Coordenação Apoio Patrocinadores Programa Sessão Posters Sessão Oral Relação de Autores An Electroplating of Structural P/M Parts – Medium Density Steel Parts M.C.F.Ierardi1, C.A. Siviero Filho1, D.T.A. Figueira Filho2 1 Departamento de Materiais e Processos de Fabricação, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CEP 13083-970, Campinas-SP, Brasil / 2 Departamento de Metalurgia e Materiais, Centro Universitário da FEI, CEP 09850-901, São Bernardo do Campo-SP, Brasil Keywords: Powder Metallurgy, Electroplating, Secondary operation, Porosity, Impregnation. Abstract: Surface treatment processes, including electroless plating and electroplating, can be applied to structural ferrous P/M parts to obtain better surface properties, such as wear resistance, corrosion resistance and appearance. These finishing processes carried out as a secondary operation are essential for the quality and performance of the product. Electroplating is usually realized on P/M parts as well as on conventional materials. Differences arise because the metal powder part is porous. Relevant aspects of the porous structure of medium-density steel parts (5,4 to 6,6 g/cm3) have been investigated. Plating solutions can penetrate in interconnected pores and cause the last effect, known as "flowering". These problems can be overcome by impregnation of porosity. Details of porosity and its sealing were investigated. Introduction Powder Metallurgy (P/M), also referred to as Sintering, is a highly developed method of manufacturing reliable ferrous and nonferrous parts. Made by mixing elemental or alloy powders and compacting the mixture in a die, the resultant shapes are then sintered or heated in a controlled-atmosphere furnace to bond the particles by metallurgical process[1]. P/M is essentially a forming process. The part does not always emerge ready for use at the end of the sintering step even though it has acquired a certain level of mechanical properties. Just as with alternative technologies it is possible to modify some of these properties, to improve the shape or the dimensional accuracy so as to extend the range of application [2]. One of the available technologies that can be used to improve resistance to corrosion of elements produced by P/M is the surface coatings [3]. In this context, electroplating of P/M compacts carried out as a secondary operation following compacting and sintering is essential for the quality of the product. This technique is usually performed on compacts in the same manner it is performed on conventional materials, although the plating process often needs to be modified because of the porous structure of the substrate. Considering the corrosion process the volume of open porosity is the essential parameter. Porosity of low-density samples consists almost entirely of open pores, whereas samples with high-density contain more insulated than open pores [4]. In addition, porosity limits the quality of coatings that can be obtained. As a result, it is not advisable to apply any type of coating on samples produced by powder metallurgy [5]. In this manner, the uniformity and homogeneity of coatings is very important by sealing of porosity. So, the sealing of porosity is very important for uniformity and homogeneity of coatings. Busca Coordenação Apoio Patrocinadores Programa Sessão Posters Sessão Oral Relação de Autores The present work investigates relevant aspects of the porous structure of mediumdensity steel parts (5,4 to 6,6 g/cm3) and its sealing by electroplating of copper and tin as an forward step to zinc and zinc-nickel deposits. Experimental Procedure Iron-cooper-graphite P/m plain cylindrical bearings with density between 5,4 to 6,6g/cm³ were used as substrate for electroplating. The iron compacted is based on atomized iron powder (Höganäs AHC100.29) with 4% copper powder (150µm), 0,8% graphite and 0,8% zinc stearate, compacted and sintered at 1090°C on 90N210H2 atmosphere. After that, the parts were subdued to metallografic and characterized by the image acquisition program Q500MC Leica coupled to the optical microscope Zeiss Neophot 32. First a 10-time-amplified macroanalysis of each sample was done through the division of the transversal section in three regions, in order to study the compacting process and porosity distribution. Later a 200-time-amplified microanalysis was carried out in order to verify the interaction between the galvanic coating and the sintered sample. The electrolytical coating deposit of zinc and zinc-nickel was obtained through processes and techniques used for conventional materials. Methods were studied in order to come to a coating of good cover and appearance, free of migration products (electrolyte), characteristic that would grant resistance to long-term corrosion. So, during the phase of pretreatment, the superficial oxidation of the parts was removed by blasting with glass spheres; then the parts were washed in cold water and degreased anodically. In an attempt to seal the pores without using resin or wax, copper coating was applied by alkaline process and tin was deposited by acid process. The choice of the electrolytical sealing is based in the concept that the whole process is restricted to the environment of conventional galvanic superficial treatment. In addition, tin was only applied for the production of the zinc coatings by acid process, as an afterward step to copper electroplating and forward step to alkaline zinc plating. For the zinc alloy, the level of nickel was determined by the scanning microscope Jeol, model JXA-840B. Results and Discussion Figure 1 below shows the optical micrography of the sample with less density (5,4g/cm³) and higher level of total porosity (31%). Figure 2 shows the optical micrography of the sample with higher density (6,6g/cm³) and lower level of porosity (16%). Samples with intermediate density were also part of this study, with variation of 0,2 g/cm³ (5,6; 5,8; 6,0; 6,2; 6,4g/cm³). It is important to stress that in the density limits applied here, the level of open porosity (open pores, interconnected and connect to surface of the part) means 80% or more of total porosity, favouring electrolyte retention, which affect the subsequent plating. In all the samples studied, porosity distribution between the center and the most distant areas were in acceptable conditions. Busca Coordenação Apoio Patrocinadores (a) Programa Sessão Posters Sessão Oral (b) Relação de Autores (c) Figure 1. Optical micrography belonging to the sample with density 5,4g/cm³ (amplified 10x, without chemical attack). a) higher extreme area; b) central area; c) lower extreme area. (a) (b) (c) Figure 2. Optical micrography belonging to the sample with density 6,6g/cm³ (amplified 10x, without chemical attack). a) higher extreme area; b) central area; c) lower extreme area. Electroplating Zinc plating Table 1 summarizes the steps taken during each of the routes with zinc plating for samples obtained from different levels of porosity. Table 1. Zinc plating development. Processes Route 1 Blasting Degreasing Alkaline cooper Acid tin Alkaline zinc Acid zinc White passivation Route 2 Route 3 Route 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X For routes 1 and 2 the samples oxidized immediately after passivation, because the alkaline zinc coating layer was not thick enough for passivation. In terms of quality, the deposits obtained through routes 3 and 4 presented good cover and appearance after passivation. However, after one week, white and red corrosion appeared, whose intensity increased as density decreased. In route 4, when tin coating was added to the process, there was a considerable reduction in the appearing of corrosion products, especially in densities 6,4 and 6,6g/cm³, when only white corrosion was limited to the area of neutral zone. Electroplating time: anodic degreasing (strike), alkaline cooper (1min), acid tin (10min), alkaline zinc (2min) and acid zinc (15 min). Busca Coordenação Apoio Patrocinadores Programa Sessão Posters Sessão Oral Relação de Autores Figure 3 shows the zinc coating for density 6,6g/cm³, according to development described by route 4. Total thickness of layer is 20,13±2,51µm. Copper and tin deposits follow the shape of the part in an attempt to seal the pores. The zinc coating, however, was very porous, which favors the communication between the outer environment and the open porosity of the substrate, as well as migration of red corrosion. Figure 3. Zinc deposit, route 4. Table 2 summarizes the steps taken during each of the routes with zinc-nickel plating for samples obtained from different levels of porosity. Table 2. Zinc-nickel plating development. Processes Route 5 Route 6 X X X X X X X Blasting Degreasing Alkaline cooper Zinc-nickel Passivation X X These 2 routs are only different in what the alkaline copper was added to the process in route 6. In terms of quality, the addition of copper was allowed for the development of layers with better cover and appearance. Electroplating time: anodic degreasing (strike), alkaline cooper (3min) and zinc-nickel (15 min). Figure 4 shows the development of the zinc-nickel plating for density 6,6g/cm³, according to route 6. Thickness is 6,21±1,0µm for the copper layer and 9,81±1,61 for Zn-Ni alloy. The alloy coating (12% of nickel) was considered a good covering, without pores, and only microfissures could be observed. The increase of the copper layer allowed a more effective sealing as shown in figure 6. Figure 4. Zn-Ni deposit, route 6. Figure 5. Cooper deposit following the exposed open pore surface, near the surface. Busca Coordenação Apoio Patrocinadores Programa Sessão Posters Sessão Oral Relação de Autores Conclusions • • • • The pre-treatment of anodic degreasing, with strike copper deposit in the form of thin film, helps considerably the afterward by copper or tin deposit, replacing occasional resin impregnation; Electroplating of copper showed sealing properties towards the acceptable porosity, adjusting to the surface of the sample; Electroplating of tin showed good sealing properties only for P/M compacts with density up to 6,4g/cm³; Zinc-nickel deposit showed greater ability of covering, when compared to zinc coating, which favors resistance to corrosion. 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