The Admission Process at Sandy Spring Friends School We are pleased that you are considering a Sandy Spring Friends School educa on for your child. The admission process allows our Admission Team to learn more about the applicant, while providing your family an opportunity to fully inves gate what SSFS has to offer. We look forward to ge ng to know your family through the applica on process, and welcome your ques ons at any me. Step One: Complete an Online Applica on Go toƟon process and click on the yellow “apply” buƩon on the right hand side of the page. You will be prompted to create a username and password. This same login will allow you to track the status of your applicaƟon and supplemental pieces. Step Two: Request Teacher Recommenda ons Please give the Confiden al Teacher Evalua on Form(s) directly to your child’s teacher(s). Step Three: Request School Records Please complete Sec on I of the School Records Request Form and give the form to the registrar at your child’s current school. Step Four: Complete the Tes ng Requirement Grades PK3‐1 applicants are assessed during their visit to SSFS. Grades 2‐5 applicants should be tested by an educa onal diagnos cian. Grades 6‐12 applicants should take the SSAT or ISEE (PSAT may also be used). Interna onal applicants may take the TOEFL or SSAT. Step Five: Complete a School Visit and/or Interview Parents of day school applicants are typically interviewed on the same day as their child’s classroom visit. Interna onal and boarding applicant interviews can be in person, via Skype, or if you live in mainland China, with Vericant. An admissions representa ve will contact you about scheduling once the applica on has been submi ed. Have ques ons? Contact us via phone at 301‐774‐7455 or e‐mail at SANDY SPRING FRIENDS SCHOOL Admission Testing Information We do recognize that children are constantly growing and changing. Therefore, testing is just one of many factors considered by the Admissions Committee. For Applicants to Pre-kindergarten (age 3 and 4) through Grade 1 Students entering pre-kindergarten through first grade will undergo an evaluation during their playgroup visit at Sandy Spring Friends School. For Applicants to Grade 2 through Grade 5 Applicants who are entering the second through fifth grade take the WISC-V (Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition). We use the results of this nationally normed test to determine if the child’s potential for learning falls within our students’ range of ability, thus ensuring that the child will have academic peers at Sandy Spring Friends School. SSFS does not administer the WISC-V. Parents should contact an educational diagnostician to schedule individual testing for their child. Sandy Spring Friends School has partnered with Kenneth Stefano & Associates for testing at a reduced rate. To schedule an appointment with Kenneth Stefano & Associates, please call 301-770-7507. This requirement may be waived if the child has taken some level of the Weschler aptitude test within the previous two years. For Applicants to Grade 6 through Grade 12 Domestic applicants entering 6th through 12th grade are required to take either the Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT) or the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE). We will also accept the WISC-V for applicants entering 6th through 8th grade, and for 10th through 12th grade applicants we will also accept the PSAT scores to satisfy the testing requirement. To register the applicant for the SSAT, visit their website and register on-line at or call SSAT at (609) 683-4440 to request a Student Registration Guide. The school code number for Sandy Spring Friends School is 7090. To register for the ISEE, visit their website at or call 1-800-446-0320. The ISEE school code for Sandy Spring Friends School is 210937. International applicants are required to submit one of the following exams as part of the application process: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), TOEFL Jr. Comprehensive (for students who are 11-15 years old), or the SSAT: To register for TOEFL or TOEFL Jr., visit their website at and register online. Our school code is 7529. We recommend a score of 70 or higher on the TOEFL, or scores in the following ranges on the comprehensive exam: 250-285 listening, 250-275 language form and meaning, and 245-275 reading. Admissions Calendar 2016‐2017 Date October Thursday, Oct. 27 November Tuesday, Nov. 8 Thursday, Nov. 10 Monday, Nov. 14 Thursday, Nov. 17 December Friday, Dec. 2 Monday, Dec. 5 Monday, Dec. 12 Saturday, Dec. 10 January Monday, Jan. 9 Thursday, Jan. 12 Tuesday, Jan. 17 Monday, Jan. 23 Saturday, Jan. 28 February Wednesday, Feb. 1 Friday, Feb. 3 Monday, Feb. 6 Saturday, Feb. 11 Monday, Feb. 13 Friday, Feb. 24 March Thursday, Mar. 2 Tuesday, Mar. 7 Monday, Mar. 13 April Wednesday, Apr. 5 Wednesday, Apr. 19 Tuesday, Apr. 25 May Wednesday, May 3 Thursday, May 18 Thursday, June 1 Last Updated 7‐28‐2016 Event Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit MS Shadow Visit LS Shadow Visit LS/US Shadow Visit MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Playgroup #1 Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS Playgroup #2 Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Playgroup #3 Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS/US Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS Shadow Visit LS/MS/US Shadow Visit LS Notes 8/2012 SCHOOL RECORDS REQUEST FORM Section I. To the applicant’s parent/guardian: Please complete the top section of this form and deliver it to the applicant’s current school. Sandy Spring Friends School requires official records from the applicant’s current school in order to complete the application process. I, _________________________________________________, hereby give permission to the registrar of (Name of Parent/Guardian) ____________________________________________________ (Name of Applicant’s Current School) _______________________________________________________________________________ (School’s Full Address) to send ________________________________________________’s school reports to Sandy Spring Friends School, where he/she is ( Full Name of Applicant) applying to grade ______. Please include progress or grade reports, attendance records, health records, standardized test results, in-school support records, educational evaluations and IEPs (if applicable), and service plans. ___________________________________________________________ __________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Section II. To the applicant’s current school: The student named above has applied to Sandy Spring Friends School. In order for us to make an admissions decision, we request a copy of the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All of the student’s progress or grade reports from your school plus any from other schools he/she has previously attended. Please include progress reports for the current academic year. All testing results. Any Health Records. Any educational assessments and IEPs or 504 plan, if applicable. Attendance Records Disciplinary records, if any. Have all financial obligations to your independent school been fulfilled? (Please , if applicable) Request completed by: _______________________________________ Print Name ______________________________________ Signature Please send the school records along with this form to: Yes No ___________________________________________ Position ___________________________________________ Date Sandy Spring Friends School Attn: Admissions Office 16923 Norwood Road Sandy Spring, MD 20860 Phone: (301) 774-7455 Fax: 1-301-576-8664 8/2012 CONFIDENTIAL TEACHER EVALUATION FORM For Students Applying to Sandy Spring Friends School Entering Pre-Kindergarten through First Grade Child’s Name_____________________________________________________________ Applicant for Grade __________________ To the Teacher: We appreciate your cooperation in completing this form for the student above who has applied to our school. After completion, we recommend that you keep it for your records. Please FAX this form to 301-576-8664. All information received from you is confidential and will be shared only with the Admissions Committee. We will review your comments with the understanding that young children are constantly changing and developing. If you have questions or would like to provide additional information, please contact the Office of Admissions at 301-774-7455 or Thank you. Name of person completing this form __________________________________ ___________________________________ (please print) (signature) Relationship to applicant: Current Teacher Previous Teacher Other (please explain)___________________________________ Name of school where you teach/taught the applicant ________________________________________________________________ I have known this applicant for __________________ years/months. Date of this reference ________________________________ May we contact you for further information? ____ Best time to reach you? _________ Telephone # __________________________ PRE-ACADEMIC SKILL DEVELOPMENT OUTSTANDING AGE-APPROPRIATE NEEDS DEVELOPMENT OUTSTANDING AGE-APPROPRIATE NEEDS DEVELOPMENT . OUTSTANDING AGE-APPROPRIATE NEEDS DEVELOPMENT Listens in a group Contributes to group discussions Follows directions Works well independently Participates in group activities Completes tasks Uses materials purposefully Can focus on one task Respects classroom routines Responds positively to redirection Makes an easy transition from one activity or location to another Is curious Is willing to try new activities Is a self-starter Is a risk-taker Enjoys new challenges Exhibits problem-solving abilities Expresses ideas well SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Is supportive of peers Is comfortable with adults Plays alone comfortably Plays cooperatively with peers Shares well Is imaginative Has the capacity to lead Has the capacity to follow PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Small muscle control & coordination Large muscle control & coordination Speech development (articulation) Please complete both sides 8/2012 Please circle the words below that best describe this applicant: verbal outgoing over-protected responsible creative well-behaved quiet shy loner social distracting disobedient cheerful irritable helpful well-liked distractible anxious self-disciplined compassionate positive leader negative leader perfectionist easily discouraged impulsive manipulative conscientious respectful honest attention-seeking Please comment briefly on each of the following regarding this applicant: Favorite activities in school Peer relationships Typical response to conflict or frustration Degree of self-reliance Relationship with parents Particular strengths Areas of concern Please describe the parent(s) degree of cooperation and involvement with your school: For applicants to K or 1st grade, please describe this applicant’s readiness for: Beginning reading skills Beginning writing skills Beginning math skills passive aggressive generous motivated follower confident