Summary of bank efficiency studies by country of study

Summary of bank efficiency studies by country of study
The Netherlands
North America
(Berger and Humphrey 1991; Mester 1996; Miller and Noulas 1996; Mester
1997; Peristiani 1997; Thompson et al. 1997; Bauer et al. 1998; Seiford and
Zhu 1999; Wheelock and Wilson 1999; Devaney and Weber 2000; Alam 2001;
Berger and Mester 2003; Fung 2006)
(Schaffnit et al. 1997; Paradi et al. 2012)
Central and Latin America
(Carvallo and Kasman 2005)
(Taylor et al. 1997)
Nordic countries
(Berg et al. 1992)
(Berg et al. 1993)
(Kolari and Zardkoohi 1990)
Western Europe
(Altunbas and Chakravarty 1998; Altunbas et al. 1999; Dietsch and LozanoVivas 2000; Altunbas et al. 2001; Bikker 2001; Carbo et al. 2002; Lozano-Vivas
et al. 2002; Maudos et al. 2002; Casu and Molyneux 2003; Casu and Giradone
2004; Casu et al. 2004; Weill 2004; Casu and Giradone 2006; Beccalli 2007; Bos
and Schmiedel 2007; Carbó-Valverde et al. 2007; Olgu and Weyman-Jones
2008; Weill 2008; Murillo-Melchor et al. 2009; Ahmad and Luo 2010; Brissimis
et al. 2010; Casu et al. 2011)
(Soteriou and Zenios 1999)
(Bos et al. 2005; Fiorentino et al. 2006; Koetter 2008)
(Athanassopulos 1997; Lovell and Pastor 1997; Halkos and Salamouris 2004;
Pasiouras 2008; Rezitis 2008)
(Favero and Papi 1995; Resti 1997; Casolaro and Gobbi 2007)
(Bos and Kool 2002; 2006)
(Mendes and Rebelo 1999; Camanho and Dyson 2003; Canhoto and Dermine
(Grifell-Tatjé and Lovell 1996; 1997; Lozano-Vivas 1997; Dietsch and LozanoVivas 2000; Cuesta and Orea 2002; Prior 2003; Cuesta and Zofío 2005; Illueca
and Pastor 2005; Färe et al. 2006)
(Rime and Stiroh 2003)
(Drake 1992; Drake and Weyman-Jones 1992; Drake 2001; Drake and Simper
2002; McKillop et al. 2002; Matthews et al. 2007b)
Central & Eastern Europe (transition economies)
(Weill 2002; 2003; Bonin et al. 2005; Fries and Taci 2005; Grigorian and
Manole 2006; Kasman and Yildrim 2006; Yildirim and Philippatos 2007;
Brissimis et al. 2008; Staikouras et al. 2008; Koutsomanoli-Filippaki et al. 2009;
Anayiotos et al. 2010)
(Hasan and Marton 2003)
(Styrin 2005; Karas 2010; Vernikov 2010)
(Brown et al. 2009)
(Havrylchyk 2006)
(Jemric and Vujcic 2002)
(Zhao and Murinde 2011)
(Chaffai 1997)
(Hassan and Hussein 2003; Saaid et al. 2003; Saaid 2005)
Summary of bank efficiency studies by country of study (continued)
Cross-country (Middle East
and Africa)
Cross-country (Middle East)
Organisation of Islamic
Cross-country (Middle East,
Africa and Asia)
Cross-country (Middle East
and Asia)
Cross-country (Asia)
Hong Kong
Cross-country (across all
Middle East
(Al-Jarrah and Molyneux 2005; 2006; Ben Naceur et al. 2009; Emrouznejad and
Anouze 2009; Hassan et al. 2009)
(Ariss et al. 2007; Mostafa 2007; Perera et al. 2007; Ramanathan 2007; AlMuharrami 2008; Hassan et al. 2009; Emrouznejad and Anouze 2010; El
Moussawi and Obeid 2011; Mostafa 2011)
(Hussein 2004)
(Jackson et al. 1998; Jackson and Fethi 2000; Isik and Hassan 2002b; 2002a;
2003b; 2003a; El-Gamal and Inanoglu 2005; Fukuyama and Matousek 2011)
(Mohamad et al. 2008; Mobarek and Kalonov 2014)
(Brown 2003; Yudistira 2004; Hassan and Bashir 2005; Hassan 2006; Viverita et
al. 2007; Bader 2008; Sufian 2009a; Abdul-Majid et al. 2010; Srairi 2010; Ftiti et
al. 2013; Kamarudin et al. 2014)
(Grigorian and Manole 2005)
(Abd Karim 2001; Abd Karim et al. 2010; Heffernan and Fu 2010)
(Avkiran 1999; Garden and Ralston 1999; Worthington 1999b; 1999a; Esho
2001; Ralston et al. 2001; Sathye 2001; Neal 2004; Sturm and Williams 2004;
Worthington 2004; Paul and Kourouche 2008; Sturm and Williams 2008; 2010)
(Chen et al. 2005; Fu and Heffernan 2007; Matthews et al. 2007a; Ariff and Can
2008; Jiang et al. 2009; Lin and Zhang 2009; Sufian 2009b)
(Drake et al. 2006; Kwan 2006)
(Bhattacharyya et al. 1997; Sathye 2003; Sensarma 2006; Debnath and Shankar
2008; Kumar and Gulati 2008; Zhao et al. 2008; Kumar and Gulati 2009; Das
and Kumbhakar 2010)
(Altunbas et al. 2000; Fukuyama and Weber 2002; Drake and Hall 2003; Barros
et al. 2009; Drake et al. 2009; Uchida and Satake 2009; Assaf et al. 2011)
(Park and Weber 2006; Banker et al. 2010)
(Abdul-Majid et al. 2005a; 2005b; Matthews and Ismail 2006; Mokhtar et al.
2006; Sufian 2006; 2006/2007; Mokhtar et al. 2007; Sufian 2007; Abdul-Majid
et al. 2008; Kamaruddin et al. 2008; Mokhtar et al. 2008; Abdul-Majid et al.
2011a; 2011b)
(Rizvi 2001)
(Rezvanian and Mehdian 2002)
(Chen 2001; Huang and Wang 2002; Ho and Zhu 2004; Kao and Liu 2009; Hsiao
et al. 2010; Yang and Liu 2012)
(Allen and Rai 1996; Pastor et al. 1997)
Abd Karim, M. Z. (2001). 'Comparative bank efficiency across select ASEAN countries.' ASEAN
Economic Bulletin 18(3): 289-304.
Abd Karim, M. Z., S.-G. Chan and S. Hassan (2010). 'Bank efficiency and non-performing loans:
Evidence from Malaysia and Singapore.' Prague Economic Papers 19(2): 118-132.
Abdul-Majid, M., N. G. Mohammed Nor and F. F. Said (2005a). Efficiencies of Islamic banks in
Malaysia. International Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance, Bahrain,2005.
Abdul-Majid, M., N. G. Mohammed Nor and F. F. Said (2005b). 'Efficiency of Islamic banks in
Malaysia'. Islamic Finance and Economic Development. M. Iqbal and A. Ahmad (ed). New
York, Palgrave Macmillan.
Abdul-Majid, M., D. S. Saal and G. Battisti (2008). 'The efficiency and productivity of Malaysian
banks: an output distance function approach.' Aston Business School Research Paper RP
Abdul-Majid, M., D. S. Saal and G. Battisti (2010). 'Efficiency in Islamic and conventional banking: an
international comparison.' Journal of Productivity Analysis 34(1): 25-43.
Abdul-Majid, M., D. S. Saal and G. Battisti (2011a). 'Efficiency and total factor productivity change of
Malaysian commercial banks.' The Service Industries Journal 31(13): 2117-2143.
Abdul-Majid, M., D. S. Saal and G. Battisti (2011b). 'The impact of Islamic banking on the cost
efficiency and productivity change of Malaysian commercial banks.' Applied Economics
43(16): 2033-3054.
Ahmad, W. and R. H. Luo (2010). 'Comparison of banking efficiency in Europe: Islamic versus
conventional banks.' International Finance Review 11: 361-389.
Al-Jarrah, I. and P. Molyneux (2005). 'Efficiency in Arabian banking'. Islamic Perspectives on Wealth
Creation. M. Iqbal and R. Wilson (ed). Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press: pp97-117.
Al-Jarrah, I. and P. Molyneux (2006). 'Cost efficiency, scale efficiency and scale economies in Arab
banking.' Banks and Bank Systems 1(3): 60-89.
Al-Muharrami, S. (2008). 'An examination of technical, pure technical and scale efficiencies in GCC
banking.' American Journal of Finance and Accounting 1(2): 152-166.
Alam, I. M. S. (2001). 'A nonparametric approach for assessing productivity dynamics of large US
banks.' Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 33(1): 121-139.
Allen, L. and A. Rai (1996). 'Operational efficiency in banking: An international comparison.' Journal
of Banking and Finance 20: 655-672.
Altunbas, Y. and S. V. Chakravarty (1998). 'Efficiency measures and the banking structure in Europe.'
Economics Letters 60(2): 205-208.
Altunbas, Y., E. P. M. Gardener, P. Molyneux and B. Moore (2001). 'Efficiency in European banking.'
European Economic Review 45: 1931-1955.
Altunbas, Y., J. Goddard and P. Molyneux (1999). 'Technical change in banking.' Economics Letters
64(2): 215-221.
Altunbas, Y., M.-H. Liu, P. Molyneux and R. Seth (2000). 'Efficiency and risk in Japanese banking.'
Journal of Banking and Finance 24(10): 1605-1628.
Anayiotos, G., H. Toroyan and A. Vamvakidis (2010). 'The efficiency of emerging Europe's banking
sector before and after the recent economic crisis.' Financial Theory and Practice 34(3): 247267.
Ariff, M. and L. Can (2008). 'Cost and profit efficiency of Chinese banks: a non-parametric analysis.'
China Economic Review 19(2): 260-273.
Ariss, R. T., R. Rezvanian and S. M. Mehdian (2007). 'Cost efficiency, technological progress and
productivity growth of banks in GCC countries.' International Journal of Business 12(4): 471491.
Assaf, A. G., C. P. Barros and R. Matousek (2011). 'Productivity and efficiency analysis of Shinkin
banks: Evidence from bootstrap and Bayesian approaches.' Journal of Banking and Finance
35(2): 331-342.
Athanassopulos, A. (1997). 'Service quality and operating efficiency synergies for management
control in the provision of financial services: evidence from Greek bank branches.' European
Journal of Operational Research 98: 300-313.
Avkiran, N. K. (1999). 'The evidence on efficiency gains: the role of mergers and the benefits to the
public.' Journal of Banking and Finance 23(7): 991-1013.
Bader, M. K. I. (2008). 'Cost, revenue, and profit efficiency of Islamic versus conventional banks:
international evidence using data envelopment analysis.' Islamic Economic Studies 15(2): 2376.
Banker, R. D., H. Chang and S.-Y. Lee (2010). 'Differential impact of Korean banking system reforms
on bank productivity.' Journal of Banking and Finance 34(7): 1450-1460.
Barros, C. P., S. Managi and R. Matousek (2009). 'Productivity growth and biased technological
change: Credit banks in Japan.' Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and
Money 19(5): 924-936.
Bauer, P. W., A. N. Berger, G. D. Ferrier and D. B. Humphrey (1998). 'Consistency conditions for
regulatory analysis of financial institutions:A comparison of frontier efficiency methods.'
Journal of Economics and Business 50: 85-114.
Beccalli, E. (2007). 'Does IT investment improve bank performance? Evidence from Europe.' Journal
of Banking and Finance 31(7): 2205-2230.
Ben Naceur, S., H. Ben-Khedhiri and B. Casu (2009). 'What drives the efficiency of selected MENA
banks? A meta-frontier analysis.' CASS Business School Working Paper Series WP 03/09 CASS
Business School, City University London, London.
Berg, S. A., F. R. Førsund, L. Hjalmarsson and M. Suominen (1993). 'Banking efficiency in the Nordic
countries.' Journal of Banking and Finance 17(2-3): 371-388.
Berg, S. A., F. R. Førsund and E. S. Jansen (1992). 'Malmquist indices of productivity growth during
the deregulation of Norwegian banking, 1980-89.' Scandinavian Journal of Economics
94(Supplement): S211-S228.
Berger, A. N. and D. B. Humphrey (1991). 'The dominance of inefficiencies over scale and product
mix economies in banking.' Journal of Monetary Economics 28: 117-148.
Berger, A. N. and L. J. Mester (2003). 'Explaining the dramatic change in performance of US banks:
technological change, dergulation, and dynamic changes in competition.' Journal of Financial
Intermedication 12: 57-95.
Bhattacharyya, A., C. A. K. Lovell and P. Sahay (1997). 'The impact of liberalization on the productive
efficiency of Indian commercial banks.' European Journal of Operational Research 98(2): 332345.
Bikker, J. A. (2001). 'Efficiency and cost differences across countries in a unified European banking
market.' Research paper, de Nederlandsche Bank.
Bonin, J. P., I. Hasan and P. Wachtel (2005). 'Bank performance, efficiency and ownership in
transition countries.' Journal of Banking and Finance 29(1): 31-53.
Bos, J. W. B., F. Heid, M. Koetter, J. W. Kolari and C. J. M. Kool (2005). 'Inefficient or just different?
Effects of heterogeneity on banking efficiency scores.' Discussion Paper Series 2: Banking
and Financial Studies 15/2005: 42pp Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main, Geramny.
Bos, J. W. B. and C. J. M. Kool (2002). 'Bank size, sepcialization and efficiency: the Netherlands.'
Maastricht University Department of Economics Working Paper RM/01/018 Maastricht
University, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Bos, J. W. B. and C. J. M. Kool (2006). 'Bank efficiency: the role of bank strategy and local market
conditions.' Journal of Banking and Finance 30: 1953-1974.
Bos, J. W. B. and H. Schmiedel (2007). 'Is there a single frontier in a single European banking
market?' Journal of Banking and Finance 31(7): 2081-2102.
Brissimis, S. N., M. D. Delis and N. I. Papanikolaou (2008). 'Exploring the nexus between banking
sector reform and performance: Evidence from newly acceded EU countries.' Journal of
Banking and Finance 32(12): 2674-2683.
Brissimis, S. N., M. D. Delis and E. G. Tsionas (2010). 'Technical and allocative efficiency in European
banking.' European Journal of Operational Research 204(1): 153-163.
Brown, K. (2003). 'Islamic banking comparative analysis.' The Arab Bank Review 5(2): 43-50.
Brown, M., M. R. Maurer, T. Pak and N. Tynaev (2009). 'The impact of banking sector reform in a
transition economy: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan.' Journal of Banking and Finance 33(9): 16771687.
Camanho, A. S. and R. G. Dyson (2003). 'Cost efficiency measurement with price uncertainty: a DEA
application to bank branch assessments.' European Journal of Operational Research 161:
Canhoto, A. and J. Dermine (2003). 'A note on banking efficiency in Portugal, New vs. Old banks '
Journal of Banking and Finance 27(11): 2087-2098.
Carbó-Valverde, S., D. B. Humphrey and R. López del Paso (2007). 'Do cross-country differences in
bank efficiency support a policy of “national champions”? .' Journal of Banking and Finance
31(7): 2173-2188.
Carbo, S., E. P. M. Gardener and J. Williams (2002). 'Efficiency in banking: empirical evidence from
the savings banks sector.' The Manchester School 70(2): 204-228.
Carvallo, O. and A. Kasman (2005). 'Cost efficiency in the Latin American and Caribbean banking
systems.' Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 15(1): 55-72.
Casolaro, L. and G. Gobbi (2007). 'Information technology and productivity changes in the banking
industry.' Economics Notes 36(1): 43-76.
Casu, B., A. Ferrari, C. Giradone and J. O. S. Wilson (2011). 'Bank productivity in the Eurozone.' CASS
Business School Working Paper Series WP 02/11 CASS Business School, London.
Casu, B. and C. Giradone (2004). 'Large banks' efficiency in the single European market.' The Service
Industries Journal 24(6): 129-142.
Casu, B. and C. Giradone (2006). 'Bank competition, concentration and efficiency in the single
European market.' The Manchester School 74(4): 441-468.
Casu, B., C. Girardone and P. Molyneux (2004). 'Productivity change in European banking: a
comparison of parametric and non-parametric approaches.' Journal of Banking and Finance
28(10): 2521-2540.
Casu, B. and P. Molyneux (2003). 'A comparative study of efficiency in European banking.' Applied
Economics 35(17): 1865-1876.
Chaffai, M. E. (1997). 'Estimating input-specific technical inefficiency: the case of the Tunisian
banking industry.' European Journal of Operational Research 98: 314-331.
Chen, T.-Y. (2001). 'An estimation of X-inefficiency in Taiwan's banks'.' Applied Financial Economics
11(3): 237-242.
Chen, X., M. Skully and K. Brown (2005). 'Banking efficiency in China: application of DEA to pre- and
post-deregulation eras: 1993-2000.' China Economic Review 16(3): 229-245.
Cuesta, R. A. and L. Orea (2002). 'Mergers and technical efficiency in Spanish savings banks: a
stochastic distance function approach.' Journal of Banking and Finance 26(12): 2231-2247.
Cuesta, R. A. and J. Zofío (2005). 'Hyperbolic efficiency and parametric distance functions:with
application to Spanish savings banks.' Journal of Productivity Analysis 24: 31-48.
Das, A. and S. C. Kumbhakar (2010). 'Productivity and efficiency dynamics in Indian banking: An input
distance function approach incorporating quality of inputs and outputs.' Journal of Applied
Econometrics 26(n/a): doi: 10.1002/jae.1183.
Debnath, R. M. and R. Shankar (2008). 'Measuring performance of Indian banks: an application of
data envelopment analysis.' International Journal of Business Performance Management
10(1): 57-85.
Devaney, M. and W. L. Weber (2000). 'Productivity growth, market structure, and technological
change: evidence from the rural banking sector.' Applied Financial Economics 10: 587-595.
Dietsch, M. and A. Lozano-Vivas (2000). 'How the environment determines banking efficiency: A
comparison between French and Spanish industries.' Journal of Banking and Finance 24(6):
Drake, L. (1992). 'Economies of scale and scope in UK building societies: an application of the
translog multiproduct cost function.' Applied Financial Economics 2: 211-219.
Drake, L. (2001). 'Efficiency and productivity change in UK banking.' Applied Financial Economics 11:
Drake, L. and M. J. B. Hall (2003). 'Efficiency in Japanese banking: an empirical analysis.' Journal of
Banking and Finance 27(5): 891-917.
Drake, L., M. J. B. Hall and R. Simper (2006). 'The impact of macroeconomic and regulatory factors on
bank efficiency: a non-parametric analysis of Hong Kong's banking system.' Journal of
Banking and Finance 30: 1443-1466.
Drake, L., M. J. B. Hall and R. Simper (2009). 'Bank modelling methodologies: A comparative nonparametric analysis of efficiency in the Japanese banking sector.' Journal of International
Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 19(1): 1-15.
Drake, L. and R. Simper (2002). 'Economies of scale in UK building societies: a re-appraisal using
entry/exit model.' Journal of Banking and Finance 26: 2365-2382.
Drake, L. and T. G. Weyman-Jones (1992). 'Technical and scale efficiency in UK building societies.'
Applied Financial Economics 2: 1-9.
El-Gamal, M. A. and H. Inanoglu (2005). 'Inefficiency and heterogeneity in Turkish banking: 19902000.' Journal of Applied Econometrics 20: 641-664.
El Moussawi, C. and H. Obeid (2011). 'Evaluating the productive efficiency of Islamic banking in GCC:
A non-parametric approach.' International Management Review 7(1): 10-.
Emrouznejad, A. and A. L. Anouze (2009). 'A note on the modelling the efficiency of top Arab banks.'
Expert Systems with Applications 36(3 part i): 5741-5744.
Emrouznejad, A. and A. L. Anouze (2010). 'Data envelopment analysis with classification and
regression tree - a case of banking efficiency.' Expert Systems 27(4): 231-246.
Esho, N. (2001). 'The determinants of cost efficiency in cooperative financial institutions: Australian
evidence.' Journal of Banking and Finance 25(5): 941-964.
Färe, R., S. Grosskopf and E. Tortosa-Ausina (2006). 'Efficiency and market power in Spanish
banking.' Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros Documento de Trabajo 259/2006.
Favero, C. A. and L. Papi (1995). 'Technical efficiency and scale efficiency in the Italian banking
sector: A non-parametric approach.' Applied Economics 27(4): 385-395.
Fiorentino, E., A. Karmann and M. Koetter (2006). 'The cost efficiency of German banks: A
comparison of SFA and DEA.' Deutsche Bundesbank Eurosystem, Series 2: Banking and
Financial Studies Discussion Paper No 10/2006 Deutsche Bundesbank Eurosystem.
Fries, S. and A. Taci (2005). 'Cost efficiency of banks in transition: evidence from 289 banks in postcommunist countries.' Journal of Banking and Finance 29(1): 55-81.
Ftiti, Z., O. Nafti and S. Sreiri (2013). 'Efficiency of Islamic banks during subprime crisis.' Journal of
applied business research 29(1): 285-304.
Fu, X. M. and S. Heffernan (2007). 'Cost X-efficiency in China's banking sector.' China Economic
Review 18(1): 35-53.
Fukuyama, H. and R. Matousek (2011). 'Efficiency of Turkish banking: Two-stage network system.
Variable returns to scale model.' Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and
Money 21(1): 75-91.
Fukuyama, H. and W. L. Weber (2002). 'Estimating output allocative efficiency and productivity
change: application to Japanese banks.' European Journal of Operational Research 137: 177190.
Fung, M. K. (2006). 'Scale economies, X-efficiency, and convergence of productivity among bank
holding companies.' Journal of Banking and Finance 30(10): 2857-2874.
Garden, K. A. and D. E. Ralston (1999). 'The X-efficiency and allocative efficiency effects of credit
union mergers.' Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 9: 285301.
Grifell-Tatjé, E. and C. A. K. Lovell (1996). 'Deregulation and productivity decline: the case of Spanish
savings banks.' European Economic Review 40: 1281-1303.
Grifell-Tatjé, E. and C. A. K. Lovell (1997). 'The sources of productivity change in Spanish banking.'
European Journal of Operational Research 98: 364-380.
Grigorian, D. A. and V. Manole (2005). 'A Cross-Country Nonparametric Analysis of Bahrain’s Banking
System.' IMF Working Paper WP/05/117 International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.
Grigorian, D. A. and V. Manole (2006). 'Determinants of commercial bank performance in transition:
an application of data envelopment analysis.' Comparative Economic Studies 48(3): 497-522.
Halkos, G. E. and D. S. Salamouris (2004). 'Efficiency measurement of the Greek commercial banks
with the use of financial ratios: a data envelopment analysis approach.' Management
Accounting Research 15: 201-224.
Hasan, I. and K. Marton (2003). 'Development and efficiency of the banking sector in a transitional
economy: Hungarian experience.' Journal of Banking and Finance 27(12): 2249-2271.
Hassan, M. K. (2006). 'The x-efficiency in Islamic banks.' Islamic Economic Studies 12(2): 49-78.
Hassan, M. K. and A.-H. M. Bashir (2005). 'Determinants of Islamic banking profitability'. Islamic
Perspectives on Wealth Creation. M. Iqbal and R. Wilson (ed). Edinburgh, Edinburgh
University Press: pp118-141.
Hassan, M. K. and K. A. Hussein (2003). 'Static and dynamic efficiency in the Sudanese banking
system.' Review of Islamic Economics 14: 5-48.
Hassan, T., S. Mohamad and M. K. I. Bader (2009). 'Efficiency of conventional versus Islamic banks:
evidence from the Middle East.' International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance
and Management 2(1): 46-65.
Havrylchyk (2006). 'Efficiency of the Polish banking industry: foreign versus domestic banks.' Journal
of Banking and Finance 30: 1975-1996.
Heffernan, S. and X. M. Fu (2010). 'Bank productivity changes in two Asian giants.' CASS Business
School Working Paper Series WP-CBR-01-2010. CASS
Business School, London.
Ho, C.-T. and D.-S. Zhu (2004). 'Performance measurement of Taiwan's commercial banks.'
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 53(5/6): 425-434.
Hsiao, H.-C., C. Hsihui, A. M. Cianci and L.-H. Huang (2010). 'First financial restructuring and
operating efficiency: Evidence from Taiwanese commercial banks.' Journal of Banking and
Finance 34(7): 1461-1471.
Huang, T.-H. and M.-H. Wang (2002). 'Estimating scale and scope economies with Fourier flexible
functional form - evidence from Taiwan's banking industry.' Australian Economic Papers
40(2): 213-231.
Hussein, K. A. (2004). 'Banking efficiency in Bahrain: Islamic versus conventional banks.' Islamic
Development Bank, Islamic Research and Training Institute Research Paper 68 Islamic
Development Bank, Islamic Research and Training Institute, Jeddah.
Illueca, M. and J. M. Pastor (2005). 'The effect of geographic expansion on the productivity of
Spanish savings banks.' Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros Documento de Trabajo 213/2005.
Isik, I. and M. K. Hassan (2002a). 'Cost and profit efficiency of the Turkish banking industry: An
empirical investigation.' The Financial Review 37(2): 257-280.
Isik, I. and M. K. Hassan (2002b). 'Technical, scale and allocative efficiencies of Turkish banking
industry.' Journal of Banking and Finance 26(4): 719-766.
Isik, I. and M. K. Hassan (2003a). 'Financial deregulation and total factor productivity change: An
empirical study of Turkish commercial banks.' Journal of Banking and Finance 27(8): 14551485.
Isik, I. and M. K. Hassan (2003b). 'Financial disruption and bank productivity: The 1994 experience of
Turkish banks.' The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 43(2): 291-320.
Jackson, P. M. and M. D. Fethi (2000). 'Evaluating the technical efficiency of Turkish commercial
banks: an application of DEA and Tobit analysis.' Efficiency and Productivity Research Unit. University of Leicester.
Jackson, P. M., M. D. Fethi and G. Inal (1998). 'Efficiency and productivity growth in Turkish
commercial banking sector: a non-parametric approach.' Efficiency and Productivity
Research Unit. University of
Jemric, I. and B. Vujcic (2002). 'Efficiency of banks in Croatia: A DEA approach.' Comparative
Economic Studies 44(2): 169-193.
Jiang, C., S. Yao and Z. Zhang (2009). 'The effects of governance changes on bank efficiency in China:
a stochastic distance function approach.' China Economic Review 20(4): 717-731.
Kamaruddin, B. H., M. S. Safa and R. Mohd (2008). 'Assessing production efficiency of Islamic banks
and conventional bank Islamic windows in Malaysia.' International Journal of Business and
Management Research 1(1): 31-48.
Kamarudin, F., B. A. A. Nordin, J. Muhammad and M. A. A. Hamid (2014). 'Cost, revenue and profit
efficiency of Islamic and conventional banking sector: empirical evidence from Gulf
Cooperative Council countries.' Global Business Review 15(1): 1-24.
Kao, C. and S.-T. Liu (2009). 'Stochastic data envelopment analysis in measuring the efficiency of
Taiwan commercial banks.' European Journal of Operational Research 196: 312-322.
Karas, A. (2010). 'Are private banks more efficient than public banks? Evidence from Russia.'
Economics of Transition 18(1): 209-244.
Kasman, A. and C. Yildrim (2006). 'Cost and profit efficiencies in transition banking: The case of new
EU members.' Applied Economics 38: 1079-1090.
Koetter, M. (2008). 'An assessment of bank merger success in Germany.' German Economic Review
9(2): 232-264.
Kolari, J. W. and A. Zardkoohi (1990). 'Economies of scale and scope in thrift institutions: The case of
Finnish cooperative and savings banks.' Scandinavian Journal of Economics 92(3): 437-451.
Koutsomanoli-Filippaki, A., D. Margaritis and C. Staikouras (2009). 'Efficiency and productivity growth
in the banking industry of Central and Eastern Europe.' Journal of Banking and Finance 33(3):
Kumar, S. and R. Gulati (2008). 'Evaluation of technical efficiency and ranking of public sector banks
in India.' International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 57(7): 540-568.
Kumar, S. and R. Gulati (2009). 'Technical efficiency and its determinants in the Indian domestic
banking industry: An application of DEA and Tobit analysis.' American Journal of Finance and
Accounting 1(3): 256-296.
Kwan, S. H. (2006). 'The X-efficiency of commercial banks in Hong Kong ' Journal of Banking and
Finance 30(4): 1127-1147.
Lin, X. and Y. Zhang (2009). 'Bank ownership reform and bank performance in China.' Journal of
Banking and Finance 33(1): 20-29.
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Spearman’s correlations of performance rankings based on meta-frontier DEA and FRA results
Gross efficiency
Net efficiency