Ensuring Consistency in Security Practices through Strong IT

Ensuring Consistency in Security

Practices through Strong IT


Eileen Healy – Enterprise Risk Services Director


Email: ehealy@deloitte.ie

Mobile: 086 164 3082

@IsacaIreland ISACA Ireland Chapter info@isaca.ie

Presentation Overview

• Why is consistency important?

• Where do we observe inconsistent practices?

• What is Governance and IT Governance – how can this help?

• What standards exist to support the implementation of Strong

IT Governance

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Why is Consistency important?

• Consistency is synonymous with reliability and stability

• Consistency provides greater assurance that confidential information is handled securely

• Consistency provides customers and stakeholders with confidence in how you manage information security risk

• Consistency in practices mitigates the risk that breaches will occur

• Consistency in dealing with breaches minimises the financial and reputational damage

• Consistency maximises the likelihood of meeting all regulatory and legal obligations as well as ensuring sound and robust security practices are implemented to enable and support business delivery

 Risk Management; Compliance ; Quality Assurance

 Customer Satisfaction; Competitive advantage

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Some key areas of Inconsistency

• Inconsistency between organisations, between divisions, between departments and between practitioners!!

• System Development/Change Control – Integrity is a key component of security

• Access to Production Environments including those managed by third parties

• Implementation of Data Protection requirements around personal data

• Lack of clarity on data governance

• Mutiple access administration and provisioning systems

• Inconsistent approach to role/authorisation management

• Authentication standards – application, database, network level – user versus privileged access

• What and how much to audit?

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Governance – Who, What and When?

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Risk Committee

Governance versus Management

Board of Directors







Embedded Risk


Audit Committee

Internal Audit


(Re) Assurance

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Importance of Governance - Specifically IT


• Governance – the systems by which organisations are directed and controlled

• Board responsibility – sometimes delegate to committees

• Management execute, action and report

• Well governed organisations aim to achieve strategic objectives while operating with honesty, integrity and other key principles of good governance.

• Tone at the Top!

• Policies are important – often only become a top line agenda item when something goes wrong!

• Implemented through clear and consistent standards and procedures

• More than just IT - Most breaches are caused by human error!

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What is IT Governance ?

Definition: IT governance (ITG) is defined as the processes that ensure the effective and efficient use of IT in enabling an organization to achieve its goals.


• Benefits:

• Aid in strategically aligning IT with the organizational goals and strategy

• Raise the profile of IT

• Aid in project and portfolio management

• Reduce IT risk

• Aid in IT strategic planning

• Aid in performance measurement

• Aid in embedding IT into the organization’s culture

• Aid in demand management (demand for IT’s services by other departments)

• Optimize IT operations

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Standards which support Strong IT Governance

• COBIT – IT Governance Framework

• ISO/IEC 27002:2013 - Information security management

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• COBIT 5 - Comprehensive Framework for the Governance and

Management of Enterprise IT

• Principles includes: -

• Separating Governance from Management

• Enabling a Holistic Approach

• Covering the Enterprise End to End

• Professional guides include: - COBIT 5 for Information Security http://www.isaca.org/cobit/pages/default.aspx

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ISO 27000

• ISO/IEC 27002:2013 : -

• Information Technology – Security Techniques – Code of Practice for

Information Security Management

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Organisation of information security

Physical and



Human Resource


ISO/IEC 27002:2013

Business Continuity


Supplier relationships Risk Management

ISO/IEC 27002


Information security policies

Asset Management

Operations Security

Access Control





Security Incident




Development and


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Closing Comments

• Consistency in practice is important

• Minimise likelihood and impact of a security breach

• Strong IT Governance required from Top Down

• Tone at the Top is important

• Policies are important

• There is lots of resources from which to draw and assistance is available

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