Ref: PHD 087/05 Subject: Portfolio Holder: Street Lighting : Bid for PFI Funding Expression of Interest to Department for Transport Andrew Trehern – Executive Director Urban Living Dave Masters – Interim Manager Civil Engineering Tel :020 8424 1580 Leader Key Decision: No Urgent/Non Urgent: Urgent Power to be exercised: Portfolio Holder Responsibilities [Allocation of Responsibilities] – Paragraph 3 of Delegated Powers to Portfolio Holders, Appendix to the Executive Procedure Rules, Part 4D of the Constitution. Part 1 Responsible Officer: Contact Officer: Status: Section 1: Summary URGENCY : Local Authorities have been invited to bid to the Department for Transport for PFI credits for PFI funding in recognition of the nationwide backlog of street lighting maintenance but Expressions of Interest have to be with DfT by 24 February. Specialist consultants have completed a feasibility study and are currently developing the Expression of Interest. This timescale has not allowed the opportunity for a report to Cabinet. C:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\IssueDocs\1\7\7\6\I00026771\08705StreetLightingBidforPFIFunding0.doc The majority of the street lighting in the borough does not meet modern requirements. Although the Capital programme includes a 3 year commitment for replacement lighting, it would need 8 years with the same level of investment to bring all the lights up to standard. If the EOI is successful, any final decision to proceed with a PFI contract would be made following a full report to Cabinet. Completion of the EOI does not commit Harrow at this time. Decision Required 1. To authorise the submission of the Expression of Interest [EOI] to DfT. 2. To authorise the inclusion of a statement within the EOI which confirms cross party political support for this PFI Bid Reason for report 1. 2. Preparation of the EOI will cost an estimated £25k. The deadline for EOI submissions is 24 February. In view of the tight deadline and following liaison with Councillor O’Dell, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport, work is on-going to prepare an EOI, in anticipation of wider member support. The EOI needs to demonstrate both full financial and political support. Agreement by party Leaders to this report will fulfil the requirement to have cross party political support for the EOI. Benefits Asset renewal and service benefits would flow from a PFI contract but most would be later benefits following the procurement. Service improvements The proposed project seeks to provide replacement of street lighting and illuminated signage that is currently managed by the council to improve street lighting levels over five years. The scope includes the management, operation and maintenance of this stock (including the provision of energy) over a 25-year project life. Additional Lighting Columns It is anticipated that 73% (11,351) of the existing 15,467 columns will need to be replaced to reach the required standards of street lighting (BS 54891:2003/EN13201), together with the installation of 4,087 additional columns (36% increase on existing stock) within the first five years. In addition, 3,070 of the illuminated signs (bollards, signs and related street furniture) would be replaced. C:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\IssueDocs\1\7\7\6\I00026771\08705StreetLightingBidforPFIFunding0.doc Overall a range of wider benefits would be derived including : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Access to PFI credits Contributes to the achievement of the Council’s vision and strategic priorities Service improvement Responding to customers Impact on Council performance measures and CPA Compliance with statutory duty Better use of resources Increased safety for residents and businesses Improvements to the economic, social and environmental aspects of the borough Enhanced community safety, reduction in street crime/fear of crime Enhanced road safety, reduction in numbers of accidents during hours of darkness Strategic and economic regeneration, 24 hour economy A high class service Improved standards of maintenance, reduction in number of lighting faults Reduced levels of complaint, Reduced light pollution, high optical performance of modern lighting luminaires Improved infrastructure, reduction in Health & Safety implications of deteriorating lighting stock Improved standards of illumination, designed lighting levels, quality and uniformity Timescale of implementation, defined Fast Track replacement programme within the first 5 years Notwithstanding the overall benefits of improved street lighting individual changes, particularly in residential streets, often generate complaints from residents e.g. when a street lamp is moved from or to outside their premises. C:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\IssueDocs\1\7\7\6\I00026771\08705StreetLightingBidforPFIFunding0.doc Cost of Proposals See Financial Implications section. Risks 1. There are no apparent risks in submitting the bid. 2. If the DfT accept the EOI and Harrow proceed to PFI procurement there will be a slight risk that the service provider’s bid might exceed the level of any PFI credits awarded. 3. This would be a 25-year contract requiring the commitment of existing revenue budgets for street lighting over that period thereby reducing some flexibility for future budget strategy. Implications if recommendations rejected An opportunity to bid for government funding of our street lighting renewal would be lost. Section 2: Report 2.1 Brief History a) In recognition of the nationwide backlog of street lighting maintenance, the Government has announced a further £600m PFI funding. This is the second round. b) In the first round in 2003 Harrow expressed interest but narrowly missed out to two other London boroughs. c) Much of Harrow’s street lighting stock is in need of investment. The Medium Term Budget Strategy Includes £2million pa capital investment. d) A PFI would fast track improvement into a core early investment period, funded by private finance paid back over 25 years, supported using Government PFI credits. e) The proposed bid is of the order of £22million. This is considered close to the minimum qualifying threshold. We have sought to partner with nearby authorities to present a consortium bid, but despite some early interest from Hillingdon, none are willing to do so (some already have a PFI in place, some are not in a position to provide necessary information to support a bid). f) Pricewaterhouse Coopers have completed a feasibility study and concluded that “the council could have a competitive case should it wish to develop an Expression of Interest for securing PFI credits for Public Lighting.” C:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\IssueDocs\1\7\7\6\I00026771\08705StreetLightingBidforPFIFunding0.doc g) The contract is likely to require complete asset renewal in the first 3-5 years and full maintenance, including responsive maintenance, for the remainder of the 25 years. 2.2 Options considered We have sought to partner with nearby authorities to present a consortium bid, but despite some early interest from Hillingdon, none are willing to do so (some already have a PFI in place, some are not in a position to provide necessary information to support a bid). 2.3 Consultation The street lighting maintenance and improvement service is already carried out by a term contractor and the roles of the existing Harrow Lighting Engineer and Lighting technician will change little under the PFI as they will retain an oversight and monitoring role for the PFI contractor as they do now for the term contractor; they are both well aware of the proposal as they have been heavily involved in preparing this EOI. It is proposed to notify the UNISON Branch Secretary that the council is submitting an Expression of Interest without commitment. 2.4 Financial Implications The PFI contract would pay for £22m of capital investment in the street lighting service. The Council would receive an annual grant for the 25 years of the scheme in respect of the financing costs. The affordability gap i.e. net increase in the Council’s revenue expenditure arising from the scheme is approximately £700k p.a. This increase would be from 2008-2009 and would last for the 25 year length of the contract and the council would need to commit to a long-term revenue budget increase for this additional cost. The increase of £700kp.a. is partly attributable to the costs of renewing the lighting stock, partly to the additional numbers of columns being installed and partly the higher energy consumption of modern lighting. There is currently a provision for street lighting within the capital programme of £2m p.a. This provision would no longer be required from 2008-2009 when the the PFI contract starts. Were the Council to undertake this scheme using Prudential Borrowing instead of PFI, the additional revenue costs would be in excess of £1.4m p.a. The Council will also benefit from the transfer of risk in the operation of the contract to the PFI provider. The results of the EOI will be released in May 2006. If successful, and subject to Cabinet approval, the next steps would be the preparation and submission of an Outline Business Case by October 2006 (estimated cost £50k), following which a contract can be prepared and tenders sought for suitable partners . The estimated costs of £200-£400k in respect of legal, financial and technical advisors would need to be contained within the Urban Living revenue budget in C:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\IssueDocs\1\7\7\6\I00026771\08705StreetLightingBidforPFIFunding0.doc 2006-2007 and 2007-2008.. It is anticipated the contract will commence spring 2008. Signature ………………………………… Date …………………………… Name (print) ……………………………………………………………………. 2.5 Legal Implications There are no legal implications arising from submitting the EOI. If the EOI is successful and the council proceeds to procure the project implementation by way of a design, Build, Finance Operate [DBFO] PFI model of delivery, Legal Services will co-ordinate the procurement of expert external legal support to ensure that the contractual and associated legal implications are comprehensively addressed. The PFI model allows the council to transfer risk elements to the private sector company, through variable payment arrangements. Signature ………………………………… Date …………………………… Name (print) ……………………………………………………………………. 2.6 Equalities Impact Renewal of all Street Lighting stock in the early years of any PFI contract would reduce the incidence of faults and would increase lighting levels generally, leading to perceptions of improved security for lone pedestrians, especially women and elderly persons. 2.7 Section 17 Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Considerations The majority of offences recorded by Harrow Police are committed during times of darkness. The MORI public satisfaction survey and open budget process identified street lighting as a main concern for residents. The crime and disorder implications are addressed throughout the report as the improvements in lighting stock will, according to evidence based research, have an impact on crime, disorder and the fear of crime. C:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\IssueDocs\1\7\7\6\I00026771\08705StreetLightingBidforPFIFunding0.doc Section 3: Supporting Information/ Background Documents Appendices: None Supporting Information: None Background Documents: 1) Letter from DFT inviting EOI’s. 2) Feasibility study by PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Harrow’s specialist consultant. List information that is on deposit in Group Offices and can be viewed on the web: None List other background papers that are available on request: None Signature: ………………………………………………………………………… Position Insert Relevant Head of Service Name (print) ……………………………………………………………………. Date: FOR PORTFOLIO HOLDER/LEADER * I do agree to the decision proposed * I do not agree to the decision proposed * Please delete as appropriate Notification of personal interests (if any):- (Note: if you have a prejudicial interest you should not take this decision) Additional comments made by and/or options considered by the Portfolio Holder C:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\IssueDocs\1\7\7\6\I00026771\08705StreetLightingBidforPFIFunding0.doc Signature: ………………………………………………………………………… Portfolio Holder Date: PFI Executive Action/jbm - 150206 C:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\IssueDocs\1\7\7\6\I00026771\08705StreetLightingBidforPFIFunding0.doc