Microanalysis of VLSI Interconnect Failure Modes under Short

Microanalysis of VLSI Interconnect Failure Modes under Short-Pulse Stress
Kaustav Banerjee, Dae-Yong Kim, Ajith Amerasekera*, Chenming Hu**, S. Simon Wong and Kenneth E. Goodson
Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
ASIC Circuit Design Group, Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas, TX 75243
Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720
Tel: (650) 724 2909 E-mail: kaustav@STANFORD.edu
Interconnect failure due to short-duration high-current (ESD)
stress conditions has become a reliability concern [1-6].
Characterization of passivated AlCu lines have been recently
reported along with an interconnect heating and failure model under
these stress conditions [3, 6]. However, there is limited information
on the failure mechanisms of these interconnect structures under
these stress conditions. Using a transient resistive thermometry
technique a critical metal temperature has been shown to be
~1000 0C, at which the passivation layer is fractured [3, 6]. The
interconnect heating characteristics is shown in Figure 1 for the
benefit of the readers. It can be observed that the failure
temperature is independent of the metal level, or the overlying and
underlying dielectric thickness [6]. This motivates the following
questions: What causes failures to occur around 1000 0C? How does
the dynamics of pulsed lines influence the stress states of the
surrounding dielectric? What are the magnitude, direction, and
location of the maximum (critical) stress? It is important to
understand these issues for advanced interconnect structures in order
to optimize their layout and design and to build-in peak-current and
ESD reliability into the interconnect design process. Furthermore,
latent ESD damage of AlCu interconnects has been reported to be
introduced by sub-critical current pulses that does not affect the
electrical resistance of the line and shows no physical damage under
optical microscope but significantly degrade electromigration (EM)
lifetimes [3]. However, no scientific data or evidence has been
reported to explain the cause behind this latent damage. A detailed
microanalysis of interconnects is therefore desirable to advance the
understanding of this failure mode.
0-7803-5860-0/00/$10.00 ©2000 IEEE
∆t = 200 ns
Melt Threshold
Metal 1
Metal 2
Metal 3
Metal 4
Temperature Rise, ∆ T max [0C]
Resistance Rise, ∆R max /R 0
This work presents a detailed microanalysis of interconnect
failure mechanisms under short-pulse stress conditions arising
during peak current and electrostatic discharge (ESD) events. TEM
and SEM analysis have been used to show that passivated AlCu
lines can undergo localized melting and voiding under sub-critical
current pulses that heat the lines well past their melting point but
below a critical failure temperature causing open circuit failures. It
is observed that the damage caused by the melting and voiding
remains latent since no physical evidence of damage can be detected
under optical microscope and no change in the electrical resistance
of these lines can be measured. The voids observed under TEM and
SEM result from electromigration under very high current densities
and high temperature. TEM diffraction patterns confirm that the
molten regions exhibit smaller grain sizes, which are introduced as a
result of rapid resolidification from a molten state. A thermomechanical model has also been formulated to account for the open
circuit failure mode at which the passivation layers are fractured.
Current Density, J [x107 A/cm2]
Figure 1. Experimental data for interconnect heating under shortduration (200 ns) pulsed current stress for a quadruple level
metallization system [6]. The higher self-heating of Metal 4 line
(with 2X thicker AlCu than other metal levels) is due to its smaller
surface area to volume ratio. γcrit is the critical rise in resistance at
the open circuit failure.
In this work extensive SEM, TEM and TEM diffraction
analysis have been employed to bring forward the underlying
phenomena causing the latent damage in passivated TiN/AlCu/TiN
lines in a multi-level industrial CMOS process. Additionally,
detailed thermo-mechanical finite-element simulations have been
used to quantify the dynamic stress states of interconnect structures
that are Joule heated by short-pulse (~ 100 ns) stresses, and to
correlate the stress states to open circuit failures.
All the metal lines were 3.0 µm wide and 1000 µm long with
50 nm/0.6 µm/150 nm thick TiN/AlCu/TiN stack. The interlevel
dielectric thickness was ~ 1.0 µm and the passivation was made of a
bilayer of oxide and nitride, each 1.0 µm thick. These lines were
pulsed by 100 ns constant-current square pulses using the technique
described in [3]. The transient temperature rise during the pulse was
measured using the transient resistive thermometry technique
described in [3,6]. The open circuit failure temperature was
observed to be ~1000 0C in agreement with results in [3, 5, 6].
IEEE 00CH37059. 38th Annual International Reliability
Physics Symposium, San Jose, California, 2000
As mentioned earlier two distinct failure modes were observed
in the metal lines pulsed by short-duration high-current pulses:
Latent Failure Mode and
Open Circuit Failure Mode
1.5 µm
Latent failure mode was observed in metal lines that were
pulsed just below the open circuit failure temperature. These lines
did not reveal any physical damage or change in resistance.
However, in agreement with observations in [3], the mean EM
lifetime was reduced by a factor of 4.
We will first present detailed microanalysis of the latent failure
mode, provide direct evidence of microstructure change, and then
analyze the eventual open circuit failure mechanism.
We first investigated the cause behind the latent damage,
which was observed to be introduced by sub-critical current pulses
that heat the metal lines past their melting temperature. In order to
identify the mechanism responsible for this reliability degradation,
detailed microstructure analysis were performed.
Figure 2(a) shows a TEM micrograph of an unstressed 3.0 µm
wide AlCu line. It can be observed that the grain size is ~ 1.5 µm.
A TEM diffraction analysis result is also shown in Figure 2(b). The
diffraction pattern, which consists of diffraction spots, confirms the
information from the TEM micrograph, that the unstressed lines
have small number of large grains. The sparse spatial formation of
the diffraction spots is typical for a polycrystalline material with
small number of large grains.
Similar analysis was performed on lines that were stressed just
below the open circuit failure temperature (1000 0C). These lines
were first examined under optical microscope with the passivation
layer intact, and showed no evidence of any physical deformations
of the line or any change in electrical resistance. However,
examination under the TEM after stripping the passivation and TiN
layers, revealed the presence of a number of defects along the line as
shown by the white spots in Figure 3(a). Figure 3(b) shows a
magnified view of one such spot. It can be observed that the grain
sizes around these defect sites are much smaller than those shown in
Figure 2 (a) for an unstressed line. A second confirmation of this
grain size reduction is offered by the TEM diffraction analysis done
at these defect sites. The diffraction patterns shown in Figure 5(b)
are ring shaped, which is due to the presence of a large number of
grains with random orientations, indicating that the defect areas
have smaller grain size. Such grain size reduction will result from
rapid resolidification from a molten state. Additionally, the brighter
contrast of the spots indicates loss of material (voiding), which has
been confirmed by SEM analysis as shown in Figure 4.
Furthermore, the TEM micrograph in Figure 5(a) shows that
the lines have developed very different microstructure within these
defects. From Figure 5(b) it can be observed that there is a fainter
ring within the innermost bright ring. The presence of such a ring
indicates the formation of a different phase, most likely due to a
reaction between the AlCu and the TiN-capping layer. Also, it was
interesting to observe that the entire line did not melt. There were
regions between the defects that retained their original
Figure 2. a) TEM micrograph of an unstressed AlCu line with the b)
corresponding TEM diffraction pattern. All materials above and
below the AlCu line (including the TiN layers) were removed by
ion-milling process.
The microanalysis presented above helps in explaining the
mechanism behind the EM degradation. The formation of voids and
large number of small grains will certainly increase EM due to
increase in current densities near the voids and increase in the flux
divergence of metal ions across the solid-AlCu/resolidified-AlCu
interface regions which act as possible nucleation sites for EM.
The mechanism responsible for void nucleation and growth is
diffusional process aided by electric current (electromigration),
which causes metal to diffuse out under high current densities and
high temperature. Since the pulse durations are very small,
diffusion times are also very small, and hence the voids cannot grow
to critical sizes to affect line resistance.
Hence the two most significant results of the microanalysis of
the latent damage are:
Passivated AlCu lines show microstructure change and voiding
before catastrophic open circuit failures. The voiding and
microstructure change is introduced by electromigration and
melting respectively.
The entire line does not melt even at temperatures just below
the open circuit temperature (1000 0C), which are well beyond
the melting point (660 0C) of aluminum. This is due to the very
short duration of the pulses that do not allow the molten regions
to grow.
6 µm
3 µm
Figure 3. TEM micrographs showing a) molten regions along the line displaying smaller grains. The molten regions can be identified from
the white spots that arise due to the loss of material in that region b) magnified view of a molten region showing a different microstructure.
3 µm
Figure 4. SEM micrographs taken over the white spots showing loss of material or voiding.
25 nm
Metal 1
Metal 4
Figure 6. SEM micrograph showing open circuit failure of
passivated TiN/AlCu/TiN a) Metal 1 line, b) Metal 4 line.
Figure 5. a) Microstructure of the metal within the defects showing
small grain sizes b) TEM diffraction rings validating the presence of
a large number of small grains with random orientations. The
innermost faint ring (shown by the arrows) indicates the appearance
of a new phase.
As illustrated in Figure 1, high-current short-duration or ESD
type pulses can heat the metal lines well beyond their melting point
and a maximum temperature rise of 1000 0C is observed for all the
metal lines at various levels. This critical value for temperature rise
agrees with those obtained using finite element simulations, as
shown in [7]. The open circuit failure of the lines was usually
accompanied by cracking of the protective oxide/nitride bilayer.
The fracture strength of silicon nitride is around 1 GPa [8, 9].
At around the failure temperature the thermal stress generated
by the expansion of the molten AlCu exceeds the fracture strength of
the oxide/nitride bilayer. Therefore, all the lines fail when the
temperature rises beyond that critical value.
SEM micrographs of Metal 1 and Metal 4 lines (W = 3 µm)
showing passivation fracture is shown in Figure 6. Similar failures
were observed for metal lines at other levels. Furthermore, no
preferential failure site was observed, as expected. It is interesting
to note that Metal 1, which has a thicker overlying dielectric than
that of Metal 4, failed at the same temperature. This occurs because
the local stress reaches the fracture strength of the thin film material,
which is insensitive to the film thickness [10]. At the point of open
circuit failure, large sections of the metal line undergo melting as
shown in Figure 6, and the thermo-mechanical stress generated in
those regions far exceeds the fracture strength of the passivation
In order to understand the stress states of the interconnect
structures during the short current pulse, a simple thermomechanical analysis is presented below. During the current pulse,
the metal lines are under triaxial compressive stress due to their
higher thermal expansion coefficient than that of the surrounding
Figure 7. Schematic of a passivated metal line showing the triaxial
compressive stress system.
silicon dioxide, as illustrated in Figure 7. If the temperature of the
TiN/AlCu/TiN interconnect increases from a reference temperature
(T0) to some higher temperature (T), the induced thermal strains (ε)
at any point will be given by
ε = (α I − α II )(T − T0 )
Figure 8. 3-D thermo-mechanical simulation for x-y plane of Figure
7, assuming identical stress states along the z-direction, showing
maximum principal stress fields around the metal line at 1000 0C.
where αI and αII are the coefficients of thermal expansion of two
different materials in contact in the interconnect structure. The
corresponding 3-D thermal stress states can be calculated from the
following governing equations:
σ x , y ,z =
ε xy =
∆α ∆T
(1−ν )
ε xx =
σ xx −ν σ yy + σ zz
ε yy =
σ yy −ν (σ xx + σ zz )
ε zz =
σ zz −ν σ xx + σ yy
( )
( )
σ xy , ε xz = (σ xz ), ε yz = σ yz
2 (1 +ν )
where E and G are Young’s modulus and Shear modulus
respectively, ν is Poisson’s ratio, ∆α = (αI – αII) is the differential
thermal expansion coefficient, and ∆T = (T – T0) is the increase in
temperature from the reference (room) temperature.
It is assumed that there is no stress at room temperature
throughout the interconnect line and surrounding passivation
material. The surrounding oxide in the immediate vicinity of the
metal line experiences complex triaxial stress at any given point and
direction during the short-pulse.
Accurate estimation of the magnitude and the spatial variation
of these stresses on the surrounding dielectric require numerical
simulation techniques like finite element method.
In order to
calculate the stress states of the interconnect structures during the
short current pulse, a commercially available finite element
simulator (MARC) was used. The mechanical properties of the thin
film materials were taken from [9] and the references within it.
Figure 8 shows a 3-D thermo-mechanical simulation contour graph
around a TiN/AlCu/TiN Metal 1 line surrounded by oxide. The line
Figure 9. 2-D vector representation (on the x-y plane) of maximum
principal stress around the metal line corresponding to simulation
results of Figure 8. The biggest principal stress vector (direction in
which the tensile or compressive stress is maximum) is shown in
white. The principal stress vectors have no shear component.
has been Joule heated to 1000 0C by a 100 ns current pulse. Because
of symmetry we show only half the width of the line. During the
simulation it is important to consider the dynamics of short-duration
current pulsing, which results in the heating of a thin sheath of
dielectric around the line [6].
The presence of this sheath reduces the thermo-mechanical
stress on the overlying dielectric layers. For 100 ns pulse duration
this thickness is ~ 225 nm [6]. It can be observed from this
simulation that the maximum principal stress fields occur near the
top right hand surface of the line. This explains why the open
circuit failure occurs due to dielectric fracture on top of the line,
consistent with the failures shown in Figure 6. Figure 9 shows the
vector representation of the maximum principal stress fields around
the line. It can be observed that the biggest principal stress vector
makes an angle of ~ 400 with respect to the surface of the line.
Hence, the fracture will take place along the upward direction at
right angle to this maximum principal stress vector. The other
arrows in this diagram show the maximum stress vectors at those
Maximum Principal Stress [GPa]
8.0 µm
Nitride at 25 C
Oxide at 25 C
1.0 µm
Heated Oxide Sheath (300 nm)
Tox-sheath = Tm
Maximum Principal
Stress at Corner
In conclusion, direct evidence of latent damage in AlCu lines
stressed under high-current short-pulse conditions has been
presented for the first time. The mechanisms responsible for latent
damage of interconnects leading to eventual EM lifetime
degradation have been brought forward. Using extensive TEM,
SEM, and diffraction pattern analysis, it has been shown that
passivated AlCu lines undergo voiding and microstructural changes
without any detectable increase in line resistance or physical
deformations under high thermal and current stress conditions.
Furthermore, a thermo-mechanical model for interconnect open
circuit failures caused by short-duration high-current pulses have
been presented. This analysis can be easily extended to other metal
and dielectric systems and can be employed to increase ESD
robustness of interconnects.
Metal Temperature, Tm [ C]
Figure 10. The maximum principal stress obtained from simulations
at different temperatures for a 3.0 µm wide Metal 1 AlCu line. The
horizontal dotted line shows the fracture strength of the passivation.
In Figure 10 the magnitude of the maximum principal stress
vector has been plotted as a function of the temperature reached by
the metal line during current pulsing. It can be observed that around
1000 0C the biggest value of the maximum principal stress is greater
than 3 GPa. In Figure 10 we also show the maximum principal
stress at the top corner, since corners are most likely locations for
fracture initiation. It can also be observed that once the line exceeds
the melt temperature (~ 660 0C) the maximum principal stress is
higher near the top surface of the line, in agreement with the failure
analysis results.
However, the maximum principal stresses beyond the melting
temperature (Tmelt) are well above the fracture strength of
oxide/nitride layers (~ 1 GPa). These artificially high stress values
result from the assumption that the entire metal becomes molten
beyond 660 0C. However, as demonstrated in the earlier section on
latent damage, the lines actually melt at localized regions only, even
at temperatures just below 1000 0C. This would significantly lower
the stress states of the lines. Secondly, during these thermomechanical simulations, it is also assumed that the TiN and
dielectric layers in contact with the metal retain their mechanical
properties at high temperatures. However, above ~ 800 0C there will
be some plastic deformation of these layers. This would also result
in lower stresses in the surrounding dielectric. Furthermore, for subcritical pulses, the thermal stress generated due to the expansion of
molten AlCu could also be reduced due to the presence of voids
caused by electromigration. Hence, at the sub-critical temperatures
the actual thermo-mechanical stress generated by the expansion of
the molten AlCu does not exceed the effective fracture strength of
the oxide/nitride bilayer.
The critical failure temperature of 1000 0C has also been
reported to be independent of the line width [11]. The critical
failure temperature will be determined only by the material
properties such as resistivity, temperature coefficient of resistance
and melting point of the metal.
Finally, since it has been shown in this study that
electromigration induced voids can form during short-pulse high
stress conditions, further work is needed to determine the stress level
below which there will not be any void formation. Interconnect
design rules can then be generated based on the model presented in
[6] to avoid any latent failures.
The authors would like to acknowledge Texas Instruments Inc.,
and the MARCO Interconnect Focus Center at Stanford for their
support. K. Banerjee would also like to acknowledge Dr. Kazuhiko
Endo for helpful discussions.
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