International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016 Conceptual Design of Bicycle Frame M. N. V .Krishna Veni1, M.Amareswari Reddy2 Assistant Professors, Department of Mechanical Engineering ANITS College of Engineering, Sangivalasa, Bheemili Mandal, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Abstract Design is important stage in manufacturing. It is because any product produced must be through design stage where in design stage consists of conceptual design, concept selection; identify customer need, concept selection, analysis and others. In design, it should be consider many factors such as product design must be satisfied by customer, material used the ability product to work and others. All part in design is to fulfil customer need. Beside that design will have an effect to Company such as profit, loss and reputation of the company. In this paper We have modelled a diamond frame of bicycle by using SOLID WORKS and performed finite element analysis on it by using ANSYS 14.5. A conceptual design of bicycle is proposed for reducing the effort kept by cycler while he rides on an inclined plane. The project idea is implementation of four bar mechanism in bicycle. with pedals on an enlarged front wheel (the velocipede). Several inventions followed using rear-wheel drive, the best known being the roddriven velocipede by Scotsman Thomas McCall in 1869.These bicycles were difficult to ride due to their high seat and poor weight distribution. Staley’s 1885 Rover, manufactured in Coventry, England, is usually described as the first recognizably modern bicycle. Soon, the seat tube was added, creating the doubletriangle diamond frame of the modern bike. Fig 1 Tandem and Sociable bicycle Keywords— Bicycle, Solidworks, ANSYS14.5 I. INTRODUCTION A bicycle, often called a bike is a humanpowered, pedal-driven, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century in Europe and now number more than a billion worldwide, twice as many as automobiles. They are the principal means of transportation in many regions. They also provide a popular form of recreation, and have been adapted for such uses as children's toys, general fitness, military and police applications, courier services and bicycle racing. The basic shape and configuration of a typical upright, or safety bicycle, has changed little since the first chain-driven model was developed around 1885. However, many details have been improved, especially since the advent of modern materials and computer-aided design. These have allowed for a proliferation of specialized designs for diverse types of cycling. The dandy horse, also called Draisienne or laufmaschine, was the first human means of transport to use only two wheels in tandem and was invented by the German Baron Karl von Drays. Its rider sat astride a wooden frame supported by two in-line wheels and pushed the vehicle along with his/her feet while steering the front wheel. In the early 1860s, Frenchmen Pierre Michaud and Pierre Aliment took bicycle design in a new direction by adding a mechanical crank drive ISSN: 2231-5381 . Fig 2 Terminology of bicycle frame II. PROJECT IDEA There may exist many types of bicycle frames based on its usage and also based on the kind of people use like men or women. The geometry of the bicycle frame, its shape and size varying continuously according to the satisfaction of the user. Many design modifications have been made on the bicycle frame by the designers to optimize its design parameters. Our study on the bicycle frame is to reduce the effort of the person while he will be riding on an inclined road. While he is riding on a straight horizontal road, the inertia of the person and the cycle will affect the driving force of the person. The Page 64 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016 more the inertia of the person and the cycle, the more the effort or driving force applied by the cycler. Hence the driving force of the cycler depends on the inertia and is proportional to it when he is riding on a straight horizontal road. A situation arises when the cycle is driven on the inclined plane or road. What all forces will resist the cause of motion? The answer is along with the friction resistance, inertia of the person and cycle, there exists a weight component which acts parallel to plane of inclination and in the direction opposite to that of movement of the cycle. The weight component along the plane of inclination is taken at the combined Centre of mass of the cycler and the bicycle. The weight component along the plane of inclination actually creates a moment about the axis of the two wheels. The moment caused due to weight component is in the direction opposite to the direction of the driving moment caused by driving force. Therefore the moment is a resistance moment. The resistance moment will cause an additional effort or driving force to maintain the constant speed while driving on the inclined plane. Our concentration is on the reduction of this extra effort by the cycler while driving on the inclined plane. For that to happen the resistance moment caused by the weight component should be reduced. Moment is the product of force and perpendicular distance of the force from the point of rotation. As the weight of the cycler and the weight of the bicycle remain constant, there is only one criterion to reduce the moment. It is the perpendicular distance of the force from the point of rotation. The cycle wheel axis cannot be changed because the radius of the wheel remains constant. The point from which the weight component arises should be varied. The point from which the weight component arises is the combined Centre of mass of the cycler and the bicycle. Displacement of the Centre of mass is compulsory. To displace the Centre of mass of a frame, a mechanism is required to displace the parts of the frame so that the frame reaches to a minimum Centre of mass from the ground reference. We have chosen a four bar mechanism to fulfil this objective. One of the inversions of four bar mechanism is double rocker mechanism. Implementing this mechanism in the bicycle frame, our objective can be reached. III. DIAMOND TYPE BICYCLE FRAME MODELING AND ANALYSIS 1. MODELING OF DIAMOND TYPE OF BICYCLE FRAME Fig 3 Sectional Views of Bicycle Frame Fig 4 Model of diamond type of bicycle frame 2. ANALYSIS OF MODELLED DIAMOND BICYCLE FRAME 2.1 MATERIALPROPERTIESAPPLIED Table 1 Aluminium alloy properties Aluminum Alloy > Isotropic Elasticity Young's Temperature Poisson's Bulk Shear Modulus C Ratio Modulus Pa Modulus Pa Pa 7.1e+010 0.33 6.9608e+010 2.6692e+010 Young's Temperature Poisson's Bulk Shear Modulus C Ratio Modulus Pa Modulus Pa Pa 7.1e+010 0.33 6.9608e+010 2.6692e+010 Aluminum Alloy > Constants Density 2770 kg m^-3 Aluminum Alloy > Compressive Ultimate Strength Compressive Ultimate Strength Pa 0 Aluminum Alloy > Compressive Yield Strength Compressive Yield Strength Pa 2.8e+008 Aluminum Alloy > Tensile Yield Strength Tensile Yield Strength Pa 2.8e+008 Aluminum Alloy > Tensile Ultimate Strength Tensile Ultimate Strength Pa 3.1e+008 2.2 LOADING CONDITIONS 2.2.1 PEDALLING Sitting ,push on right pedal ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 65 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016 Sitting, push on left pedal Standing, push on right pedal Standing, push on left pedal 2.2.2 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Surface irregularity Braking 2.3 ANALYSIS OF FRAME IN SITTING POSITION Fig 9 Total deformation Table2 Sitting position analysis Directional Equivalent Equivalent Total Deformation Elastic Stress Deformation Strain -1.4111eMinimum 0. Pa 0. m 0. m/m 005 m 6.6843e+006 3.6678e-005 9.9004e-006 9.4469eMaximum Pa m m 005 m/m Type Fig 5 Analysis of frame in sitting position SITTING POSITION Fig 6 Directional Deformation 2.4 ANALYSIS OF FRAME IN STANDING POSITION Fig 10 Analysis of frame in standing position STANDING Fig11 Directional deformation Fig 7 Equivalent strain Fig12 Equivalent strain Fig 8 Equivalent stress ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 66 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016 BRAKING Fig16 Directional deformation Fig13 Equivalent stress Fig17 Equivalent strain Fig14 Total deformation Table 3 Standing position analysis Directional Equivalent Equivalent Total Deformation Elastic Stress Deformation Strain -1.2873eMinimum 0. Pa 0. m 0. m/m 005 m 1.6168e+007 3.5249e-005 3.319e-005 2.9461eMaximum Pa m m 004 m/m Type Fig18 Equivalent stress 2.5 ANALYSIS OF FRAME IN POSITION Fig15 BRAKING Fig19 Total deformation Braking position Table 4 Braking analysis Directional Equivalent Equivalent Total Deformation Elastic Stress Deformation Strain -7.7252eMinimum 0. Pa 0. m 0. m/m 006 m 3.7669e+006 2.1042e-005 3.1037e-006 5.4695eMaximum Pa m m 005 m/m Type ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 67 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016 2.6 ANALYSIS OF FRAME WITH SURFACE IRREGULARITIES Fig24 Equivalent stress Fig20 Surface irregularities SURFACEIRREGULARITIES Table 5 Surface irregularity Directional Equivalent Equivalent Total Deformation Elastic Stress Deformation Strain -8.0995eMinimum 0. Pa 0. m 0. m/m 005 m 3.3168e+007 1.8612e-004 1.9878e-005 4.8407eMaximum Pa m m 004 m/m Type Fig21 Directional deformation Fig22 Equivalent strain IV. CONCEPTUAL FRAME DESIGN OF BICYCLE Reducing the effort by reducing the combined Centre of mass of the cycler and bicycle can be achieved by implementing a four bar mechanism in the bicycle. Proposing the idea of implementation of four bar mechanism in the bicycle in order to reduce the effort is our main intention. The modelling of each part was carried out in Solid works then assembled and analysis of this was done using ANSYS as shown in below figure. Fig23 total deformation Fig25 Conceptual design of bicycle frame ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 68 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016 V. RESULTS 1. MASS PROPERTIES OF CYCLE FRAME IN FIRST POSITION Fig26 Mass properties of bicycle frame in first position 3. RESULTS OF DISPLACED CENTER OF MASS FROM FIRST POSITION TO SECOND POSITION vertical displacement of seat post= 1.36 cm (downwards) vertical displacement of center of mass of the frame=1.41 cm (upwards) 2. MASS PROPERTIES OF CYCLE FRAME IN SECOND POSITION Our objective is to displace the Centre of mass of the frame vertically downwards, but the results are showing that the displacement of Centre of mass of the frame of 1.41 cm in vertically upward direction. The upward movement of Centre of mass of the frame is due to angular movement of front handle bar in upward direction. The displacement of seat post in vertically downward direction by the value of 1.36 cm is assumed as the displacement of Centre of mass of the person in vertically downward direction by the value of 1.36 cm. Centre of mass of a two mass system distributed at known distances can be given by formula: X = (M1 X1 + M2 X2) (M1 + M2) Y = (M1 Y1 + M2 Y2) (M1 + M2) Fig27 Mass properties of bicycle frame in second position ISSN: 2231-5381 The above formula indicates that Centre of mass depends on the magnitude of mass of each body and the distribution of mass from the reference coordinates Taking the above sentence into consideration, the above results can be explained as: The main objective is to lower the combined Centre of mass of bicycle and the cycler. The fact is that the mass of cycler is more than that of the mass of the bicycle. Though there is uplift in the value of Centre of mass of the bicycle frame, the multiplication factor Page 69 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016 of Centre of mass of the bicycle frame in the formula of Centre of mass i.e. the mass of bicycle frame is small. Though the value of increase in the Centre of mass of bicycle (1.41 cm) is more than decrease in the Centre of mass of cycler (1.36 cm), the multiplication factor of Centre of mass of cycler i.e. the mass of the cycler is very large. Sum of larger the mass magnitude of the cycler multiplied with small decrease in the Centre of mass of the cycler and smaller the mass magnitude of the bicycle multiplied with small increase in the Centre of mass of the bicycle results in decrease in the combined Centre of mass of the cycler and the bicycle. VI. CONCLUSIONS Design is the very important stage in manufacturing. It is because any product produced must be through design stage where in design stage consists of conceptual design, concept selection; identify customer need, concept selection, analysis and others. Modelling of the existing diamond frame, assuming load conditions, performing analysis on the modelled diamond frame and presentation of results have been done. The results show a proper and safe design of diamond frame. Reducing the effort by reducing the combined Centre of mass of the cycler and bicycle can be achieved by implementing a four bar mechanism in the bicycle. Proposing the idea of implementation of four bar mechanism in the bicycle in order to reduce the effort is our main intention. The results that we have got are not up to the reach. The increased Centre of mass of the bicycle is restricting the objective of the project. Redesigning of the present idea with appropriate link lengths may give an optimise result. VII. REFERENCES [1] Mr.M.V.Pazare, Prof.S.D.Khamankar “Stress Analysis of Bicycle Frame”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST). [2] Derek Covill, Steven Begg, Eddy Elton, Mark Milne, Richard Morris, Tim Katz “Parametric finite element analysis of bicycle frame geometries”, The 2014 conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, Procedia Engineering 72 ( 2014 ) 441 – 446. 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