variety of customer requirements. Both Batch type and In-line SPMs are available. Recent application are as follows: 4.2 Inline CAL Skinpass Mill Features Basic Mill application - 6MB, UCM-MILL - Excellent elongation, shape control, and stable rolling - Wide range of materials from soft steel (IF steel) to high strength steel (1470MPa) can be rolled with one straight roll - High speed roll changing - Fume exhaust system 6Hi UCM-MILLs are supplied in response to recent requirements to roll harder material, such as hard tin plate and HSS, with improved strip shape control capability. 4Hi MILLs have been provided for rolling of softer steel grades. Examples of SPM type and application for different materials (Hardness) Harder Mill Type or Application 6SHFL´F5ROOLQJ)RUFHWRQmm) WRQmm WRQmm FI FI Fw Fw FI Fw FI FI FI FI Fw FI WRQmm !WRQmm Fw : WR Bender 4Hi MILL Mill Type F I : IMR Bender HCM MILL 4.3 Inline CGL Skinpass Mill UCM MILL 6MB-MILL 6Hi MILL with Effective Bender UCM-MILL : IMR Shift Conventional Batch SPM Application Current Requirement Conventional Current Requirement CAL Basic Mill type for each products and facility - Tin plate : 2 stands 6Hi UCM-MILL - Sheet : Single stand 6Hi UCM-MILL or 5MB*, 6MB* - CGL - CA&GL : Single stand 4Hi MILL or 5MB* : Single stand 6Hi UCM-MILL * 5MB for CGL and 6MB for CAL are available for cost merit reasons 4.1 Inline temper Mill Features - 2 stand 6Hi HCM, UCM-MILL Excellent elongation, shape control, and stable rolling of thin strip Wide range of materials from T2 to T5 grade can be rolled with one straight roll High speed roll changing Dust exhaust system with polisher for Dry rolling 4Hi MILL & High pressure spray type polisher No.2 ROLL POLISHER - 5MB, 4Hi MILL application for the better quality - High pressure spray type polisher High pressure (20 MPa) demi-water spray Better roll surface quality for WR & BUR Effective spray with less splashing - Brush roll type polisher - High speed roll changing No.2 MILL No.1 MILL No.1 ROLL POLISHER Features FI FI Fw Fw 5MB-MILL 5Hi MILL with Effective Bender SUPPLY REFERENCE No.1 ANTI CRIMPING ROLL No.1 ROLL POLISHER No.2 ROLL POLISHER 19 No. CROSS BREAKING ROLL Layout 1 2 3 4 5 Customer %$26+$1,52167((/&KLQD %(1;,,52167((/&KLQD 167((/-DSDQ SOME COMPANY *8$1*=+28-)(67((/&KLQD Mill Type Start-up Inline (CAL) UCM (6Hi) CAL, UCM (6Hi) CGL & CAPL UCM (6Hi) CGL & CAL UCM (6Hi) CAL, UCM (6Hi) 2004 2006 2006 2009 2010 20 5. CLUSTER MILL 5.1.2 Comparison of strip shape controllability (calculated) 5.1 Advanced ZR-MILL/20Hi (KZR) Our company produces Advanced ZR-MILL/20Hi (KZR), Advanced Split Housing ZR-MILL/20Hi (HZ) and CR MILL/12Hi (CR) for &OXVWHU0LOO7KHVH&OXVWHU0LOOVXWLOL]HVXOWUDVPDOOGLDPHWHUZRUNUROOVWRHI´FLHQWO\UROOKLJKKDUGQHVVPDWHULDOVVXFKDV6WDLQOHVV steel, Silicon steel strips, High carbon steel and Copper alloy. Our company have actual result more than one handred mills for Single AS-U Cluster mill. Double AS-U Main Feature (I-unit) (I-unit) 200 200 -5 scale LoZer Limit 150 242 I-unit 150 88 I-unit The Advanced ZR-MILL (KZR) is a mill for the cold rolling of hot-rolled coils of stainless steel and other hard PDWHULDOVWRWKHGHVLJQDWHGSURGXFWWKLFNQHVVDQGVWULSVKDSHDFFXUDF\7KHXOWUDVPDOOGLDPHWHUUROOVDUH´UPO\ supported in a 20Hi roll cluster arrangement and are contained inside a mono-block structure housing. As the result, this mill makes high mill modulus come true . With a conventional ZR-MILL, the bending system for the backing bearing shafts that control the shape (the AS-U system) contains only 2 (shafts B, C) of the 4 upper backing bearing shafts (shafts A, B, C, D). As a result, the strip VKDSHFRQWUROFDSDELOLW\LVLQVXI´FLHQWDQGWKHUHDUHSUREOHPVZKLFKPDNHKLJKVSHHGUROOLQJZLWKKLJKUROOLQJ UHGXFWLRQGLI´FXOW7RUHVROYHWKLVZHGHYHORSHGDQGSURGXFHGWKH$GYDQFHG=50,//.=57KLVPLOOLVHTXLSSHG ZLWKDGRXEOH$68V\VWHPIRUWZRXSSHUEDFNLQJEHDULQJVVKDIWV$DQG%WRJHWKHUZLWKEHDULQJVKDIWV&DQG' DQGDOVRLQFOXGHVQHZDXWRPDWLFVKDSHFRQWUROWKDWXWLOL]HVIX]]\ORJLFFRQWURO%HFDXVHWKLV.=50,//LVFDSDEOHRI KLJKVSHHGUROOLQJZLWKKLJKUROOLQJUHGXFWLRQLWFDQGHOLYHUDERRVWWRSURGXFWLYLW\IRUUROOLQJRIVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQG other hard materials. 100 50 100 50 0 -600 -400 -200 0 0 200 400 600 -600 0 -400 -50 Our Technology Features Capability & Effect -100 Width -200 0 200 400 0 600 -50 +5 scale Upper Limit -100 Width a) Convention ZR MILL (single AS-U) b) KZR-MILL (double AS-U) Strip Shape control capability of Double AS-U is 2.8 times as high as conventional single AS-U system (=242/88) 5.1.3 Actual Result Features KZR MILL - 5.1.1 Layout Customer Mill Type Mill Speed Product Completion : NIPPON METAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Kinuura, Japan : KZR-MILL/ZR21AN-52 : 800 m/min : Stainless Steel 0.2 mm1,320 mm : 1991 Features L.H TENSION REEL ZR-MILL R.H TENSION REEL FEED LEVELLER - Customer Mill Type Mill Speed Product Completion : NISSHIN STEEL CO., LTD. Sakai, Japan : KZR-MILL/ZR21AN-52 : 800 m/min : Special Steel 0.2 mm1,300 mm : 2008 PAY OFF REEL 21 22 5. CLUSTER MILL 5.2 Advanced Split Housing ZR-MILL/20Hi (HZ) 5.2.2 Main Feature of HZ-MILL Main Feature 6) Measuring Rolling Force by Load Cell 1 ) Double AS-U & 1 st IMR Shifting during Because the housing is split into upper and lower sections, there is a large gap between the upper and lower work rollers. This makes threading and the strip cutting cobble process easier. In a conventional ZR-MILL (ZR), the 20Hi rollers are supported in a cluster arrangement and are contained inside a mono-block structure housing. Although this structure is compact, the gap between the upper and lower work rolls is small, and extra work is required in some cases for the threading and the strip cutting cobble processes. For this reason, we developed and produced the Advanced Split Housing ZR-MILL (HZ) which splits the mono-block housing into an upper and lower section, supported by 2 outer housings. Because this HZ Mill has a housing that is split into an upper and lower section, the gap between the upper and lower work rolls is large, facilitating the threading and the strip cutting cobble processes. In addition, unlike the mono-block ZR-MILL, the work rolls can be used in nearly their full range regardless of the diameter of intermediate rolls 1 and 2, for greater operability. For above reason, HZ MILL receives especially a high evaluation for Silicon steel and special steel rolling. Improved Pre-set Accuracy High Shape Control Ability (2.4։2.8 times Larger than Single AS-U) 4) More free roll diameter combination 5) Neuro/Fuzzy Shape Control More Easy Operation High Speed Stable Rolling by Control of AS-U & 1st IMR Shifting 2) Large roll -open clearance Approx. 80mm 3) High Response by Direct Main Cylinder 5.2.1 HZ-MILL Construction More easy strip threading and disposal broken strip Improved Gauge Accuracy Features 1 ) High Shape Control Ability by Double AS-U 2) More easy strip threading and disposal broken strip by Large roll-open clearance 3) Improved Gauge Accuracy by High response direct main cylinder 4) More easy Operation by more free roll diameter combination 5) High Speed Stable Rolling by Neuro/Fuzzy shape control 6) Improved Pre-set Accuracy by measuring Rolling Force by Load Cell Backing Bearing Shaft Assembly 5.2.3 HZ-MILL Actual Result Outer Housing Double AS-U Device Passline Adjustment Device Top Inner Housing Features - 21 type HZ-MILL for 4 feet Standard roll diameter: Work roll dia. : ħ80mm 1st IMR dia. : ħ138mm 2nd IMR dia. : ħ235mm B.BRG dia. : ħ406.4mm Width : Max.1,300mm Max. R.S..F : 10.8 MN HZ-MILL Inner Housing Bottom Inner Housing Main Jack 23 Features - Customer Mill Type Mill Speed Product Completion : Shougang Co.,LTD., China : HZ-MILL/HZ21N-51 : 800m/min : Silicon Steel 0.17mm1,300mm : 2011 24 5. CLUSTER MILL 5.3 CR-MILL/12Hi (CR) 5.3.2 Shape Control Capability Main Feature Actuator for Shape Control The CR MILL/12Hi (CR) is a mill originally developed for the cold rolling of stainless steel, copper alloys, and nickel alloys. There are fewer roll levels than in a conventional ZR-Mill/20Hi and the CR MILL is superior in strip shape control characteristics. A large usable range of work roll diameters allows rolling of a vast variety of materials, including soft, hard and ultrathin, under stable and highly precise operating conditions. The CR MILL has been adopted to roll copper alloys and, in particular, full-hard materials. The Top and Bottom Back Up Roll Frames are split and allow for automatic roll changes, easier strip threading, and easier maintenance. In addition, an oscillation function has been added to the intermediate roll, preventing backup bearing marks from being transferred to the strip. This mill is used for materials which have strict surface requirements. Conversion of an existing 4Hi MILL housing to a CR MILL is possible. =խFeatures of the CR MILLխ= the CR MILL contains 12 rolls in a Cluster type arrangement, the CR MILL achieves excellent strip shape control through split type BUR, bending control of IMR, and leveling control with push up cylinder, the CR MILL is capable of high-reduction rolling through the use of small diameter work rolls.ħ120։ħ45 BUR Crown Push Out BUR Crown Control ٥Top/Bottom Different Segmentation ٥Individual Push Out of Each Bearing Bender Force IMR Bender ٥High Response Hydraulic Control ٥Non-Symmetrical Bender (WS/DS) ٥No Tapering on IMR Levelling (DS-WS) Levelling ٥Quick Response Hydraulic AGC ٥Easy Operation (DS) (WS) Individual Push Out of BUR Top/Bottom BUR different Segmentation 5.3.1 Construction CR-MILLխ Actual Data of strip shape control accuracy խխխխխխխխGreen deviation rangeխp5I -unit խխխխխխխխYellow deviation rangeխp10I -unit BUR Crown Control Motor Individual Push Out of BUR Shape Controlling Function can be more powerful, by Top and Bottom BURs having Same Controlling Function, to Push-Out Each BUR bearing individually WR 5.3.3 CR-MILL Actual Result Chockless Work Roll (WR) Features - Mill Drive Pinion Stand Customer Mill Type Mill Speed Product Completion : Mitsubishi Electric Metecs Co., Ltd., Japan : CR-MILL : 600 m/min : Copper alloy : 0.05mm900mm : 2007 Top BUR Frame Intermediate Roll (IMR) Top BUR Frame Features - BUR 25 Bottom BUR Frame 12Hi Cluster Rolling Mill (CR-MILL) Customer Mill Type Mill Speed Product Completion : Outokumpu Stainless AB, Sweden : CR-MILL : 800 m/min : StainlessSteel : 0.1mm1,100mm : 2006 26