COMHAIRLE CHONNDAE LOCH GARMAN Mi nutes of Meeting of General Purp os e s Commit tee of An Comhairle he l d in t he Cou nc i l Chamber, County Hall, Wexford, pn Monday, 1st Oc tober, 1 956 at 11 . 30 a . m. An Cathaoirleach , Council lor J . J . Kennedy , presided . ATTENDANCE Counc illors S. Browne , E. Mac Cuirtin , T. Howlin, J . OTLeary, T . D., and T. Redmond . The County Manager , Mr . T. F . Broe , County Engineer, Nir. J,F . Doris , and the County Se cretary , Mr . T . F . McDermot -~-;. were also in attendance . CORRESPONDENCE ~ letter dated 21s~ Septeraber> 1956, from the Town Clerk, New Ross" encl osing a copy of a resolution passed by the Urban Counc il at its meeting held on the 18th September , 1956, was read . The resolution requested that the County Council shoul d arrange to lower tho wall at Creywoll or widen the corner thereat to reduce the dangor presonted to t r aff ic at this p oint . On tho proposal of An C a t haoirloach~ seconded by Councillor S. Browne; it was unanimously resolved tha t the matter should be referred t o the County Engineer f or his a tten'\jion. (b ) R,o st.oration of Cloone Church : A l etter dated 27 t h September , 1956" from 7ery Rev . J . Rans on , Adm. $ Ennis corthy - Chairman of tho National Monuments Advisory Commi ttoe, was re ad . Fr . Ranson in his letter reforred to the impor t ant discoveries which had been made i n the ,)ourse of the resto~ation work approved by the Counc il on Cl one Churc.ho He roquested that tho Council might be good enough to con ,· © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES sider allocating a further sum of £150 to enable the work to be completed. An Runaidhe informed the Committee that he had received a telephone communi cation from An Bord Failte, which had already proviJed a sum of £100 to assist in the restoration and excavation work , to the effe ct that the Bourd W8.S prepared to make available an additional figure of £150 conditional on a dimilar grant being made by An Comhairle . On the proposal of Councillor S. Browne, seconded by Councillor T. Redmond, it was unanimously agreed to reco~mend to An Co~hairle that the additional sum requested be made available to the National Monuments Advisory Committee of the Council. NOTIFICATION . OF VISIT OF MINISTER FOR HEALTH TO WEXFORD ,. A letter dated 21st September , 1956, from the Department of F9alth notifying the intention of the Minister for Health to visit Wexford on the 18th October, 1956, was read. The letter stated that the Minister would be glad to have a discussion with the Councilor such members as might like to be present at tlw County Hall, Wexford, at 11 a . m. on that date. A copy of the agenda suggested fer the meeting was enclosed . An Cathaoirleach suggestod that the Consultative Healtb Committee might meet before the date fixed for the Minister 1s visit and give considor ation to the items suggestod for the agenda . APPLICATION OF ANAESTHETIST!C 0 .HOSPTIAL .. FOR SALARY REVISION A l etter dated 24th September, 1 956, from Dr . T. Walsh, Anaesthetist, County Hospit al, Woxford, was road . letter Dr . Walsh In his referred to previous app lications made for revision of the salary ~tta ched to the post of Anaesthetist at the County Hospital. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 3 - It was unanimously agreed on the proposal of Cuuncillor S . Browne, seconded by Cou nc illor E. Mac Cuirtin, te re c ommend to An Comhairle that cO~8ont be given to a proposal to increase the salary for this post to £8 . 8 . Od . per week. HOUSING (ANIEl\1DMENT) ACT 1956 The attention of An Comhairle was directed to the provisions of Section 10 of the Housing (Amendment) Act , 1956, whi ch authorised the Counc il to prepare a scheme for the approval of the Minis ter f or the purpos e of guaranteeing part of tho advances made by building so c ieties and insurance companies for the purchase or eroction of a house . Tho powers of the Council could be limited to t he giving of a guarantee for an amount in excess of a n advance which vlould have been made by the building socioty or insurance company if tho guar a ntee had not boon givon; t ho maount payable by tho Counc il not to oxceed two- thirds of the loss on this part of any advanco . 50% of tho amount paid by tho Counc il could bo recouped undor tho Act by tho Minister . It was oxplained tha t tho purpose of tho Soction was to supplemont tho loan facilitios availablo to porsons erecting their own housos . A scheme would cover the classes of po rsons who would bo excludod from borrowing under tho Small DvrollingsAcquisition Acts in tho ovont of a rostrictivo income limit boing adoptod. Tho 00uncil could not givo any indication of tho terms on whi ch monoy would bo mado available from · che building societios or insuranco companies to such persons . On tho proposal of Councillor S. Br owno , secondod by Councillor T. Rodmond, it rms unanimously agroed to rocommond to An Cornhairlo that a suitable schomo bo adopted. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 4 - Loans under Small Dwellin@Acquisition Acts: It was agreed that the imposition of income limits for borrowers under the Small Dwellil1..g3 Acquisition Acts should be considered at a monthly me eting of the full Council. Reconstruction Grants: The members of the Committee were also informed of the increases which the Act provided in caS 0S of Reconstruction Grants made under Section 12 of the Hou sing (Amendment) Act of 1 954~ The new grants were :- 3 roomed house £80 4 roomed house £100 5 roomed or larger £120 In the cour se of a general discussion on housing finances the County Manager referred to the necessity for ensuring that the housing needs of applicants wore adequa tely certified before the Council embarked on the erection ef cott ages . This involved a c ertification by the Chief Medic al Officer of the ne ce ssity for rehousing of the applicant and f urther oertification by the Engineer that the house a lr eady occupied could no t be made fit for habitation at a reasonable cost. Vested Cottages: Tho attention of the Council was also directed the authority given by this Act for the r epair in certa in cases of cottagos whic h had beon vested in the occupiers and whi ch the Minis ter had determined that the repairs c arri ed out prior to the vesting we re not adequ ate . REGULATIONS RE TENDERS It was agreed to recommend to An Comhairlo tha t tho modific ation in tho dr2ft regulations for tho seoking, reception and examination of tonders requested by tho Department of Loc a l Government be adopted. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 5 - An Cathaoirleach referre d to the alter ations whi ch had been made in the method of obtaining price s f rom tradesmen for work c arried out on cottages erected by Dire c t Labour and suggested that if the arrangement fo r the fixed price for the work c arr ied out was being a lt ered it would be advisab l e tha t tenders should be advertised for and received in the normal way . INSTALLATIO NS ON KILMORE PIER A letter dated 5th Sept ember , 1 95 6~ from the Fishermen's Co-operative Socie ty Ltd., Ki l more Quay , was r ead . The Soc iety made app lication for perlnission to er e ct a fue l oil storage tank on the Pier at Kilmore Quay . The tank would be used by the Society for tho service and benefit of its members . The app lic a tion stated that Caltox Oil Company had boen asked to ere c t the tank for the Socioty. On the pr op os a l of Councillor T. Howlin , se condod by Counc i ll or E. Mac CUirtin, it was unanimously r os olved t ha t permission be gr antod subjo ct to approva l by tho County Engineer of the p l an submi ttod by Me s srs . Cal t ox Ltd . REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL PUBLIC LIGHTS AT FERNS Tho quotation of tho El ectri city Supply Board dated 17th Soptember, 1956, for the ~ r e ct ion of four additional public lights at Ferns was referred bac k to tho County Enginoer for cons idor ation having ro gard to tho instructions r e coi ved re e conomy in oxpenditure . It was u nanimously agr oed to r o commond to An Comha irlo on the pr opos a l of An Cathao irlo a ch~ se condod by Councillor J. OfLoary , T . D. that the mattor be cons idor ed at the Estimates Mooting of An Comhair l o . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 6 - ROAD BETWEEN DUFFRY GATE OORNER AND BELLEFIELD, ENNISCORTHY. The fo llowing letter from the Department of Local Gevernment re garding the road between Duffry Gate Corner and Be llefield was re ad :"I am directed by the Mini ster for Local Government to refer to your letter of 31st J anuary last and enclosures r egardi ng the pro p os ed acquisition of a strip of land adjoining that p ortion of Main Road L. 30 between Duffry Gate Corner and Bellefield , Enniscor t hy, for the purpose of widening the road at that po i nt and to state that if the property were SJ ac quired , Road Fund Gr ants availab l e for main roads c oul d be applied to wor ks on it subject to the usual c onditions appli cable to such grants . It is, however, suggosted that if not a lr eady done leg a l advi c e should be obtained as to the prese nt ownership and status of the property". It was proposed by Councillor S. Browne, se c onded by Councillor T. Redmond and unanimously agreed to recommond to An Oomhairlo that l egal advice be sought reg arding the pr esent ownership and status of the property . LOANS UNDER SMALL DVIlELLINGS AOQUISITION AOTS Oouncillor T. Rodmond ref er r ed to notifi c a tions sent to borrowers under the Small Dwelling Acquisition Act s who had invari~bly paid their instalmonts on the 30th of September and who wero now being requested to pay at an ear li er date . The General Purposes Oommittee re commended to the Oounty Manager that the loan under the Small Dwellings Ac quis ition Acts applied for by Patrick and Margaret Donohue, Graheen , Olonhaston, be gr anted . MEDIOAL SERVICE OARDS Oouncillor T. Howlin referred to a particul ar appli c ant for a Medic a l Service Oard who had be en refused and asked that the c ase be re c onsidered . An Oathaoirleach r eferred t o a similar c ase in the Arthurstown Area and asked for a recheck of income for the previous year . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 7 BLACKER EST"~TE - '1-; WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL The General PUTposes Committee was informed that proceedings had been instituted by the Blacker Estate in conne c tion with the covenant to repair contained in the lease for the forme ~ Dispensary Residence in Ki ll anne . Le gal advice had been taken on the claim and the ne cessary examination and r ep ort by the Council fs Archite c t had been made . In accordance with the advice of Counsel it was prvposed to make a lodgment in the High Court in defence of the a c tion . Runaidhe. Daingnithe ar an ~a de , 1 956 . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES COMHAIRLE CROin-mAE LOCH GARMAN M nutes of S ecial Meeti of _ n Comhairle held in the Counci Chamber, County Hall, Wexford,on 1st October, 1956, for the purpose of considering the Council's Housing Programme An Cathaoirleach, Counc llor J.J .Ken~1edy, res ded. ATTENDANCE Councillors D. Allen, T.D., T.Fardy, J.Gal vin, J. 0 I Leary, T.D., T. Howl in, L. Kinsella, S.Bro~ne, E.MacCurtin, P.Kinsell a, A. Minihan, T. Redmond. The County Man Doris, J.Boyce, er, Mr. T.F.Broe, County Eneineer, Mr ••T.F. and the County Secretary, Mr.T.F.McDermott, were also in attendance. The report of the County Manager which is attached to these Minutes had been circulated to the members of An Comhairle and was submitted for consideration. Councillor D. Allen, T.D. requested further information re'arding the char e on the rates for cottages erected prior to 1932, from 1932 to 1939, and from 1947 to date. An Comhairle was given particulars of the all-in cost of erectin cottages in recent years (£1,000) and was supplied with figures for loan charges, housing subsidy, cost of rent collection and repairs and the net charge to the rates after deduction of the rent of 5/- per week. A discuss on took place on the advisability of limiting the number of cott9~es to be erected. Councillor D.Allen,T.D. stated that he wished to put forward for tentative consideration a proposal that An Conula rle should deal only with applications received to date and should decline to accept further applications until this number had been effectively dealt with. He estimated that from the figures given the Council © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 2 - had plots either ac u red or in the course of acquisition which provide a four- ear programme and that building should pro- ~ould ceed in areas wheTe the need was greatest~ Councillor T.Reronond seconded this proposal. Councillor P.Kinse11a moved an amendment that new applications should continue to be accepted and that An Comhairle should continue build ng as heretofore. Councillor T. Ho lin referred to the needs of Bridgetown D spensary District. He pointed out that from the details fur - nished of the 1947 housing survey it appears that 86 cotta es Bri etown Area. ~ere needed in t~e Thirty-five only had been pro- vide. Councillor T.How1in asked that this area shou d receive pal'ticu1ar attention. Councillor A. T~~inihan expressed the view that the adoption of the motion would have a disheartening effect on applicants who understood that there 'was a considerable lag between the date of a: plication for a cottage and the date on which the cot' age was provided.. e deemed it preferable to let this position continue rather than dec1:l ne to acce t current applications. The County Ma...'1ager stressed to the meeting t 1e necessity of assessing tIe future housine needs of the counLy. 4 1 250 cottages erected and tt was neCessar screening of new a. pI ca.tions to ensure B. There were to arrange for a close planned programme to provide for the erection of houses only in areas of greatest need. Councillor D. A len, T .D. final Y alllOllded his motion as folJows:That applicattons on hand before th s de. e receive an fu:tur'e ap . .) jce.t ons B.nd that the order riol-it over n which priortty of bvl1dol1B is determlned be a matter for each District to decide. Councillor L. KinselJ B. secone ed the amended motion which Vias a reed. Cou.ncillor J. Galvin asked that in the im lenleniJation of this <1eci8ion co:mrnon sense should be a plIed to particular cases which nvolved d fflcvlties. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 3 - REJECTION OF SP OUTED ';JHEAT BY 1. LLERS An Cathaoirleach, Counc:i.llor .T.J .Kenned 3 asked leave of An Comhairle to make a statement on a of ur "ent )ublic 1m ortance. He stated that he had received reliable informAtion that the lar €II' from farmers VI of 1%. millers had refused to accept delivel'ies of wheat 1ere the pro or'1;ion of: sprouted wheat ViaS in excess instanced a specific case of a delivery from County He to Vaterford Flaur M Jls on Saturday, 29th Se tember,1956, which had been I'eturneo for the rea ons stated. It was also understood thR.t simi18.r action was taken in the case of del veries sent to lar €I mill ng firms l:l Dubl n from County V' erlord. An Cathaoir·leach asked that the offlcers of the Counci should get in touch iramed 8.tely with the Taoiseach and that thi s important matter should receive inunediate attent on at the h ghest level. Cathao rleach also referred to the manner in wh ch the lar €I miJ lers had ne lected to proViae s ecial fac 1 ties for 1,;he delivery of grain which would result in an economy of time of the farmers and also of the vehicles used for transport. Councillor P . Kinsel a ' s seconded the Chairman's -roposal and suggested that the five T. I s, the Chairman of the County Counc 1 and a representat ve of the Farn~rsf Organisation shou d wait on the M nister for Agr culture. • Counc 1 ors J. Galvin , T. owlin , A.Min han , S.Browne 3 E.Mac Cuirtin and D. Allen, .D. also spoke in support of the action proposed. Counc 110r J. O'Leary , T.D. proposed that the f our m Jls be na t ionali se d. The proposal was not seconded. An Runaidhe arranged for the trensll1ission of the resolut on as requested to the Taoiseach and to the M nister for Agriculture . VILLAGE SCHEmlES The statement on the revised applications for schemes , copy of wh cb is attached to these Millutes , was submitted for con~ldera.tion. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ~---~~ -- -.~ -~-- ------- - -- - 4 - The schemes were discussed in detail and it was finally agreed on the roposa.l of Councillor D. A len, T .D., seconded by Councillor J. Galvin, that An Comha:lrle should pl"ovide the nUl ber of houses in each area wh ch were cert fied as necessary by the Chief Medical Officer. It was recommended that further adVertisements be issued with a view to obtaining a correct assessment of the hous ne needs. Councillor D. Allen, T.D. referred to the necessity for proceeding with the vesting of cottages and having regard to the fact that the Councilts application for a loan for repair of vested cottages had not been sanctioned, it was agreed that the balance of the estimate for the current financ al year, which had been set aside to meet the loan char es on t he proposed lo~m, could now be ut ised for re air of cotta es listed for vesti'. The County Mana er was requested to consider proposals for a revision of rents of cottages and to submit the matter for consideration of An Comhairle. Councillor A. Minihan indicated that one of the causes of delay in vesting as the act on of certain Rent Col ectors in advising cotta e tenants a ainst the adoption of this course. The County Manager stated that he would have this sugeestion inVestigated. Councillor D.AlJen,T.D. ueried the manner in which the contractor were directed to give priority to the erect on of cotta. es. LOAN OF £20 , 000 - SMALL D1fJELLINGS ACQUISITION ACTS It was proposed by Councillor S. Browne, seconded b Councillor A.Minihan and unanimously resolved that the sanction of t.he Minister be requested to an additional loan of £20,000 for applications under the Small Dwellings cquisition Acts. Runaidhe. Daincnit e ar an ~la de ~ F~ 1956. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES REPORT OF COUNTY I\1b.NAGER TO ,m'ECD".L 11EETING OF THE VEXFORJ) COUNTY COUNCIL ON ~ay! 1st October! 1956. SURVEY OF THE HOUSllTG PROGRANIME In this report an attempt has been made to carr.y out a general review of the achievements of the Council in the discharge of its functions under the Labourers' Acts 1883 to 1956; to assess the housinp, needs of the rural areas of the county at thi s date and to relate the existine requirements of the rural community a t the present time to the methods which the Council has traditionally fr.opted to meet the se requirements. This review has afforded an opportunity of a ge neral survey in relation to costs of construction, problems of repa ir and the adequacy of existinr, l evels of rents. It is considered that it will also be of benefit to inform the Council of the proe ress and procedure in r e lation to the vesting of cottages and to outline briefly the matters of finance which are of such importance in any discussion on this major function of the Council. Tho statutor.y powers of the Council for the construction of houses in rural areas are contained in the Labourers' Acts 1883 to 1956. The purpose of these ._cts was to provide sui t able housing a ccommoda ti on in rural a reas for a,:sricul tural workers living in unfit and overcrowded conditions throur;hout the country. In the operation of the early t cts the classes rehoused did not extend beyond the genuine rural l abourer workine for hire on the l and. By successive statutes the scope of the Lcts was e nla rged and the County Council as successor to the Hural District Councils has now power to provide houses for all persons who would in an urban area be eligible applicants © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 2 for houses provided under the Housing of the 1.'forkine Classes ~he i~cts. procedure which is adop ted by the Council in decidine on the construc t ion of cottar;es may be divided into t v;ro cateGor i es. Firstly 'ahat i s commonly tormbd the specific instance procedure is a continuance of the oriGi nal method envisaeed in the early LEboure rs' Lcts nhich r e quire s a r epr esentati on from local s ources on the spe cific need for rehousinc of particular individuals and considernti .'1 n of that need by the :{ura l Councils. This pro- cedure wns cl ose l y r elated t o the fi xi nc of a local area of char r;e for the annual amount which the loca l authority provided from the r c.tes . The procedure has nm7 boen adaptod t o a diffor ent f orm. The r epresentati on i s in f oct tho applica ti on c f tho person i'li sh i nc t c be r ehoused i the ne cessity for rehousinc bo i ne es tablished by a r eport of t h e District Hedical Officer a nd the Chief Ifedical Officer. The l ocal informnti on on the application is furnished by the el e cted members of the Council in the ir discussions a t t he ir District Committee Mee t irJCs. The a rea of cha r ee is now the County Health Di s trict. The second method \.)f pr ocedure dates from the Housing .Acts of 1931 and 1932 by which hous inG authorities we r e a ccorded wide powers t o e.rranc:e f or the construction of houses in a r eet s in which the need for such houses had been established £l. nd t o a rran;;-c f ,.T the l e tting of houses SL cons tructed t o elicible applicants in an c rder of pri(lri ty defined by the :!!Tini s t er's regula tions • . The a cquisi ti :~n ,,·f s ites is doal t with under bot h systoms ei ther by acreement vThere t he c 0nsEmt of the l andowner can be r ead ily obtained and title d ifficultie s do not arise, \.!r c ompulsorily in cases where a cqui s iti on mny bo opposed by the owner and a lso in cases vThere t he owner i s not in a position t o e vide nce sa tisfactory title . The f ollowing i s a brief summary )f oper a tions carried out to the 31st ~furch~ 1956 . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - . ---- -- - --- 3 T . i~ B L _JP "i:.." To t c,l number uf c o tta.':~e s provided unde r the L2.bourers ' jl.cts Let 31 s t I'lurch ' 56 • 00 Number of co tto.t;e s provided pric;r t o 1932 . eoClO 00. 4250 •• C 22 71 Number of qcttages provided 1932/1956. ceooeoo 1979 Expenditure on r e pa irs - year ended 31st ~~!nrch, 1956 • 000000. Amount of Loan s r e ce ived from a ll s ource s up t (' tho 31 s t r.'!t::.rch9 1956. O.oocoe 21 p 2 36 9859 . IIG 2836 9 953. ~illIount •• 216~796. of Loan s outste. nc1 inp; a t 31 s t lfarch , 1956. eOOO O ~!Jno unt of •. nnD..').l Loa n Cha r ce s - y ear e nd8 c1 31st Ihrch, 1956. Amount of Hont s (inclus ive t'f Ra t es ) c tllle ct ed f r om t e nan t s duri ng th e y e a r e nded 31 s t He.rch, 1956. 0000 0 0. 259,940. eo oooClO Amount of Ne t Ile nt s ( exclusive of Ho. t e s) colle cted Lrrear s of Re nt a t 31st l.hrch, 1956. Numbe r of c otte.[, es which wj:)r e in a rrea rs with r ent e. t t h e same d e. te CloooOOO The t ot a l ex pe ndituro f or the year ended 31st l.:Crch, 1956, includi ng r a t os on c uttcr;es, c.mounted t o Tot a l rece ipt s ( a l so includine na t es ) The ne tt l oss f a lling on the r a t e s wa s .241 9796, which r e quires a r o. te of 2/2·6d . on the County Health Di s trict. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ---~- - 489· HOUSI NG In tho Y8ar 194 7 the NEEDS r.!~inister f or Loc o'l Gove rnment instituted e. Gcne r a l s urvey of the h ()u s i n['.' r equiror:J.(; nts in a ll a r oas wi th 0, view t o de t or minin.c; the exte nt cf t ho h ('usi n;: probl em throU£','hout the co unt~J o'nd of provid i n.~ h i s Department with a bas i s on which huus i ng procr ammes c oul d be pla nne d o'nd buil d i :rJc": nchi oveme nt s in d ifferen t a r ons r e l n t ed . Tnb l e I. n tta ched t u this r e p ort g ive s the de t a il s of the survey which '.~iexfo rd C,;unty He a lth District. Y{[1S c nrri ed out i n the The h nusinr: n oed uf Gn ch Di s - pe nsary District i s shuvm there i n ::cnd add i ti ''. nGl c " lumns hew been Gdded t u pr0vide inf ' lrmo. ti on o n the number f h ,-,u ses bu il t fr on 1947 t o Uc.::,rch 1 1956 1 the nur:1bor uf s i t o s a cquired o. nd c vn ilo'b l o f ur buil d i n, , a t t he l a tte r dn t e ~ \lhich have boen r:,ppr,: ved 1 t h8 the nunbe r of site c pplicn ti uns vill ::Ci~E: s i dor :c.t Ln 1 the s ites r efe rred t ~ s chene s 'I/hich e r e undor c on- the Solic i t J r f or a cqui s i ti ,m and the numb e r uf appli c o. ti .;ns iilh ich we r e ttwn i tin~ ; a c l'Dpul sury purchnse (" r do r. It will b e soen fr l,m thi s tab l e tha t the a ssussr:lc n t of h Gu s i nc needs i n 1 94 7 o.mount ed t o 61 4 c o t tc.ees . 627 hnve in f a ct boun built. Duo k Sinco t hn t dn t e a t o t a l cf the f c. ct t hE"" t the nwnbc r cf Cl' tta5cs builtin 0.11 o'roo.s ha s n l: t co incide d stc.tod roquiromcnts in 1947 of tho 0. r ox o'ctly with thE: G0. 1 thonumbo r r emaining t o bo provided un the basis of the ini tio.l s urvey i s 1 67 1 ~: t o t a l uf 1 80{'.' b OEm l?n vided in exc ess uf thG 1947 c.ssossmcm t fl T i nd i vi dw:: l nr c.:[!s o Thi s r e sult was t v be e xpocted n s it i s E: vidont thc t OVDr a decado the hou s inG neods in rural 2"r eas will ha ve char1[;od c )ns i dc r y. liny s t a t ed figure will require t o be ame nded t l' [,cc ord t m'.)difico.t i c ns in tho d i stributi un of p opul e t ilill 1 chanei nc e C::!ll"Jrnic circumskmces Gnd othe r f a c t or s . II t the 31st 1~h rch? 1946 a t u td cf 185 s itos in a dd i ti un t o tho ab ,:v8-menti '·nocl. fi Gurl.s had been a c quired a nd we r e o'v niL::b l G fe r build i ng . Nu t 18 ss tha n 250 sitos in o.ddi ti un wo r e r e ceiving the c (lns i derc. thm a nd a ttenti on of th e h ou s i ng staff of th0 Cl'uncil. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Tho 5 posi ti vn a t the 31st ~j£'.rch l a st mi Ght be s urnrnarised a s follows;- The Council hc. s buil t a t ot nl of 13 c Ottc.g83 in exce ss ,,)f the 1947 r equireuentse Tho additio~l numbe r of cottages r e quir- i nc t o be pr ovided a t this do.te c ri ses fr om (n) re-d istrihuti on of popula ti on; ( b) obs c l esence; (c) 0. demc.nd f or a higher standard uf l i vine o.r,1enit i Gs~ The t c t c.l number uf s ites a cquired on which build i ne nw.y proceed y,hen ccmbined with tho t o t c.l numbe r in the c ourse of acquisition is [:l so cf siGnificant pruporti · ns. of furthor s ites sh culd a cc c: r d ingly merit ti e n of the h " usinc needs, n :t ~ 'nly 0. ':one o.cquisitLn mure strinGe nt oxaminc..- (' f ind ividWll c..pplico.nt s9 but c.lso l'f l oca l n rec.. In CSsossI'lont ~)f housinG r e quirement s th e chenf,'es i n p.pulo.ti{)n of the County He 0.1 th District a r c cf :x::rticul c.r i npurtc.nco. 'I'he t uto.l populc:tinn c,f tho C,;unty a cc or d inG t o tho Y.1,lSt r e cont ce nsuses \lCS o.s f ollovTsg 1946 92,000 1951 90 9 000 1956 879 500 Tho de t a iled fi c ures of the 195 6 ce n s u s c, r e ll') t y e t a e but it no;y' be ss suned thc: t th e decreCtse in popul r. ti on vms Dainly o. ttributablo t o rura l c.r eas of the county c n(l t h::. t the popul a ti on fic uro of 649313 r e turne d in 1951 fl ' r the Cc unty Hee:l th Di s trict9 (exclud i nc tho t own cf Gorey) '\tlill shon a substc.ntinl r educti.m when the ful l : i guros e re publi shed . this lJ[tCni tudo co.nn(' t b ut effec t tho avo.ilo.b ili ty (f housinc nccoDl1odn ti 0n nnd sh. 'uld no t bo excluded fr ol'l c onsi<lc r c. ti on by the Cuuncil 9 pnrticul c. rly as it i s evi dc;nt 9 fr uD the s urvey f i :;urcs 9 tha t c. Dur,n,-inc. l posi ti un hus been r eached in r e l o. ti 'n ;;f the dOD2.nd f or h uu sos t o tho supply. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES L ma,i c'r a i d t o the conprehensive a ssesslilent ( ~f hous ine pcsi ti e n would be n s urvey of the (, CCUP['.ncy c!, ttnces in the d iffonmt nr eas . the ( ver- nll C' f Ccunci l ThOTO a re Gr ounds wh ich me rit a further exaoinati on of the opinion which has bee n expressed in c ~ rta in rurn l nr eas cf the county thn t cotta{:es nr e not beinr; fully utili sed f ()r the purposes f or which they Vle r e inte nded nnd thn t possessicn i s boirlr': r e t n ined in s ome ca ses by t enants vrhu do no t in fact normally r e sid e in c ottnges . It i s n ot intended t o c onvey the i mpr es si Jn th~ t the continucnce of building by tho Council of rura l c 'J ttc.ges shculd be sever oly It i s evi de nt from the numerou s np plice. ti uns received curta iled . in ce rta in c r ens \lh en vacc.ncies are nd vertised t hat a number of olic ible 2pplica nts a r e still 1 i ving in c lmd i ti 'ns ,,'hich it i s tho Council' s duty E'.S h nu s i ne; au thc'ri ty t o r eI!ledy sati sfactorily. It is sueees t ed , h c.,wever , tha t the ti me i s nppr opria t e f or c on s i de r a ti en of 0. pla nned pr ocedure vlh ich would pr ovide the r e suI t thn t t he resource s [lvc. ilnb l e t o th e C(mncil a r e d i re cted t c Emsurine tha t the se c.r ens i/he r e tho need is [;Tea t es t nr c off e ctive ly ca t ored f or. This V7c,uld e nsure , by a r a tL:na l d istributi on of ney, s chemes t o tho ar ec. s of t10 s t need, thr. t the inte nti c n of tho l oei s l n turo i s pr (;pe rly ex ecuted by the C(;uncil i n the di s cha r Ge uf it s functi uns. pL.'iNN llm OF SCHEJ'.'lES The ;;l c.nni nt.;' of a rurnl h e using' pr ogr c.mElo involve s de t a il ed conside r c.ti on of sui t ab ili t y cf si t GS f e r build inc 9 c..c cossnbili ty of l oca ti on t o public r oc.dvmys9 sui t nbili ty , f co t tc.go :;,:> l o ts f or cultivntion9 nnd the des irab ility of e r uuping of two ( r mv re c uttae-es on one s ite . ;1 further i mpor t a nt c unsidern ti Gn which is de rived fr om the s pe cific ins t ance ;;r ocedure i s the ne cess ity t o sa tisfy the i mmed i n t e Q]I~) lic cm t cf th e sui t a bility · f the l oca ti on in r e l a ti un t ,:· the pla co (. f his em:;,:>l c.yment. al so a maj or factor . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 7· In the various schemes which have been erected throughout County Wexford it is evident that the stress has boen preponderantly on the erection of isola t ed rura l c ottaGes . Table II to this report sets out the number of houses erected in rura l village schemes with tho loca tion of these schemes . The list has been confined t o r e coGni sed villaGes. Thero are additi onal e r oupings of cottaGes ( e . f, . Larkins ' Cross and Cl oUCh Vill a~e) ~here eroup cottaces havo boon e r e cted but the details of this table aro sufficiont to indicate the small proportion of the number of cottae;os in villnce s t o tho total number county. c, f cottaGes in the It is (,f inte r es t t o no te that a substa.ntial part of the villaGe ,housing Vias carried out or planned in the 1932 - 1940 period and that the ratio has considerably diminished in the post-war proe rammo. This is a trend which is hardly in line with tho modern concep "\,; of improved amenities and faciliti es for the members of our rural community. The Council is asked to give consideration to this aspect of its future housing programmes. construction. areas . The matter is not unrolated to cost of An improved standard of house is r e~uired in urbanised The provision of houses with full sanitary and water services in- volves a substantial increase in the cost of construction ov ·r the unserviced cottage . There i s little necessity to stress for the Council tho advisability of providing full servicos v,here vcr poss ible. The applications for vacancies in serviced villaeo schemes at rents substantially higher than those charged for i sola ted rural cottages show that the rura l dwellers are prepared to meet the add itional r ent chargos necessary to a vail of the higher standard of a ccommodation. progress of rura l water sup-(lly schemes~ Scheme planned for the South Wexford The in particula r the Rop.;ional Area~ vlill a fford a limi t od opportuni ty of providing wa t or and sov18rage facil ities in certnin rural villages nnd in a s till more limitod dogree to outlying cottages in certain a reas . Tho Cnuncil has this year adopted tenta tive ly a proposal f or pi ped water supplios i n one l ocati on in each of the four county ol ectoraL Gr oa s .. Tho progross of those s chemos a nd their relation to rurc.l h,msint, will be vmtched with consider':blo interos t. In G reviow of this nn ture it is a lso necess8. ry t o bring f vr cunsidemtion of tho Council thG h( jUse-~lo.. n vlhich i s in curront use for © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 8. A standard plan adopted in the year 1947 has been in alll rural sites . Ulse ,Ii thout modificnti on since too t dnte. There hnve been more thnn 5iOO houses erected t o date according to this plan. The Council's t ;echnicnl staff has nvailable a n al ternnti ve rurc.l house-plnn which vlill ~eet the r equirements of the Department of Local Government in the matter Q)f design. It is es tima ted that houses ore cted t o this p12n will cost s60me :60 more than the ave r age building figure f or the s t o.ndard plan in uuse. The members of the Council va ll have available the advice of the ttechnical staff on the extra c ost and the vc:: ,lue to be derived from the iimprovements and modifications c f the plan. ~lans The standardisation of is a help to administra ti on but if the members a r e of opinion that r:urther utilisation of the design which has been pro ved satisfactory ffiince 1947 would result in the erecti on of too mnny c ottages confor ming tto the sone ~a ttern consideration should be given to a new de?arture. V.!l:STING AND REPAIR OF COTTAGES An obligation is imposed on the Council by the Labourers' Act of ]1936 to prepare n purchase s cheme for each l abourer 's cottage ere cted j in the county. The following figures give an indicc:: , tion of tho exte nt i to which this fc:::,cili ty has been availed of by tenants~- No. of cottages included in purchase schemes a t 31 s t ~rch» 1956 No. of cottages vested 547 No. of current applica ti ons for vesting at 31st March, 1956, which hnd not been dealt with n t that date 460. It will be seen from these figures that the progress Qade in vest: ing of cottages in t enant/purchasers has not been rem~rknble . 1terms of vesting a r e at tra ctive . The The annuity is fixed at threo- quarters of the rent 0f the cottage. The term of yenrs over which this annui ty is payn.ble coincides with the unexpired period of the l oan by menns of which the cottaee was originally eroc t ed . The Labourers' Acts impose . an obligation on the local authority to ensure thnt the cottage is in a sto.te of good r epeir before the ves ting order may be made. state of r The agreement of the teno.nt must be obtained on the This has involvod some difficulties as tena nt s have © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - . ----~. 9· declined to give th e ir consent in instances where repairs have been ca rried cut and the Council's engineering ste,ff is sa ti sfied that the cottage is The Housing .Act of 1956 contains a se ction VThich should in good repair. l argely meet this difficulty. Under this a ct the Council has power to proceed ,lith the vestil1[{ of a cottage vThen satisfi ed that the appropri n te repairs ha ve been carried out. The purchaser has the right of £'.2;.)eal t o the Minister f c·r Local Government who may determine that further repair In the event (,f such determina tit'n the Council hQS wurks are ne ce s sary • pow'er t o cc.rry cut these works a fter vesting. Sume t~elve months Qge the Council d irected thc.t a fur ther purchase scheme shllUld be prepared f er n ll c o ttc:.ges n . t included in the origino.l scheme. The scheme has bE-en drafted~ the dr2.ft ha s been a pproved by the Mini ster for Locnl Gevernment 2nd c.rra ngements are nl);,; in hnnds to the scheme printed . ~hrch All cottages erected pri or to the 31st 1955 are included therein r nd when this schemo hc.s been made during the current year a lmost every c ottage in the c ounty will be the subject of a purchase scheme. In its discussions on vosti~~ of cottnges the Council has a t a ll time s shovm itself to be unequivocally in fc.vour of proceeding with the vesting of as ereat a nULlber of co tte,ees as possib l e. The ma j or d ifficulty has been the pr ovision of adequate funds to repair the cottc.ges. In May 1 1956~ tho C,'unc il authorised the r a isinp; of a loan of -::30~OOO to dee,l ",Ii th the repo. ir of cottc.ges listed for vesting. To date the sanction of the r1inister has n o t been obtained to this proposal. to be derived from the vesting of the c ottace on the the richt of ovmership . The llo. j or advant age ~art of the tene,nt is The tenant does n nt hold absolute l y but during the prescribed period is obliged t o conform to s t a tutory requirenents in relation to occupation of the cottage and kee ping of same in repair. On the part of the Council a ll liab ility for repa ir a nd maintenance is d ischarged from the ve s ti ne do. te • The refiai r of cottaGes without specific reference t o the probl en of for vesting pur~oses i s n ma tter which the Council has ind icated its wi sh to di scuss on this occasion. been voted for some yea rs past. the Council :2 1 000 h~s An annual figure of This fieure has not been S:15~OOO has adequ~te and consented to a n over- expenditure f'.pp roximatine to a l mos t in each of the l as t two financil".l yea rs. Repairs are c2.rri ed out © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - - -- ____ -_r ___ - ------ - -------- - ~ ~-=-------~ by the direct l abour s t aff employed by t he Council. The r epa ir sangs ar e organi sed und er t he supervi si on of a For eman from each of t he four enginee ring offic e s in th e county, i. e . based " n the t owns of Enni scorthy, New Ross a nd Gor ey. We xf ord~ The li s ts of cottag es f or r epa ir a r e compiled i n the ea rly pa rt of ea ch fi nencial year by the Ass i sta nt County Enginee r s who ha ve r e cei ved not i f ica ti on fo ll owing the :ts timat es Ivloe tins of the amount of money wh ich i s a t t h ei r di spoSGl f or t hi s work . The lis t s are consider ed by t he Di strict Comnit t ee s of the Council Qnd the r c coruJenda ti ons ar e forma l l y appr oved a t fu ll Council Mee ti ngs. There a r e s t and i ne i ns truc t i ons f r om tho Counc il tha t in addition to those cottages vThich are cons i de r ed mo st in need of r ep[ a nd o.pprovod a t t he a nnual re vi ew ~ pri ority mus t be gi ven t o (2 ) cot t c.e os which r equire essentia l r oof r epa i r s a nd (b ) r epai rs should be carri ed out when va canci e s occur before the new tena nt t akes up occupa t i on . In additi on the Council ha s a s cheme for the provi si on of f r ee pai nt t o tenant s r e commended for S[ . Thi s scheme ha s c ontributed i n no sm[1.11 measur e t owar d s the pr e serva ti on of t he woodwork of the cottaee s e nd t he improvement of the ir a::>pecrance . Tho Counc il wi ll have a n opportunity at the mee ti nc of di s cuss i ng any pr opo sals whi ch the ICIembe r s may wi sh t o put forVlar d f or the i npr ovene nt of thu ex i sting me thod a nd organi sat i on of r epci r Vlor k. RENTS L tabl e i s a t tnched OF COTTAGES t o this r epor t ( Table III ) wh ich cont a ins de t ails of the ba s i c r e nts 2 nd e nnui t i e s cha r Ged f or l abourers ' c ottcge s t hroughout the count y . The f i gure se t out f or r ent i s a we ekl y amoun~ . From thi s t abl e i t niH be seen t hct subst a ntially the ba s ic rent of co t tages varies f r om 8~d per week to 5/- d per week; the f i sures be l ow o.nd above t hese limi t s be i ng exc ep ti ona l a nd i n the ca se of the hieher rent s bei ng r el a t ed to village s cheme s or cases where a n e conomic r ent hets been char ged. 1/6d per week. The .'lnnui tie s vary f r om a fi gure of 6isu pe r week to The l a s t revi s i on of r ents wa s r:1ade in May, 1954 . Altera t ions made on tha t da t e we r e a s fo ll ows g- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ll. Rent of new cottages erected in scheQes for single rural cottages tenanted af ter the 1st Aprill 195 4: 1. 2. 5/- per week plus r a tes . ExistinG rents to be altered on the occurrence of va cancies as follows: Cottages ere cted since 1945: 5/- per week plus rates Cottages er e ction 3/- i;er week plus rates. ~ rior to 1940: Since the coming into force of this Order morG t han 200 new tenants of cottages have had the weekly rent adj usted and in the t wo years to the 31st March, 1956 1 163 l ettings at ments affe ct only a sD~l l 5/- per week rent were made . These c.djust- proportion of tho total nunber of cottages and have not been really effe ctive in reducing the increased cha r ge which the rnte?ayers have annua lly been obliged t o bear for the provision of houses . The fo llowing sta temont rates sho~s the Qanner in which the charge borne by increa sed in rec ent years:- h~s Deficit falling on Rates Loss Eer House Year ended 31st March 1952 ::'20,244 25 · 3· 10 . " 11 " 11 1953 ::21 1 106 5:5· 6. 6. " " 11 " 1954 z26,992 26 . 13· 3· " " " " 1955 2359 053 .':8. 9. 11 • The comparable figures for the year ended 31st March , 1956 a re not yet availabl e but froQ the deficit calcul a t ed otherv/i se it arrears th.'"', t the loss will be in excess of ::9 per cottage. It will be Dore effective necess ~ ry s te~s for the Council to consider whether fur ther and should not be taken to ensure th ~t the due proportion of the increased costs of provision and maintenrmce of houses Ylhich has been marked in the post-war yea rs should be more effe ctively contributed to by the tenan ts of the cottages . It will be seen that the level of r ents charGed MS not kept pacE,) '."li th the increased inc oI:le of rural l abourers . CONSTRUCTION OF COTTi.GES Cottages constructed in the county a r e built e ither by contract or by direct labour . The procedure with r E,)gard to contracts is as follovls:- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES This Table has been ex t ended to give cost s of a ll c ottages orected by Diroct Labour in recent yoars . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 12. A s t a nda rd pl a n a nd spe cif ica t i on is a va ila bl e fo r ench c ottage . A public adve rtiseLle nt i s i ssue d invi tine t e nd ers wh ich whe n o:)en a t a mee ting of the Council n.r e trcmsmi tte d f or exani ne.ti on by the County Eng ineer and h is Tho l owes t t ende r i s r e c ornrn.ende d f or n cc ep t a nc e :)r ovided the County stnff . Enginee r is s2 ti sfi e d tha t the c ontrrt ct or is c Or:J.~e t e nt a nd tha t the contrrtct s which he a lready ha s on ha nd s , rould no t involve undue d e l ay in the build ing of the co t tage . The sa ncti on of th e Mini ste r fo r Lo ca l Gove rnne nt is obta ined t o the n. cce;J t e of th e t e nd er rec c'rrLTlle nded . are ~de Payments to contra ctors a ccording t o the pr ogr ess of the work on c e rtifica tes is s ued by the Engineer. The dire ct l abour build i nc or Cfmisa ti on wa s orig inally organi sed t o supplement the CC1uncil ' s certain are~1 pro (~raE1T.1e of build inc by the c ontra ct me t hod . In s of the county d i f ficulty had bee n ex:;;e rie nc e d in obta ini ng contrfl ctors a nd in orde r t o f ulf i l its fun cti on of Jroviding ,houses in n.ll are a s 'IThere ne ede d t he Council vras obli .,cd t t) L1." a rra ngeaents for building by direct l a b our. In t hE; early YO;l,r s of t ho diroc t l ab our o rganisa ~ion site s were alloca ted diro ctly and the c o st of con s truc t inc the c o ttages wa ::: kept under review t o ensure tha t the r e t u rn fr om d ire ct l abour building should b e equivc,l ent to tha t d e rived f rOB t he contra ct systen . In r e ce nt yea r s the direct l a b our or g-anisa ti on has be-en pl a ce d on a siJ:lila r f ooting to the contra ctors in t he ma tte r of t e nde rinc . Site s have no t b8e n a llo ca ted to the ;roups excep t in a ccorda nce with a t ende r submitted und e r t he s ame c ond itions a s applie d to outside contra ctors . .An inhE: r e nt difficul ty in this procedure ha s bee n the rel a ti on of co mpl e t e d co s ts t o t h e t ende r l abour or{~an i sa tion fi {~e . The d ire ct is part of t he Council ' s own s t aff a nd i f the ult i ma te cos t exceeds the t e nde r price t he b"..l nnce f,,:,-lls to be me t t able ha s been apre nde d t o this r e~o rt w~ ic h b~\T the Council. t. ;ives de t n ils of the building cost of t he l a st 20 h ou se s fo r which f i gur 8s a r e a va ilabl e constructed by ( a ) c ontra ct a nd (b) d ire ct l ab our . Those fi c ures will pe r mit of a com- parison of co st s bei n:: by t he Council anu (; nttb l e de cisi ons ba se d on the r eal me rits of b oth systems t o be t aken. 'rhe County Eng ine e r ha s r eported wi t h in t he l a st Vlee k th.'l.t t he nill1ber of s it es a va ilable f or building in three a r ens in the county are no t s uff icient t o ,j us ti f y the c ontinua nc e of dire ct l abour Crou:') s which ha d bee n u n:~[';,ce d in these a r ea s . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES VJEXFOIID COUl'TTY COUnCIL BASIS OF CUR."RENT ESTTIvIATE OF HOUSING REC;UIRE'JI'IENTS Dispensnry Districts. B~rmow Bridgetown Bro2.d\Jc.y Cc:molin Crosso.beg Clonroche Cool gresmy Cnrrigbyrne Enniscorthy Ferns Feth2..rd I Fethard II Gorey Kil 1nnne Killencgh &. Wells NewtovmbQrry New Ross Old Ross Oulart TQ::;h:oon &. Glynn 1[[exford I \:jexford II TOTLLg No. of houses reqd. per hse. Survey 1947 110 . of cottage s bui~t froD 1/~47 to ~eEnin- ing to be provided Provision in Excess 31 3/1956 2'6 35 31 33 25 51 Sites a.cquired a nd nvc.i l 2.ble for build i ng n t 31/3/56. Totnl 11 86 23 10 17 32 16 11 31', 38 32 11 8 36 2fir 6 46 55 2,) 80 23 17 15 7 '~ 3 31 3420 31 20 29 30 29 35 26 30 7 12 17 25 614- 627 167 15 51 8 23 8 19 5 411 20 26 16 7 14 4- '15 8 3 13 10 12 16 7 3 20 12 7 17 9 6 2 13 8 5 2 13 9 11 2 1 5 180 185 Site 0.,180 n~proved preli8 s. in ,.roGre ss 2 5 1 4 2 3 3 5 4- Vil12·Ge ScheDes under con sidern tion 18 Sites refd. to Solr . f or 13.cquisitLm 5 l I~ 2 i,.p:)licc. ti ons under considerc.tion for C. P.O. 1 2 5 10 5 12 4 2 2 10 1 12 15 7 2 6 3 9 1 6 2 7 8 1 1 3 2 8 2 ,t4 53 107 1 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 7 1 2 7 2 1 1 3 2 2 6 5 6 3 2 58 TAB L E II ..ill!BA1 VILL':;.GE SCHEl,IlES NO . OF HOUSES ERECTED - - ---- -.------ ~ ----.. -~~.- ~ Pri or to 1932 .; ::3lackw2.ter : : : : : : : .. ----------- --- : Cl onroche : OyleG'c.t e : DrW:l[;old :Ferns : ClohQ.[}on : Iev/to'vmbnrry : Courtonn Ho.rbour: : (full i ru:. tray) : Ri verchc.l)e1 : Bnllycr. nevl : Cool crenny : Ford .... : : Gor ey ( Corp . ~ g La nds) : : Canolin : .: ilrthur s t mm : : R--:. 11yk ck : : ile nDuncnnnon : ::Fethnrd : l Sal t millo : t Co.stl ebridge : j Du. ne sea s t I e : : Bridc e t own ::Ki1more :: Kiln ore G':uay : ; Ro s sl : 1 Bo.llyc;ec.ry : ':: Tae-hElOn : V: Wexford : (: (furntovrn) :1: M:mdlins : 1: lilehouse : l: Killinick ~. 1932- ' 40 1940-1948 1948-1956. 12 (Inch) 4 Ba llymurn) 22 10 !t o 50 7 46 4 1 6 6 6 ( Tinteskin) 10 21 10 50 10 9 10 30 11 12 6 . , 28 10 16 4 10 8 14 6 : : 60 250 1 36 47 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES TAB YJEEKLY RENTSg lJ;d ~ 1 11 5d . 1 6i'd. 1 1 8;}d • 316 9d. 633 lad . 162 lld. 1 l/-d o III NOo OF COTTAGES It 3d . L E 191 l/ldo 59 1/2d. 60 1/3 d • 21 1/4d. 1 1/6do 4 2/- d. 1121 2/2do 52 2/6d. 149 3/-do 296 4/- d. 398 4/6d o 7 5/-d. 188 6/6d . 8 7/- d. 1 .lrunmi t i 0 s• No • Cotta{'.'es. 21. 70 8 0 94 ~1. 9 . 3· 180 21. 12. 6. 60 o. 58 22, 20 30 18 £2. 5· 6. 22 22 0 80 90 1 21. 19· ::30 18. O. ....2L. 5240 Smlll"i.'iRY Rentsg 3705 Annui tie sg Bought ou t ~ 524 00.0. 21 12 la/-d. 8 14/6d. 1 24/- d. 2 3705 • © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES TABLE WEXFORD caSTINGS OF 20 CONTRACT 30TH AVERAGE . COST COUNTY PER JU~ffi l C OTTL GE IV COUNCIL COTr:L'AGES COMPLETED TO 1956 ..£.800 10 . O. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXF OIID ERECTED ~-~ BY D IREG'l' COU lEY COU NC IL - ------- LL201JR U:NDER THE Vl1R I ! T ( T ;1-' " ( ,Ie: 1 .J \ ' .U .• ~.Jl' ~ j..J r; Ou,~ . . _a_.__ ___ .-" ... No . of cott o.go s Scheilo A v CI'[',ge building cos t . . . ... cos t 7]",%0 .:.~ V C 1'")C. C C .L"1C 1__ Ul;_..L -~ nr' 1 1_ : : I.' ~ ~·:!.:Ln.L;~ .~ 1" ;". t; i --- 1954: C .P . 0 • 12 £779 2 5 1953 C .P . 0 . 1~ F. 761 16 3 r. 83 7 i:. 01 G 1955 j~ .S • 22 ;S835 0 1953 .l..i. 'u • 53 /:. . 799 l S50 !l .S • 62 1 £·19 II .S . s:4 (' .0 "'- on --.---- 11 1 19 0 0 /:'007 12 8 ],8 1 /2,[;39 17 11 .08 60 16 7 ·~,9~~5 7 9 .S088 15 7 :.S9 D;') u n 8 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXF ORD COSTIlTGS OF 20 DIRE CT C- OUlTr::.T<~ - ---.- ..."L':~ ::::, OC-: COUn CIL J 0-;: _,.' _. ~ C·~8 - ...... -.--- -----Loc a tion of Co t tage Am ount of T en de r TABLE CO}lPLETED 4 76 Killabeg 4 58 Ba l ly f rory ) JUNE , 1 956 --- ..... pla nt Char ge s Amount outs t J.nd i n g Anount :Da i d 'c o (c,te . 3 0TH ~ -.- ~- -- --- .r, £ 790 TO 864 s 1 10 81 8 4 81 8 Tot a l . s 0 d 0 £ 889 s 1 d 10 6 £10 0 0 82 8 4 6 4 6 10 0 0 828 4 6 81 8 4 6 10 0 0 828 4 6 d x --- --~-- , -- Obs e rv::. tions £ £2 5 ~'~ IV --------- - - - x £ 1 5 Cont r a ct ) Or i g in a l Tender of Ne v ill e c on c e l l ed 4 59 Ba lly fror y ) ) 4 60 Ea ll ybr or y ) 23 50 116 Cushi nstovTn 8 00 88G 10 9 10 0 0 8 95 10 9 57 6 Crory 7 90 848 18 6 10 0 0 858 18 6 49 9 Pa rk 800 82 0 5 8 10 0 0 83 0 5 8 469 yo l e t ovm 790 896 . 17 4 10 0 0 9 06 17 4 539 Gr a i g u e s a ll ag h 780 81 G 1 3 10 0 0 826 1 3 544 Cl onmine s 7 80 8 02 15 4 10 0 0 812 15 4 4 84 Gardimus 7 80 829 7 4 10 0 0 8 39 7 4 4 78 Crory 800 877 16 10 10 0 0 887 16 10 41 '7 Whi t e church 8 00 958 17 6 10 0 0 9 68 17 6 3 1 T ay lor s t own '790 0'71 16 2 10 0 0 8 81 16 2 l! " '790 835 13 5 10 0 0 845 13 5 " " 2 6 T omsa 1lc.g h © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES On l y t e nde r " " " II II fI On l y T en de r II II Orig ina l t e n de r of c e ll ecl On l y Te n de r Dm1~Ja r .. ---.l - 2 -- - - - ----- - - Amount of 'Tende r -------------------------------- £ 790 4 7 l Gc..rr y bri t t Loc a t i on of Cott Gge L ;l.~,101-A;'lt ')c, ic~ to G~t ~ Plo.nt Cha r g es Arnoun t Total outst ~nding -s-·- -cr----- Obs er vations ,f , [) 823 11 0 10 0 d 0 ,f, s 838 11 d 0 ~?,--- - Only Te ndo r 29 Bo. l l yke rog uG 80 0 80~ 10 9 10 o o 81 4 10 9 II II 3 800 '7 97 8 o 10 o o 809 8 o II rr 10 Ba 11ymoteyb eg 820 7e7 16 2 10 o o 777 1 6 2 528 Gt e I s l c.nd 820 860 1 l 3 10 o o 8 70 I s: 3 ;:'15 , 8 70 £ l G823 15 :S~llyf a rno g ue TOTALS L o o .£17038 1 5 7 . -- - ------------------------ ------------ , f' VVR'GE .LJ .h. Ii "OS'" v 1 P"'R .L.JJ.. ·"'IOrr' V ... J... i!('E lU Only Ten-ler "851 XJ 15 • '7 :'::215 . 9• J cr1 ( l.::i--__--l""'l of 7 ~20 ' d"'ll"nl ---'- tl"on) - '/c 1'1. v~-" ..... " H. v V: > .r..l c,l..c r '-~ ..L © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES POSITION RE PEVISED APPLTCATTONS FOR VIT,LAGE SCW?rn'S Original Proposal - 20 houses Site selected Rothwell's land suitable" for 15 houses. Alt. suggestion - Plots at Ryland. See attached report re suitability of Ryland Plots for 10 houses. Applications recently re-invited in Press - 10 received o C.R.O'a report on recent applications attached. DIRECTION REQUIRED ON NO. OF HOUSES TO BE BUILT. -E BRIDGETOWN V. S. Original Proposal - 8 houses Site of • 26 P. sanctioned but not yet acquired. pplications recently re-invited in Press 9 applications received. C.M.O'S RePort on recent list not yet obtained but from previous reports on file there would appear to be a need for 3 houses - DIRECTIO~ ~UIREo ON No. OF HOUSES TO BE BUILT AND IF ORIG!NAL SITE PROPOSED IS TO BE PROCEEDED WITH. FERNS V.8. Original proposal - 12 houses Site of 2A. 3R. 32P. acquired. Original applicants (?l) recently circularised Of the 5 - 3 in Unfit houses _ 1 in Council Cottage (Tehant away) 1 in Fit house (Husband and wife in separa te hou ses ) 5 Replies received. DIRECTION REQUIRED (a) HOUSE PLAN ETC. (b) NO. OF HOUSES TO BE BUILT Proposal - 8 Houses Site 3A. 3 R. 5 P. acquired. Circular recently issued to the 23 original app~icants 7 applicants only renewed application, 3 of which would ap pear to be in need of rehousing. ,DIRECTION R~U IRED (a) HOUSE PLAN ('5) NO. OF HOUSES TO BE ERECTED (c) IF LAY-OUT IS TO PROVIDE FOR POSSIBLE PROVISION OF TWO)STOREY HOUSES AT LATER DATE. -BALLYWILLIAM V.S. Proposal - 8 houses Site confirmed under C.P.O. - 3 A. 1 r. 32 Po Compensation not yet paid.' Original applicants (22) ' recBnt'l y circular! sed 7 Replies. The position re these seven :2 - in houses stated by Eng. to be capable of repair \ N now living in Berkeley - husband in England © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 2 BALL1.LYWI LLIAM V. S • Contatd. 3 request in ividual sites 1 occupying Council with one other person (Brother - who is tenant) CASTLSTLEBRIDGE V.S. Proposal - 10 houses Site of 4.326 Acres sanctioned but not yet acquired. fter recent advertisement only received. - 5 a pplications Architect Sates area required for 4 houses would be 2 A. 3 R. DIRECTI ON ~UIRED ON (a) Area of Site to be acquired and (b) NO. OF HOUSES TO BE BUILT BREEd: VILLAGE SGHEME Proposal - 7 houses Site - 3 A. 33 P. acquired. Of the 15 original applicants, 2 only replied to communication recently issued regarding reapplication. One of these is stated to be in a fit house and the~ other has since obtained an individual site. (Site with solr. for transfer) Tender of D.L. with Department for sanction (7 houses) DIRECTI ON REQUI RED:(a) NO. OF HOUSES TO BE PROCEEDED WITH (b) IF INDIVIDUAL SITE IS TO PROCEED. KILM<1MORE V.S. Confirmation of C.P.O. awaited. Housing needs being re-investigated in meantime PIEROlWESTOWN V.S. Confirmation of C.P.O. awaited. -- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES STATEMENT OF :t POSITION BE COTTAGE BUILDING AT 1 / 9 / t 56 No. or cottages in Progress: - contract ••• D.L. • •• Contracts referred and not yet commenced an 1/9/'56 : Contract ••• D.L. • •• Sites referred to Dept. and not Contract ••• yet sanctioned: D.L. • •• 20 22 42 No. of sites included in recent C.P.O. ••• 44 16 9 No. of applications already approved by Council and not yet referred to SoIr. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 56 25 No. of applications awaiting consideration by Council.............. 39 12 12 24 Contracts sanctioned and Contract Documents being prepared: Contract ••• No. or sites rererred to So1r. and in which transrer has not yet been erf ected ••~~ ••• • . ' . :iii 2 x Summary of 95 Sites with Solicitor for transfer : Ovmers unwilling to sell No repl y from owners Tit l e not in order Transfer proceeding Title being furnished Negotiations proceedin g regarding marking of s ite e t c. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ·. .. ·... •••• • ••• •••• • ••• • ••• 7 27 16 31 2. • ••• • ••• I i::: • • ••• •••• • ••• .. LIST OF Loc ation of' Site Contractor 14 Ballycarney 517 Ballyhamilton 531 Ballyhighland 307 Knockmarshal 592 MilehQuse 27 Kilnamanagh 24 Solsboro 232 poulpasty 510 Tinnakilla 566 Garrytinodagh 376 Kilmichael 20 Carriganeagh 335 Ballyellis 486 Ballybeg 572 Raheen 431 Grai gue Li tt.le 606 Horetown 684 Donanore 496 Gobbinstown 403 Brandane A. Nolan " C OT'T AGES T. Lawlor S. 0 'Rourke J. Murphy Kelly &; Murphy Kelly & Murphy S. Dunne D. noche J. Murphy J. Willoughby J. O' Neill P. Murphy M & T Murphy A. McDonald P. Murphy P . Wright J. Wickham P. I,arkin Vim Neville IN PROGRESS UT.DER C CT!TR.t"..CT District No . 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 7 '7 9 9 10 AT 31-8- t 56 Scheme 1953 1955 1955 1956 1956 1953 1953 1953 1955 1955 1953 1954 1953 1955 1955 1955 1955 1949 1955 1955 C.P.O. A.S. A.S. A.S. A.S. C. P . O. C.P.O. A.S. A.S.A A.S. A. B. C.P . O. A.S. A.S . A.S. A.S. A.8. A.S . A.S. A.S. ------------------------- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Post ion at 3l-8!l956 Roofed . Itall plate le vel. II " " Foundations dug. Roofing Practically complete Roofing Roofing Foundations cut Cill level Plastering in progress ~a ll plate level Practically complete Wall plate level Roofing Practiaally complete Roofed Practically complete Practically complete Plastering in progress EXFORD DIRECT LOOS.tion of Site 488 519 520 502 532 554 4.98 570 596 601 568 574 575 614 616 663 11 4 4 491 541 Raheendarrig Slievenagorea " Ballina Upper Ba11iniry Carrigbyrne Ballyclemock Duncormick Tullabards Ki1braney BroVinstown Ballynaslaney " Ba llyweather ArthurstovJn Priesthaggard Mull an our Monanarrig Cooraun Bal l yseskin Knockduff Halseyrath Scheme 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1953 1953 1954 1955 1955 LABOUR D D D A.S . A A. S . A.S . A. S . A A.S . A A C.P.O. C.P.O . C . P.O. A . S .o A . 5. COTrAGES Group A.3. A. S . A. S . A. S . A. S . A. S . A. S . A. S . A. S . A.S . A. S . A.S. A C C C B B C C A C C D B B B COU1~Y COU~CIL IN PROGRESS OU 31-8-1956 Position at 31/8/'56 Plastering in progress Roof timbered \fal l Plate 1 evel Practically complete " II Wall plate level Plasterinb in progress " . II, " Wall plate level " It " " " " " " " Practically complete Plastering in progress Wall plate level Plastering in progress Wall plate level Practically complete Foundations filled VIall plate level Being painted Practically complete " • © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES LIST OF CON'l'RACT TEl'mERS RECo:rIiI.~ENDED TO DBPARTEEI~ SANCTION NOT ~ RECEIVED Location or Site Contractor 605 587 78 603 630 93 646 633 503 15B 19 20A Thos Brennan M & T. Murphy Ml Dunne Ed F'itzhenry Thos Brennan John O'Neill Sean O'Rourke P. Wright Dalf & Hobbs J. O'Neill Daly 8: Hobbs Daly & Hobbs Ballamon Coolnaleen Wheelagower Gurteenminogue Tomso1lagh Tinteskin Ba11ynas1aney Coo1keeran Ba11ynestragh Glenrichards Tara Hill Ki1murray District No. 5 5 1 7 51 6 7 4 4 4 4 Scheme 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1955 1954 1954 1954 FOR SANC'l' .I ON- Amount or Contract A.S. A. S . £810 £820 £795 £820 £810 £825 £800 £850 £835 £800 £880 £835 A.S. A. S . A.S . A.S. A.S . A.S . A.S. C.P.O. C.P. O. C. P.O . Departmental query x " It " n x 10. O. x x x x x x x - Q.uery r egaroing Specific Instance etc 0, received from the Department and furnished to them. TE1TDERS 530 Caim 497 Raheenakennedy SANCTIONED - Sean Dunne P. La.rkin CONTRACT 1 8 DOCUI.:ENTS 1955 A.S. 1955 A. S. BEDfG COMPLETED £'800 £775 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXFORD LIST Location of Site OF DIRBCT Mulranki n Ballinabarna Ballydonfin Ballyhuskard 2%1956 29 /{1956 5 4 1956 5/4/1956 626 629 650 500 581 652 672 398 Ballyhackbeg Barmona Gibberpatrick Shelmalier Ramsgrange Knockbine Grange Big Coole 28/7/1956 28/7/1956 28/7/1956 28/7/1956 28/7/1956 28/7/1956 COUNCIL LABOUR TENDERS REFERRED TO SANCTION NOT YET RECEIVED To DeEartment . 615 589 21 24 COUNTY Group B D D D C D B A C B B C DEPARTMENT FOR SANCTION - Scheme 1956 A.S .x Departmental query do do ) do ) ••• • . .• •. Sanctioned. being held pending investiga tions re need. x do x do x do x do x do x do do do x _ Query regarding Specific Instance etc., received from the Department and furnished to them. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXFORD LIST Locat ion of 8i te 12 Glentire 490 Corbally 487 oulart 555 Ballincash 602 Tominearly 49 Knockbaun 468 Knockina 504 Ramstown 545 Raheengurren 521 Mangan 483 Ballyteig ue 588 Balloughton 406 Kilbora 477 Ballynahall e n 383 Askamore 200 Robinstown OF CO'I'T AG-ES Contractor -.~~--- Kelly & Murp hy " " II J. O'Neill Ke lly & Murphy S. Dunne P. Dunbar do T. Willoughby J. INil10ughby Jas Millar Daly & Hobbs A. McDonald M & T. Murphy A. McDonald M & T Murphy T. Lawlor ON COUN'l'Y WHICH COuNCIL CONTRACTORS Date notified District 28/5/1954 19/1;{1955 2 2 2 3 3 4 25/5 1955 1%%1956 6 6 1956 7 / 1):S?955 4 7/,5 1955 7%19b5 26%1955 7 8 1956 4 4 4 30 tb/1956 4 15/2/1956 15/3/1956 5 5 5 5 9 17/2/1956 15/2/1956 12/1/1956 HAD NOT r::mlIMENDED Scheme 1953 C.P.O. 1955 A.S. 1955 A. S . 1955 A. S . 1 956 A.S . 1953 C .P. O. 1955 A . S . 1955 A. S. 1 955 A.S. 1955 A . S . 1955 A . S. 1955 A .S. 1955 A.S . 1955 A.S. 1953 A.S. 252 Scheme ON 3l/S/l956 Observat ions Commenced in September , 1956 Working on 12 Glentire & 27 Kilna~anagh Vl orking on 20 Carrig aneagh Vl orking on 12 Glen tire & 27 Kilnamanagh Vlorking on 2-32 Poulpeasty Commenced in September, 1956 v~ orking on 49 Knockbaun Working on 376 Kilmi chae 1 To commence 1/10/1956 To commence 18/9/1956 Working on 572 Raheen Working on 486 Ballybeg Working on 572 Raheen Workin g on 486 Ba llyb eg \,orkin g on 531 Ballyhi ghland o ------------------------------------ • © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXFORD LIST Location of site OF Grou12. COTT AGE S COUNrY COUNCIl. COUNI'Y COUNCIL R EFERRED Sche n e TO D I RBCT LA ~OUR AND COMMEUED NOT Date referred 1 - 9 - 1956 Observations 595 Ballyreilly B 1955 A.B. 3/1/1956 Proposed to commence week ending 0/1. /195'7 537 Gurraun D 1955 A.S. 20/4/1956 In progress .447 Litt1etovm B 19,55 A.S. · 14/2/1956 Conwenced in September 594 Ba11yknockan B 1955 A.S. 14/2/1956 Proposed to commence week ending 599 Ba11y.minann Lt. B 1955 A.S. 6/6/1956 611 Harpoonstown B 1956 A.S. 6/6/1956 607 Cherriestown A 1956 A.S. 14/2/1956 1955 A.B. Sept.1956 485 Ford-of-Lyng 485A " " " B B 1955 A.S. " " " " " " " " " In progress " © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES " " l/1~/1956 ·3/11/1956 6/10/1956 COMHAIRLE CHONNDAE Monthly Meeting LOCH 8th GARMAN October,? 1 9~ MINUTES Halla an Chonndne, Loch Garmnl1:. T.F . McDermott , Runaidhe . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES COMHAIRLE CHONNDAE LOCH GARIvIAN The Monthly Meeting of An Comhair l e will be held in the Council Chamber, County Hall , Wexford, on Monday, 8th October , 1956, at 2 p . m. C L A R 1. Adoption of Minutes . 2. Correspondence . 3. Monthly Reports . 4. Recorr®endations of General Purposes Cormnittoe :(a) Application from New Ross Urban Council re corner o.t C::.."oywell, Now Ros s . (b) Provision of additional funds to Anciont Monumonts Advisory Commi ttoe for tho rostoration of Clono Church. (c) Notifi c atio n of visit of tho Ministor for Hoalth to Wexford on 1 8th O ctob~r, 1956 . \\.1) .\pplic o.tion of An o.osGhotis t, County Hospita l, Woxford, for salo.ry r evision . (0) Housing (Amondmont) Act , 1 956 . (f) Rogulations r e Tendors . (g) Installo.tions on Kilmoro Quay . (h) Roquost for additional public lighting at Forns . (i) Communic 8.tion from Dopnrtmont of Loc a l Govornmont ro ro ad botwoon Duffry Gato Cornur a nd Bo ll of i o l d. 5. Sc.hodulo of Tondors . 6. Schodulo of Works proposod . 7. Authorisation of Ovordraft and any othor financial businos s 8. Noti cos of Motion from Mombo rs:(a) Councill or J. Boyco : tlTha t proscriptions for modi cinos and drugs not stockod in disponsaries, g ivun by Disponsary Doc tor s t o holders of Medi ca l Servico Cards, should indicato to Chomists tha t tho County COUl1cil -Ni ll pay cost of So.r1101! . (b) Councillor J . OTLo .lr y .. T . D. : llThC1.t tho County Council tako tho nocoss ary stops to have 0. propor footpath from Enniscorthy Quay to tho Sanatorium , as it is highly dangorous for the publ ic and staffs of tho hospit o.l s tl. Ovor/ © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 2 - 9. QUostions from Mombors :Councillor J . O ' Lo ary , T.D . ( 0. ) Why was tho Cc.rp o ntor nt Brownswood Sanntorium dismissod without any notic o and a mnn brought from anothor ~ro:J. into his plnco? (b ) 1Nhnt is tho pos i ti on now r o opening of Bo.llymurrny Quarry? (c) To tho County Mc.nClgor if 0. 11 tho domo s tics in tho So.nnt orium Clild Now Ross Hospit2.1s givon tho 48-hour wook . 10 . Replios to Quorios . 11. So 'J.ling of Documonts . 12 . Such oth~r businos s o. s mo.y propor l y o..riso . TOMAS MAC DIARMUDA, Runo. idho . Arus ::m Chonndc.o , Loc h Go.rmo.n . 3,ndh Do ir o Fomhcdr, 1 956 . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES COMHAIRLE CHONNDAE LOCH GARMAN Minutes of Monthly Meeting of An Comhairle held in the Council Chamber , County Hall, Wexford, on Monday, 8 th Oct~ber, 1 956 , at 2 p . m. An Cathaoirleach, Councillor J . J . Kennedy , presided. ATTENDANCE Councillors J . J . Bowe , Cuirtin, T. Darcy, L. Kinsella, T. 01Loughlin, J . Boy ce , T.Fardy, P. Kinsella , S. Browne , J .J~ Furlong, A. Minihan , T. HaYGs, J . OtLe ary ,T.D., and T.Rodmond. The County Manager , Mr. T. F . Broo; J . F. Doris, E. Ma c County Enginoor, ~':"'. Council I S Solicitor, Mr . R. J . Elgoo, and tho Oounty Secretary, Mr. T. F. NlcDormott , were a lso in attendanco. ADOPTION OF MINUTES On tho proposal of Councillor J . J . Furlong , socondod by Councillor P. Kinsolla , tho Minuto s of tho monthly moo ting of An Comhairlo hold on tho lOth Soptembor, 1956, woro unanimJusly adoptod . ANTERIOR POLIOMYELITIS ACUT~ Tho County Managor mndo n stat emo nt in committ oo to tho mombors in which ho indica tod tho oxtont of tho incidonco of Acuto Antorior Poliomyolitis throughout tho count y . At the dato of tho mooting oight c a sos hnd boon confirmod in throo oroas . No casos ha d boon notifiod from tho towns . casus woro undor obsorva tion. Fivo Tho agos of tho pati onts r anged from 11 months to 15 years . In reply to a number of querios r aised by Council membors$ Dr . H. Aughney , Chiof Modi ca l Officer, mado a statomont out lining tho pro c autions which had boon t akon, g iving dotails in so far as it was known of tho incubation p~riod f::>r the disoaso" © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 2 and discussod with the mombers the precautions wh ich h a d boon t akon in r o l a ti on to c ont n ct s of confirmed c asos . VOTES OF S~IPATHY Councillor T. Fm'dy proposod that tho sympnthy of An Comho.irlo be oxtended t o tho wif o c.nd f nmily of tho l a t o Willi CJil Whi tty, Ro nd Ganger, B ~1. llymi tt y . Councillor J . J . Furlong so conded the r esoluti on. Councillor T. Redmond p r opos e d 0. vo to of sympathy with His Lordsh i p , the Bishop of Forns, nnd tho Clergy of the Dioc ese on the do et t h of the l a t o Ve r y Rov . Co.non Somors, P.P, ., Cast l o br i dge . Coun c illor J . J . Bowo socondo d the r e so luti on . Councillor P . Kinse ll o. p r oposod a r oso luti on of s ympn thy with Mr . Art hur McD on::" ld" Road Gc..ngor, BC'..llyfr.dd, Inch , on the death of his fathe r, Hr . Po.trick McDonc..ld , BC'. llyf ndd . Councill or T. DClrcy secondod the r ('so luti on . Councill or J . J . Bowe pr op osed a vote of symp a thy with Mr·. Finbo.r Flood , Rn t e Co llo ct or, Enn isc orthy , o.nd Messrs . J ohn and Gor J. ld Flood, Clonroche , on tho doath of Mr . Thomfls Flo od , Councillor S . Br owno soconded tho rosoluti on of sympathy _ Counc illor S . Browno pr oposod Cl voto of sympathy with Miss R. Walsh of tho C . f:I . O f S Off ic o on the doath of her aunt , Mrs . J orda n, Enniscort b::; . Councillor T. Rodmond socondod tho vote of sympnthY . Councillor T. Hnyos pr oposed 3. voto of sympathy with tho Mo the r Gonora l Clnd tho Ordor of St. J ohn of God on the do n th of faster M. Concilio Br Ddy . Councill or T. Of Lou ghlin seconded tho r eso lution . An Cettho.o irleach , Councill or J . J . Ke nnody , pr oposed a vote of sympathy with WIre Thom'l. s Liston, Burke stovm , Bally cull a no , 8.n emp l oyee of the Council , on the do n t h of his br o ther . Cou n cillor T. Fo.rdy seconded t he reso lut ion. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 3 - All mombors prosont , t ho Count y Mnnagor , County Socrotnry , Count y Enginoor 2nd Council!s Solicitor, 8.sso ci o. t od themsolvos with tho oxprossions of sympo.thy whi c h woro unc,nimously o.doptod in silonco , all mombo rs stnnding . VOTE OF CONGRATULAT I ON TO THE HUR LI NG TEAM An Cathaoirleach, Counc illor J . J . Kennedy , proposed that the congr a tul ati ons of An Comhairle be extended to the Wexford Renior Hurling Team on their success in r e t a ining the All-Ireland Sen i~r Hur ling ~ hampi uns hip . &ounc illor P . Kinsell a seconded the proposa l whi ch was unanimously acclaimed. CORRESPONDENCE , (a ) Appointment of Co . Sur geon: . An Oomhairle was informod of the r e commondnt ion of tho Loc o.l Appointments Oommission of Mr . Sean F . OIBoirn, F .R . O.S.I . , Rockbarton , Galway, as Surgoon , Woxford Oount y Oouncil. Tho r o commondation was noted. (b) ~~ in Road Imnr0vomo nt Gr o.nts: Tho t e rms of circula r lottor R .~Ol/4/4 of th0 5th October , 1 956 , from tho Dopar tmont of 10co.l Govornrnont , wh ich :(' ofo rrod to tho diro ct ions pre)"' }0us1y convoyod conc orni;ll?; oxpondituro of Main Ro a d Improvomen t Gr a nt monios, wo :::,·:) sUbmitted . Tr!.r; Oounty Engineer inf o::'mod An 0 nmbnl.r1e tha t tho Ma in Ro a d Improvemont Grant works of tho c ~rcu 1 ar ~Q d boon c omp l oted and tho t or ms did not app l y . (c) App'oi,n':.mop.:Y of Rato Oo:"::'0.2~IT.: An Oomhairle vms in- formod of tho list of appl ic 2tiom whi ch hCl.d boon r o c o ivod for the post of Rate Oolle ctor, 10 .12 Oolle ction District , and of the customary p~ocedurc f or ~;1.e fillin g of t ho app ointment . It was agr eed 'Lh.n. t tho pos') woul c. bo fill ed t tho Novembe r Moe ting of At·10 . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 4 - (d) Rejection of Sprouted Wheat by Millers : A letter datod 2nd Octobor , 1 956 , from tho Ministor for Agriculture which rof orred to the r eso lution pas sod by tho Council at tho Spocial Moe ting held on tho 1st October, 1 956 , r egarding the r oje ction of sprouted whe a t by flour millers 3 was road . (e) New Rps s Bridgo : A l e tter dat e d 4th October , 1956 , from the New Ross Harbour Commissioners which r e f orrod to tho condition of Nov! Ross Bridgo was submittod . An C~ mhair I e wa s informod tha t tho Consulting Enginoor was pro ceo ding with t os ts on the bridgo whiGh h ad been authorisod . On the proposal of Councillor J . Boyco, socondod by Councillo~ T. Fardy~ it wns unnnimously agr eed tha t tho r oport asked for bo provido d to tho Harbour Commissionors whe n avail o.ble . MONTHLY REPORTS (a) County Engine er ! s Ro p or t : The report of the County Eng ineor on works c nrrie d out during the month of Sop t embor , 1 956, which had beo n uircula t ed to the members, was taken as ro ad . Tho re p ort wns un animously adopted on tho pruposa l of Councillor J. Boyce , secondod by Counc illor J . J •Fur long . A copy of the r eport is a tt a chod to theso Minutes . Councillor J . J . ~owo ref err ed to tho oxperiment a l work which had been carri ed out on the ruad betweon Tag oa t and Greonfield and nt his r oquost tho County Engineer gavo do t a i l s of tho nature of the process which involved tho use of sen gruv~ l in lieu of quarried stone in tho macadam . that the cost of tl~ He st a ted sea gr avel aggregate wa s cho aper than materials produced othorwis e . Fi~o.l c osts we re not yet availnblo for the work. Councillors O' Lenry ,T . D. , n.nd Browne r e f erred to dis omployment vrhich had arisen in cert 8. in 3.I'eas . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 5 - Councillor T. Darcy stated that a deputation had attended at the meeting of the Gorey District Comrnittee with a view to having maintenance work carried out on the Castletown Road . Councillors Dar cy and P . Kinse ll a stated that this ro ad still required attention . An Cathaoirleach, Councillor J . J . Kennedy , referr ed to t he figures given in the monthly r eport for eA~e nditure on ro ads and pointed out t hat the expenditur e did not show the up-to - date position and r oquostod that future reports should give a moro dofinite indic a tion of tho true position of expenditure in rolation to the amount of the estimate . Referenco was mado to the road from Oylegate to Bnllymurn which it · was stated had beon allowod to r emain in an uncomple t ed c ondition un conclusion of tho work approved for tho current financial year . 1957/58 Road Construction Programrne : The moc..ting was informod thn t the County Engineer ! s prop0sa ls for tho oxpenditur e of Roa d Improvement Grant 7 County pond Improvement Gr ant Gnd County Ro a d Loan for the financial yeQr 1957/58 wore avai l o . It WGS unanimously decided th Qt tho schodulo of rO.J.ds should bo considered by tho Genera l Purposos Comrnittoe of An Comho.irlo bofore being roferred to tho District Com..rnitt oes . (b) Housing Progress Report : The Housing Progross Report for the month of Septomber, 1956, as attached to these Minutes, was submi ttod f -Jr c onsidor a tion of An Comha irle . Councillor J . Boyc e enquired c oncerning Ba llywilliam Village Scheme and was informe d of tho position which had arison following examination of tho housing requir oments a t tho do.t o of the origin:l.l n.pp licnnts for tho s chome . Councillor T. DQrcy reforr o d to n notico issue d to a contractor r oquesting coni,'llonc(;mont of work bofore the c ont r ~ct documonts had beon fully c omp l et ed . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 6 - The Count y Manager made ~ statement to An Comhairle 0n the procedure in connection with the repair of cottages . He outlined the manner in which complaints r e ceived re garding t he condition of cottago s we ro r e ferr e d for onginoerin€, oxamination; lists wer o comp ile d at tho commonceme nt of each financ i a l ye ar of the cot t age s wh ich we r o moo tly in flood of r ep a ir; the ma nner in wh ic h the sele ction of cottages wa s ma de annua lly by the District Committ ee s and pointed out the limit a tion which was impos e d by the financi a l provision of £15 , 0 0 0 mado by An Comha irlo . In the cours e of ~ discus s ion An Ca thaoirle a ch, Councillor J.J . Ke nne dY5 indic a t ed h is view tha t a n ade qu a t e r e turn wa s not obt a ine d from the s um expe nde d a nnua lly on r epa irs . Councillors Bowe a nd Darc y support e d this conte ntion . The Count y Manage r st a t 0 d t hat he would examino further into the matter but indic Lt ed t ha t he could seo li·ttle alternative to the p r e s e nt sy st em by whic h cottage s wer e r e d. Councillors Ma c Cuirtin a nd Re dmond sta t e d that cot t a ge s r ep orte d for r ep a ir ha d not in po.rticulo.r c o. s e s bee n insp e ct e d . The County Eng ineo r m~de a st 2 t eme nt on t ho or ganis a tion of r ep work and it vms fin ally ngr oed thn t the County Engineer should r e view vvith the Cuunt y Man age r the or ganis a tion of t he r op a ir p ro gr o.mme o.nd th o. t a ny propos a ls for modific c.. ti on wh ic h mi ght provide for a n improvoment in t he motho d of r op a ir should bo s ubmitt e d for considor a tion of An Comh a irle . Councillor A. Miniha n o. s ke d th o. t tho opinion of the Dis trict Eng ineer s on prop os Ct ls for improvement bo requostod. The Count y r informe d An Comho. irlo th at the Doportment of Loc Ct l Govornmont h 2d o.sko d for n. r oviow of lo o.n Ctp p lic a ti ons f or cotto.go r s and r e que stod thnt An Comhc-d rle wo uld g ive c.. do ci s i on on whe thor the npplic ,·,. ti on should , in the pr e sont fin a nci o.l circumst Ctncos , b e r e duced te © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 7 an amount whi c h could be spent during the current financial yuar . It was unanimou sl~r r es olved 'On the propo ual of Councillor J . J . 3 0we , seconded by An Catho.oirleach , Councillor J . J . Kennedy , that the mat ter shoul d bo r efe rr ed to t he Gener a l Purposes Committee of An Comhairle for Councillor T. c ~nsideration . °' Loughlin r efe rrod to n row of sma ll houses i n tho vill age of Kilmuckridgo, the prope rty ff An Comhn irle , wh ich wer e not in g ood r epo. ir o.nd from wh i ch the t enants were r ehous ed in other Council cott nges . Councillor °' Loughlin vm s informed tho. t the mat t or would bo invos tig o. ted . An ComhRir l e was g iven detRi l s of the s chodu l e of duties , pr by the Count y Engine or, of staff o ngaged on cottago building pro grammes . A copy of the schedule is att nched t o th oso Minu tos . Councillor A. Minihil..n in 0. l ongthy stntomont i:u.di cnt od his viow t ha t tho pro c odur o for r equis itioning of mo.teri wns too involved nnd r e quir ed simplific a tion to e limi na te dol ay in do li vory t o s ites and cont inui t y of work by tho s t aff ongaged on cons tructi on . It was fin nlly agr eed on the propo sa l of An ' a tha oir l each , Councillor J . J . Kennedy , se cJnded by Counc illor T. Darcy~ that co nside r ation of the r ep ort be ad journe d o.nd the mattor be r eforr ed back to t he County Enginoer for furthor exo.mination . (c ) Roport of Ment a l RJspitnl Visiting Committoe : Tho r oport oJ..' t ho mooting of tho Mont a l Hosp i t nl Visiting Committ oo hold on tho 28 th Sep t embo r , 1 95 ~ , a copy of wh ich is att nchod to thoso Minutes , Wo.s submitte d for c onsidoro.tion. Tho r eport was una nimously adopt ud on tho pr opos 2l of Councillur J . Boy co , seconded by Counc illor T. Ho.y o s • © WEXFORD .c________ ___ COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES -~cc __ ~-_~_ - 8 - (d) Rate Collection Report : The report on r a te c ollection fo r t he mo nth of 1 956, a copy of whi ch is attached to the se Minute s , Septembe r~ 'was submitted for connideration. The rep ort shewed that 40 . 4% of the total warrant had been collected at the 30th Septomber, 1 956 , whi c h compared with 39 . 9% on the corresp onding date of the pr evious year . The r eport was una nimously adopted on the propo s a l of Cnuncillor A. Minihan, seconded by Councillor T. Hayes . (0) Report of the Chief Medic o. l Offic e r: The r eport of the Chiof Modi C' a l Off icer for the month of August, 1956 , was l aid before tho meeting f or the inf ormation of the members . The r eport was unanimously adopted on tho proposal of Coun0i llor S . Browne , s o condod by Councillor J . B0Y co . RECOWilVIENPATIONS OF THE GENERAL PURPOSES COMM IT TEE (a) Cor nor a t Croywo ll, Now Ross : A l ettor dated 21st Soptombor , 1956, from tho Town Cl erk , Now Rors, onclosing co py of resolution passod by tho Now R.)ss Urban Council on tho 18th 8op t ombor, 1 956 , r oquesting the Count y Council to arrango for tho lowe r ing of tho wa ll a t Cr oywo ll or wid~ning sideration. It YletS nf the corne r, was submittod for conunmimously agr eed on the prop os [',l Jf Councillor J . J . Bowu , socondod by Councillor T. Dar cy, th at tho ma t t~r should be r of or r ud to tho County Engino or for his r ep ort and r o comracndation. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 9 - (b) Ancient Monuments Advisory C~mmittee: The Minute of the meeting of the General Pur p oses Committee held on the 1st October, ';' 1956, was submitted for Tho Oommitteo recommended that a further c ons idora tion. sura of £150, r equosted by Very Rev. J, Ranson, Afua.,Enniscorthy? Chairman of the National Mnnuments Advisory Onmmittoe, for tho purpose of completing tho r e storation work on Olone Church, bo provided. Jill Oomhairle was informed that An Bord Failte had notified an additional grant of £150 towards tho cost of tho work which was conditional on a Oouncil grant of tho s amo f iguro . It was PDoposod by Councillor J. O'Loary, T . D. that this sum bo providod. (c) Vis it of Minis t ~~l_9I'. lIo a1.~h to Woxf or d! An Oomhairlo was informod of tho notii'tcA.t.iru:J. :r:'o ('.o}.V\ Jrl. that tbo Minister for Hoalth would visit Woxford on tho 18th Octob ~r , 1956, to discuss with tho Oouncil, or such mombors as should wish to bo prusont, the administration of tho hoalth sorvicos. eouncl110r~ On tho propos a l of An OathaoirloRch, J.J.Konno dy, 1m Oomhairle agreed to tho r o com-- mendation of tho Gonoral Pur poso s sultative Ho nlth Oommitto o of i .. n Oo~n itte e that th o Oon- Oomha irlo should moot prior Tho mo o ting of tho Oonsultativo to tho Ministor's visit. Health Oommitto e was fixod for Thursday, 11th Octob~r, 1956 . (d) Rovision of Salary of Anaesthotist, Wexford Oo . Hospital: Tho r e commendation of tho Goneral Purposos Oo~nittoo that copsent of tho Oomhairlo bo givon to tho prop:::ls a l to incrOllS O the salary of the Anaesthetist, Wexford Oounty Hospital, to a figure of £8. 8, Od. per woek was unanimously approvod on the prop :)s nl of Oouncillor ;~. Minihan, s oconded by OounciJ~or T.Darcy • © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ._ - - - - - - -~ ---~= - - 10 - (e) Housing (Amendment) l.ct 1 956 : Loans under Small Dwellings ~cguisition AGts : An Comhair Ie was informed by the County Manager of the nece s si t y to fix inc ome limits for b orrowers under the Small Dwellings l".c quisition i"cts as it was net intended that funds should be made available from the Loc a l Loans Fund unresctrictedly i n future . Follcwing a discussion on the matter it was fina lly agr eed on tho propos a l of Councillor J . J . Bowe , seconded by Counc il l or T. Dar cy , tha t app lic at ions for lo a ns under the Small Dwe l lings ":.. c qui sition l.cts should be considered in future only from persons whoso annual inco r0-o did not ox c oo d £.520 or who were in o ~c upation of l a nd (including buildings theroon) the Poor Law Valuation of wh ich did not ex ceed £40 . It was further agr eod tha t those r os trictions should not be offocti vo in tho c aso of app lic a nts who had prior to tho date of the moe ti ng made app lic a tion for loans and ent e red into commitment s for the orection of housos . Guarantee Schome: Tho attention of il.n Comhairlo was dir e <' tod te the p rovis ions of Snction 10 of the Housing (illi1ondme nt) fl.ct, 1 956 .1 wh ic h authoris e d tho Council to propare a scheme for the app rova l of the Minister for tho pur poso of guo..t'3.nt oe ing part of tho c,dvanc es madc; by building socie tios and insuranc o companios for t he purchaso or e r e ction of a hous e . Tho povvo rs of thu Council coul d bo limito d to tho e;iving of n guar3.ntcc for an ronount in oxcess of a n advcmco whi ch VToul d have b,.c;n lTIndc by the building socie t y or insuranc e company if th,) h~d not b o(, n gi ven; tho amount payab le by tho Council not tG ex c ood two - thirds of th~ 10f s on this part of any 50% of t ho mnount adv ~nce . p a id by the Council could be r o coupod unde r the "".. ct by. tho Ministor . It Vf as exp l a ined th r'. t th e purpos e of the So c tion vms to supp 10lncn t th e lo an f 8. cili tie s avai l n.b l o to porsons erecting t he ir own housos . ~ scheme would cover © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 11 the cla s ses of p ersons who woul d b e e x cluded from borrowing under the Small Dwe lling s i:..c quisition llocts in the event of a r e strictive income limit beins 8.dopted . The Couneil could n0t g ive' ~ ny ind ic a ti on of the t e r ms on wh ic h money would be ma d e avai l abl e from the building societies or insur ~ nco comp a nies to such pe r sons . It wa s p rop osed by Councillor J . J . Bowo , s e c o nde d by Councillor T. D2..rc y s and unani mously resolvod th o t l.n Comhairlo should a dopt a sui t ab l o dr a ft s chomo wh ic h would bo submit t od for ad op tion by i.n Comhairle . Tho a tt ont i on of tho membors was a lso diro0t o d to tho pro vis ions of tho HousinC C·lornondmo nt) f.ct , 1 956, r e l o.. ting to r o construction gr a nts and r opair of vostod cott ~gos . (f) Dr aft Rogulations r e Tondo rs: Tho dr [',ft r ogulat Lms for t ho seoking, r ocu}J tl Dl1 ' lJ. oX:J.min"..tio n of t u ndors ma do under Soction 15 of tho City a nd Count y Managomont (i.mcndmont) ;.ct , 1 955 , which h nd boen modifiod to nccord wit h t ho r oc ormnend ~l tion of tho Dop'lrtmo nt of Loc ". l Govornmont, wo r e submi tt od for considor 8.tion . It /vms p ropo s od by ;lon C::J.tho. oirloach s o condod by Councillor T. Da rc y , and una nimou s ly r o solv od th a t tho S08.1 of 1.n C omhct irle bo affix o d to thu Rogul a tions ctnd t ho approvcl l of tho Minist ur bo r o quos t od thor e to . (6 ) Inst n lla tions on t ho Pio r a t Ki l moro Quay : Tho r o common d ~ tio n of tho Gonor 2..1 Pur p o sos Committo o thn. t po r miss ion bo gro. n-e jd to Moss r s . Co.ltox Lt d . to or o ct oil storago t :l nk on tho p i or [l fuol at Kilmor o Qu ay in o. ccord:1. nco with p l o..ns wh ic h ho.d boon np:?ro vGd by tho Count y Eng ino e r, was submitto0 for cons idor ".. tion . It w~.s proposu d by Councillor E. II;In c Cuirtin, se c ondod by Councillor J . J . Bowo, th~. t t ho nocoss"-ry po r mis s ion bo gr 'l. nt o d . Tho p ro po s a l was unanimousl y ap~roved . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 12 (h) Reque st f or Additional Pub lic Lighting at Fer~ : c~nsi de r ation at the Thi s matte r was ad j ourned for Estima t es Meeting of An Oomhairle on t he proposal of Councillor J . J . Bowe , seconded by Oouncillor T. Darcy . (i) Road bo twe e n Duffry Gate Corner & Bo ll ef i o l d ~Enni s corthy: An Oomhairlo was infornlGd of tho terms of l e tt er dat od 31st August, 1 956 , r e c,Jived from tho Department of Loc a l Gever nmont and whi c h c onc ,; rned a propos a l to a cquir o 0. strip of l o.nd adjo ining the ro o.d b,) t ween Duffr y Go.t o Ourner o.nd Bo ll of i old, Ennis corthy . On the pro pos a l of Oouncillor J.J . Bowe " s e conded by An oathaoirloach , it was u nnn imously r o S olvo d that l eg o.l o.dvic o should bo sought re go.rding the pro sent owne r shi p and status of the propert y as r e comrnonded by the Depar t mont . SC HEDULE OF TENDERS The t ondurs listed in tho s chedul os a ttachod wore opened a t this meeting of An Comha irle . The t ondors which held bo vn openud a t the Council Moo ting ho l d on tho lOth Soptember , 1 956 " and which are listod in the s chodul es ntto. chod to these Minutos , wero submit ted for the i nformc.t i on of An COi!1hn.irle . It was propos o d by Councillor J . Boy ce , s0 c onded by Councillor S. Bro\/De 9 and unanimous l y resolved th nt the approvn. l of An Comhc.irl e bo Givan to tho a ccep t anc e of the tender s in o.ccor do.nco vii th the s chedul es . Councillor T. Do.r cy r o c omm0nded tha t particular o.ttention shoul d be pa i d to the t endo rs r e ce i ve d for tho suppl y of moo. t t o Oounty Institution s in v i ew of tho d iffer onc e in t ho r o.nge of pric es . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 13 SCHEDULE OF WORKS PROPOSED The schedule of 1iIor ks prepared by the County Engi neer, cop:' of whi c h is attached t o the se Minutes , wa s unanimously a. p:)rove d on the p r opos al of Councillor J . Boyce , s e conded by Councillor E. Mac Cuirtin. OVERDRAFT ACCOMMODAT ION The meeting was informed tha t ')ve rdraft accomm.:>da tion to the extent of £134 , 500 on Capit a l Account a nd £20 , 000 on Revenue Account was r oquir e d for tho quart er e nding 31st Docombo r, 1 956 . It Va s p ropose d by Councillor T. Dar cy , s o c ondod by Councillor J . J . Bowo , nnd unanimously r oso lvod tha t app lic a tion bo mndo to t ho ~ppropri a t o Ministors for s nncti on t o tho ovordr o.ft . Doto.i ls of tho o.mount r oquirod on tho various cap i -!:; a l works ar o s o t out h or ounder :Housing : Lo.bour ors Acts S . D. A. A . Roads Wax::: or d Br i dgo St . John ' s Hos p it o.l County Hospi t : >.l Disponsarios Dispons ar y Ro sidenc os Wat ~ r Supp lio s Goroy Town Commissionors £30 , 000 1,000 40 , 000 40 , 000 3,000 2 ,60 0 2 , 000 1,500 1 3 , 500 1, 000 £ 134 ,5 00 NOTICES OF MO TION ( 0. ) Supply of Mod icines t o ho ldors of Mod ical Sorvico Cards : Tho foll owi nG mo ti on of which not ic o t.J.d beon given was movod by Councill or J . Boyco :- " Tha t pr es cripti ons f or modi cinos o.nd drug s not sto c ked in disp e ns arios J g iven by Dispons ctr y Doct or s t o h oldors of Mod ic 8.l Sorvico Cards, should indic nto to Chomists tha t tho Ceunty Council wi ll p ny c ost of!\ . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 14 On the proposal of Counoillor J . Boyce , seconded by Councillor J . J . Bowe , it was unanimously resolved that the matter be referred to the Consultative Hoalth Committee for discussion . (b) ~ootpath from Enniscorthy t o Grianan Oharmain : Oouncillor J . O' Leary, T . D . moved the following motion of which notice had been give n : - " That the County Oouncil take the necessary steps to have a proper footpath from Enniscorthy Quay to tho Sanatorium , as it is highly dangerous for the public and staffs of tho bospi tals" . It was unanimously agreed that the matter be reforred t " tho Oounty Enginoer for an o stimate of cost . QUESTIONS FROB }/IEMBERS (a) Dismissal of Carpontor at Grianan Charmqin: Councillor J . OILoary, T . D . asked tho follow i nS question which had been t ab l od on the A ~o nd c. : - "Why was tho Oarpontor at Brownswood flano.torium dismissod. 'without a ny notice and a man brought from c.notho r a r 0il into his p l o. co?l1 Councillor 0 'Loary wo. s informod. in roply by tho Oounty Enginoer tho.t the \IIJJrk on vrhic h th o Oarpontor ho.d boon ongo.ged hn.d torminat od . (b) BcllYli1urro.y Quo.rry: Oouncillor J . O ILo 3.r y , T . D . onquirod who.t wC\.s tho p osition l'ogo.rding tho oponing of Bo.llymurray Quo.rry and VTc"l.S informod by tho County Ens inoor tho.t tho Oouncil could new procood vTi th blasting in this quarry . (c) 48 - h0L;l.r woo.k for Domestic Staff in Institutions : Councillor J . O'Loary, T.n. asked tho following quostion of which notice h:ld boen g ivon: - "To ctsk tho Oount y Mn.nC1cer if all tho domostics in tho SJ.natorium C'..nd Now Ross ffi'O Hospit~ls g i von tho 48- hour ITo:Jk". © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 15 The County Ma nag er made a st -, tement on the examination whi c h had bee h made of the position and indi c ated that the De p artment of He a lt h h a d requested tha t the intr0duction 0f a 4 8 - ho ur week should ta k e pla ce without an incr e a se of staff by an adjustment of the duty hours . In rep ly to queries from mombers the County Man age r statod that tho County Counc il wa s not r e sponsible for addit ional domestic staff not being emp lo yed . DISTRI CT COMMITTEE ~,1EETINGS A meeting of the Wexf or d Diotrict Committe e was ar r angod f or 3 p . m. on Thursda y , 11th Octobe r, 1 956 . It was agr eo d tha t tho Now Ross Dis trict Committ oe wouln moet on tho last ThD~sday of tho month if sufficion t bus inoss wo. s ava ilablo . SEALING OF DOCUIIENTS On tho pr oposal of Councillor A. lilinihan ., soof"' nnod 'by Councill or T. Hc.y CJ s , it wa s una nimously agrood that tho Soal of An Comha irlo bo affixod to tho following do cumont s :- 1. Contract with Mr . R l nj amin J. VJoston, Buncl ody, for wiring of Cotta~ o No . 369, Ba llina str aw. t ho 2 . Contr a ct ':lith Mr . Patrick Wright , Gr J,ho oroguo , Killinic k, for tho bui l ding of cottQgo ;I t Hor o town f')r tho sum of £800 . 3 . Vo sting Orders undor tho L ~bour o rs Acts 1936 ~s foll ows :- Charl e s Burko , Forns [ovlO r . Patrick Rossiter , Ballyro g a n; Ardtr amont . Mi c haol Bro 2. dors .. E iltr a , BctnTloVJ. 4 . Agr oomonts undor the Ln.bour o rs Acts - Agroomo nt S c hom\ follo'lNs : MatthoYv Cloke , Courtna cuddy . Lc.ur c nco ~:1ur p hy ; CUll o nstovm. Simon Da rc y , Limorick . John Barron, B:trrons tovm (2 ) Mc.r gc.r u t Cnrty , S c oug hmolin . Lim,) stono L n.nd Co . (2) 5. Agroomo nt vrith r,1 r . D-J nis Goff; Bridge town, for tho l o ttinG of o. cott ~gc p lot . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - o. s ... 16 6. Letting Agreements under the Labourers Ac t s as follows :- Margaret Hendrick , Bal lyeden , The Leap . William Power, Bal l ybr ittas , Bree . John Kennedy , Ballynaha ll en , Enniscorthy . Susan Rossiter , Ball yhoguo , Macmino . Cathorino Bowo , Ballinapi orc o , Dav i dstown . Patrick Mulla lly, Monar t East , Enniscorthy . Bridgot Kohoo , Ba llinaboola . He nry Hughos , Ballyc on Lowor, Inch. Edward Sinnott, Ki lcor rn l. J amos Monahan , Randa ls t 0wn . Robort Cloary, Ballybog , For ns . Bridgot O' Brion , Mount Goorgo , Forns . John Cart on , Cr or y J. Forns. Co. thor ino Crowo, Bo. l lygar ro tt, Clonova n . Christina Murr ay , Sinnottstown, 7 . Domo lit ion Ordors undor tho Housing (Misco l1an.) ous Pro visions) Ac t , 1 931, a s f ollow s :Houso Qt : O'wnor : Occupio r: Bo.l l inJ.p o.rk Mrs . Mo.ry O' Connor BQl1 inapo.r k , Buncludy . Mrs . Mary O' Connor Nowtown , Co ol gro o..ny . For ostry Divislon , 22 Upr . Mor r ion st ., Dublin . John Cullon. Scots l and, Dunc . Richard Ffr onch , J ohnstown , Duncormnck . Anno Eliz a Cullen B[' llyvoodock, BI8.ckwa t or. J ohn Murphy , Knockna sill oguo , Blo. ckvl t o r . J nmo s Ryan . / " / //f)i,. V/ r- .,.·) • • f j ,. ,>, ,,'.-(. . Runc.idho . Do.. ingnitho 0.1'" u n . __ I,'). '_, 1 0. do . 5 ' ~, © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Engineer's Office, County Hall, Wexford. 4th October, 1956. To the Chairman and Members of the County Council, .----- ------ -- -------- - ---- -- -- -- ------ -- - - --- - --Hereunder is the report on works under my jurisdiction for the month of September, 1956, and a statement showing the expendi ture a~ employment of men on such works. The following roads, having been sealed, are now complete: Road No. Location 728 Ballinaboola-Foulksmills 729 Foulksmills-Taghmon Holyfort-Tinahely 73 198 Camolin-Ballyduff-Ferns 251/272 Ballindaggin-Ballycarney The Leap-Davidstown 395 659 Ballinab~ola-Tellarought 718 Burkestown-Ballycullane 895 Carrig-on-Bannow - Rannow 984/985 Tenacre-Tagoat Moneytucker-Courtnacuddy-Rathfylane 394 259 ~. Bessmount-Milehouse 521 Drumg old - Coola dine Newtowh-Clonard Little 775 Tomcoole-Furlongstown 753 926 Newcastle-Longridge 909/940 Rathangan-Killag-Kilmore 568 Cusninstown-Scarke 685 Ballykelly from main r~ad 794 Arthurstown-Ballyhac~ Curraghmore-Saltmills-Dungulph 817 640 Ballycrane-Curracloe KillegneY-Donard . 458/578 673 White church-Main Road 63 Wellingtonbridge-Kiltra 625 328 Raheenaskeagh-Ballymoteybeg 594/608 Adamstown-Barmoney 711 Newbawn-Dunmain 896 Wellingtonbridge-Grange 531/548 Oylegate-Ballymurn 687 Whitechurch-Ballykelly Hare~mead-Deerpark 738 The Factories Act, 1955, has now corrO into operation and it is expected that it will involve the Council with some expenditure to comply with its provisions as far as quarries are concerned. With regard to Wexford Bridge, delivery of essential materials is proceeding as planned and work is in prr)gress to the construction of the Pier No . 1 from Ferrybank side. A new type of macadam was used for the first time this year on the road between Tagoat and Greenfield in Wexford South area and has just been finished. The aggregate for the macadam was taken from the sea shore at Ro~ronstown. While the work is of an experimental Mture , present indications are that it will be satisfactory. I should like to arrange for an inspection of the work by the Councillors , particularly the Wexford District Committee whenever it would suit them. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES (2) The surfa ce dressing programme for the season finished up at the end of last month. The weather during the latter part of the season was very bad and entailed considerable delay, with an accompanying expense. However, just a bout 114 miles were done with very little obvious damage by adverse weather conditions. The additionaJ sprayer ordered by the Council was not r e ceived in time to put it into op eration this season. It will, however 9 be available for next season. The position with work on roads is as follows:Locati on 136/138/ 102,/103, BallymoneY-Courtown Shaping completed 170/181/ 184 Kiltillahan-~skamore 330/331 49, £ 14 9 2 50 llmt.Spent £ 7,671 6,264 3,096 Ra he enaskeagh-Ford Surfacing in progr e ss 16,893 2,036 Ballyhogue-Killurin Surfacing in progr e ss 10,147 4,423 Park-Ballyteigue Surfacing in progress 10,150 2,438 160 TombraQk-Ba llyroebuck Shaping in progress 9,425 584 11,/116 Holyfort-Baltyfarr Ell Shaping in progr e ss. 13,100 974 Shaping completed RETUR N OF MEN ElVlPLOYED A.T END OF SEPTEMBER ,-1926. Institutions Rd.Main- Road Con- QUarri e s & Other Total Mileage t e na~ struction Works G Gorey North Go ~orey South E' £'eorthy NI.:W. E f, 1eorthy N.E. E E' eorthy s. Ne New Ross S.E. Ne'Vew Ross East We~xford North WeJlexford South DuDuncannon Ma ca chinery Emplys. We Jexford Bridge 13 10 10 25 13 32 18 37 20 25 203 12 18 12 11 8 19 31 21 23 13 30 24 10 30 1 6 5 2 22 1 1 82 215 20 11 216 220 229 235 95 231 138 223 209 207 5 1 ROAD MAI NTENANCE Ar.-,t. Allowe d Main Roads £52,500 County Roads £63,400 L. A- .W. Act £18,000 619 2003 A.mount Spent £28,945 £27,529 £ 2,138 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES RD COUNTY HOUSING PROGRE~S During the month of COUNCI~ REPORT e ptember , 1956, 10 cottages were completed. • Number of cottages in probress at 3ID/9/1956: -. Contract: Direct Labour 1953 C . P . O. 1954 C.P . O. 1949 A.S. ·. . ·.. ••• 3 1 ) ) ) ) 1 ) 18 ) 1955 A.S . ••• 1956 .. s. 8 ) ) ••• 2 ) 1953 .s. ·.. 3 ) .< f 1953 8 . P . 0 • ·.. 1 1954 8 .P.O. ••• 1 ) 1955 A . S . • • • 12 ) 1956 .... s . ) ) ) 19. ) ••• 5 .; ) ) Total 37 /, . No alteration in pro 6 ress of Villaoe Schemes as reported to the Special Meetins of the Council on Monday last the 1st inst ., except that applications for housing accommodation in connection with the following sche es have been re -invited throuuh the Press :Ballywilliam r { Bree Drumsoold ]31erns Kilmore Rosslare Harbour ./ © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES COTT AGB 31JILD Irc;:, PROGRAIvIr.IE DUTIES Architeot OF ~ DIREC T LABOUR A1'D CONTRACT . OFFICERS . ( 1) Preparati on of o.rawi n g~ , e tc ., for a ll sche mes . (2 ) S e t out fOL'I1do..~ions line of fencing in a ll cases . ( 3) Exani ne and sutuit recomme nd a tion on a ll t ende r s for cott age construc tion 1nd supp l y of loT.. teri2, l s• ( 4 ) Ins pect -periodi c a ll y a nd c a rry out final insp e ction on a ll cott age s a n d re port any defects . (5 ) Compi l e :_:onthly rep orts showing expend it ure a nd st age of construction on a ll co t t ages . Assist 8.nt - En g in ee rs Cle rk of Works ( 1) Examine all oites , report ther e on a n d prepare site p l an . (2 ) I nspect foun62tions l of a ll cott cge s when op e n e d . ( 3 ) Certify Pc.''-~_:ents to contractors on contrnct cott Gges . ( 4 ) I nspect cllre c t labour cott s frOm tiLle to ti me , s i gn a ll requisitions for j.TJ.::. t e ri n l s , c ertif~, n),l p2.~Tnen ts , a nd notif y defec ti ve work to Count y En g i neer . (5 ) Pr ::' s1J..')~Jit mon,t hly report on n ll contr8. ct cott ges on pres cr ibed for!:l to Arc hi 'c e c '~ • (1) Carry out c:vence p l a nning of sites f or ec ch unit . (2) Coll ect site f or sDmn ' s r eq uisition and a rr ange to h a ve them si gned by As s t . Enginee r for di,strict . Arrance with S t aff Offic er for i ss uing of ord e rs and exped ition of d e liv e r y of Da t erial s . Colle ct nIl c~e l ive r y d oc kets fro r~ site forerao.n : : . ft e r v e rif y i ng r e c eip t of ma t e ric.l s . Che c l{ peri odicnl l J the sit e s tor es . Colle ct VIC_So shoets fro m s it e for eman , che ck snme , sign and submit to Asst . En,§; inee r for si2;na t 1...u' e . (7) 'Nrite o'J..t all r;1Q-Geric.. ls shee ts 2nd'af t e r s i gning submit san:e to Assist a nt En6inee r with all G.ocl'.:ets for c e rtific c: tion . ( 8 ) Supervise or g c.nisc.t ion e nd qua lit y of works . ( 9 ) PrepC'..r e :_lO:l.-i:;hly report show i n6 st::_ge of construction of ea c h cott age , s t a te of wea the r l.luring l!:on th cmd nur;lber of si t e s scmctioned on which work h El8 not com:':1enced . (3) ( 4) (5) ( 6) ElJGHJEER - Site Poreman Cle ric c:. l offic e r T (1 ) Superv i Ge work on site includi ng e ll sub - contr a c ts fro:n d ey to d [.~ y . ( 2 ) l\Inke out de t a iled r eq uisi tion s for 8. 11 mo.. t e rinls r eq uir e d . ( 3 ) Re ce i ve .:_nc~ e:~nmin e a ll rna t e ri n ls re c e i v ed [.~ nd if i n c.. cc ord o.nce with spec ificn tion siGn delive r y dock e t . ( 4 ) si31'1 ill_ t he c,ppropri c. t e pos i tion [t ll offic i a l i nvoic e s f or materia l s rec oi v ed . ( 5 ) Sub!,~:i. t .::. 11 6.e liv e r y dockets to Cle rk of Vv orks frO in time to ti me . ( 6) Kee p c.. tij.",le book which is to b e mu rk ed in the pr e s c r i b e d manner and r eCl d y f or ins pGct ion c.. t a ny ti ne . ( 7 ) Keep 0. si Jli e o.ic_ r y which will show d ::: ily weL ther conditions , sit e conditions 2nd detc..i l s of any Ln t e ri a ls r e ceived . ( 8) Write' outi wo.[:;o shee ts , clos e off SC:l.le prop e rly , che ck , sign a n d SUb:-~li t to Cl e r k of Worl:5 . (1) Rec e ive ~ ll r eq uisitions , ha v e thew npprove d by County Eng in Ge r or Chi el Assistant c..nQ issue n e c essary offici ~ l orders . Chec~::: [', ut110r ity a nd ac cur l.: cy of a ll pnyuents , submit shee ts to County Engin ee r for sign2ture . Ro t c.. in c..~d f ile c 8. refully nll de livery dock e ts , e tc ., in conn e ction with e2 c h cottc.. Go . Ke Gj) individu:c_l cott nge costs ns d3tu iled in costing l e d ge r . Pr ep:'.re c_nct. SUb;:_lit e.::.. ch Gonth to County En g inee r r eport showin g o:;:penditur e on e C'. ch C o tt; uncleI' hendings of l ur, :r;1C'~ t e ri e. l s Lmd v a rious sub - c on trc_cts . E~ bineGr , (2) (3 ) Staff Officer ( 4 ) (5 ) © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES VISITING COMMITTEE MEETING ~eld Members Present: 28/9/56. Rev. Fro Ranson, Adm. (Chairman) Very Rev Dean M!Fall, Messrs. J. O'Leary, T.D. T. J o O'Loughlin, Sean Browne and T. Redmond. The County Manager wa s also in attend,nce. The Committee conside red the Architect~ Report on the condition of the roof over No o 6 Division on the Female side of the Hospital and having inspected the defective portions requested that the Consulting Architect shoudl attend the next meeting of the Committee in order to more fully explain the position. The Members also recommended that the cleaning of the shoots be incorporated in any contract that may be entered into for the repair of the roofs. Having completed their inspection of the roofs the Committee also visited and inspected the male side of the hospital. The Members also wished tkBi% that their congratulations be extended to the Wexford Team on their success in the All Ireland Hurling Final, and in particula r that their congratulations be congeyed to Tom Ryan and Ted MOrrissey of the Mental Hospital staff, members of the team. --~.----------------- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES \o,~ C(t~~ .... -s ~\ ~~\ ~...--bO' ~. IS let . . O\~~ 1\ ~ ~ C>..I\IW::) '\. .~~ . e:,~. ~\~'-\ \ \\ '1 \ ~~SO \\ 'a.. ~o . ~~~ ~ \ . ~~ \ ~ OO~ Ie:, ~ ~b~'1 \~ ~ *'a''1~S I \ '"'\ \ ~~ S \\ ""tass \'2. \ ~~ "QC\ 6 ~ \~\-\-~\ \ 'a Io\~q \"1 0 *,\ . ~\ 0'1 \ \ "1 \\ ~-~\o \\ "2> *\ . coS \\ 0 \0\ \ \0 G\ ~ ~ . ~\~ \~ 1.0 ~o · ~\~ b C\ ~ "2> ~\~c · d.. "' ~ ~% . ~'S<g \0 <i<i~ \~ 0 ~O · \ ,...~ 0 \ • \:)~\.\- \\ 'L \ O~OO G\ ~ ~G\ ' CS\~~ \;..O · ~\\.S \ \. '1 So \C\ \ 0 \oG\~C ':a ~ ~ ~ 1>~ ' 0 \ \~ ~ 'Q .... . "1 ~~ ~Io · ~\ ~ ~ . ~o$ \ \ I~ ~~~Jo ~ c:a"?> \\ d.. .~. ~'OS~C\ ~. ~~. ~ \ ~ \'a. Co \0 <i\ 0 \0 'i ~~ ,~~. ..(>. ' ''\ \~ - ~ ~~ ":S oJ2. &c \S~COo \ 3> \Sb\ \ \'S \ \~~c~ (:) \\ ... ~~ ~ ~'d.·~ \ o l ~ . ~<g ~. Iod-. . ~o-d..~. '"S ~c..I9QQa.&. ~ce · . 0<6 \::. ,0 \'& .... ~~ . C\ 'i 'd.b .... "\ ~~c, \ \0,0 \ 0 '\ CS ~ ~~~. - '9 o.k; ~t:> ~ R.~c. ~O" • . ~o· o~ . Ie:. .\ ~~ 0.1: ) .' 'b ~ \~~ I ~~ a..o *, ~o. \~ 9 sq ~ ~ oJl.~~ c · ~\ ,?>~ . \ % ~ ~Q.R..c..b. ...v.....~ o"d. \ • 0 . O~o ~ cQ~~ VS *"?>·'S \ O 0 '-( b.o\ o © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ~ \ ce - - -- ~ -~ -. -~--- ....... -- ~ ~.~ ~ - Public Heal th Offices, Vounty Hall, Wexford. &l1gust, 1956. REPORT OF THE CHIEF MED ICAL OFFICER: During the month of August, 1956, the following cases of Infectious Disease were notif i ed to this office:A.P oM.: 2 Typhoid: 1 Meningi tis: 1 Scarlatina: 1 Neasles: 4 Pertussis: 1 Pheumonia: 1 Enteri tis: 2 Septic Throat: 4 rnfluenza: 2 I npetigo: 5 Toasilli tis: 1 I nfluenza and Septic Knee: 1 Jaund ice: 1 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - ~- The following table represents t he Admissions and Discharges at the County Fever Hospital, New Ross, during the month of Au~, 1956. Admissions •••• 25 Discharges ••• • 20 o ••• 1 Deaths There were fifteen patients in "the County Fever Hospi talon 1st September, 1956. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES MATERNITY AND CHILD WELRERE SCHEME: In connection with the above Scheme the following returns have been received from Public Health Nurses and Part-time Public Health NUrses for the month of August, 1956. No o of Nursing Mothers on Books on 1/8/'56 0 152 Visi ts Paid-o 257 No. of Ante-natal cases on Books on 1/8/'56 0 88 96 " 105 126 No. of babies over six weeks and under 1 year on books on 1/8/'56. 345 296 1146 615 No o of babies under six weeks " No. of children over 1 year and under 5 years on books on 1/8/'56 0 No o of new cases admitted during August, 1956. (a) Ante-natal 28 32 (b) Nursing mothers 18 59 Oc) Babies under six weeks 25 81 (d) Babies over six weeks and under one year. 7 9 Children over one year and under five years. 9 9 1580 --------------~-- DIPHTHERIA I MMUNISATION CONTINUOUS SCHEME: In connection with the above scheme thefbllowing returns have been received from Part~time Public Nurses for the month of August, 1956: .. Noo of Parents' Consent Cards signed showing number of children who ,are now ready for immunisation ••••• o o oo • • • • • • • ooo ••••• 32 No. of Parents' Consent Cards signed showing number of children who are ready for immunisation within the next three-monthly No o of Refusals (if my).o ••••••••••••••• ooo ••••••••••••••••••• G ... © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - - - -- - -- ~-- - - ---~ - -- ~ HEALTH INSPECTORS' RRPORTS FOR MONTH OF AUGUST, 1956:~ Wexford Area - Mr. O.M. Foley: Number of houses inspected •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 • • 0 ••••••• 31 It It nuisance inspections ••••..••••••••••••• 00 • • • • • • • 01S It It disinfections ••••••••• 0 It It milk and dairies inspections • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10 " " samples of milk taken •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1m " It sites inspected •.••.••••••••••• n " Food ftygiene inspections ••••••••••••••••.••••.• 13 n It inspections of dumping ground •••••••••••••••• 0. 2 n It slaughter-houses inspected • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 " " " " inspections of dance halls 4 •• 0 •••••••••••••••••••• 0 inspections of burial grounds • • • 1 0 •••••••••••••••••• • .0. • • • • • • • 0 • • • 11 • 1 • • • • • • • • • 0. • • •• • • •• Enniscorthy and Gorey Areas - Mr. H. O'Rourke: Number of disinfections •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••• 4 " II samp les of effluent sent for examinat.i on •••••• It " milk shops and dairies inspected •••••.••••••• 0 36 n " " sal11P1e s of milk taken ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 samples of water taken • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6~ fI " nuisance inspections •••••••••..••.•••••••••••• 10 " " " Food Hygiene inspections •••••••••••.•••••••••• 55 " inspections of dumping ground .••••••.••••••••• 3 II " s&aughter-houses inspected ••.••••••••••.•••••• 29 " " houses inspected •••••••••••••••••••••• o • • • • • • • • 28 " " inspections of sewerage works ••••••••••••••••• ... " " inspections of dance Halls •••••••••••••.•••••• 3 " 1 New Ross Area - Mr. R.A. O'Rrady: Number of houses inspected ••..••.••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••• 89 fI " cowsheds, dairies and milk shops insp cted ••••• 21 II " Slaughter-houses inspected •••••••••••••••••••• 7 " It disinfections " " " " nuisances inspections ••.••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Food Hygiene inspections •••..••••••••••••••••• 32 " " Inspections of Water Works ••••••••••••••• 0 • • • 0 1 " " Inspections of Dumping Ground •••••••••••••• 00 . 2 " " Water Samples taken ••• 0 3 ......... . ........... ...... ....... 1 ••••••••••••••••••••• 0. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES HOUSING : During the month of August, 1956, twenty-four applications were t nnsidered in relation to the letting of six cottages and recommendation madeoocor4dng to the Housing (Management and Letting) R~gulations, . 1950 . . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES TubL-c~~osis Officer 's ~~nthly Report - Au~ust, 1956: ·.... ........ . .. . .. . . ... .... .... ....... ... . ....... . . . ....... " " non-tubercular .... ... ... ...... " patients r6sponsi e for attendance .... .......... " attendances ....... . .. . . . ... ... . ......... . . . . . . ... uninsu cd p tients .... . . ....... . ... . ..... ........ " " insured patients ... . .. ... . . . . .. . .. . . . . .... . . . . ... pulmonary· cases .. .. ... ... . . . . . . . . .. ............•• " " non-pulMinary cas es ... . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. observation cases ·...... ...... . . . . . . .. ......... . ... ... .................................• " contacts " patients in sanatoria outside the county ...... .. . Grianan Charmain . ...... ... .. ... . .. ... " " pre.Jises for disinfe ction ... . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . " " speci.nens of sputUM sent for examination .. ....... " " domiciliar visits .. ........ . ... . .. .. .. . ... .. .. . . TUlliU ~r of aispensaries held If II II II II 11 11 II 5 fo~nd 11 II 11 ~ o 78 60 18 45 8 16 II 5 II 62 It II II 80 7 71 r nthly Reports: During the 1ilonth 01' •• U[;ust, 185 vi3ite by the nurses employed ~~der theN) were 39 patients the County Tuberculos i s Scheme and 41 visits were paid . Recommendations for X-Ray examination : T· ere were 180 patients re c o'~ncnd e d for X-Ray examination during the T'lonth. of • ugust, 1956. Grianan Cha.rmain: T he foIl VI ing t& e repros ents the Deaths at Grianan lJuar.1ain 'urmg the month Admissions ·... 10 Dischgrges • ••• 10 De&th ·... 1 YJissions , Jischarges and 0 August, 1956; Inbern patients treated Extern natients treated (refills et c.) Patients treated in County Rospite (non-pulmon~~~ c~ses) 2 •••••• 16 ••• 6 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 9 MILK ANDDAIRIES ACT, 1935. During the month of August, 1956, inspections under the Milk and Dairies Act, 1935 were carried out as follows:New Ross Area: Eleven inspections were carried out. No defects were noted. One Minit Dirt Test was carried out and was found to be satisfactory. Gorey Area, Fifteen inspections were carried out. two cases o Two Minit Dirt Tests were De f ects were noted in out andwere c~rried found to be satisfactory. Enniscorthy Area: Fourteen inspections were c§rried outo Defects were noted in two cases. Werlord Area. Twenty-four inspections were carried out. noted. Four Minit Dirt Tests were carried ~ut No defects were and were found to be satisfactory. RECOMMENDATIONS: During the month of August, 1956, 2 Milk Shops and 2 Dairies were recommended for registration. SLAUGHTER-HOUSES AND MEAT INSP ECTIONS: I have submitted the~ports of the Veterinary Surgeons in respect of Slaughter-houses and Meat Inspections carried out by them in Wexford County Health District and Urban Districts during the month of August, 1956. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXFORD COUNTY SCHOOL MEDICAL SERVICE SCHEME: During the month of August, 1956, no school medical examinations were carried out. SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR SU1~ER HOLIDAYS. TREATMENT: Ophthalmic Treatment: During the month of August, 1956, 60 children were notified to attend Eye Clinics, and of these 46 attended. Dental Treatment: During the month of J[ugJ, 1966, l~ children were notified to . attend Dental Clinics 1 ' .. ------------~----------- NOTIFICATION OF BIRTHS ACT3 1906 and 1915: During the month of August, 1956, 160 notifications of Birth were received in this office. Inspections of Midwives: During the month of August, 1956, routine inspection of midwives was carried out. HONORIA AUGHNEY, CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES COMHAIRLE CH011NDAE LOCH GARMAN Regulations for the Seeking, Reception and Examination of Tenders made by An Comhairle Chonndae Loch Garman in exercise of the power in that behalf contained in Section 15 of the City & County Management (Amendment) Act, 1955. 1. Where tenders for the supply of goods and the execution of works are sought they shall be invited by public advertisement where the estimated cost of the goods to be supplied or the works to be executed exceeds £50. 2. The tender of a person or firm shall be delivered in person by the individual or by some person (other than a member or officer or employee of the Council) acting on his behalf addressed to the Secretary, Wexford County Council at the County Hall, Wexford, not later than 12 o'clock noon on the day prior to the meeting at which the said tenders are to be opened. 3. The tender of a person or firm may be delivered as above prescribed or sent b,y prepaid post addressed to the Secretary, Wexford County Council, at the County Hall, Wexford, so as to reach the Council Offices not later than 12 o'clock noon on the day prior to the meeting at which the tenders are to be opened. 4. All tenders duly delivered or received in accordance with the foregoing regulations shall be first placed in a locked box which shall be opened only in the presence of the Presiding ~ Chairman or a member of the Council. The tenders shall be Particulars of the opened a t a IOOeting of the Council. names and addresses of all persons or firms from whom tenders are received in accordance with these regulations and the amount thereof shall be recorded in the minutes of the Council Meeting. The tenders shall then be referred to the County Manager for his consideration and a~ necessary action thereon. 5. In the event of urgency tenders may be opened by the County Manager in the presence of the Chairman or such other member ·or members as the Council may designate. 6. In the application of the foregOing regulations to the Ennis- corthy District Mental Hospital, the Presiding Chairman of the Visiting Committee shall be substituted for the PreSiding Chairman of the Cuunty CounCil, and meeting of the Mental Hospital Visiting Committee for meeting of the Wexford County Council, with any other appropriate modifications to permit of tenders being received at the Mental Hospital and opened at meetings of the Enniscorthy District Mental Hospital Visiting Commi ttee. Sealed with the Common Seal of the Wexford County Council this _ _«--.:.;.. tt_ _ day of ____~~~~~~______-=1956, in presence of:- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ..: :: _ _• _ _ _ _ _ __ _ •• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ .. I WATERWORKS FITTINGS Tenders opened at Neeting of Council held on 8/10/1956 -------- (1) McFerran & Guilford Ltd., Dublin. (2) Guest & Chrimes Ltd., Rotherham. do. ( 3) • G. Aston & Co. Ltd., Dublino do • (4) Several items Municipal & General Supply Co., Dublin. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - _ ~ •• _ ~ w _ ~ • _ _ . _ ~ _ Electrical Wiring New Ross Fire Stationo Tenders opened at Meeting of Council held on 8/10/1,,6 ( 1) Joseph (2) Thomas Maher, 4 John st., New Ross. £24. O. Od (3) E.S.B., Gracedieu Road, Waterford. £31. 6. Od ~Tard, 7 Mary St., New Ross. £20. O. Od ( -----------------~ © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ~~ORD COUNTY COUNCIL Tenders opened at Mee tine or' COtU1cll held on Monday 8th October, 1956. PURCHASE OF ARM EQUIPMENT AT ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL, ENNISCORTHY. (a) Horse 1. m. O'Connor, 12 Duffry Gate, Enniscorthy:- £50 for horse, collar and hames. 2. J. Connors, 18 Shannon Hill, Enniscorthy: £40. 3. Franc s Etchingham, The Farm House, Ro ;~ slare trand: £55 for horse, trap- cart, old trap-cart, 2 collars, 2 straddles, 2 winkers and potato digger. (b) Car • Joseph Horgan, 20 2. Francis afer st., nniscorthy: tchingham, The Farm ouse , Ross are Strand: £9 ee (a) above. 3. (c) Potato Digger 1. .C.Stamp, Yorkvilla, Enniscorthy: £6 2. John Doyle, Mountl ebavffi , Ballywilliam: £7 3. Ed. O'Byrne, Cooladine, £5 nniscorthy: 4. '"Tal ter Doyle, Bridgetown: £12. l5s. 5. Lr. Doyle, Ballylucas, Ballymurn: £15. (d) Collar, E~aes & Straddle 1. Lr. Doyle, Ballylucas, Ballymurn: £2. 2s. 2 • .r:rn. l' Connor, 12 Duffry Gate, See (a) above. 3. .nniscorthy: ~rancis ~tchingham, The Farm House, Rosslare trand: See (a) above. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES EXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL Tenders opened at Meetin of Council held on Monday 8th October, 1956. POTATOES FOR COUNTY HOSPITAL 1. A. ". elan, 2. John Devereux, Grange , Broadway: 3. Thomas Murphy, Grange, Broadway: 4. Robert Rhynhart, Harristown, Taghmon: 10 tons K.Pinks @ £10 per ton 5. 'me G. Davis, Airdowns, Broadway: 6. Lr. Kinsella, C101ogue, Camolin: 7. 8. olmestown, Barntown: 6 tons K.Pink @ £12 per ton " 1 do. or B. ueen @ £10 per ton. K. Pinks @ £10 per ton. 10 tons K. Pinks @ £10 per ton 2 " @ 1/4~d. per stone. irs .1.:.E.Doy1e, Bal1ygarra, Darne: 10 tons K. Pinks @ £12 per ton John Murphy, Screen: 10 " @ £12. per ton. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES OOUl GIL V EXFORD -------COUNTY ESTIMATES ltECEIVED FOrl THE PRINTING AIm SUPPLY OF STATIONEriY AhD OTHER rlEQ,UISITES FOR USE IN THE COUNCIL'S OFFIOES TlhlOUGHOUT THE COUr~'rY »»»»))))))))«U((((( «««((( PUBLIC ASSISTANCE SECTION 3000 Forms Application for Childrens' Footwear: Enni scorthy ••••••••••• £6 : 0 : O. Messrs John English & Co. Ltd. Wexford •••••• £6 :10 : O. People Newspaper s Ltd. do • • ~ ••.• £8 :11 : 6. LOWEST ••••• Echo Printing Works, -------------- - - -- - -- - --- - - - -------------------- - --- - - --------~ -82 Books of Footwear Vouchers: LOWEST: ••••• People Newspapers Ltd. Wexford •••••••••••• i15 : 0 : O. John English & Co. Ltd. do. • ••••••••••• £15 :15 : O. Echo Printing Works, EnniBcorthy •••••••••••• £22 · :14 : O. ------------- ----------------------------- -----------------200 Sheets "Summary - Official Footwear. Mese rs John English & Co. Ltd. Wexford •••••• £7 : 12 : O. (Only quotation rec eived) --------------------- ------- ------------- ------ -------------~ Forms Report of S, A. 0, on visits of Inspection. Messrs Dollard (Printinghouse (Dublin) Ltd••••••• £1 : 2 : 6. --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------GEHERAL PURPOSE!.) SECTI01~. 20 Reams Headed Notepaper. LOWEST ••••• Messr s Jqhn Engli sh & Co. Ltd. Wexford •••• £11 : 8 : O. People Newspapers Ltd. do. • ••• £17 :10 : 0# Echo Printing Works, Enniscorthy •••• ~ •••••• £20 : 0 : 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------ACCOU ~ TS SECTION 5000 Advice Sheets. e ssrs John Eng11sh & Co. Ltd. Wex for d •••••••.£9 : 15 : -------------------------------------------------- ------------ © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES o. SCHEDULE OF TENDERS SUBMI'J.' TED TO r;EI<;1TNG OF COUNCI_L. f:lE ~!). OPEN~D AT G OUES IL MEET I NG HELD Location 440/5 6A _QF __W IO/195 6 on . }~1).g5 E? Juount Contr a ctor Craan , Dre e E .D . Jame 3 Murphy .Gro::; ., Clolo g u e , Ferns . 648/56A Dir e ct Labour :~C1l 8 Rema rks • ; Co l eman, Ba ll yha ck E .D . - .... ---' - -.----.- - - - - - - - - 538/56A Direct Labour Ladywe ll, Fe tha rd E .D . 2/53C Gl e be , Ardco lm DirG ct La bour - - - - - - - - - ---- --- -- - ..... . .. . . - . -~ - © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES SCHEDULE OF TENDERS FROB COUNTY ENGINEER ING SECT I ON ...., ---- ----------------------------------------------6 Opened at Meeting of Council held on 13/8/ 1 95 and submitted to Council Meeting he l d on 8/10/1956 . ------- - ------------- The tender recommended for acceptance in each case (underlined) is the highest tender receiv ed except where othe r wise stated • Item to be s old .Q.Qntra ctor Crusher · Phi lip Doyle, The Cools~ Barntown . Neville Br others , Ball ymitty . HammonS. Lane Metal Co . Pearse St. ~ Dublin . ~ Hammond Lane Metal Co , Pearse st. , Dublin . ~ Neville Brothers, Ballymitty . Lane Metal Co . , Pearse st ., Dublin . Patri \!k But l er Ct stlerea J . O' Rourke , Enniscorthy Thos . Hol den , 44 High st ., Wexford . £70 f or t wo One at B£K§.£.QIDmende d do . £62 . 10 . 0 f or t wo do •. James Cousins , Barnadown. H~mmond do . steam Engines do . Scrap Metal do . do . do . £24 for one £ 1 02 .1 2~ or t wo £ 70 . 0 . 0 for two £ 5 . 2 .9d.-.I2er t.QD £ 3. 5 . 0d per ton £2 . 0 . 0d per ton Quotation not in ac o')rda nce with advertisement . ---- -- --- - - - - - © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES SCHEDULE OF TENDERS FROM ENGINEERING SECTION Opened at Meeting of Council held o~ 10/9/1956 and submitted to Council Meeting held on 8/10/ 1956 . The tender recommended for acceptance in each case (underlined) is the lowest tender received except where otherwise stated . Item to be supplied contractor Wexford Timber Co . Ltd. , Wexf ord . Supply and delivery of materials to cottages for erection by direct labour unit. Amount £258 . 1. 4d McCo rmack & Hegarty, Wexford . do . £28l.l8 . lld Jas . O'Keeffe,Co. do . Incomplete tender do . Incomplete tender Dublin. r. & C. Ma r tin Ltd. , . ublin. Vari ous Supply of materials to Stores at Enniscorthy, New Ross 9 Wexford and Gorey. Various List for insp ection of Councillors displayed in Council Chamber . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES COUNTY ENGINEER'S DEP~RTME NT Quotations received and not dealt with by Council . Submitted to Me eting of Council held on 8/ 10/ 1956 . The tender recommended for acceptance in each case (underlined) is the lowest tender received except where otherwise stated . Ccontractor L) South of Ireland Aspha It Co . ,Dublin . Item to be Supplied !ill.QJJnt Tiling kitchen floor New Ross Fever Hospital £74. 2· Od o. Od Verso Bros . Ltd . , Dublin . do. £8l. J . J . O'Hara & Co . Ltd., Dublin . do . £87 . 15 . Od [a) Wexford Timber Co . Ltd. , 4~" x 1" T . & G. and skirting to St. John's Wexford . Hospital, Enniscorthy . £12 . 8 . 2d J . J . Donohue Ltd . , Enniscorthy . do . £13 . 19. Od Fnniscorthy Co-Op . , Enniscorthy . do . £15 . 10 . Od [b) J . J . Donohue Ltd. , Enniscorthy . r Black Board to St . John's Hospital, Enniscorthy. Enniscorthy Co - op. do . £6 . 15 . Od Wpxford Timb e r Co . Ltd . do . £7 . 4 . Od Me ssrs . McCormack & He garty quot ed an all-in~price for both Items 2(a) and 2(b) of £23 . 6.6d, which is higher than the oombined price of any of the other firms . 4-~" a) Baxendale & Co., Dublin . :Brooks Thomas & Co. Dublin . Brass Butt Hinges 11/ 6 ue r pair less 2;% discount (most suitable sample ) 9 do . 8/ 6d per pair l e ss 2~% discount 9 do. 8/ 8d pe r pair nett We xford Timb e r Co .Ltd . do . 9/0d per pa ir Grav es & Co . , New R)ss. do. 9/3d pe r pair Dinan Dowdall & CO. Dublin. b) Brooks Thoma s & Co .Ltd . , Dublin . 6" Rim Locks with Bras s Ke ys 38/3d less 2~ discount (only s uitable sample submitt ed) Grav e s & Co . , New Ross. do. 27/6d Baxendale & Dublin . do . 36/0d less 2~% ex stock ,~ o . Lt d . , © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES (2) Item to bp. Supplied Contractor (c):) Graves & Co . Ltd., New Ross . A.mount 2" Copper Nails 4/- per lb. Wexford Timber Co .• do . 5/- per lb. Baxendale & Co . Ltd ., Dublin. do . 5/4 per lb. 18ss 2~% discount Brooks Thomas & Co ., Dublin . do. 5/9 pe r lb. l es s 2~% discount (d) Brooks Thomas & Co . Dublin . A.luminium 18 gauge 43/6d per shee t 6 ' x 3' approx . (no other firm tendered for 18 gauge). 9 In the cas e of It em s 3(a), 3(b), 3(c) and3(d), a ll items are subj e ct to Price Variation Clause . McC ormack & Hegarty , Wexford . Hydrated Lime 2/-- per ton ma nufactur e r's incr ease on quotation for period endp. d 30/9/1956, M. O. 86/1956. H. Wilson , Wexford . Coal £1.10.0 p8r ton increase sa nctioned by Depa rtment Industry & Comme rc e on quotation for pe riod ended 30/9/56, M. O. 86/1956. Wexford Timber Wexford . ~o . Ltd . ,-' ExtensiE>n · Ladd e r Grianan Charmain . £23 . C . Od. To be purchased f r om same quotations as simi l ar la dde r supplied to County Hospital, M . O . 1898/1955 . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES • -- ---~- - - - ....... - '--"...~ - - - -=-- - / SCHEDULE OF TElITDERS OPENED AT MEE TI NG OF COUNTY COUjJCIL H}~LD ON TIll lOth S8PTEP.1BER, 1956, . ",_lID SUBNI TTED Iro MEE~CING TO BE HELD ON THE 8 t h OC TOBER, 1956 . Tondo rs for Supp li os to County Hosp ita l Half Yea r 8ndinc 31/3/1 95 7. Con tr a ctor Broad ECGs Frank O' Connor & Co . ~ Lt d . No rth Main st. , ';,[exford. 1/4d . pe r 41b. lo a f KavanaGh, No rth Main st. , 1ilexford. 1/ 3-~ 4 1"0. 4 p8 r l oaf (f nncy) 1/ - pe r :4 lb. l oaf ( p l a ~n) J e.r1C S 1/ 10/56 - 31/10/)6 5/9 d. per sto n e 5/- per doz. 1/11/56 - 31/12/56 5/5 per doz . 1/1/57-31/3/57 3/11 p or doz . J ames Quinla n, Hi gh str ee ts ~ra t e rford. 'M John 0 ' Leary, Curr 8nt Ma rk e t Prices . 35, Upper John Street , Fexford. ~ Onions. This Tender was not subm~ttDd uptil the 12th September, 1956. No Tend e r submi t t ed a t Mee tinG f or supp l y of Meat t o i-Jexford County Hosp ita l. The f ollowinG Tender was s ubmitt ed by M. O' Rourke & Sons, 97 No rth Main stroet , on 2nd Oct obe r, 1956 : Mutton Best L8gs a n d Loin s : 2/3d . pe r lb. Beef Best Round: 2/3d . pe r lb. B8st Roa st : 2/3d . per lb. 11 Corn8d Tail End: 2/3d . per lb. 00000000000 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 2. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES HALF YEAR to 31 s t NIAR CH, 1957. DISTRICT HOSPITAL NE;) ROSS Contr a ct or f3 r on d Eggs L . & N. Tea Co . South Street, lJE1iJ R OS S • 0 Ron an S outh Str e o t NEV ROSS Popper Butter Sugar Raisons 2d l o ss 5/ 6d . than max . pe r Ib pri c e 3/8d . p or Ib 60/pe r c wt 1/7id per lb. Mutt on 0 F,Il e n M. Mah er, 1/4d . South Stro e t per 4 lb. 1TEFT ROSS . j 1/4d. pe r 4 lb. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Oni ons 5/9d per stone 2/6d. 2/6d. per lb. per l b . j j. Rob e rt Dunphy, Gr een a un, 1TEN ROSS. Beef 1/10 /56-31/ 1 0/56 5/- per doz . 1/11/56 - 31/12/56 5!~ p e r doz. 1/1/,56 - 31/3/56 3;11 p o r doz. J ar.1e s Quinl a n, High s tr e e t, VIa t e rf ord ~H illi am Bac on 3. CO. FEVER HOSPITA L NE\1 ROSS Con tr a c t or Br ead E g;[;s TF,~~ERS Ba c on FOR SUPPLIES HALF YEAR t o 31/3/5 7. Pep pe r 2d l e ss 5/6d than ~on - p e r I b troll ed pric e L. & N. Tea Co. South Str ee ty NE1fJ RO SS. C anc~ l es Butt or Suga r Ra is ons 3/8d pe r 1b 60/ pe r CVl t. pe r l b . Mutt on Onions 1/7~d 1"Jilli am Ronan , ::,outh Str ee ty NE W ROSS . 2/9 3/pe r lb . pe r ]) EI I Em M. M8.h er, Sc uth Str eo t, Irp~J ROSS . " 1/4c1 per 4 lb. l oaf Rober t Dunphy y Gr een a un y NEvi ROSS. 1/4d per 4 l b . lo af Jame s Q,uin l an , Hi gh Str oe t, llJATERFORD . Beaf 1/10/5 6 - 31/10/56 5/- p e r doz . 1/ 11/56 - 31/ 12/56 5/5 per doz . 1/ 1/ 57 - 31/3/57 3/11 per do z. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 5}J per sb "',t ( LI"RS ..CIUPP ) __I TA I,T (,UAP'rri' mo GR-i'I ___ DUR-"JG Hl' LF Y ~_~~:l':: -E·rl p __ 'TI"'I "'(''::t__ ~,-..:l:.~ "T. __n,T.'.DC -w r.:: '7 ~ 1 ,. .1 .~~.!~2.._~:'.!':_:~~-::::' .. _~._ -:~ .. _~::, ..,_ . ___ . ~ ..:: l~~trL_':i::! __10 , ~_'_ A 1 \ Ba c on Co ntr a ctor Sal t P op'p~?'~. Can dles "'auS :?-.. _ _8~'C' ~ ~') . u. Ro.shers ---- - ~- 11/ ": . & S. Armstr on g Ltd . 3/cwt. 6/'Enniscorthy p e r Ib (fino ) per Ib 12/6 (couroo ) S .A ,Ea r l e & Sons Lt d . 1 2/- f ine 5/6 Enniseorthy 1 1/- (coul'Se) pe r -lb Keh oo 9 Cast l e Hil ly :8nniscorthy. ~'yles 1/5d por l b. 1/5d per lb . 3!2d. pe r Ib 2 /0-~~" per Ib, 3/9 (Back ) --8/92f~- 6C/3/6 ( p or st . per 20 2/1 (: 2/2 d I per Ib " Flake Fl our 0['_tmcal -- - s t on e 6 1/- per 67/6§,g ' 5 p e r 20 cwt . lots stono 6/-, st. _Pl'unes ._----2/3 per I b Ll/ - (Ba ck ) Ec-:.J. c uY} .._, .... -_.·s -.~ 3/8( Stroaky ) stn _ Mutt .._,-on. - Chi ck ens _ _ _-- 2/4 Ro a s t Co rn e d 2/8d p e r Ib 3/5d . p e r l b. 2/7 Roa st 2/6d pe r Ib Br ead Boef ......... ....... _Eg0's v... _ Bu t t er Sugar: 1/3i (f an cy) I l ld ( p l a in) Frank O' Conno r & 1/4d p or 41b Co . L td. ( ~e xf o r d ) ':iilliam 1fl h eel o ck Enn iscorthy. 2/- Nichol a s Hendrick Enniscorthy. 1/1~56-31ilO/56 J ames Quinl an , 1'fa t erf or d l/~ ~5g~31~~~156 1/ Ij 7?21/~~g 'i 3/11 'por doz . S . A . :-'Ba r:i.e':& - f\ ons Lt d ., E nnl sco r thy a .,...... ''''r .. &- ..- s . Arn1.s t'X'orl..r. 3/6id L t d ... p8 r © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 4/9d _ ....----...~S P<J:r doz ...........- _ _- ~. 2/- per l b . ( seedl ess ) 7/ - Contr act or , 1/9 per lb . L J ames Quinl 8.n , Ri Ch Stree t y -'-fa te rf ord. J amo s Kav8.n ae::h, Wexf o r d . Oni ons ..- .. -- ~ l b. 59/6d . pa r CVl t . / I 5. S T . J OHN ' S HOSP I TAL contr n ct o r Ba c on ~. & S. Arnstronc ~~~~cnds Enn isc or thy 2!9 c1 sl do s My l o s I\"ohooy 2 /5 d c a stl e H ill ~ for oonds Ennis c orthy . 3!l d si do s S . A. Ea r l o & S ons L td ., En n i s c orthy L trl' Bak er s F l our 66 / - J TENDETIS FOR THE SYF? LY OF PROVI S I ONS ETC. FOE HALF YEll.'::: t o 31 st l'tiR CH 1 957. Yeast Pi GS Hef,d s l/O~d p er Ib 1 0d . Ilffino 6/ 1/5d . pe r Ib 1 76 per I b pe r l b . pe r (c ours o ) -LClJons 5/~ oz F l ou r Rice Ch 30so Saus ag os I 'e r Soup 33/9d . 2/1td . 2/0~d . 7 %nd- ) ( Gl.a p~ r 1 0 pe r pe r l b . st ono (un[;lEzod ) l b . 6U- 6 7/ - 1/2d po r I b 2/ p or l b . 12/f ine 5/6d 1/5d per I b pe r lb. 1 4/ (c ours e ) 33/6d . per 1 0 ston e J amo s Ka T'u f fry Hi ll Co rned Beof 2/pe r I b Mutt on Bu tt or Dowda ll O ' Mahony & Co. Union Qu ay stou t . SUGar Ling F i sh EGg s 2 / 3d pe r I b 3/ 6id po r l b . Cork . Nicho l as Hendr ic k 2/4d En n i s c orthy . pe r Ib ~~ ---- -. 2 /1d pe r l b . (1 6 t o I b ) l / l Od . po r l b . (12 t o I b ) 2/2 d po r Ib Willi am Hondric k 2 naf e r Str eo t. Buttl e Br os . Fnn isc o rthy 72/- Il d . por I b Boef "H.' rn es t j".• Ba rb e r 4 Court Str eo t. P oppe r Candl e s 1 0d . pe r I b J ame s Kavan agh , Duffry Hill . co ntr a ct or Sa lt 8/- pe r do z ( Over ) © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES -- --- ---------~-- On i e ns -- -- - Pud d ing s Contd . contra ct or 6. Booi' S . A o Farl e & Sons Ennisc orthy. '".; • & . S. L t~oJ (tOlrnod Beei' Mutt on Butt 8r stout 3/6!d p e r Ib Arms tron e Ennisc orthy Suc nr Lin g Fish Ecc s Onions 59/6cl 1/2 Bl ack 1/5 :'7hi to per cwt 1/7c1 4/9d. po r lb . ( dry) pe r do z 6/l)c r st . ,:ramos Kavanagh , Iui'i'ry Hi ll, Enniscorthy J nmo s Q1' :tnl nn, Hi Ch Str ee t, ~i a t e rf or d . PuddinGS 1/3d ( BJatd( 1/5d ',ihi to l/ld Bl a ck . l/ld ':.-h i to 1/10/5 6 - 3 1/ 1 0/56 5/- .. per doz 1/11/56- 31 / 1 2/56 5/5d per doz 1 / 1/57 - 31/3/57 3/11 per doz 000000000000000 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 5/9d po r s t. 7. TFPDP.RS FOR SUPPL I ES TO DI STRI CT HOSPITLL , GOREY, HALF YELR K 'm I NG 31 /Z/1 957. c ontra cto r E [.;[;s Jame s Quinl an , High Stroot 9 '-.'a torr o rd • Onions 1/10 /56- 31 / 1 2/56 1/tf~~ -gr737g 7 Boer Mut t on Popp e r }lino r a ls Cancll e s Butt e r 7/por st. Bo st Rounds Bos t 8.nd Roast@ l ees 1 / 1 0 POI' lb and l oi n c hops 2/LJ: lb Fan c y @ l /Sod p e r 4: l b 1 08.1' Plain 8 1 /3c~ ,)or L± l b 1 00.1' S can starrord, 38 t1ain S tr o o t, Gcroy . 2/3d p or l b Tbomas SheGhan, J Up por Ma in Str o ot , Arklow . & c o ., : Contra ct or step h on Doyl e & Co. , Garay Bc~ c o n 4/- per do z. Jame s Ro dmond 92, Main street , " r eY e ~o Stophen Doyl e Gore y . Br o ad 2/7 d per l b 7/6 d per s t one Lemons 7/ - per do z. 3/ - l/B d l /Bd. po r lb 5/6d p e r l b por SWhon per lb ( side s) 3/6 pe r lb (c ontr o ) SUGa r 59/6d pe r 2 /Bd po r l b . 3/6 per lb Rlshers C Vl t . Raisons l / l Od . per l b . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 3/7!d lb. ( ro ll s ) ~)o r -- _ _ _ -_-_ _ ----<_.L1II&.:..~-~_. - - ~_. _~ ___ -=--- __ - . ........ 8. TENDERS pi'OR . S:UPP. LY OF FILM PRG J ECTORS . TO ST. ' J,) H ~ ' S . HOSP I TAL. Contr a ct or Typo Projoctor Sicht & Sound Equipl'1ont8 Lt d . 30, Lr . Abboy St., Dublin . Bo ll Howe ll 622 Tho Camerashop, 35, Graf ton Str eo t, Dublin. Bo ll & Howoll 6 22 Qu ota ti on £229. 1 0 . O. l oss 2i% paymon t wi thin 7 days . £ 227 . 1 4 . O. Simp l o x- [~I1p r o Educ ati onal Modo l John Smi th & Son Lt d ., RnthSa r , Dublin . Tb.oma s Barry, 5, Co urt Stroo t, Enni s c orthy . £1 53 . O. O. Stylist 1'0'Iayo r Mark 2 £238. 1 0 . O. Amp r o lJo'v"w" Educati ona l Hodo l ~?'1 62 . o. O. j~mp ro R . C . j~ . 400 £289. B . 1" . H. 7 50 30 wat t amp . £2 57 . o. O. O. O. do . vITi th j\'Icrcury vapour sourc o of li ght £298. O. O. Do Bri do D/6 Boll &: How(;l l £ 251 . £239 . o. L. Ducgan Bnni s c orthy Bo ll & HoV/ol l £ 249. 15. O. Curriva ns Crumlin, Dublin Siomons !l 2000 " j,mp r o Educ a ti cmal Ampr o Stylist Ma j or £ 235. 1 0 . O. £ 1 39 . 1 0 . O. £ 1 98 . 1 0 . Bo ll & Howoll £226 . 1l 6' . O . Filmshows Lt d . , 1 Hawkins Str oo t, Dublin Amp r o Sty li s t Major wi t h scr eon Dona l J. Lonn on Courtown Ha rbour O. O. O. o. l oss 22'% paymont wi thin 7 days . £234 . Dobril ( so c ond h and ) with scr eo n £ 1 30 . extra fo r c on tinu ou s oqui pme nt £35. 00000000000 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES O. o. O. O. O. O. -' - . -----~-~---...-.--=---~- -_. . - - --- ~- ~ ~ ~- , 9. TENDERS FOR SUPPLY OF FILM PHO JEC TOR SCREEN TO ST. J OHN 'S HOSPITAL . Con tra ctor Type Pr o j e ctor Quota tion Sicht & Sound Equipment Lt d. Dublin The Came rash op , 35, Grafton Str oo t, Dublin. 8'x6 ' l\1a tt iilhit e Scr eon 43" x57" Matt VJhit o Glass Boadod: £1 3 . l Os . Od e 5 ~ 18s. 6d . 7. 1 9s . 6d. 52 " x 70" :fl'Ia tt \~Jhite Gl ass Boaded : HL 128. Od e 60 " x 8 0" Mat t White Gl ass Beaded : 1 0 . lOs. Od e 15. 12 s . 6cl. 36 " X 9. 6s . 6 d . 48 " Matt White (S alf Er 8ctin?) 11. 18s. 6 d . Glass Beadod S.E.) 13. l Os . Od e 43 " x 57" MOo t t " fh i t e (S • E . h 5 . 12 s . 6d . Glass Boade d (S.E. ) 18. 15s. Od e John SDith & Son Ltd . , Rathca r, Dublin. 70" x 52" Lichtwe i ch t Sc r 88n 80" x 60 " L. Duccan , Enniscorthy 10" x 8" Fo l d - up Scr oen Currivans, Crumlin, Dublin 4 ' x 5' Mat t Whit e (S elf Ere c t inG) 59" x 75" Self Ere ctin g with Case 20 . Filmshows Ltd., Dublin. 8 ' x 6 ' Mat t :vhi t e 10 . 10-s • Kolly & Shiel Ltd. 52" x 40 " IVIa tt White 40 11 x 30" Matt Vihi t o 8' x 6 I White Opacu o 10 . l Os . Od e 8 . l Os . Od e 14 . l os . 9el. 9 . 6s . 6d . 1 0 . l Os . Od e 6. Os . Od e 1 3 . l Os . Od e 00000000000 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Os. Od e rd . -;..-- ~~ - -_ _ _ -~ _ _ ~_ • ..._..,.~ ...... < -~ ~- - _ __-r...-.~ ~~ 10. TENDERS FOR INSTALLATIO N OF LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT AT ST. J OHN ' S HOSPITAL, ENJ\TISCORTh'Y. --~- --,--.;..= Electrical Contra ct or Amount of Tend e r L. DUGcan, 7, Ma in Str ee t, Enn isc orthy. £ 217. 3s . 7d. J ames Wals h Lt d ., Ca rrick-on- Suir, Co . Ti ppe r a ry. £2 12. 9s. Il d. Thomas J . Barry, 5, Court Str ee t, Enni s c o rthy. £ 22 0 . 1 6 s • 0d • De nis Hennessy , Slaney Str ee t, Ennis c o rthy. £408 . 1 9s . 9d . Farre ll En c in eorin G Co ., Dalkey, Co . Dublin . £300 . Os . Od e Thomas Halb o y, 28, \Nalsh Road , Drumc ondr a o £412. l Os. Od . Th e r,l e ctricity Supp l y Board. £ 2 41. Ils. 9d. Me chanica l Farre ll Encineerinc Co. Lt d . , Dalkey . £ 1, 21 0 . Os . Od e ( Credi t for o l d ma t e ri a ls £50 ). McCann L td., Dublin . £ 1,895. Os . 00000000000 ---~ © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES -.-- ---- ---- Cd . _ _ _ .J ..... - -.- - - ~ ~--,,-~. .- ~- - ~-"- - .. - - ~ ----;- 11. Tondors fo r Supplies of Fu el to Council ! s Institutions, Ho.lf Yes.r Endinc 31 /3/1 95 7 , Cont r a ct or Insti tuti on county Hosp ita l !! !! Co . Fove r Hos pital New Ross t Type of Coal Yorksh ir o Lancashiro Lan c a - Anthra·· Grade A Gr ado A sh ir o cit o Grac1e B J . J . Staff or d & Sons ~ \-Jexford £9 .1 7 .10 £9 .11.7 d +~ 7. 9 . 6. ,t12 . 5 . por t on per to n per t on p~ r H. Wilson Woxford. £9 .18 . 6 . £9 .12 . 0 . £ 7 .1 0 . 3 . £,12. 5 . 6 por t on per ton por t on per t en J ames Doyl e , Cloth, Castl oc orno r t on £ 11 .1 5 . ( Boans ) £10 . 0 . 0 (P oas ) Do . J . J . Staffo r d & Sons . Do . .:. District Hosp ital New Ross Do. £ 9.17 . 3. £9 .1 5 . 3 . £ 7 .1 2 . 3 . £ 1 2 .1 ~L9 VJ ilson £ 1 0 . 7. 6 . £10 . 2 . 6 . £8 . e . 6 £ 1 3 . 2 . 3. J . J.St a ff ord £9 .1 7 . 3 . £9 . 1 5 . 3 . £ 7.12.3 £ 1 2 .1 909 . H. I[·j ilson 10 . 7 . 6 . £10 . 2 . 6 . £8 . 0 . 6 . £1 3 . 2 . 3 . £ 1 0 . 6 11. £9 .1 9 .7. £ 7 .1 7 . 6 £ 1 2 .17. 0 . £10 . 6 ~ 6 . £1 0 . 0 . 0 . £7 .18 . 0 £1 2 .1 7 . ~ £10 . 6 . 0 . £9 .19 . 6 . £7 .1 6 . 0 £ 1 2 ,1 5 . 3 J . J . Sta ff o r d £ 1 0 . 6 . 9. £1 0 . 0 . 3 £ 7 .1 7.3 £1 2 .1 6 . 3 Il . Wi ls on £ 10 .l L1 . 6 £10 . 7 . 6 £ 7.19. 6 £ 1 3 .1. 3 J . J . Staff ord £ 1 0 .15. 3 £10 . 9 . 3 £8 .11. 0 £1 3 . 2 . 6 -- . st . John ! s Hos p - J . J . Staff or d ital F.nn iscorthy Do . Grianan Cha r r.1a in, Enniscorthy J Do . District Hosp i t a l, Go r oy Do . E . Wilson Do . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ~~- __- _- _ ..r _ _ • __ ""-_ _ _ ~ ... -_,",~ SCHEDULE OF WORKS PROPOSED COUNTY ENGII\JEL;R' S DEPAlRTMENT Sub~itted to Meeting of County Council held on 8th October, 1956 . Brief particulars .Qf ~ork - - -- Location t . Jobn's Hospital Painting of windows orey District Hospital Painting kitchen, kitchen hall, scullery, nun's dining room and nun's scullery N c~ Ross Fever Hospital ~dditional Estimated Ex~ndit~ £200 £75 Tiling kitchen floor schemes under L . A.W. A. BaL:.inavary Clear overhanging trees and brushwood. Remove silt and obstructions (continuation of cleaning of Boro River done in 1955/1956) . Kil18gney Clear field drains, raise road. £750 £1,000 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - ~~--_.......-,..-_