A New High Power Factor Bidirectional Hybrid Three-Phase Rectifier Carlos Henrique Illa Font, IEEE Student Member and Ivo Barbi, IEEE Senior Member Power Electronics Institute – INEP Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC P. O. Box 5119 – Fax +55-48-3234-5422 88040-970 Florianópolis, SC – BRAZIL E-mail: illa_font@ieee.org, ivobarbi@inep.ufsc.br Abstract — This paper presents a new bidirectional hybrid three-phase rectifier suitable for medium and high power applications. The rectifier employs a three-phase diode bridge rectifier and a Boost-type three-phase PWM rectifier. The proposed rectifier is capable of providing sinusoidal input currents with low harmonic distortion and DC output voltage regulation. The rectifier topology generation, the principle of operation, control scheme and simulation results are described in the paper. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, governments and international organizations have introduced the IEEE 519 and IEC 61000-3-2/61000-3-4 standards for limit the harmonic content of the currents drown from the AC power line. To address the problem a great number of new single-phase and three-phase rectifier topologies have been developed. In high power applications, where three-phase systems are required to avoid the system load unbalance, the search for three-phase rectifier topologies with high efficiency, high reliability, simple control scheme and high quality input currents were increased in the last decade. Three-phase diode bridge rectifiers are commonly used as front-end converters due their simplicity, reliability and low cost. However, they do not meet the harmonic content imposed by the IEEE 519 and IEC 61000-3-2/61000-3-4 international standards. The use of multi-pulse three-phase rectifiers achieve lower harmonic content of the input current by cancellation the harmonic components generated by each group of six-pulse diode bridge rectifier. Moreover, they keep the simplicity and reliability features. However, they are heavy, bulky and expensive [1, 3, 4]. Three-phase PWM rectifiers meet the international standards for harmonic current limit, providing sinusoidal input currents with low harmonic distortion. PWM rectifiers are more expensive and less reliable than diode bridge rectifiers. In the last years, the search for rectifiers that comprise the better features of diode bridge rectifiers and the advantages of PWM rectifiers introduces a new class of three-phase rectifiers with low effect on the mains, the Hybrid Rectifiers [1, 2, 4-6]. The basic idea of the Hybrid Rectifiers is that they are generated by the connection of an uncontrolled rectifier with a 0-7803-9547-6/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE. controlled rectifier [1, 5, 6]. Moreover, the uncontrolled rectifier operates with low frequency and it handles the higher output power rating. Therefore, the controlled rectifier is designed to operate with small power ratings and with high switching frequency. This conception proposes that the semiconductors which are operating with low switching frequency will commutate with high power rating. Unlike, the semiconductors which are operating with high switching frequency will commutate with lower power rating. It suggests that the efficiency of the system will increase. This paper proposes a new bidirectional hybrid three-phase rectifier with high power factor and DC output voltage regulation. The rectifier employs a three-phase diode bridge rectifier and a Boost-type three-phase PWM rectifier connected in parallel. First of all, the rectifier topology generation is presented in Section II. Section III of this paper presents the principle of operation and the modes of operation. The analysis of the hybrid rectifier is described in Section IV. Section V shows the control scheme. Simulation results are described in Section VI and finally, the assembly of the prototype is presented in Section VIII. II. THE PROPOSED HYBRID RECTIFIER The proposed hybrid three-phase rectifier is originated by the parallel connection of a three-phase diode bridge rectifier and a bidirectional Boost-type three-phase PWM rectifier. A diagram of the circuit generation of the proposed hybrid rectifier is presented in Fig. 1. However, it is not possible to connect the both rectifiers directly due to the step up characteristic of the Boost-type PWM rectifier. Thereby, the hybrid configuration should employ a circuitry to connect the both rectifiers. This circuit can be connected in the AC-side or in the DC-side of the hybrid rectifier. The AC-side connection is performed by means of a threephase transformer (or autotransformer.) The hybrid rectifier generated with the AC-side connection is presented in Fig. 2. In this case, the outputs are directly connected; the AC-side connection works in low frequency and it did not allow the output voltage control. 1300 P1a Input Output Lb1 D3 D2 D1 Po P1 V1 D6 D5 D4 Lb2 DC AC V2 D1 V3 D2 Ro D3 S2 S1 Co S3 Lf1 Lf2 Lf3 D4 D6 D5 S5 S4 S6 P1b Fig. 1. Circuit generation of the proposed hybrid rectifier. Otherwise, the DC-side connection can be performed by means of a DC-DC Boost converter. The hybrid rectifier generated with the DC-side connection is presented in Fig. 3. In this hybrid rectifier, the inputs are directly connected; the DC-side connection works in high frequency and it allows the output voltage control. Split Boost inductors and split Boost diodes are necessary to avoid inappropriate current paths in the rectifier [7]. Lb1 Dr1 Dr2 Dr3 V2 D2 D1 Lp1 V1 Tr1 Ls1 Lf1 Lp2 Ls2 Lf2 Lp3 Ls3 Lf3 S1 D3 S3 S2 Co V3 Dr5 Dr6 S6 S5 S4 D6 D5 D4 Dr4 Ro Lb 2 Fig. 2. The bidirectional hybrid three-phase rectifier employing transformer (or autotransformer.) Lb 1 III. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The proposed bidirectional hybrid three-phase rectifier employing Boost converter is showed in Fig. 4. The line currents i1,2,3 are obtained by the sum of currents i1a,2a,3a and currents i1b,2b,3b. Similarly, at the output, the load current io is the sum of currents ioa and iob. To achieve high power factor, the line currents i1,2,3 must be sinusoidal and without displacement factor. This way, the currents i1a,2a,3a and currents i1b,2b,3b will be controlled to provide the line currents with a sinusoidal shape. The shape of the currents i1a,2a,3a are imposed by the diode bridge and, by the control of the Boost inductor current, the peak current of these currents can be controlled. The DC-DC Boost converter must be operating in Continuous Conduction Mode and Boost inductor current must be following a constant reference current. Therefore, the diode bridge rectifier keeps his characteristic of low frequency commutation. Lb 1 Dr1 Dr1 Dr2 V1 Lf1 V2 Lf2 D3 D2 D1 S1 V2 S3 S2 V3 Sb Co Dr2 i1(t) D5 D4 Dr5 Dr6 i1b(t) Lf3 i2b(t) D5 D4 Dr4 Dr4 Lf2 S4 S5 Dr5 Dr6 Vo S4 S5 D6 S6 D6 S6 Lb2 Lb2 i o (t) S3 S2 i3b(t) Lf3 V3 S1 D3 D2 D1 Lf1 Sb i2(t) i3(t) Ro ioa(t) iob(t) Dr3 i1a(t) i2a(t) i3a(t) V1 Dr3 Db1 Db1 Db2 Fig. 4. Proposed bidirectional hybrid three-phase rectifier employing Boost converter. Db2 Fig. 3. The bidirectional hybrid three-phase rectifier employing Boost converter. 1301 i1(t) i1(t) Ip 0 Ip 0 a) d) -Ip -Ip 0 0 t i1a (t) Ipa 1 t i1a (t) 0 Ipa2 0 b) e) -Ipa2 -Ipa1 0 0 t i1b(t) t i1b(t) Ip/2 Ip/2 0 0 c) f) -Ip/2 -Ip/2 0 0 t t Fig. 5. The ideal currents waveforms for different modes of operation: a) line current i1, b) current i1a and c) current i1b for operation mode 1; d) line current i1, e) current i1a and f) current i1b for operation mode 2. The currents i1b,2b,3b are controlled to follow a desired reference, so that the sum of these currents with the currents i1a,2a,3a result in sinusoidal input currents. The power level processed by each rectifier can be related with the peak currents. Theoretically, any combination of power can be performed by each rectifier and in all cases, input currents will present sinusoidal shape. Therefore, it is interesting that the diode bridge rectifier processes the greatest part of the output power, according to the conception of the Hybrid Rectifiers. Each combination between the powers processed for each rectifier represents a specific mode of operation. Fig. 5 shows the ideal currents waveforms for two different modes of operation. The first operation mode, called operation mode 1, is related with the situation where the diode bridge and the Boost converter supply the output rated power. Thus, the PWM rectifier processes just the energy necessary to achieve high power factor at the input. For this situation, the current waveforms are presented in Fig. 5 a), Fig. 5 b) and Fig. 5 c). The second operation mode, called operation mode 2, is related with the situation where each rectifier supplies a half of the output power. In this case, the current waveforms are presented in Fig. 5 d), Fig. 5 e) and Fig. 5 f). The goal of the analysis presented here is to quantify the relationship between the power processed by each rectifier and the peak current of i1, i1a and i1b. The hybrid rectifier must be operating with high power factor. Therefore, the line currents will present sinusoidal shape and without displacement factor. Assuming that AC mains are balanced and without harmonic distortion, the input voltage and the input current are given by (1) and (2), respectively. v1 (t ) = V p .sin ( ω.t ) (1) i1 (t ) = I p .sin ( ω.t ) (2) Where: Vp – peak value of input phase voltage; Ip – peak value of input phase current. The instantaneous power in phase 1 is presented in (3). p1 ( t ) = v1 ( t ) .i1 ( t ) (3) The line current i1 is the sum of currents i1a and i1b. It yields to: IV. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS As mentioned early, the rated power processed by each rectifier can be related with the peak current of currents i1, i1a and i1b, for phase 1 for instance. 1302 i1 ( t ) = i1a ( t ) + i1b ( t ) (4) Substituting (4) in (3) leads to (5). p1 ( t ) = v1 ( t ) . ⎡⎣i1a ( t ) + i1b ( t ) ⎤⎦ (5) The dependency of the power processed by each rectifier in terms of the line peak current and peak current in the input of three-phase diode bridge is demonstrated in (15) and (16). The magnitude of the input apparent power of each rectifier can be related with the peak currents in a similar manner. The input apparent power of the hybrid rectifier is given by (17), where, ideally, it is the same value of the active power, featuring unity power factor. Defining p1a as the instantaneous power processed by the diode bridge rectifier and the DC-DC Boost converter and p1b as the instantaneous power processed by the PWM rectifier, it leads to: p1 ( t ) = p1a ( t ) + p1b ( t ) (6) p1a ( t ) = v1 ( t ) .i1a ( t ) (7) p1b ( t ) = v1 ( t ) .i1b ( t ) (8) Where: S1 = Vef .I ef = (9) k T I efa = Where the Fourier term bk is presented in (10). The constant value Ipa is the peak current of i1a. bk = −∫ 1 ⎛ 5.6π . ⎜ π I pa .sin ( k .ω.t ) .d ( ω.t ) − π ⎝ ∫6 11. π 6 7.π 6 ⎞ I pa .sin ( k .ω.t ) .d ( ω.t ) ⎟ ⎠ 1 i1a 2 ( t ) = T ∫0 (10) 2 S1a = Vef .I efa = (11) S1b = Vef .I efb = V p .I p . (12) Therefore, the active power processed by the diode bridge rectifier and the DC-DC Boost converter and the active power processed by the PWM rectifier are presented in (13) and (14), respectively. T 3.V p .I pa 1 p1a ( t ) = ∫ T 0 π (13) T ⎛ Ip ⎞ 1 3 p1b ( t ) =V p . ⎜⎜ − .I pa ⎟⎟ ∫ T 0 π ⎝ 2 ⎠ (14) P1a = P1b = (15) P1b 2. 3 I pa . = 1− P1 π Ip (16) 3.V p .I pa (20) 3 2 1 3 I pa 1 I pa − + . 2 . 4 π Ip 3 Ip (21) The relationships between the magnitudes of apparent power processed by each rectifier and the input apparent power are obtained from (17), (20) and (21). They are presented in (22) and (23). S1a 2. 3 I pa = . S1 3 Ip (22) 2 S1b 1 3 I pa 1 I pa = 2. − + . . S1 4 π I p 3 I p2 (23) For the operation mode 1, where the diode bridge and the Boost converter supply the output rated power, the relations for the active powers are: The relationships between the active power processed by each rectifier and the input active power are obtained from (12), (13) and (14). They are presented in (15) and (16). P1a 2. 3 I pa = . P1 π Ip (19) Therefore, the magnitudes of apparent powers in the inputs of each rectifier are present in (20) and (21). The active power P1 is the average value of instantaneous power p1. It is given by (12). T V p .I p 1 p1 ( t ) = ∫ T 0 2 (18) 1 1 2. 3 I pa 2 I pa + . . i1b 2 ( t ) = I p . − π I p 3 I p2 2 T ∫0 k P1 = 2 .I pa 3 T I efb = The current i1b is obtained by (2), (4) and (9). i1b ( t ) = I p .sin ( ω.t ) − ∑ bk .sin ( k .ω.t ) (17) 2 Where: Vef – rms value of input voltage; Ief – rms value of input current. The rms values of currents i1a and i1b are presented in (18) and (19), respectively. The current i1a has the shape according to the waveforms of Fig. 5 b) and Fig. 5 e). The Fourier representation of this current is showed in (9). i1a ( t ) = ∑ bk .sin ( k .ω.t ) V p .I p ⎧ P1a = P1 ⎨ ⎩ P1b = 0 (24) Therefore, the value of relation between the peak currents can be obtained by (15) or (16). With this value, (22) and (23) solve the values of the magnitudes of apparent power. Table I summarizes these correspondent values. 1303 TABLE I THE VALUES OF RELATIONS BETWEEN THE PEAK CURRENTS AND THE MAGNITUDES OF APPARENT POWER S1b(α) S1 S 1a(α) Operation Mode 1 2 I pa I p 0.91 0.45 S1a S1 1.05 0.52 S1b S1 0.31 0.52 S 0 In the operation mode 2, each rectifier processes a half of the output power, thus the relations for the active powers are: P1 ⎧ ⎪⎪ P1a = 2 ⎨ ⎪ P = P1 ⎪⎩ 1b 2 P (α) 1a 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 α 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 (25) P 1 0 0.1 Fig. 7. Curves for the magnitudes of apparent power processed by each rectifier. rectifier cascaded by the DC-DC Boost converter. In fact, in this case the active power P1b is negative and the relation obtained is P1b = −0.103P1 . This situation does not have any experimental interesting and it must be avoided. The results presented in Table I for operation modes 1 and 2 can also be verified in Fig. 6. In a similar manner, the magnitudes of apparent power processed by each rectifier, presented in (22) and (23), can be plotted for every operation mode. Notice that the curves are parameterized by the magnitude of input apparent power S1. Fig. 7 shows the curves for the magnitudes of apparent power processed by each rectifier. The region of operation where α ≥ 0.75 is interesting for the PWM rectifier operation, because his apparent power processed is minimized. P (α) 1b 0 α Table I also presents the values of relation between the peak currents and the magnitudes of apparent power for the operation mode 2. The curves presented in Fig. 6 show the behavior of the active power processed for each rectifier for different operation modes. The parameter α represents the variation of peak current Ipa in (15) and (16), for the same value of input peak current Ip. Notice that the curves are parameterized by the input active power P1. It is interesting observe that, in the operation mode where I pa = I p , the PWM rectifier acts as a load for the diode bridge P 1 1 2 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 The curves presented in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 shows a region of operation with improved performance. The region among the interval 0.75 ≤ α ≤ 0.91 minimizes the active power and the apparent power processed by PWM rectifier and maximizes the active power processed by diode bridge rectifier. The operation mode where α = 0.83 was picked up for the implementation of the prototype. In this operation mode, the magnitude of the apparent power processed by PWM rectifier is at the minimum point of the curve. The nominal values of the active power processed by each rectifier and the nominal values of the apparent power processed by each rectifier are presented in (26) and (27), respectively. ⎧ P1a = 0.90 P1 ⎨ ⎩ P1b = 0.10 P1 (26) ⎧ S1a = 0.95S1 ⎨ ⎩ S1b = 0.30S1 (27) V. CONTROL STRATEGY The control scheme of the hybrid rectifier is showed in Fig. 8. It is composed by four current control loops and a voltage control loop. The voltage control loop provides DC output voltage regulation and the references for the current control loops. The Boost converter current control loop provides the peak current regulation for input currents i1a,2a,3a. Thus, the active power processed by the three-phase diode bridge and the DCDC Boost converter is set up. The currents i1b,2b,3b are controlled indirectly by the sensing and control of input currents. In this case, it is an interesting approach because it is easier provides sinusoidal references than the references with the shape of currents i1b,2b,3b. The control strategy is based on the analog multiplier approach. This is typical for PFC implementation of power converters operating in continuous conduction mode and fixed frequency. The control can be implemented by analog commercial integrated circuits for power factor correction or by a digital signal processor. Fig. 6. Curves for the active power processed by each rectifier. 1304 Lb 1 Dr2 Dr1 Dr3 Db1 Lf1 V2 Lf2 V3 Lf3 S1 D3 D2 D1 V1 S3 S2 Sb D5 D4 Dr4 Dr5 Dr6 kai2 kai3 Db2 PWM Rectifier Current Control-Loop - H i3 S (s) S H i2 (s) PWM2 S + - S H i1 (s) PWM1 S + PWMb 6 S - Sb 3 PWM3 + 2 H ib (s) kai b 5 1 - 4 + kipa - H vo (s) Line Sincronization kavo D6 Lb2 kai1 Ro S6 S5 S4 Co V 1ref V 2ref Inductor Boost Current Control-Loop V 3ref + Vo ref Output Voltage Control-Loop Fig. 8. The control scheme. 400 VI. SIMULATION RESULTS A numerical simulation was realized according to simulation parameters from Table II. The operation mode where α = 0.83 was selected for the simulation. In this case I pa = 0.83.I p , the active power processed by the diode bridge 200 0 and the DC-DC Boost converter is about 90% of rated power and the power processed by the PWM rectifier is about 10% of rated power. The input currents i1,2,3 are showed in Fig. 9. Fig. 10 shows the input voltage and the input current in phase 1. The power factor correction is achieved. -200 -400 600ms 620ms 640ms 660ms 680ms 700ms Fig. 10. Input voltage and input current in phase 1. TABLE II SIMULATION PARAMETERS Rms Input Phase Voltage 220V Line Frequency 60Hz Output Voltage 700V Output Power 20kW Switching Frequency 10kHz Fig. 11 shows the input current i1, the current i1a and the current i1b. The input current i1 is the sum of currents i1a and i1b. The output voltage is presented in Fig. 12. The average value of the output voltage is about 700V. 50A 25A 50A 0A 25A -25A 0A -50A 50A -25A 25A -50A 50A 0A 25A -25A 0A -50A 40A -25A 20A -50A 0A 50A -20A 25A -40A 600ms 0A -50A 600ms 620ms 640ms 660ms 680ms Fig. 11. Input current i1, current i1a and current i1b. -25A 620ms 640ms 660ms 680ms 700ms Fig. 9. The input currents i1,2,3. 1305 700ms 800V 600V 400V 200V 0V 600ms 640ms 620ms 660ms 680ms 700ms Fig. 12. Output voltage. VII. THE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROTOTYPE A 20kW prototype of the hybrid three-phase rectifier employing Boost converter was built. A picture of the prototype is shown in Fig. 13. The parameters of the components used in the rectifier are: inductors Lb1 and Lb2 are 2.0mH/50A; inductors Lf1, Lf2 and Lf3 are 2.7mH/15A; output capacitors are 8x2200uF/450V; the three-phase controlled bridge is the IGBT module SKM22GD123D; the diode bridge is SKD82/12; the DC-DC Boost switch and the Boost diode Db1 are SKM50GAL123D and the another Boost diode Db2 is HFA80FA120. The control circuit was implemented using the commercial analog integrated circuit UC3854B for power factor correction. It is necessary to use four integrated circuits in this application. Currently, the prototype is under test and the experimental results will be presented in the conference. VIII. CONCLUSIONS The mathematical analysis shows the region of operation of the hybrid rectifier with improved performance. The region among the interval 0.75 ≤ α ≤ 0.91 minimizes the active power and the apparent power processed by PWM rectifier and maximizes the active power processed by diode bridge rectifier and the DC-DC Boost converter. The advantage of this hybrid system is the capability of delivering high power levels due the parallel association of the rectifiers. Moreover, the increase of the efficiency is another expected advantage. The increase of component count does not affect strongly the volume of the rectifier because the components are designed for lower current rates. As may be seen from the simulation results, the hybrid rectifier presents high power factor and DC voltage regulation. The disadvantage of the system appears in the control scheme, by the use of an extra current sensor and an additional current control loop. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank CNPq (National Council of Scientific and Technological Development) for their contribution to this work in the form of a grant provided to Carlos Henrique Illa Font. REFERENCES [1] [2] This paper presents two new topologies of bidirectional hybrid three-phase rectifier suitable for medium and high power applications. The rectifiers employ a three-phase diode bridge rectifier and a Boost-type three-phase PWM rectifier. [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Fig. 13. Picture of the prototype. 1306 R. L. Alves, C. H. Illa Font and I. Barbi. “Novel Unidirectional Hybrid Three-phase Rectifier System Employing Boost Topology”. 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