Electric Drives and Controls Hydraulics Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Diagnostics Messages Reference Manual Pneumatics Service R911322258 Edition 01 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Title Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Diagnostics Messages Type of Documentation Document Typecode Internal File Reference Purpose of Documentation Record of Revision Copyright Reference Manual DOK-MTX***-DIAGMES*V08-WA01-EN-P RS-55c5e4eac6dd8a3c0a6846a001b7f450-1-en-US-5 This documentation provides an overview on errors, warnings and messages within the Rexroth IndraMotion MTX control system. Edition Release Date Notes 120-2500-B357-01/EN 11.2007 First edition for 08VRS © 2007 Bosch Rexroth AG Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offenders are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design (DIN 34-1). Validity Published by The specified data is for product description purposes only and may not be deemed to be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract. All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation and the availa‐ bility of the product. Bosch Rexroth AG Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 ■ 97816 Lohr a. Main, Germany Phone +49 (0)93 52/ 40-0 ■ Fax +49 (0)93 52/ 40-48 85 http://www.boschrexroth.com/ System Development Machine Tools R. Richter (EgWi/MePe) Note This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls I/I Table of Contents Table of Contents Page 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 3 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 4 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Important Instructions for Use........................................................................................ 1 Appropriate Use...................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 1 Areas of Use and Application.............................................................................................................. 1 Inappropriate Use................................................................................................................................... 2 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls....................................................... 3 Safety Instructions - General Information............................................................................................... 3 Using the Safety Instructions and Passing them on to Others............................................................ 3 How to Employ the Safety Instructions................................................................................................ 3 Explanation of Warning Symbols and Degrees of Hazard Seriousness.............................................. 4 Hazards by Improper Use.................................................................................................................... 5 Instructions with Regard to Specific Dangers......................................................................................... 6 Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts and Housings........................................................... 6 Protection Against Electric Shock by Protective Extra-Low Voltage................................................... 7 Protection Against Dangerous Movements......................................................................................... 7 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Operation and Mounting.............. 10 Protection Against Contact with Hot Parts......................................................................................... 10 Protection During Handling and Mounting......................................................................................... 10 Battery Safety.................................................................................................................................... 11 Protection Against Pressurized Systems........................................................................................... 11 Overview...................................................................................................................... 13 Error Classes........................................................................................................................................ 13 Error Displays....................................................................................................................................... 13 Status Field Display........................................................................................................................... 13 Header Display.................................................................................................................................. 14 Diagnosis Mode Display.................................................................................................................... 15 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box.............................................. 17 Structure of the Error Table.................................................................................................................. 17 Error Table............................................................................................................................................ 17 Explanations...................................................................................................................................... 17 Error Numbers................................................................................................................................... 18 Service and Support.................................................................................................. 249 Helpdesk............................................................................................................................................. 249 Service Hotline.................................................................................................................................... 249 Internet................................................................................................................................................ 249 Helpful Information.............................................................................................................................. 249 Index.......................................................................................................................... 251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 1/251 Important Instructions for Use 1 Important Instructions for Use 1.1 Appropriate Use 1.1.1 Introduction Bosch Rexroth products represent state-of-the-art developments and manu‐ facturing. They are tested prior to delivery to ensure operating safety and reliability. The products may only be used in the manner that is defined as appropriate. If they are used in an inappropriate manner, then situations can develop that may lead to property damage or injury of personnel. Bosch Rexroth, as manufacturer, is not liable for any damages re‐ sulting from inappropriate use. In such cases, the guarantee and the right to payment of damages resulting from inappropriate use are forefeited. The user alone carries all responsibility of the risks. Before using Bosch Rexroth products, make sure that all the pre-requisites for appropriate use of the products are satisfied: 1.1.2 ● Personnel that in a way, shape or form uses our products must first read and understand the relevant safety instructions and be familiar with ap‐ propriate use. ● If the product takes the form of hardware, then they must remain in the original state, in other words, no structural changes are permitted. It its not permitted to decompile software products or alter source codes. ● Do not mount damaged or faulty products or use them in operation. ● Make sure that the products have been installed in the manner described in the relevant documentation. Areas of Use and Application The Rexroth IndraMotion MTX control is used to ● Programming contour and machining technology (feedrate, spindle speed, tool change) or a workpiece. ● Guiding a machining tool along a programmed bath. Feed drives, spindles and auxiliary axes of a machine tool are activated via SERCOS interface. This additionally requires I/O components for the integrated PLC which, in combination with the actual CNC, controls the machining process as a whole and also monitors this process with regard to technical safety. The unit may be operated only with the explicitly specified hardware component configurations and combinations and only with the soft‐ ware and firmware specified in the appropriate documentations and functional descriptions. The Rexroth IndraMotion MTX has been developed for control tasks in multiaxis installations. Typical applications are: ● lathes ● milling machines 2/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Important Instructions for Use ● 1.2 machining centers Inappropriate Use Using the Rexroth IndraMotion MTX outside of the above-referenced areas of application or under operating conditions other than described in the document and the technical data specified is defined as "inappropriate use". The Rexroth IndraMotion MTX may not be used if ... ● they are subject to operating conditions that do not meet the above speci‐ fied ambient conditions. This includes, for example, operation under wa‐ ter, in the case of extreme temperature fluctuations or extreme maximum temperatures or if ● Bosch Rexroth has not specifically released Rexroth IndraMotion MTX for that intended purpose. Please note the specifications outlined in the gen‐ eral safety instructions! Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 3/251 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls 2 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls 2.1 Safety Instructions - General Information 2.1.1 Using the Safety Instructions and Passing them on to Others Do not attempt to install or commission this device without first reading all doc‐ umentation provided with the product. Read and understand these safety instructions and all user documentation prior to working with the device. If you do not have the user documentation for the device, contact your responsible Bosch Rexroth sales representative. Ask for these documents to be sent im‐ mediately to the person or persons responsible for the safe operation of the device. If the device is resold, rented and/or passed on to others in any other form, these safety instructions must be delivered with the device in the official lan‐ guage of the user's country. WARNING 2.1.2 Improper use of these devices, failure to follow the safety instructions in this document or tampering with the product, including disabling of safe‐ ty devices, may result in material damage, bodily harm, electric shock or even death! Observe the safety instructions! How to Employ the Safety Instructions Read these instructions before initial commissioning of the equipment in order to eliminate the risk of bodily harm and/or material damage. Follow these safety instructions at all times. ● Bosch Rexroth AG is not liable for damages resulting from failure to ob‐ serve the warnings provided in this documentation. ● Read the operating, maintenance and safety instructions in your language before commissioning the machine. If you find that you cannot completely understand the documentation for your product, please ask your supplier to clarify. ● Proper and correct transport, storage, assembly and installation, as well as care in operation and maintenance, are prerequisites for optimal and safe operation of this device. ● Only assign trained and qualified persons to work with electrical installa‐ tions: ● – Only persons who are trained and qualified for the use and operation of the device may work on this device or within its proximity. The persons are qualified if they have sufficient knowledge of the assem‐ bly, installation and operation of the product, as well as an under‐ standing of all warnings and precautionary measures noted in these instructions. – Furthermore, they must be trained, instructed and qualified to switch electrical circuits and devices on and off in accordance with technical safety regulations, to ground them and to mark them according to the requirements of safe work practices. They must have adequate safe‐ ty equipment and be trained in first aid. Only use spare parts and accessories approved by the manufacturer. 4/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls ● Follow all safety regulations and requirements for the specific application as practiced in the country of use. ● The devices have been designed for installation in industrial machinery. ● The ambient conditions given in the product documentation must be ob‐ served. ● Only use safety-relevant applications that are clearly and explicitly ap‐ proved in the Project Planning Manual. If this is not the case, they are excluded. Safety-relevant are all such applications which can cause dan‐ ger to persons and material damage. ● The information given in the documentation of the product with regard to the use of the delivered components contains only examples of applica‐ tions and suggestions. The machine and installation manufacturer must – make sure that the delivered components are suited for his individual application and check the information given in this documentation with regard to the use of the components, – make sure that his application complies with the applicable safety regulations and standards and carry out the required measures, modifications and complements. ● Commissioning of the delivered components is only permitted once it is sure that the machine or installation in which they are installed complies with the national regulations, safety specifications and standards of the application. ● Operation is only permitted if the national EMC regulations for the appli‐ cation are met. ● The instructions for installation in accordance with EMC requirements can be found in the section on EMC in the respective documentation (Project Planning Manuals of components and system). The machine or installation manufacturer is responsible for compliance with the limiting values as prescribed in the national regulations. ● Technical data, connection and installation conditions are specified in the product documentation and must be followed at all times. National regulations which the user must take into account ● European countries: according to European EN standards ● United States of America (USA): – National Electrical Code (NEC) – National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), as well as local engineering regulations – regulations of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) ● Canada: Canadian Standards Association (CSA) ● Other countries: – International Organization for Standardization (ISO) – International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 2.1.3 Explanation of Warning Symbols and Degrees of Hazard Seriousness The safety instructions describe the following degrees of hazard seriousness. The degree of hazard seriousness informs about the consequences resulting from non-compliance with the safety instructions: Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 5/251 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls Warning symbol Fig.2-1: 2.1.4 Signal word Degree of hazard serious‐ ness acc. to ANSI Z 535.4-2002 Danger Death or severe bodily harm will occur. Warning Death or severe bodily harm may occur. Caution Minor or moderate bodily harm or material damage may occur. Hazard classification (according to ANSI Z 535) Hazards by Improper Use High electric voltage and high working current! Risk of death or severe bodily injury by electric shock! DANGER Observe the safety instructions! Dangerous movements! Danger to life, severe bodily harm or material damage by unintentional motor movements! DANGER Observe the safety instructions! High electric voltage because of incorrect connection! Risk of death or bodily injury by electric shock! WARNING Observe the safety instructions! Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids in proximity to electrical equipment! WARNING Observe the safety instructions! Hot surfaces on device housing! Danger of injury! Danger of burns! Observe the safety instructions! CAUTION Risk of injury by improper handling! Risk of bodily injury by bruising, shearing, cutting, hitting or improper handling of pressurized lines! CAUTION Observe the safety instructions! 6/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls Risk of injury by improper handling of batteries! Observe the safety instructions! CAUTION 2.2 Instructions with Regard to Specific Dangers 2.2.1 Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts and Housings This section concerns devices and drive components with voltages of more than 50 Volt. Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 Volts can cause personal danger and electric shock. When operating electrical equipment, it is unavoid‐ able that some parts of the devices conduct dangerous voltage. High electrical voltage! Danger to life, electric shock and severe bodily injury! DANGER ● Only those trained and qualified to work with or on electrical equipment are permitted to operate, maintain and repair this equipment. ● Follow general construction and safety regulations when working on pow‐ er installations. ● Before switching on the device, the equipment grounding conductor must have been non-detachably connected to all electrical equipment in ac‐ cordance with the connection diagram. ● Do not operate electrical equipment at any time, even for brief measure‐ ments or tests, if the equipment grounding conductor is not permanently connected to the mounting points of the components provided for this purpose. ● Before working with electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than 50 V, the device must be disconnected from the mains voltage or power supply unit. Provide a safeguard to prevent reconnection. ● With electrical drive and filter components, observe the following: Wait 30 minutes after switching off power to allow capacitors to discharge before beginning to work. Measure the electric voltage on the capacitors before beginning to work to make sure that the equipment is safe to touch. ● Never touch the electrical connection points of a component while power is turned on. Do not remove or plug in connectors when the component has been powered. ● Install the covers and guards provided with the equipment properly before switching the device on. Before switching the equipment on, cover and safeguard live parts safely to prevent contact with those parts. ● A residual-current-operated circuit-breaker or r.c.d. cannot be used for electric drives! Indirect contact must be prevented by other means, for example, by an overcurrent protective device according to the relevant standards. ● Secure built-in devices from direct touching of electrical parts by providing an external housing, for example a control cabinet. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 7/251 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls For electrical drive and filter components with voltages of more than 50 volts, observe the following additional safety instructions. High housing voltage and high leakage current! Risk of death or bodily injury by electric shock! DANGER 2.2.2 ● Before switching on, the housings of all electrical equipment and motors must be connected or grounded with the equipment grounding conductor to the grounding points. This is also applicable before short tests. ● The equipment grounding conductor of the electrical equipment and the devices must be non-detachably and permanently connected to the power supply unit at all times. The leakage current is greater than 3.5 mA. ● Over the total length, use copper wire of a cross section of a minimum of 10 mm2 for this equipment grounding connection! ● Before commissioning, also in trial runs, always attach the equipment grounding conductor or connect to the ground wire. Otherwise, high vol‐ tages may occur at the housing causing electric shock. Protection Against Electric Shock by Protective Extra-Low Voltage Protective extra-low voltage is used to allow connecting devices with basic in‐ sulation to extra-low voltage circuits. All connections and terminals with voltages between 5 and 50 volts at Rexroth products are PELV systems. 1) It is therefore allowed to connect devices equipped with basic insulation (such as programming devices, PCs, notebooks, display units) to these connections and terminals. High electric voltage by incorrect connection! Risk of death or bodily injury by electric shock! WARNING 2.2.3 If extra-low voltage circuits of devices containing voltages and circuits of more than 50 volts (e.g. the mains connection) are connected to Rexroth products, the connected extra-low voltage circuits must comply with the requirements for PELV. 2) Protection Against Dangerous Movements Dangerous movements can be caused by faulty control of connected motors. Some common examples are: ● improper or wrong wiring of cable connections ● incorrect operation of the equipment components ● wrong input of parameters before operation ● malfunction of sensors, encoders and monitoring devices ● defective components ● software or firmware errors Dangerous movements can occur immediately after equipment is switched on or even after an unspecified time of trouble-free operation. 1) "Protective Extra-Low Voltage" 2) "Protective Extra-Low Voltage" 8/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls The monitoring in the drive components will normally be sufficient to avoid faulty operation in the connected drives. Regarding personal safety, especially the danger of bodily harm and material damage, this alone cannot be relied upon to ensure complete safety. Until the integrated monitoring functions become effective, it must be assumed in any case that faulty drive movements will occur. The extent of faulty drive movements depends upon the type of control and the state of operation. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 9/251 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of injury, severe bodily harm or material damage! DANGER ● Ensure personal safety by means of qualified and tested higher-level monitoring devices or measures integrated in the installation. These measures have to be provided for by the user according to the specific conditions within the installation and a hazard and fault analysis. The safety regulations applicable for the installation have to be taken into consideration. Unintended machine motion or other malfunction is possi‐ ble if safety devices are disabled, bypassed or not activated. To avoid accidents, bodily harm and/or material damage: ● Keep free and clear of the machine’s range of motion and moving parts. Possible measures to prevent people from accidentally entering the machine’s range of motion: – use safety fences – use safety guards – use protective coverings – install light curtains or light barriers ● Fences and coverings must be strong enough to resist maximum possible momentum. ● Mount the emergency stop switch in the immediate reach of the operator. Verify that the emergency stop works before startup. Don’t operate the device if the emergency stop is not working. ● Isolate the drive power connection by means of an emergency stop circuit or use a safety related starting lockout to prevent unintentional start. ● Make sure that the drives are brought to a safe standstill before accessing or entering the danger zone. ● Additionally secure vertical axes against falling or dropping after switching off the motor power by, for example: – mechanically securing the vertical axes, – adding an external braking/ arrester/ clamping mechanism or – ensuring sufficient equilibration of the vertical axes. ● The standard equipment motor brake or an external brake controlled di‐ rectly by the drive controller are not sufficient to guarantee personal safety! ● Disconnect electrical power to the equipment using a master switch and secure the switch against reconnection for: ● – maintenance and repair work – cleaning of equipment – long periods of discontinued equipment use Prevent the operation of high-frequency, remote control and radio equip‐ ment near electronics circuits and supply leads. If the use of such devices cannot be avoided, verify the system and the installation for possible mal‐ functions in all possible positions of normal use before initial startup. If necessary, perform a special electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test on the installation. 10/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls 2.2.4 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Oper‐ ation and Mounting Magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated by current-carrying conductors and permanent magnets in motors represent a serious personal danger to those with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids. Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids in proximity to electrical equipment! WARNING 2.2.5 ● Persons with heart pacemakers and metal implants are not permitted to enter following areas: – Areas in which electrical equipment and parts are mounted, being operated or commissioned. – Areas in which parts of motors with permanent magnets are being stored, repaired or mounted. ● If it is necessary for somebody with a pacemaker to enter such an area, a doctor must be consulted prior to doing so. The noise immunity of pres‐ ent or future implanted heart pacemakers differs greatly so that no general rules can be given. ● Those with metal implants or metal pieces, as well as with hearing aids, must consult a doctor before they enter the areas described above. Oth‐ erwise health hazards may occur. Protection Against Contact with Hot Parts Hot surfaces at motor housings, on drive controllers or chokes! Danger of injury! Danger of burns! CAUTION 2.2.6 ● Do not touch surfaces of device housings and chokes in the proximity of heat sources! Danger of burns! ● Do not touch housing surfaces of motors! Danger of burns! ● According to the operating conditions, temperatures can be higher than 60 °C, 140°F during or after operation. ● Before accessing motors after having switched them off, let them cool down for a sufficiently long time. Cooling down can require up to 140 mi‐ nutes! Roughly estimated, the time required for cooling down is five times the thermal time constant specified in the Technical Data. ● After switching drive controllers or chokes off, wait 15 minutes to allow them to cool down before touching them. ● Wear safety gloves or do not work at hot surfaces. ● For certain applications, the manufacturer of the end product, machine or installation, according to the respective safety regulations, has to take measures to avoid injuries caused by burns in the end application. These measures can be, for example: warnings, guards (shielding or barrier), technical documentation. Protection During Handling and Mounting In unfavorable conditions, handling and mounting certain parts and compo‐ nents in an improper way can cause injuries. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 11/251 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls Risk of injury by improper handling! Bodily injury by bruising, shearing, cutting, hitting! CAUTION 2.2.7 ● Observe the general construction and safety regulations on handling and mounting. ● Use suitable devices for mounting and transport. ● Avoid jamming and bruising by appropriate measures. ● Always use suitable tools. Use special tools if specified. ● Use lifting equipment and tools in the correct manner. ● If necessary, use suitable protective equipment (for example safety gog‐ gles, safety shoes, safety gloves). ● Do not stand under hanging loads. ● Immediately clean up any spilled liquids because of the danger of skidding. Battery Safety Batteries consist of active chemicals enclosed in a solid housing. Therefore, improper handling can cause injury or material damage. Risk of injury by improper handling! CAUTION ● Do not attempt to reactivate low batteries by heating or other methods (risk of explosion and cauterization). ● Do not recharge the batteries as this may cause leakage or explosion. ● Do not throw batteries into open flames. ● Do not dismantle batteries. ● When replacing the battery/batteries do not damage electrical parts in‐ stalled in the devices. ● Only use the battery types specified by the manufacturer. Environmental protection and disposal! The batteries contained in the product are considered dangerous goods during land, air, and sea transport (risk of explosion) in the sense of the legal regulations. Dispose of used batteries separate from other waste. Observe the local regulations in the country of assembly. 2.2.8 Protection Against Pressurized Systems According to the information given in the Project Planning Manuals, motors cooled with liquid and compressed air, as well as drive controllers, can be par‐ tially supplied with externally fed, pressurized media, such as compressed air, hydraulics oil, cooling liquids and cooling lubricating agents. Improper handling of the connected supply systems, supply lines or connections can cause injuries or material damage. 12/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls Risk of injury by improper handling of pressurized lines! CAUTION ● Do not attempt to disconnect, open or cut pressurized lines (risk of explo‐ sion). ● Observe the respective manufacturer's operating instructions. ● Before dismounting lines, relieve pressure and empty medium. ● Use suitable protective equipment (for example safety goggles, safety shoes, safety gloves). ● Immediately clean up any spilled liquids from the floor. Environmental protection and disposal! The agents used to operate the product might not be economically friendly. Dispose of ecolog‐ ically harmful agents separately from other waste. Observe the local regulations in the country of assembly. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 13/251 Overview 3 Overview 3.1 Error Classes Messages, warnings and errors from the Rexroth IndraMotion MTX and Re‐ xroth CMP 60 can come from different areas. This results in the following error classes: Type Error class Description Error Serious system error* Internal error that makes it impossible to operate the control unit any longer Minor system error* Internal error which affects the functioning of a portion of the control unit Servo loop and drive fault "Drive interface" errors Hardware error A hardware component of the control unit is defective or malfunctioning PLC error Error from the PLC Parts program error Error during processing of a parts program MMI error Error in the Rexroth user interface DNC error "DNC" errors Interface error "PROFIBUS-DP", "Ethernet interface" or "serial interface" errors Machine error Error in the MSD area (machine status display; depends on machine manu‐ facturer) Core system warning Warning in a portion of the control unit Interface warning "PROFIBUS-DP", "Ethernet interface" or "serial interface" warnings Machine warning Warning in the MSD area (machine status display; depends on machine man‐ ufacturer) Warnings Fig.3-1: Error Classes * Error messages of the class "serious system error" or "minor sys‐ tem error" are internal error states. The displayed error number provides the Service and Development department with important information about the location and source of the error. System errors are not discussed in detail in this documentation. If a system error occurs in a supplied control system, please contact the Bosch Rexroth Service Hotline. 3.2 Error Displays 3.2.1 Status Field Display The status field displays simple status messages. In addition, extended information can be displayed, e.g. if an action could not be carried out because certain boundary conditions were not satisfied. Fig.3-2: Status line with informational message In the case of other errors, an error message is displayed. 14/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Overview Fig.3-3: Status line with error message In addition, there is also a status line with an extended error message. Fig.3-4: Status line with extended error message The extended error information can be called by clicking the Info symbol or by pressing the Info button. 3.2.2 Header Display In the case of an error, the header displays the error message regardless of the channel and filter functions. Header structure Fig.3-5: Header structure ● channel-independent control unit states (1) ● channel states (2) ● Diagnosis messages (two lines) (3) ● logo and animation for interface wait states (4) Structure and contents of the chan‐ nel-independent control unit states Fig.3-6: Control states The first part of the header displays control unit-independent states. Error This symbol indicates a composite signal over all channels that signals channeldependent and -independent NC and ProVi errors. Warning This symbol indicates a composite signal over all channels that signals channeldependent and -independent NC and ProVi warnings. Note This symbol indicates a composite signal over all channels that signals channeldependent and -independent NC and ProVi notes. Maintenance scheduled Not yet implemented Control unit designation The (configurable) control unit designa‐ tion is shown here. Complete lock This symbol indicates that the axis output is inhibited for all channels. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 15/251 Overview System wait mode This symbol indicates that at least one channel is in the wait status (composite signal). Connection status This symbol indicates the connection status to the NC: Online, Connection unreliable, Connec‐ tion interrupted Fig.3-7: Structure and contents of the diag‐ nosis messages Description of possible control unit states . . Fig.3-8: Diagnosis message in header The Options dialog box (double-click the text line) can be used to select the content of the diagnostics lines from the following categories: ● Setup diagnosis messages ● Errors (red background) ● Notes (green background) ● Warnings (yellow background) ● Start conditions. The current date and time is also shown in the first line. Press <OP9> "Diagnosis" to go to diagnosis mode. 3.2.3 Diagnosis Mode Display Not only errors, warnings and messages, but also the logbook are shown in detail in the Diagnosis overview. 16/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Overview Fig.3-9: Diagnosis overview There are various ways to display information in the diagnosis mode: ● <F2>: All events ● <F3>: Error ● <F4>: Warnings ● <F5>: Messages ● <F6>: Logbook entries ● <F7>: Details Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 17/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box 4 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box 4.1 Structure of the Error Table The table provides the following information, sorted according to increasing error numbers: ● No.:error number (4 digits) ● Error text:Text displayed in the Info dialog box. The text contains wildcards for parameters (%s, %d, %c, %f and %x) that are replaced by the relevant parameters when the error occurs (e.g. axis address, file name, etc.). ● Cause:Possible cause of error. The cause of the error is also shown in the Info dialog box. Errors can occur indirectly due to causalities; as a result, the cause shown here is not always directly applicable. In such cases, please consult Bosch Rexroth Service. ● Elimination:Information and measures for eliminating errors. The measure for the elimination of the error is also shown in the Info dialog box. Carry out the recommended error elimination measure to return the sys‐ tem to an operable condition. ● Error class:Classification of the error. The error class indicates in which area of the control unit the error was generated. ● To clear error display:Measure for clearing the error display. These measures are used to clear the error display in the status bar and in the Info dialog box. After the error has been eliminated, the system is once again ready for operation. 4.2 Error Table 4.2.1 Explanations Abbreviated entries are used in the table for the following explanations: Elimination (abbreviated entry) Explanation Not possible Please report error data and detailed soft‐ ware version to Bosch Rexroth Service. Correct programming After eliminating the error, select part pro‐ gram again and start it again if necessary. Fig.4-1: "Elimination" abbreviated entries 18/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box To clear error display (abbreviated entry) Explanation System restart Clear the error status by pressing softkey "System restart" in the "DIAGNOSIS" mode or the hardware RESET button on the I/O component. Although the display is cleared, parts of the control unit still do not function! Reset the current channel Clear the error status by resetting the channel that is currently open. Execute by means of softkey "Channel reset" in "PPROCESSING" mode. Reset all channels Clear the error status by resetting all the channels. Execute by means of softkey "System reset" in "DIAGNOSIs" mode. Fig.4-2: 4.2.2 "To clear error display" abbreviated entries Error Numbers No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 38 NFS-Cache cannot be in‐ A excessive value for the Change the machine pa‐ stalled. buffer size was defined in rameter machine parameter 308000002. Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 39 The PLC user program is During startup of the NC missing or defective. the PLC user program is missing or defective. 51 Invalid plane selected: axis The chosen working plane Please check the axes address missing! cannot be built up with the classifications of your axes configured in the con‐ channel axes. Mind an cerning channel because eventual axes change. they do not have the nee‐ ded axes classifications. 128 NCS: Client signed on. The client is announced to Remove the second call of Serious system System restart the NCS and calls Ncs_Open in the applica‐ error NCS_Open again. tion. 133 NCS: No mailbox. No valid mailbox id param‐ Give the lent mailbox to the Serious system System restart eter while call Ncs_Open client before call of Ncs- error with mailbox lend mode. Open and then call it with The client must ask the the valid mailbox. task, who lend the mailbox, to get the mailbox id. Load PLC user program PLC error from the control or by means of the programming system and switch the con‐ trol to RUN state or if a PLC user program exists in the internal FEPROM, start the control with startup mode 6. A T T E N T I O N: Data which are not saved in the FEPROM will be lost after startup. Restart the PLC program Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 19/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 134 NCS: Client not signed on. The client is not announced The application must be Serious system System restart to the NCS, but try to use announced to the NCS by error NCS-Services. calling Ncs_Open before using Ncs-Services. 139 NCS: Client not signed on. The client is not announced The application must be Serious system System restart to the NCS, but try to use announced to the NCS by error NCS-Services. calling Ncs_Open before using Ncs-Services. 151 NCS: Client not signed on. The client is not announced The application must be Serious system System restart to the NCS, but try to use announced to the NCS by error NCS-Services. calling Ncs_Open before using Ncs-Services. 163 No F-word specified for block runtime! While G93 is active no Please program the com‐ Part program movement time is pro‐ manded movement time warning grammed. Therefore no together with G93 with ad‐ feedrate can be calculated. dress F. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 164 No F-word specified for feedrate! While G94 is active no fee‐ Please program the com‐ Part program drate has been program‐ manded feedrate together warning med. Therefore no move‐ with address F. ment is possible. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 165 No F-word specified for feed per revolution! While G95 is active no fee‐ Please program the com‐ Part program drate per revolution has manded feedrate together warning been programmed. There‐ with address F. fore no movement is possi‐ ble. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 184 Invalid plane: Selection The NC function G20 (2 Please program G20 to‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ with more than 2 axis ad‐ from 8 axes) has been pro‐ gether with the two axes ror rent channel dresses! which will build up the de‐ grammed together with more than 2 axes. A work‐ sired working plane. ing plane will always be built up with 2 axes. 237 Axis address outside plane An axis outside the working Delete all axes outside the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ of circle! plane has been program‐ activated working plane or ror rent channel med while circular interpo‐ switch on helical interpola‐ lation is active. tion (G2,G3), respectively helical N interpolation (G202, G203). 238 Invalid endpoint; no tan‐ gential arc possible! The programmed end point Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ coordinate lies in the direc‐ med coordinates of the pre‐ ror rent channel tion of the end tangent of vious NC block and adjust the previous NC block. A them if necessary. tangent. arc circle cannot be calculated. 246 Data module %d not loa‐ ded. Call of an APS module with Load the corresponding PLC error parameter transfer in a da‐ data module or transfer the ta module: The transferred right data number module data module is not loaded during the subroutine call. in PLC program. Restart the PLC program 247 The parameter P0 of APS- Address of parameter field Modify the PLC user pro‐ PLC error module 0x%3x????? is in‐ can't be determined be‐ gram at the position where correct cause the transfer parame‐ the APS module is called. ter is wrong. Restart the PLC program 20/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 248 MSD file for configured lan‐ The MSD file for the selec‐ Copy the MSD file for the Core system guage not found. ted language is missing. selected language to the warning The name of this file is root directory or user FE‐ composed by 'mzatexte' PROM. If it is not present, followed by a languagerequest the missing file specific extension (e.g. ". from your machine tool 044" for English). The file is builder. opened using the search path for system files. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 261 No feedrate defined for ax‐ No rapid traverse velocity is %d in machine parame‐ is defined in the machine ter. parameters for the de‐ clared axis. Therefor the axis cannot be moved. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 315 Different scale factors for circular blocks! For circle interpolation both Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axes performing the circle med scaling factors. ror rent channel must possess the same scaling factor. 316 Different scale factors for circular blocks! For circle interpolation both Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axes performing the circle med scaling factors. ror rent channel must possess the same scaling factor. 318 Plane transformation with While the G38 coordinate Switch coordinate rotation Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ angle not possible! rotation is active the work‐ before the plane switch if ror rent channel ing plane must not be necessary by program‐ changed. The program‐ ming Mirror(0) or MIR(0). med coordinate rotation al‐ (PNC: G39). ways refers to the active working plane. 321 Programmed radius value The distance between Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ too small! startpoint and endpoint co‐ med radius and the coordi‐ ror rent channel ordinates is longer than 2 nates of start- and end‐ times circle radius. Incon‐ point. sistent geometry data. As a result, an arc cannot be cal‐ culated. 322 Incorrect interpolation pa‐ An interpolation parameter Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rameter for current circle (I,J,K) has been program‐ med interpolation parame‐ ror rent channel plane! med which refers to an axis ters and the activated outside the active working working plane. Working plane and interpolation pa‐ plane. rameters are directly switched together. 323 Invalid center program‐ med! 324 There has been a change The working plane must Please correct the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ in plane before a circular not be switched in NC block gram. ror rent channel block with tangential entry! before G5. Please define the velocity Core system limits of the axis in machine warning parameter under the group velocity. To clear error display: The difference between the Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ distance of start point to med coordinates for start‐ ror rent channel center and the distance point, endpoint and center end point to center devi‐ point. If necessary, change ates from the tolerance the tolerance value set in configured in the machine the machine parameters. parameters. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 21/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 325 Preceding linear block does not lie in the circle plane! Linear block before G5 has Please correct the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axes parts outside of active gram. ror rent channel plane. 326 Block preceding circular block does not contain a traversing movement! For calculating the tangent Please correct the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the block before G5 needs gram. ror rent channel axes motion. 328 Data from modified zero An error occurred while Please check whether the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ point offset table not read. reading a zero point offset specified ZO table exists. ror rent channel table. The table must be as‐ signed to the channel in which it is to be opened. 329 There is no zero point off‐ Although a zero point offset Please activate the re‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ set table active! function is programmed, no quired zero offset table by ror rent channel zero point offset table has programming ZoTSel(...) or ZOS(...). been activated. 342 Axis number too high! 349 Endpoint coordinate for % An axis must be program‐ Please use either absolute Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s-axis ambiguous! med either absolute or in‐ or incremental program‐ ror rent channel cremental. Both program‐ ming mode for an axis. ming modes together in one NC block are not al‐ lowed. 351 Endpoint coordinate for % An axis must be program‐ Please use either absolute Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s-axis ambiguous! med either absolute or in‐ or incremental program‐ ror rent channel cremental. Both program‐ ming mode for an axis. ming modes together in one NC block are not al‐ lowed. 359 Invalid correction index in An invalid index for tool Please program a correc‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ part program! length correction has been tion index between 1 and ror rent channel programmed. Valid Val‐ 48. ues: [1..48]. 360 No geometry correction ta‐ A tool length correction Please activate a geometry Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ble active! function has been pro‐ correction table by pro‐ ror rent channel grammed although no ge‐ gramming DcTSel(...) or ometry correction table has DCS(...). been activated. 366 Error in geometry correc‐ tion data! The required geometry cor‐ Please check if the deman‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rection table cannot be ded geometry correction ror rent channel opened. table exists. 367 Incorrect function for tool length compensation! The cutter compensation function has been activa‐ ted, although no geometry correction table has been activated. Programming error: Func‐ tion Acb_CopyAbsCoordi‐ nateToStore called for an invalid axis no. Elimination Error class To clear error display: No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Please activate a geometry Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ correction table by pro‐ ror rent channel gramming DcTSel(...) or DCS(...). 22/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 370 Address F for dwell miss‐ Dwell time with G4 is pro‐ Insert address F with time Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ing. grammed. The address F in seconds in the NC-block. ror rent channel with time in seconds is missing. 373 Drive communication dis‐ See also operator's man‐ Stop partprogram, which is Minor system er‐ Reset the cur‐ rupted ual. Parallel access to the using the service channel. ror rent channel service channel during re‐ Push softkey "Reading cording of the drive oscillo‐ drive's data" to read drive scope or reading data from data again. drive to control. 387 Syntax error with "%s" The programmed syntax in Change the part program Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ a NC-block is not allowed. at the indicated point. ror rent channel 388 No storage available for link table %s Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". 389 Function PxMcTakeBlk re‐ When creating block con‐ It is necessary to make Serious system System restart turns with error number %d trol internal memory is nee‐ more memory available for error ded. But there is no more the system, for example by memory available. decreasing the number of channels (machine param‐ eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. 390 Function PxMcTakeBlk re‐ When creating block con‐ It is necessary to make Serious system System restart turns with error number %d trol internal memory is nee‐ more memory available for error ded. But there is no more the system, for example by memory available. decreasing the number of channels (machine param‐ eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. 393 NC Configuration: NC-Job Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ "%s" is missing in config‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel ured joblist Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Error class Part program warning To clear error display: Reset the cur‐ rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 23/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text 395 Cause Elimination Error class Invalid file name occurred Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 397 Type of result not equal to Programming error at CPL type of CPL - expression - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 398 Link table not available Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 403 Abort during direct access There is no timecheck at a No error recovery possible! PLC error directly access to I/O. Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Restart the PLC program 404 Cycle time-out There is a timeout of the PLC program This error ocurs often by PLC error programming loops or re‐ cursive calls of program‐ modules. If the max. cyle‐ time is defined at the module OM2, this value can be adjusted. Restart the PLC program 405 Cycle time-out There is a timeout of the PLC program This error ocurs often by PLC error programming loops or re‐ cursive calls of program‐ modules. If the max. cyle‐ time is defined at the module OM2, this value can be adjusted. Restart the PLC program 406 Cycle time-out There is a timeout of the PLC program This error ocurs often by PLC error programming loops or re‐ cursive calls of program‐ modules. If the max. cyle‐ time is defined at the module OM2, this value can be adjusted. Restart the PLC program 407 Illegal write access! The addresses of some Check and modify the PLC PLC error writestatements are program. checked. (This cannot oc‐ cur at the customer be‐ cause development-inter‐ nal commands are in‐ volved.) Restart the PLC program 408 Nesting depth exceeded! There are to many nested It is an error at the PLC pro‐ PLC error programmcalls. gram, often caused by re‐ cursive programcalls. Of‐ ten due to recursions. Restart the PLC program Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". To clear error display: 24/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 409 User stack overflow %x! There are to many PUSH- It is an error at the PLC pro‐ PLC error statements. The maximum gram, often caused by re‐ number is 256. cursive programcalls. Re‐ duce the number of pushstatements. Restart the PLC program 410 User stack underflow! The number of POP-state‐ Check and modify the PLC PLC error ments exceeds the number program. of PUSH-statements. More read than write operations were carried out. Restart the PLC program 411 No data module active! An access to a datamodule Activate the datamodule PLC error occurred, but is no data‐ before you access data of module active. it. Restart the PLC program 412 Illegal command found! Illegal Opcode occurred. PLC error Restart the PLC program 413 Parameter error! These parameters are Check and modify the PLC PLC error transferred to modules! program. There is an access to a not existing parameter of a pro‐ grammodule or the illegal use of it. Restart the PLC program 414 Invalid operand address! The address of a read/ write-access exceeds the defined area of the oper‐ and. User program error. Often PLC error occurs in the case of indi‐ rect addressing or DBs. (DB not long enough.) Restart the PLC program 415 Illegal write access! The address of a read/ Check and modify the PLC PLC error write-access exceeds the program. defined area of the oper‐ and. Restart the PLC program 416 Unknown module called! The called module doesn`t Check and modify the PLC PLC error exist. This is often caused program. by incremental download of programmodules or by indirect access to oper‐ ands. Restart the PLC program 417 HLT - command found! A programmed HLT-state‐ ment occurred. PLC error Restart the PLC program 422 User error message: %d % The PLC program ist stop‐ d %d ped by a programmed error of a hll-programmodule. PLC error Restart the PLC program 423 User warning: %d %d %d A Warning occurred caused by a programmed warning of a hll-program‐ module. (PLC doesn't stop) PLC error Restart the PLC program 424 Recursive C-module call A hll-programmodule Check and modify the PLC PLC error mustn't be called recursive‐ program. ly. Restart the PLC program 425 Configuration list conflict! A peripheral assignment is Check the real I/O-configu‐ PLC error specified in OB2. This does ration and the I/O-configu‐ not agree with the actual ration defined at DW33 of OM2. one. Restart the PLC program The programstorage has been overwritten at run‐ time. Error class To clear error display: Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 25/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text 428 Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: Error in definition of perma‐ Programming error at CPL nent variables in line "%d" - command. For further in‐ of "%s" formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Minor system er‐ System restart ror 429 General linker/CPL error Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 431 Invalid file name occurred Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 432 No PLC program found During startup of control Copy PLC user program PLC error with startup mode 6 or 2, in from a data medium (e.g. which the PLC user pro‐ from the mount directory) gram is loaded into PLC, no into the user FEPROM and PLC user program was trigger a control startup found. with startup mode 2 after‐ wards. Or load and save PLC user program with programming system. Restart the PLC program 433 PLC program loaded from During startup of control If you want to load the PLC PLC error internal FEPROM, since with startup mode 6 or 2, in program of the PCMCIAnot on Mem card which the PLC user pro‐ card, put the right one into gram of PC card or user the slot and restart the sys‐ FEPROM is loaded into tem again. PLC, no PLC user program was found on the PC card and the PLC user program of user FEPROM is loaded. Restart the PLC program 435 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Check the programmed ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ded in axis %d! been programmed which is coordinates, or, neces‐ ror rent channel violates the software travel sary change the software limits defined in machine travel limits in machine pa‐ parameter. rameter. 436 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Check the programmed ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ded in axis %d! been programmed which is coordinates, or, neces‐ ror rent channel violates the software travel sary change the software limits defined in machine travel limits in machine pa‐ parameter. rameter. 437 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Check the programmed ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ded in axis %d! been programmed which is coordinates, or, neces‐ ror rent channel violates the software travel sary change the software limits defined in machine travel limits in machine pa‐ parameter. rameter. 438 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Check the programmed ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ded in axis %d! been programmed which is coordinates, or, neces‐ ror rent channel violates the software travel sary change the software limits defined in machine travel limits in machine pa‐ parameter. rameter. 26/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 439 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Check the programmed ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ded in rotary axis! been programmed which is coordinates, or, neces‐ ror rent channel violates the software travel sary change the software limits defined in machine travel limits in machine pa‐ parameter. rameter. 440 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Check the programmed ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ded in rotary axis! been programmed which is coordinates, or, neces‐ ror rent channel violates the software travel sary change the software limits defined in machine travel limits in machine pa‐ parameter. rameter. 441 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Check the programmed ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ded in rotary axis! been programmed which is coordinates, or, neces‐ ror rent channel violates the software travel sary change the software limits defined in machine travel limits in machine pa‐ parameter. rameter. 442 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Check the programmed ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ded in rotary axis! been programmed which is coordinates, or, neces‐ ror rent channel violates the software travel sary change the software limits defined in machine travel limits in machine pa‐ parameter. rameter. 445 File %s in use Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 446 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL number of parameters - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 447 Invalid permanent variable Programming error at CPL %s - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 448 Type of variable "%s" inva‐ Programming error at CPL lid. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 449 Incorrect field index at %s. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 450 Multiple subprogram pro‐ hibited Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 453 Insufficient memory for program %s Too small a value for link table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 27/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 454 Insufficient memory for program %s Too small a value for link table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. 455 Insufficient memory for program %s Too small a value for link table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. 456 Insufficient memory for program %s Too small a value for link table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. 457 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL type of parameter - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 458 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 459 Variable type incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 460 Invalid variable Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 461 Variable type incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 462 Invalid variable Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 463 Insufficient memory for program %s Too small a value for link table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. 464 Too many variables in pro‐ Too small a value for link gram %s table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. 28/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 465 Insufficient memory for program %s Too small a value for link table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. 466 Too many variables in pro‐ Too small a value for link gram %s table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. 468 Insufficient memory for program %s Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. 469 %s-command only in DLG Programming error at CPL - ENDDLG possible - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. 470 Insufficient memory for program %s Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. 472 Invalid permanent variable Programming error at CPL %s - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 473 Type of variable "%s" inva‐ Programming error at CPL lid. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 479 Invalid line or column in CPL-command. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 480 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 481 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 482 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 483 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Too small a value for link table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Too small a value for link table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 29/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 484 Invalid parameter value Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 485 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 486 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 487 Parameter missing Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 488 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 489 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 490 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 491 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 492 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 493 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 494 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 495 Invalid component length Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 496 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 30/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 497 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 498 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 499 File length must be integer Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 500 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 501 Parameter missing Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 502 Invalid filename Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 503 Maximum CPL-string length exceeded. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 504 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 505 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 506 Invalid format. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 507 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 508 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 509 INPUT format incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 31/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 510 INPUT format incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 511 INPUT format incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 512 INPUT format incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 513 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 514 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 515 PRN-command is missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 516 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 518 PRN format incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 519 PRN format incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 520 PRN format incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 521 PRN format incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 522 Unknown CPL-command. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 523 Permanent CPL variable Programming error at CPL "%s" could not be created. - command. For further in‐ Memory full. formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Minor system er‐ System restart ror 32/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 524 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 525 Error in expression %s Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 526 Invalid filename Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 527 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 528 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 529 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 530 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 531 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 532 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 533 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 534 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 535 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 536 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 33/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 537 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 538 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 539 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 540 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 541 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 542 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 543 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 544 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 545 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 546 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 547 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 548 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 549 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 34/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 550 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 551 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 552 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 553 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 554 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 555 Invalid component Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 556 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 557 Invalid component Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 558 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 559 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 560 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 561 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 562 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 35/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 563 Invalid component Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 564 Invalid component Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 565 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 566 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 567 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 568 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 569 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 570 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 571 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 572 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 573 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 574 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 575 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 36/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 576 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 577 Invalid file number Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 578 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 579 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 580 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 581 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 582 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 583 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 584 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 585 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 586 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 587 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 588 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 37/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 589 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 590 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 591 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 592 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 593 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 594 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 595 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 596 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 597 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 598 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 599 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 600 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 601 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 38/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 602 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 603 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 604 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 605 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 606 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 607 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 608 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 609 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 610 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 611 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 612 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 613 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 614 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 39/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 615 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 616 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 617 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 618 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 619 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 620 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 621 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 622 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 623 Invalid field index Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 624 Invalid field index Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 625 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 626 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 627 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 40/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 628 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 629 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 630 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 631 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 632 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 633 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 634 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 635 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 636 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 637 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 638 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 639 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 640 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 41/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 641 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 642 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 643 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 645 string constant too long Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 648 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 649 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 650 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 651 Option inactive Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 653 Invalid permanent variable Programming error at CPL %s - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 655 Invalid parameter. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 656 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 657 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 658 Type must be integer. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 42/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 659 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 660 Error on reading machine Programming error at CPL parameter. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 661 Integer-overflow, value be‐ Programming error at CPL comes negative - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program warning 662 CPL-Dialog not possible Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 663 invalid Variable %s Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 664 Invalid permanent variable Programming error at CPL %s - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 665 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 666 Type must be BIT Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 667 Type must be BIT Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 668 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 669 Invalid expression Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 670 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 671 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reset the cur‐ rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 43/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 672 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 673 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 674 Invalid expression Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 675 Hyphen not permitted Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 676 Invalid format. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 677 PRN format incorrect. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 678 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 679 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 680 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 681 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 682 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 683 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 684 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 44/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 685 Invalid expression Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 686 Subprogram %s does not Programming error at CPL exist - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 687 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 688 Invalid expression Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 689 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 692 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 693 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 694 Type must be BIT Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 695 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 696 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 697 Type must be BIT Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 698 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 699 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 45/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 700 Type must be BIT Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 701 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 702 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 703 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 704 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 705 Invalid variable Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 706 Invalid field limit Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 707 Invalid field limit Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 708 Invalid field limit Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". The scaling function refers Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ to the active programming ror rent channel coordinate system. There‐ fore scaling must be switched off before chang‐ ing an inclined plane. 709 Invalid field limit Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 710 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 711 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 46/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 712 Invalid variable Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 713 Invalid field type Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 714 Incorrect branch destina‐ tion Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 715 Option inactive Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 716 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 717 Invalid variable Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 718 Invalid statement Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 719 Invalid statement Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 722 Invalid statement Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 723 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 724 Invalid statement Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 725 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 726 Invalid statement Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 47/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 727 DSP format incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 728 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 729 Invalid statement Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 730 DSP format incorrect Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program warning 731 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 732 Invalid expression Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 733 Invalid expression Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 734 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 735 Error writing in file %s Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 736 Incorrect branch destina‐ tion Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 737 Axis not exist Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 738 Axis position could not be Programming error at CPL read - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 739 there is no free CPL-Dia‐ log-Window Reset the cur‐ rent channel CPL-Dialog is used by a Exit part program that uses Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ part program from another CPL-Dialog. ror rent channel channel. 48/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 741 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 742 Type of Machine Parame‐ Programming error at CPL ter and type of variable in‐ - command. For further in‐ compatible formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 743 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL type of parameter - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 744 invalid axis number in %s- Programming error at CPL command - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 745 invalid ident number in %s- Programming error at CPL command - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 747 Variable %s not used. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 748 Nesting too deep Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 749 Block not found Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 750 Line not found Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 751 Label %s not found Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 752 Invalid operand Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 753 Invalid operand Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 754 Invalid operand Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 49/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 755 Invalid operand Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 756 Invalid comparison Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 757 Invalid comparison Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 758 Invalid assignment Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 760 Axis not exist Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 761 Invalid parameter. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 762 Error in expression %s Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 763 Character area %s not used Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 764 Character area %s not used Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 765 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 766 Invalid statement Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 767 Invalid parameter Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 768 Error in accessing tool ta‐ Programming error at CPL ble - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 50/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text 769 Cause Elimination Error class Error in accessing tool ta‐ Programming error at CPL ble - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 770 TDA-command with invalid Programming error at CPL table number - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 771 TDA-command with invalid Programming error at CPL field number - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 772 TDA-command with invalid Programming error at CPL data type - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 773 Error in accessing tool ta‐ Programming error at CPL ble - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 774 Error in accessing tool ta‐ Programming error at CPL ble - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 775 TDA-command with invalid Programming error at CPL table number - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 776 TDA-command with invalid Programming error at CPL field number - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 777 TDA-command with invalid Programming error at CPL data type - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 778 Nesting too deep. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 779 Invalid parameter value Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 780 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL number of parameters - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 781 Insufficient memory for program %s Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. Too small a value for link table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". To clear error display: Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 51/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 783 Invalid file name occurred Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 790 SAV: No link table found It was attempted to call a Select program or subpro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ subprogram, which needs gram with option 'CPL-pro‐ ror rent channel a link table. It is no link table gram'. available and it could not be created. 791 SAV: No link table found It is attempted to interpret a Select program or subpro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ CPL expression, which gram with option 'CPL-pro‐ ror rent channel needs a link table. This can gram'. occur in manual data input or after selection of a DIN program. 793 Subprogram %s does not Programming error at CPL exist - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 818 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 819 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 820 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 821 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 822 Invalid statement Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 823 Invalid statement Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 824 Invalid statement Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 825 Insufficient memory for program %s Too small a value for link table defined in machine parameter block number 7070 00010 "Data areas for CPL programs". Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ link table in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter 707000010 and in‐ itiate a new system startup. 52/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text 826 Cause Elimination Error class Subprogram %s does not Programming error at CPL exist - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 827 Subprogram %s does not Programming error at CPL exist - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 828 Insufficient runtime memo‐ Too small a value for stack Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ry available defined in machine param‐ stack in machine parame‐ ror rent channel eter block number 7070 ter 707000010 and initiate 00010 "Data areas for CPL a new system startup. programs". 832 %s-axis does not respond under SERCOS address % d Compare SERCOS ad‐ dress with corresponding machine parameter data and adjust it. 833 %s-axis for switchover in SERCOS phase 3 not ready -> check ident num‐ ber S-0-0021 The drive doesn't accept the switching due to miss‐ ing or wrong ident num‐ bers. Read out ident number Control or drive Reset all chan‐ S-0-0021 of this axis and error nels in "DIAG‐ correct missing or wrong NOSIS" mode ident number. Initiate a new SERCOS startup sub‐ sequently. 834 %s-axis for switchover in SERCOS phase 3 not ready -> check ident num‐ ber S-0-0021 The drive doesn't accept the switching due to miss‐ ing or wrong ident num‐ bers. Read out ident number Control or drive Reset all chan‐ S-0-0021 of this axis and error nels in "DIAG‐ correct missing or wrong NOSIS" mode ident number. Initiate a new SERCOS startup sub‐ sequently. 835 Data error in %s (%s-axis). The indicated data record Check data record of the Control or drive Reset all chan‐ isn't accepted by the drive NC and change it if neces‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ (address). Possible cause: sary. NOSIS" mode data record in the NC has incorrect format, the value is beyond the range al‐ lowed by the drive or the data is write protected at the moment. Note the ex‐ act error description. 836 %s-axis for switchover in SERCOS phase 3 not ready -> check ident num‐ ber S-0-0021 837 Error when clearing diagn. cannot set command reset No error recovery possible! Control or drive Reset all chan‐ class 1 error for %s-axis class1 Please report error data error nels in "DIAG‐ and detailed software ver‐ NOSIS" mode sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. The drive doesn't accept the switching due to miss‐ ing or wrong ident num‐ bers. To clear error display: Control or drive Reset all chan‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode Read out ident number Control or drive Reset all chan‐ S-0-0021 of this axis and error nels in "DIAG‐ correct missing or wrong NOSIS" mode ident number. Initiate a new SERCOS startup sub‐ sequently. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 53/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 838 %s-axis for switchover in SERCOS phase 4 not ready -> check ident num‐ ber S-0-022 The drive doesn't accept the switching due to miss‐ ing or wrong ident num‐ bers. Read out ident number Control or drive Reset all chan‐ S-0-0022 of this axis and error nels in "DIAG‐ correct missing or wrong NOSIS" mode ident number. Initiate a new SERCOS startup sub‐ sequently. 840 Incorrect SERCOS phase Use of a wrong communi‐ selection (->%d) cation phase in SERCOS startup. The phases 0 to 4 may be used. The phases must always be set in as‐ cending order in steps of one. Check the commanded Control or drive Reset all chan‐ SERCOS communication error nels in "DIAG‐ phase and change it if nec‐ NOSIS" mode essary. 841 Serious SERCOS error with return into phase 0 844 Selected SERCOS phase Error in phase 0 transition No error recovery possible! Control or drive Reset all chan‐ could not be implemented Please report error data error nels in "DIAG‐ and detailed software ver‐ NOSIS" mode sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 849 Interruption of the SER‐ COS ring 850 SERCOS: Repeated mes‐ Failure of two successive Check SERCOS configu‐ Control or drive Reset all chan‐ sage failure drive telegrams of the ration, cable connections error nels in "DIAG‐ same address. The NC and drives. Initiate a new NOSIS" mode switches back to communi‐ SERCOS startup. cation phase 0. 851 SERCOS: Max. number of Each command of the NC Check the environment of Serious system System restart active commands excee‐ to a drive is inserted in a this problem so that a list error ded (channel: %d) list. The capacity of this list overflow is avoided. is limited. The error occurs if the number of simultane‐ ous active commands is greater than 5. A serious error during start‐ Check drives, connections Control or drive Reset all chan‐ up of the SERCOS inter‐ and parameterization of error nels in "DIAG‐ face requires the NC to the SERCOS ring. Initiate a NOSIS" mode switch back to SERCOS new SERCOS startup. phase 0. Possible causes: telegram failure, hand‐ shake timeout or busy timeout in the service chan‐ nel, wrong adjustment of transmission times. Bitstream on the SERCOS Check glass fibers, drives Control or drive Reset all chan‐ ring interrupted, connec‐ and connections. Initiate a error nels in "DIAG‐ tion to the drives interrup‐ new SERCOS startup. NOSIS" mode ted. 54/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 853 SERCOS: Communication A command change bit error %d (channel: %d) sent by the drive causes several communications with the corresponding drive. The communication is handled in the service channel. The cause for a communication error is usually a destroyed list of active commands. 855 NCE-response error (%d) The list of the output files Correct list. has an invalid format. The output has been aborted. 890 SERCOS phase 3, data er‐ In order to initialize the in‐ Check the ident number, Control or drive Reset all chan‐ ror drive %d IdNo %d terpolation the NC must de‐ e.g. with the help of SER‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode tect the interface type and COS monitor, and initiate a the encoder type from the new SERCOS startup. main operation mode pa‐ rameter (ID SD-0-0032). During loading ident num‐ ber SD-0-0032 an error oc‐ curred! 891 No position interface for % In the machine parame‐ Check ident number 32 s-axis specified (%s) ters, this axis is applied as and adjust position inter‐ a feed axis. For this adjust‐ face in the drive if neces‐ ment it is also necessary sary. that the position control is configured in the main op‐ eration mode of the drive. 892 SERCOS phase 3, data er‐ Communication fault dur‐ Check the ident number, Control or drive Reset all chan‐ ror drive %d IdNo %d ing loading the reference e.g. with the help of SER‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ point of the drive. COS monitor, and initiate a NOSIS" mode new SERCOS startup. 893 SERCOS runup aborted due to an error No error recovery possible! Control or drive System restart Please report error data error and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Serious system System restart error Control or drive Reset all chan‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode Due to a simple communi‐ Check download data re‐ Control or drive Reset all chan‐ cation fault while loading cord, adjust it if necessary error nels in "DIAG‐ the drive parameters to the and initiate a new SER‐ NOSIS" mode drive the SERCOS startup COS startup. has been aborted. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 55/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 894 APS: Operand address %d The operand address is Change the operand ad‐ PLC error too high for address range greater than the corre‐ dress in machine parame‐ %d sponding operand range ter and restart the PLC within the plc Address program (with program‐ ranges: 0 - address range ming device) or initiate a of axes related signals, 1 - new system startup (with‐ address range of spindle out programming device). related signals, 2 - address range of channel related signals, 3 - address range of MSD, 4 - address range of bit coded auxiliary func‐ tions, 5 - address range of 32 bit BCD coded auxiliary functions, 6 - address range of 64 bit BCD coded auxiliary functions. Restart the PLC program 895 APS: Ncs error %d in %x No error recovery possible! PLC error Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Restart the PLC program 896 APS: No memory block The request for memory No error recovery possible! PLC error available for job processing space for the internal man‐ Please report error data in %x for function %d agement list could not be and detailed software ver‐ satisfied. Hence the called sion to the after sales serv‐ function could not be per‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. formed. The reason is a too Initiate a system startup. frequently loading of client modules, while these mod‐ ules are waiting for a re‐ sponse from the NC. Restart the PLC program 897 APS: NCB error %d with re‐ A request for memory quest of communication space via the dual port memory could not be satisfied. No error recovery possible! PLC error Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Restart the PLC program 898 APS: NCB error %d with re‐ Error on requesting the No error recovery possible! PLC error quest of handler structure handler structure for copy‐ Please report error data ing the NC bit interface. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Restart the PLC program A NCS function called in the subsystem APS re‐ turned an error. Elimination Error class To clear error display: 56/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 899 APS: Invalid operand type The operand type is not de‐ Change the operand ad‐ PLC error %s for address range %d fined or invalid. Address dress in machine parame‐ ranges: 0 - address range ter and restart the PLC of axes related signals, 1 - program (with program‐ address range of spindle ming device) or initiate a related signals, 2 - address new system startup (with‐ range of channel related out programming device). signals, 3 - address range of MSD, 4 - address range of bit coded auxiliary func‐ tions, 5 - address range of 32 bit BCD coded auxiliary functions, 6 - address range of 64 bit BCD coded auxiliary functions. Restart the PLC program 900 APS: Incorrect service %d An unknown service was No error recovery possible! PLC error in job list detected within the internal Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ management list. sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Restart the PLC program 901 APS: OS error %d when creating storage class OS returns an error on in‐ No error recovery possible! PLC error stalling the memory class Please report error data for APS. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Restart the PLC program 902 APS: Error %d when read‐ An error occurs when re‐ No error recovery possible! PLC error ing machine parameters questing machine parame‐ Please report error data ters. APS cannot complete and detailed software ver‐ the initialization. sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Restart the PLC program 903 Main program %s does not A part program has been Repeat program selection Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ exist selected which doesn't ex‐ with a program. ror rent channel ist. 904 APS: No call of B01APSMN in OB1 905 LSEC: Error when reading Possibly the indicated line Edit the indicated file and Minor system er‐ System restart line %d, file %s! contains only one instead adjust the number format. ror of two required numbers. Initiate a system startup. A Both numbers must be general failure of the stand‐ separated by a space char‐ ard file I/O should be inves‐ acter. An error within the tigated by the NC manufac‐ standard file IO (fscanf) al‐ turer. so causes this error mes‐ sage. On calling a client module Insert as first command in PLC error the APS memory class OM1 an unconditional call could not be accessed, be‐ of the program module cause the APS initialization B01APSMN and restart the was not completely per‐ PLC program. formed. To clear error display: Restart the PLC program Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 57/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 906 LSEC: One of the numbers In the first line of the files Edit the indicated file and Minor system er‐ System restart in line %d, file %s is too lsec?.tab only numbers be‐ adjust the numbers to the ror high! tween -214748364.7 and allowed range of values. In‐ +214748364.7 are al‐ itiate a system startup. lowed. In all following lines the limits are -3276.7 and +3276.7. 907 LSEC: Maximum number The maximum number of of LSEC values in line %d, correction values in the file %s exceeded! files lsec?.tab may not ex‐ ceed 8000 at present. 924 Invalid filesystem length. This is a problem of the Startup with mode 6; per‐ Serious system System restart RAM filesystem extension. haps the PC Card must be error The PC-Card is probably changed. defective. 925 Invalid filesystem length. This is a problem of the Startup with mode 6; per‐ Serious system System restart RAM filesystem extension. haps the PC Card must be error The PC-Card is probably changed. defective. 926 Invalid offset address for fil‐ This is a problem of the Startup with mode 6; per‐ Serious system System restart esystem extension RAM filesystem extension. haps the PC Card must be error The PC-Card is probably changed. defective. 927 Invalid offset address for fil‐ This is a problem of the Startup with mode 6; per‐ Serious system System restart esystem extension RAM filesystem extension. haps the PC Card must be error The PC-Card is probably changed. defective. 931 Invalid filesystem length. The 'usrfep' filesystem is defective. Startup with mode 7; per‐ Serious system System restart haps then startup with error mode 6. 932 Error in filesystem header The 'usrfep' filesystem is defective. Startup with mode 7; per‐ Serious system System restart haps then startup with error mode 6. 933 Invalid start address of file‐ The 'usrfep' filesystem is system defective. Startup with mode 7; per‐ Serious system System restart haps then startup with error mode 6. 935 Invalid start address of file‐ This is a problem of the Startup with mode 6; per‐ Serious system System restart system RAM filesystem extension. haps the PC Card must be error The PC-Card is probably changed. defective. 936 Invalid start address of file‐ This is a problem of the Startup with mode 6; per‐ Serious system System restart system RAM filesystem extension. haps the PC Card must be error The PC-Card is probably changed. defective. 988 File system defective. Cold The RAM-filesystem is de‐ Startup with mode 6; per‐ Serious system System restart start required fective or too big haps the PC Card must be error changed. 1061 Panel %d defective or not According to the entry in connected. OM2 the indicated CANparticipant exists, but it doesn't respond. Edit the indicated file and Minor system er‐ System restart reduce the number of val‐ ror ues. Initiate a system start‐ up. Check cable or change hardware module. Hardware error System restart 58/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 1062 Machine operating panel % According to the entry in d defective or not connec‐ OM2 the indicated CANted. participant exists, but it doesn't respond. 1063 Error during transmission On transmitting keyboard Exchange the concerning Interface warn‐ of keyboard data (panel % data via the CAN bus an hardware module if this er‐ ing d). error occurred. The can ror occurs frequently. bus has been initialized once again. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1064 Error during transmission On transmitting MBF data Exchange the concerning Interface warn‐ of MBF data (machine op‐ via CAN bus an error oc‐ hardware module if this er‐ ing erating panel %d). curred. The can bus has ror occurs frequently. been initialized once again. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1065 CAN bus shutdown due to Due to an excessive error Exchange the concerning Interface warn‐ high error rate. rate on the CAN bus a bus hardware module if this er‐ ing shutdown with a reinitiali‐ ror occurs frequently. zation has been per‐ formed. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1066 Bus warning due to high er‐ The CAN module reports a Exchange the concerning Interface warn‐ ror rate on CAN bus. high error rate during trans‐ hardware module if this er‐ ing mitting the MBF- and key‐ ror occurs frequently. board data. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1067 Bus warning from panel % On transmitting keyboard Exchange the concerning Interface warn‐ d. data via CAN bus a high er‐ hardware module if this er‐ ing ror occurs frequently. ror rate was reported. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1068 Outputs are cleared! System restart 1069 Bus warning from machine On transmitting machine- Exchange the concerning Interface warn‐ operating panel %d. operating-panel data via hardware module if this er‐ ing CAN bus a high error rate ror occurs frequently. was reported. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1071 Machine operating panel % Due to an excessive error Exchange the concerning Interface warn‐ d signals bus mode switch‐ rate on the CAN bus the in‐ hardware module if this er‐ ing over. dicated CAN participant re‐ ror occurs frequently. ports a bus mode switch. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1073 APS: %x: Incorrect NCS li‐ On calling a NCS function Copy the matching module PLC error brary version. the APS detects that the NCS_LIB.PAH, bind and version of the library mod‐ load the PLC user program ule NCS_LIB.PAH (OB52) once more. doesn't correspond to the version of the APS module. Restart the PLC program 1074 Auxiliary function is not de‐ The auxiliary function used Modify part program or de‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ fined. in the NC program is not fine auxiliary function in ror rent channel defined in machine param‐ machine parameter. eter. 1075 Auxiliary function not in val‐ The address of the pro‐ Modify part program. id range. grammed auxiliary function is out of bounds. The Switch "Clear Output" located on the ICL module is turned on or the pro‐ gramming device has acti‐ vated this function. Elimination Error class Check cable or change hardware module. Hardware error System restart Switch off switch "Clear PLC error Output" on the ICL hard‐ ware module or deactivate the function "Clear Out‐ puts" by means of the pro‐ gramming device. To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 59/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 1076 APS: Library module in On starting the PLC user Enter NCS_LIB.PAH in the PLC error NCS_LIB not linked to PLC program the APS detects symbol table of OM52, bind that the required library program as OM52. and load the PLC user pro‐ module NCS_LIB.PAH has gram once more. not been linked as OM52 to the PLC program. 1077 Definition of auxiliary func‐ The definitions of the auxil‐ Define acknowledgment Minor system er‐ System restart tion not complete in ma‐ iary functions in machine flags to all bit coded auxili‐ ror chine parameter. parameter are not com‐ ary functions or insert en‐ plete. tries for each auxiliary func‐ tion in the different ma‐ chine parameter groups. 1103 APS: Incorrect magic num‐ On receiving a response ber in response message from the NC the magic in %x. number is not correct. The response is rejected. 1104 Panel %d signals bus mode switchover. 1106 Unknown block number % Wrong instructions for s. "search block". Select the correct block Part program number for "search block" warning with or after program selec‐ tion. 1107 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL parameter for Unit. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1108 Invalid float value. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1109 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL parameter for Unit. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1113 Invalid integer value. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1115 Parameter missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1116 Option inactive. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel No error recovery possible! PLC error Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Due to an excessive error Exchange the concerning Interface warn‐ rate on the CAN bus the in‐ hardware module if this er‐ ing dicated CAN participant re‐ ror occurs frequently. ports a bus mode switch. To clear error display: Restart the PLC program Restart the PLC program In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Reset the cur‐ rent channel 60/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1117 Parameter missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1118 Variable %s not used. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1119 Invalid variable %s. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1120 Invalid variable %s. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1121 Invalid allocation. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1122 Division by zero. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1123 Incorrect field index at %s. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1124 Invalid parameter. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1125 Invalid variable %s. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1127 End of file. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1129 File destroyed. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1130 Invalid logical number. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1131 File not opened. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 61/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 1132 Invalid file name. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1133 Invalid component length. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1134 Right parenthesis missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1135 Invalid parameter. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1136 File is locked Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1137 File is protected. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1138 Illegal file size. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1139 PRN format incorrect. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1140 Invalid float value. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1142 Invalid logical number. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1143 Invalid parameter. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1144 Insufficient memory for da‐ Too large values for stack Reduce data ranges in ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ta areas of CPL programs. and link table are defined in chine parameter ror rent channel machine parameter block 707000010 and initiate a number 7070 00010 "Data new system startup. areas for CPL programs". 1145 Invalid component. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 62/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 1147 Invalid format. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1148 Nesting too deep. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1150 Motion for axis %d greater/ The programming yields a Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ equal 360 degrees. motion of more than 360 gram. ror rent channel degrees for a modulo rota‐ ry axis. 1191 Conversion table %s not activated. Error reading the conver‐ sion table defined in ma‐ chine parameter 405500014. Check if the table exists in Interface error the file system and verify its format. with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1192 Conversion table %s not activated. Error reading the conver‐ sion table defined in ma‐ chine parameter 405500014. Check if the table exists in Interface error the file system and verify its format. with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1200 Output of %s: File protec‐ The indicated file is protec‐ Change file protection. ted. ted, hence output is not possible. The output has been aborted. Interface error with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1201 Output of %s: File protec‐ The indicated file is protec‐ Change file protection. ted. ted, hence output is not possible. The output has been aborted. Interface error with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1202 Output of %s: Main pro‐ gram missing. Interface error with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1203 Loading of %s: DFS identi‐ The DFS identification of Add DFS identification in Interface error fication missing. the input file is missing. the file on the external de‐ Loading has been aborted. vice. Incompletely transmitted files or packages have been deleted with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1204 Beginning-of-information marker missing. Interface error with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1205 Loading of %s: DFS-identi‐ The DFS recognition of the Check DFS identification. Interface error fication incorrect. input file is wrong. Loading has been aborted. Incom‐ pletely transmitted files or packages have been de‐ leted with a change of mode of opera‐ tion The main program in the Create or copy main pro‐ package to be output is gram. missing. The output has been aborted. The main program in the output pack‐ age is missing. In the input stream the be‐ Insert beginning-of-infor‐ ginning-of-informationmation-marker. marker (control character STX) of a file is missing. Loading has been aborted. No package was created. To clear error display: Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 63/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1206 Loading of %s: Different The file name in the DFS Check file and application Interface error name in DFS-identification. recognition doesn't corre‐ on the external device. spond with the name of the requested file. The loading has been aborted and no new file or package was created. with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1207 Loading of %s: Main pro‐ gram missing. The main program in the in‐ During input of packages Interface error put package is missing. the main program must be The loading has been abor‐ transferred first. ted and no new package has been created. with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1208 Loading of %s: Memory full. There is not enough mem‐ Enlarge memory and re‐ ory space to store the input start input. files. Loading has been aborted. Incompletely transmitted files or pack‐ ages have been deleted Interface error with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1209 Loading of %s: File data in‐ The input file contains in‐ Check file and package. correct. valid data. The loading has been aborted. The faulty file or package has been deleted. Interface error with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1210 Loading of %s: Data after Undefined data have been Check file. end identifier. transmitted after the end recognition. Loading has been aborted. No new file or package has been cre‐ ated. Interface error with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1211 Loading of %s: File not cre‐ Perhaps reading was car‐ Change directory and re‐ ated. ried out in a protected di‐ start file transfer. rectory. As a result, the file could not be created. Interface error with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1212 Loading of %s: File not cre‐ Perhaps reading was car‐ Change directory and re‐ ated. ried out in a protected di‐ start file transfer. rectory. As a result, the file could not be created. Interface error with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1213 Loading of %s: File already While the specified file was Delete the existing file and Interface error exists. being read, it was deter‐ restart input once more. mined that a file with the same name already exists. Reading was then cancel‐ led. with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1214 Loading of %s: Timeout oc‐ File transfer has been curred. aborted due to a timeout. Check connection and ap‐ Interface error plication on the external device. with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1215 Output of %s: Timeout oc‐ File transfer has been curred. aborted due to a timeout. Check connection and ap‐ Interface error plication on the external device. with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 64/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1274 Parameter overflow for NC Configuration of the NCfunction %s. syntax in the indicated function is not correct. Try to simplify the NCPart program er‐ Reset the cur‐ block. If the error still oc‐ ror rent channel curs please report error data and detailed software version to the after sales service of the NC manufac‐ turer. 1275 Internal error during block Configuration of the NCreading at %s. syntax in the indicated function is not correct. Try to simplify the NCPart program er‐ Reset the cur‐ block. If the error still oc‐ ror rent channel curs please report error data and detailed software version to the after sales service of the NC manufac‐ turer. 1276 Parameter %s cannot be allocated. Configuration of the NCsyntax in the indicated function is not correct. Try to simplify the NCPart program er‐ Reset the cur‐ block. If the error still oc‐ ror rent channel curs please report error data and detailed software version to the after sales service of the NC manufac‐ turer. 1278 Number of parameters in Configuration of the NCNC block too high after pa‐ syntax in the indicated function is not correct. rameter %s. Try to simplify the NCPart program er‐ Reset the cur‐ block. If the error still oc‐ ror rent channel curs please report error data and detailed software version to the after sales service of the NC manufac‐ turer. 1279 Parameter %s is expected Configuration of the NCby several NC functions. syntax in the indicated function is not correct. Try to simplify the NCPart program er‐ Reset the cur‐ block. If the error still oc‐ ror rent channel curs please report error data and detailed software version to the after sales service of the NC manufac‐ turer. 1280 Internal error during block Configuration of the NCreading at %s. syntax in the indicated function is not correct. Try to simplify the NCPart program er‐ Reset the cur‐ block. If the error still oc‐ ror rent channel curs please report error data and detailed software version to the after sales service of the NC manufac‐ turer. 1281 Internal error during block Configuration of the NCreading at %s. syntax in the indicated function is not correct. Try to simplify the NCPart program er‐ Reset the cur‐ block. If the error still oc‐ ror rent channel curs please report error data and detailed software version to the after sales service of the NC manufac‐ turer. 1282 Too many nested subpro‐ Nesting depth of subpro‐ gram calls in %s. gram calls exceeded! Try to change the program Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ structure in a way that there ror rent channel are not so much nested subprogram calls. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 65/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1288 SERCOS state class 1: If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ Overload cut-off %s-axis. error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1289 SERCOS state class 1: If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ Amplifier overtemperature error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel cut-off %s-axis. tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1290 SERCOS state class 1: Motor overtemperature cut-off %s-axis 1291 SERCOS state class 1: If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ Cooling fault cut-off %s-ax‐ error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible is. response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1292 SERCOS state class 1: Control voltage fault %saxis. 1293 SERCOS state class 1: En‐ If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ coder fault %s-axis. error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1294 SERCOS state class 1: Er‐ If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ ror in electronic commuta‐ error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tion system %s-axis. tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1295 SERCOS state class 1: If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ Overcurrent fault %s-axis. error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1296 SERCOS state class 1: If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ Over-voltage fault %s-axis. error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1297 SERCOS state class 1: Un‐ If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ der-voltage fault %s-axis. error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 66/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1298 SERCOS state class 1: If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ Phase fault in power supply error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible %s-axis. response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1299 SERCOS state class 1: Servo error %s-axis. 1300 SERCOS state class 1: In‐ If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ terface error %s-axis. error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1301 SERCOS state class 1: Po‐ If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ sition limit of %s-axis ex‐ error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel ceeded. tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1302 SERCOS state class 1: Un‐ If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ specified error %s-axis. error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1303 SERCOS state class 1: Er‐ If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ ror %s axis %s. error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. 1304 Machine parameter %d can only be transferred with control startup. 1308 Zero point offset table not Programming error at CPL found. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1309 Access to zero point offset Programming error at CPL table not possible. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1310 Access to zero point offset Programming error at CPL table not possible. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1311 FXC-command with invalid Programming error at CPL parameters. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1312 Error in accessing zero point offset table. Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel If a SERCOS state class 1 Initiate a control reset in the Control or drive Reset the cur‐ error occurs, the drive at‐ active channel. error rent channel tempts the best possible response with a subse‐ quent torque release. The activation of this ma‐ Initiate a system startup. chine parameter requires a startup of the NC. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Core system warning System restart Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 67/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 1313 Error in accessing zero point offset table. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1314 Error in accessing zero point offset table. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1315 Correction table not found. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1316 Access to correction table Programming error at CPL not possible. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1317 Access to correction table Programming error at CPL not possible. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1318 TC command with invalid Programming error at CPL parameters. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1319 Error in accessing correc‐ Programming error at CPL tion table. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1320 Error in accessing correc‐ Programming error at CPL tion table. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1321 Error in accessing correc‐ Programming error at CPL tion table. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1322 FXC command with invalid Programming error at CPL number of parameters. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1323 TC command with invalid Programming error at CPL number of parameters. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1328 usrfep filesystem defec‐ tive. Startup with mode 7; per‐ Serious system System restart haps then startup with error mode 6. 1331 The PLC program is in The cause of the error is Modify and download the PLC error STOP state because of an displayed by the next error‐ PLC program to the PLC. error. The modified version may message at info-dialog. also need to be saved. The 'usrfep' filesystem is defective. To clear error display: Restart the PLC program 68/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1332 The PLC program was set PLC program is set into in STOP state by the oper‐ STOP status by the pro‐ ator. gramming system. Switch PLC program in PLC error programming system mon‐ itor to "RUN" again. Restart the PLC program 1333 PLC program is in STOP The PLC user program status because of startup does not run with startup mode 1. mode 1. Set another startup mode PLC error (e.g. "0") and restart control or switch PLC program in programming system mon‐ itor to "RUN". Restart the PLC program 1334 Error in opening group file cannot open SCS-file %s. check SCS-file Control or drive Reset all chan‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 1335 Axis list syntax error in local wrong axis list in SCS-file check SCS-file group %s line %d. Control or drive Reset all chan‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 1336 Missing FOR-instruction in missing for statement in main group %s line %d. SCS-file check SCS-file Control or drive Reset all chan‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 1337 Invalid local group name % missing file name in SCS- check SCS-file s in line %d. file Control or drive Reset all chan‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 1338 Missing USE instruction in missing use statement in main group %s line %d. SCS-file check SCS-file Control or drive Reset all chan‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 1339 No value specified in local missing variable in use group %s line %d. statement check SCS-file Control or drive Reset all chan‐ error nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 1340 Data error in %s (%s-axis). drive doesn't accept ident‐ compare identnumber val‐ Control or drive Reset all chan‐ number of SCS-file ue of SCS-file with min/ error nels in "DIAG‐ max value in drive NOSIS" mode 1341 Program selection error:"% A part program has been Repeat program selection Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s" is a file directory. selected which doesn't ex‐ with a program. ror rent channel ist. 1342 Initialization channel mem‐ When creating channels in‐ It is necessary to make Serious system System restart ory: TID protected memory ternal memory is needed. more memory available for error empty (when %d bytes re‐ But there is no more mem‐ the system, for example by ory available. quested). decreasing the number of channels (machine param‐ eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. 1343 Database read error for machine parameter %d. The indicated machine pa‐ Possibly the filesystem is Minor system er‐ System restart rameter can not be read. defective. A system startup ror with startup mode 6 cre‐ ates a new filesystem. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 69/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1344 Database read error for machine parameter %d. The indicated machine pa‐ Possibly the filesystem is Minor system er‐ System restart rameter can not be read. defective. A system startup ror with startup mode 6 cre‐ ates a new filesystem. 1345 Database read error for machine parameter %d. The indicated machine pa‐ Possibly the filesystem is Minor system er‐ System restart rameter can not be read. defective. A system startup ror with startup mode 6 cre‐ ates a new filesystem. 1349 SERCOS not ready. The SERCOS ring is in Check SERCOS configu‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ phase 1, 2 or 3 and hence ration, cable connections ror rent channel not ready to operate. and drives. Initiate a new SERCOS startup. 1350 Error during reading file. The error usually occurs during input from external sources (e.g. NFS) that do not respond any more, so that a timeout occurs. Eliminate the connection disturbance to external source (e.g. net load of NFS too high). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1351 Error during reading file. The error usually occurs during input from external sources (e.g. NFS) that do not respond any more, so that a timeout occurs. Eliminate the connection disturbance to external source (e.g. net load of NFS too high). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1354 Not integer number. Error in the NC program: A Correct the NC-part pro‐ number defined in CPL gram. cannot be represented with the 32-bit integer format. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1355 Floating point number with Error in the NC program: A Correct the NC-part pro‐ %d digits cannot be repre‐ number defined in CPL gram. sented. cannot be represented with the 32-bit integer format. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1356 Negative feedrate value is For feedrate only positive Please change your MDI Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ illegal! values are valid. respectively in the part pro‐ ror rent channel gram. 1357 The end marker is located Wrong instructions for before the start marker. "search block". - Part program warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1358 The end marker is located Wrong instructions for before the start marker. "search block". - Part program warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1359 Insufficient memory for da‐ Too large values for stack Reduce data ranges in ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ta areas of CPL programs. and link table are defined in chine parameter ror rent channel machine parameter block 707000010 and initiate a number 707000010 "Data new system startup. areas for CPL programs". 70/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1360 TID protected memory When creating a communi‐ It is necessary to make Serious system System restart empty (when %d bytes re‐ cation task internal memo‐ more memory available for error quested). ry is needed. But there is the system, for example by no more memory available. decreasing the number of channels (machine param‐ eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. 1361 TID protected memory When creating block con‐ It is necessary to make Serious system System restart empty (when %d bytes re‐ trol internal memory is nee‐ more memory available for error quested). ded. But there is no more the system, for example by memory available. decreasing the number of channels (machine param‐ eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. 1362 TID protected memory When creating channels in‐ It is necessary to make Serious system System restart empty (when %d bytes re‐ ternal memory is needed. more memory available for error quested). But there is no more mem‐ the system, for example by ory available. decreasing the number of channels (machine param‐ eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 71/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 1364 TID protected memory When creating channels in‐ It is necessary to make Serious system System restart empty (when %d bytes re‐ ternal memory is needed. more memory available for error quested). But there is no more mem‐ the system, for example by ory available. decreasing the number of channels (machine param‐ eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. 1374 NC hardware: Maximum ambient temperature has been exceeded. 1375 NC hardware: Battery %d Battery is discharged. The Do not power off the CNC. Hardware error System restart is discharged or connected power buffering of the stat‐ First change the battery. with incorrect polarity. ic ram doesn't work. 1376 NC hardware: Battery %d Battery is discharged. The Do not power off the CNC. Hardware error System restart is discharged or connected power buffering of the stat‐ First change the battery. with incorrect polarity. ic ram doesn't work. 1377 NC hardware: Overvoltage The power supply is defec‐ No error recovery possible! Hardware error System restart on battery %d. PS monitor tive. Please report error data defective. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1378 NC hardware: Overvoltage The power supply is defec‐ No error recovery possible! Hardware error System restart on battery %d. PS monitor tive. Please report error data defective. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1379 NC hardware: Ready2 con‐ No ready signal. Probably Switch PCL to RUN state, Hardware error System restart tact is open. the PCL is in STOP state, otherwise initiate a system or there is a watchdog startup problem, or a critical sys‐ tem error. 1380 NC hardware: Fan defec‐ The fan in the rack or on the No error recovery possible! Hardware error System restart tive. CPU is defective Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Temperature too high in the cardrack. Elimination Check the cardrack fan. Error class To clear error display: Hardware error System restart 72/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1397 Polar coordinate program‐ Wrong access to the inter‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ming: Invalid axis number nal mapping table or wrong Please report error data ror rent channel read from an internal table. axis number in table. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1398 Polar coordinate program‐ Both axes of the selected Program only one axis of ming: Radius or reference plane were programmed in the selected plane. axis is ambiguous. one NC block. 1399 Polar coordinate program‐ Circular blocks (G2, G3, Correct the part program: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ming G12/G13: Invalid axis G12 or G13 are active) may Program only axes which ror rent channel programmed. only contain axes of the se‐ belong to the selected plane. lected plane (G17, G18, G19, G20). 1400 Index %d missing for ma‐ Wrong implementation of chine parameter %d. machine parameter. No error recovery possible! Part program Please report error data warning and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1401 Machine parameter %d does not exist. Wrong implementation of machine parameter. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ System restart Please report error data ror and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1402 Startup in file %s line%d code (%d:%d). The entry in file 'startup' is Change the entry in file not correct 'startup'. New start of the MMI 1405 SERCOS error during ref‐ drive-controlled homing No error recovery possible! Control or drive Reset the cur‐ erencing of %s-axis command cannot be inter‐ Please report error data error rent channel rupted and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1406 SERCOS read error for cannot read SERCOS ident number %s (%s-ax‐ identnumber is). 1407 SERCOS write error for drive doesn't accept SER‐ No error recovery possible! Control or drive Reset the cur‐ ident number %s (%s-ax‐ COS identnumber Please report error data error rent channel is). and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1408 SERCOS command error drive doesn't accept SER‐ No error recovery possible! Control or drive Reset the cur‐ for ident number %s (%s- COS command Please report error data error rent channel axis). and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" No error recovery possible! Control or drive Reset the cur‐ Please report error data error rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 73/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1436 Machine parameter %d (% Ident number doesn't ac‐ s) is not being accepted by cept machine parameter value %s-axis. 1439 There is no feed rate pro‐ A motion can't be execut‐ Please program the fee‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ grammed. ing without a programmed drate needed in the part ror rent channel feedrate. program or under MDI with address F. 1440 Insufficient memory for the The internal memory nee‐ function thread tapping. ded is not available. The memory needed for thread tapping is not available by the system. 1441 Not all the axes contribu‐ For the function thread tap‐ Please change the ma‐ ting to the thread tapping ping, it is necessary that chine parameter settings are controllable by feedfor‐ feedforward is available for (group axes parameters, ward. all channel axes C-axes in‐ parameter 1003 00009). clusive (machine parame‐ ter). 1442 It is not possible to insert a The internal memory nee‐ block. The memory is not ded is not available. The sufficient for thread tap‐ memory needed for thread ping. tapping is not available by the system. If necessary reduce the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ number of blocks for block ror rent channel preparation in machine pa‐ rameter or call your com‐ petent Rexroth service. 1443 It is not possible to insert a The internal memory nee‐ block. The memory is not ded is not available. The sufficient for thread tap‐ memory needed for thread ping. tapping is not available by the system. If necessary reduce the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ number of blocks for block ror rent channel preparation in machine pa‐ rameter or call your com‐ petent Rexroth service. 1444 Look ahead could not be The internal memory nee‐ executed, therefore thread ded is not available. The tapping can't be done. memory needed for thread tapping is not available by the system. If necessary reduce the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ number of blocks for block ror rent channel preparation in machine pa‐ rameter or call your com‐ petent Rexroth service. 1445 It is not possible to insert a The internal memory nee‐ block. The memory is not ded is not available. The sufficient for thread tap‐ memory needed for thread ping. tapping is not available by the system. If necessary reduce the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ number of blocks for block ror rent channel preparation in machine pa‐ rameter or call your com‐ petent Rexroth service. 1457 APS: Library module On starting the PLC user Enter SPS_LIB.PAH in PLC error SPS_LIB not linked as program the APS detects, OM48 of the symbol table. OM48 to the PLC program. that the required library Bind and load the PLC user module SPS_LIB.PAH has program again. not been linked as OM48 to the PLC program. Compare machine param‐ Minor system er‐ System restart eter value with min/max ror value of identnumber If necessary reduce the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ number of blocks for block ror rent channel preparation in machine pa‐ rameter or call your com‐ petent Rexroth service. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Restart the PLC program 74/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 1458 Error %d while mounting the file system "usrfep". Mount of FEPROM filesys‐ If file system "usrfep" is not Minor system er‐ System restart tem "usrfep" was not suc‐ available, create "usrfep" ror cessful. For the meaning of with a startup in startup the error number see doc‐ mode 7. All data in the root umentation of mount file‐ file system remain availa‐ system. ble. If a "PxfMount" error occurs see error descrip‐ tion of "PxFile". If a "PxfMknod" error occurs inform the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1459 PC card is write protected. PC card is write protected Unlock write protection of Serious system System restart with the help of its write the PC card error protection switch. 1460 PC card cannot be written. It is not possible to write the Use a suitable PC card PC card because the PC card is not an SRAM card or it is defective or write protected. Serious system System restart error 1461 PC card is not plugged in. There is no PC card in PCMCIA slot. Plug in a PC card Serious system System restart error 1462 Look ahead not possible due to lack of resources. Reduce the depth of anal‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ysis in programs with cutter ror rent channel radius correction or cutter length correction. 1463 Number of inserted blocks A NC function requires too No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ too large. many resources to insert Please report error data ror rent channel internal blocks. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1464 Lack of resources in block Block preparation requires No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ control. too many resources. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1465 The programmed NC code Auxiliary function output in Correct the NC-part pro‐ does not fit to a BCD num‐ BCD code is not possible gram. ber. because format of data (number of digits before/af‐ ter point, precision) doesn't match with the format de‐ fined in machine parame‐ ter. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1466 No previous block pro‐ grammed. The NC function requires a Correct the NC-part pro‐ previous block. gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1467 No previous block pro‐ grammed. The NC function requires a Correct the NC-part pro‐ previous block. gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The interpolator cannot process further blocks be‐ cause the block prepara‐ tion has no resources to prepare additional blocks. Elimination Error class To clear error display: Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 75/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1475 Invalid filesystem length. Partition 0 of root filesys‐ tem is too small. The partition size of the file Serious system System restart system must be changed. error To do that a new system configuration is necessary. 1476 Invalid filesystem length. Partition 1 of root filesys‐ tem is too small. The partition size of the file Serious system System restart system must be changed. error To do that a new system configuration is necessary. 1477 Invalid filesystem length. Partition 2 of root filesys‐ tem is too small. The partition size of the file Serious system System restart system must be changed. error To do that a new system configuration is necessary. 1491 Neither thread pitch nor spindle speed program‐ med. The thread definition needs Program the thread height Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ either spindle speed or the or the spindle speed to‐ ror rent channel thread height. gether with the function in the same NC block. 1492 Please exchange battery on PC card. PC card battery fails. Replace the battery of the Hardware error System restart PC card. 1493 Battery on PC card is dis‐ PC card battery fails. charged or missing Replace the battery of the Hardware error System restart PC card. 1494 Illegal number of channels NCS function was called Modify parameter of NCS Part program with inadmissible number function. warning of channels. 1495 Error %d while copying file. 1. Can't copy a file: No per‐ 1. The feprom-file system Serious system System restart mission to source file. Can't or the usrfep-file system error create destination file. Or 2. must be changed. Or 2. The root file system is too The root file system must be enlarged. Therefore the small. Files for system startup cannot be created configuration of the system or copied. must be changed and/or additional RAM memory must be made available. 1496 Statement not allowed in this channel. Modal states where Start NC block in "manual Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ changed in an internal data input" instead of "ma‐ ror rent channel channel for example in jog chine functions". If neces‐ mode channel or in ma‐ sary, change the init block chine function channel. of this channel in the ma‐ Only asynchronous mo‐ chine parameters. tions, auxiliary functions and spindle commands are permitted. The error also occurs when the init string of this channel changes a modal state. 1497 Variable %s not used. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1498 Variable %s not used. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 76/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text 1499 Cause Elimination Error class maximum block length of % Programming error at CPL s byte exceeded - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1500 maximum block length of % Programming error at CPL s byte exceeded - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1501 Invalid logical number. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1502 Invalid file name. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1503 Parameter missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1504 Invalid variable %s. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1505 Invalid file name. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1506 Invalid logical number. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1507 Invalid parameter. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1508 PRN format incorrect. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1509 maximum block length of % Programming error at CPL s byte exceeded - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1510 Invalid component length. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1511 File destroyed. Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". To clear error display: Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 77/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1512 Invalid parameter. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1513 Invalid allocation. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1516 Invalid parameter. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1517 Invalid float value. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1518 Invalid parameter. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1519 Parameter missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1520 Write error while copying boot parameters to FE‐ PROM. It is not possible to delete or program Feprom chip (s). The following reasons are possible: 1. The state machine of an FEPROM chip is in an undefined state because a reset oc‐ curred while the FEPROM chip was programmed or an FEPROM address area was overwritten uninten‐ tionally. 2. The module is defective. No error recovery possible! Hardware error System restart Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1521 Erase error while copying There is no more dynamic No error recovery possible! Hardware error System restart boot parameters to FE‐ memory available to store Please report error data PROM. the boot parameter. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1522 No memory for storing the There is no more dynamic No error recovery possible! Hardware error System restart boot parameters tempora‐ memory available to store Please report error data rily. the boot parameter. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 78/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 1523 Undefined Error while pro‐ During handling of boot pa‐ No error recovery possible! Hardware error System restart cessing boot parameters. rameters an undefined er‐ Please report error data ror occurred. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1527 Loading of %s: data over‐ Loading of the specified file Check settings of serial Interface error run. fails due to a data overrun. port (e.g. handshake) and Loading has been aborted. restart file transfer. with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1528 Loading of %s: Invalid pa‐ Loading of the specified file Check settings of serial Interface error rameter of device. fails due to a data overrun. port (e.g. baudrate, stop Loading has been aborted. bits, parity) and restart file transfer. with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1529 Output of %s: Invalid pa‐ rameter of device. Output of the specified file Check settings of serial Interface error fails due to transmission er‐ port (e.g. baudrate, stop rors. The output has been bits, parity) and restart file transfer. aborted. with a change of mode of opera‐ tion 1530 %s Runtime error: Optional text for KNB. 1531 %s runtime warning: Optional runtime warning: Optional Part program text for KNB. text for KNB. warning 1532 Wrong number of parame‐ The entry in file 'startup' is Change the entry in file ters in file startup not correct 'startup'. New start of the (NFSMOUNT MMI hostname:directory /mnt rw). Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1533 NFSMOUNT: Can't access There is no access to the Change access rights of local directory. local directory the NFS file the directory or the file. system should be linked with. Reasons: The local file name is not a valid di‐ rectory name. The directo‐ ry cannot be created or the access rights are not ad‐ justed correctly. Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1534 NFSMOUNT ENOENT: In the mounted filesystem Create the directory. NFS-Server cannot find di‐ the directory doesn't exist. rectory. Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1536 NFSMOUNT EACCES: No No rights to access the di‐ Change access rights of access to target directory. rectory or the file on the the directory or the file. mounted filesystem. Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1537 NFSMOUNT EBUSY: The entry in file 'startup' is Change the entry in file Mount already active on lo‐ not correct 'startup'. New start of the MMI cal directory (/mnt). Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1538 NFSMOUNT ENFILE: Too Too many open files. many open files. Close some files or part programms. Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1539 NFSMOUNT: Remote di‐ The directory name is not Change directory name. rectory name too short or permitted in the mounted too long. file system (e.g. the name in a DOS file system is max. 8 characters long) Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Runtime error: Optional text for KNB. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reset the cur‐ rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 79/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text 1540 Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: NFSMOUNT: No response No network connection to Check the connection to from NFS-Server. See the server. The host name the network. Check the TCP/IP connection or inter‐ is incorrect or does not ex‐ hostname. net number in /etc/hosts. ist. Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1543 TCP/IP: cannot open file / Internal software error. SYSTEMID. Contains host name (7 characters). Change the entry in file 'startup'. New start of the MMI Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1544 TCP/IP: Invalid host name Only alphanumerical char‐ Change the entry in file in /SYSTEMID. See also / acters are allowed. The 'startup'. New start of the etc/hosts. name must begin with an MMI alpha character. Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1546 NFSMOUNT ENONET: No host name entry found Change the entry in file The host name is not in / in file, or host name is to 'startup'. New start of the etc/hosts. Max. host name long MMI length = 7 characters. Interface warn‐ ing In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1547 PC-Card-NMI : PC %x SP A configuration is active in Insert again the PC card Serious system System restart %x PSR %x. which the entire root file and initiate a system start‐ error system or a part thereof is up with switch position S1 located on the PC card. on "6". The PC card was removed during operation. The soft‐ ware tried to access the file system on the PC card and detected that the PC card was no longer present. The file system is now probably corrupted. 1548 System memory class of OS too small. The system memory class The memory layout must Serious system System restart where the dynamic memo‐ be changed. This can be error ry and the internal system done either by hardware objects of OS are managed (more memory) or by soft‐ ware exchange. is too small. 1549 No Spindle applied. There is no spindle applied Correct machine parame‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ in machine parameter. ter. ror rent channel 1550 Type must be integer. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1551 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1552 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1553 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 80/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 1554 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1555 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1556 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1557 %s missing. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1558 Type must be integer con‐ Programming error at CPL stant. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1559 Nesting too deep. Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1560 Incremental programming The function incremental If necessary update your not possible in manual data programming is locked for software version (>=V4). software version V3 in MDI. input at the moment. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1561 Fileserver function signals During opening of a pro‐ error %d of function unit % gram or a subprogram the d. indicated error occurred in one of the following func‐ tion units: OS(-1), PXFILE (-2), NCS server(-3) or file server (-4). No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1562 Permission denied File %s. File isn't executable. The access right must be Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ set to execute (x). ror rent channel 1574 Permission denied File %s. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. 1575 "Drive Off" for axis-no. %d! For a moving axis the inter‐ Check the PLC-program. face signal "Drive Off" was Continue is possible with set. control reset. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1576 "Drive Inhibit" for axis-no. For a moving axis the inter‐ Check the PLC-program. %d! face signal "Drive Inhibit" Continue is possible with has been set. control reset. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1578 Tool compensation values During switching to another No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ for tool correction could not external tool compensation Please report error data ror rent channel be read. via ED... etc. the new com‐ and detailed software ver‐ pensation value couldn't be sion to the after sales serv‐ read correctly. ice of the NC manufacturer. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Part program warning To clear error display: Reset the cur‐ rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 81/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1589 Endless position mode is The positioning type for Modify part program corre‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not switchable for axis %d! endless axes (machine sponding to the machine ror rent channel paremeter 1003 00004 parameter or correct ma‐ "Axis movement type") can chine parameter. only be switched if this is identified in the machine parameters 1003 0005 "Positioning logic for end‐ less axes" and 1003 00050 "Switching of positioning logic for endless axes". The allowed values for the positioning type are: 0,1 and 2 (see 1003 00005). 1590 Invalid endless position mode for axis %d! 1591 Type of variable "%s" inva‐ Programming error at CPL lid. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". 1592 No feedrate programmed. No feed when thread tap‐ Program feed before ping is active. thread tapping. 1593 Thread tapping retraction After a tapping block there After the first tapping block Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ block is missing. is no following retraction a further tapping retraction ror rent channel block. block must be program‐ med. 1594 Drill axis switching: Pro‐ gram a single linear feed axis! 1595 Drill axis switching: Pro‐ For values programmed to‐ Program with G78 with lin‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ grammed axis value is not gether with G78 and the lin‐ ear feed axis and only the ror rent channel allowed. ear feed axis are only some values +/-1, +/-13, +/-21, +/-22, and +/-23. definite values allowed. 1596 No gear selected for spin‐ A spindle speed has been Please select the wanted Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ dle 1! programmed for a spindle spindle gear range via in‐ ror rent channel without a selected gear terface. range. The positioning type for Modify part program corre‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ endless axes (machine sponding to the machine ror rent channel paremeter 1003 00004 parameter or correct ma‐ "Axis movement type") can chine parameter. only be switched if this is identified in the machine parameters 1003 0005 "Positioning logic for end‐ less axes" and 1003 00050 "Switching of positioning logic for endless axes". The allowed values for the positioning type are: 0,1 and 2 (see 1003 00005). Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Together with G78 a coor‐ Program only one linear dinate was programmed feed axis together with which is not of motion type G78. linear. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 82/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1597 There's no spindle config‐ Although there's no spindle Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ured! configured in machine pa‐ gram or change your ma‐ ror rent channel rameter, a spindle speed chine parameter configura‐ has been programmed. tion. 1598 There's no gear range se‐ A spindle speed has been Please select the wanted Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lected for spindle 2! programmed for a spindle spindle gear range via in‐ ror rent channel without a selected gear terface. range. 1599 There's no 2nd Spindle configured! 1600 No geometry correction ta‐ There is no geometry cor‐ Choose the geometry cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ble active! rection table activated. The rection table by program‐ ror rent channel correction data is needed ming G22 V ... in the refer‐ encing channel. for tool compensation. 1602 No zero point offset table is A zero point offset function Please activate a zero Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ selected! has been activated without point offset table per pro‐ ror rent channel first choosing a zero point gramming in part program, offset table. manual input or in init string with ZoTSel(...) oder ZOS (...) 1607 No memory for Software- The reservation of an inter‐ No error recovery possible! Interface warn‐ PLC %d. nal memory block has Please report error data ing failed. The number indi‐ and detailed software ver‐ cates the memory on which sion to the after sales serv‐ the error occurred: 1=ma‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. chine interface, 2=internal Initiate a system startup. memory for marker. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1608 Read error MP-Data %d. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" A spindle speed has been Check your part program or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ programmed for spindle 2 change your machine pa‐ ror rent channel although there's no second rameter configuration. spindle configured in ma‐ chine parameter. For the configuration of No error recovery possible! Interface warn‐ Soft-PLC data from MA‐ Please report error data ing CODA are needed. The and detailed software ver‐ number indicates the MP sion to the after sales serv‐ on which the error occur‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. red. 1=206000200, Initiate a system startup. 2=206000201, 3=206000202, 4=number of channels, 5=206000002, 6=206000003, 7 up to 15 = 301000010 up to 301000090, 16=903000001, 17=axis number + spindle number, 18=206000005, 19=206000006, 20=206000007 Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 83/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1609 Ncs error from Software PLC. The communication be‐ tween Soft-PLC and NC has failed. The number in‐ dicates the location where the error occurred: 1=Ncs connection to NC interrup‐ ted, 2=on reading override data, 3=on reading axes data. No error recovery possible! Interface warn‐ Please report error data ing and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1614 Slave axis %d is located in A slave axis must not be the selected plane. part of the active plane. 1615 Axis type of slave axis %d Axis type of master and Correct machine parame‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not allowed. slave axis must consistent. ter. ror rent channel 1618 Master axis not allowed. 1619 Axis coupling: Master axis For starting axis coupling a Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is not programmed. master axis must be pro‐ gram. ror rent channel grammed. 1621 Axis coupling: Slave axis % A coupled axis must not be Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ d is member of another a slave axis of another cou‐ gram. ror rent channel couple. ple. 1623 Axis coupling: Master axis A coupled axis must not be Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is member of another cou‐ a slave axis of another cou‐ gram. ror rent channel ple. ple. 1624 Couplefactor %d not al‐ lowed. The absolute value of the Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ratio is too small. gram. ror rent channel 1625 Selected plane contains slave axis %d. A slave axis must not be part of the active plane. 1626 Couple lag for axis %d ex‐ The difference of actual po‐ Check the axis dynamics; if Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ceeded. sitions of two coupled axes necessary, adjust the val‐ ror rent channel exceeds the permissible ues for monitoring in the maximum. The axis which machine parameters. Per‐ has a larger distance to the form control reset. If nec‐ common commanded po‐ essary perform system or SERCOS startup. sition is indicated as the faulty axis. 1627 NC-block overflow (re‐ NC blocks too long. During Program shorter NC quested %d, maximum %d NC block recognition NC- blocks. internal syntax elements characters). could be inserted. There‐ fore the permissible NCblock length may be excee‐ ded Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1628 NC-block overflow (re‐ NC blocks too long. During Program shorter NC quested %d, maximum %d NC block recognition NC- blocks. internal syntax elements characters). could be inserted. There‐ fore the permissible NCblock length may be excee‐ ded Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram. ror rent channel The programmed master Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axis does not belong to the gram. ror rent channel active channel. Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram. ror rent channel 84/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 1631 Preceding block not availa‐ During punching or nib‐ ble. bling the preceding block wasn't available (Sav_LookBack). No error recovery possible. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data in‐ ror rent channel cluding the detailed soft‐ ware version to the after sales service of the control manufacturer. 1632 NC Function could not be It wasn't possible to insert inserted. an NC function during punching or nibbling (Sav_InsertNCF). No error recovery possible. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data in‐ ror rent channel cluding the detailed soft‐ ware version to the after sales service of the control manufacturer. 1633 NC Function could not be It wasn't possible to insert inserted. an NC function during punching or nibbling (Sav_InsertNCF). No error recovery possible. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data in‐ ror rent channel cluding the detailed soft‐ ware version to the after sales service of the control manufacturer. 1634 NC block couldn't be inser‐ During distance splitting of No error recovery possible. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ted. nibbling or punching it was Please report error data in‐ ror rent channel not possible to insert an NC cluding the detailed soft‐ block (Acb_InsertLi‐ ware version to the after nearBlk). sales service of the control manufacturer. 1635 Parameters for block split‐ No distance splitting was ting are missing. programmed for a nibble block. 1637 Cannot open directory "% Problems during access to Try once more. Restart NC. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s". data storage medium (for Reduce net load. ror rent channel example timeout of NFS). 1638 The actual negative travel This is an error which ac‐ limit is smaller than ma‐ tually occurs only during chine parameter. system software integra‐ tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1639 The actual positive travel This is an error which ac‐ limit is larger than machine tually occurs only during system software integra‐ parameter. tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1640 The actual maximum axis This is an error which ac‐ velocity is higher than ma‐ tually occurs only during chine parameter. system software integra‐ tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1641 The actual rapid axis veloc‐ This is an error which ac‐ ity is higher than machine tually occurs only during parameter. system software integra‐ tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Program a distance split‐ ting. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 85/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1642 The actual axis slope ac‐ celeration is higher than machine parameter. This is an error which ac‐ tually occurs only during system software integra‐ tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1643 The actual axis velocity step capability is higher than machine parameter. This is an error which ac‐ tually occurs only during system software integra‐ tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1644 The effective negative trav‐ This is an error which ac‐ el limit is smaller than ma‐ tually occurs only during chine parameter. system software integra‐ tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1645 The effective positive travel This is an error which ac‐ limit is larger than machine tually occurs only during system software integra‐ parameter. tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1646 The effective maximum ax‐ This is an error which ac‐ is velocity is higher than tually occurs only during machine parameter. system software integra‐ tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1647 The effective rapid axis ve‐ This is an error which ac‐ locity is higher than ma‐ tually occurs only during chine parameter. system software integra‐ tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1648 The effective axis slope ac‐ This is an error which ac‐ celeration is higher than tually occurs only during machine parameter. system software integra‐ tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1649 The effective axis velocity This is an error which ac‐ step capability is higher tually occurs only during than machine parameter. system software integra‐ tion. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1650 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, additional right paren‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel thesis in file %s line %d. 1651 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, misplaced dot in file % dicated lisp file. ror rent channel s line %d. 1652 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid character '%c' in dicated lisp file. ror rent channel file %s line %d. 1653 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid dotted pair in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s line %d. 86/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1654 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid dotted pair in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s line %d. 1655 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid number in file % dicated lisp file. ror rent channel s line %d. 1656 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, unexpected end of file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %d open, parenthesis in file %s at line %d. 1657 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, no or bad lisp function dicated lisp file. ror rent channel in file %s line %d. 1658 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, no or bad lisp function dicated lisp file. ror rent channel in file %s line %d. 1659 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, can't evaluate expres‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel sion in file %s line %d. 1660 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, bad formal argument dicated lisp file. ror rent channel list in file %s line %d. 1661 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, "&optional" without pa‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel rameter in file %s line %d. 1662 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, "&rest" without param‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel eter in file %s line %d. 1663 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, wrong number of argu‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel ments to a lisp function in file %s line %d. 1664 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, too few arguments in dicated lisp file. ror rent channel file %s line %d. 1665 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1666 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1667 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1668 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, too many arguments in dicated lisp file. ror rent channel file %s line %d. 1669 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid lisp expression dicated lisp file. ror rent channel or unexpected end of string in file %s line %d. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 87/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1670 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1671 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, wrong number of argu‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel ments to a lisp function in file %s line %d. 1672 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1673 NC Configuration: Too little Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ memory when reading the dicated lisp file. ror rent channel file %s at line %d. 1674 NC Configuration: Too little Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ memory when reading the dicated lisp file. ror rent channel file %s at line %d. 1675 NC Configuration: Too little Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ memory when reading the dicated lisp file. ror rent channel file %s at line %d. 1676 NC Configuration: Too little Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ memory when reading the dicated lisp file. ror rent channel file %s at line %d. 1677 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1678 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, no or invalid list in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1679 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, no or invalid list in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1680 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, no or invalid list in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1681 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, no or invalid list in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1682 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1683 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1684 NC Configuration: File not Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ open in file %s at line %d. dicated lisp file. ror rent channel 1685 NC Configuration: File not Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ open in file %s at line %d. dicated lisp file. ror rent channel 1686 NC Configuration: File not Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ open in file %s at line %d. dicated lisp file. ror rent channel 1687 NC Configuration: File not Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ open in file %s at line %d. dicated lisp file. ror rent channel 88/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1688 NC Configuration: File not Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ open in file %s at line %d. dicated lisp file. ror rent channel 1689 NC Configuration: File not Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ open in file %s at line %d. dicated lisp file. ror rent channel 1690 NC Configuration: File not Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ open in file %s at line %d. dicated lisp file. ror rent channel 1691 NC Configuration: File not Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ open in file %s at line %d. dicated lisp file. ror rent channel 1692 NC Configuration: File not Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ open in file %s at line %d. dicated lisp file. ror rent channel 1693 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1694 NC Configuration: The NC- Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Word "%s" is defined as "% dicated lisp file. ror rent channel s" and as "%s". 1695 NC Configuration: Too little Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ memory when reading the dicated lisp file. ror rent channel file %s at line %d. 1696 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1697 NC Configuration: NC-Var‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ iable "%s" has bad argu‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel ment type. 1698 Argument must be "Non‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Modal" or "Modal" for NCdicated lisp file. ror rent channel Variable "%s". 1699 Argument must be "Non‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Modal" or "Modal" for NCdicated lisp file. ror rent channel Variable "%s". 1700 NC Configuration: Syntax Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ error for MPP modifier: "% dicated lisp file. ror rent channel s" for "%s". 1701 NC Configuration: Too many MPP-Modifiers %d (max. %d). 1702 NC configuration: NC func‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion for MPP %d,%d multi‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel ply defined. 1703 NC Configuration: Un‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ known syntax modifier "% dicated lisp file. ror rent channel s". 1704 NC Configuration: NC vari‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ able "%s" hides NC-Func‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel tion, therefore "Modal" def‐ inition is required. MAX_MPP_MODIFIER in Increase Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ file sav_ncw.h too small. MAX_MPP_MODIFIER in ror rent channel sav_ncw.h. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 89/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1705 NC Configuration: NC Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ function "%s" is hidden by dicated lisp file. ror rent channel a "modal" NC variable, therefore the NC-Variable must be defined "NonMo‐ dal". 1706 NC Configuration: NC Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ function "%s" is multiply dicated lisp file. ror rent channel defined with the same syn‐ tax. 1707 NC Configuration: Multiple Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ definition of "%s" not per‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel mitted. 1708 NC Configuration: NC Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ function "%s" not defined. dicated lisp file. ror rent channel 1709 NC Configuration: Un‐ known NC variable "%s". 1710 NC Configuration: NC vari‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ able "%s" has different dicated lisp file. ror rent channel types or sizes in the sub‐ systems. 1711 NC Configuration: Local Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ memory overflow, reques‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel ted are %d (max. %d)bytes by the NC function "%s". 1712 NC Configuration: NC-Var‐ There is no subsystem Define the NC variable with Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ iable "%s" is not defined in where the NC variable was NCDefGlob, NCDefMod or ror rent channel any subsystem. NCDefLoc in C source defined globally. code of a subsystem glob‐ ally. 1713 NC Configuration: Modal The size of all data defined Reduce number and size of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ data size overflow, re‐ with NCDefMod exceeds modal data. ror rent channel quired %d bytes, max. %d. the data storage capacity of a modal data block. 1714 NC Configuration: Global The size of all data defined Reduce number and size of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ data size overflow, re‐ with NCDefGlob exceeds global data. ror rent channel quired %d bytes, max. %d. the data storage capacity of a global data block. 1715 NC Configuration: Unex‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ pected end of file without dicated lisp file. ror rent channel (exit) in file %s at line %d. 1716 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, unexpected end of file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %d open, parenthesis in file %s at line %d. 1717 Programmed torque value It was internally attempted Program a torque limit with‐ Part program is bigger than 500%. to assign a torque limit in the valid input range warning greater than 500%. Admis‐ (0-500%). sible are values in the range 0-500%. Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ dicated lisp file. ror rent channel In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 90/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 1718 Programmed maximum It was internally attempted Program a torque limit with‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ torque is smaller than 0%. to assign a torque limit in the valid input range ror rent channel smaller than 0%. Admissi‐ (0-500%). ble are values in the range 0-500%. 1736 Maximum motion distance An overflow occurred when Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ In Info dialog box exceeded while thread tap‐ calculating the program‐ med thread parameters in ror with softkey med thread. The program‐ part program. "Clear warning" ping (relation med thread parameters are length:height). not plausible. 1737 Wrong interpolation type for punching. Punch requires a G9-inter‐ Please avtivate the re‐ polation together with quired interpolation. SHAPE function. Part program er‐ In Info dialog box ror with softkey "Clear warning" 1738 Wrong interpolation type for punching. Punch requires a G9-inter‐ Please avtivate the re‐ polation together with quired interpolation. SHAPE function. Part program er‐ In Info dialog box ror with softkey "Clear warning" 1741 Invalid syntax for auxiliary The list of auxiliary function Correct list. function "%s", tail "%s" ig‐ names is partially incorrect. nored. 1742 Start of NCB-TCP Interface This error occurs, if during Please check the connec‐ Serious system System restart aborted. Detailed code %d startup the system doesn't tion between the control error (%s). recognize the passive pan‐ and the passive operating el and the software config‐ panel. uration is not able to work with a PC panel. This error also occurs if the system needs too much memory or system information is over‐ written. 1743 Runtime error in NCB-TCP The control has detected This is an internal error, Interface error interface. Detailed code % an error in the RAM filesys‐ which should only occur d (%s). tem. RAM filesystem will be during software develop‐ regenerated at next start‐ ment and software integra‐ up. tion. Please contact your NC manufacturer. System restart 1744 Assertion error in NCSTCP interface. Detailed code %d (%s). The control had detected a This is an internal error, Interface error wrong data state of the which should only occur NCS-TCP interface. This during software develop‐ error can occur if data of ment and software integra‐ NC are overwritten or if a tion. Please contact your protocol error between NC NC manufacturer. and operating computer occurred. System restart 1745 Data lost in RAM filesys‐ tem. FSCK error 0x%x. The control has detected This is an internal error, Serious system System restart an error in the RAM filesys‐ which should only occur error tem. RAM filesystem will be during software develop‐ regenerated at next start‐ ment and software integra‐ up. tion. Please contact your NC manufacturer. Part program warning To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 91/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 1746 Data lost in RAM filesys‐ tem. Startup error 0x%x. The control has detected This is an internal error, Serious system System restart an error in the RAM filesys‐ which should only occur error tem. RAM filesystem will be during software develop‐ regenerated at next start‐ ment and software integra‐ up. tion. Please contact your NC manufacturer. 1747 File system error: directory Filesystem of the directory It is possible to read the da‐ Minor system er‐ System restart user FEPROM Status 0x% user FEPROM (/usrfep) is ta of the corrupted user FE‐ ror x. destroyed. This error oc‐ PROM in the directory "/ curs if the control has been usrfepbk". Attention: The switched off during data contents of the file might be storage to the user FE‐ destroyed. It is possible to PROM. save the files with the help of the serial interface. If the user FEPROM was com‐ pletely destroyed the direc‐ tory "/usrfepbk" is not cre‐ ated. User FEPROM must be reinitialized via starting the control again in startup mode 7. Starup mode must afterwards be reset to the presiously set mode. 1749 The values of the external During switching to another No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ zero point offset could not external zero point offset Please report error data ror rent channel be read. via G160, G260 etc. the and detailed software ver‐ new offset value couldn't sion to the after sales serv‐ be read correctly. ice of the NC manufacturer. 1750 Line length overflow, %d needed, %d permitted. 1751 Watchdog PLC activated. The time between two PLC Check if an endless loop is Minor system er‐ System restart calls is too long. programmed in the PLC ror program. 1752 Job list overflow %d nee‐ ded, %d possible. The line is longer than the Shorten line. internal line buffer. This problem can be evoked if line elements are expan‐ ded during part program runtime. Too many modal and non- Program fewer NC func‐ modal NC codes (G and M tions in the NC block. codes) are programmed in one NC block. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 92/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1753 Machine parameter The machine parameter Check the setting of the Part program <109000021 Unit ... Ta‐ value is outside its permis‐ machine parameter. If an warning bles> has illegal value: mm sible range. This may occur inadmissible value is found, it must be corrected. assumed. if the configuration file (mcadbpar.txt) in the user The configuration file FEPROM or in the root di‐ "mcadbpar.txt" stored in rectory has been changed the user FEPROM, in the illegally. Instead of the ille‐ root directory or externally gal value a default value must also be checked. defined by Rexroth or the Files containing an inad‐ OEM is used. missible value should be deleted. Deleted files can be created again by means of the function "Save data record" and "Save data re‐ cord in FEPROM" within the machine parameter di‐ alog box. 1754 Not enough memory to in‐ There was an attempt to in‐ Check if it is possible to Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ sert a NC function. sert a nonexistent NC func‐ modify your part program. ror rent channel tion or there wasn't enough If not, inform the after sales memory to insert an NC service of the NC manufac‐ function. turer. 1755 Acceleration value 0 for ax‐ Error in part program. is %d is not allowed. 1756 SERCOS service channel At least two simultaneous No error recovery possible. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is locked. calls to the service channel Please call your Rexroth ror rent channel service team. of an axis occurred. 1757 Fatal error profibus DP master. 1758 Profibus DP master has no Short circuit on bus. bus connection. 1759 Data exchange with DP The DP-Slave didn't have Check of the PDP wiring slave disturbed (DP slave any data trafic longer than and the Slave causing address %d). 10 data interchange loops. foults. Interface error System restart 1760 DP slave unavailable (DP No data traffic to the DPslave address %d). Slave Interface error System restart 1761 No response of DP-Master DP master has waited No error recovery possible! Interface error interrupt. 500ms since last interrupt Please report error data and hasn't got any reply. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. System restart 1762 DP master doesn't know the required service. System restart Reset the cur‐ rent channel Program an acceleration Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ which is greater then zero. ror rent channel Error without control from The DP-master software Interface error DP master. must be restarted. Initiate a system startup. Check the bus wires for a Interface error short circuit. Check of the PDP wiring and the Slave causing foults. DP master doesn't know No error recovery possible! Interface error the service required by the Please report error data slave. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. System restart System restart Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 93/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1764 Programmed acceleration Programmed acceleration Program a value less than Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is too large for axis %d! must be less than the ma‐ the corresponding ma‐ ror rent channel chine parameter value. chine parameter value. 1846 Programming of an axis for No axis programmed for Program the concerning measuring probe function measuring probe function. axis with the syntax missing! "MpiAxis <Index>". 1847 Wrong axis index for linear The indicated axis doesn't Program the index of a con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ modulo axis zeroset. exist or the axis type is not figured axis of type "linear ror rent channel "linear modulo". modulo". 1848 Linear modulo axis: The absolute value of the pro‐ grammed value is greater than the modulo value. 1849 Block controller cannot in‐ The block preparation No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ sert transition circular probably doesn't have suf‐ Please report error data ror rent channel block! ficient memory. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 1850 The transition circular arc cannot be determined geo‐ metrically. Program a smaller transi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion radius. The program‐ ror rent channel med circle radius must be greater than the transition radius. 1851 Wrong axis index for func‐ The programmed axis is tion measure probe input. not configured. Program the index of a con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figured axis. ror rent channel 1852 A too large transition circu‐ The transition circular arc Program a smaller transi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lar arc is programmed. cannot be determined geo‐ tion radius. ror rent channel metrically. 1856 Drive error for coupled axis The drives of one couple %d. are in different states. 1857 Ready failed. The ready signal failed, be‐ Switch PCL to RUN state, Hardware error System restart cause of a digital watchdog otherwise initiate a system startup problem 1858 Ready failed. The ready signal failed, be‐ Switch PCL to RUN state, Hardware error System restart cause of a analog watch‐ otherwise initiate a system dog problem startup Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel It is only allowed to pro‐ Program a value less than Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram values for linear mod‐ the modulo value of the ax‐ ror rent channel ulo axes if the absolute is. value is less than the mod‐ ulo value. Check the drives' states in Control or drive Reset the cur‐ digital interface and check error rent channel the drives' signals in PLC program. 94/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 1859 The digital watchdog noti‐ The digital watchdog Switch PCL to RUN state, Hardware error System restart fies a watchdog error. watches over the SERCOS otherwise initiate a system interrupt, and the analog startup watchdog watches over the system time interrupt of the real-time operating sys‐ tem. If one of these watch‐ dogs detects an error, the system is crashed or over‐ loaded with interrupt han‐ dling or interrupts were dis‐ abled. The reason is mostly a software error. The ana‐ log watchdog must be trig‐ gered at least every 50ms, the digital watchdog at least every two SERCOS cycles. 1860 The analog watchdog noti‐ The digital watchdog Switch PCL to RUN state, Hardware error System restart fies a watchdog error. watches over the SERCOS otherwise initiate a system interrupt, and the analog startup watchdog watches over the system time interrupt of the real-time operating sys‐ tem. If one of these watch‐ dogs detects an error, the system is crashed or over‐ loaded with interrupt han‐ dling or interrupts were dis‐ abled. The reason is mostly a software error. The ana‐ log watchdog must be trig‐ gered at least every 50ms, the digital watchdog at least every two SERCOS cycles. 1861 The SERCOS chip notifies Serious software error: The No error recovery possible! Hardware error System restart an access conflict in the du‐ buffers in the dualport ram Please report error data of the SERCOS chip are and detailed software ver‐ al port RAM. read or written by the CPU sion to the after sales serv‐ while the buffers are occu‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. pied by the SERCOS con‐ Initiate a system startup. troller itself. The cause is a design error in SERCOS or interpolator interrupt. 1862 Area is not programmable. The programmed opera‐ Modify the part program or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tional range/dead zone is change the definition of the ror rent channel entered as not programma‐ indicated area in machine ble in the machine param‐ parameters. eters. 1863 Invalid area number. No more than 10 operation‐ Program an area with an al areas/dead zones can index at most ten. be adjusted. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 95/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1864 Undefined Area. The programmed opera‐ Define the programmed Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tional range/dead zone is area in the machine param‐ ror rent channel not defined in machine pa‐ eters. rameters. 1865 Invalid area number. No more than 10 operation‐ Program an area with an al areas/dead zones can index at most ten. be adjusted. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1866 Invalid area number. No more than 10 operation‐ Program an area with an al areas/dead zones can index at most ten. be adjusted. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1868 Error of PDP-Configuration Error in configuration file. %d. The configuration file must Interface error be checked and created again if necessary. 1871 Type of axis shape not de‐ The programmed shape fined. type doesn't exist. Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram. ror rent channel 1872 Order of axis shape not al‐ The programmed shape lowed. order is larger than al‐ lowed. Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram. ror rent channel 1879 SPLC server error: No memory for LA. For recording data the logic No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ System restart analyzer needs an internal Please report error data ror buffer. The buffer creation and detailed software ver‐ failed. sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 1883 SPLC server SendRes‐ ponse from MzaDataRe‐ quest. An error occurred during the transmission of the re‐ sponse to the message "MzaData". No error recovery possible! Core system Please report error data warning and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1885 SPLC server SendRes‐ ponse from ApsSetData. An error occurred during transmission of the re‐ sponse to the message "ApsSetData". No error recovery possible! Core system Please report error data warning and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 1888 SPLC server SendRes‐ ponse LA already active from StartLaRecording. Recording in the logic ana‐ Wait until the previous re‐ Minor system er‐ System restart lyzer was started again al‐ cording is finished. ror though an old recording was still active. 1909 Dead zone %d inhibited. The programmed motion Please modify your part reached an inhibited dead program. zone. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1910 Dead zone %d inhibited. The programmed motion Please modify your part reached an inhibited dead program. zone. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1911 Dead zone %d inhibited. The programmed motion Please modify your part reached an inhibited dead program. zone. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1912 Outside of working range %d. The programmed motion Please modify your part would exceed the indicated program. area Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel System restart 96/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 1913 Drive operation mode switch not possible! Examine whether the Switch on the drive relea‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ drives have been released. ses! ror rent channel Without release it is not possible to change NC mode. 1914 Machine parameter The indicated machine pa‐ Please initiate a system 501050100 to 501050180 rameters cannot be activa‐ startup. can only be adopted with ted bei Control Reset control startup. Core system warning 1915 No Information about file‐ system available (RAM/ FEPROM). Save file to RAM. Minor system er‐ System restart ror 1926 Local data overflow in Memory allocation error block preparation, %d within block preparation. bytes maximum, %d bytes requested. 1927 The block preparation is limited to %d NC block(s), even though further look ahead is requested. Within block preparation a The maximum number of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lookahead is necessary blocks that can be pre‐ ror rent channel which needs more NC pared must be increased blocks than the maximum by an NC program instruc‐ of prepared NC blocks per‐ tion. mits. 1928 The block preparation is limited to %d NC block(s), even though further look ahead is requested. Within block preparation a The maximum number of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lookahead is necessary blocks that can be pre‐ ror rent channel which needs more NC pared must be increased blocks than the maximum by an NC program instruc‐ of prepared NC blocks per‐ tion. mits. 1933 Error during input of %s. Activation of the file, No error recovery possible. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ named in error message Please call your Rexroth ror rent channel with Code G22 ID... failed. service team. 1934 Active contour shift not al‐ The programmed contour Deactivate the contour off‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lowed with switch of in‐ offset refers to the activa‐ set function before chang‐ ror rent channel clined plane. ted working coordinate ing the coordinate system. system. Therefore it must be switched off before changing the working coor‐ dinate system. The editor normally doesn't have any information about the source and the destina‐ tion directory of the opened file. Before storing the file it must be assured that the destination directory isn't FEPROM. If it isn't possible to get this information by a function call, the file must be stored in RAM filesys‐ tem because of safety prin‐ ciples. Error class To clear error display: System restart No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 97/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1935 Active scaling function not The scaling function refers Deactivate the scaling Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ allowed with switch of in‐ to the active programming function well before chang‐ ror rent channel clined plane. coordinate system. There‐ ing the inclined plane. fore scaling must be switched off before chang‐ ing an inclined plane. 1936 Cutter compensation not allowed with switch of in‐ clined plane. The cutter compensation Switch off the cutter com‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ refers to actual plane. pensation by programming ror rent channel Therefore cutter compen‐ G40 before switching the sation must be switched off inclined plane. before changing the in‐ clined plane. 1937 Zero point offset and cor‐ rection of workpiece posi‐ tion not allowed with in‐ clined plane function. The use of the zero point offset function is not al‐ lowed while an inclined plane is active. 1938 Invalid axis index program‐ The programmed oscilla‐ Please use an oscillation Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ med! tion axis is not a member of axis which is member of the ror rent channel the channel. specified channel (oscilla‐ tion axis is programmed by its physical axis index). 1939 Upper reversing point ex‐ Upper reversing point vio‐ ceeds software travel lim‐ lates the software travel its! limits defined in machine parameter. 1940 No upper reversing point programmed! 1941 Lower reversing point ex‐ The lower reversing point Please change the lower Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ceeds software travel lim‐ of the oscillation function reversing point in your part ror rent channel its! violates the software travel program or the software limits fixed in machine pa‐ travel limits in machine pa‐ rameter. rameter. 1942 No lower reversing point programmed! 1943 Lower reversing point must For logical reasons the low‐ Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ be smaller than the upper er reversing point LRP ming of the oscillation ror rent channel reversing point! must be smaller than the movement in NC block upper reversing point G350 ... . (URP). 1944 Neither feedrate nor oscil‐ For an oscillation move‐ Please program F or OF to‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lation frequency program‐ ment either the feedrate F gether with the other oscil‐ ror rent channel med! or the oscillation frequency lation parameters in NC block G350 ... . must be programmed. You will find more informa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion in your DIN program‐ ror rent channel ming instructions (chapter about function to define co‐ ordinate system transfor‐ mations) . Adjust either the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ med upper reversing point ror rent channel in part program or the soft‐ ware travel limits in ma‐ chine parameter. For definition of an oscilla‐ Please program the upper Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion movement the upper reversing point (syntax ror rent channel reversing point is necessa‐ URP ...) together with G350 in the same NC ry. block. . For definition of the oscilla‐ Please program the lower Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion movement the lower reversing point (syntax ror rent channel reversing point is necessa‐ LRP) together with G350 in ry. the same NC block. . 98/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1945 No axis index program‐ med. Oscillation axis is missing The oscillation axis must Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ within definition of an oscil‐ be programmed together ror rent channel with G350 by specifying its lation movement. system axis index with syn‐ tax OscAxis. 1946 Programming of the oscil‐ While an axis is defined as Delete the explicit pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lation axis address is not an oscillation axis it's not gramming of the oscillation ror rent channel allowed. allowed to program its reg‐ axis or switch off the oscil‐ ular address. lation, e.g. by programming G1. 1947 Oscillation axis data not in‐ An oscillation movement Before starting the oscilla‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ itialized. has been programmed tion movement, initialize ror rent channel (G301) while the oscillation the oscillation by program‐ parameters are not speci‐ ming G350 OscAxis ... URP ... LRP ... F... / OF ... . fied. 1948 Insert block could not be generated! The internal memory nee‐ ded is not available. The memory needed for func‐ tion G301 is not available by the system. If necessary reduce the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ number of blocks for block ror rent channel preparation in machine pa‐ rameter or call your com‐ petent Rexroth service. 1949 Insert block could not be generated! The internal memory nee‐ ded is not available. The memory needed for func‐ tion G301 is not available by the system. If necessary reduce the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ number of blocks for block ror rent channel preparation in machine pa‐ rameter or call your com‐ petent Rexroth service. 1950 Insert block could not be generated! The internal memory nee‐ ded is not available. The memory needed for func‐ tion G301 is not available by the system. If necessary reduce the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ number of blocks for block ror rent channel preparation in machine pa‐ rameter or call your com‐ petent Rexroth service. 1951 Insert block could not be generated! The internal memory nee‐ ded is not available. The memory needed for func‐ tion G301 is not available by the system. If necessary reduce the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ number of blocks for block ror rent channel preparation in machine pa‐ rameter or call your com‐ petent Rexroth service. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 99/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1967 TCP/IP: Internet address in The internet address is Adjust the internet address Interface warn‐ file "hosts" and local inter‐ stored at two places: 1. In either by means of the tools ing net address in EEPROM of the serial EEPROM of the "tcpsetup" or "T3Config" or SNCI (will be used by the adapt the address in the the SNCI are different. monitor when loading the serial EEPROM to the ad‐ software). 2. In the file dress found in the file "hosts", which will be read "hosts" with a debugger by TCP/IP during system monitor command or adapt startup. The address in the address in the file "hosts" will be found by us‐ "hosts" with the editor to ing the systemname from the address stored in the "SYSTEMID". When the in‐ serial EEPROM. ternet address is set by the tool "tcpsetup" it will be stored in EEPROM and available for TCP/IP, but it is not yet stored in the file "hosts". The Address must be inserted in the file "hosts" either by editing the file or by using the tool"t3config" (that will cre‐ ate a file named "hosts" in the NC). The addresses may be different if only the files "hosts" or only the EE‐ PROM is changed. 1969 Axis %d: Wrong axis mode Wrong axis operation active. mode by interface input. 1970 Axis %d is used by another An asynchronous axis star‐ Stop the asynchronous ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ channel. ted by another channel is is with channel control re‐ ror rent channel still moving. set. 1971 Synchronous axis of chan‐ A program has been selec‐ Wait until the axes have Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ nel %d are not enabled. ted during jog motion or ref‐ stopped or abort with chan‐ ror rent channel erence motion. nel control reset. 1979 DCIO: Timeout. 1980 DCIO: Configuration of DP The DCIO doesn't ac‐ slave failed. knowledge the DP-slave configuration data. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Adjust another axis opera‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion mode on the axis inter‐ ror rent channel face input. The NC requests an up‐ No error recovery possible! Interface error date of I/O data even Please report error data though the data of the pre‐ and detailed software ver‐ vious PLC cycle haven't yet sion to the after sales serv‐ been handled by the DCIO. ice of the NC manufacturer. No error recovery possible! Interface error Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. System restart System restart 100/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1981 DP-slave watchdog error. Within an adjustable time Check the master-data file Interface error period there must be at of the concerning DP mas‐ least one data exchange ter! between DP-slave and master, otherwise time monitoring will respond. The monitoring is con‐ tained in the master-data file that will be sent to the slaves during system start‐ up. Reset all chan‐ nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 1982 Data exchange on PROFI‐ Data exchange between Check the slave address, Interface error BUS DP failed. DP-master and DP-slave check the master-data file has failed or data ex‐ of the concerning DP mas‐ change is not possible at ter, check the connection to present. There might be an the DP master, check the invalid master parameter state of the DP master! set or connection interrupt. Reset all chan‐ nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 1988 DCIO: Old hardware revi‐ The ASIC "ASPC2 Step B" The DCIO must be ex‐ sion. doesn't perform the re‐ changed. quired consistency. At least "ASPC2 Step C" is re‐ quired. Interface error System restart 1989 Data of auxiliary function % Wrong input data in the in‐ Modify the indicated ma‐ s in machine parameter dicated block parameter. chine parameter. block %d parameter %d are inconsistent. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 1990 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1991 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1992 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1993 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1994 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1995 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, invalid argument in file dicated lisp file. ror rent channel %s at line %d. 1996 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, NC job "%s" is missing dicated lisp file. ror rent channel in the subsystems. 1997 NC Configuration: Lisp er‐ Faulty entry in the lisp file. Correct the syntax in the in‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror, job "%s" is used modal dicated lisp file. ror rent channel and nonmodal. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 101/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 1998 Test-description file not found. KNB simulation software Create the simulation de‐ Minor system er‐ System restart has been loaded. Howev‐ scription file and load it to ror er, the simulation descrip‐ the directory "userFE‐ tion file (e.g. testc200.txt) is PROM" or to the "Rootdir‐ missing in the system path. ectory". 1999 Master parameter file not found. The file of the master pa‐ rameter set for PROFI‐ BUS-DP doesn't exist in system path. Copy the file to the "Root‐ Interface error directory" or to the "user‐ FEPROM" and check the machine parameter 408000011. System restart 2000 One or more PROFIBUS DP slaves missing. At least one of the slaves configured in the file of the master parameter set doesn't respond to the master's requests. Check if all slaves are con‐ Interface warn‐ nected to the bus and if the ing correct master-data file is used. System restart 2001 Spindle %d is used by an‐ The spindle has either Release the spindle in the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ other channel. been started in another corresponding channel, ror rent channel channel by M3 or M4 or e.g.: M5. See Program‐ M19 or it is reserved by the ming Manual. NC functions thread tap‐ ping or constant cutting ve‐ locity. 2002 Spindle %d is used by an‐ The spindle has either Release the spindle in the Part program other channel. been started in another corresponding channel, warning channel by M3 or M4 or e.g.: M5. See Program‐ M19 or it is reserved by the ming Manual. NC functions thread tap‐ ping or constant cutting ve‐ locity. 2007 Asynchronous axis %d has The asynchronous axis already been started. has already been started by this channel and hasn't reached its end position. Modify part program. A Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ new start can only be exe‐ ror rent channel cuted when the axis has stopped. 2008 Thread tapping with spin‐ This spindle cannot be dle %d impossible. switched to rotary axis mode. For thread tapping a spin‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ dle needs to be configured ror rent channel as a spindle/axis in ma‐ chine parameter 100100001 and as a SER‐ COS-spindle in machine parameter 104000001. 2009 Main program has been modified. 2010 The subprogram "%s" ref‐ The selected program has Select the program again. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ erenced by the main pro‐ either been modified or de‐ ror rent channel gram has been modified. leted. 2011 Axis classification of a channel axis is missing. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" The selected program has Select the program again. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ either been modified or de‐ ror rent channel leted. In the machine parameters Assign axis classifications Part program the axis classification (pa‐ to all channel axes. Atten‐ warning rameter 701000030) is tion: The axis classifica‐ missing for an axis. tions of all axes in one channel must be different. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 102/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2012 FPU trap in channel. One of the following FPU Check mathematics ex‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ traps occurred: underflow, pressions in part program. ror rent channel overflow, division by zero or illegal operation. 2015 Unknown block number % Illegal or missing block s. number. 2016 Jump destination missing. The jump destination is Program a jump destina‐ missing for jump command tion with L-address. GoCond/GOC or GoTo: N<block number>. 2017 Sub linking of modal sub‐ A call of modal subprogram The calling program must Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ program "%s" not possible. was only recognized at run‐ be linked, which means it ror rent channel must be selected in CPL time. mode and it must not con‐ tain the "(DIN)" marker. The subprogram call must not be programmed via a CPL variable. 2018 Different ident numbers programmed in one NC block. 2019 No SERCOS ident number The ident number of the pa‐ Program WriteId or WID to‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is programmed with Write‐ rameter to be written is not gether with the requested ror rent channel Id- or WID. programmed. ident number. 2020 Programmed axis address An axis has been program‐ Program only axes that are Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is not valid. med which either isn't a valid SERCOS axes within ror rent channel SERCOS axis or it isn't a this channel. member of the concerning channel. 2021 SERCOS ident number could not be written in SERCOS phase 4. 2022 Attribute of ident number is Invalid value for the attrib‐ Try to write the ident num‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not valid. ute that delivers to the NC ber by means of the SER‐ ror rent channel data type and standardiza‐ COS monitor. tion of the concerning ident number. 2023 Programmed value is high‐ The valid limits of the con‐ Please program a valid val‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ er than the valid limit. cerning ident number have ue. Check the valid limits ror rent channel been exceeded. by means of the SERCOS monitor. 2024 Programmed value is The valid limits of the con‐ Please program a valid val‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ smaller than the valid limit. cerning ident number have ue. Check the valid limits ror rent channel been exceeded. by means of the SERCOS monitor. 2025 Ident number could not be Programmed SERCOS written in SERCOS phase ident no. can not be set 4. with WriteId or WID. Enter a valid block number. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel In a G900 block only one Program each ident num‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ident number is allowed to ber in a separate block. ror rent channel be programmed. The Parameter is write pro‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tected or it can't be written Please report error data ror rent channel during SERCOS phase 4. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Enter the parameter in the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ SERCOS file so that it will ror rent channel be loaded to the drive dur‐ ing system startup. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 103/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2026 SERCOS ident number is Parameter can't be written. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ write protected. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 2027 No feedrate is program‐ med. 2028 Set actual value not al‐ Switch off all offsets before Please modify your part lowed with zero offset ac‐ programming G92. program. tive. 2029 Customer specific error: Error from software PLC Aps_ErrorOn (%d, %d, % (subsystem KNS). d). No error recovery possible! PLC error Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Reset all chan‐ nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 2030 Customer specific error: Aps_ErrorOn_Perm (%d, %d, %d). Error from software PLC (subsystem KNS). No error recovery possible! PLC error Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. System restart 2031 Measuring probe has not been released. Measuring probe must trig‐ The distance programmed Part program ger within the G275 block. in the NC block must be warning sufficiently long that trig‐ gering and computation of the measuring value can be performed within this block. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2032 Interpolator-interrupt over‐ The runtime of the interpo‐ The NC configuration must Core system run. Runtime: %d. lation interrupt exceeds the be modified. The interpola‐ warning given cycle time. Interpola‐ tor and SERCOS interrupt tion cycles may be lost. Ei‐ time must be increased, or ther too short a cycle time functions called during the is configured or there are interpolation period must too many functions called be removed or deactivated. during the period of inter‐ polation. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2033 Time Zone machine pa‐ Invalid machine parameter Change the machine pa‐ rameter is invalid. Parame‐ defining time zone. The rameter displayed time is identical ter %d . with UTC time (Greenwich Mean Time). The time zone defines the offset between local time and UTC time and it defines whether there is daylight saving time or standard time. Sys‐ tem time is identical with UTC time. For the display it will be converted to local time. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" An NC block including a Program a feedrate value. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ spindle motion can't be ror rent channel prepared because feedrate is missing. Part program warning Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 104/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2034 Can't build internal system The internal system data Change the machine pa‐ data structure to handle the structure to handle the time rameter time zone. zone cannot be created. The structure is required to convert UTC time (Green‐ wich Mean Time) to local time. If the structure is cor‐ rupted, the conversion in local time by using the function "localtime" will not work. The wrong time (UTC) is displayed. The cause for this error is an in‐ valid machine parameter which defines the time zone, or an error in internal data structures. 2035 Lack of resources in block Block preparation requires No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ control. too many resources. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 2036 Lack of resources in block Block preparation requires No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ control. too many resources. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 2037 Lack of resources in block Block preparation requires No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ control. too many resources. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 2038 Programming of "%s" and It is not allowed to program Program only one of both Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ "%s" in one NC block is not two or more NC functions NC functions. ror rent channel of the same modal group. possible. 2039 Unknown jump destination Wrong name of jump mark Program a valid jump mark. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ "%s". or jump mark doesn't exist. ror rent channel 2040 Unknown jump destination Wrong name of jump mark Program a valid jump mark. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ "%s". or jump mark doesn't exist. ror rent channel 2041 Jump destination missing. Wrong name of jump mark Program a valid jump mark. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ or jump mark doesn't exist. ror rent channel 2042 Jump destination missing. Wrong name of jump mark Program a valid jump mark. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ or jump mark doesn't exist. ror rent channel 2043 Axis %d: Reference point is The reference point must not a hirth position. be a hirth position. 2044 Programmed end point for The programmed or calcu‐ Please modify your part %s-axis is no hirth position. lated axis coordinates must program. be a hirth position. Please reconfigure the SERCOS-parameters. Error class To clear error display: Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 105/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 2045 Programmed end point for The programmed or calcu‐ Please modify your part %s-axis is no hirth position. lated axis coordinates must program. be a hirth position. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2046 Axis %d: Calculated end The programmed or calcu‐ Please modify your part point is not a hirth position. lated axis coordinates must program. be a hirth position. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2047 Programmed position for % A hirth place is always in‐ Please modify your part s-axis is not valid. teger number. program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2048 Programmed position for % The programmed or calcu‐ Please modify your part s-axis is not valid. lated axis coordinates must program. be a hirth position. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2049 Axis %d: A Hirth axis can‐ A Hirth axis is selected as Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not be member of a axis a slave of a coupling. gram. ror rent channel coupling. 2050 Axis %d: A Hirth axis can‐ A Hirth axis is selected as Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not be member of a axis a master of a coupling. gram. ror rent channel coupling. 2052 Reference point deleted for Either the reference point is Execute control reset and Control or drive Reset all chan‐ %s-axis. deleted in the drive or the machine referencing. error nels in "DIAG‐ service channel is re‐ NOSIS" mode served. 2055 System axis %d has reached travel limit! 2056 Commanded incremental The selected incremental Select a motion that jog movement (Axis %d) motion would exceed the doesn't exceed the axis would increase the travel axis travel limit. travel limit. limits! 2060 Synchronous axis of chan‐ Therefore axis cannot be nel %d is temporary drive reserved. interpolated. 2061 System axis %d is tempo‐ In this state the axis cannot The axis must be switched Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rary drive interpolated. be jogged. to NC-controlled interpola‐ ror rent channel tion. 2062 Insufficient memory for da‐ Too large values for stack Reduce data ranges in ma‐ Part program ta areas of CPL programs. and link table are defined in chine parameter warning machine parameter block 707000010 and initiate a number 707000010 "Data new system startup. areas for CPL programs". 2063 Can't access file "%s". 2064 No more memory for inser‐ There are more than 15 co‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ System restart tion of an axis reset func‐ ordinate modifying func‐ Please report error data ror tion! tions active. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. An axis has been driven to Move the axis off the travel Part program its travel limits by using jog limits in opposite direction. warning mode. Part program warning To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Execute control reset. At‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tention: This will stop the ror rent channel drive controlled axis inter‐ polation. During access via network, The net load must be re‐ timeouts might occur inhib‐ duced. iting file access to an al‐ ready selected file. The concerning file might be deleted. Reset the cur‐ rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 106/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2067 Can't set time zone envi‐ ronment on one of the hardware modules. The system manager can‐ No error recovery possible! Core system not send data for setting Please report error data warning the time zone to one of the and detailed software ver‐ modules in the rack. During sion to the after sales serv‐ system startup, data will be ice of the NC manufacturer. transferred to the dualport Initiate a system startup. of each active module. At least one of the modules doesn't respond. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2068 Can't set date and time on The system manager can‐ No error recovery possible! Core system one of the hardware mod‐ not send data for setting Please report error data warning ules. date and time to one of the and detailed software ver‐ modules in the rack. During sion to the after sales serv‐ system startup, data will be ice of the NC manufacturer. transferred to the dualport Initiate a system startup. of each active module. At least one of the modules doesn't respond. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2069 PLC spindle order failed. 2070 The actual maximum axis Hostlib: Servo error! velocity is higher than ma‐ chine parameter. Please check the problem. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Possible reasons are ror rent channel wrong contour vectors, endpoints or feed limits. 2071 The actual axis slope ac‐ celeration is higher than machine parameter. Please check the problem. Part program Possible reasons are warning wrong contour vectors, endpoints or feed limits. 2073 Wrong format of DP master Probably the file has been Copy the correct file to the Interface error parameter file. transferred in ASCII for‐ directory Rootdirectory or mat. to the userFEPROM. System restart 2074 Missing module address in Configuration file was cre‐ Correct the DP master pa‐ Interface error DP master parameter file. ated by WinDp without the rameter file by means of module addresses. "WinDp" and copy it to the directory Rootdirectory or to the userFEPROM. System restart 2077 Can't initialize page-level protection. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Commands from the PLC The reserved channels Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ are handled by an internal have to be released by sys‐ ror rent channel channel. This channel is re‐ tem control reset. served, for example by an auxiliary function not yet acknowledged. Hostlib: Servo error! The initialization of pagelevel protection failed. Ei‐ ther the central page table couldn't be created or acti‐ vation of the MMU failed. The system runs without memory protection. No error recovery possible! Core system Please report error data warning and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 107/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2078 Error during initialization of The number of places de‐ tool database: you can de‐ fined in file "toolprms.xxx" fine a maximum number of in groups 1 to 30 is too %d data records. great. 2081 CPL axis function: Index of No more than 8 axes may Program an axis index less Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ channel axis is too big be configured per channel. than or equal to 8. ror rent channel (max. 8)! 2082 CPL axis function: Index of No more than 64 axes may Program an axis index less Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ system axis is too big (max. be configured in the sys‐ than or equal to 64. ror rent channel tem. 64)! 2084 Too many files open. There are either too many levels in subprogram call‐ chain or too many files are opened by CPL at the same time. Open less files at the same Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ time. Reduce the subpro‐ ror rent channel gram call chain. Increase the corresponding ma‐ chine parameters. 2085 Too many files open. There are either too many levels in subprogram call‐ chain or too many files are opened by CPL at the same time. Open less files at the same Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ time. Reduce the subpro‐ ror rent channel gram call chain. Increase the corresponding ma‐ chine parameters. 2086 Too many files open. There are either too many levels in subprogram call‐ chain or too many files are opened by CPL at the same time. Open less files at the same Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ time. Reduce the subpro‐ ror rent channel gram call chain. Increase the corresponding ma‐ chine parameters. 2088 File operations in channel A file open operation, e.g. File operations are not al‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %d are not permitted. by a subprogram call, is not lowed within an auxiliary ror rent channel channel. approved in an auxiliary channel. 2093 Watchdog error on module The watchdog logic on a No error recovery possible! Hardware error In Info dialog box in slot %d . hardware module of the NC Please report error data with softkey "Clear warning" recognized an error. The and detailed software ver‐ error was transferred to the sion to the after sales serv‐ system manager module in ice of the NC manufacturer. slot 0 (SMNC, SMNB, Initiate a system startup. SNCI,...) via system bus and an NMI was triggered. The reaction of the system manager module depends on the type of module that sent the error. The reaction reaches from "no reaction" up to "Ready signal off". You can modify the maxi‐ Minor system er‐ System restart mum number of data re‐ ror cords. For more informa‐ tion see manual 'Parame‐ terization of Tool Configu‐ ration' chapter 'Parameterization of Data‐ base'. 108/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 2094 Can't activate the MMU. Memory protection is not active. The memory management No error recovery possible! Core system unit (MMU) cannot be acti‐ Please report error data warning vated. The system runs and detailed software ver‐ without memory protection. sion to the after sales serv‐ Stack and data of each task ice of the NC manufacturer. are not protected against Initiate a system startup. write access. Unused ad‐ dress ranges are not con‐ trolled. There are multiple causes: insufficient memo‐ ry for creating the page ta‐ ble, error when activating the MMU, and so on. Ex‐ cept for this, the system runs normally. 2095 The maximum jog-block The number of blocks to be Increase the appropriate count (%d) is reached. Any executed in jog mode is value in the machine pa‐ further jog-block won't be greater than applied in ma‐ rameters. remembered. chine parameter. 2099 Channel %d is busy waiting The concerning channel Stop CPL and set interface Part program er‐ with a change of in CPL or for interface sig‐ doesn't accept one of the signals. ror mode of opera‐ nals, please close CPL or commands "return to path" tion set corresponding inter‐ or "cancel distance" be‐ face signals. cause it is waiting for digital input signals or CPL is ac‐ tive. 2100 Out of memory. 2101 No valid data for automatic Only automatic retraction is Please use manual retrac‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tapping retraction. available when thread tap‐ tion. ror rent channel ping was interrupted by control reset. 2102 No direction of rotation pro‐ Thread tapping requires The rotation direction is al‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ grammed. specification of the spindle ways commanded by M3 ror rent channel rotation direction. (right-hand thread) and M4 (left-hand thread). 2103 Tapping retraction: Spindle Tapping retraction must be Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %d is not in C-axis mode. initialized with G9321. gram. Insert a new line with ror rent channel G9321. 2104 Tapping retraction, spindle Drive controlled switching %d : SERCOS secondary must not be activated in operation mode 1 is wrong S-0-0033. configured. Bit 8 must not be set in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ S-0-0033. Hint: S-0-0033 is ror rent channel localized in the SERCOS file for phase 2. 2105 No channel axis enabled for measuring probe. One axis in channel must Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ be enabled for measuring ror rent channel probe function (machine parameter 100300012). No more free memory. - Elimination Error class Part program warning To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" with a change of mode of opera‐ tion The software applications Minor system er‐ System restart that need channel memory ror have to be redesigned. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 109/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 2106 Error on digital high speed On writing the digital out‐ output. puts a voltage fault was recognized. 2107 Switching the NC block via A input signal and a signal Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ high speed input: Missing level must be specified. gram. ror rent channel or wrong parameter. 2108 Switching the NC block via The G-code for switching Please check and modify high speed input: Wrong in‐ the NC block via digital high the part program. terpolation type. speed input is approved exclusively with real linear blocks (e.g. G0, G1). Blocks without motion are not approved. 2110 Switching the NC block via The G-code for switching Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ high speed input: Wrong in‐ the NC block via digital high gram. ror rent channel terpolation type in next NC speed input is approved block. exclusively with real linear blocks (e.g. G0, G1). Blocks without motion are not approved. 2111 Switching the NC block via The following NC block high speed input: Look could not be read due to a ahead could not be execu‐ programmed or implicit ted. WAIT: Block look-ahead is thus not possible. 2112 Cutter Compensation: No NC function cutter com‐ Test whether the NC func‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ method for contour transi‐ pensation (G41/G42) has tion G43 (circular arc) or ror rent channel tion active. no valid method to handle G44 (intersection) is active. contour transitions. 2114 Cutter Compensation: No Block control cannot make Please check if the path Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ more look ahead possible. available the required num‐ correction is switched off ror rent channel ber of blocks that G41/G42 before program end. needs for look ahead . Un‐ Check the adjusted look ahead for Cutter compen‐ der circumstances, the path correction before pro‐ sation (CLN(LA..)) as well gram end was not deselec‐ as the adjusted look ahead ted with G40. for the system (machine parameter or programmed "BNB"). It may be necessa‐ ry to increase the memory reserved for the channel. 2115 Cutter Compensation: Tool There was an attempt to Modify the part program so Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ change only for linear con‐ modify either tool radius or that a change of the com‐ ror rent channel tour segments possible. direction of cutter compen‐ pensation direction or of sation while circular or hel‐ the tool radius will only be ical motion was active. active on linear contour segments. Check the high speed out‐ Interface warn‐ puts on the DCIO and ing check the connector for short circuit or open con‐ nection. If necessary ex‐ change the defect compo‐ nent. To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel If possible, delete the WAIT Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ command. Please note ror rent channel that some N -functions in‐ clude a implicit WAIT. 110/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2116 Cutter Compensation: No Internal error: G41/G42 compensation direction for failed in generating an in‐ insert block. sertion block, because a valid shift direction for cut‐ ter compensation was not found. 2117 No activation/deactivation Cutter compensation can Modify the part program so Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ of compensation in circles exclusively be switched on that power on and off of the ror rent channel possible. or off while linear motion is cutter compensation oc‐ active. curs in a linear contour seg‐ ment. 2118 Unknown geometry classi‐ Cutter compensation Modify the part program so Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ fication for cutter compen‐ works exclusively on linear, that during active cutter ror rent channel sation. circular or helical elements. compensation only linear circular or helical elements are programmed. 2119 Cutter Compensation: G40 This programming does Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ straight after G41/G42 not not make sense. Cutter ra‐ gram. ror rent channel valid. dius compensation is switched off immediately after it is activated. 2120 Cutter compensation: Tool There might be a collision. Change the applied tool. radius bigger than circle ra‐ For inside circle compen‐ Use a smaller cutter. sation the tool radius must dius. be smaller than the contour circle radius. 2121 Cutter Compensation: Cir‐ The programmed coordi‐ Check the programming of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ cle without movement pro‐ nates for a circular motion your part program. Note: ror rent channel grammed. are identical to those of the Only with center point pro‐ gramming is possible for previous block. full circles. 2122 Correction activation only There was an attempt to Modify your part program in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ for linear segments possi‐ activate cutter compensa‐ such a way that the cutter ror rent channel ble. tion although no linear mo‐ compensation is always tion was active. switched on in a linear seg‐ ment. 2123 Correction deactivation on‐ There was an attempt to ly for linear segments pos‐ deactivate cutter compen‐ sible. sation although no linear motion was active. 2127 Cutter Compensation: Line Cutter compensation: At‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tangent cannot be evalu‐ tempt to evaluate a tangent Please report error data ror rent channel ated. for a linear block without a and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ motion. ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 2128 Programmed loop gain is not valid. Modify the part program so Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ that a change of the com‐ ror rent channel pensation direction or of the tool radius will only be active on linear contour segments. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Modify your part program in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ such a way that the cutter ror rent channel compensation is always switched off in a linear seg‐ ment. Loop gain may be applied Program a valid value for from 0.00 to 655.35. The loop gain. scaling value is 0.01 (m/ min)/mm (2 digits after dec‐ imal point). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 111/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2129 G92 is not possible for lin‐ For zero resetting linear Please use LinModZp or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ear modulo axis. modulo axes a specific LMZ for linear modulo ax‐ ror rent channel function must be used that es . takes modulo computation into account. 2130 Data exchange with DP The DP-Slave didn't have No error recovery possible! Interface warn‐ slave disturbed (DP slave any data trafic longer than Please report error data ing address %d). 10 data interchange loops. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 2131 File "%s" has been multiply In an NC program a sub‐ Avoid recursive calls. or recursively opened. program appears more than once in the same call‐ chain. 2132 Access error for file "%s". File access error: Probably If the error occurs repeat‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ network problems. edly, please inform the af‐ ror rent channel ter sales service. 2133 Access error for file "%s". File access error: Probably If the error occurs repeat‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ network problems. edly, please inform the af‐ ror rent channel ter sales service. 2134 File access error. File access error: Probably If the error occurs repeat‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ network problems. edly, please inform the af‐ ror rent channel ter sales service. 2135 File access error. File access error: Probably If the error occurs repeat‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ network problems. edly, please inform the af‐ ror rent channel ter sales service. 2136 File access error. File access error: Probably If the error occurs repeat‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ network problems. edly, please inform the af‐ ror rent channel ter sales service. 2137 File access error. File access error: Probably If the error occurs repeat‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ network problems. edly, please inform the af‐ ror rent channel ter sales service. 2138 File access error. File access error: Probably If the error occurs repeat‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ network problems. edly, please inform the af‐ ror rent channel ter sales service. 2139 Return to path needs feed Attempt to return to path in Use another channel. axis. a channel without feed ax‐ es. 2140 Too little memory for %d Insufficient channel memo‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ jog blocks during return to ry. Please report error data ror rent channel path. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 2142 Correction number for tool Range for tool length com‐ Program a H value in the length invalid. pensation: H1 .. H48. range between 1 and 48. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2143 Invalid value for D-correc‐ Range for D-Corrections: tion programmed. D1 .. D99 Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2144 Modal subprogram call without link table. Program a D value in the range between 0 and 99. Error class To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel A modal subprogram is Link programs completely. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ called in a program that's ror rent channel selected in DIN mode. 112/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 2145 Bad firmware version for ISA_2-PROFI. The firmware version of the Provide a hardware mod‐ Hardware error System restart FMS controller ISA_2ule with the correct firm‐ PROFI is wrong. ware version. 2151 One or more PROFIBUS DP slaves missing. At least one of the slaves configured in the file of the master parameter set doesn't respond to the master's requests. Check if all slaves are con‐ Interface warn‐ nected to the bus and if the ing correct master-data file is used. System restart 2152 Master parameter file not found. The file of the master pa‐ rameter set for PROFI‐ BUS-DP doesn't exist in system path. Copy the file to the "Root‐ Interface error directory" or to the "user‐ FEPROM" and check the machine parameter 408000011. System restart 2153 Wrong format of DP master Probably the file has been Copy the correct file to the Interface error parameter file. transferred in ASCII for‐ directory Rootdirectory or mat. to the userFEPROM. System restart 2154 Missing module address in Configuration file was cre‐ Correct the DP master pa‐ Interface error DP master parameter file. ated by WinDp without the rameter file by means of module addresses. "WinDp" and copy it to the directory Rootdirectory or to the userFEPROM. System restart 2155 Unknown error during During DP-master configu‐ No error recovery possible! Interface error PROFIBUS DP configura‐ ration an unknown error oc‐ Please report error data tion (%d). and detailed software ver‐ curred. sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. System restart 2157 Invalid value of machine parameter %d. System restart 2158 Subprogram name for 'G% The subprogram name is Enter subprogram name in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ d' is missing. missing in machine param‐ machine parameter. ror rent channel eter. 2159 Subprogram name for 'M% The subprogram name is Enter subprogram name in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ d' is missing. missing in machine param‐ machine parameter. ror rent channel eter. 2160 Subprogram name is miss‐ The subprogram name is Enter subprogram name in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ing for %s. missing in machine param‐ machine parameter. ror rent channel eter. 2161 Programmed transition an‐ Only angles in the range gle is not valid! from 0 to 50 degrees are allowed. 2163 Conflicting addresses for I/ Machine parameters for in‐ Correct machine parame‐ Interface error Os. puts and outputs are incor‐ ter. rect (machine parameter group 4075). The allocated addresses lead to overlap‐ ping address ranges. The indicated machine pa‐ Enter machine parameter Interface error rameter has an invalid val‐ value and keep the speci‐ ue. The value range de‐ fied range. fined in the machine parameters is discarded. To clear error display: Program a transition angle Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ between 0 and 50 degrees. ror rent channel System restart Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 113/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 2164 Conflicting addresses for The addresses defined for Check machine parameter Interface error digital I/Os and PROFIBUS inputs and outputs (ma‐ and master-data file and chine parameter group correct the conflicting ad‐ DP. 4075) overlap with the ad‐ dresses. dresses defined for PRO‐ FIBUS DP (see master pa‐ rameter set). System restart 2165 Analog I/O of DCIOs miss‐ This DCIO card is a version Change hardware module Interface error ing. without analog inputs or DCIO against another outputs. The analog I/Os hardware version. do not exist. System restart 2166 Conflicting addresses for central I/Os and PROFI‐ BUS DP System restart 2167 Tool already destroyed The radius of the selected Adjust your part program Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ contour while activating the tool is so big that during ac‐ accordingly or use a small‐ ror rent channel cutter compensation. tivation of the cutter tool er tool. compensation the pro‐ grammed contour would be destroyed. 2168 Program for channel %d in The program has been se‐ Start the program in the channel %d started. lected in the wrong chan‐ right channel. nel. 2169 Cutter compensation will Cutter tool compensation Modify your part program in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ delete block because of de‐ tries to eliminate a NC one of the following ways: ror rent channel block because collision 1. Split the NC blocks and tected collision. monitoring detected a colli‐ shift the collision out of the sion, and the concerning look ahead range. 2. Re‐ NC block lies between the duce the lookahead range collision points. A collision with function Collision or occurs when a loop is de‐ CLN. (PNC-Mode: G500) tected for the computed off‐ 3. Switch off collision mon‐ set contour within the se‐ itoring with Collision(0) or lected plane and within the CLN(0). Check if a pro‐ adjusted lookahead range. gramming error exists. 2170 Cutter compensation will Cutter tool compensation Modify your part program in Part program delete block because of de‐ tries to eliminate a NC one of the following ways: warning block because collision 1. Split the NC blocks and tected collision. monitoring detected a colli‐ shift the collision out of the sion, and the concerning look ahead range. 2. Re‐ NC block lies between the duce the lookahead range collision points. A collision with function Collision or occurs when a loop is de‐ CLN. (PNC-Mode: G500) tected for the computed off‐ 3. Switch off collision mon‐ set contour within the se‐ itoring with Collision(0) or lected plane and within the CLN(0). Check if a pro‐ adjusted lookahead range. gramming error exists. The addresses (machine Check machine parameter, Interface error parameter group 4075) de‐ master-data file and the ad‐ fined for I/Os or PROFI‐ dresses of central I/O and BUS-DP (see master pa‐ correct the conflicting ad‐ rameter set) inputs and dresses. outputs are overlapping with the addresses of cen‐ tral input/output. To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reset the cur‐ rent channel 114/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 2171 No memory for %s-com‐ mand. For the execution of this It is necessary to make Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ command internal memory more memory available for ror rent channel is needed. But there is no the system for example by more memory available. decreasing the number of channels or by using an‐ other hardware module. 2172 Minimum 3 axis needed for The machine type is not ap‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ "inclined plane function". propriate for the functional‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ ity "inclined plane". sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 2173 Wrong value at master ax‐ The value at the master ax‐ Adjust syntax in NC pro‐ is. is name in the NC block gram. must be 1, 0 or -1. 2174 Slave axis %d is already A master axis may not be Delete first the axis union of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ master axis of another axis used as slave axis in an‐ the programmed axis in the ror rent channel other axis union. union. NC program. The slave ax‐ is can then be program‐ med. 2175 More than one master axis An attempt was made to Adjust syntax in NC pro‐ programmed. create more than one axis gram. union in the NC block or the syntax for a slave axis is wrong. The name of the slave axis must be followed by a parameter list in pa‐ rentheses. 2176 Couple factor and modulo A coupling of modulo axes Adjust the coupling factor Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ values of axes %d and %d via a linear coupling rela‐ or the axis modulo values ror rent channel don't match. tion requires that the mod‐ (machine parameter). ulo values Mm and Ms of the master and the slave axis respectively obey the equation Mm*k mod Ms = 0, where k is the program‐ med coupling factor. 2177 Inadmissible coupling of non-modulo axis %d to modulo axis %d. 2178 Coupling table of slave axis The master axis is a linear Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %d is not suited for linear axis. The x-values of the cated ident number in the ror rent channel master axis %d. points in the coupling table coupling table. still have an angular unit (ident number #11). 2179 Coupling table of slave axis The master axis is a rotary Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %d is not suited for rotary axis. The x-values of the cated ident number in the ror rent channel master axis %d. points in the coupling table coupling table. still have a length unit (ident number #11). It is not possible to couple a non-modulo axis to a modulo axis via a linear coupling relation. Elimination Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Define master axis as non- Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ modulo axis in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter or perform cou‐ pling via a coupling table. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 115/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2180 Coupling table unsuitable The slave axis is a linear Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ for linear slave axis. axis. The y-values of the cated ident number in the ror rent channel points in the coupling table coupling table. still have an angular unit (ident number #12). 2181 Coupling table unsuitable The slave axis is a rotary Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ for rotary slave axis. axis. The y-values of the cated ident number in the ror rent channel points in the coupling table coupling table. still have a length unit (ident number #12). 2182 Wrong period in coupling The master axis is a mod‐ Change period (x-value of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ table for slave axis %d and ulo axis with modulo value last point) in the coupling ror rent channel Mm (drive parameter). The table. master axis %d. period p in the coupling ta‐ ble must therefore obey the equation Mm mod p = 0. 2183 Inadmissible non-periodic The master axis is a mod‐ Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ function in coupling table ulo axis. The function in the cated ident number in the ror rent channel for slave axis %d and mas‐ coupling table must there‐ coupling table. ter axis %d. fore be periodic (ident num‐ ber #20 1). 2184 Programmed coupling re‐ lation for slave axis %d is not consistent with first negative travel limit. A motion of the master axis Change programmed cou‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ over the total definition pling relation or the values ror rent channel range of the coupling table in the coupling table. would lead to a slave axis motion reaching its first negative travel limit. 2185 Programmed coupling re‐ lation for slave axis %d is not consistent with first positive travel limit. A motion of the master axis Change programmed cou‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ over the total definition pling relation or the values ror rent channel range of the coupling table in the coupling table. would lead to a slave axis motion reaching its first positive travel limit. 2186 Programmed coupling re‐ lation for slave axis %d is not consistent with first positive travel limit. A motion of the master axis Change programmed cou‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ over the total definition pling relation or the values ror rent channel range of the coupling table in the coupling table. would lead to a slave axis motion reaching its second negative travel limit. 2187 Programmed coupling re‐ lation for slave axis %d is not consistent with second positive travel limit. A motion of the master axis Change programmed cou‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ over the total definition pling relation or the values ror rent channel range of the coupling table in the coupling table. would lead to a slave axis motion reaching its second positive travel limit. 116/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2189 Valid dynamic limit for mas‐ An axis coupling via a cou‐ Perform a dry run with re‐ Part program ter axis %d not found. pling table with cubic spline duced feed rate before the warning interpolation between the final machining. points leads to an addition‐ al acceleration (radial ac‐ celeration) of the slave ax‐ is. In order to keep the slave axis acceleration be‐ low its MACODA value the master axis maximum ve‐ locity as well as its acceler‐ ation must be decreased. The internal algorithm didn't find a valid solution. 2190 Axis coupling: File name % From the coupling table s too long. name the name of the spline table including the directory path is deduced. This resulting file name is too long. 2191 Coupling table %s doesn't The coupling table indica‐ Modify the indicated file or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ exist. ted in the NC block wasn't copy it to the search path or ror rent channel found in the subprogram change the search path. search path. The search path (machine parameter) is incorrect or the file doesn't exist. 2192 Error accessing file %s. Detailed code: %d %d. Function Ncs_Fsr_path_open re‐ turned an error. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 2193 Error closing file %s. De‐ tailed code: %d %d. Function Ncs_Fsr_close returned an error. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 2194 File %s couldn't be cre‐ ated. Function Ncs_Fsr_open re‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ turned an error. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 2195 Error in coupling table %s: The interpolation type Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Wrong type of interpolation (ident number #1) in the cated ident number in the ror rent channel coupling table is wrong. It coupling table. between points. may have the values 1 or 3. 2196 Error in coupling table %s: The coupling table con‐ Set the x-value of the first Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ x-value of the first point not tains a period (ident num‐ point or period to zero. ror rent channel ber #20) greater than zero. equal to zero. The x-value of the first point must therefore be zero. Reset the cur‐ rent channel Use a shorter name for the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ coupling table. Accordingly ror rent channel the resulting spline table name will be shorter. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 117/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2197 Axis coupling: Calculation For the indicated coupling No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ of spline coefficients failed. table in the NC block spline Please report error data ror rent channel coefficients must be calcu‐ and detailed software ver‐ lated and inserted in the sion to the after sales serv‐ corresponding spline-table ice of the NC manufacturer. file. The calculation failed Initiate a system startup. due to a non-specific error. 2198 Error in coupling table %s: The coupling table con‐ Set the y-value of the first Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ First and last point have dif‐ tains a period (ident num‐ point equal to the y-value of ror rent channel ber #20) greater than zero. the last point or set the pe‐ ferent y-values. The y-values of the first and riod to zero. last point must hence be equal. 2199 No master axis program‐ med. 2200 Error in coupling table %s: The x-values in the indica‐ Sort points in coupling ta‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ x-value of point %d is ted coupling table are not in ble in ascending order of ror rent channel greater than the succeed‐ ascending order. the x-values. ing value. 2201 Error in coupling table %s: The unit of the y-values Wrong unit for y-values (ident number #12) is (ident number #%d). wrong. Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ cated ident number in the ror rent channel coupling table. 2202 Error in file %s: Unknown The indicated file contains ident number #%d. an unknown ident number. The ident number is ignor‐ ed. Discard the ident number Part program from the file or use a newer warning software version that rec‐ ognizes this ident number. 2203 General read error in file % The interpretation of the in‐ Check file syntax. s, line %d. dicated file has been inter‐ rupted before the file end. This might be caused by a syntax error in the indica‐ ted line. 2204 Error in coupling table %s: The coupling table must Define points in the indica‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ No or too few points de‐ contain at least two points ted coupling table. ror rent channel fined. for linear interpolation be‐ tween the points. For cubic spline interpolation it must contain at least three points. 2205 Error in file %s: General syntax error in line %d. Missing syntax element Please check and modify <axname><n> with n = 1, 0 the part program. or -1. The interpretation of the in‐ Check file syntax. dicated file has been inter‐ rupted before the file end. This might be caused by a syntax error in the indica‐ ted line. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reset the cur‐ rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 118/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2206 Slave axis %d has a zero A coupling table with linear Define a velocity step Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ maximum velocity step interpolation between the change for the indicated ror rent channel change. points leads to velocity step slave axis in machine pa‐ changes of the slave axis if rameter or use cubic spline the master axis moves with interpolation in the cou‐ constant velocity. There‐ pling table. fore, the maximum velocity of the master axis is re‐ duced so that the slave axis does not exceed its maxi‐ mum velocity step change (machine parameter). A zero step change of the slave axis wouldn't there‐ fore allow any motion of the master axis. 2207 Inadmissible motion for slave axis %d. 2208 No table for inclined plane On activating an inclined Create placement table Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ activated. plane a corresponding ta‐ and select it in the part pro‐ ror rent channel ble must be selected. gram via PmTSel(<table name>) or PMS(<table name>). 2209 Illegal tool axis %d. 2210 Selected tool axis %d has The tool axis type in part Modify the axis type or se‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ wrong axis type. program or in machine pa‐ lect another tool axis. ror rent channel rameter 705000210 is not rotary or endless. 2211 Offset angle out of range (-180..+180). 2212 Difference of the tool axis Because of a WAIT block Insert a block without mo‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ position is too large. an intersection block tion after the WAIT block. ror rent channel couldn't be inserted. 2213 G131 is programmed to‐ There is another axis pro‐ Remove wrongly program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gether with an movement grammed beside the tool med axes from block. ror rent channel block. axis. 2214 Selected operation mode not valid for oscillation function. 2215 Before switching G41-G42 A move command must be Please program the switch Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ a movement block must be programmed inside the of cutter compensation ror rent channel block before cutter com‐ side after a block with a programmed. pensation switch. movement block. In the NC program a motion Please check and modify was programmed for a cou‐ the part program. pled axis. This is not per‐ mitted. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The tool axis doesn't exist Correct tool axis number in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ or is part of the working part program or in machine ror rent channel plane. parameter 705000210. The programmed angle in Modify the offset angle in the part program is invalid. the part program. Oscillation function is not suitable for single step or single program block. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Select operation mode au‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tomatic or single block. ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 119/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2216 Writing of external zero point offset via CPL has been interrupted. During writing of the exter‐ Please check your part and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ nal zero offset data via PLC program for a possible ror rent channel CPL, the PLC also tried to conflict during the writing/ write them. Attention: The reading of the external cor‐ correction data in the NC is rection data (timing prob‐ now inconsistent and must lem). be reinitialized. 2217 Reading of external zero point offset data via CPL has been interrupted. During reading of the exter‐ Please check your part and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ nal zero offset data via PLC program for a possible ror rent channel CPL, the PLC also tried al‐ conflict during the writing/ so to write them. Attention: reading of the external cor‐ The correction data in the rection data (timing prob‐ NC is now inconsistent and lem). must be reinitialized. 2218 Writing of external length correction via CPL has been interrupted. During writing of the exter‐ Please check your part and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ nal length correction data PLC program for a possible ror rent channel via CPL, the PLC also tried conflict during the writing/ to write them. Attention: reading of the external cor‐ The correction data in the rection data (timing prob‐ NC is now inconsistent and lem). must be reinitialized. 2219 Reading of external length During reading of the exter‐ Please check your part and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ correction via CPL has nal length correction data PLC program for a possible ror rent channel been interrupted. via CPL, the PLC also tried conflict during the writing/ to write them. Attention: reading of the external cor‐ The correction data in the rection data (timing prob‐ NC is now inconsistent and lem). must be reinitialized. 2220 Writing of external cutter During writing of the exter‐ data via CPL has been in‐ nal cutter radius via CPL, terrupted. the PLC also tried to write them. Attention: The cor‐ rection data in the NC is now inconsistent and must be reinitialized. 2221 Reading of external cutter During reading of the exter‐ Please check your part and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ radius correction via CPL nal cutter radius via CPL, PLC program for a possible ror rent channel has been interrupted. the PLC also tried to write conflict during the writing/ them. Attention: The cor‐ reading of the external cor‐ rection data in the NC is rection data (timing prob‐ now inconsistent and must lem). be reinitialized. 2222 Symmetry 0 not allowed. 2223 G350 not allowed while os‐ Changing the oscillation Program G1 together with Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ cillation (G301) is active. parameters is not allowed G350 and activate G301 ror rent channel while an oscillation is still again in the following block. active. 2225 Spindlecouple %d is not activated. 2226 %s: Parameter %s is miss‐ The printed parameter is Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ needed by the NC function. gram. ror rent channel ing. Please check your part and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ PLC program for a possible ror rent channel conflict during the writing/ reading of the external cor‐ rection data (timing prob‐ lem). Symmetry 0 programmed. Modify part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The programmed function Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ works only with a spindle gram. ror rent channel couple. 120/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2227 Only 4 spindle couples are A spindle couple > 4 is pro‐ Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ allowed. grammed. gram. ror rent channel 2228 The maximum Input value The maximum input range Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is: %f . is exceeded. gram. Use a value within ror rent channel the allowed range. 2229 Spindle %d: SERCOS sec‐ S-0-0034 must be config‐ Please modify S-0-0034. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ondary operation mode 2 is ured with position inter‐ Hint: S-0-0034 is localized ror rent channel face. in the SERCOS-file for wrong configured. phase 2. 2230 Invalid value for an SPCC Informations about valid Please check and modify parameter. values and its meaning can the part program. be taken from the DIN Pro‐ gramming manual. 2231 Master and slave are iden‐ A spindle can not be a mas‐ Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tical. ter and a slave at the same gram. ror rent channel time. 2232 SpindleCoupleConfigura‐ SCD (SpCoupleDist), tion: Only one NC-function SCSW(SpCoupleSync‐ is allowed per line. Win) and SCEW(SpCou‐ pleSyncErrorWin) cannot be used together in one NC-Block. 2233 Spindle %d: SERCOS S-0-0047 is missing in S-0-0024 (MDT). 2234 Spindle %d: Gear switch is Changing the spindle gear Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not allowed while position range is only available in gram. ror rent channel interface is active. speed interface mode [SDM (Sx=0)]. 2235 Spindle %d is not a slave. SCPO (SpCouplePosOffs) Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is only available for slave gram. ror rent channel spindles. 2236 Spindle couple %d: Chang‐ Changing testmode deacti‐ Rebuild the spindle couple. Part program ing testmode deactivates vates a spindle coupling. warning Couple. 2237 Spindle couple %d: Master The programmed spindle Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ index is not allowed does not exist or this spin‐ gram. ror rent channel dle is not a SERCOS-spin‐ dle (machine parameter 1040 00001). 2238 Spindle couple %d: No common speed range. 2239 %s-Axis is not programma‐ Axis belongs to an axis Axis is programmable in group of another channel. It another channel. ble in channel %d cannot be programmed in this channel. 2240 Geometry corrections not Geometry corrections are Please start program in a Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ existing for Aux-Channels/ always assigned to a fixed production channel. ror rent channel CPL-Channels. production channel. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram. ror rent channel A position controlled spin‐ Please modify the SER‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ dle needs the S-0-0047 as COS configuration file for ror rent channel a part of the MDT. phase 2. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" All couple members need a If possible select a suitable Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ common speed range. gear range for each spin‐ ror rent channel dle. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 121/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2244 Wrong type for group 1 ex‐ The correction type of the ternal correction data. actual external correction data does not conform to the correction type fixed in machine parameter. Please transfer external Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ correction data with same ror rent channel correction type as fixed in machine parameter or change the correction type in machine parameter. 2245 Wrong type for group 2 ex‐ The correction type of the ternal correction data. actual external correction data does not conform to the correction type fixed in machine parameter. Please transfer external Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ correction data with same ror rent channel correction type as fixed in machine parameter or change the correction type in machine parameter. 2246 Drill axis switching: Invalid Only correction groups 1 correction group program‐ and 2 exist. med. Please program CG1 for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ correction group 1 or CG2 ror rent channel for correction group 2. 2247 More than 8 axis config‐ ured in one channel. 2248 L1 correction assigned to Only one correction value Assign maximum of 1 cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ an axis with other correc‐ is allowed for each axis. rection to each axis. ror rent channel tion. 2249 L2 correction assigned to Only one correction value Assign maximum of 1 cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ an axis with other correc‐ is allowed for each axis. rection to each axis. ror rent channel tion. 2250 L3 correction assigned to Only one correction value Assign maximum of 1 cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ an axis with other correc‐ is allowed for each axis. rection to each axis. ror rent channel tion. 2251 H correction is assigned to Only one correction value Assign maximum of 1 cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ an axis with other correc‐ is allowed for each axis. rection to each axis. ror rent channel tion. 2252 The H correction is as‐ signed to at least 2 axes! A different tool correction Please assign no more must be assigned to each than one direction of cor‐ axis. rection to a channel axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2253 The H correction is as‐ signed to at least 2 axes! A different tool correction Please assign no more must be assigned to each than one direction of cor‐ axis. rection to a channel axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2254 The L1 correction is as‐ signed to at least 2 axes! A different tool correction Please assign no more must be assigned to each than one direction of cor‐ axis. rection to a channel axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2255 The L1 correction is as‐ signed to at least 2 axes! A different tool correction Please assign no more must be assigned to each than one direction of cor‐ axis. rection to a channel axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2256 The L2 correction is as‐ signed to at least 2 axes! A different tool correction Please assign no more must be assigned to each than one direction of cor‐ axis. rection to a channel axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2257 The L2 correction is as‐ signed to at least 2 axes! A different tool correction Please assign no more must be assigned to each than one direction of cor‐ axis. rection to a channel axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2258 The L3 correction is as‐ signed to at least 2 axes! A different tool correction Please assign no more must be assigned to each than one direction of cor‐ axis. rection to a channel axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Maximum of 8 axes can be Please change your set‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ assigned to one channel. tings for machine parame‐ ror rent channel ter 1003 0000 2. 122/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2259 The L3 correction is as‐ signed to at least 2 axes! A different tool correction Please assign no more must be assigned to each than one direction of cor‐ axis. rection to a channel axis. 2260 Invalid value for argument Valid input for argument Please program a valid val‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ <select> (command TC). <select>: 1=L3/H correc‐ ue. ror rent channel tion, 2=radius, 3=L1 cor‐ rection, 4=L2 correction, 5=orientation, 6=correction type. 2261 TCP/IP: can't open ether‐ No access to the Ethernet net device. Device. Can't initialize the hardware. Reason: hard‐ ware problem, or not enough dynamic memory. 2263 No Pointer for KNS access APS task could not deter‐ Check entries in module %d. mine pointer to KNS init kns_main.c. and KNS main function. 2264 Punching is not activated. Punching can be used in Modify the indicated ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the NC program only if it is chine parameter and ini‐ ror rent channel applicated in machine pa‐ tiate a new system startup. rameter. 2265 Error on opening file "%s". Axis coupling couldn't open No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Errno= %d. the indicated spline- or Please report error data ror rent channel coupling-table file, as the and detailed software ver‐ function fopen returned an sion to the after sales serv‐ error. ice of the NC manufacturer. 2266 Error on opening file "%s". Axis coupling couldn't open No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Errno= %d. the indicated spline- or Please report error data ror rent channel coupling-table file, as the and detailed software ver‐ function fopen returned an sion to the after sales serv‐ error. ice of the NC manufacturer. 2267 Spindle %d: Reference point is unknown. A position controlled spin‐ dle needs to know the caxis-referencepoint for spindle orientation and spindle coupling. 2268 Spindle %d is no internal spindle. This function is only for Please check and modify SERCOS and analog spin‐ the part program. dles available. Note: ma‐ chine parameter 1040 00001, 2270 Programmed axis classifi‐ Following axis classifica‐ Please program a valid val‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ cation not valid! tions are allowed: 1, 2, 3, ue for axis classification. ror rent channel 10, 20, 30, 100, 200, 300, 999. 2271 A certain classification is With exception of classifi‐ Please assign the axis Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ programmed at least twice. cation 999 all other axis classifications 1, 2, 3, 10, ror rent channel classification should only 20, 30, 100, 200 and 300 a be assigned a maximum of maximum of once per once per channel. channel. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel No error recovery possible! Interface warn‐ Please report error data ing and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Minor system er‐ System restart ror The reference point can be Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ determined via spindle ori‐ ror rent channel entation (M19) when the speed interface is active. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 123/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2272 No write access on this fil‐ There is no access with Use another filesystem or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ esystem possible CPL commands to the file‐ change the access rights of ror rent channel system because of missing the filesystem. access rights. 2273 Area monitoring: Inadmis‐ The value of at least one of Correct the machine pa‐ sible system axis number the machine parameters rameter value. for area %d. 800200001 or 800200002 doesn't correspond to a valid system axis number. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2274 Area monitoring: Area %d The machine parameter Correct the machine pa‐ has no valid type. value 800200031 doesn't rameter value. correspond to an admissi‐ ble area type. Admissible are the values 1 and 2. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2275 System axis %d position beyond area %d 2276 Area monitoring: Inadmis‐ The area index program‐ Correct the faulty part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ sible area index %d. med with one of the syntax gram. ror rent channel elements Area() or ARA() is beyond the permissible vale range. The allowed range lies between 1 and the number of elements created in machine param‐ eter 800200031. 2277 Area monitoring: System The attempt to program an Either modify the NC pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axes for area %d not in the area failed because the gram or adapt the machine ror rent channel system axis dimensions of parameters (800200001, active channel. this area that are adjusted 80020002) and restart the in machine parameter system. (800200001, 800200002) don't belong to the active channel. 2278 Area monitoring: ActualPositions can't be read. 2279 Area monitoring: More than More than one axis is jog‐ Jog the axes seperately. one axis is jogged. ged while a dead area is active. Area monitoring is not possible. 2280 System axis %d position beyond area %d 2281 Area monitoring: Area %d Area (ARA) was called with Modify part program. has no valid type. an invalid parameter On activating a working Deactivate the area and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ area, the axes are already drive the axes to allowed ror rent channel positioned beyond this positions or adapt the area. area. Reading the actual Posi‐ No error recovery possible. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tions wasn't successful af‐ Please call your Rexroth ror rent channel ter several attempts be‐ service team. cause the interpolation interrupt interrupted the reading Task each time. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel On activating a working Deactivate the area and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ area, the axes are already drive the axes to allowed ror rent channel positioned beyond this positions or adapt the area. area. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 124/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2282 Area monitoring: Area %d By programming one of the Either use another area or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is reserved by channel %d. following syntax elements perform a system startup. ror rent channel Area() or ARA(), it is at‐ tempted to access an area already reserved in anoth‐ er channel. An area re‐ served by a channel will only be released after sys‐ tem startup. 2283 Area monitoring: Area %d By programming one of the Either use another area or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is reserved by channel %d. following syntax elements perform a system startup. ror rent channel Area() or ARA(), it is at‐ tempted to access an area already reserved in anoth‐ er channel. An area re‐ served by a channel will only be released after sys‐ tem startup. 2284 Area monitoring: Area %d By programming one of the Either use another area or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is reserved by channel %d. following syntax elements perform a system startup. ror rent channel Area() or ARA(), it is at‐ tempted to access an area already reserved in anoth‐ er channel. An area re‐ served by a channel will only be released after sys‐ tem startup. 2285 Area monitoring: Area %d By programming one of the Either use another area or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is reserved by channel %d. following syntax elements perform a system startup. ror rent channel Area() or ARA(), it is at‐ tempted to access an area already reserved in anoth‐ er channel. An area re‐ served by a channel will only be released after sys‐ tem startup. 2286 Area monitoring: Area %d By programming one of the Either use another area or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is reserved by channel %d. following syntax elements perform a system startup. ror rent channel Area() or ARA(), it is at‐ tempted to access an area already reserved in anoth‐ er channel. An area re‐ served by a channel will only be released after sys‐ tem startup. 2287 Area monitoring: Inadmis‐ The area index program‐ Correct the faulty part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ sible area index %d. med with one of the syntax gram. ror rent channel elements Area() or ARA() is beyond the permissible vale range. The allowed range lies between 1 and the number of elements created in machine param‐ eter 800200031. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 125/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2288 Tangential tool guidance: The tool axis within the NC Please check and modify Tool axis not in channel. function "tangential tool the part program. guidance" doesn't belong to the actual channel. This can have two reasons: 1. An inadmissible tool axis was programmed. 2. No tool axis was programmed and the default tool axis in the machine parameter does not belong to the cur‐ rent channel. 2289 System axis %d position on Area monitoring: Axis has Jog axis in opposite direc‐ Part program limit of area been jogged to the limit of tion. warning an area. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2290 System axis %d position on Area monitoring: Axis has Jog axis in opposite direc‐ Part program limit of area been jogged to the limit of tion. warning an area. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2291 System axis %d position on Area monitoring: Axis has Jog axis in opposite direc‐ Part program limit of area been jogged to the limit of tion. warning an area. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2292 System axis %d position in On activating a dead zone, Deactivate the area and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ area %d axes are already posi‐ drive the axes to allowed ror rent channel tioned in this zone. positions or adapt the area. 2293 System axis %d position in On activating a dead zone, Deactivate the area and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ area %d axes are already posi‐ drive the axes to allowed ror rent channel tioned in this zone. positions or adapt the area. 2294 Axis transfer: an axis par‐ Axes must hold their place Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ticipating in coordinate ro‐ in axes configuration while gram. ror rent channel tation has changed its con‐ they're part of a coordinate rotation. figuration. 2295 Axis transfer: an axis par‐ Axes must hold their place Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ticipating in datum point ro‐ in axes configuration while gram. ror rent channel tation has changed its con‐ they're part of a rotation of datum point. figuration. 2296 Axis transfer: axis transfer While an inclined plane is Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is not allowed while an in‐ active, the channel axis gram. ror rent channel clined plane is active. configuration should not be changed. 2299 Internal error: Not enough While leaving the program‐ Please program a valid val‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ memory for storing of ge‐ med contour, geometry of ue for axis classification. ror rent channel ometry data. the actual block will be stor‐ ed inside block data. The reserved size of memory in not sufficient for the active geometry type. 2300 An invalid value for sym‐ For symmetry of tangential Please program a valid val‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ metry has been program‐ tool control only some spe‐ ue for symmetry of tangen‐ ror rent channel med. cial inputs are valid (please tial tool control. look at your programming manual). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 126/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2301 Programmed offset angle The valid range of the tan‐ Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is not valid. gential tool control is from gram. ror rent channel >-180 up to <=180 De‐ grees. 2302 Internal error: no correction While leaving the program‐ Please program a valid val‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ method for actual block med contour the milling tool ue for axis classification. ror rent channel available. correction must be inver‐ ted. For the actual block no evaluation instructions ex‐ ist. 2303 Axis transfer: Coupled axis An axis of an axis union %d is missing in channel. has been discarded from the actual channel by the function "axis transfer". 2304 Tangential tool guidance: The orientation axis of tan‐ Switch off tangential tool Tool axis %d not any more gential tool control was re‐ control before the axis in channel. moved from the actual transfer. channel by the function ax‐ is transfer. 2305 Error on opening file "%s". Axis coupling couldn't open No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Errno= %d. the indicated spline- or Please report error data ror rent channel coupling-table file, as the and detailed software ver‐ function fopen returned an sion to the after sales serv‐ error. ice of the NC manufacturer. 2306 Error closing file "%s". Function fclose returned an No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ error. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 2307 General read error in file "%s". An error ocurred during reading the number of splines. 2308 Because of G76 incremen‐ Inconsistent programming: Please program axis with Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tal programming for %s-ax‐ an explicit incremental pro‐ its logical axis name and ror rent channel is is not allowed. gramming by using ...I (e.g. without any attribute. XI) or the IC( ) attribute is not allowed together with G76. 2309 Area monitoring: Inadmis‐ The area index program‐ Correct the faulty part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ sible area index %d. med with one of the syntax gram. ror rent channel elements Area() or ARA() is beyond the permissible vale range. The allowed range lies between 1 and the number of elements created in machine param‐ eter 800200031. 2310 Area monitoring: Area %d Area (ARA) was called with Modify part program. has no valid type. an invalid parameter Decouple axis before axis Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ transfer. ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel No error recovery possible. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please call your Rexroth ror rent channel service team. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 127/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2311 Area monitoring: System The attempt to program an Either modify the NC pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axes for area %d not in the area failed because the gram or adapt the machine ror rent channel system axis dimensions of parameters (800200001, active channel. this area that are adjusted 80020002) and restart the in machine parameter system. (800200001, 800200002) don't belong to the active channel. 2312 Area monitoring: System The attempt to program an Either modify the NC pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axes for area %d not in the area failed because the gram or adapt the machine ror rent channel system axis dimensions of parameters (800200001, active channel. this area that are adjusted 80020002) and restart the in machine parameter system. (800200001, 800200002) don't belong to the active channel. 2313 Area monitoring: Second parameter is wrong or missing The attempt to program an Either modify the NC pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ area failed because the gram or adapt the machine ror rent channel system axis dimensions of parameters (800200001, this area that are adjusted 80020002) and restart the in machine parameter system. (800200001, 800200002) don't belong to the active channel. 2314 Area monitoring: Axis of area %d not in channel An active area shall be Deactivate the concerning Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ monitored whereas its di‐ areas. ror rent channel mensions do not belong to the channel. 2316 Area monitoring: Inadmis‐ The area index program‐ Correct the faulty part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ sible area index %d. med with one of the syntax gram. ror rent channel elements Area() or ARA() is beyond the permissible vale range. The allowed range lies between 1 and the number of elements created in machine param‐ eter 800200031. 2317 Area monitoring: Inadmis‐ The area index program‐ Correct the faulty part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ sible area index %d. med with one of the syntax gram. ror rent channel elements Area() or ARA() is beyond the permissible vale range. The allowed range lies between 1 and the number of elements created in machine param‐ eter 800200031. 2318 Axes of area %d are not referenced A monitoring area shall be Reference the axes first . activated, whose appropri‐ ate system axes are not referenced. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2319 gantry axis %d program‐ med as a slave axis Gantry axis may not be pro‐ Modify the part program. grammed as a slave. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 128/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 2320 Gantry homing: Input sig‐ The input signal "jog axis" Modify the PLC program. nal "Axis inhibit" misses for for homing must not be set before the signal "feed axis %d hold" is set. 2321 Gantry homing: Homing parameters for axes are different, master axis %d 2322 Gantry homing: Input sig‐ The input signal "jog axis" Modify the PLC program. nal "Axis inhibit" misses for for homing must not be set before the signal "feed axis %d hold" is set. 2323 Gantry homing: SERCOS Homing has been stopped Perform control reset. If Control or drive Reset the cur‐ error for axis %d by the drive due to an error. necessary perform system error rent channel or SERCOS startup. 2324 Gantry homing: SERCOS Homing has been stopped Perform control reset. If Control or drive Reset the cur‐ error for axis %d by the drive due to an error. necessary perform system error rent channel or SERCOS startup. 2325 Gantry couple: Torque limit The maximum value for the Perform control reset. If Control or drive Reset the cur‐ exceeded, master axis %d torque summary of all ax‐ necessary perform system error rent channel es, adjusted in machine pa‐ or SERCOS startup. rameter, is exceeded. 2326 Gantry axes: startup error Configuration of at least Change the corresponding Control or drive Start up the one Gantry-couple is incor‐ machine parameter and re‐ error SERCOS ring rect or invalid. start NC control. 2327 Stroke monitoring: Stroke After stroke release the ac‐ Check punch control. has not been released. knowledge "stroke runs" wasn't received within the time fixed in machine pa‐ rameter. Part program warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2328 Stroke monitoring: Stroke The stroke was not finished Check punch control. has not been finished. within the time fixed in ma‐ chine parameter, i.e. the 0-1 change of the fast input signal "Stroke doesn't run" was missing. Part program warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2329 Gantry homing: Homing not activated for axis %d In the SERCOS files p3lin*.scs the bit 7 of pa‐ rameter S-0-0147 is differ‐ ent for several axes. Elimination Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The parameter S-0-0147 of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the different axes must be ror rent channel adapted in the SERCOS files p3lin*.scs and a SER‐ COS startup must be per‐ formed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Homing has not been star‐ If the digital outputs are not Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ted simultaneously for all handled correctly modify ror rent channel axes of a gantry bond. the PLC program. Check whether the axes are re‐ served by different chan‐ nels. In this case NC cycles and NC program have to be modified. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 129/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2330 Gantry homing: Homing not activated for axis %d Homing has not been star‐ If the digital outputs are not Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ted simultaneously for all handled correctly modify ror rent channel axes of a gantry bond. the PLC program. Check whether the axes are re‐ served by different chan‐ nels. In this case NC cycles and NC program have to be modified. 2331 %s-Axis cannot be inserted The programmed axis Modify part program. name cannot determine an in channel axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2332 Axis %d cannot be inserted The programmed axis Modify part program. in channel number cannot determine an axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2333 Invalid axis name Programmed axis name Modify part program. starts neither with a num‐ ber nor a letter. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2334 Invalid axis name %s The programmed axis Modify part program. name cannot determine an axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2335 Invalid axis number %d The programmed axis Modify part program. number cannot determine an axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2336 %s-Axis cannot be re‐ moved from channel The programmed axis Modify part program. name cannot determine an axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2337 Axis %d cannot be re‐ moved from channel The programmed axis Modify part program. number cannot determine an axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2338 asynchronous axis pro‐ grammed as slave Only axes which belongs to Correct the part program or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the actual channel can be assign the axis to the con‐ ror rent channel coupled. cerning channel. 2339 Error in the %d-th entry of The machine simulation file Use tool SimuDat to read Minor system er‐ System restart type %s in the machine is wrong. and correct the machine ror simulation file %s. simulation file. 2341 No valid entry in the ma‐ chine simulation file %s. The machine simulation file Use tool SimuDat to read Minor system er‐ System restart is empty or doesn't contain and correct the machine ror valid line types. simulation file. 130/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2342 Gantry couple: slave axis A slave axis doesn't belong Check whether the axes of Part program er‐ Reset all chan‐ %d in wrong channel to the same channel as the a group are assigned to dif‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode master axis. Each slave ax‐ ferent channels in the ma‐ is must be assigned to the chine parameters. If not, same channel as the mas‐ check whether an axis is ter axis or it must be as‐ assigned to another chan‐ signed to no channel. If the nel by an NC program. Cor‐ master axis isn't assigned rect the program. to a channel, the slave ax‐ es also must not be as‐ signed to a channel. A gantry axis that isn't as‐ signed to a channel in the machine parameters must not be assigned to a chan‐ nel in an NC program. 2344 Gantry couple: slave axis A slave axis doesn't belong Check whether the axes of Part program er‐ System restart %d in wrong channel to the same channel as the a group are assigned to dif‐ ror master axis. Each slave ax‐ ferent channels in the ma‐ is must be assigned to the chine parameters. If not, same channel as the mas‐ check whether an axis is ter axis or it must be as‐ assigned to another chan‐ signed to no channel. If the nel by an NC program. Cor‐ master axis isn't assigned rect the program. to a channel, the slave ax‐ es also must not be as‐ signed to a channel. A gantry axis that isn't as‐ signed to a channel in the machine parameters must not be assigned to a chan‐ nel in an NC program. 2345 Gantry couple: slave axis A slave axis doesn't belong Check whether the axes of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %d in wrong channel to the same channel as the a group are assigned to dif‐ ror rent channel master axis. Each slave ax‐ ferent channels in the ma‐ is must be assigned to the chine parameters. If not, same channel as the mas‐ check whether an axis is ter axis or it must be as‐ assigned to another chan‐ signed to no channel. If the nel by an NC program. Cor‐ master axis isn't assigned rect the program. to a channel, the slave ax‐ es also must not be as‐ signed to a channel. A gantry axis that isn't as‐ signed to a channel in the machine parameters must not be assigned to a chan‐ nel in an NC program. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 131/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2346 Gantry couple: slave axis A slave axis doesn't belong Check whether the axes of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %d in wrong channel to the same channel as the a group are assigned to dif‐ ror rent channel master axis. Each slave ax‐ ferent channels in the ma‐ is must be assigned to the chine parameters. If not, same channel as the mas‐ check whether an axis is ter axis or it must be as‐ assigned to another chan‐ signed to no channel. If the nel by an NC program. Cor‐ master axis isn't assigned rect the program. to a channel, the slave ax‐ es also must not be as‐ signed to a channel. A gantry axis that isn't as‐ signed to a channel in the machine parameters must not be assigned to a chan‐ nel in an NC program. 2347 Gantry couple: slave axis A slave axis doesn't belong Check whether the axes of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %d in wrong channel to the same channel as the a group are assigned to dif‐ ror rent channel master axis. Each slave ax‐ ferent channels in the ma‐ is must be assigned to the chine parameters. If not, same channel as the mas‐ check whether an axis is ter axis or it must be as‐ assigned to another chan‐ signed to no channel. If the nel by an NC program. Cor‐ master axis isn't assigned rect the program. to a channel, the slave ax‐ es also must not be as‐ signed to a channel. A gantry axis that isn't as‐ signed to a channel in the machine parameters must not be assigned to a chan‐ nel in an NC program. 2349 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Select a motion that ded in axis %s! been programmed which doesn't exceed the axis violates the software travel travel limit. limits defined in machine parameter. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2350 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Select a motion that ded in axis %s! been programmed which doesn't exceed the axis violates the software travel travel limit. limits defined in machine parameter. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2351 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Select a motion that ded in axis %s! been programmed which doesn't exceed the axis violates the software travel travel limit. limits defined in machine parameter. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2352 Software limit range excee‐ An axis coordinate has Select a motion that ded in axis %s! been programmed which doesn't exceed the axis violates the software travel travel limit. limits defined in machine parameter. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 132/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2353 Motion for system axis %s The programming yields a Select a motion that greater/equal 360 degrees. motion of more than 360 doesn't exceed the axis degrees for a modulo rota‐ travel limit. ry axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2354 Drive Off for system axis % For a moving axis the inter‐ Check the PLC-program. s! face signal "Drive Off" was Continue is possible with set. control reset. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2355 Drive Inhibit for system axis For a moving axis the inter‐ A spindle speed has been Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %s! face signal "Drive Inhibit" programmed for a spindle ror rent channel has been set. without a selected gear range. 2356 Endless position mode is The positioning type for Modify part program corre‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not switchable for axis %s! endless axes (machine sponding to the machine ror rent channel paremeter 1003 00004 parameter or correct ma‐ "Axis movement type") can chine parameter. only be switched if this is identified in the machine parameters 1003 0005 "Positioning logic for end‐ less axes" and 1003 00050 "Switching of positioning logic for endless axes". The allowed values for the positioning type are: 0,1 and 2 (see 1003 00005). 2357 Invalid endless position mode for axis %s! 2358 Slave axis %s is located in An axis that lies in the se‐ Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the selected plane. lected plane may not be gram. ror rent channel programmed as a slave ax‐ is. 2359 Axis type of slave axis %s The axis type of the pro‐ Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not allowed. grammed slave axis is not gram. ror rent channel identical with type of the master axis. 2360 Axis coupling: Slave axis % Slave axis of a couple may Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s is member of another not be programmed as gram. ror rent channel couple. slave axis of another cou‐ ple. The positioning type for Modify part program corre‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ endless axes (machine sponding to the machine ror rent channel paremeter 1003 00004 parameter or correct ma‐ "Axis movement type") can chine parameter. only be switched if this is identified in the machine parameters 1003 0005 "Positioning logic for end‐ less axes" and 1003 00050 "Switching of positioning logic for endless axes". The allowed values for the positioning type are: 0,1 and 2 (see 1003 00005). Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 133/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 2361 Axis coupling: Master axis There was an attempt to Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ and slave axis %s are iden‐ program a master axis as a gram. ror rent channel tical. slave axis. 2363 Couple lag for system axis The difference of actual po‐ Check the axis dynamics; if Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %s exceeded. sitions of two coupled axes necessary, adjust the val‐ ror rent channel exceeds the permissible ues for monitoring in the maximum. The axis which machine parameters. Per‐ has a larger distance to the form control reset. If nec‐ common commanded po‐ essary perform system or SERCOS startup. sition is indicated as the faulty axis. 2364 Programmed acceleration Programmed acceleration Program a value less than Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is too large for %s axis! must be less than the ma‐ the corresponding ma‐ ror rent channel chine parameter value. chine parameter value. 2365 Drive error for coupled sys‐ The drive of a coupled axis Perform control reset. If Control or drive Reset the cur‐ tem axis %s. announced a SERCOS er‐ necessary perform system error rent channel ror. or SERCOS startup. 2366 System axis %s: Wrong ax‐ Wrong axis operation is mode active. mode by interface input. 2367 System axis %s is used by An asynchronous axis star‐ Stop the asynchronous ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ another channel. ted by another channel is is with channel control re‐ ror rent channel still moving. set. 2368 Not enough memory for the There is not enough mem‐ If CC-functions are used in Part program declaration of CC-func‐ ory for the declaration of the knb software, report the warning tions. CC-functions via the opi in‐ error to the after sales serv‐ terface. ice of the NC manufacturer. The error can be ignored, if no CC-functions are used. 2369 System axis %s has al‐ ready been started asyn‐ chronously . 2370 %s axis: A Hirth axis can‐ A Hirth axis is selected as Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not be member of a axis a master of a coupling. gram. ror rent channel coupling. 2371 System axis %s: hand‐ A hirth axis can not be wheel mode is not possible moved by a handwheel. with a hirth axis. 2372 %s axis: The Inclined plane One of the first three chan‐ Please modify your part Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ program. Do not select an ror rent channel function cannot be used in nel axes is a hirth axis. Inclined plane in this chan‐ combination with a Hirth nel. axis. 2373 System axis %s has reached travel limit! 2374 Commanded incremental The selected incremental Select a motion that jog movement (system axis motion would exceed the doesn't exceed the axis axis travel limit. travel limit. %s) would increase the travel limits! The asynchronous axis has already been started by this channel and hasn't reached its end position. Elimination Error class To clear error display: Adjust another axis opera‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion mode on the axis inter‐ ror rent channel face input. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Modify part program. A Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ new start can only be exe‐ ror rent channel cuted when the axis has stopped. Traverse this axis by using Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the jog mode. ror rent channel An axis has been driven to Move the axis off the travel Part program its travel limits by using jog limits in opposite direction. warning mode. Part program warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 134/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 2375 Synchronous axis of chan‐ Therefore axis cannot be nel %d is temporary drive reserved. interpolated. 2376 System axis %s is tempo‐ In this state the axis cannot The axis must be switched Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rary drive interpolated. be jogged. to NC-controlled interpola‐ ror rent channel tion. 2377 Slave axis %s is already A master axis may not be Delete first the axis union of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ master axis of another axis used as slave axis in an‐ the programmed axis in the ror rent channel other axis union. union. NC program. The slave ax‐ is can then be program‐ med. 2378 Couple factor and modulo A coupling of modulo axes Adjust the coupling factor Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ values of axes %s and %s via a linear coupling rela‐ or the axis modulo values ror rent channel don't match. tion requires that the mod‐ (machine parameter). ulo values Mm and Ms of the master and the slave axis respectively obey the equation Mm*k mod Ms = 0, where k is the program‐ med coupling factor. 2379 Inadmissible coupling of non-modulo axis %s to modulo axis %s. 2380 Coupling table of slave axis The master axis is a linear Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %s is not suited for linear axis. The x-values of the cated ident number in the ror rent channel master axis %s. points in the coupling table coupling table. still have an angular unit (ident number #11). 2381 Coupling table of slave axis The master axis is a rotary Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %s is not suited for rotary axis. The x-values of the cated ident number in the ror rent channel master axis %s. points in the coupling table coupling table. still have a length unit (ident number #11). 2382 Wrong period in coupling The master axis is a mod‐ Change period (x-value of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ table for slave axis %s and ulo axis with modulo value last point) in the coupling ror rent channel Mm (drive parameter). The table. master axis %s. period p in the coupling ta‐ ble must therefore obey the equation Mm mod p = 0. 2383 Inadmissible non-periodic The master axis is a mod‐ Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ function in coupling table ulo axis. The function in the cated ident number in the ror rent channel for slave axis %s and mas‐ coupling table must there‐ coupling table. ter axis %s. fore be periodic (ident num‐ ber #20 1). 2384 Programmed coupling re‐ lation for slave axis %s is not consistent with first negative travel limit. It is not possible to couple a non-modulo axis to a modulo axis via a linear coupling relation. Elimination Error class To clear error display: Execute control reset. At‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tention: This will stop the ror rent channel drive controlled axis inter‐ polation. Define master axis as non- Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ modulo axis in machine pa‐ ror rent channel rameter or perform cou‐ pling via a coupling table. A motion of the master axis Change programmed cou‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ over the total definition pling relation or the values ror rent channel range of the coupling table in the coupling table. would lead to a slave axis motion reaching its first negative travel limit. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 135/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2385 Programmed coupling re‐ lation for slave axis %s is not consistent with first positive travel limit. A motion of the master axis Change programmed cou‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ over the total definition pling relation or the values ror rent channel range of the coupling table in the coupling table. would lead to a slave axis motion reaching its first positive travel limit. 2386 Programmed coupling re‐ lation for slave axis %s is not consistent with first positive travel limit. A motion of the master axis Change programmed cou‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ over the total definition pling relation or the values ror rent channel range of the coupling table in the coupling table. would lead to a slave axis motion reaching its second negative travel limit. 2387 Programmed coupling re‐ lation for slave axis %s is not consistent with second positive travel limit. A motion of the master axis Change programmed cou‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ over the total definition pling relation or the values ror rent channel range of the coupling table in the coupling table. would lead to a slave axis motion reaching its second positive travel limit. 2388 Valid dynamic limit for mas‐ An axis coupling via a cou‐ Perform a dry run with re‐ Part program ter axis %s not found. pling table with cubic spline duced feed rate before the warning interpolation between the final machining. points leads to an addition‐ al acceleration (radial ac‐ celeration) of the slave ax‐ is. In order to keep the slave axis acceleration be‐ low its MACODA value the master axis maximum ve‐ locity as well as its acceler‐ ation must be decreased. The internal algorithm didn't find a valid solution. 2389 Slave axis %s has a zero A coupling table with linear Define a velocity step Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ maximum velocity step interpolation between the change for the indicated ror rent channel change. points leads to velocity step slave axis in machine pa‐ changes of the slave axis if rameter or use cubic spline the master axis moves with interpolation in the cou‐ constant velocity. There‐ pling table. fore, the maximum velocity of the master axis is re‐ duced so that the slave axis does not exceed its maxi‐ mum velocity step change (machine parameter). A zero step change of the slave axis wouldn't there‐ fore allow any motion of the master axis. 2390 Inadmissible motion for slave axis %s. In the NC program a motion Please check and modify was programmed for a cou‐ the part program. pled axis. This is not per‐ mitted. Error class To clear error display: Reset the cur‐ rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 136/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2391 Illegal tool axis %s. The tool axis doesn't exist Correct tool axis number in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ or is part of the working part program or in machine ror rent channel plane. parameter 705000210. 2392 Wrong axis type for selec‐ The tool axis type in part Modify the axis type or se‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ted tool axis %s. program or in machine pa‐ lect another tool axis. ror rent channel rameter 705000210 is not rotary or endless. 2393 System axis %s position on Area monitoring: Axis has Jog axis in opposite direc‐ Part program limit of area been jogged to the limit of tion. warning an area. 2394 System axis %s position in On activating a dead zone, Deactivate the area and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ area %d axes are already posi‐ drive the axes to allowed ror rent channel tioned in this zone. positions or adapt the area. 2395 System axis %s position beyond area %d 2396 Axis transfer: Coupled sys‐ An axis of an axis union tem axis %d is missing in has been discarded from channel. the actual channel by the function "axis transfer". 2397 Tangential tool guidance: The orientation axis of tan‐ Switch off tangential tool Tool system axis %s not gential tool control was re‐ control before the axis any more in channel. moved from the actual transfer. channel by the function ax‐ is transfer. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2398 gantry system axis %s pro‐ Gantry axis may not be pro‐ Modify the part program. grammed as a slave axis grammed as a slave. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2399 "Gantry homing: Input sig‐ The input signal "jog axis" Modify the PLC program. nal ""Axis inhibit"" misses for homing must not be set for system axis %s" before the signal "feed hold" is set. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2400 Gantry homing: Homing parameters for axes are different, master: system axis %s 2401 Gantry homing: SERCOS Homing has been stopped Perform control reset. If Control or drive Reset the cur‐ error for system axis %s by the drive due to an error. necessary perform system error rent channel or SERCOS startup. 2402 Gantry couple: Torque limit The maximum value for the Perform control reset. If Control or drive Reset the cur‐ exceeded, master: system torque summary of all ax‐ necessary perform system error rent channel axis %s es, adjusted in machine pa‐ or SERCOS startup. rameter, is exceeded. 2403 Gantry homing: Homing Homing has not been star‐ If the digital outputs are not Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not activated for system ax‐ ted simultaneously for all handled correctly modify ror rent channel axes of a gantry bond. the PLC program. Check is %s whether the axes are re‐ served by different chan‐ nels. In this case NC cycles and NC program have to be modified. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" On activating a working Deactivate the area and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ area, the axes are already drive the axes to allowed ror rent channel positioned beyond this positions or adapt the area. area. In the SERCOS files p3lin*.scs the bit 7 of pa‐ rameter S-0-0147 is differ‐ ent for several axes. Decouple axis before axis Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ transfer. ror rent channel The parameter S-0-0147 of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the different axes must be ror rent channel adapted in the SERCOS files p3lin*.scs and a SER‐ COS startup must be per‐ formed. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 137/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2404 System axis %s cannot be The programmed axis Modify part program. inserted in channel number cannot determine an axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2405 Invalid axis number %d The programmed axis Modify part program. number cannot determine an axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2406 System axis %s cannot be The programmed axis Modify part program. removed from channel number cannot determine an axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2407 Gantry couple: slave sys‐ A slave axis doesn't belong Check whether the axes of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tem axis %s in wrong chan‐ to the same channel as the a group are assigned to dif‐ ror rent channel nel master axis. Each slave ax‐ ferent channels in the ma‐ is must be assigned to the chine parameters. If not, same channel as the mas‐ check whether an axis is ter axis or it must be as‐ assigned to another chan‐ signed to no channel. If the nel by an NC program. Cor‐ master axis isn't assigned rect the program. to a channel, the slave ax‐ es also must not be as‐ signed to a channel. A gantry axis that isn't as‐ signed to a channel in the machine parameters must not be assigned to a chan‐ nel in an NC program. 2408 No motion in selected plane before G5 block. 2409 Stroke monitoring: Stroke At the time of stroke re‐ Check punch control. cannot be released. lease by the NC the state "stroke runs" was active, i.e. the fast input signal "Stroke doesn't run" had the value 0. 2410 Spindle %d: SERCOS sec‐ Drive controlled switching Bit 8 must not be set in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ondary operation mode 2 is (bit 8) must not be activated S-0-0034. Hint: S-0-0034 is ror rent channel wrong configured. in S-0-0034. localized in the SERCOSfile for phase 2. 2411 Spindle %d cannot operate For use with position inter‐ Bit 7 must be set in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ with position interface face, the weighting type for S-0-0076. Hint: S-0-0076 is ror rent channel position data (S-0-0076) localized in the SERCOSmust be set to rotary with file for phase 2. modulo format. 2412 Tangential tool guidance: Angle of tangent at start point outside axis travel limit. 2413 Tangential tool guidance: The tool axis must cover an Split circular block into two Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Range of tangent angle for angle range on the circular blocks, so that possibly at ror rent channel circular block exceeds trav‐ segment which exceeds the splitpoint a new orien‐ the travel limit range. tation may occur. el limit range. G5 needs programmed co‐ Please adapt your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ordinates in the actual gramme. ror rent channel working plane of the previ‐ ous block. The tool axis cannot be Please check and modify aligned tangentially at the the part program. start point because the travel limits do not allow it. Part program warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 138/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2414 Axis classification of a channel axis is missing. Enlarge the data range for Assign axis classifications Part program link table in machine pa‐ to all channel axes. Atten‐ warning rameter 707000010 and in‐ tion: The axis classifica‐ itiate a new system startup. tions of all axes in one channel must be different. 2415 System axis %s position in On activating a dead zone, Deactivate the area and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ area %d axes are already posi‐ drive the axes to allowed ror rent channel tioned in this zone. positions or adapt the area. 2416 System axis %s position beyond area %d 2417 %s axis: A Hirth axis can‐ A Hirth axis is selected as Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not be member of a axis a slave of a coupling. gram. ror rent channel coupling. 2418 Programmed acceleration Error in part program. value 0 for %s axis not al‐ lowed. 2419 Programmed end point for The programmed or calcu‐ Please modify your part system axis %s axis is no lated axis coordinates must program. hirth position. be a hirth position. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2420 "Gantry homing: Input sig‐ The input signal "jog axis" Modify the PLC program. nal ""Axis inhibit"" misses for homing must not be set for system axis %s" before the signal "feed hold" is set. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2421 Gantry homing: Homing Homing has not been star‐ If the digital outputs are not Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not activated for system ax‐ ted simultaneously for all handled correctly modify ror rent channel axes of a gantry bond. the PLC program. Check is %s whether the axes are re‐ served by different chan‐ nels. In this case NC cycles and NC program have to be modified. 2422 Axis coupling: system axis The axis programmed as a Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %s not allowed. slave axis doesn't belong gram. ror rent channel to the concerning channel. 2423 Coupling table unsuitable The slave axis is a linear Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ for linear slave axis %s. axis. The y-values of the cated ident number in the ror rent channel points in the coupling table coupling table. still have an angular unit (ident number #12). 2424 Coupling table unsuitable The slave axis is a rotary Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ for rotary slave axis %s. axis. The y-values of the cated ident number in the ror rent channel points in the coupling table coupling table. still have a length unit (ident number #12). In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" On activating a working Deactivate the area and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ area, the axes are already drive the axes to allowed ror rent channel positioned beyond this positions or adapt the area. area. Program an acceleration Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ which is greater then zero. ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 139/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2425 Gantry couple: slave sys‐ A slave axis doesn't belong Check whether the axes of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tem axis %s in wrong chan‐ to the same channel as the a group are assigned to dif‐ ror rent channel nel master axis. Each slave ax‐ ferent channels in the ma‐ is must be assigned to the chine parameters. If not, same channel as the mas‐ check whether an axis is ter axis or it must be as‐ assigned to another chan‐ signed to no channel. If the nel by an NC program. Cor‐ master axis isn't assigned rect the program. to a channel, the slave ax‐ es also must not be as‐ signed to a channel. A gantry axis that isn't as‐ signed to a channel in the machine parameters must not be assigned to a chan‐ nel in an NC program. 2426 %s axis: Calculated end The programmed or calcu‐ Please modify your part point is not a hirth position. lated axis coordinates must program. be a hirth position. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2427 System axis %s: Refer‐ The reference point must ence point is not a hirth po‐ be a hirth position. sition. Please reconfigure the SERCOS-parameters. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2428 The actual maximum axis Hostlib: Servo error! velocity of system axis %s is higher than the machine parameter. Please check the problem. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Possible reasons are ror rent channel wrong contour vectors, endpoints or feed limits. 2429 The actual axis slope ac‐ celeration of system axis % s is higher than machine parameter value. Please check the problem. Part program Possible reasons are warning wrong contour vectors, endpoints or feed limits. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2430 System axis %s position on Area monitoring: Axis has Jog axis in opposite direc‐ Part program limit of area been jogged to the limit of tion. warning an area. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2431 System axis %s position on Area monitoring: Axis has Jog axis in opposite direc‐ Part program limit of area been jogged to the limit of tion. warning an area. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2432 Gantry homing: SERCOS Homing has been stopped Perform control reset. If Control or drive Reset the cur‐ error for system axis %s by the drive due to an error. necessary perform system error rent channel or SERCOS startup. 2433 Following synchronous ax‐ During control reset of a Release the indicated axes Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is of channel %d are not channel it was detected or abort by system control ror rent channel enabled: %s. that the indicated axes are reset. occupied by other chan‐ nels. 2434 Following synchronous ax‐ During insertion of an axis Release the indicated axes Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is of channel %d are not in a channel it was detected or abort by system control ror rent channel enabled: %s. that the indicated axis is oc‐ reset. cupied by another channel. 2435 Following synchronous ax‐ During program selection Release the indicated axes Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is of channel %d are not or MDI it was detected that or abort by system control ror rent channel enabled: %s. the indicated axes are oc‐ reset. cupied by other channels. 140/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 2436 The tool record (sector: % As long as the tool record is Repeat the action that lea‐ Core system d, location: %d) is locked locked from PLC, neither ded to this error. If the error warning by the PLC. MMI nor CPL have a write still appears, the PLC user access to this record. program should be checked. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2437 The filesystems are not The memory pages of the write protected in user level filesystems are not write protected in user level by by the MMU. the MMU. The Page-Table is corrupted. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2438 Illegal parameter for SPGALL Only (0) is a allowed value Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ for SPGALL. SPGALL(0) gram. ror rent channel resets all spindle groups to the machine parameter de‐ fault. 2439 Spindle %d is no internal spindle. This function is only availa‐ Please modify your part ble for internal spindles. program. Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 2440 Spindle %d is not a spindle/ Thread tapping is only pos‐ Please modify your part C-axis. sible with a spindle/C-axes. program. Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 2441 Thread tapping: The chan‐ Including the spindles se‐ Before thread tapping, re‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ nel has only space for %d lected for the thread tap‐ move not used axes with ror rent channel additional spindles. ping, the maximum number from the channel RemAxis of channel axes was ex‐ (RAX) and reload them af‐ terwards with WaitAxis ceeded. (WAX). 2442 Thread tapping: There is no spindle selected. 2443 Thread tapping: Only one spindle group can be se‐ lected. 2444 Constant cutting velocity is It is impossible to use in‐ Please use G97 in combi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ active. cremental speed program‐ nation with G94(DF...). ror rent channel ming and constant cutting speed at the same time. 2445 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL number of parameters - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2446 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL type of parameter - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2447 Syntax %s for polar angle Polar-coordinate program‐ Adjust an allowed syntax in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not admissible. ming: The NC syntax of the machine parameter (8005 ror rent channel angle is identical with the 00001) and correct the part syntax of the specified axis. programs. A programmed angle would be conjugated to the axis. No error recovery possible! Core system Please report error data warning and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. To clear error display: For the thread tapping Select needed spindles by Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ function you must select at using TappSp (TSP). Ex‐ ror rent channel least one spindle. ample: TappSp (CAX2,CAX4). Add additional spindles by Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ programming TappSp ror rent channel (GRPx,CAXn,CAXm). (Short syntax: TSP(...) ) Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 141/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2449 Machine parameter %d can only be transferred with control startup. The activation of this ma‐ Initiate a system startup. chine parameter requires a startup of the NC. 2450 Machine simulation: no version entry in the de‐ scription file. The first line of the descrip‐ Open the description file Minor system er‐ System restart tion file must contain the with SpsSimu or use anoth‐ ror version number of the tool er editor to insert the ver‐ SpsSimu. sion number of SpsSimu if you know it. 2451 Machine simulation: the version number of the de‐ scription file is higher then the version number of the tool SpsSimu. The version number of Use the tool with the right Minor system er‐ System restart APS must be equal or larg‐ version number. ror er than the version number of the tool SpsSimu 2452 System axis %s: Standstill The standstill torque value Perform control reset. If Control or drive Reset the cur‐ torque exceeded as adjusted in machine pa‐ necessary perform system error rent channel or SERCOS startup. rameter, is exceeded. 2454 NC program %s does not A nonexistent part program Repeat program selection Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ exist has been selected or a with an existing program or ror rent channel nonexistent sub program correct the part program. has been called. 2455 Spindle %d is no SERCOS This function is only availa‐ spindle. ble for SERCOS spindles. 2456 Error reading zero point off‐ Zero point offset table non‐ generate zero offset table Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ set table existent or protected or verify protection ror rent channel 2457 Zero point offset table has The format of the zero off‐ If you open the zero offset Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ bad format set table is wrong. Perhaps table with the table editor, ror rent channel it has been modified by a the defective line and col‐ umn will be displayed. Cor‐ text editor. rect this error with a text editor. 2458 Zero point offset table not The zero offset table Correct the part program: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ read couldn't be read. Perhaps it Program only tables which ror rent channel is an old table for a different belong to the correspond‐ ing channel. channel. 2459 Zero point offset table in‐ The option 'strict assign‐ consistent with actual axis ment' is set for this table, configuration but the table doesn't fit to the actual axis configura‐ tion. 2460 Column %s is declared as The specified column is de‐ Correct the zero offset ta‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ circular axis in the zero clared as a rotary axis in ble: Modify axis type of the ror rent channel point offset table. the selected table. Howev‐ corresponding column. er, it is a linear axis. 2461 Column %s is declared as The specified column is de‐ Correct the zero offset ta‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ linear axis in the zero point clared as a linear axis in the ble: Modify axis type of the ror rent channel offset table. selected table. However, it corresponding column. is a rotary axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Correct the part program: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Activate a zero offset table ror rent channel which matches the axis configuration. Eventually the option 'strict assign‐ ment' may be reset in the table editor. 142/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2462 Zero point offset table in‐ The option 'strict assign‐ consistent with actual axis ment' is set for this table, configuration but the table doesn't fit to the actual axis configura‐ tion. 2463 Zero point offset table in‐ The selected table has an The table will be converted Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ consistent with actual axis old format. It may be used to the new format after ror rent channel configuration only if the actual axis con‐ opening it in the table edi‐ figuration is identical to the tor. default configuration of this channel. 2464 Only %d blocks in block There is not enough mem‐ Adjust the configuration in Part program preparation. Memory for to‐ ory available to create the machine parameter warning totally adjusted number of 706000110 for each chan‐ tal %d blocks lacks. blocks for block prepara‐ nel. The total number of tion of all channels. There blocks must be decreased is a total lack of memory for to the announced value. the number of blocks as an‐ nounced in the warning. A configuration to keep the basic functionality of the channel is implicitly estab‐ lished by the system. Func‐ tionalities that require more blocks will not work. 2465 Axis transfer: maximum At most 8 axes can be as‐ Correct the part program or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ number of axes per chan‐ signed to one channel. remove an unused axis of ror rent channel nel exceeded. the concerning channel. 2466 SERCOS communication A SERCOS command has Initiate a system startup. error during referencing of not been responded by the %s-axis drive. The flow of referenc‐ ing is corrupted, referenc‐ ing is stopped for the case of reliability. 2467 Storage available only for It is necessary to make The memory layout must Part program %d channels. more memory available for be changed. This can be warning the system, for example, by done either by hardware decreasing the number of (more memory) or by soft‐ ware exchange. channels. 2473 Invalid table property in the Programming error at CPL CPL-command %s. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2474 Invalid kind of axis in the CPL-command %s. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2475 Invalid number of channels Programming error at CPL in the CPL-command %s. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Correct the part program: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Activate a zero offset table ror rent channel which matches the axis configuration. Eventually the option 'strict assign‐ ment' may be reset in the table editor. System restart Control or drive System restart error System restart Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 143/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text 2476 Cause Elimination Error class Table name or table tem‐ Programming error at CPL plate name in the CPL- command. For further in‐ command %s too long. formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2477 Table name in the CPLProgramming error at CPL command %s already ex‐ - command. For further in‐ ists. formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2478 Table template in the CPL- Programming error at CPL command %s not found. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2479 Format of table template in Programming error at CPL the CPL-command %s in‐ - command. For further in‐ correct. formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2480 Table in the CPL-com‐ mand %s not found. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2481 Column identifier in the Programming error at CPL CPL-command %s invalid. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2482 Column in the table in the Programming error at CPL CPL-command %s not - command. For further in‐ found. formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2483 Column in the CPL-com‐ Programming error at CPL mand %s already exists in - command. For further in‐ the table. formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2484 Operation in the CPL-com‐ Programming error at CPL mand %s in this table for‐ - command. For further in‐ mat invalid. formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2485 Table in the CPL-com‐ mand %s is active. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2486 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL number of parameters - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2488 Invalid file name. Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2489 Insufficient memory for da‐ Too large values for stack Reduce data ranges in ma‐ Core system ta areas of CPL programs and link table are defined in chine parameter warning in channel %d. machine parameter block 707000010 and initiate a number 7070 00010 "Data new system startup. areas for CPL programs". Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". To clear error display: System restart 144/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2491 Machine parameter %d can only be transferred with control startup. The activation of this ma‐ Initiate a system startup. chine parameter requires a startup of the NC. 2492 Area %d is not programma‐ The programmed opera‐ Modify the part program or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ble. tional range/dead zone is change the definition of the ror rent channel entered as not programma‐ indicated area in machine ble in the machine param‐ parameters. eters. 2494 Type of variable "%s" inva‐ Programming error at CPL lid. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2495 invalid Variable %s Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2496 Init error SERCOS asic ASIC register cannot be set Change osa master mod‐ Hardware error System restart ule or ask for Rexroth serv‐ ice 2497 Maximum length of SER‐ COS telegram exceeded The length of MDT and AT Check ASIC version, take Minor system er‐ System restart exceeds available RAM of an osa master module with ror the asic new ASIC or reduce length of SERCOS telegram 2498 No data transfer on PRO‐ Software PLC is not run‐ Check the slave address, Interface error FIBUS DP, Software PLC ning because there is cur‐ check the master-data file not running. rently no data exchange of the concerning DP mas‐ between DP-master and ter, check the connection to DP-slave. Eventually the the DP master, check the DP-master is not running. state of the DP master! There might be also an in‐ valid master parameter set or an interrupted connec‐ tion. 2499 Invalid axis transformation Coordinate programming Modify part program. number %d. was activated with an inva‐ lid axis transformation number. 2500 The axis transformation % The activated axis transfor‐ Adjust the transformation Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ d has the invalid transfor‐ mation has a wrong trans‐ type in machine parameter. ror rent channel mation type %d. formation type in machine parameter. 2502 Axis transformation: Sys‐ A member axis of an axis Modify part program. tem axis %s not in channel. transformation is no longer in the actual channel. 2503 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. must refer to a linear sys‐ tem axis. 2504 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. must refer to a rotary sys‐ tem axis. Part program er‐ System restart ror System restart Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 145/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2505 Axis transformation: Con‐ The Length 1 and 2 must Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ be greater than or equal to chine parameter. ror rent channel ter "Length and angle pa‐ zero. rameters". 2506 Axis transformation: Con‐ Two entries in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. refer to the same system axis. 2507 Rotation axis has zero length. The programmed rotation Modify part program. axis has zero length. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2508 Orientation vector has zero The programmed orienta‐ Modify part program. length. tion vector has zero length. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2509 Collinear start and end ori‐ The programmed orienta‐ Modify part program. entation. tion vector is parallel or an‐ ti-parallel to the start orien‐ tation vector. Hence the rotation axis is undefined. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2510 Rotation axis not program‐ The orientation program‐ Modify part program. med. ming with a rotation angle requires a programmed ro‐ tation axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2513 5-axis transformation: Contour transition is dis‐ continuous for axis %s. 2514 NC Function could not be The NC function NcfOr‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ inserted. MoOn couldn't be inserted. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 2515 NC Function could not be The NC function NcfOrMo‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ inserted. Off couldn't be inserted. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 2516 Timeout while waiting for digital I/O signals. The I/O signals program‐ Check the signals and Part program med in wait command have check the program for con‐ warning not received the rated val‐ sistency. ues in the given time. 2517 CPL expression not al‐ lowed while runtime. The programmed CPL ex‐ Modify part program. pression may not be inter‐ preted during runtime. 2518 Lower software travel limit An axis coordinate has Check the programmed ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ of axis %s, travel limit val‐ been programmed which is coordinates, or, neces‐ ror rent channel ue: %f, axis position: %f violates the software travel sary change the software limits defined in machine travel limits in machine pa‐ parameter. rameter. The motion of the orienta‐ Insert a block without mo‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion vector through the po‐ tion after the WAIT block. ror rent channel sition (0,0,+-1) potentially requires the insertion of an adaptation block with a pure rotation axis motion. Probably due to a WAIT the adaptation block couldn't be inserted. Reset the cur‐ rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 146/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2519 Upper software travel limit An axis coordinate has Check the programmed ax‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ of axis %s, travel limit val‐ been programmed which is coordinates, or, neces‐ ror rent channel ue: %f, axis position: %f violates the software travel sary change the software limits defined in machine travel limits in machine pa‐ parameter. rameter. 2520 Thread cutting: Internal in‐ A non threading block pass Error recovery: Insert a no Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ terpolation error while hand a piece of way on to a distance block (e.g. N15 ror rent channel threading block. G1) in front of the threading over distance to go block. In addition please re‐ port this error to the after sales service of the NC manufacturer. 2522 (C-axis-)Reference point is Thread cutting with a posi‐ tion controlled spindle missing. needs to know the spindle (c-axis) referencepoint. 2523 No position controlled spin‐ Thread cutting with a posi‐ Switch to position interface Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ dle tion controlled spindle (G533 SPC1). ror rent channel needs a position controlled spindle. 2524 Main spindle not available. The main spindle is cur‐ rently in C axis mode. 2525 Main spindle stopped by reset. Spindle reset stops thread cutting. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2526 Thread cutting: Fast re‐ tract! - Part program warning 2527 The adjusted acceleration The actual threading accel‐ If DYN( , , ) is used modify Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is not high enough. eration is to low for cutting the part program. In the ror rent channel the the programmed other case check the ad‐ thread. justed acceleration in ma‐ chine parameters 7050 00600ff.. 2528 Max. path velocity excee‐ The product of spindle Please use a lower spindle Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ded. speed and thread lead ex‐ speed for threading. ror rent channel ceeds the max. path veloc‐ ity. 2529 Spindle speed is too high. In case of thread cutting, Please use a lower spindle Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Upper Limit: %d U/min. the max. spindle speed is speed for threading. ror rent channel limited to 0.48 rev/NC-cy‐ cle. 2530 Drive under control is miss‐ Spindle drive release miss‐ ing. ing. Possible reasons are: Drive off - No drive release - DC1 error. Switch back to the speed Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ interface (TST(SPC0)). ror rent channel Use Spindle orientation to determine the reference point. Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram. ror rent channel - Reset the cur‐ rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 147/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2531 Invalid value. Only 0, 1 and SpMode (Sx=0) switches Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ 11 allowed. the spindle to the speed in‐ gram. ror rent channel terface. SpMode(Sx=1) switches the spindle in the standstill to the position in‐ terface. SpMode(Sx=11) switches the spindle to the position interface at full speed. 2532 Both parameters are nec‐ Both retraction parameters Please modify your part essary. (main and auxiliary axis) program. must be programmed to‐ gether. 2533 Invalid value. Only 0 and 1 SPC1 switches to position Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ are allowed. controlled spindle mode. gram. ror rent channel SPC0 switches to speed controlled spindle. 2534 Invalid value. Only 0 and 1 TCI1 sets the channel in‐ Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ are allowed. terface signal "Thread cy‐ gram. ror rent channel cle active". TCI0 resets the signal. 2535 TPMxx: This value is not a Informations about valid Please check and modify valid thread programming values and its meaning can the part program. mode . be taken from the DIN Pro‐ gramming manual. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2536 Implicit retraction is a fea‐ You use the parameter R The thread programming ture of CC220-compatible (retraction angle). mode is defined by ma‐ programming. chine parameter 705000600 [1] or by G33 TPMxy. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2537 Only G8, G9 and G108 al‐ G33 works only in combi‐ Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lowed. nation with G9 and G8. We gram. ror rent channel recommend G8 G33. 2538 Axis transformation: Sys‐ A member axis of an axis Modify part program. tem axis %s not in channel. transformation is no longer in the actual channel. 2539 Axis transformation: Con‐ Two entries in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. refer to the same system axis. 2540 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. must refer to a linear sys‐ tem axis. 2541 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. must refer to a rotary sys‐ tem axis. 2542 Axis transformation: Con‐ System axes numbers figuration error in parame‐ must be different. ter axis assignment [%d]. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ chine parameter. ror rent channel 148/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2543 permanent CPL variable doesn't exist For reading or writing a per‐ Correct the part program or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ manent CPL variable a define the permanent CPL ror rent channel nonexistent variable was variable in the concerning programmed. file. 2544 Wrong CPL expression An incorrect CPL expres‐ Modify part program. sion was programmed for reading or writing a perma‐ nent CPL variable. 2545 Timeout while waiting for The CPL variable program‐ Check the CPL variable Part program state of a permanent CPL med in wait command has and check the programs for warning variable. not received the rated val‐ consistency. ue in the given time. 2546 The selected main spindle The main spindle, selected Please check the number Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ (S%d) does not exist. by machine parameter or of the main spindle in ma‐ ror rent channel part programm, does not chine parameter and the exist. part program. 2547 Spindle %d: More than one Switching gear range and Please split the line. spindle switch command in switching of SERCOS op‐ eration mode must not be this NC block. programmed in one NC block. 2548 Spindle %d: SERCOS S-0-0051 or S-0-0053 is missing in S-0-0016(AT). 2549 Thread cutting, spindle %d: For thread cutting the Please modify the SER‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Unsuitable weighting type weighting type for position COS configuration file for ror rent channel for position data data (S-0-0076) must be phase 2. (S-0-0076). set to rotary with modulo format. 2550 Thread cutting: Inclined plane is activated. 2551 Invalid axis programmed. Only main and second axis Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ of the active plane can be gram. ror rent channel used in combination with thread cutting. 2552 Retract angle is not al‐ lowed. Allowed angles are: 0 .. 60 Please check and modify degrees and 90 degrees. the part program. 2553 Thread lead (I, J, or K) is missing. The lead for a longitudinal Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ thread is defined by the in‐ gram. ror rent channel terpolation parameter of the main axis of the active plane. For a face thread the lead is defined by the pa‐ rameter of the second axis. Example: G18 -> K = longi‐ tudinal thread I= face thread. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reset the cur‐ rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Thread cutting needs the Please modify the SER‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ actual position of the spin‐ COS configuration file for ror rent channel dle (C-axis). phase 2. Thread cutting is linked to system axes. During thread cutting no axis transformation is allowed. Modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Deselect the inclined plane ror rent channel function while thread cut‐ ting. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 149/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2554 It is not allowed to program Only by using CC220/ Use only the lead value of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the lead of the second cut‐ Typ1-compatible program‐ the main cutting axis. ror rent channel ting axis. ming mode a tapered thread will be defined by two lead values. 2555 Maximum lead (500 mm/ rev) exceeded. The allowed range for the Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ thread lead (defined by I, J gram. ror rent channel or K) is between 0.0001 and 500. 2556 Constant cutting velocity (G96) is active. Thread cutting and G96 are Please activate G97 in incompatible. front of G33. 2557 Retract angle is not al‐ The retract angle must be Please check and modify lowed. The gradient and greater as the gradient of the part program. the retract angle are identi‐ the thread. cal. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2558 Retract angle is not al‐ lowed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2559 Lead of the main cutting ax‐ The allowed range for the Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is must be greater than thread lead (defined by I, J gram. ror rent channel 0.0001 mm/rev. or K) is between 0.0001 and 500. 2560 The channel axis %s is not Thread cutting allows only Please check and modify a linear axis. the usage of linear axes. the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2561 Within a concatenated thread it is not allowed to change the active plane. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2562 TPM %d: Inadmissible val‐ It is not allowed to change Please check and modify ue while cutting a con‐ the thread programming the part program. catenated thread. mode within a concaten‐ ated thread . Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2563 No distance for main cut‐ ting axis. 2564 The gradient of a tapered The gradient of a tapered Modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ thread exceeds 45 de‐ thread is limited by 45 de‐ Change from a longitudinal ror rent channel grees. grees. to a face thread or vice ver‐ sa. 2565 No valid retract data. 2566 Invalid variable lead. Final At the end of a thread the Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lead < 0. sum of constant (I, J or K) gram. ror rent channel and variable thread lead must be equal or greater than 0. The programmed retract Please check and modify angle will damage the part. the part program. - Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The main cutting axis, se‐ Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lected by the interpolation gram. ror rent channel parameter I, J or K, needs to have a distance. Either there are no retrac‐ Check machine parameter Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion data defined or they 7050 00645 or program ror rent channel don't match with the activa‐ ThreadSet( RD(... ,... )) or program ThreadSet after ted plane. plane selection. 150/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2567 Chamfer cut and chamfer Function chamfer pro‐ Please adjust your part length programmed to‐ gramming could be pro‐ program. gether in the same block. grammed either with cham‐ fer cut or with chamfer length. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2568 Function chamfer pro‐ Function chamfer pro‐ Please adjust your part gramming has been activa‐ gramming could be pro‐ program. grammed either with cham‐ ted without specifying a chamfer. fer cut or with chamfer length. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2569 No chamfer could be cal‐ culated. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2570 Block via high speed While G575 is active, inter‐ Please program G8 or G9. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ (G575) input does not work polation and contour calcu‐ ror rent channel together with active path lation have to be strongly SHAPE function (G408 or coupled, which means no G608) post-interpolation function may be active. 2572 Error during initialization of The interpretation of the file Correct the error and per‐ Minor system er‐ System restart tool database: syntax error has been interrupted be‐ form a new initialization of ror in file "%s", line %d. fore the file end. The indi‐ the tool database. You can cated line contains a syn‐ do this, for example, by re‐ tax error. starting the MMI. 2573 No digital output for punch‐ No digital output is re‐ Reserve a digital output for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ing available. served for punching in the punching in the machine ror rent channel machine parameters. parameters. 2574 No digital input for punch‐ No digital input is reserved Reserve a digital input for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ing available. for punching in the ma‐ punching in the machine ror rent channel chine parameters. parameters. 2575 Constant cutting velocity is Spindle speed program‐ activated by a part pro‐ ming via machine function gramme for spindle %d. is only permitted when di‐ rect speed programming (G97) ist active. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2576 Constant cutting velocity is Spindle speed program‐ activated by a part pro‐ ming via spindle jog is only gramme for spindle %d. permitted when direct speed programming (G97) ist active. Part program warning 2577 No reference axis for con‐ Machine parameter Please modify the machine Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ stant cutting velocity (G96). 705000420 [6] determines parameter setting. ror rent channel the reference axis. 2578 Axes of area %d are not referenced 2579 Tangential tool guidance: During tool guidance a mo‐ Do not programme the tool Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Tool axis was program‐ tion for the tool axis may axis or switch off tangential ror rent channel med. not be programmed. tool control in a previous NC block. 2580 Subprogramme call (%s) in In default status of startup Modify machine parameter Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ default status not allowed or control reset is a sub‐ of the default status. ror rent channel programme call. Due to geometry no cham‐ Please adjust your part fer could be inserted. program. A monitoring area shall be Reference the axes first . activated, whose appropri‐ ate system axes are not referenced. Error class Part program warning To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Reset the cur‐ rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 151/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 2581 No high-speed-output as‐ In machine parameter Please modify the machine Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ signed to PDHSO. 407500102 a high-speed- parameter setting. ror rent channel output must be assigned to PDHSO. The range of val‐ ues is 501 to 513. 2582 PDHSO: The programmed The allowed range for the Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ signal length (%f msec) is signal length (3rd parame‐ gram. ror rent channel out of range. ter) is between 0.5 and 10000.0 msec. 2583 PDHSO: The value of the Only 0 and 1 are allowed. 0 Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ 1st parameter is not al‐ allows to configure the gram. ror rent channel lowed. function. 1 activates the function. 2584 PDHSO: The 1st parame‐ The 1st parameter must be Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ter is missing. programmed. 0 allows to gram. ror rent channel configure the function. 1 activates the function. 2585 G532: Missing parameters! - 2586 Homing of a coupled sys‐ A coupled axis may not be Decouple Axis before hom‐ Part program er‐ Reset all chan‐ temaxis %s homed. ing. ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 2587 Channel inconsistency: coupling cancelled 2588 Machine parameter: The The displayed syntax is Please check the machine Part program er‐ System restart spindle syntax %s is used used multiple. Please parameters. ror multiple for spindle %d. check machine parameter 1040 001xx. 2589 Machine parameter: The The displayed syntax is Please check the machine Part program er‐ System restart spindle syntax %s is used used multiple. Please parameters. ror multiple by spindlegroup % check machine parameter 1040 002xx. d. 2590 Machine parameter: The The displayed syntax is Please check the machine Part program er‐ System restart spindle syntax %s is used used multiple. Please parameters. ror by spindle %d and %d. check machine parameter 1040 001xx. 2591 Machine parameter: The spindle syntax %s is used by spindle %d and spin‐ dlegroup %d. 2592 Machine parameter: The The displayed syntax is Please check the machine Part program er‐ System restart spindle syntax %s is used used multiple. Please parameters. ror by spindlegroup %d and % check machine parameter 1040 002xx. d. 2593 The chosen linear modulo The linear modulo axis de‐ Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axis is member of the ac‐ fined together with Lin‐ gramme or switch of the ac‐ ror rent channel tual axis transformation. ModZp/LMZ is not allowed tual axis transformation. to be member of the current axis transformation. Two coupled axes do not belong anymore to the same channel. Elimination - No workaround required, because coupling is al‐ ready opened. Error class Part program warning Part program warning To clear error display: Reset the cur‐ rent channel In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" The displayed syntax is Please check the machine Part program er‐ System restart used multiple. Please parameters. ror check machine parameter 1040 001xx and 1040 002xx. 152/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2594 An area was defined for an Areas must not be defined Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axis, which is member of for axes, which are mem‐ gramme or switch of the ac‐ ror rent channel the actual axis transforma‐ ber of the actual axis trans‐ tual axis transformation. tion. formation. 2595 Specified oscillation axis is OscAxis must only be de‐ Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ member of the actuall axis fined for axis, which are not gramme or switch of the ac‐ ror rent channel transformation. member of the active axis tual axis transformation. transformation. 2596 The defined oscillation axis The oscillation axis func‐ Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is not channel member. tions works only with axes gramme. Please notice ror rent channel of ist own channel. that the system axis index is needed for the definition of the oscillation axis. 2597 No linear motion type is ac‐ The functions 'reference Please activate for exam‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tive (e.g. G0, G1). point travel' or 'travel to fix ple G0 or G1 before acti‐ ror rent channel machine position' need a vating G0 or G1. linear motion as modal mo‐ tion generating function. 2598 The programming of WAIT While an axis transforma‐ function is missing. tion is active, WAIT has to be programmed in sepa‐ rate block before G74 or G76. Please adapt your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gramme: Either pro‐ ror rent channel gramme WAIT or switch of axis transformation. 2599 Chosen tool axis is axis transformation member. The tool axis for tangential tool control must not be member of the actual axis transformation. Please adapt your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gramme: check your tool ror rent channel axis or switch of th axis transformation. 2600 The tool axis is member of The tool axis of tangetial the actual axis transforma‐ tool orientation function tion. must not be a member of the actual axis transforma‐ tion. Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gramme: verify your tool ror rent channel axis or switch of actual axis transformation. 2601 Thread cutting axis is member of actual axis transformation. During thread cutting no axis transformation is al‐ lowed. Please adapt your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gramme: switch of the axis ror rent channel transformation. 2602 Physical axis programmed together with DPC com‐ mand is actual axis trans‐ formation member. Datum point correction re‐ Please check part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ fers to machine coordi‐ gramme and axis configu‐ ror rent channel nates. Only for axis with ration. identical axis and machine coordinates, values can be asked for. 2603 Thread tapping: c-axis is member of actual axis transformation. During thread tapping, the Please check part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ c-axis must not be member gramme and axis configu‐ ror rent channel of the actual axis transfor‐ ration. mation. 2604 No plain axis defined. The axis with the classifi‐ cation 1 will become plain axis while activating diam‐ eter programming. 2605 Diameter axis is member of For diameter axis only such Please adapt your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ actual axis transformation. axis are permitted, which gramme: switch of the axis ror rent channel are no axis transformation transformation. member. Please check your axes Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ configuration including the ror rent channel classifications (machine parameter 7010 00030). Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 153/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2606 Drill axis switch G78: L3 (H) Every direction of correc‐ - tool correction of correc‐ tion has to be assigned at tion group 1 is assigned to maximum to one coordi‐ more than one coordinate. nate. Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gramme , particular the ror rent channel programming of the G78 function. More information is available in the program‐ ming instruction. 2607 Drill axis switch G78: L1 - Every direction of correc‐ tool correction of correction tion has to be assigned at group 2 is assigned to more maximum to one coordi‐ nate. than one coordinate. Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gramme , particular the ror rent channel programming of the G78 function. More information is available in the program‐ ming instruction. 2608 Drill axis switch G78: L2 - Every direction of correc‐ tool correction of correction tion has to be assigned at group 2 is assigned to more maximum to one coordi‐ nate. than one coordinate. Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gramme , particular the ror rent channel programming of the G78 function. More information is available in the program‐ ming instruction. 2609 Drill axis switch G78: L3 - Every direction of correc‐ tool correction of correction tion has to be assigned at group 2 is assigned to more maximum to one coordi‐ nate. than one coordinate. Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gramme , particular the ror rent channel programming of the G78 function. More information is available in the program‐ ming instruction. 2610 Drill axis switch G78: inva‐ Valid values are:(+)1, -1, Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lid correction direction has (+)13, -13, (+)21, -21, (+) gramme , particular the ror rent channel been programmed. 22, -22, (+)23, -23 (+)1, -1, programming of the G78 (+)13, -13, (+)21, -21, (+) function. More information 22, -22, (+)23, -23 is available in the program‐ ming instruction. 2612 NC Function could not be The NC function NcfOrMo‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ inserted. Off couldn't be inserted. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 2613 Invalid drive name Programmed drive name Modify part program. starts neither with a num‐ ber nor a letter. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2614 Drive %s is not a spindle/C- The programmed drive Modify part program. axis name cannot determine a spindle/C-axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2615 Drive %d is not a spindle/C- The programmed drive Modify part program. axis number cannot determine a spindle/C-axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2616 Coordinates must not be In a block with an inclined Please program the new Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ programmed in the same plane, a datum point trans‐ position in a seperate fol‐ ror rent channel block with a transformation formation or an axis trans‐ lowing block. switch. formation programmed, the programming of a new position is not allowed. 154/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2617 No plane selected. Thread cutting is a plane dependent NC-function. Use G17 G20 to select a plane. Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram. ror rent channel 2621 Programming of notes re‐ The programmed notes or Correct the faulty part pro‐ Part program sults in continuous mes‐ PRN statements in the part gram. warning sages. program result in continu‐ ous messages. 2623 While path correction is ac‐ Plane switch, inclined Switch transformations or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tive transformations or ac‐ plane, datum point trans‐ plane dimension in an own ror rent channel tive plane must not be formation, axis transforma‐ block after G40. switched. tion or axis offset must be switched while the path correction function is not actice. 2624 Spindle %d is actually switched to c-axis mode. The spindle is switched to Use AxisToSpindle (ATS) Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axis mode by Spindle‐ to switch back to spindle ror rent channel ToAxis (STA). mode. 2625 SERCOS-cycletime to small T3 time is not in valid range increase Baudrate or cy‐ of SERCOS-cycletime cletime, use 2 rings 2626 Error Ncs_ErrReceiveFk‐ tAbort from %s. NCS callback function exit Searching in NCS callback Minor system er‐ System restart without return. functions for missing re‐ ror turn. 2627 At the moment axis %s At the moment this axis Release the axis by using Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ (spindle %s) cannot be (spindle) is reserved by a RemAxis (RAX) or DefAxis ror rent channel switched to spindle mode. channel. (DAX) from the channel and then switch to spindle by AxisToSpindle (ATS). 2628 At the moment axis %s At the moment this axis Release the axis by using Part program (spindle %s) cannot be (spindle) is reserved by a RemAxis (RAX) or DefAxis warning switched to spindle mode. channel. (DAX) from the channel and then switch to spindle by AxisToSpindle (ATS). 2629 The AXO function must not It's not possible to read be used for axes/coordi‐ preparation data of other nates, which are no mem‐ channels. ber of the calling channel 2630 CPL function must not be called with system axis in‐ dex when axis is not pres‐ ent in the working coordi‐ nate system. 2631 CPOS must not be called It's not possible to read for axis/coordinates of oth‐ preparation data of other er channels. channels. 2632 CPROBE can't evaluate CPROBE calculates coor‐ Please enable the probe Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ any coordinates because dinate probe values with function for all channel ax‐ ror rent channel probe function is locked for the latched axis probe val‐ es in the machine parame‐ ues. Therefor the probe ter (parameter 1003 at leasty one axis. values must exist for all ax‐ 00012). Please check the probe installation of your is of the channel. drives. System restart Control or drive System restart error Reset the cur‐ rent channel Please check and change Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ your application. ror rent channel There is not necessarily a Please check and change Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ unique assignment be‐ your application. ror rent channel tween a working coordi‐ nate and a system axis. Please check and change Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ your application. ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 155/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2633 Invalid value. Only 0 and 1 RON1 activates the fast re‐ Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ are allowed. traction data. RON0 deac‐ gram. ror rent channel tivates the fast retraction. 2634 Program coordinate shift is The program coordinate Please modify your part not allowed for orientation‐ shift function allows all oth‐ program. al coordinates. er working coordinates to be shifted. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2635 Additional program coordi‐ The additional program co‐ Please modify your part nate shift is not allowed for ordinate shift function al‐ program. orientational coordinates. lows all other working co‐ ordinates to be shifted. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2636 Programmable contour off‐ The programmable con‐ Please modify your part set is not allowed for orien‐ tour offset function allows program. all other working coordi‐ tational coordinates. nates to be shifted. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2637 Pole Definition for mirror‐ A pole can be defined for all Please modify your part ing, scaling or coordinate other working coordinates. program. rotation is not allowed for orientational coordinates. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2638 The mirroring, scaling and coordinate rotation func‐ tion is not allowed for ori‐ entational coordinates. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2639 Only positive signed values Within NC only positive ac‐ Please adapt your pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ (>0) can be programmed celeration values do exist. gramming and write a pos‐ ror rent channel for path acceleration or itive acceleration value. path deceleration. 2640 Programmed accelerartion You can only can pro‐ Please adapt your pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ value is larger than the limit gramm an acceleration val‐ gramming and write a valid ror rent channel defined in machine param‐ ue, that does not exeed the acceleration value. eter (7030 00210). limit defined in machine pa‐ rameter. 2641 Programmed decelerartion You can only can pro‐ Please adapt your pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ value is larger than the limit gramm an acceleration val‐ gramming and write a valid ror rent channel defined in machine param‐ ue, that does not exeed the acceleration value. eter (7030 00220). limit defined in machine pa‐ rameter. 2642 Database read error in time The indicated machine pa‐ check task. Machine pa‐ rameter can not be read. rameter: %d NcsErr: %d SqlErr: %d. Possibly the filesystem is Minor system er‐ System restart defective. A system startup ror with startup mode 6 cre‐ ates a new filesystem. 2643 Nc function %s must be programmed in NC block before an axis. Program indicated NC function first. 2644 Axis %s (spindle %s): Drive controlled switching SERCOS secondary oper‐ must not be activated in ation mode 2 is wrong con‐ S-0-0034. figured. 2645 Axis %s (spindle %s): S-0-0033 must be config‐ Please modify S-0-0033. SERCOS secondary oper‐ ured with position inter‐ ation mode 1 is wrong con‐ face. figured. The mirroring, scaling and Please modify your part coordinate rotation func‐ program. tion can be applied for all other working coordinates. Order of NC functions in the NC block is wrong. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Bit 8 must not be set in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ S-0-0034. Hint: S-0-0034 is ror rent channel localized in the SERCOSfile for phase 2. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 156/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2646 Axis %s (spindle %s): S-0-0034 must be config‐ Please modify S-0-0034. SERCOS secondary oper‐ ured with position inter‐ ation mode 2 is wrong con‐ face. figured. 2647 Axis %s (spindle %s): The Machine parameter "Rota‐ Modify machine parameter Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ position data scaling meth‐ ry axis" can be combined 100300004 or S-0-0076. ror rent channel with S-0-0076 "Rotary ax‐ od (S-0-0076) does not match the axis movement is" or "Endless axis". Ma‐ type (machine parameter chine parameter "Endless axis" requires S-0-0076 100300004). "Endless axis". 2648 Axis %s (spindle %s): Un‐ suitable axis movement type (machine parameter 100300004). 2649 Drive %s: The position data Machine parameter "Linear Modify machine parameter Part program scaling method (S-0-0076) axis" requires S-0-0076 100300004 or S-0-0076. warning does not match the axis "Linear axis". Machine pa‐ movement type (machine rameter "Rotary axis" can parameter 100300004). be combined with S-0-0076 "Rotary axis" or "Endless axis". Machine parameter "Endless axis" requires S-0-0076 "End‐ less axis". 2652 Invalid programming: pro‐ Contour error is an abso‐ grammed contour error lute value. must be greater than 0. 2653 Invalid programming: pro‐ Contour distance is an ab‐ Please change your MDI Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ grammed corner distance solute value. respectively in the part pro‐ ror rent channel must be greater than 0. gram. 2654 Axis %s (spindle %s) is cur‐ The operation mode of the Use AxisToSpindle (ATS) Part program rently switched to C-axis- spindle drive and the NC to switch back to spindle warning mode. This prevents switch must be equal while switch‐ mode. off of general inhibit. ing off general inhibit. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2655 Axis %s (spindle %s) is cur‐ The operation mode of the Use SpindleToAxis (STA) Part program rently switched to spindle- spindle drive and the NC to switch to C axis mode. warning mode. This prevents switch must be equal while switch‐ off of general inhibit. ing off general inhibit. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2656 Axis transformation: Sys‐ A member axis of an axis Change configuration data Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tem axis %s not in channel. transformation is no longer of the active axis transfor‐ ror rent channel in the actual channel. mation in the machine pa‐ rameter. If an axis channel transfer has been program‐ med, switch off the axis transformation before. 2657 Axis transformation: The axis transformation Wrong axis classification of needs axis classification values from machine pa‐ the rotation axes. rameter in order to deter‐ mine the actual subconfi‐ guration. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel For c-axis-mode only axis Please modify machine pa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ movement type "rotary ax‐ rameter 100300004. ror rent channel is" or "endless axis" can be selected. System restart Please change your MDI Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ respectively in the part pro‐ ror rent channel gram. Change machine parame‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ter for the axis classifica‐ ror rent channel tion. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 157/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2658 Axis transformation: Sys‐ A member axis of an axis Change configuration data Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tem axis %s not in channel. transformation is no longer of the active axis transfor‐ ror rent channel in the actual channel. mation in the machine pa‐ rameter. If an axis channel transfer has been program‐ med, switch off the axis transformation before. 2659 Axis transformation: Con‐ System axes numbers figuration error in parame‐ must be different. ter axis assignment [%d]. Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ chine parameter. ror rent channel 2660 Axis transformation: Con‐ The first three axes must figuration error in parame‐ be linear axes. ter axis assignment [%d]. Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ chine parameter. ror rent channel 2661 Axis transformation: Con‐ The last three axes must be Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ rotation axes. chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. 2662 Axis transformation: The axis transformation Wrong axis classification of needs axis classification values from machine pa‐ the rotation axes. rameter in order to deter‐ mine the actual subconfi‐ guration. 2663 Error in the definition of the The defined tool coordinate Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tool coordinate system. system is not right handed. chine parameter. ror rent channel 2664 NC Function could not be The NC function NcfOrMo‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ inserted. Off couldn't be inserted. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 2666 Contour transition is dis‐ continuous for axis %s. The programmed orienta‐ Insert a block without mo‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tional motion cannot be tion after the WAIT block. In ror rent channel performed continuously by mode MDI a short motion the axes. The adaption out of the singularity must block for bridging the sin‐ be programmed. gularity (axis gap) was not inserted. The reason could be a WAIT in the NC pro‐ gram or a motion input in mode MDI. 2667 Wrong orientation pro‐ gramming. An O-programming with Modify part program. two or three parameters is expected. 2668 Wrong TCS programming. Exactly two TCS coordi‐ Only one TCS coordinate is nates must be program‐ med. programmed. Modify part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2669 Tensor orientation: Syntax An O-programming with Modify part program. with two parameters is un‐ one or three parameters is known. expected. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2671 Invalid CAN Identifier %d Change machine parame‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ter for the axis classifica‐ ror rent channel tion. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel CAN Identifiers in Standard Please correct identifier in Interface error Format are limited to a parameter 406000012 or range from 0 to 0x7F0 adapt format in parameter (2032). 406000014. System restart 158/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2672 Path correction has been allready activated! The path correction func‐ Please cancel the path cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion has been activated in 2 rection function call in one ror rent channel of the 2 NC-blocks. following NC-blocks. 2673 While coordinate coupling function is active no coor‐ dinate values should be programmed. While Cordinate coupling Please delete the coordi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ function is active the coor‐ nates adresses within the ror rent channel dinate positions will be de‐ coupling block. termined from the master channel. 2674 While the coordinate cou‐ The following may not be Please modify your part pling function is active you changed during coordinate program. should not switch the coor‐ coupling: Inch/metric, Plane, Coordinate transfor‐ dinate base. mation, Axis transforma‐ tion, Axis zero offset and Axis transfer. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2675 Invalid channel program‐ For coordinate coupling Please programm a valid med for cordinate coupling function a channel smaller channel. function. than the actual one must be programmed. Also channel 0 is invalid because of missing axes/coordinates. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2676 No master channel has Please programm a master More information is availa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ been programmed for co‐ channel with an index ble in the programming in‐ ror rent channel ordinate coupling function. smaller than the coupling struction. channel index. 2677 Koordinate coupling is only Because of the initial allowed when a linear inter‐ movement of coordinate polation function is active, coupling function a linear interpolation function is e.g. G0, G1, etc. needed. 2678 1. 1st parameter of RE‐ CPROBEx: There is no system axis named %s. 2679 1. 1st parameter of RE‐ CPROBE%d: %d is not a valid system drive number. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2680 System axis %d (%s) is no Via machine parameter Please check and modify member of a SERCOS 105000002 this drive is dis‐ the part program. loop. abled from the SERCOS loop. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2681 1. 1st parameter of RE‐ CPROBE%d: Invalid val‐ ue. For probes which does not Please check and modify refer to a drive you must the part program. use 0 as a axis numer. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2682 The 2nd parameter of RE‐ Legal expressions are S-0- Please check and modify CPROBE%d (name) con‐ xxx, P-0-xxx, @-xxx and I- the part program. tains a illegal expression. xxx. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2683 The 2nd parameter of RE‐ CPROBE%d (name) con‐ tains a illegal SERCOSidentnumber. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Please programm a linear Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ interpolation function to‐ ror rent channel gether with coordinate cou‐ pling in the same block. The valid system axis Please check and modify names are entered in ma‐ the part program. chine parameter 100300001. Alternatively, the number of a drive can be used. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 159/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2684 %s is missing in the SER‐ Drive datas which are con‐ Please check and modify COS drive telegram. figured in S-0-0016 can be the part program. recorded. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2685 The permanent CPL-varia‐ ble %s does not exist. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2686 Internal problem: No valid Integer values with 1, 2 or Please check and modify vartype detected for %s. 4 bytes and floatingpoint the part program. values with 4 bytes can be recorded. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2687 The type of the variable % A CPL-variable with the Please check and modify s ist DOUBLE. type DOUBLE can not be the part program. recorded. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2688 %s does not exist. Informations about valid in‐ Please check and modify ternal probes can be taken the part program. from the DIN programming manual. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2689 The 3rd parameter of RE‐ The allowed range of factor Please check and modify CPROBE%d (factor) con‐ is between 1.0e-10 and the part program. tains a illegal value. 1.0e10. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2690 The 4th parameter of RE‐ CPROBE%d (format-oper‐ ator) contains a illegal ex‐ pression. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2691 The 5th parameter of RE‐ The range is: -108..-101, CPROBE%d contains a il‐ 101..108, -8..-1 und 1..8. legal value. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2692 Probe %d referenced by the 5th parameter of RE‐ CPROBE%d does not ex‐ ist. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2693 No probe programmed. At least one probe must be Please check and modify programmed. the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2694 TID protected memory is empty. Not enough memory to ini‐ tialize the scanning device. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2696 The recording file is write protected. The file or the directory, de‐ Remove the write protec‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ terminate by RECFILE tion from the file or the di‐ ror rent channel ("path/name" ), is write pro‐ rectory. tected. 2697 The recording file can not be created. Device full. Select another path (e.g. / Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ mnt/...) or release memory ror rent channel on the selected device. 2698 The parameter RECFILE is The parameter RECFILE missing. ("path/name", , ) deter‐ mines the recording file. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2699 The 2nd parameter of RE‐ 0 (append) or 1 (rewrite) CFILE (rewrite) contains a are possible values. illegal value. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2700 The 3rd parameter of RE‐ 0 (no reaction), 1 (feed in‐ Please check and modify CFILE (file-I/O) contains a hibit) or 2 (feed hold) are the part program. illegal value. possible values. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Only format-operators for Please check and modify signed integer values (%d, the part program. %9d, ...) and floating point values with (%e, %E, ...) or without exponent (%f, % 9.3f, ...) are allowed. Error class To clear error display: 160/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2701 The 1st parameter of REC‐ The allowed range of time Please check and modify TIME (time in ms) contains is between 0.5 and 10000. the part program. a illegal value. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2702 The 2nd parameter of 0 (no reaction) and 1 (in‐ Please check and modify RECTIME (autostop) con‐ hibit recording during axis‐ the part program. tains a illegal value. stop) are possible values. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2703 The 3rd parameter of REC‐ 0 (no reaction) and 1 (adapt Please check and modify TIME (poti) contains a ille‐ recording clock by feed po‐ the part program. gal value. ti) are possible values. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2704 The scanning device is not The scanning device must Please check and modify configured. be configured by using Re‐ the part program. cordSetProbe and Record‐ Set. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2705 RECPROBE%d: For hid‐ den probes the 5th param‐ eter must not be program‐ med. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2706 RECPROBE%d is already configured. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2707 The scanning device is al‐ The scanning device is ac‐ Please check and modify ready active. tivated by this channel or the part program. another channel. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2708 Collinear start and end ori‐ The programmed orienta‐ Modify part program. entation. tion vector is parallel or an‐ ti-parallel to the start orien‐ tation vector. Hence the rotation axis is undefined. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2709 %s is a invalid separator. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2710 The Machine function channel is not authorized to start the scanning device. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2711 The scanning device is not active. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2712 The scanning device is ini‐ The scanning device is a tialized or started by chan‐ single user device. nel %d. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2713 Scanning device: Buffer overrun. - - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2714 Spindle %d: Gear range switching is active. - - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2716 Not enough runtime mem‐ Too small a value for stack Enlarge the data range for Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ory (stack) available. %s defined in machine param‐ stack in machine parame‐ ror rent channel bytes are needed. eter block number 7070 ter 707000010 and initiate 00010 "Data areas for CPL a new system startup. programs". Only printable 7-bit ASCII Please check and modify characters (hex 20 to Hex the part program. 7E) are allowed. Error class To clear error display: Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 161/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 2719 It is not possible to create It is not possible to create task %s. Error: %d. the task. There is not enough memory, or the task could not be found in the task table. 2722 While constant velocity in‐ terpolation is active, no functions must be active which will reduce velocity at the block end to zero. The constant velocity inter‐ Please check whether an Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ polation is designed for a auxillary function has been ror rent channel smooth contour spawn. In programmed, or a function case of a needed velocity such like "in position" is ac‐ reduction at block end, the tive. Nc-blocks without a velocity will jump to zero at programmed motion also block end. demand for velocity reduc‐ tion. 2723 While linear velocity inter‐ polation is active, no func‐ tions must be active which will reduce velocity at the block end to zero. The linear velocity interpo‐ Please check whether an Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lation is designed for a auxillary function has been ror rent channel smooth contour spawn. In programmed, or a function case of a needed velocity such like "in position" is ac‐ reduction at block end, the tive. Nc-blocks without a velocity will jump to zero at programmed motion also block end. demand for velocity reduc‐ tion. 2724 While sinus velocity inter‐ The sinus velocity interpo‐ polation is active, no func‐ lation is designed for a tions must be active which smooth contour spawn. In will reduce velocity at block case of a needed velocity reduction at block end, the end to zero. velocity will jump to zero. 2725 While squared sinus veloc‐ The sqared sinus velocity Please check whether an Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ity interpolation is active, interpolation is designed auxillary function has been ror rent channel no functions must be active for a smooth contour programmed, or a function which will reduce velocity spawn. In case of a needed such like "in position" is ac‐ at the block end to zero. velocity reduction at block tive. Nc-blocks without a end, the velocity will jump programmed motion also to zero. demand for velocity reduc‐ tion. 2726 channel synchronisation: channel %d cannot be stopped. 2727 channel synchronisation: While there are stop condi‐ Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ no change in order of coor‐ tions for coordinates ac‐ gram. ror rent channel tive, the order of the coor‐ dinates allowed. dinates may not be modi‐ fied. 2728 channel synchronisation: Insertion of the control function failed. No error recovery possible! Core system Please report error data warning and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Please check whether an Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ auxillary function has been ror rent channel programmed, or a function such like "in position" is ac‐ tive. Nc-blocks without a programmed motion also demand for velocity reduc‐ tion. A channel is programmed Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ that either doesn't exist or gram. ror rent channel cannot be controlled by the calling channel. The maximum number of control functions is reached in this block. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 162/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2729 Ramp interpolation func‐ The ramp interpolation tions should only be called functions needs always a then operation mode is au‐ complete sequence of mo‐ tion. tomatic. 2730 channel synchronisation: An axis or a coordinate is Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axis or coordinate %d not programmed that is not gram. ror rent channel allowed. known in the calling chan‐ nel. 2732 Tapping retraction: System The named axis has been Restore the original chan‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axis %s is not a channel released from this channel. nel axis configuration. ror rent channel member. 2733 Automatic tapping retrac‐ tion: Channel axis %s is a member of an axis trans‐ formation. 2735 channel synchronisation: While there exists a stop Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Coordinate out of channel. condition for a coordinate, gram. ror rent channel the coordinate may not be removed out of the chan‐ nel. 2736 %s(%d,...): An invalid val‐ Euler angle phi must be Please programm a valid ue has been programmed member of the rightside value for euler angle phi. for euler angle phi. halfopen intervall [0,360). 2737 %s(%d,...): An invalid val‐ Euler angle theta must be Please programm a valid Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ue has been programmed member of the closed inter‐ value for euler angle theta. ror rent channel for euler angle theta. vall [0,180]. 2738 %s(%d,...): An invalid val‐ Euler angle psi must be Please programm a valid ue has been programmed member of the rightside value for euler angle psi. for euler angle psi. halfopen intervall [0,360). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2740 Wrong orientation pro‐ gramming. An O-programming with Modify part program. one or three parameters is expected. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2741 Wrong orientation pro‐ gramming. Programmed tensor col‐ umn has zero length. Modify part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2742 Invalid rotation axis pro‐ gramming. Rotation axis has zero length. Modify part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2743 Orientation programming Orientational coordinates Modify part program. with invalid combination of (Euler angles) have been variables. used together with alterna‐ tive orientational variables. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2744 Orientation programming Tensor columns together with invalid combination of with Euler angles or rota‐ variables. tion axis have been pro‐ grammed. Modify part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2745 Rotation axis not program‐ The orientation program‐ Modify part program. med. ming with a rotation angle requires a programmed ro‐ tation axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2746 Tensor orientation: Syntax An O-programming with Modify part program. with two parameters is un‐ one or three parameters is known. expected. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel A part program, which con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tains a ramp function inter‐ ror rent channel polation could only be star‐ ted, if the actual operation mode is automatic. For automatic thread tap‐ Please switch off axis Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ping retraction a boring ax‐ transformation or use the ror rent channel is must not be a member of manual retraction function. an axis transformation. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 163/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2747 Wrong orientation pro‐ gramming. Missing rotation angle in Modify part program. rotation axis programming. 2748 operand area exceeded If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2749 Data modul to small If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2750 LMB adress error If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2751 PLC instruction not availa‐ If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error ble in this firmware loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2752 Jump destination error for If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error indirect jump loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2753 Incorrect length specified for FIFO command Restart the PLC program Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. 164/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 2754 unknown program error If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2755 C module stack overflow If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2756 Instantiation data block has If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error not been allocated. loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2757 Parameter error in stand‐ If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error ard functions (STD-FUN) loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2758 Destination string to small If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2759 Error in remanent oper‐ ands Restart the PLC program If an error occurs while The PLC program can be PLC error loading the residual data, started either with a reset of the residual data area is re- the controller or via starting initialized and the PLC pro‐ PLC programming system. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. To clear error display: Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 165/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 2760 Saving of operands into If an error occurs while Modify and download the PLC error static RAM is not supported loading the residual data, PLC program. The modi‐ the residual data area is re- fied version may also need by version of hardware. initialized and the PLC pro‐ to be saved. gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2762 Error at calling peripherie Initalization of peripherie driver driver failed. Check the bus wires for a PLC error short circuit. System restart 2763 Error at installing peripher‐ Initalization of peripherie ie driver driver failed. Check the bus wires for a PLC error short circuit. System restart 2764 No valid forcing list found The file fix.bin doesn't exist Reload the valif forcing list PLC error at the root directory. Restart the PLC program 2765 Sicherung der DBs ins sta‐ If an error occurs while tische RAM nicht möglich loading the residual data, the residual data area is reinitialized and the PLC pro‐ gram does not start auto‐ matically. For further infor‐ mation refer to the iPCL programmer's manual. Restart the PLC program 2766 No master parameter set (MPS) loaded The file of the master pa‐ rameter set for PROFI‐ BUS-DP doesn't exist in system path. Correct the DP master pa‐ Interface error rameter file by means of "WinDp" and copy it to the directory Rootdirectory or to the userFEPROM. Restart the PLC program 2767 Busfehler Fieldbus communication error. Check the bus wires for a Interface error short circuit. System restart 2768 Slave configuration faulty No data traffic to the DPSlave Correct the DP master pa‐ Interface error rameter file by means of "WinDp" and copy it to the directory Rootdirectory or to the userFEPROM. Restart the PLC program 2769 Slave not reachable No data traffic to the DPSlave Correct the DP master pa‐ Interface error rameter file by means of "WinDp" and copy it to the directory Rootdirectory or to the userFEPROM. Restart the PLC program 2770 Error on TCP/IP Error during startup of No error recovery possible! PLC error TCP/IP. Network commu‐ Please report error data nication is impossible. For and detailed software ver‐ a detailed error description sion to the after sales serv‐ the parameter refers to the ice of the NC manufacturer. error number in the wera Initiate a system startup. database. System restart 2771 Error on TCP/IP Error during startup of No error recovery possible! PLC error TCP/IP. Network commu‐ Please report error data nication is impossible. For and detailed software ver‐ a detailed error description sion to the after sales serv‐ the parameter refers to the ice of the NC manufacturer. error number in the wera Initiate a system startup. database. System restart PLC error To clear error display: 166/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 2773 Destination string to small The length of the destina‐ Modify and download the PLC error tion string is to small PLC program. The modi‐ fied version may also need to be saved. Restart the PLC program 2774 valid position in source string The accesspoint in the Modify and download the PLC error source string doesn't exist PLC program. The modi‐ fied version may also need to be saved. Restart the PLC program 2775 String range error The string operation is out Modify and download the PLC error of range PLC program. The modi‐ fied version may also need to be saved. Restart the PLC program 2776 CPU time of PLC task ex‐ The CPU time of PLC task ceeds max CPU time. exceeds the max. CPU time defined at machine parameter 206000211. 2796 PLC program to big 2802 Axis transformation: Con‐ Two entries in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. refer to the same system axis. 2803 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. must refer to a linear sys‐ tem axis. 2804 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. must refer to a rotary sys‐ tem axis. 2805 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. must refer to an axis with axis classification unequal to zero. 2806 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. must refer to an axis with axis classification unequal to zero. Reduce the runtime of the Core system PLC program or increase warning the max CPU time at ma‐ chine parameter 206000211. To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" The locate memory is to Change the reserved Minor system er‐ System restart small for the PLC program memory range in the ma‐ ror (softsps.bin) chine parameters or reload the PLC program into the control. The old PLC pro‐ gram is saved at softsps.err. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 167/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2808 Contour transition is dis‐ continuous for axis %s. The contour through posi‐ Insert a block without mo‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion (0,0) potentially re‐ tion after the WAIT block. ror rent channel quires the insertion of an adaptation block with a pure rotation axis motion. Probably due to a WAIT the adaptation block couldn't be inserted. 2809 Axis transformation: Sys‐ A member axis of an axis Change configuration data Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tem axis %s not in channel. transformation is no longer of the active axis transfor‐ ror rent channel in the actual channel. mation in the machine pa‐ rameter. If an axis channel transfer has been program‐ med, switch off the axis transformation before. 2810 At the time spindle %s can‐ A position controlled spin‐ Please modify your part‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not be switched to tool tur‐ dle can't be switched to tool program. Insert SpMode ror rent channel ret mode. turret mode. Please acti‐ (Sx=0) in front of Spindle‐ vate the speed interface. ToAxis(). 2811 Spindle %s: The perm. CPL variable %s doesn't exist. This CPL-variable, auto‐ Please initiate a system maticly generated during startup. startup, is needed to store the tool turret position. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2812 Spindle %s (axis %s): Loading turret position failed. A SERCOS-error occurs Please initiate a system while loading the turret po‐ startup. sition. Initiate a system startup to leave this error state. Part program er‐ System restart ror 2813 Spindle %s (axis %s): Se‐ A SERCOS-error occurs Please initiate a system lecting SERCOS-parame‐ while switching the param‐ startup. ter set %d failed. eter set. Initiate a system startup to leave this error state. Part program er‐ System restart ror 2814 SERCOS-servicechannel Servicechannel locked or No error recovery possible. Control or drive Reset the cur‐ error %s-axis, identnumber drive error occured Please call your Rexroth error rent channel service team. %s, error code 0x%x 2815 Wrong axis index for func‐ The programmed axis is tion measuring positive not configured. stop Program the index of a con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figured axis. ror rent channel 2816 Programming of axis miss‐ No axis programmed for ing for measuring positive measuring positive stop stop Program the concerning axis with the syntax "MfsAxis..." 2817 Programmed axis %s disa‐ Axis is not released in ma‐ Adapt machine parameter Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ bled for positive stop chine parameter "positive ror rent channel stop allowed" 2818 Positive stop %s-axis out of abs(actual position value Check position stop, if nec‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ monitoring window positive stop - current ac‐ essary enlarge monitoring ror rent channel tual position value) > mon‐ window itoring window 2819 Axis is blocked because of Axis is blocked at positive Check part program positive stop stop, programming not al‐ lowed Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 168/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 2820 Positive stop %s-axis not reached Too short motion program‐ Check part program med 2821 In position logic (G61,...) is Cutting a concatenated Please activate G62 in active. thread and "in position log‐ front of G33. ic" are incompatible. 2822 Invalid spindle name %s . The programmed spindle Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ name cannot determine a gram. ror rent channel spindle. 2823 The selected spindle does not exist. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2824 The spindle selected in ma‐ chine parameter does not exist. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2825 Axis distance control: The drive entered in machine parameter 705000712 does not exist. - Part program warning System restart 2826 Axis distance control: The drive entered in machine parameter 705000712 is disabled via machine pa‐ rameter 105000002. - Part program warning System restart 2827 Axis distance control: Ma‐ Legal expressions are S-0- chine parameter xxx, P-0-xxx and @xxx. 705000714 - %s is an ille‐ gal expression. Part program warning System restart 2829 %s is missing in the SER‐ Drive datas which are con‐ Please check machine pa‐ Part program COS drive telegram. figured in S-0-0016 can be rameter 705000714. warning used. System restart 2830 Internal problem: No valid Integer values with 1, 2 or Please check machine pa‐ Part program vartype detected for %s. 4 bytes and floatingpoint rameter 705000714. warning values with 4 bytes can be recorded. System restart 2831 The type of the variable % A CPL-variable with the Please check machine pa‐ Part program s ist DOUBLE. type DOUBLE can not be rameter 705000714. warning used as a data source. System restart 2832 The permanent CPL-varia‐ ble %s does not exist. Please check machine pa‐ Part program rameter 705000714. warning System restart 2833 The 1st paramter of DCAX‐ IS( ) is missing. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2834 The 2nd paramter of DCAXIS( ) is missing. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2835 For this channel axis dis‐ tance contol is not applied. Please check machine pa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rameter 705000700. ror rent channel 2836 The %s-axis not a linear axis. - 2838 The %s-axis (selected by The axis distance control Please check and modify DCAXIS) is not a channel function works only with a the part program. member. axis of its own channel. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2839 Illegal value for compensa‐ -1 and 1 are possible val‐ Please check and modify tion direction (DCAXIS). ues. the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel - - Elimination Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 169/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 2840 The %s-axis (selected by The axis distance control Please check machine pa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ machine parameter) is not function works only with a rameter 705000702. ror rent channel a channel axis. axis of its own channel. 2841 The filter time (%f msec) is The allowed range of the Please check and modify out of range. filter time is between 0 and the part program. 40 msec. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2842 The programmed value for The allowed input range is Please check and modify maximum velocity is out of between 0.001 and the part program. range. 999999.999 mm/min (39370.078 inch/min). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2843 The programmed value for The allowed input range is Please check and modify maximum accelreration is between 0.001 and the part program. out of range. 99.9999 m/sec2 (3.937 *1000inch/sec2). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2844 The programmed value for The allowed input range is Please check and modify collision detection is out of between 0 (off) and the part program. range. 999.999 mm (39.37 inch). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2845 The programmed value for The allowed input range is Please check and modify hole detection is out of between 0 (off) and the part program. range. 999.999 mm (39.37 inch). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2846 The axis distance control function is not configured. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2847 The axis distance control The axis distance control Please check and modify function is already active. function is already activa‐ the part program. ted by DistCtrlOn. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2848 The axis distance control function is not active. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2849 Only positive values are valid for block time. Only a positive block time Please modify your part makes any sense. A block program. runtime of 0 is physically impossible. 2850 TID protected memory Data of virtual NC require empty (when %d bytes re‐ internal memory. But there quested). is no more memory availa‐ ble. It is necessary to make Minor system er‐ System restart more memory available for ror the system, for example by decreasing the number of channels (machine param‐ eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. 2851 Collision warning from function "%s". - - Elimination - Please check and modify the part program. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 170/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2854 %s-coordinate is not pro‐ Coordinate is not member Activate axis transforma‐ grammable in channel %d of the actual axis transfor‐ tion. mation or there is no axis transformation aktive. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2855 Channel axis %s is a mem‐ ber of an axis transforma‐ tion. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2856 SERCOS-servicechannel Servicechannel locked or No error recovery possible. Control or drive Reset all chan‐ error %s-axis, identnumber drive error occured Please call your Rexroth error nels in "DIAG‐ service team. NOSIS" mode %s, error code 0x%x 2857 Fatal error profibus DP master. 2858 DP slave unavailable (DP No data traffic to the DPslave address %d). Slave Check of the PDP wiring and the Slave causing foults. Interface error System restart 2859 Error of PDP-Configuration An error at the configura‐ (Slave %d) tionfile occurred. Correct the configuration Interface error data and transmit the modi‐ fied configuration into con‐ trol. System restart 2860 Devicenet-slave unavaila‐ No data traffic to the Devi‐ Check of the Devicenet wir‐ Interface error ble (slave address %d). cenet-Slave ing and the Slave causing foults. System restart 2861 Error of DeviceNet-Config‐ The DeviceNet configura‐ Check and correct the De‐ Interface error uration tion is incorrect. viceNet-configuration. System restart 2862 Init string: Switching of Switch over from spindle Please remove the switch‐ Part program spindle/turret axis is not al‐ into a turret axis (and vice ing command for spindle/ warning versa) is a combination of a turret axis from the init lowed. logical and a mechanical string. process. System restart 2863 One or more PROFIBUS At least one of the slaves DP slaves missing. (Addr.: configured in the file of the %s) master parameter set doesn't respond to the master's requests. System restart 2864 Slave not reachable. (slave A Slave with an invalid Check slaves at bus and Interface error adress %d) identnumber is connected. correct the DP master pa‐ rameter file by means of "WinDp" and download the configuration. System restart 2865 CPU time of PLC task ex‐ The CPU time of PLC task ceeds max CPU time. exceeds the max. CPU time defined at machine parameter 206000211. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 2866 Inadmissible mirror factor Only values +1 or -1 are al‐ Correct the NC-part pro‐ for orientation vector. lowed. gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2867 Wrong number of parame‐ Exactly three mirror factors Correct the NC-part pro‐ ters. must be programmed. gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel - Error class Error without control from The DP-master software Interface error DP master. must be restarted. Initiate a system startup. Check if all slaves are con‐ Interface warn‐ nected to the bus and if the ing correct master-data file is used. Reduce the runtime of the Core system PLC program or increase warning the max CPU time at ma‐ chine parameter 206000211. To clear error display: System restart Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 171/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2868 Inadmissible incremental Absolute programming Correct the NC-part pro‐ programming of polar coor‐ must be used for vector ori‐ gram. dinates of vector orienta‐ entation. tion. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2869 No DeviceNet configura‐ tion file loaded Interface error 2870 Error of DeviceNet-Config‐ The DeviceNet configura‐ Check and correct the De‐ Interface error uration (Slave %d) tion is incorrect. viceNet-configuration. System restart 2871 Unknown error at Device‐ At DeviceNet slave an un‐ No error recovery possible! Interface error Net slave %d (errorcode: % known error occurred. Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ d). sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. System restart 2872 DeviceNet master has no Short circuit on bus. bus connection. System restart 2873 Unadmissible zero point offset for axis %s. MIT transformation doesn't Use the functions program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ allow a zero point offset for med contour shift or in‐ ror rent channel clined plane. the linear axis. 2874 Couldn't create a backup file by changing the PLC program There is not enough mem‐ Enlarge memory at root file Core system ory space to store the PLC system and restart system. warning program. The PLC pro‐ gram has been changed without backup. 2875 Error by creating the PLC There is not enough mem‐ Enlarge memory at root file Serious system System restart program file ory space to store the PLC system and restart system. error program. The loading of the PLC has been aborted. 2876 Laser power control: Inva‐ The programmed name Please check and modify lid coordiante name %s. cannot determine a coordi‐ the part program. nate. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2877 Laser power control: The The allowed range for the Please check and modify programmed power value power value is between 0.0 the part program. is out of range. and 100.0%. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2878 Laser power control: A negative value is not al‐ lowed. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2879 Laser power control: Plane Select the coordinates ei‐ Please check and modify programming and coordi‐ ther by plane programming the part program. nate programming at the ( PL( ) ) or coordinate pro‐ same time. gramming ( CD( ) ). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2880 Laser power control: Un‐ known syntax "%s". Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2881 Laser power control: Not applied (No analog output assigned). 2882 Laser power control: No analog output available. This hardware don't have analog outputs. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2883 Laser power control: No selected coordinates. Neither plane or space nor Please check and modify coordinates selected. the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The configuration for Devi‐ Build a new DeviceNet ceNet doesn't exist. configuration. - Error class Check the bus wires for a Interface error short circuit. MCD selects the machine Please check and modify parameter setting. APL se‐ the part program. lects the active plane. ASP selects the active space. To clear error display: Restart the PLC program In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Select via machine param‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ eter 407500104 a analog ror rent channel output. 172/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 2885 Laser power control: In‐ clined plane activated. You can use the function Please check and modify "Inclined Plane" only in the part program. combination with the coor‐ dinate selection "Active Space (ASP)". Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2886 Laser power control: Not a While selecting coordi‐ Please check and modify valid coordinate selection. nates via LFP CD() an axes the part program. transformation was active. Now is another or no trans‐ formation active. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2887 Laser power control: The actual axes transformation is not supported. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2888 Laser power control: The selected coordinates no longer exists. 2889 Laser power control: Lower feed limit exceeds upper feed limit. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2890 Laser power control: Lower power limit exceeds upper power limit. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2891 Rotation not possible. 2892 Spline startpoint of coordi‐ Spline coefficient 0 has a nate %s doesn't match wrong value. endpoint of previous block. Adjust coefficient in NC Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ program or increase toler‐ ror rent channel ance value in machine pa‐ rameter. 2893 Wrong spline parameter length. Modify part program. 2894 Spline members do not Main, second and normal For example program cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ consist with inclined plane. coordinate must either be responding coordinates ror rent channel all spline members or non- with spline coefficients. spline members. 2895 No memory to create the inverse pathlength func‐ tion. 2896 Entry in Bootparameter line The entry in the bootpara‐ Change the entry in the Interface warn‐ %d code (%d:%d). meter is not correct. bootparameter. New start ing of the target. Please see manual "Software Installa‐ tion / Startup instruction" for further information. 2897 The maximum motion limit While the position weight‐ of %s-axis has been su‐ ing is10-4 mm the maxi‐ ceeded. mum commanded position is 214,748 m. - The coordinates selected Please check and modify via LFPxx CD() are no lon‐ the part program. ger members of this chan‐ nel. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Both axes/coordinates of For example program cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the actual plane must ei‐ responding coordinates ror rent channel ther be spline members or with spline coefficients. non-spline members. The spline parameter is less equal zero. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Please check the motion Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ commands in your part pro‐ ror rent channel gram. Is the axis referen‐ ces and what's about the software limits? Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 173/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2898 The minimum motion limit While the position weight‐ of %s-axis has been su‐ ing is10-4 mm the mini‐ ceeded. mum commanded position is -214,748 m. 2899 Programmed Position is larger than modulo axis. Linear modulo axis modulo Adjust your part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ value limits the program‐ May be you can define a ror rent channel mable motion region. different axis zero point. 2900 Invalid value of machine parameter %d. The indicated machine pa‐ Enter machine parameter Interface error rameter has an invalid val‐ value and keep the speci‐ ue. The value range de‐ fied range. fined in the machine parameters is discarded. System restart 2902 Analog I/O of DCIOs miss‐ This DCIO card is a version Change hardware module Interface error ing. without analog inputs or DCIO against another outputs. The analog I/Os hardware version. do not exist. System restart 2903 Highspeed output of DCIOs missing. System restart 2904 Conflicting addresses for I/ The addresses defined for Os. (address: %s%d) inputs and outputs (ma‐ chine parameter group 4075) overlap with the ad‐ dresses for the fieldbus. 2907 No access to Dnet 2908 The Profibus watchdog no‐ The Profibus watchdog No error recovery possible! Hardware error System restart tifies a watchdog error. watches over the Profibus Please report error data ASIC. If the watchdogs de‐ and detailed software ver‐ tects an error, the system is sion to the after sales serv‐ crashed or overloaded with ice of the NC manufacturer. interrupt handling or inter‐ Initiate a system startup. rupts were disabled. The reason is mostly a software error. 2909 There is no system axis named %s. The valid system axis Please check and modify names are entered in ma‐ the part program. chine parameter 100300001. Alternatively, the number of a drive can be used. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2911 Online correction: The drive entered in machine parameter 705000912 does not exist. - Part program warning Please check the motion Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ commands in your part pro‐ ror rent channel gram. Is the axis referen‐ ces and what's about the software limits? The DCIO has only 6 high‐ Change the elements 7 Interface error speed outputs. and 8 of the machine pa‐ rameter 407500102 to not in use (value: 0). Check machine parameter Interface error and fieldbus configuration and correct the conflicting addresses. Timeout occurred with re‐ Please initiate a system ceiving and transmitting startup. DNet messages - Interface error System restart System restart System restart 174/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2912 Online correction: The drive entered in machine parameter 705000912 is disabled via machine pa‐ rameter 105000002 in the SERCOS ring. - Part program warning System restart 2913 Online correction: Machine Legal expressions are S-0- parameter 705000914 - % xxx, P-0-xxx and @xxx. s is an illegal expression. Part program warning System restart 2914 %s is missing in the SER‐ Drive datas which are con‐ Please check machine pa‐ Part program COS drive telegram. figured in S-0-0016 can be rameter 705000914. warning used. System restart 2915 Internal problem: No valid Integer values with 1, 2 or Please check machine pa‐ Part program vartype detected for %s. 4 bytes and floatingpoint rameter 705000914. warning values with 4 bytes can be recorded. System restart 2916 The type of the variable % A CPL-variable with the Please check machine pa‐ Part program s ist DOUBLE. type DOUBLE can not be rameter 705000914. warning used as a data source. System restart 2917 The permanent CPL-varia‐ ble %s does not exist. Please check machine pa‐ Part program rameter 705000914. warning System restart 2918 Online correction: The handwheel entered in ma‐ chine parameter 705000912 does not exist. - Part program warning System restart 2919 For channel #%d online correction is not applied. Please check machine pa‐ Part program rameter 705000900. warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 2921 Online correction: The se‐ lected channel (%s %d) is not allowed. - Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 2922 Online correction: The se‐ lected channel (%s %d) is not allowed. - Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 2923 Online correction: Channel When starting the online number missing. correction from an auxillary channel the number of channels must be pro‐ grammed by using OCONCH. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2924 Online correction: Coordi‐ When starting the online nate number is missing. correction the coordinate number must be program‐ med by using OCCOORD. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2925 Online correction: Channel When switching the the on‐ number missing. line correction from an aux‐ illary channel the number of channels must be pro‐ grammed by using OCOFFCH. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel - Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 175/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text 2926 Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: The active axis transforma‐ tion prohibits the online correction of coordinate % d. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2927 The active axis transforma‐ tion prohibits the online correction of coordinate % d in channel %d. - Part program warning 2928 Wrong orientation pro‐ gramming. An O-programming with Correct the NC-part pro‐ two or three parameters is gram. expected. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2929 Invalid rotation axis pro‐ gramming. Programming of rotation axis may not be used to‐ gether with splines. Correct the NC-part pro‐ gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2930 Invalid spline definition. Spline definition contains a Correct the NC-part pro‐ coordinate out of channel. gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2931 Invalid spline definition. Spline definition contains Correct the NC-part pro‐ an orientation coordinate gram. and no orientation NC func‐ tion is active. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2932 Invalid spline definition. Spline definition with mixed Correct the NC-part pro‐ orientation coordinates gram. (e.g. O and phi). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2933 Invalid spline definition. Spline definition with in‐ Correct the NC-part pro‐ complete set of orientation gram. coordinates (e.g. only phi). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2937 Error in boundary condi‐ tion. The programmed boun‐ dary condition requires a linear neighbour block. Correct the NC-part pro‐ gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2938 Error in boundary condi‐ tion. Neighbour block has an un‐ Correct the NC-part pro‐ defined tangent. gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2939 Error in boundary condi‐ tion. Programmed tangent val‐ Correct the NC-part pro‐ ues are inadmissible. gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2940 Conflicting addresses for I/ The addresses defined for Os. (address: %s%d) inputs and outputs (ma‐ chine parameter group 4075) do not exist for the fieldbus. 2944 Cycle time-out 2945 Gantry homing: SERCOS During Gantry-homing one Correct the SERCOS pa‐ Control or drive Reset the cur‐ error for system axis %s of the following errors oc‐ rameter S-0-0147 or error rent channel curred: The homing param‐ S-0-0150 in the file eters of several axes are p3lin*.scs if necessary and different (SERCOS param‐ perform a system startup or eter S-0-0147 Bit 7) or the SERCOS startup. actual positions of the axes and homing-offset do not fit though S-0-0147 Bit 7 ist set. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Check machine parameter Interface error and fieldbus configuration and correct the conflicting addresses. System restart The cycle time of Device‐ Check and correct the De‐ Interface error Net is to short. The master viceNet-configuration. couldn't poll the slave in 1 period. System restart 176/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2946 Jog WCS: System axis %d (machine parameter 705001010) does not exist. - Part program warning System restart 2947 JogWCSSelect: No coordi‐ A coordinate is selected by nate selected. programming JWSCOORD<number>. Number is a value between 1 and 8 for coordinates and 9 for tool direction. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2948 JogWCSSelect: A coordinate is selected by JWSCOORD%d is illegal. programming JWSCOORD<number>. Number is a value between 1 and 8 for coordinates and 9 for tool direction. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2949 JogWCSSelect: JWSCHAN%d is illegal. A channel number is selec‐ ted by programming JWSCHAN<number>. <Number> must be a value between 1 and machine parameter 900000040 -1. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2950 JogWCSSelect: Channel number is missing. If JogWCSSelect is speci‐ fied in channel 0 (switching function) or in the Autostart channel, a channel number must be programmed. A channel number is selec‐ ted by programming JWSCHAN<number>. <Number> must be a value between 1 and machine parameter 904000001 -1. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2951 JogWCSSelect: Feed val‐ JWSSTEP<increments> ue is missing. can only be used in combi‐ nation with JWSFEED<feed value>. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2952 JogWCSSelect: The pro‐ grammed feed value is negative or zero. - - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2953 JogWCSSelect: The pro‐ grammed step value is zero. - - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2954 Jog WCS: System axis %d Normally the feed value is (machine parameter derived from a system axis 705001010) does not exist. interface (see machine pa‐ rameter 705001010). In special cases the feed val‐ ue can be programmed us‐ ing JWSFEED<feed val‐ ue> in combination with the coordinate selection. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 177/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 2955 Jog WCS: Feed value is missing. Normally the feed value is derived from a system axis interface (see machine pa‐ rameter 705001010). In special cases the feed val‐ ue can be programmed us‐ ing JWSFEED<feed val‐ ue> in combination with the coordinate selection. 2957 Jog WCS: The actual axes transformation is not sup‐ ported. 2958 Axis transformation %d: the programmed coordi‐ Modify your part program in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ position for axis %s not al‐ nates lead to a singularity such a way that the circular ror rent channel lowed of the axis axis doesn't cross the an‐ gle zero degrees. 2959 Axis transformation %d: coordinates not allowed Modify part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2960 Axis transformation %d: in‐ the active interpolationtype Modify part program. terpolationtype not allowed is not supported by this transformation. Only linear, circular and spline-motion are allowed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2961 Mismatch of periodic boun‐ Start and end boundary Modify part program. dary conditions. condition must be either both periodic or both nonperiodic. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2965 Unknown type of gap spline. 2972 Wrong start position of lin‐ The linear axis is on the ear axis in polar coordinate wrong side of the zero point. transformation. Modify part program. 2973 Look ahead failure for Bsplines. The minimum number of blocks to compute the Bspline was not achieved. Please check machine pa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rameter 706000120 and ror rent channel 706000130. 2978 Wrong spline variant for vector orientation. Wrong value in machine Please check machine pa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ parameter "spline configu‐ rameter 800700099. ror rent channel ration". 2981 Wrong spline parameter length. The spline parameter is less equal zero. Modify part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2985 Non-continuous orienta‐ tion vector. End orientation and new Modify part program. start orientation don't match at the NC block tran‐ sition. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2986 Missing AxTrafoInsertFct in Knb. Attemption to activate a non-existent OEM axis transformation. Modify part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2990 An invalid SHAPE-order has been programmed. The SHAPE-domain is from 1 to 100. Please modify your part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel the programmed coordi‐ nates cannot be reached by the axes Elimination - Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Wrong value in machine Please check machine pa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ parameter "spline configu‐ rameter 800700099. ror rent channel ration". Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 178/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 2992 Axis transformation %d: unaccessible area the programmed coordi‐ nates cannot be reached by the axes Modify part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 2993 The selected measuring The measuring probe axis Please note the settings of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ probe axis ("%s") is a virtu‐ must be a existing axis. machine parameter ror rent channel 100100010 al axis. 2994 The selected measuring The measuring axis must Please note the settings of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axis ("%s") is a virtual axis. be an existing axis. machine parameter ror rent channel 100100010 2995 The axis %s is a virtual ax‐ Only existing axes are al‐ Please note the settings of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is. lowed for the function machine parameter ror rent channel "move to positive stop". 100100010 2996 Gantry axes: Physical and A gantry couple may con‐ Please note the settings of Control or drive System restart virtual axis mixed. sist of physical axes or vir‐ machine parameter error tual axes. 100100010 2997 Virtual axis %s: No refer‐ ence position defined. 2998 Virtual system axis %s: No The reference point of avir‐ Please check machine pa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ reference position defined. tual axis is defined via ma‐ rameter 100300110. ror rent channel chine parameter 100300110. 2999 channel synchronisation: number of synchronised channels exceeded 3000 Incremental programming An explicit incremental pro‐ Please program axis with Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is not allowed. gramming by using the IC its logical axis name and ror rent channel (.. ) attribute is not allowed without any attribute. together with LVMP. 3001 The axis %s is not a virtual LVMP can only modify the axis. positions of virtual axes. 3002 UPS battery failure. The battery of the UPS is Do not power off the PC. Hardware error System restart dischared or defective. You First shutdown the CNC. may lost CNC data if you Inform the after sales serv‐ power off the PC. ice. 3003 UPS temperature failure. The temperature in the UPS is to high. 3004 UPS failure. The UPS reports an error. If the error occurs repeat‐ Hardware error System restart The reason for the error edly, please inform the af‐ cannot be determined. ter sales service. 3005 Data leak in the memory of Values of all permanent permanent CPL variables. CPL variables were de‐ leted. 3007 3008 The reference point of avir‐ Please check machine pa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tual axis is defined via ma‐ rameter 100300110. ror rent channel chine parameter 100300110. There are more channels The sequentiel control Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ to synchronise than on must be changed. Modify ror rent channel channel is able to do. your part program. Shutdown the CNC and power off the PC. Inform the after sales service. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Hardware error System restart Values of necassary per‐ manent CPL variables must be initialized. Minor system er‐ System restart ror Coordinates missing. The coordinate list (CL(...)) Please check and modify must not be empty. the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Destination coordinate is missing. Source and destination co‐ Please check and modify ordinates must be pro‐ the part program. grammed together (CL (Source1,Destina‐ tion1,...)). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 179/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3009 Source number of chan‐ nels missing. When starting the selective Please check and modify coordinate coupling the the part program. number of the source chan‐ nel must be programmed by using SC<number>. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3010 The coordinate list is miss‐ When starting the selective Please check and modify ing. coordinate coupling the co‐ the part program. ordinate list must be pro‐ grammed by using CL (source1, destination1, ...). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3011 The source number of channels (%d) is not al‐ lowed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3012 Channel %d does not exist. - - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3013 At the moment channel %d has no coordinate with the number %d. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3014 At the moment channel %d has no coordinate named %s. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3015 The active axis transforma‐ tion prohibits the selective coordinate coupling for co‐ ordinate %s. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3016 The coordinate %s is pro‐ grammed multiple as target coordinate. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3017 The selective coordinate The selective coordinate Please check and modify coupling is already active. coupling is already activa‐ the part program. ted by SCCON. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3018 Axis or coordinate move‐ While activating the selec‐ Please check and modify ment in source channel (% tive coordinate coupling the part program. d) detected. function all movement must be stopped. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3020 Selective coordinate cou‐ pling: Coordinates trans‐ formation ("Inclined plane ") switched. 3021 Selective coordinate cou‐ While the selective coordi‐ Please modify your part‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ pling: Axes transformation nate coupling is active the program. Switch off the co‐ ror rent channel switched. axis transformation and the ordinate coupling, change coordinate transformation the transformation, acti‐ must not be switched. vate the coordinate cou‐ pling. 3022 Selective coordinate cou‐ pling: The destination axis %d is removed from this channel. The source number of channels must be lower than the destination num‐ ber of channels. Error class To clear error display: While the selective coordi‐ Please modify your part‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ nate coupling is active the program. Switch off the co‐ ror rent channel axis transformation and the ordinate coupling, change coordinate transformation the transformation, acti‐ must not be switched. vate the coordinate cou‐ pling. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 180/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3023 Selective coordinate cou‐ While the selective coordi‐ Please modify both part Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ pling: In the source channel nate coupling is active the programs. Switch off the ror rent channel (%d) the coordinates trans‐ axis transformation and the coordinate coupling, formation ("Inclined plane coordinate transformation change the transformation, ") is switched. must not be switched. activate the coordinate coupling. 3024 Selective coordinate cou‐ While the selective coordi‐ Please modify both part Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ pling: In the source channel nate coupling is active the programs. Switch off the ror rent channel (%d) the axes transforma‐ axis transformation and the coordinate coupling, tion is switched. coordinate transformation change the transformation, must not be switched. activate the coordinate coupling. 3025 Selective coordinate cou‐ pling: The axis %s is no longer a member of chan‐ nel %d. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3026 The online correction func‐ Please note the runtime tion is not configured. warnings generated at the end of startup. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3027 Not able to change mode of An error occurred by Initiate a system startup. the profibus changing the profibus mode. Profibus is not in op‐ erate. Interface error 3028 Axis transformation %d: the programmed fixpoint Modify your part program in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ position for Fixpoint not al‐ leads to a singularity of the such a way that the fixpoint ror rent channel lowed transformation isn't situated in the origin of the first circular axis. 3029 Programmed edge no is out of range 3030 No tool length correction is The edge orientation cor‐ G47(<a>,<b>,<c>) associ‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ associated with main axis rection requires that a tool ates the tool length correc‐ ror rent channel of active plane. length correction is associ‐ tions with the following ax‐ ated with the main axis es: L1-> <a>, L2-> <b>, L3(MA) of the active plane. > <c>. G47(ActPlane) as‐ sociates as follows: L1>main axis of active plane , L2->secondary axisSA, L3>normal axis 3031 No tool length correction is The edge orientation cor‐ G47(<a>,<b>,<c>) associ‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ associated with secondary rection requires that a tool ates the tool length correc‐ ror rent channel axis of active plane. length correction is associ‐ tions with the following ax‐ ated with the secondary ax‐ es: L1-> <a>, L2-> <b>, L3is (SA) of the active plane. > <c>. G47(ActPlane) as‐ sociates as follows: L1>main axis of active plane , L2->secondary axisSA, L3>normal axis System restart Only edge numbers from 0 Specify edge numbers Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ through 16 can be speci‐ from 0 through 16 in your ror rent channel fied by an NC-program. NC-program, only! Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 181/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3032 The edge orientation can The minus sign in front of Omit the minus sign in front Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not be specified incremen‐ the the edge number speci‐ of the edge number and ror rent channel tally. fies incremental program‐ specify it as an absolute ming, which means the in‐ value. crease of the edge number with respect to the current value. 3033 Programmed edge no is out of range 3034 Axis transformation: Con‐ Two entries in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. refer to the same system axis. 3035 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. must refer to a linear sys‐ tem axis. 3036 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in axis assign‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ ment (machine parameter) chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis assignment [%d]. must refer to a rotary sys‐ tem axis. 3037 Axis transformation: Con‐ The length parameters [2] Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ and [3] must be zero. chine parameter. ror rent channel ter "Length and angle pa‐ rameters". 3038 Axis transformation: Con‐ The declination angle must Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ be in the range from 0 to 89 chine parameter. ror rent channel ter "Length and angle pa‐ degree. rameters". 3039 The backup of the pcl pro‐ There is not enough mem‐ Release memory on the Minor system er‐ System restart gram couldn't create at usr‐ ory space at the usrfep to usrfep and start the backup ror store the file. fep. again. 3040 Spindle %d: SERCOS sec‐ Drive controlled switching Please set bit 8 in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ondary operation mode 2 is (bit 8) must be activated in S-0-0034. Hint: S-0-0034 is ror rent channel S-0-0034. wrong configured. localized in the SERCOSfile for phase 2. 3041 TCSDEF is not allowed, while 6-axes-transforma‐ tion is not active. For more information look Please modify your part at the functionality descrip‐ program. tion Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3042 Invalid spline definition. The spline definition con‐ Please modify your part tains an unknown spline id. program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3045 Inadmissible plane switch Plane switch, inclined Switch plane or transfor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ while 3d cutter compensa‐ plane, datum point trans‐ mations or zero point offset ror rent channel tion is active. formation, axis transforma‐ in an own block after G140. tion or axis offset must be switched while the path correction function is not actice. Only edge numbers from 0 Specify edge numbers Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ through 16 can be speci‐ from 0 through 16 in your ror rent channel fied by an NC-program. NC-program, only! 182/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3046 Inadmissible switch of the inclined plane or datum point transformation while 3d cutter compensation is active. Plane switch, inclined Switch plane or transfor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ plane, datum point trans‐ mations or zero point offset ror rent channel formation, axis transforma‐ in an own block after G140. tion or axis offset must be switched while the path correction function is not actice. 3047 Inadmissible switch of a ax‐ Plane switch, inclined Switch plane or transfor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is transformation while 3d plane, datum point trans‐ mations or zero point offset ror rent channel cutter compensation is ac‐ formation, axis transforma‐ in an own block after G140. tive. tion or axis offset must be switched while the path correction function is not actice. 3048 Inadmissible switch of a ax‐ Plane switch, inclined Switch plane or transfor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is zero point offset while 3d plane, datum point trans‐ mations or zero point offset ror rent channel cutter compensation is ac‐ formation, axis transforma‐ in an own block after G140. tive. tion or axis offset must be switched while the path correction function is not actice. 3049 Inadmissible axis transfere A axis transfere is only al‐ Please check and modify while 3d cutter compensa‐ lowed with inactive path the part program. tion is active. correction function. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3050 3d cutter compensation: In‐ Cutter compensation is Please check and modify valid plane configuration. compatible with G17, G18 the part program. or G19 plane only. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3051 An axis participating in co‐ Axes must hold their place Please check and modify ordinate rotation has in axes configuration while the part program. changed its configuration. they're part of a coordinate rotation. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3052 An axis participating in da‐ Axes must hold their place Please check and modify tum point rotation has in axes configuration while the part program. changed its configuration. they're part of a rotation of datum point. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3053 A reconfiguration of axis or coordinate classification is not allowed while an in‐ clined plane is active. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3054 3d cutter compensation: 2d 2d and 3d cutter compen‐ Please check and modify cutter compensation acti‐ sation can not be used at the part program. vation error. the same time. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3055 3d cutter compensation ac‐ 2d and 3d cutter compen‐ Please check and modify tivation error. sation can not be used at the part program. the same time. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3056 3d cutter compensation: Corner calculation error. The corner handling failed because of a programmed or implicit WAIT within the last NC block. Elimination Error class To clear error display: If possible, delete the WAIT Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ command. Please note ror rent channel that some N -functions in‐ clude a implicit WAIT. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 183/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3057 3d cutter compensation: In‐ The internal algorithm di‐ ner corner calculation er‐ verge. ror. No intersection found. 3058 3d cutter compensation: G141/G142 needs more Check the adjusted look Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ No more look ahead possi‐ NC blocks for look ahead. ahead for 3D-cutter com‐ ror rent channel pensation (machine pa‐ ble. rameter 706000120 and 130) as well as the adjus‐ ted look ahead for the sys‐ tem (machine parameter 706000110 or program‐ med "PREPNUM"). 3059 3d cutter compensation: Distance between suc‐ Collision detected by inner ceeding inner corners is corner handling. too small with respect to the tool radius. Please check and modify the part program. 3060 3d cutter compensation: In‐ Possibly the look-ahead ner corner calculation er‐ range for 3D-cutter com‐ ror. Not enough look ahead pensation has a too small value. blocks. Check the adjusted look Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ahead for 3D-cutter com‐ ror rent channel pensation (machine pa‐ rameter 706000120 and 130) as well as the adjus‐ ted look ahead for the sys‐ tem (machine parameter 706000110 or program‐ med "PREPNUM"). 3061 3d cutter compensation: In‐ The internal algorithm di‐ ner corner calculation er‐ verge. ror. No intersection found. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 3062 3d cutter compensation: In‐ The internal algorithm di‐ ner corner calculation er‐ verge. ror. No intersection found. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 3063 3d cutter compensation: Configured look ahead range is too small. Check the adjusted look Part program ahead for 3D-cutter com‐ warning pensation (machine pa‐ rameter 706000120 and 130) as well as the adjus‐ ted look ahead for the sys‐ tem (machine parameter 706000110). 3064 3d cutter compensation: Path motion is along tool Tangent parallel to tool ori‐ orientation. entation vector. - Elimination Error class To clear error display: No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel System restart Program another path or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ another tool orientation. If ror rent channel necessary, switch off 3D radius compensation be‐ fore the special movement. 184/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3065 Type of variable "%s" inva‐ Programming error at CPL lid. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3066 Inadmissible point weight. The point weight must be Modify part program. greater than zero. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3067 Orientation angle theta = % The actual axis transforma‐ Modify part program. f degree is larger than the tion has a limited theta allowed maximum value of range. %f degree. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3068 3d cutter compensation: Traverse to an absolute machine positition is not al‐ lowed. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3069 3d cutter compensation: Setting of an absolute ma‐ chine positition is not al‐ lowed. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3070 3d cutter compensation: Thread tapping is not al‐ lowed. Thread tapping is only al‐ lowed with inactive path correction function. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3071 3d cutter compensation: Thread cutting is not al‐ lowed. Thread cutting is only al‐ lowed with inactive path correction function. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3072 Inadmissible change of spline type. During spline interpolation Program G1 before the a new spline definition was spline definition. programmed. 3074 Online correction MCS: The drive entered in ma‐ chine parameter 705001212 does not exist. - Part program warning System restart 3075 Online correction MCS: The drive entered in ma‐ chine parameter 705001212 is disabled via machine parameter 105000002 in the SER‐ COS ring. - Part program warning System restart 3076 Online correction MCS: Legal expressions are S-0- Machine parameter xxx, P-0-xxx and @xxx. 705001214 - %s is an ille‐ gal expression. Part program warning System restart 3077 %s is missing in the SER‐ Drive datas which are con‐ Please check machine pa‐ Part program COS drive telegram. figured in S-0-0016 can be rameter 705001214. warning used. System restart 3078 Internal problem: No valid Integer values with 1, 2 or Please check machine pa‐ Part program vartype detected for %s. 4 bytes and floatingpoint rameter 705001214. warning values with 4 bytes can be recorded. System restart 3079 The type of the variable % A CPL-variable with the Please check machine pa‐ Part program s ist DOUBLE. type DOUBLE can not be rameter 705001214. warning used as a data source. System restart - To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 185/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3080 The permanent CPL-varia‐ ble %s does not exist. Please check machine pa‐ Part program rameter 705001214. warning System restart 3081 Online correction MCS: The handwheel entered in machine parameter 705001212 does not exist. - Part program warning System restart 3082 Online correction MCS: The selected channel (%s %d) is not allowed. - Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3083 Online correction MCS: When starting the online Channel number missing. correction from an auxillary channel the number of channels must be pro‐ grammed by using OCMcs1_Chan. 3084 For channel #%d online correction MCS is not ap‐ plied. 3085 Online correction MCS: Ax‐ When starting the online is number is missing. correction the axis number must be programmed by using OCMcs1_Axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3086 Online correction MCS: When switching the the on‐ Channel number missing. line correction from an aux‐ illary channel the number of channels must be pro‐ grammed by using OCMcs1_OffChan. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3087 NFSMOUNT ENONET: No host name entry found The host name is not in / in file, or host name is to etc/hosts. Max. host name long length = 7 characters. Add an entry in the file '/etc/ Interface warn‐ hosts' and trigger controller ing startup. The host name must probably alsso be corrected in the "****boot<HWNummer>.ini" file in instal‐ lation directory. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3088 lpc error: %s Restart of plc program PLC error Restart the PLC program 3089 Watchdog expired atTask There is a timeout of the %s PLC program This error ocurs often by PLC error programming loops or re‐ cursive calls of program‐ modules. If the max. cyle‐ time is defined at the module OM2, this value can be adjusted. Restart the PLC program 3090 Direction reverse during avtive 3D cutter compen‐ sation Modify part program. 3091 Your actual software ver‐ The export version func‐ sion allows maximum 4 ax‐ tionality is restraint. es interpolation! Plc runtime error - Elimination Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Please check machine pa‐ Part program rameter 705001200. warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Please ask your machine Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tool builder for an unrestric‐ ror rent channel ted software version. 186/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3092 Syntax error at "%s". The No "(" was found as the be‐ Please check your pro‐ programmed nc-function is ginning of the expected pa‐ gramming. For further in‐ expecting a parameter list rameter list. formation please look at with round braces: (...). the programming instruc‐ tions. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3094 Negative D-CorrectionPermitted D-Corrections Change D-Correction-No Numbers are not permitted range from D1 to D99 and accordingly. D0 in order to deactivate DCorrection. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3095 The specified Tool Orienta‐ Tool Orientation can only Change the orientation of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion is invalid. be 1,...,9 or 0 in order to the active tool or the orien‐ ror rent channel specify no tool orientation. tation specified by the ac‐ tive D-Correction. 3096 The Tool Orientation is not Tool Orientation can only Change the orientation of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ permitted to exceed 9. be 1,...,9 or 0 in order to the active tool or the orien‐ ror rent channel specify no tool orientation. tation specified by the ac‐ tive D-Correction. 3097 No D-Correction-Table is selected. 3098 The D-Correction-No is not Permitted D-Corrections Change D-Correction-No permitted to exceed 99. range from D1 to D99 and accordingly. D0 in order to deactivate DCorrection. 3099 Contradiction between Tool-Orientation and Ori‐ entation specified by DCorrection. The Tool Orienatation of Check the orientation of the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the active tool contradicts active tool. In order to pre‐ ror rent channel the tool orientation speci‐ vent any influence of the Dfied by the active D-Correc‐ Correction on tool orienta‐ tion. tion, specify an orientation of zero in the D-Correction. 3100 Static Tool Transf. only permitted within active plane, if cutter dimension compensation is active If cutter dimension com‐ Change the static tool Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ pensation is active, the cut‐ transformation accordingly ror rent channel or deactivate the cutter di‐ ting tool must always mension compensation. aligned with the active plane. A static tool transfor‐ mation is permitted to only rotate the cutter within the active plane. 3101 L13 and L23 must not refer Machine parameter 7050 Change machine parame‐ Part program er‐ System restart to different coordinates 00420 is not permitted to ter 7050 00420 such that ror refer the tool correction L13 and L23 refer to the lengths L13 and L23 to dif‐ same coordinate. ferent coordinates. 3102 Non permitted H-Correc‐ tion 3103 L13 and L23 must not refer G78 is not permitted to re‐ Change the parameters Part program to different coordinates fer the tool correction programmed together with warning lengths L13 and L23 to dif‐ G78 such that L13 and L23 ferent coordinates. refer to the same coordi‐ nate. - H-Corrections is invalid if the active tool correction table has been activated using G22. Elimination Error class To clear error display: Select a D-Correction-Ta‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ble first. ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Select a tool correction ta‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ble using G22 before acti‐ ror rent channel vating an H-correction. Reset the cur‐ rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 187/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3104 A D-Correction cannot be It has been tried to activate Activate a D-Correction- Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ activated without a D-Cor‐ a D-Correction without any Table before you activate a ror rent channel rection-Table. D-Correction-table being D-Correction. active. 3105 Invalid change .GEO- <-> It is not permitted to select Deactivate the D-Correc‐ DCT correction table a DCT correction table, if tion in the previous NCa .GEO correction table sentence, at the latest. was preselected and a D correction was additionally active. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3106 Invalid change .GEO- <-> It is not permitted to select Deactivate the D-Correc‐ DCT correction table a .GEO correction table if a tion in the previous NCDCT correction table was sentence, at the latest. selected previously and a D correction was addition‐ ally active. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3107 Syntax error: Invalid pa‐ rameter list at "%s". ( 1 ) is no valid parameter Please check your pro‐ for the programmed ncgramming. For further in‐ function. formation please look at the programming instruc‐ tions. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3108 Target block not found Destination block not found Select the correct block in search run. number for destination block. Part program warning 3109 Small letters in CPL-varia‐ Programming error at CPL blename not allowed - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". 3110 NFSMOUNT: Error: %s The NFS client can not Check the bootparameter Interface warn‐ while mounting the NFS file mount the filesystem. The and the file 'startup'. Check ing NFS servers send the error the access rights and the system message. exports of the NFS server. Check the connection to the network. 3111 Tangential tool guidance: Tangential tool control is Inadmissible contour type. restricted to linear and cir‐ cular contours. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3112 Function Corner Rounding: A negative Number is not Please modify your part A negative eps value is pro‐ valid for contour epsilon. program. grammed! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3113 Function Corner Rounding: A negative Number is not Please modify your part A negative radius value is valid for rounding radius. program. programmed! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3114 Too less coordinates are configurated for use of po‐ lar coordinate program‐ ming. At least 2 coordinates must Please change your part Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ be configurates for using program or check the ac‐ ror rent channel polar coordinate program‐ tual channel configuration. ming. 3115 Too less coordinates are configurated for use of spherical polar coordinate programming. At least 3 coordinates must Please change your part Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ be configurates for using program or check the ac‐ ror rent channel spherical polar coordinate tual channel configuration. programming. Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Error class To clear error display: Reset the cur‐ rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 188/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3116 A not allowed coordinate While spherical polar coor‐ Please change your part Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ has been programmed dinates are active the nor‐ program or check the ac‐ ror rent channel while spherical polar coor‐ mal coordinate of the plane tual channel configuration. dinates programming is ac‐ must not be programmed. tive. 3117 Inadmissible spline para‐ metrization. 3118 WEB Server Startup : %d - Error while Web Server Recover the error. New %s startup. Details look up er‐ startup. ror message. 3119 WEB Server protocol : %d Error in the http protocol . Check the http protocol of Interface warn‐ - %s Details look up error mes‐ your WEB Browser. ing sage. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3120 WEB Server internal : %d - Internal error of WEB Serv‐ Check the free memory in Interface warn‐ %s er. Details look up error the RAM filesystem. ing message. System restart 3121 Error during loading of XML Errors have been detected Check and correct the in‐ Minor system er‐ System restart schema files. See error re‐ in schema files. correct schema files. After ror port in file %s. that perform a system re‐ start. 3123 Axis %s (spindle %s): Speed 0 (S-0-331) must be It is advisable to configure Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ S-0-331 (nact = 0) is miss‐ configured in S-0-144 and S-0-144 at least with ror rent channel ing in S-0-144. S-0-144 must be included S-0-331(nact = 0), S-0-336 in S-0-16. (in-position) and S-0-403 (position actual values sta‐ tus). 3124 No axis transformation ac‐ A calibration function was Activate the axis transfor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tive. programmed while no axis mation you want to cali‐ ror rent channel transformation was active. brate befor the calibration function. 3125 CPL variable %s doesn't exist. Wrong parameter in cali‐ bration function. Correct the NC-part pro‐ gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3126 Wrong type for CPL varia‐ Wrong parameter in cali‐ ble %s. bration function. Correct the NC-part pro‐ gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3127 Wrong field index for CPL Wrong parameter in cali‐ variable %s. bration function. Correct the NC-part pro‐ gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3128 Error during iteration of cal‐ The calibration process Improve starting values or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ibration. doesn't converge. An opti‐ remove linearly dependent ror rent channel mal set of parameters was parameters from optimiza‐ not found. Possible cau‐ tion. ses: Improper starting val‐ ues for the initial set of parameters. The parame‐ ters are linearly dependent. 3129 The actual axis transforma‐ The selected axis transfor‐ tion may not be calibrated. mation does not support the calibration process. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3130 Spindle %d: SERCOS sec‐ S-0-0033 must be config‐ Please modify S-0-0033. ondary operation mode 1 is ured with position inter‐ face. wrong configured. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Wrong spline id in NC com‐ Correct the NC-part pro‐ mand SPLINEDEF. gram. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Interface warn‐ ing System restart Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 189/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3131 Spindle %d: S-0-331 (nact Speed 0 (S-0-331) must be It is advisable to configure Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ = 0) is missing in S-0-144. configured in S-0-144 and S-0-144 at least with ror rent channel S-0-144 must be included S-0-331(nact = 0), S-0-336 in S-0-16. (in-position) and S-0-403 (position actual values sta‐ tus). 3132 Spindle %d: P-0-152 is missing in S-0-144. 3133 Spindle %d: S-0-403 (posi‐ In combination with special It is advisable to configure Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion actual values status) is axes transformations (ie. S-0-144 at least with ror rent channel Bipod) spindle orientation S-0-331(nact = 0), S-0-336 missing in S-0-144. (M19) demands that "posi‐ (in-position) and S-0-403 tion actual values status (position actual values sta‐ (S-0-403)" must be config‐ tus). ured in S-0-144. 3134 Spindle %d: SERCOS S-0-0051 or S-0-0053 is missing in S-0-0016(AT). In combination with special Please modify the drive axes transformations (ie. telegram (S-0-16). Bipod) spindle orientation (M19) demands that the actual position value (S-0-51 or S-0-53) exists in S-0-16. 3135 Spindle %d: SERCOS S-0-0047 is missing in S-0-0024 (MDT). In combination with special Please modify the master Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axes transformations (ie. data telegram (S-0-24). ror rent channel Bipod) spindle orientation (M19) demands that the command position value (S-0-47) exists in S-0-24. 3136 Spindle %d: Reference point is unknown. When using a "Servodyn" drive in combination with special axes transforma‐ tions (ie. Bipod) spindle ori‐ entation needs to know the c-axis reference point. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3137 CPL variable %s has too small dimension. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3138 Programmed D-correction The "SelDTab" ("SDT") Please enter the name of a Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ table has wrong file format. function is only used to se‐ X DCT correction table and ror rent channel lect a DCT correction table. activate the .GEO correc‐ tion table if necessary. 3139 Axistransformation 2 must Order of axistransfroma‐ be switched off before ax‐ tion has been ignored istransformation 1 When using an "Indradrive" Please add P-0-152 to Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ with drive-controlled oper‐ S-0-144. Generally it is ad‐ ror rent channel ating mode change (bit8 in visable to configure S-0-34) the thread tapping S-0-144 at least with function demands that S-0-331(nact = 0), S-0-336 "synchronization finished (in-position) and S-0-403 (P-0-152)" must be config‐ (position actual values sta‐ ured in S-0-144 and tus). S-0-144 must be included in S-0-16. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Switch off axis transforma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion 2 ror rent channel 190/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3140 Calling the GNP-cycle G% G-codes 700-999 are re‐ d while MDI is running is served for the graphical not permitted. programming system (GNP). 3141 The GNP G%d cycle path The absolute path name Please, check your directo‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ name exeeds the maxi‐ starting from the root up to ry structure. Possibly ror rent channel mum length. your GNP cycle inclusive choice an other directory or its name exceeds the max‐ rename your directory. imum supported path length. 3142 The GNP cycle %s couldn't The called GNP cycle be activated. couldn't be found in the subdirectory. Please, check the compila‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion of your GNP program. ror rent channel 3143 The GNP keyword %s is not permitted in MDI. - 3144 The GNP sequence %s will GNP data should be ignor‐ Please, ensure the correct‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not be delimited by the key‐ ed by the cnc interpreter. ness of your GNP program. ror rent channel GNP data sequences are Attention: Caution, each word %s. delimited by beginning and program changing needs a end keywords. new compilation! 3149 DB Table Server: Error dur‐ The interpretation of the file Correct the error and re‐ ing initialization of data‐ has been interrupted be‐ start the system. base. Syntax error in file '% fore the file end. The indi‐ cated line contains a syn‐ s', line %d. tax error. 3150 DB Table Server: Error dur‐ You have configured too ing initialization of table '% much data records for the s'. you can define a maxi‐ db table. mum number of %d data records. 3151 Axis %s (spindle %s): S-0-0033 must be config‐ Please modify S-0-0033. SERCOS secondary oper‐ ured with position inter‐ ation mode 1 is wrong con‐ face. figured. Part program warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3152 Axis %s (spindle %s): S-0-0034 must be config‐ Please modify S-0-0034. SERCOS secondary oper‐ ured with position inter‐ ation mode 2 is wrong con‐ face. figured. Part program warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3153 Axis %s (spindle %s): The Machine parameter "Rota‐ Modify machine parameter Part program position data scaling meth‐ ry axis" can be combined 100300004 or S-0-0076. warning with S-0-0076 "Rotary ax‐ od (S-0-0076) does not match the axis movement is" or "Endless axis". Ma‐ type (machine parameter chine parameter "Endless axis" requires S-0-0076 100300004). "Endless axis". In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" GNP keywords must be programmed in cnc pro‐ gram cycles only. Elimination Error class To clear error display: Please, use an other GPart program er‐ Reset the cur‐ code for your cycle assign‐ ror rent channel ment. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Minor system er‐ System restart ror You can modify the maxi‐ Minor system er‐ System restart mum number of data re‐ ror cords. For more informa‐ tion see manual 'Parame‐ terization of Tool Configu‐ ration' chapter 'Parameterization of Data‐ base'. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 191/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3154 Axis %s (spindle %s): Speed 0 (S-0-331) must be It is advisable to configure Part program S-0-331 (nact = 0) is miss‐ configured in S-0-144 and S-0-144 at least with warning ing in S-0-144. S-0-144 must be included S-0-331(nact = 0), S-0-336 in S-0-16. (in-position) and S-0-403 (position actual values sta‐ tus). In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3155 Axis %s (spindle %s): Un‐ suitable axis movement type (machine parameter 100300004). For c-axis-mode only axis Please modify machine pa‐ Part program movement type "rotary ax‐ rameter 100300004. warning is" or "endless axis" can be selected. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3156 At the moment axis %s At the moment this axis Release the axis by using Part program (spindle %s) cannot be (spindle) is reserved by a RemAxis (RAX) or DefAxis warning switched to spindle mode. channel. (DAX) from the channel and then switch to spindle by AxisToSpindle (ATS). In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3157 Negative software travel The positive travel limit limit is larger than positive must be larger than the travel limit negative one. Please change the config‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ uration data. ror rent channel 3158 2. negative software travel The positive travel limit limit is larger than 2. posi‐ must be larger than the tive travel limit negative one. Please change the config‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ uration data. ror rent channel 3159 File %s: Different number The number of lines of the of #%d and #%d lines. indicated ident numbers must be equal. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3160 File %s, line %d: Wrong se‐ Wrong definition of meas‐ quence of a #%d line. uring point in calibration file. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3161 File %s, line %d: Wrong number of values. - - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3162 File %s: Wrong or missing coord mask #%d. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3163 File %s, line %d: Error in forward transformation of axis transformation %d. An error occured during the transformation of calibra‐ tion file coordinate posi‐ tions. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3164 File %s, line %d: Error in An error occured during the backward transformation transformation of calibra‐ of axis transformation %d. tion file coordinate posi‐ tions. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3165 Inadmissible coordinate positions. The contour leads into an area not allowed by the ac‐ tive axis transformation. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3167 Missing parameters! program error, parameter Correct the NC-part pro‐ missing gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3168 Invalid structured CPL variable %s Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3169 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL number of parameters - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 192/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3170 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL parameter value - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3178 Multiple definition of auxili‐ The auxiliary function has Define auxiliary function Part program er‐ System restart ary function "%" in auxiliary been defined at least twice once in only one auxiliary ror in the auxiliary groups group. group %d index %d. 3179 Multiple definition of auxili‐ The auxiliary function has Define auxiliary function Part program er‐ System restart ary function "%" in auxiliary been defined at least twice once in only one auxiliary ror in the auxiliary groups group. group %d index %d. 3183 Database read error for machine parameter %d. The indicated machine pa‐ Possibly the filesystem is Minor system er‐ System restart rameter can not be read. defective. A system startup ror with startup mode 6 cre‐ ates a new filesystem. 3184 Database read error for machine parameter %d. The indicated machine pa‐ Possibly the filesystem is Minor system er‐ System restart rameter can not be read. defective. A system startup ror with startup mode 6 cre‐ ates a new filesystem. 3185 Error in definition of struc‐ Programming error at CPL tured variables in line "%d" - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ of "%s" gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Minor system er‐ System restart ror 3186 Structured CPL variable "% Programming error at CPL s" not installed. Memory - command. For further in‐ full. formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Minor system er‐ System restart ror 3187 Axis transformation cannot No axis transformation can Deactivate G20 by G16, Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ be activated be activated as long as G17, G18 or G19 previous ror rent channel G20 remains actice. to activating an axis trans‐ formation. 3188 A axis being programmed An axis being transformed Deactivate the tool correc‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ as a parameter of G47 can‐ by an axis transformation tion by G48. Then activate ror rent channel not be transformed by an cannot be accessed direct‐ the axis transformation. Then use G47 axis transformation ly, anymore. Therefore, G47 cannot refer to such (XTR,YTR,ZTR) to activate an axis once the axis trans‐ a tool correction which re‐ formation is active. fers to the tool coordinate system of the transforma‐ tion. 3189 No G20 is permitted as No G20 is permitted as Try to use G17, G18 or G19 Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ long as any axis transfor‐ long as any axis transfor‐ instead or deactivate the ror rent channel mation remains achtive. mation remains achtive. axis transformation prior to using G20. 3190 The parameters being pro‐ It is necessary to program Change G20 accordingly Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ grammed with G20 are not at least the first parameter and start your NC-program ror rent channel sufficient. of G20 (main coordinate) again. and the second (secondary coordinate). Only the third parameter (normal coordi‐ nate of the plane) is option‐ al. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 193/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3191 2 identical coordinate have Main coordinate, secon‐ Change the parameters of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ been programmed with dary coordinate and nor‐ G20 and start your NC-pro‐ ror rent channel G20 male coordinate of a plane gram again. must be different. 3192 Any reconfiguration of the Any reconfiguration of the Deactivate G20 by G16, Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ axes of a channel, i.e. axis axes of a channel, i.e. axis G17, G18 or G19 before in‐ ror rent channel insertion in or removal from insertion in or removal from serting an axis in or remov‐ a channe, is prohibited as a channe, is prohibited as ing an axis from the chan‐ long as G20 remains active long as G20 remains active nel. in this channel. in this channel. 3193 Incompatible load of ma‐ chine parameter data! 3197 Insufficient memory for plc There is not enough mem‐ Enlarge the size of plc pro‐ PLC error program ory left to create load the gram at machine parame‐ plc program ter 206000210 and initiate a new system startup. Restart the PLC program 3198 plc program contains un‐ known function call Plc program contains un‐ known function calls of a external library. Restart the PLC program 3199 Gateway signal "%s" doesn't exist. The gateway signal name Please, check the parame‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ in the parameter list of the ter list and correct the CPL ror rent channel CPL BITIF function is program. wrong. 3200 Gateway signal group "%s" The gateway signal group Please, check the parame‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ doesn't exist. name in the parameter list ter list and correct the CPL ror rent channel of the CPL BITIF function is program. wrong. 3201 Punch activation not al‐ lowed 3202 Error in file %s: Unknown The indicated file contains ident number #%d. an unknown ident number. The ident number is ignor‐ ed. 3203 Name of axis %s hides name of polar angle 3204 Insufficient internal memo‐ When parsing schema files Remove or reduce user ry in subsystem XML. and XML files internal specific schema files. Ini‐ memory is needed. But tiate a system startup. there is no more memory available. 3208 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in machine pa‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ rameter 103000125 must chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis classification[%d]. be +-300. Machine parameter ver‐ Please check all parame‐ Core system sion 11 has been changed ters with new default val‐ warning so that it is incompatible ues with version 10. New de‐ fault values have been de‐ fined. Modify/delete function calls PLC error or install the version of firm‐ ware which contains the missing functions NC function punching not Please modify your part allowed while NC function program. corner rounding is active. To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Discard the ident number Part program from the file or use a newer warning software version that rec‐ ognizes this ident number. Reset the cur‐ rent channel The NC syntax of the speci‐ Adjust an allowed syntax in Minor system er‐ System restart fied axis or coordinate is machine parameter ror identical with the syntax of (800500001 or a polar angle. The pro‐ 800500002) which is not gramming is ambigous. identical with an axis or co‐ ordinate name. Minor system er‐ System restart ror 194/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3209 Axis transformation: Con‐ Inadmissible entry in ma‐ figuration error in parame‐ chine parameter ter axis classification[%d]. 103000125. 3210 The oscillating function Together with SHAPE the Please switch off SHAPE Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ doesn't work together with two different motions would before the beginning of os‐ ror rent channel path SHAPE. not be synchronized. zillation, e.g. with G8. 3212 Server error %d during opening %s table %s. 3213 Error %d during reading % XML error(3): document s table %s near row %d. doesn't start. 3214 Error %d during reading % XML error(4): document is Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. empty. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3215 Error %d during reading % XML error(5): extra text at Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. document end found. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3216 Error %d during reading % XML error(6): invalid hexa‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. decimal character refer‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel ence. file. 3217 Error %d during reading % XML error(7): invalid deci‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. mal character reference. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3218 Error %d during reading % XML error(8): invalid char‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. acter reference. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3219 Error %d during reading % XML error(9): invalid char‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. acter. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3220 Error %d during reading % XML error(10): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. character reference at eof. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3221 Error %d during reading % XML error(11): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. character reference in pro‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel logue. file. 3222 Error %d during reading % XML error(12): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. character reference in epi‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel logue. file. 3223 Error %d during reading % XML error(13): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. character reference in rectness of the table data ror rent channel DTD. file. 3224 Error %d during reading % XML error(14): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. entity reference at eof. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3225 Error %d during reading % XML error(15): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. entity reference in pro‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel logue. file. 3226 Error %d during reading % XML error(16): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. entity reference in epi‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel logue. file. Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ chine parameter. ror rent channel XML error(2): no space left Please, read table server Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ for xml parser. error messages for further ror rent channel information. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 195/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3227 Error %d during reading % XML error(17): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. entity reference in DTD. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3228 Error %d during reading % XML error(18): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. parameter reference rectness of the table data ror rent channel (PEReference) at eof. file. 3229 Error %d during reading % XML error(19): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. parameter reference rectness of the table data ror rent channel (PEReference) in pro‐ file. logue. 3230 Error %d during reading % XML error(20): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. parameter reference rectness of the table data ror rent channel (PEReference) in epilogue. file. 3231 Error %d during reading % XML error(21): unresolved Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. parameter reference rectness of the table data ror rent channel (PEReference) in subset. file. 3232 Error %d during reading % XML error(22): entity refer‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ence no name. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3233 Error %d during reading % XML error(23): entity refer‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ence semicolon missing. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3234 Error %d during reading % XML error(24): parameter Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. reference (PEReference) rectness of the table data ror rent channel no name. file. 3235 Error %d during reading % XML error(25): parameter Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. reference (PEReference) rectness of the table data ror rent channel semicolon missing. file. 3236 Error %d during reading % XML error(26): undeclared Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. entity. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3237 Error %d during reading % XML error(27): Warning: s table %s near row %d. undeclared entity. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3238 Error %d during reading % XML error(28): unparsed s table %s near row %d. entity. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3239 Error %d during reading % XML error(29): entity is ex‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ternal. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3240 Error %d during reading % XML error(30): entity is pa‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. rameter. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3241 Error %d during reading % XML error(31): unknown s table %s near row %d. character encoding. 3242 Error %d during reading % XML error(32): unsuppor‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ted character encoding. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3243 Error %d during reading % XML error(33): string didn't Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. started. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 196/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3244 Error %d during reading % XML error(34): string not s table %s near row %d. closed. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3245 Server error %d during opening %s table %s. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3246 Error %d during reading % XML error(36): entity not s table %s near row %d. started. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3247 Error %d during reading % XML error(37): entity not s table %s near row %d. finished. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3248 Error %d during reading % XML error(38): '<' in attrib‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ute found. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3249 Error %d during reading % XML error(39): attribute s table %s near row %d. didn't started. 3250 Error %d during reading % XML error(40): attribute not Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. finished. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3251 Error %d during reading % XML error(41): attribute s table %s near row %d. without value. 3252 Error %d during reading % XML error(42): attribute re‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. defined. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3253 Error %d during reading % XML error(43): literal didn't Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. started. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3254 Error %d during reading % XML error(44): literal not s table %s near row %d. finished. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3255 Error %d during reading % XML error(45): comment s table %s near row %d. not finished. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3256 Error %d during reading % XML error(46): processing Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. instruction <?... (PI) didn't rectness of the table data ror rent channel started. file. 3257 Error %d during reading % XML error(47): processing Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. instruction ...?> (PI) not fin‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. ished. 3258 Error %d during reading % XML error(48): notation s table %s near row %d. didn't started. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3259 Error %d during reading % XML error(49): comment s table %s near row %d. not finished. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3260 Error %d during reading % XML error(50): attribute list Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. didn't started. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. XML error(35): internal declaration parse error. Elimination Error class To clear error display: Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 197/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3261 Error %d during reading % XML error(51): attribute list Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. not finished. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3262 Error %d during reading % XML error(52): mixed ele‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ment data (S? didn't star‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel ted. ...'. file. 3263 Error %d during reading % XML error(53): mixed ele‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ment data ... S?) not finish‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. ed. 3264 Error %d during reading % XML error(54): element s table %s near row %d. content didn't started. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3265 Error %d during reading % XML error(55): element s table %s near row %d. content not finished. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3266 Error %d during reading % XML error(56): '<xml' dec‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. laration not started. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3267 Error %d during reading % XML error(57): '<xml' dec‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. laration not finished. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3268 Error %d during reading % XML error(58): condition Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. section '<![' didn't started. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3269 Error %d during reading % XML error(59): condition s table %s near row %d. section not finished. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3270 Error %d during reading % XML error(60): external s table %s near row %d. subset not finished. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3271 Error %d during reading % XML error(61): '<DOC‐ s table %s near row %d. TYPE' not finished. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3272 Error %d during reading % XML error(62): misplaced Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. cdata end. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3273 Error %d during reading % XML error(63): CDATA s table %s near row %d. sequence not finished. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3274 Error %d during reading % XML error(64): Use re‐ s table %s near row %d. served xml keyword. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3275 Error %d during reading % XML error(65): space re‐ s table %s near row %d. quired. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3276 Error %d during reading % XML error(66): separator s table %s near row %d. required. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3277 Error %d during reading % XML error(67): enumera‐ s table %s near row %d. tion token required. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 198/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3278 Error %d during reading % XML error(68): name re‐ s table %s near row %d. quired. 3279 Error %d during reading % XML error(69): #PCDATA Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. is missing in CDATA in‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel struction. file. 3280 Error %d during reading % XML error(70): URI is miss‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ing in SYSTEM or PUBLIC rectness of the table data ror rent channel instrucion. file. 3281 Error %d during reading % XML error(71): PUBLIC s table %s near row %d. designation missing. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3282 Error %d during reading % XML error(72): '<' tag re‐ s table %s near row %d. quired. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3283 Error %d during reading % XML error(73): '>' tag re‐ s table %s near row %d. quired. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3284 Error %d during reading % XML error(74): '</' tag re‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. quired. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3285 Error %d during reading % XML error(75): '=' charac‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ter required. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3286 Error %d during reading % XML error(76): TAG name Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. mismatch. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3287 Error %d during reading % XML error(77): TAG not fin‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ished. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3288 Error %d during reading % XML error(78): standalone Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. value. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3289 Error %d during reading % XML error(79): unknown s table %s near row %d. encoding name. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3290 Error %d during reading % XML error(80): hyphen in s table %s near row %d. comment string. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3291 Error %d during reading % XML error(81): invalid s table %s near row %d. character encoding. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3292 Error %d during reading % XML error(82): external en‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. tity standalone. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3293 Error %d during reading % XML error(83): conditional Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. section invalid (CON‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel DSEC). file. 3294 Error %d during reading % XML error(84): value re‐ s table %s near row %d. quired. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 199/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3295 Error %d during reading % XML error(85): not well bal‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. anced. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3296 Error %d during reading % XML error(86): unexpected Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. extra content. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3297 Error %d during reading % XML error(87): entity char‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. acter error. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3298 Error %d during reading % XML error(88): entity con‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. tains invalid reference (PE) rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. internal. 3299 Error %d during reading % XML error(89): dissolvable Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. entity loop detected. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3300 Error %d during reading % XML error(90): entity out of Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. boundary. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3301 Error %d during reading % XML error(91): invalid URI. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3302 Error %d during reading % XML error(92): invalid URI Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. fragment. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3303 Error %d during reading % XML error(93): wrong cata‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. log statement string PI. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3304 Error %d during reading % XML error(94): no DTD s table %s near row %d. document found. 3305 Table data server error %d XML error(501): schema Please, read table server Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % type info not implemented. error messages for further ror rent channel s. information. 3306 Table data server error %d XML error(502): schema Please, read table server Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % type info not implemented. error messages for further ror rent channel s. information. 3307 Table data server error %d XML error(503): schema during reading %s table % parse failed. s. 3308 Table data server error %d XML error(504): unknown Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % XML error. rectness of the table data ror rent channel s. file. 3309 Table data server error %d XML error(505): schema during reading %s table % file open failed. s. Please, read table server Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ error messages for further ror rent channel information. 3310 Error %d during reading % XML error(506): maximal s table %s near row %d. occurs exceeded. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3311 Error %d during reading % XML error(507): bad ele‐ s table %s near row %d. ment content. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. Please, read table server Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ error messages for further ror rent channel information. 200/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3312 Table data server error %d XML error(510): path syn‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % tax error. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3313 Table data server error %d XML error(511): path con‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % flict. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3314 Table data server error %d XML error(512): path ele‐ Please, check the validity Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % ment position invalid. of used schema and table ror rent channel s. files. 3315 Table data server error %d XML error(513): path ele‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % ment create failed. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3316 Table data server error %d XML error(514): path ele‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % ment delete failed. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3317 Table data server error %d XML error(515): path ele‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % ment not existing. rectness of the table data ror rent channel s. file. 3318 Table data server error %d XML error(516): path ele‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % ment not declared. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3319 Error %d during reading % XML error(517): path ele‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ment mismatch. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3320 Error %d during reading % XML error(518): element s table %s near row %d. not declared. 3321 Error %d during reading % XML error(519): invalid da‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. ta size. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3322 Error %d during reading % XML error(520): invalid s table %s near row %d. type id. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 201/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3323 Error %d during reading % XML error(521): too much Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. data requested. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3324 Error %d during reading % XML error(522): unknown Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. data type. rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. 3325 Server error %d during opening %s table %s. Table error(2001): internal Please, check the validity Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ table server error. of used XML schema files. ror rent channel 3326 Server error %d during opening %s table %s. Table error(2002): server not ready. 3327 Server error %d during opening %s table %s. Table error(2003): table file Please, check file name / Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ name to long. file path and the access ror rent channel mode for the given correc‐ tion table. Correct the pro‐ gram or change the file name or file path of the off‐ set table. Please, ensure for read access for the ta‐ ble file and path. 3328 Error %d during reading % Table error(2004): Un‐ Please, check for the cor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s table %s near row %d. known table type (only: dct, rectness of the table data ror rent channel file. zot or pmt allowed). 3329 Server error %d during opening %s table %s. Table error(2005): table not found. 3330 Server error %d during opening %s table %s. Table error(2006): table al‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ready exists. Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3331 Table data server error %d Table error(2007): bad da‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % ta size. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3332 Table data server error %d Table error(2008): bad during reading %s table % path size. s. Please, check the validity Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ of used XML schema files. ror rent channel Please, check file name / Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ file path and the access ror rent channel mode for the given correc‐ tion table. Correct the pro‐ gram or change the file name or file path of the off‐ set table. Please, ensure for read access for the ta‐ ble file and path. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 202/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3333 Table data server error %d Table error(2009): XML during reading %s table % path element too large. s. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3334 Table data server error %d Table error(2010): XML during reading %s table % schema invalid or XML s. schema not found. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3335 Table data server error %d Table error(2011): re‐ during reading %s table % sponse message didn't s. contain valid table data. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3336 Table data server error %d Table error(2012): no more No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % modification events for ta‐ Please report error data ror rent channel s. ble (>16). and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3337 Table data server error %d Table error(2013): un‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % known modification event. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3338 Table data server error %d Table error(2014): modifi‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % cation event already in use. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3339 Table data server error %d Table error(2015): modifi‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % cation event deleted. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3340 Table data server error %d Table error(2016): table re‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % cord too big. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 203/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3341 Table data server error %d Table error(2017): Invalid No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % channel number. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3342 Server error %d during opening %s table %s. 3343 Table data server error %d Table error(2019): insert during reading %s table % axis for actual table type s. not allowed. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3344 Table data server error %d Table error(2020): delete during reading %s table % axis only allowed for s. ZOT's. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3345 Table data server error %d Table error(2021): path during reading %s table % block position invalid. s. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3346 Table data server error %d Table error(2022): maxi‐ during reading %s table % mal number of axes s. reached. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3347 Table data server error %d Table error(2023): axis col‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % umn does not exist. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3348 Table data server error %d Table error(2024): wrong during reading %s table % axis range requested. s. Table error(2018): Invalid Please, check file name / Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ table filename extension. file path and the access ror rent channel mode for the given correc‐ tion table. Correct the pro‐ gram or change the file name or file path of the off‐ set table. Please, ensure for read access for the ta‐ ble file and path. No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Please report error data ror rent channel and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 204/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3349 Table data server error %d Unkown error during read‐ No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ during reading %s table % ing table. Please report error data ror rent channel s. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3350 %s table '%s' couldn't be opened for reading. The correction table Please, check file name / Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ couldn't be found by the file path and the access ror rent channel given file name/ file path or mode for the given correc‐ the file is read-protected. tion table. Correct the pro‐ gram or change the file name or file path of the off‐ set table. Please, ensure for read access for the ta‐ ble file and path. 3351 Path limit reached. Path motion has reached a In the NC program: Abort Part program limit (axis software limit, NC program. During jog warning dead area, etc.). mode: Jog into the reverse direction. 3352 One-dimensional collision A motion command of the monitoring has detected a NC program or a jog com‐ potential collision within the mand could have led to a monitoring group %d (axes collision of the axes which %s and %s). To prevent a belong to the indicated real collision, all axes of the monitoring group. directly involved NC chan‐ nels have been stopped. 3353 Changes of the WCS are When an axis transforma‐ Use G17, G18, G19 with‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not permitted while an axis tion is active it ist not per‐ out parenteses and without ror rent channel transformation is active mitted to change classifica‐ parameters in order to ac‐ tions by G17, G18, G19. tivate another plane when an axis transformation is active. 3355 Incorrect configuration in monitoring group %d of one-dimensional collision monitoring. 3356 '%s' is not valid as auxiliary Syntax error function in MP %d 3357 Mixing of channel specific The auxiliary functions Enter only auxiliary func‐ Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box and channel independent group has channel specific tions of one certain type or ror with softkey auxiliary functions in MP % and channel independent suggest the type with 'A:' or "Clear warning" elements d 'S:' at the beginning of the first element 3358 '%s' is not valid as auxiliary Syntax error function in MP %d The machine parameters for one-dimensional colli‐ sion monitoring contain an incorrect axes assignment to the reported collision monitoring group. The as‐ signed axes must have been configured and de‐ fined as linear axes. Elimination Error class To clear error display: Reset the cur‐ rent channel 1. Delete the error by Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ pressing "Reset". 2. Exam‐ ror rent channel ine the NC program, modify it where necessary and ac‐ tivate it again. Correct the axis number in Part program er‐ System restart the related machine pa‐ ror rameters and run up the system again. Correct syntax Correct syntax Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box ror with softkey "Clear warning" Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box ror with softkey "Clear warning" Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 205/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3359 Incorrect field index at %s. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3360 The cylinderjacket-trafo TRFOPT(...) has to be pro‐ Modify part program. has been activated with ra‐ gramed with positiv value during COORD-call. dius R=%f. 3361 Programmed master coor‐ End position coupling is not Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ dinate is endless! allowed with endless coor‐ med master coordinate. ror rent channel dinates. 3362 Programmed master axis Only actual channel mem‐ Please check your actual does not exist. bers can be coupled! channel configuration. Please consider the axis transformations here. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3363 No master coordinate is programmed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3364 Programmed slave coordi‐ End position coupling is not Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ nate is endless! allowed with endless coor‐ med slave coordinate. ror rent channel dinates. 3365 Programmed slave axis does not exist. 3366 No slave coordinate is pro‐ The following parameters Please modify your pro‐ grammed. are needed for end position gramming. coupling: master, slave, coupling factor. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3367 No coupling factor is pro‐ grammed. The following parameters Please modify your pro‐ are needed for end position gramming. coupling: master, slave, coupling factor. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3368 Master coordinate is not longer channel member. Coupling coordinates must Please modify your pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not leave the channel while gramming. Please notice ror rent channel the following functionality: coupling is active. axis remove, axis transfor‐ mation 3369 Slave coordinate is not lon‐ Coupling coordinates must Please modify your pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ger channel member. not leave the channel while gramming. Please notice ror rent channel the following functionality: coupling is active. axis remove, axis transfor‐ mation 3370 Master and slave must not End position coupling: Please modify your pro‐ be programmed together in slave or master can be pro‐ gramming. one block! grammed. 3371 %s Programmed part program Change part programm, Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ error select and start it again, if ror rent channel necessary 3372 %s Programmed part program Change part programm, Part program warning select and start it again, if warning necessary The following parameters Please modify your pro‐ are needed for end position gramming. coupling: master, slave, coupling factor. Only actual channel mem‐ Please check your actual bers can be coupled! channel configuration. Please consider the axis transformations here. To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reset the cur‐ rent channel 206/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3373 Spindle %d: S-0-331 (nact In combination with special It is advisable to configure Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ = 0) is missing in S-0-144. axes transformations (ie. S-0-144 at least with ror rent channel Bipod) spindle orientation S-0-331(nact = 0), S-0-336 (M19) demands that "sta‐ (in-position) and S-0-403 tus ’n_feedback = (position actual values sta‐ 0" (S-0-331) must be con‐ tus). figured in S-0-144. 3374 Automatic tapping retrac‐ Automatic thread tapping Please switch to the former Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion: Axes transformation 1 retraction is only practica‐ axis transformation or use ror rent channel has changed from #%d to # ble with axis transformation the manual retraction func‐ %d. 1 which was active while tion. tapping. 3375 Inadmissible coordinate A mixture of working and Correct machine parame‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ configuration for axis trans‐ machine coordinates is ter 103000120. ror rent channel present. Machine parame‐ formation %d. ter 103000120 probably contains incorrect axes or coordinates. 3376 Invalid coordinate name programmed with G76. With G76 only cartesian Please modify your pro‐ coordinates, or axes out‐ gramming. side the machine tranfor‐ mation should be program‐ med. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3377 Invalid coordinate name With VirtAxisPos only axes Please modify your pro‐ programmed with VirtAxis‐ outside the machine tran‐ gramming. Pos (VAP). formations should be pro‐ grammed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3378 Invalid coordinate name programmed with G74. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3379 Only G8, G9 and G108 al‐ G33 works only in combi‐ Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lowed. nation with G9 and G8. We gram. ror rent channel recommend G8 G33. Please note that the shape order must be set to zero. 3380 %s is not a linear coordi‐ nate. 3381 The database table '%s' After modification of a Load a backup file to fill the Core system has been reinitialized be‐ schema file, all database database table with values. warning cause of schema modifica‐ tables that use this schema tion. must be reinitialized. The old content of the table is lost. 3382 "%s" is an invalid machine The programmed name coord name. cannot determine a ma‐ chine coordinate. 3383 The coordinate %d (selec‐ The distance control func‐ Please check and modify ted by DCCOORD) is not a tion works only with a ma‐ the part program. chine coordinate of its own. channel member. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3384 Machine coordinate %s is a member of an axis trans‐ formation. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel With G74 only axes should Please modify your pro‐ be programmed. gramming. Thread cutting allows only Please check and modify the usage of linear coordi‐ the part program. nates. Modify part program. - Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 207/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3385 %s is not a linear machine coordinate. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3386 You have lost data in the A possible loss of data was Check the consistency of Hardware error System restart SRAM in the memory of the found at startup. The magic the data and restore the da‐ %s data was not found, or the ta. checksum is corrupt. Cause: Data have been overwritten or the battery is discharged. The buffering of the power supply does not work. 3387 Gantry homing: sychron run error (axis %s) 3388 Gantry homing: homing- Referencing has been can‐ Perform control reset. Jogg Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ switch run error (axis %s) celled because an axis is gantry-couple off the hom‐ ror rent channel positioned on the reference ing switch and check hom‐ switch at the start of refer‐ ing data. encing. This leads to a re‐ versal of the direction dur‐ ing referencing and thus to mechanical stressing of the Gantry coupling. 3389 DIA(..%s..) couldn't switch The specified coordinate is Please, check the coordi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the coordinate to diameter invalid in the current chan‐ nate name and ensure the ror rent channel mode. nel. programmability of the giv‐ en axis or coodinate. 3390 DIA couldn't switch the The channel axis dosen't Please, indicate either to Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ channel axes %d to the di‐ exist in the current channel. the coordinate names ex‐ ror rent channel ameter mode. plicitly as DIA( <coor‐ dname> ) or correct the configuration data 'Diame‐ ter coordinates'. 3391 DIA or DIA() couldn't switch In configuration data no ax‐ Save a pre-setting for the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ any axis to the diameter is or coordinates were de‐ diameter coordinates in ror rent channel mode. posited for diameter pro‐ 7010 00210 'Diameter co‐ gramming. ordinates' or specify the di‐ ameter coordinate names explicitly as DIA( <coordi‐ nate name>,... ). . 3392 Invalid parameter DIA (..,<DIC|RIC>). 3393 The G96 reference coordi‐ The axes or coordinate is Please, check the coordi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ nate %s is invalid. missing in the channel. nate name and make ror rent channel changes if necessary in the part program. Homing has been stopped Perform control reset. because not all axes have Check time-window and finished homing in given homing data. time-window. The axis giv‐ en in error is the first axis that has found ist homing mark. Selection of incremental radian/diameter differen‐ ces only by RIC/DIC key‐ word. To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Please, check the parame‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ter list and make changes if ror rent channel necessary in the part pro‐ gram. 208/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3394 The specified G96 refrence For G96 reference coordi‐ Please, correct the part coordinate system desig‐ nate system were pro‐ programm if necessary. nator is invalid. grammed an invalid desig‐ nator. Valid designators are: PCS - programming coordinate system MCS machine coordinate sys‐ tem LCS - local machine coordinate system (inludes zero offsets) 3395 The G96 reference coordi‐ The G96 - Reference coor‐ Please, examine whether Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ nate is no longer valid. dinate cannot be assigned the programmed reference ror rent channel to the reference coordinate coordinate was removed e.g. by a transformation system any longer. (COORD(<n>)). Switch G96 off or select a new ref‐ erence coordinate. Please, correct the part programm if necessary. 3396 The coordinate type DIA(.. Only linear coordinates are Please, check for the DIA Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %s..) is invalid. valid for diameter program‐ parameter list and change ror rent channel your part program if neces‐ ming. sary. 3397 Invalid type for DIA - coor‐ Only linear coordinates are Please, indicate either to Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ dinate %d. valid for diameter program‐ the coordinate names ex‐ ror rent channel plicitly as DIA( <coor‐ ming. dname> ) or correct the configuration data 'Diame‐ ter coordinates'. 3398 No Static RAM available 3401 XML-Error %d for type %s SDDef-XML-files contain while reading system data syntax errors definition Correct SDDef-XML files Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3402 XML-Error %d for type SDDef-XML-files contain number %d and type %s syntax errors while reading system data definition Correct SDDef-XML files Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3403 Overflow static RAM for Too many permanent vari‐ Correct SDDef-XML files variable %s with type %s ables defined and size %d while reading system data definition 3404 Error on opening file "%s". File cannot be found in path Put SDDef-files in system Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ Errno= %d. of system data data path ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3405 Error reading %s on line % SDDef-XML-files contain d. syntax errors Correct SDDef-XML files Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3406 Error reading %s on line % SDDef-XML-files contain d. syntax errors Correct SDDef-XML files Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode System data will be stored Assemble hardware with in dynamic RAM only. static RAM Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 209/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3408 Error reading %s while SDDef-XML-files contain reading system data defini‐ syntax errors tions Correct SDDef-XML files Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3409 Error reading %s while machdef.dat contain syn‐ Correct machdef.dat reading system data defini‐ tax errors tions Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3410 Not enough memory for SDDef-XML-files contain system data, %d bytes are too many to big variables needed. Correct SDDef-XML files Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3412 Error reading %s while SDDef-XML-files contain reading system data defini‐ syntax errors tions Correct SDDef-XML files Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3413 Error reading %s on line % SDDat-XML-files contain d. syntax errors Correct SDDat-XML-files Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3414 Error reading %s on line % SDDat-XML-files contain d. syntax errors Correct SDDat-XML-files Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3415 Error reading %s on line % SDDat-XML-files contain d. syntax errors Correct SDDat-XML-files Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3417 Variable % twice or more In machdef.dat, Rename variables defined in the system data SDDef.xml,SDDefMtb.xml definition files or SDDefUsr.xml variable names are defined at least twice. Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 3418 Variable % twice or more In machdef.dat, Rename variables defined in the system data SDDef.xml,SDDefMtb.xml definition files or SDDefUsr.xml variable names are defined at least twice. Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3419 The variable name of '%s' In machdef.dat, Rename variables will be truncated to '%s'. SDDef.xml,SDDefMtb.xml Maximal length is %d. or SDDefUsr.xml variable names are defined too long. Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3420 The variable type of '%s' will be truncated to '%s'. Maximal length is %d. Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3421 Inadmissible position of The coordinate is on the Move coordinate to the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ MCS coordinate %s during wrong side of the BCS zero right side of the BCS zero ror rent channel point. power on of axis transfor‐ point. mation. 3422 The variable '%s' has dif‐ ferent dimensions. The variable will be rebuilt. In machdef.dat, Rename variable types SDDef.xml,SDDefMtb.xml or SDDefUsr.xml variable types are defined too long. In machdef.dat, Nothing to do SDDef.xml,SDDefMtb.xml or SDDefUsr.xml variables are defined with other di‐ mensions as found in static RAM. Core system warning To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 210/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text 3423 Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: The variable '%s' has cor‐ The type or subtypes of the Nothing to do rupt checksum. The varia‐ variable has been changed ble will be rebuilt. or it has been written incon‐ sistently. Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3424 The variable '%s' shall be E.g. a variable defined by E.g. put values in written by wrong SDDef.xml gets ist values SDDat.xml SDDatxxx-file. from SDDatMtb.xml. Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3425 Systemerror in SD-server Erroneous XML-expres‐ (detail codes %d %d %d) sions 3426 The RTC-Clock was set from %s to %s (UTC). 3427 Type of variable "%s" inva‐ Programming error at CPL lid. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". 3428 No memory for %s-com‐ mand. For the execution of this It is necessary to make Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ command internal memory more memory available for ror rent channel is needed. But there is no the system for example by more memory available. decreasing the number of channels or by using an‐ other hardware module. 3429 Search condition in %scommand invalid. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". 3430 The operating time counter This message should only Please call your Rexroth was initialized occur during first startup service team. otherwise it points to an er‐ ror. Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3431 Incompatible change of The default setting in ma‐ Please check the corre‐ Core system channel, spindle and asyn‐ chine parameter version 13 sponding machine param‐ warning chronous axis override val‐ was modified: 16 step val‐ eters: 1040 00041 and 7030 00010. ues in machine parameter. ues were defined. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3432 The active axis transforma‐ tion prohibits handwheel operation for coordinate % s. Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3433 Geocomp file %s ignored: invalid format or too many change correponding line Part program Error in line %d. lines of gct-file warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3434 Geocomp file %s ignored: Value too large or too small Change entry of gct-file. Incorrect channel number (Chan=%d). Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3435 Geocomp file %s ignored: Value too large or too small Change entry of gct-file. incorrect AT1CoordNo=% d. Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3436 Geocomp file %s ignored: Value=0 or correctionIncorrect correction/com‐ coord=balance-coord pensation coordinate (Sa‐ ci***=%d). Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel Correct XML-expressions Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode The realtime clock was set. Nothing to do Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. - Change entry of gct-file. Hardware error In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 211/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3437 Geocomp: Insufficient The reservation of an inter‐ Reduce the number of gct- Minor system er‐ System restart memory to install the %dth nal memory block has files. ror gct file. failed. 3438 Geocomp: Too many AT1 Additional gct-files are ig‐ Reduce the number of gct- Part program coords (%d) applied via gct nored. files. warning files. Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3439 Geocomp file %s ignored: There exists an other gct- Please check your gctIdentical header file with identical header- files. values. Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3440 Geocomp: No valid gct file GeoComp has been acti‐ available. vated without effects. Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3441 Geocomp file %s: No valid The actual AT1-configura‐ Please check your gctMCI coordinate available tion does not agree with the files. for SACI=%d. connected gct-file. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3443 Several switch commands for spindle after C axis na a block. Please modify to STA (<name1>,<name2>). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3444 Several switch commands for C axis after spindle in a block. Please modify to ATS (<name1>,<name2>). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3445 Several switch commands for spindle after C axis na a block. Please modify to G518 (<name1>,<name2>). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3446 Several switch commands for C axis after spindle in a block. Please modify to G517 (<name1>,<name2>). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3447 Branch destination in CASE-instruction not al‐ lowed Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3448 The programmed coordi‐ nate/axis does not exist. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3449 The programmed coordi‐ Programming error at CPL nate/axis does not exist in - command. For further in‐ the channel. formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Please check your gctfiles. Error class To clear error display: 212/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3451 When creating permanent CPL variables, it was not possible to get internal memory. When creating permanent It is necessary to make Minor system er‐ System restart CPL variables, internal more memory available for ror memory is used. However, the system, for example by memory is no longer avail‐ decreasing the number of able; creation occurs more channels (machine param‐ and more slowly. eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. 3452 Command gantry offset of The conditions for compen‐ no workaround if distance Part program axis %s not possible. sating for the command off‐ is exceeded. Otherwise warning Cause: %d set values are not satisfied; configuration has to be the edge of the interface checked and corrected. signal is rejected. Possible causes: 1: function already active; 2: maximum dis‐ tance exceeded; 3: actual position value not known; 4: incorrect configuration of the measurement systems, 5: invalid homing data; 6:Drivestate cmd process‐ ing; 7:safe mode active ; 8:offset not fixed; 3453 Error on reading function The parameter couldn't be Please ensure the loading Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box specific bit interface signal read. Possibly the firmware of the correct file system in‐ ror with softkey parameter %d. "Clear warning" is newer than file system. to control. 3454 %s can't configured for sig‐ The specified NC function Please correct the corre‐ Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box does not exist as a modal sponding machine param‐ ror with softkey nal iChActFunc%d. function. The only permit‐ eter. "Clear warning" ted nonmodal exceptions are: thread tapping, actual value specification and thread cutting retraction. 3455 Single block or single step Since the path slope is de‐ Switch on single block or Part program mode cannot be switched signed for continuous pro‐ single step at the beginning warning on during active path slope. cessing areas, this does of the program or at a M0 not reduce the path velocity WAIT block or switch of at the end of the block. In path slope (G9). case of a needed velocity reduction at block end, the velocity will jump to zero at block end. Reset all chan‐ nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode Reset the cur‐ rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 213/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3456 An inconsistency was de‐ To test the configurator an termined while writing the internal consistency check configuration data. See de‐ is executed. tails in file %s. No error recovery possible! Core system Please report contents of warning the log file and detailed software version to the af‐ ter-sales service of the control manufacturer. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3457 EEPROM access error (code: %d) Switch the power supply of Core system the control off and on warning again. Inform the aftersales service of the control manufacturer. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3458 Gantry axis %s: startup er‐ During system startup one Correct the SERCOS pa‐ Control or drive Start up the ror %d of the following errors oc‐ rameter if necessary and error SERCOS ring curred: 1: The homing pa‐ perform a system startup or rameters of several axes SERCOS startup. are different (see SERCOS parameter S-0-0147 bit 7); 2: The actual positions of the axes could not be read from SERCOS because SERCOS startup occurred incorrectly; 3: The measur‐ ing systems are incompati‐ ble; 4: Drive type; 5: Hom‐ ing mode; 6: Homing offset unit; 7: Reference dimen‐ sion 3459 Gantry homing axis %s: startup error %d During system startup one Correct the SERCOS pa‐ Control or drive Start up the of the following errors oc‐ rameter if necessary and error SERCOS ring curred: 1: The homing pa‐ perform a system startup or rameters of several axes SERCOS startup. are different (see SERCOS parameter S-0-0147 bit 7); 2: The actual positions of the axes could not be read from SERCOS because SERCOS startup occurred incorrectly; 3: The measur‐ ing systems are incompati‐ ble; 4: Drive type; 5: Hom‐ ing mode; 6: Homing offset unit; 7: Reference dimen‐ sion 3460 Value for tool radius has negative sign! The cutter compensation Please check the correc‐ needs a tool radius equals/ tion values. larger zero. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3461 Switching the NC block via It is impossible to use the Please check and modify high speed input: An orien‐ nc-function "switching the the part program. NC block via digital high tation motion is not al‐ speed input" together with lowed. an orientation motion. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The operating data (oper‐ ating time, fan change time) could not be read / write from / to EEPROM. Elimination Error class To clear error display: 214/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3465 Error in accessing table with command %s Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3466 Table in command %s not Programming error at CPL found. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3467 Wrong type of file in com‐ Programming error at CPL mand %s. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3468 Unknown type of table in command %s. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3469 Column of table in com‐ mand %s does not exist. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3470 Maximum number of axes Programming error at CPL in table in command %s - command. For further in‐ reached. formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3471 Accessing table with com‐ Programming error at CPL mand %s not possible. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3472 Wrong database identifier Programming error at CPL in command %s. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3473 %s: The data record is When a data record is Correct programming er‐ locked by another channel locked by another channel ror. Select part program or PLC. or PLC, it cannot be locked again and start it again if necessary. or written. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3475 Error during conversion of machine parameter %d in‐ to configuration data (error code = %d) There are several causes No error recovery possible! Core system possible: 1. For a new ma‐ Please report the content warning chine parameter no con‐ of this message and the de‐ version has been defined. tailed software version to 2. The conversion function the after sales service of is erroneous. 3. The range the NC manufacturer. of values of the configura‐ tion data element is wrong. 4. Internal access prob‐ lems. To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 215/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3476 Error during generation of conversion table for ma‐ chine parameters (error code = %d) There are several causes For error code 2: Unneces‐ Core system possible: 1. Internal file sary files in the control's warning system access problems 2. RAM file system are to be Memory allocation prob‐ removed or moved to the lems (in the RAM file sys‐ mount directory, and a re‐ tem). 3. Internal machine start is to be executed! Oth‐ parameter access prob‐ er error codes: When no lems. error recovery is possible with re-start, please report the content of this message and the detailed software version to the after sales service of the NC manufac‐ turer. 3477 Error during write access to There are several causes configuration data element possible: 1. The range of %s (value = %s, error code values of the configuration = %d). Error code 0 is no data element is wrong. 2. The value to be written is error but an info. erroneous. 3. The configu‐ ration data element does not (yet) exist. 3478 Error in filesystem header Filesystem of the directory If file system "usrfep" is not Serious system System restart user FEPROM (/usrfep) is available, create "usrfep" error destroyed. This error oc‐ with a startup in startup curs if the control has been mode 7. All data in the root switched off during data file system remain availa‐ storage to the user FE‐ ble. If a "PxfMount" error PROM. occurs see error descrip‐ tion of "PxFile". If a "PxfMknod" error occurs inform the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 3480 Coordinates must not be In a block with a TcsMove- Please program the new programmed in the same command programmed, position in a seperate block with a TcsMove-com‐ the programming of a new block. position is not allowed. mand. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3481 TcsMove is programmed multiple within the same block. TcsMove may be program‐ Please program each med only once in a block. TcsMove-command in a seperate block. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3483 Invalid coordinates in TcsMove programmed. TCSx and TCSy may not Modify part program. be programmed in case of the actual orientation movement. Only TCSz un‐ equal to zero is allowed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3484 No feed function for activat‐ G94 is not active to create Modify part program. ing axis coupling feedrate. G95 is probably active. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel If the NC configurator al‐ Core system lows access to the configu‐ warning ration data element, try to write another value before the next system restart. Otherwise no error recov‐ ery could be possible! Please report the content of this message and the de‐ tailed software version to the after sales service of the NC manufacturer. To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 216/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3485 Incompatible change of machine parameter sys‐ tem axes of axis transfor‐ mation. In machine parameter ver‐ Please check the corre‐ Core system sion 12 the default values sponding machine param‐ warning of the machine parameter eters: 1030 00120. were changed. 3486 Plane activation not possi‐ At least 2 channel axes are Please check your channel Part program ble! needed for plane activa‐ configuration. warning tion. 3487 G17 plane activation not possible! Axes/coordinates with Please check your channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ classification 'X' and 'Y' are configuration. The default ror rent channel needed for plane activation axis classification is de‐ fined in MP 7010 00030. G17. 3488 G18 plane activation not possible! Axes/coordinates with Please check your channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ classification 'Z' and 'X' are configuration. The default ror rent channel needed for plane activation axis classification is de‐ fined in MP 7010 00030. G18. 3489 G19 plane activation not possible! Axes/coordinates with Please check your channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ classification 'Y' and 'Z' are configuration. The default ror rent channel needed for plane activation axis classification is de‐ fined in MP 7010 00030. G19. 3490 Not all of the user defined schema files could be acti‐ vated. For more informa‐ tion see file %s. The system schema files Remove the schema files Core system from directory '/feprom/ which could not be activa‐ warning schemas' cannot be over‐ ted. Check if your schema loaded by schema files with definitions in these files can the same name from the di‐ be done in separate sche‐ rectories '/schemas' or '/ ma files. usrfep/schemas'. 3492 Invalid number of channels Programming error at CPL in the CPL-command %s. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". 3493 Invalid syntax "IPS" pro‐ grammed. 3494 Invalid syntax "NIPS" pro‐ "NIPS" is an optional pa‐ grammed. rameter of G0 function. 3495 Invalid placement activa‐ ted: no WCS defined. Placements are basing on Please check your channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ a WCS, defined by coordi‐ configuration. ror rent channel nates with classification X, Y and Z. Classification is defined by machine param‐ eter 7010 00030, plane programming or actual axis transformation. 3496 Invalid placement activa‐ ted: no plane defined. Placements are basing on Please check your channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ a WCS, defined by coordi‐ configuration. ror rent channel nates with classification X, Y and Z. Classification is defined by machine param‐ eter 7010 00030, plane programming or actual axis transformation. Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. "IPS" is an optional param‐ Programming G1(IPS). eter of G1 function. Programming G0(NIPS). Error class To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Reset the cur‐ rent channel In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 217/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3497 Invalid placement activa‐ ted: no 3-dim. WCS de‐ fined. Placements are basing on Please check your channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ a WCS, defined by coordi‐ configuration. ror rent channel nates with classification X, Y and Z. Classification is defined by machine param‐ eter 7010 00030, plane programming or actual axis transformation. 3498 Invalid placement activa‐ To activate the Phi rotation Please check your channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ted: no angel PHI defined in angle, the current WCS configuration. ror rent channel must have at least dimen‐ WCS. sion 2 or 3. 3499 Invalid placement activa‐ To activate a rotation angle Please check your channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ted: no angel Theta defined Theta, the current WCS configuration. ror rent channel must have at least dimen‐ in WCS. sion 3. 3500 Invalid placement activa‐ To activate a rotation angle Please check your channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ted: no angel Psi defined in Psi, the current WCS must configuration. ror rent channel have at least dimension 3. WCS. 3501 Tool length correction was assigned to tool or work‐ piece coordinates at the same time. The tool length correction Please check your pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ can either be assigned only gramming of correction as‐ ror rent channel to workpiece coordinates signment of tool length cor‐ (WCS) or only to tool coor‐ rection. dinates (TCS). 3502 File name is too long. The name of the link table Use a shorter name for the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is build of the part program part program. Accordingly ror rent channel name and the extension the resulting name of the ".l". The resulting file name link table will be shorter. of the link table is too long. 3503 System axis name %s is assigned twice The indicated axis name is Please check the machine Part program er‐ System restart used in machine parameter parameters. ror 1003 00001 several times. 3504 Gantry referencing axis %s Homing isaborted due to Adjust the PLC program so Control or drive Reset the cur‐ error cancel %d one of the following fail‐ that referencing is not star‐ error rent channel ures: 1: Sercos-startup not ted too early. OK Axis on homing switch 3:Drive lock signal fails 4:Drive status not OK 3505 Variable %s is not initial‐ ized. - 3506 Variable %s is not initial‐ ized. Some or all required com‐ Describe indicated varia‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ponents of the indicated bles before NC function call ror rent channel CPL variables are not ini‐ with valid value. tialized. 3507 Variable %s is not initial‐ ized. - Describe indicated varia‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ bles before NC function call ror rent channel with valid value. 3508 Variable %s is not initial‐ ized. - Describe indicated varia‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ bles before NC function call ror rent channel with valid value. Describe indicated varia‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ bles before NC function call ror rent channel with valid value. 218/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3509 Variable %s is not initial‐ ized. - Describe indicated varia‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ bles before NC function call ror rent channel with valid value. 3510 Read access to the tables Programming error at CPL in %s command not possi‐ - command. For further in‐ ble formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3511 Read access to the tables Programming error at CPL in %s command not possi‐ - command. For further in‐ ble formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3512 3d cutter compensation: Program restart is probably radius correction failure at executed with a larger tool inner corner after return to radius. path. 3513 Too less memory in the XML memory manage‐ ment. When parsing schema files Increase memory of XML Minor system er‐ System restart and XML files memory is Memory Management with ror needed in XML Memory parameter <XmlUser‐ Management. This memo‐ Mem> in file 'startup.xml'. If ry is not big enough. the maximum value has been reached, you must re‐ duce or remove user spe‐ cific schema files. Initiate a system startup. 3514 The maximum value (%d Bytes) for increasing the memory of XML memory management is exceeded. Status information to XML memory management can be found in the file '/sche‐ mas/SchemaAdm.log'. 3515 Table data server error %d XML error(523): Reques‐ during reading %s table % ted data size overflow. s. Please, check the validity Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ of used XML schema files. ror rent channel 3516 Error %d during access of XML error(524): Missing %s table %s. root element in schema. Please, check the validity Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ of used XML schema files. ror rent channel 3517 Error %d during access of XML error(525): data type Please, check the validity Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %s table %s. missmatch . of used schema and table ror rent channel files. 3518 Error %d during access of XML error(526): invalid da‐ Please, check the validity Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %s table %s. ta type conversion detec‐ of used schema and table ror rent channel ted. files. 3519 Error %d during access of Table error(2025): invalid Please, check the validity Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %s table %s. XML schema for table type. of used XML schema files. ror rent channel 3520 Server error %d during opening %s table %s. Table error(2026): table could not be read. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reduce the value of pa‐ Core system rameter <XmlUserMem> in warning the 'startup.xml' file on the maximum value. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Please, check file name / Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ file path and the access ror rent channel mode for the given correc‐ tion table. Correct the pro‐ gram or change the file name or file path of the off‐ set table. Please, ensure for read access for the ta‐ ble file and path. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 219/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3521 Table error %d during writ‐ Table error(2027): table ing %s table %s. could not be read. 3522 Permanent variable exists Error in the declaration of Correct error in the decla‐ Minor system er‐ System restart in line "%d" of "%s" with an‐ CPL - variables. For further ration of permanent CPL ror other variable type. information, see the "Pro‐ variables and restart the system. gramming Manual". 3523 Permanent variable exists Error in the declaration of Correct error in the decla‐ Minor system er‐ System restart in line "%d" of "%s" with CPL - variables. For further ration of permanent CPL ror other variable dimensions. information, see the "Pro‐ variables and restart the system. gramming Manual". 3524 Illegal name of permanent Error in the declaration of Correct error in the decla‐ Minor system er‐ System restart variable in line "%d" of "% CPL - variables. For further ration of permanent CPL ror s". information, see the "Pro‐ variables and restart the system. gramming Manual". 3525 Illegal dimension of perma‐ Error in the declaration of Correct error in the decla‐ Minor system er‐ System restart nent variable in line "%d" of CPL - variables. For further ration of permanent CPL ror "%s". information, see the "Pro‐ variables and restart the system. gramming Manual". 3526 Syntax error in the declara‐ Error in the declaration of Correct error in the decla‐ Minor system er‐ System restart tion of permanent variable CPL - variables. For further ration of permanent CPL ror in line "%d" of "%s". information, see the "Pro‐ variables and restart the system. gramming Manual". 3527 %d. axis transformation can't be initiated 3528 Coordinate %s is not trans‐ The axis transformation Switch on the first transfor‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ formable needs a coordinate, which mation before applying. ror rent channel is not provided. 3529 Systen axis %d does not exist in current channel The axis transformation uses an axis which does not exist in the current channel Assign the axis to the cur‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rent channel or modify the ror rent channel definition of the transfor‐ mation 3530 Systen axis %d does not exist in current channel The axis transformation uses an axis which does not exist in the current channel Assign the axis to the cur‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rent channel or modify the ror rent channel definition of the transfor‐ mation Please, check file name / Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ file path and the access ror rent channel mode for the given correc‐ tion table. Correct the pro‐ gram or change the file name or file path of the off‐ set table. Please, ensure for read access for the ta‐ ble file and path. Either the 1. axis transfor‐ Switch on and off axis Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ mation was switched on al‐ transformations in the cor‐ ror rent channel though the first or second rect order according to the transformation was still ac‐ manual tive orthe 2. axis transfor‐ mation was switched the second was still active. 220/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3531 Parameter %s has been A paramter exists several programmed several times times, possibly program‐ med e.g. as system and channel axis with different syntaxes. 3532 No working plane activa‐ ted! An activated working plane Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ (G17, G18, G19, G20) is gram and/or the init state of ror rent channel required for a circular-/hel‐ the control. ical interpolation. 3533 Operation data transmis‐ sion too short. Too less or too much oper‐ Please change the pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ation data written during gramming of WriteId or ror rent channel writing SERCOS parame‐ WID into single or list oper‐ ters. ation data. 3534 Operation data transmis‐ sion too long. Too less or too much oper‐ Please change the pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ation data written during gramming of WriteId or ror rent channel writing SERCOS parame‐ WID into single or list oper‐ ters. ation data. 3539 Couple lag for system axis %s exceeded. Current dif‐ ference: %f; valid differ‐ ence: %f; command value master :%f; actual value master: %f; command val‐ ue slave %f; actual value slave %f The difference of actual po‐ Check the axis dynamics; if Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ sitions of two coupled axes necessary, adjust the val‐ ror rent channel exceeds the permissible ues for monitoring in the maximum. The axis which machine parameters. Per‐ has a larger distance to the form control reset. If nec‐ common commanded po‐ essary perform system or SERCOS startup. sition is indicated as the faulty axis. 3540 Your actual control type al‐ The control type's function‐ Please reduce the number Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lows maximum %d axes in‐ ality is restricted. of programmed interpola‐ ror rent channel tion axes in this block or terpolation. ask your machine manu‐ facturer for the unrestricted control type. 3541 Only a maximum of %d ax‐ The control type's function‐ Please remove unused ax‐ Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box es is permitted to config‐ ality is restricted. es in your configuration da‐ ror with softkey ure. "Clear warning" ta or ask your machine manufacturer for the unre‐ stricted control type. 3542 Only a maximum of %d spindles is permitted to configure. 3543 SERCOS cycle time < %d The control type's function‐ Please correct the invalid Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box us is not permittet in con‐ ality is restricted. SERCIS cycle time in your ror with softkey figuration data. configuration data or ask "Clear warning" your machine manufactur‐ er for the unrestricted con‐ trol type. Try to simplify the NCPart program er‐ Reset the cur‐ block. If the error still oc‐ ror rent channel curs please report error data and detailed software version to the after sales service of the NC manufac‐ turer. The control type's function‐ Please remove unused Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box ality is restricted. spindles in your configura‐ ror with softkey tion data or ask your ma‐ "Clear warning" chine manufacturer for the unrestricted control type. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 221/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3544 Only a maximum of %d channels is permitted to configure. The control type's function‐ Please remove unused Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box ality is restricted. spindles in your configura‐ ror with softkey tion data or ask your ma‐ "Clear warning" chine manufacturer for the unrestricted control type. 3545 Only a maximum of %d blocks for look ahead is permitted to configure. The control type's function‐ Please reduce the count of Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box ality is restricted. look ahead blocks in your ror with softkey configuration data or ask "Clear warning" your machine manufactur‐ er for the unrestricted con‐ trol type. 3546 The 3D cutter compensa‐ The control type's function‐ Please ask your machine Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion can not be activated. ality is restricted. manufacturer for the unre‐ ror rent channel stricted control type. 3547 Inadmissible MP No. %d for read via AtGet. Wrong parameter in cali‐ bration function. Correct the NC-part pro‐ gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3548 Inadmissible MP No. %d for write via AtPut. Wrong parameter in cali‐ bration function. Correct the NC-part pro‐ gram. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3549 Machine coordinate %s The same parameter name Change the corresponding Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ multiply defined in the ma‐ was used more than once machine parameter and re‐ ror rent channel chine parameter. in the machine parameter. start NC control. 3550 ~Workpiece coordinate %s The same parameter name Change the corresponding Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ multiple defined in the ma‐ was used more than once machine parameter and re‐ ror rent channel chine parameters.~ in the machine parameter. start NC control. 3551 Coordinate %s cannot be Internal software error: An Change the corresponding Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ used in axis transformation axis transformation on lo‐ machine parameter and re‐ ror rent channel cation 1 creates working start NC control. %d. coordinates or an axis transformation on location 2 creates machine coordi‐ nates. 3552 Desired configuration set‐ Limited configuration set‐ ting (%d) could not be acti‐ ting: number of channels (1), number of drives (2), vated due to limitation. number of spindles (3), SERCOS cycle time (4), number of NC blocks for look-ahead (5) 3553 Axis coupling: Slave axis % Members of an axis trans‐ Switch off axis transforma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s is member of an axis formation may not be used tion. ror rent channel transformation. as slave axes. 3554 The %d. and %d. coordi‐ nate or logical axis share the same name '%s' 3555 Reading error in %s (%s- The indicated parameter Please check whether this Control or drive Reset all chan‐ axis). could not be read by the paramter does belong to a error nels in "DIAG‐ NC. Possibly this parame‐ drive function which is not NOSIS" mode ter does not exist in the cur‐ applicated. rent drive settings. The requested configura‐ Core system tion exceeds the limitation warning of control performance. Please contact the Bosch Rexroth distributor for available upgrades. Logical axis or coordinates Modify part program. sharing names can not be programmed. Insertion of axis or axis transforma‐ tions may arouse this error. To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 222/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3556 %s-command with invalid Programming error at CPL type of parameter - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3557 Invalid endless position mode for axis %s! 3558 Endless position mode is The positioning type for Modify part program corre‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not switchable for axis %s! endless axes (machine sponding to the machine ror rent channel paremeter 1003 00004 parameter or correct ma‐ "Axis movement type") can chine parameter. only be switched if this is identified in the machine parameters 1003 0005 "Positioning logic for end‐ less axes" and 1003 00050 "Switching of positioning logic for endless axes". The allowed values for the positioning type are: 0 - No positioning logic, 1 - short‐ est path, 2 - determined by sign, 3 - limited path. 3559 Can't build internal system The internal system data No error recovery possible! Core system data structure to handle the structure to handle the time Please report error data warning time zone. zone cannot be created. and detailed software ver‐ The structure is required to sion to the after sales serv‐ convert UTC time (Green‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. wich Mean Time) to local Initiate a system startup. time. If the structure is cor‐ rupted, the conversion in local time by using the function "localtime" will not work. The wrong time (UTC) is displayed. The cause for this error is an in‐ valid machine parameter which defines the time zone, or an error in internal data structures. The positioning type for Modify part program corre‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ endless axes (machine sponding to the machine ror rent channel paremeter 1003 00004 parameter or correct ma‐ "Axis movement type") can chine parameter. only be switched if this is identified in the machine parameters 1003 0005 "Positioning logic for end‐ less axes" and 1003 00050 "Switching of positioning logic for endless axes". The allowed values for the positioning type are: 0 - No positioning logic, 1 - short‐ est path, 2 - determined by sign, 3 - limited path. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 223/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3563 Ident number %s (%s-axis) Incorrect file 'turret**.scs' is missing in file 'turret**.scs'. 3564 Wrong IndraDrive Firm‐ Firmware version must be No error recovery possible! Core system ware for combined spindle/ larger than MPx04V03. Please report error data warning and detailed software ver‐ turret axis (%s axis) sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3565 Absolut encoder is active In case of spindle/turret ax‐ Change the corresponding Core system for spindle/turret axis (%s is with IndraDrive, the ab‐ SERCOS parameter warning axis) solute encoder nust be in‐ active by S-277 Bit-6,7. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3566 Spindle %s (axis %s): Loading spindle position failed. 3567 The dimension(s) "%s" will In SDDefxxx.xml only a be ignored. Maximum of % limited number of dimen‐ d dimensions are allowed. sions is possible. 3568 The system data can not be A new system startup must New system startup and in Core system loaded from archive be‐ be done to load system da‐ case of further errors cor‐ warning cause of missing type and/ ta. rect SDDefxxx.xml and or data definition. The file / schema files (.xsd) SDDatRunOnce has been created which will be loa‐ ded on new startup. Make sure to provide the needed schema and SDDefxxx.xml files Detail code %d, %d. System restart 3569 Lost of reference is not In case of spindle/turret ax‐ Change the corresponding Core system suppressed for spindle/tur‐ is with IndraDrive, the lost SERCOS parameter warning ret axis (%s axis) of reference must be sup‐ pressed by P-2216 Bit-15. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3570 The programmed velocity The programmed velocity Please modify your part is invalid for %s axis! must be bigger than 0 and program. less than the machine pa‐ rameter value. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3571 Channel spindles %s and The assignement between Please modify maschine %s refer to system spindle a system spindle and a parameter 7020 00020. %s. channel spindle must be unique. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3572 Channel spindles %s and The assignement between Please modify your part %s refer to system spindle a system spindle and a program. %s. channel spindle must be unique. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3573 %s is not a valid system spindle name. A valid system spindle name is e.g. SSP01 or SSp01. Please modify your part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3574 %s is not a valid channel spindle name. For example, S1 is a valid Please modify your part channel spindle name. program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Please correct the file Af‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ terwards perform a system ror rent channel restart. A SERCOS-error occurs Please initiate a system while loading the spindle startup. position. Initiate a system startup to leave this error state. Reduce dimensions. Part program er‐ System restart ror Part program er‐ Reset all chan‐ ror nels in "DIAG‐ NOSIS" mode 224/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3575 %s is not a valid spindle name. For example, S1 is a valid Please modify your part channel spindle name. A program. valid system spindle name is e.g. SSP01. 3576 Channel spindle %s does No channel spindle is as‐ Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not exist. signed to the programmed gram. ror rent channel spindle. For more informa‐ tion, see the documenta‐ tion on MP 702000020 and the Nc commands Get‐ Spindle, RemSpindle and DefSpindle. 3577 %s is not a valid spindle name. 3578 - Elimination Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Please check the part pro‐ Part program gram. warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Spindle group program‐ ming is not allowed in aux‐ iliary channels. - Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3579 System spindle %s does not exist. Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram. ror rent channel 3580 The parameter list is emp‐ ty. 3581 "%d" is not a valid com‐ mand. 3 stands for clockwise ro‐ Please modify your part tation, 4 for counterclock‐ program. wise rotation, and 5 for stop. Spindle orientation is programmed with SSpOri (name or number, angle). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3582 %d is not a valid gear range. Only available gear ranges Please modify your part can be selected. program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3583 "%d" is not a valid com‐ mand. - Please modify your part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3584 Programmed path shape order < MP %d minimum shape order for path jerk limitation The programmed path shape order must not be lower than the minimum shape order for path jerk limitation. Therefore the programmed path shape order has been increased accordingly. Please correct the part pro‐ Part program gramm or contact your ma‐ warning chine tool builder for in‐ creasing the allowed jerk. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3585 Programmed axis shape order < MP %d minimum axis shape order The programmed axis Please correct the part pro‐ Part program shape order must not be gramm or contact your ma‐ warning lower than the machine pa‐ chine tool builder for in‐ rameter of the minimum creasing the allowed jerk. shape order for the path jerk limitation. Therefore the programmed axis shape order has been in‐ creased accordingly. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" - - Part program warning Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 225/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3586 MP %d default shape order The machine parameter Please correct the machine Core system for jerk-limited rate control default path shape order parameter or contact your warning (G8) < MP %d minimum must not be lower than the machine tool builder for in‐ shape order for path jerk machine parameter mini‐ creasing the maximum al‐ limitation. mum shape order for path lowed jerk. jerk limitation. Therefore, the default path shape or‐ der has been increased ac‐ cordingly. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3587 MP %d SHAPE order for jerk limited positioning mode (G9) < MP %d mini‐ mum shape order for path jerk limitation The machine parameter Please correct the machine Core system default path shape order parameter or contact your warning must not be lower than the machine tool builder for in‐ machine parameter mini‐ creasing the maximum al‐ mum shape order for path lowed jerk. jerk limitation. Therefore, the default path shape or‐ der has been increased ac‐ cordingly. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3588 MP %d default axis shape The machine parameter Please correct the machine Core system order (G9(ASHAPE)) < MP default axis shape order parameter or contact your warning %d minimum axis SHAPE must not be lower than the machine tool builder for in‐ machine parameter mini‐ creasing the maximum al‐ order mum axis shape order. lowed jerk. Therefore the programmed axis shape order has been increased accordingly. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3589 %s: A data record of this While a data record is Correct programming er‐ database table is locked in locked in the channel, the ror. Select part program this channel. channel cannot lock or again and start it again if write any other data record necessary. of this database table. First, the locked data re‐ cord must be written with DBTABXL. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3590 %s: The data record is not Programming error at CPL locked in this channel. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3591 Invalid value for parameter G9(SIN...) permits the fol‐ Modify part program. SIN programmed! lowing values provided they do not fall under the permissible minimum or‐ der: 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40. 3592 The parameter value is missing. - Please check the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram. ror rent channel 3593 %d is not a valid system spindle number. - Please modify your part program. 3594 Missing channel spindle name or number. System spindle name or Please check and modify number and channel spin‐ the part program. dle name or number must be programmed together. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3595 %d is not a valid channel spindle number. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Please modify your part program. Error class Part program warning To clear error display: Reset the cur‐ rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 226/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3596 The programmed NC func‐ The "channel spindles" Please check and modify tion is not supported. function is not activated the part program. (see MP 104000999). Ac‐ cordingly, the GetSpindle, RemSpindle and DefSpin‐ dle functions are not sup‐ ported. 3597 Constant cutting velocity is It is impossible to remove Please switch off constant Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ currently activated for channel spindles with con‐ cutting velocity. ror rent channel channel spindle %s. stant cutting velocity from a channel. 3598 System spindle %d is cur‐ rently occupied with spin‐ dle coupling %d. 3599 %s In part program this area is Choose another target locked block or remove lock. (SD.SysSRun.LockTarg‐ Block=1). Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3600 %sThis target block is locked. %s In part program this area is Choose another target locked block or remove lock. (SD.SysSRun.LockTarg‐ Block=1). Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3601 System data %s not avail‐ Indicated system data is able. not defined. Define system data or re‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ place old file system. ror rent channel 3602 When creating permanent CPL variables, it was not possible to get internal memory. It is necessary to make Minor system er‐ System restart more memory available for ror the system, for example by decreasing the number of channels (machine param‐ eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. 3603 Not enough memory in this There is no access with Use another file system or Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ file system available. CPL commands to the file release memory of the file ror rent channel system because of missing system. memory. 3604 Invalid axis positions in ax‐ The axis positions are out‐ Switch on axis transforma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ is transformation %d. side of the definition area of tion on another axis posi‐ ror rent channel ACS-MCS transformation. tion or adjust the configu‐ ration parameters "Length and angle parameter" or approach reference points. For fast access to the per‐ manent CPL variables, in‐ ternal memory is used. As there is no more internal memory, access will be slower. Elimination - Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 227/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3605 Wrong parameter list for spline cornering. The parameter list contains Modify part program. an inadmissible combina‐ tion of parameters. 3606 The third parameter of AS‐ The values 00, 01, 10 and Please check and modify PSET contains an illegal 11 are permitted as type of the part program. value. selection. x1: with autos‐ tart, 1x: with linking Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3607 Channel %d does not exist. - Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3608 Invalid return point. The values 1, 2 and 3 de‐ Please check and modify fine valid return points. 1: the part program. start point, 2: end point, 3: at the break Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3609 %d is an invalid sub pro‐ gram number. 1 to 8 are valid sub pro‐ gram numbers. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3611 Illegal utilization of RE‐ POSDEF or REPOSTP . REPOSDEF and RE‐ Please check and modify POSTP can only be used the part program. within asynchronous sub programs. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3612 Number %d is not assigned to an asynchronous sub programm. - Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3613 Asynchronous sub progro‐ grams are not supported in the current operation mode. - Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3614 Asynchronous sub pro‐ gram can not be started in the current channel opera‐ tion state. - Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3615 The NC function REPOS / G77 is only allowed to be used within an asynchro‐ nous sub program. - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3616 %d is an invalid value. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3617 Invalid programming attrib‐ Only the attribute IC( ) can Please check and modify ute. be used with REPOS / the part program. G77. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3618 Number %d is not assigned An asynchronous sub pro‐ Please check and modify to an asynchronous sub gramm must be registered the part program. programm. by using ASPSET(...) or MCOPS(4,...). Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3619 System axis %s can not be According to MP Please check and modify transferred into a channel. 100100011, the SERCOS the part program. command value is switch‐ ed off for this axis. This means that this axis is linked with a passive SER‐ COS user. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel - Elimination Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 228/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3620 System axis %s is not al‐ lowed to be a member of Gantry group. According to MP Please check and modify 100100011, the SERCOS the machine parameters. command value is switch‐ ed off for this axis. This means that this axis is linked with a passive SER‐ COS user. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3621 There is no motion com‐ According to MP Please check and modify mand for system spindle % 100100011, the SERCOS the part program. command value is switch‐ s possible. ed off for this spindle. This means that this spindle is linked with a passive SER‐ COS user. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3622 There is no motion com‐ mand for system axis %s possible. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3623 %s axis is not an endless Modulo function is only Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ type! possible for endless axis. gram. ror rent channel 3624 No %s axis is configurated Modulo function is only Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ in channel! possible for endless axes gram. ror rent channel of channel. 3625 Correction activation for When tool radius correc‐ Please adapt your Asup. If Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tool radius correction in the tion is active, implicit cor‐ applicable, deactivate tool ror rent channel radius correction at the Asup. No block look-ahead rection activation is per‐ formed in the first block start of Asup with G40. is possible! with a movement block within an Asup. This re‐ quires block look-ahead to supply the next block pro‐ grammed with a movement block. However, no other block with a movement block was found in the As‐ up. Possibly, block lookahead was blocked by WAIT. Likewise, G41 or G42 cannot be program‐ med at the end of Asup. 3626 Reinitializing data in rema‐ The PLC will not start auto‐ If PLC program must not Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box nent PLC memory. matically: Remanent data run with reinitialized values ror with softkey has been re-initialized as of remanent data, load use‐ "Clear warning" the identification of the re‐ ful values to remanent data manent data is not identical by restoring backup data or with the identification within by IndraLogic program‐ the boot project. ming tool. 3627 Splines with programmed Programming of spline co‐ Please modify your part coefficients can not be pro‐ efficients in polar coordi‐ program. grammed with polar coor‐ nates is not possible. dinates. According to MP Please check and modify 100100011, the SERCOS the part program. command value is switch‐ ed off for this axis. This means that this axis is linked with a passive SER‐ COS user. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 229/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3628 3D radius correction is ac‐ During a PTP movement, Modify part program. tive during a PTP move‐ 3D radius correction is not ment. allowed to be active. 3629 PTP is programmed multi‐ It is only allowed to pro‐ Please program each PTP Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ple within the same block. gram PTP once per block. command in a separate ror rent channel block. 3630 Invalid workpiece coordi‐ nate programmed with PTP. With the PTP(MCS, ) func‐ Please modify your pro‐ tion, only machine coordi‐ gramming. nates or non-transformed axes can be programmed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3631 Invalid workpiece coordi‐ nate programmed with PTP. With the PTP(ACS, ) func‐ Please modify your pro‐ tion, only axes can be pro‐ gramming. grammed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3632 automatic program selec‐ The part program specified The problem will be implic‐ Part program tion: Part program %s not in the system data which is itely solved during next pro‐ warning found. to be selected automatical‐ gram selection. Deactivate ly on control startup has not automatical programm se‐ been found. Either it has lection in the system data been deleted, or the re‐ after system startup. spective system date has \nSD.SysAPrg.LastSel‐ been set to an invalid value Prog = "NoAutoProgSel" by a CPL command. 3633 The active axis transforma‐ The active axis transforma‐ Program ATPUT with pa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tion is not configured via tion is configured via sys‐ rameter "AxTrafoNo". ror rent channel machine parameters in AT‐ tem date. PUT. 3634 Additional axis %s startup During system startup one Correct machines and/or Minor system er‐ Reset all chan‐ error %d of the following errors oc‐ SERCOS parameters if ror nels in "DIAG‐ curred: 1: The additional necessary and execute NOSIS" mode axis is a member of a gan‐ control or SERCOS start‐ try group. 2: The command up. values of the additional ax‐ is are not addressed via SERCOS ID P-0-1370. 3: The master of the addition‐ al axis is not configured. 4: The master is no feed axis. 5: The master is configured as a spindle. 6: Not enough internal memory. 7: Chan‐ nel inconsistency master/ slave. 8: Slave is no feed axis. 9: Master has no slave. 10: Master is no axis. 3635 Additional axis %s error % Can't activate the addition‐ Correct machine parame‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ d during activation al axis. Causes: 1: The axis tesr and/or program if nec‐ ror rent channel is not configured as an ad‐ essary and execute a con‐ ditional axis. 2: Additional trol reset or system startup. axis is used by another channel. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 230/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3636 Additional axis %s SER‐ COS error basis: P-0-%d missing, S-144: 0x%x S-145: 0x%x During system startup an Correct machines and/or Minor system er‐ System restart error in SERCOS configu‐ SERCOS parameters if ror ration that was required for necessary and execute additional axes was recog‐ control or SERCOS start‐ nized. Basis: indicated ID up. for command value is miss‐ ing. S145: Bit0= P-0-1390:0, Bit1=P-0-1390:1, Bit2, Bit3 not assigned, Bit4=P-0-1390:4. S144: Bit 0=P-0-1410:0, Bit1=P-0-1410:2, Bit2=P-0-1410:4, Bit3 not assigned, Bit4=P-0-152:0, Bit5=S-0-331:0 3637 SelCrdCouple: An error oc‐ This channel was stopped Please remove the error Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ curred in target channel. because of an error in tar‐ cause in target channel of ror rent channel get channel. coordinate coupling. 3638 SelCrdCouple: The coordi‐ The coordinate coupling is Please remove the error nate coupling is switched switched off because of a cause. off. runtime error. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3639 The description of target coordinate is missing. - Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3640 The description of source coordinate is missing. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3641 The channel number of source coordinate is miss‐ ing. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3642 %s is invalid. Only TCS and MCS are valid. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3643 The target coordinate is missing. The target coordinate is en‐ Please check and modify tered with DE(..). the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3644 The source coordinate is missing. The source coordinate is entered with SO(..). Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3645 The coordinate %s is pro‐ grammed multiple as target coordinate. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3646 More than %d table cou‐ plings. - - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3647 More than %d source channels. - - Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3648 The position of source co‐ The position including all Please check and modify ordinate %s is invalid. offsets must be in the defi‐ the part program. nition area of coupling ta‐ ble. 3649 The coupling table is not suitable for the linear source coordinate %s. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The source coordinate is a Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ linear coordinate. The x- cated ident number in the ror rent channel values of the points in the coupling table. coupling table still have an angular unit (ident number #11). Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 231/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3650 The coupling table is not suitable for the rotary source coordinate %s. The source coordinate is a Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rotatory coordinate. The x- cated ident number in the ror rent channel values of the points in the coupling table. coupling table still have a length unit (ident number #11). 3651 The coupling table is not The target coordinate is a Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ suitable for the linear target linear coordinate. The y- cated ident number in the ror rent channel values of the points in the coupling table. coordinate %s. coupling table still have an angular unit (ident number #12). 3652 The coupling table is not The target coordinate is a Change value at the indi‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ suitable for the rotary target rotatory coordinate. The y- cated ident number in the ror rent channel values of the points in the coupling table. coordinate %s. coupling table still have a length unit (ident number #12). 3653 Invalid expression 3654 Logical axis name %s is as‐ The displayed axis name is Please check the machine Part program signed twice used multiple. Please parameters. warning check machine parameter 7010 00010. 3655 After G77 (REPOS) com‐ After G77 only further set‐ Please modify your part mand, no further traversing ting commands are al‐ program. instructions up to subse‐ lowed. quent G77 commands should be programmed within an Asup. 3656 System axis %s has An axis has been driven to Move the axis off the travel Part program reached the positive travel its travel limits by using jog limits in opposite direction. warning limit! mode. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3657 System axis %s has An axis has been driven to Move the axis off the travel Part program reached the negative travel its travel limits by using jog limits in opposite direction. warning limit! mode. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3658 Cutcom is active during a During a PTP-movement, Modify part program. PTP-movement. cutcom is not allowed to be active. 3659 PCSPROBE (CPROBE) can not evaluate any coor‐ dinates because probe function is locked for at least one axis. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Elimination Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Error class To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel System restart Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel This CPL function calcu‐ Please enable the probe Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ lates coordinate probe val‐ function for all channel ax‐ ror rent channel ues with the latched axis es in the machine parame‐ probe values. Therefor the ter (parameter 1003 probe values must exist for 00012). Please check the probe installation of your all axis of the channel. drives. 232/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause 3660 The transferred operation The drive does not accept Please modify the pro‐ date is invalid. the transmitted date. Pos‐ gramming of WriteId or sibly the transmitted list is WID. incomplete. For more infor‐ mation on an operating date, see the drive docu‐ mentation. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3661 The transferred operation The drive does not accept Please modify the pro‐ date is invalid. the transmitted date. For gramming of WriteId or more information on an op‐ WID. erating date, see the drive documentation. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3662 Call of CPL function NCF An abortion block only ex‐ Please check the corre‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ("",1) is missing: No ists within an Asup or within sponding point of location ror rent channel abortion block exists! an adjustment program for of NCF function. NC restart. 3663 Release system restart (Soft reset) 3664 Floating point underflow in PLC program causes an task with Id %x at address FPU error. The error loca‐ %x. tion can be displayed with the Indralogic program‐ ming interface within On‐ line -> call hierarchy. Check and modify the val‐ PLC error ue and the PLC program at the error location. PLC pro‐ gram can be restarted with Online -> Reset and Online -> Start. System restart 3665 Floating point overflow in PLC program causes an task with Id %x at address FPU error. The error loca‐ %x. tion can be displayed with the Indralogic program‐ ming interface within On‐ line -> call hierarchy. Check and modify the val‐ PLC error ue and the PLC program at the error location. PLC pro‐ gram can be restarted with Online -> Reset and Online -> Start. System restart 3666 Division by zero in task with PLC program causes an Id %x at address %x. FPU error. The error loca‐ tion can be displayed with the Indralogic program‐ ming interface within On‐ line -> call hierarchy. Check and modify the val‐ PLC error ue and the PLC program at the error location. PLC pro‐ gram can be restarted with Online -> Reset and Online -> Start. System restart 3667 Division by zero in task with An error occurred at a divi‐ Check and modify the val‐ PLC error Id %x at address %x. sion by 0 operation of the ue and the PLC program at PLC program. The error lo‐ the error location. PLC pro‐ cation can be displayed gram can be restarted with with the Indralogic pro‐ Online -> Reset and Online gramming tool: Online -> -> Start. Show Call Stack. System restart 3668 Illegal operation in task PLC program causes an with Id %x at address %x. FPU error. The error loca‐ tion can be displayed with the Indralogic program‐ ming interface within On‐ line -> call hierarchy. System restart A system restart was re‐ leased. Elimination Text missing. Error class To clear error display: Hardware error System restart Check and modify the val‐ PLC error ue and the PLC program at the error location. PLC pro‐ gram can be restarted with Online -> Reset and Online -> Start. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 233/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3669 Page fault trap in task %x An error occurred by illegal Check and modify the val‐ PLC error at address 0x%x memory access to the PLC ue and the PLC program at program. The error location the error location. PLC pro‐ can be displayed with the gram can be restarted with Indralogic programming in‐ Online -> Reset and Online terface within Online -> call -> Start. hierarchy. System restart 3670 TCS tool correction can not Calculation of TCS tool cor‐ Please modify your pro‐ Part program be calculated because rection is only possible, if gramming. If necessary ac‐ warning there's no axis transforma‐ an axis transformation with tivate an according axis tion at transformation loca‐ transformation location 2 is transformation. tion 2. active. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3671 Axis transformation: Invalid The parameter transformer Adjust the third entry in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ value of parameter Trafo- branch must have the val‐ TRFOPT or the length- and ror rent channel Branch = [%d]. ue 0,1 or -1. angle-parameter[11] (ma‐ chine parameter). 3673 Type of the variable %s not Programming error at CPL equal to type of CPL - ex‐ - command. For further in‐ pression formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3674 Range of values for the var‐ Programming error at CPL iable %s exceeded - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3675 File name is too long. The file name is too long. Please use a shorter name Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ for the file. ror rent channel 3676 Move %s axis to positive stop during system axis coupling not possible. An attempt was made to Please switch off system Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ move an axis to positive axis coupling before mov‐ ror rent channel stop, while it was activated ing to positive stop. as a slave axis in a system axis couple union. 3677 Homing %s axis during system axis coupling not possible. There was an attempt to Please switch off system Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ reference an axis while it axis coupling before hom‐ ror rent channel was activated as a slave ing. axis in a system axis cou‐ ple union. 3678 Switching on system axis The indicated axis is al‐ Please switch off moving to Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ coupling for %s axis is not ready active with the func‐ positive stop or homing be‐ ror rent channel possible. tion moving to positive stop fore switching on system or homing. axis coupling. 3679 Wrong assignment of tool Every direction of correc‐ lengths! tion has to be assigned at maximum to one coordi‐ nate. Please check your part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gramme , particular the ror rent channel programming of the G47 or G78 function. More infor‐ mation is available in the programming instruction. 234/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3681 %s system axis coupling The system axis coupling Clearing the error by con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ (%d) aborted during a axis was aborted due to a drive trol reset will resume the ror rent channel error. error of the slave axis. With channel coordinates to the a drive error no abort re‐ actual axis position. Before covery will be performed. activating the system axis coupling again, you have to reset the coupling of the slave axis with SD.SysAxCoupleCmd.Ax [i].Reset = 1. 3682 %s system axis coupling (%d) aborted during a channel error. 3683 %s system axis coupling % The system axis coupling Clearing the error by con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rent channel d aborted during an exter‐ was aborted due to an ex‐ trol reset will resume the ror nal error (ExtError = %d). ternal error. The slave axis channel coordinates to the was moved according to actual axis position. Before the exception handling. activating the system axis coupling again, you have to reset the coupling of the slave axis with SD.SysAxCoupleCmd.Ax [i].Reset = 1. 3684 %s system axis coupling (%d) aborted because of an error in the slave unit. The system axis coupling Clearing the error by con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ was aborted due to an error trol reset will resume the ror rent channel in the slave unit. The slave channel coordinates to the axis was moved according actual axis position. Before to the exception handling. activating the system axis coupling again, you have to reset the coupling of the slave axis with SD.SysAxCoupleCmd.Ax [i].Reset = 1. 3685 %s system axis coupling (%d) aborted because of an error in the master unit %d. The system axis coupling Clearing the error by con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ was aborted due to an error trol reset will resume the ror rent channel channel coordinates to the in the master unit. The slave axis was moved ac‐ actual axis position. Before cording to the exception activating the system axis handling. coupling again, you have to reset the coupling of the slave axis with SD.SysAxCoupleCmd.Ax [i].Reset = 1. The system axis coupling Clearing the error by con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ was aborted due to a chan‐ trol reset will resume the ror rent channel nel error. The slave axis channel coordinates to the was moved according to actual axis position. Before the exception handling. activating the system axis coupling again, you have to reset the coupling of the slave axis with SD.SysAxCoupleCmd.Ax [i].Reset = 1. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 235/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3686 ASUP %d for exception The asychronous program Please, ensure the installa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ handling of system axis specified in tion of the ASUP as well as ror rent channel coupling %d did not start. SD.SysAxCoupleCmd.Ax the required operation [i]AbortAsupNo could not mode and channel state at be activated because of the time of the exception. missing ASPSET and AS‐ PENA. An invalid operation mode or channel state can also cause this error. 3687 %s system axis coupling The system axis coupling Clearing the error by con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ (%d) aborted during a cou‐ was aborted due to the ex‐ trol reset will resume the ror rent channel ceeding of the slave axis' channel coordinates to the ple error. maximum velocity or accel‐ actual axis position. Before eration caused on a jump of activating the system axis the leading position. The coupling again, you have to slave axis was moved ac‐ reset the coupling of the cording to the exception slave axis with handling. SD.SysAxCoupleCmd.Ax [i].Reset = 1. 3688 Communication server : Because of the machine Task cannot be started due configuration it is not enough internal memory to lack of memory. 3690 Invalid plane configuration! A coordinate has been as‐ Please modify your pro‐ signed to more than one di‐ gramming. rection. 3691 Spindle orientation angle must be programmed at the end of the line Angle has been entered Program M19 S123 (syn‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ before M19, e.g. S123 M19 tax can vary) for example ror rent channel (syntax can vary) 3692 An invalid incremental ve‐ locity value with negative sign has been program‐ med. The sum of modal active feedrate value and pro‐ grammed incremental fee‐ drate has a negative sign. 3693 Orientation angle theta = % The actual axis transforma‐ Modify part program. f degree is smaller than the tion has a limited theta allowed minimum value of range. %f degree. 3694 no memory available for NC-function CTA The reservation of an inter‐ No error recovery possible. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ nal memory block has Please call your Rexroth ror rent channel failed. service team. 3695 CTA problem %s %d An error occurred while ac‐ No error recovery possible. Part program tivating or deactivating the Please report error data in‐ warning NC function cycle time cluding the detailed soft‐ analysis. ware version to the after sales service of the control manufacturer. 3696 CTA: CTA: Interface signal wrong data input can not be recorded Clear warning and correct Part program input warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3697 CTA record signal %d: in‐ wrong data input valid axis Clear warning and correct Part program input warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Modify the machine config‐ Interface warn‐ uration and perform a sys‐ ing tem restart. To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Please check the program‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ming of incremental veloci‐ ror rent channel ty (G94(DF…)) and modify the programmed velocity difference. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 236/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3698 CTA record signal %d: in‐ wrong data input valid channel Clear warning and correct Part program input warning 3699 CTA record signal %d: in‐ wrong data input valid CPL variable Clear warning and correct Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ input ror rent channel 3700 CTA record signal %d: in‐ wrong data input valid SERCOS ident num‐ ber Clear warning and correct Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ input ror rent channel 3701 activate CTA: CTA runs in CTA can only be started in Exit the other channel and Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ a different channel one channel run CTA in the required ror rent channel channel 3702 CTA: the system variable System variable requested Please correct file system Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %s was not found by CTA has to be defined in ror rent channel file system 3703 Inline: Error in module %d Inline displays an error for Please check the specified PLC error the specified module. module and execute a re‐ set for reinitialization. System restart 3704 Inline: Configuration error Inline displays an error for Please check the specified PLC error for %d module, number of the specified module. module and execute a re‐ configured modules %d, set for reinitialization. number of recognized modules %d System restart 3705 Inline: Other error %x %x % Inline displays an error for Please check the specified PLC error x %x. the specified module. module and execute a re‐ set for reinitialization. System restart 3706 Approaching of machine- Programming G41/G42 fixed positions with G74 or and G74 or G76 exclude G76 is not possible during each other. active tool radius correc‐ tion G41 or G42. 3707 DB Table Server: Error dur‐ The data record which is Reduce the tool data re‐ Minor system er‐ System restart ing initialization of table '% configured over scheme cord by adjustment via the ror s'. The maximum number files requires more memory corresponding scheme of tool data set was excee‐ that is maximum provided. files. The size of the current ded (configured number: % data record can be applied d bytes, maximum number: from the file '/schemas/ %d bytes). SchemaAdm.log'. 3708 Invalid spline boundary condition. 3709 B spline with node range = Node range = 0 is not pos‐ Program node range larger Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ 0. sible in connection with than zero or utilize boun‐ ror rent channel spline boundary condi‐ dary conditions. tions. The boundary condi‐ tion can here be program‐ med or set internally via function "Automatic corner or linear identification". In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" If necessary, please deac‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tivate the tool radius cor‐ ror rent channel rection before approaching the machine-fixed position and activate the connec‐ tion again. The active spline type does Please use another boun‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not support the program‐ dary condition or another ror rent channel med boundary conditions. spline. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 237/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3710 Degenerated spline. The inverse path length Please check the environ‐ Part program function can not be created ment of NC program loca‐ warning with the required accuracy; tion considering large point this can lead to variations distances and set inter‐ within the path velocity. mediate points if necessa‐ The reason could be an in‐ ry. homogeneous point order. 3711 B spline approximation: no The system of equations to No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ solution found. calculate the B spline con‐ Please report error data ror rent channel trol points is singular. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3712 B spline approximation: Too large curve deviation between programmed points. The approximating B spline Use a larger tolerance val‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ curve meets the tolerance ue in the NC program. ror rent channel requirements, i.e. the dis‐ tance of programmed points to the curve is cor‐ rect, but there are large de‐ viations between the pro‐ grammed points. 3713 B spline approximation: Too small block preview range. The configured block pre‐ Increase the value of the view range for splines is too corresponding machine small. The B spline approx‐ parameter. imation can not be execu‐ ted. 3714 NC hardware: Unknown Hardware Id %d. The Firmware is not appli‐ No error recovery possible! Hardware error System restart cable for the hardware. Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. 3716 A certain classification is Except the classification Please use the classifica‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ programmed at least twice. "no processing function" all tions "Main axis X", "Main ror rent channel other axis classifications axis Y" and "Main axis Z" may only be used once per maximum once per chan‐ nel. channel. 3717 Invalid data module DB%s Programming error at CPL during calling the PLC - command. For further in‐ function formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3718 Invalid address %s during Programming error at CPL calling the PLC function - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3719 Invalid size %s during call‐ Programming error at CPL ing the PLC function - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3720 Init string: LCP activation invalid The lag compensation Please check and modify should be activated in the the machine parameters init string. The require‐ 7060 00010 and 7060 ments therefore are not en‐ 00020. sured. Error class To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 238/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3721 LCP activation axis %s: Drive on is missing LCP is a drive function and Switch on the drive and de‐ Part program can only be activated in the lete the warning warning AF condition. 3722 Maximum path velocity is The programmed contour The path or orientation Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ 0. contains a point with end‐ movement is probably near ror rent channel lessly high axis velocity. a pole position. 3723 Axis transformation: Con‐ The Length L1z=LenPar‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ am[3] must be unequal to chine parameter. ror rent channel ter "Length and angle pa‐ zero. rameters". 3724 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in machine pa‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ rameter 103000125 must chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis classification[%d]. be +-1. 3725 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in machine pa‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ rameter 103000125 must chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis classification[%d]. be +-2. 3726 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in machine pa‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ rameter 103000125 must chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis classification[%d]. be +-3. 3727 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in machine pa‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ rameter 103000125 must chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis classification[%d]. be +-100. 3728 Axis transformation: Con‐ The entry in machine pa‐ Adjust corresponding ma‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ figuration error in parame‐ rameter 103000125 must chine parameter. ror rent channel ter axis classification[%d]. be +-200. 3730 The variable '%s' has dif‐ ferent dimensions. The variable will be rebuilt. 3731 Insufficient memory to start Because of the machine the machine status display configuration it is not (MSD). enough internal memory 3732 Area monitoring: Motion One component of a helical Modify part program corre‐ Part program not determined in %d area. motion is located in the di‐ sponding to the machine warning mension of the concerned parameter or correct ma‐ area, but can not be moni‐ chine parameter. tored for this area because is not situated completely in the active plane. Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3733 Inline: LongReset (detail code %x %x %x) System restart Due to a machine parame‐ Nothing to do ter modification, the dimen‐ sion value of a dynamic dimension (e.g. "Channel") is now different from the value found in the static RAM. Error class Core system warning To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Modify the machine config‐ Minor system er‐ System restart uration and perform a sys‐ ror tem restart. LongReset was performed No error recovery possible! PLC error on the inline bus. Please report error data and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 239/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3734 Incompatible change of paramters "State after channel reset" und "Max. block number for jerk-limi‐ ted velocity profile genera‐ tion. In the machine parameter version 14, the default as‐ signment of the first ma‐ chine parameter for chan‐ nel 1 and the second parameter for all other channels was changed. Check the entry and the Core system marametrization of the warning CLN function within the machine parameter / CHAN/Ch[1]/Ini/ChReset (Id 7060 00020) and the machine parameter entry / NCO/LookAh/Ch[i]/ MaxBlk/MaxBlkVelCalc (Id 7060 00120[1]). 3735 Requirement that RE‐ The NC function RE‐ TRACE works is when G8 TRACE requires data is active. which is calculated from function G8. 3736 Reference point of axis %s During drive Off, the drive Please initiate a SERCOS Control or drive System restart is deleted from the drive. deleted the reference point startup. error (S-0-403). The drive might have been switched in the parameterization level 1 (PM). 3737 Reference point of the po‐ During drive Off, the drive Please initiate a SERCOS Control or drive System restart sition-controlled spindle % deleted the reference point startup. error s is deleted from the drive. (S-0-403). The drive might have been switched in the parameterization level 1 (PM). 3739 System spindle %d is A speed specification using switched from channel %d the system data is only to a constant cutting speed. possible in case of direct speed programming (G97). 3741 Synchronization between Synchronisation is only Change machine parame‐ Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box PLC and interpolator is not possible if the Ipo cycle is ter(s) 903000001 and/or ror with softkey possible. Invalid combina‐ an integer and even multi‐ 905090996. "Clear warning" tion of Ipo cycle (%d) and ple of the PLC timeslice cy‐ PLC timeslice cycle (%d). cle. 3742 The actual maximum axis Hostlib: Servo error! velocity of system axis %s is higher than the machine parameter. 3743 NcfAxAccUpSlope: The A max. acceleration was Increase the max. acceler‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ max. acceleration pro‐ programmed for the axis % ation for the axis %s pro‐ ror rent channel grammed for the axis %s is s using NcfAxAccUpSlope. grammed using NcfAxAc‐ cUpSlope or do not use the too low. This acceleration is so small the path velocity can‐ command NcfAxAccUp‐ not be maintained due to Slope at all or substitute is the path kurtosis. by AxAcc. 3744 The value contained in the system date SD.SysSpCmdData[% d].SpeedGearRatio is too small. Please change your pro‐ gram and activate G8. Error class In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Please check the problem. Part program Possible reasons are warning wrong contour vectors, endpoints or feed limits. - To clear error display: Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel Reset the cur‐ rent channel 240/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3745 Retraction: Abortion block In advance mode, the abor‐ It is possible to retrace or to Part program reached! ted block is reached. continue machining the warning aborted NC program. Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3746 Retraction: Record end reached! Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3747 The retrace function does As long as the retrace is Switch the retrace off be‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not permit axis change. programmed, no axes can fore the axes are changed ror rent channel be accepted in the channel and activate the function or released from the chan‐ afterwards. nel. 3748 The retrace function does As long as the retrace is not permit thread tapping. programmed, no thread tapping can be activated. Switch the retrace before Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the thread off and activate ror rent channel the function afterwards. 3749 The retrace function does As long as the retrace is not permit thread cutting. programmed, no thread cutting can be activated. Switch the retrace before Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the thread off and activate ror rent channel the function afterwards. 3750 A function was program‐ NC functions such as G74 Switch off the retrace be‐ med which does not allow (HOME), G75, positive fore the corresponding any retrace operation. stop, HSB etc., do not allow function and activate the a retrace mode since they function afterwards. start from the current inter‐ polation position. 3751 In case of an active retrace As long as the retrace is Switch the retrace before Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ function, the current ma‐ programmed, no axis the axis transformation is ror rent channel chine coordinate system transformation can be pro‐ switched over and activate cannot be switched over. grammed at the point of ac‐ the function afterwards. tion 1. 3752 In case of an active retrace As long as the retrace is Switch the retrace before Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ function, the current tool programmed, no axis the axis transformation / ror rent channel coordinate system cannot transformation may be pro‐ plane is switched over and be switched over. grammed on the point of activate the function after‐ wards. action or an extended plane switch over with switching over of the WCS coordinates. 3753 In case of active retrace function, no placement may be switched over. When retracing, the end of It is possible advance or to Part program the record buffer was continue the machining of warning reached. the aborted NC program. The size of the record buf‐ fer can be changed in the configuration data (NofBlk‐ Retrace, Id 706000610). To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel As long as the retrace is Switch the retrace before Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ programmed, no place‐ the placement is switched ror rent channel ment can be programmed. over and activate the func‐ tion afterwards. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 241/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3754 Only %d blocks in block There is not enough mem‐ Adjust the configuration in Part program preparation. Memory for to‐ ory available to create the machine parameter warning totally adjusted number of 706000110 for each chan‐ tal %d blocks lacks. blocks for block prepara‐ nel. The total number of tion of all channels. There blocks must be decreased is a total lack of memory for to the announced value. the number of blocks as an‐ nounced in the warning. A configuration to keep the basic functionality of the channel is implicitly estab‐ lished by the system. Func‐ tionalities that require more blocks will not work. 3756 Illegal file size. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3757 %s command with invalid Programming error at CPL system date. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3758 Error during opening the file 3759 Error when accessing sys‐ Programming error at CPL tem data. - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3760 Error during opening the file Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3761 Speed programming for Speed specifications are axis %s=S(...) not possible. only supported for asyn‐ chronous endless axes. Check the axis movement Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ typ in the machine param‐ ror rent channel eters and remove the axis from the channel using RAX, if necessary. 3762 Positioning attributes for The attributes ACP, ACN, the axis%s are ignored in DC and IC are ignored for the speed mode. the on-the fly positioning from the speed mode. The positioning always take place in the current move‐ ment position to the abso‐ lute position indicated. Remove the respective po‐ Part program sitioning attribute or dese‐ warning lect the speed specification before the positioning us‐ ing <axis>=S(0). In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3763 CTA signal configuration wrong data input invalid: Name %s signal ID %d. Clear warning and correct Part program input warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" System restart The given file cannot be No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ opened since the function Please report error data ror rent channel fopen had an error. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". 242/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3764 Parenthesis error: Too many round parenthesis! Syntax error Correct syntax Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3765 Parenthesis error: Right parenthesis is missing Syntax error Correct syntax Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3766 Parenthesis error: Too many square brackets! Syntax error Correct syntax Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3767 Parenthesis error: Squared Syntax error bracket close is missing. Correct syntax Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3768 Syntax error: No left brack‐ The function "Reent‐ Correct syntax et found! ContBlk" or "RCB" requires parameter brackets even if no parameters are speci‐ fied. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3769 The first parameter must be 0 or 1. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3770 Syntax error: Right paren‐ Parameter must be speci‐ Set comma. thesis or comma expected. fied seperated with com‐ ma. 3772 Condition no. %d is not a string variable! 3773 Right parenthesis does not In condition no. %d, too exist in condition %d! many left parentheses were specified. 3774 Definition of the reentrance In an ASUP, no reentrance RCB(1) not to be called in Part program point in the ASUP does not points can be defined, but the context of an ASUP. warning only deleted. have any effect! 3775 To many conditions (max. The number of the condi‐ Reduce the number of con‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ %d permitted) given to tions for RCB() is limited to ditions to the number given ror rent channel RCB(). the above defined number. in the error text. Since the conditions are linked using AND, it is possible to link two conditions that were seperate using CPL-AND and to reduce therefore by one condition. 3776 Invalid use of the parame‐ G63.2 is a continuous Please check and modify ter "ANG". block of G63 (G63.1). In a the part program. thread tapping continuous block, no starting angle can be programmed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3777 Invalid use of the parame‐ In a thread tapping contin‐ Please check and modify ter "ANG". uous block, no starting an‐ the part program. gle can be programmed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The first parameter must Correct the NC-part pro‐ be 0 or 1 or an CPL expres‐ gram. sion (in squared brackets) equal to 0 or 1. To clear error display: Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The condition was pro‐ Remove squared brackets. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ grammed using squared The expression must be of ror rent channel brackets even though the type Integer, Bool oder Re‐ contained expression must al/DReal sein. not be substituted by the CPL interpreter. Number of left and right pa‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rentheses are to be correc‐ ror rent channel ted in the condition. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 243/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3778 Illegal utilization of G63.2.. G63 and G63.2 are one Please check and modify unit. Between these the part program. blocks, no travel move‐ ment, no axis change and no tranformation switch over is permitted. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3779 Illegal utilization of G63.2.. G63 and G63.2 are one Please check and modify unit. No spindle movement the part program. allowed between these blocks. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3780 Illegal utilization of G63.2.. G63 and G63.2 are one unit. No travel movement allowed between these blocks. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3781 CTA not configured It was tried to activate CTA Eliminate the function CTA Part program without configuring the or create the correct sys‐ warning function in the system data. tem data. Restart required. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3782 CTA not initialized It was tried to activate CTA Eliminate the function CTA Part program without a correct initiliza‐ or treat the CTA errors that warning tion of the function. occurred during start-up. Restart required. In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3786 Cannot open directory "% The function No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s". Ncs_Fsr_opendir indicates Please report error data ror rent channel an error. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3787 Cannot close directory "% The function No error recovery possible! Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s". Ncs_Fsr_closedir indicates Please report error data ror rent channel an error. and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. 3788 Too many SDDef-/SDDat- The maximum number of XML files. the SDDef-/SDDat-XML files was exceeded. Please check and modify the part program. Error class To clear error display: Limit the number of the Minor system er‐ System restart SDDef-/SDDat-XML files in ror the root file system and usr‐ fep file system. Refer to the documentation System Data. 244/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3789 Function PxMcTakeBlk re‐ When reading the SDDef-/ It is necessary to make Minor system er‐ System restart turns with error number %d SDDat files, internal mem‐ more memory available for ror ory is required. But there is the system, for example by no more memory available. decreasing the number of channels (machine param‐ eter block No. 904000001), decreasing the number of blocks in the preparation (machine parameter block No. 7060000110) or de‐ creasing the memory area for CPL programs (ma‐ chine parameter block No. 707000010). The available free memory is indicated under Diagnosis->Control>Memory->Memory 2. 3790 DB Table Server: Error dur‐ The data record which is Execute a control start-up- Minor system er‐ System restart ing initialization of table '% configured over scheme mode 6 to reconfigure the ror s'. The configured tool data files requires more memory data base. Ensure that the set does not fit into the data than it is currently planned scheme files and the con‐ figuration files (e.g. base (configured size: %d in the data base. dbt1prms.dat) are located bytes, existing size: %d in the user EEPROM. bytes). 3792 Feed reference axis G95 Only physical existing end‐ Please check and modify (...FRA=%s...) does not ex‐ less round axis or linear ax‐ the part program. ist. is or the current main spin‐ dle (MSP) are permitzted as feed reference axes. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3793 Feed reference axis G95 (...FRA=%s...) is not per‐ mitted. Only physical existing end‐ Please check and modify less round axis or linear ax‐ the part program. is or the current main spin‐ dle (MSP) are permitzted as feed reference axes. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3794 Feed reference axis G95 (...FRA=%s...) was re‐ named or removed. The feed reference axis Please check and modify may only be removed after the part program. changing the reference or switching off G95 Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3795 The programmed jerk for % The ptrogrammed jerk Please check and modify s axis is invalid! must be less than the ma‐ the part program. chine parameter value. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3796 The programmed jerk for % The programmed value s axis is invalid! must be bigger than 0 and less than the machine pa‐ rameter value. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3797 The programmed velocity The programmed value is invalid for %s axis! must be bigger than 0 and less than the machine pa‐ rameter value. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3798 The acceleration program‐ The programmed value med for the %s axis is in‐ must be bigger than 0 and valid. less than the machine pa‐ rameter value. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 245/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class 3799 Error while treating the file / Text missing. etc/hosts . Error %d . 3800 Der host name %s (%s) was corrected acc. to %s in /etc/hosts. The entry of the control in / Text missing. etc/hosts is not correct (host name, host address). The entry was corrected. Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3801 Der host address %s (%s) The entry of the control in / Text missing. was corrected acc. to %s etc/hosts is not correct in /etc/hosts. (host name, host address). The entry was corrected. Core system warning In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" 3802 Not enough memory for the SDDef-XML files contain Correct SDDef-XML files system data of the memory too many variables of the class 'temporary'. %d bytes memory class 'temporary' are needed. Minor system er‐ System restart ror 3803 Callchain-XML syntax faul‐ Too less or too many clos‐ Check sequence and num‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ty in case of condition %d! ing or opening tags exist or ber of the opening and ror rent channel are interchanged in its se‐ closing tags. quence. 3804 Callchain-XML syntax Too less or too many clos‐ Check sequence and num‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ wrong in case of condition ing or opening tags exist or ber of the opening and ror rent channel no. %d! are interchanged in its se‐ closing tags. quence. 3805 Condition type no. %d wrong or unknown! 3808 Creation of the directory % The above mentioned di‐ s failed! rectory is to be created. 3812 Repositioning after pro‐ In all other operation Repositioning after pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram abort is only available modes are no programs for gram abort can only be ror rent channel in the operation mode con‐ repositioning after program prgrammed within the NC program. tinuous block. abort available. 3813 CPL interpreter cannot evaluate %s! 3814 NC-block overflow (re‐ NC blocks too long. During Program shorter NC quested %d, maximum %d NC block recognition NC- blocks. internal syntax elements characters). could be inserted. There‐ fore the permissible NCblock length may be excee‐ ded 3815 XM callchain cannot be saved in the file %s. No error recovery possible! Core system Please report error data warning and detailed software ver‐ sion to the after sales serv‐ ice of the NC manufacturer. Initiate a system startup. To clear error display: In Info dialog box with softkey "Clear warning" Condition value type may Check evaluated condition Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ only be in int, real, dreal or type! ror rent channel bool Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Create with read-only Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ rights, writing rights and ex‐ ror rent channel ecution rights. Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel The XML callchain created Check, whether the direc‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ by RCB() could not be tory exists and in which file ror rent channel saved. should be written. The file should not be available there or only have read-on‐ ly rights. 246/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3816 Condition string too long (max. of %s characters). The string is too big for the Shorten condition string Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ internal buffer. (save calculations in short ror rent channel variable, shorter variable names, remove space). 3817 Real numbers are also al‐ Switch type can only be an Use an integer variable! lowed due to CPL syntax integer! reasons. Their usage is not recommended. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3818 Conditions without a linking Conditions contain CPL Select program in CPL process(DIM mode) can‐ variables and/or CPL ex‐ mode or remove condi‐ not be programmed. pressions that cannot be tions. evaluated without any link‐ ing process. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3819 Target block found, but the In the block restart, the tar‐ Ensure that the conditions Part program condition %d is not fulfilled. get position was reached at can be fulfilled. But do not warning least once, but not all con‐ change any of the pro‐ ditions were fulfilled at the grams that are part of the callchain. same time. 3821 Setting the XML callchain An internal software error Delete given callchain file. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ from file %s was not suc‐ occurred! ror rent channel cessful! 3825 Internal saved callchain (% The internal saved call‐ Delete the given callchain Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ s) is invalid. chain is empty, too long file. ror rent channel has and invalid syntax and can therefore not be accep‐ ted du to safety reasons. 3827 Thread cutting is not possi‐ Speed polarity (S-0-43) ble with this drive configu‐ and position polarity ration. (S-0-55) are different. 3828 Selected main program is The above mentioned main Select given main program Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ not %s. program specified by the and restart block restart. ror rent channel block restart callchain is not selected. 3829 The program %s saved in Checking the time stamp A block restart with the Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the callchain was changed. showed that the specified modiefied prograns is not ror rent channel program was changed. possible due to safety rea‐ sons. Start the main pro‐ gram again without block restart. 3830 Invalid axis name %s. No axis with this name ex‐ Please check and modify ists in this channel. the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3831 Invalid system date %s Programming error at CPL - command. For further in‐ formation, see the "Pro‐ gramming Manual". Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3832 The identification 'I' for a fast MZD signal transmis‐ sion is not supportes any‐ more. The interface messages Modify the classification of Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box qMZA and qMZA_Ext can the message in the file ror with softkey only be classified in the di‐ mzatexte.xxx accordingly. "Clear warning" agnostics classes 'E' - ma‐ chine errors, 'W' - machine warning and 'M' - machine information. Reset the cur‐ rent channel Change the position polar‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ity S-0-55. ror rent channel Correct programming er‐ ror. Select part program again and start it again if necessary. Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 247/251 Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination Error class To clear error display: 3833 No feed value for the repo‐ A special feed for reposi‐ Enter a valid feed value in Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ sitioning in the system date tioning can be saved In the the given data or select a ror rent channel different feed mode for re‐ SD.SysReentry.FeedVal date saved. SD:SysReentry.FeedVal. positioning using the sys‐ tem date SD.SysReentry.Feed‐ Mode. 3834 No starting tangent exists The control could not cal‐ for the repositioning block. culate the repositioning block for the starting tan‐ gent. 3835 Invalid movement type for The repositioning block Please modify the part pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ tangential traversing. must be one of the follow‐ gram. ror rent channel ing movement types: line‐ ar, helical or spline. 3836 Repositioning did not find To calculate the tangential Modify the programming of Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ any movement block within positioning motion, the sys‐ your part program. Reduce ror rent channel the look-ahead range. tem requires information the numer of blocks without Therefore, no repositioning on the following traversing traversing motion. movement can be calcula‐ motion within the working ted. plane. 3837 Invalid sequence of param‐ The parameter CHANDEF Please check and modify eters. is only to be programmed the part program. at the beginning of the pa‐ rameter list. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3838 Invalid sequence of param‐ Adding axes (+) is pro‐ eters. grammed several times. Please check and modify the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3839 Invalid sequence of param‐ Removing axes (-) is pro‐ Please check and modify eters. grammed several times. the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3840 Invalid sequence of param‐ The parameter CHANDEF Please check and modify eters. may not follow any abso‐ the part program. lute axis. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3841 System axis %s does not exist. Part program warning 3842 Invalid sequence of param‐ Only an absolute or a rela‐ Please check and modify eters. tive axis list may be pro‐ the part program. grammed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3843 The axis %s cannot be part The axis is excluded from Please check and modify of the jerk group. the list of the possible axes. the part program. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3844 The axis %s cannot be part The axis is excluded from Please check and modify of the jerk group. the list of the possible axes. the part program. Part program warning Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3845 No valid jerk value availa‐ In case of an active jerk lim‐ Modify the corresponding Part program ble for the %s axis. itation, a maximum jerk val‐ machine parameters warning ue is to be set for each cannel. Reset the cur‐ rent channel 3846 The block look-ahead for In case of an active jerk lim‐ Modify the corresponding Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ the rate control is limited to itation, the look-ahead machine parameters ror rent channel range of the rate control is %d NC blocks. set to a minimum of 5 blocks. By adjusting the parts pro‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ gram, the problem can be ror rent channel avoided. Otherwise, please inform the MTX service department. Please check and modify the part program. Reset the cur‐ rent channel 248/251 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Errors, Warnings and Messages in the Info Dialog Box No. Error text Cause Elimination 3847 The jerk limitation is active. In case of an active jerk lim‐ Please check and modify itation the shape order can‐ the part program. not be programmed. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3848 System spindle %d is cur‐ rently the master of the spindle coupling %d. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ ror rent channel 3849 SERCOS cycle time < %d Irrespective of the perform‐ Correct the wrong SER‐ Minor system er‐ In Info dialog box µs cannot be configured. ance class of the control, COS cycle time in the con‐ ror with softkey the SERCOS cycle time figuration data. "Clear warning" has an upper limit due to the hardware. 3850 RCB( ) - justification data too small. 3851 Condition string zero char‐ The condition string may Bracket levels must harmo‐ Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ acter ("\0"). Can be a not contain a zero charac‐ nize. String variables used ror rent channel bracket error. ter. may not contain any zero characters. 3852 NC function Scale (SCL): Scaling factors do always Modify your programming. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Invalid scaling factor! need to have a positive val‐ ror rent channel ue. 3853 NC funktion Mirror (MIR): Activate: Mirror(<Coordi‐ Modify your programming. Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ Invalid programming! nate>1 {, ... }); Deactivate ror rent channel Mirror(<Coordinate>0 {, ... }). 3854 Tool lengts correction: Sys‐ A tool length correction is Check if this is desired. tem axis %d is not a pro‐ linked to a system axis that Otherwise, deselect the gram coordinate anymore. is no longer a program co‐ tool length correction ex‐ plicitely. ordinate due to the axis change or the switchingover of an axis transforma‐ tion. Therefore, the length correction is ineffective! Part program er‐ In Info dialog box ror with softkey "Clear warning" 3855 A variable of the SDDef files is too big ( max. un‐ signed integer)! Variable is too big, not Correct SDDef-XML files enough memory available. Part program er‐ System restart ror 3856 The variable %s of the SDDef file is too big! Variable is too big, not Correct SDDef-XML files enough memory available. Part program er‐ System restart ror - Error class To clear error display: There is not enough space Shorten variable names Part program er‐ Reset the cur‐ required for programming and condition expressions. ror rent channel the conditions within the in‐ Precalculate out of the RCB( ) programming. ternal justification data structures. Fig.4-3: Error messages Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 249/251 Service and Support 5 Service and Support 5.1 Helpdesk Our service helpdesk at our headquarters in Lohr, Germany, will assist you with all kinds of inquiries. Contact us: ● By phone through the Service Call Entry Center, Monday to Friday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm CET +49 (0) 9352 40 50 60 ● By fax +49 (0) 9352 40 49 41 ● 5.2 By e-mail: service.svc@boschrexroth.de Service Hotline Out of helpdesk hours please contact our German service department directly: +49 (0) 171 333 88 26 or +49 (0) 172 660 04 06 Hotline numbers for other countries can be found in the addresses of each region (see below). 5.3 Internet Additional notes regarding service, maintenance and training, as well as the current addresses of our sales and service offices can be found on http://www.boschrexroth.com Outwith Germany please contact our sales/service office in your area first. 5.4 Helpful Information For quick and efficient help please have the following information ready: ● Detailed description of the fault and the circumstances ● Information on the type plate of the affected products, especially type co‐ des and serial numbers ● Your phone and fax numbers as well as your e-mail address so we can contact you in case of questions Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 251/251 Index Index A Appropriate use Areas of application 1 Introduction 1 Appropriate Use Areas of use 1 I Inappropriate use, 2 Consequences, disclaimer of liability 1 S Safety instructions for electric drives 3 Status messages 13 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraMotion MTX | Reference Manual Reference Manual | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX Notes Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives and Controls P.O. Box 13 57 97803 Lohr, Germany Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 97816 Lohr, Germany Phone +49 (0)93 52-40-50 60 Fax +49 (0)93 52-40-49 41 service.svc@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.com R911322258 Printed in Germany DOK-MTX***-DIAGMES*V08-WA01-EN-P