2015 Candidates for Office: Western Society of Weed Science President Elect Kirk Howatt Kirk has held a faculty position with North Dakota State University, Fargo, since 1999. His teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate instruction with current courses in Principles of Weed Science, Advanced Weed Science, Professional Development, and Graduate Seminar. He is coordinator of the Crop and Weed Sciences academic program and advisor to the NDSU Agronomy Club. Research activities primarily focus on annual weed control in small grains, with additional activities in sunflower and other oilseed and pulse crops. Primary weed issues include downy brome and resistance in wild oat, green foxtail, and kochia, but recent attention also has included herbicide efficacy as affected by droplet size and drift reduction technology. Kirk received a B.S. in Agronomy from the University of Wisconsin at River Falls and completed M.S. and Ph.D. programs at Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Kirk has served the Western Society of Weed Science, North Central Weed Science Society, and Weed Science Society of America as member and/or chair of several committees and projects dealing with crops of interest, herbicide resistance, society operation, and student education. In the WSWS, he has served on the Student Education Enhancement committee, Herbicide Resistant Plants committee, Poster Contest committee, Legislative committee, Basic Sciences Project, Research Section, and, currently, Education and Regulatory Section. Kirk is a member of CAST and the International Weed Science Society, has been treasurer for the local Gamma Sigma Delta chapter for 6 years, and has served on the Exam and Procedures Committee for the American Society of Agronomy Certified Crop Advisor program. Ian Burke Dr. Ian C. Burke is an Associate Professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman. Dr. Burke’s program is focused on basic aspects of weed physiology, biology and ecology with the goal of integrating such information into practical economical methods of managing weeds in the environment. He received his B.Sc. from Old Dominion University and his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from North Carolina State University. Dr. Burke has been active in the WSWS and other weed science societies. He serves the WSWS as the chair of the Education Committee. He has chaired the Agronomic Crops Section of the WSWS, is the current chair of the Basic Biology and Ecology Section, and co-organized the symposium on ventenata. He is currently serving his second term as an Associate Editor of Weed Technology, and he completed his two year term on the WSWS Board as Secretary. He is finishing his term as Treasurer for the WSSA. Dr. Burke has received several awards, including Outstanding Weed Scientist – Early Career from the Western Society of Weed Science, Excellence in Research, College of Agriculture, Human, and Natural Resources, Washington State University, and the Graduate Student Award from the WSSA. Research Section Chair-Elect Prashant Jha Prashant Jha is an Assistant Professor of Weed Science with Montana State University (MSU) located at the Southern Agricultural Research Center, Huntley, Montana. His research program at MSU is focused on developing integrated weed management strategies in dryland and irrigated cropping systems, with a statewide responsibility. This includes investigation of molecular/genetic mechanisms and biology of evolved weed resistance to herbicides. Since 2010 at MSU, he served as a major advisor for four graduate students (2 M.S. and 2 Ph.D.). He has published 22 refereed journal articles, 74 abstracts/proceedings, and several extension articles. He delivered more than 30 extension talks at various grower meetings across Montana. He serves on the Educational Committee of Montana Agri-Business Association. He has been active in the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and Western Society of Weed Science (WSWS), and serves on several committees including Herbicide Resistant Plant Committee. He conducted a symposium on Herbicide Resistance at the 2012 WSSA Annual Meeting. He received the 2014 WSSA Outstanding Reviewer award, and MSU-COA Meritorious Faculty award in 2011-2014. He served as the section chair for the Agronomic Crops session at the 2014 WSSA annual meeting, and is a section chair for the Agronomy session at the 2015 WSWS meeting to be held in Portland, OR. Larry Lass Work history includes a long road of soft money research projects for the past 40 years while trying to avoid long Midwest winters and find Paradise. Found both where deer, elk and moose walk by the house but most important only a few days of subzero temperatures in the last 32 years. Paradise Ridge is viewed daily on the way to work at the University of Idaho where I am a staff member working in weed science. Member of Western Society of Weed Science since 1984. Presented either oral talks or posters at 27 annual meetings of WSWS. Past WSWS activities include member and chair of Placement committee and Chair of Rangeland section. Authored 71 WSWS Research Progress Reports. Other publications include 17 journal articles and 3 book chapters related to weed science. Authored two identification guides to the Lichens and Moss of Idaho and adjacent states at Discoverlife.org. Education & Regulatory Chair-Elect James Leary James J. K. Leary has served as an Assistant Specialist with a split research/extension appointment in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management at the University of Hawaii at Manoa since 2009. He received A B.S. degree in horticulture with a minor in chemistry from Michigan State University (1996) and M.S. (1999) and Ph.D. (2006) degrees in Horticulture and Molecular Biosciences and Biological Engineering, respectively, from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His mission is to develop collaborative partnerships with local stakeholders focusing on science and research applications in invasive plant species management with special attention to studies on technology performance in operational settings. Brian Jenks Brian Jenks is a Weed Scientist with North Dakota State University (1997-present). He is a native of Idaho and received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Agronomy from Utah State University and Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Brian leads an applied research and extension program focused on weed management in many dryland crops including small grains, dry pea, lentil, chickpea, canola, mustard, flax, sunflower, safflower, dry bean, soybean, and corn. A major emphasis of his research addresses weed control strategies in minor crops. His work has also emphasized the impact of crop rotations, cultural practices, and herbicide combinations on controlling perennial weeds such as Canada thistle and common milkweed. His work has demonstrated the important role of soil pH, organic matter, and soil texture on crop tolerance and weed control. Brian has conducted many IR-4 studies leading to new pesticide registrations in various crops. He has received awards from several commodity groups and from IR-4. Brian has served in leadership positions and on several committees with the Western Society of Weed Science and North Central Weed Science Society. He currently serves as the Member-AtLarge (Public Sector) for WSWS and as Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee for the NCWSS. Prior to coming to NDSU, Brian served as the Extension Coordinator for the National Jointed Goatgrass Research Program (1995-1997).