HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS David Stuart-Smith BE (Elec) MEM CPEng FIEAust Arup, NSW Australia SUMMARY For an electric railway the loss of traction power supply can instantaneously paralyse part or all of the rail system with the impacts being felt a long way from the site of the incident that caused the power failure. In addition to operational disruption, prolonged loss of traction supply can give rise to adverse consequences such as passengers being stranded in trains without functioning air-conditioning which can be quite serious on hot days. This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various high voltage network connection topologies and busbar configurations for the supply of railway DC traction systems. The outcomes for the traction system are a function of both the configuration of the rail system, and the characteristics of the electricity host network. A sub-transmission network dedicated to the railway and which connects to multiple supply points will usually improve security of supply. However, ultimately the upstream networks will be interconnected and so are vulnerable to common-mode failures which must be considered. While operating such a network can provide a great improvement in security of supply and flexibility for maintenance, there is also significant investment required and the whole-of-life integrated logistics support implications of having an in-house network are significant. These issues are explored in the first part of this paper along with appropriate incident response and back-up strategies. The second part of the paper covers possible busbar configuration options appropriate to different voltage levels and switchgear technologies. Discussion includes the impact of the maintenance requirements of different technologies on the number of isolators and circuit breakers required. Examples are drawn from the author’s practical experience in Sydney, Melbourne and Kuala Lumpur, and the paper discusses the features of examples that are relevant to benchmarking future proposals. The paper demonstrates that different configurations are appropriate to different circumstances and gives practical examples. INTRODUCTION While it is the nature of railways that the operational impact of a failure in one part of the network is soon felt at distant points, few types of infrastructure failure can have such instantaneous and widespread impact as the interruption of high voltage bulk power supply. Railways with DC traction systems typically have a traction system voltage between 600 volts and 3000 volts DC and the traction substations are spaced 2 to 15 kilometres apart with capacities ranging from less than 1 MW to 10 MW. Electric railways must draw their bulk power supply from the electricity grid, and in the case of DC railways power levels dictate connection at high voltage distribution or sub-transmission level. Even in the rare enduring case of a railway with its own generation capacity the generation will still be centralised and a high voltage network used to distribute the power to traction substations. Figure 1 – Detrained Passengers (Reproduced with the permission of Cassandra Hill) The actual voltage level of the connection is usually dictated by the network voltages used in the area in question or by other historic factors. 11 or 22kV is most suitable at the power levels applicable to light rail while 33kV is most suited to Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS heavy rail applications. However, over longer distances the smaller conductors of a 66kV system can be advantageous and if the host network is operating at 66kV in that area then it might be appropriate to adopt this voltage rather than installing system transformers to provide a 33kV supply. The decision by the rail operators to invest in high voltage network infrastructure, or not, will be influenced by a number of factors including: the insulating medium allowing for reduced clearances, compact footprint, and minimal maintenance. High voltage distribution - Electricity network infrastructure, usually operating at between 5kV and 33kV and which primarily supplies distribution substations which feed the low voltage reticulation systems. In some geographies these voltage levels are referred to as “medium voltage”. • The reliability of the available high voltage host network; HV Parallel – The parallel connection of high voltage two bulk supplies via the railway high voltage system. • The potential safety impacts of a loss of supply; and SCADA – Acquisition. • The political disruptions. Sub-transmission – Electricity network infrastructure, usually operating at between 33kV and 132kV and which supplies high voltage distribution systems via zone substations and/or supplies large industrial or railway loads. acceptability of service The safety impacts can be a function of ambient conditions, both hot and cold, and the ease with which passengers might be detrained. Clearly the presence of tunnels, viaducts and remote locations are factors which must be considered. There will be greater sensitivity about disruptions of systems with high patronage levels and which provide a longer distance service than for those serving smaller numbers of customers over shorter distances where alternative transport might be more easily arranged. Supervisory Control and Data Sub-transmission substation – A substation fed at transmission voltage level and which supplies one or more sub-transmission feeders. In designing the high voltage power supply arrangements for a railway the main parameters which can be chosen are: • System topology; • Form of construction underground); and • Protection schemes. (overhead or System topology and protection schemes are closely related and this paper explores some of the options for both. Note Regarding Scope The scope of this paper is restricted to DC railways. Railways with AC traction systems generally have the traction substations more widely spaced (by an order of magnitude) and consequently the power level at each traction substation is correspondingly higher. This, combined with considerations of power factor and phase balance makes connection at transmission voltage level the preferred option. The technology options and economics are somewhat different at transmission level and so are beyond the scope of this paper. NOTATION Compact to gas insulated switchgear (GIS) – High voltage switchgear in which a high dielectric strength gas such as sulfur hexafluoride is used as Figure 2 – Symbol Legend TRACTION SYSTEM CONTINGENCIES The required reliability of the high voltage supply must be seen in the context of the contingencies which the traction system is designed around. It is normal practice to operate DC rail systems as fully closed meshes on the DC side with both ends of each traction feeder being supplied concurrently from the traction substation. This parallel feeding, meshed architecture means that for dealing with contingencies there are a number of potential strategies available. Some traction systems, such as the 1500 volt system in Melbourne, are configured with single unit substations and are designed to tolerate the complete loss of any one Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup substation. The loss of bulk power supply to a single substation is therefore a tolerable event. However, in systems where the substations are configured with two or more rectifiers generally the loss of an entire substation is not tolerated and so maintaining high voltage supply to each substation becomes critical. HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS Figure 3 and Figure 4 show some possible configurations for radial feeders. Zone substation HIGH VOLTAGE NETWORK TOPOLOGIES Common basic network connection arrangements for DC traction substations include: • Radial; • Open ring; • Closed ring. Traction substation Figure 3 - Simple dedicated radial from single bulk supply substation. Greater differentiation is seen when the upstream arrangements are considered along with the arrangements for the adjacent traction substations. Zone substation Radial Connections A radial connection could be a dedicated feeder from a zone substation or a simple tee-off from a distribution feeder serving the area around the traction substation. If adjacent traction substations are fed from the same distribution feeder or from the same zone substation busbar the system will be less resilient than if the adjacent substations are fed from independent sources. It must also be noted that zone substation bus bars are not immune to the outages and where zone substations are fed from the same subtransmission substation there is always the possibility of a common outage. The lower power level required for light rail systems generally makes more sophisticated connections appear inappropriately costly and so radial connections are typically used for light rail systems. Radial feeding is not uncommon on heavier systems. However, normally radial feeders are only used for single-unit substations – if two rectifiers are required for n-1 redundancy and noting that rectifiers are now quite reliable, then it is unlikely that the required overall substation reliability could be achieved with only a radial supply. Systems with single-unit substations are typically designed to tolerate the loss of any one traction substation and so the loss of the radial feeder would normally be tolerable. In the case of the NSW system, where there is a single-unit substation between two dual-unit substations the strategy in the event of the loss of the single-unit substation is to put both rectifiers on at the two adjacent substations. * Distribution feeder * Traction substation * - other distribution loads Figure 4 - Radial feed from a Tee from a distribution feeder. Ring Configurations Similarly there are a number of possible alternatives for ring configurations. Ring configurations typically provide two incoming supplies to each traction substation by providing rail network high voltage connections between adjacent substations. Only a small number of traction substations in such arrangements have direct connections to the bulk supply points. Where both ends of the ring are connected to the same bulk supply there is the possibility of operating the ring as a closed ring. Generally this is not possible when the ring spans two bulk supply points as it would likely carry significant circulating current between the supply points. Notwithstanding this, it is usually possible to get a short term HV parallel between supply points to allow for shifting loads to alternate supply points on a make-before-break basis. However, in some cases, differences in phase angle between the two bulk supply points will be such that even a short term HV parallel impossible. The rail corridor itself is an obvious route for aerial or underground high voltage feeders linking Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup traction substations to form a ring. In tunnel sections 22 or 33kV cables can be erected on the tunnel wall if there is sufficient clearance to the kinematic envelope and to communications cables. If the corridor is circuitous, cross-country routes might be considered where conditions are favourable. Due to the momentum of the trains, interruptions of less than 1 minute the in high voltage supply for traction are generally tolerable. With SCADA control and a ring topology, the interruption following a single fault can normally be restored quickly enough to have only minimal impact on train operations. A greater level of automation could be employed to carry out the required switching sequence without unnecessary delay, thus further reducing the restoration time. Notwithstanding this, a second fault can have a very significant impact on networks with a ring topology. To mitigate this, the number of traction substations on each ring might be limited, typically by connecting additional bulk supply points along the ring. In practice, it is unusual to see more than five traction substations on a single ring. In designing the 22kV bulk supply for the Sunbury Electrification Project on the north-west outskirts of Melbourne the established arrangements in the NSW system were carefully analysed and it was found that there were a number of sequences of between four and six traction substations in “daisychain” between other nodes in the network. These cases comprised aerial lines which require regular maintenance outages and long operational experience has shown such arrangements to be acceptable. On the basis of this benchmark it is reasonable to conclude that sequences of five substations would be quite practical and larger sequences might be contemplated with care. Rings comprising high voltage cables, like the five substation ring designed for the Sunbury Electrification Project, will require less maintenance outages and are not susceptible to lightning strikes. Accordingly such rings will have a higher level of security than the proven aerial line examples. HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS Figure 5 through Figure 8 show some possible configurations for ring feeders. Bulk Supply substation Traction substations Figure 5 - Simple open ring from single bulk supply substation. Bulk Supply substation Traction substations Figure 6 - Simple closed ring from single bulk supply substation. In environments where bulk supplies are less secure greater resilience might be achieved by creating two rings with every second traction substation supplied from the alternate ring. Another variant is to have a single ring arranged out-and-back to the end of the line with the open point at the end of the line and every second traction substation supplied from the alternate side of the ring. Bulk Supply substations Traction substations Figure 7 - Simple ring between two bulk supply substations. Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS OWNERSHIP CONSIDERATIONS The benefits to the rail operator of having its own high voltage network infrastructure include: • Reduced feeder outage rate; • Faster restoration of supply; • On-going control of the network topology; and • Greater flexibility in planning maintenance outages. However, this comes at a cost of a wider asset base and an extended set of integrated logistics support arrangements to cover additional asset classes. Bulk Supply substations Traction substations Figure 8 - Alternated rings between two bulk supply substations (with open points at opposite ends) In the event of any single incident affecting a ring feeder, either the loss of an incoming supply or a feeder fault, the strategy is the same: quickly understand the location of the fault and rearrange the network to restore supply. This requires unit protection for accurate fault localisation, voltage transformers at strategic locations (including all incoming supply points) and total SCADA coverage, preferably including the status of the distributor’s supplying circuit breakers. Good procedures, communications, and positive relationship with the network operator are also important in maximising the advantages of such an infrastructure solution. Where a normally open ring connects two different bulk supply points it is desirable to have an agreement in place with the electricity distributor to allow a make-before-break HV parallel for loadshifting within the ring – moving the open point to facilitate maintenance outages. It is also important to understand the network circumstances in which an HV parallel is available. This might be unconditional or might depend on specific network conditions to avoid excessive circulating current due to voltage or phase differences. If this is known to be uncertain then voltage transformers and a relay might be used to block any potentially problematic close. The reduced feeder outage rate arises primarily from having feeders that run direct, point-to-point and so are shorter and thus less exposed to incidents and requirements for planned outages. Faster restoration of supply arises from the rail operator either being able to restore supply by remote controlled switching via its own SCADA system, or through being able to prioritise the work by field teams in order to restore traction supply – in the case of an electricity distributor owned shared feeder, in the event of an incident the distributor’s priority is likely to be to get as many consumers as possible back on supply in the least time, not to restoring traction supply. In extreme conditions where the host network operator might implement wide scale load shedding, an independent network can be very advantageous. The flexibility that comes from this means that there can be the possibility of rearranging the network and continuing to operate the railway utilising other bulk supply points. If the rail operator owns the feeders then they can ensure that they remain dedicated to the traction supply and do not have their reliability diminished by being looped and interconnected to all manner of other loads. Finally, ownership by the rail operator allows the rail operator to maintain control over the location in the system of the point of common coupling for the purpose of assessing allowable harmonics. If this can be maintained as the bus at the sub-transmission substation then it is usual that no mitigation of the ac side harmonics from the traction rectifiers is required. PROTECTION CONSIDERATIONS A protection system is a series of devices whose main purpose is to protect persons and primary electric power equipment from the effects of faults. Without effective protection schemes, a fault on a high voltage network can result in the uncontrolled release of significant energy with the potential for injury to persons and damage to equipment and property. However, simply disconnecting the fault from the supply is only part of the role of the Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup protection system. In addition to this, the protection system must localise the fault as precisely as possible so that supply can be restored to the reminder of the network without undue delay. In order to ensure discrimination, grading margins are required between overcurrent schemes on series connected circuit breakers. There is also a need to limit the maximum clearing times in order to ensure the safety of persons and limit damage to equipment. This therefore imposes an upper limit on the number of time-graded overcurrent schemes that can be configured in series. For radial feeder configurations this does not usually represent a problem. However, ring feeder configurations often have a larger number of circuit breakers between the bulk supply point and the traction rectifier. In order to provide maximum fault localisation and high speed operation, unit protection schemes, in particular line differential schemes, are often required. With open or closed ring feeder configurations the power flow could be in either direction at any time and so the use of the line differential protection is almost essential in order to achieve fault localisation. HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS The following busbar configurations are identified for further discussion: • 5-breaker H • 3-breaker H • Dual RMU with tie • 5-breaker double bus • 3-breaker double bus In the author’s experience, breaker-and-a-half configurations are generally applied only at transmission voltage level and are therefore not used in the systems that are the subject of this paper. While considerations of safety, in particular the prevention of unauthorised access, land requirements, and aesthetics generally mean that new outdoor busbars are unlikely to be constructed at voltages less than 66kV, outdoor configurations are included in the discussion for completeness and historical context. Similar outcomes might possibly be achieved with directional and distance schemes. However, modern numerical relays with optical fibre pilots are conceptually simple and provide a high degree of discrimination. Such schemes also provide absolute certainty about the boundaries of the protection zones. In the case where a normally open ring connects two different bulk supply points it is advisable to provide differential elements at the rail operator’s intake substations. These should be arranged to look back towards the distributor’s network and should be set relatively low. In the event of a bad parallel the directional element will trip the relevant circuit breaker, providing a predictable outcome and ensuring the integrity of the networks of both the electricity distributor and the rail operator. BUSBAR CONFIGURATIONS Figure 9 - Berowra 66kV switching station, NSW Descriptions of Busbar Topologies 5-breaker “H” 5-breaker “H” form busbars have the following features: • One circuit breaker for each incoming feeder Busbar arrangements for radially fed traction substations are necessarily simple and there is little scope for innovative approaches. • One circuit breaker for each rectifier transformer • One bus section circuit breaker In contrast to the situation with radially fed arrangements, busbar configurations for ring and meshed systems are much more interesting. The following discussion is based on the simplest ring configuration with two feeders and two rectifier transformers. More complex situations are discussed in the next section. • Isolators on the bus side of each circuit breaker (- in the past, line isolators have also been provided for the feeder circuit breakers - outdoor implementations only) Background Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup Figure 10 and Figure 11 show indoor and outdoor 5-breaker “H” form busbars. HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS Figure 12 and Figure 13 show outdoor 3-breaker “H” form busbars. Figure 12 - 3-breaker "H" Figure 10 - 5-breaker “H” indoor Figure 11 - 5-breaker “H” outdoor 3-breaker “H” 3-breaker “H” form busbars have the following features: Figure 13 - Wyong traction Substation, NSW – 66kV AC |1500V DC - 3-breaker "H" (Google Maps ©2013 Google) • Typically an outdoor configuration Dual RMU with tie • One circuit breaker for each rectifier transformer Busbars comprising two RMUs with a tie cable have the following features: • One bus section circuit breaker • Typically an indoor configuration • Isolators on the bus side of each circuit breaker • One three unit “Ring Main Unit” (RMU) for each rectifier transformer • Line isolators only for the feeders • RMUs linked by a tie cable • Each line differential protection zone includes half the busbar and trips the bus section circuit breaker • Six circuit breakers are required in total • Used on the NSW system at 66kV Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup Figure Figure 14 shows an indoor busbar arrangement comprising dual RMUs with a tie cable. HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS Figure Figure 15 shows an indoor 5-breaker double bus configuration. Figure 14 - Dual RMU with tie 5-breaker double bus For greater flexibility and resilience double busbar configurations are sometimes utilised in electricity networks at transmission and sub-transmission level. Double busbar arrangements are configured with two separate busbars and each circuit breaker is provided with duplicated isolators allowing it to be connected to either busbar. Such arrangements have been implemented as outdoor switchyards. For indoor applications gas insulated switchboards are often available with a doublebusbar option. • • • 3-breaker double bus 3-breaker double bus configurations have the following features: • One circuit breaker for each rectifier transformer • One circuit breaker for each incoming feeder Each transformer circuit breaker has dual isolators to allow connection to each or the two busbars. • One circuit breaker for each rectifier transformer The feeders are connected one to each of the busbars via isolators only. • One bus coupler circuit breaker between the two busbars • Configure the busbar such that the transformer circuit breakers are connected to the incoming feeder and the bus coupler provides protection for the outgoing feeder. 5-breaker double bus configurations have the following features: • Figure 15 - 5-breaker double bus Each feeder or transformer circuit breaker has dual isolators to allow connection to each or the two busbars. One bus coupler circuit breaker between the two busbars This concept is used at 66kV in the NSW system at Lawson (commissioned circa 1956), and also until recently at Meeks Rd, again in NSW (33kV), both outdoor. In Kuala Lumpur it is used for the indoor 33kV bus at the Kerinchi bulk supply substation for the Kelana Jaya LRT Line which opened in 1998. This is a proposed innovative solution for open-ring applications only, and is not suitable for closed rings. Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS Figure 16 and Figure 17 show an indoor 3-breaker double bus arrangement with the isolators configured for power follow in each direction. Power in Power out The capital cost relates not only to the high voltage switchgear but also to the building or switchyard to house it. Land and building costs can be significant and often exceed the cost of the power system kit by a considerable margin. The choice of high voltage switchgear technology can have a significant impact on the costs during the operations and maintenance phase of the asset lifecycle, with some indoor compact GIS switchgear requiring very little maintenance. Notwithstanding this, the busbar topology can also have an impact, particularly if some elements are only available for routine maintenance under power-off conditions at times when both rectifiers can be taken off line. Closely related to the question of the availability of maintenance is the question of redundancy – not all topologies can tolerate a failure of any component. Figure 16 - 3-breaker double bus, feeding left to right Power out Power in While in theory it should be possible to overlay any protection scheme on any busbar topology, there are constraints, particularly in relation to the position of CTs in compact GIS products and to a lesser extent some outdoor circuit breakers with integral CTs. This must be considered in designing the busbar scheme using commercially available components. “Strategic Maintainability” is a term proposed by the author to refer to maintainability in the context of the situation where the maintenance task is the complete replacement of the equipment. Generally this is of concern in relation to indoor switchgear. If the switchgear is obsolete at the time of replacement and the new equipment is not a direct replacement, the replacement of a single circuit breaker panel or even half of the busbar independent of the other equipment is unlikely to be feasible. On the other hand the replacement of the entire switchboard is likely to take several weeks and cannot be accomplished during a normal outage. Discussion of Busbar Topologies 5-breaker “H” Figure 17 - 3-breaker double bus, feeding right to left Evaluation Criteria The choice of a high voltage busbar configuration for a DC traction substation is based on a number of criteria including: • Capital cost • Routine maintenance • Redundancy • Fit with protection concept • Strategic maintainability This topology was very common for outdoor busbars and was often adopted for metal-clad, withdrawable indoor switchboards. In outdoor implementations the maintainability of such arrangements is generally good due to the spacing between equipment and the customary provision of separate isolators on both sides of the bus-section circuit breaker. In the past line isolators were provided in association with feeder circuit breakers. This made sense in the case of old bulk-oil circuit breakers which required regular maintenance. However, with modern vacuum or gas circuit breakers the line air-break switch is likely to require more maintenance than the circuit Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup breaker and so nothing is achieved by the inclusion of the line isolator – it just adds to the asset base and the maintenance schedule, and reduces reliability! Indoor implementations of 5-breaker “H” are problematic in three ways: • In some cases it is necessary to isolate both busbar sections in order to carry out some maintenance tasks in the bussection cubicle; • A flashover or similar fault in the bussection cubicle will take the whole switchboard (and therefore the whole substation) off line; • The configuration has poor strategic maintainability – it would likely be necessary to assemble and commission the new switchboard in a new location and then cut each circuit over to the new board. This requires considerable spare space within the substation or space available nearby (very nearby) to the substation for the new or temporary switchboard. HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS Dual RMU with tie This configuration has been adopted in recent times for indoor compact GIS implementations on the NSW system. While the capital cost is higher than for a 5-breaker “H” this configuration provides total immunity to any single failure. It also very effectively addresses the issue of strategic maintainability as each of the RMUs can be replaced independently and there are no mechanical fit interfaces between them. While it might be argued that the cubicle at one end of the tie cable need only be a remote controlled isolator, the marginal cost of a circuit breaker can be relatively small and there are benefits in the uniformity of configuration if both ends are circuit breakers. For busbars at larger nodes this concept can be expanded to a ring bus. NSW implementations have standardised on 5 circuit breakers per switchboard – two ties; one rectifier; and either two feeders or one feeder and a system transformer. Strategic maintainability is generally not an issue for outdoor busbars as each element can be isolated and replaced separately. Although providing a high degree of flexibility, it can be argued than with only three outgoing loads (two rectifiers and one out-going feeder) the utilisation of five circuit breakers is excessive. 3-breaker “H” This topology was used in the NSW system at 66kV. As for the 5-breaker “H” configuration, the maintainability of outdoor such 3-breaker “H” arrangements is generally good due to the spacing between equipment and the customary provision of separate isolators on both sides of the bussection circuit breaker. The absence of line circuit breakers does mean that in the event of a feeder fault, half the busbar, including one rectifier, is lost until the line isolator can be opened by remote (SCADA) control. This is usually only a minor concern as the second rectifier can usually be put in service immediately until the fault is understood and sectionalised. Note that in the event of a busbar fault the inability to put the feeder back into service has no impact as without the bus there is nothing for it to feed. While there is a slight loss of flexibility, for three outgoing loads (two rectifiers and one out-going feeder) three circuit breakers would appear to be a logical equipment count. Figure 18 - Two of the three sections of the 33kV ring bus at Argyle traction substation, NSW – 33kV | 1500V DC, 10 MW firm. 5-breaker double bus The use of a double busbar configuration rather than simply two bus sections provides a little more flexibility than is achieved with the 5-breaker “H” configuration. Indoor GIS products are typically available in double bus variants. While the number of panels for a 5-breaker double bus is the same as the number of panels for a 5breaker “H” the capital cost will be higher. The routine maintenance requirements for gas insulated switchgear are generally quite modest Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup and isolations are not normally required. That said, the increased number of components, in particular bus isolators which may be motor operated will increase the maintenance burden somewhat over a 5-breaker “H” using the same series of switchgear. The vulnerability of the switchboard to a single failure is probably a little worse than for a 5breaker “H” – more so in the case of 22 or 33kV equipment, less so in the case of 66kV equipment which is constructed more in the style of pressure vessels than welded stainless steel boxes with internal partitions. As both sections of busbar are present in all panels double bus configurations do not facilitate partial replacement and so are poor from a strategic maintainability perspective. Full replacement in situ is unlikely to be practical and additional space will be required for the construction of the new switchboard. Note that in relation to 66kV GIS, while not the complete solution for switchboard replacement, careful consideration should still be given to the strategic placement of full pressure diaphragms to allow partial disassembly – something that must be designed up front in the switchboard procurement process. 3-breaker double bus At 66kV the capital cost per GIS bay is approximately five times that at 33kV. This is because the 33kV switchgear is basically an upsized version of distribution voltage equipment with vacuum interrupters and the SF6 gas running at approximately atmospheric pressure. At 66kV the equipment is a down-rated version of transmission voltage equipment with the arc interrupted in the SF6 gas which runs at approximately 6 times atmospheric pressure, hence the containment is more like a series of pressure vessels and the cost is much higher. It should also be noted that the transmission type GIS is very reliable equipment. Against this background, the author proposes a 3-breaker double bus configuration for 66kV indoor GIS implementations. While still not addressing the issue of strategic maintainability, this configuration reduces equipment count and so significantly reducing the capital cost and routine maintenance cost with little impact on functionality. The more compact configuration may then allow space to be reserved for a replacement switchboard in the future. HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS Connection of Non-Rectifier Transformers Typically there are requirements to connect two types of non-rectifier transformers to the subtransmission busbar: • Substation auxiliary transformers; and • System transformers, such as those for step down to high voltage distribution voltage levels. The substation auxiliary load is typically a few tens of kVA and so a dedicated panel on a switchboard a sub-transmission level could be the major part of the cost of providing the auxiliary supply, particularly if the supply is duplicated. The most cost-effective approach appears to be to supply the auxiliary transformers from the secondary side of the rectifier transformers. Power quality may be an issue due to voltage regulation and harmonics. However, as the main substation loads are the battery charger, lighting, and equipment to manage waste heat, it is still likely to be more economical to design the equipment to cope with the power quality issues, or to provide a line conditioner or similar equipment to fix the power quality issues rather than deriving the supply direct from sub-transmission level. If it is necessary to connect a significant system transformer, say rated at 1MVA or above then providing a separate panel would likely be appropriate. For smaller system transformers as are sometimes required only to supply signalling loads, consideration might be given to duplicating the system transformers and sharing the circuit breaker with the rectifier transformers. At 66kV and above this appears to be particularly attractive option from an economic perspective. CONCLUSION There are a number of conclusions that can be reached from a methodical evaluation of high voltage system and busbar topologies: • The blind replication of topologies historically used for outdoor busbars in modern indoor switchboards may lead to sub-optimal configurations • While operating a sub-transmission network may not be “core business” for a rail operator, in some circumstances there are a number of good reasons why this might be the right solution, including greater control over maintaining and restoring supply, increased reliability, and greater flexibility in relation to harmonics. • The choice of network and switchboard topology must be informed by the allowable contingencies on the DC system and the way redundancy on the DC system is achieved. Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014 David Stuart-Smith Arup • • • • HIGH VOLTAGE AC SYSTEM TOPOLOGIES FOR THE SUPPLY OF DC TRACTION RAILWAYS The choice of a high voltage busbar configuration for a DC traction substation is based on a number of criteria including: o Capital cost o Routine maintenance o Redundancy o Fit with protection concept o Strategic maintainability For indoor GIS applications the much higher cost of switchgear for 66kV and above means that different topologies might be appropriate to those appropriate at lower voltages. An innovative configuration for a 66kV traction substation busbar has been identified with the potential to save ~40% on switchgear cost. Sharing circuit breakers, even if this means duplicating other equipment, may be a cost-effective solution. The fundamental approach must be to identify the system performance required and design to that, considering the full extent of the required operating conditions space and exactly what functionality is required form each element. When these factors are understood, and the costs and benefits of the options evaluated accordingly good investment decisions can be made to deliver enhanced customer experiences and reduce the incidence of events such as that shown in Figure Figure 1. REFERENCES Transport for NSW 33 & 66kV Network Diagrams Transport for NSW 1500V Sectioning Diagrams Transport for NSW Substation AC Operating Diagrams Metro Trains Melbourne 22kV Network Diagram for Sunbury Electrification Project Kelana Jaya Line (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 33kV Network Diagram ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My thanks to Billy Tan of my Arup team who painstakingly prepared all the diagrams for this paper and Richard Arnold who provided valuable comments and suggestions on the draft. Conference On Railway Excellence Adelaide, 5 – 7 May 2014